Tampa Bay Times | Sunday, September 16, 2018 |
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| Sunday, September 16, 2018 | Tampa Bay Times
Tampa Bay Times | Sunday, September 16, 2018 |
Neighborhood profile
This shady enclave in Timber Greens, an upscale 55-plus community 4 miles east of downtown New Port Richey, is typical of the well-manicured grounds and open common areas in the upscale community. A championship golf course, clubhouse with a mammoth pool and deck, dining, and even a library, make Timber Greens one of the more desirable retirement communities in Pasco County.
Many buying in 55-plus communities calling Pasco County home BY NICK STUBBS Times Correspondent
The number 55 isn’t just a speed limit; it’s your ticket to living in exclusive 55-plus communities, where life can be quite good. And many who’ve crossed the all-important age threshold are choosing Pasco County. “Value and selection” are the reasons, explained Laurie Neiman, a real estate agent with Re/Max Advantage Realty who specializes in selling 55-plus communities. And by selection, she means multiple communities, as the selection of available homes within any of these com-
munities is on the low side now, a product of the seller’s market impacting most of the country. “Supply is low everywhere right now and choices are limited, but it’s cyclical,” said Neiman, who added that the shopping season among 55-plus buyers is about the start. “More people are here shopping in the winter.” Those wintering in Florida often use some of their time to find a home, she said, opting to lock in a deal or choose a community before selling their home in the north over the summer. And in Pasco, there are several communities, from modest mobile home parks with shuffleboard up to luxury villages with championship golf courses, tennis and elegant clubhouses. Neiman said her customers can choose any community, but they like the idea of an age-restricted neighborhood with perks geared for adults, includ-
ing a club, pools, dining, and the planned activities and social events many 55-plus communities regularly hold. All the activities and shared experiences with neighbors
They call it the “million dollar view” at Heritage Springs in Trinity, the scene overlooking the pool behind the clubhouse with pond, fountains and the 18th hole of the championship golf course in the background.
provide the sense of community many are looking for in their later years, said Neiman. “It’s like living in Mayberry— that feeling of being happy and everyone waving at each other,” she said. While one might think 55plus communities are made up mostly of retired couples, Neiman said 95 percent of her customers are empty nesters, and many still work. They also are “very active.” A golf course is one of the features most important to her buyers, which makes Timber Greens and Heritage Springs two popular communities, as both have excellent courses. Timber Greens is about 4 miles east of downtown New Port Richey and has 783 homes, among them villas, duplexes and single-family homes. Prices range from around the mid $100,000s to the mid $200,000s. It is located near the JB Starkey Wilderness
Park. Heritage Springs is in the booming Trinity area off the S.R. 54 corridor. It has an 18hole championship course and more than 1,300 homes. Homes are priced between the high $100,000s and the $300,000s. Like Timber Greens, it is gated. Many of these communities have security personnel and gated entrances, said Neiman. It’s a feature particularly valuable to those who maintain a summer home in the north, as they can leave without worrying so much about their unoccupied home in Pasco. “They can just go away for the summer and not worry about it (their unoccupied home),” said Neiman. While many buyers are looking for larger, pricier homes, Lana Black, an agent with Aqua Seas Realty who focuses on retirement communities, has clients looking to downsize and achieve maximum value. Timber Oaks, a long-established 55plus community off S.R. 52 in Hudson, fits the bill. While no longer a golf-course community, the former course land is being converted into a park, she said, and the homes are very affordable. A mix of condos, villas and single-family homes, one of the “nicest duplexes, fully furnished” in Timber Oaks can be had for under $95,000, she said. To make the deal even better, the community has a “phenomenal clubhouse,” a full-time staff, lots of activities and even a bus that provides rides to shopping centers. It also has some of the lowest membership fees around: under $50 per month, she said. Timber Pines has a larger clubhouse and golf, but monthly fees there are $147 per month, said Black. Black has a listing in Timber Oaks for a 1,646-square-foot 2/2/2 single-family house with a bonus room/office for $139,000. “For anyone who wants something affordable, Timber Oaks is the place to be,” said Black. Summertree is another 55plus community off S.R. 52 with some bargain prices. Black said a 2-bedroom condo there can be bought for between $40,000 and $50,000. “It’s a beautiful, natural environment with sandhill cranes, wild turkeys, and deer,” said Black. Most of her customers are looking for the quiet that a
place like Summertree offers, she said. The absence of children and school bus traffic helps achieve that goal. “It’s not that they (residents) don’t like children; they often have grandchildren of their own,” said Black. “But it’s the peace and quiet they like, along with the many things offered that other communities don’t offer.” Other low-cost options in Pasco include the many 55-plus mobile home communities in Pasco. They dot the U.S. 19 corridor on the west side, but the Zephyrhills area in east Pasco is known for its dozens of mobile parks, many of which have populations that balloon in the winter. No matter the community, Neiman advises anyone shopping to do their due diligence. She said most gated communities are private, and that
A whimsical sign near the clubhouse at Heritage Springs puts everyone on notice about what goes on at the upscale, 55-plus golf community.
may mean the roads have to be maintained at community expense. Understand the age requirements. Most permit a spouse under 55, and if the older spouse should die, there usually are provisions that allow the younger partner to stay in the home. It’s important to review the homeowner association’s financials to make sure it is in good fiscal shape, and to carefully evaluate HOA fees and assessments, as they can add up. “Examine how much they cover to ensure you are comparing apples to apples,” when shopping, Neiman said. “You don’t want surprises.” Neiman added that finding a Realtor who knows the 55-plus market in Pasco County goes a long way toward understanding the ins and outs of buying.
| Sunday, September 16, 2018 | Tampa Bay Times
Homes Sold in the bay area
10203 Stedfast Court 5 bedrooms, 2½ baths Ruskin in Belmont: This home, built in 2013 on a cul-de-sac with pond views, has laminate wood flooring; new carpet; open kitchen with granite counters; stainless appliances; island; breakfast bar; large pantry; family room; master suite with walk-in closet, garden tub and dual sinks; tray ceilings; ceiling fans; laundry room; covered lanai and community resortstyle pool and playground. Listed at $295,000, the 3,142-square-foot house sold in August. Century 21 Affiliated – Valrico, Stephanie Glenn
South Tampa apartment community sold for $40 million
BY SUSAN TAYLOR MARTIN Times Senior Correspondent
TAMPA – The 276-unit Pavillions at Ballast Point apartment community in South Tampa has been sold for $40 million and will be renamed Solis at Ballast Point. The buy-
4051 58th St. N, No. 240 1 bedroom, 1 bath Kenneth City in Clearview Oaks: This centrally located 55+ condominium, built in 1962, features an open kitchen with solid wood cabinets and walk-in pantry, blinds, newer storm-rated thermal windows, ceramic tile and recycled/composite flooring, reserved parking space, community library, clubhouse and shuffleboard courts and recreation room. Listed at $29,900, the 562-square-foot home sold in July. Baird Realty Group, Robert Pearsall
6909 Southwind Drive 3 bedrooms, 4 baths Hudson in Sea Pines: Built on a deep saltwater canal in 2003, this home features hardwood floors; arched doorways; gourmet kitchen with granite, custom cabinets and top-of-the-line appliances; dining and living room with French doors out to balcony; master suite with 10-foot ceilings and private patio; Thermopane windows; outdoor kitchen, two docks and boat lifts with electric and cleaning station; and ice machine in the garage. The 2,772-square-foot home was listed at $505,000 and sold in August. Florida Luxury Realty, Catherine “Cookie” Miller
Photo courtesy of Colliers International Tampa Bay
The Pavillions at Ballast Point apartment community in South Tampa has been sold for $40 million.
er, California-based Investors Management Group, said it also plans significant interior and exterior renovations to the 24-acre, 19-building complex at 6306 S. MacDill Ave. This is
the first time the property has been sold since it was built in 1990. Colliers International represented the seller, Pavillion Management Group.
This story was originally published on tampabaytimes.com 8/16/2018. For more stories like this, visit tampabay.com.
Tampa Bay Times | Sunday, September 16, 2018 |
| Sunday, September 16, 2018 | Tampa Bay Times
Curb appeal & garden Timely Tendings | Irrigation Systems September is a good month to check that irrigation systems are providing good coverage and operating properly before summer rains taper off. Fall often brings cooler and drier weather. Make sure that your rain shut-off valve is in working order to prevent watering during or after a rain event. Irrigation systems should apply between
TODAY Gardens Open House: Browse the organic, edible nursery for natural products like mosquito repellent, herbal salves, plus perennials, seeds, potting soil, herbs and medicinal plants, local honey and bee products, seasonal vegetable starts for sale; stroll the gardens for home edible landscape inspiration, while enjoying fresh herbal tea, with healthy lunch options for sale. Park on lawn, no parking on Ray Road. Free admission. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. today, Willow Herbal Delight Gardens, corner Ray Road and Miller Road, Valrico. (813) 7593677.
Monday-Saturday Ikebana International: Ikebana International Chapter #65 welcomes guests to the Japanese art of floral arranging. 10 a.m. Monday, Containers Discover how to use different types of containers for your ikebana. Chapel on the Hill, 12601 Park Blvd., Seminole. (727) 3031462. ikebanastpetersburg.com.
Bromeliad Guild of Tampa Bay: Bromeliad Guild of Tampa Bay meets with topics on using the colorful tropical plants in the home landscape, with raffle, sale, and refreshments. Doors open at 7 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Monday, Hardscapes With Bromeliads Get ideas for building flowerbeds using colorful bromeliads, edged with landscape blocks, at this month’s meeting. Christ the King Catholic Church, 821 S Dale Mabry Highway, Tampa. (813) 961-1475. www. bromeliadguildoftampabay.org. CARES Garden Club: This is a new club that meets weekly. Participants help in the design, development and upkeep of vegetable, herb and butterfly gardens. $3. 9-10 a.m. Tuesday, CARES Elfers Center, 4136 Barker Drive, Elfers. (727) 847-1290. caresfl.org. Pasco Extension Seminar: Free, unless otherwise noted; register at Eventbrite.com. 2 p.m. Tuesday, First Time Vegetable Garden Learn the secrets of growing vegetables in your yard. New River Library, 34043 State Road 54, Zephyrhills. (352) 5180156. pasco.ifas.ufl.edu/events_ calendar.shtml.
1/2”-3/4” of water once a week in the early morning hours. Calibrate yours to match this application rate; learn more about that easy process at http://gardeningsolutions.ifas .ufl.edu/care/irrigation/calibrating -your-irrigation-system.html. Do not water at night as this encourages fungal disease problems. Over-watering also encourages fun-
gal disease in lawns and landscape plants. More water is not better for the plants or our environment — it is wasteful of our very limited fresh water resources. You will save money on your utility bill as well! Source: Theresa Badurek, Urban Horticulture Extension Agent, UF/IFAS Pinellas County Extension Service. For
Garden Events | Saving the Monarch Butterfly Monday Learn the importance of monarch butterflies as pollinators, with simple steps on ways to protect the “King of Butterflies.” Free | 9:30 a.m.- 11:30 a.m. Dade City Garden Club 13630 Fifth St., Dade City (908) 890-4630 DadeCityGardenClub.com Master Gardener Nursery: Spruce up a landscape or garden space - find a large selection of Florida native and FloridaFriendly plants, all from healthy stock, at budget prices, at the nursery open from 9 a.m. to noon, each Wednesday and Saturday, weather permitting. Free admission. 9 a.m.-noon Wednesday, Master Gardener Nursery, 19490 Oliver St., Brooksville. (352) 754-4433. 9 a.m.-noon Saturday, Safety Harbor Garden Club: Safety Harbor Garden Club meets with tips for garden enthusiasts. Bring a plant for plant swap. Free. 9:30 a.m. Wednesday,
additional landscape and garden information, visit our website at http:// sfyl.ifas.ufl.edu/pinellas/. Join us on Facebook to get regular tips and information: https://www.facebook.com/ PinellasExtension.
Fall Container Vegetable Garden Got a small garden space, but still want to grow fresh vegetables? Learn how to start seeds and young transplants for an autumn harvest, and how to build a subirrigated planter. Moccasin Lake Nature Park, 2750 Park Trail Lane, Clearwater. (727) 793-2976. safetyharborgardenclub.weebly. com. Sunset Park Garden Club: 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Wednesday, Open House Enjoy coffee and refreshments while learning about the club’s upcoming horticulture programs to help home gardeners, along with field trips and flower shows. Garden Clubhouse, 4624 W Browning Ave., Tampa. (813) 765-9303.
Tampa Bay Orchid Society: With plants for sale, bring in your orchid to show off at the bloom table. Meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. Free. 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Varieties from Palmer Orchids for sale, along with care tips for your orchid type. Christ the King Catholic Church, 821 S Dale Mabry Highway, Tampa. (813) 839-4959. www.tampabayorchidsociety. shutterfly.com. Tampa African Violet Society: Free. 10 a.m. Friday, Propagation Techniques Learn how to make more of a favorite violet, and how to pot baby plants. Seffner-Mango Branch Library, 410 N Kingsway Road, Seffner. (813) 689-8700. www.tampaafricanviolets.com. Native Plant Walk: Start in the native plant garden, then stroll the boardwalk to see the hardwood swamp’s native plants and seasonal flowers in bloom, in Suncoast Native Plant Society guided walk. Children must be accompanied by adults. $2 per vehicle to enter park; guided walk free. 9 a.m. Saturday, Lettuce Lake Park, 6920 E Fletcher Ave., Tampa. (813) 987-6204. www. suncoastnps.org.
Tropical Hibiscus: Sunset Chapter of the American Hibiscus Society meets with tips for growing the colorful tropical plants. Free. 10 a.m. Saturday, Hybridizing: Sex in the Garden Making new hibsiscus hybrids is the focus at this month’s meeting. Pinellas Park Library, 7770 52nd St., Pinellas Park. (727) 251-0316. sunsetchapter.org. Sunken Gardens Horticulture Program: Included with admission, unless otherwise noted. $10, $8 seniors, $4 ages 2-11, 1 and younger/members free. 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Florida Friendly Vegetable Gardening Learn what’s needed to get started on a fall vegetable garden. Sunken Gardens, 1825 Fourth St. N, St. Petersburg. (727) 551-3102. www.sunkengardens.org. For more gardening events, visit tampabay.com/homes and use the Things to Do search tool. Send submissions to Garden Calendar, Newsfeatures, Tampa Bay Times, P.O. Box 1121, St. Petersburg, FL 33731; or email to calendar@tampabay.com. Deadline is two weeks before publication.
Rentals ACCOMMODATIONS/ROOMS Citrus Hernando Hillsborough
Manatee Pasco Pinellas
ACCOMMODATIONS & ROOMS HERNANDO Bushnell Room $500 Mo. On 50 Acre Ranch. Furn. Priv Ent and Bath, WiFi, Cable, Util Incl, No Deposit, W/D, Long Term, Rob at 352-603-0611. airranch@embarqmail.com Spring Hill Room To Rent $750 1 Bedroom w/ Private Bath, Full Use of the Home, Pool and Workout Room. References Required. Call for more details. 352-398-8182
ACCOMMODATIONS & ROOMS HILLSBOROUGH TAMPA & LARGO Rooms For Rent Single Males Only Shared Room $550, Private Room $650 & $875 Clean, Beautiful, Fully Furn, Food, All Utilities, Washer/Dryer, on Busline. 813-900-9422
ACCOMMODATIONS & ROOMS PINELLAS Largo Room To Rent $550/mo Furnished, Missouri & Rosary Area, Share Kitchen & Bath. Private entrance, Cable, air, near beach, bus & shopping. Call 571-432-6151. Largo Room To Rent Single Furn rm. X-Clean, Quiet, Safe, Util/cable/wifi incl. Walk to bus (#52,18). Lease & Sec. Dep. req’d. $145-$600. Call for Details. 727-420-0913 or 727-580-1830
RENTALS - UNFURNISHED HILLSBOROUGH North Tampa/Forest Hills House $1300 3/1.5, CHA w/ attic fan, terrazo flrs, lg fncd bkyd, lg stor rm/workshop in bkyd w/ elec., util rm w/ W/D hkup, $1,500 Dep., 12718 Forest St. 813-390-1370 South Tampa House $1,750/mo MacDill AFB area, 3BR 2BA, fenced in back yard, newly remodeled, new appliances, W/D hookups, (813) 251-8779 * STAR MOTEL * 10809 US Hwy 92 E. CALL 813-626-2302 ROOMS, EFFICIENCY RATES FOR DAY & WEEK. A/C POOL MOVIES ESPN Temple Terrace Condo. $1,000 / month. Gorgeous 2/2 condo with screened balcony in gated community. Beautiful hardwood floors. Located in Temple Terrace with an easy commute to downtown Tampa and major highways. Will go fast! 813-650-4699 Wimauma House $1,500 Gorgeous, spacious 4/2.5 2-story home located §Ü nA on quiet cul de sac. Backs up to conservation. 2-car garage, community pool and rec center. Immaculate move in condition. Home is 1 year old and includes alarm system. 813-650-4699
55+ Apartment
The Reserve at
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RENTALS - FURNISHED Citrus Hernando Hillsborough
Manatee Pasco Pinellas
RENTALS - FURNISHED HILLSBOROUGH Tampa Condo $2,000 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath, 750 Sq.Ft., Balcony, Convenient Location, Medium Term Lease, References Required. Call for more details. 813-280-2862
RENTALS - FURNISHED PINELLAS Clearwater/Crest Lake Park Effcy. $280 + tax, per Wk, & Up. 12 Wk MIN. LCD TV’s, Wi-Fi, FULL Eat-in Kitch. Laundry On-Site Brand New bathrm. NO SMOKING/PETS. Open 7 Days&Holidays 9-9p 727-449-9786 Clearwater/LaPlaza MHP Manuf $1100 + util/furn or unfurn. 55+, Clean! 2br/2ba C/H/a. No pets. 727-531-3000 St. Petersburg Room To Rent $595 Large corner bedroom available now. Cablevision, WiFi in room. Quiet neighborhood home. $595/mo plus your portion of all utilities and services. 727-310-7659
RENTALS - UNFURNISHED Citrus Hernando Hillsborough
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MORTGAGES WANTED •Need $700k 1st Mortgage Secured By $2 Million Apartment Complex, •Need $50k 1st Mtg Secured by $100k SFH 5 Yr Balloon, Great AGOI. 786-314-8441 / 727-599-4887
Real Estate OPEN HOUSE Belleair 1739 Eagle’s Nest Dr. $769,000 Open Sat & Sun 10-2. Belleair Pool Home, 5/5/2, poss 6/6/2, 3,489 SF, Corner Lot, Updated & Move In Ready. Luke Palmer, Coldwell Banker, 727-871-5853 EASTLAKE-WESTMONTE ESTATE $575,000 Open 12-3 Sat-Sun, 3780 Winber Blvd. 5/3/3 New Kitc. & Baths w/granite, fresh paint & floors, backs to preserve. Doug Zelman.Real Properties 727-430-4555 Harbor Bluffs 133 Oakwood Dr. Open Sun 2-4 Spacious, updated 3BR/2BA/2CG in sought after Harbor Bluffs. Formal living & formal dining. split plan. $429,900. Marcia Ellis ColdwellBanker 727-458-4952 Harbor Hills 3953 McKay Creek Dr. OPEN SUN 2-4. Spacious, well maintained 3BR/2BA/2CG. Newer roof, Newer c/h/a, updated kitchen. Priced to sell $319,900 Marcia Ellis ColdwellBanker 727-458-4952
OPEN HOUSE SEMINOLE HEIGHTS- 1926 Bungalow Completely Updated-1647 SF. 3BR/1BA/ 1GAR. Fpl. Porches. Historic District. Open 12-3p Sun 9/16. 5609 N Branch Ave 33604. RPA/Gulfcoast. 813-466-2676 Seminole. 7040 Key Haven Rd. #206 Open Sat Only 1-5 PM.3 BR/2 BA/2100 SF $439,900. Seminole Isle Gated Comm.! Wonderful End Unit w 2100 SF overlooking the Bayou! Amenities Galore! Rich Rippetoe/Coldwell Banker/727-902-1437 St Pete 4060 46th Av N Open Sat-Sun 12-3 Private showings are avail. House is concrete w/shed detached. Great R4 zoning in unincorp. Pinellas Co. Must see, Bev Gower 727-550-6450 Florida Quest Realty
Get Your Property Leased Fast, with Quality Tenants! Call Debra Ogle x101 St Pete-Pinebrook Manor Apartments QUIET AND CONVENIENT! 1 & 2 Bedrooms available. 727-344-2425 3980 64th St N. Open 7 days a week. www.pbmanor.com St Pete-Venetian MHP 4thSt/54th Ave N Starting at $750/mo. Unfurnished. 55+ NO PETS. Credit & Background Check. Qualifying Income Req.Open Weekdays 9am-12pm and 1pm-2pm. 727-525-9642
Open Sat-Sun 1-3 Clw 1511 Frederica Ave $249,900 3/1.5/1 Updates galore! newer roof, wndws,kit. & bath, lg Fla rm,travertine deck/hottub Kim Deetz 727-410-7389 Holiday 1126 Classic Dr $129,900 2/1/1 Updated newer roof, windows, kitchen w/granite, white vinyl fence, move in ready! Andrea Grutman 727-492-2839 OPEN SAT 1-3. 1721 Hampton Ln Clw $239,800. 2/2/1 Remodeled new kitchen, baths, paint, flooring. Call Lynda Lafair 727-492-2672. Pyramid Realty Pin Pk 6531 Channelside Terr.N Open 12-3 3/2 1545 SF Pool New Roof/Impact Wndw 831-261-7338 Real Estate Champions,Inc. Pinellas Park. 6125 62ND AVE N. $589,000 Open Sat-Sun 1-4. 3/2½, 3/1, + Eff or Off. Over 4100 sqft. All on .91 acre. Lrg pool & spa. Newer appl. New roof. For Family &/ or Home Business. John 727-458-4776 Seminole $248,500 2BR/2BA Open Sunday 9/16, 12 - 3. 9260 142nd St . “Reduced” $¶n¢ §åÒn “Tamarac by the Gulf” Turnkey for immediate occupancy. Fresh paint, newer roof, water softner. Call all your Snowbird friends! 727-251-0230. Colleen Errico. Florida Quest Realty
WATERFRONT BEST BUY ON THE COAST Yacht Club Homesite with boat slip. Gated, Luxury, Community. ONLY $49,880. Way under value!!! WWW.WATERFRONTLIFEFL.NET 1.855.459.1128 Florida Waterway Sales, LLC. Licensed Real Estate Broker
St. Petersburg House $3,200 Old Southeast, 3100SF, 5BR/3BA, Granite, Stainless Appliance, Hardwood Floors, Balconies, Off Street Parking, 2 Blocks from Bay. Ref/Background. 727-235-1559 Tarpon Ridge Gated Comm. $2,500mo Gorgeous 4 BR/3.5 ba/2 c gar. townhome near Lake Tarpon. 2570 sqft. All appl. inc. washer/dryer. Annual Lease. Connie L. Carberry 727-410-1568; Bobbie Mitchell 727-519-4287. Regal Real Estate Services
New Port Richey $799,900 3BR/3BA/2CG
LIVE AUCTION 10/06/18 5549 Bowline Bend, 34652 Wide Open Waterfront Gulf Harbors, 2 Docks, 16k lb Boat Lift, Keller Williams Realty 727-916-7720
North Redington Beach, FL For Sale By
4,100 Sf Custom Built Home with 5 Beds, 4 Baths. Gourmet Kitchen. Private Backyard with 85ft Seawall. Large Pool Area. Boat Dock. High Ceilings. Crown Molding. Elegant and Well Maintained. Auction Held on Site 219 173rd Ave E, N Redington Beach, FL
Sat, Oct 6th@12 Noon
Open House Day of Sale from 10:30 AM CALL Michael Peters (727) 251-0531 For Additional Photos and Info: AmericanHeritageAuctioneers.com
NEW PORT RICHEY-Premium office site zoned C-1. Units 1 & 2 presently rented w/lease, 5 units total. Located on Congress St. Owner Finan. $269,000 Joyce Ratliff, Re/Max Adv. Realty 727-243-7333 Invest & Retire! 8 Unit Apartment Building 2BR/1BA, Central Heat & Air, Concrete Block. Great Location! All Rented, Zone Commercial. Over $7,000 Monthly Income. Price $575,000 813-244-9335 HOLIDAY-FOR SALE- Prime Commercial Property, Zoned C2, Retail/Office. Great location. 150 ft. E. of US19 - 2240 sf w/ parking, lunchroom, 2 baths. $189K Dora Zutis, Best Buys Rlty (727) 478-5226.
Largo, FL
For Sale By
Marketing Specialists
ONE OF HERNANDO COUNTY’S TOP PRODUCING BROKERS 19 YRS! 24-hour info CALL 866-676-6108 + EXT # Private corner lot 1/2 acre, dead end Ext #call $8,500 Move right in! Clean 3/2+shed.Near I-75 Ext # 3008 $139,900 Affordable 3/2/1 ingrd pool, .37ac, shed Ext # 3022 $142,500 Royal Highlands 3/2/2 .87 acre new roof Ext # 3003 $179,900 Glen Lakes 2/2/2 & den. Pond & GC view Ext #3010 $179,900 Huge Pool Home 4/2.5/3 well-maint, fnc Ext # 3006 $219,900 Gorgeous roomy 3/3/2 & den. Pool & FP Ext # 3015 $239,900
MY LISTINGS ARE SELLING FAST! I NEED MORE HOUSES TO SELL! ARE YOU READY TO SELL? CALL CHERYL 650-6469 OR 686-0540 FOR A FREE MARKET VALUE ON YOUR HOME! See all of my listings and photos at www.cherylburnett.com
HOUSES FOR SALE HILLSBOROUGH Brandon $210,000 3BR/1BA PRICE REDUCED 3 bedroom, 1 bath home with 21/2 car garage with full bath. New Roof, New AC, New Pump Move in ready 813-690-5143
HOUSES FOR SALE PASCO New Port Richey $349,000 3BR/3BA 3 CG, 3234 Total sf, Updated, Bird caged heated pool, new appliances & granite countertops, house backup generator. .64 Acre Corner lot, (727)215-5534
HOUSES FOR SALE PINELLAS Clearwater $745,900 4BR/3.5BA Beautiful home on a quiet cul de sac. Split plan, 1 owner, built in 1991, many updates. Lanai with child fence that overlooks a large pool and hot tub. Large yard. Close to schools, beach, airport, shopping and restaurants. 727-403-1387
St Petersburg
Luxury Pool Home in Snell Isle on almost Half Acre Corner Lot 230 Bandera Way NE, St. Petersburg 33704 Newly Remodeled Mediterranean Inspired; 4 BRs, 3.5 Baths, 3,334 htd SF, 4,111 total SF. Auction On Site Sept. 22nd @ 11am Preview and registration @ 10am www.coastalrealestateauctions.com For Info call Karl Moeller – 727-656-7440
1,265SF OFFICE CONDO UNIT 5 offices including conf. room, New A/C Auction Held on Site 1101 Belcher Rd S, Suite B, Largo, FL
Tues, Sept 25 @ 12 Noon Preview on sale day from 11 AM Call Michael Peters (727) 251-0531 AmericanHeritageAuctioneers.com
HOUSES FOR SALE SARASOTA Sarasota Villa $159,900 1BR/1.5BA 55+ Comm., Move In condition, Lge DR/ LR combo, Kitchen 10x10, Carport. Marina & Clubhouse, 2 Small Pets Ok, Close to shopping & beaches. 941-735-1668
INDUSTRIAL/BUILDING/ LOTS FOR LEASE Clearwater - Office/Warehouse, Retail Showrooms, Workshops, Storage 265 sf - 3,740 sf $165-$2,000 Largo-Office w/Showroom or Warehse 8,000sf $3,500 727-797-9778, 727-409-6267
Clean, currently operating. Spring Hill FL $30,000 352-610-4470 352-556-4662 lv msg
RIDERHOMES.COM Age 40+ parks Age 55+ parks & ALL AGE FAMILY PARKS RIDER RESALES 727-531-9300
Clearwater LAPLAZA MHP BEAUTIFUL SENIOR COMMUNITY Activities-Billiards-Swimming Pool 960 sq ft 2 bed $3,500. 1008 sq ft 2 bed $4,000. 1248 sq ft 2 bed $5,000. 1344 sq ft 2 bed $6,000. Screen Room, Carport, Utility Rm, Lawn Care & Trash, included. Must Qualify 727-531-3000
Parade of Homes
OPEN SUN 2 TO 4 Clearwater 15777 Bolesta Rd $20K to $49K 2/3 Bedrooms • Doublewides • V-siding, Roof Overs, New Appliances, Updated C/H/A. Fully Furnished. Raised FL Rooms PET OK See Jeannie at Lot 67 727-458-5000
Select MH Sales
St Pete - Isle of Palms MH Park 55+, land lease....call for sales listings. LOOK us over… TALK to the residents… THEN stop at the office. Our residents are our BEST advertisement! www.isleofpalmsonline.com 7400 46th Avenue N St Pete 33709 727-541-2222
MANUFACTURED HOMES & LOTS FOR SALE - PINELLAS Palm Harbor Open Sun 12-2. 98 Mountain Laurel in Blue Jay 55+ mobile, with land. Plywood subfloor, inside washer/dryer, roof-over, long driveway. $92,000 Isabelle Lane/Coldwell Banker 727-460-0653
OTHER REAL ESTATE Assisted Living Facilities Camping Facilities Acreage/Farms/ Lots for Sale or Lease
Out of Area for Sale or Lease Time Shares for Sale or Lease For Sale or Lease Other Real Estate Wanted
ACREAGE/FARMS/ LOTS FOR SALE OR LEASE Coffee County, AL, 3 miles from Elba, AL. Highway frontage, 300-400 Acres long leaf pines, Hardwood, Springs, Hunting, City water, $2,000,000 (334)308-7875 (334)347-4517 NORTH FLORIDA LAND 7,588 Acres. Managed as a Commercial Timber Forest. Planted Pine, Hardwood Bottoms, Great Hunting. $1,450/acre. Call for Appt. 352-867-8018
OUT OF AREA FOR SALE OR LEASE Church Hill TN. 2BR, 1 Bath, dining room, kitchen, sun porch, completely remodeled: plumbing, elec. & heat pump incl. 1 acre land, large barn & other out buildings, in county, completely furn. Ready to move in $125,000 For pics 423-579-2173
Private Buyer Needing Personal Home No Real Estate Agent Needed. Wanting Waterfront/View. Condo, TownHome or House. 2 Bed min. I will do updating. $150 – 350K. Call Tim - 573-239-4999
We Buy Houses
“Everyone Welcome”
St Pete (33710) Great Location 1400 sqft Office Space w/6 offices (over 100 sqft each), reception area (250 sqft), 1 bathroom. Cent a/c, elec. & water incl. $2200/ mo. Avail. immed. Call 727-344-5296 x201 STORAGE SPACE FOR LEASE Drew Park. 4722 N Hale Ave. 950 sqft Bay Pines Area Office + 2 work areas. 30x12 garage. Workshops Avail: 15x25 - 25x30 - 50x30 Fenced Parking area. Great for Auto Sales/Detailer, Plumber, Workshop, Etc. Storage Units: 5x10 - 10x10 Reasonable Rates - Monthly Lease $950mo + tax. 813-679-9688 24 Hour Access 727-397-5331 Alt 19-Corner Tarpon Spgs office space SPECIAL LOW RATES!!! INCOME/INVESTMENT No CAM charges-Exc prkg. FOR SALE Flexible lease terms. 727-638-9559 or 813-841-1329 The Krauss Org Brokers Restaurant. Great Location, 48 seats,
MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE PASCO New Port Richey 2BR/1ba 55+ active comm. Beautifully remodeled. All new subfloors & flooring, drywall, appliances, bath & kitchen. $15,900 Call Brenda 727-243-5336
Any Conditions or Situations Fast Closings 813-880-0000
I Buy Houses CASH!
Quick Sale-Fair Price-Offer Guaranteed 727-608-4747 Fireman Fred Buys Houses Any Condition and in Any Situation You pick the closing date! Fast CASH - Guaranteed Offer. Call Fred 727-204-2363 STOP! CALL US FIRST! We Will Buy Your Home Today & Pay All The Cost! • Sinkhole•Probate•Foreclosure•Burnt Out Landlord•ANY Situation•Quick&Easy Closings! Call Us Today! 727-639-7482
Behind on Payments? Call 24hr Recording by Foreclosure Prevention Center 727-330-8705
NOW MOBILE FRIENDLY New Port Richey 2BR/2BA in beautiful active 55+ comm. New flooring, freshly painted. Heated Pool. Lots of activities. A must see! Priced to Sell! $33,000. Call Brenda 727-243-5336
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Spring Hill – Office/Retail Space 880, 900, 1,000, 1,200, 1,400, 2,500 SF 7,000 sq. ft. turnkey restaurant. Immediate Occupancy. Call Al Isnetto Palmwood Realty 352-597-2500 x 202
Pasadena Isle. $285,000. 3BR/2BA/2CG. Call for appt. 6931 Grande Vista Way. 1140 htd. sqft, 1900 gross sqft. Nice neighborhood. Min. to beaches, For Sale By Owner 813-598-5413 leave message.
Hudson - Lakeshore Blvd. Medical office. 900 SF, 1,924 SF, 3,653 SF Low rents, tenant incentives.
St. Pete 6000 PARK PLACE CONDOS 2/2 OPEN SUN 1-4. 5775 Park Street N. #502 PENTHOUSE 1,250 SqFt. Remodeled! Fireplce,Inside W/D, GARAGE! $235,500 Mary Dickman 727-545-3190 Jack Collins Realty
Cheryl SOLD 56 properties in 2015, 51 in ‘16, 38 in ‘17 & 31 already in ‘18!
Commercial & Investment Property for Sale or Lease
St Petersburg Apartment $800 1659 1st Ave N, 1br, 1ba, includes water. No pets, bus stop in front, Sierra Palms Apartment, on 1st Ave N and 17th St. On site laundry. Call 941-447-6677.
CLEARWATER AND LARGO + VICINITIES 100s Of Mobile Homes to see at
Seminole 9372 90th Ave. Open 12-3 Well maintained Block Hm. Open Plan, Inside Laundry. Nice size bckyd $180,900 727-793-4345 Real Estate Champions, Inc.
Clearwater Condo 2/2 1100SF in OTOW 55+ Comm. LR & Large FL Rm. Beautifully reconditioned carpet, tile & laminate thruout, W/D, Free water, cable ,garbage $98,000. 727-771-1027; 727-403-4483
St. Pete. 5045 2nd Ave S. Open Sun 12-3 Perfect bungalow completely remodeled 2/1, new appliances, laundry room.Huge fenced yd w/alley access. Deck to entertain/bar-b-que. Asking $154,900. Karen Vogel 727-542-9384 Coastal Properties
Seminole 7798 133rd St. 3/2/2 Open 12-3 $324,500 Well Kept Home, Fenced Yd 727-460-8285 Real Estate Champions,Inc.
Car Wash, Full Service, with quick lube & auto repair, 3 bay lifts. 22 years in business. Turn key, Cash business, by owner, On busy road near Clearwater Beach. Appraised value of land $1,400,000. Sacrifice $975,000. (727)460-2287
Cheryl Burnett
St. Petersburg $239,000 2BR/2BA/1CG OPEN SUN 1-4PM. 210 NW Lincoln Cir N. Price just reduced, Updated Kitchen Solid Wd Flrs, Open Flr Pln, Scrnd Porch. Bettina Guild,REMAX Metro 727-420-7606
St. Pete Open 12-3 4416 10th St. N. 2/1/1+ Off.Fenced Yd. Lg.Deck, Wood Flrs.$239K 727-504-5122 Real Estate Champions, Inc.
Holiday REDUCED TO $289,000 Gulf Trace 2940 Windridge Dr. Large Rutenberg Model. 2400 sqft. 3BR/2BA/2CG. Overlooks pond. Large Lot. Room for Pool. Open Sat 9-4 Sun 1-4 Dianna 727-215-1655
Pinellas Park Room To Rent $175 /wk. Nice Rooms. Safe, Quiet, X-Clean, Fully Furn, utils/cbl incl. Dep/Ref/Valid ID Req. From $175/wk 727-547-1199. www.unitedearth.biz ST PETE / DOWNTOWN STANTON HOTEL & APTS 225 3RD ST N. DOWNTOWN ST PETE ROOMS FROM $145 & UP CALL FOR INFO 727-822-9102
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