2018 Inaugural Homes Edition

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Tampa Bay Times | Sunday, February 11, 2018 |


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News & Notes

Homes Sold in the bay area


Coldwell Banker Sun Vista announces top sales agent for 2017 – Rich Rippetoe Coldwell Banker Sun Vista recently recognized its top sales agent for 2017, Rich Rippetoe. Rich sold more than $27 million in closed sales volume with a total of 73 sales. Sandy Hartmann and Associates named #1 Keller Williams team For 2017, Sandy Hartmann and Associates was named the top team for Largo and Seminole...for the 12th consecutive year! The team sold more than 220 homes amounting to over $69 million in sales volume in 2017. EVENTS

2018 Citrus County Showcase of Homes Friday, February 16 - Sunday, March 4 Find your new home or community at the 2018 Citrus Showcase of Homes, a scattered site array of Citrus County’s best home builders and communities. Showcase dates are February 16, 2018 thru March 4, 2018. Entries are open from 10am-5pm Monday thru Saturday and 10am - 5pm on Sundays during the event. Sponsors Sherwin Williams, Sunshine Nursery, and Tampa Bay Times invite you to visit the 2018 Citrus Showcase of Homes to learn why you should live and play in Citrus County. For more information, visit www.CitrusShowcaseofHomes.com or call (352) 746-9028. Tee Off for Boys & Girls Clubs with CCBA Saturday, February 17 The Citrus County Building Alliance and Boys & Girls Clubs of Citrus County are pleased to announce the 2018 Jim Blackshear Memorial Golf Outing, presented by Masters Sponsors Crystal Automotive/Motorcycle Group, on February 17, 2018 at Citrus Hills Golf & Country Club on the Meadows Course. This event has proudly raised nearly $20,000 to date for Boys & Girls Clubs of Citrus County. $220 per foursome, includes cart fees, lunch, and complimentary mulligan ticket. Hole in One prizes are a brandnew vehicle from Love Honda/Motorsports or $10,000 cash from Nichols Lumber & Supply. For more information, visit www.CitrusBuildingAlliance.com. Information is submitted by readers and published at no charge. To submit your information, go to RealtorNN@tampabay.com. Deadline is 7 days prior to publication.


13712 Blythewood Drive 4 bedrooms, 3 baths Spring Hill in Brightstone Place: This open-plan home, built with no build behind in 2007, has an updated kitchen with granite counters, breakfast bar and pendant lighting, marble sinks and counters in all baths, upgraded tile flooring, custom wood cabinets, 16- by-30-foot covered lanai and three-car garage. The 2,422-square-foot house, listed at $195,000, sold in December. Florida Luxury Realty, Catherine “Cookie” Miller




175 First St. S, No. 2401 2 bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths St. Petersburg in Signature Place: Built in 2009, this luxury condominium has wood flooring throughout, large open kitchen with island, breakfast bar and wine cooler, custom electronic window shades, upgraded designer light fixtures throughout, 24-hour concierge, pool, fitness center and putting green. The 1442-square-foot unit was listed at $739,000 and sold in January. Northstar Realty, Katie Mallah & Amelia Bayne

1501 Doyle Carlton Drive, No. 307 2 bedrooms, 2 baths Tampa in Art Center Lofts: This two-level downtown loft, built in 2004, has granite counters, private balcony overlooking the Hillsborough River, hardwood floors in living areas, large utility closet with stacked washer and dryer, master bath with walk-in shower and garden tub, two reserved parking spaces, pool and barbecue grill. The 1,230-square-foot condo was listed at $299,500 and sold in January. Smith & Associates Real Estate, Patricc Petti

3471 Fox Hunt Drive 3 bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths Palm Harbor in Ashley Downs: This townhome, built in 2000, features a kitchen with new stainless appliances, breakfast bar and recessed lighting, laundry closet, vaulted-ceiling master with slider out to open balcony, carpet and tile flooring, and updated community pool with paver decking and hot tub. Listed at $199,000, the 1,664-square-foot home sold in December. Century 21 East Lake Realty, Karen Sewell

TAMPA BAY’S 25 PRICIEST HOME SALES IN 2017 The bay area’s appeal translates into high-dollar deals limited only by the inventory.

BY SUSAN TAYLOR MARTIN Times Senior Correspondent

If there’s one word to describe the buyers of Tampa Bay’s 25 priciest homes in 2017, it’s this: eclectic. As in previous years, the group included doctors, lawyers and professional sports figures – three of the homes were purchased by players for the Tampa Bay Rays and Tampa Bay Lightning while a fourth went to a company connected to a top executive for the New York Yankees. Among other buyers, though, were a motivational speaker, a pawnshop mogul, a car dealer and a woman who once ran a Las Vegas cat house. Literally. 2017 saw Tampa Bay’s highest-priced residential transac-

tion ever: the $11.18 million sale of Century Oaks estate in Clearwater. But only four homes sold for more than $6 million, compared to eight in 2016. Don’t read too much into that, one top-selling Realtor says. The same inventory shortages that bedeviled buyers in much lower price ranges frustrated those at the top, too. “I have some buyers who have been looking for a long time and who would spend over $6 million but there are not that many homes fitting their needs,” says Alona Dishy, an agent on two of the Top 25 homes. “I had one client who said, ‘We can almost buy anything, but we can’t find anything we want.’” Dishy, who has been a Realtor in Tampa Bay for two decades, has noticed a change in recent years among the buyers of high-end properties. They tend to be younger than in the past, though even those nearing or at retirement age are very active. And while many could

afford to buy in Sarasota or Naples, they prefer Tampa Bay. “What they love about this area is that it doesn’t feel like a retirement community,” Dishy says. “It’s vibrant, with so much going on with the restaurants, the arts, the theaters, the galleries and the museums. I’ve also had lot of people say they feel so healthy when they come here because of all the walking and biking trails.” Once again, buyers of Tampa Bay’s priciest homes wanted to be on the water – a third of the Top 25 sales were of homes with addresses on Gulf Boulevard in Pinellas County. Rivaling Tampa’s Davis Islands for the most sales (four) was the exclusive Pinellas community of Belleair Shore. Although it has only about 40 houses and no commercial activity, Belleair Shore “is its own city, they have their own mayor and their own government and it’s a private beach,” says agent Martha Thorn, who was involved with two of the

Courtesy: Coastal Properties Group

The historic Century Oaks estate overlooking Clearwater Harbor sold for $11.18 million, the most ever paid for a home in the Tampa Bay area.

four sales. “But I think the biggest aspect of it is that the lots are bigger than most gulf–front lots and (the city) has really, really become popular.” Other areas with at least two sales in 2017’s Top 25 were Clearwater Beach, Redington Beach, St. Petersburg’s Snell Isle and Tampa’s Culbreath Isles. Some other noteworthy nuggets about the year’s Top 25 priciest homes: - In a move that helps protect the buyer’s identity and other personal information, six of the homes were bought by limited liability companies. One LLC

bought two homes. - Of the 25 buyers, 17 paid cash, two fewer than in 2016. - Just two of the 25 homes were condos, and both were in Parkshore Plaza on Beach Drive in downtown St. Petersburg. *** Here are the top 5 and who bought them: $11.18 million, Clearwater 23,799 square feet, four bedrooms, 12 full baths The top price ever paid for a Tampa Bay residence, the sale of the waterfront Century

Oaks estate had some curious aspects. Princess Yenega Properties LLC bought the property while Mystery Key LLC took out a $14 million mortgage. The managing members of both companies are Blaise Carroz, whom Bloomberg News once described as a “French-born, Dubai-based real estate developer,” and Marata Tapsoba Carroz. The couple, who had been renting the house from the owner and seller, powerboat racing champ Hugh Fuller, put it back on the market just a few months later for $19.75 million. See Tampa Bay, 9H

Curb appeal & garden Timely Tendings | Flowering Perennials Now is the time to divide crowded perennial plants such as cannas, gerberas, daylilies, and Stokesia. Division involves cutting large clumps into smaller sections, making sure that each smaller clump has an adequate supply of stems, leaves, roots, and buds to survive transplanting. Ferns, orchids, daylilies, bulbous plants, and liriope are commonly propagated by division. Some plants can be pulled apart, but many must be cut. Transplant the separated clumps at the same depth they

TODAY Valentine Orchid Affair: Browse the array of orchids in many styles, colors and fragrance, in both bud and bloom, and find a Valentine’s Day gift, with expert advice on caring for your orchid type, and Hicks Orchid Supplies with everything needed for thriving plants. Free. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. today, Louis Del Favero Orchids, 6601 Gant Road, Tampa. (813) 961-8277.

Monday-Saturday Palm Harbor Garden Club: Palm Harbor Garden Club meets the second Monday of the month, Sept.-May, with a Meet ‘n Greet at 9:39 a.m., followed by program at 11 a.m. Free. 9:30 a.m. Monday, Plants That Make ‘Scents’ Learn about how to have a fragrant garden, with Master Gardener Sandy Huff. Florida Sheriff’s Youth Ranch, 3180 Enterprise Road E, Safety Harbor. (727) 781-9049. thepalmharborgardenclub. shutterfly.com. Plant City Garden Club: 10:30 a.m. Monday, Aquaponics Dr. Eric Gonyon, owner of Land of Delight Natural Farm in Plant City, talks about aquaponics. Garden Club meeting venue, 1304 Teakwood Drive, Plant City. (813) 404-4922. www. plantcitygardenclub.org. All Things Camellias: Discover how add the colorful blooms of camellias to your landscape, with expert growing tips from a Master Gardener. Free. 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jimmie B. Keel Regional Library, 2902 W Bearss Ave., Tampa. (813) 273-3652. Florida Native Plant Society, Nature Coast Chapter: With refreshments and native plant drawing. 7 p.m. Tuesday, Habitat Diversity Learn about the animals, plants and history of the Withlacoochee State Forest, as Habitat Diversity in the Withlacoochee State Forest is the program this month. Land O’ Lakes Community Center, 5401 Land O’Lakes Blvd., Land O’Lakes. (727) 207-1853. pasconativeplants.org. Natural History Speaker Series: Learn about a different topic in nature each month. Free. 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Raptors on the Move In this portion, trace the 10,000-mile journey of a swallow tailed kite. Boyd Hill Nature Preserve, 1101 Country Club Way S, St. Petersburg. (727) 893-7326. www.stpete.org/boyd. Master Gardener Nursery: Find healthy native and Florida-friendly plants to spruce up landscapes, at bargain prices. Nursery open from 9 a.m. to noon Wednesdays and Saturdays. Free admission. 9 a.m.-noon Wednesday, Master Gardener Nursery, 19490 Oliver St., Brooksville. (352) 754-4433. 9 a.m.-noon Saturday, Belleair Garden Club: Find tips for a thriving garden at Belleair Garden Club. 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, Learn about the history of the garden club at this month’s meeting. Belleair Garden Club, 903 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Belleair. (727) 585-0452. www. belleairgardenclub.com. Sunset Park Garden Club Card Party and Luncheon: Spend Valentine’s Day with other garden lovers, bring a friend or come solo to the club’s annual card party and luncheon with silent auction, for fun, prizes and new garden friends. $8. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Wednesday, Garden Clubhouse, 4624 W Browning Ave., Tampa. (813) 629-0066. Birds, Bees and Butterflies: Learn how to make your garden attractive to birds, pollinators and butterflies. No registration necessary. Free. 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Spring Hill Branch/ Harold G. Zopp Memorial Library, 9220 Spring Hill Drive, Spring Hill. (352) 540-6230. Bok Tower Gardens: Regular admission: $14 adults ($20 Gardens and Pinewood Estate combo), $5 kids ages 5-12, members and kids under five admitted free. $20, $10 ages 512, 4 and younger free (gardens and estate); $14, $5 ages 5-12, 4 and younger free (gardens only). 12-1 p.m. Wednesday, For the

Love of Chocolate Rekindle your passion for chocolate in class that shows how to create dark chocolate syrup, with added flavors like brandy and herbs. Included in general admission. Bok Tower Gardens, 1151 Tower Blvd., Lake Wales. (863) 676-1408. boktowergardens.org. New Port Richey Garden Club: 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, Propagating From Seeds Learn how to successfully sprout new plants from seed, at this month’s meeting. The New Lakes in Regency Park, 8330 Civic Drive, New Port Richey. (727) 484-6741. thenewlakes.com. Tampa Bay Orchid Society: with plants for sale, bloom table. Meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. Free. 6 p.m. Thursday, Tiny Wonders of the Orchid World California accredited orchid judge and hybridizer, Peter Lin, talks about petite orchid gems, including mini cattleyas, with plants for sale, and others available for order. Christ the King Catholic Church, 821 S Dale Mabry Highway, Tampa. (813) 839-4959. www.tampabayorchidsociety. shutterfly.com. Tampa African Violet Society: Free. 10 a.m. Friday, Dish Garden Create a dish garden using African Violets, bring companion plants and shallow dish container. Seffner-Mango Branch Library, 410 N Kingsway Road, Seffner. (813) 924-2686. www. tampaafricanviolets.com. Exotic Plant Removal Day: Help the Friends of the Hammock committee beautify the park and remove invasive exotic plants, then enjoy a hot dog lunch; volunteers should wear garden gloves and closed shoes. Meet at picnic pavilions. Free. 9 a.m.-noon Saturday, Hammock Park, 1900 San Mateo Drive, Dunedin. www. hammockpark.org. Pinellas County Extension Class: Free, unless otherwise noted; preregistration preferred. 9-10 a.m. Saturday, Rainwater Harvesting Step by step instructions on how to build, set up and maintain a rain barrel. Free, but registration required. http://dunedinrainbarel. eventbrite.com. Eagle Scout Park, 1040 Virginia St., Dunedin. Clearwater Garden Club: Clearwatergardenclub@gmail. com. 10 a.m. Saturday, Painting a Wood Totem Workshop Gardening on Saturday program on painting a totem; $8 materials fee, $5 for members. Bring plants and cuttings for Grow and Share. Register for workshop at: SaturdayCGCEvents@gmail. com. Clearwater Garden Club, 405 Seminole St., Clearwater. (727) 316-5504. www. clearwatergardenclub.org. Orchid Lovers Club of Spring Hill: Orchid Lovers Club of Spring Hill meets with refreshments and raffle. Free. 1 p.m. Saturday, VFW Post 8681, 18940 Drayton St., Shady Hills. (727) 514-4230. www. springhillorchidclub.com.

Feb. 18-Feb. 28 Peak Bloom at the Gardens: Beautiful floral blooms abound, as the gardens enjoy peak bloom period, now through end of March. Take in the camellias and other foliage in full bloom with a walking tour, while kids can have fun learning about winter adaptation for Florida animals and insects at Hammock Hollow kids garden and activity area. Adult admission: $14, kids 5-12, $; combo admission to Gardens and Pinewood Estate: adult, $20, kids 5-12, $10. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Feb. 18, Bok Tower Gardens, 1151 Tower Blvd., Lake Wales. (863) 676-1408. boktowergardens.org. For more gardening events, visit tampabay.com/homes and use the Things to Do search tool. Send submissions to Garden Calendar, Newsfeatures, Tampa Bay Times, P.O. Box 1121, St. Petersburg, FL 33731; or email to calendar@tampabay.com. Deadline is two weeks before publication.

were growing originally. Do not divide plants when they are flowering, but any other time during the growing season is suitable as long as adequate care is provided after planting. Prune camellias after flowering. Cut branches just above the point where last year’s growth ends. Remove most of the new growth to control the plant’s size. Rake up any fallen blooms and leaves and put down a fresh layer of mulch to help avoid petal blight

next year. As new growth begins, look for aphids, which cause the new leaves to be curled and distorted. Spray with a light horticultural oil for control, if necessary. Oil should also control scale insects that may be found living on the backs of leaves. You will need to spray two to three times, seven to ten days apart. Hibiscus should be pruned at the end of this month or early March. Hibiscus can be pruned throughout the

summer to keep it from becoming leggy; however, you will sacrifice a certain amount of blooms whenever you prune. Compiled by Theresa Badurek, urban horticulture extension agent, USF/ IFAS Pinellas County Extension Service. For additional landscape and garden information, visit pinellas countyextension.org. For regular tips and information about what’s growing in Pinellas, go to facebook.com/ PinellasExtension.


Top 10 Reasons to move to Asturia: 1

State-of-the-art amenities. With over 5,800 square feet of space, the Asturia amenity center includes a clubhouse, a fully equipped state-of-the-art fitness center, covered outdoor living rooms, a luxurious resort-style swimming pool and expansive lawn areas for recreation.


Parks and abundant green spaces include a trail network with bridges over sensitive eco-systems, picnic areas and impressive playgrounds with Kompan equipment and a Gaga Ball pit. All designed to foster imaginative play and healthy lifestyles.


Modern fitness center features a wide array of cardio and strength training equipment against a backdrop of floor-to-ceiling windows framing amazing resort pool views. A fitness center like no other!


Three premiere builders, well known for their ecofriendly and energy-efficient new single-family homes, are award-winning Ashton Woods Homes, David Weekley Homes and now ICI Homes in Phase 2.


Asturia has the intimate feeling of a neighborhood with a sense of community instead of a huge development. Front Porch Fridays, Easter-egg hunts, Oyster Roasts and other events for residents provide plenty of opportunities to get to know your neighbors.


Top-rated schools are nearby, like Odessa Elementary, which received an 8 Great Schools Rating; and McKitrick Elementary, Longleaf Elementary and Martinez Middle School – all three earned a 9 Great Schools Rating.


Hines, an international real estate developer, has created a signature, master-planned community with retail, commercial, office and multifamily parcels, and a variety of traditional neighborhood and conventional single-family residential offerings. Hines’ commitment to excellence and intelligent design makes Asturia awesome!


Asturia is far enough out in Odessa on the former Behnke Circle BB Ranch, with easy access to major transportation arteries right off State Road 54, so you spend more time at home instead of on the road stuck in traffic.


Here you’ll find some of the most beautiful homesites in the Tampa area – many with preserve or water views. A variety of home style offerings will please even the pickiest home buyer.


Asturia has carefully integrated residential neighborhoods within the community with a bustling commercial district located along SR-54 to give residents a truly mixed-use experience. The result is a walkable community that promotes a healthy lifestyle with a variety of home choices.

Coming Next Week: Citrus County Showcase of Homes

Housing, continued from 1H

South Tampa remains highly desirable among buyers for its historical homes like these Spanish style examples. The older homes are often renovated, or in cases where they are not historically significant, demolished by buyers who build new homes.

For those looking for something more upscale, Davis Island and Harbour Island should be on everyone’s list, particularly if being close to downtown is important. “Of course, the prices go up anytime ‘island’ is in the name,” said Rohrlack. Mari Colgan, president of the Greater Tampa Realtors, says things are hopping in Hillsborough. New Tampa and Wesley Chapel are on her hot list for homes, with lots of new residential and commercial development. Many of the communities there have great amenities, are located near Wiregrass and Tampa Premium Outlets for shopping, and the Florida Hospital Center Ice complex, the largest in the southeast. Together with the new Crystal Lagoon, Wesley Chapel is hot. Colgan said Seminole Heights remains attractive to buyers and is ideal for young couples and urban professionals. It’s close to downtown and is home to an “amazing foodie scene that caters to all palates.” There also are several local

craft breweries for beer aficionados. Though new construction is limited to a few pockets, there is a good selection of historical bungalow-style homes that have been remodeled. Colgan notes that Tampa Heights is perfect for young urban professionals. It’s bordered by downtown, Seminole Heights, Ybor and Riverside Heights. There are lots of restaurants and a 5-acre park on the Hillsborough River that’s dog friendly. One area to watch is Channelside near downtown Tampa, as the Water Street Tampa development is in its beginning phase. A $3-billion project, it will feature high-rise condos, a grocery store, office buildings and entertainment. Southshore is another area with plenty of growth potential. Colgan thinks Wimauma will be “the next exciting place for families or older couples looking to relocate,” and added that the Metro Development Group is planning to open the second Crystal Lagoon there in the near future.

Hayes Park Village in Oldsmar is an example of what’s known as “missing middle” housing – clusterd housing in scale with single-family homes that help meet the demand for walkable urban living. RICHARD DANIELSON | Times

Low-rise units could pave way BY RICHARD DANIELSON Times Staff Writer

Think about those fourplexes you see in some of Tampa’s older neighborhoods - two long and narrow apartments on the ground floor, topped by two more on top, stacked like cigar boxes. They’re more than just a charming anachronism from the Jazz Age days of Hyde Park or Seminole Heights. They are examples of what some urban planners call “missing middle” housing. That’s low-rise housing built

And the fourplexes are one example. Around the Tampa Bay area, the historical inventory of such housing goes back at least to the late 19th century with the construction of shotgun-style casitas so Ybor City immigrants could live near their cigar factory jobs. It has grown to include duplexes, triplexes, townhomes, courtyard apartments, apartments over storefronts and multiplexes with fewer than 10 units. “It’s not an intimidating

Times (2006)

This fourplex, just across N Central Avenue from Hillsborough High School in Tampa, is an example of what some planners call “missing middle” housing.

Quiet, tree-lined streets like this one in Cross Creek, a New Tampa development, are typical of communities in this booming region of Hillsborough County. With plenty of room to grow, New Tampa has a lot to offer.

at a scale compatible with single-family houses, but at higher densities, making them candidates for meeting a growing demand for walkable urban housing.

type of structure. It fits into the existing neighborhoods very well,” said Brett Burks, a program planner at the county planning agency Forward Pinellas, during a panel discus-

sion Monday organized by the Suncoast chapter of the American Planning Association Florida. Such projects can serve as a bridge between suburban style neighborhoods of houses on bigger lots and edges of downtowns or busy commercial corridors. “You increase density without impacting the character of existing neighborhoods.” Here are some of the main takeaways from the conversation, which took place at the Oldsmar Library: - Middle housing could add to the diversity of housing stock, pricing and home buyer opportunities. In Pinellas County, detached single-family houses constitute nearly half the housing stock, yet more than 77 percent of county households do not have children. Missing middle housing with two to nine units makes up 13 percent of the housing stock. - Missing middle housing can appeal to first-time buyers, childless couples, smaller families, residents with disabilities, retirees who want to scale down and people ready to give up one or all of their cars. - Parking and driveways are de-emphasized, with garages often located in the backs of homes accessible via alleys. That’s where the trash and recyclables get picked up, too. - Because they don’t fall into traditional zoning or land-use

categories, such projects can be challenging for local communities. They may require rewriting zoning regulations to allow for higher densities, narrower lots, and smaller setbacks from neighboring homes. In Dunedin, the skinny homes and bungalow courtyard housing in Carl Krave’s Glencairn project are one pioneering example of contemporary missing middle development. Another is Hayes Park Village in Oldsmar, a team effort between the city, which assembled the land, and home builder John Bews, who put 52 homes, most of them townhomes built 7 feet from their neighbors, around a neighborhood green with a fire pit ringed by a half-dozen Adirondack chairs. Ten years in the making, Hayes Park Village has seen one of its homes, which typically sell in the mid to upper $200,000s, featured on HGTV’s House Hunters. “The idea here was it was a community from the start,” Bews said. “It wasn’t to maximize profit. It was to maximize architecture, to maximize the community itself.” This story was originally printed in the Tampa Bay Times on 1/30/2018. For more stories like this visit tampabay.com

Tampa Bay, continued from 3H

Courtesy: Judson Brady Photography

Courtesy: Coldwell Banker

$6.48 million, Culbreath Isles, Tampa 6,451 square feet, five bedrooms, six full baths Located in a gated community in South Tampa, this bayfront home built in 1988 sold to KLM Andros Holdings LLC. According to Florida corporate records, KLM’s sole “authorized person” is Anthony Bruno, vice president of the New York Yankees and CFO of Yankee Global Enterprises.

$6.4 million, Culbreath Isles, Tampa 6,683 square feet, five bedrooms, four full baths Featuring a rotunda with two-sided staircase, this classically styled home was bought by auto dealer John Irving Williams Jr.

Courtesy of Smith & Associates

Courtesy of Cary John

$6.275 million, Davis Islands, Tampa 8,901 square feet, six bedrooms, six full baths This home was sold in an off-market transaction to Nicholas J. Brown and Tracy Ann Brown. He was a founding partner, managing director and head of Financial Product Brokerage, North and South America, at GFI Group in New York.

$5.395 million, St. Pete Beach 6,683 square feet, nine bedrooms, nine full baths Now called the Birds of Paradise Boutique Resort, the compound of three fully furnished waterfront houses once was the winter home of beer and baseball titan August A. Busch Jr. It was bought by a trust with Tampa attorney Joshua Keleskeas trustee.

This story was originally printed in the Tampa Bay Times on 1/21/2018. For the complete list of Tampa Bay’s 25 priciest homes, visit tampabay.com.


| Sunday, February 11, 2018 | Tampa Bay Times

Tampa Bay Homes




St Pete-Pinebrook Manor Apartments QUIET AND CONVENIENT! 1 & 2 Bedrooms available. 727-344-2425 3980 64th St N. Open 7 days a week. www.pbmanor.com

St. Petersburg $85,900 1BR/1BA New air, fixtures, and appliances. Low monthly maintance. $213 per month Call Terry: 727-243-6442

CLEARWATER AND LARGO + VICINITIES 100s Of Mobile Homes to see at

St Petersburg Manufactured $525 6915 51st Ave. N., Nice 1 bedroom in safe neighborhood w/ resident manager and laundry. Deposit reqd. Call 727-501-3548

Cheryl Burnett

St. Petersburg Garage Apartment $950 Spacious 1BR in Crescent Lake neighborhood. Newly painted. Very clean. No stairs. Access to pool. Rent includes all utilities. Call 727-510-8928


Real Estate OPEN HOUSE Belleair 163 Osceola Rd. Open 2/10-11 1-3 3/2/2, hardwood floors, crown molding, fireplace, new kitchen w/granite, nearly 1/3 acre, fruit trees & fenced yard. MLS#U7843937 727-667-8879 BELLEAIR BLUFFS. 2080 Overbrook Ave N. Open Sat-Sun 1-3. 3/2/2 fresh paint in & out. 1548 SF, updated kitchen. tile fl. Min. to beach,more. No flood ins.req.Barbara Nyberg 727-492-6666 Chas.Rutenberg RE Dunedin

Rentals ACCOMMODATIONS/ROOMS Citrus Hernando Hillsborough

Manatee Pasco Pinellas

ACCOMMODATIONS & ROOMS HERNANDO Bushnell Room $500 Mo. On 50 Acre Ranch. Furn. Priv Ent and Bath, WiFi, Cable, Util Incl, No Deposit, W/D, Long Term, Rob at 352-603-0611. airranch@embarqmail.com


Dunedin Apartment Spacious, Clean 1BR/1BA Duplex, Downtown Walk to Everything. Washer/Dryer on Premises. Carport. Furn/Unfurnished No Pets, No Smoking. Call 727-736-6543


RENTALS - UNFURNISHED Citrus Hernando Hillsborough

Manatee Pasco Pinellas


ACCOMMODATIONS & ROOMS PINELLAS Largo Room To Rent Single Furn rm. X-Clean, Quiet, Safe, Util/cable/wifi incl. Walk to bus (#52,18). Lease & Sec. Dep. req’d. $140-$600. Call for Details. 727-420-0913 or 727-580-1830 Pinellas Park Room To Rent $175 /wk. Nice Rooms. Safe, Quiet, X-Clean, Fully Furn, utils/cbl incl. Dep/Ref/Valid ID Req. From $175/wk 727-547-1199. www.unitedearth.biz ST PETE / DOWNTOWN STANTON HOTEL & APTS 225 3RD ST N. DOWNTOWN ST PETE ROOMS FROM $145 & UP CALL FOR INFO 727-822-9102 St Pete/Valley Forge from $225 Rooms&Effs near beaches from $225wk. cable incl. 6825 Central Ave. 727-345-0135

RENTALS - FURNISHED Citrus Hernando Hillsborough

Manatee Pasco Pinellas

RENTALS - FURNISHED PINELLAS Clearwater/LaPlaza MHP Manuf $1100 + util/furn or unfurn. 55+, Clean! 2br/2ba C/H/a. No pets. 727-531-3000

Retirement Living... at it’s Best! Kitchens featuring Stainless Steel Appliances, Granite Counter-tops, Wood Cabinets, Pool, Clubhouse, Screen Porch, Laundry Hook-Ups, No Pets allowed Open Mon - Fri 8 - 4 2/2..$1190-$1250/mo•1/1..$785-$915/mo

Our Resident’s Happiness Is Our First Concern 352-686-9257

BEARSS/USF AREA * AFFORDABLE APTS! 1BR/1BA Apt, $399 per month MOVE IN SPECIAL!!! Social Security, Seniors,SSI, Disability & Vets OK. All are WELCOME! OAKWOOD APARTMENTS


Largo area. 4 furnished Offices 900 sqft PLUS 900 sqft Warehouse with Rear Alley back entrance and overhead door. Easy access off Ulmerton Road. Professional area. $1200mo Lease. 727-460-2287 Alt 19-Corner Tarpon Spgs office space SPECIAL LOW RATES!!! No CAM charges-Exc prkg. Flexible lease terms. 727-638-9559 or 813-841-1329 The Krauss Org Brokers

Hudson - Lakeshore Blvd. Medical office. 900 SF to 1924 SF Low rents, tenant incentives. Spring Hill – Office/Retail Space 880, 900, 1,000, 1,300, 1,800, 1,980 sq. ft. Immediate Occupancy.

Preview on sale day from 11 AM Call Michael Peters 727-251-0531 AmericanHeritageAuctioneers.com

The Reserve at

Clearwater - Office/Warehouse, Retail Showrooms, Workshops, Storage 265 sf - 3,740 sf $165-$2,000 Largo-Office w/Showroom or Warehse 8,000sf $3,500 727-797-9778, 727-409-6267


Pre- Completion Leasing Specials are: 1 Month free rent and Washer Dryer! Call the Villas at Hunters Ridge at 727-376-5194 5223 Hunters Ridge Drive Mon 8-4 Tues-Sat 9-5 New Port Richey Southgate Apartments, 62+, 1BR $590mo Restrictions Apply. EHO. Adjacent to Southgate Shopping Center. 727-847-1110

RENTALS - UNFURNISHED PINELLAS BELLEAIR BLUFFS. 2015 Overbrook Ave N. 3/2/2, 1600 sqft, refinished terrazzo floors, new paint inside, large lot. Great location. $1800/mo. Barbara Nyberg 727-492-6666 Charles Rutenberg RE Clearwater LAKE STARCREST Spacious Apartments•Centrally located • 1BR now $779-$799 • 700 sqft to 750 sqft • 2 BR / 1 Bath - 2 BR / 1.5 Bath $850-$925 • 900 sqft to 950sqft • 3 BR / 2 Bath $1,075 • 1300 sqft • 3BR/2 Bath 1600 sq ft. $1,150 to $1,350 Pool, Cov’d Assigned Prkg. 727-443-1821 Dunedin Apartment Looking For an Apartment to Call Home? Whispering Hills Apts 612 Bass Ct. Taking applications for 1BR $649 2BR $749 727-733-2169 For Income guidelines EHO Dunedin House Just Built & Immaculate! 3BR/2BA, W/D, 2 car garage. 2 blocks from Main St. Downtown Dunedin. Fence yard. Small pets allowed. Credit & background check. $1800/mo. 727-687-0084 Indian Rocks Bch area Condo $1195&up 2/2. Quiet, 5 min.to Beach. New Remodel: granite & stainless, fans, new floors Pool/clubhouse. Vaulted Ceil. Fireplace Screen Patio, W/D, D/W, 813-995-7751 Pinellas Park 49th St-8400 Apartment

1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. Available 727-545-3703 SP-115 13th Ave NE “Old NE” Home $2000 Near Downtown! 3/1+BonusRm,HdWd Fls 1836 75th Ave N MeadowLwn Hme $1700 3/2/1 Large Fam Rm, Srn Deck w/Hot Tub 463 76th Ave N Unit #4 Fourplex $900 2/1 Lg 2nd Fl Unit, Cent H/A, WS&G Incld

TOURTELOT Property Management & Leasing


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$465,000 3BR/2BA Open 11am- 1pm 1695 Cinnamon Lane OPEN HOUSE $¶n¢ §åÒn Saturday February 10th 11am-1pm. Move-in ready and updated home for sale by owner in desirable Dunedin. This home has many updates such as new roof, windows. Inground pool and spa, workshop, plenty of storage. See more information about this home on Zillow.com (727)409-2135 Dunedin-Open Sun 1-4. 1350 Scotchwood Glen 3/2/2 pool home on quiet cul-desac. Vol ceilings, huge fenced bkyd, newer A/C, roof $275,000. Betty Becker 727-946-3014. Bremer-Bjurquist Realty Gulfport Charmer - 2716 52nd St S. Open Sun 12-2. Totally remodeled 3/2, new roof, windows & doors, bamboo flrs 1579 SF - New Everything! $325,000. Baird Realty Group Linda Lowe 727-488-9012 Hudson $142,000 3BR/2BA Open Sat. 2/10, 12-4, 7811 WILLOW BROOK CT North on Little Rd to L on Fivay, L on Sylvan, R on Lakeshore, L on Willow Bk, 2nd House Rt. Patrick Ryan, REALTOR,Align Right Realty, 813-363-7643 Largo 700 Starkey Rd, #1212 $159,900 Open Sun 1-3. 1460 sqft, Ground fl, 3BR/ 2BA, Poolside. Granite, SS appls, walk-in closets, inside laundry. MLS U7838849. John Noell, Holland Assocs 727-434-1673 Oldsmar $524,900 3BR/5.5BA 3+ car garage Sun 10a-4p 3124 Phoenix Ave. Waterfront Property,Wood floors, granite counter tops, Mother-In-Law Suite, Must See! Palm Harbor-455 Lakeview Dr -$245,500 Open Sun 1-4 Westlake Village.Beautifully updated 4/2/2, wood fl, fp, fenced yd, comm park/pool.Exc schools. Future Home Realty Jess Sanders 727-409-6929 S. Pasadena 6950 Avenue Des Palais #2A OPEN SUN 1-3PM 1/1 corner, clbhse, htd pool, NEW windows 2014, walk-in closet. cats ok! Maint $263. $89,900. Karen Vogel 727-542-9384 Coastal Prperties-Christies

Call Al Isnetto Palmwood Realty 352-597-2500 x 202


Tues, Feb. 20th@12Noon

55+ Apartment

Rates start at $1250 Rents include: High Speed Internet Expanded Cable, Water, Sewer, Trash Clubhouse, Fitness Center, Pool, Transportation Services & much more

Tampa - Warehouse Space for Rent 4,500 sqft. Overhead doors, dock space, warehouse racks, 2 offices w/furniture, 2 bathrooms, fenced in. Very Reasonable Includes Utilites. Call/text 813-789-4246 Weeki Wachee-US 19-1/2 mile N of SR 50, 153’ x 259’, 3 lots, engineered for 9,860 SF bldg, median turn. $120,000. Also Wesley Chapel 39 acres. $400k. Owner Financing Avail. Pro Realty Group 352-683-9810 Invest & Retire! 8 Unit Apartment Building 2BR/1BA, Central Heat & Air, Concrete Block. Great Location! All Rented, Zone Commercial. Over $6,000 Monthly Income. Price $575,000 813-244-9335

11,000 SF Commercial Bldg 1.77 acres 200ft frontage on US Hwy 19, 54,500 cars per day, Zoned Highway Commercial, Currently Equipped for Restaurant, Bldg has Many Allowable Uses Auction Held on Site 5622 US Hwy 19, New Port Richey, FL

New Port Richey

BALLAST POINTBest locationS.Tampa Walk to Bayshore Blvd. THE PAVILLIONS 6306 South MacDill Ave. 2br/2ba SPECIAL $1325/mo. FREE W/D 813-837-6069 Furnished available




1 Bed, 2 Bed, or 2 Bed with a Den MANY WITH ATTACHED 2 CAR GARAGES Maintenance free-Pet Friendly


New Port Richey, FL For Sale By

Bradenton – GRAND OPENING!!! NEW CONSTRUCTION Grand Palms Apts. W/D in unit; granite c’tops, s/s appls. 55+ Comm. • 1BD -$660 • 2BD $787 941-777-1099 for info/income restrictions See us at: 1715 14th St W, Bradenton


Commercial & Investment Property for Sale or Lease

Port Richey & Hudson Area. Commercial 4,000 SF, 1 ac., main road frontage, CHA, 4” well water, commercial size septic tank + much more. $375,000 Poss. Owner Finan. FSBO 813-996-3193 / 813-477-8252

Tampa House $5,000/mo- Canal home on Davis Island. 3BR/3BA. Small dock, garage, Terrazzo & tile. Require 1 year lease, 1st and last, deposit. Credit check required. (813)251-1394 or (813)787-4553


ACCOMMODATIONS & ROOMS HILLSBOROUGH Tampa & Largo Rooms For Rent Single Males Only Shared Room $550, Private Room $650 & $875 Clean, Beautiful, Fully Furn, All Utilities, Washer/ Dryer, on Busline. 813-900-9422

Tampa Condo $1,775 mo.- 1BR/1BA Best view of Tampa bay. 12th floor. Wood / carpet. One year lease minimim. 1st / last + small deposit. Avail March 15th. Call Henry 407-724-0173



Get Your Property Leased Fast, with Quality Tenants! Call Debra Ogle x101 SP-5548 Dartmouth Ave N 2/2 w/ Fl rm updated kitchen, wood flrs, pet ok $1325. Alliance-Realtor.com 727.578.2626 St Pete (33705) 3/2 House, completely renovated inside & out, kitchen w/ new SS appliances, large screened in back porch, large fenced backyard. Close to boat ramp/parks $1275mo. 813-363-6837 St Pete 510 62nd Ave N House $1100/mo. 2BR/1BA, remodeled bathrooms. near 4th St N. Background, credit & income verification required. $900 deposit. Call 727-235-5225 between 10am-6pm


St. Pete-Venetian MHP 4thSt/54th Ave N Starting at $650/mo. Unfurnished. 55+. NO PETS. Credit and Background Check. Qualifying Income Required. Call 727-525-9642

St. Petersburg House $1100/mo 1130 29th St. S. 3BR.2BA. $600 deposit. Near bus line, paved parking. (727)623-7130



Seminole $279,900 3BR/2BA/2CG Open Sunday 1-4. 9287 142nd St. Tamarac By The Gulf. 55+. New tile roof & A/C, remodeled bath & kitchen, Hurricane Shutters, Plantation Shutters. Many Extras. HOA $189. FSBO 727-517-8968 St Pete 6268 Palma Del Mar Blvd S, #204 OPEN SAT 1-3p 2/2 totally updated! Granite & hdwood, open water views,w/d, cov prkg. petOK, can rent $295K. Karen Vogel 727-542-9384 Coastal Proprties/Christies St Pete. 4012 23rd Ave. N 2/2/1 $239,900 Open 1-4. Gorgeous Move In Ready Lg. Fenced Yd 727-365-6204 C21 Champ St Pete. 4804 Oaklawn Lane. 33708. Open Sun 1-4. 5BR/3BA home w/new kitchen, fam rm, very large in-ground pool. Shady, Quiet Street. $322,500. George Bailey, Passport toParadise 727-244-6391 St. Petersburg 50+ HOMES OPEN THIS SUNDAY, 2/11! Throughout the Bay Area from 1 – 3 PM. Visit STPETEOPENHOUSES.COM. Keller Williams St. Pete 727-894-1600

Sun Feb 11th 2-4pm 12832 HAMPTON HILL DR $260,000 2213 KATANA PL $290,000 11205 SLIGH AVE $339,900 BRENDA WADE SIG.RLTY ASSOC. 813.924.8677 Zephyrhills - Forest Lake Estates - One of Central Florida’s Best Parks! Sat & Sun 1-4. See up to 20 Homes. Prices starting at $15,000. (813) 701-4991 or visit www.MobileHomeSpot.com

WATERFRONT Dunedin, FL Scottish Towers ll 55+ Community Beautiful Gulf Front Community New Year’s Special $99 security deposit 1st month free with 13 Mo Lease 1BR/1BA & 2BR/2BA Apts. Avail. 444 N. Paula Drive Dunedin, FL 34698 (727)734-8479 Marina Property- Priced to sell!!! Private waterfront community. With Concierge Boat Service and boathouse slip. Only $139,880 Video: www.WaterfrontLifeFL.net 877.628.3349 Florida Waterfront Marketing, LLC. Licensed Real Estate Broker. 877-628-3349 New Port Richey waterfront condo boat slip & hoist. 1st flr, 2 Br 2 Ba, corner unit updated kit w/granite counters, stainless appls. Maple cabinets, Liv rm new carpet, 2 clubhouses, 2 pools, tennis, pvt bch. $195,000. Joanne 727-494-7562

CONDOS/TOWNHOMES FOR SALE PASCO NPR-New Port Colony 55+. 1BR end unit + gar. All tile. Brand new roof & windows, water softener. $200mo HOA incl water Taxes under $200/yr. $48,000, possible owner finance. Owner/Brkr 727-247-9089

CONDOS/TOWNHOMES FOR SALE PINELLAS Clearwater-ON TOP OF THE WORLD REAL ESTATE OF PINELLAS, LLC On Site at ON TOP OF THE WORLD 55+ Condos 727-799-3417 Opt 1 *************************************** Completely updated! 2BR/2BA Everything new: New thermal windows & HVAC. New cabinets & stone counters. New paint & flooring. Listing #1523 $130,000

Marketing Specialists ONE OF HERNANDO COUNTY’S TOP PRODUCING BROKERS 19 YRS! 24-hour info CALL 866-676-6108 + EXT # Corner Lot 3/2/2, rf ‘09, needs some TLC Ext# 3018 Pending $119,900 Tarpon Springs 1913 charmer, 2/1.5, fncd Ext #3022 Pending $159,900 Parklike 1/2 ac. 3/2.5/2+Upgrades galore Ext #3024 Now $199,900 Cheryl SOLD 56 properties in 2015, 51 in 2016 & 38 in 2017! MY LISTINGS ARE SELLING FAST! CALL CHERYL 650-6469 OR 686-0540 FOR A FREE MARKET VALUE ON YOUR HOME! See all of my listings and photos at www.cherylburnett.com

HOUSES FOR SALE HILLSBOROUGH Tampa Shores WATERFRONT REDUCED $37,000. 10710 Drummond Rd.Pool,Davits, Deck, 3 BR, 3 Bath, Fireplace, Sunroom, Garage, Updated 2017. 2,186 SF, $399,000 By Owner/Appt. Only 863-875-7306 Tampa. 6 Bedroom 2 Bath, carport & screened porches, 4 car driveway, terrazzo floors, back gate for pets. Dale Mabry to Waters, 3 mi. W. to Hanley Rd, 1 mi. S. $148K. Mornings 813-971-6552

HOUSES FOR SALE PASCO Hudson $389,000 4BR/3.5BA- Rolling Oaks Estates. Over 3000 SqFt. on 1 acre lot, short drive to Suncoast Pkwy. Divided home, perfect for in-laws, handicap acc shower room + large pool. Ez in / out w/ tiki bar. Peaceful, Tree lovers delight! 2018 remodel, new roof 2011, spacious rooms, sprinkler system does entire acre. Moving, must sell. Offers considered. 727-953-5434 Web id: 589753 New Port Richey $359,900 2330 Woodbend Cir. 4/2/2, granite countertops, salt wtr pool, 24x30 shop w/CHA & 100 amp, R.V. parking w/30 amp plug. 7 Springs Blvd/W. on Perrine Ranch Rd/ Quick left into Woodbend. Renny Bryden 727-492-9502 Charles Rutenberg Realty

HOUSES FOR SALE PINELLAS Cert. Foreclosure Specialist-Tampa Bay All $$$ ranges, investors and home buyers. Jim Mayes 727-804-7842 Diana Mejia (Español) 727-288-4631 Biltmore International Real Estate

Oldsmar $323,800 3BR/2BA Walk to Beach- 713 Shore Drive East 3/2 1624 sf - Patio/Porch/Fence TampaShores Bay Sec blk 8 lot 7 & 1/2 lot 6 By Owner call for appt 727-599-1196 Seminole 11533 69th Ave. (Off Duhme Rd) Open Sunday 1-4. 2/2/1, Close to Beach at Ridgewood Lakes. Tiled Flrs, New Paint. 1075 SF plus Sunroom & Enclosed Porch. $207,900 Sun Beach Properties Janet Brooks 727-420-5257 St Pete

2222-51st St S


OPEN SUN 2 to 4 All Updated! 4 Bed/1 Bath - 2 Story Bungalow! 1310 sqft. All new kitchen & bath! 70x92 Corner Lot! Inside Laundry! Wood Floors! Walk to Shop! Gulfport Art District! See Carolyn Holton 727-458-5001 SELECT RE St. Petersburg $169,900 3BR/1BA Charming Block Home Priced to Sell! First Time Home Buyers Take Note. By J. Sulisufay- Charles Rutenberg Realty JasonSellsTampa.com 727-497-7800 St. Petersburg $245,000 3BR/2BA 2376 51st St N Garage w/laundry rm. Updated kitchen and windows. Newer A/C, Roof, attic insulation and shed. Great yard. FSBO Shown by Appt. 727-542-4989


GRANNY PAD See The Low Cost Alternative To Assisted Living. Keep Your Loved Ones Close. Place Our “Granny Pad” In Your Backyard. From $470 Per Month With Approved Credit.

352-621-9181 Citrus County

Need A New Home? WE TAKE ALL TRADES! 2018 Homes Starting @ $43,900. 352-621-3807 Citrus County

This Home is HOT!! Best Constructed House On The Market. 28x60 3 Bed, 2 Bath, Huge Island Kitchen. We Will Deliver and Set Up With A/C, Steps and Skirting.

Check Out All The UPGRADES 2x6 Construction, Thermal Pane Windows, R30 Insulation and Much More! Only $76,900. Call 352-621-9182

MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE HERNANDO Brooksville. By Owner. 2004 Palm Harbor Architectual Design Home. 3br/2ba/att. 2cg. Includes property 55+ Gated Comm. HOA $43mo. Clbhse, pool, tennis, 18 hole golf course avail. Asking $160,000. Call 352-600-7938; 716-984-3673; 716-870-5110

MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE PASCO Double wide mobile home in deeded park near Holiday, Florida. $32K. Immediate possession. Contact 814-602-0146. Holiday. $37,000 Lot included 55+ gated comm. Only $15/mo. maintenance fee. Furn. 2/2 porch, pergo floors, roof over, washer/dryer in shed 727-942-0547 New Port Richey $104,000 2BR/2BA 2016 1383 SF, brand new, eat in kitchen w/ raised bar, master suite w/ lge walk in closet, Lge Clubhouse/Many Activities. Comm Heated Pool. Brenda 727-243-5336 New Port Richey $14,500 2BR/1BA 55+ active Comm., Incl. golf cart. CHA, FL Rm & Scrn Rm, mostly furn. Priced below value. Lge Clubhouse/Many Activities. Comm. Heated Pool Brenda 727-243-5336 New Port Richey $24,000 2BR/2BA. 1995 Palm Harbor. Exc cond, Active 55+ gated comm. Htd. Pool. Pets ok. 727-967-4870

RIDERHOMES.COM Age 40+ parks Age 55+ parks & ALL AGE FAMILY PARKS RIDER RESALES 727-531-9300 Clearwater LAPLAZA MHP BEAUTIFUL SENIOR COMMUNITY Activities-Billiards-Swimming Pool 960 sq ft 2 bed $3,500. 1008 sq ft 2 bed $4,000. 1248 sq ft 2 bed $5,000. 1344 sq ft 2 bed $6,000. Screen Room, Carport, Utility Rm, Lawn Care & Trash, included. Must Qualify 727-531-3000 Clw/Largo Fully renovated-Mostly furn., 2/1.5+sunroom, 55+ Pk. Great Unit, Great Price $15,000 Consider offer 803-431-3537 Gull-Aire Vill. 55+ $179,900 3BR/2BA/1CG OPEN SUN 1-3PM. 610 Cobia Way. 1993 Jacobsen, Updated, Chef’s Kitchen, SS Appliances., Laminate Floors, Fenced Screen Porch w/pond view. BHHS FL Prop. Group, Jayne Phoenix 727-433-1411 Largo $15,000 obo 2BR/2BA- Double wide mobile home with new a/c, bamboo floors, grantite counter tops, new appliances. $500 per mo. lot rent, near everything. (727)288-3937 Largo $17,900 2BR/1.5BA- Pet OK. Vinyl siding, dbl roof. Newer floors. Kitchen updated. Newer CHA 727-612-9595 Largo - 2 to Choose From 1 BR 1 BA Raised Fla Rooms. New Roofs. New C/H/A. New Appliances. Asking $8,900. Low Maint. Fee PET OK Call Jeannie 727-458-5000

SELECT MH SALES Largo - by owner Modern Double Wide. in 5 Star Senior Park, 2/2, New Kitchen, Newer A/C and Roof. $685/mo Lot rent. $34,900 Call Debra 727-470-7814 Largo 2BR/1BA Reduced to $9,500 frnishd, FL rm & Scr rm 2/1.5 , New kitch. Low Lot Rent . $18,900 727-504-1336 Largo 2BR/2BA - Double Wide, Upgraded, CHA, Vinyl Siding, Double roof, pet friendly, 55+ park 727-453-2576 Largo 3-4BR/2BA Family Park, CHA, carport, large storage area on a large lot, 727-389-6200 Largo-The Plaza 55+. 2BR/2BA 1500 sqft Sell for $27,900 or Rent w/option to buy. Must pass credit check. 727-455-2361

SELECT MH SALES Helping Buyers Buy & Sellers Sell Since 1990 Homes from $5K to $125K Throughout Pinellas Co. 727-584-3588 Seminole $4,000/obo 1BR/1BA 55+, Single wide w/ large porch, new A/C, Low lot rent. Call 727-831-8836 Seminole. 55+ Lrg BR, ba, 2 encl porches, w/d hkup, workshop, carport, ht pump, All incl. $49,500 incl. share 727-393-8745 St Pete - Isle of Palms MH Park 55+, land lease....call for sales listings. LOOK us over… TALK to the residents… THEN stop at the office. Our residents are our BEST advertisement! www.isleofpalmsonline.com 7400 46th Avenue N St Pete 33709 727-541-2222


Land & Home 1/2 Acre on Paved Road. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Brand New 10 Year Warranty Approximately 1500 sq ft

Move In Now Only $4600 down $709.38 per month P&I only (wac)

EZ Qualify FHA Nice Neighborhood, Gret Location. Call to view 352-621-3807 Welcome Home! 3/2 2002 D.W.M.H.(T) 1,940 sq’ Public Water, Fenced, .54 ac. R.V. Hook-up. Fireplace. Scrn Porch. 1 blk to City Pk. 352-410-4009. Louise Lubranecki w/Parsley R.E.

MANUFACTURED HOMES & LOTS FOR SALE - PINELLAS Palm Harbor OPEN SUN 1-3PM $115,000 194 Timber Run. Blue Jay. 55+mhp, w/ land. Superb unit, upgrades throughout. Vltd ceil., laminate flrs, new kitchen. Isabelle Lane/Coldwell Banker 727-460-0653

OTHER REAL ESTATE Assisted Living Facilities Camping Facilities Acreage/Farms/ Lots for Sale or Lease

Out of Area for Sale or Lease Time Shares for Sale or Lease For Sale or Lease Other Real Estate Wanted

ACREAGE/FARMS/ LOTS FOR SALE OR LEASE Chiefland FL. Only 3 of 14 lots left Three adjoining 10 acre lots starting at $39,500, near Chiefland Golf & Country Club and Manatee Springs State Park. Bill,Owner/Realtor 386 212-9809 NORTH FLORIDA LAND 484 Acres, The area is well known for its fantastic hunting and fishing, Paved Road, Pines and Hardwoods. $1,350/acre. Call for Appt. 352-867-8018 Palm Harbor- 6 ACRES $785,000 Fenced, zoned “AE” in desirable East Lake area. Call Eleanor Evans of ReMax Elite (727) 430-6033

OUT OF AREA FOR SALE OR LEASE 1850 S. Georgia Antebellum Mansion. 6 columns. Red Heart Pine. Renovated. Granite Kitchen. 12’ Ceilings. 3 Floors. 9k SF. No Hurricanes. Nice Climate. Low Tax. No Zoning or HOA. Brick Drive. Photos Avail. $499k. Fruit Trees. Seller Motivated. 888-963-7131


We Buys Houses The Good, the Bad & the Ugly 36 Years Experience 813-880-0000 0 ALL PINELLAS HILLSBOROUGH PASCO

I BUY HOUSES CASH! QUICK SALES - FAIR PRICE 727-330-6224 Fireman Fred Buys Houses Any Condition and in Any Situation You pick the closing date! Fast CASH - Guaranteed Offer. Call Fred 727-204-2363

I Buy Houses CASH! Quick Sale-Fair Price-Offer Guaranteed 727-608-4747 STOP! CALL US FIRST! We Will Buy Your Home Today & Pay All The Cost! • Sinkhole•Probate•Foreclosure•Burnt Out Landlord•ANY Situation•Quick&Easy Closings! Call Us Today! 727-639-7482

Walk along Lake Arbor! 2BR/2BA Library/office with built-ins. Inside utility rm. Kitchen/greatroom w/ bay window perfect for entertaining. Listing #92205 $169,000 Screened porch overlooking nature preserve! 2BR/2BA Kitchen w/ stone counters & newer appliances. Bath fixtures updated. Community features lake, pool, tennis & more. Listing #218G2 $119,900

OPEN HOUSE Monday, February 12th, 9AM to 4PM Brentwood Estates - Premier Active 55+ Comm. 9920 Princess Lane, Hudson $349/mo site rent for 24 months on select homes. Offer expires 02/28/18* *Restrictions apply* 866-609-1796 EHO www.brentwoodestatesfl.com

Across the street from the golf course! 2BR/2BA New carpet thru out. Newer HVAC, windows & water heater. Listing #4937 $83,000 *************************************** We have the condo you’re looking for! http://otowrealestateclearwater.com/ phone 727-799-3417 option 1

Port Richey - Oak Springs RV Park Cute 32’ Park Model Trailer. 8 miles to beach, in a wooded RV park. Close to everything, pet & senior friendly. Includes roof over (never flooded) washer/dryer. A/C, Heated pool, evyerthing stays. $6995. 727-364-9299 after 10am.

Largo $312,900 3BR/3BA/2CG - Luxury End Unit in a quiet private comm. close to everything w/ too many upgrades to list! Hurricane Upgrades & No Flood Ins! John Frazis 727-278-6152 House Res. Co



Largo 9771 86th Ave #9771 • 1/1/Cov Pkg. Open 1-4 Timberwoods All Ages,2 lg.Pets Pool, $114,500 727-365-6559 C21 Champs St. Petersburg $429,000 2BR/2BA 5277 Isla Key Blvd. S. #423 Gorgeous turnkey condo w/ water view. Vaulted ceiling, remodeled kitchen & bath, fireplace, balcony, new W/D, new hurricane windows. 720-932-1580

Clearwater 2BR/2BA Sought after Japenese Gardens. 7 homes to Bay. Totally remodeled. 716-432-3924

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