Ask e Dentist!
by Dr. C Ross Crapo DDS
Q: As I enter my eighth decade, I realize I’m doing be er and am more fit than my teeth. Over my childhood and early adolescence, I did not have good dental care and as a result teeth that were fi lled with decay were taken out. In my adulthood, I started to get dental treatment. at helped but I had lost most of my molars so I didn’t have back teeth. It wasn’t too bad, so I just got by. Over time I got crowns put in and then the option of partial dentures was presented. I liked the
idea but the reality was not as good as the idea. It took some adjusting before they fit right. e fi rst set was the most comfortable, at least for a couple years. en the teeth that they were a ached to started to rock and hurt. I lost more teeth because the rocking teeth lost their bone. A second set was made a er the teeth that were loose came out. at event repeated itself and then I got some bridgework to strengthen the teeth and a fi nal set was made that never did feel right.
Presently, I have a bridge on the upper front that’s so loose I think I’m going to sneeze it out. I’ve resisted a denture for a long time. I would like to know if implants will work and if they will hold in teeth so I don’t have to wear a denture.?
A: To answer you directly, it may be possible if the bone surrounding the loose teeth has not been destroyed extensively. Immediate implant placement and connection to a bridge on the same day mandates good native bone for

strong implant tightness (think of a screw going into a board versus Styrofoam).
If the bone is spongy, a bone gra would be placed, and healing allowed for four to six months before the implants could be placed. at time frame would be determined at the time of the surgery.
If gra ing is required, you would be fi ed with a denture; then when the gra has encouraged excellent bone creation in the weakened sites, the implants would be placed and the bridge created.
Good three-dimensional x-rays (CT scans) allow for helpful evaluation before hand but in the presence of disease the fi nal judgement of implant placement comes at the time of surgery when all the variables (i.e. bone volume versus bone hardness) can be evaluated. Most of the time implants can be placed but you should be prepared to wear a denture for a short time, if at surgery, the clinical judgement of the doctor is to gra and wait.

those looking
for a gi for the car lover this season
When the busy holiday season arrives, most of us get to enjoy a more social time of year fi lled with cozy nights inside, parties, Christmas themed outings, and the obvious shopping excursions for gi s and the like. Ge ing the annual Christmas tree is also a cherished ritual for many (minus the pine needles in the car). With all of the things that require our a ention during this period, it’s no surprise that your dependable vehicle which gets you to all these places usually falls to the bo om of the list of things

to be concerned with. And come January, we bet it looks like it got a lump of coal in its stocking: sad, dirty and in need of some love. at’s where we can help. Seasonal detailing and maintenance is important to preserve a vehicle’s value and appearance. During the winter months, the average car sees more accelerated wear and tear on its fi nish due to inclement weather and the lack of motivation by most to properly wash and clean it. For this reason it is especially important to follow a basic wash
and detail practice during the hardest time of year for your car. is doesn’t have to mean dedicating hours a week though, and with modern chemicals and tools, you’d be surprised how e cient and clean your ride can look with the right assortment at the ready.
Stellar Finish welcomes all looking to up their detailing game to visit our brand new showroom stocked with the latest high quality car care products. We only sell that which we use in our own shop, so you can rest assured that

each item has been tested and approved by us to work perfectly for that task. Even more, our YouTube channel contains helpful instructional videos on how to use much of what we sell. Our range covers everything from a single bo le of high quality car shampoo or interior cleaner, to a fully equipped washing kit containing all the items to expertly clean your ride from start to fi nish. Not sure what you need exactly? We are happy to help educate you on what will work for your intended application. For those looking
for a gi for the car lover this season, we have pre-made car care stockings and kits ready to go. Redeemable gi vouchers are also available for our wash bucket kits if you can’t fit it under the tree. Don’t let the winter months get the best of a vehicle. Stop in and have a chat on how we can help you get yours or their ride back in shape. Come spring time, it will look be er than ever and be ready for warmer roads ahead.
Stellar Finish 250-800-1666
6675 Mirah Rd. (o Keating X)