Times of Southwest Louisiana

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"OY 3COUTS Overcoming Budget Cuts


Book Beat’s BEST BOOKS OF 2009

Coushatta’s NEW MEDICAL BUILDING January 7, 2010



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January 7, 2010

January 7, 2010

Januar y 7, 2010 Volume 15, Number 1 617 Drew St., Lake Charles, LA 70601 Phone: 337-439-0995 Fax: 337-439-0418



Boy Scouts Will See Budget Cuts, But Strength of Mission and Oath Will Prevail . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8



Patrick Marcantel

N EW S EDITOR Chaney Ferguson


Biz Bytes: Command and Control . . 4

ASSISTANT EDITOR Jessica Ferguson ASSI GNMENTS Nancy Correro C ONTRI BUTORS D.B. Grady George Swift Katie Penny Matt Jones Lisa Miller Terri Schlichenmeyer

Inside Baton Rouge: Turning Points In Politics 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . 4

12 14

Health: Getting Past Post-Holiday Depression . . . . . . . . . . . 23


ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Courtenay Scott Brian Chriceol

DISTRIBUTION: The Times of Southwest Louisiana is available free of charge, limited to one copy per reader. The Times of Southwest Louisiana may be distributed only by The Times of Southwest Louisiana authorized distributors. No person may, without prior written permission of The Times of Southwest Louisiana, take more than one copy of each monthly issue from its racks.

Gulfstream Technologies Develops First Commercial Unit . . . . . . . . . 14

Book Beat: Best Books of 2009 . 22


The Times of Southwest Louisiana is published every two weeks by Patsco Publishing, 617 Drew Street, Lake Charles Louisiana 70601. Phone (337) 439-0995. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $30 per year. Bulk mailing permit #9 paid at Lake Charles, La. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Times of Southwest Louisiana, 617 Drew Street, Lake Charles, LA 70601. FAX to (337) 439-0418. The Times of Southwest Louisiana cannot be held responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations, even if they are sent to us accompanied by a self-addressed envelope. Copyright 2009 The Times of Southwest Louisiana all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without prior written permission is prohibited.

Legal Eagle: Have A Legal New Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6




Geeks & Gadgets: There’s An App for That, Part 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

The Swift Report: Economic Potential. . . . . . . . 24

POLITICS John Maginnis Dan Juneau



Coushatta Family Medical Center & Pharmacy Gets New Building . . 12

Times Bandstand . . . . . . . . 20


Crossword Puzzle: “Best of the Decade - Part 3” . . . 26 Book Beat: The Tattooed Lady . . 15 Movie Review: Sherlock Holmes . 25 The Shadow: The Annual “Pack The Place” Game . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Cover: (L to R) Jeremi Edwards, Eagle Scout, Troop 5 of Lake Charles; Shawn Chamblee, Senior District Executive, BSA; Jacob Davis, Tiger Cub, Pack 93 of Sulphur (On Shawn’s Lap); Leighton Chamblee, Webelo Scout, Pack 88 of Westlake Cover Photography by Chris Brennan

Visit us online at: www.timessw.com January 7, 2010


Inside Baton Rouge - By John Maginnis

Biz Bytes - By Dan Juneau

Turning Points in Politics in 2009

Command and Control


he words from the anonymous White House official were quite threatening and no doubt meant to be: “If you (Congress and opponents) don’t pass this (cap and trade) legislation, then the EPA is going to have to regulate in this area. And it is not going to be able to regulate on a market-based way, so it’s going to have to regulate in a command-and-control way, which will probably generate even more uncertainty.” One of President Obama’s “soldiers” was sending the word that the business community and recalcitrant members of Congress had better get in line fast or face the dire prospects of a jingoistic Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) wreaking dire economic consequences on the nation. In other words, they are making opponents an offer that they believe they can’t refuse. The opponents should refuse it. While the passage of cap and trade legislation would be good international theater for Obama and his administration, it would be terrible for businesses and consumers. It would drive up energy prices, lower the GDP, eliminate many jobs and drive others to nations that refuse to limit carbon emissions. What it would not do is to lower the earth’s temperature by any significant degree. The President and his political advisors undoubtedly hope that the threat works. They live in a world where credit for anything the public perceives as good must go to them and the blame for anything that goes wrong must be laid at the feet of others. They fully understand that both the legislation pending in Congress and any forced carbon emission regulations imposed by the EPA will kill jobs and hurt economic growth. Thus the threat. If they can bully Congress and the opponents of cap and trade and overly stringent carbon emission


January 7, 2010

regulations to fall in line, total blame cannot be placed entirely on them when the adverse economic reactions inevitably occur. If Congress and the regulated community do not take the bait, the Obama administration alone will have to answer for the economic fallout that will come from his EPA “commanding and controlling” many aspects of the American economy. That action would have to be taken at a time when there is rising discontent among voters about the extent to which the federal government is intervening in the private sector economy. It also would come against the backdrop of a significant decline in public concern over the climate change/global warming issue and growing disbelief about the accuracy of the science involved. The President is using threats to try to finesse the issue. He wants to appease his liberal base but to do so in a way that would not result in him having to take the lion’s share of the blame for any negative economic consequences. If the EPA acts on its threat, its proposed regulations will face a very lengthy court challenge. That challenge could conceivably last beyond the term of President Obama and his EPA appointees (particularly if his poll numbers keep dropping). Part of the legal challenge will likely center on the “science” that the EPA uses in establishing the need for the regulations. In light of recent revelations, that could be some interesting and informative testimony. If challenged, President Obama will have to decide if he wants to take the political heat for the economic havoc that his own officials admit would be the result of their actions. As for his offer that “can’t be refused,” perhaps the businesses and workers who would be at risk under either the legislation or the regulations should answer with another famous line from a movie: “Go ahead. Make my day!”


t was the quadrennial fallow year in Louisiana as far as elections go, but 2009 saw turning points for state politics and politicians, as reflected by a half dozen of the year’s biggest stories. Fiscal Whiplash. After three straight post-hurricane years of surging revenues and tax cuts, the state fisc hit the brick wall of economic reality, aggravated by the national recession and falling energy prices. Starting and ending with midyear spending cuts, 2009 was dominated by budget woes, especially for healthcare and higher education, and dark warnings of “the cliff ” that the state is headed for a year from now. The legislative session was followed by the state Streamlining Commission, whose members clashed over just how boldly state government should go about reducing or eliminating services. For all the advice, however, it’s up to Gov. Bobby Jindal to offer a plan for the state to live within its means and to make that work for its citizens. Jindal Falls to Earth. At the start of the year, the Bobby boomlet was going strong, as national commentators hailed Jindal as the Republican Party’s next hot new thing. That ended abruptly on Mardi Gras night, when his nationally televised response to the president’s speech to Congress was met with derision and comparisons to “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood.” Despite falling off the GOP totem poll, Jindal continued to prove very adept at raising money all over the country, thus fattening his re-election warchest--with no 2011 challenger yet in sight--and building a future national donor network. He also announced he would work on telling his life story through a ghost writer, though coaching from a speechwriter could be time better spent. Landrieu’s Key Vote on Healthcare. Easily the most consequential and controversial vote of her 13-year Senate career, Mary Landrieu’s late support of the healthcare bill was among the hardest for Democratic leaders to get, and--with $300 million in Medicaid relief for Louisiana included--about the most expensive. It was also costly to Landrieu’s popularity among constituents, who mostly opposed the historic legislation. Her approval ratings dropped from 60 percent to 44 percent in nine months, according to

a recent poll, but that did not curb her full-throated advocacy for the bill once she committed to it. After straddling the ideological fence throughout last year’s election, it seems Landrieu now feels free to be an influential member of the Democratic majority for as long as it lasts, or until 2014, when political observers question if she will run again. Vitter vs. Melama. After lying low for a couple of years following his sex scandal, Sen. David Vitter re-emerged as one of the most strident critics of President Barack Obama. Congressman Charlie Melancon’s announced opposition to him in next year’s election made for a convenient two-for. Given the president’s descending popularity in state, Vitter rarely misses an opportunity to attack the two in tandem, and has based his prodigious fundraising on that strategy. Early polls showing the incumbent with a double-digit lead makes this his race to lose, but events beyond his control could change that, should any more damaging revelations surface. High Sheriff Stays in the Saddle. Sen. Mary Landrieu’s other controversial decision this year disappointed many Democrats when she recommended Jim Letten’s reappointment as U.S. Attorney in the Eastern District, which proved to be very popular statewide. Over the past decade, beginning with his prosecution of former Gov. Edwin Edwards, Letten has become the face of the U.S. Justice Department in this state and the scourge of the so-called Louisiana Way. This year, he proved to be an equal-opportunity corruption fighter, gaining convictions and indictments across parish and party lines. Despite the governor’s much-ballyhooed revamp of ethics laws, Louisiana remains a target-rich environment for its deadliest shooter. The Buck Stops for Dollar Bill. The conviction of former Congressman Bill Jefferson seemed anti-climactic, once the whole sordid tale was told and he and his family were driven to political and financial ruin. His 13-year sentence sets a congressional record, but now questions before the U.S. Supreme Court about the constitutionality of the broad “honest services” statute could result in a reduced sentence or even a new trial. Just when we hoped we had heard the last of them, the “cold cash” jokes might not be over.


January 7, 2010


By Katie Penny Have a technology question or advice for other users? Email me at tech@timessw.com

By D.B. Grady

There’s An App for That, Part 2


o you just unwrapped your shiny new iPod Touch or iPhone, and don’t know what to do next. In columns past, I discussed some of the great apps available for Steve Jobs’s cash cow, but in that time developers have made astonishing leaps in software capability. I expect the iTaser to be released any day now, for all your self-defense needs. But in the mean time, there are a few programs of merit on the App Store that deserve recognition. Flixter is a fully featured movie theater guide. Using the GPS functionality of the iPhone, it determines all of the theaters in the area, and allows one to browse by film or cinema. If a cinema is selected, it offers telephone information, an address (which, using Google’s integrated map, gives driving directions), show times of the features playing, and the capability to buy tickets on the spot. There’s even an integrated restaurant guide for those hoping to catch dinner and a movie. This was the first app I downloaded when I got my first iPhone all those years ago, when I stood in line for hours, enduring the harsh environs of the shopping mall. It’s never let me down, it’s changed the way I plan trips to the theater, and unlike ticket prices, the price cannot be beat: free. Twitter users – you can recognize them by the incessant pecking on their mobile phones and urgent need to connect with strangers around the world while neglecting those within an arm’s reach – cannot go wrong with Echofon. Without deviating from the iPhone interface, it sorts Twitter messages (tweets) by public feed, personal mentions, and direct messages. A search feature allows users to search for messages or users by geography, name, or keyword. Full message and follower control is integrated – that is to say, users can delete, block, add or remove content or contacts without need of a computer. An added bonus is the seamless ability to snap pictures with the iPhone camera and upload them directly to Twitter by way of Twitpic. Echofon is a better Twitter interface than Twitter’s own website, and enhances productivity (or lack thereof) and connectivity in a way that Twitter’s founders likely never envisioned. The price? Free. PhoneFlicks is a full-throttle Netflix manager that enables users to browse films by name or automated recommendation, find what’s popular or highly rated, and manage their queue. Most impressive, however, is the ability to manage one’s instant queue. Netflix users who watch films through dedicated boxes, Xbox 360s, or PlayStations will immediately see the value in controlling the instant queue without need of a computer nearby. The program is free. I didn’t know the value of Shazam until I heard a song on television and couldn’t identify it. Science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke once wrote that, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Shazam is the closest thing to magic I’ve ever seen. In only a few short seconds, it is able to accurately identify even the most esoteric of music, and offer options to purchase the album, download the music video, read linear notes, and do everything but fly the artist to your house for a private concert. It’s worth the download if only for the gee-whiz factor. And it is free. The most impressive program in the App Store was one for which I’d waited the longest. Dragon Naturally Speaking is the zenith of voice recognition software. I fully expected an iPhone version to be released, and I fully expected to pay a lot of money for it. Last month, under the name Dragon Dictation, it was released. Last month, I downloaded it. Last month, I was blown away by its remarkable ability to decipher my marble-mouthed accent, and to transcribe even the most unusual of words and phrases with precision and speed. As a testament of its power, this entire article was dictated into my iPhone and emailed to my computer for submission to the paper. Almost no editing was required, but for the occasional punctuation mark. And the price? Free. If you’re not using the App Store, you’re not really using your iPhone or iPod Touch. There’s a world of software out there that won’t cost a dime, and will enhance your phone’s value and your productivity. -D.B. Grady is the author of Red Planet Noir, now available on Amazon.com.


January 7, 2010

Have A Legal New Year!


oing into the 2010s, all of us have an opportunity to make a fresh start and make sure our lives and finances are in as much order as possible. Almost everyone will make a New Year’s resolution, and I have a few Legal Eagle suggestions. 1)Think about writing a will, if you do not already have one. I know. I know it’s a depressing topic. I know that people don’t enjoy thinking about death or contemplating what will happen to their families when they are gone. But-probably the kindest thing you can do for your family is to decide for them, ahead of time, whom you want your property to go to and how you want it distributed among your heirs. The law divides up most property automatically if you die without leaving a will. However, smaller pieces of movable property (tv’s, china, grand pianos, furniture, heirlooms) might not be clearly parceled out without a will. Trying to divvy up property that several people have a legal right to, in the midst of the grief and confusion following the loss of a loved one, can lead to anger and resentment--even in a loving family. It might seem silly or petty to decide in writing who gets small baubles, but if your loved one explains to whom they wish their property to go, it can make it very simple to decide who gets what, and help keep emotions cool. So think about whom you want to get what. Contact an attorney it you think a formal will would be helpful. Even keeping a notebook in which you designate who gets what can help your family follow your wishes after you are gone and would set your and their minds at ease. 2)This is an obvious one: Make sure your car insurance is current (it is required by law in Louisiana) and make sure your vehicle inspections are up to date. Nothing can ruin a new year like a trip to traffic court. 3)If you have homeowner’s insurance, take this opportunity to examine it. If you obtained many new high-end items for Christmas, perhaps photograph them and make a list for your insurer in case of a loss of that property. Also, take this opportunity to familiarize yourself with what your homeowner’s insurance covers. After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita a few years ago, many insurance companies were scrambling to deny claims from people whose homes were destroyed. Many people found out too late that their homeowner’s insurance did not cover the damage that was done, or did not cover the cause of the damage. Think about where you live and the type of natural disasters that occur there. This being Louisiana, our most common natural disaster is obviously hurricanes. If you live in a swamp, forest fires are unlikely, but water damage and flooding are. Prioritize what you want your insurance to cover, but understand the pros and cons to opting out of certain types of homeowner’s insurance. 4)Be healthy! Health and life insurance providers appreciate and generally reward healthy living and choices. Smoking raises premiums, for example, and many health insurers will help insured persons work to quit smoking. So, while being healthier is almost everyone’s New Year’s Resolution, it can have insurance benefits as well. 5)Think about this: Will you be calling it “oh-ten” or “ten” or “twenty-ten?” It is important to decide these things in advance. The provided information is fact-sensitive and jurisdiction-dependent. Consult an attorney before employing the above legal concepts.


t h e b e s t i n l a k e a r e a e n t e rta i n m e n t

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January 7, 2010


Boy Scouts Will See Budget Cuts, But Strength of Mission and Oath Will Prevail


he Boy Scouts will be seeing a 9.5 percent overall budget cut in 2010. When the United Way realized they were going to have a reduced budget to work with in the coming fiscal year, many of the youth oriented programs in the area would have to experience a cut. According to the United Way they feel that youth oriented programs are strong enough to make it even with a few spending reductions. “We are going to have to really go out into the community and tell the story of Scouting and try to get people investing in scouting. We’ll have to turn to the community to make up for the loss,” said Shawn Chamblee, Cypress Knee District Executive of The Boy Scouts of America. While a reduction in funding may be construed as a challenge, Chamblee sees it as an opportunity and a valuable opportunity to continue their focus on sharing the story of Scouting. “Our goal is to converge on the positive. We are extremely fortunate to have a wonderful Executive Board. We live in a very generous community wherein its people support many worthwhile causes to improve the lives of others, especially where children are concerned. By educating people about what we stand for, we will turn a challenge into a success. These are challenging financial times for everyone. We are not alone in facing adversity. But the BSA is steadfast in its morals, values, and principles. That will never change. We are more committed than ever to share our fundamental beliefs. And as a dedicated team, we most certainly will overcome this,” said Chamblee. The BSA will work on a grassroots campaign and solicit private donors and companies. They will also be applying for some grant assistance. “I think their goal for the cuts was to save the life essential organizations. To cut those organizations that don’t provide food, electricity, or housing so, of course, the first on the chopping block are the youth organiza-


January 7, 2010

By Nancy Correro

tions. We are not the only ones,” said Chamblee. The Boy Scouts Organization The Boy Scouts of America is one of the nation’s largest and most prominent values-based youth development organizations. BSA provides a program for youths that builds character, trains them in the responsibilities of citizenship, and develops personal fitness. “For nearly a century, the BSA has helped build the future leaders of this country by combining educational activities

and lifelong values with fun. In 2010, we will celebrate 100 years of Scouting. We have accomplished much in the first 100 years, but there is still much to do,” said Chamblee. If there are youths that are interested in the program, perhaps knowing the mission, oath, and law of the Boy Scouts will be an incentive to join. The Mission Statement of the Boy Scouts of America is “To prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.” The Scout Oath is “On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.” The Scout Law: A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly,

Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, Reverent. “When a parent comes into the Scout Office to register their son for Scouting, it is exciting because that child is going to experience some awesome things: camping in the great outdoors, hiking, canoeing, rappelling, participating in shooting sports, fishing, learning firsthand about nature, becoming proficient in life skills, building self-confidence by mastering new scouting skills, learning the importance of serving others,” said Chamblee. Servicing the Community Good Turn for America is a national call to service by the BSA that helps to provide adequate food and shelter and to develop good health habits. Nationwide, over 35 million hours of community service hours were reported in 2008 by the BSA. Projects included food collection and distribution, litter cleanup/ community beautification, conservation projects, serving food at shelters, military support/appreciation, recycling, blanket collections, blood drives, school supply collections, elderly assistance, Toys for Tots, partnering with the American Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, and the Salvation Army. “Part of building leaders is to affect change. Imagine what could be accomplished if the over 3.5 million youth in the BSA could leave things better than they found it,” said Chamblee. Programs Provided In addition to the Cub Scouting and Boy Scouting programs, there are two other non-traditional programs available to males and females. Venturing is a youth development program of the BSA for young men and women 14-21 years of age. Venturing’s purpose is to provide positive experiences to help young people mature and to prepare them to become responsible and caring adults. Local community organizations establish a Venturing Crew by matching their people and program resources to the interests of young people in the community.

“Part of building leaders is to affect change. Imagine what could be accomplished if the over 3.5 million youth in BSA could leave things better than they found it.” said Chamblee “The result is a program with exciting and meaningful activities that help youths pursue their special interests, grow, develop leadership skills, and become good citizens,” said Chamblee. Exploring is a career education program where young men and women ages 14-21 can gain practical knowledge of and experience in a career. Exploring posts are formed by matching high school students with potential career fields. “There are over 100 specialties to choose from and include arts and humanities, aviation, business, communications, culinary, engineering, fire/emergency services, law and government, law enforcement, medical and health, photography, science, skilled trades, social services,” said Chamblee. BSA High Adventure Boy Scouts of America has three high adventure base programs: The Florida Sea Base in the Florida Keys offers a unique aquatic quest with snorkeling, scuba, boating, and beach camping; The Northern Tier in and around the beautiful lakes of northern Minnesota and southern Canada offers canoeing, hiking, fishing, and winter camping; and The Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico offers a wild west backpacking expedition with rock climbing and views from breathtaking peaks over 10,000 feet tall plus chuck wagon dinners, horseback riding, and gold panning. 2010 National Scout Jamboree Every four years, over 43,000 Scouts and leaders from around the country converge on 76,000 acres at Fort A.P. Hill, nestled in the rolling greens of Virginia and near the nation’s capitol, to showcase Scouting. “It is one huge camping experience just in time for the 100th Anniversary of Scouting. The jamboree will be held in July of 2010. One contingent of 36 youth will attend from the Calcasieu Area Council,” said Chamblee. Female Leadership in the BSA As one of three youth-serving executives in the Calcasieu Area Council and the only female, Shawn Chamblee offers a unique perspective to Scouting. “Every time I go into schools to recruit youth, I am always asked if I am with the Girl Scouts and when I reply that I am with the Boy Scouts, I always get the same response, ‘but you’re a girl’,” said Chamblee. That is the typical response of most people, according to Chamblee. Generally, one thinks of male Scout professionals affiliated with the BSA. Female Scout professionals only make up about 10 percent of the many professionals employed out of the more than 300 councils

nationwide. “Again, not a challenge, but an opportunity—as a female, often there exist difficulties in achieving goals than perhaps exist for male counterparts. Some doors don’t open as wide; some fences are higher to climb. However, given the ‘never fail attitude’ possessed by most women, those obstacles are generally overcome. Women in this profession tend to be tenacious, often do not take no for an answer, and always strive for perfection. But, the more tender, emotional, and motherly side proves beneficial when dealing with young boys at camp,” said Chamblee. Female professionals have to go toe to toe with male professionals. “It is just the way it is. So, our right brain analytical, organizational, and time management skills must shine. At the end of the day, we all work together as a team.” Shawn Chamblee’s First Camp Edgewood Experience When Chamblee took her first trip to Camp Edgewood, her first thought was ‘what have I gotten myself into.’ After her first weekend campout with over 600 people, she realized how amazing it was. “I highly encourage anyone and everyone to get involved with Scouting in some manner. We have so many possibilities for people that the imagination is the only limit. Anyone can volunteer for camp beautification projects, maintenance projects, assist with the donation of materials and supplies, or make a financial investment. And, of course, adult volunteers are always needed for various camp events. For the protection of our youth, volunteers must undergo an extensive background screening,” said Chamblee. Special Needs Units The Calcasieu Area Council is proud to announce that they are starting units for boys with special needs. Scouting provides every youth the opportunity to join. Kids with special needs are no exception. “Our goal is to open the door to anyone regardless of limitation. The BSA has exceptional opportunities and many resources to meet any needs in order to promote a positive and fun learning environment,” said Chamblee. Involvement The BSA needs the communities help always, but especially in 2010 with the budget cuts. If you would like to get involved or your child would care to join, visit the BSA website at www.calcasieubsa.org or call 337-436-3376.

January 7, 2010



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President and CEO of Cameron State Bank, presents a $1,000 check to Jennifer Bellon, principal of St. Theodore Holy Family Catholic School, for the Run for Service event scheduled for Saturday, January 9 at the Lake Charles Civic Center. The event raises money for resource materials in the classrooms to help children with various learning needs.

Alcoa Foundation Pledges Money to McNeese Foundation

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Left to right are Drew Fitzgerald of McNeese State, Wayne McVicker, Chip LeMieux, Abraham’s Tent Executive Director Pearl Cole and Kevin Berken of the Louisiana Rice Promotion Board.

Target and United Way Brighten Holidays For Families In Need

L to R: Dr. Chip LeMieux, head of the Harold and Pearl Dripps Agricultural Sciences Department, Allison Montgomery, environmental, health and safety manager for Alcoa, Connie Parker, community affairs representative for Alcoa, Richard Reid, vice president of development and public affairs and executive vice president of the McNeese Foundation, and Dr. Harold Stevenson, McNeese professor of environmental science.

McNeese Athletic Dept. and Louisiana Rice Promotion Board Donation

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January 7, 2010

Tanner Pearce, left, Big Sister Elaina Fontenot, and Elizabeth Ramsey, in front of the holiday tree that Target donated to the family of Pearce and Ramsey through United Way of Southwest Louisiana.

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January 7, 2010






By Nancy Correro

oushatta Casino Resort’s medical center and pharmacy has completed the move to 287 Panther Trail Drive—a permanent location. The center had its grand opening at 1:00 pm Thursday, December 10, with a ribbon cutting ceremony and tours of the new facility by its medical staff. Coushatta Casino Resort partnered with Take Care Health Systems to build and operate the health center. Take Care Health Systems is part of Walgreens Health and Wellness Division. “We’ve progressed; we started out with a small facility and it’s progressed to this nice large facility—and really an integrated practice around health and wellness. So we started with primary care and we have a health coach, and chiropractic care. The tribal council and the resort wants to be cutting edge and make sure they are supplying quality, high level health services to their employees,” said Trent Riley, Regional Vice President for the Central Region for Take Care Health Systems. “The director of client operations works directly with me in order to set the strategy and ensure we are serving the client well.” “We’ve been involved for the past six years. We got introduced through the leaders in the on site pharmacy. We started with a little facility across the parking lot here. It worked out well and they saved some lives, health, and saved some revenues at the same time in order to build this nice new facility to accomplish the goals in the next four or five or six years,” said Chris Talarico, Vice President of Sales and Employer Solutions. In its new location, the medical center provides primary medical care, occupational medicine, chiropractic care, massage therapy, full service pharmacy and lab services, diabetic counseling, weight management, and wellness programs.


January 7, 2010

“This facility, the pharmacy and clinic, mostly will serve the tribal casino associates and their families; this clinic is pretty much what you would see in any other facility: chiropractic service, massage therapist, two full time doctors, in addition to a full fledged pharmacy. It’s a great amenity and service that the tribe is fortunate enough to provide,” said Coushatta Tribal Chairman Kevin Sickey. The feedback about the facility is positive and it is many years in the making according to Sickey. The feedback is especially positive from the casino associates. “They will have access to affordable, efficient healthcare services on site for a lot of these people at half the cost that otherwise they would not have. For example, if they visited another facility they would pay twice the amount they pay here. It’s significantly cheaper to take advantage of this facility. The tribe is in a nice position to offer a nice state-of-the-art, fully staffed facility. We are very proud of that fact. That just goes to show you the level of commitment and pride that we have in our associates. I think one of the most attractive features is that their family can benefit from this facility as well,” said Sickey. In addition to complete pharmaceutical services, the medical center offers immunizations, drug screening, physical examinations for school and sports, minor surgical procedures, pulmonary function/fit testing, electrocardiograms (EKGs), and biometric screening. Coushatta Family Medical Center and Pharmacy provides care for all full-time and part-time employees of the casino and the Coushatta Tribe, their eligible dependents, and Coushatta tribal members and their eligible dependents. “I want to commend the leadership of the tribe council and the general manager for seeing this project through, number one and two, for seeing the project through


to the ribbon cutting today. I think what we are seeing as far as the grand opening is the continuing commitment to enhancing what we already have and it symbolizes development and progression and growth by having a fully staffed clinic and lastly it’s promoting health and well-being among the local citizens. We are creating employment. Regionally we have many people that work for the tribe that are from within the Southwest Louisiana regions,” said Sickey. The staff includes Hernando Guzman, M.D., Nedra Jackson, M.D., Gary Mertz, D.C., Michael Sonnier, Ph.D., Craig Shilow, L.M.T., Brandy Trahan, L.P.N., Rachel Manuel, L.P.N., Bernadine Smith, L.P.N., Tiffany Matthews, Phlebotomist, Hazel Paul, Certified Pharmacy Technician, Laura Baudin, Practice Administrator, and several administrative staff members. Tammy Mitchell, M.D., is currently serving active military duty. The medical center can be reached at 337-738-4414; the pharmacy can be reached at 337-738-3095. Coushatta Casino Resort is located in Kinder, LA on Highway 165 (I-10 exit 44). For more information, visit the website at coushattacasinoresort.com.

“They will have access to affordable, efficient healthcare services on site for a lot of these people at half the cost that otherwise they would not have.”

January 7, 2010




ulfstream Technologies recently installed their first renewable energy commercial unit in East Texas. Gulfstream creates renewable electricity from running water by using proprietary designed turbines. Brent Ballard, CEO of Gulfstream credits the success of the first commercial unit to numerous Lake Charles and Sulphur area vendors and strategic partners such as: Carboline, Dubois Sheet Metal Works, Hydralube, Fraser Wheeler LLP, McNeese State University,

rectional discharge canal and then distributes the clean, green, renewable energy to the utility client’s plant facility for utilization. Gulfstream’s goal is to work with the utility to develop numerous additional units at their existing plant site as well as at their other plant sites. The installation of the first commercial unit, immediately prior to electrical tie-in, can be viewed by the public at www.youtube.com/ LuminantPower. Gulfstream Technologies strategic relationship with McNeese State University College of Engineering and Engineering Technology assisted with the design of the first commercial unit. “We are both excited and appreciative of our relationship with McNeese State University,” said Ballard. McNeese performs computer software modeling for Gulfstream that allows new designs to be quickly tested without having to physically build new designs. This testing environment has already yielded significant efficiency gains for Gulfstream and McNeese has several additional test cases that they will be computer modeling during the spring semester.

R&R Construction/Sulphur, workers installing the first commercial Gulfstream Technologies unit.

Motion Industries, Performance Blasting & Coating, Production Products, R&R Construction and ReCon Engineering. Gulfstream Technologies also obtained assistance from a very large international power and automation company with 120,000 employees, ABB, that provided electrical grid tie-in vendor solutions. Gulfstream’s first commercial unit creates electricity from a one-di-

ReCon Engineering/Sulphur, workers performing measurement tests of electrical production after the commercial unit was installed.


January 7, 2010

Strategic Vendor Team after the installation of the first commercial unit. From Left to Right, Ian Foxton/ReCon Engineering, Philippe Lautier/ABB, Bob Lyons, Roger Boyette and Reggy Saxon/ReCon Engineering, Carl Dubois/Dubois Sheet Metal Works.

Gulfstream recently launched a new website that can be viewed at www.gulfstreamtechnologies.com. The new website provides several animations of the renewable energy technology in multiple potential commercial sites. Gulfstream was recently approached to license their technology to a company that requested an exclusive agreement to sale Gulfstream’s turbines in India. Gulfstream’s goal is to continue to develop and leverage their relationship for sales with ABB which has a direct relationship with every large world-wide utility company. “I would also like to thank all of the Gulfstream shareholders, and more specifically, the Lake Charles, Sulphur area shareholders, for their investment and belief in our company, which has made our success to date possible,” said Ballard.

By Terri Shlichenmeyer You like to think of yourself as a pretty even-keel kind of person, but this had you doing one of those head-shaking double-takes. The swagger caught your eye first, followed by black leather but it was the tattoos that kept you looking, slack-jawed. The art covered arms, shoulders, peeking stomach, and probably other assorted body parts, too. Somebody put a lot of work into that ink, and it took more than just a few minutes. That had to hurt. You thought about asking her, but she walked away before you could say anything. Though it’s common now, there was a time when that ink would’ve gotten her branded as a hussy, or worse. Read more in the new book The Tattooed Lady: A History by Amelia Klem Osterud. While tattoos have been present on bodies throughout history, during the late 1800s even scientists thought that tattoo-wearing was linked to criminal and immoral behavior. By the time Irene Woodward and Nora Hildebrandt (the first “tattooed ladies”) decided that having a body full of ink would be an ideal situation, society had relaxed. But not by much. This was the Victorian age when women covered ankles, legs, and arms as a matter of modesty. It was, therefore, pretty racy stuff when Woodward, Hildebrandt, and other inked ingénues sat displayed in a circus sideshow, wearing bloomers, camisoles, and not much else. In many cases, only men were allowed to pay money to gaze upon such a scandalous sight. Still, many women decided to undergo the sometimes weeks-long transformation from unmarked to totally tatted, a process that couldn’t be reversed. Once a woman

got a tattoo or two, there was no turning back. So why did they do it? Mostly, perhaps, for the money; a tattooed lady could make $100 a week at the sideshow, while the “average working-class family made between $300 and $500 a year…” She might have gotten needled to take control of her own future. Or, as many women claimed, they may have just been fascinated by tattoos. At any rate, Osterud says, those tattooed ladies were “gutsy”, and their boldness gave turn-of-the-century women the nerve to “start questioning the social codes that kept them confined…” People who’ve gotten tattoos say that once you get one, you’ll want another because sporting tattoos is addicting. So is this book. Author Amelia Klum Osterud’s fascination with tattooed ladies (and circus people, by extension) is infectious, and it’s hard not to be caught up by her excitement in this unique dual-take on women’s history via circus theme. But solid research is only half the appeal. The other half comes with the rare and unusual photographs that grace nearly every page of The Tattooed Lady, including pictures of the Ladies, as well as sideshow troupes and a few tattooed men. Parents beware, though – there is some slight, almost chaste, 1920s-era nudity inside. If you’re a carny at heart, if you enjoy reading about women’s history, or if you’re thinkin’ about inkin’, grab The Tattooed Lady. This book is plenty sharp. The Tattooed Lady By Amelia Klem Osterud c.2009, Speck Press 154 pages, includes index $27.00 Terri Shlichenmeyer has been reading since she was 3 years old and never goes anywhere without a book. She lives on a hill in Wisconsin with two dogs and 11, 000 books.

January 7, 2010


The Annual “Pack The Place” Game


appy New Year readers! I hope you had a great Christmas and a safe and exciting New Year celebration. Shadow husband and I started the New Year off right with a quick trip to the “Pack the House” game at Burton Coliseum. “Pack the House” is an interesting plan to increase the growth of MSU Women’s basketball. The way people were piling in to the coliseum, our community is embracing women’s basketball at McNeese. Hope so! Women’s basketball is fun. Shadow Megan Thornton husband immediately got involved watching the players warm up while I watched Megan Thornton, McNeese Assistant Ticket Manager, smile and greet each person who entered the coliseum doors. She explained, over

Leon and Elaine Johnson

Pearl, NeTanya and Clifton Jones


January 7, 2010

and over again, that the first game—between the Cowgirls and Tulsa was free—but that there was a charge for the high school games. Megan was there for the day, smiling and explaining. The first 250 fans received a t-shirt, compliments of Cameron State Bank. Leon and Elaine Johnson showed up to watch their granddaughter, freshman Lindsay Johnson, play for McNeese. I saw a beautiful, very tall young woman walking up the steps and just had to snap Shelby Landry and Ashley Chaumont her picture. NeTanya Jones, senior at Oakdale High School, is a future Cowgirl. She’ll play for McNeese next year. NeTanya was with her parents Pearl and Clifton Jones. Shelby Landry and Ashley Chaumont killed time with the Shadow while waiting for the games to begin. The girls are from Bell City. The “Pack the House” plan appears to be a strong plan designed to create excitement for all concerned. The music blaring in Burton did a little of that too. Music always gets the Shadow’s blood pumping. Coach Candice Coach Candice Monceaux and Monceaux from Sulphur Allison Dalton High came through with her player Allison Dalton. Allison is a sophomore foreward. They were kind enough to pose for a picture. I spotted McNeese student Brent Dowies with his friend Tyler Vizena. The guys told me they were there to watch girlfriends and sisters play. The Shadow decided to call it a day, found my basketball fan husband and headed to the car. The Southland Conference Tournament is scheduled for March 10-13 Brent Dowies and Tyler Vizena at Merrill Center in Katy, Texas. Hey gang, let’s support Women’s Basketball!

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January 7, 2010


Women With Cancer Are Invited to Look Good…Feel Better®

ooking good can often be an important step toward feeling good – especially for women who are fighting the cancer battle. With that in mind, Lake Charles Memorial Hospital and the American Cancer Society are offering women struggling through cancer—the diagnosis, treatment, and concerns about their appearance—a chance to Look Good…Feel Better ®. A free seminar offering help and encouragement in coping with the side effects of cancer treatment, Look Good…Feel Better will be held Monday, January 18, from 5:30pm until 7pm in the Shearman Conference Center at Memorial Hospital on Oak Park Boulevard. Specially trained beauty professionals will be on hand to offer practical tips about skin care, makeup techniques, and guidance for coping with hair loss. The program also offers a sense of community where women are taught what to expect and how to deal with changes to their appearance.


to quality excellence in healthcare services for women, all at one convenient location.

Patient Testimonials “Great facility – no waiting. Friendly people. In and out in record time.” “Very friendly atmosphere. Very lovely building with an outside view, not just walls and other people to look at.” “Everything went very smoothly with my ultrasound. Technologist was very thorough.” “Such a wonderful new facility…clean, comfortable and most of all great personnel with excellent customer service.” “Very helpful. Easy to access and very clean. Made sure I was comfortable. Very helpful in everything. Yes, I would recommend.” “My mammogram was during my lunch hour, and my doctor called me before the end of the day with my results – what excellent service!”

The Women’s Health Center offers cutting-edge, quality services, focused on providing a full diagnostic health work-up in one visit. s $IGITAL MAMMOGRAPHY s "ONE DENSITY SERVICES s 5LTRASOUND s "REAST -2) s #ONSULTATIONS BY ON SITE RADIOLOGIST 7E ARE !#2 ACCREDITED AND PROUD TO HAVE A PATIENT satisfaction rating. We look forward to seeing you at your next visit to our new location, as we continue to provide the latest in technology, women’s services and diagnostics for this community.

Women’s Health Center www.christusstpatrick.org

| 1601 Country Club Road



Since 1989, Look Good… Feel Better has helped improve the quality of life of 550,000 cancer survivors through its free services, which include group programs; one-on-one consultations; self-help materials; and a Web site, HYPERLINK “http://www.lookgoodfeelbetter.org” www. lookgoodfeelbetter.org. Reservations for Look Good…Feel Better at Memorial are available through the American Cancer Society at (337) 433-5817. January 7, 2010




Jam Session @ The Western Bar, 7 pm T-Joe Romero @ D.I.’s Cajun Food & Music, Basile, 5 pm Arizona @ JD’s, L’Auberge Casino, 10 pm Twangster’s Union @ Caribbean Cove Lounge, Isle of Capri, 9 pm


Tyler Read, The Silent Planet @ AJ’s Bar & Grill, 9:30 pm Still Kickin’@ Linda’s Lounge, 8:30 pm Mike Taylor Band @ Engine 89-DeQuincy, 8 pm Mike Richard & Step-n-Out @ Scottie Tee Judi’s Konstruxion Zone, 9:30 pm Fat Boy South @ GG’s Club, Alexandria, 9:30 pm Briant Lloyd Smith & Hot Gritz, Fridays @ Blue Duck, 9 pm Southern Spice @ Bab’s Pub, 7 pm The Molly Ringwalds @ Yesterdays, 8 pm Tom Brandow @ Outriggers Tavern, 5 pm Rock the Dock @ The Landing at Contraband, 6 pm Don Fontenot Les Cajuns de la Prairie @ D.I.’s Cajun Food & Music, Basile, 5 pm DJ Worm @ My Place Bar, 9 pm Oceanstreet @ JD’s, L’Auberge Casino, 11 pm Jag @ Caribbean Cove Lounge, Isle of Capri, 9 pm Daylight Broadcast, Godspeed The Jackal, & The Roaring 20’s @ Luna Bar & Grill, 10 pm


Still Cruisin’ @ Caribbean Cove Lounge, Isle of Capri, 9 pm Pork Chop Express @ Blue Duck, 9 pm Mike Taylor @ Bobby B’s, Vinton, midnight Southern Spice @ Love’s Casino, Vinton, 7 pm Mack Manuel Lake Charles Ramblers @ D.I.’s Cajun Food & Music, Basile, 5 pm Dave Matthews Tribute Band @ JD’s, L’Auberge Casino, 11 pm Stormy @ GG’s Club, Alexandria, 9:30 pm For Karma, Brothers & Kings @ Luna Bar & Grill, 10 pm Static @ AJ’s Bar & Grill, 9:30 pm


Jimmy/Wilson Band, Sundays @ Shorty’s Ice House, Moss Bluff, 5 pm Lacassine Playboys @ Wayne & Layne’s Deli, Sulphur, 4 pm Idol Minds @ Fred’s Lounge, 6 pm Bayou Heat Cajun Band @ Speckled Trout, Hackberry, 4 pm


Singer/Songwriter Open Mic Night @ Luna Bar & Grill, 9 pm


January 7, 2010


Jimmy Wilson Band @ Cuz’s Lounge, Sulphur, 6 pm Alvin Touchet @ The Blue Duck, 7:30 pm Jerry Dee & Shakie @ Granger’s Seafood Restaurant & Lounge, 8 pm DJ Worm & Wasted Wednesdays @ My Place Bar, 9 pm


Jam Session @ The Western Bar, 7 pm Felton LeJeune Cajun Cowboys @ D.I.’s Cajun Food & Music, Basile, 5 pm Time Machine @ JD’s, L’Auberge Casino, 10 pm Kadillacs @ Caribbean Cove Lounge, Isle of Capri, 9 pm Pearl Street Riot @ Luna Bar & Grill, 9 pm


Rock the Dock @ The Landing at Contraband, 6 pm Still Kickin’@ Linda’s Lounge, 8:30 pm Mike Taylor Band @ Engine 89-DeQuincy, 8 pm Mike Richard & Step-n-Out @ Scottie Tee Judi’s Konstruxion Zone, 9:30 pm Kill Icarus, Fallen Embers,Survive The Musical @ AJ’s Bar & Grill, 9:30 pm Briant Lloyd Smith & Hot Gritz, Fridays @ Blue Duck, 9 pm Southern Spice @ Bab’s Pub, 7 pm Tom Brandow @ Outriggers Tavern, 5 pm Andy Smith Band @ GG’s Club, Alexandria, 9:30 pm Howard Noel Cajun Boogie @ D.I.’s Cajun Food & Music, Basile, 5 pm Rockstar Karaoke @ JD’s, L’Auberge Casino, 11 pm LA Express @ Caribbean Cove Lounge, Isle of Capri, 9 pm DJ Worm @ My Place Bar, 9 pm Borderline Cuckoo @ Luna Bar & Grill, 10 pm


Time Machine @ JD’s, L’Auberge Casino, 10 pm Colorcast Veteran, William Ferguson, Sequoyah Prep School & Parachute Musical @ AJ’s Bar & Grill, 9:30 pm Pork Chop Express @ Blue Duck, 9 pm Mike Taylor @ Bobby B’s, Vinton, midnight Southern Spice @ Love’s Casino, Vinton, 7 pm Crossroads @ GG’s Club, Alexandria, 9:30 pm Al Roger Louisiana Pride @ D.I.’s Cajun Food & Music, Basile, 5 pm LA Express @ Caribbean Cove Lounge, Isle of Capri, 9 pm Jo Dee Messina @ Isle of Capri Event Center, 7 pm Boyz II Men @ Paragon Casino, 8 pm En Vogue @ Delta Downs Event Center, 8 pm Outlaw Nation & Chase Long Beach @ Luna Bar & Grill, 10 pm


Static @ Caribbean Cove Lounge, Isle of Capri, 9 pm Leroy Thomas & Zydeco Roadrunners @ Coushatta Casino’s Mikko Live, 7 pm Jam Session @ The Western Bar, 7 pm Briggs Brown Bayou Cajuns @ D.I.’s Cajun Food & Music, Basile, 5 pm Gabby Johnson @ JD’s, L’Auberge Casino, 10 pm


Jimmy/Wilson Band, Sundays @ Shorty’s Ice House, Moss Bluff, 5 pm Lacassine Playboys @ Wayne & Layne’s Deli, Sulphur, 4 pm Idol Minds @ Fred’s Lounge, 6 pm Bayou Heat Cajun Band @ Speckled Trout, Hackberry, 4 pm Louisiana Yard Dogs @ JD’s, L’Auberge Casino, 11 pm


Singer/Songwriter Open Mic Night @ Luna Bar & Grill, 9 pm


Ugly Lion w/ Indigenous @ Luna Bar & Grill, 8 pm


Jimmy Wilson Band @ Cuz’s Lounge, Sulphur, 6 pm Alvin Touchet @ The Blue Duck, 7:30 pm Jerry Dee & Shakie @ Granger’s Seafood Restaurant & Lounge, 8 pm Brittany Shane @ Luna Bar & Grill, 9 pm DJ Worm & Wasted Wednesdays @ My Place Bar, 9 pm


January 7, 2010


Best Books MD !

hhh, the new year. A time for fresh beginnings and resolutions made with the best intentions (then broken). Out with the old, in with the new. A time to use up that bookstore gift certificate that’s burning a hole in your pocket. But what to buy? Lucky for you, the New Year is also a time for the annual Best Of list. So without further ado (and because that gift certificate is tingling), here are my best picks for 2009: Fiction: If you love mysteries with sass and a few cringe-worthy scenes, you’ll love the Jacqueline Daniels series, the latest being Cherry Bomb by J.A. Konrath. This book starts out with a boom and ends with a cliff-hanger that leaves fans howling for the next installment. One caveat: you’ll get more out of this novel if you read Fuzzy Navel (the book before this one) first. I was pleasantly surprised by B as in Beauty by Alberto Ferreras. This little novel is about a self-conscious, homely wallflower who gets a series of fairy godmothers, transforming her into someone who blossoms. A Cinderella tale with a few twists, this is one really cute book. I listened to Eve by Elissa Elliott on CD, and I was glad I did. This lush, beautiful story is about what happened to Adam and Eve after they were thrown out of the Garden of Eden, as told from the viewpoint of Eve and her daughters. Performed by three readers and in several different voices, this is an audiobook not to miss. This one is probably cheating: Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane. First printed a few years ago and re-released in audio this fall (to coincide with the movie’s release), this audiobook is positively stunning because of its narrator, Tom Stechschulte. Yes, the story is good – it’s got surprises all over the place – but listening to such a stellar performance makes it an audiobook you’ll want to listen to twice. Non-Fiction: Like a fool, I read The Survivors Club by Ben Sherwood while on an airplane. I read about how passengers have 90 seconds to exit a burning plane and how women over a Certain Age most certainly die in a plane crash. Gulp. And still, I can’t recommend enough this book about fighting, surviving, overcoming adversity and turning life’s rottenest lemons into sweet lemonade. Particularly in this economy, it seems that speculation on How the Other Half Lives is an acceptable pastime. In Rich Like Them by Ryan D’Agostino you’ll see that things are only slightly different. Part business, part motivational for wallet and

By Terri Shlichenmeyer

soul, this book is a nice antidote to those irritating spoiled-star headlines. Reading like a novel in nine parts, Nine Lives: Death and Life in New Orleans by Dan Baum is the 100% true story of nine people a few decades before Hurricane Katrina and the years afterward. I loved this book for the way the tales are told (in short-short chapters of mini-drama) and because Baum has a knack for wrapping you tight in the lives of such divergent people. If you live in the city and have never so much as touched a live pig, don’t discount Coop by Michael Perry. Much more than a farm memoir, this is a love story to a woman, daughters, the land, and yes, to pigs and chickens. Perry is a poet with a wicked sense of the absurd and this book is another can’t-miss. Children’s Books: Okay, so let’s just say it. When you read a book aloud to your child, having something for you is bonus. So make yourself happy with Let’s Do Nothing! by Tony Fucile, a cute story of two bored boys who try the impossible. The good-naturedly silly tale is great for kids ages 4 to 8. The illustrations – very Bugs-Bunny-like - will keep you laughing. Your middle-school dog lover will adore Flawed Dogs by Berkeley Breathed. This is the story of a fancy showdog who becomes the victim of jealousy and is separated from his beloved Human. Filled with Breathed illustrations and with a tale that brings tears (silly, I know), this is a good book for an adult, too. I was very impressed by We Are the Ship by Kadir Nelson in audio. Yes, this is a picture book about Negro League baseball and the struggle of the players to gain recognition and to bust through racial lines. It’s a beautiful book, but you won’t miss a thing by getting it in audio; in fact, you’ll gain. Not only is it presented with various voices (which enhances the story), but there’s a bonus DVD with the books’ artwork included. What kid doesn’t like a few shivers? Coraline by Neal Gaiman has them and more. This is the story of little Coraline who steps into an alternative universe where things are close to life, but not quite. The creature who is her Other Mother wants to keep Coraline forever, but, of course, she must return. I truly enjoyed this darkly-told story in audio, but beware that it might really frighten very little children. And there you are. A gift certificate-friendly Best of The Year list you can really use, with some books that your family will

enjoy until it’s time for the next Best of The Year list. Fortunately, time flies fastest with a book in your lap. Happy Reading!

Best of 2009 • Best of 2009 • Best of 2009 • Best of 2009 • Best of 2009 •

• Best of 2009 • Best of 2009 • Best of 2009 • Best of 2009 • Best of 2009 Best of 2009 • Best of 2009 • Best of 2009 • Best of 2009 • Best of 2009 •

• Best of 2009 • Best of 2009 • Best of 2009 • Best of 2009 • Best of 2009


January 7, 2010


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I have severe allergies. Does this make me more susceptible to the flu? ]Ê i Ì iÀÊ> iÀ} iÃÊ ÀÊ>ÃÌ >Ê VÀi>ÃiÃÊ>Ê «iÀà ½ÃÊÀ Ã Ê vÊV ÌÀ>VÌ }ÊÌ iÊyÕ°Ê/ ÃiÊÜ Ì Ê >ÃÌ >]Ê ÜiÛiÀ]Ê>ÀiÊ ÀiÊ i ÞÊÌ Ê >ÛiÊ ÀiÊÃiÛiÀiÊyÕÊÃÞ «Ì ÃÊ vÊÌ iÞÊ}iÌÊÌ iÊyÕ]Ê> `Ê>ÀiÊ>ÌÊ } iÀÊÀ à Êv ÀÊ« Ìi Ì > ÞÊÃiÀ ÕÃÊ V « V>Ì Ã° Jason Fuqua, MD, Family Medicine Physician, Calcasieu Family Physicians My daughter is farsighted and has been wearing glasses since age two. She is nine now. I’ve recently become concerned that she may have problems with depth perception. Is there a test for it and if she does have a problem, can it be treated? 9iÃ]Ê>ʵÕ> wi`ÊiÞiÊ` VÌ ÀÊV> ÊÌiÃÌÊÞ ÕÀÊ`>Õ} ÌiÀÊv ÀÊ`i«Ì Ê«iÀVi«Ì °Ê

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Getting Past Post-Holiday D E P R E S S I O N

he holiday decorations are packed away. The parties are over. Visiting relatives have all returned to their homes. It’s raining outside, and you’re back at work doing the same things you were doing before the holidays. Many people look forward to returning to a normal routine, but for others, the beginning of the New Year and the return to reality can come as quite an emotional let-down. “These are the people who use the cheer, cooking, visitors, glitter, shopping, and other seasonal tasks to escape from their problems, doubts and fears,” according to psychiatrist Dr. Dale Archer, MD, founder of the Institute for Neuropsychiatry and frequent guest on the Fox News Strategy Room and CNN Headline News. “Although many people become depressed during the holidays, even more respond to the excessive stress and anxiety once the holidays have passed, especially if they built up unrealistic expectations about the holiday season. This can be the result of emotional disappointments experienced during the preceding months as well as the physical reactions caused by excess fatigue and stress. For those who aren’t happy with their relationships, careers, or other circumstances in their lives, the prospect of starting a new year on the same unhappy path can quickly spiral into clinical depression.” Making New Year’s resolutions can help, if they are realistic. If not, resolutions can actually contribute to the problem for some people. “Many resolutions have a way of fading by mid-January, leaving people feeling even more depressed about their lives, past failures and their ability to improve their situation,” says Dr. Archer. Another possible contributing factor to depression in the new year is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). According to Dr. Archer, it’s estimated that four to six percent of the population suffers from SAD, while another 10 to 20 percent experience a milder version known as the winter blues. The occurrence of SAD is more likely to afflict those who live in the Northern United States (or anywhere in the northern latitudes). People in southern areas also suffer from SAD but the numbers are considerably smaller. Although researchers aren’t entirely sure what causes SAD, they believe one culprit is the reduction in daylight hours during the fall and winter, which can disrupt the balance of your body’s internal clock. “SAD has been linked to an imbalance of the chemicals melatonin and serotonin, which can lead to feelings of depression,” explains Dr. Archer. “People with SAD bear a variety of depression-related symptoms, including headaches, anxiety, loss of energy, sleep problems, inability to concentrate, weight changes and overwhelming sadness.” He adds that women tend to be more vulnerable to SAD than men, people between the ages of 20 and 40 are more likely to experience symptoms than others; and those who have a family history of depression or mood disorders are at higher risk than those who don’t. Dr. Archer explains that the main difference between generalized depression and SAD is the timing of the symptoms. Depression can strike at any time and for no apparent reason. SAD occurs in the fall and winter months when the days are shorter and people are exposed to less sunshine. Dr. Archer says SAD appears to result from problems in the complicated ways the body responds to seasonal light changes, and treatment for the condition is primarily phototherapy, which is indoor exposure to a special type of lamp that emits light that is up to 20 times brighter that regular indoor light. “Determining if someone has SAD or clinical depression requires an evaluation by a qualified psychiatrist, but if your depression begins right after the holidays when you return to your normal routine, it is more likely that your symptoms are linked to a post-holiday let-down.” Fortunately, Dr. Archer says most people who feel down after the holidays will bounce back to their normal selves within a few weeks, especially if they work on making positive changes in their lives, have good sleep habits, eat right and get regular exercise. But, he adds that if feelings of despair and sadness persist or intensify, or if these feelings start to interfere with daily activities, it may be time to seek professional help.” “The key is to look at the new year as a blank slate that you are responsible for filling in over the coming year,” says Dr. Archer. “Make this the year you take control of your life if you are unhappy with your current situation. You can’t control other people, but you do have control over your own life and how you react to the circumstances in it. Once you adopt this attitude of personal responsibility you will be amazed at how much better you feel.” For more information about depression and how it can be successfully treated, visit www.drdalearcher.com.

January 7, 2010


The Swift Report

- By George Swift President/CEO: SWLA Economic Development Alliance

Economic Potential


’m convinced that Southwest Louisiana has more untapped potential than any other place in the country. That’s a pretty big statement and something you might expect to hear from the regional economic development office. However, this is not just my opinion, as this view has been reinforced by several “outside” observers who have been in our area. While we develop the economic potential of our entire five parish region, today’s column will focus on the much discussed downtown and lakefront development in Lake Charles. (Future columns will review projects in our other parishes.) From the windows of our Alliance offices on Pujo Street, we can see the Civic Center, Lakefront and the downtown areas. We can show visitors these areas by simply walking them around our building. Most see the potential, but often wonder: “Where are the people?” In other words, more folks should consider living and working downtown in order to create a market for retail and other development. There is a strong market for residential ownership in condos, loft apartments, and townhouses near the lake or with a water view. We have unique, untapped assets. Cities across America fortunate enough to have waterfront developments have seen them thrive. San Antonio basically created their river walk from drainage ditches. We have everything here – already – with Interstate access. Several downtown development issues and projects are currently being addressed. · The lawsuit over the former Harrah’s property hopefully will be resolved soon, so plans can be made to develop that prime piece of real estate. · The City of Lake Charles has wisely split up tracts of land along the lake for developers and are seeking proposals for use. · The Downtown Development Authority is making nice progress with their beautification efforts. · The Marina is under construction on the south side of the Civic Center and Bor du Lac Drive is being remade. So, it’s beginning to happen. However, major development won’t occur until investors and entrepreneurs take the chance. Many have already stepped up. The “one man downtown development leader” Tom Shearman has been responsible for rehabilitating numerous properties which have allowed restaurants, shops, and residences to open. Rick Richard’s purchase of the historic Calcasieu Marine building and his plans for a new office building on Ryan will be a major plus. Polaris Engineering’s transformation of an old foundry building into a wonderful office building and David Brossett’s purchase and renovation of the Bel Building on Pujo lends more momentum to the current revitalization boon. Ever heard the quote: “An army marches on its stomach.”? So does economic development. In order to entice businesses to locate and people to move downtown, there must be certain draws in place and one of the main factors is dining and entertainment. Many of our local


January 7, 2010

entrepreneurs such as Dave Evans at Luna’s and Stellar Beans and Dan Shaad of Pujo Street Café led the way providing unique dining and entertainment venues downtown along with the Blue Duck Cafe, Cajun Café, China King, Nobless Oblige Teahouse, and Sylvia’s Bistro. We need more entrepreneurs to move us to the next level. Development will happen…it can be a twenty year plan or it can start this year. It’s really up to investors. Folks with money will have to be convinced to make that big step. We need investment in our region both monetarily and with a commitment to living and working downtown. We need “feet on the street,” as one observer put it, to make our area attractive to young professionals who want recreation, restaurants, and entertainment. To anchor the area, envision a multi-story building on the lake which will have parking on the first 2 or 3 levels, a floor of shops and water-front restaurants, two or three levels of hotel space, and several floors of condominiums. A quality development such as this will set the tone and attract others. A while back, someone (I believe it was Former Councilman Mike Huber) came up with a great idea for a town square with a new city hall in front of the Civic Center. (The old city hall could then be sold for condominiums and loft apartments.) A Civic Center hotel could also be built adjacent to the Civic Center and the lake. The multi-use project mentioned earlier could be linked to the civic center by a covered walkway and rubber wheeled trolleys which also could make regular rounds of the downtown area. A water taxi could take folks from place to place including the casinos. The planned wetlands center and hurricane museum on the lake would be a much needed family attraction and boats could take visitors to real wetlands north of I-10. The former car dealership at Clarence and Shellbeach could be a perfect site for another condominium. Imagine the view! Developers and investors from our area or from around the country will be the ones to make it happen. It’s all about free enterprise and return on investment. The City can and will handle the infrastructure. The City probably will have to kick-start a civic center convention hotel such as happened in other communities. Mainly though, investors will do the projects. That’s the way it works. Kemah, Crocket Street, and River Ranch are examples. Will you be part of the investors that put your money in our area? In addition to getting a return on your investment, you will have civic pride in knowing you help put the lakefront and downtown plan into high gear. Think globally, act regionally, and talk up Southwest Louisiana.


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MOVIE REVIEW Turn-of-the-Century Bromance--By Lisa Miller


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January 7, 2010


“Best of the Decade - Part 3” by Matt Jones ©2009 Jonesin’ Crosswords Brought to you by Melanie Perry, Agent State Farm Insurance

Last Issue’s Answers

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January 7, 2010

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January 7, 2010



January 7, 2010

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