Tampa Bay Times | Sunday, February 18, 2018 |
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Ashton Realty Group opens new Spring Hill location! Lisa M. Ashton, Broker/Owner of Ashton Realty Group, is pleased to announce the opening of Ashton Realty Group’s newest office location in Spring Hill, FL. The new office is located at 4034 Commercial Way, Spring Hill, FL 34606. Ashton Realty Group handles all aspects of Real Estate: Residential, Commercial, Vacant Land, Property Management and more.
Car Show & Parade of New Homes Saturday, February 24, 2018 Come enjoy our beautiful community and check out the amazing cars on display. Take a tour of our new model homes and our fantastic amenities. Live music, buffet lunch from Sonny’s BBQ, door prizes and much more! From 10:00 a.m to 2:00 p.m. at the Fountainview Estates, 8800 Berkshire Lane, Tampa, FL 33635
Coldwell Banker Sun Vista announces top sales agent for 2017 – Rich Rippetoe Coldwell Banker Sun Vista recently recognized its top sales agent for 2017, Rich Rippetoe. Rich sold more than $27 million in closed sales volume with a total of 73 sales.
2018 Citrus County Showcase of Homes Friday, February 16 - Sunday, March 4 Find your new home or community at the 2018 Citrus Showcase of Homes, a scattered site array of Citrus County’s best home builders and communities. Showcase dates are February 16, 2018 thru March 4, 2018. Entries are open from 10am-5pm Monday thru Saturday and 10am-5pm on Sundays during the event. Sponsors Sherwin Williams, Sunshine Nursery, and Tampa Bay Times invite you to visit the 2018 Citrus Showcase of Homes to learn why you should live and play in Citrus County. For more information, visit www.CitrusShowcaseOfHomes.com or call (352) 746-9028.
Sandy Hartmann and Associates named #1 Keller Williams team For 2017, Sandy Hartmann and Associates was named the top team for Largo and Seminole...for the 12th consecutive year! The team sold more than 220 homes, amounting to over $69 million in sales volume in 2017.
Information is submitted by readers and published at no charge. To submit your information, go to RealtorNN@tampabay.com. Deadline is 7 days prior to publication.
Home sellers gain big profits Sales in Tampa Bay earned 32% in the last three months of 2017. Times staff
Tampa Bay homeowners are reaping hefty profits when they sell. In the final three months of 2017, bay area sellers on average received 32 percent more than they originally paid for their homes, according to ATTOM Data Solutions. That’s a higher return on investment than in Orlando and Jacksonville, though less than in Miami and Sarasota. Nationally, profits averaged 29.7 percent, the highest since 2007. The biggest gains were on the West Coast, where sellers in San Jose reaped a staggering profit of almost 91 percent. Also topping returns of at least 50 percent were San Francisco, Seattle, Santa Cruz, California and the central California city of Merced. “It’s the most profitable time to sell a home in more than 10 years, yet homeowners are staying put longer than we’ve ever seen,” said Daren Blomquist, ATTOM’s senior vice president. As a result, the shortage of homes for sale is driving up prices – and profits. This story was originally printed in the Tampa Bay Times on 2/01/2018. For more stories like this, visit tampabay.com.
Homes Sold in the bay area $182,900 8000 N Duval Drive 3 bedrooms, 2 baths
Curb appeal & garden Timely Tendings | Spring is here! Time to prune. ing, they should be pruned. Pruning encourages new growth and produces a bushier, more compact plant. (Consult the University of Florida/ IFAS Extension publication, Azaleas at a Glance online at: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/mg019 for additional detailed azalea information.)
Citrus Springs: Built on a third-acre corner lot in 2004, this Mitch Underwood split-plan home has vaulted ceilings in great room, dining room, kitchen and breakfast nook, plant shelves, laundry room, carpet and tile flooring, large covered lanai, caged pool and pool bath, security system, newer Trane air-conditioning system, landscaped lot with garden and two-car side-entry attached garage. The 1,733-square-foot home was listed at $199,900 and sold in January. Citrus Ridge Realty, Amanda & Kirk Johnson
$247,500 4406 Tiffin Ave. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths
Spring Hill: This brick house, built on one acre in 1987, was listed at $259,900 and sold in January. The 2,428-square-foot custom home features formal living and dining rooms, remodeled kitchen with maple cabinets, quartz counters and closet pantry, remodeled baths, ceramic, hardwood and laminate flooring throughout, indoor spa room with in-ground hot tub, oak ceilings and valances, and oversize, side-loading two-car garage and storage/work shed. Destination Florida Realty, Shelley Kindya-Haglund
Prune spring flowering trees and shrubs after blooming. The best time to prune is after the last flowers fade, but before new buds set in midto-late summer. The end of the dormant season is a good
time to prune many trees and shrubs. Cold-damaged shrubs can be pruned back to where new growth appears. Once azaleas, poinsettias, and camellias finish flower-
There is still time to prune out dead growth and crossing limbs on crape myrtles, but try not to remove the new sprouts since the flowers will be forming on this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new growth. Pruning is not necessary for crape myrtles to flower. Prune lightly to maintain a natural form.
Heavy pruning of hibiscus is best done now. New growth should produce flowers in five to six weeks. Light maintenance pruning may be done any time of year to keep plants at desired heights. Compiled by Theresa Badurek, urban horticulture extension agent, USF/IFAS Pinellas County Extension Service. For additional landscape and garden information, visit pinellas countyextension.org. For regular tips and information about whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s growing in Pinellas, go to facebook.com/ PinellasExtension.
Top 10 reasons to live in Citrus County, Florida: 1
The activities: There is so much to do here. Fishing, boating, kayaking, snorkeling, golf, tennis and more... or do nothing at all.
The weather is perfect. Citrus County offers three out of four seasons, spring, summer, and fall. No snow here. There are freezes maybe three times a year, but they are measured in hours, not days.
The environment: Citrus County is one of the cleanest counties in water and air quality. There are three major springs here. Pollution is nonexistent. Fifty percent of the county cannot be built on because it is designated as natural park areas. There is so much room to wander and play.
The people: The people here are welcoming and friendly. If you go out to a local eating establishment, you feel like you are home. When shopping, people always smile and say hello.
The simplicity: Life feels simple here; the pace is slower. You can actually take a deep breath and enjoy the moment.
The traffic. You will not find the traffic in Citrus that you find in most counties in Florida. Here you can get from point A to point B without any traffic headaches. Driving becomes pleasurable again.
The taxes: The tax rate here is one of the lowest in Florida. Depending on where you live now, you have the potential of saving thousands of dollars per year.
The water: Talk about a water lover’s paradise – Citrus County is it. Located on the Gulf of Mexico, wherever you are in Citrus County you can be at water’s edge in a matter of minutes. Seven beautiful rivers run through Citrus and there are lots of lakes as well.
The dining: The variety of local eateries and pubs is amazing, and they each have their own flair and personality. Fresh seafood is available year ’round. The shrimp, clams, oysters, blue crab and stone crab are abundant and affordable. Most of the seafood you will be served was caught that morning.
The manatee: So many people come here to see these gentle giants every year. They truly are docile, cute, and loving creatures. If you have not had a manatee encounter, we strongly suggest you put it on your bucket list! *Courtesy of the CCBA
Coming Next Week: Bradenton/Sarasota Parade of Homes
Curb appeal & garden TODAY Peak Bloom at the Gardens: Beautiful floral blooms abound, as the gardens enjoy peak bloom period, now through end of March. Take in the camellias and other foliage in full bloom with a walking tour, while kids can have fun learning about winter adaptation for Florida animals and insects at Hammock Hollow kids garden and activity area. Adult admission: $14, kids 5-12, $; combo admission to Gardens and Pinewood Estate: adult, $20, kids 5-12, $10. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. today, Bok Tower Gardens, 1151 Tower Blvd., Lake Wales. (863) 676-1408. boktowergardens.org. Wildflower Walk: Take a guided stroll through the preserve and discover Florida wildflowers. $3, $1.50 children. 2 p.m. today, Boyd Hill Nature Preserve, 1101 Country Club Way S, St. Petersburg. (727) 893-7326. www.stpete.org/boyd.
Monday-Saturday Ikebana International: Ikebana International Chapter #65 welcomes guests to the Japanese art of floral arranging. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday, New Designs in Ikenobo Ikenobo, the oldest ‘school’ of the Japanese art of ikebana, is expressed in new designs, in demonstration at this month’s meeting. Bring lunch. Chapel on the Hill, 12601 Park Blvd., Seminole. (727) 729-9445. www.ikebanastpetersburg.com. Advanced Floral Design Course: This is the first a series of three classes, held each Tuesday through March 6. Bring tools, plant material and lunch, and learn basic design principles to create beautiful floral
arrangements. Presented by the New Port Richey Garden Club. Registration required. $45. 10 a.m.1:30 p.m. Tuesday, The New Lakes in Regency Park, 8330 Civic Drive, New Port Richey. (727 484-6741. thenewlakes.com. Pasco Extension Seminar: Pre-registration requested. Free, unless otherwise noted; registration requested. 2 p.m. Tuesday, Managing Wind and Trees How to prune trees to best protect them from hurricane winds, and how to salvage and deal with tree damage afterwards. Register at Eventbrite.com. New River Library, 34043 State Road 54, Zephyrhills. (352) 518-0156. pasco.ifas.ufl.edu/events_ calendar.shtml. Florida Herb Society: Learn about the benefits of using herbs in culinary, medicinal, and decorative purposes. Bring plants, cuttings for herbal swap. $1. 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Herbs for Stress Learn what herbs to use to reduce stress. Moccasin Lake Nature Park, 2750 Park Trail Lane, Clearwater. (727) 542-6401. www. floridaherbsociety.com. Pinellas County Extension Class: Free, unless otherwise noted; pre-registration preferred. 7-8 p.m. Tuesday, Intro to Florida Friendly Landscaping Design and maintain a beautiful landscape that is low maintenance and low water use. Free, but registration required. http:// introtofloridafriendlylandscaping. eventbrite.com. Oldsmar Fire Rescue, 225 Pine Ave. N, Oldsmar. 10:30-11:30 a.m. Saturday, Designing a Florida Friendly Landscape Learn the concepts behind low maintenance, water saving techniques. Free, but
registration required. http:// brookerfl.eventbrite.com. Brooker Creek Preserve, 3940 Keystone Road, Tarpon Springs. (727) 4536800. brookercreekpreserve.org. Master Gardener Nursery: Find healthy native and Florida-friendly plants to spruce up landscapes, at bargain prices. Nursery open from 9 a.m. to noon Wednesdays and Saturdays. Free admission. 9 a.m.-noon Wednesday, Master Gardener Nursery, 19490 Oliver St., Brooksville. (352) 754-4433. 9 a.m.-noon Saturday, Safety Harbor Garden Club: Safety Harbor Garden Club meets with tips for garden enthusiasts. Bring a plant for plant swap. Free. 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, Spring Container Vegetable Gardening Perfect for small spaces, learn how to plan, plant and care for a vegetable garden in make-it-yourself, self-watering containers. Florida Sheriff’s Youth Ranch, 3180 Enterprise Road E, Safety Harbor. (727) 725-4761. safetyharborgardenclub.weebly. com. Florida-Friendly Landscaping: Workshop will focus on FloridaFriendly principles and how to follow them in your landscape. Presentations include, ‘Top 10 Things Newcomers Need to Know About their Florida Yard,’ ‘A Journey from Bland to Beautiful - How the Villages are Going Native,’ and ‘This Turf is Killing Me - Or am I Killing it?’ Door prizes and goody bags. Customers of Hernando County Utilities will receive a $10 credit (up to $20 per household) for customers who attend the workshop. Registration required. Registration is $10, includes catered breakfast. 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Thursday, Lake House, 1202 Kenlake Ave.,
Spring Hill. (352) 540-6230. springhilllakehouse.com. Vegetable, Herb and Tropical Fruit Garden Tour: Tour explores fragrant herb garden, the vegetable, and tropical fruit garden, with unusual fruits like jackfruit and carambola. Walk the pathways of the Egyptian, Mediterranean and Asian gardens, get landscape design inspiration from the variety of ground covers, palms and plantings, discover power line friendly trees to plant at home. Free, but pre-registration required. 9-11 a.m. Thursday, Pinellas County Extension Service, 12520 Ulmerton Road, Largo. (727) 582-2100. www.growpinellas.eventbrite. com. Wonderful World of Violets: African Violet Show and Sale: Take in the Wonderful World of Violets, as the Tampa African Violet Society presents its annual judged show and sale, with wide array of colorful violet types and colors for sale, plus supplies and advice. Show hours noon to 5 p.m. Feb. 23, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Feb. 24; plant sales 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Feb. 23, and 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Feb. 24.. Free admission. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday, Common Ground Christian Church, 4207 N Boulevard, Tampa. (813) 924-2686. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, For more gardening events, visit tampabay.com/homes and use the Things to Do search tool. Send submissions to Garden Calendar, Newsfeatures, Tampa Bay Times, P.O. Box 1121, St. Petersburg, FL 33731; or email to calendar@tampabay.com. Deadline is two weeks before publication.
| Sunday, February 18, 2018 | Tampa Bay Times
Tampa Bay Homes
NPR-New Port Colony 55+. 1BR end unit + gar. All tile. Brand new roof & windows, water softener. $200mo HOA incl water Taxes under $200/yr. $48,000, possible owner finance. Owner/Brkr 727-247-9089
Seminole 8557 79th Ave $235,900 SFH 3 Bed, 2 Bath 1 Car Garage Huge yard Granite, tile, surround sound photos online & take the interactive 3-d tour! Passmore Real Estate Ser. 727-637-4382 St Pete. 6127 100th Way N 33708. 2 horse barn, 2BR block home, + block cottage w/handicap access toilet & 1BR in home. Deep well. Sidewalk. 1½ mi.from Madeira Beach 100x309 ft. $274,000. 727-391-1812 St. Petersburg $169,900 3BR/1BA Charming Block Home Priced to Sell! First Time Home Buyers Take Note. By J. Sulisufay- Charles Rutenberg Realty JasonSellsTampa.com 727-497-7800 St. Petersburg $245,000 3BR/2BA 2376 51st St N Garage w/laundry rm. Updated kitchen and windows. Newer A/C, Roof, attic insulation and shed. Great yard. FSBO Shown by Appt. 727-542-4989
Largo 2BR/1BA Reduced to $9,500 frnishd, FL rm & Scr rm 2/1.5 , New kitch. Low Lot Rent . $18,900 727-504-1336 Largo 2BR/2BA - Double Wide, Upgraded, CHA, Vinyl Siding, Double roof, pet friendly, 55+ park 727-453-2576
CONDOS/TOWNHOMES FOR SALE PINELLAS Clearwater-ON TOP OF THE WORLD REAL ESTATE OF PINELLAS, LLC On Site at ON TOP OF THE WORLD 55+ Condos 727-799-3417 Opt 1 *************************************** Fully furnished & move in ready! 2BR/2BA Short walk to pool, tennis & activity center. Cute condo at a great price. Listing #3330 $84,900 Completely redone! 2BR/2BA Updates include: windows, HVAC, kitchen cabinets, appliances, stone counters, bath fixtures, flooring, paint & fans. Listing #1523 $130,000 Open plan, perfect for entertaining! 3BR/2BA Inside utility w/ full-size washer/dryer. Library/ 3rd bedroom with built-ins & hidden closet. Listing #92205 $169,000 First floor with private patio! 3BR/2BA Custom kitchen, new appliances, stone counters, high-end laminate thru-out. Newer HVAC & water heater. Inside utility with full size appliances. Listing #96115 $189,900 *************************************** We have the condo you’re looking for! http://otowrealestateclearwater.com/ phone 727-799-3417 option 1 Dunedin $274,900 2BR/2BA Royal Stewart Arms on Honeymoon Island. Spectacular southern waterview. Updated 4th flr unit, carport, 55+. Ed Karlander, ReMax Realtec 727-789-3636 x179 Largo $312,900 3BR/2.5BA/2CG - Luxury 2250SF End Unit in a quiet priv. comm. close to everything. Too many upgrades to list! Hurricane Upgrades/No Flood Ins John Frazis 727-278-6152 House Res. Co Seminole 7701 Starkey Rd. #237 2BR Open 12-3 1st Fl, 55+ Active Comm 2 HTD Pools, Tennis. 727-365-6559 C21 Champs
Rentals ACCOMMODATIONS/ROOMS Citrus Hernando Hillsborough
Manatee Pasco Pinellas
ACCOMMODATIONS & ROOMS HERNANDO Bushnell Room $500 Mo. On 50 Acre Ranch. Furn. Priv Ent and Bath, WiFi, Cable, Util Incl, No Deposit, W/D, Long Term, Rob at 352-603-0611. airranch@embarqmail.com
ACCOMMODATIONS & ROOMS HILLSBOROUGH Tampa & Largo Rooms For Rent Single Males Only Shared Room $550, Private Room $650 & $875 Clean, Beautiful, Fully Furn, All Utilities, Washer/ Dryer, on Busline. 813-900-9422
ACCOMMODATIONS & ROOMS PASCO New Port Richey Room To Rent $550 Large Bedroom in Large house w/ large yard. Access to entire house- kitchen, LR, 2 Baths, Laudry Room. All utilities including cable included. Call 727-318-2897.
ACCOMMODATIONS & ROOMS PINELLAS Clearwater. Roommate needed. Private Room & Bath. C/H/A. Furnished. $200/ week. Utilities Included. 40+ age qualified comm. Pool. Clubhouse. Shuffleboard. Background check. 574-322-1899 Largo Room To Rent Single Furn rm. X-Clean, Quiet, Safe, Util/cable/wifi incl. Walk to bus (#52,18). Lease & Sec. Dep. req’d. $140-$600. Call for Details. 727-420-0913 or 727-580-1830 Pinellas Park Room To Rent $175 /wk. Nice Rooms. Safe, Quiet, X-Clean, Fully Furn, utils/cbl incl. Dep/Ref/Valid ID Req. From $175/wk 727-547-1199. www.unitedearth.biz ST PETE / DOWNTOWN STANTON HOTEL & APTS 225 3RD ST N. DOWNTOWN ST PETE ROOMS FROM $145 & UP CALL FOR INFO 727-822-9102 St Pete/Valley Forge from $225 Rooms&Effs near beaches from $225wk. cable incl. 6825 Central Ave. 727-345-0135
RENTALS - UNFURNISHED Citrus Hernando Hillsborough
Manatee Pasco Pinellas
RENTALS - UNFURNISHED HILLSBOROUGH BALLAST POINTBest locationS.Tampa Walk to Bayshore Blvd. THE PAVILLIONS 6306 South MacDill Ave. 2br/2ba SPECIAL $1325/mo. FREE W/D 813-837-6069 Furnished available BEARSS/USF AREA * AFFORDABLE APTS! 1BR/1BA Apt, $399 per month MOVE IN SPECIAL!!! Social Security, Seniors,SSI, Disability & Vets OK. All are WELCOME! OAKWOOD APARTMENTS
Tampa House $5,000/mo- Canal home on Davis Island. 3BR/3BA. Small dock, garage, Terrazzo & tile. Require 1 year lease, 1st and last, deposit. Credit check required. (813)251-1394 or (813)787-4553
RENTALS - UNFURNISHED PASCO *LUTZ HOUSE FOR RENT & MORE* 22821 Saint Thomas Cir., Lutz, FL 33549 3BR/2BA/1CG 2 story $1295, New carpet All appl/Pets OK/Fenced & MORE HOMES G.Anderson,NBL Properties 813-333-5340 New Port Richey Southgate Apartments, 62+, 1BR $590mo Restrictions Apply. EHO. Adjacent to Southgate Shopping Center. 727-847-1110
RENTALS - UNFURNISHED PINELLAS BELLEAIR BLUFFS. 2015 Overbrook Ave N. 3/2/2, 1600 sqft, refinished terrazzo floors, new paint inside, large lot. Great location. $1800/mo. Barbara Nyberg 727-492-6666 Charles Rutenberg RE Clearwater LAKE STARCREST Spacious Apartments•Centrally located • 1BR now $779-$799 • 700 sqft to 750 sqft • 2 BR / 1 Bath - 2 BR / 1.5 Bath $850-$925 • 900 sqft to 950sqft • 3 BR / 2 Bath $1,075 • 1300 sqft • 3BR/2 Bath 1600 sq ft. $1,150 to $1,350 Pool, Cov’d Assigned Prkg. 727-443-1821
RENTALS - FURNISHED PINELLAS Clearwater/Crest Lake Park Effcy. $270 per Wk & Up + tax. 12 Wk MIN. LCD TV’s, Wi-Fi, FULL Eat-in Kitch. Laundry On-Site. for 1 or 2 people. NO SMOKING/PETS. Open Holidays. Call 9a-9pm 727-449-9786 Clearwater/LaPlaza MHP Manuf $1100 + util/furn or unfurn. 55+, Clean! 2br/2ba C/H/a. No pets. 727-531-3000
Dunedin Beach - Royal Steward Arms 2BR/1.5 bath villa, 1st floor. 55+ community. Patio. New A/C. Pool, clubhouse, fishing pier, laundry facilities, parking. $1200/mo. 1st/last/sec. 727-366-6266 SP-5548 Dartmouth Ave N 2/2 w/ Fl rm updated kitchen, wood flrs, pet ok $1295. Alliance-Realtor.com 727.578.2626
Citrus Hernando Hillsborough
Manatee Pasco Pinellas
Commercial & Investment Property for Sale or Lease COMMERCIAL & INVESTMENT PROPERTY FOR SALE OR LEASE
Invest & Retire! 8 Unit Apartment Building 2BR/1BA, Central Heat & Air, Concrete Block. Great Location! All Rented, Zone Commercial. Over $6,000 Monthly Income. Price $575,000 813-244-9335 Port Richey & Hudson Area. Commercial 4,000 SF, 1 ac., main road frontage, CHA, 4” well water, commercial size septic tank + much more. $175,000 Poss. Owner Finan. FSBO 813-996-3193 / 813-477-8252 Tampa - Warehouse Space for Rent 4,500 sqft. Overhead doors, dock space, warehouse racks, 2 offices w/furniture, 2 bathrooms, fenced in. Very Reasonable Includes Utilites. Call/text 813-789-4246 Weeki Wachee-US 19-1/2 mile N of SR 50, 153’ x 259’, 3 lots, engineered for 9,860 SF bldg, median turn. $120,000. Also Wesley Chapel 39 acres. $400k. Owner Financing Avail. Pro Realty Group 352-683-9810 New Port Richey, FL For Sale By
Indian Rocks Bch area Condo $1195&up 2/2. Quiet, 5 min.to Beach. New Remodel: granite & stainless, fans, new floors Pool/clubhouse. Vaulted Ceil. Fireplace Screen Patio, W/D, D/W, 813-995-7751 Largo Corner Ulmerton & Seminole 2BR/2BA $1095 Tile floors, washer/dryer, upgraded kitchen & bath, laundry room, fireplace, Call 727-441-8785 Mon-Fri 8:304:30; after 5pm & weekends 727-442-8368 Palm Harbor 2BD/2.5BA, 1344 sqft Townhouse in Wedgewood. Pvt courtyard in quiet comm.w/rg trees. Newer A/C, floor ing & appls. Washer/Dryer, garbage incl. Pool, tennis, etc. $1175/mo 727.786.6004
Hudson - Lakeshore Blvd. Medical office. 900 SF to 1924 SF Low rents, tenant incentives.
St. Pete 750 Burlington Ave 1 Bed Co-Op 55+ downtown $139,900. Scrnd balcony, Parking, walk to everything, tile. Photos on line & take the interactive 3-d tour! Passmore Real Estate Ser. 727-637-4382 St. Petersburg $85,900 1BR/1BA New air, fixtures, and appliances. Low monthly maintance. $213 per month Call Terry: 727-243-6442 Treasure Is. 230 Nautilus Way #230 2/1/1 Open 1-4 Isle of Capri Sun Ketch TownHm All Ages Pet OK 727-365-6204 C21 Champ
Pinellas Park 49th St-8400 Apartment
1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. Available 727-545-3703
Dunedin Apartment 1BD/1Ba, CHA, tile floors, vaulted ceiling, laundry facilities, near downtown Mease Hospital. No pets. Background check required. 727-560-4240 Dunedin Apartment Looking For an Apartment to Call Home? Whispering Hills Apts 612 Bass Ct. Taking applications for 1BR $649 2BR $749 727-733-2169 For Income guidelines EHO
St Pete • 2/2 Gorgeous view. Lots of amenities. Easy access to beach and shopping. Fresh, bright & clean $132,000. • 55+ 3/2, new carpet & paint. Beautiful view, pool, clbhse $123,000. 727-643-1183 CHERYL GARGEL Luxury & Beach Realty
Seminole Triplex $850/mo + sec. 2bdr near Seminole City Center & Trail. 1/4 acre, private parking, lrg kitchen & bath, chef stove, A/C, remodeled and repainted 2/13/18. Ph: 727-391-4561 SP-115 13th Ave NE “Old NE” Home $2000 Near Downtown! 3/1+BonusRm,HdWd Fls 5555 4th Ave N Home $1425 2/1/1 Fm Rm, Tile Thru-out, Fncd, Pet Ok 5141 3rd Ave N Home $1400 2/1/1 Bonus Rm, Newly Remodeled, CHA
TOURTELOT Property Management & Leasing
Get Your Property Leased Fast, with Quality Tenants! Call Debra Ogle x101 St Pete-Pinebrook Manor Apartments QUIET AND CONVENIENT! 1 & 2 Bedrooms available. 727-344-2425 3980 64th St N. Open 7 days a week. www.pbmanor.com
Real Estate OPEN HOUSE Belleair 163 Osceola Rd. Open 2/10-11 1-3 3/2/2, hardwood floors, crown molding, fireplace, new kitchen w/granite, nearly 1/3 acre, fruit trees & fenced yard. MLS#U7843937 727-667-8879
Cheryl Burnett Marketing Specialists
352-650-6469 ONE OF HERNANDO COUNTY’S TOP PRODUCING BROKERS 19 YRS! 24-hour info CALL 866-676-6108 + EXT # Corner Lot 3/2/2, rf ‘09, needs some TLC Ext# 3018 Pending $119,900 Tarpon Springs 1913 charmer, 2/1.5, fncd Ext #3022 Pending $159,900 Parklike 1/2 ac. 3/2.5/2+Upgrades galore Ext #3024 Now $199,900
Citrus County
GRANNY PAD See The Low Cost Alternative To Assisted Living. Keep Your Loved Ones Close. Place Our “Granny Pad” In Your Backyard. From $470 Per Month With Approved Credit.
352-621-9181 Citrus County
Need A New Home? WE TAKE ALL TRADES! 2018 Homes Starting @ $43,900. 352-621-3807 This Home is HOT!! Best Constructed House On The Market. 28x60 3 Bed, 2 Bath, Huge Island Kitchen. We Will Deliver and Set Up With A/C, Steps and Skirting.
Check Out All The UPGRADES 2x6 Construction, Thermal Pane Windows, R30 Insulation and Much More! Only $76,900. Call 352-621-9182
MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE HERNANDO Brooksville. By Owner. 2004 Palm Harbor Architectual Design Home. 3br/2ba/att. 2cg. Includes property 55+ Gated Comm. HOA $43mo. Clbhse, pool, tennis, 18 hole golf course avail. Asking $160,000. Call 352-600-7938; 716-984-3673; 716-870-5110
Tampa. 6 Bedroom 2 Bath, carport & screened porches, 4 car driveway, terrazzo floors, back gate for pets. Dale Mabry to Waters, 3 mi. W. to Hanley Rd, 1 mi. S. $148K. Mornings 813-971-6552 Tampa/Carrollwood/Lake Heather Oaks. Beautiful Lakefront 4BR, 2.5Ba, spacious corner lot. Scr Lg Pool. Many Upgrades!! 2900 SF under air. Hdwd/Tile. Trop. landscape $339K. 813-966-1008; 813-966-4106
HOUSES FOR SALE PINELLAS Largo $279,999 5BR/3BA- Appraised, Realtors 3%. 2003 Home, beautifully remodeled w/ 2198 SF. New A/C, 1/4 acre mol, in-law suite, non flood. Poss Owner Finance w/ Down Pymt 727-386-0883
Lutz $625,000 5BR/3.5BA/3CG Open Sat & Sun 2-4. 19521 Deer Lake Rd. Fabulous Hm on 1/2 acre lot on beautiful Hobbs Lake. PRICE REDUCED! Millie Selby 813-545-5520 Coldwell Banker
Largo. 13450 San Rafael Dr. $253,000. 4BR/2BA/2CG. Seminole Schools. Brand new kitchen w/ granite & wood cabinets. New fence in backyard. By Owner. Call 727-593-0451 Oldsmar $323,800 3BR/2BA Walk to Beach- 713 Shore Drive East 3/2 1624 sf - Patio/Porch/Fence TampaShores Bay Sec blk 8 lot 7 & 1/2 lot 6 By Owner call for appt 727-599-1196
Helping Buyers Buy & Sellers Sell Since 1990 Homes from $5K to $125K Throughout Pinellas Co. 727-584-3588 Seminole $4,000/obo 1BR/1BA 55+, Single wide w/ large porch, new A/C, Low lot rent. Call 727-831-8836 St Pete - Isle of Palms MH Park 55+, land lease....call for sales listings. LOOK us over… TALK to the residents… THEN stop at the office. Our residents are our BEST advertisement! www.isleofpalmsonline.com 7400 46th Avenue N St Pete 33709 727-541-2222 St Pete 6950-46th Ave N PETS OK! 2 Beautiful & Updated Homes Available in 5 Star, Resident Owned Pool Pk! Close to Shop & Beach! Low $160mo Maint Fee. •2005 Jacobsen 2 Bed/2 Bath 28x48 Deck, Furnished. $129K w/Share •1980 Commodore 2 Bed/2 Bath, 24x48, New Isle Kit., Extras, $73K w/Share Call Carolyn Holton 727-458-5001 Select RE Selectamobilehome.com St Pete
Double wide mobile home in deeded park near Holiday, Florida. $32K. Immediate possession. Contact 814-602-0146. New Port Richey $104,000 2BR/2BA 2016 1383 SF, brand new, eat in kitchen w/ raised bar, master suite w/ lge walk in closet, Lge Clubhouse/Many Activities. Comm Heated Pool. Brenda 727-243-5336 New Port Richey $14,500 2BR/1BA 55+ active Comm., Incl. golf cart. CHA, FL Rm & Scrn Rm, mostly furn. Priced below value. Lge Clubhouse/Many Activities. Comm. Heated Pool Brenda 727-243-5336 New Port Richey $24,000 2BR/2BA. 1995 Palm Harbor. Exc cond, Active 55+ gated comm. Htd. Pool. Pets ok. 727-967-4870 Port Richey - Oak Springs RV Park Cute 32’ Park Model Trailer. 8 miles to beach, in a wooded RV park. Close to everything, pet & senior friendly. Includes roof over (never flooded) washer/dryer. A/C, Heated pool, evyerthing stays. $6995. 727-364-9299 after 10am.
26x59 3BR 2BA Garden Tub. Open Kitchen Dining Rm. Great Rm. Den. Wet Bar. Inside New W/D. New Roof. PET OK Asking $45,900 See Jeanne 6399 67th Lane. 727-458-5000
SELECT MH SALES St Pete/Pin. Pk. Furn. Large 1BR/1ba + bonus rm. Scr porch, shed, a/c, 55+ park w/pool $7200 Habla Espanol 727-282-6162 Tarpon Springs. FSBO. 2007 Home by Jacobsen 2/2 1096 sf w/10x20 lanai. 5* pk Reduced $84,900 incl share. 727-935-1405
Land & Home 1/2 Acre on Paved Road. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Brand New 10 Year Warranty Approximately 1500 sq ft
Move In Now Only $4600 down $709.38 per month P&I only (wac)
EZ Qualify FHA Nice Neighborhood, Gret Location. Call to view 352-621-3807
MANUFACTURED HOMES & LOTS FOR SALE - PINELLAS Palm Harbor OPEN SUN 1-3PM $98,000 91 Red Oak. Blue Jay. 55+ mobile w/land. Gorgeous, furnished, laminate floors, new windows, updated appliances. Isabelle Lane/Coldwell Banker 727-460-0653
OTHER REAL ESTATE Assisted Living Facilities Camping Facilities Acreage/Farms/ Lots for Sale or Lease
INDUSTRIAL/BUILDING/ LOTS FOR LEASE Clearwater - Office/Warehouse, Retail Showrooms, Workshops, Storage 265 sf - 3,740 sf $165-$2,000 Largo-Office w/Showroom or Warehse 8,000sf $3,500 727-797-9778, 727-409-6267
NORTH FLORIDA LAND 484 Acres, The area is well known for its fantastic hunting and fishing, Paved Road, Pines and Hardwoods. $1,350/acre. Call for Appt. 352-867-8018
Clearwater 2BR/2BA Sought after Japenese Gardens. 7 homes to Bay. Totally remodeled. 716-432-3924 CLEARWATER AND LARGO + VICINITIES 100s Of Mobile Homes to see at
RIDERHOMES.COM Age 40+ parks Age 55+ parks & ALL AGE FAMILY PARKS RIDER RESALES 727-531-9300 Clearwater LAPLAZA MHP BEAUTIFUL SENIOR COMMUNITY Activities-Billiards-Swimming Pool 960 sq ft 2 bed $3,500. 1008 sq ft 2 bed $4,000. 1248 sq ft 2 bed $5,000. 1344 sq ft 2 bed $6,000. Screen Room, Carport, Utility Rm, Lawn Care & Trash, included. Must Qualify 727-531-3000 Clw/Largo Fully renovated-Mostly furn., 2/1.5+sunroom, 55+ Pk. Great Unit, Great Price $15,000 Consider offer 803-431-3537 Dunedin. Lake Highlander MHP 55+ RO Comm. 1500 County Rd 1 OPEN HOUSE Sunday February 18 1-3PM. 9 homes for viewing. Picturesque lake, heated pool, active social life. 727-733-5522 Largo - by owner Modern Double Wide. in 5 Star Senior Park, 2/2, New Kitchen, Newer A/C and Roof. $685/mo Lot rent. $29,900 Call Debra 727-742-4993
freeads Get three lines in the Times for free, visit tampabay.com/freeads and see!
Seminole. 12074 Rhonda Terr. 3/2/2 Open 12-3. 2001 S.F. Pool, Beautiful, Updated, Fireplace 727-460-8285 C21Champ St. Pete 4350 32nd Ter N. 3/2/1 + Carport Open 1-4. Covered Patio, Roof 2016, New A/C. $214,900 727-480-1421 C21 Champs
St. Petersburg $245,000 3BR/2BA Open Sun. 2/18, 11AM-3PM, 2376 51st St N Great home in desirable St Pete neighborhood. 1400 sq. ft. plus 1 Car attached garage. (727)542-4989 Web ID 597118 St. Petersburg $419,000 2BR/2BA Open Sat 1-4pm. 5277 Isla Key Blvd. S. #423 Gorgeous turnkey condo w/ water view. Vaulted ceiling, remodeled kitchen & bath, fireplace, balcony, new W/D, new hurricane windows. 720-932-1580
Sun Feb 18th 2-4pm 519 Centerbrook Dr $699,000 5215 Pine Rocklands Ave $509,000 5015 Oakline View Dr $497,000 5419 Starling Ridge Dr $399,000 2308 Sunview Ave $435,000 11122 Great Neck Rd $299,000 BRENDA WADE SIG.RLTY ASSOC. 813.924.8677
STORAGE SPACE FOR LEASE Bay Pines Area Workshops Avail: 15x25 - 25x30 - 50x30 Storage Units: 5x10 - 10x10 Reasonable Rates - Monthly Lease 24 Hour Access 727-397-5331
11,000 SF Commercial Bldg 1.77 acres 200ft frontage on US Hwy 19, 54,500 cars per day, Zoned Highway Commercial, Currently Equipped for Restaurant, Bldg has Many Allowable Uses Auction Held on Site 5622 US Hwy 19, New Port Richey, FL
Tues, Feb. 20th@12Noon
Preview on sale day from 11 AM Call Michael Peters 727-251-0531 AmericanHeritageAuctioneers.com
BUSINESS/OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE Largo area. 4 furnished Offices 900 sqft PLUS 900 sqft Warehouse with Rear Alley back entrance and overhead door. Easy access off Ulmerton Road. Professional area. $1200mo Lease. 727-460-2287 Alt 19-Corner Tarpon Spgs office space SPECIAL LOW RATES!!! No CAM charges-Exc prkg. Flexible lease terms. 727-638-9559 or 813-841-1329 The Krauss Org Brokers
EVERYONE WELCOME 2/1 Home • 1,312 Sf • Built in 1923 Oversized Lot • Fireplace • Wood Floors • Florida Room • Well Maintained Auction Held on Site 2400 53rd St S, Gulfport, FL 33707
SAT, MARCH 17 @11AM Preview Day of Sale From 10:00AM Call Michael Peters 727-251-0531 AmericanHeritageGroup.net
Temple Terrace $311,700 3BR/2 1/2BA Open Feb 17 & 18 9 AM-3 PM 6306 N. Queensway Dr Beautiful Theresa Arbor Custom Home. Lrg Master Suite w/ Garden Tub, Shower, Walk-in Closet. First floor Open Floor Plan, Cathedral Ceiling and Fire Place. Lrg Fenced-in Back Yard for Play, Pets, Garden. (813)679-2237
WATERFRONT Marina Property- Priced to sell!!! Private waterfront community. With Concierge Boat Service and boathouse slip. Only $139,880 Video: www.WaterfrontLifeFL.net 877.628.3349 Florida Waterfront Marketing, LLC. Licensed Real Estate Broker. 877-628-3349 New Port Richey waterfront condo boat slip & hoist. 1st flr, 2 Br 2 Ba, corner unit updated kit w/granite counters, stainless appls. Maple cabinets, Liv rm new carpet, 2 clubhouses, 2 pools, tennis, pvt bch. $195,000. Joanne 727-494-7562 St Pte 4655 Alisa Cr NE 3BR/2B/2CG/Pool Open 1-3 Beautiful, 74’ on Water, Dock/ Boat Lift $979,000 727-452-6108 C21Chmp ST. PETE. Riviera Bay WATERFRONT 100’ Seawall, Split plan ranch, 2 master suites, 2 full baths, lg screened patio, Newer tile roof & more. 2.5 C. Gar. Buyers Agents Welcome! $399,900. 440-665-5658
Out of Area for Sale or Lease Time Shares for Sale or Lease For Sale or Lease Other Real Estate Wanted
Spring Hill – Office/Retail Space 880, 900, 1,000, 1,300, 1,800, 1,980 sq. ft. Immediate Occupancy. Call Al Isnetto Palmwood Realty 352-597-2500 x 202
62nd Ave N
OPEN SUN 1 to 3
MY LISTINGS ARE SELLING FAST! CALL CHERYL 650-6469 OR 686-0540 FOR A FREE MARKET VALUE ON YOUR HOME! See all of my listings and photos at www.cherylburnett.com
Citrus County
Cheryl SOLD 56 properties in 2015, 51 in 2016 & 38 in 2017!
Largo 9084 Baywood Park Dr. $675,000 Open 12-2. 4/3.5/3 + Library, Scrnd Pool/ Spa on Lake 727-504-5122 C21 Champs
Oldsmar $524,900 3BR/5.5BA 3+ car garage Sun 10a-4p 3124 Phoenix Ave. Waterfront Property,Wood floors, granite counter tops, Mother-In-Law Suite, Must See!
Largo 3-4BR/2BA Family Park, CHA, carport, large storage area on a large lot, 727-389-6200 Largo-The Plaza 55+. 2BR/2BA 1500 sqft Sell for $27,900 or Rent w/option to buy. Must pass credit check. 727-455-2361
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