ere we have reports from some of our local Women s Institutes in the area.
What s your WI been up to? Email our editor Belinda at news@timesandecho.co.uk.
Cheddleton WI President Mal welcomed members and visitors to the February meeting. Good wishes were sent to those unable to be with us, and birthday greetings were given to Pam. Jeff Eardley then entertained with his guitar, a mixture of songs, instrumental pieces, and his own poems about local life, such as potholes and pet pheasants. This was much enjoyed. The competition for a small musical item was won by Mal. After tea, coffee and biscuits next month s Annual Meeting, with a Pie and Pea supper followed by trifle or lemon drizzle cake was discussed, and members signed a sheet to indicate attendance. For the benefit of new members Doreen explained about the Annual General Meeting, to be held in Liverpool in June. Our delegate will come from Ceramic Sisters WI. County events to look forward to are the Homes and Gardens day in April, a Science Day at Keele University in June, and the County Show. Four members won raffle prizes, and this and the Bring and Buy stall raised a useful sum of funds. A happy and enjoyable evening was had by all. Report by Mary Worwood
Ipstones WI Our February meeting was our Members Night. As always Joy welcomed us and Jane read the minutes of the January meeting, reminding us that we should make sure that they are correct since they may be read in another 100 years, as we sometimes read those from 1921. Joy had once again printed each of us a very detailed newsletter itemising any correspondence and coming activities no excuse for forgetting anything ladies. We were reminded that we should by then have returned our forms voting for our chosen resolution. We went on to discuss the arrangements for the forthcoming Jubilee, both in our village and our own Institute. These, of course, will be discussed at greater detail in the coming months, as will our suggestions for a fashion show and an