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Florida-Friendly fertilizing DOs and DON’Ts
DO: Test your soil. If your soil is high in phosphorus, choose a fertilizer blend without it. For more information on soil tests, contact the Pasco County Extension office at 352-518-0156 or visit sfyl.ifas.ufl.edu/pasco.
DO: Only fertilize when grass is actively growing. When grass is dormant, fertilizer cannot be beneficially used by turfgrass and will instead leach through the soil or run off, polluting nearby bodies of water. Applying fertilizer at the right time will save time and money!
DO: Check with your utility provider to determine if your reclaimed water contains nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. If so, you may not need to fertilize as frequently.
DO: Use only the recommended amount of fertilizer. Remember: more is not better!
DO: Use a slow-release nitrogen fertilizer. This allows for less mowing, less thatch buildup, less irrigation, fewer nutrients washing into ponds and other bodies of water, and fewer insects and disease problems.
DO: Leave a 10-foot nopesticide, no-fertilizer buffer between a fertilized area and water.
DON’T: Do not overuse fertilizers, especially near the water’s edge, to avoid washing excess fertilizer into bodies of water, causing algal blooms and undesirable weed growth. Repeatedly using large amounts of nitrogen fertilizer can increase pest and environmental stress problems.
DON’T: Do not fertilize if rain is predicted in the next 24-36 hours or when a heavy rain, tropical storm, hurricane or flood is predicted.