Living well after 50 Tampa Bay Times | Sunday, August 28, 2022 For the Love of USF’sLearningOsherLifelongLearning Institute offers many options. Pages 4 and 5
2 | Sunday, August 28, 2022 | Tampa Bay Times SSP CROSSWORD Interview with Tarzan by Merl Reagle The crossword puzzle solution is on Page 6 LifeTimes is produced and designed by the Marketing department of the Tampa Bay Times. EDITOR: Andrea Daly, ATTENTION BUSINESSES: Reach more than 467,800 LifeTimes readers*. To advertise, call 1-880-333-7505, ext. 8725 or email To submit story ideas, email *Source: 2019 Nielsen Scarborough Report (r2) ACROSS 1 Jets on screens 6 Honeydew cousin 12 Florida tree 16 Pericardium, e.g. 19 Mr. Goldfinger 20 Exonerating factors 21 Melville opus 22 “Come again?” 23 “How come you know so much about the legal system, Tarzan?” 25 “How did you know the hunter had a knife, Tarzan?” 27 Fukuoka moola 28 ___ out a victory 29 Puts into effect 31 Certain solo 32 Sock pattern 35 “What do you do when the light changes, Tarzan?” 38 Superagent Michael 41 Figurative expressions 43 Hunan need 44 “What would you do if a fire broke out, Tarzan?” 47 Hoglike mammal 50 That girl 53 Quarterback Manning 54 “Vive ___!” 55 “Why aren’t you taking pictures, Tarzan?” 57 Missouri city 60 A “Riverdance” dance 62 Piercing tool 63 Farming state 64 Charges 66 Arctic bird 68 Arctic mammal 69 “How come you and Jane don’t skinny-dip in the backyard anymore, Tarzan?” 73 Large amounts 74 By and by 75 Ankle-related 76 Dresden’s river 77 Band follower? 79 Manilow’s club 81 Land 85 “What happened when you sat on that whoopee cushion, Tarzan?” 88 Writer Jong 90 Extremist org. of the ’70s 91 Pres. nickname 92 Golf great Stewart 93 “What should I do before I shoot the 8-ball, Tarzan?” 96 German article 97 Poughkeepsie campus 100 Dresses up (as) 101 “What was your first thought after your balloon ride, Tarzan?” 106 Maiden deities 109 Kin of ahs 110 Shout to urge on the hounds 112 “So ___ noticed” 113 They’re placed in papers 116 “How’s your little furry friend, Tarzan?” 119 “What’s the first thing you do when you buy a new house, Tarzan?” 123 Lennon’s mate 124 Certain troupe member 125 Locomotive 126 How perishables might be packed 127 Koppel of Nightline 128 Daddy-o 129 Joined (up with) 130 Noted teller of tales DOWN 1 Coddle 2 Attraction 3 Numbered club 4 Indy area 5 Sonata movements 6 Singer Mariah 7 Ms. MacGraw 8 Moral misdeed 9 ___-bodied 10 White, in Italian 11 Buzzing (with) 12 Hitching speaking)(anagrammaticallyspots 13 Accumulate 14 Temperature extreme 15 Besiege 16 Split, as dessert 17 Movie Murphy 18 Be unfaithful 24 Heart tracing, briefly 26 Bird or escapade 30 ___ Rica 32 Had dinner 33 Truth twister 34 Sewer worker of old TV 36 Vanilla fudge effect 37 One-third of a war film 38 Has a payment booklet 39 Singer Jerry 40 Paar memoir “___ You Not” 42 1965 film “Once Before ___” 45 Arm restraint 46 Dog restraint 48 Pays or Plummer 49 Church seat 50 1985 Holocaust epic 51 Bay at the moon 52 Greek letter 55 Famed Egyptian, briefly 56 Mimi’s century 58 “Johnny Yuma was ___” 59 Director Bunuel 61 Folkways prefix 65 Iran refinery city 67 Community club member 68 Walk of Fame sight 69 High-minded, as a gesture 70 Roll’s partner 71 ___ one’s brains 72 Abbr. on a CD 73 Superficial, as talk 76 Pall monitor? 77 Trophy, e.g. 78 Dexter’s extension 80 Livens (with “up”) 82 Seeks knowledge 83 Much merriment 84 Stuff you stuff yourself with 86 Exposed 87 Parking garage floor 89 “For restful death ___” (Shak.) 94 Mad maiden of drama fame 95 Comic Bill’s nickname 96 Floating particles 98 Full of baloney 99 Everett of “Citizen Kane” 101 Beckett character 102 Mr. Arledge 103 Burns film 104 Curly’s replacement 105 Walks in water 107 Dug for gold 108 Plastic pipe used by Blue Man Group 111 Popular lingerie brand 113 “No returns” condition 114 Art ___ 115 Resign, with “down” 117 Cute cutup 118 S.A. resort 120 James’s “Vertigo” co-star 121 Benedict’s follower? 122 Its root is itself
CALL TO READERS Tell us your love story
• Your name, city where you live and your age (with your date of birth).
SSP Tampa Bay Times | Sunday, August 28, 2022 | 3 MY FIRST CAR Adrienne Garcia, Ed.D., 74
To celebrate the completion of my graduate study at the University of Florida, I bought a yellow 1974 Porsche 914. I loved driving the sporty car, especially with its roof stored in the trunk. The car was a great ice-breaker - guys asked about performance and upkeep, gals commented on the color and compact design. A girlfriend and I drove to the beach late one winter evening with the top down, our hair blowing in the wind. Before we arrived in Clearwater, cold and shivering, we stopped at an all-night diner. Our fingers thawed by holding cups of hot chocolate and we headed back to Tampa. What a great memory. After a few years, I landed a job traveling throughout the state of Florida. Soon, I realized that my books and materials, overhead projector, briefcase and suitcase didn’t fit in the car. I sold my low mileage car for nearly the same amount I paid for it. I still think fondly about my favorite car.
Tampa 1974 Porsche 914
What’s the story behind your favorite or first car? We’d like to share it. Please send:
• A high-resolution photo or a scanned image. (Must be of the actual car.)
• The year, make and model of the car, with a description of the car and why you love it.
• Send to drive@tampabay .com and put My Favorite Car or My First Car in the subject line.
Keynote speaker and OLLI-USF instructor Rich Kennedy
4 | Sunday, August 28, 2022 | Tampa Bay Times SSP
“Theyannually.saythat there is a performance aspect to teaching, and I find that leading a class of intelligent, curious and enthusiastic students tends to bring out the ‘ham’ in me,” Feeney said.“Sometimes there are moments at the end of a class when the books are closed, everyone sits back and, for a few seconds, the sense of contentment and pleasure is palpable. Money can’t buy that!”
For Rich Kennedy, learning never stops.
learners are characterized by a curiosity to learn something new and to expand their intellectual interests to a wide array of subjects.
Linda Feeney of Tampa is another OLLI-USF instructor in her 70s who teaches literature discussion classes on memoirs, short stories and novels. Feeney has been involved with the organization for about five years and teaches three OLLI-USF courses
OLLI provides an opportunity for lifelong learners like Kennedy to get involved in continuing their education through attending or instructing courses alongside fellow OLLI members in the community. This national educational organization provides members ages 50+ with access to affordable courses, events, workshops and more. The organization, which is run in part by the help of volunteers like Kennedy, has over 120 chapters in the U.S., with Florida chapters at USF and Eckerd College, among other colleges and universities.
For Feeney, the social aspect of OLLI is another enjoyable element of being part of the organization. Apart from teaching classes, her favorite part of the experience has been getting to meet and connect with other lifelong learners.
Years ago, Rich Kennedy, 70, began taking classes with the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI), starting first with a class called Issues in the Crossfire that examined current events, before branching into courses on creative writing, medical development and more.“After a while, being relatively talkative myself, people started to say, ‘Why don’t you teach a class?’” said Kennedy, who lives in New Tampa.So,he
Popular OLLI-USF instructor Rich Kennedy teaches a political science class to students at Compton Park in Tampa Palms.
“I am continually amazed at the variety of backgrounds I encounter, the wisdom blended with continuing curiosity and the desire to keep learning about the world we live in,” she said. Like Feeney, Kennedy enjoys connecting with OLLI participants from varied backgrounds who are interested in learning and keeping active
Over the years, OLLI-USF has grown from a membership base of 350 individuals to over 1,600 members, with the chapter offering classes all over Hillsborough County, McAuliffe said.
BY ERIN FEITSMA Times Total Media Correspondent
You live, you learn
Arounddid.2017, Kennedy got involved as an OLLI volunteer instructor at the University of South Florida (USF) and began teaching courses on presidential history, a passion of his. One of his most popular classes to date is The Politics of the 2020 Election, a course that he taught for nearly two years. Even as he continues to teach, Kennedy also attends OLLIUSF classes as a student.
“Many older adults discover a renewed interest in education as an end (in) itself,” said Joseph McAuliffe, 72, who lives in Tampa. McAuliffe has worked with the organization for two decades, and currently serves as OLLIUSF’s manager of educational programming.“Intheirearlier years, education was a means to an end and usually that was a diploma, certificate or something career-related,” McAuliffe“Lifelongsaid.
Neurologists suggest that the best thing you can do for the aging brain is to exercise it – and the optimal exercise is to learn talents and subjects you never knew before. I know seniors who are learning new languages and taking up new musical instruments.”
“I’veintellectually.metagreat group of people who care and have interest in continuing to learn and be engaged in the world. There’s a great social aspect to OLLI as well as the educational,” he said.
Reinforcing the idea of connection beyond the classroom is Kennedy’s brainchild, the Saturday Social. Kennedy holds this weekly informal gathering via Zoom for OLLI members to connect with one another and discuss what’s going on in the news. He started the virtual gettogether early on during the COVID-19 pandemic, and about 30 members tune in each week. The group has been going strong now for over two years.
“We jumped onto Zoom to finish the class, and then realized it was a way to continue to get together,” said Kennedy. He pivoted to holding classes online throughout the“Onepandemic.ofthe great aspects of OLLI is not only the educational element but the social element as well. That has suffered a little bit because of COVID and not meeting in person. We’re gradually beginning to bring classes back into an in-person format,” he said.
OLLI-USF offers many different resources for members to continue their lifelong learning. The chapter offers prerecorded courses from past classes through OLLI Encore! so members can enjoy educational offerings on demand. Outside of courses, OLLI-USF also holds Shared Interest Groups (SIGs) for members to meet outside or virtually to connect with others over a common interest, as well as its Friday Lecture Series, where different guest speakers give lectures on a range of topics.
Kennedy, who has a background in software development, was an early adopter of Zoom during the pandemic. He was in the very last week of teaching a course on impeachment when COVID hit.
OLLI-USF even organizes trips for members to travel with one another across the country and even the globe; the next OLLI-USF excursion will be to Moab, Utah in October“There’s2022. something for everybody. If you’re interested in learning, OLLI is for you,” said Kennedy. Times Total Media is the sales and marketing division of the Tampa Bay Times. withtimestotalmedia@tampabay.comContactquestions.
Photos courtesy of Joseph McAuliffe
Thinking of getting involved OLLI-USF?with
“The intensity of participation is what really drives this. We get a lot of people with terrific backgrounds who are very interested in keeping up with current events,” he said.
SSP Tampa Bay Times | Sunday, August 28, 2022 | 5
OLLI-USF staff, clockwise from top left: Cath Mason, Joseph McAuliffe, Ara Rogers, Jeanne Dyer, Mary Ettinger and Charise Dixie.
Find out more about the educational organization at one of the OLLI-USF Open Houses, held three times a year. Open Houses are free and provide a chance for those interested in OLLI-USF to get to know more about its courses, faculty members and more. Learn more at teach-for-olli.aspx.,includescatalog.aspx.continuing-education/olli/resources/evergreen-course-Future,by(Upfromduringandfallcontinuing-education/olli/programs/special-events.aspx.,withcoursesinits(September-December),winter-spring(January-April)summer(May-August)terms.Someofthecoursesheldthe2022summertermincludedofferingsrangingthetasty(ACulinaryTourofFrance)totheliteraryforDiscussion:AmericanShortStories,acoursetaughtFeeney)tothepolitical(OurRepublic:Past,PresentandoneofKennedy’scourses).Afullclasscatalogisavailableat!Membershipregistrationaccesstoover300OLLI-USFSIGs,socialeventsandmore.One-yearOLLI-USFcosts$50,withthree-yearmembershipaccessat$125.Torequestascholarship,contact(813)974-TosignupforOLLI-USFmembership,reachouttoregistrarDixieat(813)974-5848orvisit
Guests meet the instructors at the 2019 OLLI-USF Open House at the Tampa River Center.
6 | Sunday, August 28, 2022 | Tampa Bay Times SSP CROSSWORD ANSWERS puzzle page 2 GBANHDBHVLIEELE C K E C R J E H F C I N A F E S U A I L V O D O E R Z D L G E Y B W G R Y I A V M E E I D C R K H V R Y N J I M B A W B O N I A D I H D E L R L A E N N E T L T E L U A I M R A W I D H R B R E L B M V D W Y R O A W I R G Y N B R S E N A E L G Y K A G G O V I C K E R S U E N C N F R R T O L K I E N L O I E D H R L D A R A I B R T E X A Z E D A R A M A Y O E S V K C I T O L K I E N N W B I E M I E S E G K G N D E V A H “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” on Prime Video (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) HalbrandCelebrimborBronwynEärienElrond (Robert) Aramayo (Ema) (Charlie)(Charles)(Nazanin)HorvathBoniadiEdwardsVickers (J.R.R.)LegaciesEvilSecondMiddle-earthAgeTolkien TV Word Search
• Begin by performing the suggested repetitions for each exercise.
• Gradually work toward 2-3 sets.
• Build up to 8-10 repetitions.
• Repeat exercise 8-10 times.
Your Move | DemonstrateD by sharon DinDal STANDING WALL ANGELS
• Place hands on wall at shoulder height, slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
Lying on back with bent knees, keep feet flat on floor about hip-width apart.
• Focus on good form.
SIT AND STAND Strengthens leg and hip muscles, especially quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes. Also strengthens abs and other core muscles.
• Caters to all levels.
• Focuses on primary movers as well as stabilizing muscle groups.
• Bring arms straight up the wall.
• Utilizes everydaymovementsmultidirectionalsimilartoourlivingactivities.
• Select different movements each time you work out if you become bored by doing the same exercises over and over. Bodyweight exercises can include wall push-ups, chair squats, leg lifts, standing marches, step ups, birddog and glute bridges. Combine with cardio for a well-rounded work out.
• Repeat pattern 4-5 times.
Movements include squatting, bending, twisting and balancing.
• Arms down by sides with palms flat on floor.
• Contract abdominals.
SSP Tampa Bay Times | Sunday, August 28, 2022 | 7 Photos by Dan CanoroSally AndersonSTEP BY STEP
• Place feet about 6-8 inches away from wall with head, buttocks, shoulder blades, back of arms against wall.
• Keeping body straight with abdominals contracted, walk feet about three feet away from wall.
Tip: Beginners may want to place hands on chair or thighs for support.
CheCk with your doCtor before starting a new exerCise program. sally anderson is happy to hear from readers but Can’t respond to individual inquiries. ContaCt her at
• Standing tall, face a wall at arm’s distance away with feet under hips.
WALL PUSH-UPS Strengthens chest, shoulders, arms, back and abs.
• Begin with back of arms and hands against wall shoulder height.
• Rest 30-60 seconds between each set.
• Hold 2-3 seconds.
Benefits of Bodyweight Exercises
• Hold for a count of 5 before returning arms up the wall.
• Shoulders back.
• Hands across chest, sit tall in chair with knees in line with toes.
• Slowly lower hips to floor, repeating 8-10 times.
Good news for those who enjoy home bodyweight workouts and don’t want to skimp on the strength. Adding weight to your fitness routine has benefits, but introducing bodyweight exercises can also boost strength. By using the body’s natural push and pull movements, all you need is you, your body and a chair. Bodyweight exercises can improve strength, endurance and coordination, while improving balance.
Tip: Perform movements slowly. If it is difficult to place your head against the wall, try placing a small pillow behind head.
• Feet shoulder width apart and abdominals contracted.
• Bend elbows as you slide hands down the wall until hands are just above shoulders.
• Stand in front of chair with your back to chair.
• If backs of hands do not touch wall in the beginning, just do what you can and strength will gradually build up.
• Works many different muscle groups at the same time rather than training an isolated muscle or muscle group.
• Facilitates exercise by being able to exercise anywhere or anytime.Toincrease intensity, perform two or more exercises for the same muscle group one right after the other with little rest in between. Maintain Strength Without Weights Bodyweight exercises are among the best exercises for •seniors.Select two or three exercises for a quick bodyweight workout.
• Feet slightly apart with legs straight; avoid locking knees.
Tip: Avoid allowing hips to sag and do not rush movement.
• Slightly lean forward as you stand up straight and sit down slowly.
• Straighten arms, pushing away from wall.
Tip: Move slowly; controlled movements build strength.
• Press down with heels and push hips up as high as you can, while keeping abdominals contracted and buttocks tight.
• Bend elbows bringing chest toward wall.
• Select five exercises if you want a longer full-body strength session. Train with movementsbodyweightatleastthree days a week.
Targets postural muscles in upper back that help keep shoulders back and strengthens chest, spinal and trunk muscles. Core muscles are also working as they are needed to stabilize your trunk, keeping you in a neutral position
• Feet will be underneath knees.
• Body should be in a long diagonal line from shoulders to knees.
GLUTE StrengthensBRIDGEglutes, hips, hamstrings and activates the muscles in abs and lower back, which are needed to keep body stable.
• Gradually work up to three sets of each exercise as your strength improves.
• Rest a minute, then repeat another set of repetitions.
8 | Sunday, August 28, 2022 | Tampa Bay Times SSP