Capture your business transformation with time lapse video

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Capture Your Business


with Time-Lapse Video

Ever taken the time to watch a time-lapse video properly? If you have, then you already know how exciting these videos can be, whether it is the transformation of a sporting arena into a concert venue; the development of a LEGOLAND exhibition; or the floor by floor demolition of a decaying building in an urban centre. Whether your business is enormous – spanning buildings and continents – or you have a small enterprise that you plan to grow over the years, documenting change is almost as valuable as the change itself. Don’t believe it? You will in a few minutes.

Advertising Must Be Engaging In the age of mass social engagement and the ability to customise the media you are exposed to, businesses have got to do more than ever. Media and advertising has got to clever, creative and engaging. Your business consistently must generate new leads, new customers and clients – and it must do it in an educational and entertaining manner, otherwise your competitors will take the edge. You need relevant content to share at all times. If you are transforming your business, even if it is just a matter of shuffling the showroom floor, or painting the interior of your office, you have something to share. Videos can be as quirky, or as serious as your business is as long as they are edited properly. They can also go on your blog, your YouTube pages, or form the basis of your next television advertisement. No matter how you sell it, your business transformation is content that you can maximize, especially as it sends the message that you are growing, not to mention a caring member or the community.

Posterity Isn’t Just about History Preserving a piece of history through video is only the beginning of posterity. Yes, it is gratifying to have all those records, especially when it is as entertaining as a time-lapse video. But, it is what you do with all those records and evidentiary videos that counts. Consider posterity as part of your company integration strategy. After all, you need to develop a way to engage your employees as much as you need to attract new customers. Keeping employees, even new recruits, up to speed about your company’s history and developments is crucial. Time-lapse video is just one way to do this, but it is one of the best ways to do it if your company is undergoing a structural transformation. This is especially true when you need to communicate significant changes to a large group of people. And showing is always better than telling especially when it comes to transferring knowledge, dreams and plans to the people around you.

Shareholders Love Documentation No matter who has a stake in your business, they like to know what is going on in your world. It could be shareholders, venture capitalists or even the elected board – they all want to be informed. And the more information you can provide them with, the better. It is even better when they can see – step by step – what is happening with their investment. Time-lapse video makes it easy to keep the powers that be informed of all the changes that are happening in your business, and without having to prepare another report on the progress. And, because they can see everything that has been done to date, the only question you will need to answer is, “what is the next step?” No other form of recording will allow you the same flexibility as time-lapse video – and because you can establish reporting dates to your video producers, you can expect your video to be ready for you when you need it, without having to worry about how it will be edited – or by when.

Engineering Accountability If your business transformation includes building construction or renovation, then you will want to record every step of the process for the purposes of accountability (and reporting). Because of the complexities of these types of projects, it is impossible for the architect, or even the head contractor to be everywhere at once. Recording timelapse video means they can easily double check that everything has been done appropriately and to current building codes. If not, you have the proof needed to request changes or damages if need be. Fortunately, these types of problems almost never occur, which means that you and your building team can simply use the video to assess where the build process could have been more smooth, or where the team genuinely outdid themselves. (Incidentally, shareholders love to know that they have booked the right construction teams, and video proof of it is even better). And, if everything is as smooth as it should be, then your time-lapse video becomes a piece of company history and / or part of the next ad campaign.

Time-Lapse Video Generates Excitement Whether it is on YouTube or the TV, people get excited about time-lapse video. And, it is easy to understand why. This type of recording offers you the full picture, but enables you to see all the little steps that go into it. People crave this understanding of the world, whenever they can get it – though time-lapse video is one of the few ways that people can obtain this type of view. So, when they see one of these recordings, they tend to pass it on, sharing it with anyone they know would have an interest in watching. This may be the primary reason why you should consider time-lapse video when transforming your business – even if it is as small as rearranging your high street showroom. You want people to be excited about your business; you want proud employees, eager customers and a satisfied board of directors. Fortunately, time-lapse video is inherently exciting, all you need to do is ensure you’ve got a stellar crew and something to photograph; then you can use your video to satisfy any or all of these reasons. If you’ve enjoyed this and wish to discover more ways time-lapse video can help your company please visit

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