Malta’s monthly newspaper for the elderly
AnzjAni Attivi Ramona Portelli tiltaqa’ mal-voluntiera tal-Caritas. SEE PAGES 6&7
Active Ageing workforce SEE PAGE 20
Calling the past The Memorji project gets hold of Malta’s history SEE PAGES 4&5
A stAge in time Their buses no longer run, but for the Galea family, the journey is not over. SEE PAGES 24&25
The taste of summers past
remember my father had a fig tree in his field. It wasn’t one tree but several, bunched so close to each other that over the years, they had trestled together to form a medusa of branches. An open hand – rather than a fist – digging itself out of the ground like in some Stephen King horizon. Fig trees would not win a nature beauty contest. Carobs boast a prettier shade of green, vines have more intricate and shapely leaves, and cypress trees grow with a royal stature. And yet, that fig tree in my father’s field still blossoms with memories. Every June, I would gorge on the early green figs. Later in August, even though the white sap would bring my skin out in red blotches, I would relish the seedy crunch of the dry purple figs. In my childhood menu, the bajtar ta’ San Ġwann and farkizzan sit together in the specials list, together with that wonderful trio of Maltese bread, tomatoes and tuna. Later on in the year, there would be dried figs, from summer’s surplus – a chunk of sticky, sweet goodness torn from the bottom of a tin. It’s the tree that continues giving – and yet, as the Times of Malta reported a few days ago, a parasite is devastating the indigenous fig tree. The fig tree borer eats its way into the tree’s bark, feasting on the sap until the tree is literally starved. Government is distributing some 3,000 fig trees to farmers, in a bid to counter the devastation caused by the fig tree borer. However, in the past few years, thousands of fig trees have been killed. The risk is that the tree that has given so much will give no more, and the indigenous fig will be relegated to the taste buds of history – a taste of summers past that will only be relished as an ingredient of nostalgia. Like the fig tree, so many things which shaped our past are disappearing. From gardens and vernacular architecture to the St Julian’s arch clumsily knocked down by a truck and traditions which are deleted by the proverbial swipe of a finger, the details of the past are blurring and disappearing in a haze. Some things are necessarily lost – in life, ashes feed new growth. That is the nature of progress. And yet, other things should continue to link past, present and future.
EXECUTIVE EDITOR Stanley Borg E-mail: seniortimes
MAY 2018
CONTRIBUTORS Carmel Baldacchino Tonio Bonello Joe Busuttil Tony C. Cutajar Joseph D’Amico Marvin Formosa Christine Galea Ramona Portelli Joseph Scicluna Fiona Vella PUBLISHERS Allied Newspapers Limited Triq L-Intornjatur, Mrieħel BKR 3000
4. From stories to history The Memorja project reaches out to people and the past, James Baldacchino tells Fiona Vella.
6. Inżommu l-anzjani attivi Ramona Portelli iżżur il-Caritas u tara’ x-xoghol siewi li jagħmlu il-voluntiera.
8. Kelma tajba kuljum Vjaġġ ma’ George Zammit huwa tappa ta’ ringrazzjament, jgħid Tonio Bonello.
9. Trying to tame the green-eyed monster Learning to harness envy frees us from unnecessary anxiety and from expending a lot of emotional energy, says Christine Galea from the Cana Movement.
10. Lines of beauty In the days when the world was black and white, Malta’s buildings used to sing in architectural harmony. Senior Times and Bay Retro play an urban hymn.
12. L-Antikrist Mattew Silta mir-rumanz ġdid ta’ Tony C. Cutajar.
DESIGN Christian Busuttil SALES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Marion Muscat Tel: 2276 4331 E-mail: marion.muscat © 2018. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publishers is prohibited.
16. Is-snajja tal-imgħoddi fil-Birgu Mit-tlett ibliet tal-Kottonera, il-Birgu bla dubju ta’ xejn għandu storja mimlija avvenimenti. Minn hawn ħarġu nies tas-sengħa li kienu fost l-aqwa mgħallmin u li b’xogħolhom komplew kabbru l-ġieh ta’ din il-belt rebbieħa, jgħid Joseph Scicluna.
18. Nostalġija teatrali Bħal dan ix-xahar 76 sena ilu, ġġarraf it-Teatru Rjal, ifakkar Joseph D’Amico.
20. Professionalisation of the active ageing workforce The Higher Diploma in Gerontology and Geriatrics helps candidates enter ageing-related occupations and advance their career in the field of ageing, says Marvin Formosa.
22. The legendary Pampalun Freddie Mizzi made plenty of saves with amazing grace, says Carmel Baldacchino.
24. A stage in time Their buses may no longer run the local routes, but for the Galea family, the journey is far from over, Joe Busuttil from the Old Motors Club says.
Promoting accessibility for all in local feasts
he Parliamentary Secretariat for Persons with Disability and Active Ageing recently launched Festi Inklussivi, a budget measure for 2018. This fund aims to support band clubs to implement projects that would enable the whole community to participate in local feasts, including persons with a disability and older adults. Local feasts play a significant part in Maltese culture. These public events create a space where individuals meet and engage in discourse, activities and celebrations in a positive atmosphere. Although the majority of society can enjoy local feasts, persons with a disability or older adults may be limited in participating in such activities due to physical or social barriers. Thus, society plays an important role in ensuring that such
traditions are accessible and inclusive of all members of society. The fund Festi Inklussivi encourages band clubs to develop innovative projects that will make a difference in their local feasts and instil the values of social inclusion in their respective communities. Moreover, these projects should promote accessibility and ensure that activities under the responsibility of the band clubs enable persons with a disability and older adults to actively engage in local feasts. The total budget for Festi Inklussivi is of â‚Ź100,000, of which each band club can benefit from a maximum of â‚Ź10,000. Band clubs interested in benefitting from this scheme may find more information on or contact Kirsten Ciantar on The deadline for submission of applications is May 31, 2018.
From stories to history The Memorja project reaches out to people and the past, James Baldacchino tells Fiona Vella.
or hundreds of years, the recording of the past focused on public records, statistical data and the lives of prominent people. Yet in recent decades, the spotlight turned onto the general public and its memories in order to provide a more accurate picture of the historic narrative “People who have lived through particular events can contribute different viewpoints and perspectives that fill in the gaps of documented history, at times correcting or even contradicting the written record,” explained James Baldacchino, the administrator of the Memorja Project, adding that the lat-
ter aims to give a voice to those who have not been heard. Memorja is an oral, sound and visual archive. Its main objective is to employ cutting edge research, methodologies, theoretical and archival approaches and techniques to collect, record, transcribe, preserve and make available and retrievable all the deposited material detailing the islands’ history. “Work on this project has begun in January 2017. This is a new platform which is giving an additional dimension to the National Archives since this time, it is not only collecting records but reaching out to create them.”
Karmena Calleja with her children in Floriana in 1933. She shared her experiences of World War II in Malta.
At the early stages of the project, four themes were selected, namely the World War II, British expatriates in Malta, public administration and the Lampedusa-Malta connection. “The theme related to experiences during World War II aims to document and record a past which is slowly disappearing from public memory especially with the passing away of the older generation. Oral testimonies and photographs serve to recollect the terrible years of war and what the people have lived through in those times. Stories of the outbreak of hostilities and the first bombings on June 11, 1940, the mass evacuations and refugee experiences, fear and uncertainty, hunger and the Victory Kitchens, shelters and sanitation, soldiers and sirens, and tragedies of bombings are part of the significant remembrance which needs to be collected and preserved for future generations before it is lost for good.”
Ċensinu Caruana (left) with two others posing next to a car in Pjazza Nikola in Siġġiewi during the late 1940s.
The history of the relationship between the UK and Malta is another central theme which has not been documented through the eyes of the British and Maltese individuals. “This section includes interviews with British and BritishMaltese people who were either in the British forces during the 1960s (or their spouses) and remained in Malta, or civilians who married a Maltese person and relocated to Malta. Such recordings open a window on everyday life in Malta during the 1950s-1970s. Much of the narratives relate to military bases, post-war experiences,
political issues, relationships and cultural differences. “This theme was further expanded when the experience of service families’ children was included as well. These children had attended the Naval Childrens’ School and HM Dockyard Children’s School which had occupied sites at Ta’ Xbiex, Cottonera, Senglea and the Dockyard before moving to Tal-Ħandaq.” Civil servants are often regarded as those who are implementing the Government policies. However, through their memories we can get a glimpse of what happened ‘behind the
Frank Mifsud at the Labour Office in 1969 at the beginning of his career in the Public Administration.
Until now, no one had attempted to record these people’s history in order to understand the link between the two islands
scenes’ during the most important political, social and economic decisions undertaken by Maltese political leaders. “These include background revelations of what was taking place during the granting of Independence in 1964, the dismantling of the British military base in 1979 and how the Maltese prepared for such an event, membership in the EU and how it affected the civil service, the migration of the hospital from St Luke’s to Mater Dei and many other memorable challenges.” Lampedusa and Malta are two islands with different political histories. Yet to some extent they share similar economic, trade and socio-cultural interest. “We have an interest in Lampedusa since in the early 1800s, there were a number of Maltese settlers on this island. Until now, no one had attempted to record these people’s history in order to understand the link between the two islands. The Memorja Project is mainly focusing on two time frames to investigate the islands’ shared history. The first one relates to the period from 1800-1843 when Lampedusa was colonised by Maltese settlers working in agriculture and animal husbandry. The second covers the period between the 1950s and the 1980s when Lampedusani fishermen visited Malta regularly for the maintenance of ships, the sale of blue fish and the provision of supplies.”
As the team of the Memorja Project reached out to people, they were soon welcomed by the different communities who were eager to share their recollections. “We found a huge amount of data which existed only in the minds of people and in their photos,” Mr Baldacchino adds. Many individuals were enthusiastic to make their voice heard in order to help out with the shaping of the public’s narrative which up to now was not formally recorded for posterity. Even though we have four selected themes, it does not exclude us from recording other memories as well which we deem to be of importance to form part of the community memory.” The search for the stories which make the history is still going on. The final goal of the Memorja Project which will be officially launched later on this year will be to make this information accessible online for educational and research purposes. “Oral history allows people to express the personal consequences of change, from the simplest things in life to the more complex. It enables people to share their experiences in their own words, with their own voices, through their own understanding of what happened and why. Eventually, such documentation will offer depth to the understanding of the past to present and future generations.” If you are interested to contribute to the Memorja Project, contact James Baldacchino on or call 2145 9863. The National Archives is located at Santo Spirito in Hospital Street, Rabat, Malta.
Salvatore Davì was a fisherman from Lampedusa. After marrying a Maltese girl, he came to live in Malta in the 1970s. The photo dates to that period.
Inżommu l-anzjani attivi
Ramona Portelli żżur il-Caritas u tara’ x-xogħol siewi li jagħmlu l-voluntiera.
l-HelpAge hija organizzazzjoni internazzjonali li għandha għal qalbha ssaħħa tal-anzjan. Il-HelpAge Malta fi ħdan il-Caritas tirsisti biex tipromovi d-drittijiet tal-anzjani biex jgħixu ħajja dinjituża, rispettati minn kulħadd f ’kull ċirkostanza. Tkellimt ma’ Ann Rose Toledo li ilha taħdem mal-Caritas għal dawn l-aħħar 10 snin, imma bħala ko-ordinatriċi talHelpAge ilha għal dawn laħħar sentejn u nofs. Minbarra Toledo bħala impjegata tal-Caritas, fil-HelpAge hemm 40 voluntier li jagħtu għajnuna u sapport kbir. Meta tkellmet fuq il-voluntiera, Toledo qaltli, “Dawn ilpersuni m’għandhom l-ebda qliegħ finanzjarju u għandhom valuri kbar u nobbli. Filfatt l-entużjażmu u x-xogħol kbir tagħhom itini ħafna kuraġġ. “Il-HelpAge dejjem tirsisti biex tkun viċin l-anzjan, tistudja u tifhem l-anzjanita u sfidi bħas-solitudni. Il-HelpAge kontinwament taħdem biex toħloq kuxjenza li tkun sensittiva għal bżonnijiet fiżiċi, emozzjonali u psikoloġiċi, u tgħin biex tinbena s-saħħa talanzjan b’mod sħiħ.” Bħala koordinatriċi tal-HelpAge, kontinwament tara xi jkun il-bżonn, toħloq proġetti ġodda u tikkordina x-xogħol li jkunu għaddej u tagħti taħriġ. Magħha ddiskutejt dwar ilproġetti li għandhom fi ħdan il-HelpAge. Sostniet miegħi li bħala ħidma kbira hemm ilproġett tas-Social Clubs li kien wieħed minn tal-ewwel. “F’ħafna parroċċi f ’Malta, grupp ta’ anzjani jiltaqgħu b’mod regolari biex jissoċjaliżżaw u jibqgħu nfurmati.” Kull grupp immexxi minn leader u core group li kontinwament jirsisti biex iġib kelliema biex jinforma lill-anzjani, waqt li jorganizza attivitajiet soċjali għall-membri. Darba fix-xahar, il-leaders u lcore group jattendu laqgħat ta’ formazzjoni u informazzjoni lhead office tal-Caritas, il-Fur-
jana bi skop ukoll ta’ team building u sharing bejniethom. Matul is-sena ssir laqgħa kulturali għall-leaders, u irtir ta’ riflessjoni. Darbtejn fis-sena jsiru attivitajiet fejn jingħaqdu l-anzjani tal-paroċċi, u f ’Jum l-Anzjan f ’Ottubru ssir quddiesa u jiġu mistiedna l-anzjani kollha ta’ Malta. Minbarra s-social clubs grupp ieħor ta’ voluntiera iżur, b’mod regolari id-djar residenzjali tal-anzjani. HelpAge toffri wkoll proġetti interġenerazzjonali, jiġifieri ma’ ġenerazzjonijiet differenti ma’ sixth formers li jmorru ġewwa d-djar residenzjali tal-anzjani.
L-entużjażmu tagħhom itini ħafna kuraġġ Ix-xogħol tal-HelpAge huwa li tagħti taħriġ lil dawn l-istudenti, u tagħmel mentoring matul is-sena. Il-HelpAge ukoll toffri għajnuna lil studenti universitarji li jixtiequ jagħmlu esperjenzi mal-anzjani. Proġett pilota li daqt jiġi mniedi huwa Mill-Anzjan għall-Anzjan. Dan qiegħed isir flimkien maddipartiment tal-Active Aging and Community Care u mal-parroċċa ta’ Ħaż-Żebbuġ. “Tajjeb li ngħid li l-istadju tal-anzjanità qiegħed jitqassam fi tlett stadji, jiġifieri dak imsejjaħ Young Old, Middle Old u Old Old. Propju f ’dan il-proġett ġew imsejħa, ġewwa l-parroċċa ta’ Ħaż-Żebbuġ, anzjani attivi filwaqt li ġew ukoll identifikati anzjani li ma joħorġux. “L-anzjan attiv jingħata informazzjoni u taħriġ biex ikun jista, tnejn tnejn, imorru iżuru l-anzjani li ma joħorġux middar u filwaqt li jitkellmu magħhom, jaraw li dawn ma humiex jiġu abbandunati u qed jgħixu b’dinjita’, għalkemm ma
joħorġux. Dan il-proġett ser jiġi imniedi ftit taż-żmien oħra u ser ikun hemm mentoring kontinwu, filwaqt li jiġi studjat ilprogress biex inkunu nistgħu noffruh f ’postijiet differenti ġewwa Malta,” stqarret miegħi. Xogħol ieħor li tagħmel bħala ko-ordinatriċi huwa riċerka kontinwa u studji fuq l-anzjani, artikli fejn tiġi mitluba biex tkompli toħloq awareness fuq ilbżonn tal-anzjan, tmur fuq ilmidja fejn jintalab servizz, u clubs tal-anzjani, day centres, gruppi tar-romol u djar residenzjali biex titkellem fuq ir-realta u l-bżonn tal-anzjan speċjalment fuq is-solitudni. Isiru workshops fuq diversi suġġetti, bħal kommunikazzjoni, bereavement, l-anzjanita’ u workshop popolari ħafna u li qed jiġi mitlub ħafna huwa fuq is-solitudni, workshops oħra jinkludu pre-aging u self-acceptance. Il-HelpAge għadha kif temmet żewġ skedi fuq ir-radju fejn kien hemm firxa ta’ 40 programm biex jgħinu lis-semmiegħa jiskopri aktar lilhom infushom u kif wieħed jista jiffaċja l-isfidi. Konxja mill-fatt li anke jekk anzjan ikollu nneċessitajiet kollha, xorta jista jbati minn solitudni, ddiskutejt dan il-fatt ma’ Toledo. “Is-solitudni mhux biss għandha riżultat negattiv. Filfatt hemm il-ferħ u d-dwejjaq tas-solitudni. Is-solitudni ma tfissirx biss iżolazzjoni soċjali. Filwaqt li s-solitudni tista tkun esperjenza posittiva fejn tfittex li tkun waħdek għal xi mumenti, biex tkompli tiskopri lilek innfisek u tikber, s-solitudni għandha riżultat negattiv meta tiġi imposta fuqek għal raġunijiet ta’ saħħa, kastig, jew iżolazzjoni soċjali bħal filkas tal-anzjan. Dan it-tip ta’ solitudni li jista jwassal għal dipressjoni u mard.” Kompliet tgħaddili xi tagħrif ieħor fuq issolitudni negattiva fuq l-anzjan. “L-iżolazzjoni tista tkun fiżika jew psikoloġika u emozzjonali jew it-tnejn f ’daqqa. Tista’ tkun momentarja, kontinwa jew temporanja, eżistenti jew perceived.”
Demographic change u l-użu tat-teknoloġija ukoll jista jwassal biex ħafna nies iħossuhom iżolati. Fuq livell fiżiku nafu li meta tikber persuna faċli li ssib ruħha tghix waħedha bit-tfal li jitilqu mid-dar u membru mill-koppja tħalli din id-dinja. Dan l-istat ta’ waħdek b’mod fiżiku jista’, imma mhux bilfors iwassal għal solitudni. Jista’ wkoll wieħed isofri minn dan l-iżolament matul iż-żmien ta’ bereavement u jibda jfieq aktar ma jgħaddi żżmien u jaċċetta s-sitwazzjoni. Minħabba mard jew nuqqas ta’ mobilità, persuna tista ukoll tħossha waħedha u ssofri minn iżolament, peress li ma tkunx tista toħroġ u għalhekk tieqaf tissoċjaliżża. Dan l-istat ta’ waħdek b’mod fiżiku jista’, imma mhux bilfors iwassal għal solitudni. Li issib ruħek waħdek fiżikament huwa differenti milli tħossok waħdek. Jista wieħed ikun jgħix waħdu bi ftit kuntatt mas-soċjetà u ma jsofrix minn solitudni, filwaqt li jista wieħed iħossu waħdu għalkemm imdawwar minn ħafna nies. Hekk li, filwaqt li waħda hija oġġettiva l-oħra hija suġġettiva. Tibdil fil-kultura, mentalità, valuri, progress teknoloġiku u demografija flimkien mal personalita’ tal-individwu, jiġifieri kif persuna tinterpreta sitwazzjoni, kollha fatturi li jikkontribwixxu jekk u kemm il-persuna ssofri minn iżolazzjoni soċjali li tista twassal ghal dipressjoni,” spjegatli Toledo. Il-Caritas Malta issa kull sena qegħda torganizza ikla fil-Milied fejn jista’ jattendi kull minn ikun ser iqatta’ ilMilied waħdu. Għal din l-intervista, ħadt lopportunita li nintervista lil xi wħud mill-volontarji li huma mxerrda ma’ Malta fi ħdan il-
HelpAge. Inzerta kienu preżenti għall-laqgha li jkollhom kull xahar, u allura kien ideali li nieħu xi kummenti minn għandhom ukoll. Tkellimt ma’ Mary Xuereb li hija l-viċi-koordinattriċi tassocial club ta’ Ħal Għaxaq. Ilha voluntiera għal dawn l-aħħar 21 sena. Ftit ġranet ilu kienu qed jiċċelebraw it-30 anniversarju minn kemm ilu mwaqqaf iċċentru. Stqarret mieghi li l-anzjani li jattendu Ħal Għaxaq huma attivi u mħeġġa bi ħġarhom. Ta’ kull ġimgha dejjem ikollhom xi tip ta’ attivita varjata bhala tahditiet minn diversi uffiċċjali tal-gvern, soċji tal-mużew fost ohrajn. Jiltaqghu nhar t’Erbgha u jghaddu nofstanhar flimkien. Bħala membri jattendu bejn 20 sa 30, u b’kollox qegħdin ħames helpers. Jiltaqghu fissala parrokkjali. Minn żmien għal żmien jagħmlu kollaborazzjoni mal-head tal-iskola. Lgħan ta’ din l-inizjattiva huwa li jkun hemm integrità bejn lanzjani u t-tfal u viċi-versa. Volontarja oħra li tkellimt magħha hija Angele Briffa li hija l-leader tal-HelpAge - Fleur de Lys. Ilha 30 sena f ’dan il-volontarjat u jiltaqgħu fiċ-Ċentru Familja Karmelitana. Minn dak li tinnota fil-lokalita tagħha, sostniet miegħi li l-parteċipazzjoni tal-anzjani qed tiżdied. Filfatt meta jkollhom xi żjara minn studenti tal-ħames u sitt sena tinnota li kemm l-anzjani u anke l-istudenti stess jintegraw flimkien, tant li l-interess jinbet fost l-istudenti meta speċjalment jaqbdu diskursta dwar il-gwerra f ’Malta, tant li indirettament lanzjani jkunu qed jgħinu lill-istess studenti fi progetti tal-iskola stess. L-attivitajiet li jsir Fleur de Lys ikunu diversi: religjuzi,
saħħa, spiritwali u anke soċjali. Darba f’xahar jorganizzaw birthday parties għall-membri li jlaħħaq l-ammont ta’ madwar 40 b’kollox, u anke jkollhom ħargiet megħjuna minn sitt helpers. Inizjattiva ħelwa li jieħdu ħsieb HelpAge ta’ Fleur de Lys hija li jorganizzaw mini-bus sabiex jiġbru lil dawk l-anzjani ftit batuti u jkunu jistgħu jkunu
preżenti għall-laqgħat organizzati. Ħadt xi kummenti wkoll mingħand Anna Pisani, volontarja li tmexxi fi ħdan HelpAge, Birgu u li ilha għal dawn l-aħħar 27 sena tgħin. Rigward attendenza, fl-anzjani tal-Birgu tinnota ċertu entuzjazmu, bħal jilbsu pulit daqs li kieku sejrin laqwa ħarġa. Għalkemm jieqfu f ’Ġunju, fis-sajf jorganizzaw xi ħarġiet ħalli l-kuntatt jinzamm xorta waħda. Il-laqgħat tagħhom jikkonsistu f’taħditiet dwar saħħa, liġi, spiritwalita, u pozittivita. B’kollox jinsabu sitt helpers, u jiltaqgħu darba f ’ġimgħa fil-Youth Centre talistess lokalita. Voluntiera oħra li tkellimt magħha hija Mary Rose Gatt, li tieħu ħsieb li tattendi waħda mid-djar tal-anzjani li għandna f ’Malta. Inkarigata li tmur izzur id-dar Holy Family tan-Naxxar. Ilha tagħmel dan il-volontarjat għal dawn laħħar 21 sena. Normalment hawn it-tendenza li l-anzjani li jghixu fid-djar tal-anzjani jkunu aktar dipendenti fuq haddiehor. B’hekk xtaqt inkun naf dwar il-parteċipazzjoni taghhom. Filfatt stqarret mieghi li darba f ’ġimgha tmur tkellimhom flimkien ma’ xi
voluntiera ohra, fejn tinnota li l-istess anzjani jkunu entuzjasti, anzi l-hin tant itir u kultant l-anqas tkun tista titlaq faċilment wara xi nofstanhar jitkellmu dwar suġġetti varji fosthom ġrajjiet kurrenti. Lunika harġiet li joffrulhom huma dawra sal-ġnien tal-istess dar. Xi haġa interessanti li qaltli hija li fl-istess dar hemm anzjani li meta kienet zghira kienu ghalliema taghha, u llum il-ġurnata qed tghinhom hi bil-volontarjat taghha. Xi volontarji ohra tkellmu miegħi dwar tipi ta’ sfidi li jaffaċjaw ruhhom waqt il-laqghat. Filfatt Stella Bonavia, leader ta’ Haż Żabbar, stqarret mieghi li xi anzjani jibqghu jitkellmu waqt li speaker tkun ghaddejja b’xi talk. Għalkemm normalment ittihom ċans jitkellmu wara l-laqgha, xorta tinnota dan in-nuqqas ċkejken. Voluntiera oħra Emma Mifsud mill-Imqabba, stqarret miegħi li l-gratitudni li tirċievi mill-anzjani tal-lokalita huwa daqs li kieku l-ikbar ħlas għaliha. Joyce Pace, leader taż-Żejtun, sostniet mieghi l-akbar sfida li ssib fil-lokalità tagħha hija li peress l-istess lokalità toffri diversi laqgħat u ħruġ mid-day centre, lanzjani donnhom jinferxu u
donnu l-HelpAge, Żejtun dejjem jiċkien il-grupp. Doreen Sammut Leader mill-HelpAge, Santa Marija ta’ Birkirkara sostniet mieghi li minhabba li Birkirkara ghandha ħames parroċċi u hija lokalita kbira, ħafna drabi ttransport għall-anzjani hu sfida. Mary Salafia li tieħu ħsieb illokalita ta’ Pembroke, sostniet miegħi li tiffoka l-aktar fuq l-anzjani li ma jkollhomx mezz kif joħorġu minn djarhom. Filfatt tiehu ħsieb tiġborhom u twassalhom hi għall-laqgħat. B’hekk tipprova li bħala membri għal kull laqgha jkollhom attendenza ta’ madwar 40 anzjan. Alfred Mallia leader minn Naxxar u li ilu voluntier ghal dawn l-ahhar ħames snin stqarr miegħi li ssodisfazzjon huwa kollox għalih. Filfatt jinsa kollox u jiffoka fuq il-preparazzjoni ta’ dawn illaqghat. B’hekk ikun qed jintlahaq il-livell volontarju bi skop ta’ mħabba lejn l-anzjani. Hina Amato Gauci li hija volontarja li żżur id-dar tal-anzjani Holy Family, Naxxar sostniet mieghi li l-kreattivita hija kollox u li taf tisraq qlub l-anzjani stess. Ġest sabih li ħolqot ghall-anzjani stess huwa li bhala birthday card toffri lil kull anzjan u anzjan kartolina b’ritratt
tal-grupp kollu flimkien. Xi ħaġa li tferrah u tghaqqadhom. Voluntiera oħra, Mary Spiteri li żżur id-djar tal-anzjani stqarret miegħi li jiddispjaċiha meta tinnota li tkun ġiet jew ġie nieqes xi anzjan. Mary Vassallo li hija inkarigata millGrupp Romol u Anzjani talMellieħa, bhala inizjattiva qaltli li darba f ’xahar jaghtu symphaty card lir-romol talparroċċa u li tkun iffirmata mill-Arċipriet stess. Stedint lil Toledo sabiex tghaddi messaġġ lill-anzjani. “Nixtieq ngħidilhom li verament naprezzaw il-ħidma li għamlu f ’ħajjithom, il-ġid li għaddewlna, u l-valuri li tawna. Ma jaqtawx qalbhom, ma jħarsux lejn dak li qed jitilfu bhal saħħa u kuntatt, imma jħaddnu spirtu pożittiv. Nistedinhom iċemplu lil Caritas fuq 2590 6600 meta jkollom xi diffikulta biex jingħataw għajnuna. Nirringrazjawhom tal- wirt kbir li ħallewlna. Is-soċjetà ma tkunx l-istess jekk huma ma jkunux parti minnha.” Spiċċat din l-intervista billi rringrazzjat lil Caritas tas-sapport kbir u lill-voluntiera u stqarret li f ’dan it-tip ta’ xogħol wieħed irid ipoġġi moħħu u qalbu.
Kelma tajba kuljum Vjaġġ ma’ George Zammit huwa tappa ta’ ringrazzjament, jgħid Tonio Bonello.
irt naf lil George Zammit madwar erba’ ġimgħat ilu. Illum jgħodd 69 sena. Karkariż iżda jgħix l-Iklin flimkien ma’ martu wara li rabbew familja. Għamel żmien jaħdem fit-taqsima tax-xogħolijiet pubbliċi. Aktar tard ingħaqad mat-taqsima tasservizzi tal-ilma minn fejn imbagħad daħal f ’impenn xejn mistenni iżda daqstant kreattiv. Minn dejjem kien jogħġbu ssafar u din in-namra wasslitu biex darba kellu stedina biex jibda jtella’ l-Maltin hu stess barra pajjiżna. Illum, 18 -il sena wara, Zammit jistqarr li ma jafx kif għadda dan iżżmien kollu. Fil-preżent hu wieħed mill-aktar personaġġi mfittxija għal maniġġjar ta’ ġiti barra minn Malta fejn baqa’ jagħti s-servizz tiegħu mal-istess kumpanija li oriġinarjarjament offrietlu dik lewwel opportunità. Li tkun tmexxi gruppi ta’ Maltin barra pajjiżek mhix faċli. Il-gruppi aktarx ikunu jvarjaw fin-numru bejn 20 sa anke 60 persuna. Persuni waħedhom, koppji u saħansitra familji ġejjin minn stili ta’ ħajja kompletament differenti minn xulxin. B’gosti daqstant ieħor varji, burdati, aspettazzjonijiet u llum forsi, anke twemmin differenti. Minkejja dan kollu, dak li jagħmel id-differenza f ’Zam-
mit minn tant mexxejja oħra ta’ gruppi hi r-rieda qawwija li għandu li kull fejn ikun u jmur, dejjem, bil-mod kariżmatiku tiegħu jara kif iwassal il-kelma t’Alla. Trid kuraġġ kbir tagħmel dan. Nistqarr, illum bil-kemm issib reliġjużi b’dan il-kuraġġ li jwasslu kelma tajba b’mod daqstant miftuħ. Aktarx l-isfond tat-trobbija u l-ambjent li fih għex u trabba, u aktar tard rabba hu stess lill-istess familja tiegħu, dan hu l-pediment ta’ dan issens ta’ determinazzjoni biex li għandu jgħid u jagħmel, Zammit jagħmlu. Fis-skiet ta’ bejn l-erba’ ħitan ta’ daru, għadu jikteb riflessjonijiet ta’ kuljum dwar il-ħajja u limħabba bla qies li Alla limbierek għandu għalina. Mhux biss. Zammit jorganizza diversi adorazzjonijiet. Sa ftit taż-żmien ilu kien anke jwassal it-talba tar-rużarju fuq Radju Marija, iżur il-morda u jgħin, fejn jista’ u kif jista’ lil min hu fil-bżonn. Ix-xewqa ta’
ħajtu hi li l-ħsieb li jikteb ta’ kuljum, illum jgħoddu mal-150 wieħed, xi darba jarahom stampati fi ktieb biex ma jintilfux. Vjaġġ barra minn xtutna filkumpanija ta’ Zammit jagħmel dik id-differenza kollha. Tara fih kwalitajiet ta’ Malti ta’ veru ta’ epoka oħra. Malti li fih, it-twemmin fi Kristu, tassew hu dak li għalih jiġi l-ewwel u qabel kollox. Fejn mexxejja oħra ta’ gruppi (żgur bla ma rrid niġġeneralizza) bil-kemm ilissnu l-frażi popolari assoċjata mal-ivjaġġar – “Madonna tat-triq, wassalna fis-sliem” – Zammit, bi pjaċir għal dawk madwaru jmur proprju fl-estrem l-ieħor. Eskursjoni ta’ ġurnata ma’ Zammit tibda bir-radd tassalib u ħsieb profond, iżda daqstant ieħor ħelu u mexxej li jħallik taħseb għal matul dak il-jum. Ħsieb li normalment jibdhielek il-ġurnata tiegħek ferm eħfef mill-piż mhux żgħir tal-ħajja tqila li aħna ngħixu jum wara jum.
Fis-skiet ta’ bejn l-erba’ ħitan ta’ daru, għadu jikteb riflessjonijiet ta’ kuljum dwar il-ħajja u l-imħabba bla qies li Alla l-imbierek għandu għalina
Il-mawra fuq il-vettura li tieħdok minn naħa għall-oħra ta’ pajjiż, waqt li jispjegalek fittul u b’mod riċerkat dak li qed tara jew li se tara, Zammit qatt ma jħalli barra l-fatt li din issbuħija naturali kollha li aħna qed ingawdu jew se ngawdu hi grazzi għal ħadd għajr il-ħallieq divin. Zammit għandu mod ukoll kif iħalli lil dak li jkun jiftakar li minkejja li jinsab barra pajjiżu, iżda għadu Malti. Dan permezz ta’ CDs li jtella miegħu apposta għal tul il-vjaġġ fejn wara kull eskursjoni fejn kulħadd jintasab bilqiegħda għajjien jistenna sa ma jaslu lura l-lukanda, Zammit iwassal silta mużikali ħafifa b’talent lokali u ma tonqosx xi riflessjoni ħelwa u ta’ ringrazzjament l’Alla ta’ jum ieħor millisbaħ, mingħajr xita li tana biex stajna gawdejna u tpaxxejna b’tant ġmiel naturali. Il-kalendarju reliġjuż u lfunzjonijiet assoċjati miegħu, għal Zammit m’għandhomx limitazzjonijiet. Sakemm għadna ħajjin, aħna fejn aħna nistgħu infaħħru lil Alla xorta waħda. Hekk fil-ġita li ġiet fi tmiem bil-festa tal-Għid, Zammit xorta waħda sab il-ħin biex fil-għaxija ġabar lil min xtaq imur miegħu għal funzjoni ta’ Ħamis ix-Xirka. L-istess għamel f ’Ħadd ilGħid fejn wara eskursjoni oħra mill-isbaħ, George ma naqasx
milli jfakkar lil kulħadd flobbligu ta’ nsara li aħna biex nattendu flimkien għaċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-Quddiesa. Bi pjaċir ngħid, din id-darba kulħadd sema’ minn George u attenda bi ħġaru. U jekk naqbad insemmi lkappelli, il-knejjes, katidralli u ħafna aktar li fi ftit jiem ippakkjati, Zammit irnexxielu jdaħħalna fihom, nistqarr kien kważi miraklu li sar dan. Fil-ftit jiem filkumpanija ta’ Zammit, hekk stajt nifhem kemm hawn nies li għandhom imħabba fihom infushom u li huma kapaċi jittrasmettu dak is-sens ta’ paċi, ħbiberija u solidarjetà ma dawk madwarhom. Jalla, tassew, f ’pajjiżna, f ’din l-art tagħna l-Maltin, il-ħbiberija, is-sinċerità, l-onestà, dak is-sens ta’ ospitalità li darba dan il-poplu kien tant magħruf għalih, jalla li permezz ta’ Zammit u oħrajn bħalu l-poplu tagħna jkompli jimmatura, jikber u jissaħħaħ f ’dawk l-aktar kwalitajiet essenzjali fil-ħajja tagħna; ir-rispett u l-imħabba lejn xulxin. Tonio Bonello huwa editur tal-midja (information and communications executive) fl-uffiċċju tas-segretarju permanenti, fi ħdan il-Ministeru għall-Familja, Drittijiet tatTfal u Solidarjetà Soċjali.
Trying to tame the green-eyed monster
Learning to harness envy frees us from unnecessary anxiety and from expending a lot of emotional energy, says Christine Galea from the Cana Movement. CH
s a grandmother of two young children, navigating the second moreserene-half of my life, one of life’s greatest pleasures has become our almost-weekly movie-night. If we’re lucky and the Android box works properly, I sit there happily for a couple of hours, one child on each side, watching whatever it is that keeps them entertained and enthused, while my daughter copes with her endless household chores. They normally take turns in choosing the film: Lily chooses musicals, while Zack nearly always opts for cartoons. Over Easter, after much negotiation, we settled for Pixar’s Monsters Inc. Sometimes, in the course of the movie, weary after a day at the office, I tend to get carried away with my thoughts and drift off, but on this particular occasion, Mike, the green oneeyed monster, grabbed my full attention, as he assisted his best friend Sulley into generating their city’s power by scaring children. Mike is charming and generally the more organised of the two, but he’s prone to neurotics and his ego sometimes leads him astray. Which led me to think: how often are we led astray by a different kind of green-eyed monster? I’m referring to envy – an unflattering and miserable emotion. It’s everywhere and it’s universal: in families, between spouses, between parents and
Envy occurs when we lack something which is enjoyed by another.
siblings, in the workplace between employees, their bosses and competitors, between friends. Most of us, at some time or another, have experienced that feeling of desiring what someone else has, and resenting them for having it. There’s nothing like a touch of envy to turn a perfectly well-balanced person into a scary monster like Mike. But, as with all human emotions, even envy has a purpose. It can be considered as a tool for social comparison, one that can alert us to disparities in the social hierarchy, and prompt us to improve our lives. However, it is not always so, and together with its emotionally-stronger sister jealousy, it can devour us from the inside and poison our relationships, robbing us of our joy and peace of mind.
There’s nothing like a touch of envy to turn a perfectly well-balanced person into a scary monster
On this note, I felt prompted to google the difference between envy and jealousy and it turns out that most psychologists agree on a fairly straightforward distinction:
envy occurs when we lack something which is enjoyed by another, while jealousy is a reaction to the threat of losing something or someone. Haruki Murakami in his recounting of Tsukuru Tazaki’s Years of Pilgrimage, speaks of jealousy as being “the most hopeless prison in the world”; the prison being one’s own heart, which becomes as hard as a stone wall. He describes the inmate as entering voluntarily, locking the door and throwing away the key. Yet, the very essence of jealousy is that a person can escape if he wants to – but first he needs to get over other negative feelings, like anger, resentment or sadness. I can hear you countering that it’s easier said than done. True. But if you are faced with
such a situation, perhaps help may be sought from a professional counsellor who will be able to help you identify the reasons for your envy or jealousy and hopefully guide you down the path to tame the monster, before you reach the point of alienating family, friends or partners. Learning to harness the green-eyed monster has some important advantages: it frees us from unnecessary anxiety and from expending a lot of useless emotional energy, which ultimately, leads to better relationships. So, if you recognise that the monster is biting and you’re starting to turn a Mike-ish shade of green, grab a firm hold of yourself and control these feelings, rather than letting them control you. I’m sure going to try.
PHOTOS The Banca Giuratale in Victoria, Gozo. PHOTO: BAY RETRO
Lines of beauty In the days when the world was black and white, Malta’s buildings used to sing in architectural harmony. Senior Times and Bay Retro play an urban hymn. These elegant Edwardian houses still stand in Sliema’s Mrabat Street. PHOTO: BAY RETRO
The view along Tower Road in Sliema in the 1920s with the Chalet pier on the right. PHOTO: BAY RETRO
Eucharistic Congress Road in Mosta more than 100 years ago with the dome dominating the skyline. PHOTO: BAY RETRO
The majestic Balluta Buildings in 1954. PHOTO: DOMINIC THEUMA/BAY RETRO
a stunning view of the Royal opera house in Valletta in the 1920s. PhoTo: Bay ReTRo
Żabbar church some 60 years ago. PhoTo: Bay ReTRo
This vintage postcard published more than 100 years ago shows a row of shops on The Strand, with not a car in sight. PhoTo: Bay ReTRo
Spinola Bay before World War I. PhoTo: Bay ReTRo
Formosa’s beautiful shopfront on Kingsway in Valletta in the 1920s. PhoTo: Bay ReTRo
It-tagħlim Nisrani jħares lejn l-ereżiji bħala ideat żbaljati kontra l-fidi u l-prattika tar-reliġjon.
L-Antikrist Mattew S
Silta mir-rumanz ġdid ta’ Tony C. Cutajar. ’issa Alla għadu ma daħalx fis-seħer imma r-reliġjon daħlet fil-biċċa l-kbira tal-każijiet li magħhom kellhom x’jaqsmu direttament ilMaltin. Madankollu, meta lfehma ta’ moħħhom kienet tajba, lilhom xi drabi lanqas biss ma kien jiġihom il-ħsieb li qegħdin jonqsu kontra Alla, u wisq inqas li jissieħbu maxxitan. Ma kinux jindunaw biddistinzjoni bejn it-talb u s-seħer. Fid-19 ta’ Diċembru 1646 niltaqgħu ma’ din id-depożizzjoni: “Barbarika rranġatli ftit melħ u tefgħet fih il-ful biex jiġri dak li kont ili nixtieq jien. Barra minn hekk, qaltli biex fl-istess ħin ngħid dan li ġej għal disa’ darbiet quddiem ix-xbieha ta’ San Vito: “Imbierek San Vito, li kont ħabib tal-Mulej, bħala qaddejja fidila tiegħek grazzja waħda jiena tlabtek. “Ma’ dawn hija żiedet kelmiet oħra li m’għadnix niftakarhom. Jiena kelli ngħid kollox għarkopptejja sabiex ħabibi jerġa’ jitħabbeb miegħi. Dan għamilnieh flimkien għal darbtejn, imma kull darba minnhom irrepetejnieh għal disa’ darbiet.”
Oħra tal-aħħar turi li kien hemm minn lanqas kien jafda fis-seħer biss għax ħassew ilbżonn li jgħinuhom il-qaddisin. Anġla Gregh mill-belt Valletta xliet lill-ħabiba tagħha Anna quddiem l-inkiżitur fid-19 ta’ Diċembru 1646: “Jiena rajt lil din Anna tixgħel xemgħa quddiem ix-xbieha ta’ Sant Antnin biex il-maħbub li kellha jerġa’ jinġibed lejha. Hi żiedet tgħidli li billi dakinhar kien is-Sibt, issħarijiet ma kienu jiswew għalxejn. Kien hemm bżonn li hi tgħid is-Sliema u l-Missierna f ’ġieħ Sant Antnin.” It-tagħlim Nisrani jħares lejn l-ereżiji bħala idejat żbaljati kontra l-fidi u l-prattika tar-reliġjon. Il-bniedem jiżbalja u jaqa’ fl-ereżija meta jwaħħal f ’moħħu li jibqa’ marbut ma’ tagħlim u prattika li jkunu kkundannati millKnisja. Ħafna drabi dak li jkun iħares biss lejn biċċa mill-verità li taqbel lilu. Meta mbagħad wieħed jgħallem xi ħaġa żbaljata, it-tagħlim tiegħu fih innifsu huwa ħażin imma forsi ma jkunx jaħti għalkollox għax jista’ jkun li jkunx fehem sewwa dak li jkun qed jgħallem. Ta’ min jgħid hawn li fil-każijiet kollha li
dehru quddiem l-inkiżizzjoni, ma kien hemm l-ebda każ ta’ Malti li min jeddu u bil-libertà kollha ċaħad xi biċċiet mittwemmin Nisrani. F’Malta tal-imgħoddi kien hawn każi ta’ ereżija vera u kien hemm min kellu jiġi saħansitra kkundannat għall-mewt minħabba dawn l-idejat żbaljati tiegħu u li baqa’ jwebbes rasu fihom. Id-dagħa dejjem kien nuqqas kbir ta’ qima u rispett lejn Dak li ħaqqu dejjem ikun stmat. Minbarra li l-kliem ta’ din ix-xorta joffendi ‘l Alla u dak
Jiena rajt lil din Anna tixgħel xemgħa quddiem xbieha ta’ Sant Antnin biex ilmaħbub li kellha jerġa’ jinġibed lejha
kollu li hu sagru, id-dagħa jista’ jkun ukoll b’għemil kontra lMulej u Ħallieq tagħna. Filwaqt li llum kull għamla ta’ dagħa tinħafer fis-sagrament tal-qrar, fl-antik il-Knisja kienet iebsa ħafna mal-bniedem midgħi. Tant kienet taraha ħaġa ħażina li tidgħi kontra l-Ħallieq u l-qaddisin tiegħu li kien hemm okkażjonijiet meta anke waslet biex tagħti l-piena tal-mewt. Illum sfortunatament, morna lestrem l-ieħor, donnu xejn mhu xejn, lanqas li toffendi lil min jagħtik il-ħajja. Il-Knisja kienet tagħti kastigi mod ieħor lil min jinqabad li jkun dagħa. Huwa kellu anke joqgħod fil-bieb talknisja waqt il-quddiesa solenni għal sebat ijiem sħaħ. Fl-aħħar ġurnata huwa kellu jidher bla kapott u bla żarbun u b’ħabel marbut m’għonqu. F’Malta ħafna kienu dawk li kellhom jidhru quddiem linkiżitur, b’mod speċjali dawk li kienu jkasbru l-isem t’Alla jew jidgħulu, minbarra dawk li jaqgħu fl-ereżija. Ħafna drabi dawn aktarx li ma ridux joffendu ‘l Alla iżda ħareġ minn fommhom waqt ir-rabja u għalhekk il-Knisja, bħala omm ħanina, taħfer u
tikkastiga biex il-bniedem jieħu tagħlima u jpatti, anke għall-iskandlu li jkun ta. Ilkastigi iktar kienu jkunu biex jingħad xi talb, rużarju jew attendenza għall-quddies u ttqarbin, bħalma llum il-konfessur jagħtik penitenza li tgħid tliet Avermarijiet. Min imbagħad kien jippersisti fid-dnub, fl-ereżija u fl-eżempju ħażin, il-Knisja kienet tħoss li dan ikun ħaqqu kastig u mhux sempliċiment penitenza. Dan mhux veru jkun penitent jekk jibqa’ jagħmel ta’ rasu wara li jkun ġie mwissi darba, darbtejn u iżjed. Li tagħmel apposta mod u li tagħmel mingħajr ħsieb ta’ xejn mod ieħor. It-tagħlim qarrieq kontra lKnisja u l-fidi Nisranija huma parti mill-ereżija li l-Knisja żgur li ma setgħetx u lanqas tista’ tagħlaq għajnejha f ’każi bħal dawn. Huwa dmir tagħha li tiftaħ għajnejn dawk li jiżbaljaw biex jerġgħu lura għattagħlim veru tal-Knisja u ma jibqgħux jagħtu skandli. Din is-sena huwa l-40 anniversarju minn meta l-awtur Tony C. Cutajar ippublika l-ewwel rumanz tiegħu, Id-Dubbien lAbjad (Klabb Kotba Maltin).
Casa Antonia holds open day on Sette Giugno A paintings exhibition by Maestro Chevalier Pawlu Grech, a veteran artist, composer and resident at Casa Antonia Nursing and Residential Home in Balzan, will be the opening event at 10.30am during the home’s Open Day on June 7, a public holiday. This year, Casa Antonia is celebrating its 15th anniversary with the Open Day, between 10am and 7pm, being the second in a series of celebratory events marking 2018. The public and the surrounding community are invited to visit the home and meet the dedicated care team, while enjoying the beautiful landscaped gardens and activities. To add to the festive spirit, there will be a number of entertaining activities ranging from performances by musicians to artists at work, as well as artisan stands and food stalls. The duo Jacob Portelli on harp and violinist Emese Toth will perform in the morning, while
Mark Rapa’s trio will be providing entertainment in the afternoon. Paintings by artists Matthew Kassar and Tony Vella will be on sale, while Vladimir Kiuznetsov will be pencil drawing portraits of residents and guests. “On the occasion of our 15th anniversary we are opening our doors to the public, in particular those who would like to receive information about our caring home,” said Casa Antonia general manager Sarah Cassar. “At Casa Antonia, we provide a loving nursing home,” Dr Cassar added. “Our emphasis is on giving holistic quality care. We make sure that every resident enjoys living here to the point that they consider it their home, while their relatives have the peace of mind that their loved ones are assisted at all times.” Going back to Maestro Chevalier Pawlu Grech’s paintings exhibition (open till July 7, 2018), he has lived in
Casa Antonia is celebrating its 15th anniversary with an Open Day on June 7.
Rome, London and Malta and has had an illustrious life as an artist, composer and conductor. Casa Antonia Nursing and Residential home is nestled in a quiet cul-de-sac in the heart of Balzan and overlooks San Anton Gardens. It is spread on nearly four tumoli of land and houses 80 rooms with a bed capacity of over 120 residents. The rooms enjoy wonderful views of the home’s gardens and the
surrounding superb environment. During the Open Day, complimentary refreshments will be offered in the courtyard and free parking will be available at the Primary School of St Aloysius College (former Stella Maris School), with a free shuttle service. Casa Antonia Nursing and Residential home is in Pope Alexander VII Junction, Balzan. For enquiries call on 2149 6277 or e-mail
33. Sacred song (5) 34. Month (6) 35. Puts to death (8) 36. Mendicant (6) DOWN 1. Stops (5) 2. Court case (5) 3. Engrave (4) 4. Lampoon (5) 5. Ceremony (4) 6. Spain and Portugal (6) 9. Greek city (6) 11. Free (3) 12. As yet (2,3) 13. Vacation (7) 15. Total (3) 16. Knowledge (3) 18. Offensive (6) 20. Cavities (5) 21. Bread roll (3) 22. Nothing (3) 23. Surgeon’s stitch (6) 25. Slippery fish (3) 28. Elector (5) 30. Ballroom dance (5) 31. Shatter (5) 32. Stopper (4) 33. Ice hockey disc (4)
7 8 10
9 10
16 17
20 21
21 23
34 35
34 35
ACROSS 4. No lady’s deputies (6) 7. Best sellers (3,5) 8. Corkscrew left at Paris, perhaps (6) 10. An airy spirit, one imagines (5) 13. It helps keep you going lame, in a way! (4) 14. Identify as William (4) 15. Junior drinks? (4) 16. Be noted as a Brentford player (3) 17. The land one managed (4) 19. Under strain during last autumn (4) 21. Slum street estimated to indicate a degree of affluence (5,4) 23. Tonnage of the mother ship? (4) 24. Powder used in post-natal clinics (4) 26. Trinidadian pop? (3) 27. Worked earthily as a brick carrier out East (4) 29. Beautiful operation by a student (4) 32. Be daunted by much that is out of the way (4) 33. Maybe Tony’s broke (5) 34. Officers such as Lee (6) 35. In the field, just the fellow for Thora Hird? (5,3) 36. In tennis, they’re especially bad in doubles (6) DOWN 1. Church established and possibly expanded (5) 2. Where the horse can stop running (5) 3. Clean the inlet (4) 4. Bring a girl up to be a credit to you (5) 5. Wicked, terrible lie about Victor (4) 6. Group determined to have a drink together? (6) 9. Petals can be of such colours (6) 11. Timber going up river (3) 12. Works steadily at making piles (5) 13. Some more new rents, simply huge (7) 15. Ortanique colour (3) 16. Nevertheless, still (3) 18. One of the less wise things to eat? (6) 20. A Caledonian race venue? (5) 21. A word about Max (3) 22. Just a little coat tail, nowadays (3) 23. Resort with an endless amalgam of Spaniards, etc. (6) 25. All you have to cook things in? (3) 28. They get heated when there’s a toss up! (5) 30. Down under, the Briton may not take my part (5) 31. Prone to deceive (5) 32. Parry a sword (4) 33. Thus, again, is painful (4) APRIL ISSUE SOLUTIONS: ACROSS: 1. S-Al-ad 6. D-airy 9. Maigret 10. P-le-ad 11. Voice 12. Denim 13. Rev.-OK-Ed 15. M-E-P 17. Op.-E-N 18. SE-date 19. Ramps 20. Totter 22. Bit-e 24. Spa 25. Anglers 26. Beefy 27. Fria-r 28. Stave (Vesta) 29. Wipe out 30. Aside 31. Bowls. DOWN: 2. Asle-eP 3. Amazon 4. Dad (rev) 5. O-gle-d 6. De-vices 7. A-tom 8. Racket 12. Debar 13. Roots 14. Vesta 15. Mar-i-e 16. Pekes 18. Sp-in.-y 19. Rever-ie 21. Operas 22. Blotto 23. Travel 25. After(-s) 26. Ba-W-d 28. Sub (rev.)
ACROSS 4. Sally (6) 7. Runway (8) 8. Stableman (6) 10. Rubbish (5) 13. Optimism (4) 14. Grain store (4) 15. Settee (4) 16. Woman’s name (3)
17. Revolting (4) 19. Large bird (4) 21. Racket sport (9) 23. Indian dress (4) 24. Face (4) 26. Young dog (3) 27. Egg-shaped (4) 29. Female sheep (4) 32. Floating marker (4)
APRIL ISSUE SOLUTIONS: ACROSS: 1. Usual 6. Point 9. Deliver 10. Adore 11. Serge 12. Brats 13. Stripes 15. Hen 17. Heat 18. Create 19. Calls 20. Frozen 22. Spiv 24. Ten 25. Abalone 26. Stops 27. Cacti 28. Alter 29. Embargo 30. Crewe 31. Emits. DOWN: 2. Sedate 3. Adroit 4. Lee 5. Tiers 6. Pesters 7. Ores 8. Nugget 12. Began 13. Shift 14. Rayon 15. Harpo 16. Nerve 18. Clubs 19. Centime 21. Repair 22. Slalom 23. Insect 25. Appal 26. Stew 28. Age.
Abodes Accede Actor Afterthought Aides Annoy Bluer Canyon Clause Comma
Concord Delta Disengage Enigma Entered Fathers Freehand Grieved Hypochondriacs Mined
Money Moose Newton Noisily Orientate Peace Presidencies Pumps Quota React
Rhino Speak Stages Stock Stunts Tailor Tents Unused Urgency Yodel
COMPETITION Il-Konvoj tat-tama Li kienu s-swar jitkellmu, żgur kienu jaqsmu magħna, il-ġrajja illi seħħet snin ilu fil-port tagħna.
How to Cook Better by Shaun Hill
In-nies bi ħġarha nġabret biex tagħti merħba kbira lill-konvoj tant mistenni li kien tal-għadu l-mira. Il-ġuħ kien għamel tiegħu, il-poplu kien għajjien taħt xita bombi nieżla u ħerba kullimkien. Il-konvoj nofsu mgħarraq daħal fil-port għall-kenn. Dan kien sinjal mis-sema li Alla reġa’ ħenn
Ikel Sajfi by Anton B. Dougall
għal dan il-poplu ċkejken li wera tama fih, u talab lil Marija biex din tidħol għalih, u trażżan l-għadu kiefer li ried joħroġ rebbieħ fi gwerra illi ġabet tant qerda, tant uġigħ.
Historic Times This month, we are giving away three bestselling paperbacks. To win, tell us the date when this Times of Malta front page was published. Send your answers via e-mail to or by post to ‘Senior Times Competition’, Allied Newspapers Limited, Triq L-Intornjatur, Mrieħel BKR 3000. The first three correct answers that we receive win a paperback each. Last month’s winners are Carmen Camilleri, who wins a copy of Empress Godspeaker (Book One) by Karen Miller, Anthony Cauchi, who wins a copy of L-Għama ta’ Lourdes by Emilio Lombardi and Astrid Borg, who wins a copy of Shadow’s Edge by Brent Weeks.
SUDOKU Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9
3 5 2 4 8 1 7 9 6
8 1 6 3 7 9 2 5 4
7 9 4 5 2 6 3 8 1
5 7 1 9 6 4 8 2 3
4 8 3 7 5 2 6 1 9
2 6 9 1 3 8 4 7 5
6 4 5 8 9 7 1 3 2
1 3 7 2 4 5 9 6 8
9 2 8 6 1 3 5 4 7
Il-konvoj kien ġab miegħu għall-poplu, tant tamiet, u l-qniepen bdew idoqqu fl-irħula u fl-ibliet, biex jagħtu ħajr lil Alla u jfaħħru lil Marija li dejjem semgħet talbna kull meta għalenija, Imħabba Għamja by Emmanuel Portelli
6 2 4 9 5 2 3 8 9 5 4 2 4 3 8 6 9 5 8 1 1 4 6 3
ersaqna u tlabnieha sabiex tidħol għalina. Din l-omm mimlija mħabba li magħna tant ħanina. U meta f ’nofs Awwissu tasal Santa Marija, dal-poplu xejn ma jonqos li jfakkar bi kburija dal-jum fl-istorja tagħna, dal-jum ta’ nies qalbiena li ġarrbu snin ta’ biża’ taħt għadu mingħajr ħniena. Għax ħarstek ja Marija int fuqna dejjem tfajt u għent lil dan il-poplu u tama lilu tajt, biex qatt ma jaqta’ qalbu quddiem dak it-tiġrib ħa jħares lejn is-sema fejn jaf li ser isib, tbissima qed tistenna fuq wiċċ omm il-bnedmin, dik l-omm li qatt ma naqset li tgħin lill-magħkusin. Charles Casha (mill-ktieb Mumenti)
Snajja u tifkiriet tal-imgħoddi fil-Birgu Mit-tlett ibliet tal-Kottonera, il-Birgu bla dubju ta’ xejn għandu storja mimlija avvenimenti. Minn hawn ħarġu nies tas-sengħa li kienu fost l-aqwa mgħallmin u li b’xogħolhom komplew kabbru l-ġieh ta’ din il-belt rebbieħa, jgħid Joseph Scicluna.
ogħol tal-injam, bronż u skultura Sa minn żmien l-Ordni ta’ San Ġwann, il-kavallieri kienu ġabu magħhom nies tas-snajja li ħallew impatt kbir man-nies tal-Birgu. Bosta snajja baqgħu jintirtu minn ġenerazzjoni għall-oħra. Fost l-opri li nsibu illum hemm ilpulptu fil-knisja ta’ San Lawrenz. Fuq id-disinn ta’ Ġużeppi Soler, Vincenzo Vassallo ħadem ix-xogħol tal-injam. Dan ta’ l-aħħar kien mastrudaxxa magħruf għal xogħol fl-għamara artistika. L-injam huwa tal-ġewż, materjal tqil u jiswa ferm, li kien inġieb minn Kostantinopli, u t-taraġ ghandu puġġaman tal-bronż li tfassal u nħadem minn Ġanni Torpiano. L-isem ta’ Ġiġi Depasquale jibqa dejjem marbut mal-Birgu. Għalkemm twieled iż-Żejtun, Ġiġi għex u kien joqgħod f ’dan il-lokal sakemm miet. Artist bravu, huwa ħadem fl-iskultura
tal-ġebel fis-sagristija, fil-koppla talknisja, fl-oratorju tal-kurċifiss u filkunvent tal-patrijiet Dumnikani. Xogħolijiet oħra tiegħu jinsabu ukoll fi knejjes madwar Malta, fosthom dawk taż-Żejtun, ta’ Santa Tereża f ’Bormla u fil-Katidral Anglikan ta’ San Pawl ilBelt Valletta. Il-festa ta’ San Lawrenz Il-festi kienu dejjem popolari, u filBirgu, il-festa ta’ San Lawrenz kienet tiġi iċċelebrata bil-kbir. Minbarra innies tal-lokal, kienu jinżlu dawk minn Bormla, l-Isla u l-irħula ta’ madwar. Ħafna mill-attivitajiet kienu isiru fuq il-baħar max-xatt u mal-Forti Sant Anġlu. Anki l-awtoritajiet navali kienu jieħdu sehem u jagħtu l-għajnuna taghħom fil-festa ta’ dan il-qaddis. Ilknejjes, id-djar u s-swar kienu ikunu mixgħula bil-lampi kkuluriti, numru kbir ta’ dgħajjes u frejgatini kienu jinġabru fil-Port il-Kbir ma’ ġenb Bighi,
ħdejn id-Dockyard, viċin Rinella u maxxatt tal-Isla. Kien ikun hemm ikel, xorb, kant u daqq mill-baned tar-reġimenti jallegraw il-pubbliku li jingħad li kien ilaħħaqu mal-għoxrin elf ruh. In-nies kienet tibqa hemm sas-siegħat bikrin ta’ filgħodu, u kienet tkun lejla tassew ta’ divertiment. Il-buttar L-inbid minn dejjem kien ix-xarba favorita ta’ ħafna Maltin. Mhux hekk biss, iżda kien hawn bosta li jagħmlu linbejjed huma stess. Kien jiġi impurtat u jinġieb l-aktar mill-Italja, Spanja u lGreċja, fi btieti jew krietel magħmula mill-injam tal-qastan. Dan l-injam jixrob ħafna mill-ispirtu ta’ ġo fih u l-palat kien ikun aktar bnin. Il-buttar kien dak li jorbot dan l-injam f ’għamla ovali, bi ċrieki talħadid iggalvanizzat. Kien xogħol li ried jinħadem bi preċiżjoni u wieħed mill-buttara fil-Birgu kien ċertu Feliċ Cutajar. Qabel ma l-bettija tingħalaq għal kollox, il-buttara kienu iqiegħdu fil-ġnieb weraq irqieq tal-qasab li kien jagħlaq ix-xquq bejn l-injam ħalli ma tidħolx arja fil-bettija. Il-kurdara Għad hemm post f ’dan il-lokal li baqa magħruf bħala s-Sur tal-Kurdari. Ilkurdara kienu rġiel li jaħdmu il-ħbula. Imsemmi għal din is-sengħa kien hemm Mikiel Buttiġieġ li kien espert u mfittex ħafna għal dan ix-xogħol. Għall-ħabta tas-seklu tmintax diġa kien hemm nies fil-Birgu jaħdmu f ’dan
Ma jistax jonqos li mill-Birgu ħargu nies imgħallmin fis-sengħa tal-bini tal-opri tal-baħar.
il-mistier fuq is-Sur tal-Kurdari, bejn it-torri ta’ San Ġwann u l-Kavallier ta’ San Ġakbu. Il-ħbula kienu jintużaw ħafna fuq ix-xwieni tal-Ordni, u kienu jkunu magħmula mill-qanneb li kien jinġieb minn Venezja. Landiera u skrapan Mas-snajja li għadna kemm semmejna, wieħed ma jridx jinsa li fil-Kottonera kont issib numru ta’ landiera u skrapan. Bil-pagi baxxi dak iż-żmien, żarbun ma kontx tixtrih meta trid. Kont trid tibża għalih, u għalhekk jekk kien jibda imurlek kont tieħdu għand skarpan biex jissewwa. Fil-Birgu kien hemm xi erba’ jew ħamsa, wieħed jismu, jew billaqam, ta’ Ezzu u ieħor Indri. Kienu
Il-landier kont issibu f ’xi ħanut żgħir, bil-qiegħda fuq xi kaxxa ta’ l-injam
Il-Birgu tixgħel bir-rikkezzi ta’ snajja Maltin.
jaħdmu ta’ skrapan il-ġurnata kollha, pero kien hemm oħrajn li jaħdmu wara li jispiċċaw ix-xogħol tagħhom tal-ġurnata. Kien hemm min kien kapaċi jaħdem żarbun jew sandli. Kien jieħu l-qies tassieq, ifassal id-disinn, jifforma u jħit ilġilda biex wara jbiegħu lil dak li jkun ordnah. Il-lum, iż-żraben li jiġu minn barra jinħadmu bil-magni apposta, mentri dari kont tiehu ġurnata sħiħa biex tagħmel żarbun. Il-landier kont issibu f ’xi ħanut żgħir, bil-qiegħda fuq xi kaxxa ta’ l-injam, quddiem spiritiera isewwi xi borma mtaqqba jew jaqta l-landa biex imbaghad jagħti l-forma, iħoll l-istann bis-saldatur u jgħaqqad xi riċipjent. Illandiera kienu ukoll jahdmu kaldaruni u stanjati bil-għatu. Ħajjata Waħda mis-snajja li kont issib kienet dik tal-ħajjat. In-nies tal-lokal jiftakru lill-anzjani tal-post isemmu li wara lGwerra l-Kbira, kien hemm Peppi Gellel, Karmenu Avellino u Kostantinu, ħajjata primi fil-Birgu. Ma jidhirx li kien hemm min iħit l-għonnelli, imma aktar tard tfaċċaw oħrajn – fosthom
Wenzu Hili u Lorry Mifsud – b’dan ta’ l-aħħar ifassal u jħit bandalori kuluriti ta’ kull daqs. Gellel kien bil-ħanut fi Triq Britannika, illum Triq Hilda Tabone u għamel ħafna xogħol fuq pavaljuni għall-festa ta’ San Lawrenz. Huwa miet fis-sena 2010 ta’ 104 snin. It-teatrin fil-Birgu L-ewwel teatrini ħargu mill-Birgu fissena 1843. Snin wara, Pietru Pawl Castagna, kap ta’ skola fil-lokal, kien waqqaf il-kumpanija Filodrammatika Vittoriosa. Fil-Birgu kellhom ilkumpanija teatrali Giovani Vittoriosani li kellha dirrettur li Toni Scicluna, attur li ħafna drabi kien jaħdem il-parti ta’ ‘amorus’, u kiteb xi biċċiet għall-palk ukoll. Fost l-atturi kien hemm Toni Cauchi u Salvu Caccottolo, it-tnejn mill Birgu, u l-attriċi Giovanna Laiviera, li kienet magħrufa sew man-nies tal-Kottonera għal partijiet ewlenien li kienet taħdem. Il-kumpanija kienet tagħti reċiti fuq il-bejt tat-Torri li hemm fil-bidu tal-Birgu, llum ilkwartieri tal-Boys Scouts, u fid-Diana Empire Hall.
Iż-żewg baned fil-Birgu Il-baned f ’Malta minn dejjem kienu popolari. Il-Birgu għandu żewg baned, dik San Lawrenz u l-oħra Prince of Wales. Dik ta’ San Lawrenz ġiet imwaqqfa fissena 1858 minn ftit irġiel fil-Birgu b’isem ‘La Vittoriosa’ jew kif kienet magħrufa bil-laqam ‘Ta’ Ljun’. Wara xi żmien wieqfa, reġħhet ġiet iffurmata b’isem ta ‘Unione’ u fis-sena 1897 il-banda bdiet tissejjaħ banda ‘Duke of Edinburgh’.
Jekk imorru lura fl-istorja, il-banda Prince of Wales taf il-bidu tagħha fissena 1891 meta xi żgħażagħ mill-knisja tal-Lunzjata riedu li jkollhom banda biex iddoqq fil-festa ta’ San Duminku. Lewwel surmast kien Lorenzo Grima, imlaqqam ‘Lanżitu’ u l-banda ħadet lisem Għaqda Filarmonika Vittoriosa. Fi Frar tas-sena 1895, il-kumitat talab permess u bdiet tissejjaħ Duke of York. Bilmewt tar-Reġina Vittoria f ’Jannar tassena 1901, missier id-duka laħaq re, u d-duka ha l-isem ta’ Prince of Wales. Ilbanda ħadet ismu u għadha b’dan l-isem. Il-bini tad-dgħajjes Ma jistax jonqos li mill-Birgu ħargu nies imgħallmin fis-sengħa tal-bini talopri tal-baħar. Mdawwar bil-baħar, kien il-post ewlieini fejn il-kavallieri bnew xwieni għall-flotta tal-Ordni. Fi Triq l-Arċisqof Gonzi, kien hemm maħżen biswiet l-Armerija, quddiem issala Diana, fejn kien jaħdem id-dgħajjes Fonzu Grech. F’din is-sala kien isir itteatrin u l-post għamel żmien jintuża bħala ċinema. L-imgħallem Wenzu Darmanin magħruf bil-laqam ‘ta’ Betti’ kien beda jaħdem ma Naru, li kellu ditta jimmanifattura l-għamara klassika fi Triq Britannika, illum Triq Hilda Tabone. Kif spiċċat il-gwerra, Wenzu daħal itTarzna u wara x-xogħol kien imur filħanut li kellu Bormla bhala mastrudaxxa. Huwa kien ħadem frejgatina imma sfortunatament kien kaxkarha lbaħar u farrakha. Sadanittant kien sab post fi Triq San Lawrenz u fis-sena 1954 ħa maħżen imdaqqas fin-niżla tat-toqba taħt il-monasteru tas-sorijiet ta’ Santa Skolastika. Kien jagħmel biss frejgatini, u għalkemm ma tantx kien tgħallem skola, kien espert f ’dan il-qasam u baqa jaħdem sa ma kellu 80 sena. Wieħed li kont ħabib miegħu kellu lil missieru jibni d-dgħajjes fil-Birgu. Ġużeppi Sghendo kien lavrant u tgħallem is-sengħa ma Ġenju u ħuħ Ġużeppi Caruana fil-maħżen tagħhom li kellhom, jibnu d-dgħajjes fuq ix-xatt tal-Kalkara. Dawn it-tnejn kienu bnew dgħajsa kbira li kienet taqsam minn Malta għal Għawdex. Meta darba kienet ġejja lejn Malta, laqtet mina u għerqet. Sghendo kien fetaħ għal rasu u kien imfittex ħafna biex jaħdem il-frejgatini.
REFERENZI Mario Buhagiar, The Artistic Heritage, Birgu – A Maltese Maritime City, Vol 11 Joseph Brown, L-Imgħallmin u Snajja tal-Birgu, Festa San Lawrenz, 2004 Manwel Chetcuti, Vittoriosani ta’ Ħajja Sempliċi, Festa San Lawrenz, 2005 Joseph Scicluna, Żminijiet Oħra – Il-Belt Valletta u Tlett Ibliet, It-Torċa, 2007 Joseph Scicluna, Żewġ Sekli tal-Palk f’Malta, It-Torċa, 2007 Gregory Gauci, Il-Pulptu Artistiku tal-Knisja ta’ San Lawrenz, Festa San Lawrenz, 2004 Charles B Spiteri, Tifkiriet u Xogħol tal-Imgħoddi, PIN, 2011 Lorenzo Zahra, Għoxrin Sena Ilu Ħalliena Ġiġi Depasquale, Festa San Lawrenz, 2001 Joseph Scicluna, It-Teatrin – Mgħodija taż-Żmien fil-Passat, 2017 Arkivji tal-Banda, Storja Għaqda Filarmonika Prince of Wales Birgu
Nostalġija teatrali Bħal dan ix-xahar 76 sena ilu, ġġarraf it-Teatru Rjal, ifakkar Joseph D’Amico.
ieħed mill-isbaħ bini li kellna fil-Belt Valletta kien bla dubju it-Teatru Rjal. Il-qerda ta’ dan itteatru maestuż kienet meqjusa bħala traġedja nazzjonali, u għaddew eżattament 76 sena minn meta ġġarraf wara ħbit mill-ajru fis-7 ta’ April 1942 fis6.30pm. Meta ddeċidew li jibnu it-Teatru Rjal fil-post fejn darba kien hemm il-Berġa ta’ l-Ingliterra, dan ta’ spinta lill mużika operistika, imma ma kienx il-bidu ta’ listorja teatrali Maltija. Malta għaddiet minn taħt id-dominju ta’ bosta ċiviltajiet. Sa minn żmien ir-Rumani l-Maltin kienu jinteressaw rwieħom fit-teatru. Xhieda ta’ dan kien il-qabar ta ċertu Aelius Hermolaos, attur komiku, li nstab fuq il-gżira tagħna. L-istorja ta’ l-opra f’Malta bdiet xi seklu wara l-miġja tal-kavallieri hawnhekk. Bħal ma jafu d-dilettanti kollha ta’ l-opra, din żviluppat mill-Camerata Fiorentina. L-ewwel dramm mużikat sar ġewwa Firenze fl-1597 u dan kien id-Dafne ta’ Jacopo Peri (1561-1633). L-artisti kienu ltaqgħu fid-dar tal-konti Giovanni Bardi (1534-1612), bniedem mgħoti biss għall arti. Fosthom insibu lil Vincenzo Galilei (1520-1591), missier il-famuż astronomu u matematiku Galileo, Jacopo Peri, kif ukoll il-poeta Ottavio Rinuccini (1562-1621), L-ewwel prova għamilha Vincenzo Galilei meta pprova jagħti mużika lill-episodju ta’ Ugolino mil-Inferno ta’ Dante Alighieri. Din l-arti ħalliet il-peninsula Taljana u waslet f ’Londra u Pietroburgo fis-seklu 18. L-ewwel forma ta’ teatru pubbliku beda f ’San Cassiano ġewwa Venezja u wara nfirxet ma’ l-Ewropa kollha. Malta ma’ baqgħatx lura peress li kien hawn il-krema tan-nobiltà Ewropeja fi ħdan l-Ordni. Il-Gran Mastru Manoel de Vilhena ried ikun minn ta’ l-ewwel li jintroduċi din l-arti. Għalhekk fl-1730 ordna l-bini tat-Teatru Manoel fuq l-istil tat-teatri taljani tas-seklu 18. L-entużjażmu tal-poplu Malti għallopra deher fis-snin li segwew. Ta min jgħid li fil-bidu dan it-teatru kien magħruf bħala ‘teatro pubblico’ u bejn l-1740 u l-1866 beda jissejjaħ Teatro Reale di Malta. Wara li nbena t-Teatru Rjal beda jissejjaħ Teatru Manoel. Dan ġie inawgurat fid-19 ta’ Jannar 1732 bl-opra Merope
u għal din l-okkażjoni attenda l-Gran Mastru. Jingħad li meta l-biċċa l-kbira tal-Maltin speċjalment dawk tal-irħula, semgħu b’dan id-divertiment, tkażaw mhux ftit bil-Gran Mastru meta saru jafu li s-suġġetti kienu dwar imħabba libertina, tradimenti, ingann u delitti. Skandalizzathom ukoll is-sehem f ’dawn lopri ta’ attriċi u ballerini nisa. L-artisti tal-palk f ’dik l-epoka kienu meqjusa bħala nies mxajtna u bla dekor. L-istaġuni fit-Teatru Manoel komplew mingħajr interruzzjoni sena wara loħra. Min tagħrif li ġbart, dejjem skond l-opinjoni tiegħi, l-aqwa żmien ta’ dan it-teatru kien fis-snin 1828-1842 meta limpreża kienet f ’idejn il-familja Amore. Waħda mill-aqwa soprani li kienet sinonima ma’ din l-epoka kienet Camilla Darbois, mwielda f ’Marsilja fil-25 ta’ Marzu 1804. Missierha u ommha kienu Gio Batta u Antonia nèe Ferro. Studjat filKonservatorju ta’ Pariġi, u fi żmien qasir laħqet pjanista u kantanta mill-aqwa. L-impreżarju Salvatore Amore attirat mis-suċċessi li Darbois kienet qed tikseb f ’Napli, insista magħha u flaħħar ikkonvinċiha biex tiġi Malta. Darbois għamlet id-debutt fit-Teatru Manoel fil-5 ta’ Settembru 1829 fl-opra L’Esule di Roma ta’ Gaetano Donizetti. Tant għamlet furur li l-kuntratt baqa’ jiġi mġedded sena wara l-oħra għal tnax il-darba konsekuttiva. Persuna oħra konnessa ma’ dan itteatru kien il-Qormi Mro. Giovanni Le Brun. Fl-1834 laħaq prim vjolin u direttur. Tajjeb li wieħed ikun jaf li sa l-1862 il-post ta’ direttur ta’ l-orkestra ma kienx jeżisti. Għalhekk id-direzzjoni kienet fdata f ’idejn il-prim-vjolinista. Fil-bidu tas-seklu 19, bl-invenzjoni tal-gas kien hemm bżonn li titjieb ilventilazzjoni, b’attenzjoni speċjali lissistema sanitarja.
Il-priġunieri talgwerra offrew is-servizzi tagħhom fir-rikostruzzjoni
It-Teatru Rjal iġġarraf fis-7 ta’ April, 1942.
L-influwenza ta’ Giacomo Torelli (1608-1678), msejjaħ “Il Gran Stregone” għaliex kien joħloq magni kumplikati għal fuq il-palk, u tal-familja Galli-Bibiena li kienu dixxendenti ta’ Giovanni Maria Galli, imwieled f ’Bibiena fit-Toscana, ipproduċiet bosta ġenerazzjonijiet ta’ arkitetti teatrali. Giuseppe Galli-Bibiena (1695-1757) ħadem biss fi Vienna, Fernando (16561743) u l-aħwa Bernardino u Fabrizio Galliari kienu disinjaturi tat-teatru Dukali l-qadim ta’ Milan, u dawna jingħad li fasslu il-mod tax-xenarju talpalk Taljan. L-aħwa Galliani kienu wkoll l-ewwel pitturi tax-xenarju ta’ La Scala. Is-suċċessur tagħhom kien Pietro Gonzaga, li blużu ta’ kulur jgħajjat u b’kuntrast bejn id-dawl u d-dell, fl-istil ta’ Canaletto, jingħad li poġġa x-xemx fuq il palk (b’mod figurattiv). Is-soluzzjoni ġiet miksuba b’din il-kwalità ta’ pittura, fi żmien meta in-nuqqas ta’ dawl kien wieħed mill-problemi fuq il-palkoxeniku. Għalhekk kif bdiet tisemma din itteknika bdiet tinbet l-ideja biex jibnu teatru akbar li jiflaħ għall-produzzjonijiet teatrali fuq skala aktar vasta. Kien fl-Lulju ta’ l-1860 meta l-Gvernatur Sir John Gaspard Le Marchant ta struzzjonijiet lil-avukat tal-Kuruna, Sir Adriano Dingli biex jieħu passi u jissottometti lill-Kunsill mozzjoni biex jinbena teatru ġdid. Sakemm tlesta fl1866, għaddew ħames snin ta’ qtugħ il-qalb, disappunti, problemi u bidu mimli nuqqas ta’ ftiehem li kważi ntemm b’falliment totali tal-proġett. L-arkitett Edward M. Barry – li ddisinja Covent Garden – ipprepara l-
pjanti. Sir Adriano Dingli irċievihom f ’Diċembru 1860. Dawn mill-ewwel kienu mqiegħda fuq il-mejda tal-Kunsill. Il-membri tal-Kunsill għall-ewwel ma riedux japprovaw il- proġett qabel ma jirċievu assigurazzjoni li t d-differenza bejn il-bejgħ tal-Manoel u nnefqa għat-teatru l-ġdid ma jaqbżux issomma ta’ £6,000. Sir Adriano Dingli kiteb lis-segretarju tal-Gvern, Sir Victor Houlton, fejn infurmaħ li mħabba f ’hekk it-Teatru Manoel kien sejjer jinbiegħ jew jinkera b’ċens perpetwu u flistess ħin kienu sejrin jinħarġu offerti għal bini l-ġdid. Wara ħafna ntoppi it-Teatru Rjal ġie inawgurat fid-9 ta’ Ottubru 1866 blopra I Puritani ta’ Vincenzo Bellini. Wara ħruq tal-waħx fil-25 ta’ Mejju 1873, fejn l-intern tat-teatru inqered kompletament, għal 65 sena sħaħ bla waqfien, it-Tearu Rjal baqa’ jippreżenta staġuni operistiċi minn Ottubru sa Mejju, kunċerti sinfoniċi, drammi, kummiedji, veljuni (ballijiet tal-karnival) ċinematografu (silent u talkies) u kull attività ta’ divertiment, sakemm waslet dik il-ġurnata fatali tas-7 ta’ April, 1942 meta safa’ mġarraf wara ħbit mill-ajru. Il-priġunieri tal-gwerra offrew isservizzi tagħhom fir-rikostruzzjoni – ta’ minn ifakkar li kienu bnew prattikament mill-ġdid l-intern tal-Berġa ta’ Kastija b’sengħa mill-aqwa. L-ewwel gvern Laburista ċaħad din il-proposta sabiex ma joffendix is-sentimenti trejdunjonistiċi. Irrid ngħid ukoll li Malta bbenefikat minn somma ta’ £31m talfond tal-war damage imma it-Teatru Rjal ma bbenefika xejn minnha.
Free hearing tests in your locality in national study
K Medical is a local provider of quality medical equipment with strong ties to the community. OK Medical is now taking it further and is embarking on a National Hearing Screening initiative to gather data and raise awareness on hearing loss. Hearing loss is more widespread than we know, with approximately one in five people expected to have some form of hearing loss. If left undetected or untreated, hearing loss may significantly lower quality of life and also affect mental well-being. OK Medical will be working in collaboration with local councils to offer free hearing tests in localities across Malta and Gozo. This initiative will be launching officially on June 2. The company will
be sending out fliers prior to testing in each locality, with anyone over the age of 18 being able to participate. People are encouraged to participate, even if they do not suspect a hearing loss. Apart from benefiting from a free hearing test, participants will also be form-
ing part of a study to determine how common hearing loss is in the country and help with our local understanding of the condition. A dedicated helpline and booking line has been set-up for any enquiries one may have. Call on 2148 0300 for more information.
For a more professional active ageing workforce The Higher Diploma in Gerontology and Geriatrics helps candidates enter ageing-related occupations and advance their career in the field of ageing, says Marvin Formosa. M
ince 1990, the Department of Gerontology at the University of Malta has organised postgraduate programmes of study in gerontology, geriatrics and dementia studies. To date, as much as 301 professionals have received a Masters award in these areas, and dissertations have focused on various issues ranging from successful ageing to age discrimination to medical rehabilitation. It is a feather in the department’s cap that most of the key personnel in the management of ageing welfare form part of the department’s alumni. Despite such success, it remains that personnel working in the field of ageing and potential students who do not possess a Bachelor degree do not have any opportunity to study ageing at the University of Malta. The good news is that such a scenario is now a thing of the past, as from October 2018 the department will be offering a Higher Diploma in Gerontology and Geriatrics. The Higher Diploma is a logical, perhaps essential response to the demographic trends currently being faced all over the five continents, including Malta: both the ageing of the population and the growth in life expectancy. At end of 2016, Malta’s total population reached 460,297 persons. While 25.2 per cent were aged 60plus, the 80-plus cohort reached 4.1 per cent (19,019 persons). This confirms that Malta has now evolved out of a traditional pyramidal shape – characteristic of low income developed countries – to an evenshaped block distribution of equal numbers at each cohort except at the top, with older women outnumbering older males. As the population survives to older age, deaths due to dementia become more important. Dementia accounted for 4.4 per cent of all deaths in 2014. The census reported that 47 per cent of persons aged 60-plus experience an ‘illness/health condition’ (21,049 males and 25,052 females). The most frequently experienced ‘disability/difficulty’ included ‘physical disability’ (33.6 per cent), followed by ‘blindness or partial sight loss’ (34.3 per cent) and ‘deafness or partial hearing loss’ (22.8 per cent). As much as 65.6 per cent of
persons aged 90-plus experience a type of disability or difficulty. This Higher Diploma targets candidates who wish to expand their knowledge in the social, psychological, economic, and biological processes of ageing and later life. It promises to act as a catalyst for candidates’ intellectual development with regards the meeting of needs by both present and incoming cohorts of older persons. Indeed, the latter stages of the life course are characterised by various transitions, as people exit from the labour market, go through various psychological and social developments in their personal and public lives, and experience multi-faceted health issues and concerns.
The latter stages of the life course are characterised by various transitions
The Higher Diploma programme in Gerontology and Geriatrics is especially meant for persons already working with older persons and in the field of ageing, those who wish to work with older persons, and others who wish to commence their studies in the field of gerontology and geriatrics. The Higher Diploma will certainly provide candidates with transferable skills which will either aid them in entering ageing-related occupations, as well as advance their career progression in the field of ageing. Applicants must either satisfy the general entry requirements for admission, namely, the Matriculation Certificate and Secondary Education Certificate passes at Grade 5 (or better) in Maltese, English Language and Mathematics, or fulfil the Maturity (Adult Learners) Clause – namely, those who will have reached the age of 23 by the beginning of the course following a successful interview conducted by an interviewing board appointed for the purpose. The Higher Diploma in Gerontology and Geriatrics will be offered on a fulltime basis over three semesters. Upon completion of the Higher Diploma, suc-
cessful graduates will be able to provide higher levels of social and health care services to older persons which, in turn, will function to improve the quality of service to older adults. Candidates will be able to meet the needs of prospective employers by being knowledgeable in embracing the roles of financial planning for older persons; engaging in case work; providing intake services and assisting in personal adjustment measures in residential and nursing care; take an active role in hospital discharges; assisting in the organisation and administration of social and related services in community care; participating in studies of age-friendly communities; and aiding family networking in later life. For more information on the Higher Diploma in Gerontology and Geriatrics visit overview/UHDGEGFT-2018-9-O. Prof. Marvin Formosa is Head of the Department of Gerontology, University of Malta, and Director of the University of the Third Age (Malta).
Giving pets a second chance
he rehoming centre in Floriana started as the “dogs’ home” in the early part of the 20th century. At the time it was a very simple holding centre where stray dogs were kept until such time they legally could be rehomed or destroyed (the latter was the case for the majority). For many years the RSPCA, then SPCA, continued to operate in this way until early in the current century when a firm decision was taken to nolonger be a “killing facility”. Cats were added to the centre around 30 years ago. In 2018 the rehoming centre, although on the same site, couldn’t be more different. The MSPCA made significant changes to bring the rehoming centre in line with international standards, especially in recognising the mental and physical needs of animals. The MSPCA rehoming centre for animals rather than a sanctuary. It is unfortunate that the word “sanctuary” is still used because the best place for an animal is in a loving home in the case of a dog or domestic cat, or in its own outdoor environment, neutered and monitored, in the case of a feral cat. MSPCA staff is more heavily focused on the need to rehome – every animal admitted since the MSPCA changed the way it works in May 2017, has found a home (except those euthanased on a vet’s recommendation). In the case of the dogs,
the average stay is around two months and the longest stay since has been seven months for dogs. In the case of cats, the average stay is around 31 days and the longest stayer has been three months. When the MSPCA intakes animals to the centre, staff do a brief intake survey with owners, and keep a written record which can help match the animal to future owners. Within the site, the MSPCA quarantines all incoming animals – this is to protect both them and the animals already on site. Wherever possible the MSPCA asks owners of animals to update their pet’s vaccinations a week or so before we accept the animal. This way, the dog or cat already has some protection on arrival. This change has meant that the number of vulnerable animals on site is low and in fact the MSPCA has had no disease outbreaks in the last year or so, despite bringing many animals into care with contagious illnesses. On arrival all animals see a vet. The MSPCA schedules intake so that animals are admitted on the day of, or day before, a routine vet visit. After animals spend some time in quarantine they will then move into the MSPCA rehoming accommodation. Dogs are kept as ones or twos and cats normally stay in the single, pair or small group. As well as the benefits to their mental welfare, housing animals in small units
reduces the likelihood of fights, disease and injury. All animals are fed on a consistent diet, of the same brand. Each animal has a written feeding plan and, because the MSPCA doesn’t group house, the MSPCA can be sure they get the right amount of food. All dogs are walked every day, have the opportunity to play with toys, and do obedience and other training backed up by treats. All cats are given toys to play with. To keep the animals and people safe, staff are issued with panic alarms and walkie-talkies, as well as ear protection to prevent hearing damage from repeated exposure to loud noise, and safety boots for working. The centre is a no-shouting site. Animals in MSPCA’s care are often ex-strays, or missing their former home, so it made total sense to reduce things on site which scared them. Since the changes, the overall volume and duration of
The earlier hearing loss is diagnosed, the better the quality of life one can lead, says Andrew Sciberras from Loud & Clear. “Hearing loss creeps up on you. You start losing frequencies while your brain adapts to the loss, changing the way you process sounds. That is why an early diagnosis of hearing loss is so important,” says Andrew Sciberras from Loud & Clear. Dr Sciberras has been practising as an audiologist for 20 years and holds a doctorate in audiology from the Nova South-eastern University in Florida, a Masters degree in Audiological Sciences from University College London and a Baat Certificate in Technical Audiology. He has vast experience in audiology, with a strong focus on adult audiology, paediatric audiology and hearing aids. He played a key role in introducing the cochlear implant programme in Malta and set up his own hearing aid clinic in 2000. “Hearing loss is 50 per cent genetic and 50 per cent environmental, including pre-birth factors, while 90 per cent of those suffering hearing loss also have tinnitus,” Dr Sciberras explains. “Environmental factors leading to hearing loss range from trauma, infections and tumours to ototoxicity and impact noise. Such factors lead to instant or gradual damage. Ageing is also a factor – however, not all elderly people suffer from hearing loss or impairment.” Dr Sciberras explains how hearing loss leads to other conditions, such as depression and dementia.
“It is important for hearing loss to be diagnosed as early as possible by an audiologist who is competent and registered with the Council for the Professions Complementary to Medicine,” he says. “Tests can be done on a routine basis, from birth to all ages. The earlier the diagnosis, the better the quality of life one can lead.” There is still a degree of taboo to wearing hearing aids. “Younger generations are becoming less shy to wear hearing aids because of their healthy social life. However, elderly people might be reluctant to do so. That said, hearing aids are now smaller and fit inconspicuously behind the ear. One can also opt for in-theear hearing aids. New generation digital hearing aids
barking have reduced dramatically, bites to people have reduced and animals are getting homed faster. Every three to four months the MSPCA assesses itself against the code of practice of the Association of Dogs and Cats Homes in the UK using their self-assessment tool. This is the standard to which the majority of large and small rescue centres in the UK, Ireland and Channel Islands aim to achieve. Malta Society for the Protection and Care of Animals, St Francis Ravelin, Floriana, FRN1231, Malta. For more information visit
WELCOME HOME In 2017, the MSPCA rehomed 44 cats, 48 dogs, 19 kittens and 11 puppies.
The products and services provided by Loud & Clear include audiology and hearing aid consultation, paediatric audiology, hearing aids, bone conduction hearing devices, cochlear implant support, hearing aid accessories and batteries, ear moulds, eudiometry, hearing tests, hearing protection and custom-made monitors. Loud & Clear is licensed by UK’s leader in tinnitus therapy to provide tinnitus and hyperacusis desensitising therapy. For more information visit and or e-mail The Maltese Association of Audiologists can be contacted on
also have various functions – they are programmable, longer-lasting and carry functions such as wireless connectivity, feedback reduction and noise managment. Hearing aid technology is constantly being developed and in the future we will also see aids that, for instance, monitor health such as blood pressure.” Dr Sciberras insists on seeking professional advice. “Like anything else, you can buy hearing aids online. However, only a registered audiologist can carry out the fitting and give professional advice. This is why we set up the Maltese Association of Audiologists – of which I’m currently president – in order to safeguard people’s health and the professional practice of audiology in Malta.”
The legendary Pampalun Freddie Mizzi made plenty of saves with amazing grace, says Carmel Baldacchino.
reddie Mizzi is considered by many to be the best Maltese goalkeeper of the post-war period. Born in Floriana, he lived most of his life in Sliema and was attracted to the game from a very early age. At 12 years of age he was already keeping goal for St Gregory’s Catholic Action in the Sportsmanship Crusade League. A year later, he played for Melita in the Second Division, making his debut on December 11, 1955 against Birzebbuga St Peter’s. In 1956, Freddie was transferred to Floriana with whom he stayed for three seasons. With Floriana, Mizzi won a League Championship and an FA Trophy medal but it was with Hibernians that he became a living legend. Mizzi was the mainstay of the Paola club’s great team of
the 1960s. With Hibernians, he won three league championships and established goalkeeping records which have challenged the passing of time. Mizzi was an old hand at breaking records but his best, undoubtedly came in 1971 when he established an unbeaten run between the Hibs’ posts of 1,055 minutes, all in competitive matches. Mizzi’s great run started on January 24, 1971 in the firstround league match against Floriana. He was unbeaten for the entire second half of the match which ended 2-1 and through all the rest of the league matches against Sliema, Qormi, Gżira, Valletta, Marsa and Floriana. Then he missed the second-round tie with Sliema which Hibs lost 0-2 but played in all the FA Trophy matches against Rabat, twice against Valletta, and Birkirkara.
In 1980, at the age of 40, Mizzi came back from retirement to help his old club Hibs beat Waterford of Ireland 1-0. He celebrated the occasion with a brilliant penalty-save.
Then came the FA Trophy final and Mizzi’s record was still intact. Sliema, already champions, were making a determined bid to add the trophy to their title. Hibs on their part were also determined to keep a firm grip on the trophy they won the previous season. It was an interesting situation and to add spice to it there was Mizzi’s record. However, with both teams more interested in not losing, it was not surprising that defences dominated. Both Mizzi and Albert Pearson had a comparatively easy time, and with each side being cautious it was not surprising that the end was a stalemate, even when extra time had been given. Both goals came more or less at the same time but in different halves. Hibs took the lead after 32 minutes from a well-rehearsed free-kick taken by Eddie Theobald. Freddie Delia nipped in to flick the ball into the far corner of the net. Hibs’ lead was very much according to the run of the play. Then, in the second half, Sliema increased the tempo. Mizzi brought off a fine save
Freddie Mizzi at his acrobatic best. Il-Pampalun did not shun the stone-hard pitch at the old Empire Stadium. He dived on the notorious pitch as if he were made of rubber.
after 20 minutes when Vassallo passed to Ronnie Cocks who, coming in at the gallop fired a fine left footer which Mizzi saved with difficulty. However, Mizzi had no chance a few minutes later when Cocks netted the equaliser. Eddie Darmanin started the move, placing Cocks in an ideal position to hit home an unstoppable first-timer. It was the end of Mizzi’s fine run but not Hibs’ cup run. Five days later Hibs beat Sliema 20 in the replay to take home the FA Trophy.
Freddie Mizzi with the rest of the Malta squad before the famous game against England in 1971.
Mizzi played for the first time for the national team at the age of 15 against Queen’s Park of Scotland. During his long and colourful career, he played 19 full international matches. His most memorable was undoubtedly that against England in the European Nations Cup in 1971. That was a game to remember. Mizzi was only beaten once that day by the World champions. Nominated five times for the Footballer of the Year award, he was passed over each time.
This was, by his own admission, the biggest disappointment of his football career. In all, Mizzi played 247 league games, 215 for Hibernians and 32 for Floriana. He also played 44 games in the FA Trophy and 50 times in other competitions. Apart from that he played 20 times in European club competitions for Hibernians which included prestigious 0-0 draws against Manchester United and Real Madrid. As the years went by Mizzi seemed to go on for ever but everything has an end and Mizzi played his last game for Hibernians on March 12, 1977 against Floriana. It was the end of a career which spanned more than 23 seasons. However, it was not the end of Mizzi. Skill, honesty and loyalty are all important parts of a great footballer. The first ingredient is quite common in football. Honesty is rare, but complete loyalty to a club is rarer still. Mizzi had honesty and skills in abundance and in 1980 he had
the opportunity to prove his loyalty to his former club. In 1980-81 Hibernians were drawn to meet Waterford of Ireland in the first round of the Cup of Cup Winners. Hibs made no attempt to hide their ambition of passing through to the second round at the expense of the Irish part-timers. Hibs had a strong side brimming with confidence, but they were in a spot. Their regular goalkeeper, Raymond Caruana was too young and inexperienced to be entrusted with such an important encounter. There was nothing left to do but to recall their veteran goalkeeper Mizzi from retirement to fill the void. Mizzi was at the time 40 years old and had been absent from the game for a number of years. Yet his loyalty for his club and his love of the game knew no bounds, and during the week before the game, hundreds of Hibs supporters gathered at Pace-Grasso Football Ground to see their onetime hero training.
His loyalty for his club and his love of the game knew no bounds
Hibs dominated the game against Waterford but they failed to turn their dominance into goals. It seemed that Hibs would pay dearly for their misses when in the 51st minute Consiglio tripped Murray in the penalty area. The Hibs supporters were speechless, but the returning veteran Mizzi received a huge round of applause as he dived sideways to save Jackson’s low shot. There was no doubt that Mizzi had saved the day for Hibernians. Inspired by this heaven-sent gift, the Paolites roared back into action, and finally broke the deadlock in the 62nd minute. Consiglio crossed for Spiteri Gonzi to nod down for Paul Xuereb to hit the ball home. Hibs increased their efforts, but to no avail. Alas, they had neither the energy nor the time to achieve their purpose. At least they went home with a precious 1-0 victory, thanks mainly to a generous effort by their legendary hero, Mizzi. At the end of his career, Mizzi took up coaching. Between 1979 and 1991 he coached Siġġiewi, Mqabba, St Venera, San Ġwann, Lija, Qormi and Qrendi mostly in the lower divisions but he also spent a short time with his former club Hibernians in the Premier Division.
Freddie Mizzi with the Johnnie Walker Cup after helping Hibernians win their first championship in 1960-61.
Their buses may no longer run the local routes, but for the Galea family, the journey is far from over, Joe Busuttil from the Old Motors Club says.
n the much-maligned days when the Association of Public Transport ruled the roost, and before the misfiring Arriva and later Autobuses de Leon appeared on the local roads, one of the biggest bus owners was the Galea family with 23 buses. Hailing from Mellieħa and known as ‘Tal-Honey’, founder Joseph started modestly with one blue-coloured Bedford bus number 3081 in the 1950s – the then official Mellieħa route colour – and under his astute leadership, the business expanded with the help of his son Frans and grandson Norbert. Joseph passed away in 2007, and Frans and Norbert continued the business until the arrival of Arriva. Bowing out, they then bought a service station in Fgura, and continued the transport link from there. However long years handling buses of all ages instilled in father and son a deeply ingrained love for old motors, to the effect that when they had to let go their fleet in the transport reform, they still kept three old vintage buses from the 1940s and 1950s, with a Malta-built body, and one AEC London bus from the 1970s.
Always on the lookout to save old buses for posterity, Frans and Norbert have also saved from scrap four more buses: an AEC, an Opel, a Bedford which used to be the Gozo mail carrier between Castille and Marfa, and another Bedford, which Frans is presently restoring. “This 1950s Bedford OB Number 141 bus used to ply the Mosta Valletta route, and we found it abandoned in a field in Magħtab.” explains Frans. “It was in a real pitiful state with no mechanical parts, engine or axis, and a rotting frame and body. However, in all its misery, I could detect a significant redeeming feature which made me go for it: an impressive Impala back, which made it the only Bedford with such a rear in Malta.” The project has so far involved procuring a Leyland engine and many other mechanical parts. Having had such a big fleet of buses, Frans has no lack of resources in stock, and where the need arises, he looks around the local market, and up to now has not
needed to seek purchases from overseas for the bus. While both Frans and Norbert are well versed in mechanical maintenance and repairs, the refurbishing of the handmade in Malta body has been left to the able hands of a relative, John Galea of Xemxija, who is one of the few remaining plying the elaborate and time consum-
ing trade of building bus bodies manually. Besides the eight old buses, father and son also possess three old trucks: a 1939 Bedford K-Type sporting blue colours, a red body and green box 1962 Bedford JType, and a similarly coloured 1941 single wheel Dodge Truck, which is their pride and
joy, and their first purchase. “This is what started us off on our old motors collection around 12 years ago”, continues Norbert. “We never had a Dodge bus in our group, something we always wanted, and the truck was the nearest we could get to a model. We heard through the grapevine of an abandoned truck lying in a shed in a field in Żebbiegħ, limits of Mġarr”.
Having seen military action during World War II, and tough field service later, the truck was in a serious and sorrowful state. But father and son rolled up their sleeves, and with their technical knowhow and bottomless motivation, embarked on a full restoration project. The work involved a new side-valved Dodge engine, chrome, lights, tyres, as well as a new driver compartment. The labour of love was completed in six years. Attracted to heavy vehicles, Frans and Norbert also own two old vans, a maroon and cream 1949 Bedford with a split windscreen, and a 1956 Ford Thames, with a red body and a green box. As if old buses, trucks and vans were not enough, father and son have also been steadily building up a collection of classic cars. These include a 1953 Chevrolet Belair, with a dark and light green two-tone colour combination, a 1956 Zephyr 6, sporting green and off-white colours, and a blue 1961 Consul with a white roof. Frans used to drive his father’s Vauxhall Wyvern when he was just ten years old, and this memorable experience later on was translated into the purchase of no less than three models of this classic car, a red one and a green one dating from 1952, and a 1956 black model. A 1965 black Mercedes SL 200 completes the significant stable. Having 20 old motors, many of them of considerable size, and most of them roadworthy, presents a number of problems. Both Frans and Norbert agree that a major headache is storage
space, and for this purpose they have four large garages. Maintenance on a regular basis is also something that is high on the agenda, and parts are constantly sought, both on the local market, as well as overseas. For the past few years, Norbert regularly has been regularly visiting the Beaulieu Auto Jumble in England once a year to source required items. Time management, both for maintenance and restoration tasks, as well as to drive the vehicles round, is also of the essence. They make it a point to take out their cars on an infrequent but regular basis, both to enjoy them as well as to avoid falling into the if-you-do-notuse-it-you-lose-it trap.
The joys and pleasures of old motors
However, all of these problems fade into insignificance as father and son both wax lyrical about the joys as well as the pleasures derived from old motors. “Nothing surpasses the thrill of being behind the wheel, having the gears in the steering, or working an old-fashioned three gear system,” concludes Norbert.
A smile of satisfaction glows on the face of Frans as he recalls: “I have actually seen most of the old vehicles that we have, being used on the road for everyday tasks. When I see them now, my mind goes back meandering along memory lane, with so many pleasant experiences coming back to me.” WWW.OLDMOTORSCLUB.COM
Marija u ġrajjiet fil-Missjoni Id-direttur ta’ Missio, Mons Salvinu Micallef.
har il-Ħadd, 20 ta’ Mejju, niċċelebraw Għid ilĦamsin. Ix-xena, li nsibuha f ’eluf ta’ pitturi, tal-Appostli mdawwrin ma’ Marija, jistennew u jirċievu l-Ispirtu s-Santu, hija magħrufa minna lkoll. Minn dak inhar, l-Appostli bdew jevanġelizzaw u, eventwalment, inxterdu ma’ ħafna pajjiżi tad-dinja. Wara, ingħaqad magħhom San Pawl, li sar l-Appostlu tal-Ġnus. Il-preżenza ta’ Marija f ’Għid il-Ħamsin, anki jekk mhux reġistrata fil-Bibbja, twasslilna messaġġ qawwi tal-mandat li Ġesù ta lil ommu bħala Omm il-Knisja. Minn dak inhar, Marija saret omm lAppostli, omm is-suċċessuri tagħhom, omm kull min iwassal l-Aħbar it-Tajba ta’ binha, omm ta’ kull nisrani, omm ta’ kull min qed ifittex ilverità, omm, anki, ta’ min qed jiċħad il-verità jew qed jeħodha kontra min qed jgħallem il-verità.
Għalhekk, tajjeb li f ’dan ixxahar, ta’ Mejju, niftakru li Marija hija Omm il-Missjoni. Dan ilmandat, jew responsabiltà tagħha, wettqitu, u qed tkompli twettqu anki permezz tal-interventi tagħha matul l-istorja. Naħsbu f ’Lourdes, Fatima, Guadalupe, Velankanni u Ta’ Pinu. Interessanti li ġewwa Velankanni, fl-Istat ta’ Tamilnadu, fl-Indja, Marija kellmet tifel b’diżabiltà li kien iħaddan it-twemmin ħinduista. Illum Velankanni hija meqjusa bħala Lourdes ġewwa l-Asja u miljuni ta’ nies, ħafna minnhom ta’ twemmin ħinduista jew musulman, iżuru dan is-santwarju kull sena. F’dawn il-ġranet ġie mniedi lktieb Ġrajjiet, maħruġ mill-Opri Missjunarji Pontifiċji, jew Missio. F’dan il-ktieb, ħamsin missjunarju u missjunarja jagħtuna storja, jew inkella ġrajja, li għaddew minnha f ’xi waqt talħajja missjunarja tagħhom. Dawn il-ġrajjiet jeħduna f ’diversi pajjiżi mifruxa fil-ħames
kontinenti. Mons. Joe Alessandro, illum Isqof ta’ Garissa, fil-Kenja, jirrakkonta meta sparaw fuqu u ħallewh nofsu mejjet fit-triq. Swor Natalie Abela titkellem fuq l-esperjenza tagħha fil-Pakistan ma’ tfal imġegħlin imorru jaħdmu. Patri Nicholas Schembri, mis-Soċjetà Missjunarja ta’ San Pawl, jgħidilna dak kollu li għadda minnu waqt is-snin ta’ terroriżmu filPerù u, fil-Perù wkoll, Dun Raymond Portelli, saċerdot u tabib minn Nadur, Għawdex, jagħtina l-esperjenza tiegħu qalb in-nies fil-foresti talAmażonja. Marcette Buttigieg, Spigolatriċi, missjunarja qalb it-tribù Santali, fl-Istat ta’ Jharkhand, fl-Indja, tirrakkonta kif skopriet mikrobu fl-ilma tax-xorb fil-bjar, li kien qed jikkawża diformitajiet fl-għadam, b’mod speċjali fost it-tfal.
Dawn il-ġrajjiet ġejjin minn missjunarji, ħafna minnhom anzjani, imma kollha bi storja ta’ ħidma kbira. Nirrakkomandaw lil ħutna anzjani Maltin u Għawdxin biex jaqrawhom. Żgur li, kif taqraw l-ewwel ġrajja, ma titilqux ilktieb minn idejkom, biex tkomplu taqraw il-kumplament. Ġrajjiet hu ktieb ta’ 268 -il paġna, li jiswa biss €12.
Jinkiseb mill-Uffiċċju Missjunarju ta’ 7, Triq ilMerkanti, il-Belt. Jista’ jiġi ordnat billi ċċemplu fuq 2123 4328 jew 2123 6962. LUffiċċju Missjunarju jieħu ħsieb li jwassalhulkom id-dar jew fid-dar tal-anzjani fejn intom residenti.
Retrieval and conservation of the Polish Naval ORP Kujawaik bell
he bell of the Polish Naval destroyer ORP Kujawaik has been recovered from its wreck located in Maltese territorial waters to be conserved by Heritage Malta and displayed for the appreciation of the general public. ORP Kujawaik was a British Type II Hunt-class destroyer, launched on October 30, 1940 and named HMS Oakley, and subsequently leased by the British Royal Navy to the Polish Navy in exile on June 17, 1941. While participating in Operation Harpoon near Malta on June 16, 1942, ORP Kujawaik struck a mine and sunk instantly, with the loss of 13 Polish sailors. In 2014, a joint MaltesePolish team authorised by the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage commenced searches for the site and on September 22, 2014, the team made up of Polish explorers and Dr Timmy Gambin of the University of
Malta, discovered the resting place of ORP Kujawaik, just off the Maltese shores. The team mapped the wreck in 3D in 2017, returning to the site to recover the ship’s bell for conservation. All cultural property coming from the sea requires extensive desalination and
specialised conservation interventions. Heritage Malta’s qualified conservators investigated the bell’s condition and researched further the possible interventions to be undertaken. Following various interventions and even analyses at the agency’s Diagnostic Scientific Laboratories, the process is being
successful and finally protective coatings will be applied. It will still be monitored to ensure that no further deterioration develops.. This process revealed the inscribed name and date: HMS Oakley 1941, which was not visible before. It was custom in such cases that a ship’s original bell, inscribed with the original name and launch date to be retained. This was so since practically during such belligerent times, there was no time to spare and wait for a new replacement bell to arrive. The iron clapper was found to be still in site, while the iron suspension bracket bolts fasting said bracket to the bronze bell were loosened without any damage in order to be treated separately. Currently, Heritage Malta is taking the necessary provisions for the bell to travel on loan to Polish museums later this year after said treatment process is concluded. Upon its return to Malta it will subsequently be displayed at Heritage Malta’s Maritime Museum, to be appreciated by the general public and for future generations to remember the history of this forsaken ship.
Multi-disciplinary dentistry W
hen it comes to advanced cases, more than one dental discipline is often required. This is quite a common scenario. In fact these cases might not look too complicated and would very often achieve a satisfactory result with routine dentistry. However very few of todays’ patients are happy with a satisfactory result. Most patients are after very good results, which tick all their priority boxes, leaving them very happy and confident with their new smile. In order to achieve these optimal results, one must first start off with an in-depth consultation with the patient. It is important for us practitioners to find out exactly what the patient likes and dislikes about their current smile and what result they wish to achieve. Once those questions are answered, practitioners may devise a treatment plan involving one or more than one dental discipline. More often than not more than one treatment plan is proposed. The plans might vary with the duration of treatment, the expenses as well as the nature of the dentistry required. The main difference will always be the aesthetic result. Usually the more complicated treatment plan with longer treatment time and higher expenses delivers the better results.
During treatment
A young professional wishes to improve her smile. She is very conscious of the midline, which has shifted to one side, showing an asymmetrical smile. Studies show that when the midline shift is that much, it can be picked up by most people. This shift was exacerbated by the low attachment of upper lip fibres, attaching the lip to the gum as well as two genetically missing teeth. In the past the case was restored with a fixed bridge, but rightly so the patient remained unhappy with the overall result. The patient was treated with orthodontics (braces), oral surgery and cosmetic dentistry spanning over two years. The result is not perfect but a large improvement. One of the most important aspects in our line of work is for the patient to walk out of the clinic happy. At times we may not be fully satisfied with the results but if the patient is happy, then everyone is. Ask your dentist!