///////// THE TIMES LEADER ///////// August 30 - September 5, 2013 /////////
the Guide
Music and
merriment for miles Cornstock just one of a feast of festivals for the holiday weekend. PAGE 3
INSIDE: Our food critic checks out a comfy little spot in Plymouth.
THE GUIDE timesleader.com
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As Labor Day brings to mind the efforts of American workers, we asked:
“A surgical doctor.” Herbert Rohadfox, 55, Wilkes-Barre
“A stay-at-home mother, trying to keep her family together and out of trouble.” Jerry Bartleson, 38, Kingston
Limit one per person/day. In-house only. Expires 8/31/13 Drink purchase required. Other restrictions may apply.
“Workers at McDonald’s.”
Anita Bray, 64, Kingston
Hair Salon
Men’s Cuts
“I’ll say stay-at-home moms. They don’t get a break.”
Starting at $29 and up
Now featuring Woody’s American Crew & Redken Men Walk-ins Welcome 595 Bennett St., Luzerne •288-4419
Diana Hoppe, 31, Wilkes-Barre
Darling & SonS’ F“Growing armS & greenhouSeS Quality Is A Family Business Since 1930”
“Moms and people in the military.” Jamie Halpin, 33, Fairview Township
Home Grown Pickles, Cucumbers, Potatoes, Dill, Carrots, Onions, Peppers, Cabbage, Red Beets, Squash, McCutcheon’s Canned Goods, CanningTomatoes Accepting FArm mArket nutrition progrAm checks
M-F 9-5 • Sat 9-4 • Sun 9-2 • OPEn LabOr Day 9-2 • 675-2080 1/2 mile off rt 309, Dallas, Hildebrnadt Rd. (200 yds north of Dallas Elementary School)
Holy Spirit Parish presents St. Mary’s Homecoming Picnic, Parish Park Mocanaqua Saturday, Aug. 31, 4 pm - 9:30 pm. Polka Mass at 4 pm. Music by Joe Stankey and the Cadets. Sunday, Sept. 1, 12:30 pm - 9:30 pm by Shoreliners. Picnic features a variety of ethnic foods, Homemade Pierogies, Haluski, Piggies, Pasta & Meatballs, Potato Pancakes, Strawberry Shortcake and much more. Games, prizes, pony rides and free petting zoo. Plenty of Free Parking.
A GUIDE TO THE GUIDE All submissions must be received two weeks in advance of the event you wish to promote. Emailed announcements via guide@timesleader.com are preferred, but announcements also can be faxed to (570) 829-5537 or mailed to 15 North Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. The Guide provides advance coverage and/or notice for events open to the public. Events open only to a specific group of people or after-the-fact announcements are published in The Times Leader’s community news section each day.
All announcements MUST INCLUDE a contact phone number and MAKE NOTE OF ANY ADMISSION OR TICKET PRICES OR NOTE THAT AN EVENT IS FREE. We cannot guarantee publication otherwise. We welcome listings photographs. First preference is given to high-res JPGs (300 dpi or above) submitted in compressed format to guide@timesleader.com. Color prints also can be submitted via U.S. mail, but we are unable to return any submitted photographs. Please identify all subjects in photographs.
FEATURES EDITOR: Sandra Snyder - 831-7383 ssnyder@timesleader.com FEATURES STAFF: Mary Therese Biebel - 970-7283 mbiebel@timesleader.com Joe Sylvester - 970-7334 jsylvester@timesleader.com LISITINGS: Marian Melnyk guide@timesleader.com Fax: Attention: The Guide 829-5537 Advertise: To place a display ad - 829-7101
Rest from your labors
Holiday weekend offers parties from one end of town to the other MARY THERESE BIEBEL mbiebel@timesleader.com
Three years ago, as organizers were handing out trophies on Wilkes-Barre’s River Common, they announced a young woman’s name, inviting her to step forward to accept an age-group award in the inaugural Wendy’s Wonderful Kids Half-Marathon. Where was she? Was she still in the vicinity? She’s not here, one of her friends called out. Not content with the 13.1 miles she had just run in the halfmarathon, this particular athlete had set off to run several more miles, to complete the day’s workout. It almost makes you wonder if a really motivated long-distance runner could start out in WilkesBarre, scene of tomorrow’s fourth annual Wendy’s Wonderful Kids halfmarathon, and try to hoof it to other Labor Day Weekend events. Surely a marathoner could reach those traditional favorites, the Steamtown Railfest and La Festa Italiana in Scranton, within a few hours. A diehard athlete probably also could jog to Tunkhannock for the inaugural CORNSTOCK acoustic music fest. But it would take some doing to push on toward the Pocono Garlic Fest in Shawnee-on-Delaware, and then our imaginary athlete would probably have to get a ride back to Wilkes-Barre if he or she wanted to reach Kirby Park in time for the firstever Labor Day Festival that benefits the Wounded Warriors Project. For most of us, meanwhile, it would be a marathon just to drive to all of these places. Whatever mode of transportation you choose, here is some information about the many festivals.
Wendy’s Wonderful Kids Family Fitness Weekend
See HOLIDAy | 4
Wendy’s Wonderful Kids half-marathon benefits the causes of adoption and foster care.
The 4th annual event includes two days of movement and exercise, beginning tonight with a race expo on the River Common in Wilkes-Barre.
Holiday From page 3 There will be food, music, arts and crafts for children, a bounce house and games along with Harrold’s Pharmacy Walk for Adoption, the Friday Night 5K Run and the OneSource River Street Mile. That OneSource race is the third and final race in the Valley’s Fastest Man Series and last year included several NCAA All-Americans and an Olympian from Argentina. Saturday offers a spectator-friendly half-marathon and 10K run, the 15-mile Colours Ride for Home bicycle ride, a CrossFit Kids class, gymnastics, free pancake breakfast, Zumba, yoga and a float on the Susquehanna River. Events are centered at the River Common, Wilkes-Barre. Details at wilkesbarreracing.com.
☞ Steamtown Railfest A celebration of railroading with visiting steam and diesel locomotives and passenger cars, exhibits, shop demonstrations, train rides and excursions, live music, Confederation of Union Generals program, Civil War encampment (at the Iron Furnaces), caboose and hand-car rides, model railroads and “Big Boy” cab tours. Steamtown National Historic Site, 300 Cliff St., Scranton. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. 340-5200 or nps.gov/stea.
La Festa Italiana
Visitors to a previous Railfest in Scranton wait for a train to pass before they walk across the tracks.
La Festa Italiana always guarantees a heaping plate full and then some.
The annual end-of-summer festival with food and craft vendors, continuous entertainment, games and rides for the children and Sunday-night fireworks. Also: an Italian Mass at 10 a.m. Sunday at St. Peter’s Cathedral and a tribute to Dean Martin on Monday. Courthouse Square in downtown Scranton. 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday and Sunday; 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday. Free admission. More info at lafestaitaliana.org.
Pocono Garlic Festival
The 19th annual event with more than 50 garlicky foods ranging from salsas to pasta to popcorn (non-garlicky food also is available). There will be craft vendors, two stages of music, cooking demonstrations, a garliceating contest, children’s activity area and strolling entertainers. Shawnee Mountain Ski Area, Hollow Road, Shawnee-on-Delaware. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. $10. 421-7231.
Organizers Anthony Hannigan and Jillian Brosnan ‘test the waters’ for Cornstock, an acoustic music festival they have planned in Tunkhannock.
Three days of acoustic music, camping and jamming in the Endless Mountains. Organizers of this familyfriendly event explain they are promoting “the greenest form of music.”
“In this modern day of seemingly endless screen time,” they wrote in a press release, “it is important to get away from all the gadgets. No plugs or chargers are needed to create hours of fun and enjoyment. … We invite folks to come celebrate the universal language of music, kinship and good times.” Set for today through Sunday at Lazy Brook Park in Tunkhannock, CORNSTOCK includes 22 bands, among them international touring bluegrass band Hickory Project, regional favorites Coal James Hannigan, conTown Rounders, sidered a ‘bluegrass Garcia Grass, Old Friends, Bog pioneer’ in Northeastern Pennsylvania, will be Swing Group, an honored guest at Tumblewood Cornstock. Highway and Colebrook Road and NYC-based country-jazz band Honeyfingers. Experts will lead workshops in mandolin, swing guitar, harmony singing and more, and there will be activities for children as well. Tickets are $50 for a weekend pass, $20 for Friday only, $25 for Saturday only and $10 for Sunday. Ages 16 and younger are admitted free if accompanied by an adult.
Labor Day Festival
The inaugural event to raise money for the non-profit Keystone Wounded Warrior Project. Monday with a Home Run Derby at 7:30 a.m. followed by activities from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. including costumed dramas about the area’s labor history by the Eckley and Patchtown Players, music by John Smith, Jim Spock, rock band Deva Loca, rappers Rahboo and R&B artist David Young, magic with Pat Ward, karate demonstration, book signing, displays, vendors and festival foods. Kirby Park, Wilkes-Barre. 466-3385.
The Eckley Players will give a historical presentation during the Labor Day Festival at Kirby Park on Monday.
Fans of county fairs are in luck this weekend with a choice of the Kiwanis Wyoming County Fair in Meshoppen, the Sullivan County Fair in Forksville and the Great Allentown Fair.
Fairmount Springs. 5 to 11 p.m. Saturday; noon to 11 p.m. Sunday. 864-3780. St. Mary’s Homecoming Picnic, with ethnic foods, a polka Mass (4 p.m. Saturday) and music by Joe Stanky and the Cadets (Saturday) and the Shore Liners (Sunday). Holy Spirit Parish Park, 110 Main St., Mocanaqua. 4 to 9:30 p.m. Saturday; 12:30 to 9:30 p.m. Sunday. 542-4157. Benefit Ride and Family Picnic, the 13th annual motorcycle ride followed by a picnic with 12 bands on two stages, magic show, raffles, food, bike games, vendors, children’s games and fireworks by Pizza Paul. Holy Child Grove, 135 Old Newport St., Sheatown. Sunday with registration and breakfast at 8 a.m. and ride at 11 a.m. $15; $10 passengers; $5 picnic only. Proceeds benefit seriously ill children in conjunction with Valley with a Heart. 735-5333 or 675-1504. Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show, the sixth annual event with music, flea market, trophies and cash prizes. Hunlock Creek Volunteer Fire Company, Sunset Lake Road. Sunday with registration 9 a.m. to noon, judging 12:30 to 2 p.m. and awards presentation at 3 p.m. $3 admission; $10 per registered vehicle. 256-7616. Monthly Bingo, with cash prizes, door prizes and refreshments. St. Mary’s School Hall, 1010 S. Hanover St., Nanticoke. Sunday with doors at 12:30 p.m. and games at 1:45 p.m. 829-1154. Forty Fort Meeting House Tours. Explore the 1807 historic religious edifice with its original box pews and elevated pulpit. 20 River St., Forty Fort. 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday and Monday; continues Sundays through Sept. 29. $2, $1 children. 287-5214. Denison House Tours of the historic 1790 edifice including the two-story interior and
furnishings along with a history of early settler Nathan Denison. 35 Denison St., Forty Fort. 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays through Sept. 22. $5, $3 children. 288-5531. Summer Film Series: “Psycho” (1998), Alfred Hitchcock’s most notorious thriller with Anthony Perkins and Janet Leigh. F.M. Kirby Center, Public Square, Wilkes-Barre. Wednesday at 1 p.m. ($4) and 7:30 p.m. ($6). 826-1100.
Midway Garden Center, 1865 Route 315, Pittston. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 7. 654-6194. Bears in Your Backyard, a talk on why black bear sightings are increasing in the area and what to do when you encounter them. Dietrich Theater, 60 E. Tioga St., Tunkhannock. 11 a.m. Sept. 7. Free. 996-1500. Farm to Table Dinner, a fundraiser for the Green Guides. With cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, dinner made from local foods by chef Pat Greenfield, entertainment by the Coal Town Rounders, auctions and visits with the farm FuTuRE animals. The Cedars and Hillside Cottage, The Lands at Hillside, 65 Hillside Road, Felittese Festival, with Italian ethnic foods Trucksville. 5:30 to 10 p.m. Sept. 7. $100. and pastries, the 5K Race for Our Lady 888-887-7811. of Constantinople (9 a.m. Sunday) and entertainment by Fuzzy Park (Friday), Teresa’s Angels Ball, the second annual Chixy-Dix (Saturday) and Sweet Pepper and fundraiser with cash bar, dinner and the Long Hots (Sunday). Fairgrounds, 145 entertainment. Proceeds benefit the Boys Third St., Old Forge. 5 to 10 p.m. Sept. 6 and 7; and Girls Club of Northeastern Pennsylvania. noon to 10 p.m. Sept. 8. 489-0178. Scranton Cultural Center, 420 N. Washington Cruise Night, sponsored by the Coal Cracker Ave. Sept. 7 at 6 p.m. with dinner at 7 p.m. $20. 842-8293. Cruisers Car Club. With music, door prizes, trophies and food. Advance Auto Parts, 161 Nicholson Bridge Day, the 98th anniversary Brooklyn St., Carbondale. 6 to 9 p.m. Sept. 6. of the Tunkhannock Viaduct landmark with 876-4034. live animal presentations by the Ross Park Zoo, music, vendors, entertainment, modelHazleton Funfest, a free street festival with railroad display, Lenoxville Community Band, activities for all ages including the Celebrity children’s games and a chicken barbecue. Adult Tricycle Race, Latin Music Celebration, Main Street, Nicholson. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. car show, cooking and baking contests, the 8. 942-6747. Funfest Parade, pierogie-eating contest and Pierogie Slapshot Challenge, senior activities, Swetland Homestead Tours, with refood vendors, Teen Street Party, Run for the enactors from the 143rd Pennsylvania Gold and more. Broad Street and other venues Volunteer Infantry talking about “The Life in downtown Hazleton. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. of the Union Soldier.” 885 Wyoming Ave., Sept. 7 and 8. 455-1509 or hazletonchamber. Wyoming. 1 to 4 p.m. Sept. 8. $4, $2 children. org. 822-1727. Bonsai Society Open House, the 23rd Wine Tasting Fundraiser, with hors d’oeuvres annual event with a large bonsai display, and tastings from Bartolai Winery. West demonstrations, bonsai sale, Shakuhachi Pittston Library, 200 Exeter Ave. 2 to 5 p.m. flute music by Jamie Orfanella and contests. Sept. 8. $20. 654-9847.
THIS WEEK: Aug. 30 To SEpT. 5, 2013 Kiwanis Wyoming County Fair, with amusement rides, agricultural exhibits, demolition derby, horse shows, Tuff Truck Competition, archery shoot, horseshoe pitching contest, Baby Show and lawnmower pulls. Fairgrounds, Route 6, Meshoppen. 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. today through Monday. $10. 836-5502 or 833-4866. Sullivan County Fair, the 162nd edition of the agricultural event with tractor pulls, amusement rides, horse pull, Redeye Rodeo, demolition derby, truck pull and entertainment by the Greenwood Valley Boys, Hillbilly D’Lux and Heart and Soul. Sullivan County Fairgrounds, 4430 Route 154, Forksville. 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. today and Saturday; 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday; 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday. $6. 924-3205. Great Allentown Fair, the 161st edition with Powers Great American Midway, international cuisine, grandstand concerts, stunt and thrill shows, the Farmerama Theater, Bier Garten, Agri-Plex & Agri-Land, Animals That Built America, Wolves of the World, Great American Frontier Show, Paul Bunyon Lumberjack Show, Robinson’s Paddling Porkers and more. Fairgrounds, 302 N. 17th St., Allentown. Noon to 11 p.m. today through Sunday; noon to 10 p.m. Monday. $6. 610-433-7541. AACA Car Cruise, sponsored by the Northeastern Pennsylvania Regional AACA Car Club. With special games, prizes, free cheeseburgers, chalk and bubbles for the kids. Public Square, Wilkes-Barre. Tonight, 6 to 10 with awards at 9. Free. Movie Night in the Park, family films sponsored by the Wyoming Area Kiwanis Club. Dailey Park, West Wyoming. Tonight with crafts and activities at 7 and movie at 8:15. Popcorn and drinks provided. Bring a blanket or chair. 407-0173. Car and Bike Show. Exeter Borough Hose Company #1, 1405 Susquehanna Ave. 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday. 602-0739. Exercise for Eric, a fundraiser to defray medical costs for West Pittston teenager Eric Speicher. With zumba, hip hop, pilates and yoga along with raffles, bake sale, refreshments and face painting. Immaculate Conception Church, 605 Luzerne Ave., West Pittston. 9 a.m. to noon Saturday. 823-7542. Stroudfest, the annual street festival with two stages of entertainment, artisans and crafters, food vendors, face painting and more. Along Main Street in downtown Stroudsburg. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday. 420-2808 or stroudfest.com. Train Excursion, a round trip from Scranton to the Pocono town of Moscow with a stopover at its restored 1904 train station. Steamtown National Historic Site, 300 Cliff St., Scranton. Saturday and Sunday with a 12:30 p.m. departure and approximate return at 2:30 p.m. $24, $22 seniors, $17 children. 340-5205. St. Martha’s Festival, with ethnic foods, sidewalk dessert cafe, flea market, basket raffle, children’s games, chicken and ham dinners (Sunday, noon to 5 p.m.) and entertainment by Covert Action (Saturday) and Al White & Friends (Sunday). Holy Spirit/ St. Martha’s Church, 260 Bonnieville Road,
A camel ride? A pregnant cow? This county fair full of surprises JOE SYLVESTER
Children will have it made at the Luzerne County Fair this year. For the first time, organizers will transform a special area of the fairgrounds into Kiddie Land, with free rides for the younger fair-goers, an ag activity tent and exotic animals. “They’ll actually get to plant a flower into a pot and get to take it home with them,” fair
Chairman Brenda Pugh said. “They get to dress scarecrows, dig for potatoes, learn how to gather eggs.” But those won’t be real chickens in the ag tent in Kiddie Land, which will be down by the horse arena on the opposite side of the arena from the barn. “There will be exotic animals in Animal Alley,” Pugh said. She would not give specifics but did say there will be animals not native to the area. “Our petting zoo is down
The sun shines brightly over the Luzerne County Fairgrounds.
there, goats, sheep, all kinds of stuff they can touch and see,” she said. The fair gets under way on Wednesday and runs for five days. And besides Kiddie Land, there will be something else not seen at past Luzerne County Fairs: camel rides for $5. “If there is a charge for something, we try to keep it low.” Of course, this being a county fair, there will be exhibits, including paintings, duct-tape items, sewing creations, photography, vegetables, plants and flower arrangements. Then throw in animal and tractor rodeo judging. “New to our barn, we’re actually going have longhorns,” Pugh said. She’s also heard a rumor: “We
What: Luzerne County Fair When: 4-11 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday; 4-11:30 p.m. Friday; 11 a.m.-11:30 p.m. Saturday; 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m. Sunday Where: Route 118, Lehman Township Admission: $8, includes parking, rides (except for camel) and entertainment; Senior Citizens Day Thursday, $4 More info: 675-3247 or www.luzernecountyfair.com may have an impregnated cow coming into the grounds, so we may have a calf born at the fair.” The 51st annual fair also will include amusement rides, the high-flying Dialed Action Sports Team, 4-H Fun Horse Show, Fair Princess Contest, line dancing, Barnyard Olympics, fireworks and entertainment by the Tommy
Guns Band and the Kentucky Headhunters on Wednesday, the Poets on Thursday, That ’90s Band and the Badlees on Friday and Shawn Klush and the Sweet Inspirations in an Elvis tribute on Saturday. Keystone Kids and Rick K and the All Nighters take the stage on Sunday. Approximately 50,000 people attended the fair over the five days last year, Pugh said. She pointed out the crowds range from 30,000 to 60,000, depending on the weather. But she knows people will keep coming back, not just for the attractions and the fair’s affordability but to spend time with family and friends and make a few memories. “That’s what we hope,” she said. But she added none of it would be possible without the hundreds of volunteers who put in endless hours. “We are 100 percent volunteer,” Pugh said. “The money goes back into the maintenance of the grounds.” The fair also is a major funDallas Area Fall Fair Association secretary and vendor-committee member Colette Mahoney of Sweet Valley, right, and Misericordia University peer advo- Misericordia University peer advocates Tori Dziedziak of Shenandoah, right, draiser for the communitycate Mindy LaBarre of Rome survey the Luzerne County Fairgrounds in Lehman and Amy Bunavage of Falls paint a deck at the Luzerne County Fairgrounds in service clubs whose members Township on Saturday afternoon. Lehman Township on Saturday afternoon. volunteer at the fair, she added.
THE GUIDE Conveniently Located on Wyoming Ave., Kingston
THIS WEEK: Aug. 30 to Sept. 5, 2013 Back Roads and Backyards, paintings and photography of local scenery and Monroe County landmarks by three generations of the Eckley family: Pat, Tara and Ava. Opens Thursday followed by a reception 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sept. 7. Monroe County Environmental Education Center, 8050 Running Valley Road, Stroudsburg. Through Sept. 30: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mondays through Fridays; 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. most Saturdays. 629-3061. ONGOING EXHIBITS Frank Wyso: Coal Country, an exhibit focusing on the anthracite coal region by regional outsider artist Frank Wysochansky. Eckley Miners Village, Highland Road, off Route 940, Eckley. Through Saturday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays; noon to 5 p.m. Sundays. 636-2070. The Miracle of the Bells, an exhibit covering the story of the “real” Olga (Trotzski) Treskoff of Glen Lyon who became a successful Broadway producer and was the inspiration for a 1948 movie partially filmed in Glen Lyon. Luzerne County Historical Society Museum, 69 S. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre. Through Saturday: noon to 2 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays; noon to 4 p.m. Saturdays. 823-6244. Toulouse-Lautrec and His World, the art and life of the French impressionist who painted during the Belle Epoque Era, capturing its famous singers, actors and other characters of the cabarets and cafes. Included: 150 works on paper accompanied by passages from French literature, photographs and other objects. Allentown Art Museum, 31 N. Fifth St. Through Sunday: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesdays through Saturdays; noon to 4 p.m. Sundays. 610-432-4333. Gardening Mind, colorful floral acrylics by Jason Kresock along with new paintings by Nina Davidowitz. Marquis Art and Frame, 515 Center St., Scranton. Through Saturday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays through Fridays; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays. 344-3313. Our Picturesque Landscape, the ever-changing world of nature as seen
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Scenes of Monroe County are highlighted in ‘Pat Eckley’s Back Roads and Backyards’ opening Thursday at the Monroe County Environmental Education Center in Stroudsburg.
to 4 p.m. Mondays through Fridays; 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays. 288-8386. Wildlife Art, scenes from the great outdoors in oils and acrylics by Noxen artist Charles J. Kovalick. Dietrich Theater, 60 E. Tioga St., Tunkhannock. Through Nov. 15: open during movie screenings. 996-1500. Luzerne County in the Civil War. Luzerne County Historical Society Museum, 69 S. Franklin St., WilkesBarre. Through Dec. 21: noon to 2 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays; noon to 4 p.m. Saturdays. 823-6244. Sidewalk Surfing: The Art & Culture of Skateboarding, a multi-disciplinary exhibit on the roots of skateboarding including artifacts and artwork on the cultural importance of the sport. Everhart Museum, 1901 Mulberry St., Scranton. Through Dec. 30: noon to 4 p.m. Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays; noon to 5 p.m. Sundays. 346-7186. Exceptional Art — Exceptional Artists, works by artists from Verve Vertu Center of the Deutsch Institute. SpeechLanguage Pathology Department, Misericordia University, 301 Lake St., Dallas. On display through April 2014: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. 674-8255. ANNOUNCEMENTS Call for Entries, for the ninth annual Glenburn Township Art Show and Sale. All two-dimensional media considered. Deliver by Sept. 26 for Sept. 29 opening. Call 954-1489 for entry form and details. Call for Entries, for the annual Fall Art Expo at the Forksville Fairgrounds in Sullivan County offering $1200 in cash prizes. Pieces accepted through Sept. 30. 928-8927. Information and applications at http://sullivanarts.org. World War II Combat Veterans are invited to have a free portrait taken by local photographer Steve Lewis, who is seeking to capture the spirit of veterans for a future exhibit. Information at 5922938.
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through the lens of the Pocono Photo Club. Monroe County Environmental Education Center, 8050 Running Valley Road, Stroudsburg. Through Tuesday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mondays through Fridays; 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. most Saturdays. 629-3061. Phone-tography Exhibit, a juried show of photographs taken with cell phones. Schulman Gallery, Luzerne County Community College, 1333 S. Prospect St., Nanticoke. Through Thursday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. 740-0727. The Art of Balliet, 40 compositions by realism artist Justin Balliet in charcoal, graphite and oils. Sordoni Art Gallery, Stark Learning Center, 150 S. River St., Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre. Meet the artist at a reception 5 to 7 p.m. Sept. 6. Through Oct. 20: noon to 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays through Sundays. 408-4325. Art Exhibit, oil paintings by Thomas Stapleton, ceramics by Barbara Shaffer and photography by Charles Shaffer. Marquis Art and Frame, 122 S. Main St., Wilkes-Barre. Through Sept. 7: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays. 823-0518. Words as Images, works by six artists who use text to express visual images and ideas including Christina Galbiati of Hazleton. Gallery at Penn State Lehigh Valley, 2809 Saucon Valley Road, Center Valley. Meet the artists at a reception 5 to 7 p.m. Sept. 11. The exhibit runs through Oct. 11: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays; 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays. 610-2855000. Art of Joe DeOrio, along with photography by Jim Cook and paintings by Maria Montoro Edwards and Gabriela Moustardas. B&B Art Gallery, 222 Northern Blvd., Clarks Summit. Through Sept. 13: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays through Sundays. 585-2525. Quilt On, an exhibit of new works by Sabine Thomas depicting “The Airing ‘Quilt On,’ a series of paintings by Sabine of the Quilts” event in Tunkhannock. Thomas, is on view through Oct. 4 at Something Special, 23 W. Walnut St., Kingston. Through Oct. 4: 7:30 a.m. Something Special in Kingston.
‘Getaway’finishes summer cinema season with a whimper ROGER MOORE
McClatchy-Tribune News Service
And thus does a summer that started with a silly car-chase picture end with a sillier one. “Getaway” has some of the elements of a good gear grinder — a B-movie where a car takes a pivotal role in the cast. It has Ethan Hawke, doing enough of his own driving to pass muster with the likes of Ryan Gosling (“Drive”), Dax Shepard (“Hit and Run”), or Paul Walker (“Fast & Furious”). It has a cool car — a Shelby Super Snake version of the Ford Mustang. It has an unusual city setting — Sofia, Bulgaria. And then Selena Gomez shows up as the mouthy, tech-savvy sidekick dragged along for a long, Christmas-season chase through the not-quite-generic (tramlines, train tracks) mean streets of Sofia. That’s where the silly kicks in. Things turn pulse-pounding in the third act, but that’s entirely too late to rescue this end-of-summer orphan. The improbable set-up: Disgraced racing driver Brent Magna’s Bulgarian wife (Rebecca Budig) has been kidnapped. He gets a call and is told to steal a particular armored, camerapacked Mustang that he will drive on a series of “tasks.” The villain, whose chin stubble and martini-slurping lips are all we see, is played by Jon Voight
AP Photos
Selena Gomez and Ethan Hawke don’t make much of an impression in ‘Getaway.’
with a German accent. “You’re runnink out off time — tic toc, tic toc,” he purrs, and we’re off. Having a car covered with
cameras raises the variety of shots and sometimes amps up the pulse-pounding nature of the chases, choreographed by Charlie Picerni. Until you notice that
door mirrors that popped off the Mustang in the last chase magically return in the next scene. “I can’t believe that worked,” Magna confesses after one escape. Too often, neither can we, despite the non-digital/real-carshaving-real-crashes nature of the beast. A guy whose wife has been kidnapped and threatened with death should be a lot more worked up and manic than Hawke plays this fellow. And one would think that a young woman snatched for a ridealong would be freaking at this or that hair-raising chase, the streets filling with wrecked Bulgarian cop cars, the machine-gunning motor-
cyclists and what not. The leads don’t turn up the requisite adrenalin-jacked pitch of their voices or their acting. They’re really in that car, but they’re entirely too calm about all this mayhem. Director Courtney Solomon (“An American Haunting”) is plainly out of his depth, and when the always reliable Hawke plays a character in the wrong key, that points back to a director who doesn’t have the stature or standing to “direct” him. Maybe they all took a gander at that random, ridiculous scenario and hoped that the car would be cool enough to bail them out. It isn’t.
Selena Gomez and Ethan Hawke in a scene from ‘Getaway.’
What: “Getaway” ♦ 1/2 Starring: Ethan Hawke, Selena Gomez, Jon Voight, Rebecca Budig Directed by: Courtney Solomon Running time: 88 minutes Rated: PG-13 for intense action, violence and mayhem throughout, some rude gestures and language
Don’t just watch a movie, experience it! One DirectiOn: this is Us (XD-3D) (PG)
12:00PM 2:20PM 4:40PM 7:10PM 9:40PM
‘One Direction’ a step in the WRONG direction IF YOU GO What: “One Direction: This Is Us” ♦ ♦ Starring: Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson Directed by: Morgan Spurlock Running time: 92 minutes Rated: PG for mild language ing a sequence where Zayn’s mother and siblings arrive at a home he has purchased for them to live in. The whole episode feels hollow and deliberately designed to stoke sympathy for Zayn. In a film where Spurlock mostly avoids canonizing his subjects, it’s the one time he stumbles significantly. Nevertheless, credit to Spurlock for not shying away from this and other very real aspects of explosive fame — it can’t all be sold-out arenas, screaming fans and millions of dollars fattening corporate coffers. Elsewhere, “This Is Us” plops viewers in the midst of a One Direction concert, complete with warm smiles, sensitive acoustic ballads and up-tempo pop bubblegum. It’s during these setpieces that Spurlock has a chance to play with 3-D technology and, apart from a few clever flourishes, those seeing the film in two dimensions won’t have an apprecia-
bly different experience. The litmus test for this and other popaganda films is how well they convey the subject’s popularity to an audience that may not have much familiarity with the pop-culture mainstream. On that score, “One Direction: This Is Us” does an excellent job showcasing the five young lads at the center of all that hormonal chaos — and while Cowell and company would clearly like to evoke another pretty popular British mop-topped foursome (the Beatles are namechecked a couple times), One Direction is stirring up a madness all its own.
RT. 11 HUNLOCK CREEK 735-5933 RT. 11 HUNLOCK CREEK (570)
SCREEN Screen 1 1
(570) 735-5933
SCREEN Screen 2 2
Despicable Me 2 PG Getaway PG-13 We’re the Millers R Fast and Furious 6 PG-13 2 SCREENS WITH DOUBLE FEATURES
FLEA MARKET SUNDAYS 6AM-3PM Find Us On Facebook At Garden Drive-In Follow Us On Twitter At @gardendriveinpa
**Note**: Showtimes marked with a \”®”\ indicate reserved seating. You must be 17 with ID or accompanied by a parent to attend R rated features. Children under 6 may not attend R rated features after 6pm
Friday August 30th - Thursday September 5th
Man Of Steel in RealD 3D/DBox One Direction: This Is -UsPG13 3D PG, 1 hrmin 32 min Motion Code Seating - 150 1:10p 2:00p 3:40p 4:50p 7:05p 9:45p 10:15 p (12:15), (3:55), 7:10, 10:10 Getaway 30 min3D1:25p 3:35p 5:45p **Man Of PG13, Steel in1 hrRealD - PG13 7:55p 10:05p - 150 min - (12:15), (3:55), 7:10, 10:10 The World’s End R, 1 hr 49 min 1:45p 4:20p *Man Of Steel 2D - PG13 - (12:00), (1:45), 7:15p 9:50p (3:40), (5:00), 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 You’re Next R, 1 hr 34 min 2:10p 4:30p 7:20p *This 9:40p Is The End - R - 110 min - (1:30), (4:00), 7:15, 9:40 The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones PGThe – PG13 1259:50p min – 13, 2Internship hr 10 min 1:15p 4:10p–7:00p (1:00), (1:45), (3:35), (4:20), 7:00, 7:40, 9:35, Kick-Ass 2 R, 1 hr 43 min 1:20p 4:00p 7:20p 9:50p 10:15 The Purge minDBOX – Motion Code• Kick-Ass 2 R,–1Rhr–4395min Reserved(2:45), seating(4:50), 1:20p 4:00p (12:40), 7:30,7:20p 9:45 9:50p Now You See Me – PG13 – – Lee Daniels’The Butler PG-13,120 2 hrmin 12 min 1:00p 3:45p (1:30), (4:15),7:00p 7:05,9:45p 9:35 After 105 3:30p min –7:10p 9:30p PlanesEarth PG, 1 –hrPG13 32 min–1:10p (2:00), (4:20), 7:25, 9:45 Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters PG, 1 hr 46 min 1:20p 3:50p 7:05p 9:30p – 135 min – Fast & Furious 6 – PG13 (12:50), (1:30), (3:40), We’re the Millers R, 1 hr(4:20), 50 min7:00, 1:40p7:25, 4:15p 7:15p 10:10 9:45p 9:50, Epic – PG – 110 The Conjuring R, 1min hr 51–min 1:30p 4:10p 7:05p 9:35p (12:30), (3:00), 7:15, 9:40 The Hangover 3 – R1 hr– 105 min – 10:10p Grown Ups 2 PG-13, 40 min 7:40p (12:45), (3:00), (5:15), 7:40, 9:55 Despicable Me 2 PG, 1 hr 38 min 2:00p 4:15p *Star Trek Into Darkness RealD 3D – The Smurfs 2 PG, 1 hr 45 min 1:40p 4:10p PG13 – 140 min – Elysium R, 1 hr7:30, 49 min 7:15p 9:45p (1:15), (4:15), 10:20 Special Events Advance Available Now World Ticketing War Z & World War Z RealD 3D -for : The One: Mayweather vs. Canelo Sat, Sep. 14 Clean8pm GuysonofThursday, ComedyJune Thu,20th Sep. 19 UNSTOPPABLE Event University with Kirk Cameron Monsters UniversityA&Live Monsters in RealD 3D Tue, Sep. 24 8pm on Thursday, June Opera 20th Series The 2013-2014 Metropolitan
All Showtimes Include Pre-Feature Content
(Parenthesis Denotes Bargain Matinees)
Avoid the lines: Advance tickets available from Fandango.com Rating Policy Parents and/or Guardians (Age 21 and older) must accompany all children under 17 to an R Rated feature *No passes accepted to these features. **No restricted discount tickets or passes accepted to these features. ***3D features are the regular admission price plus a surcharge of $2.50 D-Box Motion Seats are the admission price plus an $8.00 surcharge First Matinee $5.50 for all features (plus surcharge for 3D features).
825.4444 • rctheatres.com
• 3 Hrs. Free Parking At Participating Park & Locks with Theatre Validation
the Dietrich Theater Tioga St., Tunkhannock WEEKofOF8/30/13 7/5/13 to - 7/11/13 Week 9/5/13
One DirecTiOn: This is us 2D/3D pg
Lee DanieL’s The BuTLer pg13
KicK ass 2 r
we’re The MiLLers r
Fri. 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 9:10 saT. 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 9:10 sun. 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 MOn. 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 Tues., 7:00 weD.12:15, 7:00 Thurs. 7:00
Fri. 1:10, 4:10, 7:10, 9:30 saT. 1:10, 4:10, 7:10, 9:30 sun. 1:10, 4:10, 7:10 MOn. 1:10, 4:10, 7:10 Tues. 7:10 weD. 12:10, 7:10 Thurs. 7:10
Fri. 12:50, 3:50, 6:50, 9:40 saT. 12:50, 3:50, 6:50, 9:40 sun. 12:50, 3:50, 6:50 MOn. 12:50, 3:50, 6:50 Tues. 6:50 weD. 12:00, 6:50 Thurs. 6:50
Fri. 1:05, 4:05, 7:05, 9:35 saT. 1:05, 4:05, 7:05, 9:35 sun. 1:05, 4:05, 7:05 MOn. 1:05, 4:05, 7:05 Tues. 7:05 weD. 12:05, 7:05 Thurs. 7:05
836.1022 www.dietrichtheater.com
Time to christen a new breed of movie: popaganda. That’s the genre that has risen up in the past five years to lionize young pop stars at the height of their fame. (And, yes, cynically: these films also are designed to cash in on fans’ thirst for anything and everything related to the latest group to capture hearts.) From Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers to Justin Bieber and Katy Perry, the conceit of taking fans “behind the scenes” to give them a flavor of the hectic life of global pop stars has become a rite of passage for every young performer in the music business. The latest sleek salvo of pop-star mythmaking is director Morgan Spurlock’s “One Direction: This Is Us.” Presented like nearly every other popagandistic piece of product in the past few years, it arrives in 3-D, so the screaming young women can try to grasp the objects of their desire, only to have them slip through their fingers. The documentary tracks the five young members of One Direction — Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson — as the
group begins its whirlwind journey around the globe on its 2012 tour, promoting its sophomore album, “Take Me Home.” Spurlock intercuts sequences explaining how One Direction formed — briefly, pop Svengali Simon Cowell had a flash of inspiration when the five teens tried out separately for the British “X Factor” in 2010, heard how well their voices blended and the rest is history — and returns to each member’s humble hometown to provide a little context for the archetypes (Zayn’s the quiet, mysterious one, Harry is the mischievous scamp, Louis is the smoldering pin-up, etc.). Where Spurlock’s film sets itself apart from the tropes is in his exploration, however brief, of the impact this meteoric rise to fame has on the families of the young men. It’s not a subject often addressed, largely because it treads into uncomfortable territory — are individuals like Cowell exploiting these kids? — but also, the sight of parents weeping over lost time with their children doesn’t lend itself to a feelgood film. Although, it must be noted, Spurlock strikes a discordant note near the end of “This Is Us,” stag-
Fort Worth Star-Telegram
British boy band One Direction, from left, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne and Harry Styles, attend the premiere of ‘One Direction: This Is Us’ at the Ziegfeld Theatre on Monday in New York.
2 GUns (DiGital) (r) 12:35PM 6:50PM (12:35pm not on Sun. 9-1-13 or Wed. 9-5-13) (6:50pm not on Wed. 9-5-13 BlUe Jasmine (DiGital) (PG-13) 1:40PM 4:45PM 7:15PM 9:45PM clOseD circUit (DiGital) (r) 12:05PM 2:30PM 4:55PM 7:40PM 10:00PM cOnJUrinG, the (DiGital) (r) 1:55PM 4:35PM 7:50PM 10:35PM DesPicaBle me 2 (DiGital) (PG) 11:55AM elysiUm (DiGital) (r) 12:45PM 3:20PM 6:20PM 9:55PM the Getaway (DiGital) (PG-13) 12:15PM 2:30PM 4:45PM 7:25PM 9:50PM JOBs (DiGital) (PG-13) 1:20PM 4:20PM 7:20PM 10:20PM KicK-ass 2 (DiGital) (r) 2:20PM 4:55PM 7:35PM 10:15PM lee Daniels’ the BUtler (DiGital) (PG-13) 12:30PM 3:45PM 7:05PM 10:05PM mOnsters University (DiGital) (G) 12:10PM 2:45PM mOrtal instrUments (DiGital) (PG-13) 11:55AM 1:05PM 4:15PM 5:55PM 7:15PM 10:15PM One DirectiOn: this is Us (3D) (PG) 3:25PM 8:25PM One DirectiOn: this is Us (DiGital) (PG) 12:55PM 5:55PM One DirectiOn: this is Us (XD-3D) (PG) 12:00PM 2:20PM 4:40PM 7:10PM 9:40PM ParanOia (DiGital) (PG-13) 3:25PM 9:30PM Percy JacKsOn: sea Of mOnsters (3D) (PG) 1:30PM 6:55PM Percy JacKsOn: sea Of mOnsters (DiGital) (PG) 4:05PM 9:35PM Planes (3D) (PG) 2:00PM 7:00PM Planes (DiGital) (PG) 4:25PM 9:20PM smUrfs 2 (3D) (PG) 6:30PM smUrfs 2 (DiGital) (PG) 12:50PM the way, way BacK (DiGital) (PG-13) 5:20PM 7:50PM 10:25PM we’re the millers (DiGital) (r) 2:05PM 4:50PM 7:30PM 10:10PM the wOlverine (DiGital) (PG-13) 4:00PM 9:40PM (4:00pm not on Sun. 9-1-13 or Wed. 9-5-13) wOrlD war Z (DiGital) (PG-13) 2:55PM 9:00PM wOrlD’s enD, the (DiGital) (r) 12:00PM 2:35PM 5:10PM 7:45PM 10:20PM yOU’re neXt (DiGital) (r) 12:40PM 3:05PM 5:30PM 7:55PM 10:30PM
All Stadium Seating and Dolby Surround Sound
In the sparks department, Allentown native ‘Closed Circuit’ shorts out shines in‘Pines’
McClatchy-Tribune News Service
A terrorist attack, a murderous cover-up, a highly publicized trial and two lawyers — former lovers — forced to stay apart during the proceedings, “Closed Circuit” has all the makings for an incendiary thriller. But this paranoid, cynical tale of terror and privacy and the ways the intelligence apparatus deals with one by stealing the other never quite catches fire. Blame it on the weak chemistry of the stars, blame it on the way the script refuses to let them develop chemistry and the perfunctory way the story is dispensed with, but the sparks aren’t there. Eric Bana is Martin, an English barrister tasked with defending the lone surviving suspect in a massmurder terror bombing. Britain’s State Secrets act means that he’s not the only lawyer on the case. There will be evidence that cannot be heard in open court, and that, for arcane reasons, Martin will not be allowed to hear. Rebecca Hall plays Claudia, another lawyer tasked as “special advocate,” basically the attorney in charge of the suspect’s case in that closed-door part of the trial. They cannot meet, discuss the case or share what they know with one another. That’s probably for the best, as she’s the reason his marriage broke up. Not that they tell the judge this. The fact that the first attorney on the case killed himself sets off no appar-
ent alarm bells, but within hours, both Claudia and Martin have reason to believe they’re under surveillance and that the people watching may be interested in doing more than just observing. Director John Crowley once did the lively and surprising Irish dramedy “Intermission,” and he jazzes this up with lots of split screens — as many as 15 different surveillance images capture the prelude to the terror attack. “Closed Circuit” is built on parallel threads telling the same story. We see Martin dig, make a discovery, fret over suspicious cabbies and dinner-party guests (Julia Stiles is a reporter). We see Claudia interview the suspect’s family and worry over the spy (Riz Ahmed) charged with delivering evidence to her and seeing what she does with it. Neither tells the other what he or she has found out. Jim Broadbent lets just a hint of sinister peek through as the attorney general who charges them with taking this highly public trial. We and Martin question his motives. Ciaran Hinds plays a solicitor in the role of “fixer,” getting them access to evidence — separately — doing background work, listening in on their meetings with the client (Denis Moschitto). At 92 minutes, “Closed Circuit” should feel tidier and tighter than it is. Screenwriter Steven Knight dispenses with back story by having Bana and Hall’s characters blurt out
AMY LONGSDORF For The Times Leader
AP Photos
Julia Stiles and Eric Bana in a scene from ‘Closed Circuit.’
IF YOU GO What: “Closed Circuit” ♦ ♦ Starring: Eric Bana, Rebecca Hall, Jim Broadbent, Julia Stiles Directed by: John Crowley Running time: 92 minutes Rated: R for language and brief violence exposition, sizing people up with a few pithy, memorized bits of background and profile data, sort of the “I know your type” speech. That doesn’t spare the film the inane “Keep looking” shout from the spy chief whose minions have lost track of someone (What else are they going to do?) or “OK, you know the plan” (Then why say so?). There’s no virtue in a lean script that still packs in so many things that don’t need to be said. It feels as if there’s more
story here, more movie that was lopped out. We never have time to size characters up for ourselves or invest in anyone before their lives are put in jeopardy. Bana and Hall play their relationship as deflatingly raw — not a romance that either dares to revisit. But that lowers the stakes as well. For all the split screens that play up Britain as a surveillance state, Crowley never really ratchets up the paranoia and never allows the juice to flow through this closed circuit.
see. DeHaan isn’t the movie’s only local connection. The director is Derek Cianfrance, whose last film — 2010’s “Blue Valentine” — was shot and set in Scranton. Much as Cianfrance made inspired use of Carbondale and Honesdale in his film debut (also starring Gosling), he gets the most out of Schenectady, which boasts dingy buildings, squat residences and beautiful woods and forests. Cianfrance once said he loved shooting in Scranton. Here’s hoping he comes back for his next film and brings hometown hero DeHaan along with him. Amy Longsdorf writes about DVD and Blu-Ray releases with local connections.
A classic story tops this week’s new DVD releases: “THE GREAT GATSBY,” GRADE C: Leonardo DiCaprio stars in the latest version of F. Scott Fitzgerald novel that cast a harsh light on the 1920s, showing that no matter how opulent the facade what lies behind is a decaying dream. The same can be said of Baz Luhrmann’s big-screen adaptation. The director gets so obsessed with visual fancy that he fails to reach the Eric Bana and Ciaran Hinds star in the short-circuited heart of the story. ‘Closed Circuit.’
With a role as Harry Osborn/Green Goblin in the upcoming “The Amazing Spider-Man 2,” Allentown native Dane DeHaan is among Hollywood fastestrising stars. The actor is at his best in “The Place Beyond The Pines” (2013, Universal, R, $30), a smart, ambitious thriller that investigates how a single crime reverberates through two generations. “The Place Beyond The Pines,” which takes its title from the Iroquois Indian name for Schenectady, is divided into three segments, dominated by Ryan Gosling (as a motorcycle stunt rider/bank robber), Philly’s Bradley Cooper (as an ambitious rookie cop) and DeHaan and Emory Cohen (as the sons of Gosling and Cooper, respectively). Despite a patchy third act, “Pines” stands above the multiplex pack thanks to its rich, complex story and the performances of its razor-sharp cast (including Eva Mendes, Rose Byrne and Ray Liotta). DeHaan, in particular, is terrific. His quietly implosive turn is something to
Because the adaptation of Fitzgerald’s work by Luhrmann and Craig Pearce concentrates on the love story, it loses the social commentary that makes the book such a classic. “PAIN AND GAIN,” GRADE D-MINUS: The film is based on the true story of Miami bodybuilders who committed a long list of crimes, including torture and murder, in the mid-’90s. Director Michael Bay and screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely are proud of how they took this true story and turned it into a dark comedy. At least they can see the humor.
Had it been a fictional story, it would have been a lot easier to accept the absurdity of the crimes and actions. Also new on DVD this week: “AT ANY PRICE”: A son rejects the family business to race cars. Dennis Quaid stars. “ONLINE”: A man discovers changing a person’s life with the click of a button can have consequences. “STRANDED”: Crew of a U.S. military moon base is cut off from Earth. Christian Slater stars. “A COMPANY MAN”: A hitman tries to escape his bloody past.
THE GUIDE BLUE JASMINE — Cate Blanchett storms her way through the title role of Woody Allen’s pastiche-y melodrama, about a fallen socialite seeking refuge in her sister’s San Francisco flat. Lifted in chunks from“A Streetcar Named Desire,” and offering wincing blue-collar-type caricatures, the film is nonetheless a wonder — thanks to its star.With Alec Baldwin, Sally Hawkins and Bobby Cannavale, looking on in awe. 98 mins. PG-13 for adult themes. ♦ ♦ ♦ THE CONJURING — Because this was 1971, and the world, much less Rhode Island’s Perron family, had not seen“The Exorcist”and the generations of ultra-realistic horror movies and“Ghost Hunters”TV shows that followed, they didn’t heed the dog’s warnings.This is like a prequel to 40 years of demonic-possession thrillers. 112 mins. R for disturbing violence and terror. ♦ ♦ 1/2 DESPICABLE ME 2 — Gru is recruited by the Anti-Villain League to help deal with a powerful new super criminal. 98 mins. PG for rude humor and mild action. ♦ ♦ 1/2 ELYSIUM — A space station in the sky is an enormous wheel, on the rim of which its wealthy residents, having left the teeming and polluted Earth, inhabit pristine homes and are eternally healthy. Meanwhile, Los Angeles in 2154 is grimy, gritty and poor, with minimal medical care. Children look to the sky, dreaming of Elysium. Neill Blomkamp is making obvious statements about immigration and universal health care, and whether this bothers you or not will greatly influence how much you enjoy the film. 109 minutes. R for strong bloody violence and language throughout. ♦ ♦ ♦ GROWN-UPS 2 — After having the time of his life three summers ago, Lenny (Adam Sandler), decides to move his family back to his hometown and have them grow up with his gang of childhood friends and their children. But sometimes crazy follows you. 102 mins. PG-13 for crude and suggestive content, language and male rear nudity. ♦ ♦ JOBS — A solidly informative and entertaining “Brief History of Apple,” as seen through the eyes of its co-founding genius.We experience 30 years of Steve Jobs’mercurial life and times, with plenty of tastes — but only tastes — of triumph plus a few dashes of comeuppance. 122 mins. PG-13 for some drug content and brief strong language. ♦ ♦ 1/2
$299.95 MS 211 C-BE 16” Chainsaw 2965 Memorial Hwy. Dallas 570-675-3003
Cate Blanchett is a wispy wonder to behold in Woody Allen’s ‘Blue Jasmine.’ MONSTERS UNIVERSITY — Pixar’s first prequel takes a look at how its“Monsters, Inc. stars, Mike and Sully (the voices of Billy Crystal and John Goodman), first met, in the ivied halls of a college campus where the multi-hued, multi-limbed, multi-eyeballed students learn how to be“scarers.” Cute, funny, but not on the top tier when it comes to originality. 110 mins. G for mild scares. ♦ ♦ 1/2 THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS — CITY OF BONES — In a world where there is no “Twilight,” “Underworld,” “Stargate”or“Star Wars,” this would be an interesting look at a magical universe where turmoil is equally divided between a war with demons and the battle for young love. But the story is so convoluted it’s likely only a fan of the original Cassandra Clare novels can fully comprehend it. It centers on Clary (Lily Collins), a young woman who believes her biggest problem is listening to a friend’s bad poetry.That changes when demons invade her home, trash the place and kidnap her mother all in an effort to recover a magic cup. 130 mins. PG-13 for action. ♦ ♦ 1/2 PARANOIA — This high-stakes thriller takes us behind the scenes of global success to a deadly world of greed and deception.The two most powerful tech billionaires in the world (Harrison Ford and Gary Oldman) are bitter rivals with a complicated past who will stop at nothing to destroy each other.A young superstar (Liam Hemsworth) falls between them and becomes trapped in the middle of the twists and turns of their life-and-death game of corporate espionage. 106 mins. PG-13 for some sexuality, violence and language. ♦ ♦ 1/2 PERCY JACKSON: SEA OF MONSTERS — To restore their dying safe haven, the son of Poseidon and his friends embark on a quest to the Sea of Monsters to find the mythical Golden Fleece while trying to stop an ancient evil from rising. 106 mins. PG for fantasy action violence, scary images and mild language. ♦ ♦ 1/2 PLANES — In the worst of the animated blockbusters to come our way this summer, a crop duster named Dusty longs to be more “than just what I was built for.” He longs to escape Propwash Junction, and with the help of his fuel-truck pal (Brad Garrett) and trusty mechanic forklift (Teri Hatcher), he might just get into the round-the-world race and win fame and glory. 90 mins. PG for some mild action and rude humor. ♦ 1/2 SMURFS 2 — Turns out those diminutive, blue-skinned forest-dwellers have been just fine since their 2011 big-screen outing, but there’s trouble brewing in their new adventure-comedy that will require their curious blend of wide-eyed optimism and goofy enthusiasm. 105 mins. PG for some rude humor and action. ♦
TWO GUNS — Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg team up in this jokey-bloody action comedy that could use more jokes and less blood. 109 mins. R for violence throughout, language and brief nudity. ♦ ♦ THE WAY, WAY BACK — A fairly straightforward story of coming of age in a time of divorce manages to feel fresh, with all the frictions that arise as kids find themselves dealing with Mom and Dad’s new loves. 103 mins. PG-13 for thematic elements, language, some sexual content and brief drug material. ♦ ♦ ♦ 1/2 WE’RE THE MILLERS — In this raunchy, hilarious and ultimately sweet-natured riff on the road-trip comedy, low-level pot dealer David (Sudeikis) is robbed, and forced by his friend and boss, Brad (Ed Helms), to head south of the border and return an RV full of weed.To blend in and avoid suspicion, David recruits a fake family to ride along, and all manner of off-color hijinks occur. 110 mins. R for crude sexual content, pervasive language, drug material, brief graphic nudity. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ THE WOLVERINE — Hugh Jackman returns to his famed“X-Men”role in a more contemplative fashion. Logan travels to Japan to bid farewell to a dying acquaintance only to find himself protecting the life of an heiress. 126 mins. PG13 for intense sci-fi action and violence, some sexuality and language. ♦ ♦ WORLD’S END — In the latest work of brilliant inanity from EdgarWright,Simon Pegg takes this whole reluctant-savior-of-humanity thing to a new plane.Twenty years after high school, Pegg’s scruffy,unshaven,never-gonna-grow-up, substance-abusing Gary can’t hold down a job. His idea of a relationship is a quick tryst in the loo of a pub.This is a guy who’s gonna save us — or at least,parts of suburban England — from an alien invasion? Lord help us.109 mins.R for pervasive language including sexual references.♦ ♦ ♦ YOU’RE NEXT — The first 10 minutes of this horror will feel familiar to fans of the genre. Moments after a couple have sex in an isolated location, they’re brutally murdered. Don’t give up on the movie.Through the smart writing of Simon Barrett, the film slowly changes into a horror thriller that will have you questioning who is evil and who is good. It’s this ambiguity that makes for a refreshing take on what has become a genre stagnated by too many conventions. 96 mins. R for gore, violence, language, nudity. ♦ ♦ ♦ WORLD WAR Z — Brad Pitt goes running around the world — and driving and helicoptering and bicycling and jet-planing — in a desperate attempt to find the cure for a zombie pandemic.A relentless horror thriller. First stop: Philly. 116 mins. PG-13 for intense scares, zombie violence, adult themes. ♦ ♦ ♦
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KICK ASS 2 — Three years later, this covers much of the same ground as“Kick Ass,” with a lot of cute worn off or aged out of. Hit Girl (Chloe Grace Moretz) is no longer a pre-teen, and Kick Ass himself (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) strains to look like a high-school senior.The sequel is notable for some amusing bits, a few cool scenes and its wince-worthy violence and staggering body count. 95 mins. R for strong violence, pervasive language, crude/sexual content and brief nudity. ♦ ♦ LEE DANIELS’THE BUTLER —“You hear nothing.You see nothing.You only serve.” Such are the instructions Cecil Gaines receives as he embarks on his daunting new job at the Eisenhower White House. But of course Gaines, played by Forest Whitaker in a moving, grounded performance, hears and sees everything.And that means that over more than three decades on the job, he has a Forrest Gump-like view not only of the White House under seven presidents but of the long arc of the civil-rights struggle in 20th-century America. 132 mins. PG-13 for violence and disturbing images, language, sexual material, thematic elements and smoking. ♦ ♦ ♦ 1/2
KIDS THIS WEEK: Aug 30 to Sept. 5, 2013
Egyptian Cartouches. Learn about these ancient
symbols and make one of your own. Marian Sutherland Kirby Library, 35 Kirby Ave., Mountain Top. 2 p.m. today; 6 p.m. Tuesday. 474-9313. Harry Potter Anniversary Party. Hop aboard the Hogwart’s Express for a 15th anniversary party celebrating the release of “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” including a costume contest, crafts, special Cafe creations and all-day activities. Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Arena Hub Plaza, Wilkes-Barre Township. 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday. Free. 829-4210. Wonderful Weather, handson activities, stories and crafts about the weather for ages 3 to 5. Campground Amphitheater, Frances Slocum State Park, 565 Mount Olivet Road, Kingston Township. 1 p.m. Saturday. Free. 696-3525.
Just for Kids: Art in the Park. Create a one-of-akind outdoor painting with step-by-step instruction from artist Jan Lokuta. Nescopeck State Park, 1137 Honey Hole Road, Drums. 1 p.m. Saturday. Free. Registration: 403-2006. Let’s Make Tracks, hands-on activities, stories and crafts on animal tracks for ages 3 to 5. Campground Amphitheater, Frances Slocum State Park, 565 Mount Olivet Road, Kingston Township. 3 p.m. Sunday. Free. 696-3525. Llama Llama and the Bully Goat, Anna Dewdney’s story about bullying. Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Arena Hub Plaza, Wilkes-Barre Township. 10 a.m. Tuesday; 6:30 p.m. Thursday. 829-4210. Fall Story Time, a sixweek session for ages 3 to 5. Marian Sutherland
It’s time to celebrate the 15th anniversary of ‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone’ with an all-day party Saturday at Barnes & Noble Booksellers in Wilkes-Barre Township. Come in costume!
Kirby Library, 35 Kirby Ave., Mountain Top. Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. through Oct. 9. Registration: 474-9313.
FUTURE Lego Club. Marian Sutherland Kirby Library, 35 Kirby Ave., Mountain Top. 1 to 2:30 p.m. Sept. 7. 474-9313. The Story of Fish and Snail, a sweet and playful story about friendship by Deborah Freedman. Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Arena Hub Plaza, Wilkes-Barre Township. 10 a.m. Sept. 10; 6:30 p.m. Sept. 12. 829-4210. For Me, for You, for Later, PNC Bank’s “Grow Up Great” six-week program that teaches ages 3 to 5 about spending, giving and saving money. Marian Sutherland Kirby Library, 35 Kirby Ave., Mountain Top. Thursdays at 11 a.m. from Sept. 12 to Oct. 17. Registration: 474-9313.
STAGE End of SummEr Candy SalE at Stopay Candies
Monday 8/26/13 – Sunday 9/1/13
25% - 50% off All In-Stock Items Including peanut butter chiffon. Sale also includes purses, handbags and all in stock Vera Bradley items. All Vera Bradley sales are final. Hours: Mon-Sat 11am-6pm Sunday 12pm-5pm
FUTURE Monty Python’s Spamalot, the musical comedy spoofing the Arthurian Legend based on the 1975 film “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” with flying cows, killer rabbits, taunting Frenchmen and show-stopping musical numbers. Little Theatre, 537 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre. Sept. 7 to 15: 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays; 3 p.m. Sundays. 823-1875. The Mousetrap, the murder mystery by Agatha Christie. Theatre at the Grove, 5177 Nuangola Road, Nuangola. Sept. 13 to 21: 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays; 3 p.m. Sundays. $20. Dinner buffet on Sept. 15 at 1:15 p.m.
Annie Ritsick & 1% Club Basketball will be hosting a Coaching Clinic / Basketball Camp
on Sunday at Luzerne County Community College. 1333 S. Prospect St., Nanticoke. 9:00am - 12:00pm (6th grade and up) 1:00pm- 3:00pm (3rd - 5th grade) Cost: $99 for 6th grade and up. $75 for 3rd - 5th grade.
SEPTEMBER 13 TO 15, 20 TO 22, 27 TO 29 DINNER AND SHOW: $34 • SHOW-ONLY: $16 CALL 283-2195 OR 800-698-PLAY
For more information please call Annie Ritsick at (209) 535-2362. Aritsick@gmail.com
Reservations: 868-8212. Dolly Parton’s 9 to 5, the musical version of the film about working women. Music Box Dinner Playhouse, 196 Hughes St., Swoyersville. Sept. 13 to 29: 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays; 3 p.m. Sundays. Dinner served 90 minutes before showtime. $16; $34 with dinner. 2832195. Nunsense, the musical comedy about a group of wacky nuns in Hoboken that spawned six sequels. Corner Bistro Dinner Theater, 76-78 Main St., Carbondale. 8 p.m. Sept. 13-14; 2 p.m. Sept. 15. $20. 282-7499. Ghost of a Chance, a ghostly romantic comedy about the spirit of a woman’s first husband interfering in her imminent second marriage. Performed by Actors Circle at the Providence Playhouse, 1256 Providence Road, Scranton. Sept. 19 to 29: 8 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays; 2 p.m. Sundays. $12, $10 seniors, $8 students. Preview performance 8 p.m. Sept. 19. $8, $6 students. 342-9707. The Curious Savage, a comedy about a wealthy widow that questions conventional definitions of sanity while lampooning celebrity culture. Performed by the Wilkes University Theatre at the Dorothy
Catch ‘Dolly Parton’s 9 to 5,’ the musical version of the film about working women, at the Music Box Dinner Playhouse through Sept. 29.
Dickson Darte Center for the Performing Arts, West South Street at South River Street, Wilkes-Barre. 8 p.m. Sept. 26 to 28; 2 p.m. Sept. 29. 408-4540. ANNOUNCEMENTS Actors Needed for Gravestone Manor, the United Way’s haunted house fundraiser. Needed: volunteers age 15 to adult for speaking and non-speaking roles, technical support, box office and ushers. Trion
Warehouse, 1095 Route 315, Plains Township. Auditions at 7 p.m. Monday and Tuesday. 821-6500. Theater Bus Trip, to see “The Miracle of Christmas” at the Sight & Sound Theater in Lancaster. Sponsored by the Women’s Group of the United Methodist Church in Pittston on Dec. 4 with departure from Pittston Plaza at 9:15 a.m. $102 includes transportation, show, dinner and tips. Reservations (by Sept. 10): 654-2310.
Bottlenecks locations welcoming singer-songwriter Jeff Radford JoE sYLVEsTEr
Jeff Radford hopes his music takes people somewhere else. He tries to reach an emotional level through his songs, and it doesn’t have to be the lyrics that connect with listeners. It could be the music. The 28-year-old Nashville
Jeff radford performs during a recent show. He will play Bottlenecks in Wilkes-Barre and West Hazleton this weekend.
transplant, originally from St. Louis, classifies his music as pop, rock and adult contemporary that’s also soulful. “I think there’s a lot of soulful portion to it,” he said during a recent telephone interview. “It has a blues element and R&B.” He’s been called country, too, but he dismisses that label. “Some people might say that because I live in Nashville, I’m country,” said Radford, who accompanies his singing on acoustic or electric guitar or piano. “Nashville is much more than country; it’s folk, folk rock, blues. I think I’m much more soulful than a country singer.” Northeastern Pennsylvania music fans can judge for themselves in person this weekend. Radford, whose first album, “Taken,” came out almost a year ago, will bring his music to Bottlenecks Saloon in WilkesBarre tomorrow night and to Bottlenecks in West Hazleton on Sunday night.
From Nashville to W-B,but don’t call him country IF YoU Go Who: Jeff Radford What: Singer-songwriter performances When/Where: 9 p.m. Saturday at Bottlenecks Saloon and Eatery, 3 S. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, and 8 p.m. Sunday at Bottlenecks Saloon and Eatery, 2 S. Broad St., West Hazleton Cost: $5 door charge
Jeff radford likes to go deep in his music.
It’s another step in a journey that began when he was 15. According to his biographical information, Jeff began actively pursuing music at age 15 after his mother died. He had to transfer schools and had the chance to join a choir and take voice lessons. He eventually was selected for Missouri’s All-State Choir. So he considers himself a singer first and then a writer, but he writes with a strategic purpose. “I find I’m channeling some other emotional state,” he said. “I simply want people to enjoy it
and take them somewhere else.” He said he digs deep for all the elements of a song. “It might not be the lyric; it could be the sound itself that conveys a feeling or emotion that reaches someone on a soulful level.” He said he hasn’t yet been able to uncover a lot of those deeper emotions from losing his mother when he was young, and some “demons” are hard to capture in song. But he hopes to get at some of those deeper feelings in his
sophomore album, which he is now writing and plans to produce in about two years. For now, he is still working his day job, doing inside sales for a technology company and touring on weekends or whenever else he can to make a name for himself in the competitive music business. He has three goals he’d like to accomplish before he’s done: have his own national tour, win at least one Grammy and appear on “Sesame Street.” “I think kickin’ it with Kermit would be good time,” Radford said. “Once you make ‘Sesame Street,’ you’re golden.”
ConCErTs Jeff Dunham, the comedian and ventriloquist with his entourage of quirky puppet dummies. Great Allentown Fair, 1850 Liberty St., Allentown. 8 p.m. Sunday. $49, $39. 610-4337541.
performing music of the 1970s. Tresckow Fire Hall, 28 E. Oak St. Sept. 7 with doors at 7 p.m. and show at 8 p.m. $15 includes food and refreshments. Proceeds benefit cancer victim Marian Palucci. Mary Fahl, the lead singer of the 1990s cult band October Project. Mauch Chunk Opera FUTURE CONCERTS House, 14 W. Broadway, Jim Thorpe. 8 p.m. Celebration of the Arts, the 36th annual jazz Sept. 7. $23. 325-0249. festival in the natural amphitheater setting in A night of Comedy, with New York standup downtown Delaware Water Gap. Opens Sept. comedian Andy Hayward and opener Doug 6 with a reception and Musical Motif Art Show Karpf. Hosted by Father Paul. Corner Bistro 6 to 8 p.m. at the Dutot Museum followed by Maroon 5 will deliver a sunday evening concert at Theater, 76 Main St., Carbondale. 8:30 p.m. musical performances at the Presbyterian the Toyota Pavilion in scranton. Sept. 7. $15 advance; $18 at the door. 282Church of the Mountain 7 to 9:30 p.m. ($10) 7499. Continues noon to 10 p.m. Sept. 7 and 10 a.m. Live Wire, an AC/DC tribute band. Penn’s to 9 p.m. Sept. 8 with Main Stage concerts, Foggy Mountain Glory, Christian music. Peak, 325 Maury Road, Jim Thorpe. 8 p.m. strolling musicians, art show, children’s area Ekklesia Christian Coffee House, River of Life Sept. 6. 866-605-7325. and a Sunday Jazz Mass. Performers include Fellowship Church, 22 Outlet Road, Lehman solas, the influential Celtic band with openers the Generation Gap, Kim Parker & Friends, Township. Sept. 13 with dinner menu at 6 p.m. the John Byrne Band. Mauch Chunk Opera Eric Mintel Quartet, Sui Generis, JARO, Hal House, 14 W. Broadway, Jim Thorpe. 8:30 p.m. and concert 7 to 9 p.m. Free. 899-2264. Galper Trio, Tom Whaley & the Marlers, Funk B.L.E.s.T., Christian music group. With Sept. 6. $25. 325-0249. Xpress, Bill Goodwin Four + One, Dave Lantz 14-year-old singer Kendall Mosley. The Truth Culture shock Festival, the second annual Trio, COTA Cats, Dave Liebman Group, the Cafe, New Life Community Church, 570 S. music event with two stages of eclectic bands Organik Vibe Trio + One, Phil Woods and the including Aayu, A Fire with Friends, Ed Cuozzo Main Road, Mountain Top. 7 to 9 p.m. Sept. 13. COTA Festival Orchestra, Zen for Primates Free. 899-2264. (of A Social State), Down to Six, Jeri Bennett, and more. $25, $15 seniors and students, $10 David Wax Museum, the duo of David Wax Nelson and more. Also: art exhibits, food children. 424-2210 or cotajazz.org. and Suz Slezak performing a mix of bluegrass, vendors, video-game tournaments, mural The Poets, an evening of oldies with the painting and lawn games. Nay Aug Park, 1901 Caribbean, traditional Mexican folk, American nostalgic sextet to kick off the annual Mulberry St., Scranton. Noon to 9 p.m. Sept. 7. roots and indie rock. Mauch Chunk Opera Hazleton Funfest. J.J. Ferrara Center, 212 W. House, 14 W. Broadway, Jim Thorpe. 8:30 p.m. Free. 507-0443. Broad St., Hazleton. 7 p.m. Sept. 6. $12. 455Sept. 13. $21. 325-0249. 70s Flashback, the eight-member show band 1509.
THIS WEEK: Aug. 30 to Sept. 5, 2013 Christian Music Concert, in conjunction with the Wendy’s Wonderful Kids event. Northampton Street Portal, River Common, Wilkes-Barre. Tonight with Joseph Acor performing 5:30 to 6:45 and Foggy Mountain Glory 7 to 9. Free. 899-2264. Luke Bryan, the country-music artist. With special guests Thompson Square and Florida Georgia Line. Great Allentown Fair, 1850 Liberty St., Allentown. 7 tonight. $59. 610433-7541. Billy Burnette Band, the Memphis singersongwriter and former Fleetwood Mac musician. With special guest Sean Della Croce. Mauch Chunk Opera House, 14 W. Broadway, Jim Thorpe. 8:30 tonight. $15. 325-0249. Toby Keith, the enduring country-music megastar. With special guest Kip Moore. Great Allentown Fair, 1850 Liberty St., Allentown. 7 p.m. Saturday. $80, $65, $45. 610-433-7541. Deb and Bev’s Blues night out, with blueswomen Deb Callahan and Bev Conklin. Mauch Chunk Opera House, 14 W. Broadway, Jim Thorpe. 8 p.m. Saturday. $20. 325-0249. Maroon 5, the three-time Grammy-winning pop-rock band with Kelly Clarkson and Rozzi Crane. Toyota Pavilion, 1000 Montage Mountain Road, Scranton. 7 p.m. Sunday. Tickets at livenation.com.
‘The Good Wife’ will return in September Q. I am wondering if “The Good Wife” is coming back to CBS. “Unforgettable” is now in the same time slot. A. Unforgettable,” the drama starring Poppy Montgomery, was brought back for a second season as a summer-only show. “The Good Wife,” with Julianna Margulies, will return to 9 p.m. ET Sundays; it begins its fifth season on Sept. 29. And it has been having a good summer. Inspired in part by real-life politicians Eliot Spitzer and Anthony Weiner, the latest developments surrounding those men often delighted Margulies. “I would never want to benefit from someone else’s pain but ... it is the gift that just keeps on giving,” she told E! Online. “It is shocking that in our fifth season, this show is more relevant than ever.”
Q. Can you tell me what happened to two of my favorite shows, “American Loggers” and “Swamp Loggers?”
A. “American Loggers” has not aired a new episode since 2011, and “Swamp Loggers” had its most recent new telecast early in 2012. I contacted the companies profiled in both shows, and neither has anything in production at this time. A representative at Goodson’s All Terrain Logging, the company on “Swamp Loggers,” said that “Discovery canceled (the show) when we wouldn’t agree to film the kind of reality show they wanted.” An email asking for elaboration was not answered. Do you have a question or comment for the mailbag? Write to me at rheldenfels@thebeaconjournal.com or by regular mail to the Akron Beacon Journal, 44 E. Exchange St., Akron, OH 44309.
HOROSCOPE BY HOLIDAY MATHIS ARIES (March 21-April 19). In cases where
the differences are minimal, you’ll find it so hard to choose that you’re likely not to choose anything at all. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Don’t take anything too personally now. Instead, focus on what needs to change to get a desired result. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You have an advantage in competitive environments because you don’t do what the other competitors are doing. You remember your own strengths and lead with those.
ON THE WEB For more Sudoku go to www.timesleader.com
CANCER (June 22-July 22). When you
meet a like-minded curious and observant type, as you will today, it’s important to make the effort to befriend that person. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The person who is making everyone laugh may be doing so for the financial benefit. As one Greek tragedian said, “It is a profitable thing, if one is wise, to seem foolish.” — Aeschylus VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Important decisions are on the docket. You want the solution that is the best because it’s the right fit for you. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You could do it alone, but that would be stealing someone’s chance to help you. Giving you their help will raise their self-esteem and
commitment to your relationship.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Consider that
the person who is less than friendly toward you may be under an enormous amount of pressure. Lead the way with your love, compassion and patience. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You may feel torn between your need to keep things moving and your desire to be nice. Consider issuing a gracious invitation for someone to join you on your way to another destination. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). When you make people laugh, you create a positive feeling that you want to repeat. Alas, the laws of comedy dictate that it’s only really funny the first time. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You have a
very unobtrusive way of getting information. Your best lead will answer the question that starts out: Do you know anyone who might have some ideas about ...? PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Your cosmic gift of the day is poise. Your actions will be graceful; your gestures, well received. You could really take advantage of this by taking a social risk or going dancing. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Aug. 30). You’ll enjoy a degree of fame this year. You may have to cope with people whose interests are opposed to your own, but this is part of what makes you stand out favorably in September. October shows you successfully representing your talent and the talent of others. Your lucky numbers are: 6, 49, 29, 4 and 35.
Dear Abby: My husband and I have two beautiful, hardworking daughters we brought up as loving, respectful parents. Recently, “Kellie,” 25, got tattoos covering her right arm, leg and ankle as well as her shoulders. They are visible unless she wears long sleeves and long pants. This has ruined our relationship because it shows how little she thinks of us as parents, and how disrespectful of our feel-
DEAR ABBY ADVICE ings she is to put the tattoos where everyone can see them. She knows we don’t like tattoos because we have mentioned it to her and voiced our disappointment when she got the first one on her ankle. I can’t sleep at night or look at my daughter knowing how little she cares about our feelings. I feel it’s a slap in the face that she doesn’t honor, respect
or love us. What do you think? — Beside Myself in Fort Worth Dear Beside Yourself: I think it is time you toned down the high drama. What’s done is done. If you do not appreciate the person your daughter is BENEATH her skin, you will lose her. And THAT would be a tragedy! Dear Abby: Our across-thestreet neighbors feel they need to mow their lawn three (excessive) times a week. This
includes using a weed-eater and two mowers — a push mower and a large riding mower. Quite often, the husband chooses to mow after 8 p.m. He doesn’t work and could do it during the morning hours if he wants it cooler. The noise is loud and disruptive, and lasts about an hour because he goes over and over the same area. We work and would like to enjoy the few hours we have in the evening and relax. Any ideas? — Tired of the Noise in Montana
Daughter’s body tattoos are slap in the face to her parents Dear Tired Of The Noise:You should ask him if he would please manicure his lawn at a different time because the noise is disruptive. If he is unwilling to cooperate, check with the city to find out if there are any noise ordinances in place. If there are, you can report the noise as a nuisance. To receive a collection of Abby’s most memorable — and most frequently requested — poems and essays, send a business-sized, self-addressed envelope, plus check or money order for $3.95 ($4.50 in Canada) to: Dear Abby’s “Keepers,” P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. (Postage is included.)
Dear Abby: PO Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 Celebrity Questions: TV Week, The Dallas Morning News, Communications Center, PO Box 655237, Dallas, TX 75265
Look out: a fall harvest of new broadcast TV shows FRAZIER MOORE
Many of more than two dozen new series may already be familiar, at least by name, to NEW YORK — Antiquated viewers, because the networks as it might seem, the fall TV have been flogging them all season persists. Here’s what’s summer. They are familiar to on tap: critics, too, who got early copDON’T I KNOW YOU? ies of many with the proviso AP Television Writer
that some were “non-reviewable,” because they were subject to change. So it’s possible CBS’ “The Crazy Ones” ultimately will reveal itself as hilarious and not one of the lamest new comedies. Set at an advertising
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AUGUST 30, 2013 7 PM
8 PM
(16) News 16 (16.2) (22) (28) (35) (38) (38.2) (44) (53) (56) (64) (3) (9) (11) (17)
World News News 16 Inside Ed. Last Man St Neighbors Sanford Sanford Newswatch Maude Dennis the Dennis the News at 6 News News Ent. Tonight Undercover Boss (TV14) News NBC News Wheel Jeopardy! Off Rockers Rockers (N) Legal H.S. Baseball Scranton vs. Hazleton Area (L) (TVG) Access H. Family Guy Simpsons Family Guy Perfect Perfect Rifleman Rifleman M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Bewitched Jeannie PBS NewsHour (TVG) State of Pennsylvania W.Week (N) CharlieR (N) The People's Court (TVPG) H.S. Football Dallas vs. Wyoming Valley West (L) (TVPG) Two 1/2... Two 1/2... BigBang BigBang Bones (TV14) Cold Case (TVPG) Cold Case (TV14) Case "Into the Blue" (TV14) Eyewitness News Ent. Tonight OMG!Insider Undercover Boss (TV14) Dish Nation Met Mother Met Mother King-Queens Monk (TVPG) News NBC News Jeopardy! Wheel Off Rockers Rockers (N) Two 1/2... Two 1/2... BigBang BigBang Monk (TVPG)
6 PM
agency, it brings back Robin Williams to TV sitcoms after “Mork & Mindy” 40 years ago. NBC has brought back another sitcom veteran with seemingly happier results: Michael J. Fox in a self-named comedy. Addressing the real-
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
Shark Tank (TVPG) Millionaire? Seinfeld Hawaii Five-0 (TV14) Dateline NBC (TVPG) Next Top Model (N) (TV14) MaryTylerM. Rhoda Side by Side (N) (TVPG) Monk (TVPG) Follow "Havenport" (TV14) Cold Case (TVPG) Hawaii Five-0 (TV14) Monk (TVPG) Dateline NBC (TVPG) Monk (TVPG)
9 PM
10 PM
20/20 Newswatch Inside Ed. Blue Bloods (TV14) Late Edition (TVG) The Office 30 Rock D. Van Dyke Odd Couple Lincoln Center (TVG) Monk Fox 56 News Fox News Case "Hoodrats" (TVPG) Blue Bloods (TV14) Chasing Dish Nation News at 10
10 PM
Storage NY
Storage NY Storage NY Storage NY Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage (5:30) < ++ Next of Kin ('89, Cri) Patrick Swayze. (TV14) < +++ The Green Mile ('99, Dra) Tom Hanks. (TV14) Star Trek: NG (TVPG) Star Trek: NG (TVPG) ST:TNG "Relics" (TVPG) ST:TNG "Schisms" (TVPG) ST:TNG "True Q" (TVPG) (5:30) < ++ Panic Room ('02, Thril) (TVMA) < ++ Scary Movie ('00, Com) (TVM) < ++ Scary Movie (TVM) Mad Money (TVPG) The Kudlow Report Millions Millions The Profit "LA Dogworks" American Greed: Scam (5:00) The Situation (TVG) OutFront A. Cooper 360 (TVG) Piers Morgan Live (TVG) Great Expectations < +++ Idiocracy ('06, Adv) (TV14) (:55) < ++ National Lampoon's Van Wilder ('01, Com) (TVM) Tosh.O Tosh.O SportsNite Birds of MLB Baseball Philadelphia Phillies vs. Chicago Cubs Site: Wrigley Field (TVG) SportsNite (TVG) Faith Cultur Formation The Daily Mass (TVG) Life on the Rock (TVG) Catholic Holy Rosary Goal Evang. Gold Rush S.A. (TVPG) Gold Rush S.A. (TVPG) Gold Rush: Dirt (N) (TVPG) Gold Rush S.A. (N) (TVPG) Steel Men (N) (TV14) GoodLuck Jessie GoodLuck Austin/ Ally < Teen Beach Movie ('13, Fam) (TVPG) :45 Dog Blog :10 Dog Blog (:35) GoodLk Movie Bikini E! News (TVG) Fashion Police (TV14) Fashion Police (TV14) Fashion Police (TV14) SportsCenter (TVG) College Football (L) (TVG) NCAA Football Texas Tech vs. Southern Methodist University (L) (TVPG) (1:00) ITF Tennis (TVG) ITF Tennis U.S. Open Men's Second Round and Women’s Third Round (L) (TVG) < ++ Twister ('96, Act) Helen Hunt. (TV14) < ++ Twister ('96, Act) Helen Hunt. (TV14) Special Report (TVG) FOX Report (TVG) The O'Reilly Factor (TVG) Hannity On the Record Diners Diners Restaurant (TVG) Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Fox Football Daily (L) NASCAR Auto Race Advocare 500 (TVG) NCAA Football North Dakota State vs. Kansas State (L) (TVPG) L. House "Four Eyes" (TVG) Little House Prairie (TVG) < Puppy Love ('12, Fam) Candace Cameron Bure. (TVG) Frasier Frasier House House Urban Oasis 2013 (N) Water Homes (TVPG) Cool Pools (N) House Hunt. House Restoration Restoration Restoration Restoration Restore "Blast Off!" (TVPG) Restoration Restoration Restoration Restoration Hoarders (TVPG) Hoarders (TVPG) Hoarders (TVPG) Hoarders (TVPG) Hoarders (TVPG) Ridiculous Ridiculous 2013 VMAs Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Diggers Diggers Galapagos "Islands that Changed the World" (TVG) Diggers Diggers SpongeBob SpongeBob Ninja "Showdown" (TVY7) Ninja Turtles RabbidsInv Full House Full House The Nanny The Nanny M. Bovary 2/3 (TVMA) M. Bovary 3/3 (TVMA) < ++ Message in a Bottle ('99, Rom) Kevin Costner. (TV14) (4:25) < Kick-Ass (TVMA) < +++ Con Air ('97, Act) Nicolas Cage. (TVMA) (:35) < +++ Con Air ('97, Act) (TVMA) Continuum (TV14) Continuum (TV14) WWE Smackdown! (TV14) Continuum (N) (TV14) King-Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld < +++ Shrek ('01, Ani) Mike Myers. (TVPG) < Shrek the Third (TVPG) (5:30) < ++ The Way West (TVPG) :45 K. Douglas < +++ Paths of Glory ('57, War) (TV14) (:45) < ++ Act of Love ('53, Rom) (TVPG) Four Weddings (TVPG) What Not to Wear (TVPG) Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes (N) Say Yes Not to Wear (N) (TVPG) Castle (TVPG) Castle "Head Case" (TVPG) < ++++ Red ('10, Act) Bruce Willis. (TV14) (:15) < U.S. Marshals Adventure T. Regular Regular TeenTita Cartoon Planet (TVPG) King of Hill King of Hill American D. American D. Bizarre Foods (TVPG) Man v. Food Man v. Food Ghost Adventures (TVPG) Ghost Adv. (N) (TVPG) The Dead Files (TVPG) (5:30) M*A*S*H (TVPG) Loves Ray (:05) Ray (:45) Rose. (:20) Roseanne (TVPG) Law & Order: SVU (TV14) SVU "Official Story" (TV14) Law & Order: SVU (TV14) Law & Order: S.V.U. (TV14) Law & Order: S.V.U. (TV14) 4:15 < The Breakfast Club < +++ Sixteen Candles ('84, Com) (TV14) Tough Love: Co-Ed Miss U (N) One-Hit Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Bridezillas (TV14) Bridezillas (N) (TV14) Bridezillas (N) (TV14) Geek Beat Geek Beat Geek Beat Geek Beat Garage Garage
6 PM
6:30 7 PM 7:30 < +++ Madagascar ('05, Ani) (TVPG)
8 PM
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10 PM
Hard Knocks (TVMA) Boardwalk Empire (TVMA) Boardwalk Empire (TVMA) (:55) < Won't Back Down ('12, Dra) (TVPG) < ++ Battleship ('12, Sci-Fi) Taylor Kitsch. (TVPG) :15 Boardwa. < Savages Movie (:50) < ++ Prometheus ('12, Adv) Noomi Rapace. (TV14) Strike Back (:50) Strike Back (TV14) (:40) StrikeBk (5:30) < ++ In Time ('11, Act) (TVPG) < The Presence ('10, Thril) (TVPG) < ++ G.I. Jane ('97, Dra) Demi Moore. (TVMA) Movie (:45) < +++ Sling Blade ('95, Dra) Billy Bob Thorton. (TVMA) < ++ Man on a Ledge ('12, Cri) (TV14) (:45) All Acce Movie (:50) < Think Like a Man ('12, Com) Chris Brown. (TVPG) < Smashed ('12, Com/Dra) (TVMA) :25 White Qn
life health problems (and triumphs) of this breakout star of “Family Ties” in the 1980s, “The Michael J. Fox Show” strikes a fresh, funny tone. NBC has further relied on its once-stellar past by reviving the successful cop show “Ironside,” this time with Blair Underwood as the intrepid wheelchair detective. FANTASTIC? Fantasy is fueling many new shows. NBC’s “Dracula” stars Jonathan Rhys Meyers in a reimagining of the vampire as a proto-environmentalist. Then there are Fox’s modern-day “Sleepy Hollow,” ABC’s cool, comic-driven “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” and ABC’s storybook spinoff, “Once Upon a Time in Wonderland,” which explores the psyche of tumbled-down-the-rabbit-hole Alice. CW’s “The Originals” spins off “The Vampire Diaries,” while its “The Tomorrow People” is a sci-fi series about a genetically advanced race that also happens to be young and sexy. Fox’s “Almost Human” is a police drama set 35 years in the future. Youth-skewing CW is jumping on the historical costumedrama trend with “Reign,” which focuses on Mary Stuart, who, better known as Mary, Queen of Scots, had been queen of Scotland since she was six days old. GETTING REAL Another costume drama, of a sort: ABC’s very funny comedy “The Goldbergs,” which revisits the childhood of creator Adam Goldberg in the distant, “simpler” time of the 1980s. Rare on the lineup is a straight-ahead, humanist comedy-drama. This fall there’s one: ABC’s “Lucky 7,” a potentially charming and engaging series about a group of New Yorkers who share a winning lottery ticket. ABC’s promisingly titled “Betrayal” is a soap that involves a murder, an affair and a powerful family at war with itself. CBS’ “Hostages” puts Toni Collette in the middle of a political conspiracy, and possibly the season’s most surefire hit is NBC’s “The Blacklist,” which stars James Spader as one of the FBI’s most wanted fugitives.
THEY CAN GO HOME AGAIN Moving back home is an alltoo-common trope. ABC’s “Back in the Game” finds sexy Maggie Lawson as a former all-star softball player who, post-marriage, returns with her son to move in with her irascible father, a washedup baseball player (James Caan). “Family Guy” mastermind Seth MacFarlane’s live-action Fox comedy “Dads” focuses on two best friends and business partners whose fathers move back in. On CBS’ grim-in-spite-ofitself “Mom,” newly sober single mom Christy is suddenly inflicted with the return of her estranged mom (Allison Janney), who didn’t serve as much of a parental example. On NBC’s “Sean Saves the World,” Sean Hayes plays a divorced dad with an overbearing mom (Linda Lavin) and a weekends-only 14-year-old daughter who moves in with him full time. On CBS’ “The Millers,” Will Arnett stars as a recently divorced local TV news reporter whose outspoken mother moves in with him while his dad moves in with his sister. On CBS’ promising “We Are Men,” three divorced men bond and offer dating advice to a young pal whose betrothed left him at the altar. On “Trophy Wife,” Pete (Bradley Whitford) has two broken marriages behind him when he lucks upon lovely Kate (Malin Akerman), who, on becoming Pete’s third bride, suddenly finds herself in a sortof blended family with three stepchildren and two ex-wives. ABC is surely dreaming may qualify this show as a hit akin to “Modern Family.” A strong contender for silliest new show is “Enlisted.” It’s a military comedy set in the not-so-funny modern age of war. NOT SO FUNNY Fox’s cop comedy “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” arrives as perhaps the season’s biggest disappointment, not because it isn’t funny but because it doesn’t measure up to the comedic brilliance of its star, Andy Samberg, nor does it do right by its other leading man, acclaimed See FALL | 19
Downhome yet stylish Comfort Zone takes a chance on Plymouth and scores
Vendors Wanted for a craft fair at the Mountaintop Active Adult Center on Oct. 12. Call 868-8517 for information.
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extra seasoning was needed on the already lively plate. Even the toast was impressive, making the bread’s freshness obvious. That’s not always a given. Also on the breakfast menu, a two-pancake, twoegg, two-sausage, twobacon and toast combo for $7.95 is a delicious-allaround deal. And, from the dinner menu, a $10.95 chicken Francaise passed all of our discerning taster’s testing points and then some: thinly pounded, top-quality chicken, all tender, and a rich, redolent sauce none too heavy on the lemon. This one made it to his short list of best of the best. Another menu highlight sits unassumingly on the dessert list: New York-style cheesecake. Not made in house but still crafted locally, this one was a non-heavy, creamy-dreamy wonder at a reasonable $4 per slice. Other menu options: Shrimp make multiple appearances in everything from Fra Diavolo to stir fry, and homemade lasagna was touted as a temptor. Homemade soups should be perfect especially for fall, and homestyle eaters are likely to go for herbroasted turkey, roast beef and mashed potatoes or maybe a grilled pork chop Calabrese. All of these hover
around the $10 mark, keeping any potential regrets few. A raft of pastas also dot the menu, from $8.95 to $11.95, and the priciest one includes shrimp, clams and calamari. Burgers, dogs and hot sandwiches also make an appearance, somewhat fashionably beyond basic, too, and chicken can be grilled in a panini or folded up as tenders inside a spicy Texas wrap. On the lighter side, salads are classic or come in the form of, say, a walnut-Mandarin or olive and feta. And finally, most of the requisite apps are present and accounted for, too: quesadillas, calamari, mozzarella sticks and even pierogies, not homemade but kudos to the New Yorker responsible for this all for admitting he’s still finding his way around the local favorites. But he does say his fried chicken wings, available with six sauces, are pretty famous. Other notes: Potential is everywhere here, and so is progress, so we hope this lasts. Plymouth needs more comfortable places like this, and the surrounding area can benefit from its success as well. Remember, not everything that comes to us from New York or New Jersey is trouble. Taste and see.
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The Comfort Zone has brought some tastes of New York, as well as some famous fried chicken wings, to West Main Street in Plymouth.
Coors Light Girls with Giveaways 7:30-9 PM
What: The Comfort Zone Where: 521 West Main St., Plymouth Call: 570-779-4514 Credit cards? Yes Handicapped accessible? Yes, through rear Hours: 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Tuesday-Friday; 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Saturdays; 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Sundays Why we went: As with all new spots, curiosity Ambience: This is a casual but stylish eatery in the heart of Plymouth that deserves, but not in a bad way, to be called a risky business. After all, it’s a new full-service restaurant, in Plymouth; it’s not a bar or pub but an all-day eatery with a somewhat ambitious menu. Its owners/operators have invested a considerable chunk of change and energy into renovating the interior of an old bar, and what they’ve done is fairly impressive. But can the neighborhood support this? Will outsiders come and see? Time will tell. You might want to check out the work and the fare for yourself; at the very least you’ll find an inspiring example of neighborhood rehab for believers and would-be believers. One side is a separate stop-in deli with both casual dine-in seating and a takeaway counter. The other, separated by a full wall, is a more upscale, well-decorated dining room complete with some almost cubby-like spots couples might especially enjoy. Menu highlights: From the breakfast menu — served all day here — a cheesesteak omelet, with peppers, onions and plenty of part-shredded, part chunk, all-top-quality steak, is a lesson in how omelets SHOULD be done: cheesy and moist, teeming with signature ingredients, not at all dry. You name it, the mark was hit. Homemade home fries on the side were impressively soft on the inside with crispy outsides, just as we like them. No
Seeking Crafters for the 20th Annual Holiday Craft Show sponsored by the American Red Cross Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 at the 109th Field Artillery Armory in Wilkes-Barre. All crafts must be 75% handmade. $85 for two days plus $30 license fee. Information at 823-7161, ext. 336 or redcross.org/pa/wilkes-barre
OUTDOOrs THIS WEEK: Aug. 30 to Sept. 5, 2013 Family Nature Getaway Weekend, with hiking, animal presentations, swimming, canoeing, tie-dye, campfires and more. Pocono Environmental Education Center, 538 Emergy Road, Dingmans Ferry. Begins tonight and runs through Labor Day afternoon. $210 includes lodging and meals. Reservations: 828-2319. salt springs Celebration, with activities for all ages, music, exhibits, live animals and more. Salt Springs State Park, Silver Creek Road, Franklin Forks. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. 967-7275. scavenger Hunt, hunting for natural items around the park. Campground Amphitheater, Frances Slocum State Park, 565 Mount Olivet Road, Kingston Township. 3 p.m. Saturday. Free. 696-3525. UV Bob’s rock and Mineral show, a presentation that transforms ordinary rocks into glowing orbs of light. Environmental Education Building, Frances Slocum State Park, 565 Mount Olivet Road, Kingston Township. 7 p.m. Saturday. Free. 696-3525. A Night Out with the stars, an indoor presentation followed by outdoor stargazing with the Greater Hazleton Area Astronomical Society. Age 6 and older. Nescopeck State Park, 1137 Honey Hole Road, Drums. 8 p.m. Saturday. Free. Registration: 403-2006. Let’s Talk Turtles, an indoor and outdoor nature program. Meet at the parking area on Campground Road, Frances Slocum
State Park, 565 Mount Olivet Road, Kingston Township. 1 p.m. Sunday. Free. 696-3525. Nature Bingo, a fast-paced game for the whole family to learn about local plants and animals. Campground Amphitheater, Frances Slocum State Park, 565 Mount Olivet Road, Kingston Township. 6 p.m. Sunday. Free. 696-3525. Tannersville Cranberry Bog Walk, a 2.5-hour exploration of the northern boreal bog with novel plant and insect life. Meet at the Bog parking lot, 166 Cherry Lane Road, East Stroudsburg. 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Wednesdays through Sept. 11. $6. Registration: 629-3061. Keystone Active Zone Passport, a free program that encourages people to get outside and active at more than 30 local parks, trails and outdoor events in Luzerne County. Earn awards and win prizes by exploring the county and logging your discoveries through Sept. 30. Join anytime by registering at KAZpassport. com or call 823-2191. FUTURE Hemlock Pond Hike, a leisurely four-mile hike with some rocky, uneven terrain. Includes a lunch stop at isolated Hemlock Pond, tucked away high on the Kittatinny Ridge. Meet at the Monroe County Environmental Education Center, 8050 Running Valley Road, Stroudsburg. 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 6. $20. Registration: 629-3061. Guided Bird Walk, a morning stroll with park
Honey Hole Road, Drums. 10 a.m. Sept. 7. Reservations: 403-2006. Hike to the Top, a discovery hike with some off-trail exploring in search of clear views. Meet at the Monroe County Environmental Education Center, 8050 Running Valley Road, Stroudsburg. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept. 7. $5. Registration: 629-3061. Monarch Madness, search fields and forest for the brightly colored caterpillars that will become the monarch butterfly. Pocono ‘Let’s Talk Turtles’ at a nature program sunday Environmental Education Center, 538 Emery afternoon at Frances slocum state Park in Road, Dingmans Ferry. 1 to 3 p.m. Sept. 7 $5. Kingston Township. 828-2319. Mount Tammany Hike, eight difficult miles. volunteer Dave Kruel. Nescopeck State Park, Bring lunch and water. Meet at the Sears 1137 Honey Hole Road, Drums. 8 a.m. Sept. 7. Automotive parking lot, Wyoming Valley Mall, 403-2006. Wilkes-Barre Township. 8:45 a.m. Sept. 8. Zombie run and Disaster Preparedness Sponsored by the Susquehanna Trailers Day, a three-mile trail and pavement run with Hiking Club. 825-7200. physical obstacles including zombies. Test Half-Marathon Distance run, an outTrack Park, Berwick. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept. 7. and-back 13.1-mile race along the D&H Rail Sponsored by Berwick Area United Way and Trail from Forest City to Union Dale. Sept. 8 Total Survival. 594-1356. $60 runners; $25 beginning at 9 a.m. Registration: 679-9300. zombies. Register at neparunner.com. race for Our Lady of Constantinople, a 5K Varden Conservation Day, with live birds of Run and Fun Walk from the Old Forge High prey, guided interpretive hikes, Kids Fishing School Football Stadium to the Chapel of Our Derby, scavenger hunts, homemade ice Lady, 145 Third Ave., Old Forge. 9 a.m. Sept. 8. cream, fiddle music, displays, wild edible $15 advance; $20 day of event. Call 489-0178 plants and tree identification walks. Varden for an application. Conservation Area, Tannery Access Road, off Route 296, Lake Ariel. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sept. 7. End-of-summer Bog Walk, a 2.5-hour trek to 676-0567. explore the northern boreal bog. Meet at the parking lot of the Tannersville Cranberry Bog, Kayaking: Level Three, a paddle on Brady’s 552 Cherry Lane Road, East Stroudsburg. Lake for experienced kayakers. Meet at the 1 p.m. Sept. 8. $6. Registration: 629-3061. lake parking lot, Nescopeck State Park, 1137
BUys THIS WEEK: Aug. 30 to Sept. 5, 2013 Labor Day Market, with “green” vendors, antique dealers, market foods, farm produce, upcycled wares, architectural salvage and more. Village Green, Eagles Mere. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. $5. 525-3370. Country Arts and Crafts show, the 26th annual event sponsored by Craftsmen of the Endless Mountains. Railroad Station, Railroad Street, Dushore. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. 247-2075. Craft show, the 24th annual event with 14 vendors offering handmade items, country crafts, fine art and photography. Also: Yacht
Club sweats and shirts, fall flowers, desserts, soups and raffles. Nuangola Lake Association Pavilion, Raeder Avenue, Nuangola. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. 868-5808. Back Mountain Farmers Market. Back Mountain Memorial Library, 96 Huntsville Road, Dallas. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays through Oct. 5. 675-1182. Hazleton Farmers Market. Citiscape upper parking lot, behind 20 W. Broad St., Hazleton. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. 455-1509. Pittston Farmers Market. Lower Tomato Festival Lot, South Main Street, Pittston. Tuesdays through Nov. 26, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. with live music 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. 654-0513.
rummage and Bake sale. St.John Byzantine Catholic Church, 756 E. Northampton St.,WilkesBarre Township. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.Wednesday; 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.Thursday. 825-4338. Farmers Market, the summer marketplace with locally grown produce, festival foods, homemade breads and pastries and lunchtime entertainment by Somethin’ Else. Public Square, Wilkes-Barre. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday. 208-4292. FUTURE rummage sale, with a bake sale, raffle and a Kids Korner full of toys. New items added every hour; $10 per bag. Tracey’s Hope Hospice & Rescue, St. Benedict’s Church, 155 Austin Ave.,
Wilkes-Barre. 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Sept. 7. Fall rummage sale, with a lunch menu each day.Zion United Church of Christ, 40 W. Main St., Nanticoke. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sept. 7; 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sept. 8; 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept. 9. 283-0456. Farmers Market, celebrating International Active Aging Day. With locally grown produce, festival foods, homemade breads and pastries and lunchtime entertainment by Stanky & the Coal Miners. Public Square, Wilkes-Barre. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 12. 208-4292. Monthly Flea Market, with food and desserts. Mountain Grange #567, 1632 W. Eighth St., Carverton. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sept. 14. 406-7749.
followed by dinner and award ceremony at 6:30 p.m. Reservations: 941-7816. ereader Class. Bring in your tablets and learn how to download books. Marian Sutherland Kirby Library, 35 Kirby Ave., Mountain Top. 11 a.m. Sept. 14. 474-9313. Book signing, with K.H. Koehler, author of “The Devil You Know.” Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Arena Hub Plaza, Wilkes-Barre Township. 2 p.m. Sept. 14. 829-4210. Writing Workshop, a themed, informal writing exercise session, sponsored by the Campion Literary Society. Sheehy-Farmer Campus Center, King’s College, WilkesBarre. 4 p.m. Sept. 17. Free and open to the
public. 208-5900, ext. 5487. Dickens Book Club, a discussion of“ATale of Two Cities,” chapters one through seven. Barnes & Noble Booksellers,Arena Hub Plaza,WilkesBarre Township. 7 p.m. Sept. 17. 829-4210. Everhart reads Book Club, a discussion of “Cities and the Wealth of Nations” by Jane Jacobs. Library Express, Steamtown Mall, Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton. 6 p.m. Sept. 19. Registration: 346-7186. Great Books at Hayfield, a discussion of“The Go Between”by L.P. Hartley. Led by David Smith. Hayfield House, Penn State Wilkes-Barre, 1269 Old Route 115, Lehman Township. 7 p.m. Sept. 23. 675-2171.
rEADs THIS WEEK: Aug. 30 to Sept. 5, 2013 Book signing with Evan Pritchard, author of “Bird Medicine: The Sacred Power of Bird Shamanism,” which explores the spiritual tradition of birds in Native American culture. Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Arena Hub Plaza, Wilkes-Barre Township. 7 tonight. 829-4210. Mystery Book Club, a discussion of Dorothy L. Sayers’ “Murder Must Advertise,” a Lord Peter Wimsey mystery. Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Arena Hub Plaza, WilkesBarre Township. 7 p.m. Thursday. 829-4210.
FUTURE Book signing, with Joseph Schillaci, author of “The Ragman: The Garment Industry in Northeast PA.” Free T-shirt with book purchase. Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Arena Hub Plaza, Wilkes-Barre Township. 2 p.m. Sept. 7. 829-4210. Distinguished Author Award, honoring Susan Campbell Bartoletti, author of “Down the Rabbit Hole,” recipient of the Royden B. Davis Distinguished Author Award. McIlhenny Ballroom, DeNaples Center, 900 Mulberry St., University of Scranton. Sept. 7 with a free book signing at 4 p.m., reception at 5 p.m.
Arguably the most depressing new sitcom: NBC’s Andre “Welcome to the Family,” in which a Stanford University-
From page 16 dramatic Braugher.
bound whiz kid learns his bubble-head girlfriend, who barely got out of high school, is pregnant with his child.
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Bride’s name: _____________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________ Phone:____________________________________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________________________ Number of guests attending: _______ Wedding date: ______________________________ Return to: Irem Clubhouse, 64 Ridgway Drive, Dallas, PA 18612