Times of Southwest Louisiana

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WWW.TIMESSW.COM • APRIL 17, 2008 / VOL. 13, NO. 8

Pirates Invade April 29 Ryan Vezinot –

God Has a Plan Koasati Language Saved from Extinction Steve Streete Enters D.A. Race


APRIL 17, 2008

GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . 617 Drew St., Lake Charles, LA 70601 Phone: 337-439-0995 Fax: 337-439-0418 PUBLISHERS Patrick Marcantel Scot Hebert

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a p ril 17, 2008 Volume 13 • Number 8



NEWS . . . . . . . . . . . EDITOR Kathryn Bergstrom timesedit@timessw.com ASSISTANT EDITOR Joseph Frazier CONTRIBUTORS Don Bravin, MD Erin K. Cormier Craig Crawford, DDS Lauren de’Albuquerque Robert Dimmick Richard Gilmore, MD Amie Herbert Roddy Johnson Matt Jones Patricia Prudhomme Jason Ramm, MD

20 E N T E R P R I S E B O U L E VA R D The Magnificent Seven . . . . . . . . .5



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COVER STORY Contraband Days Opens April 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27

ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Patricia Prudhomme

FEATURES What’s Up Doc? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Barbe Bowlers Win State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 WCCH Breaks Ground for Expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Koasati Language Saved From Extinction . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Steve Streete Enters DA Race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Ryan Vezinot – “God Has a Plan” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 PTSD – A Continuing Battle For Soldiers . . . . . . . . . . . . .36

GRAPHICS . . . . . . . . ART/PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Darrell Buck BUSINESS . . . . . . . . . BUSINESS MANAGER Romona Richard The Times of Southwest Louisiana is published every two weeks by Patsco Publishing, 617 Drew Street, Lake Charles Louisiana 70601. Phone (337) 439-0995. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $25 per year. Bulk mailing permit #9 paid at Lake Charles, La. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Times of Southwest Louisiana, 617 Drew Street, Lake Charles, LA 70601. FAX to (337) 439-0418. The Times of Southwest Louisiana cannot be held responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations, even if they are sent to us accompanied by a self-addressed envelope. Copyright 2008 The Times of Southwest Louisiana all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without prior written permission is prohibited. DISTRIBUTION: The Times of Southwest Louisiana is available free of charge, limited to one copy per reader. The Times of Southwest Louisiana may be distributed only by The Times of Southwest Louisiana authorized distributors. No person may, without prior written permission of The Times of Southwest Louisiana, take more than one copy of each monthly issue from its racks.

COLUMNS Inside Baton Rouge: Buck Should Stop Where it Starts . . . . . .4 Biz Bytes: A Workforce Development System That Can Work . . . . . . . . . .4 Who’s News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Business Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

ENTERTAINMENT Coffee Break Cross Word: A Greet Addition . . . . . . . . . . .39 Times Picks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 The Shadow: Kung Pao, Yappy Hour, Plantain Chips & Birthday Cake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Parting Shots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46


Visit us online at: www.timessw.com Cover Illustration by Darrell Buck APRIL 17, 2008


BIZ BYTES — by Dan Juneau

INSIDE BATON ROUGE — by John Maginnis

A Workforce Development System That Can Work hen Governor Jindal addressed the Louisiana Legislature on March 31, he made it very clear that workforce development will be the primary focus of his administration during this session. Seeking to improve Louisiana’s image for economic development, the governor tackled ethics reform in an earlier special session and business tax reform in a second. He now turns his attention to delivering a better trained and qualified workforce to employers around the state. He is to be commended for recognizing that workforce development is critical to Louisiana’s economic vitality and viability. We cannot expect existing businesses to remain in our state, let alone expand (and never mind trying to recruit new companies) if they cannot find the workers they need. The governor is sponsoring a package of bills this session that addresses the challenges of developing Louisiana’s workforce on a number of fronts. The key bill reorganizes how workforce development is managed. SB 612 by Senate President Joel Chaisson and HB 1104 by House Speaker Jim Tucker seek to better coordinate all workforce service and training programs scattered throughout state government. The legislation would delegate needs assessment, decision-making and problem-solving to local Workforce Investment Boards (WIBs) so that the outcomes are relevant to their local economies. The bills would recreate the Louisiana Department of Labor as the Louisiana Workforce Commission. All job training, employment and employment-related educational programs, along with their functions and funding, would be integrated into the workforce development service delivery system under the authority of this commission. Meanwhile, the local WIBs would be given the responsibility, resources and flexibility required for addressing the workforce needs in their regions through the one-stop business/career solutions centers they manage. With the expanded role contemplated for the WIBs, they become the point of contact for local employers to communicate their employment and training



APRIL 17, 2008

needs. The WIBs will develop and oversee programs and initiatives designed to deliver the workers that their local employers must have to keep their shop doors open and their plant sites operating. An important function of the WIBs will be to review plans for workforce education in their areas to ensure that they meet the current and future needs of existing and emerging industries. They will recommend appropriate changes, and education providers will have to respond to these recommendations within one month. The commission will establish criteria for the chartering of WIBs and the certification of their one-stop business/career solutions centers. It will contract with the WIBs for program planning and service delivery, while providing technical assistance, training,

“THE COMMISSION’S ROLE WILL BE LIMITED TO OVERSIGHT AND FUNDING...” professional development services and other support to them and their staffs. The commission’s role will be limited to oversight and funding, allowing the WIBs to deliver solutions for their local workers and employers. The structural and procedural changes that would be brought about with the passage of SB 612 or HB 1104 will enhance the success of the other measures that are part of Governor Jindal’s workforce development package. To be effective, the dollars invested in training and serving Louisiana’s workers must mesh with actual local business needs. Implementing this concept of allowing local control and flexibility in matters historically reserved to state government would be a rather novel course for Louisiana to take. If it works as expected, one would hope that our state leaders might be emboldened to employ it in some other areas of state government.

Buck Should Stop Where It Starts ike charity, economic development begins at home, or such was legislators’ take on the proposed salary for Stephen Moret, the secretary of Louisiana Economic Development. Twice now, legislative committees have questioned the $320,000 he agreed to take in his new job, which is $75,000 more than his predecessor made, which, in turn, is now what Moret’s No. 2 man will get—news that rankled lawmakers even more. Lawmakers make no decisions on Moret’s salary until they take up the budget later this session. That was not the case, unfortunately, for Education Superintendent Paul Pastorek, whose $355,000 compensation package was rejected by the Joint Legislative Budget Committee. They first want to see the state education board develop some performance standards to justify the supe’s pay. Who is making what in the new administration is a point of contention for legislators in the otherwise tranquil start of the regular session. Many of them campaigned on the echoes of candidate Bobby Jindal’s cries of out-ofcontrol spending. Now they question— and are being asked by their constituents—why the first budget in this new day of Republican fiscal responsibility spends more state dollars, with select eye-popping salaries, than when Democrats had the checkbook. Adding to the irritation was wretched excess within their own ranks, a bill by Sen. Ann Duplessis, D-New Orleans, to raise legislative salaries to $70,000. That is not going to happen, but all lawmakers catch grief for one of them just thinking of it. Still, it bugs legislators that they are stuck at a $16,800 salary (about $38,000 including session per diem and unvouchered expenses) while the income for the economic development secretary has nearly tripled in eight years, with barely a word said about it. Feeding their exasperation was Moret’s and Pastorek’s explanations that, given what they earned in the private sector, they cannot, for the sake of their families, afford to take any less for public service. All that legislators have to compare these salaries with are what other states pay for economic development secretaries and education superintendents, which turns out to be much less. Texas, Alabama and North Carolina, whose


economic development dust we eat, pay their top business recruiters far less than Moret stands to make. So too for Pastorek’s pay, compared to superintendents in other states who are responsible for more schools and students, not to mention higher achievement scores. It could be argued that this state has to invest more in the talent to fix its problems and help it catch up. Also, Louisiana has this thing—not an American trait—with investing inordinate power, trust and now pay in charismatic leaders in hopes they will overcome our systemic deficiencies, without, of course, us having to address those deficiencies ourselves. Louisiana’s romantic appeal for strong man rule starts at the top, where this discussion of executive pay should end. Legislators have every right and duty to question what the state is getting for what remunerates cabinet secretaries. But in the words of Lake Charles American Press columnist Jim Beam,

“... WRETCHED EXCESS WITHIN THEIR OWN RANKS...” “They are asking the wrong guy.” Instead of having Stephen Moret and Paul Pastorek defend their salaries, Beam calls out the man who offered those jobs, Gov. Jindal, to do it for them. Certainly, Jindal can make a compelling case for what he sees in and expects from both, which legislators would love to hear, if only to get their constituents off their backs. Instead of silencing the critics, however, Jindal’s silence on this matter suggests he would rather devote his public comments to the big picture instead of the grubby details of employee compensation. That’s unfortunate for Moret and Pastorek and, ultimately, Jindal too, given the importance of their success to his. If, three years from now, both men can point to the long-awaited great leaps forward in economic development and education, their salaries won’t matter. But to get there, they could use strong working relationships with the Legislature, and instead are off to rocky, lonely starts.





ENTERPRISEBOULEVARD Who’s News The staff of Delta Rigging & Tools, Inc. (formally B& H air tools) welcomes Edwin McCall to the team. Edwin is the Branch Manager in the Sulphur store. He brings years of experience and is excited about the growth potential of the Sulphur market. Edwin is a native of Louisiana and brings a high level of energy and a drive for excellence. Edwin McCall George Swift, State Representative Johnny Guinn and Sec. Steven Moret.

The Magnificent Seven By Kathy Bergstrom ecretary of Louisiana Economic Development, Steven Moret spoke before the April 4th Chamber SWLA Issues Luncheon at Reeves Uptown, and pointed out seven steps to a state renaissance. Introduced by Dennis Stine as, “My friend, Steve Moret,” Stine noted that they met only last year when working together on the Jindal transition team. “It was, as you can imagine, a tremendously chaotic group and Steve was the calm in the storm. He was the listener.” Stine said that Gov. Jindal asked Steven Moret, then head of the Baton Rouge Chamber to be the Secretary of Economic Development, “And he took the job in spite of the cut in pay. He told me, ‘My friend, Bobby Jindal, needs me.’” Steve Moret told the assembly, “I believe we are standing at the beginning of a new renaissance in the State of Louisiana. The reality is that our greatest export is not our oil or gas or seafood, but our people, particularly young people who go elsewhere to find their economic opportunities. That’s going to change.” He pointed out, “There’s no a silver bullet to fix Louisiana, but there is an asset of coordinated moves that we are taking, seven major focus areas in the next 18 to 24 months that will turn the state around.” “We need to rethink economic development, marketing and business development as only part, but not all of it. The totality is how attractive our state is to increase our state’s competitiveness nationwide,” Moret said, and he noted the “Magnificint Seven” that will enable us to attract and keep businesses here in the state.


1.) Ethics Reform: “ The first special session was a success,” Moret reported, “and we are receiving nationwide attention for the reforms we are putting into place.” 2.) Tax Reforms: “The second special session meant we lost the taxes that have inhibited economic development and attracting new industries to Louisiana,” for many years, said Moret. 3.) Workforce Development: Moret outlined the key five steps to the Jindal administration’s workforce redesign. 1.) Strengthening and prioritizing community and technical programs to match workforce needs, meet market demand, and fill available jobs. Focus on improving fundamentals. 2.) Immediately responding to urgent workforce opportunities and challenges; 3.) Maximizing the input of business and industry to realign and integrate Louisiana’s workforce strategy at the statewide and regional level. “We need to capitalize on community competiveness and culture major economic opportunities in each region of the state. We need to recognize our regional differences and how they can be developed for the good of the entire state, such as Chennault,” he said. 4.) Expanding the career options of high school students; 5.) And recruiting and train new workers to fill thousands of available jobs. Continued on Page 6

Trey Rion, III, R.N., has been named Chief Information Officer at West Calcasieu Cameron Hospital. Rion graduated from McNeese State University with a Bachelor of Science in Mass Communication as well as Nursing and is certified as a Microsoft System Engineer. He has over ten years of healthcare operation and technology experience. Trey Rion III The law firm of Cox, Cox, Filo, Camel & Wilson, LLC, is proud to announce that Tina L. Wilson has been named partner in the firm. Wilson is a graduate of Sulphur High School and McNeese State University, where she played softball. She received her juris doctorate from Louisiana State University Law School in 2000, where she was a member of the Louisiana Law Review. Wilson is a Tina L. Wilson Continued on Page 7 APRIL 17, 2008


Ent. Blvd., Continued from Page 5

4.) Business Retention and Expansion: According to Moret, “80% of new jobs will come from businesses already here (in SWLA). We need not only recruitment, but retention and expansion for future growth.” 5.) Business Recruitment. “Right now, business recruitment is good to great. We are utilizing technology and working with our regional partners to make Louisiana the easiest place to locate a new business,” Moret reported.


APRIL 17, 2008

6.) Cultivate Small Businesses and Entrepreneurship. More companies need to be based right here, said Moret. “It is easier to start and grow small businesses through the SBDC (Small Business Development Center) and support them, and help them grow. This is a huge priority of the Jindal administration,” Moret said. 7.) Tell Our Story. “And tell it aggressively to the nation,” said Moret. “Not everyone sees Louisiana in a negative way, and as we make changes and become a national leader, we have to tell our story so that the public and the United States sees Louisiana as a

state undergoing a renaissance,” says Moret. Our short term goal, according to Secretary Moret, is to be, “The most improved state. The State that’s on the move. Our goal is to do nothing less than position Louisiana as one of the best states for economic development and a good way of life.” It’s a huge goal — short term or long term. But the air was charged that day at Reeves. And it’s a feeling that is echoing around the state. We are indeed on the edge of change. Will it be a true Louisiana Renaissance?

Who’s News, Continued from Page 5

member of the Southwest Louisiana Bar Association and the Louisiana Association for Justice. She resides in Sulphur with her husband, Chance Brown, and their son, Jake.

and past executive vice president of the Young Democrats of America. During his tenure as chairman of the Calcasieu Parish Democrats Executive Committee, McHale has helped to develop a thriving grassroots initiative aimed at electing Democrats at every level of government. Karen and Ken Chamberlain of Lake Charles have established the Dr. Thomas S. Leary Engineering Scholarship, with a donation of $15,000 through the McNeese Foundation. Dr. Leary was the grandfather of Karen Chamberlain, and served as the third president of McNeese State University.

(Left to right) Michael Briggs, Brigid Whetnall, Helen Walker, Trenise Mitchell, Gloria Valentine, Curtis Blackshear L’Auberge du Lac Casino Resort recently announced its March Five Star Employees. They are: Helen Walker, a cage cashier; Curtis Blackshear, a porter; Gloria Valentine, a retail clerk; Brigid Whetnall, an accounts payable clerk; Trenise Mitchell, a slot floorperson; and Michael Briggs, a Jack Daniel’s Bar & Grill cook. Brigid Whetnall was also designated as the Employee of the Month and is now eligible to receive the coveted Employee of the Year award. Five Star employees are recognized monthly for their exceptional service skills. All of these employees went to great lengths to uphold L’Auberge’s quality and image as the most successful and respected entertainment destination in the South. In recognition for their hard work, the employees receive a substantial cash prize, a personalized L’Auberge gift, a month of VIP parking and gift certificates. The employees received their awards on March 25 at a Recognition Luncheon with L’Auberge Vice President and General Manager Larry Lepinski.

Dianne P. Teal, RN, MSN, CNAA has been named Executive Director of Operations at CHRISTUS St. Patrick Hospital. Teal, a native of Sulphur, has over 20 years of healthcare administration and operational experience. In her new role she will be responsible for operational oversight of multiple hospital departments, including outpatient and radiology services, laboratory, respiratory therapy and wound care services. Teal most recently served as Chief Nursing Officer of Jennings American Legion Hospital. She’s a graduate of McNeese State University and Northwestern State University and is an active member of the Louisiana Healthcare Association and the Louisiana Organization of Nurse Executives. McNeese State University Class of 1958 graduates Dr. Kalil Ieyoub, Larry Derouen, Betty Nelson and Ray Chavanne will help the McNeese Alumni Association plan their Golden Scholar Reunion Weekend, May 16-17. The Golden Scholar Society recognizes alumni who are celebrating the 50th year of their McNeese graduation. Golden Scholars receive a label pin, an honorary certificate and have the opportunity to march in spring commencement with special recognition. For more information on the Golden Scholar Reunion Weekend for the McNeese Class of 1958, contact the Alumni Association at 337-475-5943.

Benefiting the Calcasieu Women’s Shelter


Four-person Scramble

Leslie Harless, Vice President of Marketing at Cameron State Bank, presents a diamond bracelet to Megan Thomas who was named the winner of the March giveaway, part of the Dazzling Diamond Giveaway going on now through June. Megan Thomas is the March winner of Cameron State Bank’s Dazzling Diamond Giveaway. She won a diamond bracelet. Thomas is a freshman at LSU and said she can’t wait to show it off on campus. The bracelet was presented to Thomas by Leslie Harless, Vice President of Marketing at Cameron State Bank. The giveaway continues with a new diamond jewelry piece being given each month. Registration slips are available at every Cameron State Bank. The grand finale to be given in June is a $14,000 diamond ring. The Louisiana Democratic Party’s governing body; the Democratic State Central Committee has elected Michael McHale, Esq. as 1st Vice Chair of its Executive Committee. Executive Committee members were elected at the May 15 meeting of the DSCC in Baton Rouge. McHale, 41, is a Lake Charles attorney and is the current Chairman of the Calcasieu Parish Democratic Executive Committee. A DSCC member since 1996, McHale has been active in the Louisiana Democratic Party for over 20 years. He is past president of the Young Democrats of Louisiana

Awards will be given for the 1st, 4th, 8th & 12th place low gross teams, Longest Drive, Closest to the Hole, Hole in One and more!!

Contraband Bayou Golf Club at L’Auberge

May 12, 2008 Tee Times: 8 a.m. & 12 p.m. Individuals and teams are welcome! Register Early…Teams Are Limited Hole Sponsorships are Available

If you have any questions, please email Leslie (lhuval@cwshelter.org) or call the Shelter at (337) 436-4552.

Thank you to our Sponsors!! Howell Furniture Galleries, ConocoPhillips & Entergy

A Very Special "Thank You" Contraband Bayou Golf Club at L’Auberge and O’Charley’s of Lake Charles for donating their food and catering services again this year!

Register Online, Sponsor a Hole & Purchase Mulligans at http://www.cwshelter.org//CWSGolfTourney.htm APRIL 17, 2008


DeAngelo’s No More

Firemen respond at 1 a.m. to a fire that destroyed DeAngelo’s on South Ryan, April 13. “We will rebuild,” say DeAngelo’s owners Ben Herrera and Richie Gregory.



What is mononucleosis? Is it really a kissing disease? Mononucleosis, often referred to as mono, is an infection caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. Symptoms of mono include fever, sore throat, headaches, white patches on the back of the throat, swollen glands, a feeling of tiredness, and loss of appetite. While mono can be spread through kissing it is not limited to that. The virus is found in the saliva and mucus so the virus could also be spread by sharing a drink or sometimes coughing. This virus is most common in people 15- 35 years of age. Jason Ramm, MD, Family Physician with Cypress Medical Is it safe for someone with high blood pressure who is taking blood pressure medication to drink coffee? This is a topic that is the subject of ongoing debate and continuing research. It is a fact that caffeine temporarily increases blood pressure, heart rate and breathing rate. In general, however, drinking moderate amounts (one or two cups per day) of filtered coffee, is widely regarded as safe because the body has adjusted to the effects of caffeine. However, it’s important to discuss your specific condition, medication and possible effects of caffeine with your physician. Some cardiologists recommend no caffeine for their high blood pressure patients just to be safe. Richard Gilmore, Cardiologist, Lake Charles Medical and Surgical Clinic I am a 32-year-old businessman. My bottom teeth are quite crooked, but I’m worried about conducting business with braces on my teeth. Are there other options? Adults wearing braces is more common than you might think. According to the American Association of Orthodontics, there are a million adults in the United States with braces. This means you probably know an adult who is wearing braces, but you may not be aware of it. Many adults choose Invisalign, an invisible type of orthodontics that use a series of clear, removable aligners. The course of treatment involves changing aligners approximately every two weeks, moving your teeth into straighter position step by step. And unlike braces, these clear aligners can be removed while you eat and brush your teeth. Also the clear aligners are virtually invisible, making them an aesthetic alternative to braces. Craig Crawford, DDS, Orthodontist, Crawford Orthodontics What causes eye allergies? Eye allergies are no different than allergies that affect your sinuses, nose or lungs. When an allergen comes in contact with your eyes, your body releases histamine, a chemical produced in reaction to a substance that the immune system can't tolerate. Special cells called mast cells make histamine. These cells are present throughout the body but are highly concentrated in the eyes. When exposed to allergens, the mast cells in the eyes release histamines and other chemicals in an effort to protect the eyes. It is this chemical reaction that causes blood vessels inside the eyes to swell, and the eyes to become itchy, red and watery. Don Bravin, MD, Ophthalmologist with The Eye Clinic


APRIL 17, 2008

BUSINESS Creole Nature Trail Receives Top Honors and Will be Featured on the Today Show. The Creole Nature Trail All-American Road recently received top honors from two national publications in their most recent issues and will soon be seen on NBC’s Today Show. On Tuesday, April 29, the editor of Scholastic Parent & Child will make an appearance on NBC’s Today Show and show video footage of the Creole Nature Trail All-American Road. Scholastic Parent & Child named the trail one of five fantastic family trips to take this summer in their April 2008 issue. In this piece, the Creole Nature Trail is lauded as the coolest way to get nose to snout with an alligator. LA Life named the trail one of ten great outdoor destinations in the state in its Spring 2008 edition. In the article by Jeanne Frois, the trail is described as a microcosm of almost all that was created on earth. Frois says from the migratory splendor of the birds and the alligators sunning themselves on the roadside to witnessing the actual curve of the earth as your reach the Gulf of Mexico, driving the trail is like a visual lesson from Stephen Hawking, Charles Darwin and the Book of Genesis.The writers of both articles to ured the Southwest Louisiana area with the bureau in recent months. To view a copy of the LA Life article, stop by the Southwest Louisiana Convention & Visitors Bureau at 1205 North Lakeshore Dr., or visit www.visitlakecharles.org. The Scholastic Parent & Child article is available at http://content.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=3749173.

Above: Cameron Communications Public Relations Coordinators, Jason LeBlanc and Trina Johnson presented a framed print of the Calcasieu Lighthouse to Lake Charles Rotary Club. The print was an auction item at the club’s annual steak dinner and auction on Apr. 10 at Burton Coliseum.

Above: The Stockwell Sievert Law Firm has donated $5,000 to support the 2008 McNeese Banners Series. Banners committee member and sponsor Randy Fuerst, left, presents Bill Monk, managing partner with Stockwell Sievert Law Firm, with a 2008 Banners poster.

notes AT&T and the AT&T Real Yellow Pages donated $10,000 to support the 2008 Banners series. McNeese President Robert Hebert accepted the donation from Mandi Mitchell, external affairs regional manager for AT&T Louisiana. The McNeese State University Banners Series is supported by donations from area corporate sponsors. The McNeese State University Banners Series is annually supported by donations from area corporate sponsors. Entergy donated $10,000 for this year’s Banners Series. Shady Patton, customer service manager for Entergy, presentd the donation to McNeese Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs Jeanne Daboval and McNeese President Robert Hebert. Southwest Beverage Company Inc. donated $5,000 to support the McNeese Banners Series during the 16th season of the Banners Series at its annual kickoff reception. Ben Marriner, president of Southwest Beverage Company Inc., and his wife, Molly, presented the donation to McNeese President Robert D. Hebert. Lieutenant Samuel Funderburk of with the Cajun Country Fire Department is seeking willing individuals to supplement the ranks of this volunteer fire control organization. The Cajun Country Fire Department serves approximately 30,000 homes and businesses outside of the Lake Charles city limits. Their service area is bordered by LA 3059 to the north, Cameron Parish to the south, the lake to the west, and Ward Line Road to the south. Volunteers work out of three stations, which are located on Gauthier Road, Common Street and at LA3059 and Luke Powers Road. Uniforms are provided, and firefighters are paid for training and responding to calls. Anyone between the ages of 17 and 45 interested in volunteering should call Lt. Funderburk at 526-1160. Lake Charles Medical and Surgical Center began operating a WEEKEND Urgent Care Center in Moss Bluff on April 5. The Center will be located in the offices of The Clinic – Moss Bluff at 277 Hwy 171, Ste. 8. The WEEKEND Urgent Care Center will be staffed by family physicians, with lab and x-ray services available. The Center is equipped to handle any non-life-threatening urgent care need for adults or children. Appointments are not required. The hours are Saturdays from 8am – 6pm and Sundays from 10am – 6pm. Call 312-0030 for more information. Mallard Investments, a subsidiary of Cameron State Bank, has announced the addition of Brian W. McFarlain to their staff of financial consultants. Originally from East Texas, McFarlain has lived and worked in Southwest Louisiana for over 20 years. He received his undergraduate degree at McNeese State University before earning a PhD at Southwestern Seminary in Houston. He is a registered investment advisor and has worked in both the investment division of a bank and as an advisor at an investment firm. McFarlain has a special interest in estate planning. For more information or to schedule a consultation, call McFarlain at 312-7042. Camp Fire USA has announced a new partnership with MetLife Foundation to address obesity and lack of physical activity among young people in diverse, under served communities. Through the new MetLife FoundationCamp Fire USA Hold on to Health Initiative, Camp Fire USA will develop a new health curriculum in English and Spanish, pilot the curriculum in 10 local areas and share best practices throughout the organization. The program will be implemented in out-of-school time settings, including after-school, Saturday, drop-in and summer programs, including day and resident camps. By collaborating with McNeese State University and Lee Morgan Khoury, LPC, LMFT the “Fit and Fun Family Program” will be a comprehensive program imparting information about healthier food choices, physical activity options, and emotional understanding of our relationships with food and health. The goal of the program is to improve the overall health of the participants; this is not a diet plan. There will be no weigh-ins at the meetings as the focus of the program is geared toward healthier eating, healthier minds, and healthier physical habits. Call the Camp Fire USA at 337-478-6550. APRIL 17, 2008




Vergie Banks, noted artist from Lafayette, has donated the painting Little Red Tricycle with Row Houses to the permanent collection of the Zigler Art Museum. This gift is a significant addition to ZAM’s growing showcase of Louisiana artists. Banks, and her son Cortrillis Banks, completed a successful ZAM exhibition in February. Vergie is inspired by the vibrant lifestyle of southern Louisiana and through her artworks helps others to enjoy the Creole culture. Her works have often promoted tourism for Louisiana both locally and abroad. Her most popular series portrays a little girl on a tricycle on a voyage of discov“Little Red Tricycle with Row Houses.” ery. Vergie’s work can be viewed on her website www.littleredtricycle.com. The Zigler Art Museum, 411 Clara Street, Jennings, Louisiana is open Tuesday through Saturday, 10am to 4pm, and Sunday from 1pm to 4pm. Admission is $5 per adult and $2 per student. MidSouth Bank of Jennings recently donated $10,000 towards the Dr.Joe Hargroder Endowed Scholarship it established through the McNeese State University Foundation in honor of Dr. Joe Hargroder, vice chairman and founding director of MidSouth Bank. The donation is the third installment of a $50,000 pledge, bringing the total to $40,000 given to date. The presentation was made by Steve Broussard, city president, MidSouth Bank, Jennings and John R. Nichols, regional president for West Louisiana, MidSouth Bank, Lake Charles, to Glenn Pumpelly, a member of the McNeese Foundation board of directors and a director of MidSouth Bank. Southwest Louisiana will soon host the Louisiana High School Athletic Association’s fast pitch softball tournament at Sulphur Parks and Recreation’s facility at Frasch Park. Businesses are encouraged to display “Welcome LHSAA Fast Pitch 56 Tournament” on their marquees or signs during the tournament, April 24-27, and show the spectators a little southern hospitality. This tournament brings in approximately 19,000 spectators and has a large economic impact for the lake area. Besides displaying a welcoming message on business marquees, the bureau will also be providing welcome flyers for any business that would like to post one on their store front window. Call the Southwest Louisiana Convention & Visitors Bureau at 337-436-9588 and more information. The City of Lake Charles and Team Green of Southwest Louisiana will co-sponsor Trash Bash 2008 from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., Saturday, April 19, at the Lake Charles Civic Center south parking lot. Acceptable items for residents to bring for free disposal include: aerosol paint cans (only), antifreeze, automotive batteries, clothing, furniture, and other reusable items, electronic devices with a plug (computer monitors & CRTs), miscellaneous trash, motor oil, paint (latex and enamel), scrap metal, and tires (5 per vehicle only, under 400 lbs per tire). This year, mercury and/or any product containing mercury will also be acceptable, and may include: chemistry sets, fluorescent light bulbs (long or curved), maze toys, old alkaline batteries (bought before 1990, check expiration date), thermometers (silver liquid in tube), thermostats (all non-electronic), and vials or jars of mercury (sometimes on necklaces). Unacceptable items include aerosol cans other than paint, acids, ammunition or explosives, boats, compressed gas cylinders with valves, corrosives, explosives, fuel tanks, household cleaners, household hazardous waste, items with Freon, lawn mowers, medical wastes or infectious material, medications, Ni/cad and Lithium Batteries, pathogenic materials, PCB ballasts, pesticides and herbicides, poisons, pool chemicals, propane tanks, radioactive devices such as fire and smoke detectors, roofing tars with asbestos and solvents. Residents participating should enter and exit the north parking lot at the North Bord du Lac Drive entrance. Trash Bash volunteers and sponsors will provide disposal containers for the event. Team Green is a city commissioned organization. For more information contact: chairperson, Mason Lindsay, 436-8809 or mlindsay@safetycounsilswla.org; or Melissa Semien, 491-1440 or masemien@cityoflc.us. PAGE 10

APRIL 17, 2008

State Champion Barbe Bucs Bowling team and coach Cathi Reed.


Win State Tourney Story and Photos by Roddy Johnson, Action Sports Photo

How cool is it for a team’s first trip to the state championship to actually walk away with the win? That is exactly what took place for the Barbe Buccaneers Boys Bowling team April 11 in Lafayette at the State Championships. It has been a really great year according to their coach Cathi Reed. Coach Reed tells us that the team has pulled together when it really counted time and time again. At the Bi-Regional’s (held in Lake Charles for the first time ever) the boys had a tough match against Acadiana. In that match the boys were down 5 pins and two points after the first two games, so at that juncture of the series, it was anybody’s match to win. The Barbe boys pulled together in the third set and won 16-11 to advance to the semis. This is the first time Barbe has ever advanced to this level. At the semis the team literally bowled past Redemptorist High and won that match in the first two games 25-2. At one o’clock the boys stepped up to take on Airline and again won easily 21-6. The team as a group from top to bottom averaged 200 for all six games and Coach Reed pointed out that the whole team bowled above their averages when it counted the most. Eugene Smithers bowled 241,197, & 229 for the

series. His brother, James, bowled 259, 196, & 211. Derek Jarrell went above his average also with 213, 215, & 214 games. Adam Ogea with an average of 150 put the pins down with scores of 224, 250 in his first two games. The boys ended their season with an impressive 12-2 record and the State Championship. Barbe bowling overall did very well this year, with the girls winning the district title along with the boys. The girls won their first match at the bi-regional’s against St. Thomas Moore but fell short against Lafayette High ending their season with a very good record at 8-2. Coach Julie Sanders was very proud of her girls and stated “Adrianna Guillory stepped up this year as a leader.” Adrianna is a senior this year and will be attending Southern University in the fall. Coach Sanders says she has been her most improved player this year and against STM in the bi-regional’s, she finished one game at 197 — well above her 124 average. Jaimie Smithers, the third member of the Smithers clan for Barbe had the highest average for the girls team at 159 for the year. The Barbe girls will lose two seniors this year and should be right back in the middle of things next season. St. Louis Catholic High School Boys Bowling team also did very well this year.

They tied the Barbe boys for the district title and have their share of good bowlers as well. Their coach, Joanna Laningham, has two boys on the team, Bradley the older of the two has a 175 average while Bryce, the younger has a whopping 203 average and has been nominated for the Dexter USBC High School All American Team. Pretty impressive when you realize Bryce is just a freshman. LHSAA has sanctioned bowling for the last four years after a one-year pilot program. The interest seems to be growing and it is a sport that anyone can participate in. I can tell you first hand that it is fun to watch these kids bowl. It isn’t like television where everyone is quiet. In a close match between teams it is as intense as any sport you may care to enjoy, and the crowds watching are cheering and letting everyone know they are there. For those who are not aware, there are scholarship opportunities for undergraduates at many of our nation’s universities in the sport of bowling. So if you want something to get excited about as a student, or if you want to watch a great sport in air-conditioned comfort as a parent, try the sport of bowling.

The St. Louis Catholic Bowling team with their coach Joanna Laningham.

The Barbe Lady Bucs Bowling team with(standing) coach Julie Sanders(center) and her two Srs. Adrianna Guillory and Chardonnay Colston. APRIL 17, 2008


West Calcasieu Cameron Hospital Breaks Ground on First Phase of Planned Expansion

West Calcasieu Cameron Hospital broke ground April 1 on the first phase of a three-phase expansion project. The first expansion phase will increase the Radiology Department from the current 9,500 square feet to 15,000 square feet; as well as increase the Intensive Care Unit from seven to 12 beds with ICU patient rooms enlarging from 140 square feet to 266 square feet each. Census data provided by the Imperial Calcasieu Planning Office shows a substantial growth in population within WCCH’s service district.

The Carlyss area to the south and the Houston River area to the north have grown 78% in the last 14 years. West Calcasieu voters approved a $25 million dollar bond in 2006 earmarked for hospital expansion. The Calcasieu and Cameron Parish Policies Juries approved the release of funds last year. The Estopinal Group, a national architect firm specializing in healthcare facilities is overseeing the project in cooperation with Ellender Architects and Associates in Sulphur and the Bessette Development Corporation in Lake Charles.

Earmarked for future phases of expansion are patient rooms, the laboratory, dietary and materials management departments. “Over time, we are essentially creating a new hospital in place without interrupting the services and patient care we currently provide,” said Bill Hankins, the hospital’s CEO. West Calcasieu Cameron Hospital – Highlights • Built in 1953 with 50 patient beds. An additional 40 beds were added in 1960. Today, the hospital is licensed for 120 beds.

• Services include: – Labor, Delivery and Recovery Suites – Surgical Services, including Orthopedic, Urological and General – Imaging Services, Including – MRI and CT – Home Health Care – Physical Medicine – Cardiology – Emergency Medical Services – Laboratory Services • “Too many babies were being born on the bridge!” explained the late Billy

Another Success Story... I have advertised with The Times of Southwest Louisiana for over ten years. Having a degree in advertising, I know The Times definitely reaches my target audience and the quality of the paper is impeccable. — Susie Book, Owner, Expressions


APRIL 17, 2008

Moses, former board member of West Calcasieu Cameron Hospital, during the hospital’s 50th anniversary celebration held in 2003. He was explaining how the idea came about to have a hospital in the west part of Calcasieu parish. “We knew we needed a hospital in this area. The industry was beginning to develop with Cities Service and others, the post-World War II building boom was happening. The hospital was a necessity to properly take care of the people who were moving to Sulphur and surrounding communities.” • WCCH has been the first healthcare provider to offer many services to Southwest Louisiana, including: – Hospital-Owned Hippotherapy Center – Therapeutic Riding Center – Hospital-Based Fitness Center – Dynamic Dimensions – Open MRI – 40-Slice CT Scanner – Cardiac CT Scanner – Computer Assisted Navigation Technology for Joint – Replacement – Hospitalist Program – Closed Catheter IV System • Cardiac Cath Lab was added in 2000, enabling the hospital to provide a comprehensive cardiology program.

Dear Etiquetteer:

I’ve been invited to a brunch from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. What’s an appropriate time to arrive?

Dear Invited:

When to arrive at any type of party seems to baffle many people, so Etiquetteer thanks you for the opportunity to present a few examples: • When you’re invited to a brunch that goes from 11:00 AM to

2:00 PM, arrive at 11:00 AM. • When you’re invited to a dinner party for 8:00 PM, arrive at 8:00 PM. • When you’re invited to an evening party and the invitation says 9:00 PM, arrive at 9:00 PM. • If you and a friend decide to meet for drinks at 6:00 PM, meet at 6:00 PM. Are you picking up a trend here? Etiquetteer certainly hopes so, because it should be perfectly obvious that you arrive at a party when the party starts. “Fashionable lateness” is a fraud perpetuated by the Lazy and the Perpetually Tardy. Etiquetteer has long said that “For Maximum Fun Potential, arrive punctually.” This also keeps your hosts from fretting that no one will ever get there. Every rule has its exceptions, of course: • When you are invited to a church wedding, you may arrive up to half an hour early for the music. Do NOT expect to be seated after the procession has started! • Any time “ish” is added to an invitation, add 15 minutes. If a friend says “Let’s get together about six-ish,” you can show up any time between 6:00 and 6:15. 6:30 is

pushing it, and 6:45 is downright rude. • “Open house” invitations mean you can arrive any time during the party and remain Perfectly Proper. Indeed, Etiquetteer just attended a lovely open house that went from 2:00 – 9:00 PM one Saturday. People came and went throughout and the hosts received them happily whenever they appeared. (Etiquetteer cannot assume that your brunch invitation was an “open house” since you don’t use those words.) Oddly enough, the occasion when promptness is most important is not for a party at someone’s home, but when one is dining with a large party in a restaurant that will only seat complete parties. Lake Charles native Robert Dimmick works in Boston as an event planner for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and tackles issues of Perfect Propriety as Etiquetteer. Robert welcomes your questions. Email him at query@etiquetteer.com or in care of The Times, timesedit@timessw.com. Read more Etiquetteer at www.etiquetteer.com.

APRIL 17, 2008


By Patricia Prudhomme

It has been several years since I received my driver’s license. In all those years, I am confident in saying that at no time did “Turn right at the buffalo” ever appear in driving directions. You may at first assume that these directions were given to me by a helpful citizen in Wyoming; in fact I was headed to the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana’s Heritage Department. I had scheduled an appointment with Dr. Linda Langley to discuss an upcoming project for the Coushatta Tribe. I will get to the exact nature of the project shortly, but first I need to start this story at the beginning. According to National Geographic, approximately every two weeks an indigenous language becomes extinct. Dr. Langley shared with me that the United Nations experts estimate that there are fewer than 6,000 languages still spoken in the world today, with 90 percent of these languages expected to be extinct by the end of this century.


APRIL 17, 2008

Those that have never been recorded will be lost, along with important cultural knowledge and information. While we may not see this as a local issue, the facts show that one of those languages in danger is close to home — the Koasati language of the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana. “Although Coushatta tribal members are recognized by scholars to speak a remarkably pure form of the language, the declining number of young people actually speaking Koasati on a daily basis places it on the U.N.’s list of severely endangered languages,” said Dr. Langley. Tribal surveys have found very few fluent speakers under the age of 20. To further compound the situation, there has previously been no tribally approved orthography, or written representation, of the spoken language. These alarming trends alerted the tribal members to their linguistic crises. The Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana submitted one of 80 applications to the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) joint Documenting Endangered Languages project. As one of 11 successful applications, the purpose of the new, multi-year effort is to digitally archive at-risk lan-

guages before they become extinct. A $450,000 grant to McNeese State University and the Coushatta Tribe was awarded to cover three years of work. The co-principal investigators of the grant are Dr. Langley and Bertney Langley, director of the Coushatta Tribe’s Heritage Department. By working together, McNeese and the Coushatta Tribe will construct an innovative program to ensure the Koasati language does not follow the path to extinction. This language documentation project will address this need in several ways: conducting fieldwork to document naturally occurring Koasati speech in digital video format; training tribal members in current “best practice” documentation methods; creating a searchable electronic database that is navigable in both Koasati and English; and developing a Web-based electronic archive for Koasati at both the Koasati Tribal Library and the Creek Language Archives. Help is also coming from the National Anthropological Archives. They are collaborating with the Coushatta tribe to digitize more than 11,000 pages of Koasati (the Coushatta tribal language) manuscripts in the

archives. As Dr. Langley illustrated, imagine your grandmother’s attic then multiply that by a million. Cardboard boxes are filled with field reports from Smithsonian researchers, artifacts, and photographs. To complicate the process, each of these types of records is housed in different departments with different procedures. One file from 1900 that was requested was finally secured nearly 2 years later. Now we have worked back to my initial mission in going to the Heritage Department. This linguistic work planted a seed with tribal members that has grown into their new project, the Coushatta Heritage Center. The Center will be the physical structure to house results of the efforts to preserve the Coushatta heritage and revitalize the Koasati language. As I drove out to the current Heritage Department building, there are already signs of construction sprouting. The plans for this facility are stunning. It is a multi-million dollar project covering five acres. The main structure will total ten thousand square feet of interactive, hands-on education about the Coushatta tribe past and present. The experience

will begin as you walk through the pine trees to enter the immersion theater. Here you will not only hear the story, you will also feel the wind in your hair, hear the crickets in the forest, and smell the woodsy fragrance of a campfire burning. The journey will next bring you to an interactive digital timeline. The visitor will move a selector across the years to hear and see details of the Coushatta tribe’s trek to Louisiana. The interactive games are next. One game is designed to give the experience of life in a Coushatta village of the late 1800’s using nature and the historic tools to survive. The instructions can be given in the Koasati language further immersing the visitor in the Coushatta culture. Another integral part of the history of the tribe is basket making. There will be another station providing the opportunity to make a virtual basket and see the skills of legendary Coushatta basket makers. The modern history and details of governance will then be detailed. As visitors complete their journey, a bank of computer workstations will be provided to allow for immediate investigations of any of the topics covered in the Heritage Center. The Center will also house the archives of the tribe. The Coushatta Tribe’s plight is not unique. In our quest for unity and oneness as a nation, the culturally defining aspects of a group can be lost completely. Many Cajun families have experi-

enced the loss of the French language in just a few generations. French speaking grandparents and parents who use the language as a code not known to the children, leave the next generation without a part of their cultural identity. Many groups around the world are working to record, preserve, and revitalize indigenous cultures in danger of extinction. We will all wait expectantly for the completion of the Coushatta Heritage Center and the opportunity to walk in the shoes of another culture, at least for a few hours. The slogan of the Koasati Language Committee states the need of the Coushatta nation succinctly: “Skon-naka-than-na Koasati: Koasati Na-thi-hilka – We Must Not Lose Our Koasati Language: We Must All Speak Koasati.” There are some internet sources that Dr. Langley shared with me that I will pass along for those who are interested in learning more about this topic: www.wm.edu/linguistics/coushatta2 Details of the Koasati language www.npr.org/templates/story/story.ph p?storyId=18391658 – A recording of Chief Marie Smith Jones who was the last fluent speaker of the indigenous Alaskan language of Eyak www.ynlc.ca – Yukon native language site.

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APRIL 17, 2008


Steve Streete Announces Bid for Calcasieu Parish District Attorney


Steve Streete

teve Streete, former Calcasieu Parish Assistant District Attorney, announced his candidacy for Calcasieu Parish District Attorney. Streete was a founding partner in the law firm of Salter, Streete & Hale and has been in private practice in Lake Charles since 1979. The 57 year old candidate is a 1968 graduate of Lake Charles High School and received a Juris doctorate from Louisiana State University School of Law in 1973. Streete has been practicing law in Lake Charles for 32 years. While attending Lake Charles High School, Streete was named two-time All State Defensive and Offensive player and named the Most Valuable Lineman in the State. He went on to play for LSU from 1968-1972, and was voted Most Courageous Player in 1972, and voted All SEC Academic Team in 1972. Streete worked as a Calcasieu Parish Assistant District Attorney and was the chief civil attorney under then D.A. Frank Salter, Jr. He was also a former Law Clerk for the 14th Judicial District Court, Calcasieu Parish and the Third Circuit Court of Appeals.

He was admitted to practice in the United States Western District of Louisiana in 1979, the Middle District in 1981, and the Eastern District of Texas in 1983. He was admitted to the United States Supreme Court in 1981, and the Fifth and Eleventh Circuits of Courts of Appeal in 1981. “I strongly believe that my 32 years of jury trial experience in handling both criminal matters and civil matters makes me uniquely qualified to represent all the citizens of our great parish,” said Streete. “The people of Calcasieu Parish deserve an aggressive and experienced lawyer that has courtroom experience as their District Attorney. In fact, it is the only way we are going to be able to face the growing drug and criminal activity that faces our community and families today,” he said. Streete made special note about the rise in child abuse cases, saying “I am particularly concerned about the rise in child abuse cases in our parish. Bringing all such cases to trial will most certainly be one of my priorities. Additionally, I will give priority to all violent crimes against the citizens,” he said. He went on to say that should a

child be murdered or abused in Calcasieu Parish that the perpetrator will be punished to the full extent of the law. “I will use every fiber of my soul to obtain a constitutional conviction that will be upheld on appeal,” he said. Streete stated that the district attorney is by law the legal advisor to all public bodies of the parish. “I intend to strengthen the civil section of the District Attorney’s office and personally serve the public bodies of Calcasieu Parish.” “The fact is that law enforcement personnel of this parish put their lives on the line every day for the people of our parish. They certainly deserve an aggressive prosecutor to back them up. They will have that in me as their District Attorney.” Streete said that there needs to be more effective Court Docket Control, requiring better screening and analysis of alleged offenses. He presented a five-point plan to deal with the backlog. “First, I will have only attorneys review felony charges before they are accepted. Also, I will require all assistant district attorneys to review old cases to see if the victim, witnesses or

Another Success Story... The Times of Southwest Louisiana has been an instrumental part in starting my business. You really do get your words worth going with The Times of Southwest Louisiana. — Stacey Vezinot, Owner, Stacey’s Armoire


APRIL 17, 2008

Steve Streete, Continued from Page 16

even the investigating officers are still available,” he said. All of my assistants will be required to try cases. According to Streete, all cases are presently assigned to a division or judge, and that the judge is also assigned a specific District Attorney. “I would stop switching ADA’s from one division to another because those cases he or she has worked on do not follow them to their newly assigned judge. The new assistant to that division or Judge has to then completely review that file causing untold delays.” “Also, cases must be given better priority, and as District Attorney, I would

make certain that the more violent or serious cases would be tried first,” Streete stated. “Lastly, I would request a pretrial hearing with the Judge and defense counsel to insure that all parties are ready for trial on the date it is assigned.” Streete stated that during the last election period, current District Attorney John DeRosier promised that he would try cases himself. “To my knowledge, almost three years later, he has attempted to try only one case, and in that one case he excused himself during the trial,” he said. “When I say I will try cases, I mean I will be there from beginning to end. Over thirty years of courtroom experience has taught me how to effectively try

a case,” said Streete. “There is no one else in this race with the expertise, knowledge or experience that I will bring to the District Attorney’s Office, and I have no doubt that I will lead this office to be one of the finest in the state,” said Streete. Streete and his spouse, Kelly, reside in Lake Charles and have four children, Jon, Foster, Morgan and Meredith Streete. He is a member of First Presbyterian Church. He is also a member of the Louisiana, Southwest and American Bar Associations, Masonic Lodge 165 and the Habibi Temple, The Louisiana Cattlemen’s Association, the Louisiana Angus Association and the American Angus Association.

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Got Gold? Memorial Does!


emorial Hospital and Memorial Hospital for Women celebrated Doctors’ Day 2008 by recognizing some “gold medal” doctors that bring that little something extra to their profession and to Memorial’s commitment to service excellence. More than 1,500 Memorial employees were invited to nominate physicians who best exemplify the hospital’s seven principles of service. The results are in, and the winners are: Dr. John Dorian “Scrubs” Award (Service excellence with a smile) Gold Medal: Ken Moss, Jr., MD. Dr. Marcus Welby Award (Doctor showing measurable, continuous professional development (on staff more than 2 years) Gold Medal: William Condos, MD. Dr. Doogie Howser Award (Newest doctor who exemplifies continuous professional development; on staff 2 years or less) Gold Medal: William Groves, MD. Dr. Cliff Huxtable Award (Doctor who exemplifies ethical, fair treatment among employees) Gold Medal: David Darbonne, MD. Drs. Pierce and Honeycutt “MASH” Award (Doctor who exemplifies teamwork) Gold Medal: Jon Gray, MD. Dr. James Kildare Award (Doctor whose compassion is exemplary) Gold Medal: Manley Jordan, MD. Dr. Quinn, “Medicine Women” Award (Doctor with the most innovative style in patient-service delivery) Gold Medal: Armand Grimshaw, MD.

APRIL 17, 2008


“God Has a Plan” For Ryan Vezinot.

“This isn’t it.” Ryan remains in extended care since accident October 20 By Erin K. Cormier It’s hard to tell what 24-year-old Ryan Vezinot sees, hears or understands, even for experienced doctors. His eyes respond to light and are open most of the day, except when he’s sleeping. When his mother squeezes his hand, he grasps it, and once or twice he’s blinked once for yes and twice for no. He’s lost so much weight that he barely resembles the man in the pictures posted on his hospital wall – the man who once told his mother that he needed to lose some weight because he was getting too chunky. Every four hours, a nurse comes into his room at the Dubuis Extended Care Unit of Christus-St. Patrick Hospital and connects an oxygen treatment to the tube in his trachea. Nurses also check his two feeding tubes, maintain the saline drip in his I.V., and give him a regular round of antibiotics to help him fight infection. His mother, Julie, says that God has a plan for him. “They say that before you

Ryan Vezinot, 24, was hit by a drunk driver while he was crossing the street outside Tiger Stadium on October 20, 2007. The driver’s blood-alcohol level was reported at 0.14, above the legal limit of 0.08, and it is believed he was driving without his headlights on. Legal action is still pending against the 29-year-old driver, who had no prior drunk driving citations. Vezinot remains in a coma.

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APRIL 17, 2008

die, your life flashes before your eyes. When I saw Ryan after the accident, that’s what happened to me, except I saw his life. I saw him as a little baby, right after he was born. I saw him as a boy, when I would get notes home from school because he could never stop talking. I saw him as a teenager and as a man,” Julie says, from his bedside. “God has a plan for him, but this? This isn’t it.” Ryan, a native of Lake Charles and graduate of Barbe High School, moved into his mother’s Baton Rouge apartment in June 2007. She had recently left Lake Charles to work as communications director for the state Democratic Party; Ryan soon followed and connected with old high school friends, most of whom shared his affinity for LSU football. On October 20, Ryan was one of thousands of Tiger fans who anticipated the game against Auburn. He and two friends were at Tiger Stadium for the 8 p.m. kickoff, but LSU was off to a slow start and their seats were terrible, so at halftime they decided to walk to the friends’ nearby apartment. Their plan was to order pizza and watch the rest of the game. Instead, Ryan stepped from a curb off Nicholson Drive and crossed paths with a 29-year-old in a Chevy Yukon, who was driving about 40 miles an hour, possibly without his

We Are Seeking A Media Sales Representative Full Time Position, Minimum 3 yrs. Experience Required. Call 439-0995 Ext. 11, E-mail Resume: timespub@timessw.com or Send Resume To: The Times of SWLA, 617 Drew St., Lake Charles, LA 70601

headlights on, when he hit him. After the collision, the driver stopped his SUV and hurried to Ryan, who was unconscious in the middle of the road. When he saw all the blood, he took off his shirt and wrapped it around Ryan’s head. Police would later tell Julie that the driver had tailgated all day and had a blood-alcohol level of 0.14. The first time Julie saw her son in the emergency room, she screamed. “The doctors were telling me things and asking me to sign things and I couldn’t comprehend what they were saying,” Julie said. “I kept thinking about the last time I talked to Ryan. He’d lost his house key and I was furious. I asked him when he was going to learn how to be responsible. I was so livid. All I could think was, ‘That’s going to be my son’s last memory of me.’” Ryan had no internal injuries and his spinal cord was intact, but his hip and elbow were broken and his ankle was fractured. Doctors also said he had bruising on his brain, but the long-term extent of the damage was unknown. While Ryan was in intensive care, his family was allowed 20-minute visits every four hours. “We would all just sit there for hours and hours, waiting for our 20 minutes,” Julie said. Ryan’s condition stabilized after more than four weeks, but he never regained consciousness and needed a trachea tube to help him breathe. Julie transferred him to Dubuis Extended Care in Lake Charles so he could be close to the rest of the family. His room there is decorated with LSU memorabilia. “He always liked to root for the home team,” Eric Milner, a lifelong friend of Ryan’s, said. “He was a big Saints fan, too.” Milner, 25, has been friends with Ryan since the day they met in kindergarten at Prien Lake Elementary. “Ryan is a real goofy guy – one of those funny types who always cuts up. He once told me that he was going to apply for a job at Blockbuster and say that he invented the alphabetical sorting system. That’s how he was. Silly,” Eric said. “No matter what kind of day I was having, I knew that if I talked to Ryan, I’d be laughing. His jokes weren’t even funny half the time, but I’d be laughing anyway.” Eric describes Ryan as a “persuasive character” whose silliness often masked his smarter, more compassionate side. “Ever since I’ve known him, Ryan has always been a very genuine person who never looked down on anyone. He’s had his problems here and there like anyone else, but he’s always been a good guy,” Eric said. “That’s pretty much it – just a good guy.” At home, Ryan took care of his mother’s adopted cats, Chloe and

Soxie, both of whom warmed up to him so much that they slept in bed with him. He teased his mother when she had trouble hooking up the cable box. He toyed with the idea of enrolling at LSU and searched for part-time work in the meantime. He was finally starting to settle down, Julie said. “Every parent knows that they love their child, but when something like this happens, you realize just how much. Every day I see people his age doing things and I wonder if Ryan will ever get to do any of those things again. I just can’t imagine life without my son. That’s why I will never lose faith that he’ll get better,” Julie said. A speech therapist visits Ryan every week, even though he can’t speak. He can’t walk, so Julie and her mother exercise his legs daily so they’ll be ready for the day he does. Doctors know he can respond to noise – although they don’t know how much he comprehends – so his family plays Mozart for him, because they read that it has helped other comatose patients. When Christmas came, his family and friends put a tree in the corner of his hospital room, decorated it with LSU ornaments, and begged him to wake up. When LSU faced the Buckeyes, they turned the game on in his hospital room and waited for a reaction. “He can’t progress to the next level of therapy until he’s able to respond to voice commands,” Julie said. “We’ve asked him questions and told him to blink once for yes and twice for no. He’s done it once or twice, but it was a delayed reaction, so we can’t be sure. Usually he doesn’t respond at all.” On a recent Sunday in March, Julie stood by her son’s bed side and watched the nurse give Ryan his scheduled oxygen treatment and check his elevated fever, which is a sign of possible infection. His last bad infection was caused by a kink in his feeding tube, Julie said. After the nurse left, she asked Ryan to squeeze her hand, and wiped the corners of his eyes, which sometimes water. “Sometimes I think, ‘What if he would’ve crossed that street five minutes earlier? What if he would’ve left the game 10 minutes later?’” Julie said. “He is such an easygoing person with a huge heart. There are so many people in this world who love him. “This can’t be it for him. It just can’t.”

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*An account has been created in Ryan’s name at Cameron State Bank for those who want to make a donation toward his medical care. Erin Cormier can be reached at ekcormier@Inbox.com.

APRIL 17, 2008


By Amie J. Herbert • Illustration by Darrell Buck

Time has a way of distorting, changing, bloating and romancing facts. “Time and Tide Wait for No Man”… In the early days of the United States, lawless men endorsed by foreign governments found refuge in the quiet bayous and forests of Calcasieu Parish. Jean Lafitte, who by all accounts was a gentleman sea-rover, left a lasting and indelible mark on the Gulf Coast region. The tales surrounding this enigmatic character are as murky as the waters from which the legends were born, and the historical accounts of his life and times in this area are often disputed, full of mystery, and totally incomplete. There is actually only one fact that historians seem to agree on: that Jean Lafitte existed. “Historians disagree over where he was born, who his family was, even how to correctly spell his name,” says Blaine Miller, Assistant Director of the Imperial Calcasieu Museum, “We do know that he lived in New Orleans, aided Andrew Jackson, had encampments in Barataria, New Orleans, and Galveston, was loyal to France, and preyed upon English and Spanish ships.” PAGE 20

APRIL 17, 2008

Beyond that, all is mystery and controversy. In the early part of the 19th century, Southwest Louisiana and much of the entire Gulf Coast was an unsettled region, and Lake Charles’ founding families, the LeBleu’s and the Sallier’s, became immediately intertwined with the legends woven around Lafitte. One tale (from “The History of Lake Charles, La” by Stewart Ferguson) details Lafitte’s arrival in Lake Charles and the friendship the privateer struck-up with Anselm Charles Sallier. Sallier spied a well-staffed clipper-schooner anchored on the lake with several men, one of them very tall, dark and dashing, disembarking into a small boat heading toward the shore. The tall, dark and dashing Jean Lafitte, with the nearly-universally appreciated offerings of wines, brandies and tobacco, made trade arrangements with Sallier who would, in turn, provide the Captain and his crew with fresh meats and veggies. The two founding families of Lake Charles’ own lives were as intertwined with one another as they were with Lafitte’s. Arsene LeBleu worked for Lafitte as a captain, and LeBleu’s daughter, Catherine, married Charles Sallier. An interesting tale of forbidden love and attempted murder surrounds all these characters, veiled in the cloud of mystery that only time and imagination can provide. The myth states that Charles Sallier suspected his wife, Catherine, was having an illicit affair with Jean Lafitte. On what was likely a dark and stormy night, Sallier, grief-ridden and full of rage over the affair, shot Catherine in the chest and believing her dead fled the scene never to be heard from again. Catherine LeBleu Sallier, however, was not killed, as she was wearing a brooch, a family heirloom, which the bullet struck. Sources say this brooch still exists and is held by the families, damaged by Charles Sallier’s misguided bullet.

Letter of Marque at the Imperial Calcasieu Museum.

Other stories and Creole legends tell of spirits in the bayous of the Imperial Calcasieu region, the ghosts of captives viciously slain by Lafitte so that they may ever stand guard over his buried treasure, protecting the Spanish gold and jewels from would-be vandals. Other histories state that Jean Lafitte, who by most accounts was said to be well-educated, multi-lingual, and courteous, never killed anyone. “I like to tell children who come to

the Museum for tours that (Jean Lafitte) was more of a Mafia kind-of-guy than the typical ‘dead men don’t tell tales’ Pirates of the Caribbean pirate,” says Miller, “He would have been just as interested in preying upon a ship filled with molasses or cotton as he would have one filled with gold doubloons.” According to some histories, it seems as if Lafitte did understand the power of not only money and gold, but of friendships and loyalty, and offered

his protections to not only Andrew Jackson during the Battle of New Orleans, but to all the people of the bayous, tributaries and swamplands that he came into contact with. Giving Lafitte power to pilfer was a Letter of Marque, which some histories attribute to being from France, others from Cartagena, allowing Lafitte to legally plunder the ships of offending nations, namely Spain. These documents are extremely rare because once

their purpose was fulfilled and they were returned to the King who issued them, they were immediately destroyed. One such Letter of Marque is held in the collections of the Imperial Calcasieu Museum and signed by King Louis XIV of France, and the history of even this document is shrouded in mystery. The flowing manuscript, written on thin vellum is dated March 1, 1744 —twenty nine years after the death of Louis XIV!

Treasure Fest is a bargain hunters dream! Sponsored by the City of DeRidder and Beauregard Tourist Commission, Treasure Fest is a one-spot, yard sale lot held under the tall pines, along the one-mile walking trail in DeRidder’s West Park.

Trash or treasure?

Decide at Treasure Fest on May 3, 2008! Beauregard Tourist Commission: 1-800-738-5534 APRIL 17, 2008


While there is little doubt that Lafitte made stops along the bayous of the Calcasieu and Cameron coasts, little is known about just what exactly he did here. It is said that he made Lake Charles and the area now known as Contraband Bayou his hideout and refuge when United States sea vessels were patrolling the coast. According to Ferguson’s ‘History of Lake Charles,’ Lafitte was chased into the mouth of the Calcasieu, escaping a U.S. man-of-war, and found refuge in ‘Charlie’s Lake.’ After learning that there was a large force making preparations to capture him while his schooner


APRIL 17, 2008

was anchored in the Lake, Lafitte sent his most trusted men to bury his fabulous treasure, while another group of men began building fortifications on Shell Bank. Once the fortification was complete and several cannons were in place, Lafitte shot and sank his own schooner. His treasure, supposedly buried along Contraband Bayou, was lost to time, and today, this tale makes up the legend celebrated each year during Contraband Days. There may be no other place in the country with as rich pirate lore and as little verifiable fact as Southwest Louisiana. The stories surrounding Jean

Lafitte are great, varied, and have been passed down by the generations for nearly three hundred years. Novels and films have been based around this fascinating character, while historical books are debated over to this day. Over the last three centuries, numerous expeditions and archaeological digs have taken place along the silent bayous and deep forests in the hopes of the big find. Even these expeditions have become a part of the folklore with stories that end with “and they were never heard from again.” Lafitte reportedly died on May 5, 1854 in Alton, Illinois at the age of 72.

However, many reports state that he died in Barataria, or in Cameron, or that he died and was buried with Napoleon on either Contraband Bayou or the eastern shore of Lake Charles —among other locations across the state. The life and times of Jean Lafitte are the stuff of legends, and he will no doubt remain a controversial and fascinating character in the history of SWLA. While his treasure may still lie beneath some silent, muddy waterway, if dead men could tell tales, Lafitte’s would be a life as deeply connected to the early days of Charlie’s Lake as Charles Sallier, for which it was named.

Visit one of our many retailers today.


Contraband Days


Pumpelly Oil Company

1890 Swisco Road • Sulphur, LA 625-1117 • 800-256-2512

Bowtie Marina 1245 Giovanni Lake Charles • 478-0130

Russell’s 904 Rees St. Breaux Bridge • 332-5564

Pumpelly #101 1200 Sampson St. Westlake • 433-5374

Cormie’s Grocery 4907 Big Lake Rd. Lake Charles • 474-5455

Tony’s Mini Mart 1807 Main St. Elton • 584-2032

Pumpelly #111 909 Beglis Pkwy. Sulphur • 527-0292

Lake Street Citgo 2700 Lake Street Lake Charles • 433-1252

Fisherman’s Headquarters 5340 Hwy 27 South Sulphur • 583-2531

Speedy Stop 715 N Thompson Rd. Iowa • 582-1486

Golden Tor 2021 Ruth St. Sulphur • 626-7321

Ridge Road Food 1710 Ridge Rd. Duson • 981-2640

Stop 92 3901 Verot School Rd. Carrencro • 856-5263

Winner’s Choice Plaza 2650 Hwy. 108 Sulphur • 882-1405

Peto's Inc. 104 Bruce Circle Lake Charles • 855-3555

Tiger Mart 801 N. Hwy. 26 Lake Arthur • 774-2282

Cajun Fast Mart 4796 Hwy 27 South Carlyss • 583-2717

Fifthwheel Truck Stop 500 N. Beglis Parkway Sulphur • 528-3156

The Store 3558 Hwy. 27 N. Sulphur • 527-3940

Rudy’s Corner Store 2945 Davis Rd. Westlake • 436-6943

Fuel Stop 36 108 La Hwy. 397 N Lake Charles • 491-9293

Wagin Cajun 2706 S. Beglis Pkwy. Sulphur • 527-6055

Chesson Grocery 1005 Hwy 27 Bell City • 598-2719

Gaspard's Fast Stop 9346 Gulf Hwy. Lake Charles • 905-1200

Cajun Kwik Mart 616 Thompson St. Iowa • 582-3598

Herbert’s of Henderson 1046 C. Henderson Hwy. Breaux Bridge • 228-7612

Jimbo's Quick Stop 5402 Common St. Lake Charles • 478-4923

Guidry's Food Store 1030 Coteau Rodaire Hwy. Arnaudville • 754-7136

Distributor of quality fuels, lubricants, chemicals and specialty products.

APRIL 17, 2008




• L.M.E.A./Contraband Days State Choral Festival • Spring Watercolor Show – Frazier Memorial Library – MSU Campus


• L.M.E.A./Contraband Days State Choral Festival • Spring Watercolor Show – Frazier Memorial Library – MSU Campus


5:30pm 6pm


6:45pm 6:50pm 7pm


• L.M.E.A./Contraband Days State Choral Festival • Spring Watercolor Show – Frazier Memorial Library – MSU Campus NOON • Profit N Loss Assn National Prayer Day Luncheon featuring Teri MacDonaldExhibition Hall 4pm • Lifeshare Blood Center—LCCC Grounds • Carnival Opens • Ejection Seat; Euro Bungy • Galley Alley Food Booths • Galley Alley Dining Area sponsored by Lloyd Lauw Collision Center • Pirate Marketplace 5:30pm • Louisiana ATV/Don Shetler Ford presents “Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Show” 7pm • Profit N Loss/KAJN 102.9/Nissan/ McDonald’s/Contraband Days presents “Moments Notice”—LCCC Coliseum 8pm • Profit N Loss/KAJN 102.9/Nissan/ McDonald’s/Contraband Days presents “BUILDING 429”—LCCC Coliseum • Louisiana ATV/Don Shetler Ford presents “Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Show” FRIDAY, MAY 2, 2008 8am


• L.M.E.A./Contraband Days State Choral Festival • Spring Watercolor ShowFrazier Memorial Library-MSU Campus • Contraband Days Tennis Tournament—

7:30pm 8pm 9pm

Lake Charles Racquet Club • Galley Alley Food Booths • Galley Alley Dining Area sponsored by Lloyd Lauw Collision Center • Pirate Marketplace • Louisiana ATV/Don Shetler Ford presents “Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Show” • Carnival opens – LCCC Grounds • Ejection Sear; Euro Bungy • Lake Charles Militia Cannon Firing to Protect the City – Seawall • Buccaneers begin Landing on the Seawall – Seawall • Belly Dancing by LaDonna’s— Cameron State Bank KID’S WORLD STAGE • Jean Lafitte Lands and puts Mayor on Trial – Seawall • Buccaneers Square off with Ground Patrol and Captures the Mayor- Seawall • Jean Lafitte & Buccaneers Force Mayor “To Walk the Plank”- Seawall • Cameron State Bank’s “We Pay For the Day” Talent Search • Louisiana ATV/Don Shetler Ford presents “Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Show” • KZWA 105 FM/Contraband Days presents -TBA—Malibu Stage • Jean Lafitte & Buccaneers Pirate Parade—LCCC


• KPLC-TV presents “TOUR LAFITTE 2008” Registration and packet pick up – LCCC Grounds 7:30am • KPLC-TV presents “TOUR LAFITTE 2008” Ride Starts – LCCC Grounds 8am • Contraband Days Tennis Tournament— Lake Charles Racquet Club • Contraband Cheer & Dance Classic— LCCC Coliseum • 2008 ROCK 101 Contraband Days Beach Volleyball Classis – I10 Beach 10am • O’Reilly’s Auto Parts 11th Annual Contraband Classic & Antique Car Show –LCCC—LCCC Grounds • 20th Annual Contraband Days Armwrestling Championships – Weigh In 10:00-12:00pm –LCCC Grounds • District 5 Jazz Band Festival—Cameron State Bank’s “KID’S WORLD STAGE” • Wood B Creations “Chainsaw Artist”—

LCCC Grounds • Galley Alley Food Booths • Galley Alley Dining Area sponsored by Lloyd Lauw Collision Center • Pirate Marketplace NOON • Carnival opens- LCCC Grounds • Ejection Seat; Euro Bungy 1pm • 20th Annual Contraband Days Armwrestling Championships Competition Begins—LCCC Grounds • Children’s Miracle Network-“Battle of the Red Beret”—Louviere Fine Arts 2pm • Guzzy’s Gym—Cameron State Bank’s “KIDS WORLD STAGE” 3pm • Jean Lafitte & Buccaneers Pirate Parade 4pm • St. Louis Show Choir—Cameron State Bank’s “KID’S WORLD STAGE” 5pm • Rock101/KYKZ 96/Budweiser/Monster Drink/DarQuest TAN presents”Show Us Your Tan” contest—LCCC Grounds • Kids Pirate Costume Contest – Cameron State Bank’s “KID’S WORLD STAGE” 6pm • Louisiana ATV/Don Shetler Ford presents “Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Show” 7pm • Contraband Days presents “BIG BAD MOJO” in concert—Malibu Stage • Cameron State Bank’s “We Pay For the Day” Talent Search—Cameron State Bank’s “KID’S WORLD STAGE” • Lake Charles Power Squadron/92.9 The Lake presents“I Showed My Dinghy” at Contraband Days Boat Parade (14’ and under) 8pm • Louisiana ATV/Don Shetler Ford presents “Paul Bunyan Lumerjack Show” 8:30pm • Raising Cane’s/92.9 The Lake/ Contraband Days Lighted Boat Parade 9pm • Contraband Days presents “GEORGIA SATELLITES” in concert – Malibu Stage • Jean Lafitte & Buccaneers Pirate Parade SUNDAY, MAY 4 8am 11am


• Contraband Days Tennis Tournament— Lake Charles Racquet Club • Galley Alley Food Booths • Galley Alley Dining Area sponsored by Lloyd Lauw Collision Center • Pirate Marketplace • Wood B Creations “Chainsaw Artist”— LCCC Grounds • Carnival opens – LCCC Grounds • Ejection Seat; Euro Bungy

• KYKZ 96 Egg Drop—LCCC Grounds • Sign up for KPLC’s Spittin’ Image Contest 2pm • KPLC-TV Spittin Image—LCCCCameron State Bank’s “KIDS WORLD STAGE” 3pm • Jean Lafitte & Buccaneers Pirate Parade 4pm • Louisiana ATV/Don Shetler Ford presents “ Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Show” • Sign up for Buccaneer’s Costume Contest—Cameron State Bank’s “KID’S WORLD STAGE” 4:30pm • Contraband Days presents “DOGHILL STOMPERS” in concert—Malibu Stage 6pm • Louisiana ATV/Don Shetler Ford presents “Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Show” 7pm • Contraband Days presents “TERRANCE SIMIEN” in concert—Malibu Stage MONDAY, MAY 5 8am 6pm

• Spring Watercolor Show – Frazier Memorial Library – MSU Campus • Carnival opens – LCCC Grounds • Ejection Seat; Euro Bungy

TUESDAY, MAY 6 8am 6pm

• Spring Watercolor ShowFrazier Memorial Library – MSU Campus • Carnival opens – LCCC Grounds • Ejection Seat; Euro Bungy

APRIL 17, 2008


• Spring Watercolor Show – Frazier Memorial Library – MSU Campus 10am ACT Theatre presents “ WIZARD OF OZ” – Rosa Hart Theatre 4pm • Carnival opens – LCCC Grounds • Ejection Seat; Euro Bungy • Galley Alley Food Booths – LCCC Grounds • Galley Alley Dining Area sponsored by Lloyd Lauw Collision Center • Pirate Marketplace 5:30pm • Louisiana ATV/Don Shetler Ford presents “Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Show” 6pm • Jean Lafitte & Buccaneers Pirate Parade 6:30pm • KBIU B103 Crawfish Eating Contest —LCCC Grounds 7pm • ACT Theatre presents “WIZARD OF OZ” – Rosa Hart Theatre • 92.9 The Lake presents “Gypsy La Blue” in concert—Malibu Rum Stage • Cameron State Bank’s “We Pay For the Day” Talent Search 8pm • Louisiana ATV/Don Shetler Ford presents “Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Show” 9pm • 92.9 The Lake presents “DR. HOOK” FEATURING RAY SAWYER in concert – Malibu Rum Stage • Jean Lafitte & Buccaneers Pirate Parade







6:30pm 6:35pm

7:30pm 8pm

WEDNESDAY, MAY 7 6am 8am 6pm

• Spring Watercolor Show – Frazier Memorial Library – MSU Campus • Carnival opens – LCCC Grounds • Ejection Seat; Euro Bungy


9am THURSDAY, MAY 8 10am 8am

• Spring Watercolor Show – Frazier Memorial Library – MSU Campus 10am • ACT Theatre presents “WIZARD OF OZ” - Rosa Hart Theatre 1pm • Contraband Days Golf Tournament— Contraband Bayou at L’auberge Du Lac 4pm • Carnival opens – LCCC Grounds • Ejection Seat; EuroBungy • Galley Alley Food Booths – LCCC Grounds • Galley Alley Dining Area sponsored by Lloyd Lauw Collision Center 5:30pm • Louisiana ATV/Don Shetler Ford presents “Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Show” 6pm • Gator 99.5 presents “Samantha Lynn Hart” in concert—Malibu Stage 8pm • Louisiana ATV/Don Shetler Ford presents “Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Show” • Gator 99.5 presents “HIP BOOT JOE” in concert—Malibu Stage

2008 Official Schedule of Events • April 29 — May 11 PAGE 24


11am NOON

1pm 2pm

• Cajun Pirate Barbeque Cookoff check in – LCCC Grounds • Sailboat Regatta-Registration begins Yacht Club • 32nd Annual Lake Area Runners 5-miler Race Begins – Capital One Tower • Cajun Pirate Barbeque Cookoff Chief Cook meeting—LCCC Grounds • Cajun Radio 1470 AM presents “Cajun Days” – “Briggs Brown & Bayou Cajuns”— LCCC Grounds Expedition Hall • Cajun Pirate Barbeque Cookoff Seafood Judging—LCCC Grounds • Cajun Radio 1470 AM presents Cajun Days “Jesse Lege & The Southern Ramblers— LCCC Grounds Expedition Hall Cajun Pirate Barbeque Cookoff Chicken Judging—LCCC Grounds • Coca-Cola’s Crazy Contest—Cameron State Bank’s “KIDS WORLD STAGE” • Carnival opens – LCCC Grounds • Ejection Seat; Euro Bungy • Galley Alley Food Booths – LCCC Grounds • Galley Alley Dining Area sponsored by Lloyd Lauw Collision Center • Pirate Marketplace • Cajun Pirate Barbeque Cookoff Rib Judging —LCCC Grounds • Cajun Radio 1470 AM presents Cajun Days “Mack Manuel & The Lake Charles Ramblers”— LCCC Grounds Expedition Hall

8:30pm 9pm 10pm

• Cajun Pirate Barbeque Cookoff Wild Game Judging—LCCC Grounds • Barbe Show Choir—Cameron State Bank’s “KIDS WORLD STAGE” • Cajun Pirate Barbeque Cookoff Boston Butt Judging—LCCC Grounds • Jean Lafitte & Buccaneers Pirate Parade • Cajun Radio 1470 AM presents Cajun Days “Eric O’Blanc & The Cypress Creek Boys”—LCCC Grounds Expedition Hall • Les Danseurs—Cameron State Bank’s “KIDS WORLD STAGE” • “Kelly McGuire” in concert aboard the L’Attitude” –LCCC Seawall • Cajun Pirate Barbeque Cookoff Judging Results—LCCC Grounds • Gator 99.5/Cajun Radio1470AM/Contraband Days presents “Bad Habits” in concert –Malibu Rum Stage • Louisiana ATV/Don Shetler Ford presents “Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Show” • Jean Lafitte & Buccaneers Pirate Parade • Belly Dancing by LaDonna’s—Cameron State Bank’s “KIDS WORLD STAGE” • Gator 99.5/Cajun Radio 1470AM/Contraband Days presents “Johnnie Allan/T.K. Hulin” in concert—Malibu Rum Stage • HOT 97.9 Dance-Off—LCCC Grounds • Louisiana ATV/Don Shetler Ford presents “Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Show” • Gator 99.5/Cajun Radio 1470AM/Contraband Days presents “Louisiana Express with Chris Flowers and John Ieyoub-Elvis in concert— Malibu Rum Stage • INFERNEAUX-Fire Performance Troupe— Cameron State Bank’s “KIDS WORLD STAGE” • Jean Lafitte & Buccaneers Pirate Parade • “Spectacular Fireworks Show”

SUNDAY, MAY 11 2pm

• Coca Cola’s Crazy Contests—Cameron State Bank’s “KIDS WORLD STAGE” 3pm • Jean Lafitte & Buccaneers Pirate Parade —LCCC Grounds 3:30pm • Jean Lafitte & Buccaneers board boats and departs—LCCC Grounds 4pm • Louisiana ATV/Don Shetler Ford presents “Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Show” • Cameron State Bank’s “We Pay For the Day” Talent Search—Cameron State Bank’s “KIDS WORLD STAGE” 6pm • Louisiana ATV/Don Shetler Ford presents “Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Show

For the Daily carnival ride specials call 1-888-535-2144. Service provided by Southwest Call Center All Events take place at the Lake Charles Civic Center (LCCC) Grounds unless noted APRIL 17, 2008


Carnival Ride Wristband Specials Everyday! The Contraband Days Carnival Ride Special Hotline is 1-888-535-2144 – a service provided by Southwest Call Center. Individual and family packs of tickets sold daily

PIRATE PASS — $50.00 Unlimited Rides and Gate Admission: May 1 – May 11 Thursday, May 1—Alcohol Free FAMILY NIGHT Unlimited Ride Wristband, 4 p.m. – 11 p.m. - $15 per person Wristbands go on sale at 4 p.m. and sales stop at 9:30 p.m. Friday, May 2 Unlimited Ride Wristband, 6 p.m. – 11 p.m. -- $25 per person Wristbands go on sale at 6 p.m. and sales stop at 9:30 p.m.


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LAFAYETTE 1.800.842.9884 www.SabinePools.com

Saturday, May 3 Unlimited Ride Wristband, Noon to 11 p.m. -- $25 per person Wristbands go on sale at Noon and sales stop at 9:30 p.m. Sunday, May 4 Unlimited Ride Wristband, Noon to 10 p.m. -- $25 per person Wristbands go on sale at Noon and sales stop at 9:30 p.m. Monday, May 5 Unlimited Ride Wristband, 6 p.m. – 11 p.m. -- $20 per person Wristbands go on sale at 6 p.m. and sales stop at 9:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 6 Unlimited Ride Wristband, 6 p.m. – 11 p.m. -- $20 per person Wristbands go on sale at 6 p.m. and sales stop at 9:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 7 Unlimited Ride Wristband, 6 p.m. – 11 p.m. -- $20 per person Wristbands go on sale at 6 p.m. and sales stop at 9:30 p.m. Thursday, May 8 Unlimited Ride Wristband, 4 p.m. – 11 p.m. -- $15 per person Wristbands go on sale at 4 p.m. and sales stop at 9:30 p.m. Friday, May 9 Unlimited Ride Wristband, 6 p.m. – 11 p.m. -- $25 per person Wristbands go on sale at 6 p.m. and sales stop at 9:30 p.m. Saturday, May 10 Unlimited Ride Wristband, Noon to 11 p.m. -- $25 per person Wristbands go on sale at Noon and sales stop at 9:30 p.m. Sunday, May 11—Mothers Day Unlimited Ride Wristband, Noon till 10 p.m. -- $25 per person Wristbands go on sale at Noon and sales stop at 8:30 p.m.

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APRIL 17, 2008

Tuesday, April 29th through Sunday, May 11th A LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT OF CONTRABAND DAYS It is with great excitement that I welcome you and your family to Contraband Days 2008, Southwest Louisiana’s premier festival, April 29 – May 11. We begin our entertainment Thursday, May 1. The National Day of Prayer will be celebrated with our alcohol-free family night. The Buccaneers will sail into Lake Charles to “take over the city” Friday, May 2. Count on the militia to do its best with cannon fire to try to defend the city. If Jean Lafitte and his pirates are successful, the mayor will be captured and put on trial and made to walk the plank. After the mayor is forced into the lake, the city of Lake Charles will be placed under pirate rule for the rest of the festival. We will have two stages with continuous entertainment. Look for many new events and attractions: military displays, the annual antique and custom car show, helicopter rides, the barbecue cook off, lighted boat parade and the gigantic fireworks display. I would like to say thank you, on behalf of Contraband Days, Inc., to our gracious and generous sponsors, and members of the local media. It is your support, participation and promotion that has sustained Contraband Days for 51 years and made the festival what it is today. This letter would not be complete if I did not thank Annette Richey, our director, and Anita Ardoin, our office assistant, for their hard work and dedication. Last but not least, thanks to the board of directors, advisors, the Buccaneers, and the countless volunteers for their time, effort and vision. Because of you, Contraband Days’ 50th annual celebration will be a huge success. I want to invite you and your guests, on behalf of the Contraband Days, Inc.., Board of Directors and staff, to come and experience Contraband Days 2008. I promise you will not be disappointed. Sincerely, Lloyd Lauw President Contraband Days Inc.

JEAN LAFITTE 2008 SAILS INTO LAKE CHARLES! By Lauren de’Albuquerque Pistols smoked, swords gleamed and the grog flowed as the sun set over the Calcasieu Boat Club on Saturday, April 12. For one night, the club was transformed into a pirate den as the Buccaneers of Lake Charles awaited the landing of Jean Lafitte 2008. The pirates and their wenches all turned out in full costume for this yearly event, including Past President Jimmy and Jackie Bastow, Board member Bruce Maerhofer and his lovely wife Monika, Reverend Larry and Carole Williamson, Donnie and Sherry Barber, Billy Flowers and Cathy Brooks, and Terry Ewing and Pat Burns. Newly elected Membership Chairman Mike McHugh serenaded us with original songs on his guitar while his wife Susan enjoyed her wine. Bob Peloquin, Jean Lafitte 2007, said he wasn’t quite ready to turn over his title. Hope there won’t be a skirmish—you know how these pirates get!

APRIL 17, 2008


CONTRABAND DAYS PAGEANTS GRACE CIVIC CENTER APRIL 20 The 2008 Contraband Days pageants are schedule for Sunday, April 20 at the Rosa Hart Theatre in the Lake Charles Civic Center. The pageants begin at noon with the baby to toddler contestants and continue throughout the afternoon until Miss Contraband 2008 is crowned that evening. Admission is $5 for adults and $2 for children under 12. Programs are available at the door for $7. Here’s a quick run-down of the schedule and the royal titles to be awarded: • Baby to Toddler – Noon (Check in by noon/pick up number at this time) • Petite/Master to Jr. Miss – 3:00pm (Check in by 2pm/pick up number at this time) • Miss & Teen - Interview 3:00pm (Check in by 2pm) • Evening Pageant 6:00pm (Check in by 5pm)

Jean Lafitte 2008 Russ Grantham and Jean Lafitte 2007 Bob Peloquin.

But rest assured, it all went off splendidly. Jean Lafitte sailed in to the theme from “Pirates of the Caribbean” as the Buccaneers shot off their powder guns to salute the man who will represent them for 2008. He’s local businessman Russ Grantham of Lake Charles. Resplendent in a costume designed by Kevin Hodges, and with Madame Lafitte—his wife Eileen—at his side, Russ said he was thrilled at his reception and is looking forward to an exciting year as the Pirate King of Lake Charles. With Contraband Days coming up the first two weekends in May, Russ and his band of Buccaneers have a lot to look forward to!

Miss Contraband-Ages: 18–24 Teen Miss Contraband-Ages: 15–17 JR Miss-Ages: 12–14 Deb Miss-Ages: 9–11 Little Miss-Ages: 6–8 Petite Miss-Ages: 4-5 Toddler Miss-Ages: 2-3 Tiny Miss-Ages: 12 to 23 months Baby Miss-Ages: 0 to 11 months Master Jean LaFitte - Ages: 4-5 Toddler Jean LaFitte-Ages: 2-3

Tiny Jean LaFitte-Ages: 12 to 23 months Baby Jean LaFitte-Ages: 0 to 11 months Awards: (The number of contestants will determine if there will be a second runner-up) • Queens: Crown, Trophy, Banner, Flowers and $50 • Master: Pirate hat, sword, banner and $50 • Teen Miss: Crown, Trophy, Banner, Flowers and $500 scholarship • Miss Contraband: Crown, Trophy, Banner, Flowers and $2,000 scholarship • Runner-Up & Photogenic: Awards will be given out • Miss Division only will present a Miss Congeniality Award (voted on by contestants).

Now Offering: • • • •

Custom Floral Designs Professional Decorators Chocolate Fountain Specialty Linens

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Also Carry: • Stihl & Husqvarna Chain Saws • Pumps • Sewer Machines • Snakes • Sales & Rental for Scaffolding • Bobcats • Tractors • Carpet Tools • Pressure Washers • Hardwood Floor Sanders • Turbo Dryers • And So Much More!

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Safety Council of SWLA Reminds Boaters to Wear Life Jackets Recent statistics show approximately 70% of all fatal boating accident victims drowned. Approximately 90% of the victims who drowned were not wearing their personal flotation device (PFD or lifejacket). The statistics show over 400 lives could have been saved if they would have worn a life jacket. It’s simple, life jackets save lives. The Safety Council of SWLA offers these tips for using a life jacket: Buy your own personal life jacket and use it. One size does not fit all. Look at the label. It will provide weight and size information. Try it on to check the fit. Once the straps and buckles are secured, it should not slip over your head or come above your ears. Never use water toys in place of a U. S. Coast Guard approved life jacket. Throw away a life jacket if you find air leakage, mildew, or rot. Never alter a life jacket. It could lose its effectiveness. Check your life jackets yearly for flotation and fit. Wear a life jacket to set an example for younger children while you increase your chances of survival.

1201 Ryan, Lake Charles Safe Line – 436-3354 safetycouncilswla.org


APRIL 17, 2008

ARM WRESTLING RETURNS TO CONTRABAND DAYS! 20th Anniversary Contraband Days Arm Wrestling Championships The 20th Anniversary Contraband Days Arm Wrestling Championships will begin with weigh-in at 10 a.m. to noon, Saturday, May 3 at the Civic Center Seawall Stage. Competition commences at 1 p.m. The Contraband Days Arm Wrestling Championships has become the largest and most competitive arm sport event in the Gulf South. From its humble beginnings in 1988, it has grown to a nationally known and respected event attended by world class pullers from Ohio, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Arkansas and Texas, as well as all over Louisiana. The 20th anniversary contest will feature competition in 17 Weight Classes in 4 Divisions. They are, in men's right and left-handed division: under 155 lbs., 155-176 lbs., 177-198 lbs., 199-242 lbs., and 243+ lbs. A novice division has been added with right and left-handed competition in weight classes: under 199 & 199+ lbs; a teen’s right and left for ages 14 – 18; and a women's division right-handed open weight class. Sculptured arms trophies will be awarded to the top 3 pullers in each division. Minor’s entries require their parent’s signature. The entry fee is $30, and the first 100 entries will receive tournament T-shirts. For tournament information, contact Matt Bertrand at 469-235-9452 or 337-224-7058. The tournament is hosted by, and all proceeds go to, The Compassionate Friends of Southwest Louisiana. The Compassionate Friends is a national selfhelp organization for families who are grieving the death of a child at any age from any cause. Contact the Compassionate Friends at 337-436-9625.

TOUR LAFITTE 2008 - RIDE FOR THE DREAM KPLC and Moss Bluff United Methodist Church are proud to announce the Coca-Cola Tour LaFitte 2008 is scheduled to roll through SWLA on Saturday May 3. As in the past, you can expect all the great family fun at this year's tour. We've listened to you and have added a fifth route this year. 62-mile, 50-mile, 35-mile, 25-mile and 10-mile routes will have fully stocked breakpoints along the way. Sag vehicles will be patrolling all routes for your convenience and safety. Of course the fun's not over after the ride. Stick around for free gumbo, CocaCola, fellowship and the famous big prize give-a-way! Grand prize is a bicycle donated by Capitol Cyclery. This year we are hoping for great weather. Registration forms are available to download right on kplctv.com, or you can pick one up at the KPLC studios. Pre-registration and packet pick up will be at Capital Cyclery on Prien Lake Road on Friday, May 2 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Thanks to all our friends from Jolly Roger Cycling , Moss Bluff United Methodist Church, KPLC, Coca-Cola, PPG, and all the support sponsors, volunteers and cyclists who came out to support our great event. We are proud to announce that we raised $6,000 for the Special Olympics in 2007 and hope to top that gift this year.

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This is our 17th year for Tour LaFitte. Thanks to all our sponsors, volunteers and riders we raised over $60,000 for charity. So come out and support this great cause. If you want to get involved, or have any comments or suggestions to make our event better, we would love to hear from you. Just send Rob Brooks (rebrooks@ppg.com)or Tim Bourgeois (tbourgeois@kplctv.com) an email, or call KPLC at 337-439-9071. Tour LaFitte 2008. Just Ride It! And don't forget your helmet.

FIRE PERFORMANCE TROUPE INFERNEAUX LIGHTS UP CONTRABAND Merging the excitement of fire and the power of movement, Inferneaux is a Baton Rouge based fire performance troupe blending the beauty of fire, music, and dance. They love contributing to Louisiana culture by bringing the gift of flame. Fire is a primitive expression of the soul and Inferneaux enjoys harnessing the power of the flame to encourage audiences to look within. Each member is dedicated to their unique fire practice. Inferneaux utilizes poi, nun chucks, and fans, each strives to allure and mystify. Inferneaux

DINGHIES GO OVERBOARD FOR CONTRABAND DAYS The Lake Charles Power Squadron is calling for all hands on deck as it launches the “Show Your Dinghy Contest” during the Contraband Days Festival. Dinghies will set sail at 7 p.m. on Saturday, May 3rd at the Civic Center Seawall. Captains of all seaworthy vessels 15 feet and under are encouraged to decorate in the theme of their choice. Prizes will be awarded for the top three most impressive dinghies. Free t-shirts will go to the first 25 captains that register and participate. Spectators are invited to join the fun as the parade of decorated dinghies pass by the Civic Center seawall. The “Show Your Dinghy Contest” will precede the annual Contraband Days Lighted Boat Parade that will take place at 8:30 p.m. “We want boaters of all types and sizes of watercraft to have the opportunity to join the festivities,” said Irene Howse, Power Squadron Executive Officer and event chairman. “We are expecting this to be the maiden voyage to a new and successful Contraband Days tradition.” The Lake Charles Power Squadron is dedicated to boating safety and education for our community. For registration or more information contact Ship to Shore at 474-0730 or info@lcpsonline.org. For a complete schedule of Contraband Days events visit www.contrabanddays.com.

Unique Gifts and Accessories 3204 Ryan St. • 337-433-6200


APRIL 17, 2008

KPLC’S SPITTIN’ IMAGE COMPETITION SET FOR MAY 4 If you’ve always heard “you look just like your mom!” or “you’re a photocopy of your dad!” … here is your chance to make the most of it! KPLC’s Spittin’ Image Contest is a mother/daughter, and father/son look-a-like contest that offers great prizes for the team that most resembles each other. You can tip the scales in your favor by dressing alike, wearing your hair the same way, or practicing the same walk! No talent or performance is required, just walk on stage and let our judges decide how much you favor your teammate. Pick up your registration form at the KPLC Studios located at 320 Division Street, or register at 1 p.m. in front of the Children’s Stage (1 hour before the contest begins). The contest begins at 2 p.m. on Sunday, May 4th on the Children’s Stage behind the Civic Center. Even if you don’t enter, come out and watch the fun at KPLC’s Spittin’ Image Contest!

MCDONALD’S SPONSORING FIRST ANNUAL CONTRABAND GOLF TOURNEY AT L’AUBERGE On Thursday, May 8th, McDonald’s is pleased to bring you the 1st Annual Contraband Days Golf Tournament held at L’Auberge Du Lac’s Contraband Bayou Golf Course. The format will be a four-man scramble and the cost

will be $400 per team. Food will be provided for every entry and there will be several different competitions and door prizes. Our lovely Contraband queen and rowdy Buccaneers will be on hand for the 1 p.m. shotgun start. For more information or for an entry form, email arichey@contrabanddays.com, or call (337) 436-5508. Other information concerning Contraband Days Events is available on our website. We hope that you will get your teams together and enjoy a great day of fun and competition!

PIRATE KIDS PARADE FOR PRIZES The Buccaneers of Lake Charles will hold their annual “Kids Pirate Costume Contest” Sunday, May 4th on the Kids World Stage. The entry is free for children ages infants to 12. Cash prizes will be given for first, second, and third place in three age categories: 0-3, 4-7, 812. Every child who participates walks away with a loot bag filled with Pirate goodies and local merchant certificates. Registration will begin at 4:30 p.m. and the contest will begin at 5 p.m. Contestants can also find a copy of the registration form online at www.contrabanddays.com or contact Angela Kiser at 540-6286 for more information.

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APRIL 17, 2008


CONTRABAND PRESENTS DR. HOOK FEATURING RAY SAWYER Ray Sawyer, the spirited, eye-patched lead singer of the group Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show, whose soulful and sometimes comic vocals fronted the band’s breakthrough “Cover Of The Rolling Stone” to international superstar status in the early 70’s and 80’s, has been touring the United States, Canada and countries overseas since the break-up of the Band in 1984. Now Ray is with a new band and has added a new twist to his familiar sound. Ray‘s current style is harder edged and more soulful then his previous country-rock and pop efforts, although the humor is still there. Born and raised in Alabama, Ray got his first job as a professional musician at age 14 playing drums with a Dr. Hook local band. His style was indelibly marked by blending black and white Southern music that kept Alabama dance halls and clubs hopping. When Ray grew up playing music in Mobile, “You play either Country or Rhythm & Blues, though down there they’re just about one and the same thing – it’s two races talking about their lives,” Ray explains. He proceeded to develop a style that extracted honesty and emotion - the best traits of both Country & R&B. Ray sings with an intensity and sense of conviction that truly moves an audience. His trademark eye patch was acquired following a 1967 auto accident that left him without his right eye and kept him laid off for two years. When he was back on his feet, Ray set out for Los Angeles in 1968, working his way back East to New York where the nucleus of Dr. Hook was formed in time to record the score to a Dustin Hoffman film “Who Is Harry Kellerman (And Why Is He Saying Those Terrible Things About Me).” Accumulating 60 gold and platinum records worldwide with Dr. Hook, Ray gained the confidence of a seasoned entertainer, and to this day, travels the globe with his band. In addition, Ray’s son, Cayce, has been touring with him since he was 13 years old, playing percussion instruments as well as singing background vocals, and has currently taken on the role of “drummer” for the band. Ray has been working in Nashville on his days off, keeping busy recording a new CD with his friend Ron Haffkine, who produced all the Dr. Hook Hits of the 70’s and 80’s. Ray has also had the honor of being inducted into the “Alabama Music Hall Of Fame” in April 2005 With an abundance of stage energy, and prankish sense of humor, Ray Sawyer has an unmistakable voice and image, as well as a unique ability to reflect his good times in good music. He is definitely a song stylist of the first order and Dr. Hook’s hits include: On The Cover Of The Rolling Stone, Sylvia’s Mother, Only Sixteen, Sharing The Night Together, When You’re In Love With A Beautiful Woman, Sexy Eyes,Freakin’ At The Freakers Ball, I Love You A Little Bit More, Baby Makes Her Blue Jeans Talk.

THE GEORGIA SATELLITES OBRIT CONTRABAND DAYS The Georgia Satellites were one of the most ferocious bands of the eighties, and what set them apart from the other 10,000 groups that cranked their amps to 11 was that their wild riffs and tanked cries came from a quartet that understood its place in rock tradition and fought hard to solidify it with each recording. “Let It Rock: Best of The Georgia Satellites” shows they expanded forever the limits and the promise of what a band could do with those three chords (well, sometimes only two) played harder than ever before. The Georgia Satellites immortalized the line "Don't Hand Me No Lines and Keep Your Hands to Yourself" in their hit single "Keep Your Hands to Yourself" which made it's way up to #2 on the Billboard atellites charts and made them overnight hick superstars. orgia S The Ge Followed by the Top 40 singles "Hippie, Hippie, Shake" recorded for the movie Cocktail staring Tom Cruise, The Georgia Satellites were keeping southern rock alive at a time when everyone was doing something other than southern rock. The Georgia Satellites made their imprint on rock n roll as a barnstorming live act and are holding true to that today playing over 60 dates a year including public, private, Casino, Biker and NASCAR events! From the start, The Georgia Satellites were full of audacity and talent to justify their fearlessness, demanding entry into the room that housed the top rank of rock and rollers. It didn't take long to smash down the door. Any band now exploding out of a garage that wants to live out the dreams of Chuck Berry's "The Promised Land" now has the greatest role model the U.S. has yet produced – The Georgia Satellites. PAGE 32

APRIL 17, 2008

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CONTRABAND ROCKS TO GYPSY LA BLUE From out of Central Louisiana comes the hard, blues-rockin’ sounds of Gypsy La Blue! The band is based around the Leesville/Ft. Polk area and has been blowing down the local scene on a broad regional loop from East Texas to Baton Rouge. In February of 2006, the band’s lead singer/songwriter, Jessica McDonald, crossed paths with the 80’s rock influenced sounds of Kenny Jones, lead guitarist. The two of them started forming the band’s foundation with a very diverse song list. While looking for a steady bassist and drummer, they started writing together as well. Gypsy La Blue found two more family members when brothers, Mike Holt (drums) and Danny Holt (bass) hopped on board. The two of them having previously played in bands with Kenny, brought a tighter and even more aggressive sound to the band. As the song list grew longer, so did the band as it added its last member, Joe Cook (rhythm guitar), who grew up with Jessica, attending in the same little country church. With a new sound that no one can catalogue, the band came together to join forces with Millennium Records and recorded their first album, Hearts on Fire. With the talented engineering ears of Greg Gill at Diamond Studios in Houston, Texas, the album has sparked a fire in the bands’ growing followers. The live show caught the attention of the local radio station, KVVP, Leesville, and they were offered the chance to open for Irma Thomas at the town’s annual Mayfest event in May of 2007. They wowed the Leesville crowd again at the event the following evening opening for JoEl Sonnier. Gypsy La Blue also caught the attention of Sammy Kershaw and was asked to open for the country star at two different shows in DeRidder, La and in Baton Rouge. he live show was also featured on the Cerebral Palsy Telethon in Alexandria, La., where they have also provided entertainment for other great fundraisers at the city’s biggest biker club, Brewzers. With the wide array of sounds created by its members, Gypsy La Blue has a sound that people of any walk, creed, color, or background can love and appreciate.

LCPS BRINGS KELLY MCGUIRE ABOARD FOR CONTRABAND DAYS The Lake Charles Power Squadron is proud to present the 2nd Annual “Concert on the Water.” Come by boat to listen to Kelly McGuire perform his Island sound live aboard the L’Attitude Saturday, May 10 at 4 p.m. The McGuire concert is back this year by popular demand from seafaring spectators as well as listeners along the seawall. Just look for the big 94-foot houseboat near the Civic Center Seawall and drop anchor to enjoy this FREE concert. A long time resident of Clear Lake, Texas, McGuire is known for his original gulf coast-flavored songs ranging from country to calypso/tropical, folk and rock. His CD “Redfish Island” was released in 2000 and “Boat in Belize” in 2006. His music contains a collection of songs he wrote inspired by his sailing experiences in the Bahamas, Florida Keys, Belize, Mexico and the Texas Gulf coast. McGuire readily admits, “After hearing Jimmy Buffett sing about sailing and islands, I dreamed of getting a boat and writing songs about that whole lifestyle.” Check out Kelly’s website at www.redfishland.com. The Lake Charles Power Squadron is dedicated to boating safety through education for our community. For more information visit www.lcpsonline.org or contact Commander Ben Garber, Jr. at info@lcpsonline.org. For a complete list of Contraband Days events visit www.contrabanddays.com. APRIL 17, 2008


ACTS Theatre Lake Charles will bring its studio musical production of The Wizard Of Oz to the Lake Charles Civic Center for performances on Thursday, May 8 at 10:00 in the morning, and Friday, May 9, at l0:00 in the morning and at 7:00PM in the evening. The production will feature youth actors who are enrolled in the after-school theatre classes at ACTS, in the annual musical event which the theatre has presented for the last forty-two years. The production will be a Contraband Days 2008 feature. The show has all the major characters from the Frank Baum novel, which is a perennial favorite with young people. Dorothy will meet the Tin Man, the Scarecrow, and the Cowardly Lion; and they troupe down The Yellow Brick Road in search of the Wonderful Wizard. They each have a favor to ask of the Wizard, and as they travel they meet other interesting characters including Munchkins, singing apple trees, witches, evil cats and intriguing, fatal poppies. The production has more than thirty students portraying the many roles. Since January, they have been attending vocal, music, and staging sessions at the ACTS theatre in preparation for the May performances. Payten Starr Rose will portray Dorothy Gayle from Kansas. She is an ICCS student and the daughter of Stephen and Michelle Rose. Deitrich Jessen who attends St. Louis High, will be the Wizard. He is the son of Walter and Melissa Jessen. St. Louis student, Paul Williams, is the Cowardly Lion and is the son of David and Lisbeth Williams. DeQuincy High student, Tracy Craft, is the Scarecrow. She is the daughter of Wayne and Theresa Craft. John Williams will be the Tin Man. He attends Prien Elementary and is the son of Frank and Heather Williams. Madison Valenti, a St. Theodore Holy Family student, will be Auntie Em. She is the daughter of Dan and Missy Valenti. Glenda the Good Witch will played by be Mary Kate Core. She attends St. Theodore Holy Family school and is the daughter of Gavin and Monica Core. Scarlett Mouton, daughter of Al and Cyndi Mouton, will be the Wicked Witch of the West. She is home-schooled. Sisters, Sohni and Bela Syed will portray an Apple Tree and Toto, respectively. They attend EDS and are daughters of Shami Syed and Aneera Afzal. Savannah Turner is Melinda the Witch of the South. She attends Maplewood Middle and is the daughter of Aaron and Carol Turner. Josh Bush, a Barbe High student will be neighbor, Harrison, and Apple. He is the son of Darrell and Krystal Bush. Bailey Caples will be a Munchkin and an apple tree. She attends EDS and is the daughter of Steve and Lesli Caples. Alex and Shelby Castille, children of Mark and Joanna Castille will portray the Lt. of the Guard and a neighbor and an apple tree, respectively. Alex attends S.J. Welsh and Shelby attends Prien Lake Elementary. EDS student, Elise Condron, will be Queen Alexis. She is the daughter of David and Diane Condron. Gentry Crain, an ICCS student and daughter of Wes Crain and Li’lynn Cutrer is a Munchkin and a Poppy. Sylvia Dugas will be an apple tree and a neighbor. She attends Sam Houston High and is daughter of Derrick and Claudia Dugas. Kristine Fontenot attends Prien Lake Elementary and will be a poppy and a Munchkin. She is the daughter of Nick and Shelly Fontenot. Luke Habetz is the Keeper of the Keys and attends ICCS. He is the son of Dewayne Habetz and Tasca Jicks. Sisters, Lizzie and Katie Joseph attend ICCS. They will be Frannie Frog and Blue Bird, respectively, and are the daughters of Jeffrey Joseph and Susan Drez. Hanna McCloskey attends OLQH and will be a poppy and a Munchkin. She is the daughter of John and Margaret McCloskey. Sisters Kaitlyn, Kennedi and, Evanne Manuel are home schooled and the daughters of Rick and Denise Manuel. Caitlyn will be a neighbor and an apple tree; Kennedi will be Freida Frog; and Evanne will be a bird. Allie May attends Prien Lake Elementary and will be an apple tree and a neighbor. She is the daughter of Shamie May. Jillian Mickey attends EDS and is the daughter of


APRIL 17, 2008

Steve and Missy Mickey. She is an apple tree and a neighbor. Anna Kate Queenan is a black cat. She attends EDS and is the daughter of Keith and Angela Queenan. Florence Shearman attends ICCS and is a poppy and Munchkin. She is the daughter of Doug and Claire Shearman. Leah Sims is the daughter of Michael and Melissa Sims. She attends EDS and will portray and apple tree and a neighbor. Emma Ward attends ICCS and is the daughter of Clay and Paige Ward. She will be a poppy and a Munchkin. Carli Woodyear is the daughter of Mark and Michelle Woodyear and attends EDS. She will be the Captain of the Guard and a neighbor. The production is being staged by ACTS director, Marc Pettaway. Lindsay Quedeaux is serving as assistant-to-the-director. Cast parents are serving in the many production and technical areas. Tickets for the Friday evening performance may be purchased in advance at the Civic Center ticket office or just prior to the performance in the lobby of the Civic Center Theatre. Day performance tickets in bulk for school attendance may be purchased in advance by calling (337) 436-5908. Individual tickets may be purchased prior to each day performance in the theatre lobby. Additional information may be obtained by calling the phone number listed above or online at www.actstheatre.com. All tickets for all performance are $8.50, adults and students.

APRIL 17, 2008



A Continuing Battle

for Returning Soldiers

Using a rudimentary definition of “survival,” it could be argued that hundreds of thousands of American troops have survived the country’s wars. For every American casualty, there are hundreds of survivors who come home safely to their families, usually under the radar of the general public, with little fanfare. But there is little about war that is rudimentary. For many – perhaps many more than previously believed – mental welfare is sacrificed for physical survival. A recent study released by the U.S. Army indicates that one in eight onduty troops experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. According to Congressman Bob Filner, D-Calif., chairman of the veteran affairs committee, more than 58,000 Vietnam veterans have committed suicide – virtually the same number of American troops who died in the actual war. In late October, Congress unanimously passed a suicide prevention bill that would require mental health training for VA staff, screen suicide risk factors for veterans who receive VA care, refer atrisk veterans for counseling and treatment and designate a suicide prevention counselor at each VA medical facility,


APRIL 17, 2008

according to the Associated Press. The legislation also supports outreach and education for veterans and their families. The disorder most often associated with American veterans was once called “shell shock” or “combat fatigue.” The accepted term today is “posttraumatic stress disorder,” or PTSD, which is defined by the Department of Veterans Affairs’ National Center for PTSD as “an anxiety disorder that can occur after you have been through a traumatic event (which can) make you feel scared, confused or angry.” Although it’s common for people to experience a range of emotions after something traumatic, such as the death of a loved one, PTSD symptoms can sometimes start months or years after the event and may come and go over many years. Unlike symptoms that may be considered a healthy emotional response, the symptoms of PTSD can be “terrifying, disrupt your life and make it hard to continue

with daily activities,” according to the National Center. “Traumas come from painful events and have a ripple effect on everyone in the survivor’s life,” said Jody Davidson, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with Samaritan Counseling Center, a Lake Charles agency that offers mental health services on a sliding fee scale. “There are little ‘t’ traumas that we all have experienced in childhood, such as conflicts with peers and family, situations of humiliation and shame that can hurt our self-esteem and self-worth. But then there are big ‘T’ traumas, such as a person surviving a hurricane or a natu-

ral disaster, an automobile accident, rape, or armed robbery that can disable a person’s ability to cope with life.” Davidson recently completed training in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy, or EMDR, an effective counseling tool to treat people with PTSD. The therapy is currently being used in VA hospitals across the country and is listed as one of the top PTSD therapies in the world. The counselors at Samaritan were offered the training to help treat hurricane victims, but Davidson said it is also effective for veterans struggling with their trauma. In a study by the U.S. Army that was published in the New England Journal of Medicine, it was reported that about one in eight troops who fought in Iraq reported symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. The National Center for PTSD lists four common symptoms: • reliving the event, causing a person to feel the same fear and horror they felt when the event first took place. • avoiding situations that may trigger memories of the event . • experiencing a feeling of “numbness,” such as the inability to express feelings toward other people, disinterest in activities or people, or inability to discuss the experience. • feeling hyper-aroused or “keyed up,” such as suddenly becoming angry or irritable, inability to sleep or concentrate, or inability to feel safe or relaxed. “Returning veterans often experience hyper-vigilance when driving down the road, have ‘flashback triggers’ and have difficulty readjusting to old relationships, marriage and civilian life in general,”

Davidson said. “Soldiers coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan who have witnessed the horrors of war and have participated in extreme violence have obviously experienced big ‘T’ traumas. Even soldiers who didn’t experience fire fights and bombings have traumas to deal with. Often, veterans will selfmedicate with alcohol or drugs as a way to help them cope with painful memories.” According to the VA associate director of education Jan Kemp, there have been as many as 5,000 suicides per year among veterans. Dr. Matthew Friedman, executive director of the National Center for PTSD, told the Associated Press that the mental health of American veterans is “a serious problem,” and even called the Army study’s one-in-eight statistic “conservative.” The study researched more than 6,000 active-duty combat troops and found that prior to deployment, the rate that troops felt symptoms of depression or anxiety was about 5 percent – about the same as the general population. On duty, that number rose by as much as 11 percent. “Whether or not a veteran’s trauma turns into full-blown PTSD depends on many different factors, which the Pentagon and department of veterans’ affairs mental health task force are currently researching,” Davidson said. However, Tricare, the military health insurance program, reported that one in three veterans returning home have sought mental health counseling within their first year back. In May, the defense department’s task force on mental health reported that the system of care for mental health treatment is not sufficient to meet the needs of today’s soldiers and their beneficiaries. They have also noted that there continues to be a significant stigma for our soldiers seeking mental health services through the military for fear of ridicule and damage to their career.” The Army study supports that belief. A statistic almost as frightening as veteran suicide rates is the number of those who choose not to seek help – less than half of the troops who reported symptoms of PTSD sought help from a mental health professional, stating that they were afraid of being stigmatized or hurting their careers. Local veterans are in a “unique position” of having several licensed trauma therapists in the community to help them, Davidson said. “Due to the hurricanes that hit the Gulf Coast in 2005, many of us have been trained in EMDR therapy.” Samaritan offers a sliding scale fee for those with limited finances, Davidson said. To make an appointment with Davidson or other counselors at, or to discuss EMDR therapy, call (337) 433-4357.

APRIL 17, 2008



The Skins Game You’re headed for the 9th hole and morning dew has turned into midday heat. No one wants to leave the course with sunburn. It is important to remember that looking good starts with protecting your skin against the harmful effects of the sun. There are several new products on the market which are completely natural, easy to use and compact. This makes them perfect to take anywhere. Normally, preparing for a day in the sun should begin after the morning shower. Most moisturizers and sunscreens work best when then the face and body are still damp thus sealing in the skin’s moisture. Applying sunscreen half an hour before the start of a round of golf or other sport is the usual rule of thumb. However, there are other options available in sunblock. Rather than a skin-absorbing lotion, Colorescience Sunforgettable is a brush-on mineral powder. It is an excellent broad-spectrum SPF 30 sunblock and can be applied at the start of and during the

round. It does not interfere with your grip on the club because it is not a lotion. It does not discolor hair or irritate eyes when one perspires. Clear, weightless, and water resistant, it is also perfect for a day at the clubhouse pool. Treating the effects of the sun does not end after the round, however. Colorescience has created a golfers dream skin soother. Line Tamer infuses wind burned skin with antioxidants such as green tea, lavender, and tangerine while adding moisture and mattifying shine. It is recommended for all types of redness issues such as sunburn, rosacea and acne. Line Tamer is perfect for correcting skin tone compromised by sun exposure, wind exposure, and aggressive conditions. Dr. Steve Springer from Lake Area Skin Care says, “Sun exposure is the most preventable risk factor for skin cancer. You can still have fun in the sun.” Here are some of the American Academy of Dermatology’s recommen-

dations on how to do it: 1. Generously apply a water-resistant sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 15 that provides broadspectrum protection from both ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays to all exposed skin. Re-apply every two hours, even on cloudy days, and after swimming or sweating. Look for the AAD Seal Of Recognition on products that meet these criteria. 2. Wear protective clothing, such as a long-sleeved shirt, pants, a widebrimmed hat and sunglasses, where possible. 3. Seek shade when appropriate, remembering that the sun's rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If your shadow is shorter than you are, seek shade. 4. Use extra caution near water, snow and sand as they reflect the damaging rays of the sun, which can increase your chance of sunburn.

5. Protect children from sun exposure by applying sunscreen. 6. Get vitamin D safely through a healthy diet that may include vitamin supplements. Don't seek the sun. 7. Avoid tanning beds. Ultraviolet light from the sun and tanning beds can cause skin cancer and wrinkling. If you want to look like you've been in the sun, consider using a sunless self-tanning product, but continue to use sunscreen with it. 8. Check your birthday suit on your birthday. If you notice anything changing, growing or bleeding on your skin, see a dermatologist. Skin cancer is very treatable when caught early. Call Kristin Rosalis at Lake Area Skin Care, 601 S Ryan St., with any questions you may have about protecting and treating your skin, or go to www.lakeareaskincare.com.

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APRIL 17, 2008

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"A Greet Addition" — don't just say hello.

by Matt Jones • ©2008 Jonesin' Crosswords Brought to you by Melanie Perry, Agent State Farm Insurance

Last Issue’s Answers

Across 1 Leading 4 Michael of "Juno" 8 Like some registries 14 Prefix for terrorism 15 "I hear ya, brother!" 16 Lunar craft 17 ___ Lingus (Irish airline) 18 "Hi, here are some TV knobs," in Spanish? 20 One of the five Beijing Olympics mascots 22 Pocket watch attachment 23 They may veer from the main melody 24 Chicago-style hot dog option 26 "Deserving Design" host Vern 28 Record, in a way 29 Neckwear organizer 31 "Pride and Prejudice" author 33 Singer Bareilles 34 Trail followers 37 Letter signoff, for short 38 "Hello, here's some wheat protein," in German? 41 Org. that sets law school standards 44 More than enough 45 "Friends" friend 49 Insect in a plague

51 53 54 57 58 60 62 63 66 67 68 69 70 71 72

Seek Rudiments Stick in the microwave Like some sherpas Transparent, as hose "Help!" Photo finish, so to speak? "Greetings, I'm a happy dog," in Japanese? Bill the Cat outburst College credit source Trig ratio "___ need to explain?" Empty-___ (one whose kids have left the house) "Oh, my!" Hill critter

Down 1 Short, stout vessels 2 Island group that sometimes includes New Zealand 3 More X-rated 4 Structure by the swimming pool 5 Aussie bird 6 Hazard for a hull 7 Bug the hell out of 8 Stool samples, for short 9 Handguns

10 11 12 13 19 21 25 27 30 32 35 36 39 40 41 42 43 46 47 48 50 52 55 56 59 61 64 65

Numskulls Good and evil, e.g. Pervasive Word after chess or tennis ___-Wan Kenobi Item banned under players' helmets by the NFL in 2001 Longtime Starbucks chairman Howard "Wayne's World" encouragement "Being for the Benefit of Mr. ___!" ("Sgt. Pepper's" song) "Psych" network "Letters from Iwo Jima" actor Watanabe Docs who check out head colds Turntablist's collection Complaint From Fairbanks Burbank's airport is named for him Southern, French and Cockney, for three It's played before many NHL games Element #14 2006 comedy about gymnastics Web newsgroup collective Three-___ race Baseball bat wood Cool quality Get up Drink out of a paper bag, perhaps Midpoint: abbr. Santa ___, Calif.

APRIL 17, 2008


t i m e s

picks the best in lake area entertainment

“JUST BEAT IT” APRIL 19 — Get the training. Save a life! The second annual “Just Beat It” CPR Training Day is this Saturday, April 19 at the Lake Charles Civic Center. Residents throughout Southwest Louisiana can learn lifesaving bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) at Just Beat It. Just Beat It is free and open to anyone 12 years of age and older who wants to learn how to save a life. Two sessions lasting an hour and a half each will be held beginning at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. There is no cost to participate, but pre-registration is required by calling toll-free 877-242-4277. Even those with previous CPR training are encouraged to attend Just Beat It. Guidelines have recently changed on how to administer CPR, and we will be teaching these changes to this year’s participants. Compression-to ventilation ratio and administering CPR after each shock with an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) are some of the new rules being taught. The event is organized and coordinated by Lake Charles Memorial Hospital, Acadian Ambulance, the National EMS Academy, Louisiana Swashbucklers, the American Heart Association,Heart & Vascular Center, Terra Cotta’s, O’Charley’s, Flavin Realty, Medtronics, and Mobile Imaging. GALS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN! WEEKEND AT CAMP WI-TA-WENTIN, APRIL 18-20 — Camp Fire USA, SWLA Council announces its fourth Gals Just Want To Have Fun weekend. Activities include arts & crafts, fly and fresh water fishing, kayaking, line dancing, mah jongg, yoga, or just relaxing on rocking chairs! GALS can come for parts of the two-day event or for the full array of events. All GALS receive a collectible, commemorative T-shirt. The cost varies, depending upon events. Saturday activities and the wine and cheese mixer will cost $50 which includes breakfast, lunch and numerous “fun learning options”. The Saturday night gourmet dinner at 5:30 is $20. The Friday night sleepover with hot dogs, singing and s’mores and breakfast is $90. The all-inclusive two-night sleepover is $105. Sleep-over is limited to 60 GALS. To register, contact Camp Fire USA at 478-6550, or download information from the website: www.campfireswla.org or go by the Camp Fire USA Office at 2126 Oak Park Blvd. To attend a GAL must be 21 by proof of a picture ID.

CAROLINE, OR CHANGE PREMIERS AT MSU APRIL 23 — The Louisiana premiere of Tony Kushner’s “Caroline, or Change” with music by Jeanine Tesori, will be the highlight of the McNeese Theatre Season. Performances are at 7:30 p.m., April 23-26 with a 2 p.m. matinee, Sunday April 27. Performances are in Ralph Squires Hall, Shearman Fine Arts Center on the McNeese campus. The McNeese production of “Caroline, or Change” will be dedicated to the William Kushner family and Maudie Lee Davis. Lewis Whitlock III is director and John Abegglen is scenic and lighting designer. Set in Lake Charles,

Tony Ku shner


APRIL 17, 2008

Louisiana, 1963, “Caroline” tells of race relations, the civil rights movement, and African Americans and southern Jews from the perspective of Caroline, the maid in the Gellman home, revealing her experiences and emotions through her relationship with the family, especially their son, Noah, and her own children. Lake Charles native Tony Kushner is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, two Tony Awards, and three Obie Awards “Caroline” received several Tony nominations, including Best Musical, and the 2006 American Standard Best New Musical Award and the 2007 Lawrence Olivier Award Best Musical for the London production. Ticket prices are: $20 for adults; $15 for McNeese faculty & staff, senior citizens and youth (K-12). McNeese students are admitted free with current ID. For reservations call (337) 475-5043. GIVE US A GRANT! JACKSONS ARE WELCOME TOO! — Your Lake Charles Little Theatre, the oldest arts organization in SW Louisiana has sent out a special appeal “We hope you will give us “a Grant”. However, not a grant like most would think, but fifty bucks! This ingenious fund raising campaign is being utilized to generate funds for the replace the seriously depleted reserve funds, used to renovate and repair the “New Stable Playhouse”, located at 813 Enterprise Boulevard following Hurricane Rita. Following the storm, the Bob Michels Auditorium was re-sheet rocked, painted, a new roof installed, new fixtures, and a lobby face lift. For your help, you will receive credit throughout the 2008-2009 programs as “Grant Provider”. “Jacksons” ($20) are welcome too! To help this all-volunteer theatre, please visit www.thelclt.com and click on the “Grant” button. All donations are 100% tax-deductible. The LCLT is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) compliant organization, and was founded in 1927. BIG EASY BOOGALOO! DON’T MISS THE VOODOO, APRIL 19 — The Imperial Calcasieu Museum’s voodoo is working in overdrive as they prepare for the biggest party of 2008, The Big Easy Boogaloo, “A Wild Night in the Vieux Carre!” at 710 Downtown Bar & Grill on April 19, 8 p.m. – 1 a.m. As the Museum’s only annual fund raiser, Boogaloo funds the operating and programming budget which supports the exhibit season, educational programs for all ages and cultural preservation. Tickets are available for the most-talked-about party of the year at the ICM, Gordon’s Drug Store, and 710 Downtown Bar & Grill! Ticket prices are $50 for non-members, and $40 for Museum members, and tickets must be presented to enter! Get ready to take it easy or make it wild at the Big Easy Boogaloo! 2 FAT 2 FURIOUS TOUR IN LAKE CHARLES 2 NIGHTS ONLY, APRIL 25 & 26 — Jen Kober’s 2 Fat 2 Furious Tour promises big laughs and big crowds. Comedian Jen Kober has teamed up with fellow funny fattie Susan Jones to bring their unique brand of super-sized humor all over the country. Kober and Jones have been touring together since January, and the shows have been a huge success. These two accomplished comedians bring down the house with their hilarious stories of love lost at the buffet and tall tales of living large on the road. Shows will be at the newly remodeled Dagostino’s, 1025 Broad St in Lake Charles. Showtime is 9 p.m., and tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door. Students and military get in for $10. Get advance tickets online at www.JenKober.com or by phone at (800) 838-3006. All sizes welcome!

er Jen Kob

MARILYN’S VERANDA ENDS AN ERA, APRIL 26 — West Calcasieu Cameron Hospital Foundation will host an event saluting Marilyn Dawdy for her 30 years of service to the community. The doors to Marilyn’s Veranda in Sulphur will close at the end of April. “Thanks for the Memories” will be held on April 26 at 7 p.m. at Marilyn’s Veranda. Dress is semiformal. Tickets are available for $100 per couple, dinner is included. Marilyn’s Veranda has been the venue for many weddings, business meetings, fundraisers and gatherings over the years. Proceeds from the event will benefit the WCCH Foundation, and will be used for future healthcare needs. To purchase tickets, or for more information, call Debby Nabours at 527-4144 or Sondra Moss at 6253562 or 540-6639. GROWING MINDS AND HEARTS, IN LEARNING CIRCLES FOR GIRLS, APRIL 21-24 AND MAY 12-15 — The Leadership Centers for Youth (TLC) is offering Learning Circles for Girls, a program designed to promote self-respect and responsibility in young girls through leadership. Girls ages 10 to 13 are invited to attend this free program at The Leadership Center for Youth in Lake Charles. Learning Circles for Girls is provided in three sessions in one month for a hour and a half each. The program is offered April 21, 22, and 24, and May 12, 13, and 15, from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Topics include communications, confidence and inner strength, personal space, body image, valuing diversity, and conflict resolution. For more information, contact Amy at 433-4533 or amyr@fyca.org. There is no cost for the program, but space is limited. Call today! The Leadership Center for Youth in Lake Charles and Sulphur (TLC), a program of Family & Youth, offers a positive, supervised environment for youth ages 12 to 17. Services include planned summer activities, homework help, youth leadership development, recreational sports, computers, and drug and violence prevention. Membership fee is $50 a year, and TLC is open Tuesday through Friday 2 to 8 p.m., and Saturday,10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Call 337-433-4533. COUSHATTA VOLUNTEER JAM 2008 FEATURES THE CHARLIE DANIELS BAND, APRIL 26 — Coushatta Casino Resort is proud to host Volunteer Jam 2008 with The Charlie Daniels Band, Shooter Jennings, and .38 Special on Saturday, April 26 at 7 p.m. in The Pavilion at Coushatta. Doors open at 6 p.m. The Grand Ole Opry has recently inducted country star Daniels as a member. Daniels is known for his signature song, “The Devil Went Down to Georgia.” During his 50-year career, he scored hits on the Rock, Country, Pop and Christian charts. Daniels started Volunteer Jam in 1974 to record “Fire on the Mountain” in front of a live audience. The performer’s friends joined in for a jam at that Nashville concert and the rest is history. Coushatta Casino Resort is located in Kinder, LA on Highway 165 (I-10 exit 44), featuring over 2800 slots and more than 70 table games. Phone 800-584-7263 for more information or visit the website at www.coushattacasinoresort.com. L’AUBERGE SPARKLES WITH KENNY ROGERS, MAY 9 & 10 — L’Auberge du Lac Casino Resort will put the sizzle in summer beginning in May. Back by popular demand, country superstar Kenny Rogers returns to the Event Center May 9 - 10. Kenny Rogers will perform in the L’Auberge Event Center on Friday, May 9 and Saturday, May 10 at 8:30 pm; doors open one hour before the show. Tickets are priced at $65 for floor seating and $50 for stadium seating. Show tickets can be purchased by calling Ticketmaster at (800) 4885252 or online at www.ticketmaster.com . All acts, dates and ticket prices are subject to change without notice. Guests must be 21 years of age and present a valid photo ID.

IT’S “THE PITS”! JAMES & THE GIANT PEACH CLOSES MAY 1 — The Children’s Theatre Company (CTC); Kerry A. Onxley, Artistic Director announce the final school performances of the 2007-2008 Season with James And The Giant Peach. Children will have the opportunity to escape with James and his insect friends during their amazing adventures inside a magical peach. School performances are held on May 1 at 10 a.m. at the Central School of the Arts & Humanities Center (809 Kirby Street) located in downtown Lake Charles. Seating is limited. Tickets are $8 per person. Schools interested in booking should contact the theatre at (337) 433-7323. For information, visit www.childrenstheatre.cc 7TH ANNUAL WILD BEAST FEAST, SATURDAY, MAY 3 — The Lake Charles Symphony invites you to bring the entire family to sample savory dishes of game pork, poultry and seafood presented by local sportsmen, while enjoying the music of “City Heat.” Stay for an exciting live auction. The fun begins at the The Brick House, 110 Pine Street (downtown Lake Charles) from 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. The auction begins at 6:30.Tickets are available at Gordon’s Drug Store and the Symphony office (Call 433-1611). Adult tickets are $25 and children (ages 7 -14) are $10. Children under 7 are admitted free. Tickets purchased at the door are Adult $30, Children $15. There will be refreshments and a cash bar. Title sponsor is Whitney National Bank and major sponsors are the Stream Family. Event sponsors are AT&T; Cox, Cox, Filo Camel & Wilson; Global Industries; Brian & Mary Shaddock Jones; William B. Lawton, Co.; and Mark Dodge. For information, call the Symphony office, (337) 433-1611. L’AUBERGE PARTY BY THE POOL RETURNS MAY 1 — Live bands poolside every Thursday night throughout the summer season, including national sensation The Gin Blossoms and homegrown New Orleans rockers Cowboy Mouth. New Orleans based Cowboy Mouth will rock the crowd with its high voltage performance at the seasons inaugural May 1st event (www.cowboymouth.com ). The Grammy nominated Gin Blossoms take the stage poolside on June 5. The group is nationally known for Top 10 hits like Hey Jealousy, and Till I Hear It From You. Party by the Pool also features beer and drink specials served by the Ladies of L’Auberge. Doors open at 6:00 pm with live entertainment scheduled to begin each Thursday at 7:00 pm; Party by the Pool ends at 10:00 pm Party by the Pool Entertainment Summer Line-Up: May 1- Cowboy Mouth – Rock. May 8-Bag of Donuts – 80’s Rock May 15-Radio Daze – Variety May 22 -Mustang Sally – Variety May 29-MoJeaux – Variety June 5 -Gin Blossoms – Rock June 12-Ashes of Babylon– Reggae June 19- Dr. Zarr’s Amazing Funk Monster – Funk June 26- The Molly Ringwalds – 80’s Tribute $5.00 cover charge (free with L’Club Card); ladies get in free. Gentlemen pay just $5; the cover charge is waived for L’Club members. Must be 21 to enter. Please note that the event location is subject to change and/or cancellation due to inclement weather. Dress code will be strictly enforced at the discretion of L’Auberge.

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Kenny Rogers APRIL 17, 2008


Kung Pao, Yappy Hour, Plantain Chips & Birthday Cake


ave you ever ordered your favorite dish at your favorite restaurant and thought, “I wish I knew how to make this?” Well, now you can – Kung Pao Chicken or Chow Bok Choy – you can learn to create your Chinese favorites. Jack Wong recently started evening classes in Chinese cooking at his restaurant, the Chinese King, in downtown Lake Charles. Students learn the basics of creating their favorite dishes from chopping vegetables to the proper care of utensils. With lots of laughter, friends (and a couple of glasses of wine!), we watched the professional chefs whip up a few dishes and then we each picked our favorite dish, chose our ingredients and seasonings, and at our cooking stations, we created a meal under the watchful tutoring of Mary Ann, Jack, and Henry Wong. A special guest at our class was McNeese student Fu-Ling Nong, from Taiwan. The classes are held regularly at the Chinese King downtown, so get your friends and family together for culinary classes that are fun – and yummy! Meanwhile, young entrepreneur, Michael Seaberry, owner of Jamelia Fashion Productions, organized the Street Rush Spring Fashion Show March 15 at Central School Theater. Local young people presented dance, theater, singing, and the hottest fashions. The talent and fashions were great! Congrats to Michael and all the young stars. When you work like a dog, says the SWLA Chapter of the Humane Society of Louisiana, you gotta take time out to smell the margaritas! And so we gathered at Luna Bar and Grill courtyard, Tuesday, April 8, for the first-ever Lake Area “Yappy Hour.” Taking happy hour to the dogs, were HSL-SWLA board members and volunteers Marsha Montgomery, Tod Ardoin, Sabra Noland, Elizabeth Roche and Beth Zilbert. We were greeted with wet nose kissies and tail wags from therapy dogs Luke, Libby, and Gidget. The canines at Yappy Hour were all certified therapy dogs who participate in the parish-wide Pet Therapy Project.

Mary Ann, Jack, and Henry Wong at the Chinese King cooking classes.

Renee Prejean, Lester Robertson and Liz Short attended the first “Yappy Hour” at Lunas.

Fashion Show models at Street Rush Spring Fashion Show.


APRIL 17, 2008

Erin Cormier, Justin Sells and Sally Stride chatted during Yappy Hour.

Cameron, Pat and Adrian Duhon at Yappy Hour.

Marsha explained that Yappy Hour was organized so that friends and supporters in Calcasieu Parish can help with the Humane Society’s program, “End Cruelty - No More Homeless Pets,” a component of their Pet Therapy Project. The $5 suggested donation to enjoy Yappy Hour supports the HSL-SWLA Campaign to End Cruelty - No More Homeless Pets. The weather could not have been more perfect. Warm sun, low humidity and cool breeze on the Luna courtyard made for relaxing after-work experience. Michelle Alexander, Sabra Noland and Libby, the therapy dog,

greeted folks. Marsha Montgomery, Elizabeth Roche and Tod Ardoin chatted with Renee Prejean, Lester Robertson and Liz Short. Beth Zilbert and therapy dog, Luke, greeted Erin Cormier, Justin Sells and Sally Stride. Sally is a dog trainer with “Proper Pooches” so I pumped her for information on how to deal with my spoiled rotten duo – a Lhasa-Shih and Shih-Tzu. According to Sally, it seems like “someone” has not been exerting her authority and has not taught her pups that “nothing is free” and that someone shouldn’t let them run the house dictate

Marvin Williams, Katherine Cox and Phillip Williams enjoying the Tour of Nations at the LC Country Club.

suppertime and sleep on the pillow and if I figure out who spoiled my babies I told Sally I’d get back to her…Meanwhile, I had a Leinenkugel’s Honey Weiss with a great Luna burger and shared my French fries with Libby, Luke and Gidget. (Is that how dogs get spoiled?) Cameron Duhon was at Yappy Hour photographing the event with his mom, Pat and brother Adrian. Darryl Boyd, May Gray, Renee Prejean, Lester Robertson, Liz Short, Richard Hogarth, Nancy Sanner, Louise Marks, Mike Dever and Aleis

Henry were also enjoying the first Yappy Hour. Even some of LC’s offduty fireman stopped by to support the Humane Society. We chatted with Jay Reeds, Dustin Richard, Randy Saraunt, Brandon Connor, and Dave Perrodin. For more information on the SWLA Chapter of the Humane Society of Louisiana, go to www.gohumane.org. And watch for the next Yappy Hour – it’s more fun than a regular Happy Hour because you can celebrate with your canine friends, too!

Make Mother’s Day truly memorable with a hand engraved beautiful Lady Primrose keepsake. Engraving for Mother’s Day available thru 4-20-08.

3101 Ernest St., Lake Charles • 337.439.4384 APRIL 17, 2008


Agnes and Ella Guillory were glamorous at the Tour of Nations.

The Eljay Foundation’s annual fundraiser for Parkinson’s awareness took on an exotic flair Friday evening, April 11, with a “Tour of Nations Extravaganza.” We experienced the culture, food, wine, fashions, art and traditions of African nations. The Extravaganza transformed the newly renovated Lake Charles Country Club into a magical land of tropical ferns, flowers and flavors. Morgan Wilson and her grandmother, Anne Drake, were hardworking volunteers at the 505 Imports boutique table which offered a shopping experience for jewelry, textiles, art, wines and crafts from Africa – to raise money for the evening. Eljay Foundation president, Eligha Guillory and Brad Evans welcomed guests to the Country Club. I caught up with Marvin Williams, Katherine Cox and Phillip Williams who were admiring the amazing works of African art on loan from the extensive collection of Alford Green. Mr. Green has been collecting authentic African art works for decades and he loaned some striking pieces for the Tour of Nations evening, including “Mother of Spirit” from Cameroon, “Baga Snake” from Guinea, brass and bronze “Oni King of Ife” from Nigeria.

There were masks from the Ivory Coast and dogans from Mali. The art works certainly added to the exotic essence of the evening. Adding to the ambience was fabulous floral creations from Paradise Florist, Donella’s Flower Shop and Albertson’s. Beautiful shields and head pieces from the Krewe Chetu Jadi sparkled on the walls. Throughout the evening, we were treated to the music of Chester and Jairus Daigle. Delightful! Guests were encouraged to wear African fashions or formal dress, so the event was gorgeous with textures, colors and styles. Tyrone Holden and Linda Stagg looked regal in gorgeous African-inspired evening wear. Agnes and Ella Guillory were absolutely glamorous at the Tour of Nations. Yvonne and Wilfred Guillory sparkled in traditional African dress. Young Dennis Paul was escorted through the Tour of Nations by Daphne Haskin. I also visited with Patricia and Brian Prudhomme, Joey Alcede, Penny and Louis Hauxthausen, Phil and Lucie Earhart, Dr. and Vangie Ordinario, and Keith and Ann Bruner. Keith Frank, looking very dapper in a white suit, escorted his grand-

Nathan Slewett, Chairman Emeritus of the National Parkinson Foundation was a special guest at the Tour of Nations.


APRIL 17, 2008

Ron Miller and BJ Fuller enjoying the Tour of Nations.

mother, Barbara Cahee, through the Tour of Nations. Ron Miller and BJ Fuller enjoyed the evening. And didn’t you just love BJ’s fabulous blue dress and head wrap! The food was an adventure through four African nations. With guidance from McNeese International Students, Dami Bello, Gregory Meju and Yvonne Eke; the mastery of Chef Keith Jageneaux; and the careful attention to detail by the LC Country Club’s assistant general manager and food and beverage director, Barry Whitten, we experienced authentic cuisine from Ghana, Nigeria, Ethiopia and Senegal. At beautifully decorated serving stations, each country presented native dishes. From Ghana there was hot pepper soup (and it was HOT, but totally delicious!), avocadoes stuffed with smoked fish and hot plantain chips (which proved to be delightfully habitforming!) Ethiopia offered a beautiful vegetable stew (Vegetable Alecha), Queen of Sheba salad (a colorful mixture of tomatoes, onions and sausage), and Sega Wat – a lamb stew with hardboiled eggs. Mr. Whitten explained that, with the help of the McNeese international

students, and recipes gleaned from the internet, the selections offered an authentic “Tour of Nations.” At Senegal we were treated to Salad Cote Cape Verte (chopped egg salad), bar-b-que chicken in rich onions and lemon-sauce rice, and Avocat Aux Crevettes (avocado stuffed with shrimp). At the Nigerian station, we sampled pumpkin and pork stew, black bean salad and Wolof Rice. The varied (and delicious!) wines of Africa were offered at the wine-tasting station. I was very glad to sip a cooling pinot after the spicy hot pepper soup! I shared a table with a lively group that included Carol and Charlie St. Dizier, Judy Reeves, Faye, Carla and Carrie Chrisco, Anne Drake, Morgan Wilson, Nancy Roach and Mayor Randy Roach. Our co-emcees for the evening were the distinguished gentlemen, John Bridges and Russ Bordelon. John was delighted that he actually got to bang the gong to signal the end of the silent auction! “I’ve never banged a gong before!” he said and gave it a whack. The silent auction, by the way, was full of delights…art, wine, gift baskets, jewelry. Roni Kemerly, Heather Fazzio and Brian and Patricia

Dr. Reynard Odenheimer, Butterfly Award Recipient for 2008, with Nomica and Eligha Guillory at the Eljay Foundation Tour of Nations.

Little Theatre volunteers ham it up at the Porch Sale showing off their wares; Joey Frazier, Brett Downer and Carla Chrisco.

Prudhomme were among the hardworking volunteers making the silent auction a success. Pastor Carlos Ross of Open Arms Baptist Church gave the invocation and then John Bridges introduced a very special guest, Mr. Nathan Slewett, Chairman Emeritus of the National Parkinson Foundation. Dr. Ewell Stevens announced the winner of the 2008 Butterfly Award – Dr. Reynard Odenheimer, who was surprised and touched by the honor. The entertainment continued with The Drummers of Kumbuka. Three men in authentic dress, make fabulous music using only African drums. Three women, dressed in colorful African garb, dance to the drumming and invite audience members up for a chance to learn dance steps. It was great fun to watch! The Eljay Foundation definitely “raised the bar” on fundraisers with this Extravaganza. I can’t wait to see what this creative group presents next year – all for the important work of raising awareness and offering support to area families affected by Parkinson’s disease. Early the next morning, the garage sale crowd had a special treat – a stop

at the Lake Charles Little Theatre for their first Porch Sale fundraiser. Jo Anne Rigney and James Johnson enjoyed the spring morning as they assisted shoppers. LCLT volunteers Barbara Downer, Joann Hanks, Penny Palermo, Joey Frazier, Brett Downer, Jay Rypma, Paul Land and Carla Chrisco were also on hand to help out and ham it up with old props and costume pieces that were for sale. Emma Burk and her grandmother, Irene Vandever stopped by to pick up a few treasures. Two of the most prized offerings were authentic pool tables donated by Darrell’s. Joey Frazier reported that the first one sold very, very early to a very determined shopper who showed up about 5:30 in the morning! I left the shoppers to get downtown where the Children’s Museum was celebrating their 20th Birthday, complete with cake and candles (of course). The Junior League was on hand to help with the celebration and Denise Fasske, on behalf of Mayor Randy Roach, presented a certificate of appreciation for the Children’s Museum from the city of Lake Charles to Phil de’Albuquerque, board president. Then Dan Ellender, Poddy

Lorie Labbe and Sandra Dally visited at the Symphony performance.

Champeaux, Mari Wilson and Phil and Lauren de’Albuquerque, with help from youngsters Gracie Watson and Abigail Stack, blew out the candles on the Children’s Museum birthday cake and we all enjoyed big slices! The day-long celebration included lots of fun and educational events including story time, art contest, a Sasol science show, a tour of a LC Fire Department fire truck, Chico the Clown, magician Perry Vincent and Perry Medix and the Sirens Puppet Show. That evening, the Lake Charles Symphony Orchestra presented their final performance of their 50th Season with a very special homecoming. Lake Charles natives Eric Kushner and Paul Groves performed for a standing room only crowd at the Rosa Hart Theatre. I met Rose Katz and Reve Greenberg in the lobby before when I arrived. They both looked fabulous in red! Young Sydney Terranova and her grandmother, LCSO Executive Director Debbie Reed, chatted with patrons as the lobby filled. I spied

Kathy and Craig Griffith, Phil Battestin, Lorie Labbe, Carol and Charlie St. Dizider, Sandra Dally, Hope Fuller, and Sarah and Lily Zaunbrecher, and Maestro William and Marsha Kushner in the crowd. Guest conductor, William Grimes, looking very elegant in his formal tux, led the symphony through Rossini’s “Overture to La Gazza Ladra” to open the performance. Then Eric Kushner, on French Horn, and tenor Paul Groves treated us to Britten’s “Serenade for Tenor, Horn and Strings, Opus 31”. They certainly earned the standing ovation we gave them! Beautiful and haunting music. After intermission, Paul Groves delighted the crowd with operatic arias from Bizet, Verdi, Donizetti, Offenbach and Gounod. It was a special homecoming for two extremely talented Lake area sons and a musical treat for all Symphony patrons. What a perfect way to end a special 50th Season.

Hope Fuller, and Sarah and Lily Zaunbrecher chatted during the Symphony intermission.

Poddy Champeaux, Dan Ellender and Phil de’Albuquerque celebrated at the Children’s Museum 20th Anniversary.

APRIL 17, 2008


Below: Nick and Leah Richard at their wedding reception March 14th, 2008 in New Orleans.

Below: Libby, therapy dog and canine model, shows her best profile at the Humane Society’s Yappy Hour at the Luna Courtyard.

Above: Party Pirates: Buccaneers Billy Flowers, Cathy Brooks, Sherry and Donnie Barber, Pat Burns and Terry Ewing await the arrival of Jean Lafitte, April 12.

Above: Gracie Watson and Abigail Stack blow out the candles on the Children’s Museum birthday cake.

Parting Sh o ts

1) Email your snap shots to myphoto@timessw.com. Must include a contact name and phone number. 2) Photos should be attached as a file and not imbedded in copy or photoshopped into a format. Original size, please, do not compress the file. No mailed or fax photographs can be used.


APRIL 17, 2008

3) Subjects in photo must be identified by name. Children should also be identified by parent or guardian. Unidentified or anonymous photos will not be considered for publication. 4) The Times reserves the right to decline publishing photos of questionable taste or subject matter, or for space limitations.

Do You Have What It Takes To Join The

“TOP 50”? Who will make the 2008 list of The Imperial Calcasieu Top 50 Privately Held Businesses? The Times of Southwest Louisiana and Jeff Davis Bank are now seeking those prestigious businesses that will be featured in our 2008 Top 50 issue, published July 10. Go to The Times website at www.timessw.com and click on “Top 50”. Submit your nomination form online today! Or print it out the form and fax it to us at (337) 439-0418. For questions, please contact Kathryn Bergstrom, Editor, at 439-0995.

Please Note: We have an early deadline this year. To be eligible, you must submit your nomination no later than

FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2008. For questions, please contact Kathryn Bergstrom, Editor, at 439-0995.

2007 Imperial Calcasieu Top 50 Privately Held Businesses: 1. Central Crude 2. Superior Supply & Steel 3. Talen's Marine & Fuel 4. Navarre Chevrolet 5. Stine Lumber Co. 6. Pumpelly Oil 7. Martin Automotive Group 8. Dunham Price Group 9. Solar Supply Corp. 10. Southwest Beverage 11. AllStar Pontiac GMC 12. Bubba Oustalet 13. Mark Dodge 14. Alfred Palma, Inc. 15. Cameron Communications 16. Lee Dee Wholesale 17. LeeVac 18. Port Aggregates, Inc. 19. R & R Construction 20. Bessette Development 21. Brask, Inc. IEE 22. Kite Brothers 23. ReCon Mgt. Services 24. Thermoplastic Services 25. Gulf Island Shrimp 26. Health Systems 2000 27. Kennison Forest Production 28. Lake Charles Auto Auction 29. Levingston Engineers 30. McDonald's of Lake Charles 31. Miller Livestock Markets

32. Century Group 33. French Market Foods 34. Lake Charles Diesel, Inc. 35.OilQuip Inc. 36. The Rush Companies 37. Calcasieu Mechanical Contractors 38. Cycles & More 39. Eagle Electric Machinery 40. Freshko Foodservice, Inc. 41. Global Pollution Services 42. Honda of Lake Charles 43. Johnson Funeral Homes 44. Lake City Trucking 45. Northfork Enterprises 46. Sabine Pools & Spas 47. Southland Coins & 48. Gulf Coast Carpet & Decorating 49. S & M Family Outlet 50. Tulco II, LLC

Sponsored by

APRIL 17, 2008


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