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Interactive dance in the Bromfield Room


interactive dance experience is set to be on offer at the Foxlowe Arts Centre this Spring.


‘Squidge – the interactive dance film experience’ will take place in the Bromfield Room on Saturday, March 11.

A spokesman for the show said: “Do you squish or squash, tickle or most certainly not, handshake or hug, stretch out or snuggle in like a bug?

“Squidge is a fun interactive dance film with live music and digital projection, which takes a lighthearted look at our sense of touch and how it influences our everyday lives.

“At the heart of the piece is a tale of friendship, compromise and how each and every one of us need touch to make us feel alive.

“A magical shared interactive experience for children five to nine years and their grown-ups, which will delight and maybe even tickle.

“Immerse yourself in this shared experience. Sit in your own special seating area where you can explore magical light-up boxes, full of exciting textures for little hands which will delight and tickle your senses.”

There will be two performances of Squidge at the Foxlowe Arts Centre on Saturday, March 11, at 11am and 2pm. Tickets are for up to five people (maximum of three children) and cost £38.

For further information, and to book tickets, go online to: https://foxloweartscentre.org.uk/events/squidgethe-interactive-dance-film-experience/

Then next up for theatre at the Foxlowe, will be a welcome return visit from Garlic Theatre with their new show ‘The Nosy Little Troll.’

This family show will be at the Foxlowe on Friday, April 28, with just one performance at 5pm “between teatime and bedtime.”

The above shows are brought to the Foxlowe Arts Centre in conjunction with Live & Local, a network organisation which finds and brings theatre and music work into the Moorlands.

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Walking the Wainwright way

APennine Odyssey - Walks and Ways in Wainwright’s Footsteps is the latest book by author Ron Scholes, who lives in Endon.

Alfred Wainwright believed in a purely Pennine Way from the Staffordshire Moorlands and Derbyshire Dales, and also agreed on a route that did not concentrate on the designated Way.

The journey wanders northwards and includes Wainwright’s high-level route to Cold Fell before ending at Housesteads.

A website for The Odyssey is being created and will be available shortly. This book has been published by Sigma Leisure and is priced at £18.99.

Ron’s website for his Coast to Coast on The Ravenber Way is at ravenberway.uk.

A copy of The Odyssey may be obtained from Picture Book in Stanley Street, Leek.

For further information call Ron on 01782 504384, email him at ron.scholes1@btinternet.com, or visit his website at www.landscapeheritage.co.uk.

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