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Belinda Hargreaves Contents Editor life@timesandecho.co.uk
Erin Tuckwell &Tracey Refern Design & Production Jane Walters Advertising Manager Tel: 07817 128582 jane@timesandecho.co.uk Tom Brian General Manager Tel: 07855 242693 tom@timesandecho.co.uk
Times, Echo & Life Publications 18 Tape Street, Cheadle, Stoke-on-Trent ST10 1BD Tel: 01538 752214 www.timesechoandlife.co.uk life@timesandecho.co.uk
Welcome to our latest edition of the Stone &Eccleshall Life Magazine yet another jam-packed edition full of wonderful stories from within our lovely area.
With the further easing of the Governments Covid-19 restrictions is more and more community activities and events doesntitfeel great to be getting out and about more?
In this edition we have anumber of stories about various groups and organisations being back out and about raising funds forcharity; and also an inspiring feature about whats been happening at Stone Community Hub during the pandemic.
We have afurtherupdate on how the very exciting project of Crown Wharf Theatre is coming along; news of the Stone Neighbourhood Plan being adopted; and also a feature about alocal tourist destination which is set to be recognised by royalty.
We also have alovely story all about how akitten was saved by the emergency services from being stuck up atree; and keeping on our lovable furry friends theres Dolly the pooch who has come out tops in acompetition.
And theres so much more!
We hope you enjoy reading this edition of the Stone &Eccleshall Life Magazine, and if youhave a story to tell about life in thearea, please do get in touch by emailing me at hargreavespr@outlook.com.
Until next time takecare!
Cover photo courtesyof NoelBennett
noelbennettphoto graphy.co.uk, 01785 813888