LA Mayor Editor: I am a strong supporter of Karen Bass for mayor of LA. She has good experience of working with other government organizations to get things done…this is important. And she knows what can be done with her leadership! With pleasure I have had her signs on my front yard here in
Mar Vista; with displeasure they have been taken several times, and replacements also. Along with the signs for Erin Darling for council. Also other homes in the neighborhood. Why? What good is it? This is not the way elections should be held! Anne Goldfarb Mar Vista Venice Assault Editor: Short story: I was born, raised and educated here for 30 years. 67 years old. Beaten for the first time this past Sunday in Venice by a homeless kid, who police (when they arrived 30 minutes later) said they knew and had "arrested half a dozen times." Gascon, Garcetti, Bonin— you’re all doing a hell of a job in Venice and surrounding areas. Again, "half a dozen times"... You're right, open the cells and let them all out. By the way, four women visiting from Minnesota stayed with me while I waited for the LAPD. They said they had been assaulted trying to use a public restroom nearby. They said they would never return to LA.
Again, great job guys, especially Councilman Bonin. I'm sure businesses paying $6,000 leases a month hoping for tourist dollars share your love of the violent and mentally disturbed. An addendum: I asked for help from the fortuneteller nearby. She screamed, "Get the hell out of here!" Ditto for the folks representing the Bible and Jesus on the other side of the helpful fortuneteller. They said to "get away" because they didn't "want to get involved." Pretty sure that was what Jesus had in mind with the Good Samaritan parable. Mike, l really wish you could have been in my shoes on Sunday, literally. I know you'll make the East Coast just as safe and livable as you've made things here, unless you run for re-election here...again. Tony Lynn Pacific Palisades Preserving Trees Editor: This letter is about preserving trees which, thank God, do so many things for us. Briefly, they absorb carbon dioxide, which is the major
cause of climate change, produce oxygen, buffer sound, cool the air and add to beauty. They could make the difference on what the Earth will be like for our children and grandchildren in the not at all distant future. We are already in the era of climate change with hard to control fires, drought, hurricanes and just plain too hot summers for all life. This brings up our HOAs. Our villas each have a board. I suggest that the boards not remain unaccountable on environmental issues. Before cutting trees, especially the two beautiful 100-foot pines at my villa, Villa Napoli, it should require such decisions be made in agreement with a small number of truly qualified professionals with no connections to those who make money off of cutting trees. Is this so hard to understand? You would think the “crazy” weather the entire world is experiencing would make people alarmed. I'm deeply worried for all generations after mine. Mark Haskin Marina del Rey
Missing Campaign Signs Editor: Once again this morning we awoke to find another political sign missing. It must be four or five by now. The opponents do not report their signs being stolen. The implication of a lack of ethics by one side in the CD 11 race cannot be overlooked. Traci Parks was key in the smear campaign (which used signs extensively) against council member Bonin and now signs appear to be a big issue again. Is it too much to ask that zealous followers leave other people’s property alone? Robin Doyno Mar Vista
The seasonal clam invasion on Venice Beach.
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