3 minute read

“When goals get forgotten in the rush for cake”

Ihave just rejoined the gym. Quite scarily its been almost three years since I had a gym membership.

I cancelled it in lockdown and never really been back. I do exercise; I walk very regularly and I swim but I am slowly gaining weight.


I didn’t return in July 2020 when the gym opened up, because it was glorious weather and I was walking over miles a day. I didn’t go back in September because it just did not feel safe. Spring 2021 I decided to take advantage of the summer and spend more time outdoors again and in September I was diagnosed with breast cancer.

By March I was on the mend (if you want to know more about my journey you can read about ‘My Cancer’ journey on my blog – via my website www.carolyntrafford.com,) but as we rolled into summer again I was in conflict. I just didn’t want to be the big bad person that pushed the slightly fragile me back into doing something I did not want to do.

I’d dipped my toe (quite literally) into wild swimming in 2019, so I started swimming againtwice a week and convinced myself that it would be enough.

No one had told me that the best post swim food is cake. My activity increased but it did nothing for my growing waistline.

So finally, one full year on from having radiotherapy, I have managed to convince myself that even with my ongoing treatment, there comes a point where it is just an excuse. I have been back to the gym, spent my Christmas money on a smart watch and loving feeling more active again. Although today I hurt –everywhere.

I’m feeling really focused at the moment and I know now I can tackle the weight issue. It is important to remember when you are setting goals that motivation only truly comes when you fully want to do something.

If you’re struggling to achieve a goal, there comes a time when you have to question if it is really what you want to do. If the answer is “Yes” then you can draw on motivation.

If the answer is “No” then maybe the goal is the wrong one. Which is why sometimes the clients that come to me are surprised by some of the conversations we have.

The stuff that blocks you from doing something is often not obvious and needs to be moved out of the way first.

Carolyn Trafford

Reflections Coaching

Contact details: 07714216388.

Email: Caro@reflectionscoaching.co.uk. www.carolyntrafford.com

PATIENT LOCALITY GROuP “New members welcome on patient groups”

Itbecame apparent last year that the wider communication with patients was not adequate and in order to improve this the Primary Care Network has agreed to work more closely with the Patient Locality Group to get information to patients via social media and local press regarding initiatives and developments of the services in Primary Care.

A small team of PLG members has been formed to coordinate this work and we are seeking volunteers from each Practice Patient Group to complement this team to ensure that the messages get to all patients. Each Practice Patient Group is seeking new members and would welcome new members particularly who had experience in dealing with the media and social media to help cascade the information to patients. To volunteer please contact your practice reception or website.

It has become apparent as result of a patient survey at one of the practices that a significant percentage of patients are not aware of the availability of additional GP/ Nurse Practitioner appointments in Leek and Biddulph under the ‘Extended Access Initiative’ managed by the PCN.

Appointments are available from 4pm to 8pm Monday to Thursday, telephone appointments 6am to 8pm, Friday 9am to 1pm Saturday and telephone appointments on a Sunday.

The venues in Leek are: Monday - Leek Health Centre, Wednesday - Park Medical Centre, Thursday – Moorland Medical Centre and Saturday will be at one of the local Practices on a rota.

If you need to use one of the additional appointments you should request one via your

ON: 01538 420371 or 07538 490259

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