Living Landscape 1.0 (SMV)
SPECIAL MENTION 2011 d3 housing tomorrow competition
Tim studied architecture at the Eindhoven University of Technology and graduated on the revitalization of the Hofplein Railway overpass in Rotterdam. During the course of his study he was the editor of the Chepos, a quarterly magazine on architecture, urbanism and engineering. He started his career at VHP architects and urbanists where he worked on several large-scale projects in Russia and a selection of competitions and research projects in the Netherlands. For a brief period of three months he worked on the prestigious Eko Atlantic project in Lagos, Nigeria for the engineering firm Royal Haskoning. In 2009 he switched to Studio Marco Vermeulen, a progressive research and design office based in Rotterdam. In the past two years he has worked on a variety of projects, including the masterplanning and concept development of large sustainable industrial areas, the design of an eco passage constructed out of tree logs, a 3D park, an urban infill block and the conceptualization and prototyping of water squares: an innovative concept for storm water retention in dense urban areas. Recently he has attended and tutored hree workshops in Brazil, organized by the NAi, Studio X (Columbia University NY) and the AA School of Architecture. In 2011 Tim moved to the United States to further pursue his career in architecture, urbanism and research.
Professional and Educational Background
05/2011 02/2011 01/2011-current 03/2009-12/2010 10/2008-01/2009 09/2007-02/2009
2007 2006 03/2004-08/2004 09/2001-08/2002 1998-2003 1997-1998
Exhibition Assistant at Architizer for “Audi Urban Future Initiative: Project Manhattan” Volunteer at Brooklyn Museum for reOrder installation by Situ Studio Freelance designer at fetchit Architectural and Urban Designer at Studio Marco Vermeulen Urban Designer at Royal Haskoning Architectural Designer at VHP s+a+l Graduated at Eindhoven University of Technology, Faculty of Architectural Design and Engineering (Master of Science) Assistant to Professor Jan Westra in a design workshop for master students Internship at Office Ruimtelab Chairman of the Study Association for Engineering students multiple student co-ships, ranging from teaching freshmen study skills, supporting the exposition committee of the faculty and organizing the information days for the faculty of Installation Technology CAD-course, BOCES Watertown, NY
In the course of his study and career Tim has obtained proficiency in a variety of presentation skills. His strength lies within the conceptualization of an idea, be it for a masterplan, a building or a public space. In order to present his ideas he uses sketches, models, 3D software (Sketchup, and recently Rhino/3DMax) but foremost he is experienced in using the Adobe software and AutoCAD. He enjoys working in a dynamic team and has excellent time management skills. He speaks and writes both English and Dutch fluently and knows comprehensive German and French. Tim has both the American and Dutch nationality.
Selected Projects
Hybrid Design Concept Development and Research Sustainable Campus and Business Park Design Materials and Structures Tools Lectures - Workshops - Editorial Work
H y b r i d D e s ign
Architecture affects everything. It surprises, it fascinates, it plays, it mesmerizes. It can dictate if a space feels unsafe, eery or rather familiar and comfortable. It can make the difference between just another house or a place you can call home. There is no architecture without site. Urbanism and landscape design play a critical role in the success of a design. In architecture, and urbanism, I always try to relate to the human scale, the way the building or space is going to be used by its occupants or how it is perceived by its users. I investigate how the design will affect the surroundings, not just the environment, but also how it enriches the existing community. Architecture, urbanism and landscaping should collaborate in shaping the places we live and work in. They overlap, unite and confront each other. I strongly believe in the interdisciplinary approach of designing, diffusing the limits and boundaries of architecture, urbanism and landscape design into one integrated sitespecific vernacular.
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As project leader for the Fargo Infill competition, I managed the design process. Besides being responsible for the design process, I also produced a vast amount of diagrams, visualizations and text for the competition panels. ■ The APEC 2012 conference center design was a team collaboration involving program research, concept development, model making and visualization. ■ A small team worked on this competition design for a sustainable residential tower. I coordinated the project and was responsible for all aspects of the design process including going to meetings with the client-developer.
Multi-functional City Block Fargo, USA competition 2010 SMV
APEC 2012 Congress Centre Vladivostok, Russia preliminary design 2008 VHP (render by Baihu Rendering, China)
Sustainable Highrise Almere, Netherlands competition 2008 VHP
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Multi-functional City Block Fargo, USA competition 2010 SMV
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Using an perspective exploded view, the different layers of the urban infill block are revealed. The design was first modeled in Sketchup and retouched in Adobe Illustrator. images on next page ■
In the Moscow housing competition I was part of the design think-tank, evaluating the proposals during team meetings. I also aided in the final visualizations for the competition entry. ■ The Living Landscape concept was developed in-house and was later awarded with a special mention. Tasks involved 3D modeling, research, concept development and visualization. ■ The strategy for revitalizing the Hofplein track and neighbourhood involved a series of seven architectural interventions.
A101 Housing competition Moscow, Russia competition 2010 SMV
Living Landscapes Unknown, Netherlands concept design 2010 SMV
SPECIAL MENTION 2011 d3 housing tomorrow competition
Hofplein Interventions Rotterdam, Netherlands graduation thesis 2007
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C o n c e p t D evelopment and Research
The process of concept development is essential to any architectural and/or urban assignment. Thorough research, a theoretical background and site analysis will often lead to a variety of prototypes, typologies and models. In the course of my study and at the Dutch offices of VHP and SMV significant time was spent on concept development and research on the various levels of design. Often these two processes would be conducted simultaneously, creating interesting new ideas and perspectives on the designs. This form of a research-driven design process enjoys alot of design freedom and stimulates creativity and often leads to surprising results.
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The Living Landscape concept was developed in-house and was later awarded with a special mention. Tasks involved 3D modeling, research, concept development and visualization. images on next page ■
The pilot project for the Water Square project involved design, visualization and other diagrammatic design tasks. Design together with Urban Affairs/Studio Marco Vermeulen. ■ The Hofplein revitalization project studied a variety of relevant problems and issues currently existing in the Rotterdam Noord neighbourhood. The thesis is online at timaarsen. ■ The Floating Communities project involved a vast amount of research into floating housing, water-based cultures and spatial organization of residential settlements. Tasks involved (physcial) modeling, research and constructing conceptual diagrams.
Water Squares Rotterdam, Netherlands concept pilot project 2008 VHP
Revitalizing the Hofplein track Rotterdam, Netherlands graduation thesis 2007
ARCHIPRIX NOMINATION by the faculty of Architecture of the TU/e
Floating Communities Rotterdam, Netherlands research 2008 VHP
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S u s t a i n a b l e Campus and Business Park Design
In the concept development of campus and business parks a strong focus is put on sustainability: closing the cycles of water, waste and energy. Secondly, spatial organization is the key to creating a succesfull park. Clustering volumes, wrapping contours and/or iconic spatial setups create appealing and sustainable working environments. Local aspects, morphology and availability of resources and modalities have to be taken into account. The result will be a site specific design. Within campus design it is essential to develop a spatial organization which clearly defines quality public space, deals with the variety of traffic flows, and connects to the surrounding environment. The strategic placement of iconic structures can define and strenghten the campus model.
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In the Vladivostok conceptual masterplan project the team had to deal with a high pace, continuously changing design process. Tasks involved model making, program quantifying and visualization. ■ In the Vnukovo project I was assistant to the project leader, responsible for spatial organization variations, quantifying and guarding the program, visualizations and instructing the interns. Presented in Moscow in summer 2008. ■ The Sunrise Campus masterplan was developed in a short timeframe. Individual tasks involved volume studies, quantifying the buildings and developing the sustainability profile for the campus and its buildings. Design together with GroupA.
APEC Summit Masterplan Vladivostok, Russia conceptual masterplan 2007 VHP (render by Baihu Rendering, China)
Vnukovo Business Park Moscow, Russia approved masterplan 2008 VHP
Sunrise Campus Venlo, Netherlands approved masterplan 2009 SMV
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Metabolism Scheme Clover 4 Venlo, Netherlands industrial development 2009 SMV
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In order to get a grip on the possibilities in creating a sustainable development, all the existing resources and elements are mapped. By putting them in a schematic diagram, and adding missing elements, we can discover possible new connections and are able to achieve closing the cycles of waste, water and energy. images on next page ■
In the three industrial park concept development projects I worked in close collaboration with principal architect Marco Vermeulen, responsible for all aspects of design and visualization, as well as the contact with the client and relevant parties. The first two projects are the two main new developments in the province of Noord-Brabant. Both designs have been approved and the Agricultural Food Cluster is currently under construction.
Agricultural Food Cluster Dinteloord, Netherlands currently under construction 2009 SMV
Logistics Park Moerdijk, Netherlands concept masterplan approved 2011 SMV
Industrial and Energy Park Waalwijk, Netherlands conceptual masterplan 2009 SMV
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M a t e r i a l s and Structures
Finding the right material and the perfect structure is a challenge. Sustainability is an important factor in the choice of materials. Bio-degradable composites can be used to make beautiful structures, using locally available fibers for reinforcement. Closely researching the possibilities and limitations of a material will often lead to surprising results and designs with a certain poetic quality.
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Together with Marco Vermeulen and wood structure specialist Emile Luning, we designed a eco passage made primarly out of wooden logs. In a short and intense design process I was responsible for all visualizations, diagrams and drawings. ■ In the Vondelpark furniture competition I was part of the design team as well as responisble for all images and visualizations for the entry panels. ■ During design studio at the Eindhoven University a group of students collaborated in designing the largest wooden skate bowl in Europe. It was built in 2004 and still operates in Eindhoven. I was part of the design team. ■ In the Meerland Park Bridges competition I joined in a later stadium to help strengthen the design concept and aid in the visualizations.
Wooden Eco Passage Venlo, Netherlands preliminary design 2009 SMV
Frozen Fabrics Furniture Amsterdam, Netherlands
Wooden Skate Bowl Eindhoven, Netherlands
competition 2008 VHP
realized 2003 Together with studio
Textured Concrete Bridges Eindhoven, Netherlands competition 2008 VHP
T o ol s
Within the conceptual design phase it is important to be able to communicate the design. Graphic schemes, sketches, illustrative Photoshops and models help to illustrate the desired course of the design. Besides using it as a tool to explain and communicate a design, I use graphic design for mapping and company branding.
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Clockwise, from left top corner: concept sketch Watersport Center HeleneSee (SMV), Villa KasCade (VHP), graphic design private clients, metabolism scheme AFC (SMV), schematic parking structure Fargo (SMV), concept sketch Vnukovo Business Park (VHP).
Editorial Work
In 2010 I attended the NAi’s (Netherlands Architecture Institute) Matchmaking Program on invitation. We traveled to Brazil and attended workshops in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. At the flooding workshop organized bij the NAi and Columbia University’s Studio X lab I lectured about the Water Squares project, an innovative internationally acclaimed storm water retention typology for public space. In Rio de Janeiro we teamed up with local young architects to particpate in a 24 hour unsollicited architecture workshop. It was published in Brazils leading newspaper O’Globo. During the course of my study I was a long term member of the editorial staff of CHEPOS, a quarterly university magazine on architecture, urbanism and engineering. Between 2002 and 2006 I was chief editor of the magazine and introduced major renewal proposals, both in the graphic design as in the content. This resulted in the first guestedited issue on the topic of revitalization. Guest editor was Hana Cisar, professor at the ETH Zurich and Eindhoven University of Technology.
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Clockwise from left top corner: Unsolicited Architecture workshop Rio de Janeiro, CHEPOS magazine covers, lecture at Flooding Workshop in Sao Paulo, Article in O’Globo newspaper on the Unsolicited Workshop in Rio
Name Birthplace Date of birth Nationality
Timothy Willem Frederik Aarsen (Tim) Oldenzaal, the Netherlands May 9th, 1979 Dutch/American
Cellular phone Email address Skype Online career profile Online portfolio
(1) 347.331.8928 (USA) (31) 6 4141 4447 (NL) taarsen
Please feel free to visit these websites for my online portfolio