Times of Southwest Louisiana

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Turn It Up


LEGAL EAGLE: Scalping Tickets


October 29, 2009 Volume 14, Number 21 617 Drew St., Lake Charles, LA 70601 Phone: (337) 439-0995 Fax: (337) 439-0418



PUBLISHER Patrick Marcantel


HOME GROWN B and K Music


COLUMNS Inside Baton Rouge: Clarity’s Better Than Gold in Assessing State Ethics Laws


Biz Bytes: Lord Acton Was Right



EDITOR Chaney Ferguson ASSISTANT EDITOR Jessica Ferguson ASSI GN MENTS Nancy Correro CONTRIBUTORS George Swift Garrett Lumpkin D.B. Grady Katie Penny Matt Jones Lisa Miller Terri Schlichenmeyer Tore Carlberg P OLI TICS John Maginnis Dan Juneau COVER PHOTOG RAPH Patrick Marcantel




Drew Brees





DISTRIBUTION: The Times of Southwest Louisiana is available free of charge, limited to one copy per reader. The Times of Southwest Louisiana may be distributed only by The Times of Southwest Louisiana authorized distributors. No person may, without prior written permission of The Times of Southwest Louisiana, take more than one copy of each monthly issue from its racks.

Legal Eagle: Scalping Tickets


Geeks & Gadgets: The Mouse That Roared


337 Sports: Saints Are Looking Super


COVER STORY A Tale of Two Airports


FEATURE Lake Charles Welcomes Home Fort Polk Soldiers

22 24 34


The Times of Southwest Louisiana is published every two weeks by Patsco Publishing, 617 Drew Street, Lake Charles Louisiana 70601. Phone (337) 439-0995. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $30 per year. Bulk mailing permit #9 paid at Lake Charles, La. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Times of Southwest Louisiana, 617 Drew Street, Lake Charles, LA 70601. FAX to (337) 439-0418. The Times of Southwest Louisiana cannot be held responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations, even if they are sent to us accompanied by a self-addressed envelope. Copyright 2009 The Times of Southwest Louisiana all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without prior written permission is prohibited.


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ENTERTAINMENT Turn It Up: Static Times Bandstand The Shadow: Out and About in Southwest Louisiana Movie Review: “Law Abiding Citizen” Coffee Break Crossword: “Mixed Reviews”

20 October 29, 2009


Inside Baton Rouge - By John Maginnis


Clarity’s better than gold in assessing state ethics laws

t’s been a week since President Barack Obama spent his half day in New Orleans, but the visit deserves a postscript, beginning with, all together now, a huge sigh of relief that he left when he did. When his itinerary was announced--a visit to a Ninth Ward school, a town hall meeting and take-out lunch from Dooky Chase’s--it was greeted by a chorus of dismay that he was giving short shrift to the four-year-old Katrina recovery effort, that he needed to go to Chalmette and Lakeview and--don’t forget Rita-Lake Charles. Moreover, the complaints went, he was completely ignoring the ongoing disaster of coastal erosion by not helicoptering over the open waters of the gulf to view where the land used to be. The salt in the wound was that he was departing early for a Democratic Party fundraiser in San Francisco. In cool hindsight, though, consider the flip side of be-careful-what-youask-for, which is be-glad-for-what-you-didn’t-get. Had the president stayed overnight, he would have wakened to the headlines of the yahoo justice of the peace in Tangipahoa Parish who refused to marry interracial couples out of concern for the children of those unions. With the traveling national press corps panting, Obama, the most famous son of an interracial marriage, would have felt compelled to offer a teachable moment on the sin of intolerance, to the terminal embarrassment of the state. But with the president gone, official first responder duties appropriately fell to Gov. Bobby Jindal, who publicly castigated the hidebound JP and called for revoking his license. So the state should have counted its PR blessings when Air Force One winged westward toward the setting sun. Better yet, it should appreciate the real blessings he left behind. While Obama was making nice with his inspirational message to schoolchildren, across town his administration was making a huge difference in the lives of 19,000 Louisiana families. In what otherwise would have been the day’s lead story, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan approved the release of $600 million in additional grants for low- to moderate-income households to close the gaps between their Katrina/Rita Road Home grants and the inflated costs of repairing and rebuilding their houses. It comes to an average of $34,000 per household, above the $50,000 cap on additional grants, which will go far toward finally getting many of the poorer storm victims back in their homes, long after their plight had faded from public attention. That’s how it works: presidents visit, cabinet secretaries bring checks. As far as Louisiana Recovery Authority Director Paul Rainwater is concerned, more gets done from a trip by a Cabinet secretary than when Air Force One touches down. “I love having cabinet secretaries here,” he said. “I can talk real stuff and we can move things.” Their boss may be a day-tripper, but both HUD Secretary Donovan and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano have spent days on the ground here in the last year and more time back in Washington making the state’s case on a number of issues. Rainwater says about $1.3 billion worth of drawn-out disputes with the Federal Emergency Management Agency were promptly settled by the new administration. He looks forward to successfully negotiating another $3 billion in 3,000 disputed projects in the coming months. A major example is the arbitration process that should finally break the four-year-old impasse with FEMA over replacing Charity Hospital in New Orleans. “They (Obama administration) supported Sen. (Mary) Landrieu’s idea of independent arbitration,” said Rainwater. “The former administration did not.” Resolution is expected by early next year, a far better alternative than spending years more in court fighting FEMA. If the arbitration panel’s decision is short of the $492 million the state claims


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it is due, the president has told the governor he would be open to discussing additional funding. Should it come to pass that way, instead of a presidential visit, Air Force One could simply circle the state Capitol, drop the check and keep on going-- and no one with a lick of sense would complain.

Biz Bytes - By Dan Juneau

Lord Acton Was Right


he popular 19th century English nobleman, Lord Acton, is perhaps best remembered for the statement: “Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.” History is littered with public figures that are appropriately described by those words. Considering some of the shenanigans going on with the health care legislation in Washington, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid can certainly be added to the list. There is no doubt that Reid is in a tough spot. President Obama has stacked up a huge pile of political poker chips, betting on a winning hand on health care reform. He will be harmed politically if he loses, and his fellow Democrats in Congress will feel the collateral damage. But it is not easy to muster the votes necessary to make significant changes to one-sixth of the U.S. economy—as Harry Reid has learned. Adding to Reid’s difficulties is the fact that he has to run for re-election next year, and polling data indicate that he is far from being a shoo-in. The last thing Reid needs is to be a major factor in passing legislation that will push the crumbling budget of the State of Nevada further into the abyss. One of the central features of the proposed legislation could do just that. It would allow millions of individuals whose income levels currently preclude them from qualifying for Medicaid to meet eligibility requirements for the program. But there is a rub: states must put up a five percent match to help cover the additional costs. Reid has made no bones about what he plans to do to avoid any political fallout back home. He has stated unequivocally that he will not allow a health care bill to come to the floor if it increases Medicaid costs for Nevada. He seems to be getting his way. The Senate Finance Committee bill would exempt four states—Michigan, Oregon, Rhode Island, and (yes) Nevada—from the requirement to pay the five percent funding match. The alleged justification for making the exception is that those states have been the hardest hit by the recession. The Senate should rebel against Senator Reid feathering his own nest. Other states shouldn’t have their budgets savaged by another huge unfunded mandate coming down from Washington while watching Reid and a handful of his cronies grin like bandits counting their loot. If states are going to have to be fiscally penalized to make the numbers work for the health care reform legislation, then all states should have to bear the burden. The health care reform debate is starting to focus attention on what happens when arrogance meets partisanship. It is almost impossible to pass legislation that will cover all of the uninsured, reduce the overall cost of health insurance, and “not add a dime” to the deficit as President Obama promised. There are going to be winners and losers—and some very big losers—if the legislation passes. The likely losers will be young Americans and healthy policy holders who will have to pay much higher costs to insure or subsidize the elderly, the uninsured, and individuals with health problems or unhealthy life styles. The main science driving the health care debate at this juncture is political science. After watching the political class making hash out of health care legislation, voters might want to ponder another quote from Lord Acton: “It is easier to find people fit to govern themselves than people to govern others. Every man is the best, the most fit judge of his own advantage.” Senator Reid is living proof of the wisdom in those words.

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L o u i s i a n a


Bus Cameras Ordinance Passed By Nancy Correro t the September 17, 2009 Police Jury meeting, an ordinance to allow video cameras on school buses was passed on a 9-5 vote. The ordinance allows the school board and sheriff ’s department to place video cameras in school buses to ticket motorists who illegally pass. There were several Jurors at the September 17th meeting that were seeking a delay. Mr. Syas wanted a 30 day delay. “It would come back to me that I made a decision on this when I don’t know the meaning of it and so that’s the part I’m having a hard time with,” Mr. Syas said, at the September 17th Jury meeting. There were others that didn’t see the validity in adopting the decision. Those Jurors who voted “no” were Syas, Hassien, Scott, Spell and Farnum. A private company will be operating the program and will be getting most of the share of money collected from the tickets. “I’m all for safety of children, but I think we’ve been blinded by safety of children and this is about profit. And that’s what I have the biggest problem with,” said Juror Ellis


Hassien. Those Jurors who voted for the ordinance to put cameras on school buses were Brame, Landry, McMillin, Andrepont, Collins, Griffin, Guidry, Treme, Stelly, and Mackey. There will be a safety company that will provide and install the cameras. “There are safety companies all over the state and that is what they do. They make money off of safety related items or they provide this technology. That’s what makes the world go around. We’re not making any money,” said Juror Chris Landry. The Sheriff ’s department has tried a number of ways to keep people from passing buses. They have had people ride the buses and it still did not work. “The sheriff ’s department said this

looks like this might be something that’s different and will work and that is why they asked us to do it. I don’t see a problem with it. If you don’t pass the school bus when you are not supposed to, then you’re not going to get a ticket and it won’t take your picture,” said Landry. Other municipalities in the parish have been contacted by the Police Jury about the cameras on the buses. School officials say the company isn’t willing to invest in a camera system on the buses unless the ordinance is a sure thing. “It’s a safety issue. You have bus drivers telling you it happens on country roads and it happens in the city; it happens on two lanes and it happens on four lanes, five lanes, it doesn’t matter it happens all the time. Now there are some routes that are worse than others,” said Landry.

Not long ago, there was a car placed in Sulphur that took photographs and then there were citations handed out. Sulphur was not happy with this and voted it out. “A while back there was a deal in Sulphur where I guess the city of Sulphur had a car parked and they were giving people citations by using the camera. It was a big issue in Sulphur. They didn’t want it. In fact, it was put on the ballot. They wanted the car removed. I think there may be some people trying to make the connection between the two. There is no connection. It’s a completely different issue,” said Landry. “It passed. So we’ll see. Now they have to go to the other municipalities to try and get them on board. Just don’t pass a school bus; if you do, it’s probably going to be expensive.”

October 29, 2009


S o the u t best h wi ne lake s t area L oenter u i tai s in ment a n a’s


By Nancy Correro


& K Music was started by Ken Smith and Buford Smith in 1978 in their home. Their business grew out of necessity and a love of music. Ken Smith is a third generation fiddle player. He started playing at age 10. His father, Buford Smith, is a guitarist. “I grew-up playing in house jam

sessions. There were a lot of jam sessions at my grand parent’s house. Some of my relatives that played fiddle were alive at that time and I picked it up,” Ken Smith said. Smith was introduced to a style of music called “Texas fiddle competition music.” Once he learned that style of playing Smith and his father went all over Texas and through Alabama competing in fiddle contests. He won several contests across the United

Buford Smith


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States after that and won the state championship in Louisiana five times—all between the ages of twelve and eighteen. “It was a gift, something I inherited and I pursued it. I gave up everything else in my life that most kids do— basketball, baseball, football—and practiced about four to five hours a day,” said Smith. Over the years Smith and his father learned to repair their own instruments. There were no repair people in this area at the time. In order to have an instrument repaired, one would have to go to Houston or New Orleans. According to Smith, there was nowhere to get supplies. “We opened up a little company in 1978 out of our home. We were able to get a distributor to furnish and supply us in tools like strings and accessories,” said Smith. When Smith turned twentyone, he told his father he would like to open a retail store in Kinder and that is what they did. “We starved to death for about ten years,” Smith said, laughing, “1981 was a real bad recession here and I opened up then,

Ken Smith

but the store became successful around 1989, 90. We dealt in musical instruments and fiddle or violin repairs,” said Smith. B & K Music has always sold European violins. There are pictures of some of the lovely European violins on their website: www.bandkmusic. biz. “We probably keep over 100 European violins in stock. I have connections in Europe and we have them flown in. We do necessary

S o u t h w e st L o u i s i a n a’s H o m e g r ow n B u s i n e s s “I grew-up playing in house jam sessions. There were a lot of jam sessions at my grand parent’s house. Some of my relatives that played fiddle were alive at that time and I picked it up,” Ken Smith said.

repairs if needed and if not we just set them up for the type of music that is played in this part of the country,” said Smith. “Plus, McNeese has a classical program; Lake Charles and Lafayette have a symphony.” This is a folk oriented musical instrument and repairs store, and they also keep a large selection of instruments which is not very common in most music stores. B & K Music also has amps, PA systems, DJ equipment, mixers, and processors. They do installations for churches, nightclubs, and design audio equipment for courtrooms. “I built my reputation on being a successful contest player and I think that is what made the store unique. We combined fiddle players and violin players. If you wanted to buy a classical violin, you had to go to a classical violin shop and that would have been in a major city,” Smith said. “It used to be two completely different worlds: fiddle people and violin people.” Smith’s success is what made the store unique and it’s a hard form of music to play, but there are young people today that are playing Texas style contest music. “It’s evolved into a really extremely hard form of music and there are some very reputable judges

with state competitions and national competitions and world competitions,” Smith said. To get a better understanding of this type of music one can think of a hoedown, breakdown, rags, as in ragtime or waltzes and hornpipes, jigs, and reels. “Those were all the forms of music and over the years they have become more polished and more parts have been added to them, and the technique of playing them has gotten more precise,” Smith said. Ken Smith and his father still actively play. Smith is a freelancing musician with different bands. Ken Smith is full of surprises. He nonchalantly and humbly mentioned he had been nominated for a Grammy Award in 1992. “I was nominated – I had a recording with Rounder Records in 1992 and it was nominated for a Grammy. All of those things put together combined with good service made the store a success,” Smith said. The Grammy nomination was a collaborative effort put together by a record company out of Boston, MA. They picked out three personalities from Louisiana. When Rounder Records called, they had Cajun artist D.L. Menard who plays guitar and sings and another artist, Eddie LeJeune who is a Cajun accordion player. “They picked those two fellows and then they called me and picked me as a fiddle player. They said they would like us to get together and cut a record.” Rounder Records saw something in the three individuals and wanted to combine the three personalities. They called the group Le Trio Cadien, which, by the way, the CD of the same name is available on Amazon.com. “They flew us to a recording studio in Boston and we stayed there for four days. It was a very relaxed atmosphere. They let us do some of our own producing and let us utilize some of our own ideas in putting this

Buford Smith plays guitar with Ken Smith on violin

album together. They released it in 1991, and we were nominated in 1992 for the Grammy. That led to about 15 European tours that we did from around 1992 to 1995,” Smith said. Smith plays gigs every weekend. In fact, they played at Festival Acadian. He plays gigs with some popular Cajun bands. When asked about music lessons, Smith said that he did that for fifteen years at the store and had some very successful students. When the store got extremely busy and they were rewarded contracts that they were bidding on like church and club installs, it was taking a lot of time after work and that was the time he was giving lessons. “I may do it again when I’m older and get tired of climbing through attics,” Smith said. Some of Smith’s touring consisted of federally granted programs here in the United States that wanted Cajun music. “I met a lot of people on my travels and I had

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offers from advanced students asking me for master lessons. So that is something I can look forward to in the future,” Smith said. B & K Music is located at 320 N. 10th Street in Kinder. Phone: 337738-2686.


BUSINESS Cameron State Bank Donates to SWLA On the Move Campaign Bobby Broussard, Senior Vice President of Cameron State Bank, presented a check in the amount of $20,000 to George Swift (left), President/CEO of the SWLA Economic Development Alliance and Ken Broussard (right), Chamber & Foundation Chair of the Board of Directors and President/CEO of The Broussard Group. This donation is their 2009 pledge to the SWLA Alliance Foundation’s SWLA On the Move 5-year campaign. The current plan of work under the SWLA On the Move Campaign is to address the critical issues facing our region: workforce development, business recruitment, business retention and expansion, regional marketing, and building a single voice for a true regional partnership.

Curves of Moss Bluff Shares the Giving Spirit this Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Traditionally, this is a time to collectively give thanks. And most celebrate this holiday by gathering for a meal with family and friends. The traditional meals vary from turkey and wild rice dressing in northern U.S. and Canada to turkey and cornbread dressing in the south. Very different traditions, with one commonality -- turkey. But not everyone will have a turkey. And the Curves of Moss Bluff wants to help by hosting a Give a Gobble event November 2, 2009 through November 13, 2009. During this event, the Moss Bluff Curves will waive the initial service fee for any new member who brings in either a turkey or a $30 contribution, all to be donated to Livingway Pentecostal Church Food Pantry. To participate in the Moss Bluff Curves Give a Gobble, contact Rebecca Stockman or Kathleen Jones at 337-855-2311. Entergy Community Partnership Grant for CASA Entergy Community Partnership Grant of $800 will support the Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) program. Julio Galan, Executive Director for Family & Youth, accepts the grant from Lydia Aboagye, Senior Customer Service Specialist with Entergy. CASA, a program of Family & Youth, recruits and trains volunteers who advocate in court for the best interests of abused and neglected children.



Graywood Announces Results of McNeese Women’s Tennis Team Fundraiser Gray Stream, President of Graywood, a Master Planned Community in South Lake Charles, announced the results of the Textbook Rentals McNeese Women’s Tennis Team Fundraiser presented by the Sports Club at Graywood. A full slate of tennis players participated in the doubles tournament and the community came out to enjoy the Wine Tasting and Silent Auction the weekend of September 25-27. “It was so gratifying to see how the Lake Area supported this event. The response from players, tournament sponsors, auction donors and all attending made the weekend a huge success,” says Ronnie Walters, Sports Club Director. The total amount of the donation to the McNeese Women’s Tennis Team was $12, 129.61.

Graywood Staff and McNeese representatives pictured from left to right Tommy McClelland, McNeese Athletic Director Ronnie Walters, Sports Club at Graywood Director Magali Rosileo, McNeese Women’s Tennis Coach Kyle Clawson, Graywood Assistant General Manager Holly Stewart, Graywood Special Events Coordinator West Calcasieu Cameron Hospital to Host CPSO Ladies SelfDefense Course The Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office has partnered with West Calcasieu Cameron Hospital in hosting a self-defense course for women 18 years of age and over, on Tuesday, November 3 from 6 PM – 7 PM at Dynamic Dimensions in Sulphur. The course is designed to equip women with the tools and techniques needed to ward off potential physical threats. The course is interactive, with certified self-defense instructors from the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office providing hands-on demonstrations. The course is free; however, space is limited. To reserve space, call (337) 527-5459. Bayou Writers’ Group Presents A Bridge to Publication Writers, mark your calendars for the Bayou Writers’ Group annual oneday writing conference, November 14, in Lake Charles, La.--A Bridge to Publication. Speakers include publisher Charles McGrew of Brown Street Press; Kathryn Casey, author of six acclaimed true crimebooks; Trent Angers, editor and publisher of Acadian House Publishing; and Melanie Rigney, the owner of Editor for You, a publishing consultancy that in the past five years has helped more than 200 authors, publishers, and agents. You may download the conference brochure at the website: http://www. bayouwritersgroup.org. Cost of the conference is $40 for members and $45 for non-members. If you register at the door, the cost is $50, and full-time students pay $25. For more information, call Linda at 337-433-1209. Health and Wellness Resource Fair SWLA Center for Health Services will hold its annual Health and Wellness Resource Fair Saturday, November 7, 2009. The Fitness Center is hosting Continued on Page 9

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the Healthy Neighborhood Walk which will begin at 7:30 AM. Every one is encouraged to participate. There will be vendors representing businesses of all types. SWLA Center for Health Services will also be giving free blood pressure screenings, free PSA’s free sickle cell testing, free, glucose screenings, and more. There will be free dental screenings for the first 60 children at the CITGO Healthy Resource Center located in SWLA Center for Health Services. Seminars will be held thru out the morning on such topics as nutrition, diabetes, dental health, foot care, mental health, substance abuse and more. Free food, fun jumps, face painting, and more. Please call Dianna Ross at 337-493-5123 for more information. Nic & Friends Cookbook Nic Hunter, owner of the Harlequin’s Steak and Seafood Restaurant, has assembled a collection of fine recipes in a special edition cookbook titled “Nic & Friends.” Nic will sign and number each copy of this limited edition cookbook. This collection of recipes costs $25 and pre-orders are being taken now. All proceeds are to benefit the Whistle Stop. Orders should be mailed to the Whistle Stop, 1518 18th St., Lake Charles, LA 70601 or faxed to: 337-562-2144. The books will be available for pick up at the Harlequin’s Book Signing party November 8, 2009 between 5-7 PM. Orders can also be picked up at the Whistle Stop after November 8 from 9:30 AM to 4 PM or can be mailed for an additional $4 shipping charge. Those who purchase 6 copies will receive the next copy free. The collection includes recipes from Joel Dondis, Donald Link, and Justin Sells. Selections from the collection include Crawfish Pasta Supreme, Crab Remick, Shrimp Creole, and Mrs. Hunter’s Banana Bread. For those with a sweet tooth, the collection contains deserts like the decadent Harlequin’s Baked Fudge and Bread Pudding, Willie Mount’s Rum Cake and Kay Barnett’s Carrot Cake. Nic also tells you how to select the perfect cut of beef for any occasion. And for those who need a little extra advice on planning the perfect dinner party or holiday feast, the menus are all included along with a recommended wine for each course. For more information contact the Whistle Stop at 337-562-2344.


Calling all Gingerbread House Builders! The aroma of holiday spices, candy canes, sugar gumdrops, and gingerbread will soon swirl through the air. The Lake Charles/Southwest Louisiana Convention & Visitors Bureau knows that nothing says Christmas quite like gingerbread houses! Entry forms are now available for the Annual Gingerbread House Contest to be held at noon Saturday, Dec. 5, in conjunction with the Lake Charles Annual Christmas Lighting Festival. Sponsored by the Lake Charles/Southwest Louisiana Convention & Visitors Bureau, the contest and awards ceremony will be held at the bureau located at 1205 North Lakeshore Drive in Lake Charles. Entry divisions include amateur, professional and school groups. Southwest Louisiana’s very own mascot, Gumbeaux Gator, will help present the awards on Dec. 5. The Gingerbread Houses will remain on display at the bureau throughout the month of December, and all visitors during that time will be able to vote on the People’s Choice Award to be announced Tuesday, Dec. 29, at the bureau. The deadline for entering the contest is Nov. 16. Entries must be delivered to the Entries must be delivered to the Convention & Visitors Bureau between

Jeff Davis Bank & Trust Company has donated $10,000 for the 2010 Banners Cultural Series, which begins in February and continues through the first week in May. The series offers family entertainment, classical music, jazz, lectures and so much more and is annually supported by donations from area corporate sponsors such as Jeff Davis Bank. Tyler Williams, left, marketing director for Jeff Davis Bank & Trust Company, presents Mary Richardson, Banners director, with the donation. Continued on Page 11

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W H O ’ S Det. Tim Pruitt receives 2009 Louisiana Bankers Association Law Enforcement Officer Of the Year Award Detective Tim Pruitt of the Lake Charles Police Department received a 2009 LBA Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Award at the LBA Annual Security Meeting, which was held September 15-16 (middle) Det. Tim Pruitt of the Lake Charles Police at the Lafayette Hilton. Department received a 2009 LBA Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Award at the LBA Annual Security “We are pleased to Meeting. Also pictured are (far left) Arthur Ogea of present Det. Pruitt with Capital One Bank, who nominated Det. Pruitt, and this award. A good (far right) LBA Chief Operating Officer Ginger Laurent. working relationship between bankers and law enforcement is a vital part of our business,” said Robert T. Taylor, LBA chief executive officer. Det. Pruitt was nominated by Arthur Ogea of Capital One Bank. In listing the details of Det. Pruitt’s outstanding service, Ogea said, “Tim has been working white collar/bank fraud cases for several years and is very detail oriented. He has worked several cases for me and the outcome is always positive.” Each year, LBA recognizes outstanding law enforcement officers who assist banks with the investigation of financial crimes. The people are nominated by bankers from across the state. Named Louisiana’s Top Doctors Dr. Michael Turner and Dr. J. King White are Named Among Louisiana’s Top Doctors Michael Turner, M.D. and J. King White, M.D., of the Cardiovascular Specialists of Southwest Louisiana were listed among Louisiana’s Top Doctors specializing in cardiovascular disease in the September/October issue of Louisiana Life magazine. Louisiana Life utilized the services of Best Doctors, Inc., an organization highly regarded in gathering professional peer ratings, to report the results. Best Doctors incorporates nationwide peer evaluations into their specialized survey process, so doctors are reviewed in terms of their specialty rather than their location. Dr. Turner and Dr. White are part of a group of board-certified cardiologists that form Cardiovascular Specialists of Southwest Louisiana. The organization offers patients comprehensive cardiac care focusing on prevention and early intervention. Cardiovascular Specialists of Southwest Louisiana is located at 600 DeBakey Drive in Lake Charles and have additional locations in Sulphur, DeRidder, Jennings and Kinder. Sam Hebert in Top 50 Sam Hebert has been elected a member of the 2009 Chairman’s Cabinet of New York Life Insurance Co. Members of the Elite Chairman’s Cabinet are the top fifty highest producing agents among New York Life’s elite sales force of more than 11,000 licensed agents. Sam Hebert has been a New York Life Agent and Registered Representative for NYLIFE Securities LLC (member FINRA/SIPC) A Licensed Insurance Sam Hebert Agency since 1995. Sam is located at 790 East Bayou Pines Drive in Lake Charles, Louisiana. He can be reached at 337 436-7797. “Perhaps we should talk”.


October 29, 2009


Mike Creel

Damain Sullivan

McNeese Alumni Receive Awards Two McNeese alumni have been named recipients of two McNeese Alumni Association awards—the Distinguished Alumnus Award and the Distinguished Service Award—and were honored at a reception Oct. 23 at the Stream Alumni Center. Michael A. “Mike” Creel, president, chief executive officer and a director of Enterprise Products Partners LP of Houston, Texas, a leading North American provider of midstream energy services, has been named the 2009 Distinguished Alumnus, while Damain A. Sullivan, vice president and team leader in the Energy Finance/Global Corporate Banking Unit at the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd. in Houston, has been named the recipient of the 2009 Distinguished Service Award. The recipients were also honored during halftime of the McNeese vs. Southeastern Louisiana football game at 6 PM Oct. 24 in Cowboy Stadium. Memorial Hospital Honors Gillis Elementary Artists Lake Charles Memorial Hospital recently honored students who participated in the Young at Art Program in September. The program, which spotlights artwork from a different local elementary school each month, was designed to make a positive impact on hospital patients, employees, and the young artists themselves. September’s display featured artwork by the fourth and fifth grade students from Gillis Elementary. A panel of Memorial volunteers recognized fourth graders Grace Monceaux and Brandon Naquin and fifth grader Jacob Sonnier with a $50 savings bond. “We would like to congratulate our young artists, and extend our thanks to them all for helping to brighten our hospital with their wonderful artwork,” said Kathy DeRouen, Memorial’s senior vice president of Marketing and founder of the Young at Art program. Mallard Investments Expands Staff Mike Allen, Investment Executive/ Wealth Consultant, has joined the staff of Mallard Investments, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cameron State Bank. Allen is originally from Wichita Falls, Texas, and received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls. He has over four years of experience in the business field. His career background includes retail and communications, as well as financial consulting. Allen is a registered investment Mike Allen representative. For more information or to schedule a free consultation at Mallard Investments, call 337-312-7042.

BUSINESS notes continued 1-4:30 p.m., Friday, Dec. 4. Children’s Miracle Network Radiothon Turn up the volume! The Children’s Miracle Network Radiothon is scheduled for November 11-13, from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM on the GAP Broadcasting Stations. For thirty-six hours the Gator 99.5, FUN Radio 92.9 The Lake, 107 JAMZ and KISS FM 92.1 airwaves will fill with inspirational stories of hope, courage and modern day medical miracles. Listeners will also hear live testimonies from CHRISTUS St. Patrick Hospital Department associates and physicians, community organization leaders and non-profit agencies that receive important funding through the Children’s Miracle Network. Radio listeners can call (337) 437-7155 or log on to www. stpatrickfoundation.org during the live broadcast and make a donation to help the kids of Southwest Louisiana. Funds raised through the Children’s Miracle Network Radiothon will stay local to help improve pediatric medical care services and health education

The McNeese State University Banners Cultural Series is annually supported by donations from area corporate sponsors such as Chase Bank, which has donated $10,000 for the upcoming 2010 Banners Series. Rodney K. “Poncho” Seaford, left, president of Chase Bank, Lake Charles, presents the donation to Mary Richardson, Banners director. The Banners Series will begin its 18th year on Feb. 20 with the internationally prestigious King’s Singers and will continue through the first weekend in May.

PPG Industries Inc. has donated $5,000 to McNeese State University through the McNeese Foundation to be divided between the McNeese colleges of business and engineering and engineering technology. Jon Manns, center, plant manager for the Lake Charles complex of PPG Industries, presents the donation to Dr. Mitchell Adrian, left, dean of the college of business, and Dr. Nikos Kiritsis, dean of the college of engineering and engineering technology.

October 29, 2009


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Lake Charles Welcomes Home Fort Polk Soldiers


L o u i s i a n a

10th Annual Veteran’s Day Celebration

By Tore Carlberg

embers of the W.B. Williamson, American Legion, Post Number One and Mayfield, Taylor, McClain Post Number 551, met the 500 members of the 46th Engineering Battalion based at Fort Polk, Louisiana as they returned from their duty in Afghanistan. The Battalion landed in Lake Charles at Millionaire Air Park on the Chennault Air Strip. Units returning to Fort Polk from abroad would normally land at England Air Force Base near Alexandria, Louisiana. However, as the runway at England is under construction, the arrivals were switched to Lake Charles. These Lake Charles landings should continue until the construction at England Air Force Base is completed. The Battalion arrived on August 29th, September 2nd and September 5th, 2009 during the early morning hours. There was off and on rain for the early morning of the first landing. Although suffering from a head cold, Lake Charles Mayor Randy Roach personally met that plane and said of the experience, “There is no greater honor for an elected official than to welcome the troops home from overseas.” The soldiers, young men and women, were wearing their fatigue uniforms and carrying knapsacks and weapons on their arrival. They were tired after their fifty-five hour

flight, but glad to be home. After processing and turning in their weapons, they boarded buses for the hour long trip back to Fort Polk, where their family and friends were awaiting their arrival. The Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association, as they do for every military arrival in this area, escorted the buses to Fort Polk. The local American Legion Units had been alerted of the arrivals by Ms. Theresa Lawson with the Public Relation’s Department at Fort Polk. Although it was at the last minute the two Posts immediately put together the welcoming. One of those instrumental in organizing the three events was Jim Jackson, the First Vice Commander of Post One. Wearing a standard American Legion hat and red Legion shirt, he was heard saying, “It sure wasn’t like this when I returned from Vietnam. There was no one to meet our plane and in fact, we were not allowed to travel in our military uniform. We were required to purchase civilian clothes for the trip.” Another American Legion greeter, Stephen Rothermel, recounted, “Each and every one of those soldiers, grabbed my hand and looked me in the eye. They told me how grateful they were for us to be there for them and I left that morning with a proud feeling in my heart.”


October 29, 2009


ark your calendars and plan to attend the special Veteran’s Day Celebration that will take place the second Sunday of November in Dry Creek, Louisiana. This event paying tribute to our heroes will begin at 12 noon on Sunday, November 8, at the East Beauregard High School Football Stadium. Dedication Ceremony is at 1:30 PM. Master of Ceremonies will be John Bridges along with Britney Glaser from KPLC television of Lake Charles. Entertainment will be by the Country Music Award winning Duo of the Year, Branded Duo and East Beauregard High School Band. Breath-taking and awesome will be Skydivers along with USAF FlyOver. There will be Military Static Displays along with vintage military displays as well as Louisiana and Texas National Guard. Theme for the event is “Remembering our Heroes.” All veterans will be honored and Special Guest is Julius W. {Bill) Gates, who became the eighth Sergeant Major of the Army. He attained the highest enlisted rank, just above First Sergeant, with a pay grade of E-9 in

the United States Army. CMA Gates was sworn in on July 1, 1987 and served until his term ended in June 1991. The rank he achieved is a unique Non-commissioned officer rank in the Unites States Army. Jody Campbell of Dry Creek and many other volunteers organize this patriotic event to honor veterans of all wars. At the conclusion of the program, complimentary food and drinks will be available to the attendees. The public is invited to give tribute to this distinguished and highly decorated Sergeant Major and all veterans at the Annual Veteran’s Day Celebration. The event is being held Sunday, November 8, 2009, 12:00 PM-4:00 PM at the East Beauregard High School Football Stadium with Dedication Ceremony at 1:30 PM. The site of the event is located southeast of DeRidder, between Sugartown and Dry Creek at 5364 Highway 113, accessed by either Highways 26 or Highway 394. For more information call 337348-6798.

October 29, 2009


By Katie Penny


Is It Really Illegal To Scalp?

gain, my answer is my reliable old punt (pun intended)—sometimes. Because it is fall in Louisiana, there is only one really important topic: football. My personal drug of choice

being a rather experienced football game attendee, was immediately suspicious of the ticket and went to the ticket office to have the tickets checked. As it turned out, both of their tickets were counterfeit. (This

is LSU football, and if you look to your left and to your right, you will probably see at least two more similarly-addicted junkies. Nothing else meaningful really happens in this state on Saturday nights in the fall—no one would dare—and, as the Florida game a few weeks ago proved, sometimes every occupant of the state only really wants to be in one place on Saturday nights. With big-game LSU football tickets being one of the most valuable items on the planet, the question inevitably becomes, what is one really worth? And how much can you get for one? A friend of mine was on the LSU campus the Saturday of the Florida game, and he had the bad luck to not have tickets. He and his friend found someone selling tickets, and each purchased one for $150. My friend,

story actually has a happy ending: my friends gave descriptions of the seller to the police, the police caught him and several other counterfeiters, and my friends got their money back.) Now, obviously, it is illegal to sell counterfeit tickets, which are worthless, for several times the face value of the “tickets.” But what about real tickets? Under Louisiana law (Louisiana Revised Statutes 4:1), admission tickets to entertainment events must have the price paid for the ticket printed on the face of the ticket. It is illegal to sell or resell an admission ticket to any athletic contest, dance, theater, concert, circus, or other amusement for an amount that is more than the purchase price printed on the face of the ticket. The ordinary penalty for violating this law is a fine of between


October 29, 2009

$100 to $500 dollars and 30 to 90 days in jail. So, in other words, not worth the extra 25 bucks you might get for selling over face value. Also, the statute allows for certain donations or contribution requirements to obtain the ticket in addition to the face value purchase price of the ticket, but only “in connection with the sale of tickets to athletic contests of institutions of higher education.” (Hmm, I wonder to what “contests” they are referring…) Finally, the most interesting new part of the law, and the reason for my ambivalent “it’s only illegal to scalp tickets sometimes…” A section has recently been added dealing with ticket sales online. This section provides that it is legal to sell or resell admission tickets online at any price IF two requirements are met. First, the organizer of the event and the operator of the location where the event is held must authorize the sale/ resale of the admission tickets to the event at higher than face value. Second, the operator of the website on which the ticket is offered for sale/resale has to guarantee (with

that guarantee posted on their website, which the buyer is directed to prior to completion of the sale) a full refund of whatever price is paid under certain conditions: if the event ends up being canceled, if the purchaser, through no fault of his own, is denied admission, or if the ticket is not delivered in the way the website said it would be delivered and that failure of delivery procedure caused the purchaser to not be able to attend the event. Prior to this new law, there were lots of great stories about people selling an admission ticket to the National Championship game for $1 on Ebay. Except the ticket was only being sold together as a package deal with an old LSU sock, which was priced at $9,000. Well, as long as the two requirements above are met, this sort of charmingly devious subterfuge is no longer necessary. The provided information is factsensitive and jurisdiction-dependent. Consult an attorney before employing the above legal concepts.


0 0 5 5 8 5 7 1

The Mouse That Roared

By D.B. Grady


nyone who works in an office or is otherwise shackled to a computer all day should demand three accommodations from his or her employer: a good chair, a good monitor, and a good mouse. The first two can get very expensive very quickly, and short of a doctor’s note – this works, by the way! – do not always meet with a stingy manager’s approval. But mouse devices are relatively inexpensive, and well worth the investment. (A good mouse is cheaper than a good carpal tunnel surgeon.) But not all mice are created equal. If the choice is between a Logitech mouse and sawing off my own hand, my only real decision is Craftsman or Black and Decker. Microsoft is the undisputed king of mouse technology. The Redmond company pioneered ergonomic design. They mainstreamed optical tracking (ridding the world of the lint magnet that was the mechanical ball mouse). They introduced arguably the most impressive leap in humancomputer interaction since the keyboard – the clickable scroll wheel. And most recently, they pioneered Blue Track technology, allowing their mice to be used on virtually any surface, from carpet to cardboard. Whether one is a gamer or a spreadsheet jockey, Microsoft makes a mouse for you. Prices vary with features. The standard wireless workhorse – the Optical Mouse 3000 – can be found for as little as $15, a real bargain. Its collapsible (and gor-

geously designed) Arc Mouse, for those frequently on the go, runs $30. And its flagship device, the Blue Track Explorer, runs $69. Each mouse is compatible with both PC and Mac systems, and included software enables complete customization and button assignment. Microsoft has left little to chance, and with a bit of research (there are demonstration models in stores everywhere), the right model can be found for users of every type. Apple, on the other hand, hasn’t made a good mouse since 1984, when they popularized the peripheral with the original Macintosh computer. (The notorious technology curmudgeon John Dvorak guaranteed its popularity by declaring that nobody would ever want to use such things.) Since then, however, it’s been one failure after another, most notably the appalling “puck” mouse, released in conjunction with the otherwise game-changing iMac in 1998. (This is not even to mention the execrable Mighty Mouse in 2005.) Last week, Steve Jobs unveiled the Magic Mouse, a device with a name only Billy Mays could love, but with features that may well turn the industry upside-down. The Magic Mouse has no buttons. It has no scroll wheel or trackball or wires. And yet it may well be the most ambitious input device on the market. The entire mouse is a “multitouch” device. Users of the Apple iPhone will recognize that word – it’s the feature that allows photos and websites

to be enlarged and reduced. It enables swiping through contact lists and across music libraries. It fosters imaginative video games and facilitates touchscreen interaction. And now it’s come to the mouse. The entire surface of the Magic Mouse is a button. The entire surface of the mouse is a scroll wheel for navigation both horizontal and vertical. It detects two-finger navigation and enables screen zooming and iTunes navigation. It supports right-clicking, and allows for ambidextrous customization. Its laser, while not so advanced as Microsoft’s Blue Track, supports a broad array of surface tracking. The Magic Mouse is powered by AA-batteries, and communicates with Macs and MacBooks by way of a Bluetooth connection, no USB dongles or base stations required. As of right now, it does not support PCs (though intrepid developers will no doubt remedy this oversight) and runs $69. In the end, whether one settles on the sleek Apple device or the proven Microsoft brand, a well-chosen mouse can make computer work a little less frustrating, and maybe a little more enjoyable. But if the only choice is a Logitech, always go with a sharp blade, and find a leather strap to bite on. Better to go without a hand than to place a frustration in one.

Have a technology question or advice for other users? Email me at tech@timessw.com. October 29, 2009



The biggest off-season acquisition for the Saints has clearly been defensive coordinator Greg Williams. After the 2008 season concluded, the Saints began pursuing Williams who produced top three defenses in Tennessee, Buffalo and Washington. The two sides were close to reaching an agreement, but were still a ways apart on the financial terms. To seal the deal, Saints head coach Sean Payton asked general manager Mickey Loomis to cut his annual salary by $250,000 and apply that money to the offer for Williams. Needless to say, Williams signed the contract and he is doing in New Orleans what he did in his previous NFL stops. For the first time since the early 1990’s the Saints have a dominant defense. In 2007, the Saints ranked 26th out of 32 teams in total defense, and in 2008 they finished 23rd. With basically the same personnel, Williams has completely turned around the Saints defense which currently ranks 9th in the NFL. Williams is one of the most intense defensive coordinators in the NFL. I saw it first-hand when I visited Saints training camp in August. I spoke with defensive ends Will Smith and Charles Grant, safety Roman Harper, and cornerback Tracy Porter. Each player told me that the defense had taken on the impassioned personality of its new coordinator, and after watching the team perform I can see it.

2=D 96I 2=D 96I 2=D 96I H6N I=:N <DCC6 7:6I I=:B .6>CIH Frankly, after what I’ve seen from the New Orleans Saints through five games, I don’t know if there is a team in the National Football League that can beat them. For the third time in franchise history the Saints are off to a 5-0 start. In 1991, they began the season 7-0, finished 11-5 and lost in the first round of the playoffs. In 1993, they started 5-0, but then fell apart as they finished 8-8 and missed the playoffs. Not only will this year’s team make the playoffs, the Saints will likely receive an automatic invitation to the second round by virtue of a first round bye. Offensively, the Saints have never looked better. That’s saying something considering that the Saints finished number one in total offense in 2006 and 2008. Quarterback Drew Brees has had a number of phenomenal seasons in the NFL, but never has he played so well. Brees currently leads the league in passer rating at 118.4 (his career high is 104.8 in 2004). Unlike his previous three seasons in New Orleans, Brees does not have to have a great statistical game for the Saints to win. Only three teams are running the football better than New Orleans. The balance of the run and the pass has made the Saints offense deadly. Now opponents must decide whether they want to slow down Brees and the Saints passing attack, or stack the line of scrimmage and try to contain the Saints running backs. Through five games the Saints are averaging 38.4 points per game and are on pace to break the 2007 New England Patriots record for points scored in a single season. They are also averaging 430.0 yards per game. Only the 2000 St. Louis Rams (442.2) and the 1984 Miami Dolphins (433.5) have averaged more yards per game in a season. Neither the Rams nor the Dolphins won the Super Bowl during those seasons. However, the Saints are a much more complete team equipped with a better running game and a stronger defense.


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October 29, 2009


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October 29, 2009


H EALTH & W ELLNESS Take A Closer Look At Cataracts

Age brings many changes to the body, and the eyes are no exception. When vision becomes blurry for older adults, many assume new glasses and a stronger prescription is all they need to recapture the clear vision of their youth. However, the fact is that cataracts may be the cause for the decline in vision. More than 20 million Americans age 40 and older have cataracts. Cataracts are the leading cause of vision loss among adults 55 and older, and one-half of the over-65 population has some degree of cataract development. These statistics show how common cataracts are, but fortunately, according to Jon Yokubaitis, MD, board certified ophthalmologist with The


Eye Clinic, this is one of the most curable causes of vision loss. He explains that a cataract is the clouding of the eye’s normally clear lens, the part of the eye that focuses light and produces clear images. Inside the eye, the lens is contained in a sealed bag, or capsule. As old cells die they become trapped within the capsule. Over time, more cells die and accumulate, causing the lens to cloud, and making images look blurred or fuzzy. For most people, cataracts are a natural result of aging. But, eye injuries, certain medications, and diseases such as diabetes and alcoholism have also been known to cause cataracts. Symptoms of cataracts can vary from patient to patient. “Some people

October 29, 2009

notice a gradual painless blurring of vision, double vision in one eye, or fading or yellowing of colors,” says Dr. Yokubaitis. “When older patients mention sensitivity to glare and/ or bright light or trouble driving at night, this may be caused by cataracts. Or, if a patient needs frequent changes to his or her glasses or contact lens prescriptions, they should be evaluated for a cataract.” Cataracts form slowly and cause no pain. Some stay small and have minimal effect on vision, but Dr. Yokubaitis says if the cataract does grow and starts to affect your vision, it can be removed with surgery in most cases. Although cataracts are the leading cause of blindness worldwide, vision loss from cataracts is nearly always

reversible. “New techniques developed over the past decade have made cataract surgery one of the safest and most successful procedures available in terms of restoring quality of life to patients,” says Dr. Yokubaitis. In fact, cataract surgery is the most frequently performed surgery in the United States, with an estimated 3 million procedures taking place each year. Cataract surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia. The cloudy natural lens can be replaced with an artificial lens to give the eye proper focusing power. “In most cases, the improvement in the patient’s vision is profound, even more so with the latest advances in lens implants that have become available in recent years,” says Dr. Yokubaitis. “With these newer, premium lenses, many patients are able to see clearly without glasses of any kind after surgery.” “There are no drugs or exercises that will make a cataract disappear, and contrary to popular belief, cataracts are not removed using lasers. Lasers are used in follow-up procedures, if needed,” says Dr. Yokubaitis. He also wants to dispel the myth that a cataract has to be “ripe” before it’s removed. “That’s just not true. The best time to have a cataract removed is when it starts to interfere with your vision to the point that you are unable to do the things you need and like to do.” He cautions that cataract surgery, although quite safe, is still surgery. “If cataracts are not affecting your quality of life, you may feel that surgery is not needed. The only person who can really decide when it’s time to have them removed is you, under the care of a qualified ophthalmologist.” For more information about cataracts, cataract surgery and premium lens implant options, call The Eye Clinic at (337) 478-3810.

The Swift Report - By George Swift

President/CEO: SWLA Economic Development Alliance


appy Birthday Alliance! This October marks the third anniversary of the formation of the Southwest Louisiana Economic Development Alliance. On October 16, 2006, Bill Willis (2006 Chair of the Chamber SWLA and Foundation Board) and Lake Charles Mayor Randy Roach (2006 Chair of the SWLA Partnership for Economic Development Partnership Board) signed the memorandum of understanding which combined the resources of these three organizations to establish the SWLA Alliance. Representing public and private entities and serving the five parishes of Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron, and Jeff Davis, the Alliance unites the region for a common purpose of economic stability and growth for all. We’ve made good progress, but are still only at the tip of our potential. After being dealt

Happy Birthday Alliance

major blows by several hurricanes, our region has embraced the need to adapt and chart new courses, so we can be viable for future generations. There are some who want things to remain the same. There are some who want big changes. It’s only natural to have these competing desires. As I mature and witness many changes, I’ve come to embrace change. The fact is there will always be change. It’s up to us - as stewards of our region - to make the correct changes to prepare a well planned and stable region for our children and their children. The Alliance has been busy during the last three years. We have beefed up our research department with all economic indicators and demographic information, and maintain a data base of potential sites and buildings for companies wanting to expand or relocate to Southwest Louisiana. We have in-

creased our proactive marketing with a new website, regional videos, ads and brochures, and attended major trade shows. We have worked with existing industry on expansion and retention projects, formed a close working relationship with Louisiana Economic Development and other regions around the state as well as Southeast Texas. We have retained our own representative in Houston to tell our story there and we are beginning discussions with the Houston Partnership, our very large counterpart, on how we can work together on a larger mega-regional basis. Houston is expected to double in size by 2025 and that growth will impact our area with development opportunities. In case you think that’s a long time away, it’s only 16 years. So, after we have gone through four more presidential elections, Houston will be the fifth largest metro area in the nation. We also are working on infrastructure projects including a new I-10 bridge at Lake Charles, a DeRidder by-pass, Cameron bridgeworks over the ship channel, and development of a new deep water port at the Calcasieu Pass in Cameron. We have restructured the Alliance Foundation board, the only 501c3 organization in the region devoted exclusively to economic development. The new board has mandated seats from public and private entities spanning all five parishes. All parishes are at the table and we are seeing more re-

gional cooperation than ever thought possible when we began. We are tackling the need for skilled workers in our area by working with McNeese, our state technical and Community colleges, and parish school boards to prepare our incoming workforce for the jobs available in our region. We have worked with the City of Lake Charles, Calcasieu Parish Police Jury, and McNeese to develop the region’s SEED Center, a business incubator and one-stop economic development center which will focus on and foster entrepreneurship within our five parishes. Plans are moving forward and we hope to break ground by next summer. These are a few of the things we are working on, with more on the way. We conducted a successful capital campaign with over 110 investors, large and small, to fund our region’s economic development efforts. Buyin has been strong and more funds are needed if we are to gear up. Time is of the essence. The world economy has changed and makes our competitiveness more crucial. We will beef up our international trade efforts and continue to be a part of the state’s new “Blue Ocean” initiative to identify bold new industries and opportunities for our region and the state. It’s been a fast and progress-filled three years. As they say, for Southwest Louisiana, the Best is Yet to Come! Think globally, act regionally, and talk up Southwest Louisiana.

October 29, 2009


Tale of Two

6>GEDGIH Chennault and Lake Charles Regional


t might be surprising to discover that the two local airports in Lake Charles are not only noncompetitive, but indeed have a friendly working relationship. Chennault International Airport Authority’s Randy Robb and Lake Charles Regional Airport’s Heath Allen say they are not only helping each other in business, but in turn, that helps the economy of Lake Charles. “Heath and I coordinate a lot of our activities with the FAA [Federal Aviation Administration] and when our fire trucks burned up we were able to borrow a fire truck from the Regional Airport so it’s a real good relationship between our two airports. I’ve been to his board meeting and he’s been to my board meeting. There is a working relationship between the two airports,” said Randy Robb, Executive Director of Chennault International Airport Authority. Recently, one of Chennault’s

Randy Robb Chennault International Airport Authority 20

By Nancy Correro

tenants, Northrop Grumman, received a substantial contract. The U.S. Air Force awarded Northrop Grumman Corporation a nine-year contract to provide Contractor Logistics Support for its fleet of KC-10 Extender refueling tanker aircraft. “If something good happens at Chennault, for example, the Northrop Grumman contract, with additional jobs, I’m ecstatic. I’m not worried it didn’t happen at Regional, if it happens at Chennault, it helps us out. It helps the economy and it’s helping our core business which is moving people. Air service hinges on the economy. If the economy is strong, then you’ve got business happening and people are on the move and going places and that is the key for us. So, we are Chennault’s biggest fans,” says Heath Allen, Executive Director of Lake Charles Regional Airport. Because of the damage from Hurricane Rita, LC Regional just recently finished construction on their $28 million new facility. “We are in a brand new ground-up passenger terminal—$28 million and all the bells and whistles you would find at a terminal in Houston say just on a smaller scale, of course,” said Allen. There was Hurricane Rita damage to Chennault Airport as well. In recent news, U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr. announced on October 20, 2009 that a grant for $1.05 million from the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA will be used to reimburse the airport authority for costs it incurred from repairs to Hanger D, which houses Aeroframe Services, LLC. At one time, the civil and

October 29, 2009

military airports were together at Chennault Airport. The Air Force wanted to get rid of the civil side. After they made the requirements for the civil side to move away from the Air Force side, they closed it. It lay fallow for a number of years until 1986. “The properties were given up to the Parish, the city, and the school board. They got some parties together and decided it was more than a drag strip and then they got Boeing to come in here and the state gave about $50 million dollars to build the infrastructure that we now call Chennault. We sit on a 99 year lease with the Parish, school board, and the city,” said Robb. Since then, Chennault has bought property around the property. The golf course is still the cities and the school board is still there for the bus facility. “Chennault is a commercial airport. We are a commercial airport because we bring in maintenance, repair and overhaul airplanes for both the military for Northrop Grumman, and the civilian side with Aeroframe,” said Robb. They also have Million Air and it is an FBO, Fixed Base Operator. It is high-end and it caters to military and corporate airplanes. They provide all of the fueling services for

Northrop Grumman, Aeroframe, and other Chennault transients. “We are about the fourth busiest airport in Louisiana. We get that kind of volume through there. We do have charters, for instance; we fly the McNeese Football team when they go places just because we have bigger aircrafts,” said Robb. On June 11, American Eagle started flying back into Lake Charles after a 10 year hiatus. Continental has been in Lake Charles for quite a long time.

Heath Allen Lake Charles Regional Airport

6>GEDGIH In that time, Northwest Airlines was scheduled to come into Lake Charles, but after 9/11 they decided to pull the plug on the project before it ever got started. “Our primary purpose is to move people. Probably one of the biggest things that affects air travel in Lake Charles is our proximity to Houston. That’s like the 800 pound gorilla in the room. It siphons off probably 25% of our market, easily. With a second air carrier coming in it just opens up more flexibility in terms of destinations,” said Allen. Competition is good for the consumer. Since Continental was the only carrier in Lake Charles, they charged what they wanted to charge and now they have to pay attention to American. “It was very big to get that second carrier. You don’t see a whole lot of air service expansion right now domestically. International is what most of the big carriers are focused on right now, but we were fortunate enough to be one of the few cities that got additional service,” Allen said. Part of the reason Allen said that Lake Charles got the service was the economy here. If you look across the country, there are a lot of places doing a lot worse than Southwest Louisiana. “The South in general seems to being doing a little bit better than the rest of the country. In fact, where


they added most of the service is strictly in the South,” said Allen. There are a lot of projects that Aeroframe is bidding on, but Robb said he was not at liberty to say which ones, however, it looks like they are going to get a major airline in here. They do airbus series airplanes and nearly every airline has airbus equipment. Fed-Ex is Aeroframe’s major customer. “Usually, over the holiday period Fed-Ex drops off a little of the MRO, which is maintenance, repair and overhaul activities so they can fly those airplanes to deliver goods over the holiday season. They have other airplanes [they do maintenance on]. They do painting—stripping of aircraft and painting—they’re just a complete airbus MRO,” said Robb. Million Air is a fixed base operator. They handle the transient airplanes when they come in and out of Chennault. “What we’ve done is we’ve built them a 15,000 sq. ft corporate hangar so they can park the bigger airplanes there and they have a smaller hangar and the t-hangars. They are expanding pretty rapidly,” said Robb. Louisiana Mill Works builds doors and door frames and they sell them predominately to builders and lumber yards as opposed to Home Depot. “As far as the future of Chennault, it’s pretty strong we think. We are getting a lot of interest from outside Continued on Page 26


October 29, 2009



By Cassondra Guilbeau

ll too often, cover bands are given the stigma of being unoriginal or not quite as talented as other bands. And usually, that stigma is given by other “original” bands. Southwest Louisiana has plenty of musical acts that are dispelling that stigma, and leading the charge is Static. The Lake Area favorite is celebrating 10 years on the scene this year, and was voted favorite band by the readers of The Times of Southwest Louisiana. Several band members have come and gone over the past decade. But Static today, still has its two original core members, Alastair White, bass and vocals, and Jamie McCabe, guitar and vocals. The rest of the band includes Jonathan Johnson, lead vocals

and guitar; Garrett “Possum” Judice, accordion and vocals; and Jacob “Lil Jackob” Robles, drums. For the last ten years, Static has “been there and back.” In their early days, the band had the notion that they would “make it” in the music business. They had their share of that type of success. In 2004, the band peaked. “Static was ultra legitimate. I have the income tax records to show we played over 200 shows,” White said. During that time, the band had a staff, merchandise…and problems. “I’ve paid for this franchise three times,” White said. According to Johnson, different members left at different times, with White and McCabe buying the other original members out each time. “At one point it seemed like we had different members at every gig,” Judice noted. But, time heals old wounds and current band members get along well with former band members. Many of them play together on other projects. “There are many avenues and offshoots of the Static story,” Johnson said. Well, simply put, that is the history of Static, but there is much more to the story. “This era of the band, to me, is defining,” White said. The guys have a very realistic and appreciative view of Static. They no longer have that notion to make it big in the music industry. “In my opinion, there are two types of bands out there. There are people who are trying to make it in music, and more power to them. But, there is also a market for, and something to be said for,


October 29, 2009

those weekend warriors who go to work every day and then on weekends they are playing your Mardi Gras ball or your wedding,” Johnson said. “They show up at your event, and you have a really good time because, man, that band was good.” This attitude is exactly why Static has been voted best band. When you book Static, you know you are going to have a good time. They are self-described “entertainment specialists.” And they want to give a shout out to their “compatriots” like Soul Vacation and the Kadillacs, who focus on bringing a good time to the area. “This is a customer-service industry,” Johnson said. And they know their industry well. As a “cover band,” and this is a title they wear proudly, they have a wide array of not just songs, but musical genres in their repertoire. You want an 80s rock band? Call Static. You want a hard rock band? Call Static. You want a Cajun band? Call Static. You want punk or country? You get the point. So, beyond having an extensive playlist of your favorites across all genres, what is so unique and creative about Static? Glad you asked. Static

created a sound that is all its own. It’s a sound that blends these genres. A sound they call Zydecore. They describe the sound as “a progressive mixture of Cajun and rock that thrills audiences and fills the dance floor all night long.” Imagine metal guitar juxtaposed with an accordion. “We are Zydecore man,” White joked. But Johnson added, “In our mind, it fits.”

Band Review Cont. The guys brought their sound to the recording studio in the past. Of course, in the earlier days of the group, the idea was to sell as many albums as possible and get their music out to the world. They have a different approach these days. They want to have fun, make the music they love and hope other people enjoy it. It helps that members of Static have their own recording studio. They can record their music on their own and in their own way. “Recording is grueling. It’s not easy,” Johnson said. “When you are in a studio, you are in a stale environment, and you are not amped up at all.” But, what makes it easier is the experience they bring to the table. “You learn a little bit each time,” Judice said. The accordion player recorded his first cd when he was just 13. He then recorded his next cd when he was 14 at Lake Charles Music. So, the guy knows a thing or two. As a matter of fact, other band

members compared acquiring “Possum” to the Black Eyed Peas bringing in Fergie. “Static is extremely lucky to have acquired his services,” White said. Static has recently recorded another album. They are currently putting those finishing touches on it. “You want to put something out there, and say ‘this is something we created,’” Johnson said. “The idea that we are doing all of this stuff so we can create something new and make a buck off of it, that is not what we are about.” The fact is, the guys don’t make their living from their music, and that isn’t what they want. Judice is a student at McNeese and all of the other band members have careers that they don’t see as an avenue to

the music. The music is just something they want to do. “Ultimately, this is about enjoyment,” Johnson said. “Everyone likes to make a little cash, so to say it’s totally not about the money is naive.” Well, if it is about the enjoyment, Static is having a blast. They have built a brand in this market and are booked consistently in the Lake Area. Even if you haven’t actually heard Static play before, you may know them by reputation. They built a foundation on professionalism. But, they also pride themselves on knowing their audience. Their gigs usually consist of multiple sets. During the first set, if the crowd isn’t “feeling it” they can look ahead and make changes to fit the crowd. This is something that bands who strictly play original music can’t do. “Sometimes there is a struggle between what the audience wants and what the band can provide so that both are having a good time,” Johnson said. This seems to be a problem Static has

solved to perfection. This isn’t to say you won’t hear original songs when you go to a Static show. They are pretty good at reading the crowd to know when to break out the original music. “Sometimes when they get it, they stay on the dance floor and dance because they have to,” White said. The creative pursuits and originality of this band isn’t confined to the musical stage or the studio. They are currently working with White’s cousin to develop a comic book featuring aliens (the little green men kind) based on members of the band. Just like the musicians themselves, the aliens each do their own thing by day, but at night they come together for a common purpose. Their purpose is to introduce this new form of music—Zydecore—to the world. So, if you ever hear someone say that cover bands aren’t original, take them to a Static show. They won’t see little green men take the stage, but they are likely to have a blast and quickly agree with the readers of The Times.

October 29, 2009


SPONSORED BY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 Briggs Brown Bayou Cajuns @ D.I.’s Cajun Food & Music, Basile, 5 pm Foghorn Trio and Kelly & the Cowboys @ Blue Moon Saloon, 8 pm Blues Tonic @ Luna Bar & Grill, 8 pm Jam Session @ The Western Bar, 7 pm Mr. Lanny Lamb, Tommy Withrow, Neal Smith@ Sylvia’s Bistro, 5 pm Brandon Foret @ JD’s, L’Auberge Casino, 10 pm FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 Black Bayou Music Bash: The Toadies, Magnolia Sons, Fastball @ L’Auberge du Lac Poolside, 7 pm Lynyrd Skynyrd @ Coushatta Casino, Kinder, 8 pm ISIS @ Mikko Live, Coushatta Casino, 9 pm Foduemonks @ JD’s After Dark, L’Auberge Casino, 11 pm Joe Simon Louisiana Cajun @ D.I.’s Cajun Food & Music, Basile, 5 pm Butt Roxx Pre-Halloween Bash @ AJ’s Bar & Grill, 10 pm Tommy Withrow, Southland @ Sylvia’s Bistro, 7 pm Mike Dean @ Blue Moon Saloon, 8 pm Nivero, Villian for a Moment & Norcio @ Toucans Bar & Grill, 9:30 pm Bayou Heat Cajun Band @ Speckled Trout, Hackberry, 4 pm T-Broussard & Zydeco Steppers @ Paragon Casino Pelican Stage, 9 pm Still Kickin’@ Linda’s Lounge, 8:30 pm Mike Taylor Band @ Engine 89-DeQuincy, 8 pm Mike Richard & Step-n-Out @ Scottie Tee Judi’s Konstruxion Zone, 9:30 pm


October 29, 2009

Briant Lloyd Smith & Hot Gritz, Fridays @ Blue Duck, 9 pm Southern Spice @ Bab’s Pub, 7 pm Tom Brandow @ Outriggers Tavern, 5 pm Static @ OB’s Bar & Grill, 8 pm The Toadies, Fastball, and Magnolia Sons @ L’Auberge Casino Event Center, 7 pm Jamie Bergeron & the Kickin’ Cajuns @ Yesterday’s, 8 pm Survive the Musical, 2nd Party Program, Makada @ Luna Bar & Grill, 10 pm SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31 Southern Spice @ Love’s Casino, Vinton, 7 pm Pork Chop Express @ Blue Duck, 9pm King of Pop: A Tribute Starring Michael Firestone @ Paragon Casino, 8 pm T-Broussard & Zydeco Steppers @ Paragon Casino Pelican Stage, 9 pm Thingfish, 2nd Party Program, Choke @ Toucans Bar & Grill, 10 pm Flashback @ JD’s After Dark, L’Auberge Casino, 11 pm Halloween Bash: Magnolia Sons, Colorcast Veterans, Paper Plains,Handsome Harry Band @ Luna Bar & Grill, 8 pm Halloween Party With Crooks Carnival @ OB’s, 8 pm Tommy Withrow, Music Box Massacre, Sugarhouse @ Sylvia’s Bistro, 7 pm Halloween Party: Travis Matte & The Kingpins @ Yesterday’s, 8 pm Mike Taylor @ Bobby B’s, Vinton, midnight Howard Noel Cajun Boogie @ D.I.’s Cajun Food & Music, Basile, 5 pm Ashes Of Babylon and Red Letter Reverb @ AJ’s Bar & Grill, 10 pm ISIS @ Mikko Live, Coushatta Casino, 9 pm Clint Black @ Isle of Capri Casino, 7 pm Halloween Party w/Stormy @ GG’s Club, Alexandria, 9:30 pm SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1 Jimmy/Wilson Band, Sundays @ Shorty’s Ice House, Moss Bluff, 5 pm Lacassine Playboys @ Wayne & Layne’s Deli, 4 pm Foret Tradition @ Yesterday’s, 8 pm Idol Minds @ Fred’s Lounge, 6 pm

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 Singer/Songwriter Open Mic Night @ Luna Bar & Grill, 9 pm TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3 Don Fontenot Les Cajuns de la Prairie@ D.I.’s Cajun Food & Music, Basile, 5 pm


WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 Jimmy Wilson Band @ Cuz’s

Lounge, Sulphur, 6 pm Alvin Touchet @ The Blue Duck 7:30 pm Errol Jenkins Louisiana Tradition @ D.I.’s Cajun Food & Music, Basile, 5 pm Jerry Dee & Shakie @ Granger’s Seafood Restaurant & Lounge, 8 pm THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5 Jam Session @ The Western Bar, 7 pm Time Machine @ JD’s, L’Auberge Casino, 10 pm Errol Jenkins Louisiana Tradition @ D.I.’s Cajun Food & Music, Basile, 5 pm FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6 Losers Reunion ,Squint, Daylight Broadcast @ AJ’s Bar & Grill, 10 pm Al Roger & Louisiana Pride @ D.I.’s Cajun Food & Music, Basile, 5 pm Big Sam’s Funky Nation @ Luna Bar & Grill, 10 pm Rockstar Karoake @ JD’s After Dark, L’Auberge Casino, 11 pm Ron Thibodeaux @ Speckled Trout, Hackberry, 8 pm Still Kickin’@ Linda’s Lounge, 8:30 pm Mike Taylor Band @ Engine 89-DeQuincy, 8 pm Mike Richard & Step-n-Out @ Scottie Tee Judi’s Konstruxion Zone, 9:30 pm Briant Lloyd Smith & Hot Gritz, Fridays @ Blue Duck, 9 pm Southern Spice @ Bab’s Pub, 7 pm Tom Brandow @ Outriggers Tavern, 5 pm

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Kinfolk Party @ Toucans Bar & Grill, 10 pm Ashes of Babylon @ OB’s Bar & Grill, 9 pm Flamin Hell Cats, The Von Dukes, We Were Wolves @ AJ’s Bar & Grill, 10 pm Southern Spice @ Love’s Casino, Vinton, 7 pm The Reds @ JD’s After Dark, L’Auberge Casino, 11 pm Mack Manuel Lake Charles Ramblers @ D.I.’s Cajun Food & Music, Basile, 5 pm Pork Chop Express @ Blue Duck, 9 pm Mike Taylor @ Bobby B’s, Vinton, midnight Timmy w/ Cold Sweat @ Isle of Capri, 9 pm SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Jimmy/Wilson Band, Sundays @ Shorty’s Ice House, Moss Bluff, 5 pm Lacassine Playboys @ Wayne & Layne’s Deli, Sulphur, 4 pm Idol Minds @ Fred’s Lounge, 6 pm Bayou Heat Cajun Band @ Speckled Trout, Hackberry, 4 pm MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9 Singer/Songwriter Open Mic Night @ Luna Bar & Grill, 9 pm TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10 Scotty Pousson Pointe aux Loups Playboys @ D.I.’s Cajun Food & Music, Basile, 5 pm WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 Jimmy Wilson Band @ Cuz’s Lounge, Sulphur, 6 pm Alvin Touchet @ The Blue Duck, 7:30 pm Jerry Dee & Shakie @ Granger’s Seafood Restaurant & Lounge, 8 pm Homer LeJeune @ D.I.’s Cajun Food & Music, Basile, 5 pm THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12 Jam Session @ The Western Bar, 7 pm Sweet Root @ JD’s, L’Auberge Casino, 10 pm Travis Benoit Allons Dance @ D.I.’s Cajun Food & Music, Basile, 5 pm


October 29, 2009



6>GEDGIH Xdci^cjZY

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I’m getting aggravated that I’m still dealing with acne at age 27. I thought I would be done with this by now. It’s not very professional looking, either. What kind of treatments are available? If it’s any consolation, nearly 30 percent of women and 20 percent of men ages 20 to 60 battle breakouts. Over-cleaning and vigorous scrubbing can cause more damage, so keep in mind it’s best to be gentle, but consistent. Wash morning and night with a gentle cleanser, and it’s especially important to remove makeup every night. A topical treatment containing benzoyl peroxide will kill bacteria. For moderate to severe acne, a prescription treatment can often provide good results. Also, avoid touching your face throughout the day, wash your hands frequently, and limit sun exposure as this can increase oil production and make acne worse. A treatment plan by a dermatologist can help minimize the breakouts. Maureen Olivier, MD, dermatologist with The Clinic How effective are whitening toothpastes? All toothpastes help remove surface stains through the action of mild abrasives. Some whitening toothpastes contain gentle polishing or chemical agents that provide additional stain removal effectiveness. Whitening toothpastes can help remove surface stains only and do not contain bleach. Over-the-counter and professional whitening products contain hydrogen peroxide (a bleaching substance) that helps remove stains on the tooth surface as well as stains deep in the tooth. None of the home use whitening toothpastes can come even close to producing the bleaching effect you get from your dentist’s office through professional tooth whitening techniques. Whitening toothpastes can lighten your tooth’s color by about one shade. In contrast, light-activated whitening conducted in your dentist’s office can make your teeth three to eight shades lighter. Harry Castle, DDS, with Oak Park Dental I’d like to have Botox, but I’m worried about my facial expressions not looking natural. Is that unavoidable? Botox works best for dynamic wrinkles. These are the wrinkles that occur when you smile, laugh or frown. They are commonly referred to as frown lines, forehead lines and crow’s feet. Although the results after Botox are visible, a treatment with Botox injections will not radically change your facial appearance or make you look as if you “had work done.” The muscle activity that causes frown lines between the brows is simply reduced, so you can still frown or look surprised. Mark Crawford, MD, facial cosmetic specialist with the Aesthetic Center of SWLA What might cause sensitivity and persistent pain in the hip? Hip pain can be caused by various factors. One of the most common is degenerative joint disease or osteoarthritis. This occurs when the cartilage lining, which keeps the bones in the hip joint gliding across each other smoothly, deteriorates and becomes rough. The pain and stiffness that are associated with arthritis can also be accompanied by a tingling or warm sensation. Another possible condition related to these symptoms is bursitis of the hip joint. This occurs when the bursa sac surrounding the hip joint becomes inflamed. A stress fracture can cause persistent pain and discomfort in the hip. A new source of hip pain has been isolated in the labrum of the hip. The labrum is a ring of cartilage surrounding the hip joint, which can be torn and is a very common cause of hip pain in younger patients. Finally, very often what people think is hip pain is not actually related to a problem in the hip joint. It can originate from some other condition such as a herniated disc in the back. In order to determine the exact cause of your hip pain, don’t delay seeing a qualified physician for an examination. John Noble, Jr., MD, orthopaedic surgeon with Center for Orthopaedics


October 29, 2009

because of I-10, the railroad, and the port interfaces that are right there. Our whole mission is to create jobs and to set conditions for job creation and that is what we try to do. And, of course, number one we want to help our current tenants and help attract new. We have over $40 million dollars of direct impact to Lake Charles and about $110 million indirect impact,” said Robb. LC Regional Airport’s number one outbound market is to Dallas. A lot

of people here in Lake Charles have business in Dallas and vice versa. “Convenience is what Lake Charles Regional is all about. We don’t have the destinations that Houston has and certainly don’t have the number of airlines—I mean you are talking 30 plus airlines in that market. A lot of times they may beat us on fares because they have Southwest, Frontier, JetBlue, and all the low cost carriers. But, the one place we will always beat them is in

6>GEDGIH Xdci^cjZY convenience—and that is what we hang our hat on,” said Allen. As the economy improves, LC Regional may see another airline coming in, but right now they’re focusing on getting American Eagle going. “They’re doing well and they’re making money. We don’t want everything to shift over to American and leave out Continental; we have to support them both,” said Allen. The next focus will be on Delta.

They will try and get something to East Memphis or an Atlanta connection. For a community this size, they have to fly to a large hub airport. The type of aircraft that can serve a regional airport would be Houston, Dallas, Memphis, and Atlanta. “Northwest was bought by Delta so Delta is the only option going East for us,” said Allen. Both Airlines are looking to Lake Charles’s future and they think it

looks extremely bright. With the port, I-10, and two airports, Robb and Allen think Lake Charles is sitting in a prime location for commerce and growth. “The port has a real nice piece of property just to the Northeast of us and we want to work with them to develop that property and whoever comes into that property if they want, they have access to the runway. There is a railway running right through that property so it is an optimum piece of property,” said Robb. “Lake Charles is extremely fortunate to have the access that it has with the port. Most communities would die to have what we have. Look at Mobile, AL, it’s a very similar situation. They have a port, a big industrial airport, Northrop Grumman, airbuses, and then they have got their regional airport. They play it up and Mobile does quite well

because of it. I like what I see with the Chamber and what George Swift is doing. All of the elected officials seem to be on board. The sky is the limit, literally,” said Allen.

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October 29, 2009



October 29, 2009


H EALTH & W ELLNESS Take A Closer Look At Bone Health

enter for Orthopaedics Introduces Bone Health Central Appointments are now available at Bone Health Central, a new service from Center for Orthopaedics. Bone Health Central was founded to provide a convenient, comprehensive resource for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of bone disorders for both women and men. According to orthopaedic specialist John Noble, Jr., MD, this new program is a natural fit for the Center for Orthopaedics. “We frequently see patients after a fracture has occurred due to weakened bone. We can realign and fixate the fracture, but at this point, most of the damage to bone health is done and our options are limited regarding the prevention of future fractures. As physicians, we want to do more than just ‘fix’ the immediate problem; we are interested

in being proactive in the identification and prevention of conditions leading to loss of bone strength. We want to be able to provide patients with services that will treat the underlying problem to prevent fractures from occurring in the first place. Bone Health Central allows us to do just that and enhances our mission of providing total orthopaedic care to our community.” Osteoporosis is a progressive disease related to the loss of bone mass that causes bone to become thin, brittle, and more likely to break. This condition will be an obvious focus of Bone Health Central, but Dr. Noble explains that the goal of the program is also to identify and definitively manage metabolic bone disease as well, which is another cause of weak bones. “For instance,” he says, “vitamin D deficiency may lead to weak bones in the absence of osteoporosis.

Also, some medications may decrease bone strength as well. We’re taking a comprehensive approach that evaluates all possible risks to bone health.” Bone Health Central will offer more detailed diagnostic testing than bone density scanning alone to identify these underlying conditions, as well as a full range of treatment options. “Patient education is an integral part of the program,” says Dr. Noble. “Our coordinator, Staci Boudreaux, PA-C, will provide an individualized educational program, including nutritional counseling, lifestyle modification, and assessment of future fracture risk. Regular follow-up and monitoring is key, and Staci will work in conjunction with a patient’s primary care physician and make referrals to other specialists when necessary, to ensure that every health issue contributing to bone health problems is being addressed.”

October 29, 2009

Those people who are at risk for bone loss include: · all women 65 years or older regardless of other risk factors · all men 70 or older, even without risk factors · postmenopausal women under 65 with one or more risk factors · women or men 50 or older who have had a fragility fracture · men or women being treated for osteoporosis · anyone with back pain with possible fracture · anyone with evidence of fracture or bone loss on spine x-rays · those with significant loss of height · those with diseases or taking medications that may cause bone loss For more information or to schedule an assessment at Bone Health Central, call 721-7270, or visit www. bonehealthcentral.net.



t h e b e s t i n l a k e a r e a e n t e rta i n m e n t

Inaugural Black Bayou Music Bash October 30 The bash takes place at the poolside at L’Auberge du Lac Casino Resort at 7:00 PM on Friday, October 30. Doors open at 6:30 PM. Performances by The Toadies, Fastball & local’s favorite Magnolia Sons. Tickets are priced at $15 through Ticketmaster; general admission. Show tickets can be purchased by calling Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000 or online at www.ticketmaster.com . Tickets are also available at the L’Auberge Business Center. All major credit cards are accepted. Guests must be 21 years of age and present a valid photo ID. For more information log on to www.ldlcasino.com/entertainment or call 395-7777.

closure info. Light concessions available. No flashlights allowed. Glo-sticks available for purchase at concession stand.$8 for adults $5 for 10 & under w/paying adult. HYPERLINK “http://bloodbayouhauntedtrail.com”.

Freddie Pate’s Jamboree October 31 Freddie Pate’s Jamboree brings the Louisiana Hayride and Grand Ole Opry back to life. If you love “real classic country music”, then this is the show for you. The Jamboree features an all Louisiana cast with guest singers from all over the state, comedy with the pride and joy of Flatwoods, LA. “Miss Purty Purl” and of course the Jamboree band and the Jamboree Singers. All in a no alcohol, smoke free setting so it is geared toward the entire family, grandma and grandpa, mom and dad, and the kids. The event begins at 7 PM at the Strand Theatre in historic downtown Jennings. For tickets or information call 337-779-2343 or visit www. freddiepate.com. Blood Bayou Haunted Trail Open every Friday & Saturday night in October from 6 PM to 10 PM. Walking trails through woods & pastures. Wear appropriate shoes and clothing. Family oriented. No Alcohol. Great date idea. Part of proceeds benefit LeBleu Settlement Fire Department. Discount coupons available. Outdoor event subject to rain/mud-outs. See Twitter feed for


October 29, 2009

Halloween Activities at Civic Center Coliseum October 31 The City of Lake Charles Recreation and Parks Department will host Halloween Harvest Festival 2009 on Saturday, October 31, at the Lake Charles Civic Center Coliseum from 5 PM to 8 PM. A variety of carnival style games and activities will be available for the entire family, including bowling, space walk, balloon art, golf hole-in-one, arts and craft station, football throw, a basketball shootout and much more. The event is family oriented and free to the public. Prizes and trinkets will be handed out for players of the games. Costumes are not required. For more information, call: 491-1280. ArtsFest Goes Global October 31 Lake Charles, LA—2009 marks the Arts and Humanities Council’s 30th year serving the five parishes of Southwest Louisiana. One of the best-known and loved events associated with the Council is their annual ArtsFest. In celebration of this year’s milestone, the Council in partnership with the City of Lake Charles is making plans for a fascinating event to mark the day. This year, they will stage “ArtsFest Goes Global!” on Saturday, October 31 from 10 until 2 at the Lake Charles Civic Center in an effort to foster interest in learning and provide a fun and festive day of exploration and creativity. Ten nations from around the globe have been selected: Australia, Canada, Columbia, Greece, Holland, Lebanon, Madagascar, Scotland, South Korea and the USA. Fun facts about each, with the country’s flag, language and traditions will be presented to area children and their families! In addition, two craft or art projects from each of the ten countries will be offered to children completely free of charge. Also in store for the day are costume contests (awarded based on authenticity, truth to theme, and age appropriateness) caricature drawings, pottery making, balloons, stage demonstrations, mouth-watering food, and a bag pipe and flag parade. Westlake High School Band “Halloween Fright Night ‘09 October 31 and November 1 The Westlake High School Band Boosters and Students will present “Halloween Fright Night ‘09”, a Haunted House open to the public on

t h e b e s t i n l a k e a r e a e n t e rta i n m e n t Saturday, October 31st and Sunday November 1st. The Haunted House will be staffed by members of the Westlake Ram Band and will feature ghostly apparitions, ghoulish live scenes from your favorite horror flicks and general Halloween mayhem. The Haunted House will be held at the Westlake American Legion Post 407 at 912 John Stine Road in Westlake. Showtimes are 6-11 PM on October 31 and 6-9 PM on November 1. Admission is $8 per person and concessions will be available. For more information, please contact JoAnn Holmes at 337-884-9882. Lake Charles Community Band November 1 Have you ever listened to the soundtracks of some of today’s most popular video games and sci-fi flicks? Chances are, they’re familiar to you: Star Trek, Star Wars and Halo, to name a few, will be played by the Lake Charles Community Band on Sunday, November 1 at Prien Lake Park. Teaming up with the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury, The City of Lake Charles and ConocoPhillips, the band will be on stage playing some of today’s “untraditional” pieces at a new time and place for the band. On Sunday, November 1 at 3:30 PM we will have the band at the Indian Bay Pavilion at Prien Lake Park for a free fall concert – open to the public. The band would like to invite everyone out for a great fall afternoon in the park with some great music to begin their 2009-2010 musical season. Take the familiar sounds of Indiana Jones, Dr. Who and more to a new level! In case of inclement weather, the concert will be held at the Lake CharlesBoston Academy of Learning Auditorium. For more information on the concert, or more information on the band, please visit www.lakecharlescommunityband.com. The band is always looking for new people to join the band and all talent levels and ages are welcome. Affaire d’ Art November 5 The event will be held from 6-9 PM at Prien Lake Park-Harbor’s Edge Pavilion. Tickets are $125 and admit two people. The ticket allows the holder one piece of art (one piece of art per ticket). Tickets will not be sold at the door. There will be food, entertainment and a bar. This community event showcases the talents of our local artists here in SWLA. Students, as well as, seasoned professionals have equal opportunity to show what they can do. Proceeds from Affaire d’ Art will be used to help provide scholarships for art students attending McNeese State University, as well as, subsidizing art workshops from visiting artists and to help promote art awareness in Louisiana. Those interested in purchasing a ticket can contact Tabitha Bateman 337-263-1555.

careening near the edge of oblivion. For mature audiences. “The Long Christmas Ride Home” is McNeese Theatre’s American College Theatre Festival production. Joy Pace is director. Ticket prices are $15 for adults; $10 for senior citizens, McNeese faculty/staff, and students (K-12). McNeese students are admitted free with a current ID. Box office is open 10 days prior to production opening date, weekdays from 6 PM-8 PM and Saturdays,10 AM-noon. For reservations call 475-5043. “Murder Most Foul” November 7, 14, 21, 22 A Lakeside Theatre presents “Murder Most Foul” as part of it’s Shakespeare in the Park Series. In Murder Most Foul, one of Shakespeare’s most evil characters, Iago, tries to evade judgment by placing judgment on others. This tale explores Shakespeare’s plays and their murders, plots, villains, and not so likely villains! Saturday, November 7, 2009; Saturday November 14, 2009; Saturday November 21, 2009; Sunday November 22, 2009; 3:00 PM for each event at the Lake Charles Civic Center Ampitheatre. Tickets are $10.00 for Adults $5.00 for Students/Seniors/Children (under 10 years). This show may not be suitable for young children. To order tickets visit www.lakecharlestheatre.com or call 337-540-6916. Delta Downs Thoroughbred Meeting Delta Downs Racetrack Casino & Hotel is in the final stages of preparation for its 2009-2010 Thoroughbred Meeting. The 90-day stand will run from October 14 through March 20 with live programs scheduled to take place each Wednesday through Saturday night. Race fans will notice a few changes during the upcoming season, which will include an earlier post time each day of 5:55 PM (CST), a new minimum price in the Trifecta wager of just .50 cents per bet, and some new faces in the horsemen’s ranks. The major stakes this season will take place on Delta Jackpot Preview Night, Friday, November 6, Delta Jackpot Night, Friday, December 4, and Louisiana Showcase Night, Saturday, February 6. Delta Jackpot Preview Night will feature six stakes races headed by the $175,000 Jean Lafitte and the $125,000 My Trusty Cat. The Jean Lafitte is the major prep race for Boyd Gaming’s $750,000 Delta Jackpot Stakes (Grade III), and the My Trusty Cat is a stepping stone to Boyd Gaming’s $500,000 Delta Princess Stakes Powered by Youbet.com (Grade III).

“The Long Christmas Ride Home” November 11-15 McNeese Theatre Bayou Players will present “The Long Christmas Ride Home” at 7:30 PM, November 11-14 with a 2 PM matinee Sunday, November 15. Performances are in Ralph Squires Hall, Shearman Fine Arts Center on the McNeese campus. “ The Long Christmas Ride Home” combines various theatrical forms, a humorous and heart-wrenching play, beautifully written by Pulitzer Prizewinning playwright, Paula Vogel. This family drama, where past, present, and future collide on a snowy Christmas Eve, proves that magic can be found in the simplest events of life. Staged as a “puppet play with actors,” the action provides a moving and memorable study of an American family

October 29, 2009




Though Shelton sets up and carries out this killing in person and onscreen, we learn that he is a wealthy government contractor who has made his money by designing devices to carry out assassinations from afar. This becomes an important plot point when Shelton, arrested and incarcerated, continues his killing spree from behind bars. Shelton promises Rice that his retribution against what he believes is corrupt dealmaking, is “gonna be Biblical.” In carrying out the threat, the film leaves no one alive that we care about. Whether or not Rice learns the lesson Shelton intends to teach him, both the legal system and the world would be better places without either of these men mucking around in them, and the movies would be better off without pointless revenge fantasies that make little effort to entertain us.

SAW VI (2009) (Grade C)


Directed by F. Gary Gray Starring Jamie Foxx, Gerard Butler, Bruce McGill, Leslie Bibb, Colm Meaney, Viola Davis, Regina Hall, Michael Irby Overture Films-Rated R-Thriller-108 min The preposterous movie, “Law Abiding Citizen,” bills itself as a thriller, a category it qualifies for if you count sadistic murders as thrilling. Serving as a motive for these killings is an imperfect judicial system that happens to have disappointed the wrong guy. Gerard Butler, an actor blessed with the physique of an ox and face of a chipmunk, portrays Clyde Shelton, a man seemingly broken after watching a pair of home invaders rape and kill his wife and young daughter. Against Shelton’s wishes and in an effort to maintain his 96% conviction rate, Assistant District Attorney Nick Rice (Jamie Foxx) makes a deal giving one perpetrator a short prison sentence in exchange for testifying against the other perpetrator. Rice, smug in the belief he has satisfied his oath of office while simultaneously serving his own interest, doesn’t know that Shelton possesses the rage, skills and long fuse necessary to punish Rice and everyone else connected with the deal. Fast forward 10 years to the botched execution of the killer sent to death row by Rice’s deal. The ADA is annoyed that someone has circumvented the system. Since Shelton is the prime suspect, Rice’s assistant Sarah (Leslie Bibb) is looking into Shelton’s background when the second killer, freed by Rice’s deal, is found horrifically murdered in a warehouse owned by Shelton.


Directed by Kevin Greutert Starring Tobin Bell, Costas Mandylor, Mark Rolston Lionsgate-Rated R-Horror-90 min Kevin Greutert, editor of the “Saw” films, ascends to the director’s chair for this sixth installment. A rumor leaked by Lionsgate, has Cary Elwes returning to the franchise as the memorable character forced to saw off his own foot in the first film -- now seeking good old fashioned revenge. As before, diabolical puzzles compel the unwitting to either kill their companions, or harm themselves in order to escape Jigsaw’s (Bell) diabolical death machines. Whether detective Hoffman (Mandylor) is or isn’t responsible for Jigsaw’s continuing murderous mayhem, the “Saw” films remain enviable profit generators for Lionsgate.


Directed by Paul Weitz Starring Chris Massoglia, John C. Reilly, Salma Hayek, Josh Hutcherson, Ray Stevenson, Willem Dafoe Universal Pictures-Rated PG-13-Horror-108 min Teen boys Steve (Hutcherson) and Darren (Massoglia), attend a traveling freak show featuring vampires and werewolves. After gawking in admiration, the boys are

October 29, 2009

turned into vampires and forced to choose which of two competing factions they will be part of. One vampire group coexists peacefully with humans while the other group, calling themselves the vampaneze, is violent and dangerous. Adapted from the 12-book series by Darren Shan, the story centers around the boys’ efforts to come of age even as vampires. Awash in blues and grays, the film’s coveted PG-13 rating is designed to start a new supernatural franchise for teens. However, the adaptation is all set up and little pay off -- withholding the instant gratification sought by the younger set.

ASTRO BOY (2009) (Grade B)

Directed by David Bowers Voices of Freddie Highmore, Nicolas Cage, Kristen Bell, Charlize Theron, Donald Sutherland, Nathan Lane, Eugene Levy, Matt Lucas, Bill Nighy, Samuel L. Jackson Summit Entertainment-Rated PG-Animated-94 min Following the tragic loss of his only son, scientist Dr. Tenma (Cage) creates weaponized robot tyke Astro as a replacement, before realizing that a robot is no substitute for a real boy. Abandoned in Metro City, a futuristic metropolis run by cyborgs programmed to serve human interests, Astro keeps company with a band of orphans


that scavenge scrap metal for a living. Astro and his new friends are soon drawn into a battle with supervillain President Stone (Sutherland) and his robot minions. The film, which receives points for streamlined storytelling and action even adults can follow, is a hybrid of Asian anime and contemporary American computer animation that has a pleasant, uncluttered style.

THE STEPFATHER (2009) 1/2 (Grade C-)

Directed by Nelson McCormick Starring Dylan Walsh, Sela Ward, Penn Badgley, Amber Heard, Jon Tenney, Sherry Stringfield, Paige Turco Screen Gems-Rated PG-13-Horror-101 min When Michael (Badgley) returns home from military school, he finds his newly divorced mother (Ward) living with David (Walsh), a handsome, but inappropriately behaving suitor. David’s ambiguous stories motivate Michael to investigate David’s past, turning up evidence that his mother’s boyfriend could be a killer. If you want to be surprised then don’t watch the trailer and by all means avoid the 1987 original. What we do know is that Sela Ward’s characters come across as sharp and capable, so for David’s sake, he’d better not be lying.


Directed by Spike Jonze Starring Max Records, Catherine O’Hara, Catherine Keener, Mark Ruffalo, Michael Berry Jr., Paul Dano, Tom Noonan Voiced by Lauren Ambrose, James Gandolfini, Forest Whitaker Warner-Rated PG-Fantasy-93 min Max (Records), a lonely little boy, behaves mischievously and is sent to bed without dinner by his overtaxed single mother (Keener). In the privacy of his room Max magically sails away to a land filled with monstrous wild things. These strange creatures play and fight like children, but their large size means they can be extremely destructive. Using his own wild and wooly imagination, director Spike Jonze stretches Maurice Sendak’s 20-page, 10-sentence children’s book into a 90-minute film. Though thinly plotted, the film adaptation is both frightening and mesmerizing.

COUPLES RETREAT (2009) (Grade D)

Directed by Peter Billingsley Starring Vince Vaughn, Malin Akerman, Jon Favreau, Faizon Love, Jason Bateman, Kristen Bell, Kristin Davis, Peter Serafinowicz, Jean Reno, Kali Hawk, Carlos Ponce Universal-Rated PG-13-Comedy-107 min Three happily married couples support their divorcebound friends, Jason (Bateman) and Cynthia (Bell), by joining them for a couples-only retreat on a tropical island. Once there, all couples are forced into invasive therapy that quickly lands each coupling on the rocks. While some of the men plot to visit a “singles only” resort, the women find at least one man to ogle. Enough pain -- if it were deftly handled -- to fuel 10 comedies -- but there’s so little love between these couples that you won’t notice when it’s gone or magically reappears.

By Terri Shlichenmeyer It was a lesson you learned the moment you were old enough to sass back: always respect your elders. When Grandma spoke, you listened. If Grandpa said to do something, it was as good as done. If you valued your life, you answered Mom or Dad respectfully, and Heaven help the kid who spoke to a neighbor in a snide manner. Always respect your elders. But what if the elder makes a difficult request? In the new book Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom, it took eight years to make good a promise. Albert Lewis almost wasn’t a Rabbi. Having failed Divinity School, he almost gave up but was encouraged to try again. Later, when he finally got his own synagogue, the tiny congregation consisted of just a handful of families. One of them was Mitch Albom’s. As a child, Albom remembered the Reb as an imposing man with an inexplicable love of song and of sermon; basically, someone to avoid. Despite his parents’ anchoring and years of lessons, Albom grew up and grew out of his faith, learning that mouthed prayers, uttered mechanically, were somehow acceptable. He moved away from home and looked upon religion as quaint, invisible. So Albom was surprised when Rabbi Lewis asked him to do his eulogy. Because one cannot speak well about a man without knowing him, Albom agreed to the request, but told the

Reb that they needed to set meetings so that questions could be answered. And it came to pass that Albom made the trek from his home in Detroit to New Jersey several times a year for eight years. Back in Detroit, the economy was lashing at the city, jobs were lost, and so were homes. But in a sagging old cathedral near Tiger Stadium, a former drug dealer was feeding the homeless and preaching the gospel, all but abandoned by his Mother Church, trying to do good with what God was giving him. As Albom began to examine the disparity between the congregations – the wealthy synagogue and the povertystricken inner-city shelter-church - he began to wonder about God, trust, and faith. And he learned a lesson you won’t soon forget. I wasn’t crazy about this book at first. Author Mitch Albom, like one of his subjects, loves to savor an anecdote before he lets it go, and that bogs down the beginning of this book. But once you get past the stage-setting and you move a few pages in, Have a Little Faith soars. By telling the story of two men who are similar but different, Albom forces his readers to examine their own beliefs, as well as the meaning of hope and miracles. I won’t tell you how this book ends, but suffice it to say that you’ll come away with your heart lifted to the rafters. Fans of Albom’s first book and anyone who’s ever pondered the nature of belief will want to make room on their bookshelf for a new favorite. Have a Little Faith is a book I believe you’ll love.

Have a Little Faith By Mitch Albom c.2009, Hyperion 288 pages, $23.99

Terri Shlichenmeyer has been reading since she was 3 years old and never goes anywhere without a book. She lives on a hill in Wisconsin with two dogs and 11,000 books.

October 29, 2009


Rouge et The front lawns of 1911 Historic City Hall and Calcasieu Parish Court House (as well as a block of Ryan Street) were the perfect place for the Rouge et Blanc Wine Festival held October 17th. The Shadow couldn’t resist taking pictures of the white canopies as the guests mingled beneath them. With plates and glasses filled, they oohed and ahhhed as they sipped and sampled. Signature food was prepared by Blue Duck Café, the Brick House, Chinese King, Community Coffee, Cookey’s Caterers, Louis DeAngelo’s, Derrick and Paul, Desserts at L’Auberge, Gray Plantation, Harbor Lights Seafood Restaurant, The Harlequin, Kinloch Plantation Products, La Truffe Sauvage, Lake Charles Country Club, Outback Steakhouse, Pujo Street Café, Reeves Uptown Catering, Snake River Grill at L’Auberge, Sweets & Treats, Trail Blazin’ BBQ & Grill, and Vista Grill at Delta Downs. Rouge et Blanc was presented by the McNeese Foundation and the Lake Charles Downtown Development Authority and proceeds benefit the McNeese Banners series. Deidra Willis and Janis Tolbert told the Shadow that Rouge et Blanc is their very favorite

they’re from afar. The Shadow spoke with Butch Benoit who looked as if he might have escaped from the pages of The Great Gatsby. He relaxed on a bench as if he did it every day of the week, and told me he was enjoying the weather and the Butch Benoit people. Up on the hill, seated at a whiteclothed table, Precilla Adams, Gwen Olivier,

Precilla Adams, Claudia Williams, Gwen Olivier & Gertie Rodriguez

Lake Charles event. Janis’ husband dropped them off and planned to pick them up later. These two ladies are serious wine lovers. Lake Charles couldn’t have begged for better weather. Perhaps a little windy—you’ll notice that from the wind-blown hair in some of the pictures, but no one complained because they were enjoying themselves way too much. The Shadow knows of one visitor from Belgium who tried to join the festivities but was turned away. Too bad we can’t allow ‘walk-ons’ from out of state or out of the country to partake—as long as they can prove


schedules. We just had to stop for a chat, and I’m so glad we did. Kacie has coached for the past two years and this is Edie’s first year to coach. Both girls bubbled with Cowgirl spirit. You might see the Shadow at a Cowgirl’s game! As we left, more and more people were arriving. No doubt, Rouge et Blanc Wine Festival 2009 was a huge success.

Garden of Hope

Gertie Rodriguez and Claudia Williams enjoyed the fine food and each other’s company. Ron Rush drove over from Lafayette. He comes each year and sang the praises of the Banners program. His friend Pat Hebert admitted it was her very first time to attend. The Shadow and Shadow husband were leaving the premises when we spotted Coaches Kacie Cryer and Edie Leonards handing out McNeese Cowgirl basketball

Deidra Willis and Janis Tolbert

Coaches Kacie Cryer & Edie Leonards

October 29, 2009

Ron Rush & Pat Hebert

Women’s & Children’s Hospital celebrated their 25th anniversary and The Shadow was there. During their celebration, they dedicated the Garden of Hope to all area residents who have been affected by breast cancer. Annette Garber, director of marketing, opened the ceremony and introduced Rich Robinson, CEO of Women & Children’s Hospital. Robinson noted that the dedication of the Garden of Hope and Annette Garber celebrating twentyfive years was a recommitment to healthcare. Tammy Six, director of Respiratory services, credited Dawn Matte for inspiring the Garden of Hope. Dawn is director of radiology and has been a mammographer for a good number of years. She’s had the joy of seeing women return year after year for their mammograms, and she’s seen the opposite too. Dawn told about her friend and co-worker who passed away last year. It was

shadow continued clear to see that many –friends and strangers alike—inspired the Garden of Hope. As Linda Pickett asked blessings on Women & Children’s Hospital as well as the Garden of Hope, she suggested we all release faith, hope and love into the air. I’m sure everyone in attendance had a loved one in mind during the ceremony. Mayor

and Carolyn Buck. They’re coders and work in health information. When the dedication ended, everyone ventured into the front lobby for refreshments. Congratulations to Women & Children’s Hospital for twenty-five caring years, and to everyone instrumental in creating the beautiful and meaningful Garden of Hope.

Alaska Night – All Questions Answered

Sharon Doucet and Donna Smith

How about an Alaskan cruise? You know what ‘they’ say—Alaska is one of the last frontiers. The Shadow attended a presentation at Central Library by agents from Holiday Travel. The presentation was free, open to the public, and the point was to answer all our questions about Alaska and

Roach was out of town, but sent congrats as well as a proclamation read by Denise Fasske. The Shadow spoke with Sharon Doucet and Donna M. Smith who are Chamber Ambassadors. Sharon is sales manager for Willstaff and Donna is with

Joelyn and Mike Doland

Ashley Anderson and Whitney Clopton

Levingston Engineers. I snapped pictures of Ashley Anderson and Whitney Clopton, both of whom work in human resources for Women & Children’s Hospital, and Bonnie Peterson

Bonnie Beterson and Carolyn Buck

cruises, and of course, make us start socking away our pennies so we can afford it. After watching a DVD showing nature at its most beautiful, I have to admit, Alaska might be an unforgettable experience. Glaciers and wildlife and wilderness –oh my! While waiting for the crowd to arrive, I visited with agent Carolyn Rutherford and owner/manager Sonny Duplantis. Soon the room was packed—well, Keith Broussard at least twelve or fifteen enthusiastic people looking for answers and info on Alaskan cruise escapes. The Shadow met a group of friends from Lake Arthur who are seriously hoping to pull together a trip. Joelyn and Mike Doland and friend Keith Broussard hope to make an

Agnes Vaughn and Debbie Rice

excursion with several other pals to the Inside Passage. That’s a passageway between the mainland and the coastal islands that ships use to avoid bad weather in the open ocean. The Inside Passage is a popular destination for kayakers and canoeists from all over the world. Keith has been to Alaska several times. I suppose that he’s willing to go back again and again, tells us he hasn’t had a bad experience. I also met Agnes Vaughn and her daughter-in-law Debbie Rice. They’re planning a trip for five or more family members. What could be more fun? Carolyn Rutherford passed out brochures to several couples who came in late and the questions began—amid cookies and soft drinks. Sonny made an excellent presentation, answered everyone’s questions and by the end of the evening we all wished we were having dinner in Alaska. He assured us that no matter what voyage we took—a distinct Alaskan experience was a given. For more information about cruises to Alaska, or to attend a Holiday Travel informational presentation, call 337-480-1090. The Shadow is already socking away her change. ELVIS FOR AUTISM The

October 29, 2009

Carolyn Rutherford


shadow continued Elvis For Autism

The Shadow tugged on her blue suede shoes and her Elvis watch, and headed for L’Auberge du lac Casino Resort. The only heartbreak in this hotel was that nationally acclaimed tribute artist, John Ieyoub was performing for the very last time. However, John’s last performance was for a great cause. The money raised will benefit the Creole House, a home for adults with autism who require 24-hour care. Autism is a disorder of neural development that is characterized by impaired social interaction and communication. How autism occurs is not well understood. Parents usually notice signs in the first two years of their child's life. I arrived at L’Auberge twenty minutes early and introduced myself to Julie Crist Miller, John’s mother. The story is that Julie spotted her son’s talent


Billy and Della Rose

Stephen and Jennifer Page

October 29, 2009

by the time he was three or four. Good job, Mom! The Shadow thinks John Ieyoub is the best looking ‘Elvis’ she’s ever seen. I know I’m not alone. The Shadow was really rubberneckin’ as the masses arrived in groups of six, eight and ten—one huge hunk of burning love, or so it seemed. Excitement permeated the air. I saw many old friends like Billy and Della Rose. I haven’t seen Della since my daughter was in the seventh grade at EDS. I snapped Stephen and Jennifer Page, and then spotted Gail and Martin Byrley with their friends, Kim and Ron Williams. It’s always fun to see people I haven’t seen in a long time. Michael Wicks, one of my very favorite realtors, was with

Gait and Martin Byrley with Kim and Ron Williams

Michael Wicks, Charlotte and Jim Trouth, Vickie Wicks

shadow continued his beautiful wife, Vickie, and Charlotte and Jim Trouth. Michael and I worked together years ago. Ahhhh, the memories. Dick and Charlotte Gregory came through with their friends Dick and Fran Kennison. The crowd kept Audra Grindol, president of our local Autism chapter pretty busy as she welcomed them along with Graham Portus, Treasurer of Direct Care. Shirley McIver and Patti McIver stopped for a picture, and the Shadow met Pierre and Mindi Malus who own the Dairy Barn with other family members. Kirvette Miller and Bobbie DuBrock were ready for a good time with Elvis and so were Brenda Donald,

Margaret Leger and Denise Leger. John Ieyoub has the Shadow all shook up because he’s trading his Elvis persona for the Lake Charles City Council. I’m not sure how I feel about that. Yes, I am—it’s always on my mind—but I’ll keep my opinion to myself. Everyone had a great time at the Elvis for Autism benefit, and it was a real treat to see Elvis one last time. Hats go off to Ieyoub. The Shadow hopes he has as much fun on the city council as he did on stage, and does just as much good for our city.

Dick and Charlotte Gregory came through with their friends Dick and Fran Kennison

Brenda Donald, Margaret Leger and Denise Leger

Pierre and Minda Malus

October 29, 2009


“Mixed Reviews”-from your anagramming film critic by Matt Jones ©2009 Jonesin’ Crosswords Brought to you by Melanie Perry, Agent State Farm Insurance

Last Issue’s Answers

Across 1 Administrative executives, to lower-level workers 6 Series of actions: abbr. 10 Toothy degree? 13 “Ready ___, here I come!” 14 It’s already been on 16 “...depressed, or is ___ mess?” (lyrics to They Might Be Giants’ “Particle Man”) 17 Review #1: “I, a male? A good jest.” 20 Part of IPA 21 Art colony of New Mexico 22 Asimov-inspired Will Smith movie 23 Review #2: “Filmy ennui, sir.” 26 Sudoku-like puzzle 28 Instant oatmeal direction 29 More frigid 30 Rowing teams 32 Coming-out honoree, for short 35 Court figure: abbr. 36 Review #3: “O, burn!” 37 Juice 38 Word before milk or flour 39 Brute 40 Drink at a ski lodge 41 G or F, on sheet music 42 Chevy Chase title role 43 Review #4: “Dat the ‘S.N.L.’ fool?” 48 Name of the “divided by” sign with a line and two dots


October 29, 2009

49 On ___ with (equal to) 50 1996 Olympics honoree 53 Review #5: “Re-perks, eyes mist” 56 Winter hrs. in Nome 57 “Say ___ the Dress” (TLC reality series) 58 Famous Roman fountain 59 Some satellite radios, once 60 “Push th’ Little Daisies” band 61 Hawkins of school dances

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 18 19 24

25 26 27 30 31 32

33 Down 34 Dream-inducing drug in 36 “Brave New World” 37 Mountains through Russia 39 Legal compensation 40 Turf ___ (football player’s 41 malady) 42 Waldorf’s heckling parter, on 43 “The Muppet Show” Number on a liquor bottle 44 Actress Witherspoon 45 Hosp. areas 46 Bisected 47 Abu ___ 51 Cornerback Sanders 52 Adds some seasoning 54 Chuck who can “kill two 55 stones with one bird” Improvement of sorts Soup du ___ You can’t type “you”

without it “___ a Letter to My Love” (Bernice Rubens novel) Sedonas and Rios, e.g. ___-1 (“Ghostbusters” vehicle) Concoct Moscow’s Olympics team: abbr. Stuck together, perhaps Org. against workplace discrimination Ho-hum Hearty bowlful Enemies Unkempt Breath mint brand since 1951 451, to Nero Criticism 1970s-’80s NCAA college football record-holding quarterback Neil Deep, dark pit Swallow homes Poker Flat chronicler Printer brand First name in denim Adjective used by Rastas Dir. opp. WNW Major time period

o t g n i o G Who’s

g i B e h t k Hoo


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October 29, 2009


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