Ithaca Press Catalogue Autumn 2013/Spring 2013

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Contents Politics 2 International Relations 5 History 6 Conflict/Peace Studies 8 Gender Studies 9 Economics 10 Poetry 11 Soil Science 13 Complete List of Available Titles 16 Ithaca Press Founded in 1973, Ithaca Press is a leading English-language publisher of academic books devoted to the Middle East and Arab world. Its authors are academic experts drawn from all over the world and the company has links with many major universities in the UK, the USA and Europe that have departments or faculties with Middle Eastern and Arab studies programmes. Ithaca Press is an imprint of Garnet Publishing Limited.



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07/08/2012 15:11

Madmen at the Helm Pathology and Politics in the Arab Spring Muriel Mirak-Weissbach


re dictators mad, or are they intelligent people who don’t know when to quit? Are they aware that their people hate them, or do they have a mixture of narcissistic, paranoid, delusional, hysterical and sociopathic personality disorders that shield them from the truth? In this unique book, Mirak-Weissbach tries to answer these questions, reviewing specialist literature and providing a profile of a number of personality disorders displayed by five Middle Eastern leaders (Mubarak, Qaddafi, Ben Ali, Saleh and Assad) during the Arab Spring. Considering each of the five leaders in turn, MirakWeissbach examines their public statements, speeches, interviews and courses of action during this period, and thus identifies patterns and similarities of behaviour. She then argues that the five authoritarian figures displayed specific pathological personality types in their responses to the political and cultural circumstances in which they were operating, and the challenges they encountered. These responses indicate that they were psychologically incapable of facing reality, and indeed displayed pathological symptoms in clinging fanatically to power in the face of revolt. A postscript to the book widens this context by identifying two cases of narcissism in contemporary American politics: George W. Bush and Sarah Palin. Muriel Mirak-Weissbach is an Armenian–American who grew up in New England. She has been a political journalist specialising in economic, political and cultural development in the Arab and Islamic world for thirty years.


ISBN 9780863724541 • e-book 9780863724565 July 2012 • Hardback • 192pp • 234 x 156 mm

‘No, no one against us. Against me, for what? … They love me, all my people with me, they love me all. They will die to protect me, my people.’ Qaddafi, 27 February 2011


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The Arab State and Neo-Liberal Globalization The Restructuring of State Power in the Middle East Edited by Laura Guazzone and Daniela Pioppi



his collection of essays by leading academics offers an alternative approach to the study of today’s Arab states by focusing on their participation in neo-liberal globalization rather than on authoritarianism or Islam. The effects of the restructuring of traditional state power engendered by globalization are analyzed separately, through updated empirical research into the political, economic and security processes of each country considered. Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and Saudi Arabia are the case studies selected to represent different paths towards a shared model of a ‘new’ Arab state which, far from representing an exceptional case of resilience against global trends, may be seen in many instances as typifying their effects. This book thus offers both an overall conceptualization of change affecting the Arab states, domestically and internationally, and a series of in-depth case studies by country and functional areas. It is extremely timely when viewed within the context of the current political unrest and unprecedented change within the Middle East. The paperback edition includes a new preface which links the author’s research to the current Arab Spring crisis.

ISBN 9780863723896 • e-book 9780863723704 October 2012 • Paperback • 400pp • 235 x 155 mm Also available in hardback, 9780863723391

Laura Guazzone is Professor of the Contemporary History of the Arab Countries at ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome. Daniela Pioppi is Senior Research Fellow at the Italian Institute of International affairs.



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Political Islam in the Global World Aini Linjakumpu



he combination of Islam and politics creates strong images and provokes fierce discussion. Over the last few decades we have seen how Islam has generated political turbulence around the world. In Political Islam in the Global World, Aini Linjakumpu develops an approach with which one can study the politicization of Islam in different circumstances and contexts. The book uses three case studies to analyze the political dimension of Islam: cooperation between the European Union and non-Union Mediterranean countries (including Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Turkey, Cyprus and Malta); the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt; and discussion groups on the internet. These case studies represent both traditional forms of political Islam and also totally new practices of Muslim politics and communality. The author also examines political identity. Identity is important in studying political Islam, as the political dimension of Islam is often connected with identity and the formation and existence of a community. The role of language is also discussed, as politicization and the study of identity are by their nature attached to it.

ISBN 9780863724299 • e-book 9780863723490 July 2012 • Paperback • 176pp • 235 x 155 mm Also available in hardback, 9780863723209

The conclusion is that the combination of Islam and politics is a multidimensional and heterogeneous thing. The monolithic view of Islam is deconstructed and in its place the author paints a picture of an extremely multifaceted process. Aini Linjakumpu is the University Lecturer in Politics at the University of Lapland and the Adjunct Professor in Political Science at the University of Tampere.



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Security Arrangements in the Persian Gulf With Special Reference to Iran’s Foreign Policy Mahboubeh Sadeghinia



he strategic and economic characteristics of the Persian Gulf have made it of critical importance to all the states bordering its coastline, as well as to the entire world’s economy and political life. Its significant geopolitical situation, in addition to its dominant position as an energy source and gateway for global energy, has caused the Gulf to be a worthy rival to outside powers, particularly those in the West, while also being amongst the most unstable and chaotic of any world regions. The objective of this book is to understand the reasons for the failure of security models in the Persian Gulf and to provide a new model that addresses the need for a stable and peaceful structure of relationships, provides security for all individual littoral states, and also assures the interests of the external powers. To this end, the book analyses the various security models adopted in this vitally important geopolitical region since 1962, with special reference to Iran’s foreign policy. Particular reference has been made to Iran because of its geostrategic and geopolitical situation and its role as the hegemonic power in the Persian Gulf. Indeed, regardless of its political regimes, Iran has significant national security concerns and plays a determinant role in the overall peace and security of the region.

ISBN 9780863724862 • e-book 9780863723988 Spring 2013 • Paperback • 328pp • 235 x 155 mm Also available in hardback, 9780863723698

Dr Mahboubeh Sadeghinia is a lecturer of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies at The Islamic College, London. Having worked as an international journalist and also political researcher in Iran and Jordan during 1980–2003, her current research interests are foreign policy, political economy, security and strategic issues in Iran and in the Middle East/Persian Gulf. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS


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Tunisia since the Arab Conquest The Saga of a Westernized Muslim State Jacob Abadi


his comprehensive history of Tunisia covers an essential period in the country’s development, from the Arab conquest of the seventh century to the Jasmine Revolution and the fall of Ben Ali’s regime in 2010. Tunisia since the Arab Conquest describes the evolution of the Tunisian state, its place in the Mediterranean basin and its contacts with the civilizations of that region. Abadi also provides a thorough coverage of the French conquest, and the French Protectorate and their impact on the country’s development. He discusses Franco–Tunisian relations in a vivid manner, and explores the impact of the First and Second World Wars on the country. Abadi then examines the Tunisian nationalist movement and the country’s struggle for independence, assessing the impact of the main personalities who played a role in that movement. The narrative continues with an analysis of the political, social, economic and cultural developments in Tunisia since its independence, including an in-depth analysis of the country’s achievements and failures under the regimes of Habib Bourguiba and Ben Ali. Based on primary and secondary sources in Arabic, French, Italian, Hebrew and English this book will provide the reader with a comprehensive history of the country in one volume.

ISBN 9780863724350 • e-book 9780863724367 October 2012 • Hardback • 578pp • 234 x 156 mm

Dr Jacob Abadi has taught Middle Eastern History for the last thirty years, and is currently Professor in the Department of History at the United States Air Force Academy, Colorado. He is the author of several books, including Britain’s Withdrawal from the Middle East: The Economic and Strategic Imperatives, 1947–1971, Israel’s Leadership: From Utopia to Crisis, and Israel’s Quest for Recognition and Acceptance in Asia: Garrison State Diplomacy. 6


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Slavery and Manumission British Policy in the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf in the first half of the 20th Century Jerzy Zdanowski


anuy bint Khalfan was a female slave who was sold and mortgaged several times before she finally escaped from her master. This book is dedicated to her memory, and to the memory of all the other slaves who have had the will to escape. Many books have been written about slavery, but what makes this one unique is that it presents the problem of slavery using the statements and life stories of individual slaves. Manumission procedures applied in the Persian Gulf required that applicants produced written statements describing the circumstances of their enslavement and their reasons for having run away from their masters. British Agencies therefore have at their disposal the life stories of almost 1,000 slaves, named and speaking in their own voices. Their statements are published for the first time in this book. The analysis of these statements sheds light on various aspects of social, religious and political life in the Gulf in this period, and the way in which slaves were treated. It allows us to answer some questions fundamental for understanding the history of Persian Gulf societies in the first half of the 20th century; particularly the role of slave labour in the pearl industry, the conformity of social practice with religious norms concerning slavery, the position of the British government in regard to slavery in the Gulf, and the role of the British system of manumission in the eradication of slavery. Jerzy Zdanowski is a researcher and Professor at the Institute for Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures, Polish Academy of Sciences, in Warsaw. A historian and Arabist, he has been involved in Middle Eastern studies since 1978. He has written eleven books in Polish and has authored numerous journal articles on the subject of slavery and manumission.

ISBN 9780863724381 • e-book 9780863724398 November 2012 • Hardback • c.500pp • 234 x 156 mm

‘I am a free-born woman, and not a slave of anyone.’ Manuy bint Khalfan, speaking to a British Agency in Sharjah on 24 October 1938



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Through the Wall of Fire Armenia–Iraq–Palestine; From Wrath to Reconciliation Muriel Mirak-Weissbach


an peoples and nations who have been pitted against each other in geopolitically manipulated conflict overcome the adversary relationship and achieve reconciliation? Through the Wall of Fire: Armenia–Iraq–Palestine; From Wrath to Reconciliation attempts to answer this question, examining the Armenian genocide of 1915, the two Iraq wars and embargo regime, as well as the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians beginning 1948. Muriel Mirak-Weissbach portrays these seminal moments of the 20th century through the eyes of those who were children at the time. Their first-hand accounts of the dramatic events are corroborated by documented historical research, in the effort to identify which political forces were ultimately responsible and why. Political leaders and their citizens who seek reconciliation must undergo a profound internal, emotional transformation, overcoming the hatred, bitterness, and desire for revenge that the traumatic past has left behind. In order to do this they must abandon the prejudices and ignorance bred by conflict and face the truth about the past, acknowledging the historical record in all its brutality, and identifying those responsible. Only then is it possible to ‘forgive and forget’, to define a new relationship based on the commitment to enhance the progress of the Other. Muriel Mirak-Weissbach’s main research interests include economic, political, and cultural developments in the Arab and Islamic world. Together with a number of German, Turkish, Kurdish, and Armenian intellectuals she has been participating in a process of working through our common historical past with the aim of facilitating understanding and ultimately enabling reconciliation.


ISBN 9780863723995 • e-book 9780863724411 November 2012 • Hardback • 304pp • 234 x 156 mm

‘Pick them up and take care only of the orphans who will not be able to remember the atrocities that their parents were subjected to. Send the others with the caravans [i.e. to be killed].’ Turkish Interior Minister Mehmet Talaat, 12 December 1915


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07/08/2012 15:12

Nation-Building, State and the Genderframing of Women’s Rights in the United Arab Emirates (1971–2009) Vânia Carvalho Pinto


he extensive changes to Emirati women’s traditional rights and roles have been one of the most visible transformations taking place in the United Arab Emirates throughout its forty years of modern history. This book offers an interpretation of why and how these modifications came about. Its aim is to analyse the promotion of educational, employment and political rights for women as strategic state actions set within a context of broader nation-building goals. The author discovers that there is no direct or easy link between the state’s ‘offer of rights’ for women, and society’s acceptance of them. This is particularly so when proposed changes are quite removed from dominant gender norms and accepted traditions. As such, the mechanisms that induce women to actually take advantage of what is offered require further attention. The concept of ‘genderframing’ aims to define that ‘connecting mechanism’, and explain the successes and failures of these policies both mobilization- and implementation-wise. By examining the creation, deployment and modifications to the Emirati genderframe, this book highlights the profound intertwining between gender, nation building, and domestic socio-political dynamics in a country that, while seeking to establish its modernizing credentials, is still struggling for self-definition and empowerment.

ISBN 9780863724329 • e-book 9780863724336 August 2012 • Hardback • 152pp • 234 x 156 mm

Vânia Carvalho Pinto spent nearly a year and half in the UAE as Visiting Researcher at the Sharjah Supreme Council for Family Affairs, doing research for this book. She is currently an Assistant Professor at the Institute of International Relations, University of Brasilia.



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Boom amid Gloom The Spirit of Possibility in the 21st Century Gulf N. Janardhan



he first decade of the new millennium witnessed wide-ranging transformations in the six countries that make up the Gulf Cooperation Council. They entered unchartered waters by experimenting politically and socially, expanding economically and asserting their influence internationally. These attempts stemmed not only from the realization that such a shift is inevitable, but also from their newfound confidence that a blend of tradition and modernity can indeed survive alongside and complement each other. Boom amid Gloom: The Spirit of Possibility in the 21st Century Gulf is an empirical study of seven themes that help test the pulse of these countries and indicate where they are headed during the course of the next few decades. Some of these game-changers are central to understanding how the 2003–2008 oil boom ushered in and nurtured an unparalleled sense of hope in the region, even as the global economic slowdown thereafter spread gloom in many parts of the world. The book analyses how the region stands on the threshold of evolving from merely being oil-rich and rapidly modernizing to achieving a more balanced and sustainable model of overall development in future.

ISBN 9780863724879 • e-book 9780863723933 Spring 2013 • Paperback • 256pp • 235 x 155 mm Also available in hardback, 9780863723735

N. Janardhan has a doctorate in international relations from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He has worked as a political analyst since 2000 and is currently based in the United Arab Emirates. His research areas include politics, international relations, media and labour in the Gulf region.



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07/08/2012 15:12

The NabaṬī Poetry of the United Arab Emirates Selected poems, annotated and translated into English Clive Holes and Said Salman Abu Athera



abaṭī poetry is the traditional poetry of the Arab tribes of Arabia and neighbouring areas. Though composed in an artistic variant of ordinary Bedouin speech, historically it is the descendant of the pre-Islamic Classical Arabic poetry of antiquity, and its modern exponents still compose in the traditional genres of boasting, praise, satire, elegy, advice and guidance, love and lyric poetry. Nowadays, there is also a thriving tradition of poetic comment on contemporary social and political issues. This book gives an account of the tradition as practiced in the United Arab Emirates, exemplified by English verse translations of fifty-three poems by twenty-five different poets covering the last half century. The original Arabic poems are also included, with brief notes on their language, rhyme, and scansion, along with a CD containing recordings of twenty-two of the poems. Clive Holes has been Professor for the Study of the Contemporary Arab World at the University of Oxford since 1997. He has published widely on the Arabic language, both Classical and dialectal, and on Arabic popular literature. In 2009, he and Said Salman Abu Athera published Poetry and Politics in Contemporary Bedouin Society (Ithaca & AUC Press), a study of the modern Nabati tradition of Jordan and Sinai.

ISBN 9780863724886 • Spring 2013 Paperback, with accompanying CD 300pp • 235 x 155 mm Also available in hardback, 9780863723780

Said Salman Abu Athera is an independent researcher into Bedouin poetry, lore, and customs, and an Associate Member of the Sub-Faculty of the Near and Middle Eastern Studies at Oxford. He has published and broadcast extensively in Arabic and acted as a consultant for UNESCO on Bedouin affairs. He is a founder member of the Jordanian National Committee for Cultural Heritage, and established the Centre for the Preservation of Bedouin Culture, a non-profit NGO. POETRY


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07/08/2012 15:12

Early Arabic Poetry Select Poems Edited by Alan Jones



earning to appreciate early Arabic poetry is difficult, for a range of reasons: it is the work of people of a very alien milieu – the great composers were camel-dependant nomads; it has an extraordinarily rich vocabulary; its grammar has many complications that do not survive in the later language; its texts were transmitted orally for up to two-and-a-half centuries; and there are serious problems about authenticity. Yet all later Arabic poetry stems from it, and it is important for our understanding of the language and ideas current in Arabia at the rise of Islam. Its study is therefore a necessity for all serious students of Arabic. This new edition of Early Arabic Poetry combines the two volumes first published in 1992 and 1996, bringing them together with a new foreword and introduction by Professor Jones, which covers the major background problems faced by students of early Arabic poetry. The text itself comprises two main sections: section one contains a study of fifteen poems from two of the more vivid genres: laments and poems by the outlaws, the latter including the magnificent, brooding Lāmiyyat al-‘Arab; whilst section two focuses on famous odes, such as the Mu‘allaqāt of Imru’ ul-Qays, Labīd and ‘Abīd, the Kāfiyya of Zuhayr and the Marthiya of Abu Dhu’ayb. The poems are analysed in minute detail, providing the student with all the information needed to understand the texts and consider each poem’s overall thrust and purpose.

ISBN 9780863724435 • e-book 9780863723889 March 2013 • Paperback • 580pp • 235 x 155 mm Also available in hardback, 9780863723872

Dr Alan Jones taught Arabic, Turkish and Islamic Studies at Oxford from 1957 to 2000, when he retired from his post as Professor of Classical Arabic. Amongst his special interests are pre-Islamic poetry, the Qur’ān, and the early growth of Islamic studies. 12


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Accelerated Reclamation of Alkaline Argillaceous Soils of Azerbaijan Mukhtar Abduyev


rofessor Mukhtar Abduyev describes the tackling of a longestablished problem which had enormous implications for Azerbaijan’s security of food supply. The task was to find more efficient methods of reclaiming the saline soils that covered more than 60% of the republic’s lowlands. He adopted a practical scientific approach, researching various methods of salt removal and their effect on soils and the crops to be grown in them. He was also a highly respected teacher and was directly involved in field investigations, at the same time providing leadership and valuable hands-on experience for graduate students and research workers.

ISBN 9780863724817 e-book 9780863724909 • July 2012 Hardback • 240pp • 228 x 153 mm

Diluvial Soils and their Amelioration Mukhtar Abduyev


rofessor Mukhtar Abduyev’s pioneering work was the result of ten years of study, field research and laboratory experimentation on salinized diluvial soils in the foothill plains and steppe of Azerbaijan. At a time of increased demand for agricultural land this work was a most timely contribution to bringing the country’s foothill plains, a major soil reserve, into play. Important as the work was for Abduyev’s native land, however, it had even wider implications. Because there are other forms of salinization in Azerbaijan, the work herein facilitated comparative analysis of their distinctive characteristics – common to the arid regions of many other countries.

ISBN 9780863724800 e-book 9780863724893 • July 2012 Hardback • 288pp • 243 x 171 mm SOIL SCIENCE


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Diluvial Soils on the Plains of Azerbaijan Mukhtar Abduyev


t the time of writing, much literature was available about the  origin and amelioration of salinized soils, however, little was known about the amelioration and origins of diluvial soils. The initial ideas that were expressed about these soils were general, and not based on field research. Professor Mukhtar Abduyev realised the importance of such research, and adopted a strictly scientific approach in his methods. With an eye always on the practical outcomes of his work, Abduyev spent much time examining the efficacy of the different techniques used to improve the productivity of his native soil. ISBN 9780863724848 e-book 9780863724930 • Spring 2013 Paperback • 116pp • 215 x 145 mm

Improvement of Soils of the Mil Plain Mukhtar Abduyev


he Mil Plain was at the heart of much of Azerbaijan’s struggle to turn the barren desert in its heartlands into fertile ground for agriculture. To combat this, a massive irrigation scheme to transform 340,000 hectares of arid steppe into a fruitful garden capable of meeting the republic’s need for orchards, grain and cotton was implemented. As Professor Mukhtar Abduyev explains, irrigation was not enough in itself to effect this transformation and indeed it brought its own problems. His major focus in this book was on the problem of salt accumulation in the soils; how and where it occurred, what effect it had and how to remove harmful salts and their consequences.


ISBN 9780863724831 e-book 9780863724923 • Spring 2013 Paperback • 64pp • 200 x 135 mm


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Salinization of the Shirvan Steppe and Prevention Measures Mukhtar Abduyev


n May 1919 the VIII Congress of the All-Union Communist Party introduced a program of soil reclamation in Azerbaijan. The main principle of reclamation is based on fundamentally altering the soil’s water-salt composition. The majority of soils requiring improvement were located on the plains of the Republic, and covered large areas of the Shirvan steppe. Soil surface salinization, alkalinity and over-crusting during irrigation were found on large areas of the plain. In this book, Professor Mukhtar Abduyev investigates the root causes of salinization and puts forward ideas on how to improve the soil and maintain its water-salt balance, reclaiming it for agricultural use. ISBN 9780863724855 e-book 9780863724947 • Spring 2013 Paperback • 74pp • 200 x 135 mm

Alkali Soils of Azerbaijan and their Improvement Mukhtar Abduyev


n Alkali Soils of Azerbaijan and their Improvement, Professor Mukhtar Abduyev continued his invaluable work on a most pressing practical problem for Azerbaijan and the wider USSR; the problem of poor fertility in alkaline soils. It was essential to find methods of raising fertility and the area of land under cultivation in order to increase crop production. Taking full account of work which had been begun in Azerbaijan in 1938, he subjected the origins and properties of alkali soils to strict analysis, acknowledging the range of studies undertaken by predecessors and colleagues, but noting that there had not been a thorough summary of all existing materials. This he provides here.

ISBN 9780863724824 e-book 9780863724916 • Spring 2013 Paperback • 72pp • 200 x 135 mm SOIL SCIENCE


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Complete List of Available Titles ECONOMICS Labor and Human Capital in the Middle East: Studies of Markets and Household Behavior Edited by Dr Djavad Salehi-Isfahani ISBN 9780863722950 2002 • Paperback • 424pp • 235 x 155 mm

EDUCATION Education and the Arab World: Challenges of the Next Millennium Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research ISBN 9780863722554 2000 • Hardback • 416pp • 235 x 155 mm

GREAT BOOKS OF ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION Al-Qushayri’s Epistle on Sufism Abu ‘l-Qasim Al-Qushayri, edited by Muhammad Eissa, translated by Alexander D. Knysh HB ISBN 9781859641859 PB ISBN 9781859641866 1999 / 2007 • Hardback / Paperback 460pp • 240 x 168 mm

The Book of Revenue Abu Ubayd Al-Qusim Ibn Sallam, translated by Imran Nyazee HB ISBN 9781873938201 PB ISBN 9781859641590 2002 / 2005 • Hardback / Paperback 608pp • 240 x 168 mm

The Distinguished Jurist’s Primer, Volume I Ibn Rushd, translated by Imran Nyazee HB ISBN 9781873938133 PB ISBN 9781859641385 1996 / 2000 • Hardback / Paperback 660pp • 240 x 168 mm

The Distinguished Jurist’s Primer, Volume II Ibn Rushd, translated by Imran Nyazee HB ISBN 9781873938935 PB ISBN 9781859641392 1996 / 2000 • Hardback / Paperback 676pp • 240 x 168 mm

The Distinguished Jurist’s Primer, 2 Volume Set Ibn Rushd, translated by Imran Nyazee ISBN 9781859641491 2000 • Paperback • 240 x 168 mm

The Best Divisions for Knowledge of the Regions Al-Muqaddasi, translated by Basil Anthony Collins

An Essay by the Uniquely Wise ‘Abel Fath Omar Bin Al-Khayyam on Algebra and Equations Omar Al-Khayyam, translated by Roshdi Khalil

HB ISBN 9781873938140 PB ISBN 9781859641361 1994 / 2000 • Hardback / Paperback 498pp • 240 x 168 mm

HB ISBN 9781859641804 PB ISBN 9781859641811 2008 / 2009 • Hardback / Paperback 76pp • 240 x 168 mm

The Book of Misers Al-Jahiz, edited by Ezzeddin Ibrahim, translated by R.B. Serjeant

A Guide to Conclusive Proofs for the Principles of Belief Imam al-Haramayn al-Juywani, translated by Paul E. Walker

HB ISBN 9781873938195 PB ISBN 9781859641415 1998 / 2000 • Hardback / Paperback 288pp • 240 x 168 mm


HB ISBN 9781859641538 PB ISBN 9781859641576 2001 • Hardback / Paperback 372pp • 240 x 168 mm

An Introduction to the Science of the Hadith Ibn al-Salah Al-Shahrazuri, translated by Eerik Dickinson HB ISBN 9781859641521 PB ISBN 9781859641583 2005 / 2006 • Hardback / Paperback 386pp • 240 x 168 mm

The Key to Medicine and a Guide for Students Abu Al-Faraj ‘Ali ibn al-Husayn ibn Hindu, translated by Aida Tibi HB ISBN 9781859642368 PB ISBN 9781859642375 2011 • Hardback / Paperback 160pp • 240 x 168 mm

The Life of the Prophet Mohammad, Volume I Ibn Kathir, edited by Ahmed Fareed, translated by Trevor Le Gassick HB ISBN 9781873938164 PB ISBN 9781859641422 1998 / 2000 • Hardback / Paperback 424pp • 240 x 168 mm

The Life of the Prophet Mohammad, Volume II Ibn Kathir, edited by Muneer Fareed, translated by Trevor Le Gassick HB ISBN 9781873938294 PB ISBN 9781859641439 1998 / 2000 • Hardback / Paperback 412pp • 240 x 168 mm

The Life of the Prophet Mohammad, Volume III Ibn Kathir, edited by Muneer Fareed, translated by Trevor Le Gassick ISBN 9781859641446 2000 • Paperback • 560pp • 240 x 168 mm

The Life of the Prophet Mohammad, Volume IV Ibn Kathir, edited by Muneer Fareed, translated by Trevor Le Gassick HB ISBN 9781859640401 PB ISBN 9781859641453 1998 / 2000 • Hardback / Paperback 568pp • 240 x 168 mm


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The Life of the Prophet Mohammad, 4 Volume Set Ibn Kathir, edited by Muneer Fareed, translated by Trevor Le Gassick ISBN 9781859641484 2000 • Paperback • 240 x 168 mm

The Ordinances of Government Al-Mawardi, translated by Wafaa Wahba HB ISBN 9781873938171 PB ISBN 9781859641408 1996 / 2000 • Hardback / Paperback 312pp • 240 x 168 mm

The Perfect Guide to the Sciences of the Qur’an Imam Jalal-Al-Din Al-Suyuti, translated by Hamid Algar, Michael Schub and Ayman Abdel Haleem HB ISBN 9781859642412 PB ISBN 9781859642429 2010 / 2012 • Hardback / Paperback 336pp • 240 x 168 mm

The Reconciliation of the Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Volume I Ibrahim Ibn Al-Shatibi, translated by Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee HB ISBN 9781859642672 PB ISBN 9781859642689 2011 / 2012 • Hardback / Paperback 320pp • 240 x 168 mm

The Unique Necklace, Volume I Ibn ‘Abd Rabbih, translated by Issa J. Boullata HB ISBN 9781859641835 PB ISBN 9781859641842 2006 / 2007 • Hardback / Paperback 360pp • 240 x 168 mm

The Unique Necklace, Volume II Ibn ‘Abd Rabbih, translated by Issa J. Boullata HB ISBN 9781859641965 PB ISBN 9781859642269 2009 / 2010 • Hardback / Paperback 300pp • 240 x 168 mm

The Unique Necklace, Volume III Ibn ‘Abd Rabbih, translated by Issa J. Boullata HB ISBN 9781859642399 PB ISBN 9781859642405 2011 / 2012 • Hardback / Paperback 320pp • 240 x 168 mm

HISTORY Al-Yamama in the Early Islamic Era Abdullah al-Askar

Britain and the Egyptian Nationalist Movement, 1936–1952 Hoda Gamal Abdel Nasser

ISBN 9780863724008 2002 • Hardback • 176pp • 220 x 140 mm

ISBN 9780863721779 1994 • Hardback • 376pp • 235 x 155 mm

Antun Sa’adeh: The Man, His Thought, an Anthology Edited by Adel Beshara

The Development of Transjordan 1929–1939: A History of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Maan Abu Nowar

ISBN 9780863723087 2007 • Hardback • 640pp • 235 x 155 mm

The Arab Influence in Medieval Europe: Folia Scholastica Mediterranea Dionisius Albertus Agius and Richard Hitchcock ISBN 9780863722134 1996 • Paperback • 192pp • 235 x 155 mm

Arabism, Islamism and the Palestinian Question, 1908–1941: A Political History Basheer M. Nafi

ISBN 9780863723032 2005 • Hardback • 392pp • 235 x 155 mm

Flight into the Maelstrom: Soviet Immigration to Israel and Middle East Peace John Quigley ISBN 9780863722196 1997 • Hardback • 272pp • 235 x 155 mm

French Imperialism in Syria: 1927–1936 Peter A. Shambrook

ISBN 9780863722356 1998 • Hardback • 468pp • 235 x 155 mm

ISBN 9780863722431 1998 • Hardback • 332pp • 235 x 155 mm

The Armenian Question in the Caucasus: Russian Archive Documents and Publications, Volume I The European Azerbaijan Society

In the Wake of the Dhow: The Arabian Gulf and Oman Dionisius Albertus Agius

ISBN 9780863724046 2011 • Hardback • 736pp • 238 x 170 mm

HB ISBN 9780863722592 PB ISBN 9780863723414 1999 / 2009 • Hardback / Paperback 253pp • 235 x 155 mm

The Armenian Question in the Caucasus: Russian Archive Documents and Publications, Volume II The European Azerbaijan Society

Interpreting the Orient: Travellers in Egypt and the Near East Dr Paul Starkey and Dr Janet Starkey

ISBN 9780863724053 2011 • Hardback • 624pp • 238 x 170 mm

ISBN 9780863722585 2001 • Hardback • 277pp • 235 x 155 mm

The Armenian Question in the Caucasus: Russian Archive Documents and Publications, Volume III The European Azerbaijan Society

The Iraqi Marshlands and the Marsh Arabs: The Ma’dan, their Culture and the Environment Edited by Sam Kubba

ISBN 9780863724060 2011 • Hardback • 356pp • 238 x 170 mm

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