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Leek TownMayor
LEEK TOWN MAYOR Leek reflects acommunity
Here, as her term of being Leek Town Mayor comes to an end, councillor Lyn Swindlehurst reflects on her year in the civic role:
Atthe start of my Mayoral year, Ithought of the many different approaches to the role.
We were stillworking within pandemic restrictions, and mindful of how our town had coped and supported each other, and what we perceived as important. Idecided I wanted to be aMayor that was visible in the community, and support charities that had that principle at their heart too.I chose Borderlands Voices and Family Action for that reason.

Ihave spent many days walking around town and meeting ourresidents and visitors to try to engage with their views and opinions. Many events have been shared with our Leek Town Crier, Bill Lomas who has taught me agreat deal about engagement with our community, Bill has been a good role model.
The events we have had in town this year, some of which were made possible through the Governments Welcome Back fund, have been advantageoustoour community. Interacting with those enjoying our town and regenerating asense of community spirit and enjoyment was heartwarming. We owe athank you to the LeekTown Council Events Committee and Totally Locally for the days we enjoy together. Spending dayswatching children and families togetherhas been alongawaited pleasure.
Ihave enjoyed the camaraderie of the Royal British Legion (RBL) at several memorial and celebratory events. We have stood together in thought and reflection on many occasions, for me not on