Technological changes have developed at warp speed in the automobile industry. From the very sophisticated technological vehicles some of the inventions have trickled down into all new cars. These new automatic driver assistance systems (ADAS) come in three forms: first, warning, second, assistance and third, prevention.
All drivers can become better drivers if they understand and use the new technologies in the proper fashion. Always ahead of the curve, instruction on how to use these new systems has now been incorporated into all our programs at Joan Wallace Driving School.
The most recent information states, driving vehicles will require human input for many years to come. Self driving vehicles require huge changes in infrastructure to be the popular mode of transportation. From the self driving models comes the ADAS
for the regular driver now and into the future.
Dangerous drivers on the roads are those who turn o the ADAS, depend on them more that they should or ignore them when they are working. Ignorance, complacency and over dependency can be overcome to make every driver better with new instruction and skill development. Step one in this journey is to READ your car manual.
Financial rewards are always welcome when deciding to take driving lessons. Learning to use ADAS will reduce crashes and the financial implications.
JWDS is o ering 12, $500 scholarships per year for those completing the new programs. Using TRYPSCORE (see the website) will add more financial
advantages as the new driver travels through the process of licensing. Launching all new drivers with the best information into the driving community will benefi t all drivers and reduce costs, by crash reduction, less need for medical rehabilitation, and all road users have pleasant travels. Call or check the website for more information. o ce@
Navigate has been recognized both nationally and internationally as a leader in blended learning, building flexible learning plans that work for each student. Our goal is to inspire learning that is meaningful at every stage of child development. (250) 337-5300
BC families have more choices than ever before when considering education options for their children. By thinking outside of the traditional structure of classroom instruction, we can deliver more choices to families and make the most of the learning resources available.
Navigate supports a learning partnership between students, parents, teachers, and the community to bring rich learning experiences for students.
• UNIQUE: Learning is a personal experience for each student, and we celebrate this by o ering creative solutions to learning. We work with each student to help them find their personal “spark” to develop a life-long love of learning and a neverending sense of curiosity.
• CONNECTED: We support and encourage community so that students, parents, teachers, and community members work together to engage the students and provide an enriched personalized educational environment. Technology allows for K-12 students throughout BC to access online learning as well as face-to-face instruction. Our online learning space provides secure moderated forums where students can exchange ideas and learn from one another.
• FLEXIBLE: Students and families thrive with greater flexibility and education options. The new BC curriculum is the foundation for this approach. Personalized learning plans guide the focus on specific needs and interests for students. Our platform and experience support learning anytime, anywhere, any place, and at any pace.
Assessments such as quizzes and exams help educators recognize areas where students are excelling and where they might need a little extra help. In addition to tests in the classroom, high schoolers generally take standardized testing for state or provincial assessment purposes.
Mentors can have profound impacts on the lives of the people they mentor.
A mentor is often a source of wisdom and support over the course of months or even years. The relationship between mentor and mentee can endure as long as each person desires.
Serving as a mentor can be rewarding. Certain traits and practices set mentors apart. Those who want to be mentors can follow these tips.
Mentors help mentees navigate the tricky waters of life but will not solve all problems. Mentors need to listen to what mentees say, meaning good listening skills are an essential trait for prospective mentors. After listening, mentors can provide a host of solutions, though ultimately it is up to the mentee to find his or her own path.
Mentors and their mentees need to be close and compatible. A good mentor will not try to manipulate or influence decisions, but realize that support and guidance are the best ways to get messages across. Asking a lot of questions and truly getting to know the mentee can set a strong foundation for the relationship.
Mentors realize that continuing education is vital to success. Good mentors tend to be lifelong learners who share the lessons they've learned with the people they mentor. Even though they may not always be experts, mentors try to be as informed as possible on topics that relate to the mentorship.
It is one thing to provide support, but mentors also should inspire their mentees to work hard. Once mentees cite their goals, good mentors will share their own expectations and goals for their mentees, even going so far as to o er advice as to how to achieve those goals.
Good mentors will not sugarcoat feedback in order to stay in their mentees' good graces. A mentor should aspire to be both a critic and a coach. Even though mentees may want to garner praise, mentors know it is important to say what others may not be willing to say. With the right feedback, mentees can flourish.
Honesty, listening skills, a life-long desire to learn, and the ability to mesh with a mentee are all qualities of solid mentors.
Testing may come easier to some students than others, but having solid study techniques can improve students' performance on a wide range of exams. In fact, research by Stanford scholars, whose data was published in Psychological Science, found that applying a strategic approach to studying helped college students improve their exam scores by an average of one-third of a letter grade.
The testing preparation resource PrepScholar says it is important to build and maintain strong study habits to help students avoid undue stress and last-minute cramming. The following are seven techniques that may help foster good study skills.
Many students lament that what they learn in school just isn't relevant in daily life. That can make the subject matter feel less important and uninteresting. Finding value in what one is learning and seeing how it can be applied outside of the classroom may make a student more inclined to learn and retain information.
Students should locate places that work best for them as study and homework stations. Certain individuals may need the quiet of a library or a bookstore. Others may do best with the hum of conversation around them or in a group. There's no right or wrong study spot. Maintaining consistency will help the mind associate a place with studying.
Study time is time to take a break from social media, video games and any other distractions that can pull a student away from studying. Constantly checking notifications can interrupt thoughts and make it hard to learn the material.
Develop a system and a schedule for studying. Students should establish a fi xed habit of studying each day or week or whatever is best for him or her. Over time, studying will become routine.
Textbook language can be dry and unappealing. Students can try putting the material into their own words or rephrase passages to make them easier to remember and recall. Similarly, teaching or sharing the material with another person also may improve retention.
Blaming a teacher for a poor grade won't get a student anywhere. Rather, grades should indicate how well one is learning the material, and in turn, the e ectiveness of students' studying habits. Students can tweak their habits if they find their grades are not where they want them to be.
Depending on the subject, having a sheet with shortcuts, formulas or diagrams can put the material into smaller bursts of information that are easier to digest. Along this same vein, writing information down can help improve recall.
These are a few study tips that high schoolers can utilize to improve their grades so they can be more successful in school. –MC
Parkland Secondary School is proud of its innovative, inspiring and inclusive learning environment on which it’s built a solid reputation for unique programs. Parkland has a diverse selection of course o erings including its renowned Marine Academy, complimenting the region’s coastal geography. Students can also choose from courses in Trades, Technology,
Visual and Performing Arts, and Athletics including Sport Performance Basketball, a Hockey Academy and Canada’s only Judo Academy.
The addition of the International Baccalaureate®(IB) program makes Parkland the only English-speaking public school on southern Vancouver Island to o er the
At the start of a new year, many people would like to make changes that can lead to personal growth and future success. One of the skills that can open more doors, and even help create personal satisfaction, is learning a new language.
There are many reasons to learn a new language. Doing so can help people land a new job or speak fluently on an overseas vacation. Knowing more than one language can have various cognitive benefi ts as well. The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages states speaking more than one language can lead to improved memory and problem-solving skills, and may enhance one's ability to concentrate. Bilingual or multilingual people also may stave o mental aging.
Children take to foreign languages quickly and readily, but people of all ages can learn a foreign language.
• SET LEARNING GOALS. Focus on specific, measurable outcomes. This can include learning a set number of words in a certain period of time to reduce feelings of being overwhelmed by the vast task of learning a new language.
• USE THE CORRECT LEARNING STYLE. Some people are visual learners and others auditory. Finding out one's learning style can make the process go smoothly.
• TIE LEARNING TO CULTURE. Having a vested interest in the culture of the language a person is trying to learn can facilitate the process and make it more interesting.
• INVEST THE TIME. Set aside consistent time each day to devote to learning a new language. Neuroplasticity, or the ability of the brain to form and reorganize connections, doesn't come as easily for adults as it does for children. Therefore, practice is necessary for adults to learn new skills.
• THERE'S NO 'EASY' LANGUAGE. Keep in mind that all languages have their challenges, and one is not easier to learn than another, say linguists. Accepting challenges and sticking with the process can help avid learners along. Learning a new language can open doors and lead to both professional and personal growth. –MC
IB Diploma Program for students in their final two years of high school. The IB Diploma Program prepares students for participation in a rapidly evolving and increasingly global society as they develop intellectually, emotionally, physically and ethically while acquiring skills that will prepare them for further education and life in the 21st century.
Universities across Canada and around the world regard the IB Diploma Program as excellent preparation for university entrance. When IB students are admitted to university they also have the advantage of transfer credits.
Students in the IB Diploma Program study 3 higher level
courses which are taught at the university level. Students achieving the required grade in higher level courses can get transfer credits when applying to university.
If you would like more information on our IB Program, please visit , and email so we can add you to our database for updates and information via email. Creating the leaders of tomorrow, today.
Aspiring to continue to learn and grow is one of the keys to a fulfilling life. Sometimes it can be eye-opening to look in the mirror, examine oneself and figure out where there may be room for improvement.
Self-improvement is a noble endeavor, and there's no limit to what one can achieve. These six strategies can serve as catalysts for change.
EASIER: Individuals can be their own worst enemies, procrastinating in regard to personal goals. Some habits require consistency, and they include exercising, waking up earlier, drinking and eating healthier, and reducing stress. One way to make sure you stick to healthy habits is to prioritize them and make a concerted e ort to overcome your uncooperative side. Lay out workout clothes the night before if you want to exercise in the morning. Meal plan on the weekends and create healthy lunches to take to work. Set phone reminders to breathe and meditate several times during the day to calm stress. Eventually these habits will be as easy as brushing your teeth.
2 READ EVERY DAY: Books have the power to educate, inspire creativity, strengthen cognition, and so much more. Think of reading a book as a daily multivitamin for the brain. Even if you can't devote hours on end to reading, plan 20-minute sessions each day to tackle some pages.
3 LEARN A NEW SKILL: One way to grow is to continue to learn new things. Many people like to explore new languages, not just for the potential for travel or employment, but also for personal betterment. Other skills to learn include baking, woodworking, accounting, crocheting, or anything that requires practice to master.
4 BOOST POSITIVITY: There's something to be said about maintaining a positive outlook no matter your positivity baseline. Rather than seeing what went wrong in a day, figure out what went right. Memorize positive words and personal reflections to help build stronger neural connections to positive concepts, which may help you become even more positive.
FEARS: Fears reflect areas where you can grow and often indicate areas that need attention. Pick at least one fear to tackle. If that is public speaking, make a concerted e ort to speak in front of a crowd, whether it's during a work meeting or at a school function. –MC
Knowledge of her body that every woman ought to have in order to safeguard her health and fertility.
App: www.fer | web:
In this day and age you may be wondering why you would use a natural method of managing fertility like the Billings Ovulation Method®. After all, if you’re having di culty conceiving you could use technologies like IVF. And if, on the other hand, you want to prevent pregnancy there are many di erent methods of contraception you can get from your doctor or pharmacy. But sometimes it’s the simple things in life that can make all the di erence, even in our high tech world! Whether you want to achieve pregnancy or to prevent it here are some really good reasons for choosing the Billings Ovulation Method®.
Because the Billings Ovulation Method® is a completely natural, safe and e ective method there are no side e ects or health risks!
You may already have noticed the special cervical secretion that occurs during a few days in your cycle, just as you go about your normal daily activities. During this time and for three days following
its abrupt end, you will know you are possibly fertile and any genital contact may lead to pregnancy. Therefore, during the many infertile days in your cycle you cannot possibly conceive because sperm die without this secretion within a few hours! Through an accredited Billings teacher you will learn how to apply four common sense guidelines and to keep a simple daily evening chart on an App, interactive Excel chart or paper using pencil symbols. ( African villagers sometimes use flowers in their hair to let their husbands know when they are fertile or not!
non invasive. There are no risky side e ects from contraceptive gadgets, devices or contraceptive pills.
You’ll see that the Billings chart is a movie of underlying patterns of hormones which helps in the early diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as cancer. Once you learn to recognize what is normal you’ll be able to identify what isn’t and show and explain to your doctor or endocrinologist, what has changed.
The Billings Ovulation Method® is 100% natural, drug free and
“This Method fosters communication and understanding between the man and the woman. It develops co-operation and understanding in child spacing decision making, thus improving their relationship, helping them to grow in love and fidelity to each other while protecting them from the widespread epidemic of sexuallytransmitted diseases. These cause so much infertility and other complications in virtually all the countries of the world from which the only certain protection is the preservation of a monogamous sexual relationship.” (J.J. Billings MD) Whether you’re trying to conceive or wanting to prevent pregnancy, this knowledge is empowering and it puts YOU in control!
Many couples have moral objections to using contraception. The Billings Ovulation Method is morally acceptable to all cultures and religions.
Located in the heart of downtown Victoria in brand new facilities, Pacific Design Academy seeks to be the premier training institute for aspiring designers in British Columbia. Our students are creative, highachieving, and skilled at what they do, and we’re proud to help them turn their passion into success in a collaborative and project-based environment. We often partner with local not-for-profits so that students can practice working with real clients while doing good in our community.
We o er a number of fulltime programs in a variety of fields, including Motion Picture Production, Application and Web Development, Interior Design, and more! We also o er evening design workshops for those interested in trying out a new skill.
We have a diverse student body with many backgrounds. Some students have just graduated high school, while others have
had successful careers and are looking to make a change. With small cohort sizes, they learn from one another and receive oneon-one support from instructors with current experience in their industries.
Our students’ paths all look di erent, because work in design o ers great flexibility. Some work for design firms, while others work freelance or remotely with clients. Work in the design arts is a rapidly growing industry, and our programs prepare students for careers designated as high opportunity occupations by the BC government. With bright prospects, 93% of our graduates find jobs in the fields they love.
To speak with a helpful admissions rep or book a tour of our new facilities, email us at registrar@ or give us a call at 250-383-3631 .