SD Tarutis Features

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Gloria Blandina, left, Tina Fisher and Kelly Carroll pose in front of the Jim Thorpe train station.

Rose Ann Crisci, right, of Sweet Valley, Carter Coyle of Scranton, Ann Perez, of Lancaster, and Michele Carter, of Dallas, inside Rainbow's End Ice Cream Shop.

Passengers wait to board the train at Jim Thorpe's Josiah White Park.

Train Continued from Page 3

Gap, Crestwood, White Haven, Tannery and Hickory Run. A power failure in the coaches silenced the speaker system, so the passengers missed the narration on the way to Jim Thorpe. There With the were no power back lights in on for the the cars no return ride and warning to Duryea, as the the narra- train rumbled tor dethrough scribed the two onesights and quarter long told brief carvedrock tunhistories nels, of the throwing riders intowns darkalong the to ness so route. complete they could not see their seat buddies just inches away. With the power back on for the return ride to Duryea, the narrator described the sights and told brief histories of the towns along the route. He mentioned each of the three crossings of the Lehigh River and drew attention to whitewater rafters as the train rode over the steep, deep walls of the Lehigh Gorge State Park. As the train went back through the tunnels, the See TRAIN, Page 5


Michelle Stark, left, and daughter Hallie, both of Wyoming, pose for a photo after arriving in Jim Thorpe. Silhouettes of passengers in a window reflection as the Greater Pittston Charity Train passes a rock outcrop on its way to Jim Thorpe.

Margaret Rogo, right, of Pittston, buys a cherries jubilee cone from Rainbow's End Ice Cream Shop owner Mike Guy.

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