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Around the World in Three Years The first circumnavigation of the world was a Spanish expedition headed up by a Portuguese commander. The Portuguese was Ferdinand Magellan and his Spanish financed ships left Seville on 10th of August, 1519: Magellan had five ships -Trinidad, San Antonio, Concepción, Victoria and Santiago. Magellan’s goal was to find a westward route to Spice or Maluku islands to reinforce Spain’s territorial claim there. He never intended to go all the way round. The idea was to find a passage into the “South Sea” that avoided the treacherous Cape of Good Hope and Portuguese ships. Crossing the Atlantic was, by 1519, reasonably routine but as the ships sailed down the eastern side of South America and made landfall at the town we now know as Rio de Janeiro, they were right on the limit of the known western world. I have used modern names but all these places were new, and unnamed, to Magellan and his crews. They sailed along the Brazilian and Uruguayan coasts and reached the River Plate. Magellan had no maps, and didn’t know it was a river estuary. He turned to starboard. The detour cost him three months. Worse than that, the futility of the journey caused a mutiny among his cold, hungry and demoralised men. Magellan was no softy and he put down the mutiny mercilessly. But the delay meant that it was now autumn and Magellan had to wait seven months for the weather to improve. Soon after starting out Magellan lost one of his ships when the Santiago ran aground and sank.
the Philippines it must have seemed like paradise. Magellan claimed the islands for Spain. Magellan was killed on the Philippines when he chose the losing side in a tribal dispute. His body was never recovered. There were more battles and ambushes whilst the Europeans were on the islands. Leadership of the fleet changed hands several times but, eventually, the expedition pushed on to their original goal, the nearby Spice Islands. The Concepción didn’t go with them – there were so few sailors to sail her and she was so riddled with woodworm that she was abandoned and burned. The Victoria and the Trinidad needed repairs before they were seaworthy. The idea was to refit, load up with immensely valuable spices and head back to Spain. The Trinidad, now commanded by Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa took longer to repair than the Victoria. When the Trinidad eventually put to sea she headed back east. She didn’t make it. She was captured and destroyed by Portuguese ships. The Victoria, commanded by the Juan Sebastián Elcano, left before the Trinidad. She headed west, into uncharted waters. Despite sickness and horrid conditions on board she rounded the Cape of Good Hope and made it home, to Sanlucar de Barrameda, in September 1522. She completed the circumnavigation by sailing into Seville a couple of days later on September 8th. Just eighteen of her crew were still alive. One of them was Elcano. A Spanish captain on a Spanish ship Those sailors never got their share of the sale of the cargo. The King kept the money as payment for the loss of his four ships. And Elcano? Well he died of scurvy on a later voyage to the Spice Islands but at least he got the Spanish Navy’s tall ship training vessel named after him.
On the 21st of October 1520 the four remaining boats made another right turn hoping to find a route linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. On that Spring day nobody could be sure that there was a way out of the mountains that surrounded them. On the San Antonio the sailors lost heart, they rebelled and they turned for home taking lots of the expedition’s supplies with them. It took the three remaining ships a month to clear the straits. That same 570km passage, now named the Straits of Magellan, between Chile and Tierra del Fuego, avoids sailing around the southernmost tip of South America. It was to be used by shipping for the next 400 years until the opening of the Panama canal. In November of 1520, as they finally sailed into open water, the sea was millpond calm. The sailors called it pacifico, a word that in Spanish and Portuguese means peaceful. The Pacific Ocean. The remaining ships sailed and sailed and sailed – their fresh water was tainted, their food was exhausted, they ate rats and even shoe leather to try to stay alive. When they finally found
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By Chris Thompson
Costa Blanca
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The Bish Bash
Why is it that just when things seem to be proceeding smoothly something always happens to knock you off balance? The finishing line is inches away and… you wake up. Or as you’re reaching for the last piece in the 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle of a foggy night on Ben Nevis, your knee catches the table leg and it tilts too far.Or you’ve turned the previous page in TIM and found yourself reading this. You’d barely breathed ‘It’s going well so far…’ and crash, end of dream. The Ancient Greekscalled this ‘hubris’ though the classical scholars amongst us know it as the ‘Devon Loch moment’. (For the rest of you: 1956 Grand National, Queen Mother’s horse of that name well in the lead as the finish nears, tries to jump an invisible fence and down it goes.)Explanations are futile, although I’d have thought hoping for lochs in Devon was a bit of a clue. Anyway, you’re probably expecting what follows to be some travel disaster of microscopic proportions; a kind of Titanic in the bathtub, as usual. Nothing could be further from the truth. (For the benefit of new readers ‘nothing’ generally means the opposite here. You think ‘The Daily Mail’ invented fake news?) My latest experience of airports glittered with smoothness – mind you, as they were Munich and Frankfurt that was hardly a surprise. The fact that the e-passport gates at Birmingham actually worked (fortunately since the only humans present were herding you through them) provided one but was a welcome bonus. All was going well. Until I decided to download some recent photos from my camera onto the laptop. (Incidentally, a piece of advice here if you’re thinking of asking your kids to buy you a simple camera for your 80th birthday: the word ‘simple’ has a slightly different meaning to younger generations. If you haven’t got a masters from NASA in photo-electronic technology, make sure you specify it’s a Box Brownie you want) Naturally I couldn’t remember how I’d downloaded photos previously (And no, it wasn’t the day before. Try to control your sarcasm, that’s my department) The only option was to read the instructions that came with the camera. Another
age thing, this. When I was growing up you didn’t have instructions, you just switched on or off. It’s probably why, now, any choice beyond ‘take it or leave it’ gives me palpitations. As it was, the launch of ITV scrambled my brain. (OK, OK, have a laugh.) Looking for a heading such as ‘Transferring photos to your computer’ was, of course, as futile as wondering if Devon Loch’s problem related to watching ITV. The answer,I decided, lay in ‘Features of PlayMemoriesHome’ (That’s Japanese for storage) Since PMH, as I’ll call it (TIM encourages us to save space), hadn’t previously been mentionedthis was perhaps a leap in the dark but, inspired by ‘Star Trek’ – you know, going beyond where no man…- Oh, never mind - I followed the instructions (Yes! Eat your hat) to install it on my laptop, where I’d be able to view the images. Simples, as those gerbil things– no, not Stephen Fry – say in the adverts. You can guess what’s coming, can’t you? Well, you’d be wrong. I installed it with only minor hiccups and even avoided calling North Korea to nuke Sony HQ. All was set to ‘import’ the photos from the camera. Of course,whereas my late, lamented Tiny computer (RIP) gave the choice of downloading – sorry, ‘importing’ – just the new images, PMT didn’t waste time on such niceties. Whoosh!Done. Slight problem. There was no sign of the new photos,ie the ones I actually wanted. Searched all through the list. No 2017 dates. Tried again. No joy. And again. Zilch. Looked everywhere. Clicked ‘import’ once more. Same result. And again. Ditto. So what to do? Give up, naturally. Days later and out of therapy I stumbled on them. With 2014 dates and scattered through PMH. Three copies of each, of course, since Pfuff, unlike Tiny, hadn’t thought to say they already existed. And the superfluous ones need deleting individually. What’s the dialling code for North Korea? Nevertheless, I was close to my goal of forwarding them to a friend.So, the Devon Loch moment still beckoned? No!!!By processes as inexplicable as those used by monkeys to write Shakespeare, I achieved the impossible. Moral? You can triumph. And The doctors say I’ll be out in under ten years.
Words by John Bishop
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• No access to Spanish national health services? • Are you applying for ‘residencia” in Spain and are requested to prove full private medical insurance? • Unhappy with your current private medical insurer or medical staff not speaking your language? • Gran Alacant Insurances can help you. Private medical insurance from €29 month with no upper entry age limit and no co-payments.
Why consider private medical insurance in Spain?
Maybe you are not fully understanding your EHIC card entitlements, or simply not entitled to public healthcare in Spain, medical staff not speaking your language or experiencing problems with your current medical insurer? Currently, many European citizens are experiencing changes, which are bringing the effects of the crisis in Spain much closer to home. The National Health Service – largely free at the time of use and the backbone of the Spanish healthcare, however, is coming under increasing strain, rising immigration and a rising life expectancy has piled on even more pressure and cuts to see patients within shorter spaces of time. For those who are hoping for a speedier, more comfortable and more personal service or experience language barriers, private medical insurance becomes a well worth considering option as an affordable alternative but also as a complement to public healthcare. A private medical insurance plan can offer you peace of mind, speedy access to a large range of private international specialists and hospitals, diagnosis and treatments, privacy in single rooms with bed for companion, yearly woman/man check-ups or, full cancer treatment or emergency cover while you travel abroad (worldwide), are amongst other benefits. Visit or contact us for further advice and no obligation quote. Gran Alacant Insurances is pleased to answer all your questions. We look forward to seeing you!
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The Legal Page Written by Ignacio Pellicer Mollá (Abogado - Solicitor - Barrister) of Pellicer & Heredia Abogados
If you are planning on buying a property in Spain you will need an English speaking lawyer to carry out the due diligence on the property you intend to purchase, but what is due diligence and how does it affect you if you want to buy a property in Spain? Due diligence is a series of checks that your lawyer will perform for you on the property you intend to buy, so that you can make sure you interests are completely protected. What kind of checks does the due diligence include? Here is a list of the 10 most important things that your lawyer will be looking at to make sure the property you are hoping to purchase has no hidden flaws that in the long term may be costly to correct. Who owns the property and who has the right to sell it. Debts against the property.
Is the property let or does it have sitting tenants? If the property is subject to any special rules or legislation. If the property is located in a home owners association, you lawyer will check if the current owner is up to date with all of the community payments. If the current owner is up to date with all of the local taxes. If you intend a new build or an off-plan property your lawyer will check if the property has a builders guarantee or insurance against structural defects. Certain types of property give specific people first refusal your lawyer will check that, that has been honored. If the property has an energy efficiency certificate and a certificate of 1st or 2nd occupation or a certificate of “declaration responsible”. Has the property had any building additions over the years? Were the additions declared and are they legal? Buying a property is a legal minefield at the best of times, this can be mad worse if you don´t understand the language, customs or formalities of the country where you intend to purchase the property. That is why it is always recommendable to hire a local lawyer, who is an expert in his or her field.
“Peace of mind independent international lawyers”
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further information on this or any other matter, at Pellicer& Heredia we have a team of experts who will be happy to help you.
We also have offices in: Hondon de las Nieves, Ciudad Quesada, Petrer, Moraira & Alicante
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TIM Magazine™ A very happy July to you mis amigos moteros. Summer has taken off and isn’t it sizzling? I’ve just found out about cool jackets but when I ordered one they were sold out, grrrrr. Back to Google, I’ll keep you updated. I think the hot weather has affected rally planners, can’t find a single thing, are they all asleep? Except of course for the good old Moto Club Algueña who have their annual street racing on Sunday the 2nd. This really is a great day out and you can usually get close to the action. Get there early if you want shade and a good position.
World Superbikes not so cutthroat in the standings but a different matter on the track with some great racing.In italywe got a brilliant double from ChazDavies, what is it about these Italian bikes on home ground? Unfortunately for him and the neutrals Rea was second both races with Sykes and Melandri sharing 3rd spots. Donington Race 1 was all Tom Sykes could ask for, he won for the 9th time in a row there and both Rea and Davies crashed out uninjured. Still an all Brit podium though with Leon Haslam 2nd and Alex Lowes 3rd. Race 2 was a bit more usual though with Rea getting past Sykes for P1 and Davies 3rd.
TIM Bikers The planners may be dozing but the young riders have shaken the MotoGP up. At the start of the season we were talking about the usual suspects but the maturing Maverick, Sr. Viñales and the rookie Frenchman Johann Zarco have really caused the eyebrows to raise. Viñales won in Le Mans from Zarco with Dani Pedrosa 3rd, a mini revival for him. Moving on to Mugello we had another surprise, not a rookie but the first dry win for Andrea Dovizioso and the first Ducati win for some time, not only that but of course he’s Italian. So personally I’m looking forward to the next win by a Brit at Donington on a Triumph and I’m sure you are too!. Viñales was second and Petrucci third, his first podium of the season. So a home win in Catalunya then with Pedrosa on pole, Lorenzo 2nd and Marquez 4th on the grid? Not a bit of it, DesmoDovi had other ideas. Desperate to show Mugello was no fluke he took P1 again with Marquez, Pedrosa and Lorenzo having to follow him home. As we head back north to Assen that leaves the standings looking very interesting; Young Maverick leads on 111 with Dovi on 104. Back in 3rd with 88 is Marquez with Pedrosa on 84 and Rossi just 1 behind him. Don’t take your eyes of this guys, so many plot twists to come yet.
Di Rimini Race 1 was unbelievable. The lead went back and forth between Sykes, Rea and Davies. The Welshman seemed to have it in his grasp when he crashed on the last lap and Rea ran over him. While everyone held their breath Sykes and Lowes nipped past for a 1-2 and to everyone’s amazement Rea got back on for a 3rd spot, respect. Shows what a gap they had though. Chaz couldn’t ride in Race 2 because of the knocks received so Marco Melandri did the Italian on a Ducati in Italy thing again, well done him. Keeping the points ticking along nicely were Rea in 2nd and Sykes in 3rd which leaves them 1 and 2 in the standings with 296 and 246 respectively with Davies back on 185, if only he could stay on his bike! Keep the feedback coming and have a great month guys. Remember if you have any comments or want to advertise your club, group or an event I can be contacted via email at or on Facebook at Tim Bikers where you will also find details of events where I have got less notice. Spanish word of the month – carrera – race, wellwetalkaboutthemoftenenough. But don’t do it unless you’re on a track, our friends in the Guardia Civil tell us of 5 or 6 bikers killed every summer weekend! Stay safe moteros and all the Biking Best, Jack
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Around 7 years ago I wrote an article for TIM about eBook readers and how this amazing technology could mean the end of traditional book publishing as paper books might go the way of the dodo. In that era the geeks were prophesying that nobody would want to read proper books as eBook readers were the future.
Amazon made their digital device, known as Kindle, become the market leader and as book shops closed down and traditional book sales decreased in seemed that the digital publishing revolution was happening and paper books were going to become extinct. But here we are in 2017 and the book tide has turned as eBook sales decline and people are reverting to paper books having spurned the eBook options. So what went wrong and why did it not turn out as the experts predicted? According to recently published statistics sales of eBooks and eReaders peaked around 2014 and slowly but surely sales of books began to climb. In 2016 eBook sales fell by 17% as publishers fought back with marketing ploys including tempting book cover designs luring readers once again to enjoy the feel and charm of a proper book.
are here to stay and have successfully fought off the digital revolution or at least they happily now co-exist as the market produces something for eve-rybody in a format and price that they are happy to pay. Final word goes to James Daunt, chief executive of Waterstones book sellers, who contends that the resurgence of the physical book is real and sustainable. “A very large part of the way I sell books has been about how you present them, how you bring the customer to them and exploit the tactile sense of a physical book. We’ve changed the furniture at Waterstones to make that happen. We have smaller tables with more focused displays. Everything is aimed at persuading people to pick things up, trying to catch their eye, making bookshops a place where you discover beautiful things.” This month TIM is offering in a free to enter competition to win a copy of my recently published hard copy book ‘Spain Re-Exposed’ (also available as an eBook) for your chance to win this free copy enter the competition on page 22. Good luck!!
Book sellers improved their sales tactics with enticing displays, book signings and created other ways of encouraging the book buying public back into their remaining shops. All of this has combined to return these sellers back into the profit margins needed to keep the shops open for business. Technology has also moved on a long way during the last 10 years as the smart phone has become the one smart device that everybody has and people are reluctant to acquire and carry around a separate eBook reader. Many of the companies making and selling the readers have now stopped production as demand fell and people moved to smart phones and/or a tablet for home use. Sales of non-fiction has also increased as celebrities publish cook books and other books as a spin off from popular TV shows etc. This type of book was always more popular in traditional format than in an electronic style. These combined factors have all helped the book market to recover and thwart the forecast digital revolution which threatened that books were no longer produced. Of course Amazon are still publishing and offering for sale many millions of eBook titles on their internet sites but many also have a hard copy version available if the reader prefers. People are fickle and technology revolutions come and go with an amazing speed and short term popularity. But it now looks like books
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By Rob Innis
Costa Blanca
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Sterling v Euro update By Janet Lees Operations Director - Spain 965 070 584 / 635 015 818 E. soft Brexit and until this is decided it’s likely to weigh heavily on the Pound which makes it possible for these recent gains for GBP will be short lived so if you need to move some Sterling over then it may be worth taking advantage of this recent spike.
Hung Parliament leaves GBP hanging and a Mensis Horribilis for Mrs May!
Well the Election certainly caused Mayhem for the GBP/EUR! The rate was seen plummeting down from 1.156to below 1.13 during election night as it became clear that a Hung Parliament was looming, the chart shows the rate as results unfolded.
There’s always going to an element of gambling and risk involved in buying EUR or GBP. We are happy to try and take some of the stress away for you particularly if you are moving money for property purchase or sale which can be a stressful enough time as it is!
Sterling has since been struggling to recover with questions looming as to what the fall-out will be, but has managed to crawl back up to just above 1.14,at time of writing. Consensus generally is that it will creep back up as the dust settles but how long that will take, who knows! GBP gained vs the Euro mid-June when the BoE confirmed a split of 5-3 in favour of keeping interest rates on hold. Recently, only one MPC member has voted for an interest rate hike so the announcement came as a shock to the markets.
Getting the right rate can make a big difference, gaining you extra Euro’s if you are bringing money over or more Sterling if sending it back to the UK. So, pop in or call us for a chat. We can guide you as to what looks likely to happen in the markets and give you various options regarding purchasing currency. We can save you around 5% compared to sending your money direct through your bank. Even if you deal with another broker it’s often useful to get a second opinion to get the most for your money! Our rates are transparent and very competitive with no hidden charges or fees. Safety of your funds is paramount, we only use protected escrow accounts authorised and regulated by the FCA. Our local Pinoso office also offers many other services for ExPats, keeping everything under one roof!
There is increasing pressure for a hike because of rising inflation which is close to the highest level in 4 years. The Bank of England’s primary objective is to keep inflation under control with a target of 2% so the disparity of 2.9% is rather concerning.
If you are interested in any of the other services in we offer in ‘The Foreign Exchange office’ in Pinoso call us orpop in for more details:-
Average Earnings have fallen recently leading to a rise in the cost of living so if inflation is not kept under control this could be a real concern for the British economy. The good news for the Pound is that if an interest rate hike is coming then it would strengthen Sterling. By the time you read this the Brexit negotiations will be underway and are likely to be difficult, testing, and interesting!
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As yet, the UK has not decided whether it will opt for a hard or a 14
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Consumed for centuries all over the world, tea is the staple drink for many cultures and a way of life in certain countries. Whether you turn to tea for energy, to relax, or for other reasons, there are many beneficial elements to the tea you drink. Each type of tea has its own benefits and effects. Take a moment to learn about the amazing benefits of these common teas.
Black Tea
Black tea and green tea come from the same plant, Camellia sinensis. The difference is in the processing. Black tea is oxidized, and green tea is not. This oxidation process is the reason for the different colour and flavour profiles of the two teas. Black tea is high in caffeine and can help boost energy levels. Studies have shown that black tea can reduce
the risk of diabetes, protect the lungs from cigarette smoke, and lower the risk of stroke.
Green Tea
Green tea is also high in caffeine and a great way to start off your day with an energy boost. This brisk, flavourful tea is high in EGCG, which studies have linked to many health benefits. Researchers have shown green tea to help with weight loss and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson ’s disease. Green tea can help regulate blood sugar levels, aid in digestion, and improve mental focus. Studies have shown that green tea drinkers are less likely to develop cancer, diabetes, and arthritis, too.
White Tea
Of the three main types of tea, black, green and white, studies have found that white tea outperforms them all in terms of health benefits. Researchers have linked the high levels of antioxidants in white tea to cancer and heart disease prevention, as well as protecting against age-associated wrinkles and lines. This delicate tea stops the body’s enzymes that naturally break down elastin and collagen. White tea drinkers, it seems, have already found the fountain of youth.
Red Tea
Rooibos, or red tea, was popularized in South Africa. It is naturally caffeine free, slightly tart, and chock-full of health benefits. The tea became popular worldwide when researchers determined it is high
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Costa Blanca in antioxidants. Red tea has been proven to reduce the risk of heart disease, fight against viruses, prevent allergies and reduce stress. After a long day at work, rooibos might be the perfect tea for you.
Chamomile is commonly used to treat an upset stomach or to help you relax before bed. Researchers have shown that chamomile can do a lot more than just that. Studies have found that chamomile can actually prevent early death for women. Unfortunately, the same results were not shown in men. Chamomile can also be used to treat skin conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis, when used as an infusion or bath.
Ginger Ginger tea is commonly used to calm stomach trouble and battle nausea. Ginger tea can help soothe sore muscles due to its antiinflammatory properties, so it’s the perfect tea to drink after a tough workout. Researchers have also found that ginger tea can help women have less painful periods.
Hibiscus tea is basically a cure-all tea. It provides relief for high blood pressure and high cholesterol, aids in digestion, and helps the immune system fight off sickness. Hibiscus has anti-inflammatory agents that can soothe arthritis and joint pain. Research has shown hibiscus can also help prevent liver disease and even reduce the risk of cancer.
Peppermint Peppermint tea, like ginger, is commonly used for stomach problems, but it does a whole lot more than that. Aside from aiding digestion and assisting with nausea and stomach pain, peppermint is also used to treat fever and sore throats. It also functions as a stress reliever and gives a boost to your immune system. On top of all that, it fights bad breath.
Tulsi/Holy Basil
Oolong tea is a partially fermented tea that helps with mental focus and alertness. It’s a great tea to start off the day with, to drink before school or work, or enjoy before a big presentation. Oolong is also said to prevent cancer, fight against tooth decay and osteoporosis, and prevent heart disease.
Holy Basil, or Tulsi tea, is used to soothe respiratory disorders and ease stress. Widely considered one of the best medicinal herbs ever discovered, Tulsi has also been used to treat fever. Studies have even shown that the antioxidants in holy basil leaves can help to prevent heart disease.
The ancient elixir of the Chinese, tea was introduced to Europe during the 16th century and is now enjoyed by millions worldwide. Tea comes in thousands of different varieties and flavours, each with medicinal benefits to the human body. Try out a few, and see which tea is right for you.
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When I’m cleaning windows! By John McGregor
One day Julian and I were sitting in the crew room as usual, drinking coffee, as usual, waiting for aircraft to take off, or land, or anything to happen, as usual – when Sid Oldridge sidled up to us, slyly looking to left and right as he approached. Sid was the nearest thing to a spiv you could get in the RAF at that time, he reminded you of Private Walker in Dad’s Army. Anything devious or underhand Sid always knew about: cheap fags, booze, which horse was going to win the three-thirty at Chepstow that afternoon, that sort of thing. He looked and acted the part with lank, greasy, mousey-coloured hair curling over his collar; a scruffy moustache added to the generally underhand appearance. Sid was as skinny as a rake with a permanent cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth. He glanced quickly at the door, as though the police were about to burst in and raid the place at any second. ‘You lads interested in making some extra cash?’ he muttered out of the non-fag side of his mouth, making it sound highly illegal. Well, in those days we were up for almost anything involving extra money: wine, women and song were not
cheaply available on the south coast in the late sixties. So - yes, of course we were interested… Sid had an entrepreneurial streak: he had recently overheard an airman’s wife complaining that there was no window cleaner on the married quarters. To Sid that was like a one-armed bandit, where the bells were lining up. By the time he approached Julian and I he’d done a quick tour round the married quarters and come away with a list of addresses. Julian and I started work the following Monday, in springtime as we were on nights that week. Our payment structure was a standard terraced house on the airmens’ married quarters was charged at twenty-five pence. We each received ten pence, and five pence went to ‘The Business’. Sid’s share was given to him at the end of each working day at tea-time before we all went on the night shift. It was hard work up and down the ladders all day, and usually in bright sunshine. Sid’s daily routine was late rising, say tennish (nice for some…), with the ‘fags and coffee’ type of breakfast, while poring over ‘The Sporting Life’, then catching the eleven-thirty bus off the camp into the local town. For the next four to five hours Sid would alternate between the betting shop and the local pubs before catching the three-thirty bus back to camp. He would immediately accept whatever we gave him without checking. By the end of the first day we had it all sussed. Julian was older and wiser than me, and knew all the dodges. We certainly weren’t prepared to work our goolies off all day and meekly hand over the correctly-due amount to Sid, while he passed his day doing exactly the opposite. So Julian and I worked backwards financially, paying Sid exactly what would be the very minimum expected of us. Once we had earned ‘The Business’s’ due amount in hard cash, i.e. x houses at five pence = y, then everything we earned from then on was ours,
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Costa Blanca split fifty-fifty - and everyone was happy… One blistering day we were over at the posh end of the island, the Officers Married Quarters, a good money-spinner. I put my ladder on the paved patio round the back in front of the closed French windows and mounted the ladder to clean the bedroom window above. Below, I heard someone open the French windows, and a deckchair being assembled. By the time I came down, all I could see was the front of The Daily Telegraph, two dainty hands, and the bottom torso of a woman sitting facing me on the deckchair. I bent down to wash my leathers etc, only to be able to see straight up the said lady’s skirts, invitingly open it seemed. In my defence here, unlike today, I was a lusty, single, nineteen-year-old with testosterone raging through my arteries – everywhere - and the sight of her virginally white knickers, thighs and stocking tops, went directly - well not to my head exactly, but to another part of my anatomy. In my then fashionably short shorts, I could not stand up, as my inflamed situation would be obvious - and perhaps even curtail a promising career… I vigorously rinsed my leathers, looked elsewhere, and concentrated hard on (should I use that phrase?) whether Chelsea would beat Leeds in the forthcoming Cup Final. Traditionally football has always worked for me that way whenever the situation ‘arose’. Eventually I managed to limply stand up, only to come face to face with my tormentor. The lady then embarrassingly appeared older than my mother – a tad ‘twinset and pearls’. I blushed beetroot red as she smiled politely and paid me, even giving me a tip (I know, don’t look up older ladies skirts!). I think the window cleaning lasted about six months before the apple-picking season started again. Now that was a good money spinner not to be missed, and not such hard physical work. Julian and I gave our notice in to Sid, who promptly recruited two more hungry young money-seekers - and continued his debauched activities as before. I often wonder what became of Sid. The above is a chapter from ‘Fairy Tales of an SAC’ by John McGregor, printed in 2009 by Woodfield Publishing of Bognor Regis, or available via Amazon.
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Costa Blanca
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WIN a FREE hard copy of Spain Re-Exposed by Rob Innis To be in a chance to win a copy of Rob Innis’s Book. Just answer this simple question and fill in your details below and send to: Tim Magazine Apartado de Correos 285 03630 Sax Alicante. Question: In what year did eBook sales peak? (See Rob’s article on page 10
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Costa Blanca E-mail: • Web site:
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e l i m s r e v l i s ’s y c Tra IN the previous edition of Cycle Clips we had a fascinating piece by Tracy Ford, about how she started cycling, the initial trials and tribulations, and how, through hard work, dedication and tenaciousness, she won a place on the Team GB duathlon team for the 2017 European Championships. This week we catch up with Tracy following the event, for which she has put so much into. “We’re on our way home. I’m very proud to say I’m bringing a silver medal home for Team GB” this the message Cycle Clips received from an ‘over the moon’ Tracy Ford after participating in the European Duathlon Championships is Soria on April 29. “All went very well, the weather was reasonably kind to us, it was very cold, six degrees and 35km/h winds but it stayed dry. The course was a very technical one, and battling with the wind made the bike leg a bit challenging, I finished in 1 hour 23 minutes very happy with that.”
Blenheim Palace which is taking place in just three weeks’ time. Tracy also noted that her uncle Gordon Butler was a veteran champion time trialist. In September 2012 at the age of 76 Gordon was knocked off of his bike and died of his injuries. There is now an annual Gordon Butler 10 mile Memorial Time Trial, a race that Tracy feels she should enter in his memory. So Costa Blanca resident Tracy Ford is proving just how tenacious she really is. Not content with coming second in the Europeans she still has a busy schedule ahead of her and is already setting her sights on Ibiza 2018.
“It was a tough race, as I said the wind was pretty horrendous, which made it hard going on the bike leg, especially for those like me: with bike the combined weight is only 59 kg! An advantage uphill but not so on the descents. “Reflecting on her achievement she noted: “Because I got a podium place I have automatically qualified for the championships in October 2018 which is being held in Ibiza. My goal is to be on the podium again and bring home another medal for Team GB.” The European duathlon silver medal winner is not one to rest on her laurels and, in addition to claiming her place for the 2018 championships, she has entered the sprint distance triathlon at 24
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Costa Blanca Hondón-Alicante Rent a Car used to be Hondón Rent a Car, a car rental company that has been working in the gorgeous Hondón Valley for many years. We offer fast, easy and unique service to our customers arriving at Alicante-Elche Airport. You don´t have to worry about finding your rental car, nor will you lose valuable time returning your car. Our procedures will make your holiday as easy as possible. QUALITY AND RELIABILITY We are set on providing high quality, personal service at the airport in Alicante. We value our agreements with our customers, based on mutual trust and our small, enthusiastic team. OUR CLIENT IS NUMBER ONE Every one of our clients is a VIP. We don´t charge you more for a good and quick service. Your car will simply be ready for you to get you on the road. We offer payment by credit card or bank transference if you wish. LOW EXCESS CHARGE Car Rental Hondón Alicante offers 100% all inclusive rental rates. You will not be confronted with any extra charges upon arrival. We have a full-full fuel plan and our insurances are all included in our rental rates. All our clients will have a very low excess charge on their rental car. For more information you can read our rental rate page.
Win Win Win With TIM
To be in with a chance of winning 12 bags of sweets, simply find the bag of sweets which appears on a page in this month’s Tim. One winner will be chosen each month for the next twelve months, and each month’s winner will be informed of their win and be able to pick their 12 bags of sweets. Once you have have found the picture of the bag of sweets, simply fill in the below entry form, making sure that you include clearly your phone number/address and name. Entries close on the 20th of the month, only one entry per household, and the winner will be contacted by a member of GB Sweets with the winners name appearing in the following Months TIM magazine. The editor’s decision is final. To enter find the bag of sweets and fill in your details in the below entry form and send to: Tim Magazine Apartado de Correos 285 03630 Sax Alicante. Name: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Address: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Contact Number: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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HONDON VALLEY GOLF SOCIETY KNIGHT HAS BACK TO BACK VICTORIES Since the June copy of T.I.M. the society has had a busy period with the results shown below and in the next edition our annual away trip which occurred last week. Our now annual visit to Albacete was an enjoyable day to a course which is very similar to an English course, our thanks must go to Graham Palmer who organises all our away events, and always delivers good value for money for the society, as we had breakfast, golf with a buggy, and menu del dia all for 50 Euros. The weather was excellent on the day and the course was in good condition, but as can be seen from the results the members found it hard but enjoyable. The only player to beat the course as such was Ian Knight who has now joined us since his move from Australia and now he’s a member I am sure he will be pushing everyone in the Top Gold section. Our trip to Altorreal was bought forward a week to accommodate the away trip. Yet again the weather was very pleasant and again the course was in great condition, and the results had improved from the Albacete trip. Special mention must go to Ken Knight for scoring a great 40 points, and he put it down to also playing his match play competition against Steve Collin whom he eventually beat by a score of 5 and 3.But he was soon put in his place as the Handicap Secretary John Wilkinson cut his handicap by 2.4 as per the Society rules. The Captain has asked can you please ensure all match play games are up to date.
HCP 15 17 16 20 17 22 35 25 29
Category Gold Winner Gold Runner Up Gold Third Place
Pts 30 29 28
HCP 6 15 14
Category Gold Winner Gold Runner Up Gold Third Place
PTS 33 32 31
Silver Winner ON BETTER BACK 9 Silver Runner Up Silver Third Place
29 29 25
20 19 20
Silver Winner Silver Runner Up Silver Third Place
40 31 29
27 23 20
Bronze Winner LOWER HANDICAP Bronze Runner Up Bronze Third Place
34 34 30
Nearest the Pin Nearest the Pin Nearest the Pin Nearest the Pin Nearest the Pin IN TWO SHOTS Nearest the Pin IN THREE SHOTS
Bronze Winner Bronze Runner Up Bronze Third Place Nearest the Pin Nearest the Pin Nearest the Pin Nearest the Pin Nearest the Pin IN TWO SHOTS Nearest the Pin IN THREE SHOTS Best Guest
Two On The Card Two On The Card
Captain’s Pick Captain’s Pick Captain’s Pick
3 7 12 17 18 11 34 HOLE 3 17
Two on the card Two on the card Two On The Card Captain’s Pick Captain’s Pick Captain’s Pick Greenfee Refund Greenfee Refund Scratchcard
HOLE 5 8 10 17 11 HOLE 5 8 17
For information on how to join HVGS contact the Secretary,Ken Knight, on 638 190 567 or email him at To reserve your place on the list for the Society Golf Days contact the Captain, John Sercombe, on 693 734 462 or email him at 26
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Costa Blanca
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The Jaguar Enthusiast Club on the Costa Blanca always tries to do the best it can for it’s members, so something a bit different this time “Meet The Tiger”. Members, friends and invited guests gathered together on the 4th June 2017 for a taste of Asia at the exquisite Taj Mahal Restaurant in Benimar, Benijofar. I know not everyone likes Indian cuisine so a risky choice, I should not have worried, the food was fabulous. Personally I really enjoy Indian food, and The Taj Majal did not let us down, authentic recipes in a restaurant decorated to enhance the theme. What I was really impressed with was the way they handled some special dietary requirements, for example my wife requires Gluten free and other people were given specially prepared dishes to suit their particular requirements without any problems at all. My sincerest thanks to The Taj Mahal, most impressed. Although the weather forecast was not good, we were very lucky, and the sun shone on the beautiful display of Big Cats lined up in the car park. Every time I see a lineup of these fabulous cars it always brings a smile to my face. We were certainly blessed by the presence of some amazing machines. If you own a Jaguar, come and join us for our next meeting around the end of July. This was the first meeting of the club since The Big One at the end of April at which we had 100 cars and over two hundred people. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those people who sent “thank you” messages and notes of appreciation following the event. Thank you all, so so much. Anyway, back to The Taj Mahal, we started with pre dining drinks on the terrace providing a chance to meet some invited guests and 4 new people who want to be members. Special thank you to Mike and Brenda who brought along 6 of their friends and two stunning Jaguars’. Lunch started just after 14.00h hrs in the restaurants spacious dining room, our attendance numbers enabling us to have the whole area exclusively for ourselves. Just for a bit of fun “our Ian” had devised a small quiz with a “bottle of bubbly” for the winner. The quiz was predominantly about Spains famous landmarks and Spanish history, I am afraid to say, it proved how little I know about Spain and it’s rich history. However there were many who achieved some very high scores. After a draw for first place David, Josie Robinson and friends took the first prize, well done! I should also give Chris Fox a very special mention, getting all his questions wrong but providing a most humorous set of answers which gave us all a real laugh. In order to provide a stunning range of dishes for our members, this dining experience was provided in buffet format, members were offered an amazing array of starters followed by 7 exquisite dishes plus rice and Nan bread. I tried every single one, just fabulous, mouthwatering flavors and beautifully prepared food all accompanied by the usual range of fine Spanish wine and water, terminating with a homemade dessert consisting of a mango cream.
The Jaguar Enthusiasts Club is the largest of the worlds Jaguar Clubs, apart from joining in the fun at the meetings, full members also benefit from a glossy 140 page A4 monthly magazine, Jaguar spares department and a technical advice service second to none. If you live in Spain and own a Jaguar you should be a member of The Jaguar Enthusiasts Club. The JEC in Spain is by far the largest Jaguar Club in Spain and is organised by Eric Arnold and Ian McMenemy. Eric can be contacted by email at or by phone on 609931647 or alternatively check out the JEC Spain website www.jec-spain. com Our Events Director, Ian McMenemy can be contacted at McMenemy@ Come along and join us.
By Eric Arnold
As is our Clubs custom, a trophy was presented to the owner, Dilbag and his staff to express our gratitude for their hospitality and service. Finally some members moved outside to the terrace for a final coffee and a chat, then around 6.00 pm, our final goodbyes prior to driving home with 5cm extra around the waist line. Our next meeting at the end of July is yet to be finalised, but I can assure you it will be something special as all our events are thanks to Ian McMenemy our brilliant Events Director. Members will be informed about the date and location of our next meeting in the near future.
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Costa Blanca
BUYING A NEW CAR/ MOTORBIKE? Want to check out your Car/Bikes History “HPI Check In Spain” All we need is your nie and car/bike registration. 35 euros per vehicle Email us at
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EMAIL your small ads to or TEXT your FREE small ads up to €1.000 to 680 976 823
ADVERTISE YOUR UNWANTED ITEMS UP TO THE VALUE OF 1,000 EUROS Adverts classed as business adverts or adverts that are above the value of 1,000, are charged at 20 cents per word.
Sell it Fast Sell it For FREE! You can now place your unwanted items in our Classifieds section FREE of charge up to the value of 1.000 euros. Simply text your unwanted items too 680 976 823 or email them to bargainads@ remember, no more than 25 words per item and no more than 3 items per household, and please always include what area you live in, we do not take FREE classifieds over the phone. Last day for Free ads is the 18th of the month. When sending through your items by email, please only send in normal size text. GENERAL Kids table with two attached benches, folds into its own carry case €10 Morphy Richards bread maker €40 Floor standing embroidery frame €30 Plastic roof tiles sheets 2.18X0.7m x5 €17 each Jumilla area, 649 565 746 Quad bike for sale,80cc in very good condition,suit 6 to 12 year olds.€225. Hondon de los Frailes, tel.620 260 309 For Sale Garland 16” 2 stroke Chainsaw Ideal for household use call 667 399 271 or 965 978 774 Location Canada del Trigo plus a electric hydrolic log splitter sale price only 150 Euro’s
call 667 399 271 or 965 978 774 ,Canada del Trigo sale price bargain at 150 Euro’s Portable Camping Fridge or coolbox for use in car.Unwanted gift as new, Mains and Car leads 30€ (San Fulgencio) 690 772 178 Satellite Cable ,4separate cables, one outer cover.50 metres unused on drum =200m cable for 45€ (San Fulgencio) 690 772 178 Sony DVD player, never used, remote control, 25€ (San Fulgencio) 690 772 178
BBQ Stainless Steel Deluxe 6-piece tool set in metal carrying case. New, never used. 20€ Aspe area. Tel: 651 572 942
For Sale Nupower Generator used only once, bargain price of 200 Euro’s, call 667 399 271 or 965 978 774 Location Canada del Trigo
G-Plan Unit measuring 45cm deep, 51cm high and 90cm wide. Teak finish, in excellent condition. 50€. Aspe area. Tel: 651 572 942.
Electric/Acoustic guitar complete with bag 75 euros, Knapsack sprayer 20 euros, floor standing fan 15 euros , oil filled radiators 15 euros Beneixama 675 360 574
Extending aluminium ladder 18 rungs 40 euros, Bbq gas griddle and tripod 50 cms diameter 40 euros Fortuna Tel 655 385 234
Quad bike for sale great runner, Canada del Trigo call 667399 271 or 965 978 774 true bargain at 350.00 euro’s For sale Garland 16” Chainsaw ideal for household use, good condition
Advertise Your Classifieds For FREE No Value Restrictions. Sell anything fast at classifieds, its totally FREE. Sell you House/car/boat or what you have at
I would like to swop or exchange my two year old pellet burner for an electric golf buggy in good working order with a good battery, or cash I don’t mind. call me on 629 320 642. I live in Yecla.murcia. McCulloch petrol chain saw , extra chain & oil €50, Knapsack sprayer 20 euros, Electric/Acoustic guitar Complete with bag & stand €75 Floor standing fan €15 , Oil Filled radiator €15 Single pine bed & Mattress (Hardly Used) €50 BENEIXAMA 675 360 574 SERVICES
White Plastic Garden seats in very good condition. Three for 15€. Tel: 651 572 942
Nice Tent for sale, make Outwell Nevada size M (as new). With a lot of accessories in matching colours. I can send fotos, so please contact:
Scandinova 240 ltr chest freezer 87 cm width x 64 cm depth x 84cm high, excellent condition 80 euros Frailes 617 711 872
If you have an item for sale over 1.000 euros or if you have a commercial advert and would like them listed in the Classifieds section of the magazine, then call 606 891 644. Closing date for Classifieds in the magazine is the 19th of the month.
New pol under the worktop fridge, hardly used 70 euros ono Alabtera Tel 965 970 163 or 649 657 643 Samsung S111 smart phone for sale. Immaculate condition. white unlocked. Screen cover included. €80 mob.+34671 493 090 Pinoso area. CLIFTON CHRONICLES, complete set 7 books Jeffrey Archer, as new 30€ call 965 077 340 (Urb La Marina)
IS YOUR GARDEN TOO MUCH TO COPE WITH? I can weed/ Dig Over/ Plant and prune your trees or exterior painting of garden walls etc for 7 euros an hour
Sax - Salinas- Elda -Petrer areas.
I am also fluent in Spanish for help with translations.
Call Callum on 634 309 459
Peak Transport, Vince Webster Large Van UkSpain-Uk, Monthly runs, competitive quotes, reliable, friendly service. Telephone 690 818 090 and Uk mobile 0750 492 7034 email: spain2ukpeaktrans email today to place your items for next months edition.
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Costa Blanca SQUASH PLAYERS WANTED ALL LEVELS. In areas close to Villena, Caudete, Biar, Sax, Yecla, Pinoso. For monthly league. Tel. 689162480 Spanish lady wants to meet once a week to converse in English/ Spanish. “Come and meet me for a coffee and a chat, I will teach you Spanish and I can learn English Pinoso area Tel 626 695928 VEHICLES 2nd hand cars bought and sold Tel 691 260 502 CHARITIES Castalla charity caritas. calle toribio selles number 5 near the church. Open mondays 4 pm---8pm. accept clothes and food and any decent items for more info, Phone,651 943 037. The Samaritans cover the whole of Spain and operate 24/7. We also have a drop off centre and charity shop at Punta Prima off N332 24 hour Helpline 900 525 100 or email CLUBS/MEETINGS SILVERWINGS AVIATION LUNCHEON CLUB, Costa Blanca Silverwings is for retired, and operational, civil aviators and support crews of all nationalities. We will meet at a
venue near to Alicante Airport and major routes. If you are interested, please contact Sue & Sarah at: PROPERTY RENTALS House to rent, center of Salinas, 3 beds, furnished, small outside space, short term or long term, 350 euros per month ex bills. Tel 0044 1924 865 668 or 0044 7583 100 143 email DO YOU HAVE PETS? NEED TO RENT? 2 Bed wooden cabin in 1,300sm of secure fenced garden, mains water & electric. 1 km to village of La Murada, Orihuela. Available from mid January 2017. Telephone 649 280 204 Place your property rentals for FREE on You can place videos, photos of your property, Map Location, Prices etc The best part is that there is no third party involved. You get the enquiry and you make the booking. NO FEES or membership to pay. Why not give it a try? Visit today and find out if you can boost your income by renting out your property. We are on Facebook as well. So look up and have a look at whats on offer.
Mitsubishi Montero IO 1.8L petrol 4x4. Genuine 115,000 kms, year 2002, 5 door, CD player, 4 electric windows, air con. LHD Spanish car. Silver. ITV Sept 2017. Buyer pays transfer. Sax.
2,500 euros.
Tel: 636 167 650
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TIM Magazine™
June 22nd - July 23rd
Aries Home is where the heart is. Instead of seeking the next adventure, spend more time on the domestic front. Cook elaborate meals with your nearest and dearest. Redecorate your least favourite room. Splash out on beautiful furniture and artwork. If you’ve been looking for a more comfortable place to live, this is a great time to launch your search. You’ll find an inviting spot that serves as a tranquil haven from the pressure of public life. Integrate some family photos and keepsakes into the mix.
Leo You’re able to forgive and forget a betrayal. Once you’re able to shake off this unhappy event, it will be possible to pamper yourself. Take time off work, enjoy afternoon naps and luxuriate in scented baths. Splash out on items that delight you. Clothes, jewellery and artwork are good investments in your own happiness. If you’re on a budget, you can still indulge yourself in inexpensive ways. Take long walks through the park, visit museums and borrow movies from the library. Treat yourself like royalty.
Sagittarius A new source of income puts you on the path to financial stability. You could profit from an incentive based bonus scheme, inheritance or legal settlement. Use this money to put a deposit on a home, pay off some debts or start a retirement account. Having cash in reserve will be empowering. It will allow you to pursue more fulfilling job opportunities. You’ll also be able to forge a lifestyle that resonates with your values. Being able to live how and where you want is the ultimate gift.
Taurus Use this opportunity to brainstorm with friendly, accepting people. You’ve got fantastic ideas but are reluctant to share them with snobs. Surrounding yourself with fellow artists who understand the creative process will be inspiring. When you’re with this group, you feel free to express your wilder notions. With their encouragement, you’ll turn a promising concept into an effective service, product or strategy. Have you been coping with an obnoxious relative via social media? Feel free to block their posts.
A new job is within reach. If you’re looking for another position, put together a portfolio of your best work samples. Send out applications. Go on interviews. You’ll strike gold sooner than expected. Joining a company that specialises in customer care will give lots of emotional fulfilment. You know how to rectify problems and satisfy complaints. Slowly but surely, you’ll be given a series of promotions that allow you to preside over a successful division. You’ll enjoy using your vast experience to train newcomers.
The spotlight is trained firmly on you. Take this opportunity to promote your agenda, share ideas and command attention. If you’re looking for love, you’ll have your choice of admirers. Pick the one who makes you feel cherished and adored. In the past, you’ve been the attentive one in relationships. Now you have a chance to receive all the tender loving care you have always given to others. Do you already have a partner? You’ll be able to call the shots with your partner. Seize the reins of power.
Joining forces with like-minded people will be stimulating. You’re tired of struggling in an unsupportive environment. Having to deal with people who aren’t very intelligent or imaginative is a real strain. When this happens, it’s important to fill your free time with rewarding activities. Joining an art class, political group or book club will give the stimulation you crave. Are you isolated in your community? Think about joining an online chat group or relocating to a more sociable neighbourhood.
You’ll be a rising star on the career front. People respond well to your caring attitude. By taking an interest in clients and customers, you’ll attract a loyal following. Colleagues may become threatened by your popularity. Keep doing what comes naturally. You’ll soon get a job offer from a rival company. Go where you will be treated best. Working for a company that treats its employees well will allow you to achieve a level of success you never dreamed possible.
Meeting the needs of your nearest and dearest should be your first priority. You’ve always been very ambitious. This desire to get ahead sometimes causes you to neglect your personal life. Don’t make that mistake now. Scale back your work schedule and arrange some outings with loved ones. Have lunch with your best friend, go to the movies with your amour and head for the park with your relatives. Slowly but surely, you’ll become less consumed with your career. That’s a good thing.
Clearing out clutter will make you breathe a sigh of relief. Instead of trying to work around the chaos, stop what you’re doing. Take time out of your busy schedule to sort through papers, discard trash and gather supplies. Any materials you need but don’t frequently use should be relegated to filing cabinets and storage boxes. Everything else should be kept within arm’s reach. If you’re running out of room, think about moving to a bigger space. Let your surroundings reflect your workload.
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Travel or study will play a big role in your life. It’s time to expand your horizons. Although you’ve made admirable progress in recent months, it’s time to move to higher ground. Visiting a cultural metropolis or spiritual mecca will change your outlook. Earning an advanced degree in your favourite subject will also alter your perspective. Familiar sights, sounds and ideas are comforting, but it’s important to venture into unfamiliar environments to fulfil your potential. Sticking only to what you already know is limiting.
Pisces You’re entering a playful period. Enjoy it to the fullest. Taking a holiday, embarking on a romance or launching a creative project are all great ways to take advantage of this uplifting energy. If you’ve been dedicating a lot of time to family responsibilities, hire some help. Give tasks to other relatives. There is no reason you should shoulder this burden by yourself. By making leisure time a bigger priority, you’ll regain your zest for life. You have an irresistible aura.
Costa Blanca
FAB FINCAS FAB Pr oper ti es • FA B P rice s • FA B S e rv ic e
Tel: 965 474 314 • Mob: 675 218 436 • Apartado de Correos 3, 03630. Sax. Alicante
Pinoso - Ref: ff0853 Gorgeous villa with fabulous views This beautifully presented detached villa is just a five minute drive from the popular town of Pinoso. On a fully fenced plot of about 1,750m2 land, there are landscaped garden areas, an 8 x 4m swimming pool, conservatory/sun room, living room with American style fitted kitchen, 2 double bedrooms and 1 single bedroom, family bathroom and an ensuite bathroom for the master bedroom. The property also benefits from central heating, air conditioning and ceiling fans. A real bargain at only 169,950 euros. Viewing essential.
Sell your property with Fabfincas - very competitive rates - new properties urgently needed.
Onil - Ref: ff0676
Sax - Ref: ff0815
Petrer - Ref: ff0855
Sax - Ref: ff0835
Renovated town house 3D beds, 2 baths 2 minute walk from town Spacious 112m2 build.
Luxury detached villa 4/5 beds, 3 baths Self contained annexe Pool and entertaining area.
Detached villa in great location. 4 beds, 2 baths Pool, mature gardens Outbuilding/annexe.
Villa with separate casita 5 beds, 2 baths Pool, landscaped gardens Beautiful views.
Bargain - only 30,000 euros
Reduced to 249,995 euros
Reduced - only 139,995 euros
Only 159,995 euros
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