Volunteers recognised at annual awards
olunteers across the Moorlands have received much deserved recognition at an annual award ceremony.
Support Staffordshire hosted its 2021 Staffordshire Moorlands Volunteer Star Awards virtually on Tuesday, June 8. The awards aim to: recognise and celebrate the outstanding achievements and commitment of volunteers and organisations who go the extra mile to support our communities. For the Leek and surrounding areas, we had three winners. They were: Jane Malkin of Borderland Voices who won the Personal Achievement award; Andrew Sutton of Staffordshire Fire & Rescue Service won the Volunteering Support for Young People; and Mark Johnson of Borderland Voices won the Volunteering Support for the Over 65 s award. Meanwhile, commendations in the area
ndrew Sutton of Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service, who volunteers at Leek Fire Station, won the Volunteering Support for Young People award. Helen Wood nominated Andrew for the award. Here s what she said in her nomination: Andy has been volunteering with Safe+Sound for over two years. He supports by delivering Fire Safety workshops in our immersive, interactive pods, and by supporting children and schools as they attend Safe+Sound events and work their way round our five partner delivered workshops.
included: Community Champion for Leek Morrisons Sarah Gould in the Business Contribution to Communities category; Brown Edge and Endon Litter Picking Army in the New Volunteer Team of the Year; Linda Lea of the Brown Edge Luncheon Club in the Volunteering Support for the Over 65 s category; Cheddleton Local Committee in the Volunteer Team of the Year category; and Bill Taylor of Borderland Voices in the Trustee of the Year category. To watch the virtual award ceremony, go online to: www.youtube.com/channel/UCALwWQP47FS0Z JuAa2YuPNQ. Andy s help is invaluable as it helps schools get the most out of their visits to the fire station and their Safe+Sound experience. In November 2019 Andy helped support 508 Year Six children from Leek schools as they attended Safe+Sound at Leek Fire Station. He has learnt how to use our new immersive technology as a new innovative technology driven workshop, this was new to everyone and to be able to learn and adapt to such new technology is a credit to Andy and his determination to succeed. He has had an immensely positive impact on the children who attended with feedback such as: After today I will tell my brother not to charge his phone on his bed, and: After today I will make sure the doors are closed at night, and: After today I know what to do if there is a fire. It is clear that he is helping keep children and their families safer. He deserves to win as he has a calm, knowledgeable and interesting approach to delivery which the children really appreciate and engage with. He commits his time and is always reliable, enthusiastic and willing to help. He has grasped the opportunities the new technology has presented him with. It is a pleasure to nominate Andy for an award as he, and all the Staffs Fire Service volunteers, are a credit to the organisation and a pleasure to work with.