2 minute read
Changing lives with nutritious food
Housing and so much more at Cool Aid
Long before anyone envisioned the idea of supportive housing, and certainly long before we were developing it here in BC, psychologist Abraham Maslow, in a 1943 paper entitled, A Theory of Human Motivation , identified a hierarchy of needs, in which physiological needs – food, water, shelter - are located at the bottom of a pyramid and selfactualization (the realization of one’s potential) is at the top. It was Maslow’s contention that unless basic physiological needs are met, someone cannot easily attend to the other levels – safety, belonging, self-esteem, and self-actualization. If someone is hungry, thirsty, and living on the streets, for example, how can they possibly be motivated to pursue their inner talents and find their potential?
This idea – that basic needs must be met before people can thrive – underpins everything that happens at the Victoria Cool Aid Society. Not only does the 55-year-old organization provide emergency shelter and permanent supportive housing in 17 locations, it also provides a range of other services – including a full-scale food service program - to ensure needs at all levels of the hierarchy are carefully considered and met. Cool Aid serves approximately 950 meals every day and over 300,000 meals each year. The organization operates two commercial kitchens – one at its
Rock Bay Landing shelter where meals are also prepared for several other locations, and one at seniors’ supportive housing site, Mount Edwards Court. Emergency shelter guests get three meals a day plus an evening snack, and all seniors’ locations, plus some supportive housing sites, get one nutritious meal each day. Cool Aid also offers food donations and a Community Kitchen program at its newly renovated Downtown Community Centre, and community meals are served there during special occasions throughout the year.
But that’s not all. As part of its effort to keep costs low, provide healthy and local food, and reduce food waste, Cool Aid - through a unique partnership with the Mustard Seed and Food Share Network - used an incredible 80,000 pounds of rescued food (valued at $250,000) last year and sourced thousands of pounds of food from local farmers and producers at a 50 percent discount through South Island Farm Hub’s innovative Farm Bucks program.
In addition to expanding food services to meet the growing need, Cool Aid plans to develop food-related social enterprises that will help to provide job skills, income, and confidence to some of its residents at two new developments – 210 Gorge Road and Crosstown (3020 Douglas Street). A coffee shop is planned for Gorge Road and the organization is planning a food services training program and café at Crosstown.

“Food plays such an important role in the work we do here,” said Paul Stewart, Cool Aid’s food services manager. “Not only is it important for overall health and nutrition but it brings people together, gives them the chance to try new things and, most importantly, demonstrates caring.” Stewart, who is a Red Seal chef, has overseen the program and its growth since 2016, having come directly from 25 years in the restaurant industry, mostly recently as the head chef for the Harbour House Hotel on Saltspring Island.
When asked about the notable shift from high-end restaurants to Cool Aid, Stewart didn’t hesitate, “It’s the people,” he said. “We are literally changing lives by giving people the nutritious food they need to heal, and the caring that comes with cooking for them and feeding them. Some people have never had that in their lives. It’s basic but it’s so, so important.”
Donations to Cool Aid and its food services program can be made online at coolaid.org or by calling 250-383-1977.
Cool Aid creates opportunities for people who are homeless or living in poverty and makes a difference through housing and shelter, health and dental care, and support services. Founded in 1968, Cool Aid helps more than 12,000 people every year – including more than 7,000 Community Health Centre patients - at locations across the Island.