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Stafford Borough Council
Climate change and Covid recovery are priorities in new StaffordBorough vision
APLAN setting out the vision for Stafford Borough over the next few years has now been released.
The new three-year Corporate Business Plan by Stafford Borough council continues to earmark growth, wellbeing in the community, and running a tight ship as its priorities.
Aspokesman forthe councilfurtherexplained: The plan has also added climate change and green recovery as apriority -aswell as highlighting how the local authority is working with partners to support communities hit hardest by Covid-19 to help economic recovery. The borough council was at the forefront of helping its communities duringthe pandemic and has paid out more than £45m in grants to hundreds of businesses that suffered because of Covid-19 restrictions and supported over 7,000 vulnerable residents through their Community Hub initiative. The plandemonstrates delivery of major projects since its previous publication in 2018 such as the £9 million leisure centre scheme in Stone and the £2.5 million restoration of theawardwinning Victoria Park in Stafford.
Leader of theCouncil, Patrick Farrington, said that over the pastthree years they had worked with partners to create asustainable and vibrant economy which was made more challenging because of thepandemic.
He said: Our strong economic base and the ambitious programme of development will help us to recover quicker and stronger than many areas. We will continue to promote a dynamic local economy and enterprise culture and capitalise on opportunitiesto grow our economy and attract further investment. We want Stafford (borough) to be agreat place to live, work and visit, and ensure that our communities are sustainable and strong and that our residents have access to green open spaceto enjoy healthier lifestyles.
Mr Farrington added: Our Climate Change and Green Recovery Strategy outlines how we will reduce carbon emissions from our own activities, how we can work with our communities to raise awareness and promote low carbon initiatives and protect and enhance our biodiversity and wildlife.
Covid-19 has brought to the fore how important it is that local authorities have the powers and resources devolved to them to enable them to deliver services to their communities and we have worked tirelessly to become financially sustainable and, over the past three years, have consistently delivered abalanced budget.
The full Stafford Borough Council Corporate Business Plan 2021-2024can be viewed at www.staffordbc.gov.uk/corpo rate-plan.
Stone Leisure Centre Swimming Pool