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Editors Letter
Belinda Hargreaves Contents Editor news@timesandecho.co.uk
Jane Walters Advertising Sales jane@timesandecho.co.uk 07817128582
Erin Tuckwell Tracey Redfern Design &Production
Times, Echo &Life Publications 18 Tape Street, Cheadle, Stoke-on-Trent ST10 1BD Tel: 01538 752214 www.timesechoandlife.co.uk life@timesandecho.co.uk
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EDITORS LETTER Time for reflection and new beginnings
Who else feels like the restrictions we had during the pandemic already seemages ago?
Gone are thedaysofhaving to remember amask aswell as your keys and mobile -before leaving the house; gone are the days watching the newsfor the latest restrictions to be put in place or lifted itappears that life has, for many of us,gone back to normal.
My heartgoesout to those whose lives willjustnot be the same after the pandemic though those folk who have perhapslost a loved one, or who are perhapscontinuing to suffer from long covid,or perhaps lost their jobs and or businessesdue to the surreal times of Covid-19.
So its Spring time a time for new beginnings, as theysay.
Not onlyare we seeing blooming new life in our gardens and public open spaces but this Springsees newbeginnings from the surrealness of the pandemic.
Many of us have perhaps changed ways in whichwelive that couldbe: continuing to work from home; not going outasoften as we used to; or ensuring we spend more time with family and friends, now that we can.
In this edition of the Leek Life Magazine, we feature alarge Whats On section as theres just so much coming back to life in our town and surrounding areas.
Leek Arts Festival has made a most-welcome comeback this Spring, and so too will Scooterfest this May. Theres also lots going on as our community joins the nation in celebrating Her Majesty The Queens Platinum Jubilee.
IknowIhave said it many times before, but we are lucky to live in such athriving community within Leek and the Moorlands with so many folk going above and beyond to ensure we have apacked programme of events for all to enjoy.
Also in this edition, wehave a feature byour retiring Leek Town Mayor who reflectsonher yearin office; wealsofeature anumber of other fantastic regular columns written by local folk each reflecting on themoveaway from the pandemic into new beginnings.
Whatever your new beginning is thisSpring I hope it all goes well and .don t forget our still-fairlynew-beginnings of the weekly Leek &Moorlands Echonewspaper which is out every Wednesday morning in most independent local news outlets in the area, as well as at Co-op and Asda in Leek. It is packed, every week, with all the latest local news, events, sport and myfavourite aspect smiley faces of folk in our community!
LeekHea Repeat
Front cover photo by Brett Trafford Photography
Editors Letter........................6 Leek Arts Festival ..................8 Campaign for Real Ale..........14 Leek TownMayor.................16 Patient LocalityGroup .........17 Tales From ThePast............20 Breckles...............................20 arLeek TownCrier...................21 WhatsOn............................22 Womens Institute...............26 Samaritans ...........................27 Quiz Corner..........................28 Readers Pics........................28 Gardening............................29 Localtheatre ........................30 EndonCommunity Choir.....30 Reflections Coaching............32 Leek Lions............................32 FinancialMatters.................34