GO, Portland Press Herald, Nov. 1, 2012

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<]dS[PS` November 1, 2012

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Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, November 1, 2012


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Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, November 1, 2012



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Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, November 1, 2012



Starwars.com photo



FACE THE MUSIC: Live, local and beyond, Aimsel Ponti brings you music with a Maine backbeat. LIKE US: For all your entertainment planning needs, find us on Facebook at: www.Facebook.com/pphgo

musicandnightlife The Tragically Hip is here, eh?/E5 n Making Noise: Kurt Baker and The KB Band/E6 n Tix/E7 n Listings/E8 n CD review: MFO’s “A Book of Painted Sighs”/E9

Rod Harmon From the Editor

themovies Denzel Washington soars in “Flight”/E13 n Indie Film/E14 n New on DVD: “The Campaign”/E15 n “Wreck-It Ralph” review/E18

calendar 10 DAYS OF COOL EVENTS/E18-19

artandtheater COVER STORY: “Homestead Crossing” at Portland Stage/E19 n USM’s “Assassins”/E20 n Listings/E21

dininganddrink Eat and Run: Full Belly Deli/E23 n Atwell on beer/E24 n Bar Guide: Sangillo’s/E25

etcetera Lincoln Peirce at Casablanca Comics/E27 n Off Beat: Adult Puppet Slam/E28 n Listings/E29


nless you’ve been living inside a dead Tauntaun for the past few days, you know that Disney has purchased Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion. And you also know that Disney has plans to expand the already gigantic “Star Wars” brand with new games, TV shows, theme park attractions and movies – including a trilogy set after “Return of the Jedi,” beginning with episode seven in 2015. Being a major “Star Wars” fanboy since 1977, I’ve cobbled together a few suggestions as to how Disney can restore “Star Wars” to its pre-“Phantom Menace” reputation as the greatest sci-fi franchise in history. (Yeah, I said it. Sorry, Trekkies.) n Forget about releasing the rest of the existing films in 3D, something George Lucas never should have started in the first place. (There’s a long list of things Lucas never should have done, but there’s no room to go into them all here.) Continuing this unwanted folly will only distract Disney from making killer new movies that will equal the greatness of the “Lord of the Rings” and Harry Potter film adaptations. n Re-release episodes four through six on Blu-ray – in their original theatrical versions. Han needs to shoot first! n Bring back Darth Vader. Yeah, I know, he died in “Jedi,” but so what? He’s already returned as a ghost a la Yoda and Obi-Wan, and if they bring back the Emperor (who died way too easily in “Jedi”), they can have Palpatine use the dark side of the Force to resurrect Vader and return him to his bad self. Because without Darth Vader, there is no “Star Wars.” n Resist the urge to recast Luke, Han and Leia with younger actors. Bring back Mark Hamill as an aging Luke Skywalker forced to battle Vader and the Emperor again while trying to rebuild the Jedi Council, and have Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford return in supporting roles. The main cast can consist of young new characters, but don’t disregard the old ones in the process. n Keep George Lucas’ involvement as minimal as possible. We all know what can happen when his ego isn’t kept in check (Jar Jar Binks, anyone?) and when he doesn’t have a good writing team to catch stupid continuity mistakes. n Take a cue from Universal Studios Orlando’s Harry Potter theme park and do the same with “Star Wars,” building upon the existing “Star Tours” and making a full-fledged park with multiple attractions. I’ve wanted to blast TIE Fighters in a simulated X-Wing for more than 30 years, so make it happen. n Finally, release “The Star Wars Holiday Special” on DVD and Blu-ray. This cult classic has never had an official release since being televised once in 1978 (not even on VHS), and it’s high time it was. Everyone deserves to see Boba Fett’s cartoon debut, Chewbacca’s father watching Wookie porn and a coked-up Carrie Fisher attempting to sing. Good luck, Mouse House. Make the Force be with you.


MAINE A LA CARTE: Meredith Goad and Avery Yale Kamila have the dish on food and drink.

Hey Mickey: Go over to the Darth side

Co ur tes yL inc oln

Pe irc e

“Big Nate” creator Lincoln Peirce will appear at Casablanca Comics... Page E27

is a publication of MaineToday Media Inc., which publishes the Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram, Kennebec Journal and Morning Sentinel daily newspapers, the weekly Coastal Journal in Bath and their respective websites. EXECUTIVE EDITOR Cliff Schechtman MANAGING EDITOR Steve Greenlee

in advance to Go Calendar, One City Center, Portland, ME 04101-5009 or e-mail to go@pressherald.com

GO EDITOR Rod Harmon, 791-6450 rharmon@ pressherald.com

TO LIST EVENTS Send materials two weeks

TO ADVERTISE: Call 791-6200

COVER DESIGN Michael Fisher

Deputy Managing Editor Rod Harmon may be contacted at 791-6450 or at: rharmon@pressherald.com Twitter: RHarmonPPH


Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, November 1, 2012 | GO E5 >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg <]dS[PS` j 5= 3#

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Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

Catch the Canadian rockers at the State Theatre on Wednesday. 1ObQV bVS 1O\ORWO\ `]QYS`a Ob bVS AbObS BVSOb`S ]\ ESR\SaROg

Members of The ;S[PS`a ]T BVS Tragically Hip all knew B`OUWQOZZg 6W^ OZZ Y\Se each other growing up SOQV ]bVS` U`]eW\U c^ in Kingston, Ontario, W\ 9W\Uab]\ =\bO`W] Canada, a midsized 1O\ORO O [WRaWhSR city between Montreal QWbg PSbeSS\ ;]\b`SOZ and Toronto. O\R B]`]\b]

ByRAYROUTHIER #Z 3": 3065)*&3 4UBGG 8SJUFS StaffWriter

ob Baker admits that being known PC #BLFS BENJUT UIBU CFJOH LOPXO as part of a Canadian band BT QBSU PG B $BOBEJBO CBOE that hasn't quite hit it big in UIBU IBTO U RVJUF IJU JU CJH JO America used to irk him. "NFSJDB VTFE UP JSL IJN But that was early on, when The Tragi#VU UIBU XBT FBSMZ PO XIFO 5IF 5SBHJ cally Hip had been recording and touring DBMMZ )JQ IBE CFFO SFDPSEJOH BOE UPVSJOH for five, maybe 10 years. But now that it's GPS mWF NBZCF ZFBST #VU OPX UIBU JU T been together for almost 30 years, makCFFO UPHFUIFS GPS BMNPTU ZFBST NBL ing it in America isn't such a priority. JOH JU JO "NFSJDB JTO U TVDI B QSJPSJUZ "I think earlier in our careers, that i* UIJOL FBSMJFS JO PVS DBSFFST UIBU used to drive us. But you can never VTFE UP ESJWF VT #VU ZPV DBO OFWFS control if you're hot, only if you're good," DPOUSPM JG ZPV SF IPU POMZ JG ZPV SF HPPE w



said Baker, 50, from his home in KingsTBJE #BLFS GSPN IJT IPNF JO ,JOHT ton, Ontario. "Some people get really UPO 0OUBSJP i4PNF QFPQMF HFU SFBMMZ hot, and they aren't very good. Others IPU BOE UIFZ BSFO U WFSZ HPPE 0UIFST are very good and never get hot." BSF WFSZ HPPE BOE OFWFS HFU IPU w Still, he added, "It would be nice if 4UJMM IF BEEFE i*U XPVME CF OJDF JG

Sample Pretty Lights on Thursday at State JXdgc\ Gi\kkp C`^_kj fe K_lij[Xp Xk JkXk\

?FK k`Zb\k O A T fl w I

THE TRAGICALLY HIP B63 B@/571/::G 67> WHEN: 8 p.m. Wednesday E63<( & ^ [ ESR\SaROg WHERE: State Theatre, 609 E63@3( AbObS BVSOb`S $ ' Congress St., Portland 1]\U`Saa Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $35.35 in advance; 6=E ;C16( !# !# W\ ORdO\QS) $38 day of show !& ROg ]T aV]e INFO: (800) 745-3000; 7<4=( & %"# ! ) statetheatreportland.com abObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][

PRETTY LIGHTS sounds like a children's toy, but it's >@3BBG :756BA a]c\Ra ZWYS O QVWZR`S\¸a b]g Pcb Wb¸a actually Colorado-based producer Derek Vincent OQbcOZZg 1]Z]`OR] POaSR ^`]RcQS` 2S`SY DW\QS\b Smith performing live. Using the Pretty Lights A[WbV ^S`T]`[W\U ZWdS CaW\U bVS >`Sbbg :WUVba moniker, he blends sample collages and beats to []\WYS` VS PZS\Ra aO[^ZS Q]ZZOUSa O\R PSOba b] create vibrant dance music Keys N Krates and Q`SObS dWP`O\b RO\QS [caWQ 9Sga < 9`ObSa O\R Eliot Lipp open. 3ZW]b :W^^ ]^S\ WHEN: 8 p.m. Thursday E63<( & ^ [ BVc`aROg WHERE: State Theatre, 609 Congress St., Portland E63@3( AbObS BVSOb`S $ ' 1]\U`Saa Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $ 4 0 6=E ;C16( " Pretty Lights INFO: (800) 745-3000; statetheatreportland.com >`Sbbg :WUVba 7<4=( & %"# ! ) abObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][

those things could converge and my UIPTF UIJOHT DPVME DPOWFSHF BOE NZ family and I could reap the economic GBNJMZ BOE * DPVME SFBQ UIF FDPOPNJD benefits of being hot." CFOFmUT PG CFJOH IPU w The Tragically Hip brings its guitar5IF 5SBHJDBMMZ )JQ CSJOHT JUT HVJUBS based rock to Portland's State Theatre CBTFE SPDL UP 1PSUMBOE T 4UBUF 5IFBUSF on Wednesday. It's had a slew of No. PO 8FEOFTEBZ *U T IBE B TMFX PG /P 1 albums in Canada, scored 14 Juno BMCVNT JO $BOBEB TDPSFE +VOP Awards (the Canadian equivalent of the "XBSET UIF $BOBEJBO FRVJWBMFOU PG UIF Grammys), and is in the Canadian Music (SBNNZT BOE JT JO UIF $BOBEJBO .VTJD Hall of Fame. )BMM PG 'BNF But Baker says that doesn't limit the #VU #BLFS TBZT UIBU EPFTO U MJNJU UIF band to playing beyond Canada's borCBOE UP QMBZJOH CFZPOE $BOBEB T CPS Pleasesee HIP, Page E12 Gc\Xj\ j\\ 67> GX^\ <()

Empire hosts Bronze Radio Return <dg`i\ _fjkj 9ifeq\ IX[`f I\klie

G :?<8I@CC

CHRIS HENDERSON, the 24-year-old frontman of 16@7A 63<23@A=< bVS " gSO` ]ZR T`]\b[O\ ]T Bronze Radio Return, sings about falling in love 0`]\hS @ORW] @Sbc`\ aW\Ua OP]cb TOZZW\U W\ Z]dS with a 30-year-old 45 RPM single on the band's eWbV O ! gSO` ]ZR "# @>; aW\UZS ]\ bVS PO\R¸a debut album, "Old Time Speaker." The Connecticut RSPcb OZPc[ ¾=ZR BW[S A^SOYS` œ BVS 1]\\SQbWQcb group may have a love of old records, but its sound U`]c^ [Og VOdS O Z]dS ]T ]ZR `SQ]`Ra Pcb Wba a]c\R and perspective are fresh. O\R ^S`a^SQbWdS O`S T`SaV WHEN: 10 p.m. Saturday E63<( ^ [ AObc`ROg WHERE: Empire Dine and Dance, 575 Congress St., Portland E63@3( 3[^W`S 2W\S O\R 2O\QS #%# 1]\U`Saa Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $10 6=E ;C16( INFO: 879-898; portlandempire.com 7<4=( &%' &'&) ^]`bZO\RS[^W`S Q][


Making Noise: Kurt Baker and The KB Band, E6 N• K`o# <. Tix,E7 N • C`jk`e^j# </ Listings, E8 N • CD review: Mystic Folk Opera, E9 DXb`e^ Ef`j\1 Blik 9Xb\i Xe[ K_\ B9 9Xe[# < :; i\m`\n1 Dpjk`Z =fcb Fg\iX# <0

E6 GO Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, November 1, 2012 3$ 5= j >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg <]dS[PS`

Ocean /CEAN 'ARDENS Gardens 2ESTAURANT Restaurant Celebrating 15 Years #ELEBRATING 9EARS

STONE 3 4/.% RIDGE 2 )$'%

Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

Kurt Baker, a fixture in Portland's music scene, will take The KB Band to Spain 9c`b 0OYS` O ¿fbc`S W\ >]`bZO\R¸a [caWQ aQS\S eWZZ bOYS BVS 90 0O\R b] A^OW\ in December for eight shows. But first, a CD-release gig in Portland on Nov. 10. W\ 2SQS[PS` T]` SWUVb aV]ea 0cb ¿`ab O 12 `SZSOaS UWU W\ >]`bZO\R ]\ <]d

2%34!52!.4 !.$ "2!.$ .%7 ,/$').'

/0%. 45%3 35. s '2%!4 &//$ AT A '2%!4 02)#%

Baked Stuffed Haddock "AKED 3TUFFED (ADDOCK &2%% Salad Bar 3ALAD "AR 4HAT SL 4RIPLE ,OBSTERS Triple Lobsters $22" A and Bread AND "READ A 3TE

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Baker's power-pop produces 9Xb\iËj gfn\i$gfg gif[lZ\j a 'Brand New Beat' X Ê9iXe[ E\n 9\XkË BK

urt Baker and The KB Band have VSU #BLFS BOE 5IF ,# #BOE IBWF just released the album "Brand KVTU SFMFBTFE UIF BMCVN i#SBOE New Beat," and Baker couldn't be /FX #FBU w BOE #BLFS DPVMEO U CF happier about it. IBQQJFS BCPVU JU A cdecade ago, the Portland resi" EFDBEF BHP UIF 1PSUMBOE SFTJ dent formed the pop-punk band The EFOU GPSNFE UIF QPQ QVOL CBOE 5IF Leftovers, which toured all over -FGUPWFST XIJDI UPVSFE BMM PWFS creation and released several recordDSFBUJPO BOE SFMFBTFE TFWFSBM SFDPSE ings before folding in 2009. His latest JOHT CFGPSF GPMEJOH JO )JT MBUFTU incarnation packs a power-pop punch JODBSOBUJPO QBDLT B QPXFS QPQ QVODI that harkens back UIBU IBSLFOT CBDL to the '80s and acts UP UIF T BOE BDUT like Elvis Costello MJLF &MWJT $PTUFMMP and Joe Jackson, BOE +PF +BDLTPO two of Baker's bigUXP PG #BLFS T CJH gest influences. HFTU JOnVFODFT A CD-release " $% SFMFBTF show is schedTIPX JT TDIFE uled for Nov 10 in

(207) 625-2009

Aimsel Ponti 8`dj\c Gfek` DXb`e^ Ef`j\

VMFE GPS /PW JO Portland, and in 1PSUMBOE BOE JO December, Baker %FDFNCFS #BLFS and company head BOE DPNQBOZ IFBE to Spain for a round UP 4QBJO GPS B SPVOE of eight shows. For more, find Baker on PG FJHIU TIPXT 'PS NPSF mOE #BLFS PO Facebook under "Kurt Baker Music" or 'BDFCPPL VOEFS i,VSU #BLFS .VTJDw PS head to kurtbakermusic.com. IFBE UP LVSUCBLFSNVTJD DPN



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What's on _XkËj fe N


"Help You Ann," The Lyresj Ăˆ?\cg Pfl 8ee#É K_\ Cpi\ "Exposed," `ZkXkfij K_\ ;Dictators ogfj\[#É The Ăˆ< fjj "Stay Away rromDowntown," Cross I\[[ :i ne#É Redd ĂˆJkXp 8nXp =ifd ;fnekf "School Love," 8em`c fm\#ÉAnvil Z_ffc C ĂˆJ ÂŤBabY,BabY,BabY,"Barreracudas iXZl[Xj Ăˆ9XYp# 9XYp# 9XYp#É 9Xii\ C`qqp "It'kĂ‹j s Onlycp Money "Thin K_`e Lizzv Dfe\p#É Ăˆ@ "Make FeUpg PYour Mind," StivBators m 9Xkfij ĂˆDXb\ L fli D`e[#É Jk` "Catamaran," Allah-las X_$CXj XkXdXiXe#É 8cc Ăˆ: "Gamma Rav"Aimee Manne Ăˆ>XddX IXp#É 8`d\\ DXe _Xeefe "Arei\ You ff#É ;\c JShannon \ KToo,"Del fm`eĂ‹ DMe Pfl CLovin' Ăˆ8

ally with us as well. On drums, we've got BMMZ XJUI VT BT XFMM 0O ESVNT XF WF HPU three great drummers who play with us UISFF HSFBU ESVNNFST XIP QMBZ XJUI VT depending on who's around, but we are EFQFOEJOH PO XIP T BSPVOE CVU XF BSF Who's in your band? incredibly lucky to have them: Craig Sala JODSFEJCMZ MVDLZ UP IBWF UIFN $SBJH 4BMB 8IP T JO ZPVS CBOE The Kurt Baker Band consists of a vari- GSPN 1BSBOPJE 4PDJBM $MVC 1MBOFTJEF from Paranoid Social Club/Planeside, 5IF ,VSU #BLFS #BOE DPOTJTUT PG B WBSJ Zack Sprauge from A Minor Revolution ety of great, talented musicians from all ;BDL 4QSBVHF GSPN " .JOPS 3FWPMVUJPO FUZ PG HSFBU UBMFOUFE NVTJDJBOT GSPN BMM over the place. It all depends on the region BOE "EBN $BSHJO XIP IBT QMBZFE JO TPNF and Adam Cargin, who has played in some PWFS UIF QMBDF *U BMM EFQFOET PO UIF SFHJPO legendary punk rock groups. we are playing in, and also who's available MFHFOEBSZ QVOL SPDL HSPVQT XF BSF QMBZJOH JO BOE BMTP XIP T BWBJMBCMF for the gig. GPS UIF HJH Kris "Fingers" Rodgers has always been %P ZPV IBWF B GBWPSJUF TPOH PO i#SBOE Do you have a favorite song on "Brand ,SJT i'JOHFSTw 3PEHFST IBT BMXBZT CFFO on keys. We first started playing together /FX #FBUw New Beat"? PO LFZT 8F mSTU TUBSUFE QMBZJOH UPHFUIFS in this group The Goodnight Process, but It's a tough call. I really enjoy all the *U T B UPVHI DBMM * SFBMMZ FOKPZ BMM UIF JO UIJT HSPVQ 5IF (PPEOJHIU 1SPDFTT CVU we both quit that group and went on to songs on this record. The record consists TPOHT PO UIJT SFDPSE 5IF SFDPSE DPOTJTUT XF CPUI RVJU UIBU HSPVQ BOE XFOU PO UP other things. Kris is a super-talented pia- PG TPOHT UIBU BMM DPVME CF TJOHMFT 5IFSF of 10 songs that all could be singles. There PUIFS UIJOHT ,SJT JT B TVQFS UBMFOUFE QJB no player and vocalist. Geoff Palmer, one JT OP mMMFS PO UIFSF * MJTUFO UP JU B MPU * is no filler on there. I listen to it a lot. I OP QMBZFS BOE WPDBMJTU (FPGG 1BMNFS POF of the notable punx of Portsmouth, N.H., always find it funny that there is such a BMXBZT mOE JU GVOOZ UIBU UIFSF JT TVDI B PG UIF OPUBCMF QVOY PG 1PSUTNPVUI / ) is on rhythm guitar. Wyatt Flinderburk stigma against artists listening to their TUJHNB BHBJOTU BSUJTUT MJTUFOJOH UP UIFJS JT PO SIZUIN HVJUBS 8ZBUU 'VOEFSCVSL has been able to tour with us recently on PXO SFDPSET *U T MJLF iUPUBMMZ VO DPPMw UP own records. It's like "totally un-cool" to IBT CFFO BCMF UP UPVS XJUI VT SFDFOUMZ PO guitar, though he lives in Nashville. Josh be caught listening to your own stuff. I CF DBVHIU MJTUFOJOH UP ZPVS PXO TUVGG * HVJUBS UIPVHI IF MJWFT JO /BTIWJMMF +PTI Malia, who pretty much got me into play- HVFTT JU T LJOE PG KVTU GVOOZ CVU XF BMM EP guess it's kind of just funny, but we all do .BMJB XIP QSFUUZ NVDI HPU NF JOUP QMBZ ing local music here in Portland with his JOH MPDBM NVTJD IFSF JO 1PSUMBOE XJUI IJT group The Taxis, plays guitar occasionPlease see PONTI, PageE12 HSPVQ 5IF 5BYJT QMBZT HVJUBS PDDBTJPO Gc\Xj\ j\\ >=<B7 GX^\ <()

Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, November 1, 2012 GO E7 >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg <]dS[PS` j 5= 3%


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Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

Gunnar and Matthew Nelson perform in tribute to their father, '50s and '60s 5c\\O` O\R ;ObbVSe <SZa]\ ^S`T]`[ W\ b`WPcbS b] bVSW` TObVS` ¸# a O\R ¸$ a singer-songwriter Ricky Nelson, on April 5 at Merrill Auditorium in Portland. aW\US` a]\Ue`WbS` @WQYg <SZa]\ ]\ /^`WZ # Ob ;S``WZZ /cRWb]`Wc[ W\ >]`bZO\R Tickets go on sale Thursday. BWQYSba U] ]\ aOZS BVc`aROg

The latest BVS ZObSab On sale noon Thursday - Ricky Nelson =\ aOZS \]]\ BVc`aROg Âł @WQYg <SZa]\ Remembered Featuring Matthew and @S[S[PS`SR 4SObc`W\U ;ObbVSe O\R Gunnar Nelson, 7:30 p.m. April 5, Merrill 5c\\O` <SZa]\ %(! ^ [ /^`WZ # ;S``WZZ Auditorium, Portland. $35 to $50. /cRWb]`Wc[ >]`bZO\R !# b] # Porttix.com; 842-0800 >]`bbWf Q][) &" & On sale 10 a.m. Friday - Jason Aldean with =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg Âł 8Oa]\ /ZRSO\ eWbV Miranda Lambert, Jake Owen and Thomas ;W`O\RO :O[PS`b 8OYS =eS\ O\R BV][Oa Rhett, 6:30 p.m. July 12, Fenway Park, @VSbb $(! ^ [ 8cZg 4S\eOg >O`Y Boston. $69 to $89. Livenation.com; (800) 0]ab]\ $' b] &' :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & 745-3000 %"# ! On sale 10 a.m. Friday - George Clinton =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg Âł 5S]`US 1ZW\b]\ and the Parliament Funkadelic, 8 p.m. Feb. O\R bVS >O`ZWO[S\b 4c\YORSZWQ & ^ [ 4SP 8, House of Blues, Boston. $29.50 to $45. & 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ ' # b] "# Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! On sale 10 a.m. Friday - The Lumineers, 8 =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg Âł BVS :c[W\SS`a & p.m. Feb. 10, House of Blues, Boston. $30 ^ [ 4SP 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ ! to $40. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 b] " :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! On sale 10 a.m. Friday - Aer, 7 p.m. =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg Âł /S` % ^ [ Feb. 23, House of Blues, Boston. $20. 4SP ! 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! On sale 10 a.m. Saturday - Pentatonix, 8 =\ aOZS O [ AObc`ROg Âł >S\bOb]\Wf & p.m. Feb. 24, House of Blues, Boston. $25 ^ [ 4SP " 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ # to $35. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 b] !# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! On sale now - A Conversation with =\ aOZS \]e Âł / 1]\dS`aObW]\ eWbV Stephen King, 7:30 p.m. Dec. 7, Tsongas AbS^VS\ 9W\U %(! ^ [ 2SQ % Ba]\UOa Center at University of Massachusetts/ 1S\bS` Ob C\WdS`aWbg ]T ;OaaOQVcaSbba Lowell. $30. Tsongascenter.com; (866) :]eSZZ ! Ba]\UOaQS\bS` Q][) &$$ %722-8780 &%&




Concerts and shows currently on sale: 1]\QS`ba O\R aV]ea Qc``S\bZg ]\ aOZS(

The locals BVS Z]QOZa Nov. 8 - Mary Black, 8 p.m., Stone Mountain <]d & ³ ;O`g 0ZOQY & ^ [ Ab]\S ;]c\bOW\ Arts Center, Brownfield. $80. Stonemountai /`ba 1S\bS` 0`]e\¿SZR & Ab]\S[]c\bOW nartscenter.com; 935-7292 \O`baQS\bS` Q][) '!# % ' Nov. 8 - Eric Bettencourt, 8 p.m., One <]d & ³ 3`WQ 0SbbS\Q]c`b & ^ [ =\S Longfellow Square, Portland. $8/$10. :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R & Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Nov. 9 - Mary Black, 7:30 p.m., <]d ' ³ ;O`g 0ZOQY %(! ^ [ Strand Theatre, Rockland. $45. Ab`O\R BVSOb`S @]QYZO\R "# Rocklandstrand.com; 594-0070 @]QYZO\Rab`O\R Q][) #'" % Nov. 9 - Nanci Griffith, 8 p.m., Stone <]d ' ³ <O\QW 5`WT¿bV & ^ [ Ab]\S Mountain Arts Center, Brownfield. $80. ;]c\bOW\ /`ba 1S\bS` 0`]e\¿SZR & Stonemountainartscenter.com; 935-7292 Ab]\S[]c\bOW\O`baQS\bS` Q][) '!# % ' Nov. 9 - The Brew with Sophistafunk, <]d ' ³ BVS 0`Se eWbV A]^VWabOTc\Y 9 p.m., Port City Music Hall, Portland. ' ^ [ >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R portcitymusichall.com; (888) 512-SHOW ^]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) &&& # A6=E Nov. 9 - Janis Ian, 8 p.m., <]d ' ³ 8O\Wa 7O\ & ^ [ Jonathan's, Ogunquit. $32.50. 8]\ObVO\¸a =Uc\_cWb ! # Jonathansrestaurant.com; 646-4526 8]\ObVO\a`SabOc`O\b Q][) $"$ "# $ Nov. 9 - Ashley Davis with Cormac <]d ' ³ /aVZSg 2OdWa eWbV 1]`[OQ De Barra, 7:30 p.m., One Longfellow 2S 0O``O %(! ^ [ =\S :]\UTSZZ]e Square, Portland. $18/$20. A_cO`S >]`bZO\R & Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Nov. 10 - Richard James and The Name <]d ³ @WQVO`R 8O[Sa O\R BVS <O[S Changers, 9 p.m., Port City Music Hall, 1VO\US`a ' ^ [ >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ Portland. $10. portcitymusichall.com; (888) >]`bZO\R ^]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) &&& 512-SHOW # A6=E Nov. 10 - Jerry Douglas, 8 p.m., <]d ³ 8S``g 2]cUZOa & ^ [ Westbrook Performing Arts Center. $40. ESabP`]]Y >S`T]`[W\U /`ba 1S\bS` " HeptunesConcerts.com 6S^bc\Sa1]\QS`ba Q][ Nov. 10 - G. Love & Special Sauce, 9 p.m., <]d ³ 5 :]dS A^SQWOZ AOcQS ' ^ [ State Theatre, Portland. $20. Statetheatre AbObS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R AbObSbVSOb`S

Please see TIX, PageElO Gc\Xj\ j\\ B7F GX^\ <('

E8 GO Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, November 1, 2012 3& 5= j >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg <]dS[PS`

N #/.#%243 CONCERTS THURSDAY 4(523$!9 Pretty Lights, electronic, with Keys N Krates and 0RETTY ,IGHTS ELECTRONIC WITH +EYS . +RATES AND Eliot Lipp, State Theatre, Portland. $40; general %LIOT ,IPP 3TATE 4HEATRE 0ORTLAND GENERAL admission, statetheatreportland.com. 8 p.m. ADMISSION STATETHEATREPORTLAND COM P M Newfoundland Songwriter's Showcase, with Ian .EWFOUNDLAND 3ONGWRITER S 3HOWCASE WITH )AN Foster and Terry Penney, Unity Centre for the &OSTER AND 4ERRY 0ENNEY 5NITY #ENTRE FOR THE Performing Arts. $15. 948-7469. 7:30 p.m. 0ERFORMING !RTS P M Meteora, folk trio, Camden Public Library. $5, $7. -ETEORA FOLK TRIO #AMDEN 0UBLIC ,IBRARY 236-3440. 7 p.m. P M Noonday Concert, with the Royal River .OONDAY #ONCERT WITH THE 2OYAL 2IVER Philharmonic Jazz Band, First Parish Unitarian 0HILHARMONIC *AZZ "AND &IRST 0ARISH 5NITARIAN Universalist Church, Portland. Free. 775-3356. 5NIVERSALIST #HURCH 0ORTLAND &REE 12:15 p.m. P M FRIDAY &2)$!9 BelO, Haitian jazz, reggae, rock and world "EL/ (AITIAN JAZZ REGGAE ROCK AND WORLD beat musician, Opera House at Boothbay BEAT MUSICIAN /PERA (OUSE AT "OOTHBAY Harbor. $15 in advance; $20 day of show. (ARBOR IN ADVANCE DAY OF SHOW boothbayoperahouse.com. 7:30 p.m. BOOTHBAYOPERAHOUSE COM P M Chris Smither, singer-songwriter, Jonathan's #HRIS 3MITHER SINGER SONGWRITER *ONATHAN S Restaurant, Ogunquit. $20 in advance; $23 day 2ESTAURANT /GUNQUIT IN ADVANCE DAY of show, jonathansrestaurant.com. 8 p.m. OF SHOW JONATHANSRESTAURANT COM P M Newfoundland Songwriter's Showcase, with Ian .EWFOUNDLAND 3ONGWRITER S 3HOWCASE WITH )AN Foster and Terry Penney, Herbert Grand Hotel, &OSTER AND 4ERRY 0ENNEY (ERBERT 'RAND (OTEL Kingfield. $15. 491-3370. 7 p.m. +INGlELD P M Dominic Lavoie, pop/rock, album-release $OMINIC ,AVOIE POP ROCK ALBUM RELEASE show with Herbcraft and Gabriel le Raymond, SHOW WITH (ERBCRAFT AND 'ABRIELLE 2AYMOND One Longfellow Square, Portland. $10. /NE ,ONGFELLOW 3QUARE 0ORTLAND onelongfellowsquare.com. 8 p.m. ONELONGFELLOWSQUARE COM P M Alasdair Fraser and Natalie Haas, Scottish !LASDAIR &RASER AND .ATALIE (AAS 3COTTISH tiddler and cellist, Stone Mountain Arts Center, lDDLER AND CELLIST 3TONE -OUNTAIN !RTS #ENTER Browntield. $25. stonemountainartscenter.com. "ROWNlELD STONEMOUNTAINARTSCENTER COM 8 p.m. P M SATURDAY 3!452$!9 Melissa Ferrick, singer-songwriter, with Forrest -ELISSA &ERRICK SINGER SONGWRITER WITH &ORREST O'Connor, One Longfellow Square, Portland. $20 / #ONNOR /NE ,ONGFELLOW 3QUARE 0ORTLAND in advance; $25 door, onelongfellowsquare.com. IN ADVANCE DOOR ONELONGFELLOWSQUARE COM 8 p.m. P M Umphrey's McGee, prog-rock jam band, with 5MPHREY S -C'EE PROG ROCK JAM BAND WITH Bright Lights Social Hour, State Theatre, Portland. "RIGHT ,IGHTS 3OCIAL (OUR 3TATE 4HEATRE 0ORTLAND $20 in advance; $25 day of show. IN ADVANCE DAY OF SHOW statetheatreportland.com. 8 p.m. STATETHEATREPORTLAND COM P M Red Horse, folk, Stone Mountain Arts Center, 2ED (ORSE FOLK 3TONE -OUNTAIN !RTS #ENTER Browntield. $35. stonemountainartscenter.com. "ROWNlELD STONEMOUNTAINARTSCENTER COM 8 p.m. P M Richard James and The Name Changers, 2ICHARD *AMES AND 4HE .AME #HANGERS funk/R&B, with The Phreaks and Skyfoot, 18FUNK 2 " WITH 4HE 0HREAKS AND 3KYFOOT plus; Port City Music Hall, Portland. $10. PLUS 0ORT #ITY -USIC (ALL 0ORTLAND portcitymusichall.com. 9 p.m. PORTCITYMUSICHALL COM P M ImproVox, jazz and new folk, The Heart Opening, )MPRO6OX JAZZ AND NEW FOLK 4HE (EART /PENING Portland. $12. 838-2915. 7:30 p.m. 0ORTLAND P M BelO, Haitian jazz, reggae, rock and world "EL/ (AITIAN JAZZ REGGAE ROCK AND WORLD beat musician, Strand Theatre, Rockland. BEAT MUSICIAN 3TRAND 4HEATRE 2OCKLAND $35; $25 for ages 21 to 35; $10 for under 21. FOR AGES TO FOR UNDER baychamberconcerts.org. 7 p.m. BAYCHAMBERCONCERTS ORG P M Angelica Sanchez, jazz pianist, with percussionist !NGELICA 3ANCHEZ JAZZ PIANIST WITH PERCUSSIONIST Gustavo Aguilar and guitarist Omar Tames, 'USTAVO !GUILAR AND GUITARIST /MAR 4AMES Woodfords Congregational Church, Portland. $10 7OODFORDS #ONGREGATIONAL #HURCH 0ORTLAND in advance; $15 day of show; $10 for seniors; $5 IN ADVANCE DAY OF SHOW FOR SENIORS for students. 828-1310. 8 p.m. FOR STUDENTS P M Castlebay, Celtic music, First Congregational #ASTLEBAY #ELTIC MUSIC &IRST #ONGREGATIONAL Church, New Gloucester. $10; $5 for seniors and #HURCH .EW 'LOUCESTER FOR SENIORS AND children. 926-3260. 7:30 p.m. CHILDREN P M SUNDAY 35.$!9 Ron Carroll and Friends, jazz tribute to Scott 2ON #ARROLL AND &RIENDS JAZZ TRIBUTE TO 3COTT Joplin and Al Jolson; benefit for the Midcoast *OPLIN AND !L *OLSON BENElT FOR THE -IDCOAST Hunger Prevention Program; Brunswick High (UNGER 0REVENTION 0ROGRAM "RUNSWICK (IGH School (CrookerTheatre). $10 in advance; $12 3CHOOL #ROOKER 4HEATRE IN ADVANCE day of show. 841 -3007. 2 p.m. DAY OF SHOW P M Alasdair Fraser and Natalie Haas, Scottish !LASDAIR &RASER AND .ATALIE (AAS 3COTTISH fiddler and cellist, Opera House at Boothbay lDDLER AND CELLIST /PERA (OUSE AT "OOTHBAY Harbor. $18 in advance; $22 day of show. (ARBOR IN ADVANCE DAY OF SHOW boothbayoperahouse.com. 7:30 p.m. BOOTHBAYOPERAHOUSE COM P M BelO, Haitian jazz, reggae, rock and world beat "EL/ (AITIAN JAZZ REGGAE ROCK AND WORLD BEAT musician, University of Southern Maine, Portland. MUSICIAN 5NIVERSITY OF 3OUTHERN -AINE 0ORTLAND $34; $10 for students, portlandovations.org. 7 FOR STUDENTS PORTLANDOVATIONS ORG p.m. P M Kids' Open Mic Night, for ages 10 to 18, hosted +IDS /PEN -IC .IGHT FOR AGES TO HOSTED by Liam Swift and Sadie Grant, One Longfellow BY ,IAM 3WIFT AND 3ADIE 'RANT /NE ,ONGFELLOW Square, Portland. $5. onelongfellowsquare.com. 3QUARE 0ORTLAND ONELONGFELLOWSQUARE COM 3 to 6 p.m. TO P M


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Comedian 1][SRWO\ Louis C.K. :]cWa 1 9 performs a ^S`T]`[a O sold-out show a]ZR ]cb aV]e at Merrill Ob ;S``WZZ Auditorium in /cRWb]`Wc[ W\ Portland on >]`bZO\R ]\ Wednesday. ESR\SaROg

1]c`bSag ^V]b]

TUESDAY 45%3$!9 Lyle Lovett and His Acoustic Group, country, ,YLE ,OVETT AND (IS !COUSTIC 'ROUP COUNTRY Stone Mountain Arts Center, Browntield. $200. 3TONE -OUNTAIN !RTS #ENTER "ROWNlELD stonemountainartscenter.com. 8 p.m. STONEMOUNTAINARTSCENTER COM P M MiMOSA, EDM, with JMSN, 18-plus; Port -I-/3! %$- WITH *-3. PLUS 0ORT City Music Hall, Portland. $20 to $40. #ITY -USIC (ALL 0ORTLAND TO portcitymusichall.com. 10 p.m. PORTCITYMUSICHALL COM P M WEDNESDAY 7%$.%3$!9 The Tragically Hip, rock, State Theatre, Portland. 4HE 4RAGICALLY (IP ROCK 3TATE 4HEATRE 0ORTLAND $35.35 in advance; $38 day of show; general IN ADVANCE DAY OF SHOW GENERAL admission, statetheatreportland.com. 8 p.m. ADMISSION STATETHEATREPORTLAND COM P M Justin Townes Earle, singer-songwriter, with Tift *USTIN 4OWNES %ARLE SINGER SONGWRITER WITH 4IFT Merritt, 18-plus; Port City Music Hall, Portland. -ERRITT PLUS 0ORT #ITY -USIC (ALL 0ORTLAND $18 to $30. portcitymusichall.com. 8 p.m. TO PORTCITYMUSICHALL COM P M Nanci Griffith, singer-songwriter, Jonathan's .ANCI 'RIFlTH SINGER SONGWRITER *ONATHAN S Restaurant, Ogunquit. $55 in advance; $60 day 2ESTAURANT /GUNQUIT IN ADVANCE DAY of show, jonathansrestaurant.com. 8 p.m. OF SHOW JONATHANSRESTAURANT COM P M

NOV. 8 ./6 Mary Black, Irish vocalist, Stone Mountain Arts -ARY "LACK )RISH VOCALIST 3TONE -OUNTAIN !RTS Center, Browntield. $80. stonemountainartscenter #ENTER "ROWNlELD STONEMOUNTAINARTSCENTER .com. 8 p.m. COM P M Eric Bettencourt, singer-songwriter, One %RIC "ETTENCOURT SINGER SONGWRITER /NE Longfellow Square, Portland. $8 in advance; $10 ,ONGFELLOW 3QUARE 0ORTLAND IN ADVANCE at door, onelongfellowsquare.com. 8 p.m. AT DOOR ONELONGFELLOWSQUARE COM P M

COMEDY N #/-%$9 Open Mic Comedy Night, 21-plus; Slainte, /PEN -IC #OMEDY .IGHT PLUS 3LAINTE Portland, slaintewinebar.com. 8 p.m. Thursday 0ORTLAND SLAINTEWINEBAR COM P M 4HURSDAY and Nov. 8. AND .OV "Seriously Funny Standup," with Kate Guilloni, h3ERIOUSLY &UNNY 3TANDUP v WITH +ATE 'UILLONI Johnny Ater, Karen Morgan Smith and Lucas *OHNNY !TER +AREN -ORGAN 3MITH AND ,UCAS O'Neil, Empire Dine and Dance, Portland. $8. / .EIL %MPIRE $INE AND $ANCE 0ORTLAND portlandempire.com. 7 p.m. Sunday. PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M 3UNDAY "The Biggest Tour Ever," with Morgan Preston, h4HE "IGGEST 4OUR %VER v WITH -ORGAN 0RESTON Kristen Levine and Andrew Oulette, Empire Dine +RISTEN ,EVINE AND !NDREW /ULETTE %MPIRE $INE and Dance, Portland. $8. portlandempire.com. 8 AND $ANCE 0ORTLAND PORTLANDEMPIRE COM p.m. Monday. P M -ONDAY Louis C.K., Merrill Auditorium, Portland. Sold out. ,OUIS # + -ERRILL !UDITORIUM 0ORTLAND 3OLD OUT porttix.com. 7 p.m. Wednesday. PORTTIX COM P M 7EDNESDAY

BARS/CLUBS N "!23 #,5"3 THURSDAY 4(523$!9 J Boog and Hot Rain, hip-hop/reggae, 21-plus; * "OOG AND (OT 2AIN HIP HOP REGGAE PLUS Asylum, Portland. $10. portlandasylum.com. !SYLUM 0ORTLAND PORTLANDASYLUM COM 9 p.m. P M Jim Gallant, singer-songwriter, Blue, Portland. *IM 'ALLANT SINGER SONGWRITER "LUE 0ORTLAND Donation, portcityblue.com. 6 p.m. $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M

Teg Glendon, folk-rock, Blue, Portland. Donation. 4EG 'LENDON FOLK ROCK "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION portcityblue.com. 8 p.m. PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Yellow Roman Candles, acoustic folk, Blue, 9ELLOW 2OMAN #ANDLES ACOUSTIC FOLK "LUE Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. 10 p.m. 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Tony Boffa Quartet, jazz, Gingko Blue, Portland. 4ONY "OFFA 1UARTET JAZZ 'INGKO "LUE 0ORTLAND gingkoblue.com. 8 p.m. GINGKOBLUE COM P M Will Gattis, pop/rock, CD-release party with 7ILL 'ATTIS POP ROCK #$ RELEASE PARTY WITH Kouros and There is No Sin, 21-plus; Empire Dine +OUROS AND 4HERE IS .O 3IN PLUS %MPIRE $INE and Dance, Portland. $7. portlandempire.com. AND $ANCE 0ORTLAND PORTLANDEMPIRE COM 9:30 p.m. P M Band Beyond Description, jam band, 21-plus; "AND "EYOND $ESCRIPTION JAM BAND PLUS Big Easy, Portland, bigeasyportland.com. 9 p.m. "IG %ASY 0ORTLAND BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M Beer Pong, Line Dancing, Karaoke and DJ B"EER 0ONG ,INE $ANCING +ARAOKE AND $* " set, 21-plus; ClubTexas, Auburn. $2. 784-7785. SET PLUS #LUB 4EXAS !UBURN Doors at 6 p.m. $OORS AT P M Open Mic Night, all ages, Deer Run Tavern, /PEN -IC .IGHT ALL AGES $EER 2UN 4AVERN Yarmouth. 846-9555. 7:30 p.m. 9ARMOUTH P M Kilcollins Band, pop/rock covers, RiRa, Portland. +ILCOLLINS "AND POP ROCK COVERS 2I2A 0ORTLAND rira.com. 10 p.m. RIRA COM P M The Outfits, with USA Waste, The Ear Bleeds and 4HE /UTlTS WITH 53! 7ASTE 4HE %AR "LEEDS AND The Money$, rock, 21-plus; Geno's Rock Club, 4HE -ONEY ROCK PLUS 'ENO S 2OCK #LUB Portland. 221-2382. 9 p.m. 0ORTLAND P M Trio of Four, jazz, Andy's Old Port Pub, Portland. 4RIO OF &OUR JAZZ !NDY S /LD 0ORT 0UB 0ORTLAND andysoldportpub.com. 7 p.m. ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M Now is Now, rock, Run of the Mill Brewpub, .OW IS .OW ROCK 2UN OF THE -ILL "REWPUB Saco. therunofthemill.net. 8 p.m. 3ACO THERUNOFTHEMILL NET P M

9 p.m. P M Trails, hip-hop, with Dray Sr., Manic Mondays 4RAILS HIP HOP WITH $RAY 3R -ANIC -ONDAYS and Jay Caron, rock, 21-plus; Geno's Rock Club, AND *AY #ARON ROCK PLUS 'ENO S 2OCK #LUB Portland. 221-2382. 9 p.m. 0ORTLAND P M A.J. Edwards, singer-songwriter, Andy's Old Port ! * %DWARDS SINGER SONGWRITER !NDY S /LD 0ORT Pub, Portland, andysoldportpub.com. 8:30 p.m. 0UB 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M

SATURDAY 3!452$!9 Bronze Radio Return, indie/roots rock, 21"RONZE 2ADIO 2ETURN INDIE ROOTS ROCK plus; Empire Dine and Dance, Portland. $10. PLUS %MPIRE $INE AND $ANCE 0ORTLAND portlandempire.com. 9 p.m. PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M French Invasion Saturday, with Britta Pejic &RENCH )NVASION 3ATURDAY WITH "RITTA 0EJIC et Les Frenchmen, Le Prestige, French trivia ET ,ES &RENCHMEN ,E 0RESTIGE &RENCH TRIVIA and bingo, all ages; Bayside Bowl, Portland. AND BINGO ALL AGES "AYSIDE "OWL 0ORTLAND baysidebowl.com. 8 p.m. BAYSIDEBOWL COM P M Mama's Boomshack, funk/soul/R&B, Big Easy, -AMA S "OOMSHACK FUNK SOUL 2 " "IG %ASY Portland, bigeasyportland.com. 7 p.m. 0ORTLAND BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M Amigos, acoustic, Portland Lobster Company. !MIGOS ACOUSTIC 0ORTLAND ,OBSTER #OMPANY portlandlobstercompany.com. Noon. PORTLANDLOBSTERCOMPANY COM .OON David Mello, acoustic blues, Gingko Blue, $AVID -ELLO ACOUSTIC BLUES 'INGKO "LUE Portland, gingkoblue.com. 5 p.m. 0ORTLAND GINGKOBLUE COM P M Blind Albert, blues and rock, Gingko Blue, "LIND !LBERT BLUES AND ROCK 'INGKO "LUE Portland, gingkoblue.com. 9 p.m. 0ORTLAND GINGKOBLUE COM P M Travis Cyr, folk, Blue, Portland. Donation. 4RAVIS #YR FOLK "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION portcityblue.com. 6 p.m. PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Frank Vielle & The Manhattans, rock/R&B, Blue, &RANK 6IELLE 4HE -ANHATTANS ROCK 2 " "LUE Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. 8 p.m. 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Emmlt Harrity and Nick Merriam, jazz, Blue, FRIDAY %MMIT (ARRITY AND .ICK -ERRIAM JAZZ "LUE &2)$!9 Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. 10 p.m. Whitcomb, hard rock, with Gozu, Murcielago and 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M 7HITCOMB HARD ROCK WITH 'OZU -URCIELAGO AND Cold Blue Steel, country and Southern rock, 21#OLD "LUE 3TEEL COUNTRY AND 3OUTHERN ROCK Freedom Hawk, 21-plus; Asylum, Portland. $6. &REEDOM (AWK PLUS !SYLUM 0ORTLAND plus; ClubTexas, Auburn, clubtexas.info. 8 p.m. PLUS #LUB 4EXAS !UBURN CLUBTEXAS INFO P M portlandasylum.com. 9 p.m. PORTLANDASYLUM COM P M "Balance," DJ Ed Garrison and Ian Hammond h"ALANCE v $* %D 'ARRISON AND )AN (AMMOND Bob Charest Band, rock/pop/R&B, 21-plus; "OB #HAREST "AND ROCK POP 2 " PLUS host party of house music and dancing, 21-plus; HOST PARTY OF HOUSE MUSIC AND DANCING PLUS Empire Dine and Dance, Portland. $6. %MPIRE $INE AND $ANCE 0ORTLAND Asylum, Portland, portlandasylum.com. 9 p.m. to !SYLUM 0ORTLAND PORTLANDASYLUM COM P M TO portlandempire.com. 8 p.m. PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M 1 a.m. A M El Grande, rock/punk, Big Easy, Portland. %L 'RANDE ROCK PUNK "IG %ASY 0ORTLAND Kilcollins Band, pop/rock covers, RiRa, Portland. bigeasyportland.com. 9 p.m. +ILCOLLINS "AND POP ROCK COVERS 2I2A 0ORTLAND BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M rira.com. 10 p.m. First Friday Rock N Bowl Concert Series, hosted RIRA COM P M &IRST &RIDAY 2OCK . "OWL #ONCERT 3ERIES HOSTED Jeff Cusack, acoustic rock, Andy's Old Port Pub, by Maine Academy of Modern Music, all ages; *EFF #USACK ACOUSTIC ROCK !NDY S /LD 0ORT 0UB BY -AINE !CADEMY OF -ODERN -USIC ALL AGES Portland, andysoldportpub.com. 8:30 p.m. Bayside Bowl, Portland. $5. maineacademyof 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M "AYSIDE "OWL 0ORTLAND MAINEACADEMYOF The Waiters, blues and rock, Run of the Mill modernmusic.org. 6 to 9 p.m. 4HE 7AITERS BLUES AND ROCK 2UN OF THE -ILL MODERNMUSIC ORG TO P M Brewpub, Saco. therunofthemill.net. 8 p.m. "REWPUB 3ACO THERUNOFTHEMILL NET P M Now is Now, classic rock, RiRa, Portland. .OW IS .OW CLASSIC ROCK 2I2A 0ORTLAND rira.com. 10 p.m. RIRA COM P M SUNDAY 35.$!9 Andrew Emmons, acoustic, Blue, Portland. !NDREW %MMONS ACOUSTIC "LUE 0ORTLAND Stephanie Davis, keyboards and vocals, Andy's 3TEPHANIE $AVIS KEYBOARDS AND VOCALS !NDY S Donation, portcityblue.com. 6:30 p.m. $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Old Port Pub, Portland, andysoldportpub.com. /LD 0ORT 0UB 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM Joe Young, folk-pop/Americana, Blue, Portland. *OE 9OUNG FOLK POP !MERICANA "LUE 0ORTLAND 5:30 p.m. P M Donation, portcityblue.com. 8 p.m. $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M The Couch, open mic with host John Nels and OKBARI, Middle Eastern music with bellydancers, 4HE #OUCH OPEN MIC WITH HOST *OHN .ELS AND /+"!2) -IDDLE %ASTERN MUSIC WITH BELLYDANCERS guest, 21-plus; Empire Dine and Dance, Portland. GUEST PLUS %MPIRE $INE AND $ANCE 0ORTLAND Blue, Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM portlandempire.com. 7 p.m. PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M 10p.m. P M Tommy O'Connell &The Juke Joint Devils, rock/ 4OMMY / #ONNELL 4HE *UKE *OINT $EVILS ROCK blues, Gingko Blue, Portland, gingkoblue.com. BLUES 'INGKO "LUE 0ORTLAND GINGKOBLUE COM Please see MUSIC, PageE12 Gc\Xj\ j\\ ;CA71 GX^\ <()

Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, November 1, 2012 >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg <]dS[PS` j 5= 3' GO E9


HOW IT RATES ?FN @K I8K<J MYSTIC FOLK OPERA: ;GAB71 4=:9 =>3@/( "A BOOK OF PAINTED µ/ 0==9 =4 >/7<B32 SIGHS" A756A¶ PRODUCED BY: Cheeks >@=2C132 0G( 1VSSYa ((( Based on a 0OaSR ]\ O four-star scale T]c` abO` aQOZS Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

Dpjk`Z =fcb Fg\iX1 9l`c[`e^ dff[j Mystic Folk Opera: Building moods on a base of exquisite vocals fe X YXj\ f] \ohl`j`k\ mfZXcj =F

#Z 3*$, +0)/40/ By RICK JOHNSON irst things first: Mystic Folk Opera is JSTU UIJOHT mSTU .ZTUJD 'PML 0QFSB JT neither folk nor opera. The band acOFJUIFS GPML OPS PQFSB 5IF CBOE BD curately describes itself on Facebook DVSBUFMZ EFTDSJCFT JUTFMG PO 'BDFCPPL as "soulful blues rock with a progressive BT iTPVMGVM CMVFT SPDL XJUI B QSPHSFTTJWF bent." CFOU w The blues is certainly MFO's musical 5IF CMVFT JT DFSUBJOMZ .'0 T NVTJDBM foundation, but it's a rocked-up version of GPVOEBUJPO CVU JU T B SPDLFE VQ WFSTJPO PG the blues, definitely more Led Zeppelin UIF CMVFT EFmOJUFMZ NPSF -FE ;FQQFMJO than B.B. King. And there are definitely UIBO # # ,JOH "OE UIFSF BSF EFmOJUFMZ progressive influences at work here, but QSPHSFTTJWF JOnVFODFT BU XPSL IFSF CVU not the note-dense variety that one usuOPU UIF OPUF EFOTF WBSJFUZ UIBU POF VTV ally associates with '70s prog-rock like Yes BMMZ BTTPDJBUFT XJUI T QSPH SPDL MJLF :FT or Emerson, Lake and Palmer. Instead, PS &NFSTPO -BLF BOE 1BMNFS *OTUFBE the band goes for the subtler layered atUIF CBOE HPFT GPS UIF TVCUMFS MBZFSFE BU mospherics of Pink Floyd and The Moody NPTQIFSJDT PG 1JOL 'MPZE BOE 5IF .PPEZ Blues, choosing slowly building moods #MVFT DIPPTJOH TMPXMZ CVJMEJOH NPPET over grandiose displays of virtuosity. PWFS HSBOEJPTF EJTQMBZT PG WJSUVPTJUZ But what really makes "A Book of #VU XIBU SFBMMZ NBLFT i" #PPL PG Painted Sighs" something truly special 1BJOUFE 4JHITw TPNFUIJOH USVMZ TQFDJBM and unique is the amazing vocal interplay BOE VOJRVF JT UIF BNB[JOH WPDBM JOUFSQMBZ between the band's three singers, Kristin CFUXFFO UIF CBOE T UISFF TJOHFST ,SJTUJO DiCara, "Cheeks" (aka Nathan McClellan) %J$BSB i$IFFLTw BLB /BUIBO .D$MFMMBO and Elisha Frank. BOE &MJTIB 'SBOL The CD starts off in suitably Floydian 5IF $% TUBSUT PGG JO TVJUBCMZ 'MPZEJBO fashion with a sound collage composed of GBTIJPO XJUI B TPVOE DPMMBHF DPNQPTFE PG frenetic violins interspersed with traffic GSFOFUJD WJPMJOT JOUFSTQFSTFE XJUI USBGmD and train effects that build in intensity BOE USBJO FGGFDUT UIBU CVJME JO JOUFOTJUZ until morphing into the opening ringing VOUJM NPSQIJOH JOUP UIF PQFOJOH SJOHJOH chord of "Tail Lights." The rhythm section DIPSE PG i5BJM -JHIUT w 5IF SIZUIN TFDUJPO of bassist Bob Mills and drummer Rich PG CBTTJTU #PC .JMMT BOE ESVNNFS 3JDI Cantz provides a solid foundation for the $BOU[ QSPWJEFT B TPMJE GPVOEBUJPO GPS UIF breathy vocals of DiCara, who alluringly CSFBUIZ WPDBMT PG %J$BSB XIP BMMVSJOHMZ coos out a tale of a journey west by car. DPPT PVU B UBMF PG B KPVSOFZ XFTU CZ DBS Whether the driver is embarking on a 8IFUIFS UIF ESJWFS JT FNCBSLJOH PO B lonely quest or making a great escape is MPOFMZ RVFTU PS NBLJOH B HSFBU FTDBQF JT up to the listener to decide. VQ UP UIF MJTUFOFS UP EFDJEF The song is equal parts hope and melan5IF TPOH JT FRVBM QBSUT IPQF BOE NFMBO choly, sounding sexy and sad at the same DIPMZ TPVOEJOH TFYZ BOE TBE BU UIF TBNF time (and MFO definitely gets bonus points UJNF BOE .'0 EFmOJUFMZ HFUT CPOVT QPJOUT for name-checking The Scorpions). Cheeks' GPS OBNF DIFDLJOH 5IF 4DPSQJPOT $IFFLT guitar work is notable as well, not just for HVJUBS XPSL JT OPUBCMF BT XFMM OPU KVTU GPS what he plays, but also for what he doesn't XIBU IF QMBZT CVU BMTP GPS XIBU IF EPFTO U play. He lets the chords ring out, allowing QMBZ )F MFUT UIF DIPSET SJOH PVU BMMPXJOH

spaces to form in the song where the mood TQBDFT UP GPSN JO UIF TPOH XIFSF UIF NPPE can build. When the crescendos come, the DBO CVJME 8IFO UIF DSFTDFOEPT DPNF UIF effect is that much more affecting. FGGFDU JT UIBU NVDI NPSF BGGFDUJOH "I Am the Rain" sees MFO shifting into i* "N UIF 3BJOw TFFT .'0 TIJGUJOH JOUP a more up-tempo gear, with some raw B NPSF VQ UFNQP HFBS XJUI TPNF SBX guitar, charming harmonies and a very HVJUBS DIBSNJOH IBSNPOJFT BOE B WFSZ subtle trad-country influence. "For Pity TVCUMF USBE DPVOUSZ JOnVFODF i'PS 1JUZ and Contempt" has a strong Zeppelin feel BOE $POUFNQUw IBT B TUSPOH ;FQQFMJO GFFM to the music, while DiCara and Elisha UP UIF NVTJD XIJMF %J$BSB BOE &MJTIB Frank harmonize like Ann and Nancy 'SBOL IBSNPOJ[F MJLF "OO BOE /BODZ Wilson in their prime. Some nice tempo 8JMTPO JO UIFJS QSJNF 4PNF OJDF UFNQP changes and ethereal background vocals DIBOHFT BOE FUIFSFBM CBDLHSPVOE WPDBMT are the highlights of "Sighs of the Sky," BSF UIF IJHIMJHIUT PG i4JHIT PG UIF 4LZ w and a unique lead vocal from Cheeks with BOE B VOJRVF MFBE WPDBM GSPN $IFFLT XJUI counterpoint singing from DiCara and DPVOUFSQPJOU TJOHJOH GSPN %J$BSB BOE Frank make "The Last Days of Jose" the 'SBOL NBLF i5IF -BTU %BZT PG +PTFw UIF perfect album closer. QFSGFDU BMCVN DMPTFS But by far, the stand-out track is "As #VU CZ GBS UIF TUBOE PVU USBDL JT i"T Sure As Your." It starts off as a fairly tradi4VSF "T :PVS w *U TUBSUT PGG BT B GBJSMZ USBEJ tional blues-rock ballad but builds in vocal UJPOBM CMVFT SPDL CBMMBE CVU CVJMET JO WPDBM and emotional intensity, with Cheeks, BOE FNPUJPOBM JOUFOTJUZ XJUI $IFFLT DiCara and Frank singing as if their lives %J$BSB BOE 'SBOL TJOHJOH BT JG UIFJS MJWFT depended on it, all three turning in vocal EFQFOEFE PO JU BMM UISFF UVSOJOH JO WPDBM performances that are nothing short of QFSGPSNBODFT UIBU BSF OPUIJOH TIPSU PG astounding. This is definitely the song that BTUPVOEJOH 5IJT JT EFmOJUFMZ UIF TPOH UIBU will stay with you long after the last notes XJMM TUBZ XJUI ZPV MPOH BGUFS UIF MBTU OPUFT of the album have faded away. PG UIF BMCVN IBWF GBEFE BXBZ Mystic Folk Opera has created the kind .ZTUJD 'PML 0QFSB IBT DSFBUFE UIF LJOE of album that demands your attention. It's PG BMCVN UIBU EFNBOET ZPVS BUUFOUJPO *U T not the sort of record that's suitable for OPU UIF TPSU PG SFDPSE UIBU T TVJUBCMF GPS background music while you concentrate CBDLHSPVOE NVTJD XIJMF ZPV DPODFOUSBUF on something else. So do the band a favor: PO TPNFUIJOH FMTF 4P EP UIF CBOE B GBWPS Buy the record, sit down, put headphones #VZ UIF SFDPSE TJU EPXO QVU IFBEQIPOFT on and allow yourself to be transported. PO BOE BMMPX ZPVSTFMG UP CF USBOTQPSUFE You won't be disappointed. :PV XPO U CF EJTBQQPJOUFE Check out the band's Facebook page or $IFDL PVU UIF CBOE T 'BDFCPPL QBHF PS e-mail mysticfolkopera(o gmail.com for F NBJM NZTUJDGPMLPQFSB!HNBJM DPN GPS information on getting your copy of the JOGPSNBUJPO PO HFUUJOH ZPVS DPQZ PG UIF album. Catch the band live on Nov. 8 at BMCVN $BUDI UIF CBOE MJWF PO /PW BU Empire Dine and Dance in Portland. &NQJSF %JOF BOE %BODF JO 1PSUMBOE

Rick Johnson is a freelance writer and radio host @WQY 8]V\a]\ Wa O T`SSZO\QS e`WbS` O\R `ORW] V]ab from Westbrook. He can be reached at: T`][ ESabP`]]Y 6S QO\ PS `SOQVSR Ob( rjohnson.rock@gmail. com `X]V\a]\ `]QY.U[OWZ Q][

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E1O GO Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, November 1, 2012 3 5= j >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg <]dS[PS`


Continued from Page E7 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3% portland.com; (800) 745-3000; ^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) Cumberland County Civic Center box office 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS Nov. 10 - Nanci Griffith, 8 p.m., Kents <]d ³ <O\QW 5`WT¿bV & ^ [ 9S\ba Hill School. $50 to $75. 685-1635; 6WZZ AQV]]Z # b] %# $&# $!#) www.kentshill.org/concerts eee YS\baVWZZ ]`U Q]\QS`ba Nov. 10-11 - The Capitol Steps, 8 p.m., Stone <]d ³ BVS 1O^Wb]Z AbS^a & ^ [ Ab]\S Mountain Arts Center, Brownfield. $60 ;]c\bOW\ /`ba 1S\bS` 0`]e\¿SZR $ Stonemountainartscenter.com; 935-7292 Ab]\S[]c\bOW\O`baQS\bS` Q][) '!# % ' Nov. 11 - Guy & Ralna from "The Lawrence <]d ³ 5cg @OZ\O T`][ ¾BVS :Oe`S\QS Welk Show," 2 ^ [ ESabP`]]Y >S`T]`[W\U p.m., Westbrook Performing ESZY AV]e œ Arts Center. $45 to $55. Porttix.com; /`ba 1S\bS` "# b] ## >]`bbWf Q][) 842-0800 &" & Nov. 11 - John McCutcheon, 7 p.m., <]d ³ 8]V\ ;Q1cbQVS]\ % ^ [ Jonathan's, Ogunquit. $23.50. 8]\ObVO\¸a =Uc\_cWb ! # Jonathansrestaurant.com; 646-4526 8]\ObVO\a`SabOc`O\b Q][) $"$ "# $ Nov. 13 - Bill McKibben, 7 p.m., State <]d ! ³ 0WZZ ;Q9WPPS\ % ^ [ AbObS Theatre, Portland. $10. Statetheatreportland BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R .com; (800) 745-3000; Cumberland County Q][) & %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg Civic Center box office 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS Nov. 13 - Liz Longley and Barnaby Bright, <]d ! ³ :Wh :]\UZSg O\R 0O`\OPg 0`WUVb 7:30 p.m., One Longfellow Square, Portland. %(! ^ [ =\S :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R $15/$18. Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 # & =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Nov. 14 - Arlo Guthrie, 7:30 p.m., <]d " ³ /`Z] 5cbV`WS %(! ^ [ Strand Theatre, Rockland. $50. Ab`O\R BVSOb`S @]QYZO\R # Rocklandstrand.com; 594-0070 @]QYZO\Rab`O\R Q][) #'" % Nov. 14 - Bassnectar, 7:30 p.m., <]d " ³ 0Oaa\SQbO` %(! ^ [ Cumberland County Civic Center, 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` Portland. $35 to $40. Theciviccenter.com; >]`bZO\R !# b] " BVSQWdWQQS\bS` Q][) Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000; BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# ! ) 775-3458 %%# !"#& Nov. 15 - Chamberlin and The Milkman's <]d # ³ 1VO[PS`ZW\ O\R BVS ;WZY[O\¸a Union, 9 p.m., Empire Dine and Dance, C\W]\ ' ^ [ 3[^W`S 2W\S O\R 2O\QS Portland. $8. Portlandempire.com ; >]`bZO\R & >]`bZO\RS[^W`S Q][ ) 879-8988 &%' &'&& Nov. 15 - Rubblebucket with Reptar, 8 p.m., <]d # ³ @cPPZSPcQYSb eWbV @S^bO` & ^ [ Port City Music Hall, Portland. $15 to $30. >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R # b] ! Portcitymusichall.com; (888) 512-SHOW >]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) &&& # A6=E Nov. 16 - Jay Ungar and Molly Mason, <]d $ ³ 8Og C\UO` O\R ;]ZZg ;Oa]\ 8 p.m., Jonathan's, Ogunquit. $25. & ^ [ 8]\ObVO\¸a =Uc\_cWb # Jonathansrestaurant.com; 646-4526 8]\ObVO\a`SabOc`O\b Q][) $"$ "# $ Nov. 16 - Allen Stone with Selah Sue <]d $ ³ /ZZS\ Ab]\S eWbV ASZOV AcS and Tingsek, 8 p.m., Port City Music O\R BW\UaSY & ^ [ >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ Hall, Portland. $15.50 to $25.50. 6OZZ >]`bZO\R # # b] # # Portcitymusichall.com; (888) 512-SHOW >]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) &&& # A6=E Nov. 17 - Richard James and The Name <]d % ³ @WQVO`R 8O[Sa O\R BVS <O[S Changers, 9 p.m., Port City Music Hall, 1VO\US`a ' ^ [ >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ Portland. $10. portcitymusichall.com; >]`bZO\R ^]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) (888) 512-SHOW &&& # A6=E Nov. 17 - John Hammond, 8 p.m., One <]d % ³ 8]V\ 6O[[]\R & ^ [ =\S Longfellow Square, Portland. $25/$28. :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R # & Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Nov. 17 - Jay Ungar, Molly Mason, Darol <]d % ³ 8Og C\UO` ;]ZZg ;Oa]\ 2O`]Z Anger and Emy Phelps, 8 p.m., Stone /\US` O\R 3[g >VSZ^a & ^ [ Ab]\S Mountain Arts Center, Brownfield. $30. ;]c\bOW\ /`ba 1S\bS` 0`]e\¿SZR ! Stonemountainartscenter.com; 935-7292 Ab]\S[]c\bOW\O`baQS\bS` Q][) '!# % ' Nov. 18 - Taking Back Sunday and Bayside, <]d & ³ BOYW\U 0OQY Ac\ROg O\R 0OgaWRS 7 p.m., State Theatre, Portland. $25/$28. % ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R # & Statetheatreportland.com; (800) 745-3000; AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) Cumberland County Civic Center box office 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS Nov. 23 - Rory Block, 8 p.m., One <]d ! ³ @]`g 0Z]QY & ^ [ =\S Longfellow Square, Portland. $23. :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R ! Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Nov. 23 - Max Creek, 9 p.m., Port <]d ! ³ ;Of 1`SSY ' ^ [ >]`b City Music Hall, Portland. $10 to $25. 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R b] # portcitymusichall.com; (888) 512-SHOW ^]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) &&& # A6=E Nov. 23 - Bob Marley, 8 p.m., Jonathan's, <]d ! ³ 0]P ;O`ZSg & ^ [ 8]\ObVO\¸a Ogunquit. $25. Jonathansrestaurant.com; =Uc\_cWb # 8]\ObVO\a`SabOc`O\b Q][) 646-4526 $"$ "# $ Nov. 24 - 10th Annual Beatles Night, 8 <]d " ³ bV /\\cOZ 0SObZSa <WUVb & p.m., State Theatre, Portland. $15/$20 ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R # Statetheatreportland.com; (800) 745-3000; AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) Cumberland County Civic Center box office 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS Nov. 24 -Joe Walsh and Friends featuring <]d " ³8]S EOZaV O\R 4`WS\Ra TSObc`W\U Darol Anger, Grant Gordy and Karl Doty, 2O`]Z /\US` 5`O\b 5]`Rg O\R 9O`Z 2]bg 8 p.m., One Longfellow Square, Portland. & ^ [ =\S :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R Onelongfellowsquare.com; $20/$25. # =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) 761-1757 %$ %#% Nov. 24 - Stone Mountain Song Stage <]d " ³ Ab]\S ;]c\bOW\ A]\U AbOUS with Kris Delmhorst, Jesse Dee and Jimmy eWbV 9`Wa 2SZ[V]`ab 8SaaS 2SS O\R 8W[[g Ryan, 8 p.m., Stone Mountain Arts Center, @gO\ & ^ [ Ab]\S ;]c\bOW\ /`ba 1S\bS` Brownfield. $37. Stonemountainartscenter 0`]e\¿SZR !% Ab]\S[]c\bOW\O`baQS\bS`

The altBVS OZb rock band `]QY PO\R Dinosaur 2W\]aOc` Jr. is at 8` Wa Ob the State bVS AbObS Theatre in BVSOb`S W\ Portland on >]`bZO\R ]\ Nov. 29. <]d ' Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

.com; 935-7292 Q][) '!# % ' Nov. 24 - Judy Collins, 7 p.m., Jonathan's, <]d " ³ 8cRg 1]ZZW\a % ^ [ 8]\ObVO\¸a Ogunquit. $60. Jonathansrestaurant.com; =Uc\_cWb $ 8]\ObVO\a`SabOc`O\b Q][) 646-4526 $"$ "# $ Nov. 28 - High on Fire with Goatwhore, 9 <]d & ³ 6WUV ]\ 4W`S eWbV 5]ObeV]`S ' p.m., Port City Music Hall, Portland. $15 to ^ [ >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R # b] $30. portcitymusichall.com; ! ^]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) (888) 512-SHOW &&& # A6=E Nov. 29 - Start Making Sense, 9 p.m., <]d ' ³ AbO`b ;OYW\U AS\aS ' ^ [ Port City Music Hall, Portland. $8 to $20. >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R & b] portcitymusichall.com; (888) 512-SHOW ^]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) &&& # A6=E Nov. 29 - Dinosaur Jr. with Screaming <]d ' ³ 2W\]aOc` 8` eWbV AQ`SO[W\U Females, 8 p.m., State Theatre, Portland. 4S[OZSa & ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R Statetheatreportland.com; (800) $25/$28. # & AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) & 745-3000; Cumberland County Civic %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ Center box office 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS Nov. 29 - Mark and Loren Guitar Duo, 8 <]d ' ³ ;O`Y O\R :]`S\ 5cWbO` 2c] & p.m., One Longfellow Square, Portland. ^ [ =\S :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R $17/$20. Onelongfellowsquare.com; % =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) 761-1757 %$ %#% Nov. 30 - Enter The Haggis, 9 p.m., <]d ! ³ 3\bS` BVS 6OUUWa ' ^ [ Empire Dine and Dance, Portland. $18/$22. 3[^W`S 2W\S O\R 2O\QS >]`bZO\R &

Portlandempire.com ; 879-8988 >]`bZO\RS[^W`S Q][ ) &%' &'&& Nov. 30 - Anais Mitchell, 8 p.m., One <]d ! Âł /\OWa ;WbQVSZZ & ^ [ =\S Longfellow Square, Portland. $15/$18. :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R # & Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Nov. 30 - Sister Sparrow & The Dirty Birds, <]d ! Âł AWabS` A^O``]e BVS 2W`bg 0W`Ra 9 p.m., Port City Music Hall, Portland. ' ^ [ >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R portcitymusichall.com; (888) 512-SHOW ^]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) &&& # A6=E Dec. 1 - Steve Earle, 9 p.m., Port 2SQ Âł AbSdS 3O`ZS ' ^ [ >]`b City Music Hall, Portland. $35 to $75. 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R !# b] %# portcitymusichall.com; (888) 512-SHOW ^]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) &&& # A6=E

Get outta town 5Sb ]cbbO b]e\ Saturday - Joshua Radin and A Fine AObc`ROg Âł 8]aVcO @ORW\ O\R / 4W\S Frenzy, 7:30 p.m., Orpheum Theatre, 4`S\hg %(! ^ [ =`^VSc[ BVSOb`S Boston. $25 to $39.50. Livenation.com; 0]ab]\ # b] !' # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! Saturday - Journey with Pat Benatar and AObc`ROg Âł 8]c`\Sg eWbV >Ob 0S\ObO` O\R Neil Giraldo, and Loverboy, 7:30 p.m., <SWZ 5W`OZR] O\R :]dS`P]g %(! ^ [ Verizon Wireless Arena, Manchester, N.H. DS`Wh]\ EW`SZSaa /`S\O ;O\QVSabS` < 6 $39.50 to $89.50. Livenation.com; !' # b] &' # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! Nov. 8 - Justin Townes Earle, 7:30 p.m., <]d & Âł 8cabW\ B]e\Sa 3O`ZS %(! ^ [

The Music Hall, Portsmouth, N.H. $20 to BVS ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`ba[]cbV < 6 b] $25. Themusichall.org; (603) 436-2400. # BVS[caWQVOZZ ]`U) $ ! "!$ " Nov. 9 - The Script, 7:30 p.m., Agganis <]d ' Âł BVS AQ`W^b %(! ^ [ /UUO\Wa Arena, Boston. $35. Livenation.com; /`S\O 0]ab]\ !# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! Nov. 9 - The Tragically Hip, 9 p.m., House <]d ' Âł BVS B`OUWQOZZg 6W^ ' ^ [ 6]caS of Blues, Boston. $32.85 to $45.35. ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ ! &# b] "# !# Livenation.com (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][ & %"# ! Nov. 11 - Australian Pink Floyd, 6:30 p.m., <]d Âł /cab`OZWO\ >W\Y 4Z]gR $(! ^ [ Verizon Wireless Arena, Manchester, N.H. DS`Wh]\ EW`SZSaa /`S\O ;O\QVSabS` < 6 $20.50 to $39.50. Livenation.com; # b] !' # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! Nov. 11 - Chris Isaak, 7:30 p.m. Orpheum <]d Âł 1V`Wa 7aOOY %(! ^ [ =`^VSc[ Theatre, Boston. $39.50 to $49.50. BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ !' # b] "' # Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Nov. 11 - Bill Cosby, 7:30 p.m., The Music <]d Âł 0WZZ 1]aPg %(! ^ [ BVS ;caWQ Hall, Portsmouth, N.H. $80 to $120. 6OZZ >]`ba[]cbV < 6 & b] Themusichall.org; (603) 436-2400. BVS[caWQVOZZ ]`U) $ ! "!$ " Nov. 15 - Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, <]d # Âł ;OQYZS[]`S O\R @gO\ :SeWa 8 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $20. & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Nov. 16 - Matt and Kim, 8 p.m., House of <]d $ Âł ;Obb O\R 9W[ & ^ [ 6]caS ]T Blues, Boston. $22 b] ! :WdS\ObW]\ Q][ to $30. Livenation.com 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! Nov. 17 - Taking Back Sunday with Bayside <]d % Âł BOYW\U 0OQY Ac\ROg eWbV 0OgaWRS and The Menzingers, 6:30 p.m., House of O\R BVS ;S\hW\US`a $(! ^ [ 6]caS ]T Blues, Boston. $25 to $35. Livenation.com; 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ # b] !# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! Nov. 18 - Yellowcard with The Wonder <]d & Âł GSZZ]eQO`R eWbV BVS E]\RS` Years and We Are The In Crowd, GSO`a O\R ES /`S BVS 7\ 1`]eR 7 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $25. % ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ # Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Nov. 18 - Bob Dylan & His Band with Mark <]d & Âł 0]P 2gZO\ 6Wa 0O\R eWbV ;O`Y Knopfler, 7:30 p.m., TD Garden, Boston. $45 9\]^Ă€S` %(! ^ [ B2 5O`RS\ 0]ab]\ "# to $125. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 b] # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Nov. 19 - Of Monsters and Men with Soley <]d ' Âł =T ;]\abS`a O\R ;S\ eWbV A]ZSg and Elle King, 7:30 p.m., House of Blues, O\R 3ZZS 9W\U %(! ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa Boston. $25 to $30. Livenation.com 0]ab]\ # b] ! :WdS\ObW]\ Q][ (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! Nov. 23 - Ray LaMontagne, 7:30 p.m., <]d ! Âł @Og :O;]\bOU\S %(! ^ [ Orpheum Theatre, Boston. $35 to $55. =`^VSc[ BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ !# b] ## Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Nov. 24" Âł B`O\a AWPS`WO\ =`QVSab`O ! O\R & - Trans-Siberian Orchestra, 3 and 8 <]d p.m., Verizon Wireless Arena, Manchester, ^ [ DS`Wh]\ EW`SZSaa /`S\O ;O\QVSabS` N.H. $32 b] $& # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) to $68.50. Livenation.com; < 6 ! (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! Nov. 24" Âł 5OP`WSZ 7UZSaWOa % ^ [ EWZPc` - Gabriel Iglesias, 7 p.m., Wilbur <]d Theatre, Boston. $41.50 to $51.50. BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ " # b] # # Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# ! Nov. 25 - Lamb of God with In Flames, <]d # Âł :O[P ]T 5]R eWbV 7\ 4ZO[Sa Hellyeah and Sylosis, 7:30 p.m., House 6SZZgSOV O\R AgZ]aWa %(! ^ [ 6]caS of Blues, Boston. $37 to $52.50. ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ !% b] # # Livenation.com (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][ & %"# ! Nov. 26 - Neil Young and Crazy Horse with <]d $ Âł <SWZ G]c\U O\R 1`Ohg 6]`aS eWbV Patti Smith, 7:30 p.m., TD Garden, Boston. >ObbW A[WbV %(! ^ [ B2 5O`RS\ 0]ab]\ $58 to $258. Ticketmaster.com; #& b] #& BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! Nov. 26 - Gaslight Anthem, 8 p.m., <]d $ Âł 5OaZWUVb /\bVS[ & ^ [ House of Blues, Boston. $26 to $36. 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ $ b] !$ Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Nov. 29 - Tedeschi Trucks Band, 7:30 <]d ' Âł BSRSaQVW B`cQYa 0O\R %(! p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $45 to $75. ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ "# b] %# Livenation.com (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][ & %"# ! Dec. 2 Âł 0]ga <]WhS & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa - Boys Noize, 8 p.m., House of Blues, 2SQ Boston. $25. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 0]ab]\ # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# !

"ULL -OOSE KFG (' Top 1O for Portland store Oct. 22-28: B]^ T]` >]`bZO\R ab]`S =Qb &(

Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

Singer-songwriter Lucy Kaplansky performs on Dec. 8 at One Longfellow AW\US` a]\Ue`WbS` :cQg 9O^ZO\aYg ^S`T]`[a ]\ 2SQ & Ob =\S :]\UTSZZ]e Square in Portland. A_cO`S W\ >]`bZO\R

1. Taylor Swift, "Red" BOgZ]` AeWTb Âľ@SRÂś 2. Âľ;OUWQ ;WYSÂś 2D2 "Magic Mike" (DVD) 3. "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire ! Âľ/P`OVO[ :W\Q]Z\( DO[^W`S Hunter" (DVD) 6c\bS`Âś 2D2 4. Kendrick Lamar, "Good Kid M.A.A.D. " 9S\R`WQY :O[O` Âľ5]]R 9WR ; / / 2 City" 1WbgÂś 5. Gary Clark Jr., "Blak and Blu" # 5O`g 1ZO`Y 8` Âľ0ZOY O\R 0ZcÂś 6. The Lumineers, "The Lumineers" $ BVS :c[W\SS`a ÂľBVS :c[W\SS`aÂś 7. Mumford and Sons, "Babel" % ;c[T]`R O\R A]\a Âľ0OPSZÂś 8. The Sword, "Apocryphon" & BVS Ae]`R Âľ/^]Q`g^V]\Âś 9. "Moonrise Kingdom" (DVD) ' Âľ;]]\`WaS 9W\UR][Âś 2D2 10. "Secret of the Wings" (DVD) ÂľASQ`Sb ]T bVS EW\UaÂś 2D2 - Courtesy of Bull Moose Âł 1]c`bSag ]T 0cZZ ;]]aS

Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, November 1, 2012 GO Ell >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg <]dS[PS` j 5= 3

# /-% ( /-% 4/ ! .*/. 3 COME HOME TO ANJON'S &INE )TALIAN #UISINE #HOICE 3TEAKS Fine Italian Cuisine, Choice Steaks &RESH -AINE 3EAFOOD & Fresh Maine Seafood

Famous for Stuffed Breads &AMOUS FOR 3TUFFED "READS and Award'WinningPasta Sauces AND !WARD 7INNING 0ASTA 3AUCES YOUR /52 9 CHOICE (/)#% #


Valid with URCHASE H Ppurchase LID WIT 6A of any beverage. ERAGE NY BEV OF A


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with french fries WITH FRENCH FRIES & cole slaw COLE SLAW

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with chips or fries & pickle WITH CHIPS OR FRIES PICKLE 9 /52 YOUR # ( /)#% CHOICE



beviERA BEV 'erage. GE

with lemon and drawn butter. WITH LEMON AND DRAWN BUTTER Choice of potato or pasta #HOICE OF POTATO OR PASTA with lemon and drawn butter, WITH LEMON AND DRAWN BUTTER french fries & cole slaw FRENCH FRIES COLE SLAW

Served with savory Au jus, potato or pasta 3ERVED WITH SAVORY !U JUS POTATO OR PASTA and steamed broccoli AND STEAMED BROCCOLI



GIGANTIC CUT ')'!.4)# #54 , .t /5.#% 02)-% 2)" 24 OUNCE PRIME RIB

E12 5= j >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg <]dS[PS` GO | P o r t l a n d Press H e r a l d / T h u r s d a y , N o v e m b e r 1, 2012 3


Continued from Page E6 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3$

JU *G ZPV EPO U UIJOL ZPVS PXO NVTJD JT UIF it. If you don't think your own music is the best thing out there, then it's probably not CFTU UIJOH PVU UIFSF UIFO JU T QSPCBCMZ OPU worth other people hearing. I can honestly XPSUI PUIFS QFPQMF IFBSJOH * DBO IPOFTUMZ say "Brand New Beat" is the best album TBZ i#SBOE /FX #FBUw JT UIF CFTU BMCVN of my career as a musician, so every song PG NZ DBSFFS BT B NVTJDJBO TP FWFSZ TPOH is a favorite. The next album is going to be JT B GBWPSJUF 5IF OFYU BMCVN JT HPJOH UP CF tough to top. UPVHI UP UPQ 0WFS XIBU QFSJPE PG UJNF EJE ZPV XSJUF Over what period of time did you write the songs for it? UIF TPOHT GPS JU Many of these songs trace back to stuff .BOZ PG UIFTF TPOHT USBDF CBDL UP TUVGG I was writing back in 2009 when my old * XBT XSJUJOH CBDL JO XIFO NZ PME band The Leftovers was coming to an end. CBOE 5IF -FGUPWFST XBT DPNJOH UP BO FOE I was in a really creative period, writing * XBT JO B SFBMMZ DSFBUJWF QFSJPE XSJUJOH Courtesy photo NPSF PO UIF QJBOP BOE USZJOH PVU OFX more on the piano and trying out new 1]c`bSag ^V]b] things. I was trying to branch out and H a i t i a n jazz a n d r e g g a e a r t i s t BelO has t h r e e s h o w s conning up in Maine: On 6OWbWO\ XOhh O\R `SUUOS O`bWab 0SZ= VOa bV`SS aV]ea Q][W\U c^ W\ ;OW\S( =\ UIJOHT * XBT USZJOH UP CSBODI PVU BOE expand my horizons instead of playing the Friday at The O p e r a House at B o o t h b a y Harbor, on S a t u r d a y at The S t r a n d 4`WROg Ob BVS =^S`O 6]caS Ob 0]]bVPOg 6O`P]` ]\ AObc`ROg Ob BVS Ab`O\R FYQBOE NZ IPSJ[POT JOTUFBE PG QMBZJOH UIF straightforward Ramones-fueled punkT h e a t r e in R o c k l a n d a n d on S u n d a y at USM in P o r t l a n d . BVSOb`S W\ @]QYZO\R O\R ]\ Ac\ROg Ob CA; W\ >]`bZO\R TUSBJHIUGPSXBSE 3BNPOFT GVFMFE QVOL pop stuff in The Leftovers. I felt extremely QPQ TUVGG JO 5IF -FGUPWFST * GFMU FYUSFNFMZ Rap Night, hosted by Shupe and III By 2AP .IGHT HOSTED BY 3HUPE AND )LL "Y limited in my writing while playing with MJNJUFE JO NZ XSJUJOH XIJMF QMBZJOH XJUI Instinct, 21-plus; Big Easy, Portland. $3. )NSTINCT PLUS "IG %ASY 0ORTLAND The Leftovers, and I think that's one of 5IF -FGUPWFST BOE * UIJOL UIBU T POF PG bigeasyportland.com. 9 p.m. BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M the main reasons the group disbanded. UIF NBJO SFBTPOT UIF HSPVQ EJTCBOEFE Clash of the Titans, battle of the cover bands, #LASH OF THE 4ITANS BATTLE OF THE COVER BANDS Continued from Page E8 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3& Once I released my first solo EP, i(PU "Got 0ODF * SFMFBTFE NZ mSTU TPMP &1 21-plus; Empire Dine and Dance, Portland. PLUS %MPIRE $INE AND $ANCE 0ORTLAND It Covered," I went down to Nashville to *U $PWFSFE w * XFOU EPXO UP /BTIWJMMF UP Brunch with Sly-Chi, R&B, RiRa, Portland. "RUNCH WITH 3LY #HI 2 " 2I2A 0ORTLAND $6. portlandempire.com. Grizzly Bear vs. LCD PORTLANDEMPIRE COM 'RIZZLY "EAR VS ,#$ start writing and demo-ing with Wyatt TUBSU XSJUJOH BOE EFNP JOH XJUI 8ZBUU rira.com. Noon. RIRA COM .OON Soundsystem, 9 p.m. 3OUNDSYSTEM P M Funderburk. Wyatt and I wrote The 'VOEFSCVSL 8ZBUU BOE * XSPUF 5IF David Beam &The Custom House Gang, $AVID "EAM 4HE #USTOM (OUSE 'ANG Leftovers tune "Telephone Operator" -FGUPWFST UVOF i5FMFQIPOF 0QFSBUPSw MONDAY -/.$!9 Americana, Andy's Old Port Pub, Portland. !MERICANA !NDY S /LD 0ORT 0UB 0ORTLAND together, and we knew we had something UPHFUIFS BOE XF LOFX XF IBE TPNFUIJOH Dave Fields Band, blues, Time Out Pub, Rockland. ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M $AVE &IELDS "AND BLUES 4IME /UT 0UB 2OCKLAND andysoldportpub.com. 8 p.m. special. "Brand New Beat" was entirely TQFDJBM i#SBOE /FX #FBUw XBT FOUJSFMZ $10. 593-9336. 7 p.m. P M co-written with Wyatt and produced by DP XSJUUFO XJUI 8ZBUU BOE QSPEVDFE CZ Bluegrass Mondays, 21-plus; Empire Dine and "LUEGRASS -ONDAYS PLUS %MPIRE $INE AND NOV. 8 ./6 him over the span of time from February IJN PWFS UIF TQBO PG UJNF GSPN 'FCSVBSZ Dance, Portland, portlandempire.com. 8 p.m. $ANCE 0ORTLAND PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M Guitar Doors Benefit, with A Severe Joy, Forget 'UITAR $OORS "ENElT WITH ! 3EVERE *OY &ORGET 2011 to June 2012. I'd go down with all UP +VOF * E HP EPXO XJUI BMM Funky Mondays:The Players Ball, funk, Big Easy, &UNKY -ONDAYS 4HE 0LAYERS "ALL FUNK "IG %ASY Forget, Mystic Folk Opera and Tumbling Bones, &ORGET -YSTIC &OLK /PERA AND 4UMBLING "ONES these ideas, he'd help me flesh them out UIFTF JEFBT IF E IFMQ NF nFTI UIFN PVU Portland. $3. bigeasyportland.com. 8:30 p.m. 0ORTLAND BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M 21-plus; Empire Dine and Dance, Portland. $5 to PLUS %MPIRE $INE AND $ANCE 0ORTLAND TO and then we'd record the demos. It was BOE UIFO XF E SFDPSE UIF EFNPT *U XBT Open Mic with Ev Guy, RiRa, Portland, rira.com. /PEN -IC WITH %V 'UY 2I2A 0ORTLAND RIRA COM $10. portlandempire.com. 9 p.m. PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M an amazing experience recording this BO BNB[JOH FYQFSJFODF SFDPSEJOH UIJT 8 p.m. P M MSA in the Round, with singer-songwriter -3! IN THE 2OUND WITH SINGER SONGWRITER record. SFDPSE Alec Wall, acoustic rock, Andy's Old Port Pub, !LEC 7ALL ACOUSTIC ROCK !NDY S /LD 0ORT 0UB Phil Daligan, Blue, Portland. Donation. 0HIL $ALIGAN "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION Portland, andysoldportpub.com. 6:30 p.m. 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M portcityblue.com. 6 p.m. PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Trivia Night, Run of the Mill Brewpub, Saco. Who are your influences? 4RIVIA .IGHT 2UN OF THE -ILL "REWPUB 3ACO 8IP BSF ZPVS JOnVFODFT Greg McKillop, acoustic, Blue, Portland. 'REG -C+ILLOP ACOUSTIC "LUE 0ORTLAND therunofthemill.net. 7 p.m. THERUNOFTHEMILL NET P M Joe Jackson and Elvis Costello for +PF +BDLTPO BOE &MWJT $PTUFMMP GPS Donation, portcityblue.com. 8 p.m. $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M sure. Those guys had the attitude, the TVSF 5IPTF HVZT IBE UIF BUUJUVEF UIF Trapparatus, funky jazz, Blue, Portland. Donation. 4RAPPARATUS FUNKY JAZZ "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION TUESDAY 45%3$!9 style, the sense of melody and lyrical wit. TUZMF UIF TFOTF PG NFMPEZ BOE MZSJDBM XJU portcityblue.com. 10 p.m. PORTCITYBLUE COM P M "Cover to Cover," local musicians perform h#OVER TO #OVER v LOCAL MUSICIANS PERFORM Quite incredible musicians. And I cannot 2VJUF JODSFEJCMF NVTJDJBOT "OE * DBOOPU Hot Club Du Monde, gypsy jazz and swing, (OT #LUB $U -ONDE GYPSY JAZZ AND SWING classic albums, Big Easy, Portland. $5. CLASSIC ALBUMS "IG %ASY 0ORTLAND forget Nick Lowe. I got to see Nick Lowe GPSHFU /JDL -PXF * HPU UP TFF /JDL -PXF Gingko Blue, Portland, gingkoblue.com. 8 p.m. 'INGKO "LUE 0ORTLAND GINGKOBLUE COM P M bigeasyportland.com. Doubting Gravity with Andi BIGEASYPORTLAND COM $OUBTING 'RAVITY WITH !NDI perform twice this year. He's an incredible QFSGPSN UXJDF UIJT ZFBS )F T BO JODSFEJCMF Band Beyond Description, jam band, 21-plus; "AND "EYOND $ESCRIPTION JAM BAND PLUS Fawcett play "Tragic Kingdom" by No Doubt, &AWCETT PLAY h4RAGIC +INGDOMv BY .O $OUBT man. NBO Big Easy, Portland, bigeasyportland.com. 9 p.m. "IG %ASY 0ORTLAND BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M 9 p.m. P M Besides the pub-rock icons of the late #FTJEFT UIF QVC SPDL JDPOT PG UIF MBUF Beer Pong, Line Dancing, Karaoke and DJ B"EER 0ONG ,INE $ANCING +ARAOKE AND $* " Bill Howard, acoustic folk, Andy's Old Port Pub, "ILL (OWARD ACOUSTIC FOLK !NDY S /LD 0ORT 0UB 70s, obviously '60s pop is a big influence set, 21-plus; Club Texas, Auburn. $2. 784-7785. T PCWJPVTMZ T QPQ JT B CJH JOnVFODF SET PLUS #LUB 4EXAS !UBURN Portland, andysoldportpub.com. 6:30 p.m. 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M on me. Groups like The Hollies, Small PO NF (SPVQT MJLF 5IF )PMMJFT 4NBMM Doors at 6 p.m. $OORS AT P M Electric Open Mic with Joint Enterprise, Run of %LECTRIC /PEN -IC WITH *OINT %NTERPRISE 2UN OF Faces, The Sonics, The Turtles and sing'BDFT 5IF 4POJDT 5IF 5VSUMFT BOE TJOH Open Mic Night, all ages, Deer Run Tavern, /PEN -IC .IGHT ALL AGES $EER 2UN 4AVERN the Mill Brewpub, Saco. therunofthemill.net. THE -ILL "REWPUB 3ACO THERUNOFTHEMILL NET ers like Leslie Gore, Lou Christie and FST MJLF -FTMJF (PSF -PV $ISJTUJF BOE Yarmouth. 846-9555. 7:30 p.m. 9ARMOUTH P M 8 p.m. P M Dusty Springfield. I used to get laughed %VTUZ 4QSJOHmFME * VTFE UP HFU MBVHIFE Kilcollins Band, pop/rock covers, RiRa, Portland. +ILCOLLINS "AND POP ROCK COVERS 2I2A 0ORTLAND at for being obsessed with these groups BU GPS CFJOH PCTFTTFE XJUI UIFTF HSPVQT rira.com. 10 p.m. RIRA COM P M WEDNESDAY 7%$.%3$!9 when I was younger. But this kind of stuff Bryan McPherson and Micah Blue Smaldone, XIFO * XBT ZPVOHFS #VU UIJT LJOE PG TUVGG "RYAN -C0HERSON AND -ICAH "LUE 3MALDONE Ben Kilcollins, solo acoustic, RiRa, Portland. "EN +ILCOLLINS SOLO ACOUSTIC 2I2A 0ORTLAND was not a phase for me. From the moment singer-songwriters, 21-plus; Geno's Rock Club, XBT OPU B QIBTF GPS NF 'SPN UIF NPNFOU SINGER SONGWRITERS PLUS 'ENO S 2OCK #LUB rira.com. 8:30 p.m. RIRA COM P M I heard it, I knew this was the music for Portland. 221-2382. 9 p.m. 0ORTLAND P M * IFBSE JU * LOFX UIJT XBT UIF NVTJD GPS Rob Schreiber's Standard Issue, jazz from the 2OB 3CHREIBER S 3TANDARD )SSUE JAZZ FROM THE me. Another big influence on "Brand New DanTonini, acoustic rock, Andy's Old Port Pub, great American songbook, Gingko Blue, Portland. $AN 4ONINI ACOUSTIC ROCK !NDY S /LD 0ORT 0UB NF "OPUIFS CJH JOnVFODF PO i#SBOE /FX GREAT !MERICAN SONGBOOK 'INGKO "LUE 0ORTLAND Beat," though you might not be able to Portland, andysoldportpub.com. 7 p.m. gingkoblue.com. 7 p.m. 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M GINGKOBLUE COM P M #FBU w UIPVHI ZPV NJHIU OPU CF BCMF UP hear it as clearly, are '80s glam-metal acts Tilden Katz, classic rock, Run of the Mill Traditional Irish Session, Irish music, Blue, 4ILDEN +ATZ CLASSIC ROCK 2UN OF THE -ILL 4RADITIONAL )RISH 3ESSION )RISH MUSIC "LUE IFBS JU BT DMFBSMZ BSF T HMBN NFUBM BDUT Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. 9:30 p.m. like Kix and Motley Crue. The first Motley Brewpub, Saco. therunofthemill.net. 8 p.m. "REWPUB 3ACO THERUNOFTHEMILL NET P M 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M MJLF ,JY BOE .PUMFZ $SVF 5IF mSTU .PUMFZ



Continued from Page E5 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3#

ders. The members have always enjoyed EFST 5IF NFNCFST IBWF BMXBZT FOKPZFE touring and building up a fan base, and they UPVSJOH BOE CVJMEJOH VQ B GBO CBTF BOE UIFZ especially like playing places where they FTQFDJBMMZ MJLF QMBZJOH QMBDFT XIFSF UIFZ maybe aren't well known. NBZCF BSFO U XFMM LOPXO "For us, part of this is spreading the i'PS VT QBSU PG UIJT JT TQSFBEJOH UIF message of music, so we like to tour places NFTTBHF PG NVTJD TP XF MJLF UP UPVS QMBDFT where maybe people haven't seen us beXIFSF NBZCF QFPQMF IBWFO U TFFO VT CF fore," said Baker. GPSF w TBJE #BLFS The Tragically Hip also helps promote 5IF 5SBHJDBMMZ )JQ BMTP IFMQT QSPNPUF music education in Canadian schools by doNVTJD FEVDBUJPO JO $BOBEJBO TDIPPMT CZ EP nating money and making visits to schools. OBUJOH NPOFZ BOE NBLJOH WJTJUT UP TDIPPMT

Baker said music education programs in #BLFS TBJE NVTJD FEVDBUJPO QSPHSBNT JO Canada have taken hard hits from budget $BOBEB IBWF UBLFO IBSE IJUT GSPN CVEHFU cuts over the years, so helping keep music DVUT PWFS UIF ZFBST TP IFMQJOH LFFQ NVTJD in schools alive is part of the band's mission. JO TDIPPMT BMJWF JT QBSU PG UIF CBOE T NJTTJPO The band's members all knew each other 5IF CBOE T NFNCFST BMM LOFX FBDI PUIFS growing up in Kingston, a midsized city HSPXJOH VQ JO ,JOHTUPO B NJETJ[FE DJUZ between Montreal and Toronto that Baker CFUXFFO .POUSFBM BOE 5PSPOUP UIBU #BLFS says has an artsy vibe similar to Burlington, TBZT IBT BO BSUTZ WJCF TJNJMBS UP #VSMJOHUPO Vt. 7U Baker took piano lessons growing up, but #BLFS UPPL QJBOP MFTTPOT HSPXJOH VQ CVU didn't get into playing the guitar until he EJEO U HFU JOUP QMBZJOH UIF HVJUBS VOUJM IF "discovered" The Rolling Stones during iEJTDPWFSFEw 5IF 3PMMJOH 4UPOFT EVSJOH his teen years. He and his bandmates were IJT UFFO ZFBST )F BOE IJT CBOENBUFT XFSF all "very much" into the punk bands of the BMM iWFSZ NVDIw JOUP UIF QVOL CBOET PG UIF 1970s, including The Sex Pistols and The T JODMVEJOH 5IF 4FY 1JTUPMT BOE 5IF Clash. $MBTI

But Baker realized early on he didn't #VU #BLFS SFBMJ[FE FBSMZ PO IF EJEO U personally have enough anger to really play QFSTPOBMMZ IBWF FOPVHI BOHFS UP SFBMMZ QMBZ that kind of music long-term. UIBU LJOE PG NVTJD MPOH UFSN "It didn't take us long to realize that we i*U EJEO U UBLF VT MPOH UP SFBMJ[F UIBU XF didn't have much to rebel against," he said. EJEO U IBWF NVDI UP SFCFM BHBJOTU w IF TBJE "What were we going to get angry about, i8IBU XFSF XF HPJOH UP HFU BOHSZ BCPVU that Dad didn't let us have the car on Friday UIBU %BE EJEO U MFU VT IBWF UIF DBS PO 'SJEBZ night?" OJHIU w The Tragically Hip's music is certainly 5IF 5SBHJDBMMZ )JQ T NVTJD JT DFSUBJOMZ not angry. But it does have a fairly strippedOPU BOHSZ #VU JU EPFT IBWF B GBJSMZ TUSJQQFE down, guitar-based sound with very EPXO HVJUBS CBTFE TPVOE XJUI WFSZ articulate vocals. Sort of like a lot of early BSUJDVMBUF WPDBMT 4PSU PG MJLF B MPU PG FBSMZ '80s music. T NVTJD The band's name comes from a Mike 5IF CBOE T OBNF DPNFT GSPN B .JLF Nesmith (of The Monkees) film called "El/FTNJUI PG 5IF .POLFFT mMN DBMMFE i&M ephant Parts." In it, there's a funny scene FQIBOU 1BSUT w *O JU UIFSF T B GVOOZ TDFOF

$SVF SFDPSE JT BNB[JOH * HVFTT * KVTU Crue record is amazing. I guess I just like those bands' attitudes when it comes MJLF UIPTF CBOET BUUJUVEFT XIFO JU DPNFT to having fun and partying it up. Grunge UP IBWJOH GVO BOE QBSUZJOH JU VQ (SVOHF rock had its moments, but it certainly SPDL IBE JUT NPNFOUT CVU JU DFSUBJOMZ killed any emphasis on "fun" in rock 'n' LJMMFE BOZ FNQIBTJT PO iGVOw JO SPDL O roll music. Sugar Ray kind of brought that SPMM NVTJD 4VHBS 3BZ LJOE PG CSPVHIU UIBU back. I love me some Sugar Ray! CBDL * MPWF NF TPNF 4VHBS 3BZ What did you grow up listening to? 8IBU EJE ZPV HSPX VQ MJTUFOJOH UP * mSTU IFBSE 5IF #FBUMFT XIFO * XBT I first heard The Beatles when I was 5 years old. I still remember the exact moZFBST PME * TUJMM SFNFNCFS UIF FYBDU NP ment when I heard them. It was the "RubNFOU XIFO * IFBSE UIFN *U XBT UIF i3VC ber Soul" album. I pretty much listened CFS 4PVMw BMCVN * QSFUUZ NVDI MJTUFOFE to nothing but The Beatles, Beach Boys, UP OPUIJOH CVU 5IF #FBUMFT #FBDI #PZT Mamas and the Papas and The Turtles .BNBT BOE UIF 1BQBT BOE 5IF 5VSUMFT from the age of 5 to 12.1 did own Shaquille GSPN UIF BHF PG UP * EJE PXO 4IBRVJMMF O'Neal's hip-hop tape "Shaq Diesel," but it 0 /FBM T IJQ IPQ UBQF i4IBR %JFTFM w CVU JU was mostly because I thought listening to XBT NPTUMZ CFDBVTF * UIPVHIU MJTUFOJOH UP it would improve my skills on the basketJU XPVME JNQSPWF NZ TLJMMT PO UIF CBTLFU ball court. This proved to not be true. CBMM DPVSU 5IJT QSPWFE UP OPU CF USVF What's one of your favorite all-time 8IBU T POF PG ZPVS GBWPSJUF BMM UJNF albums, and why? BMCVNT BOE XIZ The Beatles' "Rubber Soul," hands 5IF #FBUMFT i3VCCFS 4PVM w IBOET down. It was the first album I ever heard, EPXO *U XBT UIF mSTU BMCVN * FWFS IFBSE and it was a great place to start. That reBOE JU XBT B HSFBU QMBDF UP TUBSU 5IBU SF cord has everything. So much has already DPSE IBT FWFSZUIJOH 4P NVDI IBT BMSFBEZ been written about that record that it CFFO XSJUUFO BCPVU UIBU SFDPSE UIBU JU makes no sense to reiterate it. All I'll say NBLFT OP TFOTF UP SFJUFSBUF JU "MM * MM TBZ is, if you don't like The Beatles, don't even JT JG ZPV EPO U MJLF 5IF #FBUMFT EPO U FWFO bother picking up my new record. CPUIFS QJDLJOH VQ NZ OFX SFDPSE

Where can people get a copy of 8IFSF DBO QFPQMF HFU B DPQZ PG "Brand New Beat"? i#SBOE /FX #FBUw "Brand New Beat" will be availi#SBOE /FX #FBUw XJMM CF BWBJM able locally at Bull Moose Music. OnBCMF MPDBMMZ BU #VMM .PPTF .VTJD 0O line, you can buy it from us directly MJOF ZPV DBO CVZ JU GSPN VT EJSFDUMZ atcollectorsclubrecords.bandcamp. BU DPMMFDUPSTDMVCSFDPSET CBOEDBNQ com or kurtbaker.bandcamp.com. ViDPN PS LVSUCBLFS CBOEDBNQ DPN 7J nyl is available on interpunk.com and OZM JT BWBJMBCMF PO JOUFSQVOL DPN BOE jollyronnierecords.com, and of course you KPMMZSPOOJFSFDPSET DPN BOE PG DPVSTF ZPV can grab the album digitally on iTunes DBO HSBC UIF BMCVN EJHJUBMMZ PO J5VOFT (and) Amazon, and hear it on Spotify BOE "NB[PO BOE IFBS JU PO 4QPUJGZ Staff Writer Aimsel Ponti can be AbOTT E`WbS` /W[aSZ >]\bW QO\ PS contacted at 791-6455 or at: Q]\bOQbSR Ob %' $"## ]` Ob( aponti@pressherald.com O^]\bW.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][


KURT BAKER CD-RELEASE SHOW 9C@B 0/93@ 12 @3:3/A3 A6=E WHEN: 9 p.m. Nov. 10 E63<( ' ^ [ <]d WHERE: E m p i r e Dine & Dance, E63@3( 3[^W`S 2W\S 2O\QS 575 Congress St., P o r t l a n d #%# 1]\U`Saa Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $5; 21-plus 6=E ;C16( #) ^Zca INFO: p o r t l a n d e m p i r e . c o m 7<4=( ^]`bZO\RS[^W`S Q][ WHAT ELSE: The Pontiffs, The N e w E6/B 3:A3( BVS >]\bWTTa BVS <Se Technicians, The Dee Cracks a n d BSQV\WQWO\a BVS 2SS 1`OQYa O\R S p r u c e B r i n g s t e e n are also on t h e bill A^`cQS 0`W\UabSS\ O`S OZa] ]\ bVS PWZZ



TURN YOUR RADIO DIAL to 102.9 WBLM BC@< G=C@ @/27= 27/: b] ' E0:; every Friday at 8:30 a.m. to hear SdS`g 4`WROg Ob &(! O [ b] VSO` A i m s e l P o n t i w a x p o e t i c a b o u t her t o p /W[aSZ >]\bW eOf ^]SbWQ OP]cb VS` b]^ live music picks f o r t h e w e e k w i t h t h e ZWdS [caWQ ^WQYa T]` bVS eSSY eWbV bVS C a p t a i n a n d Celeste. 1O^bOW\ O\R 1SZSabS

where funds are being raised for suffering XIFSF GVOET BSF CFJOH SBJTFE GPS TVGGFSJOH hipsters, or "the tragically hip." IJQTUFST PS iUIF USBHJDBMMZ IJQ w The name stuck, and remains relevant 5IF OBNF TUVDL BOE SFNBJOT SFMFWBOU today, because making fun of hipsters never UPEBZ CFDBVTF NBLJOH GVO PG IJQTUFST OFWFS goes out of style. HPFT PVU PG TUZMF And although Baker isn't worried about "OE BMUIPVHI #BLFS JTO U XPSSJFE BCPVU being actually hip, he and his bandmates CFJOH BDUVBMMZ IJQ IF BOE IJT CBOENBUFT are glad their music has not yet gone out of BSF HMBE UIFJS NVTJD IBT OPU ZFU HPOF PVU PG style. TUZMF "We work hard, but we have a very nice i8F XPSL IBSE CVU XF IBWF B WFSZ OJDF living right now, and we still get to play MJWJOH SJHIU OPX BOE XF TUJMM HFU UP QMBZ music," he said. NVTJD w IF TBJE Staff Writer Ray Routhier can be contacted at 791AbOTT E`WbS` @Og @]cbVWS` QO\ PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob %' 6454 or at: $"#" ]` Ob( rrouthier(3)pressherald. com ``]cbVWS`.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][

Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, November 1, 2012 | GO E13 >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg <]dS[PS` j 5= 3 !


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Denzel 2S\hSZ Washington EOaVW\Ub]\ as morally Oa []`OZZg conflicted Q]\Ă€WQbSR airline OW`ZW\S pilot Whip ^WZ]b EVW^ Whitaker. EVWbOYS`

( * * (* ( FG<E@E> * OPENING (* ( K?@J N<<B * THIS WEEK (* "FLIGHT" (R) (2:15) Stars Denzel Washing¾4:756Bœ @ ( # AbO`a 2S\hSZ EOaVW\U ton, Kelly Reilly, John Goodman, Don Cheadle, b]\ 9SZZg @SWZZg 8]V\ 5]]R[O\ 2]\ 1VSORZS Bruce Greenwood and Tamara Tunie. Directed 0`cQS 5`SS\e]]R O\R BO[O`O Bc\WS 2W`SQbSR by Robert Zemeckis. An airline pilot saves a Pg @]PS`b HS[SQYWa /\ OW`ZW\S ^WZ]b aOdSa O flight from crashing, but an investigation into ÀWUVb T`][ Q`OaVW\U Pcb O\ W\dSabWUObW]\ W\b] the malfunctions reveals something troubling. bVS [OZTc\QbW]\a `SdSOZa a][SbVW\U b`]cPZW\U Opening at: Cinemagic Grand (South Port=^S\W\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`b land) Fri-Wed 11:40, 3, 6:45, 9:45; Cinemagic ZO\R 4`W ESR (" ! $("# '("#) 1W\S[OUWQ Westbrook Fri-Weds 12:10,12:20, 3:20, 3:30, ESabP`]]Y 4`W ESRa ( ( !( !(! 6:30, 6:50, 9:30, 9:50; Cinemagic Saco $(! $(# '(! '(# ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] Fri-Wed 12:30, 3:30, 6:45, 9:35; Nordica (Free4`W ESR (! !(! $("# '(!#) <]`RWQO 4`SS port) Fri-Sat 1, 3:50, 6:50, 9:45 Sun-Wed 1, ^]`b 4`W AOb !(# $(# '("# Ac\ ESR 3:50, 6:50; Nickelodeon (Portland) 12:45, !(# $(# ) <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R ("# 3:45, 6:40, 9:25 !("# $(" '( # "THE MAN WITH THE IRON FISTS" (R) ¾B63 ;/< E7B6 B63 7@=< 47ABAœ @ (1:36) Stars Russell Crowe, Lucy Liu and (!$ AbO`a @caaSZZ 1`]eS :cQg :Wc O\R Cung Le. Directed by RZA. On the hunt for a 1c\U :S 2W`SQbSR Pg @H/ =\ bVS Vc\b T]` O fabled treasure of gold, a band of warriors, TOPZSR b`SOac`S ]T U]ZR O PO\R ]T eO``W]`a assassins and a rogue British soldier descend OaaOaaW\a O\R O `]UcS 0`WbWaV a]ZRWS` RSaQS\R on a village in feudal China, where a humble ]\ O dWZZOUS W\ TScROZ 1VW\O eVS`S O Vc[PZS blacksmith looks to defend himself and his PZOQYa[WbV Z]]Ya b] RSTS\R VW[aSZT O\R VWa fellow villagers. TSZZ]e dWZZOUS`a Opening at: Cinemagic Westbrook Fri=^S\W\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y 4`W Wed 12, 2:15,4:30, 7:20, 9:45; Cinemagic Saco ESR ( # "(! %( '("#) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] Fri-Wed 12:10, 4:40, 7:10, 9:25 4`W ESR ( 2:25, ( # "(" %( '( # "WRECK-IT RALPH" (PG) (1:38) Animated, ¾E@319 7B @/:>6œ >5 (!& /\W[ObSR with the voices of John C. Reilly, Sarah SilvereWbV bVS d]WQSa ]T 8]V\ 1 @SWZZg AO`OV AWZdS` man, Jane Lynch and Jack McBrayer. Directed [O\ 8O\S :g\QV O\R 8OQY ;Q0`OgS` 2W`SQbSR by Rich Moore. A video game villain wants to Pg @WQV ;]]`S / dWRS] UO[S dWZZOW\ eO\ba b] be a hero and sets out to fulfill his dream, but PS O VS`] O\R aSba ]cb b] TcZ¿ZZ VWa R`SO[ Pcb his quest brings havoc to the whole arcade VWa _cSab P`W\Ua VOd]Q b] bVS eV]ZS O`QORS where he lives. eVS`S VS ZWdSa Opening at: Cinemagic Grand (South Port=^S\W\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`b land) Fri-Wed 11:50 (3D), 2:20 (3D), 4:50, 7:20 ZO\R 4`W ESR (# !2 ( !2 "(# %( (3D), 9:50; Cinemagic Westbrook Fri-Wed !2 '(# ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y 4`W ESR 11:40,11:50 (3D), 2:10, (3D), 4:40, 4:50 (" (# !2 ( 2:20 ( !2 "(" "(# (3D), 7:10, 7:20 (3D), 9:40, 9:50 (3D); Cin !2 %( %( !2 '(" '(# !2 ) 1W\ emagic Saco Fri-Wed 12 !2 (3D), 12:15, (3D), S[OUWQ AOQ] 4`W ESR ( # 2:20 ( !2 2:35,4:40 (3D), 4:55, 7 (3D), 7:15, 9:20 (3D), (!# "(" !2 "(## % !2 %( # '( !2 9:35; Windham 5 Star Fri 4, 7, 9:15 Sat 1:20, '(!#) EW\RVO[ # AbO` 4`W " % '( # AOb ( 4:10, 7, 9:15 Sun 1:20,4:10, 7 Mon-Wed 4:10, "( % '( # Ac\ ( "( % ;]\ ESR "( 7; Nordica (Freeport) Fri-Sat 1:30,4:10 (3D), %) <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b 4`W AOb (! "( !2 6:40, 9:10 (3D) Sun-Wed 1:30,4:10 (3D), 6:40 $(" '( !2 Ac\ ESR (! "( !2 $("

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Paramount Pictures >O`O[]c\b >WQbc`Sa

In another star turn in a career filled with them, Denzel soars in 'Flight.' 7\ O\]bVS` abO` bc`\ W\ O QO`SS` ¿ZZSR eWbV bVS[ 2S\hSZ a]O`a W\ ¡4ZWUVb ¸ But when it does, nobody is cooler under #VU XIFO JU EPFT OPCPEZ JT DPPMFS VOEFS pressure than Whip, given an aged, icy compeQSFTTVSF UIBO 8IJQ HJWFO BO BHFE JDZ DPNQF hip Whitaker had an epic tence by Denzel Washington. He gets a doomed IJQ 8IJUBLFS IBE BO FQJD UFODF CZ %FO[FM 8BTIJOHUPO )F HFUT B EPPNFE layover in Orlando - an all- jetliner on the ground near Whip's hometown MBZPWFS JO 0SMBOEP o BO BMM KFUMJOFS PO UIF HSPVOE OFBS 8IJQ T IPNFUPXO nighter with a sexy stewof Atlanta with minimal loss of life. He's a hero, OJHIUFS XJUI B TFYZ TUFX PG "UMBOUB XJUI NJOJNBM MPTT PG MJGF )F T B IFSP ardess and much imbibing. SJHIU right? &YDFQU GPS BMM UIBU FBSMJFS TUVGG Except for all that earlier stuff. BSEFTT BOE NVDI JNCJCJOH A little sniff-sniff bump to "Flight" is a terrific thriller about that crash " MJUUMF TOJGG TOJGG CVNQ UP i'MJHIUw JT B UFSSJmD UISJMMFS BCPVU UIBU DSBTI get him going in the morn- o EFUBJMFE UP UIF OUI EFHSFF o BOE B NPWJOH - detailed to the nth degree - and a moving HFU IJN HPJOH JO UIF NPSO ing? *U KVTU HFUT UIF EBZ HPJOH It just gets the day going. drama about "that earlier stuff." Because what JOH ESBNB BCPVU iUIBU FBSMJFS TUVGG w #FDBVTF XIBU He puts on his uniform and shows up for work. EP ZPV EP XJUI B DBTF MJLF UIJT B TFMG EFTUSVDUJWF do you do with a case like this, a self-destructive )F QVUT PO IJT VOJGPSN BOE TIPXT VQ GPS XPSL He's an airline pilot. Maybe a couple of bottles of BMDPIPMJD XIPTF DPOEJUJPO NBZ IBWF DPOUSJCVUFE alcoholic whose condition may have contributed )F T BO BJSMJOF QJMPU .BZCF B DPVQMF PG CPUUMFT PG the plane's mini-vodkas to take the edge off the to a tragedy, or mostly averted it? UIF QMBOF T NJOJ WPELBT UP UBLF UIF FEHF PGG UIF UP B USBHFEZ PS NPTUMZ BWFSUFE JU edge? 8IZ OPU Why not? Washington gives one of the great perforFEHF 8BTIJOHUPO HJWFT POF PG UIF HSFBU QFSGPS He dozes off in the cockpit, brushes off the mances of his career in this fence-sitter of a )F EP[FT PGG JO UIF DPDLQJU CSVTIFT PGG UIF NBODFT PG IJT DBSFFS JO UIJT GFODF TJUUFS PG B "You feeling OK, Captain?" questions from the i:PV GFFMJOH 0, $BQUBJO w RVFTUJPOT GSPN UIF Please see'FLIGHT,' Page E31 co-pilot. He's an accident waiting to happen. Gc\Xj\ j\\ ¡4:756B ¸ GX^\ <*( DP QJMPU )F T BO BDDJEFOU XBJUJOH UP IBQQFO By R O G E R MOORE #Z 30(&3 .003& .D$MBUDIZ /FXTQBQFST McClatchy Newspapers


REVIEW I<M@<N "FLIGHT," s t a r r i n g Denzel Âľ4:756B Âś abO``W\U 2S\hSZ W a s h i n g t o n , Kelly Reilly, EOaVW\Ub]\ 9SZZg @SWZZg John Goodman, Don 8]V\ 5]]R[O\ 2]\ Cheadle, B r u c e G r e e n w o o d 1VSORZS 0`cQS 5`SS\e]]R a n d Tamara Tunie. D i r e c t e d O\R BO[O`O Bc\WS 2W`SQbSR b y R o b e r t Z e m e c k i s . Rated Pg @]PS`b HS[SQYWa @ObSR R for drug and alcohol @ T]` R`cU O\R OZQ]V]Z abuse, l a n g u a g e , s e x u a l i t y / OPcaS ZO\UcOUS aSfcOZWbg n u d i t y a n d a n intense a c t i o n \cRWbg O\R O\ W\bS\aS OQbW]\ s e q u e n c e . R u n n i n g t i m e : 2:15 aS_cS\QS @c\\W\U bW[S( ( #

Indie Film, E14 N• New on DVD, E15 N • 'Wreck-It Ralph'review, E18 @e[`\ =`cd# <(+ E\n fe ;M;# <(, ÊNi\Zb$@k IXcg_Ë i\m`\n# <(/

"ALEX CROSS" (PG-13) (1:41) Stars Tyler Âľ/:3F 1@=AAÂś >5 ! (" AbO`a BgZS` Perry, Matthew Fox, Rachel Nichols and >S``g ;ObbVSe 4]f @OQVSZ <WQV]Za O\R Edward Burns. Directed by Rob Cohen. A 3ReO`R 0c`\a 2W`SQbSR Pg @]P 1]VS\ / detective is told that a member of his family RSbSQbWdS Wa b]ZR bVOb O [S[PS` ]T VWa TO[WZg has been murdered. He vows to track down VOa PSS\ [c`RS`SR 6S d]ea b] b`OQY R]e\ the killer. bVS YWZZS` Showing at: Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12, AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a 2:20,4:40, 7:05, 9:30 Fri-Wed 12, 2:25,4:40; ( "(" %( # '(! 4`W ESR ( # "(" ) Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 11:50,2:15,4:40, 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a (# ( # "(" 7:20, 9:50 Fri-Wed 2:15, 4:40, 7:20 %( '(# 4`W ESR ( # "(" %( "ARGO" (R) (2:00) Stars Ben Affleck, Bryan Âľ/@5=Âś @ ( AbO`a 0S\ /TĂ€SQY 0`gO\ Cranston, John Goodman and Alan Arkin. 1`O\ab]\ 8]V\ 5]]R[O\ O\R /ZO\ /`YW\ Directed by Ben Affleck. As the Iranian revo2W`SQbSR Pg 0S\ /TĂ€SQY /a bVS 7`O\WO\ `Sd] lution reaches a boiling point, a CIA specialist ZcbW]\ `SOQVSa O P]WZW\U ^]W\b O 17/ a^SQWOZWab develops a risky plan to free six Americans RSdSZ]^a O `WaYg ^ZO\ b] T`SS aWf /[S`WQO\a who have found shelter at the home of the eV] VOdS T]c\R aVSZbS` Ob bVS V][S ]T bVS Canadian ambassador. 1O\ORWO\ O[POaaOR]` Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a 1:30,4:15, 7, 9:30 Fri-Wed 1:30, 4:15, 7, 9:30; (! "( # % '(! 4`W ESR (! "( # % '(! ) Windham 5 Star Thurs 4, 7:05 Fri 4, 7:05, EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a " %( # 4`W " %( # 9:25, Sat 1:05, 4, 7:05, 9:25 Sun 1:05,4, 7:05 '( # AOb ( # " %( # '( # Ac\ ( # " %( #

Please see MOVIES, PageE'O Gc\Xj\ j\\ ;=D73A GX^\ <*'

E14 GO | Portland Press Herald/Thursday, November 1, 2012 3 " 5= j >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg <]dS[PS` JOIN JON SHANNON OF WPOR AND RICK JOHNSON FROM "BIG HITS" -2,1 -21 6+$1121 2) :325 $1' 5,&. -2+1621 )520 ´%,* +,76¾ WYNZ AT PREVIEWS GRILL & BAR MOVIE TRIVIA NIGHT :<1= $7 35(9,(:6 *5,// %$5 029,( 75,9,$ 1,*+7 FROM 7PM TO 9PM EVERY THURSDAY! )520 30 72 30 (9(5< 7+856'$<

8]S @WQQVW] Joe Ricchio, `WUVb right, aV]e\ eWbV shown with director RW`SQb]` Dean Merrill, 2SO\ ;S``WZZ has a new VOa O \Se web-based eSP POaSR series, "The aS`WSa ÂľBVS Food Coma 4]]R 1][O Show." On AV]e Âś =\ Sunday, the Ac\ROg bVS premiere ^`S[WS`S will be eWZZ PS screened aQ`SS\SR at Space Ob A^OQS Gallery. 5OZZS`g

JOIN THE FUN AND YOU CAN WIN GREAT PRIZES AND MAYBE THE -2,1 7+( )81 $1' <28 &$1 :,1 *5($7 35,=(6 $1' 0$<%( 7+( "GRAND PRIZE" OF MOVIES FOR A YEAR! ´*5$1' 35,=(¾ 2) 029,(6 )25 $ <($5 *SEE DETAILS AND RULES AT PREVIEWS GRILL & BAR AT THE CINEMAGIC & IMAX IN SACO. 6(( '(7$,/6 $1' 58/(6 $7 35(9,(:6 *5,// %$5 $7 7+( &,1(0$*,& ,0$; ,1 6$&2

&,1(0$*,& ,0$; ,1 6$&2 IMAX : PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4 (R) NO PASSES U H 5 12 3$66(6 12:10-2:20-4:25-7:00-9:15



3D SILENT HILL: REVELATION (R) NO PASSES 12:15-4:30-9:10 G U 5 12 3$66(6 SILENT HILL: REVELATION (R) 2:20-7:00 U 5 CLOUD ATLAS (R) 12:25-3:55-7:30 5 FUN SIZE (PG13) NO PASSES 12:05-2:10-4:15-7:10-9:15

3* 12 3$66(6 CHASING MAVERICKS (PG) 12:30-3:10-6:50-9:25 3* PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4 (R) NO PASSES 7:20-9:35 H 5 12 3$66(6 ALEX CROSS (PG13) 12:00-2:20-4:40-7:05-9:30 3* HERE COMES THE BOOM (PG) 12:10-2:30-4:50-7:10-9:25

3* ARGO (R) 12:30-3:00-6:45-9:20 5 SINISTER (R) 12:05-2:25-4:45-7:05-9:30 5 TAKEN 2 (PG13) 12:20-2:30-4:45-7:10-9:20 F 3* FRANKENWEENIE (PG) 12:30-2:40-4:40

3* PITCH PERFECT (PG13) 12:00-2:25-4:50-7:15-9:40 3* 3D HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA (PG) NO PASSES 2:25-7:00 G 3* 12 3$66(6 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA (PG) 12:15-4:30-9:10


*5$1' DW &/$5.6 321'


Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]



3D SILENT HILL: REVELATION (R) NO PASSES 2:10-7:10 G U 5 12 3$66(6 SILENT HILL: REVELATION (R) 4:30-9:40 U 5 CLOUD ATLAS (R) 3:00-6:30-10:00 5 FUN SIZE (PG13) NO PASSES 2:30-4:50-7:10-9:20

3* 12 3$66(6 PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4 (R) NO PASSES 2:30-4:40-7:00-9:30 H 5 12 3$66(6 HERE COMES THE BOOM (PG) 2:00-4:30-7:10-9:40

3* ARGO (R) 2:05-4:40-7:15-9:45 5 SINISTER (R) 7:30-10:00 5 TAKEN 2 (PG13) 2:00-4:20-7:00-9:30 F 3* PITCH PERFECT (PG13) 2:20-4:50 3*



3D SILENT HILL: REVELATION (R) NO PASSES 7:10-9:40 G U 5 12 3$66(6 SILENT HILL: REVELATION (R) 12:00-9:30 U 5 CLOUD ATLAS (R) 12:00-3:40-7:30 5 FUN SIZE (PG13) NO PASSES 11:50-2:00-4:20-7:00-9:20

3* 12 3$66(6 CHASING MAVERICKS (PG) 12:30-3:20-6:50-9:30 3* PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4 (R) NO PASSES 12:10-2:20-4:30-7:00-9:30 H 5 12 3$66(6 ALEX CROSS (PG13) 11:50-2:15-4:40-7:20-9:50 3* HERE COMES THE BOOM (PG) 11:50-2:15-4:40-7:20-9:45

3* SEVEN PSYCHOPATHS (R) 12:30-3:20-6:45-9:20 5 ARGO (R) 12:10-3:30-7:00-9:40 5 SINISTER (R) 12:10-3:40-7:10-9:40 5 TAKEN 2 (PG13) 12:20-2:30-4:40-7:30-9:50 F 3* FRANKENWEENIE (PG) 12:20-2:30-4:50-7:10-9:20

3* LOOPER (R) 12:30-3:40-6:50-9:40 5 3D HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA (PG) NO PASSES 12:00-2:20-4:30 G 3* 12 3$66(6 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA (PG) 2:10-4:20-6:45

3* PITCH PERFECT (PG13) 12:20-3:20-6:45-9:20 3* TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE (PG13) 11:50-2:20-4:50-7:20-9:50 3*

7+(6( 6+2:7,0(6 9$/,' 129(0%(5 $// 67$',80 6($7,1* ',*,7$/ 6281' ',*,7$/ ),/0 35(6(17$7,21 2& 23(1 &$37,21(' ),/0

%8< <285 7,&.(76 21/,1( $7 ::: &,1(0$*,&029,(6 &20

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Ingredients: A rapper, a skier, @e^i\[`\ekj1 8 iXgg\i# X jb`\i# a chef - mix well, and serve X Z_\] Æ d`o n\cc# Xe[ j\im\ =F or fans of good food, copious drink PS GBOT PG HPPE GPPE DPQJPVT ESJOL and Portland nightlife in general, BOE 1PSUMBOE OJHIUMJGF JO HFOFSBM there's no greater or more entertainUIFSF T OP HSFBUFS PS NPSF FOUFSUBJO ing authority than Joe Ricchio, writer JOH BVUIPSJUZ UIBO +PF 3JDDIJP XSJUFS for Maine Magazine and former host of GPS .BJOF .BHB[JOF BOE GPSNFS IPTU PG the Maine web series "Food Coma TV" UIF .BJOF XFC TFSJFT i'PPE $PNB 57w (foodcomatv.tumblr.com), which ended its GPPEDPNBUW UVNCMS DPN XIJDI FOEFE JUT two-year gastronomical UXP ZFBS HBTUSPOPNJDBM tour this past summer. UPVS UIJT QBTU TVNNFS But from the crumbs #VU GSPN UIF DSVNCT of that endeavor, RicPG UIBU FOEFBWPS 3JD chio is back with a new DIJP JT CBDL XJUI B OFX web series, "The Food XFC TFSJFT i5IF 'PPE Coma Show," which $PNB 4IPX w XIJDI is having its premiere JT IBWJOH JUT QSFNJFSF PO 4VOEBZ BU 4QBDF dayatSpace c(BMMFSZ 3JDDIJP XJMM CF JO BU I n (11P Film Ricchio will be in atUFOEBODF UP JOUSPEVDF lllUlc rillll tendance to introduce IJT OFX FOEFBWPS B his new endeavor, a TJU EPXO EJOOFS DPOWFSTBUJPOBM CMPX sit-down dinner conversational blowPVU XIFSF IF BOE IJT HVFTUT mSTU UJNF out where he and his guests (first-time companions include rapper Spose and DPNQBOJPOT JODMVEF SBQQFS 4QPTF BOE Olympic skier Julie Parisien, among 0MZNQJD TLJFS +VMJF 1BSJTJFO BNPOH others) sample the best that Portland PUIFST TBNQMF UIF CFTU UIBU 1PSUMBOE restaurant Bresca's chef Krista Desjarlais SFTUBVSBOU #SFTDB T DIFG ,SJTUB %FTKBSMBJT has to offer. IBT UP PGGFS The all-ages Space Gallery screening of 5IF BMM BHFT 4QBDF (BMMFSZ TDSFFOJOH PG "The Food Coma Show" series premiere i5IF 'PPE $PNB 4IPXw TFSJFT QSFNJFSF begins at 7 p.m. Sunday. Admission is $5. CFHJOT BU Q N 4VOEBZ "ENJTTJPO JT Go to space538.org for more information. (P UP TQBDF PSH GPS NPSF JOGPSNBUJPO

;\ee`j G\ib`ej Dennis Perkins fau^ @e[`\ =`cd

What prompted the change from 8IBU QSPNQUFE UIF DIBOHF GSPN "Food Coma TV" to "The Food Coma i'PPE $PNB 57w UP i5IF 'PPE $PNB Show"? 4IPXw I just wanted to try something a little * KVTU XBOUFE UP USZ TPNFUIJOH B MJUUMF more dialogue driven. For "Food Coma," NPSF EJBMPHVF ESJWFO 'PS i'PPE $PNB w we'd go to a town and go to six places in XF E HP UP B UPXO BOE HP UP TJY QMBDFT JO a 12- to 14-minute episode. We just lost B UP NJOVUF FQJTPEF 8F KVTU MPTU some of the experience. So this is the TPNF PG UIF FYQFSJFODF 4P UIJT JT UIF other end of the spectrum. Definitely a PUIFS FOE PG UIF TQFDUSVN %FmOJUFMZ B template is (Jon Favreau's TV show on UFNQMBUF JT +PO 'BWSFBV T 57 TIPX PO IFC) "Dinner for Five"- a random assort*'$ i%JOOFS GPS 'JWFwo B SBOEPN BTTPSU ment of people from different walks of life NFOU PG QFPQMF GSPN EJGGFSFOU XBMLT PG MJGF who may not know each other that well. XIP NBZ OPU LOPX FBDI PUIFS UIBU XFMM But unlike "Dinner for Five," we re#VU VOMJLF i%JOOFS GPS 'JWF w XF SF ally want to focus on the restaurant and BMMZ XBOU UP GPDVT PO UIF SFTUBVSBOU BOE make people want to go there. They were NBLF QFPQMF XBOU UP HP UIFSF 5IFZ XFSF always eating and drinking, but never BMXBZT FBUJOH BOE ESJOLJOH CVU OFWFS discussed what they were eating. We inEJTDVTTFE XIBU UIFZ XFSF FBUJOH 8F JO tend 70 percent food talk, 30 percent other UFOE QFSDFOU GPPE UBML QFSDFOU PUIFS topics. And Bresca is one of my favorite UPQJDT "OE #SFTDB JT POF PG NZ GBWPSJUF

places around town. QMBDFT BSPVOE UPXO

What makes a good "Food Coma" 8IBU NBLFT B HPPE i'PPE $PNBw guest? HVFTU Someone who has stories, appreciates 4PNFPOF XIP IBT TUPSJFT BQQSFDJBUFT food ... and loves to get drunk. Someone GPPE y BOE MPWFT UP HFU ESVOL 4PNFPOF who you'd like to have dinner with in real XIP ZPV E MJLF UP IBWF EJOOFS XJUI JO SFBM life. For the first episode, we've got Spose, MJGF 'PS UIF mSTU FQJTPEF XF WF HPU 4QPTF whom I've hung out with a few times. XIPN * WF IVOH PVU XJUI B GFX UJNFT Julie I met just once and I heard she was +VMJF * NFU KVTU PODF BOE * IFBSE TIF XBT a fan of the old show Entertainment, athB GBO PG UIF PME TIPX &OUFSUBJONFOU BUI letics, the wine biz ... the unifying factor MFUJDT UIF XJOF CJ[ y UIF VOJGZJOH GBDUPS is food and drink. That's where everyone JT GPPE BOE ESJOL 5IBU T XIFSF FWFSZPOF comes together. DPNFT UPHFUIFS Why Space Gallery? 8IZ 4QBDF (BMMFSZ I like Space as a venue. It's easy to set * MJLF 4QBDF BT B WFOVF *U T FBTZ UP TFU up and do it a little more off the cuff. Plus, VQ BOE EP JU B MJUUMF NPSF PGG UIF DVGG 1MVT there are art installations in case people UIFSF BSF BSU JOTUBMMBUJPOT JO DBTF QFPQMF get tired of watching me get drunk. HFU UJSFE PG XBUDIJOH NF HFU ESVOL What food option does Portland really 8IBU GPPE PQUJPO EPFT 1PSUMBOE SFBMMZ lack? MBDL Chinese food. The American version or $IJOFTF GPPE 5IF "NFSJDBO WFSTJPO PS the Chinese version - there's a big gap UIF $IJOFTF WFSTJPO o UIFSF T B CJH HBQ there. And a really good taqueria that's UIFSF "OE B SFBMMZ HPPE UBRVFSJB UIBU T doing more of a Mexican style instead of EPJOH NPSF PG B .FYJDBO TUZMF JOTUFBE PG Tex-Mex. 5FY .FY Dennis Perkins is a Portland freelance writer. 2S\\Wa >S`YW\a Wa O >]`bZO\R T`SSZO\QS e`WbS`

COMING TO LOCAL SCREENS :FD@E> KF CF:8C J:I<<EJ SPACE GALLERY, Portland A>/13 5/::3@G >]`bZO\R (space538.org) a^OQS#!& ]`U Wednesday: "Beauty Is Embarrassing." ESR\SaROg( Âľ0SOcbg 7a 3[PO``OaaW\U Âś Best known for his contributions to 0Sab Y\]e\ T]` VWa Q]\b`WPcbW]\a b] "Pee-Wee's Playhouse," acclaimed Âľ>SS ESS¸a >ZOgV]caS Âś OQQZOW[SR contemporary artist Wayne White, Q]\bS[^]`O`g O`bWab EOg\S EVWbS whose current multimedia word eV]aS Qc``S\b [cZbW[SRWO e]`R paintings are rocking the art world, is ^OW\bW\Ua O`S `]QYW\U bVS O`b e]`ZR Wa the subject of this documentary. bVS acPXSQb ]T bVWa R]Qc[S\bO`g NICKELODEON CINEMA, Portland <7193:=23=< 17<3;/ >]`bZO\R (patriotcinemas.com) ^Ob`W]bQW\S[Oa Q][ Friday: "The Perks of Being a 4`WROg( ÂľBVS >S`Ya ]T 0SW\U O Wallflower." "Harry Potter's" Emma EOZZĂ€]eS` Âś Âľ6O``g >]bbS`¸aÂś 3[[O Watson stars in this indie coming-ofEOba]\ abO`a W\ bVWa W\RWS Q][W\U ]T age story getting good reviews and OUS ab]`g USbbW\U U]]R `SdWSea O\R possibly destined to erase the memory ^]aaWPZg RSabW\SR b] S`OaS bVS [S[]`g of Hermione forever. ]T 6S`[W]\S T]`SdS`

Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, November 1, 2012 j 5= 3 # GO E15 >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg <]dS[PS`

DVD I<C<8J<J RELEASES NEW ON THE SHELF <3E =< B63 A63:4 "THE CAMPAIGN," starring Will Ferrell and ¾B63 1/;>/75< œ abO``W\U EWZZ 4S``SZZ O\R HOQV 5OZW¿O\OYWa 0`]OR O\R T`S_cS\bZg VWZO`W Zach Galifianakis. Broad and frequently hilari]ca ^]ZWbWQOZ aObW`S ^Wba 4S``SZZ¸a 1ZW\b]\ Sa_cS ous political satire pits Terrell's Clinton-esque congressman against out-of-his-league but Q]\U`Saa[O\ OUOW\ab ]cb ]T VWa ZSOUcS Pcb S\bVcaWOabWQ ^Obag 5OZW¿O\OYWa W\ O Q][WQOZZg enthusiastic patsy Galifianakis in a comically shameless bid for election, with billionaires the aVO[SZSaa PWR T]` SZSQbW]\ eWbV PWZZW]\OW`Sa bVS Notch Brothers (John Lithgow and Dan Aykroyd) ;]bQV 0`]bVS`a 8]V\ :WbVU]e O\R 2O\ /gY`]gR pulling the strings in the background. While ^cZZW\U bVS ab`W\Ua W\ bVS POQYU`]c\R EVWZS \]b Oa QcbbW\U Oa Wb bVW\Ya Wb Wa ¾BVS 1O[^OWU\œ not as cutting as it thinks it is, "The Campaign" garners an impressive laugh count thanks to the UO`\S`a O\ W[^`SaaWdS ZOcUV Q]c\b bVO\Ya b] bVS SdS` RS^S\ROPZS ZSORa O\R O\ SfQSZZS\b ac^^]`b ever-dependable leads and an excellent supportCourtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b] ing cast including Dylan McDermott and "SNL" W\U QOab W\QZcRW\U 2gZO\ ;Q2S`[]bb O\R ¾A<:œ Zach Galifianakis, left, and Will Ferrell HOQV 5OZW¿O\OYWa ZSTb O\R EWZZ 4S``SZZ vet Jason Sudekis. Rated R. Running time: 1:25 dSb 8Oa]\ AcRSYWa @ObSR @ @c\\W\U bW[S( ( # in "The Campaign." W\ ¾BVS 1O[^OWU\ œ Suggested retail price: $28.98; Blu-ray $35.99 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( & '&) 0Zc `Og !# ''

"COPPER: SEASON ONE," starring Tom ¾1=>>3@( A3/A=< =<3 œ abO``W\U B][ Weston-Jones and Kyle Schmid. Gritty slow-burn ESab]\ 8]\Sa O\R 9gZS AQV[WR 5`Wbbg aZ]e Pc`\ period drama from BBC America transports ^S`W]R R`O[O T`][ 001 /[S`WQO b`O\a^]`ba the viewer to 19th-century New York City - not bVS dWSeS` b] 'bV QS\bc`g <Se G]`Y 1Wbg ³ \]b one of the region's more glamorous eras, it ]\S ]T bVS `SUW]\¸a []`S UZO[]`]ca S`Oa Wb turns out. Attempting to keep law and order to bc`\a ]cb /bbS[^bW\U b] YSS^ ZOe O\R ]`RS` b] the degree that it's possible is Detective Kevin bVS RSU`SS bVOb Wb¸a ^]aaWPZS Wa 2SbSQbWdS 9SdW\ Corcoran (Weston-Jones), a tough-skinned Civil 1]`Q]`O\ ESab]\ 8]\Sa O b]cUV aYW\\SR 1WdWZ War vet and writer of wrongs who protects the EO` dSb O\R e`WbS` ]T e`]\Ua eV] ^`]bSQba bVS downtrodden while simultaneously trying to R]e\b`]RRS\ eVWZS aW[cZbO\S]caZg b`gW\U b] track down his missing wife and the murderer of b`OQY R]e\ VWa [WaaW\U eWTS O\R bVS [c`RS`S` ]T his young daughter. Striking period details and VWa g]c\U ROcUVbS` Ab`WYW\U ^S`W]R RSbOWZa O\R excellent performances keep things from getting SfQSZZS\b ^S`T]`[O\QSa YSS^ bVW\Ua T`][ USbbW\U too grim, but "Copper" is certainly a sordid, b]] U`W[ Pcb ¾1]^^S`œ Wa QS`bOW\Zg O a]`RWR albeit compelling, affair all around. Special feaOZPSWb Q][^SZZW\U OTTOW` OZZ O`]c\R A^SQWOZ TSO tures include deleted scenes. Not rated; contains bc`Sa W\QZcRS RSZSbSR aQS\Sa <]b `ObSR) Q]\bOW\a language and violence. Running time: 7:30 ZO\UcOUS O\R dW]ZS\QS @c\\W\U bW[S( %(! Suggested retail price: $49.98; Blu-ray $59.98 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( "' '&) 0Zc `Og #' '& "HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS," starring Jona¾6=CA3 =4 2/@9 A6/2=EA œ abO``W\U 8]\O than Frid and Grayson Hall. Capitalizing on the bVO\ 4`WR O\R 5`Oga]\ 6OZZ 1O^WbOZWhW\U ]\ bVS popular Tim Burton reboot, this 1970 curiosity ^]^cZO` BW[ 0c`b]\ `SP]]b bVWa '% Qc`W]aWbg brought Barnabas Collins and the brood to the P`]cUVb 0O`\OPOa 1]ZZW\a O\R bVS P`]]R b] bVS big screen with familiarly entertaining results. A PWU aQ`SS\ eWbV TO[WZWO`Zg S\bS`bOW\W\U `SacZba / long-awaited DVD release for the series' legions Z]\U OeOWbSR 2D2 `SZSOaS T]` bVS aS`WSa¸ ZSUW]\a of fans, and a fun companion piece for viewers ]T TO\a O\R O Tc\ Q][^O\W]\ ^WSQS T]` dWSeS`a who enjoyed Burton's amusing take. Rated PG. eV] S\X]gSR 0c`b]\¸a O[caW\U bOYS @ObSR >5 Running time: 1:37 @c\\W\U bW[S( (!% Suggested retail price: $14.96; Blu-ray $19.98 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( " '$) 0Zc `Og ' '&

"ROSEMARY'S BABY," starring Mia Farrow and ¾@=A3;/@G¸A 0/0G œ abO``W\U ;WO 4O``]e O\R John Cassavetes. The Hollywood debut of es8]V\ 1OaaOdSbSa BVS 6]ZZge]]R RSPcb ]T Sa bSS[SR RW`SQb]` @][O\ >]ZO\aYW ¾1VW\Ob]e\œ teemed director Roman Polanski ("Chinatown"), this 1968 horror classic finds young mother bVWa '$& V]``]` QZOaaWQ ¿\Ra g]c\U []bVS` Farrow growing increasingly suspicious of her 4O``]e U`]eW\U W\Q`SOaW\UZg aca^WQW]ca ]T VS` peculiar elderly neighbors and their odd new ^SQcZWO` SZRS`Zg \SWUVP]`a O\R bVSW` ]RR \Se relationship with her husband (filmmaker Cassa`SZObW]\aVW^ eWbV VS` VcaPO\R ¿Z[[OYS` 1OaaO vetes), coming to the initially paranoid-seeming dSbSa Q][W\U b] bVS W\WbWOZZg ^O`O\]WR aSS[W\U conclusion that they're hatching a satanic plot Q]\QZcaW]\ bVOb bVSg¸`S VObQVW\U O aObO\WQ ^Z]b against her and her newborn child. This Criterion OUOW\ab VS` O\R VS` \SeP]`\ QVWZR BVWa 1`WbS`W]\ release ensures that this "Baby" has never looked `SZSOaS S\ac`Sa bVOb bVWa ¾0OPgœ VOa \SdS` Z]]YSR better, with the usual treasure trove of extras. PSbbS` eWbV bVS cacOZ b`SOac`S b`]dS ]T Sfb`Oa Special features include new interviews with PoA^SQWOZ TSObc`Sa W\QZcRS \Se W\bS`dWSea eWbV >] lanski, Farrow and producer Robert Evans. Rated ZO\aYW 4O``]e O\R ^`]RcQS` @]PS`b 3dO\a @ObSR R. Running time: 2:16 @ @c\\W\U bW[S( ( $ Suggested retail price: $39.95 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( !' '# VIDEOPORT PICKS D723=>=@B >719A "FIRST POSITION," documentary. It's hard to ¾47@AB >=A7B7=< œ R]Qc[S\bO`g 7b¸a VO`R b] miss with documentaries that focus on a dispa[Waa eWbV R]Qc[S\bO`WSa bVOb T]Qca ]\ O RWa^O rate group of individuals who share a common `ObS U`]c^ ]T W\RWdWRcOZa eV] aVO`S O Q][[]\ interest. But first-time director Bess Kargman W\bS`Sab 0cb ¿`ab bW[S RW`SQb]` 0Saa 9O`U[O\ hits it out of the park with this affecting, funny VWba Wb ]cb ]T bVS ^O`Y eWbV bVWa OTTSQbW\U Tc\\g and downright inspirational doc, which endeavO\R R]e\`WUVb W\a^W`ObW]\OZ R]Q eVWQV S\RSOd ors to follow six young dancers diligently prepar]`a b] T]ZZ]e aWf g]c\U RO\QS`a RWZWUS\bZg ^`S^O` ing for the Youth America Grand Prix, one of the W\U T]` bVS G]cbV /[S`WQO 5`O\R >`Wf ]\S ]T bVS world's most prestigious ballet competitions for e]`ZR¸a []ab ^`SabWUW]ca POZZSb Q][^SbWbW]\a T]` up-and-coming hoofers. Delving into participant c^ O\R Q][W\U V]]TS`a 2SZdW\U W\b] ^O`bWQW^O\b back stones as well as shedding light on typical POQY ab]`WSa Oa eSZZ Oa aVSRRW\U ZWUVb ]\ bg^WQOZ ballet practices (many of which look downright POZZSb ^`OQbWQSa [O\g ]T eVWQV Z]]Y R]e\`WUVb painful), "First Position" gets to know its subjects ^OW\TcZ ¾4W`ab >]aWbW]\œ USba b] Y\]e Wba acPXSQba to such a satisfying degree that the outcome of b] acQV O aObWaTgW\U RSU`SS bVOb bVS ]cbQ][S ]T the final competition achieves a surprising intenbVS ¿\OZ Q][^SbWbW]\ OQVWSdSa O ac`^`WaW\U W\bS\ sity. A prime example of the form, and hopefully aWbg / ^`W[S SfO[^ZS ]T bVS T]`[ O\R V]^STcZZg not the last we'll hear from this talented new \]b bVS ZOab eS¸ZZ VSO` T`][ bVWa bOZS\bSR \Se filmmaker. Not rated; contains language and ¿Z[[OYS` <]b `ObSR) Q]\bOW\a ZO\UcOUS O\R thematic material. Running time: 1:30 bVS[ObWQ [ObS`WOZ @c\\W\U bW[S( (! Suggested retail price: $24.98 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( " '&

"RUBY SPARKS," starring Paul Dano and Zoe Âľ@C0G A>/@9A Âś abO``W\U >OcZ 2O\] O\R H]S Kazan. It's hard to believe it's been six years 9OhO\ 7b¸a VO`R b] PSZWSdS Wb¸a PSS\ aWf gSO`a since "Little Miss Sunshine" swept film festivals aW\QS Âľ:WbbZS ;Waa Ac\aVW\SÂś aeS^b ÂżZ[ TSabWdOZa and theaters alike, but that's how long it's taken O\R bVSObS`a OZWYS Pcb bVOb¸a V]e Z]\U Wb¸a bOYS\ directors Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Paris RW`SQb]`a 8]\ObVO\ 2Ogb]\ O\R DOZS`WS 4O`Wa to get their sophomore effort, "Ruby Sparks," b] USb bVSW` a]^V][]`S STT]`b Âľ@cPg A^O`Ya Âś produced. "Sunshine" alum Dano gives argu^`]RcQSR ÂľAc\aVW\SÂś OZc[ 2O\] UWdSa O`Uc NEW TO BLU-RAY <3E B= 0:C @/G ably the performance of his career as Calvin, a "ALFRED HITCHCOCK: THE MASTERPIECE COL- OPZg bVS ^S`T]`[O\QS ]T VWa QO`SS` Oa 1OZdW\ O Âľ/:4@32 67B161=19( B63 ;/AB3@>7313 1=: young novelist severely afflicted by writer's block g]c\U \]dSZWab aSdS`SZg OTĂ€WQbSR Pg e`WbS`¸a PZ]QY LECTION," starring multiple stars. The end-all :31B7=< Âś abO``W\U [cZbW^ZS abO`a BVS S\R OZZ following the runaway success of his first book. be-all of Hitchcock collections, this newly remas- T]ZZ]eW\U bVS `c\OeOg acQQSaa ]T VWa Âż`ab P]]Y PS OZZ ]T 6WbQVQ]QY Q]ZZSQbW]\a bVWa \SeZg `S[Oa A breakthrough comes in the form of a mental / P`SOYbV`]cUV Q][Sa W\ bVS T]`[ ]T O [S\bOZ tered and exhaustive set contains the following bS`SR O\R SfVOcabWdS aSb Q]\bOW\a bVS T]ZZ]eW\U image of a mystery woman named Ruby Sparks, W[OUS ]T O [gabS`g e][O\ \O[SR @cPg A^O`Ya 15 undisputed classics from the master himself: # c\RWa^cbSR QZOaaWQa T`][ bVS [OabS` VW[aSZT( inspiring Calvin to write what looks to be a more W\a^W`W\U 1OZdW\ b] e`WbS eVOb Z]]Ya b] PS O []`S "Saboteur" (1942), "Shadow of a Doubt" (1943), ÂľAOP]bSc`Âś '" ÂľAVOR]e ]T O 2]cPbÂś '"! than worthy follow-up to his debut. But when bVO\ e]`bVg T]ZZ]e c^ b] VWa RSPcb 0cb eVS\ "Rope" (1948), "Rear Window" (1954), "The Âľ@]^SÂś '"& Âľ@SO` EW\R]eÂś '#" ÂľBVS Ruby (Kazan) actually turns up in real life - and Trouble with Harry" (1955), "The Man Who Knew @cPg 9OhO\ OQbcOZZg bc`\a c^ W\ `SOZ ZWTS Âł O\R B`]cPZS eWbV 6O``gÂś '## ÂľBVS ;O\ EV] 9\Se moreover is apparently able to communicate []`S]dS` Wa O^^O`S\bZg OPZS b] Q][[c\WQObS Too Much" (1956), "Vertigo" (1958), "North by B]] ;cQVÂś '#$ ÂľDS`bWU]Âś '#& Âľ<]`bV Pg with Calvin's friends and family - he isn't sure Northwest" (1959), "Psycho" (1960), "The Birds" eWbV 1OZdW\¸a T`WS\Ra O\R TO[WZg Âł VS Wa\¸b ac`S <]`bVeSabÂś '#' Âľ>agQV]Âś '$ ÂľBVS 0W`RaÂś what to believe anymore. When he discovers eVOb b] PSZWSdS O\g[]`S EVS\ VS RWaQ]dS`a (1963), "Mamie" (1964), "Torn Curtain" (1966), '$! Âľ;O`\WSÂś '$" ÂľB]`\ 1c`bOW\Âś '$$ he can alter their relationship simply by writing "Topaz" (1969), "Frenzy" (1972) O\R Âľ4O[WZg >Z]bÂś and "Family Plot" VS QO\ OZbS` bVSW` `SZObW]\aVW^ aW[^Zg Pg e`WbW\U ÂľB]^OhÂś '$' Âľ4`S\hgÂś '% about it, things really get weird. Rated R. RunOP]cb Wb bVW\Ua `SOZZg USb eSW`R @ObSR @ @c\ (1972). Special features include deleted scenes, '% A^SQWOZ TSObc`Sa W\QZcRS RSZSbSR aQS\Sa ning time: 1:44 \W\U bW[S( ("" behind-the-scenes footage, storyboards and PSVW\R bVS aQS\Sa T]]bOUS ab]`gP]O`Ra O\R Suggested retail price: $29.98; Blu-ray $29.98 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( ' '&) 0Zc `Og ' '& much more. Not rated; contains violence and [cQV []`S <]b `ObSR) Q]\bOW\a dW]ZS\QS O\R mild language. Running time: 29:30 [WZR ZO\UcOUS @c\\W\U bW[S( '(! — Courtesy of Videoport ´ 1]c`bSag ]T DWRS]^]`b Suggested retail price: $299.98 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( '' '&


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"SAFETY NOT GUARANTEED," starring Aubrey ÂľA/43BG <=B 5C/@/<B332 Âś abO``W\U /cP`Sg Plaza and Mark Duplass. A magazine intern >ZOhO O\R ;O`Y 2c^ZOaa / [OUOhW\S W\bS`\ (Plaza of "Parks and Recreation") is assigned >ZOhO ]T Âľ>O`Ya O\R @SQ`SObW]\Âś Wa OaaWU\SR the uncertain task of following up on a classified bVS c\QS`bOW\ bOaY ]T T]ZZ]eW\U c^ ]\ O QZOaaWÂżSR ad that appears to be requesting a time-travelOR bVOb O^^SO`a b] PS `S_cSabW\U O bW[S b`OdSZ ing companion. Said ad turns out to be placed W\U Q][^O\W]\ AOWR OR bc`\a ]cb b] PS ^ZOQSR by Kenneth Galloway (Duplass), a jean-jacketed Pg 9S\\SbV 1OZZ]eOg 2c^ZOaa O XSO\ XOQYSbSR grocery store clerk whose mental faculties U`]QS`g ab]`S QZS`Y eV]aS [S\bOZ TOQcZbWSa understandably come into question early and c\RS`abO\ROPZg Q][S W\b] _cSabW]\ SO`Zg O\R often, but for how long? Director Colin Trevorrow ]TbS\ Pcb T]` V]e Z]\U- 2W`SQb]` 1]ZW\ B`Sd]``]e delivers a film that manages to be quirky without RSZWdS`a O ÂżZ[ bVOb [O\OUSa b] PS _cW`Yg eWbV]cb being irritating, and cynical without being a PSW\U W``WbObW\U O\R Qg\WQOZ eWbV]cb PSW\U O downer. Rated R. Running time: 1:26 R]e\S` @ObSR @ @c\\W\U bW[S( ( $ Suggested retail price: $30.99; Blu-ray $35.99 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( ! '') 0Zc `Og !# ''

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E16 GO Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, November 1, 2012 3 $ 5= j >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg <]dS[PS`




5Sb c^ O\R 5= Get up and GO eWbV bVSaS SdS\ba with these events


'End of Summer' Ê<e[ f] Jldd\iË

Tom Hall Kfd ?Xcc

WHEN: 8 p.m. E63<( & ^ [ WHERE: Pickard Theater, E63@3( >WQYO`R BVSObS` 1 Bath Road, Brunswick 0ObV @]OR 0`c\aeWQY HOW MUCH: Free; 725-3375 6=E ;C16( 4`SS) % # !!%#

WHEN: 5 to 7 p.m. E63<( # b] % ^ [ WHERE: June Fitzpatrick E63@3( 8c\S 4Wbh^Ob`WQY Gallery, 522 1]\U`Saa Ab Congress St., 5OZZS`g # Portland >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: Free; 699-5083 6=E ;C16( 4`SS) $'' # &!

Europa Galante <lifgX >XcXek\ Go for baroque on Friday night 5] T]` PO`]_cS ]\ 4`WROg \WUVb with a performance by Italian eWbV O ^S`T]`[O\QS Pg 7bOZWO\ baroque music ensemble Europa PO`]_cS [caWQ S\aS[PZS 3c`]^O Galante. The Grammy-nominated 5OZO\bS BVS 5`O[[g \][W\ObSR group's show, "Apotheosis and U`]c^¸a aV]e ¾/^]bVS]aWa O\R Folia," includes music by Vivaldi, 4]ZWO œ W\QZcRSa [caWQ Pg DWdOZRW Couperin, Mascitti, Corelli and 1]c^S`W\ ;OaQWbbW 1]`SZZW O\R Bach. 0OQV WHEN: 7:30 p.m. E63<( %(! ^ [ WHERE: Olin Arts Center, E63@3( =ZW\ /`ba 1S\bS` 75 Russell St., Lewiston %# @caaSZZ Ab :SeWab]\ HOW MUCH: $12; 786-6135 6=E ;C16( ) %&$ $ !#


Through the end of the year, get BV`]cUV bVS S\R ]T bVS gSO` USb a truly warm and fuzzy feelO b`cZg eO`[ O\R Tchhg TSSZ ing with "Warmth and Style." W\U eWbV ÂľEO`[bV O\R AbgZS Âś The show features handwoven BVS aV]e TSObc`Sa VO\Re]dS\ material, felted work and knitted [ObS`WOZ TSZbSR e]`Y O\R Y\WbbSR elements by Maine fiber artists SZS[S\ba Pg ;OW\S ÂżPS` O`bWaba Janice Jones, Lorri Raymond, 8O\WQS 8]\Sa :]``W @Og[]\R Susan Mills, Helen Farnham and AcaO\ ;WZZa 6SZS\ 4O`\VO[ O\R Amy Smith. /[g A[WbV

'Swingjn' ÊJn`e^`eË the American k_\ 8d\i`ZXe Songbook' Jfe^YffbË Spend an afternoon tapping your A^S\R O\ OTbS`\]]\ bO^^W\U g]c` toes with the Portland Symphony b]Sa eWbV bVS >]`bZO\R Ag[^V]\g Orchestra as it performs American =`QVSab`O Oa Wb ^S`T]`[a /[S`WQO\ jazz classics with guests conducXOhh QZOaaWQa eWbV UcSaba Q]\RcQ tor Keito Harada, vocalist Banu b]` 9SWb] 6O`ORO d]QOZWab 0O\c Gibson and tap dancer Jason 5WPa]\ O\R bO^ RO\QS` 8Oa]\ Rodgers. @]RUS`a WHEN: 7:30 p.m. Saturday; E63<( %(! ^ [ AObc`ROg) 2:30 p.m. Sunday (! ^ [ Ac\ROg WHERE: Merrill Auditorium, E63@3( ;S``WZZ /cRWb]`Wc[ 20 Myrtle St., Portland ;g`bZS Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $20 to $65; 6=E ;C16( b] $#) porttix.com ^]`bbWf Q][

WHEN: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. E63<( O [ b] # ^ [ WHERE: Markings Gallery, E63@3( ;O`YW\Ua 5OZZS`g 50 Front St., Bath # 4`]\b Ab 0ObV HOW MUCH: Free; 6=E ;C16( 4`SS) markingsgallery. com [O`YW\UaUOZZS`g Q][


Efm\dY\i /

Justin Townes Aljk`e Kfne\j Earle <Xic\

'Warmth and ĂŠNXidk_ Xe[ Style' Jkpc\Ă‹

The Bowdoin College Department BVS 0]eR]W\ 1]ZZSUS 2S^O`b[S\b of Theater and Dance presents ]T BVSObS` O\R 2O\QS ^`SaS\ba a comic melodrama set on the O Q][WQ [SZ]R`O[O aSb ]\ bVS coast of Maine that upends the Q]Oab ]T ;OW\S bVOb c^S\Ra bVS conflict between inherited wealth Q]\Ă€WQb PSbeSS\ W\VS`WbSR eSOZbV and unemployment. Written O\R c\S[^Z]g[S\b E`WbbS\ during the Great Depression, Rc`W\U bVS 5`SOb 2S^`SaaW]\ the show was playwright S.N. bVS aV]e eOa ^ZOge`WUVb A < Behrman's "American cherry 0SV`[O\¸a Âľ/[S`WQO\ QVS``g orchard of capitalism." ]`QVO`R ]T QO^WbOZWa[ Âś

Say hello to artist Tom Hall as AOg VSZZ] b] O`bWab B][ 6OZZ Oa his exhibition of new paintings VWa SfVWPWbW]\ ]T \Se ^OW\bW\Ua opens with a reception on Thurs]^S\a eWbV O `SQS^bW]\ ]\ BVc`a day evening. Hall's been showROg SdS\W\U 6OZZ¸a PSS\ aV]e ing his art around New England W\U VWa O`b O`]c\R <Se 3\UZO\R since 1989. He works in mixed aW\QS '&' 6S e]`Ya W\ [WfSR media, often on canvas or linen [SRWO ]TbS\ ]\ QO\dOa ]` ZW\S\ but sometimes on board or even Pcb a][SbW[Sa ]\ P]O`R ]` SdS\ plastic sheeting. The show runs ^ZOabWQ aVSSbW\U BVS aV]e `c\a through Nov. 30. bV`]cUV <]d !


1][^WZSR Pg /W[aSZ >]\bW AbOTT E`WbS`

'The Incarnation ÊK_\ @eZXieXk`fe of Earthly f] <Xik_cp Creations' :i\Xk`fejË View metalwork, beaded art, DWSe [SbOZe]`Y PSORSR O`b sculptures, traditional voodoo aQcZ^bc`Sa b`ORWbW]\OZ d]]R]] art and paintings from Haitian O`b O\R ^OW\bW\Ua T`][ 6OWbWO\ artists, along with a site-specific O`bWaba OZ]\U eWbV O aWbS a^SQW¿Q installation, all of which celebrate W\abOZZObW]\ OZZ ]T eVWQV QSZSP`ObS the spirit and diversity of Haitian bVS a^W`Wb O\R RWdS`aWbg ]T 6OWbWO\ art. The show runs through Jan. O`b BVS aV]e `c\a bV`]cUV 8O\ 30. ! WHEN: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. E63<( O [ b] " ^ [ WHERE: Museum of African E63@3( ;caSc[ ]T /T`WQO\ Art & Culture, /`b 1cZbc`S 13 Brown St., Portland ! 0`]e\ Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: Free; museum 6=E ;C16( 4`SS) [caSc[ africanculture.org OT`WQO\QcZbc`S ]`U

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8j_c\p ;Xm`j Ashley Davis

With the blood of his father, EWbV bVS PZ]]R ]T VWa TObVS` Steve Earle, in his veins, it's no AbSdS 3O`ZS W\ VWa dSW\a Wb¸a \] wonder singer-songwriter Justin e]\RS` aW\US` a]\Ue`WbS` 8cabW\ Townes Earle has earned his own B]e\Sa 3O`ZS VOa SO`\SR VWa ]e\ following by way of five albums. T]ZZ]eW\U Pg eOg ]T ¿dS OZPc[a The latest is "Nothing's Gonna BVS ZObSab Wa ¾<]bVW\U¸a 5]\\O Change the Way You Feel About 1VO\US bVS EOg G]c 4SSZ /P]cb Me Now." lift Merritt opens the ;S <]e œ BWTb ;S``Wbb ]^S\a bVS show. aV]e

"Songs of the Celtic Winter" ÂľA]\Ua ]T bVS 1SZbWQ EW\bS`Âś is the latest record from world Wa bVS ZObSab `SQ]`R T`][ e]`ZR music singer-songwriter Ash[caWQ aW\US` a]\Ue`WbS` /aV ley Davis. Tunes range from ZSg 2OdWa Bc\Sa `O\US T`][ ninth-century Gaelic poetry set \W\bV QS\bc`g 5OSZWQ ^]Sb`g aSb to music to a Breton waltz and b] [caWQ b] O 0`Sb]\ eOZbh O\R originals informed by the old ]`WUW\OZa W\T]`[SR Pg bVS ]ZR texts and literature of the season. bSfba O\R ZWbS`Obc`S ]T bVS aSOa]\

WHEN: 8 p.m. E63<( & ^ [ WHERE: Port City Music E63@3( >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ Hall, 504 Congress St., 6OZZ # " 1]\U`Saa Ab Portland >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $18 6=E ;C16( & and $30; 18-plus; O\R ! ) & ^Zca) portcitymusichall. com ^]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][

WHEN: 8 p.m. E63<( & ^ [ WHERE: One Longfellow E63@3( =\S :]\UTSZZ]e Square, 181 State St., A_cO`S & AbObS Ab Portland >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $18 in ad6=E ;C16( & W\ OR vance, $20 day of show; dO\QS ROg ]T aV]e) on elongfello wsquare. com ]\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][

Nary Black DXip 9cXZb You have two chances to see Irish G]c VOdS be] QVO\QSa b] aSS 7`WaV singer Mary Black in Maine, with aW\US` ;O`g 0ZOQY W\ ;OW\S eWbV shows at the Stone Mountain Arts aV]ea Ob bVS Ab]\S ;]c\bOW\ /`ba Center on Nov. 8 and The Strand 1S\bS` ]\ <]d & O\R BVS Ab`O\R in Rockland on Nov. 9. Black's W\ @]QYZO\R ]\ <]d ' 0ZOQY¸a career of folk and contempoQO`SS` ]T T]ZY O\R Q]\bS[^] rary Irish music has spanned 25 `O`g 7`WaV [caWQ VOa a^O\\SR # years, and in her home country, gSO`a O\R W\ VS` V][S Q]c\b`g seven of her albums have gone aSdS\ ]T VS` OZPc[a VOdS U]\S platinum. ^ZObW\c[ WHEN: 8 p.m. E63<( & ^ [ WHERE: Stone Mountain E63@3( Ab]\S ;]c\bOW\ Arts Center, 695 Dugway /`ba 1S\bS` $'# 2cUeOg Road, Brownfield @]OR 0`]e\¿SZR HOW MUCH: $80; stone 6=E ;C16( & ) ab]\S mountainartscenter. com []c\bOW\O`baQS\bS` Q][

G. Love & >% Cfm\ Special Sauce Jg\Z`Xc JXlZ\ Forget what you think you know 4]`USb eVOb g]c bVW\Y g]c Y\]e about Garret Dutton and his OP]cb 5O``Sb 2cbb]\ O\R VWa alternative hip-hop sound. While OZbS`\ObWdS VW^ V]^ a]c\R EVWZS you may hear some of that seep g]c [Og VSO` a][S ]T bVOb aSS^ through G. Love's new album, bV`]cUV 5 :]dS¸a \Se OZPc[ the core of it is country blues, bVS Q]`S ]T Wb Wa Q]c\b`g PZcSa and the record was produced by O\R bVS `SQ]`R eOa ^`]RcQSR Pg G. Love's new friends, The Avett 5 :]dS¸a \Se T`WS\Ra BVS /dSbb Brothers. 0`]bVS`a

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WHEN: 8 p.m. E63<( & ^ [ WHERE: The State Theatre, E63@3( BVS AbObS BVSOb`S 609 Congress St., $ ' 1]\U`Saa Ab Portland >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $20 W\ in 6=E ;C16( advance, $25 day of show; ORdO\QS # ROg ]T aV]e) statetheatreportland.com abObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][

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;0*2,;4(:;,9 *64 ' ' PORHRlin PIRRJES #'$ $' ""! ' !

-!).% -!$% #2!&4 3(/73 Presents: 0RESENTS

-AINE #RAFT 3HOWS Maine Craft Shows 2012 Augusta Armory • 179 Western Ave., !UGUSTA !RMORY s 7ESTERN !VE

Rt 202,1-95 Exit 109 Augusta, ME O433O 2T ) %XIT !UGUSTA -% November 10 & 11 AMn PM 10am-4pm .OVEMBER Stevens Ave. Armory • 772 Stevens Ave., Portland, ME 04103 0ORTLAND -% 3TEVENS !VE !RMORY s 3TEVENS !VE November 17 & 18 AMn PM 10am-4pm .OVEMBER Augusta Civic Ctr • 76 Community Dr !UGUSTA #IVIC #TR s #OMMUNITY $R I-95 Exit 112, Augusta, ME O433O ) %XIT !UGUSTA -% November 24 & 25 AMn PM 10am-4pm .OVEMBER FMI or to join the Craft Show Season call CALL Lois Taylor &-) OR TO JOIN THE #RAFT 3HOW 3EASON ,OIS 4AYLOR 2O7-946-7O79 • email: LTpromo@aol.com s EMAIL ,4PROMO AOL COM www.newenglandcraftfairs.com/maine-craft-fairs.html WWW NEWENGLANDCRAFTFAIRS COM MAINE CRAFT FAIRS HTML

In "Wreck-It 7\ ¾E`SQY 7b Ralph," John @OZ^V œ 8]V\ C. Reilly voices 1 @SWZZg d]WQSa Ralph, top, a @OZ^V b]^ O beast in a kids' PSOab W\ O YWRa¸ video game dWRS] UO[S who wants eV] eO\ba to be a hero. b] PS O VS`] At right, Jane /b `WUVb 8O\S Lynch is over:g\QV Wa ]dS` the-top funny bVS b]^ Tc\\g as the voice of Oa bVS d]WQS ]T Sgt. Calhoun, AUb 1OZV]c\ a character in O QVO`OQbS` W\ a first-person O ¿`ab ^S`a]\ shooter game. aV]]bS` UO[S Disney photos 2Wa\Sg ^V]b]a

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By ROGER MOORE #Z 30(&3 .003&

McClatchy Newspapers .D$MBUDIZ /FXTQBQFST


K_\ d\jjX^\ dXp Y\ YcXe[# The message may be bland, but the film's a digital dazzler Ylk k_\ ÔcdËj X [`^`kXc [Xqqc\i

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Disney Animation takes a page out of %JTOFZ "OJNBUJPO UBLFT B QBHF PVU PG Pixar's well-worn playbook for "Wreck-It 1JYBS T XFMM XPSO QMBZCPPL GPS i8SFDL *U Ralph," a screwball farce with a novel 3BMQI w B TDSFXCBMM GBSDF XJUI B OPWFM setting and more edge than your average TFUUJOH BOE NPSF FEHF UIBO ZPVS BWFSBHF Disney 'toon. %JTOFZ AUPPO Where "Toy Story" showed us the off8IFSF i5PZ 4UPSZw TIPXFE VT UIF PGG duty shenanigans of a kids' toy collection EVUZ TIFOBOJHBOT PG B LJET UPZ DPMMFDUJPO and "Monsters, Inc." took us behind the BOE i.POTUFST *OD w UPPL VT CFIJOE UIF scenes of the bogeyman business, "Ralph" TDFOFT PG UIF CPHFZNBO CVTJOFTT i3BMQIw finds fun in the outside-the-arcade-game mOET GVO JO UIF PVUTJEF UIF BSDBEF HBNF life of the characters trapped in those MJGF PG UIF DIBSBDUFST USBQQFE JO UIPTF games, forced to play hero, pawn or villain HBNFT GPSDFE UP QMBZ IFSP QBXO PS WJMMBJO forever. Or until the game falls out of favor GPSFWFS 0S VOUJM UIF HBNF GBMMT PVU PG GBWPS and the power is shut off. BOE UIF QPXFS JT TIVU PGG The cartoon-voiced John C. Reilly gives 5IF DBSUPPO WPJDFE +PIO $ 3FJMMZ HJWFT life to Ralph, a beast in a Donkey KongMJGF UP 3BMQI B CFBTU JO B %POLFZ ,POH like kiddie game titled "Fix-It Felix." Felix, MJLF LJEEJF HBNF UJUMFE i'JY *U 'FMJY w 'FMJY played by Jack McBrayer, the pixie-voiced QMBZFE CZ +BDL .D#SBZFS UIF QJYJF WPJDFE page of NBC's "30 Rock," repairs this QBHF PG /#$ T i 3PDL w SFQBJST UIJT wonderful apartment building for all his XPOEFSGVM BQBSUNFOU CVJMEJOH GPS BMM IJT friends, the tenants, to live in. The hulking GSJFOET UIF UFOBOUT UP MJWF JO 5IF IVMLJOH Ralph, 9 feet tall and 643 pounds, lives 3BMQI GFFU UBMM BOE QPVOET MJWFT in the brick pile over by the dump. He JO UIF CSJDL QJMF PWFS CZ UIF EVNQ )F wrecks stuff that Felix has to fix. XSFDLT TUVGG UIBU 'FMJY IBT UP mY And this has been going on for decades. "OE UIJT IBT CFFO HPJOH PO GPS EFDBEFT "I'm a bad guy," Ralph mutters. And i* N B CBE HVZ w 3BMQI NVUUFST "OE

REVIEW I<M@<N "WRECK-IT RALPH," animated, with ¾E@319 7B @/:>6 œ O\W[ObSR eWbV the voices of John C. Reilly, Sarah bVS d]WQSa ]T 8]V\ 1 @SWZZg AO`OV Silverman, Jane Lynch and Jack AWZdS`[O\ 8O\S :g\QV O\R 8OQY McBrayer. Directed by Rich Moore. ;Q0`OgS` 2W`SQbSR Pg @WQV ;]]`S Rated PG for some rude humor and @ObSR >5 T]` a][S `cRS Vc[]` O\R mild action/violence. Running time: [WZR OQbW]\ dW]ZS\QS @c\\W\U bW[S( 1:38 (!& even though "a steady arcade gig is nothFWFO UIPVHI iB TUFBEZ BSDBEF HJH JT OPUI ing to sneeze at," he's had enough, he tells JOH UP TOFF[F BU w IF T IBE FOPVHI IF UFMMT his video-game villains (Bad-Anon) supIJT WJEFP HBNF WJMMBJOT #BE "OPO TVQ port group. He's skipping out after hours, QPSU HSPVQ )F T TLJQQJOH PVU BGUFS IPVST finding his way to a game where HE can mOEJOH IJT XBZ UP B HBNF XIFSF )& DBO be the hero, win the "medal" and become CF UIF IFSP XJO UIF iNFEBMw BOE CFDPNF beloved. CFMPWFE The video game universe created here 5IF WJEFP HBNF VOJWFSTF DSFBUFE IFSF is "Monsters, Inc." detailed, and pepJT i.POTUFST *OD w EFUBJMFE BOE QFQ pered with actual video game characters QFSFE XJUI BDUVBM WJEFP HBNF DIBSBDUFST such as Sonic the Hedgehog, Pac-Man TVDI BT 4POJD UIF )FEHFIPH 1BD .BO and Qbert. The filmmakers have fun with BOE 2CFSU 5IF mMNNBLFST IBWF GVO XJUI graphics and animation sophistication, HSBQIJDT BOE BOJNBUJPO TPQIJTUJDBUJPO from the jerky motion of the "Pac-Man" GSPN UIF KFSLZ NPUJPO PG UIF i1BD .BOw and "Donkey Kong" era to the HD slickBOE i%POLFZ ,POHw FSB UP UIF )% TMJDL Please see'RALPH,' PageE31 Gc\Xj\ j\\ ¡@/:>6 ¸ GX^\ <*(

Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, November 1, 2012 GO E19 >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg <]dS[PS` j 5= 3 '

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The divide between two BVS RWdWRS PSbeSS\ be] couples, one starting out, Q]c^ZSa ]\S abO`bW\U ]cb one established, provides ]\S SabOPZWaVSR ^`]dWRSa the dramatic tension in bVS R`O[ObWQ bS\aW]\ W\ 'Homestead Crossing.' ¡6][SabSOR 1`]aaW\U ¸ By BOB KEYES #Z #0# ,&:&4 StaffWriter 4UBGG 8SJUFS

Please see'CROSSING,' PageE22 Gc\Xj\ j\\ ¡1@=AA7<5 ¸ GX^\ <))


@= >F "HOMESTEAD CROSSING" Âľ6=;3AB3/2 1@=AA7<5Âś WHEN: Final preview at 7:30 p.m. E63<( 4W\OZ ^`SdWSe Ob %(! ^ [ Thursday. Opens at 7:30 p.m. BVc`aROg =^S\a Ob %(! ^ [ Friday and continues at 4 and 4`WROg O\R Q]\bW\cSa Ob " O\R 8 p.m. Saturday, 2 ^ [ Ac\ROg p.m. Sunday, & ^ [ AObc`ROg and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday and O\R %(! ^ [ ESR\SaROg O\R Nov. 8. Through Nov. 18. <]d & BV`]cUV <]d & WHERE: Portland Stage ComE63@3( >]`bZO\R AbOUS 1][ pany, 25A Forest Ave. ^O\g #/ 4]`Sab /dS HOW MUCH: $34 to $44 6=E ;C16( !" b] "" INFO: 774-0465; 7<4=( %%" "$#) portlandstage.org ^]`bZO\RabOUS ]`U

Christy Wright photo 1V`Wabg E`WUVb ^V]b]

Noel (David Adkins) interacts with Claudia (Leslie Shires) in "Homestead Crossing" at Portland Stage. <]SZ 2OdWR /RYW\a W\bS`OQba eWbV 1ZOcRWO :SaZWS AVW`Sa W\ Âľ6][SabSOR 1`]aaW\UÂś Ob >]`bZO\R AbOUS

'Assassins' at USM, E20 N C`jk`e^j# <)( Listings, E21 Ê8jjXjj`ejË Xk LJD# <)'


Alsoudani on art 8cjfl[Xe` fe Xik in Portland talk `e GfikcXe[ kXcb IRAQI-BORN and Maine Col7@/?7 0=@< O\R ;OW\S 1]Z lege of Art-trained artist ZSUS ]T /`b b`OW\SR O`bWab Ahmed Alsoudani returns /V[SR /Za]cRO\W `Sbc`\a to Portland for a public b] >]`bZO\R T]` O ^cPZWQ lecture at the University of ZSQbc`S Ob bVS C\WdS`aWbg ]T Southern Maine. A painter, A]cbVS`\ ;OW\S / ^OW\bS` Alsoudani has an interna/Za]cRO\W VOa O\ W\bS`\O tional career, with paintings bW]\OZ QO`SS` eWbV ^OW\bW\Ua sold and collected around a]ZR O\R Q]ZZSQbSR O`]c\R the world. bVS e]`ZR WHEN:1 p.m. Friday E63<( ^ [ 4`WROg WHERE: Burnham Lounge, E63@3( 0c`\VO[ :]c\US Robie Andrews Hall, USM, @]PWS /\R`Sea 6OZZ CA; Gorham 5]`VO[ HOW MUCH: Free 6=E ;C16( 4`SS INFO: 780-5008; 7<4=( %& # &) usm.maine.edu/gallery ca[ [OW\S SRc UOZZS`g

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n the play "Homestead O UIF QMBZ i)PNFTUFBE Crossing," David Adkins and $SPTTJOH w %BWJE "ELJOT BOE Corinna May play husband $PSJOOB .BZ QMBZ IVTCBOE and wife. BOE XJGF In real life, they are hus*O SFBM MJGF UIFZ BSF IVT band and wife. CBOE BOE XJGF They've worked together 5IFZ WF XPSLFE UPHFUIFS on a couple of staged readPO B DPVQMF PG TUBHFE SFBE ings, and routinely help each JOHT BOE SPVUJOFMZ IFMQ FBDI other with their respective PUIFS XJUI UIFJS SFTQFDUJWF roles during the rehearsal proSPMFT EVSJOH UIF SFIFBSTBM QSP cess. But in their dozen years as a DFTT #VU JO UIFJS EP[FO ZFBST BT B married couple, they have never NBSSJFE DPVQMF UIFZ IBWF OFWFS appeared on stage together. BQQFBSFE PO TUBHF UPHFUIFS Until now. 6OUJM OPX Adkins and May star in the pre"ELJOT BOE .BZ TUBS JO UIF QSF miere of a new play, "Homestead NJFSF PG B OFX QMBZ i)PNFTUFBE Crossing," opening this week at $SPTTJOH w PQFOJOH UIJT XFFL BU Portland Stage Company. 1PSUMBOE 4UBHF $PNQBOZ Written by New England 8SJUUFO CZ /FX &OHMBOE playwright William Donnelly, the QMBZXSJHIU 8JMMJBN %POOFMMZ UIF Portland Stage production is a 1PSUMBOE 4UBHF QSPEVDUJPO JT B co-production with two other DP QSPEVDUJPO XJUI UXP PUIFS New England theater companies, /FX &OHMBOE UIFBUFS DPNQBOJFT the Berkshire Theatre Group in UIF #FSLTIJSF 5IFBUSF (SPVQ JO western Massachusetts and the XFTUFSO .BTTBDIVTFUUT BOE UIF

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Production: 'Good' Gif[lZk`fe1 ĂŠ>ff[Ă‹ on so many levels fe jf dXep c\m\cj IF YOU DO nothing else this 74 G=C 2= \]bVW\U SZaS bVWa weekend, see "Good PeoeSSYS\R aSS Âľ5]]R >S] ple" at Good Theater before ^ZSÂś Ob 5]]R BVSObS` PST]`S it closes on Sunday. Denise Wb QZ]aSa ]\ Ac\ROg 2S\WaS Poirier gives a performance >]W`WS` UWdSa O ^S`T]`[O\QS that is gripping, convincbVOb Wa U`W^^W\U Q]\dW\Q ing and gutsy in this show W\U O\R Ucbag W\ bVWa aV]e about the choices we make OP]cb bVS QV]WQSa eS [OYS during the ordinary course Rc`W\U bVS ]`RW\O`g Q]c`aS of our complicated lives. ]T ]c` Q][^ZWQObSR ZWdSa WHEN: 7 p.m. Thursday; E63<( % ^ [ BVc`aROg) 7:30 p.m. Friday and Satur%(! ^ [ 4`WROg O\R AObc` day; 3 p.m. Sunday ROg) ! ^ [ Ac\ROg WHERE: St. Lawrence Arts E63@3( Ab :Oe`S\QS /`ba Center, 76 Congress St., 1S\bS` %$ 1]\U`Saa Ab Portland >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $15 to $25 6=E ;C16( # b] # INFO: 885-5883; 7<4=( &&# #&&!) goodtheater.com U]]RbVSObS` Q][

GO | Portland Press Herald/Thursday, November 1, 2012 3E20 5= j >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg <]dS[PS`

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With NATALIE HAAS CELLO & FIDDLE ZLWK 1$7$/,( +$$6 &(//2 ),''/(

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Presidio Brass 3UHVLGLR %UDVV Start designing now! Amazing... 6WDUW GHVLJQLQJ QRZ $PD]LQJ GinOerbreQCl *LQJHUEUHDG 6SHFWDFXODU Spectacular!

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HFHPEHU 8 DWXUGD\ 'December 6Saturday,

Courtesy of USM 1]c`bSag ]T CA;

The cast of USM's "Assassins," a musical revue for mature audiences. BVS QOab ]T CA;¸a ¾/aaOaaW\a œ O [caWQOZ `SdcS T]` [Obc`S OcRWS\QSa

LJDËj Ê8jjXjj`ejË glkj X e\n USM's 'Assassins' puts a new jg`e fe gi\j`[\ek`Xc gfc`k`Zj spin on presidential politics By BOB KEYES #Z #0# ,&:&4 4UBGG 8SJUFS StaffWriter

Tired of the election? 5JSFE PG OFHBUJWF Tired of negative 5JSFE PG UIF FMFDUJPO ads? 5JSFE PG UIF USVUI UXJTUJOH Tired of the truth twisting? BET The University of Southern Maine has 5IF 6OJWFSTJUZ PG 4PVUIFSO .BJOF IBT just the ticket: An indelicate, ribald musiKVTU UIF UJDLFU "O JOEFMJDBUF SJCBME NVTJ cal that celebrates the stories of the men DBM UIBU DFMFCSBUFT UIF TUPSJFT PG UIF NFO and women who tried or succeeded at BOE XPNFO XIP USJFE PS TVDDFFEFE BU killing U.S. presidents. LJMMJOH 6 4 QSFTJEFOUT The musical "Assassins" opens at USM's 5IF NVTJDBM i"TTBTTJOTw PQFOT BU 64. T Corthell Concert Hall in Gorham on Fri$PSUIFMM $PODFSU )BMM JO (PSIBN PO 'SJ day and runs through the weekend with EBZ BOE SVOT UISPVHI UIF XFFLFOE XJUI four performances. GPVS QFSGPSNBODFT The show, with music by Stephen Sond5IF TIPX XJUI NVTJD CZ 4UFQIFO 4POE heim, is obviously controversial. At equal IFJN JT PCWJPVTMZ DPOUSPWFSTJBM "U FRVBM turns, it is outrageous, funny and deliUVSOT JU JT PVUSBHFPVT GVOOZ BOE EFMJ riously tasteless, and certainly appropriDJPVTMZ UBTUFMFTT BOE DFSUBJOMZ BQQSPQSJ ate only for mature audiences. BUF POMZ GPS NBUVSF BVEJFODFT Director Ed Reichert describes it like %JSFDUPS &E 3FJDIFSU EFTDSJCFT JU MJLF this: "I often compare it to Sondheim's UIJT i* PGUFO DPNQBSF JU UP 4POEIFJN T 'Into the Woods,' where he has a lot of A*OUP UIF 8PPET XIFSF IF IBT B MPU PG famous fairytale characters we know and GBNPVT GBJSZUBMF DIBSBDUFST XF LOPX BOE love interwoven into a new story In AsMPWF JOUFSXPWFO JOUP B OFX TUPSZ *O A"T sassins,' we have nine people who tried or TBTTJOT XF IBWF OJOF QFPQMF XIP USJFE PS were successful at killing U.S. presidents. XFSF TVDDFTTGVM BU LJMMJOH 6 4 QSFTJEFOUT They all end up in the same story" 5IFZ BMM FOE VQ JO UIF TBNF TUPSZ w The play is performed as a revue in one 5IF QMBZ JT QFSGPSNFE BT B SFWVF JO POF act, offering sketches of each assassin or BDU PGGFSJOH TLFUDIFT PG FBDI BTTBTTJO PS would-be assassin. The score reflects the XPVME CF BTTBTTJO 5IF TDPSF SFnFDUT UIF popular music of the eras depicted, referQPQVMBS NVTJD PG UIF FSBT EFQJDUFE SFGFS encing the sounds of Stephen Foster, John FODJOH UIF TPVOET PG 4UFQIFO 'PTUFS +PIO Philip Sousa and Aaron Copland. 1IJMJQ 4PVTB BOE "BSPO $PQMBOE The musical first opened Off-Broadway 5IF NVTJDBM mSTU PQFOFE 0GG #SPBEXBZ in 1990, and the 2004 Broadway production JO BOE UIF #SPBEXBZ QSPEVDUJPO won five Tony Awards. XPO mWF 5POZ "XBSET The characters include non-fictional as 5IF DIBSBDUFST JODMVEF OPO mDUJPOBM BT well as fictional characters, and an enXFMM BT mDUJPOBM DIBSBDUFST BOE BO FO semble of six who each play multiple roles TFNCMF PG TJY XIP FBDI QMBZ NVMUJQMF SPMFT throughout. UISPVHIPVU The assassins will be played by Chris5IF BTTBTTJOT XJMM CF QMBZFE CZ $ISJT topher Ellis (John Wilkes Booth), Matt UPQIFS &MMJT +PIO 8JMLFT #PPUI .BUU West (John Hinckley Jr.), Brad Longfel8FTU +PIO )JODLMFZ +S #SBE -POHGFM low (Guissepe Zangara), Joshua Witham MPX (VJTTFQF ;BOHBSB +PTIVB 8JUIBN (Charles Guiteau), Caleb Lacy (Samuel $IBSMFT (VJUFBV $BMFC -BDZ 4BNVFM Byck), Cameron Wright (Leon Czolgosz), #ZDL $BNFSPO 8SJHIU -FPO $[PMHPT[ Daniel Lane and Emily Bashier Davis %BOJFM -BOF BOE &NJMZ #BTIJFS %BWJT (sharing the role of Sara Jane Moore), TIBSJOH UIF SPMF PG 4BSB +BOF .PPSF

Jericah Potvin and Eileen Hanley (shar+FSJDBI 1PUWJO BOE &JMFFO )BOMFZ TIBS ing the role of Lynette 'Squeaky' FromJOH UIF SPMF PG -ZOFUUF A4RVFBLZ 'SPN me). NF Jimmy McDonald doubles in the roles +JNNZ .D%POBME EPVCMFT JO UIF SPMFT of the Balladeer and Lee Harvey Oswald, PG UIF #BMMBEFFS BOE -FF )BSWFZ 0TXBME and Mel Bills plays the Proprietress. BOE .FM #JMMT QMBZT UIF 1SPQSJFUSFTT "Assassins" is definitely a show for the i"TTBTTJOTw JT EFmOJUFMZ B TIPX GPS UIF season, Reichert said. TFBTPO 3FJDIFSU TBJE "The show is actually very pro-America i5IF TIPX JT BDUVBMMZ WFSZ QSP "NFSJDB and very American," he said. "I just think BOE WFSZ "NFSJDBO w IF TBJE i* KVTU UIJOL it's a really clever time to possibly distract JU T B SFBMMZ DMFWFS UJNF UP QPTTJCMZ EJTUSBDU people who are tired of debates and tired QFPQMF XIP BSF UJSFE PG EFCBUFT BOE UJSFE of issues at hand and tired of dealing with PG JTTVFT BU IBOE BOE UJSFE PG EFBMJOH XJUI the election." UIF FMFDUJPO w The show has been both challenging and 5IF TIPX IBT CFFO CPUI DIBMMFOHJOH BOE fun to prepare, the student actors said. GVO UP QSFQBSF UIF TUVEFOU BDUPST TBJE "I'm so used to the comedies that I have i* N TP VTFE UP UIF DPNFEJFT UIBU * IBWF been doing, it's fun to take a stab at someCFFO EPJOH JU T GVO UP UBLF B TUBC BU TPNF body who is real," Lane said. CPEZ XIP JT SFBM w -BOF TBJE Lacy plays Sam Byck, a tire salesman -BDZ QMBZT 4BN #ZDL B UJSF TBMFTNBO who tried to kill Richard Nixon. His job XIP USJFE UP LJMM 3JDIBSE /JYPO )JT KPC as an actor is to humanize Byck in a way BT BO BDUPS JT UP IVNBOJ[F #ZDL JO B XBZ the audience can relate to and perhaps UIF BVEJFODF DBO SFMBUF UP BOE QFSIBQT sympathize with. TZNQBUIJ[F XJUI "He's an interesting man," Lacy said. i)F T BO JOUFSFTUJOH NBO w -BDZ TBJE "He had a wife and kids, and his wife left i)F IBE B XJGF BOE LJET BOE IJT XJGF MFGU him. He hatched this plan because of the IJN )F IBUDIFE UIJT QMBO CFDBVTF PG UIF way he saw the world. He wanted to hijack XBZ IF TBX UIF XPSME )F XBOUFE UP IJKBDL a plane and crash it into the White House. B QMBOF BOE DSBTI JU JOUP UIF 8IJUF )PVTF "That's an interesting fact, just because i5IBU T BO JOUFSFTUJOH GBDU KVTU CFDBVTF of what happened on 9/11. We've seen PG XIBU IBQQFOFE PO 8F WF TFFO something like that actually happen. That TPNFUIJOH MJLF UIBU BDUVBMMZ IBQQFO 5IBU an American was thinking about it all BO "NFSJDBO XBT UIJOLJOH BCPVU JU BMM those years earlier is really interesting." UIPTF ZFBST FBSMJFS JT SFBMMZ JOUFSFTUJOH w


@= >F "ASSASSINS" Âľ/AA/AA7<AÂś WHEN: 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday; E63<( & ^ [ 4`WROg O\R AObc`ROg) 2 O\R # ^ [ Ac\ROg and 5 p.m. Sunday. WHERE: Corthell Concert Hall, E63@3( 1]`bVSZZ 1]\QS`b 6OZZ University of Southern Maine, Gorham C\WdS`aWbg ]T A]cbVS`\ ;OW\S 5]`VO[ HOW MUCH: $15; $10 for seniors and 6=E ;C16( #) T]` aS\W]`a O\R USM faculty; $5 for students CA; TOQcZbg) # T]` abcRS\ba INFO: 780-5555; usm.maine.edu/music/ 7<4=( %& ####) ca[ [OW\S SRc [caWQ boxoffice P]f]TÂżQS

GO E21 Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, November 1, 2012 >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg <]dS[PS` j 5= 3

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( & $& ' ( $&(! # ( our professional actors as we read new and classic Join -RLQ RXU SURIHVVLRQDO DFWRUV DV ZH UHDG QHZ DQG FODVVLF children's books, then participate in an acting workshop FKLOGUHQ·V ERRNV WKHQ SDUWLFLSDWH LQ DQ DFWLQJ ZRUNVKRS based on the stories. EDVHG RQ WKH VWRULHV

Courtesy of Bowdoin College 1]c`bSag ]T 0]eR]W\ 1]ZZSUS

"Pepita," from "Making a Presence: F. Holland Day in Artistic Photography," µ>S^WbO ¶ T`][ µ;OYW\U O >`SaS\QS( 4 6]ZZO\R 2Og W\ /`bWabWQ >V]b]U`O^Vg ¶ at the Bowdoin College Museum of Art in continuing through Dec. 23 Q]\bW\cW\U bV`]cUV 2SQ ! Ob bVS 0]eR]W\ 1]ZZSUS ;caSc[ ]T /`b W\ Brunswick. 0`c\aeWQY CLASSICAL MUSIC N #,!33)#!, -53)# THURSDAY 4(523$!9 Pianists Soyeon Kate Lee and Ran Dank, 0IANISTS 3OYEON +ATE ,EE AND 2AN $ANK Portland Ovations' "Rite of Spring" series, Merrill 0ORTLAND /VATIONS h2ITE OF 3PRINGv SERIES -ERRILL Auditorium, Portland. $38; $10 for students. !UDITORIUM 0ORTLAND FOR STUDENTS portlandovations.org. 7:30 p.m. PORTLANDOVATIONS ORG P M FRIDAY &2)$!9 Europa Galante, baroque music ensemble from %UROPA 'ALANTE BAROQUE MUSIC ENSEMBLE FROM Italy performs Vivaldi, Couperin, Mascitti, Corelli )TALY PERFORMS 6IVALDI #OUPERIN -ASCITTI #ORELLI and more, Bates College (Olin Arts Center), AND MORE "ATES #OLLEGE /LIN !RTS #ENTER Lewiston. $12; free tickets available for first 100 ,EWISTON FREE TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR lRST seniors and students, batestickets.com. 7:30 p.m. SENIORS AND STUDENTS BATESTICKETS COM P M Cohen Chamber Music Series, with cellist Jan #OHEN #HAMBER -USIC 3ERIES WITH CELLIST *AN Muller-Szeraws and pianist Adam Golka, Hebron -ULLER 3ZERAWS AND PIANIST !DAM 'OLKA (EBRON Academy (Lepage Center for the Arts). Free. !CADEMY ,EPAGE #ENTER FOR THE !RTS &REE hebronacademy.org. 7:30 p.m. HEBRONACADEMY ORG P M "Autumn Songs," duo Baars-Henneman performs h!UTUMN 3ONGS v DUO "AARS (ENNEMAN PERFORMS improvised Dutch music, Bowdoin College IMPROVISED $UTCH MUSIC "OWDOIN #OLLEGE (Studzinski Recital Hall), Brunswick. Free. 798 3TUDZINSKI 2ECITAL (ALL "RUNSWICK &REE 4141. 7:30 p.m. P M SATURDAY 3!452$!9 Camerata New England, chamber music, #AMERATA .EW %NGLAND CHAMBER MUSIC Leura Hill Eastman Performing Arts Center, ,EURA (ILL %ASTMAN 0ERFORMING !RTS #ENTER Fryeburg. $20; $15 for seniors; $10 for students. &RYEBURG FOR SENIORS FOR STUDENTS fryeburgacademy.org/pac. 7:30 p.m. FRYEBURGACADEMY ORG PAC P M "Swingin' the American Songbook," Portland h3WINGIN THE !MERICAN 3ONGBOOK v 0ORTLAND

()& ,

Symphony Orchestra Pops! concert with jazz 3YMPHONY /RCHESTRA 0OPS CONCERT WITH JAZZ vocalist Banu Gibson and tap dancer Jason VOCALIST "ANU 'IBSON AND TAP DANCER *ASON Rodgers, Merrill Auditorium, Portland. $20 to 2ODGERS -ERRILL !UDITORIUM 0ORTLAND TO $65. porttix.com. 7:30 p.m. Saturday; 2:30 p.m. PORTTIX COM P M 3ATURDAY P M Sunday. 3UNDAY SUNDAY 35.$!9 Sea Reeds Clarinet Quartet, from Mozart to 3EA 2EEDS #LARINET 1UARTET FROM -OZART TO Gershwin and Joplin, Christ Church, Kennebunk. 'ERSHWIN AND *OPLIN #HRIST #HURCH +ENNEBUNK $10; $7 for seniors and children, christchurchken FOR SENIORS AND CHILDREN CHRISTCHURCHKEN nebunk.org. 2 p.m. NEBUNK ORG P M


TUESDAY 45%3$!9 Metropolitan Opera Live in HD^'Otello," -ETROPOLITAN /PERA ,IVE IN ($ h/TELLO v encore broadcast of Verdi opera, Strand Theatre, ENCORE BROADCAST OF 6ERDI OPERA 3TRAND 4HEATRE Rockland. $23 to $27; $15 for students. 2OCKLAND TO FOR STUDENTS rocklandstrand.com. 1 p.m. ROCKLANDSTRAND COM P M NOV. 8 ./6 Portland Conservatory of Music Noonday 0ORTLAND #ONSERVATORY OF -USIC .OONDAY Concert, with pianist Chiharu Naruse, First Parish #ONCERT WITH PIANIST #HIHARU .ARUSE &IRST 0ARISH Unitarian Universalist Church, Portland. Free. 5NITARIAN 5NIVERSALIST #HURCH 0ORTLAND &REE 775-3356. 12:15 p.m. P M

THEATER N 4(%!4%2

October 6,13, 20, & 27 ($ & 10:30 AM

& -, & (( &'

$* " &



+++ %$&(! # '( $&

"Homestead Crossing," two couples one older, h(OMESTEAD #ROSSING v TWO COUPLES n ONE OLDER one younger compare their lives in Maine ONE YOUNGER n COMPARE THEIR LIVES IN -AINE

Please see ART, PageE22 Gc\Xj\ j\\ /@B GX^\ <))


Theater for Kids programming at Portland Stage is generously supported by Susie Konkel. 7KHDWHU IRU .LGV SURJUDPPLQJ DW 3RUWODQG 6WDJH LV JHQHURXVO\ VXSSRUWHG E\ 6XVLH .RQNHO

$ ( &

GO | Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, November 1, 2012 3E22 5= j >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg <]dS[PS`


GFFMJOH HPPE BCPVU UIF DPVQMFT PO TUBHF feeling good about the couples on stage o BOE QFSIBQT UIFNTFMWFT BOE UIFJS PXO - and perhaps themselves and their own marriages. NBSSJBHFT :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 ' "I remember reading this play and thinkContinued from P a g e E19 i* SFNFNCFS SFBEJOH UIJT QMBZ BOE UIJOL ing, 'I want to love this play' " said May. JOH A* XBOU UP MPWF UIJT QMBZ w TBJE .BZ Merrimack Repertory Theatre in Lowell. It i"OE * EJE w .FSSJNBDL 3FQFSUPSZ 5IFBUSF JO -PXFMM *U "And I did." opened in Stockbridge in August, in Lowell PQFOFE JO 4UPDLCSJEHF JO "VHVTU JO -PXFMM 8IZ Why? in September and now, after a month's JO 4FQUFNCFS BOE OPX BGUFS B NPOUI T i* MPWF JU CFDBVTF JU T TP TNBSU BOE TP "I love it because it's so smart and so break, in Portland. CSFBL JO 1PSUMBOE GVOOZ BOE TP USVF BU UIF TBNF UJNF w TIF funny and so true at the same time," she It has had the same cast, director and set TBJE *U IBT IBE UIF TBNF DBTU EJSFDUPS BOE TFU said. in each city. That has allowed Adkins and JO FBDI DJUZ 5IBU IBT BMMPXFE "ELJOT BOE *U T OPU DZOJDBM PS TJNQMF CVU IFBSUGFMU It's not cynical or simple, but heartfelt May to develop a rhythm on stage that mir- BOE SFBM &TQFDJBMMZ XJUI DPOUFNQPSBSZ .BZ UP EFWFMPQ B SIZUIN PO TUBHF UIBU NJS and real. Especially with contemporary rors their rhythm in life. SPST UIFJS SIZUIN JO MJGF QMBZT XF HFU GVOOZ BOE TNBSU CVU OP plays, we get funny and smart, but no "People assumed that we have worked i1FPQMF BTTVNFE UIBU XF IBWF XPSLFE IFBSU i5IJT POF IBT IFBSU w .BZ TBJE heart. "This one has heart," May said. together, and they ask why we have not," UPHFUIFS BOE UIFZ BTL XIZ XF IBWF OPU w Donnelly has worked at Portland Stage %POOFMMZ IBT XPSLFE BU 1PSUMBOE 4UBHF Adkins said. "There is no specific reason. "ELJOT TBJE i5IFSF JT OP TQFDJmD SFBTPO before. He wrote "Magnetic North," which CFGPSF )F XSPUF i.BHOFUJD /PSUI w XIJDI It just hasn't happened. But this seemed so QSFNJFSFE BU 1PSUMBOE 4UBHF JO BOE *U KVTU IBTO U IBQQFOFE #VU UIJT TFFNFE TP premiered at Portland Stage in 2008, and obvious to the producers." PCWJPVT UP UIF QSPEVDFST w has written plays for the Little Festival of IBT XSJUUFO QMBZT GPS UIF -JUUMF 'FTUJWBM PG Obvious, perhaps, because in "Homestead UIF 6OFYQFDUFE 0CWJPVT QFSIBQT CFDBVTF JO i)PNFTUFBE the Unexpected. Crossing," they play a couple, Noel and $SPTTJOH w UIFZ QMBZ B DPVQMF /PFM BOE Director Kyle Fabel is a big fan of Don%JSFDUPS ,ZMF 'BCFM JT B CJH GBO PG %PO Anne, who are forced to take a hard and "OOF XIP BSF GPSDFE UP UBLF B IBSE BOE nelly's, and has directed the playwright's OFMMZ T BOE IBT EJSFDUFE UIF QMBZXSJHIU T uncomfortable look at their marriage when QMBZT CFGPSF VODPNGPSUBCMF MPPL BU UIFJS NBSSJBHF XIFO plays before. their lives are interrupted by unexpected UIFJS MJWFT BSF JOUFSSVQUFE CZ VOFYQFDUFE "I like his combination of intelligence i* MJLF IJT DPNCJOBUJPO PG JOUFMMJHFODF visitors to their home on a rainy afternoon. BOE IVNPS w 'BCFM TBJE i* MPWF UIBU IF WJTJUPST UP UIFJS IPNF PO B SBJOZ BGUFSOPPO and humor," Fabel said. "I love that he A young couple shows up seeking shelter " ZPVOH DPVQMF TIPXT VQ TFFLJOH TIFMUFS writes contemporary plays that have huXSJUFT DPOUFNQPSBSZ QMBZT UIBU IBWF IV after their car has gone off the road. Noel BGUFS UIFJS DBS IBT HPOF PGG UIF SPBE /PFM mor, but not specifically dark humor. They NPS CVU OPU TQFDJmDBMMZ EBSL IVNPS 5IFZ distrusts them, but Anne welcomes them in. IBWF B CJU NPSF IFBSU UIBO ZPVS BWFSBHF EJTUSVTUT UIFN CVU "OOF XFMDPNFT UIFN JO have a bit more heart than your average As conversations evolve, conflicts ensue. "T DPOWFSTBUJPOT FWPMWF DPOnJDUT FOTVF contemporary comedy. He is a bit more DPOUFNQPSBSZ DPNFEZ )F JT B CJU NPSF Noel and Anne find themselves explaining IPOFTU w /PFM BOE "OOF mOE UIFNTFMWFT FYQMBJOJOH honest." to their new acquaintances how they beUP UIFJS OFX BDRVBJOUBODFT IPX UIFZ CF Among other reasons, this play works "NPOH PUIFS SFBTPOT UIJT QMBZ XPSLT came a comfortable, childless and decidedly GPS UIF BVEJFODF CFDBVTF XF HFU B TFOTF DBNF B DPNGPSUBCMF DIJMEMFTT BOE EFDJEFEMZ for the audience because we get a sense unambitious couple. In these youngsters, VOBNCJUJPVT DPVQMF *O UIFTF ZPVOHTUFST of the history of both couples. Both have PG UIF IJTUPSZ PG CPUI DPVQMFT #PUI IBWF they see flashes of themselves, which forces TUSBJOT JO UIFJS SFMBUJPOTIJQT CVU UIFJS UIFZ TFF nBTIFT PG UIFNTFMWFT XIJDI GPSDFT strains in their relationships, but their them to confront some difficult questions UIFN UP DPOGSPOU TPNF EJGmDVMU RVFTUJPOT love is obvious and believable. MPWF JT PCWJPVT BOE CFMJFWBCMF about how they got to where they are today. BCPVU IPX UIFZ HPU UP XIFSF UIFZ BSF UPEBZ "Some writers are more interested in i4PNF XSJUFST BSF NPSF JOUFSFTUFE JO The play explores issues of finding love 5IF QMBZ FYQMPSFT JTTVFT PG mOEJOH MPWF showing just the conflict," Fabel said. "But TIPXJOH KVTU UIF DPOnJDU w 'BCFM TBJE i#VU and fulfilment in ordinary lives, and proBOE GVMmMNFOU JO PSEJOBSZ MJWFT BOE QSP Bill achieves more than that." #JMM BDIJFWFT NPSF UIBO UIBU w vides a contrast between a young couple WJEFT B DPOUSBTU CFUXFFO B ZPVOH DPVQMF just starting out and another that has Staff Writer Bob Keyes can be contacted at 791-6457 KVTU TUBSUJOH PVU BOE BOPUIFS UIBU IBT AbOTT E`WbS` 0]P 9SgSa QO\ PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob %' $"#% settled into routine. or: TFUUMFE JOUP SPVUJOF ]`( The play offers a resolution that feels conbkeyes@pressherald. com 5IF QMBZ PGGFST B SFTPMVUJPO UIBU GFFMT DPO PYSgSa.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ vincingly right, and should leave audiences Twitter: pphbkeyes WJODJOHMZ SJHIU BOE TIPVME MFBWF BVEJFODFT BeWbbS`( ^^VPYSgSa


% ! D M I S Adm 'ssionJ SION


Continued from Page E21 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 premiere, Portland Stage Company. $34 to PREMIERE 0ORTLAND 3TAGE #OMPANY TO $44; discounts available, portlandstage.org. DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE PORTLANDSTAGE ORG 7:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday; 4 and 8 p.m. P M 4HURSDAY AND &RIDAY AND P M Saturday; 2 p.m. Sunday; 7:30 p.m. Wednesday 3ATURDAY P M 3UNDAY P M 7EDNESDAY and Nov. 8. Through Nov. 18. AND .OV 4HROUGH .OV "Good People," Good Theater presents Maine h'OOD 0EOPLE v 'OOD 4HEATER PRESENTS -AINE premiere of a drama set in South Boston that PREMIERE OF A DRAMA SET IN 3OUTH "OSTON THAT explores the differences between the haves EXPLORES THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE HAVES and the have-nots, St. Lawrence Arts Center, AND THE HAVE NOTS 3T ,AWRENCE !RTS #ENTER Portland. $15 to $25. goodtheater.com. 7 p.m. 0ORTLAND TO GOODTHEATER COM P M Thursday; 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday; 2 4HURSDAY P M &RIDAY AND 3ATURDAY p.m. Sunday. P M 3UNDAY "Topdog/Underdog," Pulitzer Prize-winning h4OPDOG 5NDERDOG v 0ULITZER 0RIZE WINNING drama about the gritty lives of two street-savvy DRAMA ABOUT THE GRITTY LIVES OF TWO STREET SAVVY hustlers presented by Dramatic Repertory HUSTLERS PRESENTED BY $RAMATIC 2EPERTORY Company, Portland Stage Company (Studio #OMPANY 0ORTLAND 3TAGE #OMPANY 3TUDIO Theater). $10 to $20. dramaticrep.org. 7:30 4HEATER TO DRAMATICREP ORG p.m. Thursday to Sunday. P M 4HURSDAY TO 3UNDAY "You Can't Take It With You," Theatre h9OU #AN T 4AKE )T 7ITH 9OU v 4HEATRE Company at Falmouth High School production #OMPANY AT &ALMOUTH (IGH 3CHOOL PRODUCTION of Depression-era comedy, Falmouth High OF $EPRESSION ERA COMEDY &ALMOUTH (IGH School. $7; $5 for students, seniors and 3CHOOL FOR STUDENTS SENIORS AND children, falmouththeatre.org. 7 p.m. Thursday; CHILDREN FALMOUTHTHEATRE ORG P M 4HURSDAY 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday; 3 p.m. Sunday. P M &RIDAY AND 3ATURDAY P M 3UNDAY "End of Summer," Bowdoin Department of h%ND OF 3UMMER v "OWDOIN $EPARTMENT OF Theater and Dance production of comic 4HEATER AND $ANCE PRODUCTION OF COMIC melodrama set at a wealthy estate on the coast MELODRAMA SET AT A WEALTHY ESTATE ON THE COAST of Maine, Bowdoin College (Pickard Theater), OF -AINE "OWDOIN #OLLEGE 0ICKARD 4HEATER Brunswick. Free. 725-3375. 8 p.m. Thursday to "RUNSWICK &REE P M 4HURSDAY TO Saturday. 3ATURDAY "Big Love," lively modern adaptation of h"IG ,OVE v LIVELY MODERN ADAPTATION OF ancient Greek drama, Bates College (Gannett ANCIENT 'REEK DRAMA "ATES #OLLEGE 'ANNETT Theater), Lewiston. $6; $3 for seniors and 4HEATER ,EWISTON FOR SENIORS AND students. 786-8294. 7:30 p.m. Thursday and STUDENTS P M 4HURSDAY AND Friday; 2 and 7:30 p.m. Saturday; 2 p.m. &RIDAY AND P M 3ATURDAY P M Sunday; 7:30 p.m. Monday. 3UNDAY P M -ONDAY National Theatre Live in H D : "Timon of .ATIONAL 4HEATRE ,IVE IN ($ h4IMON OF Athens," Shakespeare play, Leura Hill Eastman !THENS v 3HAKESPEARE PLAY ,EURA (ILL %ASTMAN Performing Arts Center, Fryeburg. $18; $15 for 0ERFORMING !RTS #ENTER &RYEBURG FOR

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Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

"Topdog/Underdog," the Pulitzer ÂľB]^R]U C\RS`R]U Âś bVS >cZWbhS` Prize-winning play by Suzan-Lori >`WhS eW\\W\U ^ZOg Pg AchO\ :]`W Parks presented by Dramatic >O`Ya ^`SaS\bSR Pg 2`O[ObWQ Repertory Company and starring @S^S`b]`g 1][^O\g O\R abO``W\U Bari Robinson, front, and J.H. Smith 0O`W @]PW\a]\ T`]\b O\R 8 6 A[WbV III, continues through Sunday at the 777 Q]\bW\cSa bV`]cUV Ac\ROg Ob bVS Studio Theater at Portland Stage AbcRW] BVSObS` Ob >]`bZO\R AbOUS Company. 1][^O\g seniors; $10 for students, fryeburgacademy.org/ SENIORS FOR STUDENTS FRYEBURGACADEMY ORG pac. 2 p.m.; encore screening at 7 p.m. PAC P M ENCORE SCREENING AT P M Thursday. 4HURSDAY National Theatre Live in H D : "Timon .ATIONAL 4HEATRE ,IVE IN ($ h4IMON of Athens," Shakespeare play, Strand OF !THENS v 3HAKESPEARE PLAY 3TRAND Theatre, Rockland. $23; $15 for students. 4HEATRE 2OCKLAND FOR STUDENTS rocklandstrand.com. 3 p.m.; encore screening ROCKLANDSTRAND COM P M ENCORE SCREENING at 7 p.m. Thursday. AT P M 4HURSDAY National Theatre Live in H D : "Timon of .ATIONAL 4HEATRE ,IVE IN ($ h4IMON OF Athens," Shakespeare play, Lincoln Theater, !THENS v 3HAKESPEARE PLAY ,INCOLN 4HEATER Damariscotta. $15; $5 forages 18 and under. $AMARISCOTTA FOR AGES AND UNDER

#(2)34-!3 &!)2

Please see ART, Page E24 Gc\Xj\ j\\ /@B GX^\ <)+

%% 2 & Admission! ON


RD Saturday, November 3rd 3ATURDAY .OVEMBER 9 am - 4 pm AM PM

Italian Heritage Center )TALIAN (ERITAGE #ENTER 40 Westland Avenue, Portland 7ESTLAND !VENUE 0ORTLAND (behind Shaw's Westgate) BEHIND 3HAW S 7ESTGATE

A Juried Craft Show

* ! *URIED #RAFT 3HOW Famous Italian Pastries

* &AMOUS )TALIAN 0ASTRIES Italian Lunch from 11 am


* #OFFEE "AR Free Parking

* &REE 0ARKING Raffles

* 2AFmES

Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, November 1, 2012 GO E23 >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg <]dS[PS` j 5= 3 !


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Brewers Festival sets 9i\n\ij =\jk`mXc j\kj stage for Beer Week jkX^\ ]fi 9\\i N\\b

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THE MAINE Brewers Festival B63 ;/7<3 0`SeS`a 4SabWdOZ is hosting two tasting Wa V]abW\U be] bOabW\U sessions of local brews aSaaW]\a ]T Z]QOZ P`Sea to get you primed for b] USb g]c ^`W[SR T]` Portland Beer Week, which >]`bZO\R 0SS` ESSY eVWQV begins the next day. PSUW\a bVS \Sfb ROg WHEN: 1:30 to 5 p.m. and E63<( (! b] # ^ [ O\R 6:30 to 10 p.m. Saturday $(! b] ^ [ AObc`ROg WHERE: Portland Expo E63@3( >]`bZO\R 3f^] Center, 239 Park Ave. 1S\bS` !' >O`Y /dS HOW MUCH: $36 6=E ;C16( !$ INFO: learnyourbeer.com 7<4=( ZSO`\g]c`PSS` Q][

Gordon Chibroski/Staff Photographer 5]`R]\ 1VWP`]aYW AbOTT >V]b]U`O^VS`

Order the corned beef Rueben special from Full Belly Deli on Brighton Avenue in Portland, and the =`RS` bVS Q]`\SR PSST @cSPS\ a^SQWOZ T`][ 4cZZ 0SZZg 2SZW ]\ 0`WUVb]\ /dS\cS W\ >]`bZO\R O\R bVS hefty sandwich arrives accompanied by some sidekicks - a pickle, coleslaw and potato salad. VSTbg aO\ReWQV O``WdSa OQQ][^O\WSR Pg a][S aWRSYWQYa Âł O ^WQYZS Q]ZSaZOe O\R ^]bOb] aOZOR

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... Hungry bad, apparently, 6c\U`g POR O^^O`S\bZg since the Full Belly Deli aW\QS bVS 4cZZ 0SZZg 2SZW takes such pains to ensure bOYSa acQV ^OW\a b] S\ac`S its customers won't be after Wba Qcab][S`a e]\¸b PS OTbS` ordering from its giant menu. ]`RS`W\U T`][ Wba UWO\b [S\c


can think of no restaurant more DBO UIJOL PG OP SFTUBVSBOU NPSF aptly named in Greater Portland BQUMZ OBNFE JO (SFBUFS 1PSUMBOE than the Full Belly Deli. Because, UIBO UIF 'VMM #FMMZ %FMJ #FDBVTF man alive, am I ever stuffed. NBO BMJWF BN * FWFS TUVGGFE It was like walking into Grand *U XBT MJLF XBMLJOH JOUP (SBOE Central Station on the Friday I $FOUSBM 4UBUJPO PO UIF 'SJEBZ * chose to get takeout. There were DIPTF UP HFU UBLFPVU 5IFSF XFSF about eight people in line in front BCPVU FJHIU QFPQMF JO MJOF JO GSPOU of me, and many of the seats were PG NF BOE NBOZ PG UIF TFBUT XFSF taken. Said another way: The joint UBLFO 4BJE BOPUIFS XBZ 5IF KPJOU was jumping. XBT KVNQJOH And speaking of Grand Central Station, "OE TQFBLJOH PG (SBOE $FOUSBM 4UBUJPO the Full Belly Deli is one of the few places UIF 'VMM #FMMZ %FMJ JT POF PG UIF GFX QMBDFT in Maine where you can get the best of JO .BJOF XIFSF ZPV DBO HFU UIF CFTU PG

traditional Jewish deli fare a la New York USBEJUJPOBM +FXJTI EFMJ GBSF B MB /FX :PSL City haunts like Katz's Delicatessen or $JUZ IBVOUT MJLF ,BU[ T %FMJDBUFTTFO PS the Carnegie Deli. UIF $BSOFHJF %FMJ I immediately slipped into a state of * JNNFEJBUFMZ TMJQQFE JOUP B TUBUF PG "what am I going to order?"w QBOJD VQPO panic upon iXIBU BN * HPJOH UP PSEFS scanning the giant menu painted on the TDBOOJOH UIF HJBOU NFOV QBJOUFE PO UIF wall. Did I want a burger? #BTJD #FMMZ (Basic Belly XBMM %JE * XBOU B CVSHFS Burger with fries is $6.49.) Did I want a #VSHFS XJUI GSJFT JT %JE * XBOU B potato knish or three ($2.49 each)? %JE * Did I QPUBUP LOJTI PS UISFF FBDI

want a hot brisket dinner ($10.99)? XBOU B IPU CSJTLFU EJOOFS

Things got really exciting when my eyes 5IJOHT HPU SFBMMZ FYDJUJOH XIFO NZ FZFT darted from sandwich to sandwich ($4.99 EBSUFE GSPN TBOEXJDI UP TBOEXJDI to $10.99), and I knew I was close to a UP BOE * LOFX * XBT DMPTF UP B decision. EFDJTJPO Suddenly, it hit me like a Russian 4VEEFOMZ JU IJU NF MJLF B 3VTTJBO dressing-drenched lightning bolt. One of ESFTTJOH ESFODIFE MJHIUOJOH CPMU 0OF PG the most satiating words in the English UIF NPTU TBUJBUJOH XPSET JO UIF &OHMJTI language lit up my eyes: Reuben. MBOHVBHF MJU VQ NZ FZFT 3FVCFO The "Regal Reuben" comes topped with 5IF i3FHBM 3FVCFOw DPNFT UPQQFE XJUI Swiss cheese, sauerkraut and Russian 4XJTT DIFFTF TBVFSLSBVU BOE 3VTTJBO dressing, and grilled on rye. (I chose ESFTTJOH BOE HSJMMFE PO SZF * DIPTF marble). You get your choice of corned NBSCMF :PV HFU ZPVS DIPJDF PG DPSOFE


FULL BELLY DELI =LCC 9<CCP ;<C@ WHERE; 1070 Brighton Ave., Portland; E63@3) % 0`WUVb]\ /dS >]`bZO\R) 772-1227 %% % HOURS: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to 6=C@A( & O [ b] % ^ [ ;]\ROg b] Friday; 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday 4`WROg) & O [ b] " ^ [ AObc`ROg CHEAPEST GRUB: Jumbo hot dog, $2.99 163/>3AB 5@C0( 8c[P] V]b R]U '' WAIT: 10 to 15 minutes E/7B( b] # [W\cbSa PARKING: Shopping plaza lot >/@97<5( AV]^^W\U ^ZOhO Z]b HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE: Yes 6/<271/>>32 /113AA70:3( GSa RATING: **** @/B7<5( (((( Based on a five-star scale 0OaSR ]\ O ÂżdS abO` aQOZS

beef or pastrami. I chose the former, and CFFG PS QBTUSBNJ * DIPTF UIF GPSNFS BOE it was a darn good call. JU XBT B EBSO HPPE DBMM The $9.59 price tag seemed a little steep, 5IF QSJDF UBH TFFNFE B MJUUMF TUFFQ but not after I got the thing out to my car CVU OPU BGUFS * HPU UIF UIJOH PVU UP NZ DBS and dug in. There was no looking back. BOE EVH JO 5IFSF XBT OP MPPLJOH CBDL The corned beef was lean, flavorful and 5IF DPSOFE CFFG XBT MFBO nBWPSGVM BOE festooned with sauerkraut and Russian GFTUPPOFE XJUI TBVFSLSBVU BOE 3VTTJBO Please see EAT, PageE25 Gc\Xj\ j\\ 3/B GX^\ <),

Atwell on Beer Week. E24 N • Bar Guide: Sangillo's Tavern. E25 8kn\cc fe 9\\i N\\b# <)+ 9Xi >l`[\1 JXe^`ccfËj KXm\ie# <),

Grab a nibble and >iXY X e`YYc\ Xe[ browse the market Yifnj\ k_\ dXib\k BUY A LOBSTER ROLL or a 0CG / :=0AB3@ @=:: ]` O scoop of gelato, or just aQ]]^ ]T USZOb] ]` Xcab hang out and people VO\U ]cb O\R ^S]^ZS watch at "Flea Bites," eObQV Ob Âľ4ZSO 0WbSa Âś a monthly gathering of O []\bVZg UObVS`W\U ]T local food trucks. Z]QOZ T]]R b`cQYa WHEN: 6 p.m. Friday E63<( $ ^ [ 4`WROg WHERE: Flea for All, 125 E63@3( 4ZSO T]` /ZZ # Kennebec St., Portland 9S\\SPSQ Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: Free, but bring 6=E ;C16( 4`SS Pcb P`W\U money to buy food []\Sg b] Pcg T]]R INFO: 370-7570 7<4=( !% %#%

GO | Portland Press Herald/Thursday, November 1, 2012 3E24 " 5= j >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg <]dS[PS`


Efm\dY\iËj ÕXj_ f] ^\e`lj6 9\\i N\\b# f] Zflij\ November's flash of genius? Beer Week, of course

ortland Beer Week, which DBOOFE CFFST #BYUFS T "NCFS PSUMBOE #FFS 8FFL XIJDI canned beers: Baxter's Amber opens Sunday and runs Road, Shipyard Export and 3PBE 4IJQZBSE &YQPSU BOE PQFOT 4VOEBZ BOE SVOT through Nov. 10, has somePumpkinhead. 1VNQLJOIFBE UISPVHI /PW IBT TPNF thing for everyone who loves • 5IF 4IJQZBSE #FFS %JOOFS The Shipyard Beer Dinner UIJOH GPS FWFSZPOF XIP MPWFT N beer, and some things for people costs $42 and begins with hors CFFS BOE TPNF UIJOHT GPS QFPQMF DPTUT BOE CFHJOT XJUI IPST who think they might like to try d'ouevres at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 8 XIP UIJOL UIFZ NJHIU MJLF UP USZ E PVFWSFT BU Q N /PW beer. at Inn by the Sea, 40 Bowery CFFS BU *OO CZ UIF 4FB #PXFSZ Beach Road, Cape Elizabeth "The overall purpose is to #FBDI 3PBE $BQF &MJ[BCFUI i5IF PWFSBMM QVSQPTF JT UP T0m AtWell (799-3134). The menu will spread knowledge and excite 5IF NFOV XJMM TQSFBE LOPXMFEHF BOE FYDJUF ment about craft beer," said include a spicy fish taco, beef JODMVEF B TQJDZ mTI UBDP CFFG NFOU BCPVU DSBGU CFFS w TBJE an Allison Stevens, owner of The Wrl3t AlGS YOU BOE BDPSO TRVBTI DIJMJ CSBJTFE d acorn squash chili, braised "MMJTPO 4UFWFOT PXOFS PG 5IF Thirsty Pig on Exchange Street. short ribs and pumpkin creme TIPSU SJCT BOE QVNQLJO DSFNF 5IJSTUZ 1JH PO &YDIBOHF 4USFFU "We want to try to capture people caramel, all paired with ShipDBSBNFM BMM QBJSFE XJUI 4IJQ i8F XBOU UP USZ UP DBQUVSF QFPQMF and let them know how many great things ZBSE CFFST yard beers. BOE MFU UIFN LOPX IPX NBOZ HSFBU UIJOHT that there are to drink." • 5IF 3JTJOH 5JEF #FFS %JOOFS BU Q N The Rising Tide Beer Dinner at 6 p.m. UIBU UIFSF BSF UP ESJOL w N Nov. 9 is $60 at the Farmer's Table, 205 Stevens is pleased that beer week 4UFWFOT JT QMFBTFE UIBU CFFS XFFL /PW JT BU UIF 'BSNFS T 5BCMF Commercial St. (347-7479), and includes includes a lot of affordable events display- $PNNFSDJBM 4U BOE JODMVEFT JODMVEFT B MPU PG BGGPSEBCMF FWFOUT EJTQMBZ several limited releases from the Portland ing different facets of beer. She especially TFWFSBM MJNJUFE SFMFBTFT GSPN UIF 1PSUMBOE JOH EJGGFSFOU GBDFUT PG CFFS 4IF FTQFDJBMMZ brewer. The owners, Nathan and Heather likes the beer dinners. MJLFT UIF CFFS EJOOFST CSFXFS 5IF PXOFST /BUIBO BOE )FBUIFS Sanborn, will be there, and the meal will "I am pleased that the chefs have taken 4BOCPSO XJMM CF UIFSF BOE UIF NFBM XJMM i* BN QMFBTFE UIBU UIF DIFGT IBWF UBLFO be prepared by chef Jeff Landry. the time to create the menus for these," UIF UJNF UP DSFBUF UIF NFOVT GPS UIFTF w CF QSFQBSFE CZ DIFG +FGG -BOESZ she said. "You always hear about pairing • 5IF .BJOF $BTL 'FTU BU Q N /PW The Maine Cask Fest at 5 p.m. Nov. 7 TIF TBJE i:PV BMXBZT IFBS BCPVU QBJSJOH N wine and food, but not so much about beer BU 4FCBHP #SFXJOH $P 'PSF 4U at Sebago Brewing Co., 211 Fore St. (775XJOF BOE GPPE CVU OPU TP NVDI BCPVU CFFS and food, and this will bring that out." 2337), is an event that Stevens and I both BOE GPPE BOE UIJT XJMM CSJOH UIBU PVU w JT BO FWFOU UIBU 4UFWFOT BOE * CPUI think is going to be excellent. For a full schedule of events, go to 'PS B GVMM TDIFEVMF PG FWFOUT HP UP UIJOL JT HPJOH UP CF FYDFMMFOU Ryan Carey, the Sebago brewer organiztinyurl.com/PPHbeerweeksked. HighUJOZVSM DPN 11)CFFSXFFLTLFE )JHI 3ZBO $BSFZ UIF 4FCBHP CSFXFS PSHBOJ[ ing the event, wasn't sure what all of the lights include: MJHIUT JODMVEF JOH UIF FWFOU XBTO U TVSF XIBU BMM PG UIF beers were going to be when I talked to • 5IF .BJOF #FFS %JOOFS BU 5IF 5IJSTUZ The Maine Beer Dinner at The Thirsty CFFST XFSF HPJOH UP CF XIFO * UBMLFE UP N him. "The event is special because there Pig, 37 Exchange St. (773-3469), costs IJN i5IF FWFOU JT TQFDJBM CFDBVTF UIFSF 1JH &YDIBOHF 4U DPTUT are not a lot of places that are set up to $30, and will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday. BSF OPU B MPU PG QMBDFT UIBU BSF TFU VQ UP BOE XJMM CF GSPN UP Q N .POEBZ offer cask beer," he said. The three-course meal will be prepared PGGFS DBTL CFFS w IF TBJE 5IF UISFF DPVSTF NFBM XJMM CF QSFQBSFE by Kennebunk chef Robyn Friedman and Cask beer is the beer promoted in the $BTL CFFS JT UIF CFFS QSPNPUFE JO UIF CZ ,FOOFCVOL DIFG 3PCZO 'SJFENBO BOE include beer from Shipyard and Maine real beer movement, where carbonation SFBM CFFS NPWFNFOU XIFSF DBSCPOBUJPO JODMVEF CFFS GSPN 4IJQZBSE BOE .BJOF Beer Co. comes from secondary fermentation in DPNFT GSPN TFDPOEBSZ GFSNFOUBUJPO JO #FFS $P the casks - or sometimes kegs - rather • 5IF -FU T (FU $BOOFE %JOOFS JT BU The Let's Get Canned Dinner is $30 at UIF DBTLT o PS TPNFUJNFT LFHT o SBUIFS N than artificially introduced, and usually is White Cap Grill, 64 Middle St. (899-1881), UIBO BSUJmDJBMMZ JOUSPEVDFE BOE VTVBMMZ JT 8IJUF $BQ (SJMM .JEEMF 4U drawn into the glass by a hand pump. and will be a dinner accompanied by three ESBXO JOUP UIF HMBTT CZ B IBOE QVNQ BOE XJMM CF B EJOOFS BDDPNQBOJFE CZ UISFF

Kfd 8kn\cc N_Xk 8c\j Pfl



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"The flavor of the beer on cask can be i5IF nBWPS PG UIF CFFS PO DBTL DBO CF a lot different than on draft," Carey said, B MPU EJGGFSFOU UIBO PO ESBGU w $BSFZ TBJE "just because of the way it is handled and iKVTU CFDBVTF PG UIF XBZ JU JT IBOEMFE BOE the way it comes out. Some are better on UIF XBZ JU DPNFT PVU 4PNF BSF CFUUFS PO cask and some aren't, but it is a different DBTL BOE TPNF BSFO U CVU JU JT B EJGGFSFOU flavor experience." nBWPS FYQFSJFODF w 5IF CFFST JODMVEF B $JUSB IPQQFE 'SZF T The beers include a Citra-hopped Frye's Leap IPA and one other from Sebago, a -FBQ *1" BOE POF PUIFS GSPN 4FCBHP B Stowaway IPA from Baxter, and a Zephyr 4UPXBXBZ *1" GSPN #BYUFS BOE B ;FQIZS IPA from Rising Tide. Each beer will cost *1" GSPN 3JTJOH 5JEF &BDI CFFS XJMM DPTU $3 to $5. UP • /PWBSF 3FT #JFS $BGF $BOBM 1MB[B Novare Res Bier Cafe, 4 Canal Plaza N (761-2437), is showcasing a different JT TIPXDBTJOH B EJGGFSFOU Maine beer each night of beer week. .BJOF CFFS FBDI OJHIU PG CFFS XFFL "One of the good things we have here is i0OF PG UIF HPPE UIJOHT XF IBWF IFSF JT an active cellaring program," said Shahin BO BDUJWF DFMMBSJOH QSPHSBN w TBJE 4IBIJO Khojastehzad, the cafe's manager. "When ,IPKBTUFI[BE UIF DBGF T NBOBHFS i8IFO something comes out that is really good TPNFUIJOH DPNFT PVU UIBU JT SFBMMZ HPPE - we won't do it with IPAs or other beers o XF XPO U EP JU XJUI *1"T PS PUIFS CFFST that are best fresh - we can hang onto it UIBU BSF CFTU GSFTI o XF DBO IBOH POUP JU for a while." GPS B XIJMF w The showcase beers will be Allagash on 5IF TIPXDBTF CFFST XJMM CF "MMBHBTI PO Sunday, Marshall Wharf on Monday, Seba4VOEBZ .BSTIBMM 8IBSG PO .POEBZ 4FCB go on Tuesday, Rising Tide on Wednesday, HP PO 5VFTEBZ 3JTJOH 5JEF PO 8FEOFTEBZ "A Night of Oxbow Curiosities" on Nov. 8, i" /JHIU PG 0YCPX $VSJPTJUJFTw PO /PW Bull Jagger on Nov. 9 and Maine Beer Co. #VMM +BHHFS PO /PW BOE .BJOF #FFS $P on Nov. 10. PO /PW The Oxbow curiosity night might be the 5IF 0YCPX DVSJPTJUZ OJHIU NJHIU CF UIF most interesting of the seven. Tim Adams, NPTU JOUFSFTUJOH PG UIF TFWFO 5JN "EBNT Oxbow's brewer, said some of the "curi0YCPX T CSFXFS TBJE TPNF PG UIF iDVSJ osities" will be sour beers created during PTJUJFTw XJMM CF TPVS CFFST DSFBUFE EVSJOH the year as well as older beers from the UIF ZFBS BT XFMM BT PMEFS CFFST GSPN UIF company's Freestyle series. DPNQBOZ T 'SFFTUZMF TFSJFT Adams; Geoff Masland, co-founder and "EBNT (FPGG .BTMBOE DP GPVOEFS BOE business manager; and the company's CVTJOFTT NBOBHFS BOE UIF DPNQBOZ T new brewer, Mike Fava; will be on hand. OFX CSFXFS .JLF 'BWB XJMM CF PO IBOE Adams said the company has grown so "EBNT TBJE UIF DPNQBOZ IBT HSPXO TP


RVJDLMZ JO JUT mSTU ZFBS PG CVTJOFTT UIBU B quickly in its first year of business that a new brewer was justified. OFX CSFXFS XBT KVTUJmFE

ALL THE ABOVE events cost money "-- 5)& "#07& FWFOUT DPTU NPOFZ - although for some of them, it is just the o BMUIPVHI GPS TPNF PG UIFN JU JT KVTU UIF price of a beer. QSJDF PG B CFFS #VU UIFSF BSF BMTP FWFOUT XIFSF ZPV But there are also events where you get free beer - tastings at beer stores, for HFU GSFF CFFS o UBTUJOHT BU CFFS TUPSFT GPS example. FYBNQMF One is a beer and chocolate tasting from 0OF JT B CFFS BOE DIPDPMBUF UBTUJOH GSPN 6 to 8 p.m. Nov. 8 at the Bier Cellar, 299 UP Q N /PW BU UIF #JFS $FMMBS Forest Ave. (200-6258). 'PSFTU "WF Beer and chocolate might seem like an #FFS BOE DIPDPMBUF NJHIU TFFN MJLF BO unusual combination, but Greg Norton, VOVTVBM DPNCJOBUJPO CVU (SFH /PSUPO co-owner of the Bier Cellar, said it is not. DP PXOFS PG UIF #JFS $FMMBS TBJE JU JT OPU "Beers have roasted barley," he said, i#FFST IBWF SPBTUFE CBSMFZ w IF TBJE "and roasting barley creates the same iBOE SPBTUJOH CBSMFZ DSFBUFT UIF TBNF chemical reaction as roasting coffee DIFNJDBM SFBDUJPO BT SPBTUJOH DPGGFF beans, and chocolate as well." CFBOT BOE DIPDPMBUF BT XFMM w Norton said local chocolatier Dean's /PSUPO TBJE MPDBM DIPDPMBUJFS %FBO T Sweets makes four different truffles us4XFFUT NBLFT GPVS EJGGFSFOU USVGnFT VT ing Allagash beers, and the tasting will JOH "MMBHBTI CFFST BOE UIF UBTUJOH XJMM pair those candies with the beers from QBJS UIPTF DBOEJFT XJUI UIF CFFST GSPN Allagash. "MMBHBTI Other free events include an Allagash 0UIFS GSFF FWFOUT JODMVEF BO "MMBHBTI beer tasting from 4 to 7 p.m. Nov. 8 at CFFS UBTUJOH GSPN UP Q N /PW BU Downeast Beverage, 79 Commercial St. %PXOFBTU #FWFSBHF $PNNFSDJBM 4U (828-2337), and a Whole Foods Tasting, BOE B 8IPMF 'PPET 5BTUJOH also with Allagash beers, at 2:30 to 4:30 BMTP XJUI "MMBHBTI CFFST BU UP p.m. Nov. 10 at Whole Foods, 2 Somerset Q N /PW BU 8IPMF 'PPET 4PNFSTFU St. (774-7711). 4U For more information about Portland 'PS NPSF JOGPSNBUJPO BCPVU 1PSUMBOE Beer Week, go to portlandbeerweek.org. #FFS 8FFL HP UP QPSUMBOECFFSXFFL PSH Tom Atwell is a freelance writer living in Cape B][ /beSZZ Wa O T`SSZO\QS e`WbS` ZWdW\U W\ 1O^S Elizabeth. He can be contacted at 767-2297 or at: 3ZWhOPSbV 6S QO\ PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob %$% '% ]` Ob( tomatwell@me.com b][ObeSZZ.[S Q][

Penobscot Theatre Company's Dramatic Academy, 0ENOBSCOT 4HEATRE #OMPANY S $RAMATIC !CADEMY Bangor Opera House. $10; $5 for children. "ANGOR /PERA (OUSE FOR CHILDREN penobscottheatre.org. 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday. PENOBSCOTTHEATRE ORG P M &RIDAY AND 3ATURDAY "Naked Shakespeare," Acorn Productions' h.AKED 3HAKESPEARE v !CORN 0RODUCTIONS Continued from P a g e E22 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 collection of short scenes and speeches presented COLLECTION OF SHORT SCENES AND SPEECHES PRESENTED without props or costumes during dinner, Portland WITHOUT PROPS OR COSTUMES DURING DINNER 0ORTLAND atthelincoln.org. 1 and 7 p.m. Thursday. ATTHELINCOLN ORG AND P M 4HURSDAY Club. $25. 761-6665. 6 p.m. Friday. #LUB P M &RIDAY David Mamet's "November," comedy about the $AVID -AMET S h.OVEMBER v COMEDY ABOUT THE "Beauty and the Beast, Jr.," musical for children, state of American politics presented by Mad Horse h"EAUTY AND THE "EAST *R v MUSICAL FOR CHILDREN STATE OF !MERICAN POLITICS PRESENTED BY -AD (ORSE Waldo Theatre, Waldoboro. $10; $5 for students. 7ALDO 4HEATRE 7ALDOBORO FOR STUDENTS Theatre Company, The Hutchins School, South 4HEATRE #OMPANY 4HE (UTCHINS 3CHOOL 3OUTH 832-6060. 7 p.m. Friday; 2 p.m. Saturday and P M &RIDAY P M 3ATURDAY AND Portland. Pay-what-you-can. madhorse.com. 7:30 0ORTLAND 0AY WHAT YOU CAN MADHORSE COM Sunday. Through Nov. 1 1 . 3UNDAY 4HROUGH .OV p.m. Friday and Saturday. P M &RIDAY AND 3ATURDAY Shakespeare's "Hamlet," presented by Theater 3HAKESPEARE S h(AMLET v PRESENTED BY 4HEATER "Assassins," musical about presidential assassins h!SSASSINS v MUSICAL ABOUT PRESIDENTIAL ASSASSINS at Monmouth, Johnson Hall Performing Arts AT -ONMOUTH *OHNSON (ALL 0ERFORMING !RTS and would-be presidential assassins, University of AND WOULD BE PRESIDENTIAL ASSASSINS 5NIVERSITY OF Center, Gardiner. $19; $10 for students. #ENTER 'ARDINER FOR STUDENTS Southern Maine (Corthell Concert Hall), Gorham. 3OUTHERN -AINE #ORTHELL #ONCERT (ALL 'ORHAM theateratmonmouth.org. 7:30 p.m. Saturday. THEATERATMONMOUTH ORG P M 3ATURDAY $15; $10 for seniors and USM faculty; $5 for FOR SENIORS AND 53- FACULTY FOR "My Mother's Clothes Are Not My Mother," students, usm.maine.edu/music. 8 p.m. Friday and h-Y -OTHER S #LOTHES !RE .OT -Y -OTHER v STUDENTS USM MAINE EDU MUSIC P M &RIDAY AND Elizabeth Peavey's one-woman show, Rockport %LIZABETH 0EAVEY S ONE WOMAN SHOW 2OCKPORT Saturday; 2 and 5 p.m. Sunday. 3ATURDAY AND P M 3UNDAY Opera House. $10. 236-2514. 2 p.m. Saturday. /PERA (OUSE P M 3ATURDAY "Hapgood," espionage thriller by Tom Stoppard, h(APGOOD v ESPIONAGE THRILLER BY 4OM 3TOPPARD "Jack and the Beanstalk," children's theater Saco River Theatre, Bar Mills. $20; $18 for seniors h*ACK AND THE "EANSTALK v CHILDREN S THEATER 3ACO 2IVER 4HEATRE "AR -ILLS FOR SENIORS version set in modern times with Jack as a middle VERSION SET IN MODERN TIMES WITH *ACK AS A MIDDLE and students. 929-5412. 7:30 p.m. Friday and AND STUDENTS P M &RIDAY AND school student, Acorn Studios, Westbrook. $6; $4 SCHOOL STUDENT !CORN 3TUDIOS 7ESTBROOK Saturday; 2:30 p.m. Sunday; 7:30 p.m. Nov. 8. 3ATURDAY P M 3UNDAY P M .OV for children under 12. acorn-productions.org. 11 FOR CHILDREN UNDER ACORN PRODUCTIONS ORG Through Nov. 10. 4HROUGH .OV a.m. Saturday; 2 p.m. Sunday. Through Nov. 18. A M 3ATURDAY P M 3UNDAY 4HROUGH .OV Sarah Ruhl's "Eurydice," classic myth of 3ARAH 2UHL S h%URYDICE v CLASSIC MYTH OF "Play Me a Story," interactive theater performance h0LAY -E A 3TORY v INTERACTIVE THEATER PERFORMANCE Orpheus re-imagined through the eyes of its /RPHEUS RE IMAGINED THROUGH THE EYES OF ITS and workshop for ages 4 to 10, Portland Stage AND WORKSHOP FOR AGES TO 0ORTLAND 3TAGE heroine, Theater Project, Brunswick. $18. HEROINE 4HEATER 0ROJECT "RUNSWICK Company. $15. portlandstage.org. "Crazy #OMPANY PORTLANDSTAGE ORG h#RAZY theaterproject.com. 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday; THEATERPROJECT COM P M &RIDAY AND 3ATURDAY Critters," 10:30 a.m. Saturday. #RITTERS v A M 3ATURDAY 2 p.m. Sunday. Through Nov. 1 1 . P M 3UNDAY 4HROUGH .OV "Wings of Courage," Mad River Theatre Works h7INGS OF #OURAGE v -AD 2IVER 4HEATRE 7ORKS "Wyrd Sisters," parody of the three witches of h7YRD 3ISTERS v PARODY OF THE THREE WITCHES OF Company presents a musical baesd on the life of #OMPANY PRESENTS A MUSICAL BAESD ON THE LIFE OF "Macbeth," Cumston Hall, Monmouth. $12; $10 h-ACBETH v #UMSTON (ALL -ONMOUTH the first African-American combat pilot, Lewiston THE lRST !FRICAN !MERICAN COMBAT PILOT ,EWISTON for seniors and students, monmouthcommunity FOR SENIORS AND STUDENTS MONMOUTHCOMMUNITY Middle School. $10; $8 for ages 14 and under. -IDDLE 3CHOOL FOR AGES AND UNDER players.com. 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday; PLAYERS COM P M &RIDAY AND 3ATURDAY Iaarts.org. 3 p.m. Sunday. LAARTS ORG P M 3UNDAY 2 p.m. Sunday. P M 3UNDAY Shakespeare's "Hamlet," presented by Theater at "The Wiz," musical based on "The Wizard of Oz," 3HAKESPEARE S h(AMLET v PRESENTED BY 4HEATER AT h4HE 7IZ v MUSICAL BASED ON h4HE 7IZARD OF /Z v Monmouth, Waldo Theatre, Waldoboro. $10; $5 -ONMOUTH 7ALDO 4HEATRE 7ALDOBORO Community Little Theatre, Auburn. $18; $15 for #OMMUNITY ,ITTLE 4HEATRE !UBURN FOR for students. 832-6060. 7 p.m. Monday. seniors; $12 for ages 12 and under. Iaclt.com. FOR STUDENTS P M -ONDAY SENIORS FOR AGES AND UNDER LACLT COM "44 Plays for 44 Presidents," excerpts presented h 0LAYS FOR 0RESIDENTS v EXCERPTS PRESENTED 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday; 2 p.m. Sunday; P M &RIDAY AND 3ATURDAY P M 3UNDAY by Penobscot Theatre Company's Dramatic BY 0ENOBSCOT 4HEATRE #OMPANY S $RAMATIC 7:30 p.m. Nov. 8. Through Nov. 1 1 . P M .OV 4HROUGH .OV Academy, Brewer Auditorium. $10; $5 for !CADEMY "REWER !UDITORIUM FOR Dark Tales, family-friendly spooky vaudeville, $ARK 4ALES FAMILY FRIENDLY SPOOKY VAUDEVILLE children, penobscottheatre.org. 4 p.m. Tuesday. CHILDREN PENOBSCOTTHEATRE ORG P M 4UESDAY Lewiston Middle School. $10; $8 for ages 14 and ,EWISTON -IDDLE 3CHOOL FOR AGES AND under. Iaarts.org. 7:30 p.m. Friday. UNDER LAARTS ORG P M &RIDAY Please see ART, Page E26 "44 Plays for 44 Presidents," presented by Gc\Xj\ j\\ /@B GX^\ <)- h 0LAYS FOR 0RESIDENTS v PRESENTED BY

Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, November 1, 2012 GO E25 >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg <]dS[PS` j 5= 3 #


8cc n\cZfd\ Xk JXe^`ccfËj# \m\e X ifm`e^ gligc\ ^iflg Al welcome at Sangi lo's, even a roving purple group SANGILLO'S TAVERN J8E>@CCFËJ K8M<IE

By EMMA BOUTHILLETTE #Z &.." #065)*--&55&


rganizing a pub crawl has SHBOJ[JOH B QVC DSBXM IBT become popular for birthCFDPNF QPQVMBS GPS CJSUI day bashes. Recently, a EBZ CBTIFT 3FDFOUMZ B large group of friends and I MBSHF HSPVQ PG GSJFOET BOE * donned purple attire (to be easEPOOFE QVSQMF BUUJSF UP CF FBT ily identifiable, but there was a JMZ JEFOUJGJBCMF CVU UIFSF XBT B theme to it, too) and hit the Old UIFNF UP JU UPP BOE IJU UIF 0ME Port for my friend Jeff's 29th 1PSU GPS NZ GSJFOE +FGG T UI birthday. CJSUIEBZ But before getting into the #VU CFGPSF HFUUJOH JOUP UIF heart of the Old Port, I suggestIFBSU PG UIF 0ME 1PSU * TVHHFTU ed a bar few had heard of and FE B CBS GFX IBE IFBSE PG BOE one slightly off the beaten path. POF TMJHIUMZ PGG UIF CFBUFO QBUI Tucked away on Hampshire 5VDLFE BXBZ PO )BNQTIJSF Street is the small bar known 4USFFU JT UIF TNBMM CBS LOPXO as Sangillo's Tavern. Had I realBT 4BOHJMMP T 5BWFSO )BE * SFBM ized how small it was, I probJ[FE IPX TNBMM JU XBT * QSPC ably wouldn't have corralled BCMZ XPVMEO U IBWF DPSSBMMFE more than 20 people there. NPSF UIBO QFPQMF UIFSF The bar, which had quite a few 5IF CBS XIJDI IBE RVJUF B GFX people already sipping off Pabst QFPQMF BMSFBEZ TJQQJOH PGG 1BCTU Blue Ribbon cans, became #MVF 3JCCPO DBOT CFDBNF packed when our crew entered. QBDLFE XIFO PVS DSFX FOUFSFE The single bartender on duty 5IF TJOHMF CBSUFOEFS PO EVUZ systematically checked identiTZTUFNBUJDBMMZ DIFDLFE JEFOUJ fication of everyone who bellied GJDBUJPO PG FWFSZPOF XIP CFMMJFE up to the bar, and doled out VQ UP UIF CBS BOE EPMFE PVU drinks as they were ordered. ESJOLT BT UIFZ XFSF PSEFSFE With only canned and bottled 8JUI POMZ DBOOFE BOE CPUUMFE beers available, some took a tip CFFST BWBJMBCMF TPNF UPPL B UJQ from the people already there GSPN UIF QFPQMF BMSFBEZ UIFSF and grabbed a can of PER. BOE HSBCCFE B DBO PG 1#3 Some opted for mixed drinks. 4PNF PQUFE GPS NJYFE ESJOLT Those sipping cocktails all 5IPTF TJQQJOH DPDLUBJMT BMM agreed they were poured with BHSFFE UIFZ XFSF QPVSFE XJUI a generous hand. And we also B HFOFSPVT IBOE "OE XF BMTP agreed, you can't beat the price BHSFFE ZPV DBO U CFBU UIF QSJDF at Sangillo's - you can get a can BU 4BOHJMMP T o ZPV DBO HFU B DBO of PER and a Cape Cod cocktail PG 1#3 BOE B $BQF $PE DPDLUBJM for $6. GPS Like I mentioned, the bar -JLF * NFOUJPOFE UIF CBS itself is pretty small. From the JUTFMG JT QSFUUZ TNBMM 'SPN UIF front door to the back of the bar GSPOU EPPS UP UIF CBDL PG UIF CBS is a narrow aisle. On the right JT B OBSSPX BJTMF 0O UIF SJHIU

WHERE: 18 Hampshire St., E63@3( & 6O[^aVW`S Ab Portland >]`bZO\R PHONE: 879-2810 >6=<3( &%' & WEBSITE: Find them on E30A7B3( 4W\R bVS[ ]\ Facebook 4OQSP]]Y HOURS: 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. Monday 6=C@A( & O [ b] O [ ;]\ROg through Saturday; 9 a.m. to bV`]cUV AObc`ROg) ' O [ b] 1 a.m. Sunday O [ Ac\ROg PARKING: On street >/@97<5( =\ ab`SSb SCENE: A neighborhood bar A13<3( / \SWUVP]`V]]R PO` that defines hole-in-the-wall, bVOb RS¿\Sa V]ZS W\ bVS eOZZ but welcoming to anyone who Pcb eSZQ][W\U b] O\g]\S eV] walks through the doors. eOZYa bV`]cUV bVS R]]`a SPECIALS: $3 PBR cans A>317/:A( ! >0@ QO\a on Mondays; $4 bar rum ]\ ;]\ROga) " PO` `c[ and Coke on Tuesdays; O\R 1]YS ]\ BcSaROga) $4 Dr. McGillicuddy's on " 2` ;Q5WZZWQcRRg¸a ]\ Wednesdays; $4 bar vodka ESR\SaROga) " PO` d]RYO drinks on Thursdays; $2.75 R`W\Ya ]\ BVc`aROga) %# Coors and Coors Light on 1]]`a O\R 1]]`a :WUVb ]\ Fridays; $2.75 Miller and Miller 4`WROga) %# ;WZZS` O\R ;WZZS` Light on Saturdays; $4 Allen's :WUVb ]\ AObc`ROga) " /ZZS\¸a Sombreros on Sundays A][P`S`]a ]\ Ac\ROga

putting in dollars and picking QVUUJOH JO EPMMBST BOE QJDLJOH out some classic oldies from 40 PVU TPNF DMBTTJD PMEJFT GSPN to 50 years ago. An older couple John Patriquin/Staff Photographer UP ZFBST BHP "O PMEFS DPVQMF 8]V\ >Ob`W_cW\ AbOTT >V]b]U`O^VS` danced to the music at the end EBODFE UP UIF NVTJD BU UIF FOE Bartender Clare Finin pours a beer into a frosty mug at Sangillo's Tavern, a small, friendly bar 0O`bS\RS` 1ZO`S 4W\W\ ^]c`a O PSS` W\b] O T`]abg [cU Ob AO\UWZZ]¸a BOdS`\ O a[OZZ T`WS\RZg PO` of the bar, taking up a small PG UIF CBS UBLJOH VQ B TNBMM with affordable prices in the India Street neighborhood of Portland. eWbV OTT]`ROPZS ^`WQSa W\ bVS 7\RWO Ab`SSb \SWUVP]`V]]R ]T >]`bZO\R square of available space. TRVBSF PG BWBJMBCMF TQBDF They appreciated the small Amid all the mix, my friend as you walk in is the bar itself, been annoyed by the sudden "NJE BMM UIF NJY NZ GSJFOE 5IFZ BQQSFDJBUFE UIF TNBMM CFFO BOOPZFE CZ UIF TVEEFO BT ZPV XBML JO JT UIF CBS JUTFMG invasion of their bar, but they low and lined with stools. space, the neighborhood feel Teila made a pick - Michael 5FJMB NBEF B QJDL o .JDIBFM TQBDF UIF OFJHICPSIPPE GFFM JOWBTJPO PG UIFJS CBS CVU UIFZ MPX BOE MJOFE XJUI TUPPMT Hanging above the bar, didn't make it obvious. Unlike and the no-nonsense attitude of +BDLTPO T i#JMMJF +FBO w +VTU BT Jackson's "Billie Jean." Just as BOE UIF OP OPOTFOTF BUUJUVEF PG EJEO U NBLF JU PCWJPVT 6OMJLF )BOHJOH BCPWF UIF CBS stained glass Schlitz lamps some neighborhood bars that the bartender. They confirmed her song came on, we decided IFS TPOH DBNF PO XF EFDJEFE UIF CBSUFOEFS 5IFZ DPOGJSNFE TPNF OFJHICPSIPPE CBST UIBU TUBJOFE HMBTT 4DIMJU[ MBNQT give you the once-over judgthe drink of choice at Sangillo's JU XBT UJNF GPS PVS OFYU EFTUJOB it was time for our next destinamake up some of the bar's light- HJWF ZPV UIF PODF PWFS KVEH UIF ESJOL PG DIPJDF BU 4BOHJMMP T NBLF VQ TPNF PG UIF CBS T MJHIU ing. On the left are pub tables mental look as soon as you walk JT 1#3 CVU UIF 4PNCSFSP TQF is PER, but the Sombrero spetion. Stay tuned for part two of UJPO 4UBZ UVOFE GPS QBSU UXP PG NFOUBM MPPL BT TPPO BT ZPV XBML JOH 0O UIF MFGU BSF QVC UBCMFT in, Sangillo's folks seemed more DJBM o "MMFO T $PGGFF #SBOEZ BOE cial - Allen's Coffee Brandy and UIJT QVC DSBXM JO OFYU XFFL T this pub crawl in next week's and stools. Each pub table had JO 4BOHJMMP T GPMLT TFFNFE NPSF BOE TUPPMT &BDI QVC UBCMF IBE a plastic Halloween pumpkin milk - is also a popular pick. curious about this giant group Bar Guide. #BS (VJEF NJML o JT BMTP B QPQVMBS QJDL DVSJPVT BCPVU UIJT HJBOU HSPVQ B QMBTUJD )BMMPXFFO QVNQLJO with a few pieces of candy left dressed in purple. As far as entertainment is "T GBS BT FOUFSUBJONFOU JT ESFTTFE JO QVSQMF XJUI B GFX QJFDFT PG DBOEZ MFGU Emma Bouthillette is a freelance writer to enjoy. One group of locals called it concerned, Sangillo's has a digi- 3[[O 0]cbVWZZSbbS Wa O T`SSZO\QS e`WbS` DPODFSOFE 4BOHJMMP T IBT B EJHJ 0OF HSPVQ PG MPDBMT DBMMFE JU UP FOKPZ Regular customers may have UIFJS GBWPSJUF CBS JO 1PSUMBOE their favorite bar in Portland. tal jukebox. Customers were who lives in Biddeford. UBM KVLFCPY $VTUPNFST XFSF 3FHVMBS DVTUPNFST NBZ IBWF eV] ZWdSa W\ 0WRRST]`R


Continued from Page E23 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 !

Gordon Chibroski/Staff Photographer 5]`R]\ 1VWP`]aYW AbOTT >V]b]U`O^VS`

Goldie Gordios calls out sandwich orders inside the Full Belly Deli at Pine Tree Shopping Center in 5]ZRWS 5]`RW]a QOZZa ]cb aO\ReWQV ]`RS`a W\aWRS bVS 4cZZ 0SZZg 2SZW Ob >W\S B`SS AV]^^W\U 1S\bS` W\ Portland. The tray includes the Fall Fowl, Hamwich and Perkey Turkey. >]`bZO\R BVS b`Og W\QZcRSa bVS 4OZZ 4]eZ 6O[eWQV O\R >S`YSg Bc`YSg

dressing. It was an indulgent feast. ESFTTJOH *U XBT BO JOEVMHFOU GFBTU But if Reubens aren't your bag, there are countless other op#VU JG 3FVCFOT BSFO U ZPVS CBH UIFSF BSF DPVOUMFTT PUIFS PQ tions. Take, for example, the Kosher-style deli sandwiches. You UJPOT 5BLF GPS FYBNQMF UIF ,PTIFS TUZMF EFMJ TBOEXJDIFT :PV want bologna? 5IFZ IBWF CPMPHOB :PV XBOU DIPQQFE They have bologna ($5.99). You want chopped XBOU CPMPHOB liver? 5IFZ WF HPU JU "OE ZFQ JG ZPV SF B UPOHVF QFSTPO They've got it ($9.29). And yep, if you're a tongue person, MJWFS that too can be yours for $10.99. UIBU UPP DBO CF ZPVST GPS In the mood for Italian? /P QSPCMFN 5IF 'VMM #FMMZ %FMJ T HPU No problem. The Full Belly Deli's got *O UIF NPPE GPS *UBMJBO a 10-inch cheese pizza for $4.89 (toppings available for $1.29 B JODI DIFFTF QJ[[B GPS UPQQJOHT BWBJMBCMF GPS each). You can also get a fresh dough calzone with your choice FBDI :PV DBO BMTP HFU B GSFTI EPVHI DBM[POF XJUI ZPVS DIPJDF of two items for $7.99. PG UXP JUFNT GPS Another impressive facet of the Pull Belly Deli menu is the "OPUIFS JNQSFTTJWF GBDFU PG UIF 'VMM #FMMZ %FMJ NFOV JT UIF side orders. A partial list includes meatballs, clam cakes, TJEF PSEFST " QBSUJBM MJTU JODMVEFT NFBUCBMMT DMBN DBLFT cheese blintzes, lokshen kugel (noodle pudding) and baked DIFFTF CMJOU[FT MPLTIFO LVHFM OPPEMF QVEEJOH BOE CBLFE beans. CFBOT As for dessert, Full Belly Deli has whoopie pies, cheesecake, "T GPS EFTTFSU 'VMM #FMMZ %FMJ IBT XIPPQJF QJFT DIFFTFDBLF carrot cake, grapenut pudding and bread pudding. It also has DBSSPU DBLF HSBQFOVU QVEEJOH BOE CSFBE QVEEJOH *U BMTP IBT black and white cookies, and how I walked out of there without CMBDL BOE XIJUF DPPLJFT BOE IPX * XBMLFE PVU PG UIFSF XJUIPVU a bag of them tucked under my arm, I'll never know. B CBH PG UIFN UVDLFE VOEFS NZ BSN * MM OFWFS LOPX Happy noshing. )BQQZ OPTIJOH The staff of GO anonymously samples meals for about $10. BVS abOTT ]T 5= O\]\g[]caZg aO[^ZSa [SOZa T]` OP]cb

Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, November 1, 2012 3E26 $ 5= j >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg <]dS[PS` GO


Continued from Page E24 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 " "An Evening w i t h Poe: Tales of Mystery & h!N %VENING WITH 0OE 4ALES OF -YSTERY Suspense," Dinner Theater Series, Clay Hill Farm 3USPENSE v $INNER 4HEATER 3ERIES #LAY (ILL &ARM Restaurant, Cape Neddick. $10. 361-2272. 6 p.m. 2ESTAURANT #APE .EDDICK P M Wednesday. Through Nov. 14. 7EDNESDAY 4HROUGH .OV

AUDITIONS N !5$)4)/.3 /RATORIO #HORALE /PEN 2EHEARSAL SING WITH Oratorio Chorale Open Rehearsal, sing with the chorale as it rehearses music by Schubert THE CHORALE AS IT REHEARSES MUSIC BY 3CHUBERT and Mozart for shows on Nov. 17-18, all voice AND -OZART FOR SHOWS ON .OV ALL VOICE parts welcome, Midcoast Presbyterian Church, PARTS WELCOME -IDCOAST 0RESBYTERIAN #HURCH Topsham. oratoriochorale.org. 6 to 9 p.m. Sunday. 4OPSHAM ORATORIOCHORALE ORG TO P M 3UNDAY

ART MUSEUMS N !24 -53%5-3 OPENINGS/RECEPTIONS /0%.).'3 2%#%04)/.3 "The Incarnation of Earthly Creations," Haitian h4HE )NCARNATION OF %ARTHLY #REATIONS v (AITIAN art, Museum of African Culture, Portland, museum ART -USEUM OF !FRICAN #ULTURE 0ORTLAND MUSEUM africanculture.org. Opens Friday. Through Jan. 30. AFRICANCULTURE ORG /PENS &RIDAY 4HROUGH *AN "N'tolonapemk: Our Relatives' Place," h. TOLONAPEMK /UR 2ELATIVES 0LACE v archeological exhibits and stories of the ARCHEOLOGICAL EXHIBITS AND STORIES OF THE Passamaquoddy, Abbe Museum, Bar Harbor. 0ASSAMAQUODDY !BBE -USEUM "AR (ARBOR abbemuseum.org. Opening reception, 4 to 6 p.m. ABBEMUSEUM ORG /PENING RECEPTION TO P M Friday. Through October 2013. &RIDAY 4HROUGH /CTOBER " H o m e Decoration: The Domestic Artistry of the h(OME $ECORATION 4HE $OMESTIC !RTISTRY OF THE Skolfield Women, 1845-1900," samplers, printed 3KOLlELD 7OMEN v SAMPLERS PRINTED screens, flower arrangements, hair wreaths and SCREENS mOWER ARRANGEMENTS HAIR WREATHS AND more, Pejepscot Historical Society Museum, MORE 0EJEPSCOT (ISTORICAL 3OCIETY -USEUM Brunswick. 729-6606. Opens Wednesday. "RUNSWICK /PENS 7EDNESDAY Through Dec. 3 1 . 4HROUGH $EC CONTINUING #/.4).5).' Portland Museum of Art: "Weatherbeaten: 0ORTLAND -USEUM OF !RT h7EATHERBEATEN Winslow Homer and Maine," works by Homer 7INSLOW (OMER AND -AINE v WORKS BY (OMER CREATED AT HIS 0ROUTS .ECK STUDIO IN CONJUNCTION created at his Prouts Neck studio in conjunction WITH RE OPENING OF RESTORED STUDIO FOR PUBLIC TOURS with re-opening of restored studio for public tours, AND h!RT IN 0ROCESS v HIGH SCHOOL ART EXHIBITION and "Art in Process," high school art exhibition, THROUGH $EC h4HE 0ORTLAND 3OCIETY OF !RT through Dec. 30; "The Portland Society of Art AND 7INSLOW (OMER IN -AINE v WATERCOLORS and Winslow Homer in Maine," 50 watercolors AND DRAWINGS EXAMINE THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN and drawings examine the relationship between Homer, architect John Calvin Stevens and the (OMER ARCHITECT *OHN #ALVIN 3TEVENS AND THE Portland Society of Art, through Feb. 3; "Between 0ORTLAND 3OCIETY OF !RT THROUGH &EB h"ETWEEN Past and Present: The Homer Studio Photographic 0AST AND 0RESENT 4HE (OMER 3TUDIO 0HOTOGRAPHIC Project," contemporary photography made with 0ROJECT v CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHY MADE WITH a variety of historic processes, through Feb. 17. A VARIETY OF HISTORIC PROCESSES THROUGH &EB portlandmuseum.org PORTLANDMUSEUM ORG Maine Historical Society Museum/Longfellow -AINE (ISTORICAL 3OCIETY -USEUM ,ONGFELLOW House, Portland: " W i r e d ! " explores the (OUSE 0ORTLAND h7IRED v EXPLORES THE electrification of Maine during the 20th century, ELECTRIlCATION OF -AINE DURING THE TH CENTURY through May 26. mainehistory.org THROUGH -AY MAINEHISTORY ORG Maine Museum of Photographic Arts, USM -AINE -USEUM OF 0HOTOGRAPHIC !RTS 53- Glickman Library, Portland: Luc Demers, "Trace," 'LICKMAN ,IBRARY 0ORTLAND ,UC $EMERS h4RACE v photographs, and Richard Veit, photographs, PHOTOGRAPHS AND 2ICHARD 6EIT PHOTOGRAPHS through Dec. 2 1 . usm.maine.edu/library THROUGH $EC USM MAINE EDU LIBRARY Maine Jewish Museum, Portland: "Isaac Bashevis -AINE *EWISH -USEUM 0ORTLAND h)SAAC "ASHEVIS Singer and His Artists," photography, painting, 3INGER AND (IS !RTISTS v PHOTOGRAPHY PAINTING graphic design, wood-block prints and illustrated GRAPHIC DESIGN WOOD BLOCK PRINTS AND ILLUSTRATED books, through Nov. 30. treeoflifemuseum.org BOOKS THROUGH .OV TREEOmIFEMUSEUM ORG Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick: "OWDOIN #OLLEGE -USEUM OF !RT "RUNSWICK "Making a Presence: F. Holland Day in Artistic h-AKING A 0RESENCE & (OLLAND $AY IN !RTISTIC Photography," photographs by and of F. Holland 0HOTOGRAPHY v PHOTOGRAPHS BY AND OF & (OLLAND Day (1864-1933) and "We Never See Anything $AY AND h7E .EVER 3EE !NYTHING Clearly: John Ruskin and Landscape Painting," #LEARLY *OHN 2USKIN AND ,ANDSCAPE 0AINTING v paintings from 1840s to 1870s, through Dec. 23. PAINTINGS FROM S TO S THROUGH $EC bowdoin.edu/art-museum BOWDOIN EDU ART MUSEUM Pejepscot Historical Society Museum, 0EJEPSCOT (ISTORICAL 3OCIETY -USEUM Brunswick: "Vote, Pejepscot!", election and "RUNSWICK h6OTE 0EJEPSCOT v ELECTION AND political paraphernalia, through Dec. 3 1 . POLITICAL PARAPHERNALIA THROUGH $EC pejepscothistorical.org PEJEPSCOTHISTORICAL ORG Saco Museum: "The Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's 3ACO -USEUM h4HE -OVING 0ANORAMA OF 0ILGRIM S Progress," Civil War-era panorama seen in its 0ROGRESS v #IVIL 7AR ERA PANORAMA SEEN IN ITS entirety for the first time in more than a century ENTIRETY FOR THE lRST TIME IN MORE THAN A CENTURY (also at Pepperell Mills in Biddeford), and "Then, ALSO AT 0EPPERELL -ILLS IN "IDDEFORD AND h4HEN Now and Always a Part of Saco: 250 Years of the .OW AND !LWAYS A 0ART OF 3ACO 9EARS OF THE First Parish Church," photos and artifacts, through &IRST 0ARISH #HURCH v PHOTOS AND ARTIFACTS THROUGH Nov. 10. dyerlibrarysacomuseum.org .OV DYERLIBRARYSACOMUSEUM ORG Bates College Museum of Art, Lewiston: "ATES #OLLEGE -USEUM OF !RT ,EWISTON "Starstruck: The Fine Art of Astrophotography," h3TARSTRUCK 4HE &INE !RT OF !STROPHOTOGRAPHY v featuring 106 images by artists from 11 countries FEATURING IMAGES BY ARTISTS FROM COUNTRIES across five continents, through Dec. 15. bates.edu/ ACROSS lVE CONTINENTS THROUGH $EC BATES EDU

Elisabeth Heller, Richard Boyd Gallery, Peaks %LISABETH (ELLER 2ICHARD "OYD 'ALLERY 0EAKS Island, richardboydpottery.com. Opens Friday. )SLAND RICHARDBOYDPOTTERY COM /PENS &RIDAY Through Nov. 25. 4HROUGH .OV !DELINE 'OLDMINC 4RONZO h!NYTHING Adeline Goldminc-Tronzo: "Anything But...," oils on canvas, York Public Library. "UT v OILS ON CANVAS 9ORK 0UBLIC ,IBRARY www.york.lib.me.us. Opens Friday. Through Dec. WWW YORK LIB ME US /PENS &RIDAY 4HROUGH $EC 27. h4HIS ,AND 7AS -ADE FOR 9OU AND -E v BLACK "This Land Was Made for You and Me," blackand-white photography by 19 Maine artists AND WHITE PHOTOGRAPHY BY -AINE ARTISTS inspired by the music of Woody Guthrie, Harlow INSPIRED BY THE MUSIC OF 7OODY 'UTHRIE (ARLOW Gallery, Hallowell. harlowgallery.org. Opening 'ALLERY (ALLOWELL HARLOWGALLERY ORG /PENING reception, 5 to 8 p.m. Friday. Through Nov. 24. RECEPTION TO P M &RIDAY 4HROUGH .OV "Holiday Extravaganza," smaller artworks and h(OLIDAY %XTRAVAGANZA v SMALLER ARTWORKS AND variety of creative crafts, Aarhus Gallery, Belfast. VARIETY OF CREATIVE CRAFTS !ARHUS 'ALLERY "ELFAST aarhusgallery.com. Opening reception, 5 to 8 p.m. AARHUSGALLERY COM /PENING RECEPTION TO P M Friday. Through Dec. 24. &RIDAY 4HROUGH $EC "Collaborative Connections," 18 artists from h#OLLABORATIVE #ONNECTIONS v ARTISTS FROM Circling the Square Fine Art Press and One of a #IRCLING THE 3QUARE &INE !RT 0RESS AND /NE OF A Kind Printers, Curtis Memorial Library, Brunswick. +IND 0RINTERS #URTIS -EMORIAL ,IBRARY "RUNSWICK curtislibrary.com. Opening reception, 5 to 7 p.m. CURTISLIBRARY COM /PENING RECEPTION TO P M Saturday. Through Nov. 29. 3ATURDAY 4HROUGH .OV CONTINUING #/.4).5).' University of Southern Maine, Portland: "Zuihitsu: 5NIVERSITY OF 3OUTHERN -AINE 0ORTLAND h:UIHITSU Look Only at the Waves," exhibit by Smudge ,OOK /NLY AT THE 7AVES v EXHIBIT BY 3MUDGE Studio and USM art students, through Dec. 9. 3TUDIO AND 53- ART STUDENTS THROUGH $EC usm.maine.edu/gallery USM MAINE EDU GALLERY University of Southern Maine Osher Map 5NIVERSITY OF 3OUTHERN -AINE /SHER -AP Library, Portland: "Iconic America: The U.S. ,IBRARY 0ORTLAND h)CONIC !MERICA 4HE 5 3 Outline as National Symbol," through Feb. 28. /UTLINE AS .ATIONAL 3YMBOL v THROUGH &EB usm.maine.edu/maps USM MAINE EDU MAPS Maine Charitable Mechanics Association Library, -AINE #HARITABLE -ECHANICS !SSOCIATION ,IBRARY Portland: Reggie Osborn, textile art, through Nov. 0ORTLAND 2EGGIE /SBORN TEXTILE ART THROUGH .OV 30. 772-8598. University of New England (Art Gallery), 5NIVERSITY OF .EW %NGLAND !RT 'ALLERY Portland: "Vanguard," avant-garde, experimental 0ORTLAND h6ANGUARD v AVANT GARDE EXPERIMENTAL and innovative works by nine Maine artists, AND INNOVATIVE WORKS BY NINE -AINE ARTISTS through Dec. 16. une.edu/artgallery THROUGH $EC UNE EDU ARTGALLERY Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b] Gleason Fine Art, Portland: "Maine Masterworks," 'LEASON &INE !RT 0ORTLAND h-AINE -ASTERWORKS v "With Cassie Jones 2July12" by James Chute, from "Talking & Drawing," µEWbV 1OaaWS 8]\Sa 8cZg ¶ Pg 8O[Sa 1VcbS T`][ µBOZYW\U 2`OeW\U ¶ works by James Fitzgerald, Charles Woodbury, WORKS BY *AMES &ITZGERALD #HARLES 7OODBURY opening Friday and continuing through Dec 1 at Rose Contemporary in ]^S\W\U 4`WROg O\R Q]\bW\cW\U bV`]cUV 2SQ Ob @]aS 1]\bS[^]`O`g W\ William T. Richards, Emil Holzhauer and more, 7ILLIAM 4 2ICHARDS %MIL (OLZHAUER AND MORE Portland. >]`bZO\R through Nov. 17. 699-5599. THROUGH .OV Portland Public Library: "Elegant Enigmas: The 0ORTLAND 0UBLIC ,IBRARY h%LEGANT %NIGMAS 4HE 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday. Through Nov. 30. museum/exhibitions TO P M 4HURSDAY 4HROUGH .OV MUSEUM EXHIBITIONS Art of Edward Gorey," original illustrations, !RT OF %DWARD 'OREY v ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS First Friday ArtWalk, galleries and museums Colby College Museum of Art, Waterville: "Hidden &IRST &RIDAY !RT7ALK GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS #OLBY #OLLEGE -USEUM OF !RT 7ATERVILLE h(IDDEN preparatory sketches, unpublished drawings and PREPARATORY SKETCHES UNPUBLISHED DRAWINGS AND open to the public, downtown Portland. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC DOWNTOWN 0ORTLAND Histories: A Project by Maggie Libby," history of (ISTORIES ! 0ROJECT BY -AGGIE ,IBBY v HISTORY OF ephemera, through Dec. 29. portlandlibrary.com EPHEMERA THROUGH $EC PORTLANDLIBRARY COM firstfridayartwalk.com. 5 to 8 p.m. Friday. lRSTFRIDAYARTWALK COM TO P M &RIDAY women at Colby, through Nov. 25; Alex Katz, WOMEN AT #OLBY THROUGH .OV !LEX +ATZ University of Southern Maine (Art Gallery), 5NIVERSITY OF 3OUTHERN -AINE !RT 'ALLERY Jessica Gandolf, Penelope Jones, Bridget Spaeth: "Maine/New York," 28 paintings and one multi-part *ESSICA 'ANDOLF 0ENELOPE *ONES "RIDGET 3PAETH h-AINE .EW 9ORK v PAINTINGS AND ONE MULTI PART Gorham: "Sampler," 38 pieces of prints, paintings 'ORHAM h3AMPLER v PIECES OF PRINTS PAINTINGS "Expanding Fields"; and James Chute: "Talking h%XPANDING &IELDSv AND *AMES #HUTE h4ALKING sculpture, through Dec. 30. colby.edu and experimental works, through Dec. 9. SCULPTURE THROUGH $EC COLBY EDU AND EXPERIMENTAL WORKS THROUGH $EC 6 Drawing," Rose Contemporary, Portland. $RAWING v 2OSE #ONTEMPORARY 0ORTLAND Maine State Museum, Augusta: "Malaga Island: usm.maine.edu/gallery USM MAINE EDU GALLERY -AINE 3TATE -USEUM !UGUSTA h-ALAGA )SLAND rosecontemporary.com. Opens Friday. "Talking ROSECONTEMPORARY COM /PENS &RIDAY h4ALKING Fragmented Lives," historic photographs, Elizabeth Moss Gallery, Falmouth: Mary Barnes, %LIZABETH -OSS 'ALLERY &ALMOUTH -ARY "ARNES &RAGMENTED ,IVES v HISTORIC PHOTOGRAPHS & Drawing" through Dec. 1. "Expanding Fields" $RAWINGv THROUGH $EC h%XPANDING &IELDSv documents, artifacts and first-person accounts, "Once Removed," and John Santoro, "Transitions," h/NCE 2EMOVED v AND *OHN 3ANTORO h4RANSITIONS v DOCUMENTS ARTIFACTS AND lRST PERSON ACCOUNTS through Dec. 22. THROUGH $EC through Sunday, elizabethmossgalleries.com through May. mainestatemuseum.org THROUGH 3UNDAY ELIZABETHMOSSGALLERIES COM THROUGH -AY MAINESTATEMUSEUM ORG Eric Hou: "Koala High: Homecoming," recent %RIC (OU h+OALA (IGH (OMECOMING v RECENT Yarmouth Frame Shop and Gallery: "Falling for Farnsworth Art Museum, Rockland: Andrew 9ARMOUTH &RAME 3HOP AND 'ALLERY h&ALLING FOR &ARNSWORTH !RT -USEUM 2OCKLAND !NDREW prints, The Green Hand Bookshop, Portland. PRINTS 4HE 'REEN (AND "OOKSHOP 0ORTLAND Color," work by Martha Baum, Neil Myrick, Diana #OLOR v WORK BY -ARTHA "AUM .EIL -YRICK $IANA Wyeth, "Summers in Port Clyde," watercolors 7YETH h3UMMERS IN 0ORT #LYDE v WATERCOLORS 253-6808. Opening reception, 5 to 8 p.m. Friday. /PENING RECEPTION TO P M &RIDAY Johnson, Marcia Feller and AnneTarbox, through *OHNSON -ARCIA &ELLER AND !NNE 4ARBOX THROUGH from 1930s and '40s, through Sunday; "Jamie FROM S AND S THROUGH 3UNDAY h*AMIE Through Nov. 30. 4HROUGH .OV Dec. 8. yarmouthframeshopandgallery.com $EC YARMOUTHFRAMESHOPANDGALLERY COM Wyeth, Rockwell Kent and Monhegan," paintings, 7YETH 2OCKWELL +ENT AND -ONHEGAN v PAINTINGS "Seeing Red," paintings by Rhonda Pearle, Gary h3EEING 2ED v PAINTINGS BY 2HONDA 0EARLE 'ARY Freeport Historical Society Harrington House: &REEPORT (ISTORICAL 3OCIETY (ARRINGTON (OUSE and "Impressionist Summers: Frank W. Benson's AND h)MPRESSIONIST 3UMMERS &RANK 7 "ENSON S Perlmutter, Valerie Birnhak, Ruth Claff, Pauline 0ERLMUTTER 6ALERIE "IRNHAK 2UTH #LAFF 0AULINE "Buttons, Rum and Rakes: Freeport's Mercantile h"UTTONS 2UM AND 2AKES &REEPORT S -ERCANTILE North Haven," paintings, through Dec. 30; .ORTH (AVEN v PAINTINGS THROUGH $EC Delin, Dick Eaton, Alison Hill and Wendy $ELIN $ICK %ATON !LISON (ILL AND 7ENDY Past," through March, freeporthistoricalsociety.org 0AST v THROUGH -ARCH FREEPORTHISTORICALSOCIETY ORG "Recent Acquisitions," newly acquired work h2ECENT !CQUISITIONS v NEWLY ACQUIRED WORK Hodge, Bridge Gallery, Portland, bridgegallery (ODGE "RIDGE 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND BRIDGEGALLERY Coleman Burke Gallery (Fort Andross), #OLEMAN "URKE 'ALLERY &ORT !NDROSS by Georgia O'Keeffe, Arthur Dove, Rockwell BY 'EORGIA / +EEFFE !RTHUR $OVE 2OCKWELL portland.com. Opening reception, 4 to 6 p.m. PORTLAND COM /PENING RECEPTION TO P M Brunswick: Alicia Eggert, "Speaking in Tongues," "RUNSWICK !LICIA %GGERT h3PEAKING IN 4ONGUES v Kent, Marguerite and William Zorach, Elaine de +ENT -ARGUERITE AND 7ILLIAM :ORACH %LAINE DE Friday. Through Nov. 30. &RIDAY 4HROUGH .OV work in various media that utilizes text, through WORK IN VARIOUS MEDIA THAT UTILIZES TEXT THROUGH Kooning, Andrew and N.C. Wyeth, and more, +OONING !NDREW AND . # 7YETH AND MORE Brenton Hamilton: "Relevant Histories," photos "RENTON (AMILTON h2ELEVANT (ISTORIES v PHOTOS Nov. 30. colemanburke.com .OV COLEMANBURKE COM through March 10. farnsworthmuseum.org drawing on historical photographic processes and THROUGH -ARCH FARNSWORTHMUSEUM ORG DRAWING ON HISTORICAL PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESSES AND The Frontier, Brunswick: "Groundbreakers: 4HE &RONTIER "RUNSWICK h'ROUNDBREAKERS Abbe Museum, Bar Harbor: "Indians and art history, Addison Wool ley Gallery, Portland. ART HISTORY !DDISON 7OOLLEY 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND !BBE -USEUM "AR (ARBOR h)NDIANS AND Mainers Shaping Agriculture's Future," -AINERS 3HAPING !GRICULTURE S &UTURE v Rusticators" and "TranscendingTraditions: The addisonwoolley.com. Opening reception, 5 to 8 ADDISONWOOLLEY COM /PENING RECEPTION TO 2USTICATORSv AND h4RANSCENDING 4RADITIONS 4HE photographs by Lily Peil, through Nov. 25. PHOTOGRAPHS BY ,ILY 0EIL THROUGH .OV Next Generation and Maine Indian Basketry," p.m. Friday. Through Dec. 1. P M &RIDAY 4HROUGH $EC .EXT 'ENERATION AND -AINE )NDIAN "ASKETRY v explorefrontier.com EXPLOREFRONTIER COM through Dec. 29. abbemuseum.org Maine Artists Collective: "Freak Show," -AINE !RTISTS #OLLECTIVE h&REAK 3HOW v THROUGH $EC ABBEMUSEUM ORG Bayview Gallery, Brunswick: "The Paintings "AYVIEW 'ALLERY "RUNSWICK h4HE 0AINTINGS University of Maine (Museum of Art), Bangor: exploration of identity and difference, EXPLORATION OF IDENTITY AND DIFFERENCE 5NIVERSITY OF -AINE -USEUM OF !RT "ANGOR of John Marshall," through Nov. 10. OF *OHN -ARSHALL v THROUGH .OV Alan Bray, "AtThe Edges," paintings; Mayumi Constellation Gallery, Portland. #ONSTELLATION 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND !LAN "RAY h!T 4HE %DGES v PAINTINGS -AYUMI bayviewgal lery.com BAYVIEWGALLERY COM Sarai, "Ring Cycle," carved wooden sculptures; constellationart.com. Opening reception, 5 to 8 CONSTELLATIONART COM /PENING RECEPTION TO 3ARAI h2ING #YCLE v CARVED WOODEN SCULPTURES Icon Contemporary Art, Brunswick: Jon Kievitt, )CON #ONTEMPORARY !RT "RUNSWICK *ON +IEVITT p.m. Friday. Through Nov. 2 1 . and Susan Jane Belton, "What's Yours," oil on P M &RIDAY 4HROUGH .OV AND 3USAN *ANE "ELTON h7HAT S 9OURS v OIL ON "Works on Paper" and Garry Mitchell, "New h7ORKS ON 0APERv AND 'ARRY -ITCHELL h.EW "Eat More A r t , " art on wood panels, Pinecone + panel portraits; through Jan. 5. umma.umaine.edu h%AT -ORE !RT v ART ON WOOD PANELS 0INECONE PANEL PORTRAITS THROUGH *AN UMMA UMAINE EDU Paintings," through Nov. 17. 725-8157. Chickadee, Portland, pineconeandchickadee.com. 0AINTINGS v THROUGH .OV #HICKADEE 0ORTLAND PINECONEANDCHICKADEE COM West Island Gallery, Bath: Richard Sears, 7EST )SLAND 'ALLERY "ATH 2ICHARD 3EARS Opening reception, 5 to 8 p.m. Friday. Through /PENING RECEPTION TO P M &RIDAY 4HROUGH ART GALLERIES N !24 '!,,%2)%3 "Paintings and Drawings," through Nov. 24. h0AINTINGS AND $RAWINGS v THROUGH .OV Nov. 30. .OV westislandgallery.com WESTISLANDGALLERY COM OPENINGS/RECEPTIONS /0%.).'3 2%#%04)/.3 "Edges of Vision," MECA photo workshop group h%DGES OF 6ISION v -%#! PHOTO WORKSHOP GROUP Merrymeeting Arts Center, Bowdoinham: Jack -ERRYMEETING !RTS #ENTER "OWDOINHAM *ACK " W a r m t h and Style," handwoven, felted work show, 3Fish Gallery, Portland. 3fishgallery.com. h7ARMTH AND 3TYLE v HANDWOVEN FELTED WORK SHOW &ISH 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND lSHGALLERY COM Montgomery, "Portraits of Portraits," through Dec. -ONTGOMERY h0ORTRAITS OF 0ORTRAITS v THROUGH $EC and knit works by Maine fiber artists, Markings Opening reception, 5 to 8 p.m. Friday. Through AND KNIT WORKS BY -AINE lBER ARTISTS -ARKINGS /PENING RECEPTION TO P M &RIDAY 4HROUGH 10. merrymeetingartscenter.org MERRYMEETINGARTSCENTER ORG Gallery, Bath. 443-1499. Opens Thursday. Dec. 7. 'ALLERY "ATH /PENS 4HURSDAY $EC George Marshall Store Gallery, York: 'EORGE -ARSHALL 3TORE 'ALLERY 9ORK Through Dec. 3 1 . Michael Milicia: "The Exquisite Bird 2 , " 4HROUGH $EC -ICHAEL -ILICIA h4HE %XQUISITE "IRD v "Connections," works by Lissa Hunter and Carol h#ONNECTIONS v WORKS BY ,ISSA (UNTER AND #AROL photographs of birds, Daunis Fine Jewelry, Ed Douglas: "New Works," Greenhut Galleries, PHOTOGRAPHS OF BIRDS $AUNIS &INE *EWELRY %D $OUGLAS h.EW 7ORKS v 'REENHUT 'ALLERIES Stein; and Tom Hall, "Maine Landscapes," through 3TEIN AND 4OM (ALL h-AINE ,ANDSCAPES v THROUGH Portland, greenhutgalleries.com. Opening Portland, daunis.com. Opening reception, 5 to 8 0ORTLAND DAUNIS COM /PENING RECEPTION TO 0ORTLAND GREENHUTGALLERIES COM /PENING Nov. 1 1 . georgemarshallstoregallery.com .OV GEORGEMARSHALLSTOREGALLERY COM p.m. Friday. Through Dec. 3 1 . reception, 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday. Through Dec. 1. P M &RIDAY 4HROUGH $EC RECEPTION TO P M 4HURSDAY 4HROUGH $EC "Serenity 2012: Paintings and Drawings," multiTom Hall, new paintings, June Fitzpatrick Gallery 4OM (ALL NEW PAINTINGS *UNE &ITZPATRICK 'ALLERY h3ERENITY 0AINTINGS AND $RAWINGS v MULTI media exhibit by gallery artists and guest artist Please see A R T , Page E28 at MECA, Portland. 699-5083. Opening reception, MEDIA EXHIBIT BY GALLERY ARTISTS AND GUEST ARTIST Gc\Xj\ j\\ /@B GX^\ <)/ AT -%#! 0ORTLAND /PENING RECEPTION

Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, November 1, 2012 >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg <]dS[PS` j 5= 3 % GO E27

On Saturday, Portland's =\ AObc`ROg >]`bZO\R¸a Lincoln Peirce, the nationally :W\Q]Z\ >SW`QS bVS \ObW]\OZZg syndicated comic strip artist ag\RWQObSR Q][WQ ab`W^ O`bWab of 'Big Nate' fame, will meet ]T ·0WU <ObS¸ TO[S eWZZ [SSb fans at Casablanca Comics. TO\a Ob 1OaOPZO\QO 1][WQa


#Z "7&3: :"-& ,".*-" By AVERY YALE KAMILA 4UBGG 8SJUFS StaffWriter rtist Lincoln Peirce takes rejecSUJTU -JODPMO 1FJSDF UBLFT SFKFD tion in stride. He also responds UJPO JO TUSJEF )F BMTP SFTQPOET well to constructive criticism. XFMM UP DPOTUSVDUJWF DSJUJDJTN Because of these two traits, #FDBVTF PG UIFTF UXP USBJUT combined with his writing and DPNCJOFE XJUI IJT XSJUJOH BOE drawing skills, Peirce will ESBXJOH TLJMMT 1FJSDF XJMM celebrate his 22nd anniversary DFMFCSBUF IJT OE BOOJWFSTBSZ in January as a comic strip JO +BOVBSZ BT B DPNJD TUSJQ creator. DSFBUPS Peirce is the artist behind 1FJSDF JT UIF BSUJTU CFIJOE "Big Nate," which has been i#JH /BUF w XIJDI IBT CFFO nationally syndicated since 1991 and is OBUJPOBMMZ TZOEJDBUFE TJODF BOE JT carried by hundreds of newspapers. It runs DBSSJFE CZ IVOESFET PG OFXTQBQFST *U SVOT daily in the Portland Press Herald, and EBJMZ JO UIF 1PSUMBOE 1SFTT )FSBME BOE each Sunday, it commands the top panel of FBDI 4VOEBZ JU DPNNBOET UIF UPQ QBOFM PG the Maine Sunday Telegram comics section. UIF .BJOF 4VOEBZ 5FMFHSBN DPNJDT TFDUJPO "I've been very lucky," said Peirce, 49. i* WF CFFO WFSZ MVDLZ w TBJE 1FJSDF "I've beaten the odds." i* WF CFBUFO UIF PEET w On Saturday, the Portland resident will 0O 4BUVSEBZ UIF 1PSUMBOE SFTJEFOU XJMM appear at Casablanca Comics to meet BQQFBS BU $BTBCMBODB $PNJDT UP NFFU fans and sign books. Peirce (pronounced GBOT BOE TJHO CPPLT 1FJSDF QSPOPVODFE "purse") has published 13 "Big Nate" books, iQVSTFw IBT QVCMJTIFE i#JH /BUFw CPPLT including four graphic novels, two activity JODMVEJOH GPVS HSBQIJD OPWFMT UXP BDUJWJUZ books and seven compilations of his comic CPPLT BOE TFWFO DPNQJMBUJPOT PG IJT DPNJD strip, some of which have ended up on The TUSJQ TPNF PG XIJDI IBWF FOEFE VQ PO 5IF New York Times best-seller list. His most /FX :PSL 5JNFT CFTU TFMMFS MJTU )JT NPTU recent compilations are "Big Nate: All Work SFDFOU DPNQJMBUJPOT BSF i#JH /BUF "MM 8PSL and No Play" and "Big Nate: Makes the BOE /P 1MBZw BOE i#JH /BUF .BLFT UIF Grade." (SBEF w And in a little more than a month from "OE JO B MJUUMF NPSF UIBO B NPOUI GSPN now, Peirce will publish his 8,000th comic OPX 1FJSDF XJMM QVCMJTI IJT UI DPNJD strip. TUSJQ


Sip for cystic fibrosis research on Friday J`g ]fi Zpjk`Z ÔYifj`j i\j\XiZ_ fe =i`[Xp

?FK k`Zb\k U ^ T Mw |

RAISE A GLASS of vino and help support @/7A3 / 5:/AA ]T dW\] O\R VSZ^ ac^^]`b cystic fibrosis research during the QgabWQ ¿P`]aWa `SaSO`QV Rc`W\U bVS Portland Wine Opener. Enjoy wine (and >]`bZO\R EW\S =^S\S` 3\X]g eW\S O\R beer!) plus appetizers while you bid on PSS` ^Zca O^^SbWhS`a eVWZS g]c PWR ]\ swanky auction items. aeO\Yg OcQbW]\ WbS[a WHEN: 6 to 10 p.m. Friday E63<( $ b] ^ [ 4`WROg WHERE: Ocean Gateway, 2 1][[S`QWOZ Ab >]`bZO\R Commercial St., Portland E63@3( =QSO\ 5ObSeOg HOW MUCH: $ 5 0 6=E ;C16( # INFO: (800) 757-0203 7<4=( & %#% !

Q]c`bSag 7[OUSa >SW`QS :W\Q]Z\

Not bad for someone who started submitting /PU CBE GPS TPNFPOF XIP TUBSUFE TVCNJUUJOH strips as a freshman at Colby College. TUSJQT BT B GSFTINBO BU $PMCZ $PMMFHF But it didn't come easy. For seven years, as #VU JU EJEO U DPNF FBTZ 'PS TFWFO ZFBST BT the rejection letters piled up, Peirce continued UIF SFKFDUJPO MFUUFST QJMFE VQ 1FJSDF DPOUJOVFE to create new concepts and submit them to ediUP DSFBUF OFX DPODFQUT BOE TVCNJU UIFN UP FEJ tors in hopes that one might catch someone's UPST JO IPQFT UIBU POF NJHIU DBUDI TPNFPOF T eye. FZF As the years wore on, the form letters gave "T UIF ZFBST XPSF PO UIF GPSN MFUUFST HBWF way to more personal rejection letters with XBZ UP NPSF QFSTPOBM SFKFDUJPO MFUUFST XJUI feedback and suggestions. GFFECBDL BOE TVHHFTUJPOT "In 1989 was when I first submitted a precuri*O XBT XIFO * mSTU TVCNJUUFE B QSFDVS sor to 'Big Nate' called 'Neighborhood Comics,' TPS UP A#JH /BUF DBMMFE A/FJHICPSIPPE $PNJDT " Peirce recalled. "I got an encouraging letter w 1FJSDF SFDBMMFE i* HPU BO FODPVSBHJOH MFUUFS from the woman who would become my editor. GSPN UIF XPNBO XIP XPVME CFDPNF NZ FEJUPS

Peirce's "Big Nate" >SW`QS¸a µ0WU <ObS¶ comic strip runs in Q][WQ ab`W^ `c\a W\ hundreds of newspapers, Vc\R`SRa ]T \Sea^O^S`a including this one. W\QZcRW\U bVWa ]\S

Please see PEIRCE, Page E30 Gc\Xj\ j\\ >37@13 GX^\ <*'

Fall test at Freeport school =Xcc ]\jk Xk =i\\gfik jZ_ffc MEET ARTISTS, make some crafts and enjoy ;33B /@B7ABA [OYS a][S Q`OTba O\R S\X]g everything from live music and food to SdS`gbVW\U T`][ ZWdS [caWQ O\R T]]R b] puppet shows at the Merriconeag Waldorf ^c^^Sb aV]ea Ob bVS ;S``WQ]\SOU EOZR]`T School's fall festival and open house. AQV]]Z¸a TOZZ TSabWdOZ O\R ]^S\ V]caS WHEN: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday E63<( O [ b] ! ^ [ AObc`ROg WHERE: Merriconeag Waldorf School, E63@3( ;S``WQ]\SOU EOZR]`T AQV]]Z 57 Desert Road, Freeport #% 2SaS`b @]OR 4`SS^]`b HOW MUCH: Free 6=E ;C16( 4`SS INFO: merriconeag.org 7<4=( [S``WQ]\SOU ]`U

Off Beat: Puppet slam, E28 N C`jk`e^j# <)0 Listings, E29 F]] 9\Xk1 Glgg\k jcXd# <)/

G :?<8I@CC


GO Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, November 1, 2012 3E28 & 5= j >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg <]dS[PS`


IFO "MFY &OEZ UFBDIFT B DMBTT PO QVQQFUSZ IF hen Alex Endy teaches a class on puppetry, he UFMMT TUVEFOUT BNPOH PUIFS UIJOHT UIBU UIFZ tells students, among other things, that they live in "one of the most puppetry-impoverMJWF JO iPOF PG UIF NPTU QVQQFUSZ JNQPWFS JTIFE OBUJPOTw JO UIF XPSME ished nations" in the world. 1VQQFUSZ JNQPWFSJTIFE Puppetry-impoverished? i*U T POMZ JO "NFSJDB UIBU XF UIJOL PG QVQQFU "It's only in America that we think of puppet shows, by default, as being only for children," said TIPXT CZ EFGBVMU BT CFJOH POMZ GPS DIJMESFO w TBJE Endy, 36, of Portland. "So when we have a puppet &OEZ PG 1PSUMBOE i4P XIFO XF IBWF B QVQQFU show that's more bawdy, or is based on folklore, or TIPX UIBU T NPSF CBXEZ PS JT CBTFE PO GPMLMPSF PS is just more for adults, we have JT KVTU NPSF GPS BEVMUT XF IBWF to put all these caveats on it. UP QVU BMM UIFTF DBWFBUT PO JU "But in other countries, i#VU JO PUIFS DPVOUSJFT people are more used to seeing QFPQMF BSF NPSF VTFE UP TFFJOH puppetry used for experimentQVQQFUSZ VTFE GPS FYQFSJNFOU ing with all sorts of emotion and JOH XJUI BMM TPSUT PG FNPUJPO BOE imagery." JNBHFSZ w Endy will be performing &OEZ XJMM CF QFSGPSNJOH his Ray RO U t h J G r IJT QVQQFUSZ JO B TIPX UIBU puppetry in a show that is definitely not for children JT EFmOJUFMZ OPU GPS DIJMESFO o i,JOH 'SJEBZ T %VOHFPOw o PO Off B0dt ~ "King Friday's Dungeon" - on Saturday at Mayo Street Arts in 4BUVSEBZ BU .BZP 4USFFU "SUT JO Portland. It's the second year in 1PSUMBOE *U T UIF TFDPOE ZFBS JO a row the venue is hosting the show, a showcase for B SPX UIF WFOVF JT IPTUJOH UIF TIPX B TIPXDBTF GPS Portland's growing and very creative puppet scene. 1PSUMBOE T HSPXJOH BOE WFSZ DSFBUJWF QVQQFU TDFOF "King Friday's Dungeon" is being billed as a "pupi,JOH 'SJEBZ T %VOHFPOw JT CFJOH CJMMFE BT B iQVQ pet slam," a national trend of puppet shows that can QFU TMBN w B OBUJPOBM USFOE PG QVQQFU TIPXT UIBU DBO be almost anything but are not necessarily for kids. CF BMNPTU BOZUIJOH CVU BSF OPU OFDFTTBSJMZ GPS LJET The show will feature various styles of puppetry, 5IF TIPX XJMM GFBUVSF WBSJPVT TUZMFT PG QVQQFUSZ including marionettes, rod puppets and Bunraku JODMVEJOH NBSJPOFUUFT SPE QVQQFUT BOE #VOSBLV puppetry, where puppeteers wear all black and QVQQFUSZ XIFSF QVQQFUFFST XFBS BMM CMBDL BOE stand on stage with their puppets. Seven puppeteerTUBOE PO TUBHF XJUI UIFJS QVQQFUT 4FWFO QVQQFUFFS ing groups, plus Endy, will be taking the stage. JOH HSPVQT QMVT &OEZ XJMM CF UBLJOH UIF TUBHF "It'll be sort of a Whitman's Sampler of Portland i*U MM CF TPSU PG B 8IJUNBO T 4BNQMFS PG 1PSUMBOE puppetry," said Blainor McGough, director of Mayo QVQQFUSZ w TBJE #MBJOPS .D(PVHI EJSFDUPS PG .BZP Street Arts and herself a puppeteer. 4USFFU "SUT BOE IFSTFMG B QVQQFUFFS After putting on a "King Friday's Dungeon" pup"GUFS QVUUJOH PO B i,JOH 'SJEBZ T %VOHFPOw QVQ pet slam last year at Mayo Street, McGough applied QFU TMBN MBTU ZFBS BU .BZP 4USFFU .D(PVHI BQQMJFE for and got a $2,000 "slam grant" from Heather GPS BOE HPU B iTMBN HSBOUw GSPN )FBUIFS Henson's Puppet Slam Network. Henson is the )FOTPO T 1VQQFU 4MBN /FUXPSL )FOTPO JT UIF daughter of the late puppeteering legend Jim HenEBVHIUFS PG UIF MBUF QVQQFUFFSJOH MFHFOE +JN )FO son, creator of the Muppets, and she works nationTPO DSFBUPS PG UIF .VQQFUT BOE TIF XPSLT OBUJPO ally to promote puppetry. BMMZ UP QSPNPUF QVQQFUSZ Although "King Friday's Dungeon" is not intended "MUIPVHI i,JOH 'SJEBZ T %VOHFPOw JT OPU JOUFOEFE for children, the main character is based on the GPS DIJMESFO UIF NBJO DIBSBDUFS JT CBTFE PO UIF puppet monarch of the long-running PBS kids' QVQQFU NPOBSDI PG UIF MPOH SVOOJOH 1#4 LJET show "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood." But in this TIPX i.JTUFS 3PHFST /FJHICPSIPPE w #VU JO UIJT show, the king has fallen from his lofty perch. He's TIPX UIF LJOH IBT GBMMFO GSPN IJT MPGUZ QFSDI )F T no longer in charge of a peaceful kingdom, and now OP MPOHFS JO DIBSHF PG B QFBDFGVM LJOHEPN BOE OPX he's become a bawdy and foul-mouthed old man, IF T CFDPNF B CBXEZ BOE GPVM NPVUIFE PME NBO putting on shows for his own entertainment. QVUUJOH PO TIPXT GPS IJT PXO FOUFSUBJONFOU Endy played the king last year (that is, he worked &OEZ QMBZFE UIF LJOH MBTU ZFBS UIBU JT IF XPSLFE the puppet and spoke the part), and is playing him UIF QVQQFU BOE TQPLF UIF QBSU BOE JT QMBZJOH IJN again on Saturday. He studied acting, and worked BHBJO PO 4BUVSEBZ )F TUVEJFE BDUJOH BOE XPSLFE as an actor and puppeteer in New York before landBT BO BDUPS BOE QVQQFUFFS JO /FX :PSL CFGPSF MBOE ing in Maine. JOH JO .BJOF "It was fun last year to play this beloved children's i*U XBT GVO MBTU ZFBS UP QMBZ UIJT CFMPWFE DIJMESFO T character, to see how far he had fallen from his DIBSBDUFS UP TFF IPX GBS IF IBE GBMMFO GSPN IJT glory days, to the point of being foul-mouthed and HMPSZ EBZT UP UIF QPJOU PG CFJOH GPVM NPVUIFE BOE rude," said Endy. SVEF w TBJE &OEZ The king is sort of the MC of the show, opening 5IF LJOH JT TPSU PG UIF .$ PG UIF TIPX PQFOJOH things up for other puppets and puppeteers to do UIJOHT VQ GPS PUIFS QVQQFUT BOE QVQQFUFFST UP EP their own thing. It's also an opportunity for people UIFJS PXO UIJOH *U T BMTP BO PQQPSUVOJUZ GPS QFPQMF to see what puppetry can be - a medium for perforUP TFF XIBU QVQQFUSZ DBO CF o B NFEJVN GPS QFSGPS mance. NBODF There is some acting, since people are voicing the 5IFSF JT TPNF BDUJOH TJODF QFPQMF BSF WPJDJOH UIF puppets. But working a puppet - with all its strings QVQQFUT #VU XPSLJOH B QVQQFU o XJUI BMM JUT TUSJOHT and moving parts - takes a special skill beyond BOE NPWJOH QBSUT o UBLFT B TQFDJBM TLJMM CFZPOE acting. BDUJOH "You are the actor and director, and it's sort of like i:PV BSF UIF BDUPS BOE EJSFDUPS BOE JU T TPSU PG MJLF you're playing a musical instrument," said Endy. ZPV SF QMBZJOH B NVTJDBM JOTUSVNFOU w TBJE &OEZ "Because whatever expression you imagine, you're i#FDBVTF XIBUFWFS FYQSFTTJPO ZPV JNBHJOF ZPV SF channeling that into the puppet." DIBOOFMJOH UIBU JOUP UIF QVQQFU w

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Staff Writer Ray Routhier can be contacted at 791-6454 or at: AbOTT E`WbS` @Og @]cbVWS` QO\ PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob %' $"#" ]` Ob( rrouthier@pressherald. com ``]cbVWS`.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ Twitter: RayRouthier BeWbbS`( @Og@]cbVWS`


Continued from Page E26 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 $


A bawdy R-rated 'puppet slam' / POeRg @ `ObSR ¡^c^^Sb aZO[¸ Sf^Z]`Sa V]e TO` bVS US\bZS O\R explores how far the gentle and benevolent King Friday has fallen. PS\Sd]ZS\b 9W\U 4`WROg VOa TOZZS\

Annie Seikonia photos /\\WS ASWY]\WO ^V]b]a

Scenes from last year's inaugural "King Friday's Dungeon. AQS\Sa T`][ ZOab gSO`¸a W\OcUc`OZ ¾9W\U 4`WROg¸a 2c\US]\ œ


@= >F KING FRIDAY'S 97<5 4@72/G¸A DUNGEON: ADULT 2C<53=<( /2C:B PUPPET SLAM >C>>3B A:/; WHEN: 7:30 p.m. E63<( %(! ^ [ Saturday AObc`ROg

WHERE: Mayo Street E63@3( ;Og] Ab`SSb Arts, 10 Mayo St., /`ba ;Og] Ab Portland >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $10 6=E ;C16( INFO: kfd.brown 7<4=( YTR P`]e\ papertickets.com; ^O^S`bWQYSba Q][) mayostreetarts.org [Og]ab`SSbO`ba ]`U

York Art Association, York 9ORK !RT !SSOCIATION 9ORK (ARBOR h!BSTRACT AND /UT OF Harbor: "Abstract and Out of the Ordinary," through Nov. 4. THE /RDINARY v THROUGH .OV yorkartassociation.com YORKARTASSOCIATION COM Fryeburg Academy (Palmina F. &RYEBURG !CADEMY 0ALMINA & AND 3TEPHEN 3 0ACE 'ALLERIES and Stephen S. Pace Galleries OF !RT h!PPLE OF -Y %YE v of Art): "Apple of My Eye," PAINTINGS WATERCOLORS PASTELS AND paintings, watercolors, pastels and PRINTS OF APPLES FROM MORE THAN prints of apples from more than 50 mostly regional artists of the MOSTLY REGIONAL ARTISTS OF THE past, through Dec. 21. 935-9232. PAST THROUGH $EC River Tree Arts, Kennebunk: 2IVER 4REE !RTS +ENNEBUNK "Photographers Choice," through h0HOTOGRAPHERS #HOICE v THROUGH Nov. 10. rivertreearts.org .OV RIVERTREEARTS ORG Wiscasset Bay Gallery: "Fresh 7ISCASSET "AY 'ALLERY h&RESH Paint and Recent Acquisitions," 0AINT AND 2ECENT !CQUISITIONS v recent acquisitions of 19th- and RECENT ACQUISITIONS OF TH AND 20th-century American and TH CENTURY !MERICAN AND European paintings, plus new %UROPEAN PAINTINGS PLUS NEW works by contemporary New WORKS BY CONTEMPORARY .EW England artists, through Friday. %NGLAND ARTISTS THROUGH &RIDAY wiscassetbaygallery.com WISCASSETBAYGALLERY COM Perimeter Gallery, Belfast: Ben 0ERIMETER 'ALLERY "ELFAST "EN Potter, "Home Field," through 0OTTER h(OME &IELD v THROUGH Nov. 25. 338-0555. .OV Center for Maine Contemporary #ENTER FOR -AINE #ONTEMPORARY Art, Rockport: 2012 Biennial !RT 2OCKPORT "IENNIAL Exhibition, and "Many Times %XHIBITION AND h-ANY 4IMES Times Square," soundscape 4IMES 3QUARE v SOUNDSCAPE composition by electronic music COMPOSITION BY ELECTRONIC MUSIC pioneer Joel Chadabe, through PIONEER *OEL #HADABE THROUGH Dec. 2. cmcanow.org $EC CMCANOW ORG Frost Farm Gallery, Norway: &ROST &ARM 'ALLERY .ORWAY Western Maine Paper Project, 7ESTERN -AINE 0APER 0ROJECT original works on paper, through ORIGINAL WORKS ON PAPER THROUGH April 5. frostfarmgallery.com !PRIL FROSTFARMGALLERY COM University of Maine (Holocaust 5NIVERSITY OF -AINE (OLOCAUST and Human Rights Center AND (UMAN 2IGHTS #ENTER of Maine), Augusta: "Maine OF -AINE !UGUSTA h-AINE Boys Overseas, German Boys "OYS /VERSEAS 'ERMAN "OYS in Maine," WWII history and IN -AINE v 77)) HISTORY AND artifacts, through Nov. 30. ARTIFACTS THROUGH .OV hhrc.uma.edu HHRC UMA EDU University of Maine (Charles 5NIVERSITY OF -AINE #HARLES Danforth Gallery), Augusta: $ANFORTH 'ALLERY !UGUSTA "Analog/Digital," 20 paintings and h!NALOG $IGITAL v PAINTINGS AND videos by Reese Inman, through VIDEOS BY 2EESE )NMAN THROUGH Nov. 30. 621-3493. .OV University of Maine (Art Gallery), 5NIVERSITY OF -AINE !RT 'ALLERY Farmington: Liz Phillips, "Biyuu &ARMINGTON ,IZ 0HILLIPS h"IYUU II," sound and video installation, )) v SOUND AND VIDEO INSTALLATION through Thursday. 778-1062. THROUGH 4HURSDAY Savory Maine, Damariscotta: 3AVORY -AINE $AMARISCOTTA Portraiture by Jeffrey 0ORTRAITURE BY *EFFREY Burke, through Nov. 13. "URKE THROUGH .OV savorymainedining.com SAVORYMAINEDINING COM Art Galleries at University of !RT 'ALLERIES AT 5NIVERSITY OF Maine, Machias: Condon and -AINE -ACHIAS #ONDON AND Georgeann Kuhl, "Tuscany to 'EORGEANN +UHL h4USCANY TO Pompeii and Beyond," through 0OMPEII AND "EYOND v THROUGH Nov. 30.255-1279. .OV CRAFT Gallery, Rockland: Jesse #2!&4 'ALLERY 2OCKLAND *ESSE Gillespie, "Uncommon Beauty," 'ILLESPIE h5NCOMMON "EAUTY v through Monday; Lissa Hunter THROUGH -ONDAY ,ISSA (UNTER and Simon van derVen, "Escape AND 3IMON VAN DER 6EN h%SCAPE Boundaries," new work, through "OUNDARIES v NEW WORK THROUGH Nov. 11. craftonelm.com .OV CRAFTONELM COM Maine Coastal Islands National -AINE #OASTAL )SLANDS .ATIONAL Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center, 7ILDLIFE 2EFUGE 6ISITOR #ENTER Rockland: John Wood, Hank 2OCKLAND *OHN 7OOD (ANK Tyler, Kathleen Florance, Karl 4YLER +ATHLEEN &LORANCE +ARL Gerstenberger and Keith Carver, 'ERSTENBERGER AND +EITH #ARVER multi-media, through Dec. 4. MULTI MEDIA THROUGH $EC maineseabirds.org MAINESEABIRDS ORG Caldbeck Gallery, Rockland: "Off #ALDBECK 'ALLERY 2OCKLAND h/FF the Beaten Path," multi-artist show THE "EATEN 0ATH v MULTI ARTIST SHOW focusing on Maine landscapes, FOCUSING ON -AINE LANDSCAPES through Saturday, caldbeck.com THROUGH 3ATURDAY CALDBECK COM

Portland Press Herald/Thursday, November 1, 2012 | GO E29 >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg <]dS[PS` j 5= 3 '

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Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

"Betting the Farm," a docunnentary that follows the story of a group of Maine farnners who launch their own milk company to save their operations after being µ0SbbW\U bVS 4O`[ ¶ O R]Qc[S\bO`g bVOb T]ZZ]ea bVS ab]`g ]T O U`]c^ ]T ;OW\S TO`[S`a eV] ZOc\QV bVSW` ]e\ [WZY Q][^O\g b] aOdS bVSW` ]^S`ObW]\a OTbS` PSW\U dropped by their national distributor, screens on Saturday at USM's Hannaford Hall in Portland. R`]^^SR Pg bVSW` \ObW]\OZ RWab`WPcb]` aQ`SS\a ]\ AObc`ROg Ob CA;¸a 6O\\OT]`R 6OZZ W\ >]`bZO\R preview with food and music, Ogunquit Museum PREVIEW WITH FOOD AND MUSIC /GUNQUIT -USEUM of American Art. $10. ogunquitmuseum.org. 5 to OF !MERICAN !RT OGUNQUITMUSEUM ORG TO 8 p.m. P M Christmas Fair, white elephant items, raffles, #HRISTMAS &AIR WHITE ELEPHANT ITEMS RAFmES baked goods, knitted goods, crafts and more, St. BAKED GOODS KNITTED GOODS CRAFTS AND MORE 3T Anthony's Parish, Westbrook. 857-0490. 5 to !NTHONY S 0ARISH 7ESTBROOK TO 8 p.m. P M

725-0291. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. A M TO P M Christmas Fair, white elephant items, arts and #HRISTMAS &AIR WHITE ELEPHANT ITEMS ARTS AND Portland Wine Opener, samples of food, wine 0ORTLAND 7INE /PENER SAMPLES OF FOOD WINE crafts, jewelry, books, decorations and more, St. CRAFTS JEWELRY BOOKS DECORATIONS AND MORE 3T and beer, live jazz music and silent auction; AND BEER LIVE JAZZ MUSIC AND SILENT AUCTION Bernard's Church, Rockland. 594-2109. 8 a.m. "ERNARD S #HURCH 2OCKLAND A M benefit for children and adults living with cystic BENElT FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS LIVING WITH CYSTIC to 1 p.m. TO P M fibrosis; Ocean Gateway Terminal, Portland. $50. lBROSIS /CEAN 'ATEWAY 4ERMINAL 0ORTLAND Annual Invitational Fine Art and Crafts Sale, !NNUAL )NVITATIONAL &INE !RT AND #RAFTS 3ALE newengland.cff.org/portlandwineopener. 6 to NEWENGLAND CFF ORG PORTLANDWINEOPENER TO painters, jewelers, potters and furniture makers, PAINTERS JEWELERS POTTERS AND FURNITURE MAKERS 10 p.m. Friday. P M &RIDAY Ogunquit Museum of American Art. $5. /GUNQUIT -USEUM OF !MERICAN !RT 31st Annual Great Osprey 10K Ocean Run, ST !NNUAL 'REAT /SPREY + /CEAN 2UN SATURDAY ogunquitmuseum.org. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 3!452$!9 OGUNQUITMUSEUM ORG A M TO P M benefits RCE Program Scholarship Fund, Wolfe's BENElTS 2#% 0ROGRAM 3CHOLARSHIP &UND 7OLFE S Bountiful Fair, crafts and knits, raffles and baked Vendredi Club Craft Fair, hand-crafted arts and "OUNTIFUL &AIR CRAFTS AND KNITS RAFmES AND BAKED 6ENDREDI #LUB #RAFT &AIR HAND CRAFTED ARTS AND Neck Woods State Park, Freeport. $20 in advance; GOODS 3TEVENS !VENUE #ONGREGATIONAL #HURCH .ECK 7OODS 3TATE 0ARK &REEPORT IN ADVANCE goods, Stevens Avenue Congregational Church, crafts items, Crooked River School, Casco. CRAFTS ITEMS #ROOKED 2IVER 3CHOOL #ASCO $25 day of run. rsu5-rce.org. 10 a.m. Saturday. DAY OF RUN RSU RCE ORG A M 3ATURDAY Portland. 797-4573. 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. 627-4426. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 0ORTLAND A M TO P M A M TO P M Alicia & Friends 4: A Musical Benefit for Epilepsy, #HRISTMAS #RAFT &AIR BAKED GOODS CRAFTS AND !LICIA &RIENDS ! -USICAL "ENElT FOR %PILEPSY Christmas Craft Fair, baked goods, crafts and 18th Annual Bells of St. Mary's Christmas Craft TH !NNUAL "ELLS OF 3T -ARY S #HRISTMAS #RAFT Alicia Fournier and others perform Broadway !LICIA &OURNIER AND OTHERS PERFORM "ROADWAY knitted items, Elm Street United Methodist Fair and Cafe, silent auction, cookie walk, KNITTED ITEMS %LM 3TREET 5NITED -ETHODIST &AIR AND #AFE SILENT AUCTION COOKIE WALK songs, Lyric Music Theater, South Portland. SONGS ,YRIC -USIC 4HEATER 3OUTH 0ORTLAND Church, South Portland. 799-0407. 9 a.m. to 2 Grandma's Attic, local crafts and Santa visit, St. #HURCH 3OUTH 0ORTLAND A M TO 'RANDMA S !TTIC LOCAL CRAFTS AND 3ANTA VISIT 3T $50; $20 for ages 16 and under (includes raffle FOR AGES AND UNDER INCLUDES RAFmE p.m. Mary's Church, Bath. 443-3423. 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. P M -ARY S #HURCH "ATH A M TO P M and champagne reception). 807-2458. 7 p.m. League of Maine Craft Show, Wells Junior High AND CHAMPAGNE RECEPTION P M Christmas Fair, white elephant items, hand#HRISTMAS &AIR WHITE ELEPHANT ITEMS HAND ,EAGUE OF -AINE #RAFT 3HOW 7ELLS *UNIOR (IGH Saturday. School. 646-5172. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and 3ATURDAY made crafts and baked goods, Longfellow Place, MADE CRAFTS AND BAKED GOODS ,ONGFELLOW 0LACE 3CHOOL A M TO P M 3ATURDAY AND Thanks for Giving Gala, silent auction, hor Sunday. 4HANKS FOR 'IVING 'ALA SILENT AUCTION HOR Westbrook. 854-9623. 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. 7ESTBROOK A M TO P M 3UNDAY d'oeuvres, dessert, cash bar and live jazz trio; Holiday Fair, crafts, raffles and books; lunch D OEUVRES DESSERT CASH BAR AND LIVE JAZZ TRIO (OLIDAY &AIR CRAFTS RAFmES AND BOOKS LUNCH Christmas Fair, white elephant items, raffles, #HRISTMAS &AIR WHITE ELEPHANT ITEMS RAFmES benefits the Dean Snell Cancer Foundation; available; North Parish Congregational Church, BENElTS THE $EAN 3NELL #ANCER &OUNDATION AVAILABLE .ORTH 0ARISH #ONGREGATIONAL #HURCH baked goods, knitted goods, crafts and more, St. BAKED GOODS KNITTED GOODS CRAFTS AND MORE 3T The Inn at Brunswick Station, Brunswick. $50; Sanford. 324-3163. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. 4HE )NN AT "RUNSWICK 3TATION "RUNSWICK 3ANFORD A M TO P M Anthony's Parish, Westbrook. 857-0490. 9 a.m. to !NTHONY S 0ARISH 7ESTBROOK A M TO Annual Fall Fair, crafts, knits, wood items, jewelry P M 3ATURDAY A M TO P M 3UNDAY advance sales only. 837-9919. 6 to 10 p.m. ADVANCE SALES ONLY TO P M !NNUAL &ALL &AIR CRAFTS KNITS WOOD ITEMS JEWELRY 8 p.m. Saturday; 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sunday. and baked goods, St. George's Episcopal Church, Saturday. 3ATURDAY AND BAKED GOODS 3T 'EORGE S %PISCOPAL #HURCH Society of Southern Maine Craftsmen 21st 3OCIETY OF 3OUTHERN -AINE #RAFTSMEN ST Sanford. 324-8119. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. "Maine Loves Lucy," live music and all-day h-AINE ,OVES ,UCY v LIVE MUSIC AND ALL DAY Annual Holiday Craft Show, McCauley High 3ANFORD A M TO P M !NNUAL (OLIDAY #RAFT 3HOW -C#AULEY (IGH Craft Fair to Benefit the Alzheimer's Association, activities including face painting, balloon animals, #RAFT &AIR TO "ENElT THE !LZHEIMER S !SSOCIATION School, Portland, societyofsouthernmaine ACTIVITIES INCLUDING FACE PAINTING BALLOON ANIMALS 3CHOOL 0ORTLAND SOCIETYOFSOUTHERNMAINE Maine Chapter, art, jewelry, hand-made items and CRAFTSMEN ORG A M TO P M 3ATURDAY A M juggling and coloring contest; benefits Lucy's Love -AINE #HAPTER ART JEWELRY HAND MADE ITEMS AND craftsmen.org. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday; 10 a.m. JUGGLING AND COLORING CONTEST BENElTS ,UCY S ,OVE food, M i d Coast Senior Health Center, Brunswick. TO P M 3UNDAY Bus and the Maine Children's Cancer Center; to 3 p.m. Sunday. FOOD -ID #OAST 3ENIOR (EALTH #ENTER "RUNSWICK "US AND THE -AINE #HILDREN S #ANCER #ENTER 729-8033. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Loft, Portland. $5; $10 per family. 671-6858. A M TO P M 4HE ,OFT 0ORTLAND PER FAMILY Festival of Crafts, more than 50 crafters, baked Noon to midnight Saturday. &ESTIVAL OF #RAFTS MORE THAN CRAFTERS BAKED .OON TO MIDNIGHT 3ATURDAY SPECIAL EVENTS goods and raffles, Brunswick High School, coastal N 30%#)!, %6%.43 "Cranksgiving" Bike Race, involves riding to GOODS AND RAFmES "RUNSWICK (IGH 3CHOOL COASTAL h#RANKSGIVINGv "IKE 2ACE INVOLVES RIDING TO mainegreatdanerescue.com. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. THURSDAY stores to pur chase food for donation; benefit MAINEGREATDANERESCUE COM A M TO P M 4(523$!9 STORES TO PUR CHASE FOOD FOR DONATION BENElT Winterberry Fair, crafts, greens, gifts and more, "Granular Modality," live sound exploration with for Project F.E.E.D.; Woodfords Congregational 7INTERBERRY &AIR CRAFTS GREENS GIFTS AND MORE h'RANULAR -ODALITY v LIVE SOUND EXPLORATION WITH FOR 0ROJECT & % % $ 7OODFORDS #ONGREGATIONAL People's United Methodist Church, Union. Earl Howard and special guest Gustavo Aguilar, 0EOPLE S 5NITED -ETHODIST #HURCH 5NION Church, Portland, cranksgivingportland.blogspot %ARL (OWARD AND SPECIAL GUEST 'USTAVO !GUILAR #HURCH 0ORTLAND CRANKSGIVINGPORTLAND BLOGSPOT 785-4531. 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Emery Community Arts Center, Farmington. Free. A M TO P M .com. 9:30 a.m. Saturday. %MERY #OMMUNITY !RTS #ENTER &ARMINGTON &REE COM A M 3ATURDAY Country Corner Christmas Fair, Buxton United 778-7288. 7:30 p.m. #OUNTRY #ORNER #HRISTMAS &AIR "UXTON 5NITED P M Methodist Church. 642-4958. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Innovators of Design, fashion designer Jessie -ETHODIST #HURCH A M TO P M )NNOVATORS OF $ESIGN FASHION DESIGNER *ESSIE CRAFT FAIRS N #2!&4 &!)23 Christmas By the Sea Holiday Fair, crafts, baked Lacey and organic textile and fashion designers #HRISTMAS "Y THE 3EA (OLIDAY &AIR CRAFTS BAKED ,ACEY AND ORGANIC TEXTILE AND FASHION DESIGNERS goods, dried arrangements, silent auction and FRIDAY Brook Delorme and Daniel Pepice share their &2)$!9 GOODS DRIED ARRANGEMENTS SILENT AUCTION AND "ROOK $ELORME AND $ANIEL 0EPICE SHARE THEIR more, Elijah Kellogg Church, Harpswell. Annual Invitational Fine Art and Crafts Sale, inspiration, history and what is takes to be a !NNUAL )NVITATIONAL &INE !RT AND #RAFTS 3ALE MORE %LIJAH +ELLOGG #HURCH (ARPSWELL INSPIRATION HISTORY AND WHAT IS TAKES TO BE A

BENEFITS N "%.%&)43

successful designer in Maine, River Tree Arts, SUCCESSFUL DESIGNER IN -AINE 2IVER 4REE !RTS Kennebunk. $5. rivertreearts.org. 7 p.m. +ENNEBUNK RIVERTREEARTS ORG P M FRIDAY &2)$!9 "Sacred Stories," told by refugees, immigrants h3ACRED 3TORIES v TOLD BY REFUGEES IMMIGRANTS and international students of Colors of AND INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS OF #OLORS OF Community, Curtis Memorial Library, Brunswick. #OMMUNITY #URTIS -EMORIAL ,IBRARY "RUNSWICK Free. 729-8515. 7 p.m. &REE P M "The Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress," h4HE -OVING 0ANORAMA OF 0ILGRIM S 0ROGRESS v 19th-century panorama with music and narration, TH CENTURY PANORAMA WITH MUSIC AND NARRATION Saco City Hall Auditorium. $5. dyerlibrarysaco 3ACO #ITY (ALL !UDITORIUM DYERLIBRARYSACO museum.org. 6:30 p.m. MUSEUM ORG P M Maine Brewers Festival, panel discussions and -AINE "REWERS &ESTIVAL PANEL DISCUSSIONS AND tasting sessions, Portland Expo Center and The TASTING SESSIONS 0ORTLAND %XPO #ENTER AND 4HE Thirsty Pig, Portland. Various prices. Schedule at 4HIRSTY 0IG 0ORTLAND 6ARIOUS PRICES 3CHEDULE AT learnyourbeer.com. Friday and Saturday. LEARNYOURBEER COM &RIDAY AND 3ATURDAY SATURDAY 3!452$!9 King Friday's Dungeon: Adult Puppet Slam, +ING &RIDAY S $UNGEON !DULT 0UPPET 3LAM variety of puppeteers; not recommended for VARIETY OF PUPPETEERS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR children; Mayo Street Arts, Portland. $10. CHILDREN -AYO 3TREET !RTS 0ORTLAND mayostreetarts.org. 7:30 p.m. MAYOSTREETARTS ORG P M "The End of the World Afterparty," music from DJ h4HE %ND OF THE 7ORLD !FTERPARTY v MUSIC FROM $* Mr. Dereloid, appetizers and cocktails, 21-plus; -R $ERELOID APPETIZERS AND COCKTAILS PLUS Odd Fellows Hall, Rockland. $25 in advance; $30 /DD &ELLOWS (ALL 2OCKLAND IN ADVANCE day of event. 596-6256. 9 p.m. DAY OF EVENT P M New Gloucester History Barn Open House, New .EW 'LOUCESTER (ISTORY "ARN /PEN (OUSE .EW Gloucester Historical Society (History Barn). Free. 'LOUCESTER (ISTORICAL 3OCIETY (ISTORY "ARN &REE 926-3188. 9 a.m. to noon. A M TO NOON Harvest Fair, Saint David's Church, Kennebunk. (ARVEST &AIR 3AINT $AVID S #HURCH +ENNEBUNK 985-3073. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. A M TO P M Fall Festival and Open House, artisans, craft &ALL &ESTIVAL AND /PEN (OUSE ARTISANS CRAFT activities, food, music, games, puppet shows and ACTIVITIES FOOD MUSIC GAMES PUPPET SHOWS AND more, Merriconeag Waldorf School, Freeport. MORE -ERRICONEAG 7ALDORF 3CHOOL &REEPORT Free, merriconeag.org. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. &REE MERRICONEAG ORG A M TO P M "The Sounds of Bloom's Sirens," actors, musicians h4HE 3OUNDS OF "LOOM S 3IRENS v ACTORS MUSICIANS and audience members read James Joyce's text as AND AUDIENCE MEMBERS READ *AMES *OYCE S TEXT AS a musical score, Emery Community Arts Center, A MUSICAL SCORE %MERY #OMMUNITY !RTS #ENTER

Gc\Xj\ j\\ 3B1 GX^\ <*'

E3O GO Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, November 1, 2012 3! 5= j >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg <]dS[PS`

:I8# ETC,

Continued from Page E29 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 ' Farmington. Free. 778-7288. 7 p.m. &ARMINGTON &REE P M "Farmington ReSounding," live installation h&ARMINGTON 2E3OUNDING v LIVE INSTALLATION WITH LOCAL POETS AND WRITERS -ERRILL (ALL with local poets and writers, Merrill Hall/ Nordica Auditorium, Farmington. Free. .ORDICA !UDITORIUM &ARMINGTON &REE P M 778-7288. 3 p.m. .URSERY 2HYME 3TORY 4IME STORY TIME Nursery Rhyme Story Time, story time for children, Prince Memorial Library, FOR CHILDREN 0RINCE -EMORIAL ,IBRARY #UMBERLAND #ENTER &REE A M Cumberland Center. Free. 829-2215. 10 a.m. SUNDAY 35.$!9 Annual Country Legends and Memorial !NNUAL #OUNTRY ,EGENDS AND -EMORIAL Awards, presented by the Down East !WARDS PRESENTED BY THE $OWN %AST Country Music Association, Silver Spur, #OUNTRY -USIC !SSOCIATION 3ILVER 3PUR Mechanic Falls. $7; $2 for children under -ECHANIC &ALLS FOR CHILDREN UNDER 12. 793-8884. Noon. .OON Portland Beer Week, beer tastings, 0ORTLAND "EER 7EEK BEER TASTINGS presentations, parties, beer and cheese PRESENTATIONS PARTIES BEER AND CHEESE pairings, Maine Brew Bus and more, various PAIRINGS -AINE "REW "US AND MORE VARIOUS locations, Greater Portland. Various prices. LOCATIONS 'REATER 0ORTLAND 6ARIOUS PRICES Schedule at portlandbeerweek.org. Sunday 3CHEDULE AT PORTLANDBEERWEEK ORG 3UNDAY to Nov. 10. TO .OV

FILMS N &),-3 "Children of Heaven" (1997, Rated PC), h#HILDREN OF (EAVENv 2ATED 0' Iranian family drama, Rockland Public )RANIAN FAMILY DRAMA 2OCKLAND 0UBLIC Library. 594-0310. 6:30 p.m. Thursday. ,IBRARY P M 4HURSDAY Warren Miller's "Flow State," snow sports 7ARREN -ILLER S h&LOW 3TATE v SNOW SPORTS film, Merrill Auditorium, Portland. $27. lLM -ERRILL !UDITORIUM 0ORTLAND porttix.com. 7:30 p.m. Friday. PORTTIX COM P M &RIDAY "Betting the Farm" (2012), documentary h"ETTING THE &ARMv DOCUMENTARY that follows three farmers, Hannaford Hall, THAT FOLLOWS THREE FARMERS (ANNAFORD (ALL University of Southern Maine, Portland. $10. 5NIVERSITY OF 3OUTHERN -AINE 0ORTLAND space538.org. 7 p.m. Saturday. SPACE ORG P M 3ATURDAY "A Separation" (2011, Rated PG-13, in h! 3EPARATIONv 2ATED 0' IN Persian with subtitles), York Public Library. 0ERSIAN WITH SUBTITLES 9ORK 0UBLIC ,IBRARY Free, www.york.lib.me.us. 3 p.m. Sunday. &REE WWW YORK LIB ME US P M 3UNDAY Global Lens International Film Series, 'LOBAL ,ENS )NTERNATIONAL &ILM 3ERIES "Pegasus" (2010, Morocco), Bates College h0EGASUSv -OROCCO "ATES #OLLEGE (Olin Arts Center), Lewiston. Free, bates.edu/ /LIN !RTS #ENTER ,EWISTON &REE BATES EDU museum. 7:30 p.m. Monday. MUSEUM P M -ONDAY "The Card" (1952), classic film starring Alec h4HE #ARDv CLASSIC lLM STARRING !LEC Guinness, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta. 'UINNESS 3KIDOMPHA ,IBRARY $AMARISCOTTA $5. skidompha.org. 6:30 p.m. Monday. SKIDOMPHA ORG P M -ONDAY Nature at Risk Film Series, "GasLands" .ATURE AT 2ISK &ILM 3ERIES h'AS,ANDSv (2010), documentary, Louis T. Graves DOCUMENTARY ,OUIS 4 'RAVES Library, Kennebunkport. Free. 967-2778. ,IBRARY +ENNEBUNKPORT &REE 7 p.m. Tuesday. P M 4UESDAY "Beauty is Embarrassing" (2012), h"EAUTY IS %MBARRASSINGv documentary about artist Wayne White, DOCUMENTARY ABOUT ARTIST 7AYNE 7HITE Space Gallery, Portland. $7. space538.org. 3PACE 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND SPACE ORG 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. P M 7EDNESDAY

N "//+3 !54(/23 BOOKS/AUTHORS h#HANGES v 3OUTH 0ORTLAND ,IBRARY 7RITERS "Changes, " South Portland Library Writers Group reading featuring Pulitzer Prize'ROUP READING FEATURING 0ULITZER 0RIZE winning journalist Barbara Walsh, South WINNING JOURNALIST "ARBARA 7ALSH 3OUTH 0ORTLAND 0UBLIC ,IBRARY &REE SOUTHPORTLAND Portland Public Library. Free, southportland library.com. 6:30 p.m. Thursday. LIBRARY COM P M 4HURSDAY Cartoonist Lincoln Peirce, creator of #ARTOONIST ,INCOLN 0EIRCE CREATOR OF THE h"IG .ATEv COMIC STRIP AND BOOKS the "Big Nate" comic strip and books, Casablanca Comics, Portiand. Free. #ASABLANCA #OMICS 0ORTLAND &REE casablancacomics.com. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. CASABLANCACOMICS COM A M TO P M 3ATURDAY Saturday. "Pearl Sawyer: Poet in Residence," tribute h0EARL 3AWYER 0OET IN 2ESIDENCE v TRIBUTE to local poet Pearl Sawyer, First Universalist TO LOCAL POET 0EARL 3AWYER &IRST 5NIVERSALIST Church, Auburn. $7 to $10. auburnuu.org. #HURCH !UBURN TO AUBURNUU ORG 7 p.m. Saturday; 1 p.m. Sunday. P M 3ATURDAY P M 3UNDAY Kevin Stoehr, author of "Ride, Boldly Ride: +EVIN 3TOEHR AUTHOR OF h2IDE "OLDLY 2IDE The Evolution of the American Western," 4HE %VOLUTION OF THE !MERICAN 7ESTERN v Maine Irish Heritage Center, Portland. -AINE )RISH (ERITAGE #ENTER 0ORTLAND maineirish.com. 2 p.m. Sunday. MAINEIRISH COM P M 3UNDAY Sarah Slagle Arnold, author of "Faith and 3ARAH 3LAGLE !RNOLD AUTHOR OF h&AITH AND Madness: A Spiritual and Psychological -ADNESS ! 3PIRITUAL AND 0SYCHOLOGICAL Journey," Gulf of Maine Books, Brunswick. *OURNEY v 'ULF OF -AINE "OOKS "RUNSWICK 729-5083. 3 p.m. Sunday. P M 3UNDAY Jeff and Allison Wells, authors of "Maine's *EFF AND !LLISON 7ELLS AUTHORS OF h-AINE S Favorite Birds," University of Southern &AVORITE "IRDS v 5NIVERSITY OF 3OUTHERN Maine/Lewiston-Auburn, Lewiston. 782-AINE ,EWISTON !UBURN ,EWISTON 5238. 6:30 p.m. Monday. P M -ONDAY Richard Blanco, author of poetry collection 2ICHARD "LANCO AUTHOR OF POETRY COLLECTION "Looking for the Gulf Motel," Bates College h,OOKING FOR THE 'ULF -OTEL v "ATES #OLLEGE (Edmund S. Muskie Archives), Lewiston. %DMUND 3 -USKIE !RCHIVES ,EWISTON 786-6256. 7:30 p.m. Nov. 8. P M .OV

PRO SPORTS N 02/ 30/243 Portland Pirates, AHL affiliate of the Phoenix 0ORTLAND 0IRATES !(, AFlLIATE OF THE 0HOENIX Coyotes, Cumberland County Civic Center, #OYOTES #UMBERLAND #OUNTY #IVIC #ENTER Portland. $15 to $20. portlandpirates.com. 0ORTLAND TO PORTLANDPIRATES COM Vs. St. John's, 7:30 p.m. Friday. 6S 3T *OHN S P M &RIDAY

PARTICIPANT DANCE N 0!24)#)0!.4 $!.#% Eight to the Bar, swing dance with six-piece %IGHT TO THE "AR SWING DANCE WITH SIX PIECE band, Woodfords Club, Portland. $10. BAND 7OODFORDS #LUB 0ORTLAND portcityswing.com. Dance lessons at 8 p.m., PORTCITYSWING COM $ANCE LESSONS AT P M dance at 9 p.m. Friday. DANCE AT P M &RIDAY Greater Portland Community Contra 'REATER 0ORTLAND #OMMUNITY #ONTRA Dance Series, live music by Rodney Miller, $ANCE 3ERIES LIVE MUSIC BY 2ODNEY -ILLER Glen Loper and Owen Marshall; Falmouth 'LEN ,OPER AND /WEN -ARSHALL &ALMOUTH Congregational Church. $10; $7 for ages 13 #ONGREGATIONAL #HURCH FOR AGES to 20; $5 for ages 5 to 12; free for children TO FOR AGES TO FREE FOR CHILDREN under age 5. 358-9354. Lessons at 7:15 UNDER AGE ,ESSONS AT p.m., dance at 8 p.m. Saturday. P M DANCE AT P M 3ATURDAY Contra Dance, with the Big Moose Band #ONTRA $ANCE WITH THE "IG -OOSE "AND and caller Chrissy Fowler, College of the AND CALLER #HRISSY &OWLER #OLLEGE OF THE Atlantic (Gates Center), Bar Harbor. $6; $1 !TLANTIC 'ATES #ENTER "AR (ARBOR for children; $2 for family dance. 288-5015. FOR CHILDREN FOR FAMILY DANCE Family dance at 6:30 p.m., lessons at 7:30 &AMILY DANCE AT P M LESSONS AT p.m., dance at 8 p.m. Saturday. P M DANCE AT P M 3ATURDAY


Continued from Page E27 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 % "Essentially, she said it was a big i&TTFOUJBMMZ TIF TBJE JU XBT B CJH ensemble comic strip, which was based FOTFNCMF DPNJD TUSJQ XIJDI XBT CBTFE on the neighborhood where I grew up in PO UIF OFJHICPSIPPE XIFSF * HSFX VQ JO New Hampshire. She said there were too /FX )BNQTIJSF 4IF TBJE UIFSF XFSF UPP many characters to keep track of. She NBOZ DIBSBDUFST UP LFFQ USBDL PG 4IF said to pick one character and make it TBJE UP QJDL POF DIBSBDUFS BOE NBLF JU the focal point." UIF GPDBM QPJOU w So he did, and submitted another strip. 4P IF EJE BOE TVCNJUUFE BOPUIFS TUSJQ The editor followed up with more advice. 5IF FEJUPS GPMMPXFE VQ XJUI NPSF BEWJDF He took it. )F UPPL JU Eventually, her rejection letters turned &WFOUVBMMZ IFS SFKFDUJPO MFUUFST UVSOFE into an offer to syndicate Peirce's work. JOUP BO PGGFS UP TZOEJDBUF 1FJSDF T XPSL The resulting comic, "Big Nate," fo5IF SFTVMUJOH DPNJD i#JH /BUF w GP cuses on sixth-grader Nate Wright, who is DVTFT PO TJYUI HSBEFS /BUF 8SJHIU XIP JT a fan of playing sports, hanging out with B GBO PG QMBZJOH TQPSUT IBOHJOH PVU XJUI friends and pulling pranks. Most of the GSJFOET BOE QVMMJOH QSBOLT .PTU PG UIF action takes place at his school. BDUJPO UBLFT QMBDF BU IJT TDIPPM Peirce set the strip in the sixth-grade 1FJSDF TFU UIF TUSJQ JO UIF TJYUI HSBEF

BDK>:H MOVIES Continued from Page E13 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 !

Mon-Wed 4, 7:05 ; Nordica (Freeport) Thurs 2,4:30, 7 Fri;]\ ESR " %( # ) <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a "(! % 4`W Sat 2,4:30, 7, 9:30 Sun-Wed 2,4:30, 7; Cinemagic Grand AOb "(! % '(! Ac\ ESR "(! %) 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R (South Portland) Thurs 2:05, 4:40, 7:15, 9:45 Fri-Weds A]cbV >]`bZO\R BVc`a ( # "(" %( # '("# 4`W ESRa 11:30, 2:05,4:40, 7:15, 9:45; Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12:30, 3, (! ( # "(" %( # '("#) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a (! ! 6:45, 9:20 Fri-Wed 12:30, 3, 6:45, 9:20; Cinemagic West$("# '( 4`W ESR (! ! $("# '( ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESab brook Thurs 12:10, 3:30, 7, 9:40 Fri-Wed 12:10, 3:30, 7, 9:40 P`]]Y BVc`a ( !(! % '(" 4`W ESR ( !(! % '(" "CHASING MAVERICKS " (PG) (1:54) Stars Jonny µ16/A7<5 ;/D3@719A ¶ >5 (#" AbO`a 8]\\g Weston, Gerard Butler, Elisabeth Shue and Abigail Spencer. ESab]\ 5S`O`R 0cbZS` 3ZWaOPSbV AVcS O\R /PWUOWZ A^S\QS` Directed by Michael Apted and Curtis Hanson . When 2W`SQbSR Pg ;WQVOSZ /^bSR O\R 1c`bWa 6O\a]\ EVS\ young Jay Moriarty discovers that the mythic Mavericks g]c\U 8Og ;]`WO`bg RWaQ]dS`a bVOb bVS [gbVWQ ;OdS`WQYa surf break, one of the biggest waves on Earth, exists just ac`T P`SOY ]\S ]T bVS PWUUSab eOdSa ]\ 3O`bV SfWaba Xcab miles from his Santa Cruz home, he enlists the help of local [WZSa T`][ VWa AO\bO 1`ch V][S VS S\ZWaba bVS VSZ^ ]T Z]QOZ legend Frosty Hesson to train him to survive it. ZSUS\R 4`]abg 6Saa]\ b] b`OW\ VW[ b] ac`dWdS Wb Showing at: Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12:30,3:10, 6:50, 9:25 AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a (! !( $(# '( # Fri-Wed 12, 9:25; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 12:30,3:20, 4`W ESR '( #) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a (! !( 6:50, 9:30 Fri-Wed 6:50, 9:30 $(# '(! 4`W ESR $(# '(! "CLOUD ATLAS " (R) (2:50) Stars Tom Hanks, Halle µ1:=C2 /B:/A ¶ @ (# AbO`a B][ 6O\Ya 6OZZS Berry, Hugh Grant and Hugo Weaving. Directed by Tom 0S``g 6cUV 5`O\b O\R 6cU] ESOdW\U 2W`SQbSR Pg B][ Tykwer, Andy Wachowski and Lana Wachowski. An BgYeS` /\Rg EOQV]eaYW O\R :O\O EOQV]eaYW /\ exploration of how the actions of individual lives impact Sf^Z]`ObW]\ ]T V]e bVS OQbW]\a ]T W\RWdWRcOZ ZWdSa W[^OQb one another in the past, present and future, as one soul ]\S O\]bVS` W\ bVS ^Oab ^`SaS\b O\R Tcbc`S Oa ]\S a]cZ is shaped from a killer into a hero, and an act of kindness Wa aVO^SR T`][ O YWZZS` W\b] O VS`] O\R O\ OQb ]T YW\R\Saa ripples across centuries to inspire a revolution. `W^^ZSa OQ`]aa QS\bc`WSa b] W\a^W`S O `Sd]ZcbW]\ Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs 1,4:30, 8 FriAV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a "(! & 4`W Wed 1,4:30, 8; Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) Thurs 3, ESR "(! &) 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R BVc`a ! 6:30,10 Fri-Wed 12, 4, 7:30; Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12:25, $(! 4`W ESR " %(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ( # 3:55, 7:30 Fri-Wed 12:25, 3:55, 7:30; Cinemagic Westbrook !(## %(! 4`W ESR ( # !(## %(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y Thurs 12, 3:40, 7:30 Fri-Wed 12, !(" %(! 3:40, 7:30 BVc`a !(" %(! 4`W ESR "FRANKENWEENIE" (PG) (1:27) Stars Winona Ryder, µ4@/<93<E33<73¶ >5 ( % AbO`a EW\]\O @gRS` Catherine O'Hara, Martin Short and Martin Landau. Di1ObVS`W\S =¸6O`O ;O`bW\ AV]`b O\R ;O`bW\ :O\ROc 2W rected by Tim Burton. Young Victor conducts a science ex`SQbSR Pg BW[ 0c`b]\ G]c\U DWQb]` Q]\RcQba O aQWS\QS Sf periment to bring his beloved dog Sparky back to life, only ^S`W[S\b b] P`W\U VWa PSZ]dSR R]U A^O`Yg POQY b] ZWTS ]\Zg to face unintended, sometimes monstrous, consequences. b] TOQS c\W\bS\RSR a][SbW[Sa []\ab`]ca Q]\aS_cS\QSa Showing at: Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12:30,2:40,4:40; AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a (! (" "(" ) Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 12:20,2:30,4:50, 7:10, 9:20 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ( (! "(# %( '( Fri-Wed 11;50, 2, "( 4:20 4`W ESR )# "FUN SIZE" (PG-13) (1:30) Stars Victoria Justice, Johnny µ4C< A7H3¶ >5 ! (! AbO`a DWQb]`WO 8cabWQS 8]V\\g Knoxville, Chelsea Handler and Ana Gasteyer. Directed 9\]fdWZZS 1VSZaSO 6O\RZS` O\R /\O 5OabSgS` 2W`SQbSR by Josh Schwartz. When her father disappears, Heather Pg 8]aV AQVeO`bh EVS\ VS` TObVS` RWaO^^SO`a 6SObVS` Mason is drawn into a strange and terrifying alternate real;Oa]\ Wa R`Oe\ W\b] O ab`O\US O\R bS``WTgW\U OZbS`\ObS `SOZ ity that holds answers to the horrific nightmares that have Wbg bVOb V]ZRa O\aeS`a b] bVS V]``W¿Q \WUVb[O`Sa bVOb VOdS plagued her since childhood. ^ZOUcSR VS` aW\QS QVWZRV]]R Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs 4:25,7:15 Fri-Sat AV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a "( # %( # 4`W AOb 4:25, 9:45 Sun-Wed 4:25; Nordica (Freeport) Thurs "( # '("# Ac\ ESR "( #) <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a 1:10,3:45,7:10 Fri-Wed 1:10,7:10; Cinemagic Grand (South ( !("# %( 4`W ESR ( %( ) 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV Portland) Thurs 2:30, 4:50, 7:10, 9:20 Fri-Wed 12, 4:50; >]`bZO\R BVc`a (! "(# %( '( 4`W ESR "(# ) Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12:05, 4:15, 7:10, 9:15 Fri-Wed 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ( # 2:10, ( "( # %( '( # 4`W ESR 9:35; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 11:50, 2, 7, 9:20 '(!#) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a (# "(4:20, % '( Fri-Wed 11:50, 4:30 4`W ESR (# "(! "HERE COMES THE BOOM" (PG) (1:45) Stars Kevin µ63@3 1=;3A B63 0==;¶ >5 ("# AbO`a 9SdW\ James, Salma Hayek and Henry Winkler. Directed by Frank 8O[Sa AOZ[O 6OgSY O\R 6S\`g EW\YZS` 2W`SQbSR Pg 4`O\Y Coraci. A high school biology teacher looks to become a 1]`OQW / VWUV aQV]]Z PW]Z]Ug bSOQVS` Z]]Ya b] PSQ][S O

"because in my own memory, that was iCFDBVTF JO NZ PXO NFNPSZ UIBU XBT the most eventful year of my school life. UIF NPTU FWFOUGVM ZFBS PG NZ TDIPPM MJGF That's the year when everything changes 5IBU T UIF ZFBS XIFO FWFSZUIJOH DIBOHFT for a kid. You go from that protective GPS B LJE :PV HP GSPN UIBU QSPUFDUJWF bubble of elementary school to multiple CVCCMF PG FMFNFOUBSZ TDIPPM UP NVMUJQMF teachers and having your own locker." UFBDIFST BOE IBWJOH ZPVS PXO MPDLFS w Even after almost 22 years of writing &WFO BGUFS BMNPTU ZFBST PG XSJUJOH about sixth-grade, Peirce said, "knock BCPVU TJYUI HSBEF 1FJSDF TBJE iLOPDL on wood, I haven't run out of ideas. But it PO XPPE * IBWFO U SVO PVU PG JEFBT #VU JU does present more challenges each year EPFT QSFTFOU NPSF DIBMMFOHFT FBDI ZFBS as time goes by." BT UJNF HPFT CZ w His own children are older now - his )JT PXO DIJMESFO BSF PMEFS OPX o IJT son is now a sophomore at Bowdoin ColTPO JT OPX B TPQIPNPSF BU #PXEPJO $PM lege in Brunswick, and his daughter is a MFHF JO #SVOTXJDL BOE IJT EBVHIUFS JT B sophomore at Waynflete School in PortTPQIPNPSF BU 8BZOnFUF 4DIPPM JO 1PSU land - but Peirce said little things from MBOE o CVU 1FJSDF TBJE MJUUMF UIJOHT GSPN their lives have made it into the strip over UIFJS MJWFT IBWF NBEF JU JOUP UIF TUSJQ PWFS the years. UIF ZFBST "But I'm not sure I ever based a storyi#VU * N OPU TVSF * FWFS CBTFE B TUPSZ line 100 percent on something that hapMJOF QFSDFOU PO TPNFUIJOH UIBU IBQ pened to them," he said. QFOFE UP UIFN w IF TBJE Peirce has school experience from the 1FJSDF IBT TDIPPM FYQFSJFODF GSPN UIF other side of the desk, too. For three PUIFS TJEF PG UIF EFTL UPP 'PS UISFF

successful mixed-martial arts fighter in an effort to raise acQQSaaTcZ [WfSR [O`bWOZ O`ba ¿UVbS` W\ O\ STT]`b b] `OWaS money to prevent extra-curricular activities from being []\Sg b] ^`SdS\b Sfb`O Qc``WQcZO` OQbWdWbWSa T`][ PSW\U axed at his cash-strapped school. OfSR Ob VWa QOaV ab`O^^SR aQV]]Z Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs 4:15,7:10 Fri 4:15, AV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a "( # %( 4`W "( # 7:10, 9:35 Sat 1:10,4:15, 7:10, 9:35 Sun 1:10, 4:15, 7:10 Mon%( '(!# AOb ( "( # %( '(!# Ac\ ( "( # %( ;]\ Wed 4:15,7:10; Nordica (Freeport) Thurs 1:45,4:15, 7:30; ESR "( # %( ) <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a ("# "( # %(! ) Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) Thurs 2,4:30, 7:10, 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R BVc`a "(! %( 9:40 Fri-Wed 11:40, 2,4:30; Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12:10, '(" 4`W ESR (" "(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ( 2:30,4:50, 7:10, 9:25 Fri-Wed 2:30,4:50, 7:10; Cinemagic (! "(# %( '( # 4`W ESR (! "(# %( ) 1W\S[OUWQ Westbrook Thurs 11:50, 2:15,4:40, 7:20, 9:45 Fri-Wed ESabP`]]Y BVc`a (# ( # "(" %( '("# 4`W ESR 11:40, 9:40 (" '(" "HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA" (PG) (1:58) Stars Adam µ6=B3: B@/<AG:D/<7/¶ >5 (#& AbO`a /RO[ Sandier, Kevin James, Andy Samberg and Selena Gomez. AO\RZS` 9SdW\ 8O[Sa /\Rg AO[PS`U O\R ASZS\O 5][Sh Directed by Genndy Tartakovsky. Dracula operates a high2W`SQbSR Pg 5S\\Rg BO`bOY]daYg 2`OQcZO ]^S`ObSa O VWUV end resort far away from the human world. He goes into S\R `Sa]`b TO` OeOg T`][ bVS Vc[O\ e]`ZR 6S U]Sa W\b] overprotective mode when a boy discovers the resort and ]dS`^`]bSQbWdS []RS eVS\ O P]g RWaQ]dS`a bVS `Sa]`b O\R falls for his daughter. TOZZa T]` VWa ROcUVbS` Showing at: Nordica (Freeport) Thurs 1:20,4 (3D), AV]eW\U Ob( <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a ( " !2 6:50 Fri-Sat 4,1:20 (3D), 7:15 (3D), 9:15 Sun-Wed 1:20 (3D), $(# 4`W AOb " ( !2 %( # !2 '( # Ac\ ESR ( !2 4, 7:15 (3D); Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12:15, (3D) 4:30, 7 " %( # !2 ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ( # 2:25 ( # !2 "(! % (3D), 9:10 Fri-Wed 12:15, 7:05, 9:10; Cinemagic !2 '( 4`W ESR ( # 2:25,4:30, ( # "(! %( # '( ) 1W\S[OUWQ Westbrook Thurs 12 !2 (3D), 2:10, (3D), 4:20, 4:30 (3D), ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ( 2:20 ( !2 "( "(! !2 6:45; Fri-Wed 11:50 (3D), 2:10, (3D), 4:20, 4:30 (3D), $("#) 4`W ESR (# !2 ( 2:20 ( !2 "( "(! !2 6:50; Windham 5 Star Fri 4:30, 6:55, 9 Sat 1:30,4:30, 6:55, $(# ) EW\RVO[ # AbO` 4`W "(! $(## ' AOb (! "(! $(## 9 Sun 1:30,4:30, 6:55 Mon-Wed 4:30, 6:55 ' Ac\ (! "(! $(## ;]\ ESR "(! $(## "100PER" (R) (1:58) Stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce µ:==>3@¶ @ (#& AbO`a 8]aS^V 5]`R]\ :SdWbb 0`cQS Willis, Emily Blunt and Paul Dano. Directed by Rian JohnEWZZWa 3[WZg 0Zc\b O\R >OcZ 2O\] 2W`SQbSR Pg @WO\ 8]V\ son. In 2072, when the mob wants to get rid of someone, a]\ 7\ % eVS\ bVS []P eO\ba b] USb `WR ]T a][S]\S the target is sent 30 years into the past, where a hired bVS bO`USb Wa aS\b ! gSO`a W\b] bVS ^Oab eVS`S O VW`SR gun awaits. Someone like Joe, who one day learns the Uc\ OeOWba A][S]\S ZWYS 8]S eV] ]\S ROg ZSO`\a bVS mob wants to "close the loop" by transporting back Joe's []P eO\ba b] µQZ]aS bVS Z]]^¶ Pg b`O\a^]`bW\U POQY 8]S¸a future self. Tcbc`S aSZT Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs 3:50, 9 Fri-Sat AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a !(# ' 4`W AOb 1:15,6:30 Sun 6:30 Mon-Wed 1:15,6:30; Cinemagic West ( # $(! Ac\ $(! ;]\ ESR ( # $(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESab brook Thurs 12:30, 3:40, 6:50, 9:40 Fri-Wed 12:20, 9:40 P`]]Y BVc`a (! !(" $(# '(" 4`W ESR ( '(" "THE MASTER" (PG-13) (2:17) Stars Philip Seymour µB63 ;/AB3@¶ >5 ! ( % AbO`a >VWZW^ ASg[]c` Hoffman, Joaquin Phoenix and Amy Adams. Directed by 6]TT[O\ 8]O_cW\ >V]S\Wf O\R /[g /RO[a 2W`SQbSR Pg Paul Thomas Anderson. A Naval veteran arrives home >OcZ BV][Oa /\RS`a]\ / <OdOZ dSbS`O\ O``WdSa V][S from war unsettled and uncertain of his future - until he is T`][ eO` c\aSbbZSR O\R c\QS`bOW\ ]T VWa Tcbc`S ³ c\bWZ VS Wa tantalized by The Cause, a faith-based organization, and bO\bOZWhSR Pg BVS 1OcaS O TOWbV POaSR ]`UO\WhObW]\ O\R its charismatic leader. Wba QVO`Wa[ObWQ ZSORS` Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs 12:30,3:30, AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a (! !(! 9:20 '( "PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4" (PG-13) (1:28) Stars Katie µ>/@/<=@;/: /1B7D7BG "¶ >5 ! ( & AbO`a 9ObWS Featherston, Kathryn Newton, Matt Shively and Brady 4SObVS`ab]\ 9ObV`g\ <Seb]\ ;Obb AVWdSZg O\R 0`ORg Allen. Directed by Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman. It /ZZS\ 2W`SQbSR Pg 6S\`g 8]]ab O\R /`WSZ AQVcZ[O\ 7b has been five years since the disappearance of Katie and VOa PSS\ ¿dS gSO`a aW\QS bVS RWaO^^SO`O\QS ]T 9ObWS O\R Hunter, and a suburban family witness strange events in 6c\bS` O\R O acPc`PO\ TO[WZg eWb\Saa ab`O\US SdS\ba W\ their neighborhood when a woman and a mysterious child bVSW` \SWUVP]`V]]R eVS\ O e][O\ O\R O [gabS`W]ca QVWZR move in. []dS W\ Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs 12:45,3, AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a ("# ! 5:15, 7:30, 9:40 Fri-Wed 4, 9; Windham 5 Star Thurs 4:20, #( # %(! '(" 4`W ESR " ') EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a "( 7:25# 4`W "( Fri 4:20, 7:25, 9:40 Sat 1:15,4:20, 9:40 Sun 1:15, %( %( # '(" AOb ( # "( %(7:25, # '(" Ac\ ( # 4:20, 7:25 Mon-Wed 4:05, 7:20; Nordica (Freeport) Thurs "( %( # ;]\ ESR "( # %( ) <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a

years, he taught art and coached baseball ZFBST IF UBVHIU BSU BOE DPBDIFE CBTFCBMM at a boys' high school in Manhattan. Still, BU B CPZT IJHI TDIPPM JO .BOIBUUBO 4UJMM he said most of his ideas for the strip IF TBJE NPTU PG IJT JEFBT GPS UIF TUSJQ "come from my own memories of middle iDPNF GSPN NZ PXO NFNPSJFT PG NJEEMF school." TDIPPM w Despite the fact that he was an art ma%FTQJUF UIF GBDU UIBU IF XBT BO BSU NB jor at Colby and Brooklyn College, where KPS BU $PMCZ BOE #SPPLMZO $PMMFHF XIFSF he got his master of fine arts degree, IF HPU IJT NBTUFS PG mOF BSUT EFHSFF Peirce said his comics tend to be driven 1FJSDF TBJE IJT DPNJDT UFOE UP CF ESJWFO more by the narrative than visuals. NPSF CZ UIF OBSSBUJWF UIBO WJTVBMT "For me, it's all about the writing," he i'PS NF JU T BMM BCPVU UIF XSJUJOH w IF said. "I've never thought of myself as a TBJE i* WF OFWFS UIPVHIU PG NZTFMG BT B great artist.... I usually imagine converHSFBU BSUJTU y * VTVBMMZ JNBHJOF DPOWFS sations happening between characters, TBUJPOT IBQQFOJOH CFUXFFO DIBSBDUFST or I'll think of the fourth panel first and PS * MM UIJOL PG UIF GPVSUI QBOFM mSTU BOE then write backwards. UIFO XSJUF CBDLXBSET "I cringe a bit when I look at some of i* DSJOHF B CJU XIFO * MPPL BU TPNF PG the older ones, because I couldn't draw UIF PMEFS POFT CFDBVTF * DPVMEO U ESBX as well back then. I know a lot of cartoonBT XFMM CBDL UIFO * LOPX B MPU PG DBSUPPO ists who can draw anything, but that's not JTUT XIP DBO ESBX BOZUIJOH CVU UIBU T OPU me." NF w Never in the strip does Peirce say /FWFS JO UIF TUSJQ EPFT 1FJSDF TBZ where Nate lives. XIFSF /BUF MJWFT

Please see MOVIES, PageESI Gc\Xj\ j\\ ;=D73A GX^\ <*(

"I let people construct in their minds i* MFU QFPQMF DPOTUSVDU JO UIFJS NJOET where they think he might live," he said. XIFSF UIFZ UIJOL IF NJHIU MJWF w IF TBJE However, he revealed that in an upcom)PXFWFS IF SFWFBMFE UIBU JO BO VQDPN ing strip, one of the characters will move JOH TUSJQ POF PG UIF DIBSBDUFST XJMM NPWF to Seattle, and there's a reference to it UP 4FBUUMF BOE UIFSF T B SFGFSFODF UP JU being 3,000 miles away. CFJOH NJMFT BXBZ For while Nate may never say where he 'PS XIJMF /BUF NBZ OFWFS TBZ XIFSF IF lives, Peirce said, "In my mind, it's set in MJWFT 1FJSDF TBJE i*O NZ NJOE JU T TFU JO Maine." .BJOF w Staff Writer Avery Yale Kamila can be contacted at AbOTT E`WbS` /dS`g GOZS 9O[WZO QO\ PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob 791-6297 or at: %' $ '% ]` Ob( akamila@pressherald. com OYO[WZO.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ Twitter: AveryYaleKamila BeWbbS`( /dS`gGOZS9O[WZO



LINCOLN PEIRCE :7<1=:< >37@13 WHEN: 11 a.m. to 2 ^ [ AObc`ROg p.m. Saturday E63<( O [ b] WHERE: Casablanca Comics, 151 E63@3( 1OaOPZO\QO 1][WQa # Middle St., Portland ;WRRZS Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: Free 6=E ;C16( 4`SS INFO: 780-1676; 7<4=( %& $%$) casablancacomics.com QOaOPZO\QOQ][WQa Q][

P o r t l a n d Press H e r a l d / Thursday, N o v e m b e r 1, 2012 | GO E31 >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg <]dS[PS` j 5= 3!




mMN i'PSSFTU (VNQw EJSFDUPS 3PCFSU ;FNFDLJT film. "Forrest Gump" director Robert Zemeckis, returning from the "Polar Express"/ "Mars Needs SFUVSOJOH GSPN UIF i1PMBS &YQSFTTw i.BST /FFET Moms" toy store of motion-caption animation, and .PNTw UPZ TUPSF PG NPUJPO DBQUJPO BOJNBUJPO BOE screenwriter John Gatins ("Coach Carter") serve TDSFFOXSJUFS +PIO (BUJOT i$PBDI $BSUFSw TFSWF up a morally ambiguous morality tale that dares VQ B NPSBMMZ BNCJHVPVT NPSBMJUZ UBMF UIBU EBSFT to suggest that maybe this guy's condition was a UP TVHHFTU UIBU NBZCF UIJT HVZ T DPOEJUJPO XBT B good thing - in this case. HPPE UIJOH o JO UIJT DBTF And it's that rare movie that slaps the imprima"OE JU T UIBU SBSF NPWJF UIBU TMBQT UIF JNQSJNB tur of comic-cosmic cool on a drug dealer. John UVS PG DPNJD DPTNJD DPPM PO B ESVH EFBMFS +PIO Goodman's drinking-and-driving, pony-tailed swag(PPENBO T ESJOLJOH BOE ESJWJOH QPOZ UBJMFE TXBH ger as Harling, Whip's candyman, is hilarious and HFS BT )BSMJOH 8IJQ T DBOEZNBO JT IJMBSJPVT BOE - dare I say it? o IFSPJD )F T UIF mSTU HVZ UP WJTJU - heroic. He's the first guy to visit o EBSF * TBZ JU Whip in the hospital, the first to offer "help," the 8IJQ JO UIF IPTQJUBM UIF mSTU UP PGGFS iIFMQ w UIF first with words of praise. mSTU XJUI XPSET PG QSBJTF But Whip has dodged a bullet. Maybe he's ready #VU 8IJQ IBT EPEHFE B CVMMFU .BZCF IF T SFBEZ to get straight. But not without a little rationalUP HFU TUSBJHIU #VU OPU XJUIPVU B MJUUMF SBUJPOBM izing. J[JOH "Without me up there, there would have been 102 i8JUIPVU NF VQ UIFSF UIFSF XPVME IBWF CFFO funerals, and not six." GVOFSBMT BOE OPU TJY w One thread of the story concerns Whip trying to 0OF UISFBE PG UIF TUPSZ DPODFSOT 8IJQ USZJOH UP get a handle on what has happened, and to keep HFU B IBOEMF PO XIBU IBT IBQQFOFE BOE UP LFFQ "reluctant hero" attached to his name, with the iSFMVDUBOU IFSPw BUUBDIFE UP IJT OBNF XJUI UIF help of the head of his pilot's union (Bruce GreenIFMQ PG UIF IFBE PG IJT QJMPU T VOJPO #SVDF (SFFO wood, always good) and the union's lawyer (Don XPPE BMXBZT HPPE BOE UIF VOJPO T MBXZFS %PO Cheadle, always great). They pitch in despite the $IFBEMF BMXBZT HSFBU 5IFZ QJUDI JO EFTQJUF UIF gathering evidence to the contrary. HBUIFSJOH FWJEFODF UP UIF DPOUSBSZ Another thread follows Whip's new friend, "OPUIFS UISFBE GPMMPXT 8IJQ T OFX GSJFOE Nicole (Kelly Reilly), a fellow junkie he met in the /JDPMF ,FMMZ 3FJMMZ B GFMMPX KVOLJF IF NFU JO UIF hospital, a damsel in distress whom he gallantly IPTQJUBM B EBNTFM JO EJTUSFTT XIPN IF HBMMBOUMZ rescues, even though we wonder if he can even SFTDVFT FWFO UIPVHI XF XPOEFS JG IF DBO FWFO save himself. TBWF IJNTFMG Zemeckis and Gatins deftly weave those two ;FNFDLJT BOE (BUJOT EFGUMZ XFBWF UIPTF UXP threads together through some of the best-acted UISFBET UPHFUIFS UISPVHI TPNF PG UIF CFTU BDUFE scenes you'll see in a movie this year. James TDFOFT ZPV MM TFF JO B NPWJF UIJT ZFBS +BNFT Badge Dale is splendid as a dying cancer patient #BEHF %BMF JT TQMFOEJE BT B EZJOH DBODFS QBUJFOU who gives Whip and Nicole a little life perspective XIP HJWFT 8IJQ BOE /JDPMF B MJUUMF MJGF QFSTQFDUJWF in a hospital stairwell cigarette break. Brian GerJO B IPTQJUBM TUBJSXFMM DJHBSFUUF CSFBL #SJBO (FS aghty makes a great impression as the frightened BHIUZ NBLFT B HSFBU JNQSFTTJPO BT UIF GSJHIUFOFE co-pilot who leans on his faith the way Whip does DP QJMPU XIP MFBOT PO IJT GBJUI UIF XBZ 8IJQ EPFT his cocaine. IJT DPDBJOF And Tamara Tunie is dazzling as an older stew"OE 5BNBSB 5VOJF JT EB[[MJOH BT BO PMEFS TUFX ardess, a church-going Atlantan Whip relies on BSEFTT B DIVSDI HPJOH "UMBOUBO 8IJQ SFMJFT PO when the chips are down. She delivers the film's XIFO UIF DIJQT BSF EPXO 4IF EFMJWFST UIF mMN T most moving scenes, first in the cockpit, where NPTU NPWJOH TDFOFT mSTU JO UIF DPDLQJU XIFSF Whip summons her as they're about to crash. 8IJQ TVNNPOT IFS BT UIFZ SF BCPVU UP DSBTI Remember the black box, he tells her. 3FNFNCFS UIF CMBDL CPY IF UFMMT IFS i8IBU T ZPVS TPO T OBNF w "What's your son's name?" i5SFWPS w "Trevor." i4BZ A* MPWF ZPV 5SFWPS w "Say 'I love you, Trevor.'" #VU TIF BOE XF TFF 8IJQ T EBSL TJEF UIF POF IF But she and we see Whip's dark side, the one he XBOUT UP IJEF UIF POF IF T BOYJPVT UP HFU PUIFST wants to hide, the one he's anxious to get others UP MJF GPS IJN BCPVU )F T BSSPHBOU EBNBHFE VOmU to lie for him about. He's arrogant, damaged, unfit GPS EVUZ GPS SFMBUJPOTIJQT GPS MJGF JUTFMG 8BTIJOH for duty, for relationships, for life itself. WashingUPO GFBSMFTTMZ NBLFT UIJT HVZ BT VOMJLBCMF BT BOZ ton fearlessly makes this guy as unlikable as any DIBSBDUFS IF T FWFS QMBZFE character he's ever played. 'PS BMM JUT NBOZ QMFBTVSFT i'MJHIUw EPFTO U RVJUF For all its many pleasures, "Flight" doesn't quite KVTUJGZ PS FBSO UIF DPODMVTJPO TFSWFE VQ IFSF *U justify or earn the conclusion served up here. It BMTP TUSBEEMFT UIBU NPSBM GFODF B MJUUMF UPP DPOm also straddles that moral fence a little too confiEFOUMZ GPS JUT PXO HPPE dently for its own good. 5IFO UIFSF T UIJT DMVNTZ IBCJU ;FNFDLJT IBT PG Then there's this clumsy habit Zemeckis has of VOEFSMJOJOH B QFSGFDUMZ DMFBS DPHFOU TDFOF XJUI underlining a perfectly clear, cogent scene with B SFEVOEBOU QJFDF PG NVTJD " KVOLJF TIPPUT VQ a redundant piece of music. A junkie shoots up? i4XFFU +BOFw PO UIF TPVOEUSBDL " EPQF EFBMFS "Sweet Jane" on the soundtrack. A dope dealer TUSVUT JOUP UIF TDFOF struts into the scene? i1MFBTF BMMPX NF UP JO "Please allow me to inUSPEVDF NZTFMG troduce myself"w XBGUT VQ UIF 3PMMJOH 4UPOFT wafts up, the Rolling Stones' i4ZNQBUIZ GPS UIF %FWJM w 5IF EJSFDUPS XIP IBE B "Sympathy for the Devil." The director who had a DIBSBDUFS TBZ i* N HPJOH UP 4BO 'SBODJTDPw KVTU BT character say "I'm going to San Francisco" just as i4BO 'SBODJTDPw XFMMFE VQ PO UIF i'PSSFTU (VNQw "San Francisco" welled up on the "Forrest Gump" TPVOEUSBDL OFFET UP MFBSO UIBU KVTU CFDBVTF ZPV soundtrack needs to learn that just because you DBO BGGPSE UIF SJHIUT UP BO JOBOFMZ PCWJPVT TPOH can afford the rights to an inanely obvious song EPFTO U NFBO ZPV IBWF UP BDUVBMMZ VTF UIFN doesn't mean you have to actually use them. 5IPTF RVJCCMFT BTJEF i'MJHIUw TUJMM NBLFT GPS B Those quibbles aside, "Flight" still makes for a SJWFUJOH DIBSBDUFS TUVEZ BOE B TPNFUJNFT NPWJOH riveting character study, and a sometimes moving BOE TPNFUJNFT BNVTJOHMZ BNPSBM NPSBMJUZ UBMF TFU and sometimes amusingly amoral morality tale set JO UIF WPELB BOE DPLF GSJFOEMZ TLJFT "OE 8BTIJOH in the vodka-and-coke friendly skies. And Washington puts another over-50 exclamation point on an UPO QVUT BOPUIFS PWFS FYDMBNBUJPO QPJOU PO BO already storied screen-acting career. BMSFBEZ TUPSJFE TDSFFO BDUJOH DBSFFS

2:15, 4:45, 7:20 Fri-Sat 2:15,4:45, 7:20, 9:40 ( # "("# %( 4`W AOb ( # "("# %( '(" Sun-Wed 2:15,4:45,7:20; Cinemagic Grand Ac\ ESR ( # "("# %( ) 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R (South Portland) Thurs 2:30,4:40, 7, 9:30 A]cbV >]`bZO\R BVc`a (! "(" % '(! Fri-Wed 2:30, 7,9:30; Cinemagic Saco Thurs4`W ESR (! % '(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a Wed 12:10 (IMAX), 2:20 (IMAX), 4:25 (IMAX), ESR ( 7;/F ( 7;/F "( # 7;/F 7 (IMAX), 9:15 (IMAX); Cinemagic Westbrook % 7;/F '( # 7;/F ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y Thurs 12:10, 7, 9:30 Fri-Wed 12:10, BVc`a ( 2:20,4:30, ( "(! % '(! 4`W ESR ( 2:20, 4:30, 7, 9:20 ( "(! % '(

OFTT PG UPEBZ (BNFST XJMM HFU B LJDL ness of today. Gamers will get a kick out of a montage showing the years PVU PG B NPOUBHF TIPXJOH UIF ZFBST pass in this one arcade, with forgotten QBTT JO UIJT POF BSDBEF XJUI GPSHPUUFO games such as Battlezone replaced by HBNFT TVDI BT #BUUMF[POF SFQMBDFE CZ the next big thing. UIF OFYU CJH UIJOH Ralph has plenty of places to go for 3BMQI IBT QMFOUZ PG QMBDFT UP HP GPS glory. Let's start with a first-person HMPSZ -FU T TUBSU XJUI B mSTU QFSTPO shooter game titled "Hero's Duty" TIPPUFS HBNF UJUMFE i)FSP T %VUZ w where Sgt. Calhoun (Jane Lynch, hiXIFSF 4HU $BMIPVO +BOF -ZODI IJ lariously over the top) leads her digital MBSJPVTMZ PWFS UIF UPQ MFBET IFS EJHJUBM commandos into battle against alien DPNNBOEPT JOUP CBUUMF BHBJOTU BMJFO "cy-bugs." iDZ CVHT w "The kitten whiskers and tickle fights i5IF LJUUFO XIJTLFST BOE UJDLMF mHIUT stop NOW," she growls. Ralph had no TUPQ /08 w TIF HSPXMT 3BMQI IBE OP idea games could be so violent. JEFB HBNFT DPVME CF TP WJPMFOU Then there's a place where "kitten 5IFO UIFSF T B QMBDF XIFSF iLJUUFO whiskers" would be welcome, the girly XIJTLFSTw XPVME CF XFMDPNF UIF HJSMZ Candyland of "Sugar Rush," where $BOEZMBOE PG i4VHBS 3VTI w XIFSF adorable tykes, "children of the canBEPSBCMF UZLFT iDIJMESFO PG UIF DBO dycorn," race candy-shaped go-karts EZDPSO w SBDF DBOEZ TIBQFE HP LBSUT across a candyscape. That's where BDSPTT B DBOEZTDBQF 5IBU T XIFSF Ralph runs afoul of Vanellope, given 3BMQI SVOT BGPVM PG 7BOFMMPQF HJWFO a twinkly edge by comic Sarah SilverB UXJOLMZ FEHF CZ DPNJD 4BSBI 4JMWFS man. She's a "glitch," a digitally defecNBO 4IF T B iHMJUDI w B EJHJUBMMZ EFGFD tive character exiled from the game. UJWF DIBSBDUFS FYJMFE GSPN UIF HBNF She's smart alecky and spunky. 4IF T TNBSU BMFDLZ BOE TQVOLZ Somehow, she's going to figure into 4PNFIPX TIF T HPJOH UP mHVSF JOUP Ralph's dreams of glory. If only Ralph 3BMQI T ESFBNT PG HMPSZ *G POMZ 3BMQI can avoid being dragged back to "Fix-It DBO BWPJE CFJOH ESBHHFE CBDL UP i'JY *U Felix" before the game is unplugged. 'FMJYw CFGPSF UIF HBNF JT VOQMVHHFE If only Vanellope can outsmart King *G POMZ 7BOFMMPQF DBO PVUTNBSU ,JOH Candy (the demented Alan Tudyck, $BOEZ UIF EFNFOUFE "MBO 5VEZDL channeling the late Ed Wynn) and find DIBOOFMJOH UIF MBUF &E 8ZOO BOE mOE a way to fit in. B XBZ UP mU JO The voice casting here is stellar. The 5IF WPJDF DBTUJOH IFSF JT TUFMMBS 5IF cracking, booming Reilly would have DSBDLJOH CPPNJOH 3FJMMZ XPVME IBWF been right at home on "The FlintCFFO SJHIU BU IPNF PO i5IF 'MJOU stones" or any Hanna Barbera cartoon TUPOFTw PS BOZ )BOOB #BSCFSB DBSUPPO of the Golden Age of TV cartoons. PG UIF (PMEFO "HF PG 57 DBSUPPOT Silverman sounds like she's on helium 4JMWFSNBO TPVOET MJLF TIF T PO IFMJVN and Lynch has become the biggest BOE -ZODI IBT CFDPNF UIF CJHHFTU laugh in tough-gal comedy - even when MBVHI JO UPVHI HBM DPNFEZ o FWFO XIFO she's just using her voice. TIF T KVTU VTJOH IFS WPJDF In these films, the devil's in the digital *O UIFTF mMNT UIF EFWJM T JO UIF EJHJUBM details, the little flourishes and sight EFUBJMT UIF MJUUMF nPVSJTIFT BOE TJHIU gags. King Candy has palace guards HBHT ,JOH $BOEZ IBT QBMBDF HVBSET who'd be equally at home in "Oz," or a XIP E CF FRVBMMZ BU IPNF JO i0[ w PS B glass of milk. ("O-Reee-0-Oreeeee HMBTT PG NJML i0 3FFF 0 0SFFFFF ooooo.") PPPPP w

Since taking over all of Disney's 4JODF UBLJOH PWFS BMM PG %JTOFZ T animation, Pixar guru John Lasseter BOJNBUJPO 1JYBS HVSV +PIO -BTTFUFS has made an imprint on the Mouse's IBT NBEF BO JNQSJOU PO UIF .PVTF T non-Pixar films, and "Ralph" shows OPO 1JYBS mMNT BOE i3BMQIw TIPXT many Pixar house touches - a solid NBOZ 1JYBS IPVTF UPVDIFT o B TPMJE story, dazzling detail, inventive settings TUPSZ EB[[MJOH EFUBJM JOWFOUJWF TFUUJOHT and jokey characters. And there's a BOE KPLFZ DIBSBDUFST "OE UIFSF T B message bland enough to not offend NFTTBHF CMBOE FOPVHI UP OPU PGGFOE everyone. FWFSZPOF "I will not be good and that's not bad. i* XJMM OPU CF HPPE BOE UIBU T OPU CBE There's no one I would rather be than 5IFSF T OP POF * XPVME SBUIFS CF UIBO me." NF w The movie stalls in "Sugar Rush" to 5IF NPWJF TUBMMT JO i4VHBS 3VTIw UP the point where your teeth may ache. UIF QPJOU XIFSF ZPVS UFFUI NBZ BDIF But there's plenty of video gamescapes #VU UIFSF T QMFOUZ PG WJEFP HBNFTDBQFT left over for a - wait for it - sequel. The MFGU PWFS GPS B o XBJU GPS JU o TFRVFM 5IF eye-popping animation and joke-ready FZF QPQQJOH BOJNBUJPO BOE KPLF SFBEZ setting suggest "Wreck-It Ralph" would TFUUJOH TVHHFTU i8SFDL *U 3BMQIw XPVME be right at home crashing through CF SJHIU BU IPNF DSBTIJOH UISPVHI many a game console, and for years to NBOZ B HBNF DPOTPMF BOE GPS ZFBST UP come. DPNF Attached to "Wreck-It Ralph" is "Pa"UUBDIFE UP i8SFDL *U 3BMQIw JT i1B per Man," a delightful black, white and QFS .BO w B EFMJHIUGVM CMBDL XIJUF BOE red (lips) 2-D romantic short animated SFE MJQT % SPNBOUJD TIPSU BOJNBUFE in a more traditional style that is so JO B NPSF USBEJUJPOBM TUZMF UIBU JT TP good it makes you hope Disney doesn't HPPE JU NBLFT ZPV IPQF %JTOFZ EPFTO U give up on films that aren't about toys, HJWF VQ PO mMNT UIBU BSFO U BCPVU UPZT monsters, video games or princesses. NPOTUFST WJEFP HBNFT PS QSJODFTTFT

:fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 ! Continued from Page E13

:fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3! Continued from Page E30

"THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER" ¾B63 >3@9A =4 037<5 / E/::4:=E3@œ (PG-13) (1:43) Stars Logan Lerman, Emma >5 ! ("! AbO`a :]UO\ :S`[O\ 3[[O Watson and Ezra Miller. Directed by Stephen EOba]\ O\R 3h`O ;WZZS` 2W`SQbSR Pg AbS^VS\ Chbosky. 1VP]aYg Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) FriAV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R 4`W Wed 2,4:20, 6:50, 9:10 ESR "( $(# '( "PITCH PERFECT" (PG) (1:52) Stars Anna ¾>7B16 >3@431Bœ >5 (# AbO`a /\\O Kendrick, Brittany Snow and Rebel Wilson. 9S\R`WQY 0`WbbO\g A\]e O\R @SPSZ EWZa]\ Directed by Jason Moore. A college fresh2W`SQbSR Pg 8Oa]\ ;]]`S / Q]ZZSUS T`SaV man is cajoled into joining the school's [O\ Wa QOX]ZSR W\b] X]W\W\U bVS aQV]]Z¸a all-girl singing group. OZZ UW`Z aW\UW\U U`]c^ Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a 1:15,6:20; Windham 5 Star Thurs 7 Fri ( # $( ) EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a % 4`W 7:15 Sat-Sun 1, 7:15 Mon-Wed 7:15; Cinemagic %( # AOb Ac\ %( # ;]\ ESR %( #) 1W\S[OUWQ Grand (South Portland) Thurs 2:20,4:50; 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R BVc`a ( "(# ) Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12,2:25,4:50, 7:15, 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ( # "(# %( # 9:40 Fri-Wed 12, 2:25, 4:50, 7:15; Cinemagic '(" 4`W ESR ( # "(# %( #) 1W\S[OUWQ Westbrook Thurs 12:20, 3:20, 6:45, 9:20 FriESabP`]]Y BVc`a ( !( $("# '( 4`W Wed 3:20, 6:45 ESR !( $("# "SEVEN PSYCHOPATHS" (R) (1:51) Stars ¾A3D3< >AG16=>/B6Aœ @ (# AbO`a Colin Farrell, Woody Harrelson and Sam 1]ZW\ 4O``SZZ E]]Rg 6O``SZa]\ O\R AO[ Rockwell. Directed by Martin McDonagh. A @]QYeSZZ 2W`SQbSR Pg ;O`bW\ ;Q2]\OUV / struggling screenwriter inadvertently beab`cUUZW\U aQ`SS\e`WbS` W\ORdS`bS\bZg PS comes entangled in the Los Angeles criminal Q][Sa S\bO\UZSR W\ bVS :]a /\USZSa Q`W[W\OZ underworld after his oddball friends kidnap c\RS`e]`ZR OTbS` VWa ]RRPOZZ T`WS\Ra YWR\O^ a gangster's beloved Shih Tzu. O UO\UabS`¸a PSZ]dSR AVWV Bhc Showing at: Eveningstar (Brunswick) AV]eW\U Ob( 3dS\W\UabO` 0`c\aeWQY Thurs 1:30, 3:45, 6 Fri-Sat 1:30, 3:45, 6, 8:15 BVc`a (! !("# $ 4`W AOb (! !("# $ &( # Sun-Wed 1:30, 3:45, 6; Nickelodeon (PortAc\ ESR (! !("# $) <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`b land) Thurs 1:45,4:45, 7:15, 9:45 FriZO\R BVc`a ("# "("# %( # '("# 4`W Wed 1:45,4:45, 7:15, 9:45; Cinemagic WestESR ("# "("# %( # '("#) 1W\S[OUWQ ESab brook Thurs 12:30, 3:20, 6:45, 9:20; Fri-Wed P`]]Y BVc`a (! !( $("# '( ) 4`W ESR 2,6:45,9:20 $("# '( "SILENT HILL: REVELATION" (R) (1:34) ¾A7:3<B 67::( @3D3:/B7=<œ @ (!" Stars Sean Bean, Radha Mitchell, CarrieAbO`a ASO\ 0SO\ @ORVO ;WbQVSZZ 1O``WS Anne Moss and Adelaide Clemens. Directed /\\S ;]aa O\R /RSZOWRS 1ZS[S\a 2W`SQbSR by Michael J. Bassett. When her father Pg ;WQVOSZ 8 0OaaSbb EVS\ VS` TObVS` disappears, Heather Mason is drawn into a RWaO^^SO`a 6SObVS` ;Oa]\ Wa R`Oe\ W\b] O strange and terrifying alternate reality that ab`O\US O\R bS``WTgW\U OZbS`\ObS `SOZWbg bVOb holds answers to the horrific nightmares V]ZRa O\aeS`a b] bVS V]``W¿Q \WUVb[O`Sa that have plagued her since childhood. bVOb VOdS ^ZOUcSR VS` aW\QS QVWZRV]]R Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs 4:05, AV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a "( # 7:20 Fri 4:05, 7:20, 9:30 Sat 1:25,4:05, 7:20, %( 4`W "( # %( '(! AOb ( # "( # %( 9:30 Sun 1:25, 4:05, 7:20 Mon-Wed 4:05, '(! Ac\ ( # "( # %( ;]\ ESR "( # 7:20; Nordica (Freeport) Thurs 1:30 (3D), %( ) <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a (! !2 4:20, 7:15 (3D) Fri-Sat (All 3D) 4:20, 9:35 "( %( # !2 4`W AOb /ZZ !2 "( '(!# Sun-Wed 4:20 (3D); Cinemagic Grand (South Ac\ ESR "( !2 ) 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV

:fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 & Continued from Page E18

Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

Lucy L i u stars w i t h Russell :cQg :Wc abO`a eWbV @caaSZZ C r o w e in "The Man w i t h t h e 1`]eS W\ ÂľBVS ;O\ eWbV bVS Iron Fists." 7`]\ 4Waba Âś Portland) Thurs 2:10 (3D), 4:30, 7:10 (3D), >]`bZO\R BVc`a ( !2 "(! %( !2 9:40 Fri-Weds 12 !2 (3D) 2:10 (3D), 4:30, 7:10 '(" 4`W ESRa ( !2 "(! %( (3D), 9:40; Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12:15 (3D), !2 '(" ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ( # !2 2:20,4:30 (3D), 7, 9:10 (3D) Fri-Wed 12:15, ( "(! !2 % '( !2 4`W ESR ( # 2:20,4:30,7,9:10; Cinemagic Westbrook ( "(! % '( ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y Thurs 12, %( !2 '(! '(" !2 7:10 (3D), 9:30, 9:40 (3D) BVc`a "SINISTER" (R) (1:50) Stars Ethan Hawke, ÂľA7<7AB3@Âś @ (# AbO`a 3bVO\ 6OeYS Juliet Rylance and James Ransone. Directed 8cZWSb @gZO\QS O\R 8O[Sa @O\a]\S 2W`SQbSR by Scott Derrickson. Found footage helps Pg AQ]bb 2S``WQYa]\ 4]c\R T]]bOUS VSZ^a a true-crime novelist realize how and why O b`cS Q`W[S \]dSZWab `SOZWhS V]e O\R eVg a family was murdered in his new home, O TO[WZg eOa [c`RS`SR W\ VWa \Se V][S though his discoveries put his entire family bV]cUV VWa RWaQ]dS`WSa ^cb VWa S\bW`S TO[WZg in the path of a supernatural entity. W\ bVS ^ObV ]T O ac^S`\Obc`OZ S\bWbg Showing at: Cinemagic Grand (South PortAV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`b land) Thurs-Tue 7:30,10; Cinemagic Saco ZO\R BVc`a BcS %(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] Thurs 12:05, 7:05, 9:30 Fri-Wed BVc`a ( # 2:20,4:45, ( "("# %( # '(! 4`W ESR 7:05,9:30; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 12:10, %( # '(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ( 3:40, 7:10, 9:40 Fri-Wed 12:10, 3:40, 7:10, 9:45 !(" %( '(" 4`W ESR ( !(" %( '("# "TAKEN 2" (PG-13) (1:31) Stars Liam ÂľB/93< Âś >5 ! (! AbO`a :WO[ Neeson, Famke Janssen, Maggie Grace and <SSa]\ 4O[YS 8O\aaS\ ;OUUWS 5`OQS O\R Leland Orser. Directed by Olivier Megaton. :SZO\R =`aS` 2W`SQbSR Pg =ZWdWS` ;SUOb]\ In Istanbul, retired CIA operative Bryan Mills 7\ 7abO\PcZ `SbW`SR 17/ ]^S`ObWdS 0`gO\ ;WZZa and his wife are taken hostage by the father O\R VWa eWTS O`S bOYS\ V]abOUS Pg bVS TObVS` of a kidnapper Mills killed while rescuing his ]T O YWR\O^^S` ;WZZa YWZZSR eVWZS `SaQcW\U VWa daughter. ROcUVbS` Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs 4:30, AV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a "(! 6:55; Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) $(##) 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R Thurs 2,4:20, 7, 9:30 Fri-Weds 11:50, 2,4:20, BVc`a "( % '(! 4`W ESRa (# "( 7, 9:30; Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12:20,2:30, % '(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ( (! 4:45, 7:10, 9:20 Fri-Wed 12:20, 4:45, "("# %( '( 4`W ESR ( 2:30, (! "("# 7:10, 9:20; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 12:20, %( '( ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ( 2:30,4:40, 7:30, 9:50 Fri-Wed 12:20, (! "(" %(! '(# 4`W ESR ( 2:30, (! 4:40, 7:30, 9:50 "(" %(! '(# "TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE" (PG-13) ÂľB@=C0:3 E7B6 B63 1C@D3Âś >5 ! (1:51) Stars Clint Eastwood, Amy Adams, (# AbO`a 1ZW\b 3Oabe]]R /[g /RO[a John Goodman and Justin Timberlake. Di8]V\ 5]]R[O\ O\R 8cabW\ BW[PS`ZOYS 2W rected by Robert Lorenz. An ailing baseball `SQbSR Pg @]PS`b :]`S\h /\ OWZW\U POaSPOZZ scout in his twilight years takes his daughter aQ]cb W\ VWa beWZWUVb gSO`a bOYSa VWa ROcUVbS` along for one last recruiting trip. OZ]\U T]` ]\S ZOab `SQ`cWbW\U b`W^ Showing at: Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a 11:50,2:20,4:50,7:20,9:50 (# ( "(# %( '(# - From news services; Âł 4`][ \Sea aS`dWQSa) subject to change acPXSQb b] QVO\US

MOVIES AT K?< DLJ<LD "CHICKEN WITH PLUMS," d i r e c t e d by M a r j a n e S a t r a p i a n d V i n c e n t Âľ167193< E7B6 >:C;A Âś RW`SQbSR Pg ;O`XO\S AOb`O^W O\R DW\QS\b P a r o n n a u d , PG-13, 1:33. Teheran, 1958. Since his b e l o v e d v i o l i n >O`]\\OcR >5 ! (!! BSVS`O\ '#& AW\QS VWa PSZ]dSR dW]ZW\ w a s b r o k e n , Nasser A l i Khan, o n e o f t h e m o s t r e n o w n e d eOa P`]YS\ <OaaS` /ZW 9VO\ ]\S ]T bVS []ab `S\]e\SR m u s i c i a n s of his day, has lost all taste f o r life. F i n d i n g no [caWQWO\a ]T VWa ROg VOa Z]ab OZZ bOabS T]` ZWTS 4W\RW\U \] instrument w o r t h y o f r e p l a c i n g it, h e d e c i d e s t o c o n f i n e himself W\ab`c[S\b e]`bVg ]T `S^ZOQW\U Wb VS RSQWRSa b] Q]\Âż\S VW[aSZT t o b e d t o a w a i t d e a t h . A s h e h o p e s f o r its arrival, h e plunges b] PSR b] OeOWb RSObV /a VS V]^Sa T]` Wba O``WdOZ VS ^Zc\USa into d e e p reveries, w i t h d r e a m s as melancholic as they are W\b] RSS^ `SdS`WSa eWbV R`SO[a Oa [SZO\QV]ZWQ Oa bVSg O`S j o y o u s , taking h i m b a c k t o his y o u t h a n d e v e n t o a c o n v e r s a t i o n X]g]ca bOYW\U VW[ POQY b] VWa g]cbV O\R SdS\ b] O Q]\dS`aObW]\ w i t h A z r a e l , t h e A n g e l o f Death, w h o reveals t h e future o f his eWbV /h`OSZ bVS /\USZ ]T 2SObV eV] `SdSOZa bVS Tcbc`S ]T VWa c h i l d r e n . A s p i e c e s o f t h e p u z z l e gradually f i t together, t h e QVWZR`S\ /a ^WSQSa ]T bVS ^chhZS U`ORcOZZg Âżb b]USbVS` bVS p o i g n a n t s e c r e t of his life c o m e s to light: A w o n d e r f u l s t o r y of ^]WU\O\b aSQ`Sb ]T VWa ZWTS Q][Sa b] ZWUVb( / e]\RS`TcZ ab]`g ]T love that i n s p i r e d his genius a n d his m u s i c Z]dS bVOb W\a^W`SR VWa US\Wca O\R VWa [caWQ S h o w i n g at: P o r t l a n d Museum of A r t , 6:30 p.m. F r i d a y ; 2 ^ [ p.m. AV]eW\U Ob( >]`bZO\R ;caSc[ ]T /`b $(! ^ [ 4`WROg) S a t u r d a y a n d Sunday AObc`ROg O\R Ac\ROg

E32 5= j >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg <]dS[PS` GO Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, November 1, 2012 3!


."*/& 13&.*&3&

Oct10~tlov4 Directed by ,4(&6(' %;

Brian P. Allen 4,$0 ..(0 by David Lindsay-Abaire %; $8,' ,0'5$;? %$,4( "Good cast, good questions make 'Good People' excellent theater... = 11' &$56 *11' 37(56,105 /$-( # 11' (12.( (:&(..(06 6+($6(4 a dynamic cast.. .impeccable comic timing.. .relevant and thought-provoking..." $ ';0$/,& &$56 A,/2(&&$%.( &1/,& 6,/,0*A4(.(8$06 $0' 6+17*+6?24181-,0*A@ - Maine Sunday Telegram $,0( 70'$; !(.(*4$/ "Portland's Good Theater, the city's top-notch professional = 146.$0' 5 11' !+($6(4 6+( &,6; 5 612?016&+ 241)(55,10$. company, has mounted a 0( 241'7&6,10 1) 6+,5 (:&(..(06 fine production of this excellent &1/2$0; +$5 /1706(' $ > script.. .emotional fireworks explode..." 5&4,26A(/16,10$. > 4(914-5 (:2.1'( @ - The Forecaster !+( 14(&$56(4 Starring 6$44,0* Denise Poirier*, $/(5 1(. 1%$0 James Noel Hoban; 1(..( 7 Noelle LuSane, (0,5( 1,4,(4 $0( Jesse Leighton, Suzanne Rankin & Amy Roche (55( (,*+610 7<$00( $0-,0 /; 1&+(

*Members: Actors' Equity Association

^ Wgd & ?pm Frj & ^ 7:30pm Sun 2pm

+19 Sponsor 210514 Show

"(' !+7 2/ 4, $6 2/ 70 2/ Tickets: 885-5883 In Residence at St. Lawrence Arts, 76 Congress St. Portland 0 (5,'(0&( $6 10*4(55 6 146.$0'

Nov14 - Dec 9 r\ fun, funny & upbeat holiday show... $ IXQ IXQQ\ XSEHDW KROLGD\ VKRZ Ihe perfect alternative to standard 7KH SHUIHFW DOWHUQDWLYH WR VWDQGDUG holiday fcfare KROLGD\ IDUH

Book, Music & Lyrics by Brendan Milburn, %RRN 0XVLF /\ULFV E\ %UHQGDQ 0LOEXUQ Rachel Sheinkin & Valerie Vigoda 5DFKHO 6KHLQNLQ 9DOHULH 9LJRGD

i\ rewired version of $ UHZLUHG YHUVLRQ RI Ihe Little JVlalch vjirl by ´7KH /LWWOH 0DWFK *LUO¾ E\ nans vJirisiian Andersen +DQV &KULVWLDQ $QGHUVHQ ooc


: o85*5883

Starring Kelly Caufield, Ryan Duncan* & Erik Moody 6WDUULQJ .HOO\ &DXILHOG 5\DQ 'XQFDQ (ULN 0RRG\ * Members: Actors' Equity Association

Directed by ,4(&6(' %;

Brian P. Allen 4,$0 ..(0

Featuring )HDWXULQJ

Marie Dittmer. John Lawson, Bill Manning 0DULH 'LWWPHU -RKQ /DZVRQ %LOO 0DQQLQJ Heather Kahili, Samantha St. Onge, Andrew Sawyer +HDWKHU .DKLOO 6DPDQWKD 6W 2QJH $QGUHZ 6DZ\HU Victoria Stubbs & Stephen Underwood 9LFWRULD 6WXEEV 6WHSKHQ 8QGHUZRRG

(*7.$4 &+('7.( "(' !+7 2/ 4, 70 2/ Regular Schedule: Wed & Thu 7pm, Fri & Sat$6 2/ 7:30pm, Sun 2pm Thanksgiving Week: Fri 11 i23 at 3 & 7:30pm, Sat$6

$6 2/ 11 i24 at 3 & 7:30pm, Sun 11 i25 at 2pm !+$0-5*,8,0* "((- 4,

$6 2/ 70

$6 2/

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