Country Thunder 2011

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Welcome to Country Thunder Getting To Country Thunder Country Thunder USA is held at Canyon Moon Ranch 20585 E. Price (Station) Road Florence, AZ 85232 From Phoenix: Take U.S. Highway 60 to State Highway 79 south. The Canyon Moon Ranch is near the intersection of Price (Station) Road and Highway 79, just north of central Florence. From Tucson: Take Interstate 10 to State Highway 87 north. At Coolidge, take State Highway 287 east to State Highway 79 north. The Canyon Moon Ranch is near the intersection of Price (Station) Road and Highway 79, just north of central Florence. Alternative route: Take State Highway 77 north to State Highway 79 north.

FESTIVAL QUESTIONS & ANSWERS When do gates officially open? If you re a camper, you can load in as early as Wednesday, April 6 from noon to 10 p.m. Gates will re-open at 9 a.m. on Thursday, April 7. If you arrive at Country Thunder after 10 p.m., you will have to wait outside the gate until the next morning, so please plan accordingly. What are the front gate hours? Wednesday April 6: 2 p.m. 10 p.m. Thursday, April 7: 9 a.m. 10 p.m. Friday, April 8: 9 a.m. 10 p.m. Saturday, April 9: 9 a.m. 10 p.m. Sunday, April 10: 9 a.m. 10 p.m. **The exit gate is open 24 hours for anyone wishing to leave the site. What are the gate times for the festival bowl? Thursday, April 7: 2 p.m. 2 a.m. Friday, April 8: 11 a.m. 2 a.m. Saturday, April 9: 11 a.m. 2 a.m. Sunday April 10th: 11 a.m. 2 a.m. Where is VIP Parking? Please see the Festival Map to locate your parking lot.



Where do I pick up VIP meal tickets? Upon entering the festival grounds, please see the VIP Hospitality and they will assist you with all of your VIP needs. What are the VIP meal times? Meals times are as follows Friday through Sunday: Lunch: 12 p.m. 2 p.m. Dinner: 5 p.m. 7 p.m. **Notice: only dinner is served on Thursday. What happens if I break or lose my wristband? Can I get a replacement? Unfortunately, no, we do not replace lost or stolen wristbands. Also, since wristbands are cloth, they tighten easily. Please be careful with your wristband as you will not be allowed anywhere on site without one. I purchased tickets but am now unable to attend the event. Can I return them for a refund? Unfortunately, no, we do not offer refunds, as all sales are final. Helpful Hint: Advertise your ticket at to notify other patrons of your situation.

Is there re-entry with a one-day ticket? Yes, you may exit and enter the site at your leisure, as long as you are wearing the correct day wristband. Do you offer one-day VIP or RSVD tickets? No. These tickets are four-day weekend tickets and are only sold as such. The only single day tickets that we sell are General Admission. Can I split my four-day, VIP or RSVD ticket? Unfortunately, we do not split four-day tickets into single days. How can I renew my VIP, RSVD or camping ticket? If you are renewing camping or RSVD tickets please see the Information Tent anytime during normal festival hours to renew your tickets for the 2012 season. If you are a VIP wanting to renew, please see your VIP Hospitality hosts to assist you in your renewal needs. What if I am on my way to Country Thunder, and forgot my tickets? In this case, you will need to go to the Will Call lane, and they will be able to look up your order by verifying your personal information. Do you have a disabled seating area? How do I get to it? We do offer disabled seating to the left of the stage (if you are looking at the stage) within the VIP/ RSVD area. Out of respect

for the limited amount of space available, we invite disabled fans and one attendant to use this viewing area. I am or am bringing a family member who has trouble walking. Is there a service to get them to the disabled seating area? Unfortunately, no. Though we welcome everyone, it is an outdoor festival and weather sometimes is an issue. We provide handicap parking, which is quite close to the event. If you are unable to walk, you re welcome to bring a wheelchair or a medical scooter (no golf carts, please) to get around. Again, the festival site is large and is earthy (not paved) so please keep this in mind as you are planning your visit. OMG, I ve lost an item! How can I find it? Lost and found is located in the Information Tent onsite. Although we would like to think that everyone is our friend, it is not often the case. Try to hold onto your things, but if you do happen to lose something, check out the Information Tent to hopefully find your belonging. OMG, I ve found an item! How can I return it to its rightful owner? You re a good soul. I would like to thank you ahead of time for returning what isn t yours to the Information Tent to await its owner. If you ve ever lost your keys and have to get towed, you can feel their pain, so thanks!



Camping Rules & Regulations What are the registration hours? Wednesday, April 6: 12 p.m. 10 p.m. Thursday, April 7: 9 a.m. 10 p.m. Friday, April 8: 9 a.m. 10 p.m. Saturday, April 9: 9 a.m. 10 p.m. Sunday, April 10: 9 a.m. 10 p.m. Departure: Monday, April 11: 8 a.m. Should I bring my pet? We love our pets, but Country Thunder strongly recommends that you leave your pets at home. The crowds at events like Country Thunder cause distress to many animals and animals have been stolen at similar events around the nation. If you do bring a pet to Country Thunder, you are responsible for your pet. Pets must be leashed and must be kept at your campsite at all times. You are responsible for cleaning up after your pet. Please keep your pet safe and secured on your campsite. No pets will be allowed into the festival bowl at any time. Aggressive pets are not allowed, and will be removed from the campground.



Violators are subject to eviction from the event and campgrounds without a refund. What is considered an oversize camping unit? Oversized Camping Units are considered larger than 35 feet. All oversized camp units must purchase two campsites. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If the site next to your original campsite is not available for purchase, you will be moved to a special location that can better accommodate your oversized camper. What vehicles are allowed on the grounds? No ATVs, golf carts, mopeds, bicycles, skateboards, scooters or any other similar devices are allowed with the exception of those permitted for handicap transportation. Unauthorized vehicles may be impounded and Country Thunder accepts no responsibility for such vehicles. What about motorcycles? Country Thunder considers motorcycles

to be vehicles. Therefore, it must have the appropriate tag, whether it be your primary vehicle or you purchase an extra-vehicle pass for it. All motorcycles found without the appropriate credential will be impounded. Can I park anywhere? No parking on campground roads. These are emergency lanes and must be kept clear of traffic. If illegally parked anywhere, your vehicle may be towed and impounded with a fine. Country Thunder is not responsible for these vehicles. No cruising or riding in the back of open vehicles. Is alcohol allowed on site? If you re of the age and plan to drink alcoholic beverages, please carry identification (ex: drivers license) with you at all times (even after being wrist-banded) as you may be stopped by undercover patrol. NO EXCEPTIONS.

What about underage drinking? Underage drinking will NOT be permitted in the campgrounds or on the event grounds. Anyone found contributing to underage drinking will be brought to the attention of local law enforcement personnel, and will be evicted from the grounds immediately without refund.

the campgrounds. Can I have a campfire? No ground fires allowed. Weather permitting, campfires will be permitted in confined approved containers with bottoms. Containers may be max 30 inches high by 36 inches in diameter. You may burn firewood only; no burning of processed or scrap lumber.

How is garbage handled? Please place all bagged and tied personal and campsite garbage in containers for 6 a.m. pick-up. A garbage filled campsite is grounds for eviction.

Can I sell items on site? No soliciting on site. This includes but is not limited to: food, beverage, merchandise and entertainment. Unauthorized selling of items will result in seizure of merchandise, eviction and possible prosecution.

Who is responsible for the camp site? Every campsite must be registered to one responsible adult. This person must be 18 years of age or older. They also must accept full responsibility for the campsite. Any rules broken may mean eviction with no refund. There are absolutely no exceptions. Who is allowed in the camping areas? Everyone entering the campgrounds must have a four-day event wristband on. Single day ticket holders do not have access to

Do s and Don ts The following are okay: BBQs. Confined campfires (campfire container must have a bottom and burn firewood only). Generators (turned off at quiet hours). One vehicle per campsite.

The following are not okay: Ground fires. Glass bottles/containers. Weapons. Cruising. Fireworks. Live music performances. Swimming pools. Dance floors. Staging/other structures ATVs, golf carts, mopeds, bicycles, skateboards, rolle blades. On-site soliciting. What are your eviction policies? Country Thunder reserves the right to evict any persons on the grounds of but not limited to: No four-day event wristband. Garbage filled campsite. Drinking and driving. Aggressive pets. Excessive noise. Unauthorized sale of food, beverage or merchandise on site. The facility reserves the right to refuse admission or eject any person without refund who is violating the facility, local, state or federal laws or whose conduct is deemed illegal, disorderly or offensive by management.

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OUR CHARITY On October 13, 2008, Angela Harrolle went about her business just as it was any other normal autumn day in Arizona. Then, that night, as her husband was at work, everything changed. Her husband, Bruce W. Harrolle, a Department of Public Safety police officer and paramedic, was rescuing two lost and dehydrated hikers on Bear Mountain in Sedona, when he was struck and killed by a helicopter rotor blade. She says one of the things that stands out about the entire experience of losing her husband was the support she got from the 100 Club. He was killed on a Monday evening, and they were there Tuesday morning at 9 o clock sharp, she says. They re pretty amazing. The 100 Club is a state-wide organization aimed at helping the families of fallen, injured, sick or otherwise incapacitated public safety officers. One of the primary ways the 100 Club supports these families is by providing financial assistance. But because of a large network of partners the 100 Club maintains, they also provide other resources to enhance their safety and welfare. The immediate support is financial, but you can call on them for anything, Harrolle says. It doesn t matter if it s landscaping, or daycare, whatever you need, they can help you with it. The 100 Club first started in Detroit in 1952, when a businessman contacted 100 of his associates, asking them each to give $100 of their own money when an officer was killed. His aim was to help take care of the officer s widow who was pregnant. 100 percent gave $100, that s why it s called the 100 Club, Sharon KnutsonFelix, the executive director of Arizona s 100 Club, says. She says then, in 1965, Arizona started its own 100 Club chapter in the Valley. Then, in 2004, it went statewide. Harrolle was also in law enforcement for a long time. When she lost her husband, she says, it was hard to accept the help, not because of pride, but just because she s normally the one helping others. It was very hard to have this help readily available to us, she says. With the people coming to the house, I remember the first night, some came, and they brought nine cases of water.



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fine. Look, they re doing it. When it comes down to it, Harrolle says the financial support from the community to the 100 Club, and then in turn from the 100 Club to families like her own, is critical. With a line-of-duty death, they do an investigation, and normally they withhold all paychecks, she says. They cancel your benefits, so you lose everything instantly, and everything was turned off before the funeral even happened, in our case. That immediate financial support from the 100 Club helps you pay your mortgage, it keeps you from losing your house, and it helps you with those dayto-day expenditures. Knutson-Felix says to be able to be there with and for those families, it s a privilege. Sometimes people who are thinking about donating say to me, What do we get if we give to the 100 Club? ... My answer to that question? You get a great feeling of knowing that you can be the first responder to the first responders. Lauren Kawam



Craig Campbell The voice is straightforward and powerful. The songs are down-to-earth portraits of real people from the American heartland. The sound is traditional, unapologetic country. Craig Campbell is a proud reminder of one of country s strongest creative periods, building on the early- 90s legacy established by some of the genre s most successful gures: Garth Brooks, Alan Jackson, Clint Black and Travis Tritt. The Georgia-bred Campbell was introduced with a ve-song EP that landed in the Top 20 on iTunes. His self-titled debut album expands on the central themes of his life family, friends, purpose and self-determination with a bundle of self-written songs, all delivered with the force and conviction of someone who s lived every sentiment in every word.

Campbell honed his craft in bands backing Luke Bryan and Tracy Byrd, on stages where he covered Alabama and Lynyrd Skynyrd, and at an annual hometown talent contest where he won twice and eventually became the leader of the house band for other contestants. Campbell s abilities stood out, as Nashville decision-makers discovered. In fact, he became the subject of a moderate competition. He received an offer from one of Nashville s major labels, but he was more intrigued by interest from songwriter-producer Keith Stegall known for his work with Alan Jackson and Zac Brown Band. Introduced to Stegall through radio promotion executive Michael Powers, Campbell turned down the other offer to wait while Stegall and several other industry veterans

developed Bigger Picture Group, an innovative artistdevelopment company. Now his debut album blends Campbell s masculine, no-nonsense vocal style with solid, saltof-the-earth songs about America s working class. It s a timeless sound, one that links him directly to Travis Tritt and Alan Jackson. It s traditional, back-tobasics, true country music, Campbell says. It s what I am. I can t be anything else.

Schedule Crown Stage Thursday, April 7 5 p.m.

Jason Jones Jason Jones is a believer. He believes life and love don t have to be as complicated as we make them and that life is what you make it. Those philosophies are reected in Jones s music as well. Jones received his rst guitar at the age of 13, and formed his rst band in high school. At 21, he made a visit to Nashville at the invitation of a talent scout, and when Jones returned home he told his father he was making the move he had dreamed of. Jones got a job waiting tables near Music Row. I came up with a plan and I was focused, he says. The plan was to get his voice on some song demos, which he could then use as a calling card of sorts to get his foot in the door of Nashville s publishing companies. It took a lot of cold



calls and persistence, but my little plan worked, Jones says with a satised smile. Nine months after moving here I had my writing deal. It was a blessing for sure. A writing deal with prestigious Music Row publisher Warner/Chappell secured, Jones began looking for opportunities to perform. I put together a CD of some of my demos and a press kit, he says. Every bar I saw, I dropped them off. I only got three gigs out of that, but they were gigs I ended up playing regularly. All the hard work nally paid off with a call from Warner Bros. Records. Jones s dream was coming true. And when it came time to start recording his rst album, some of Nashville s best songwriters contributed to the project. I never set out to write all the songs

on my album, Jones says. I believe in the power of great songs and I just want to have the best album I can have. Period. In the end, Jones is extremely happy with the results. All the life experiences I ve had coming from a broken home, growing up in a small town I wouldn t change any of it, he says. His hard work and life experience comes through in what he hopes is the rst of many records.

Schedule Crown Stage Thursday, April 7 6:30 p.m.

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Steel Magnolia Joshua Scott Jones and Meghan Linsey, the duo known as Steel Magnolia, got their big break after appearing on Can You Duet? In the year since winning the show, Steel Magnolia has gone on to win over many more inuential fans and supporters, even touring alongside Brad Paisley on his massively popular H20 Tour. Jones and Linsey s path to newly-hatched stardom was paved with surprises for both. I ve got to be honest, says Jones. I never in my wildest dreams thought I d be in a duo with my girlfriend. But it was an undeniable thing, and people connected to it. And as for Linsey, she says we both had to swallow some pride and get on the wagon, because there was denitely something special there. Other people could see that.

In fact everyone around us could see it but us. Their on-stage/offstage chemistry started giving rise to original songsm, and the resulting self-titled album takes a real journey, from the sparkling, genre-less opening tracks to songs toward the back that pay perhaps more homage to country music tradition and more complex subject matter. Jones and Linsey penned seven of the 12 tracks. The collection of songs are merely the capstone of a year that s seen Jones and Linsey come into their own. They ve shined at the Grand Ole Opry and gotten their stage legs in arena atmospheres. They ve reached back to their fans over the internet and shared some of the love and affection that s clear when they sing together. But then, Steel

Magnolia is a partnership at so many levels. It s rare to be a witness to this kind of evolution and artistic growth in such a short span of time. But very often chemical reactions happen faster when heat and pressure are applied. The experiment is still underway, but with the evidence in so far, Steel Magnolia s fertile minds and voices should be spinning off light and energy for quite some time.

Schedule Crown Stage Thursday, April 7 8:15 p.m.

Sawyer Brown The world of Sawyer Brown is lled with dirt roads, small towns, little thrills, tiny moments and intimate connections, but mostly, it s about recognition of how major those things really can be: everyday people seeing themselves in each other, the ve men onstage and their songs. For the Apopka, Florida-bred band, these are songs of the common man delivered without mercy, only a relentless commitment to the freedom and fun that only a night out among good friends can allow. We got some tall tales that we love to tell/May not be true, but we sure do remember em well/We work real hard to have a little fun/ Roll up our sleeves & get the job done ... The Boys & Me. We came out of the notion we were there to entertain people, to make sure everybody had a good



time, concedes creative catalyst Mark Miller, known as much for his hyperkinetic performances as for writing Some Girls Do, The Dirt Road, Hard To Say, Step That Step, This Time, The Boys & Me, Thank God For You and The Walk. You re looking at a bunch of blue collar people here, who were raised to put the work in, to make sure the people are satised and who really love being on that stage and seeing the people letting it all go. Somebody once told me, If you can t have fun at a Sawyer Brown show, you can t have fun ... I don t know, but it would sure be nice if it was true. After 23 years, 3,500+ shows, gold and platinum albums, a smattering of awards and more long odds than any act you can think of, Sawyer Brown remains a

band you can count on. Taking no prisoners and laying waste to the country fans who show up has given Sawyer Brown the reputation of being a band the other acts don t want to follow, but it s also built them a fan-base that shows up no matter what. It s crazy, Miller says. It s almost like Jimmy Buffett s fans who come not because of the new record or the new song, but because they know they re gonna have fun.

Schedule Crown Stage Thursday, April 7 10 p.m.

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The JaneDear Girls There may be no better place to start, when talking about the JaneDear girls, than with the description offered by their producer, John Rich. They are, he says, the girls next door that kick country A**. Their name offers another level of insight. We wanted something that was feminine, AllAmerican and country, says Danelle Leverett, the Lone Star portion of this Texas-Utah duo. Susie Brown, adds, It took us a while to  nd a name that really described who we are and what we want to say to our country audience, and the JaneDear girls does just that. All of that is embodied in the JaneDear girls debut single, Wildower, as perfect an introduction to

their high energy, soaring harmonies, and world-class instrumental prowess as a country fan could ask for. It s also a song whose very roots express the organic unity of the approach Brown and Leverett take to life and music. I have a vintage electric Mandocaster which is essentially a solid body electric mandolin that I found in a little guitar shop in Salt Lake City, Utah, says Brown, and I bought an amp, plugged it in at a co-writing session and Wild ower popped out. I had a wild ower in my hair that day, and that s where we got the title. We have an amazing band, adds Leverett, and once they laid it down and we added our vocals and Susie s electric mandolin and  ddle instrumentation, it was pretty much a no-

brainer that it would be our rst single. Polished entertainers, Brown and Leverett have differing fashion outlooks but a unied approach to the music. We ve always told John, We want to rock, says Brown. Not missing a beat, Leverett adds, We like our guitars loud, our  ddles ripping and a steady beat that makes people want to dance!

Schedule MAIN STAGE Friday, April 8 2:30 p.m.

Brantley Gilbert Brantley Gilbert knows that tomorrow is no guarantee. Just over ve years ago the talented singer/songwriter was ignoring his deepest ambition of becoming a country singer and was just going through the motions of everyday life. It wasn t until a nearly-fatal car accident that Gilbert opened his eyes, realized the importance of living each day to the fullest and decided to pursue his love for music as a career. Gilbert was born and raised in the small town of Jefferson, Georgia, just outside of Athens city limits. It is that upbringing and small-town inuence Gilbert credits toward allowing him to cultivate his unique sound. With well-known rock bands REM and the B-52 s having roots nearby, Gilbert s taste in music always swayed toward a rock feel, but his true-to-life testimony of



heartache, trials, triumph and success found a home in country music. After taking the stage night-after-night with just his guitar and opening for other country artists throughout the southeast, Gilbert began to notice familiar faces in the crowds. A group of believers who shared Gilbert s passion for life and music had developed, and pretty soon the following had taken on a life of its own. Gilbert quickly realized that his acoustic shows however intimate didn t satisfy his audience s thirst for his rock-infused country music. In order to meet their demand, Gilbert formed a band. We went from these acoustic shows to a bona de country-rock-soul show that is wide-ass open, Gilbert says. Even when we play a ballad, it s high energy.

His sophomore album Halfway to Heaven, a follow-up his debut national release, A Modern Day Prodigal Son, peaked No. 2 on iTunes Country Album Charts, and No. 1 on the Billboard Heatseekers Album Chart for all genres. Gilbert s new single is expected to drop in April with an album to follow. Along with headlining his own shows, he is headlining the second stage on the Willie Nelson Throwdown Tour in the early summer.

Schedule MAIN STAGE Friday, April 8 4 p.m.

Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Nitty Gritty Dirt Band formed in Southern California during the spring of 1966 as a scruffy, young jugband. Forty-two years later, the quartet (Jeff Hanna, Jimmie Fadden, Bob Carpenter and John McEuen) is still going strong. Nitty Gritty Dirt Band s self-titled debut album, released in 1967, included the pop hit Buy For Me The Rain. But it was their fth record, 1970 s Uncle Charlie and His Dog Teddy, that would become band s breakthrough project, yielding three pop hits including their version of Jerry Jeff Walker s Mr. Bojangles. Among the many outstanding tracks on Uncle Charlie was a version of Earl Scruggs Randy Lynn Rag. That cut set into motion what would become the Will the Circle be Unbroken album, a veritable summit of talent that included NGDB s heroes: Scruggs, Doc Watson, Merel Travis, Roy Acuff and Mother Maybelle Carter. Nitty Gritty Dirt Band s Circle album, a three-LP set recorded live in the studio in Nashville over six days in 1971, became a landmark event and a multiplatinum success.

Circle remains such a signi cant effort that 30 years later it was one of 50 recordings to be honored and preserved by the Library of Congress. In the early 80s, after a few more pop hits, the band returned to Nashville once again and began what would become a highly successful career in mainstream country music. Hits that included Dance Little Jean, Workin Man, Long Hard Road, Baby s Got A Hold On Me and Fishin in the Dark put them at the top of the country charts for over a decade. In 1989, the group revisited the Circle concept, gathering another impressive roster of performers (including Johnny Cash, Emmylou Harris, Levon Helm, Chet Atkins, Bruce Hornsby, John Hiatt and Roseanne Cash) for sessions that had a pronounced countrygospel feel. Circle II would go on to win three Grammy Awards and the Country Music Association Album of the Year. In 2002 Circle III (with many current artists added to the previous cast) received similar accolades and attention, garnering the International Bluegrass Music Association Recorded Event of the Year award, as well as the 2005 Grammy

Circle remains such a signicant effort that 30 years later it was one of 50 recordings to be honored and preserved by the Library of Congress. for Country Instrumental Performance (with Earl Scruggs, Randy Scruggs, Jerry Douglas and the late Vassar Clements). With a career that spans ve decades, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band has gone from a hippie jug-band to pioneers of country rock, and their inuence is still being felt today.

Schedule Main Stage Friday, April 8 5:30 p.m.



Eric Church When Nashville singersongwriter Eric Church issued his debut Capitol CD in 2006, he was astonished when he took its songs on the road. Within months, a cult of rabid followers assembled, packing his shows, singing along to every word, driving hundreds of miles to see him and spreading the gospel of his extraordinary music. The nation s music critics agreed with the fans. Sinners Like Me was lauded by The Los Angeles Times, People, Rolling Stone, American Songwriter and USA Today, as well as a host of country publications. The New York Times called it a strong candidate for country album of the year. Its working-class anthems How Bout You and Guys Like Me rumbled with force and power. The unforgettably wry Two Pink Lines was about waiting for the results of a pregnancy test. Lightning was sung from the point of view of a condemned man being electrocuted. So how do you follow a masterwork like that? By creating another one. Carolina, the sophomore album by Eric Church, is another collection of strikingly original songs and sounds. Re ecting the restlessly creative character of its maker, Carolina is even more musically diverse than its illustrious predecessor. I wanted Carolina to go to some different places, said Church. The rst album was more aggressive and moody. This one is more diverse, more musical and a little brighter. I hope people can at least hear that we re still taking chances. So many people have come up to me because they ve been exposed to Sinners. The number-one comment I get, especially from young people, is, I m not really a country fan, but I like you. I have to explain to them, You don t understand: Country is the coolest format there is. It s the most real



The numberone comment I get, especially from young people, is, I m not really a country fan, but I like you. I have to explain to them, You don t understand: Country is the coolest format there is. It s the most real format there is.

format there is. We have the history, and we have the true artists. I try to go out there on the road and be an ambassador for it, because I love country music so much, and I want to treat it right. Carolina is an album. So was Sinners. Most artists make singles and hope they end up with a record. I prefer to make a record and hope I have singles. I love country music, and I am very reverent of the time that I have to make records. That s what we owe the industry, the format and the fans. We owe them a great record. I make albums, Church nished with a shrug. I don t know how to do it any other way.

Schedule Main Stage Friday, April 8 7 p.m.

Jason Aldean For anyone looking to brand Jason Aldean as part of a signi cant musical movement, good luck. There s a lot about the singer that s become familiar during his  ve years as a country hitmaker, after all, he has spent more weeks at No. 1 on the radio charts than any other country artist in the last 12 months. But none of what he does comes out quite like anyone else. The blues-tinged licks at the end of his phrases there s a ring of familiarity about them, but you can t really link them to another artist. The smoky guitar riffs that have become a signature they re built on sounds that have come before, but they don t really belong to anyone else in the country genre, either. The small-town themes that pervade many of his songs that s all been done before, but not quite with the unwavering honesty that Aldean applies to the subject. Since his 2005 debut with the scorching Hicktown, the singer has set himself apart from the pack as a truly unique artist. He addresses his Georgia-born brand of country music with a singular vision, and he intends to keep it that way. The whole thing about being creative is coming up with new things, he says matter-of-factly in a converted barn on his Nashville-area farm. What makes you different and more creative than the other guys is taking something to an extreme and making it better without ripping anybody else off. I think that s the key. The great ones gure it out and are constantly evolving, and that s what makes em great. With My Kinda Party, the Academy of Country Music s former Top New Male Vocalist further cements his uniqueness with a robust 15-track project that builds on his personal past while covering new territory. The rst single t very quickly into the jacked-up portion of his



I grew up listenin to all kinds of music rock and Southern rock and country and blues and rap stuff, too My cousin, who s ve months older than me, he went through his rap phase when we had 2Pac in the car all the time. Really, I m a fan of all kinds of music. concert set list, which already boasts She s Country, Crazy Town and Johnny Cash. But there s other stylistic landscape to explore, too his  rst full-edged duet, with big-voiced pop singer Kelly Clarkson; and an almost rap segment in Dirt Road Anthem that suggests Aldean has listened to a little Snoop Dogg in his time. That might come as a shock to non-country observers who think the genre belongs in its own selfimposed hay-bale hood, but Aldean gets around musically. I grew up listenin to all kinds of music rock and Southern rock and country and blues and rap stuff, too, he says. My cousin, who s ve months older than me, he went through his rap phase when we had 2Pac in the car all the time. Really, I m a fan of all kinds of music.

Schedule Main Stage Friday, April 8 9 p.m.

Rio Grand Rio Grand is Danny Rivera, Tommy Rennick and Fred Stalcup, who blend their rough earthy sound with the  avors of southern rock favorites the likes of the Allman Brothers Band and Marshall Tucker. It s new and familiar all at the same time. Rivera began his music career as a roadie for a south Texas country band. Down time between shows left room for one of the band members to show him a couple of chords on the guitar. Those chords sparked an interest in performing that has been going strong ever since. Once it s in your blood it s hard to stop he says. Life on the road landed him a regular gig with Allison Paige, which in turn united him with Tommy Rennick and Graham Artist Management. Their

combined efforts brought to life Rio Grand and a record deal with Curb Records. Rennick started dabbling in music at the age of 16 when his uncle bought him a Gremlin Red Bass. With inuences from Creedence Clearwater Revival, Tom Petty and the Beatles, he honed his playing skills and landed his rst gig at 19 with 37 South, a Corpus Christi hometown band. Four years at Texas A&M netted him a music degree. The youngest of three musical brothers, Stalcup began playing guitar at age 11. As the boys grew, they began playing nightclubs and bars from El Paso to Jacksonville. Over time they found they enjoyed the art of writing original music over performing and disbanded. Stalcup pressed on with various bands

but found most members uninterested in maintaining a grueling tour schedule. In frustration, he took a day job and a break from the business. It wasn t long after that he was approached by a member of Herbert Graham s management team and asked if he d be interested in playing with a new band called Rio Grand. He d seen them perform and his answer was, It s magic and I have to be a part of it.

Schedule Main Stage Saturday, April 9 1 p.m.

Neil McCoy No doubt about it, in the 20 years since he released his rst single, Neal McCoy the one-of-akind country singer and consummate live performer has enjoyed every minute of his long, successful career. Even with 11 albums, over 25 charted singles and countless thousands of touring miles already under his big belt buckle, the Longview, Texas-based artist has no intention of slowing down. I m still on the road 220 days a year, McCoy says. It s crazy, but I really do love it. In 2001, McCoy got the call from the King of Vegas. Wayne Newton got in touch with me in 2001, McCoy recalls. After 9/11, everybody wanted to do something, and I was one of the lucky ones who actually had the opportunity to help. Wayne had taken over as

USO celebrity head after Bob Hope, and I was one of the acts he contacted. To date, McCoy has done 13 USO tours, both domestic and overseas His USO tours have been life changing experiences, but his determination to leverage his celebrity status to benet worthy causes goes way back. In 1995, McCoy and his wife, Melinda, established the East Texas Angel Network. Through fundraising activities, the organization has raised over ve million dollars for medical treatments and related costs for children of East Texas with terminal or life-threatening diseases. Between his charity work, record deals, going with his gut, singing from the heart, it s been quite a ride, and these days you ll nd Neal McCoy on the road doing what he does best

bringing down the house, night after night. We continue to work even when we don t have the hits, because we think we put on a great show wherever we go and treat people nice, McCoy says. McCoy s recent release, The Very Best of Neal McCoy is comprised of 19 of his top-charted songs, and a new song, Rednecktied, which McCoy co-wrote with his producer, Eric Silver.

Schedule Main Stage Saturday, April 9 2:30 p.m.



The Bellamy Brothers Howard and David continue to prove that the trail they ve ridden to fame has been as unique as their music itself music that is now celebrating 30 years of success. The brothers rst ofcial gig was in 1968, playing a free show with their father at the Rattlesnake Roundup in San Antonio, Florida. They honed their early skills playing Black clubs throughout the south, and singing backup for artists such as Percy Sledge, Eddie Floyd and Little Anthony & The Imperials. Within a few months, the brothers moved north, immersing themselves and their rock/country sound in the Atlanta market, where the Allman Brothers were the emerging kings of the music world. With the dawning of the Age of Aquarius on the horizon, and America embroiled in a smoke haze

of drugs, civil unrest and an unpopular war, The Bellamy s music pickedup the hard-driving edge that bespoke the times. Songwriting had become David Bellamy s drug of choice during the long road gigs. It was his songwriting that provided the duo a national breakout. The break came in the form of the hit, Spiders & Snakes, written by David and recorded by Jim Stafford. The song became a smash, eventually selling more than 3 million units worldwide. It became the catapult that rocketed the brother onto the L.A. music scene. Now known by their music and the company they were keeping, The Bellamys ofcially lifted off the launch pad in 1976 when their single, Let Your Love Flow, became an instant smash in both the U.S. and Europe. It

stayed on the international charts long enough to build a huge international fan base for the hip young brothers that endures to this day. In Germany alone it perched at No. 1 for more than two months. The love was indeed owing as The Bellamys jammed for audiences on their sold-out concerts and shared stages with the likes of Loggins & Messina, the Doobie Brothers and the Beach Boys with their patented blend of rock/country music.

Schedule Main Stage Saturday, April 9 4 p.m.

Rodney Atkins There s a very good reason that no less than four songs from Rodney Atkins platinum-selling 2006 album If You re Going Through Hell became No. 1 hits a feat that no one had accomplished since 2002. It s the same reason that two of those songs became the most-played of 2006 ( If You re Going Through Hell [Before the Devil Even Knows] ) and 2007 ( Watching You ), and why concert audiences all over the country are cheering him on and singing along. It s because Atkins has a rare gift for re ecting the lives of his listeners in his music their hopes, their concerns, their spirit, their adversities, even their sense of humor. Simply put, as he sang in another chart-topping smash, These Are My People. A native of small-town East Tennessee, the adopted son of a loving family and the proud father to a family of



his own, Atkins understands regular lives because he leads one. People always talk about image You re the guy in the ball cap, the All-American country boy, says Atkins, who does indeed still favor caps to cowboy hats. But if the songs don t connect with the folks listening, then none of that stuff matters. Atkins makes that connection again and again on his current album, It s America. The whole album is pretty much about being human, says Atkins. Currently, riding the wave of the smash hit Farmer s Daughter, Atkins is busy on tour and preparing for his upcoming Curb release. Atkins gives an honest view to his upbringing. He was adopted as a frail, sickly infant from the Holston Methodist Home for Children in Greenville, Tennessee (for which he has passionately raised awareness and nancial assistance since

 nding stardom), but two families returned him to the home because the burden of caring for him was too great. Then Allan and Margaret Atkins took him in. With their love and care that weak, ill child grew into a strong, healthy young man. He began singing in church as a boy, and learned to play guitar and write songs while in high school.

Schedule Main Stage Saturday, April 9 5:30 p.m.

Little Big Town What is The Reason Why some bands survive and thrive? It is not likely one thing, but many. In the case of Little Big Town, the reasons are plenty. They have sold over 1.5 million records and garnered three Grammy nominations, including The Road to Here s nomination for album of the year. CMA and ACM nominations have arrived in abundance. Critical acclaim and end of year best lists have been copious. But this is a band with a history. A band that has always put music rst and that is the biggest reason of all. The music is the reason for the accolades. The music is the reason they survived three record label changes and personal tragedy. The music is the reason that the band has collaborated with a wide range of other respected artists from multiple genres. The music is the reason four people with families, leave home to work and travel tirelessly. It is with this clarity of vision and purpose that the band entered the studio to record their fourth album, condently titled The Reason Why. While they ve never been afraid to break new musical ground, the band truly had no bounds in the studio this time



around. From the heartland country rock of the title cut to the groovy mountain soul of lead single Little White Church and the stone country in the ballad Can t Have Everything, there is a creative hunger and renewed energy evident on each track. It all started with the band s approach, says Little Big Town s Phillip Sweet. For the rst time, we were able to take off the road and really focus on making a record. It was an amazing creative time for the band. There s a lot of push and pull that goes into making music, we believe that s what makes it interesting. Though that extra time in the studio led to new sonic territory on tracks like the soaring Kiss Goodbye, the qualities that make up the signature Little Big Town sound remain intact. Namely, that trademark harmony. The harmony is the common thread through the record, notes Karen Fairchild. It s always going to be about the harmony. It doesn t matter if the textures behind us on the record change. We re always trying to do something different, not just for the fans, but for us to be inspired.

That inspiration comes bound to very high standards, though. For every song that made the album, two to three were scrapped because they just didn t make all four of them sit up and take notice. While those multi-dimensional harmonies form the heart of the Little Big Town sound, the exact ingredients of what makes a song work for the band is dened by their years together and the intangible magic that makes them who they are. There is a knowing. We kinda know when it s hit that marker for us, explains Sweet. Achieving that level of personal satisfaction became a call the band had the luxury of answering on The Reason Why. It truly is about the pure love of music and feeling connected to the lyrics we re writing. Sweet adds. That s the whole point. If it didn t get us to that place, it didn t make the record.

Schedule Main Stage Saturday, April 9 7 p.m.

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Martina McBride Seventeen years ago, she was just one of many. A girl with the ability to sing a song like nobody s business and the dream that people would let her do just that. As it turned out, people loved the young lady from Kansas so much that today, not only is she still doing that, she s doing it for more people than ever before. What s exciting for me is I still feel like my career is growing, says an enthusiastic McBride. It s crazy, but I know from the internet and things like that there are still people discovering my music and hearing me for the rst time. It might be a new song that gets their interest. I might be singing at a football game that makes them aware of who I am or they might hear an old song on the radio. Whatever it may be, people are still discovering my music. We re still making new fans that are coming out to see our shows that have never seen us before. That growth is well represented on Shine, McBride s 10th studio album. Titled not only as a nod to the lyrics in three of the songs encompassed within, but because of what the word shine suggests: Powerful. Positive. Strong. It s also what she plans to do as she takes that aforementioned growth and runs with it in a variety of directions. In addition to the guitar-laden sound, Shine found McBride expanding her circle of coproducers by enlisting veteran Dann Huff to co-produce with her for the very rst time. This decision brought a new perspective and, while it freed her from the minutia of production, it also afforded her the opportunity to be primarily an artist and a singer. The infusion of new energy from Huff may be just what she needed to overcome what she admits was a time of struggling to nd inspiration. This album feels to me like when I was making Evolution or Emotion. That was such a creative time for



I m so excited about this music and this time in my life. Creatively I have a renewed energy and I feel like this album reects that. Martina McBride on recording Shine me with this crazy energy and creativity. I felt so passionate about those records and then I kind of lost that for a little bit. Not that I don t like the records I made after that, but I can remember going in with the Martina album kind of feeling like we had been there, done that. It was really a struggle for me to nd inspiration and creativity. That s why I did Timeless so I could recharge and take a breather from having to create new music. The music is just who I am. I have a really strong sense of who I am, what works for me and what I like. There s a certain positivity to my music. At the end of the day, while the years on the calendar may have changed, McBride has not. Nor have her wishes. She wants the same thing for Shine that she did for her debut album back in 1992 and for every album that has surfaced in between. I want my fans to love Shine like they ve loved all the albums. I want to make new fans with this record and have hits on the radio. I want to be able to go out and play this music live and keep building my touring. For me, it s still challenging to make it all happen because no matter where you are in your career, ultimately it s up to the fans.

Schedule Main Stage Saturday, April 9 9 p.m.


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Edens Edge When it comes to making great music, kindred spirits somehow seem to nd each other, and such is the case with Edens Edge. Three talented young musicians from Arkansas Hannah Blaylock, Dean Berner and Cherrill Green make their debut on Big Machine Records with a vibrant sound that honors country music s roots while creatively pushing the envelope with their seasoned musicianship, dazzling harmonies and insightful songwriting. With one listen to Edens Edge, it s obvious the trio has forged a unique sound shaped by their individual inuences and anchored in their own distinctive gifts. Each grew up in rural Arkansas where farming, faith and family provided a rm foundation and offered a springboard for their musical aspirations. I had grown up singing

in church and school talent shows, says lead vocalist Blaylock. I d always known that I wanted to be a singer. I didn t know exactly how to go about making that happen, but my parents always knew that that was my true passion and they wanted to nurture that as much as possible. By the time she was in her teens, Blaylock was singing in a band with her family and Steve Smith, a local nancial planner with a penchant for writing songs. It was Smith who recruited Berner to join the group. Berner and Green had played music together a few times during their college days, and a month after Berner joined Blaylock s group, they recruited Green. We needed another mandolin player and singer so we found Cherrill, says Blaylock. The group steadily

gained popularity, touring extensively around the region and winning area talent competitions. An entry in the 2006 CMT/NSAI Songwriter s contest caught the attention of Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame member Kye Fleming, known for penning such classic hits as Barbara Mandrell s I Was Country When Country Wasn t Cool, Sylvia s Nobody and Ronnie Milsap s Smoky Mountain Rain.

years behind, Olsen says of the 70s and 80s country he heard. I love that era. He had become so passionate and obsessed with seeing and listening to more of this music, he would drive a pickup truck to the top of a nearby mesa in order to get reception so he could watch The Nashville Network on a portable television plugged into the truck s cigarette lighter. It was there that he was exposed to the videos of Yoakam, Foster & Lloyd, the O Kanes and other late 80s stars. I had to have a guitar, Olsen admits with a smile. He got one and taught himself to play. Emulating his heroes Yoakam and Earle, songwriting soon followed. Almost from the beginning I realized that I should write songs because

that s what they did, he says. It felt natural. Olsen s usage of modern techniques applied to traditional country songs creates a unique sound that s undeniably country, but fresh. His songs resonate with the richness of the American Southwest while still representative of 21st century culture. My journey has been a long one, Olsen admits, but it s taken every minute of it for me to get it together.

Schedule Main Stage Sunday, April 10 1 p.m.

Troy Olsen That Troy Olsen s songs invoke images of deserts, tumbleweeds and small towns is not by chance. Growing up in rural Arizona, Troy has lived the life of the American cowboy. The work ethic ingrained in him as a child, along with the in uence of his musical idols Dwight Yoakam, Glen Campbell, Steve Earle and Bruce Springsteen have molded him into a truly unique and driven artist. Raised in tiny Duncan, Arizona, not far from the New Mexico line, Olsen split his time between his parents ranch and his grandparents , where he worked with his cousins. His grandparents didn t have electricity, but during the day a portable radio pulled in the signal from a local AM station. The playlist was probably 10



Schedule Main Stage Sunday, April 10 2:30 p.m.

Gloriana Ask any unknown musicians who ve sweated it out on the club scene as brothers Tom and Mike Gossin did before moving to Nashville in 2007 and joining forces with Rachel Reinert and Cheyenne Kimball and they ll tell you that having a dream just isn t enough. Achieving success takes strong motivation to commit, something these four young talents have proven willing to do as their career has exploded over the past two years. From sharpening their live show, to sending a demo to Emblem Music Group owner Matt Serletic (who signed them), to moving in together and secluding themselves for a month to put their stamp on the stellar songs that appear on their 2009 debut album, everything the members of Gloriana have done has been about their passion for creating

music. That pledge and their authentic talent propelled the group to become the bestselling debut country act of 2009. Gloriana debuted at No. 2 on the Billboard Country Albums chart and No. 3 on the Top 200 chart and spawned the gold-certied hit single Wild At Heart. Gloriana also won the fan-voted-on American Music Award for Breakthrough Artist, as well as the Nationwide On Your Side honor at the CMT Awards. The album s success led to two years on the road, during which the band performed in front of millions worldwide as Taylor Swift s handpicked opening act on her Fearless Tour. They also opened shows for Jason Aldean, Alan Jackson, Brooks & Dunn and the Zac Brown Band. In 2010, Gloriana won

the Academy of Country Music s Award for Top New Vocal Group and were nominated for a Teen Choice Award for Choice Country Group. Their second album, with multi-platinum producer and songwriter Serletic, is due for release later this year, the album is shaping up to be a stellar collection that not only showcases Gloriana s singing and musicianship, but also reveals more about who they are as artists.

and truly do, she says. I feel like I m just starting my life, my career, and there s nothing that I can t do. I m denitely more condent now than I ve ever been in my life. And that condence is reected in Stronger s lead single, A Little Bit Stronger, written by Hillary Lindsey, Luke Laird and Hillary Scott. The song carries a powerful message that time really does heal everything, Evans says. You come out on the other side, and you always are stronger from it. Evans is a vibrant, talented woman with a distinctive voice and an innate ability to relate to her audience. She s a songwriter, a mother of three and now an accomplished author, with two novels The Sweet By and By and Softly and Tenderly. She s currently working

on a third novel. Evans has come a long way from singing with her family as a child in New Franklin, Missouri, and she s grateful for the support of her husband, football star-turnedsportscaster Jay Barker. Above all else, Evans is real. It s that honesty and integrity that resonate throughout her music. I m just really grateful for what I have. I want my life to mean something and I want to make music that matters.

Schedule MAIN STAGE Saturday, July 24 4 p.m.

Sara Evans Strength, versatility and a spunky sense of adventure are qualities more often associated with literary heroines than successful country singers, but then there s nothing typical about Sara Evans. Whether dominating country radio airwaves with one of her many hit singles or attracting a new legion of fans with her spirited turn on Dancing with the Stars, Evans drive, talent and determination have placed her in an elite class of artists who transcend musical genres to become a household name. With her recent release, Stronger, Evans explores life and love in a way that s made her one of the most compelling female vocalists of her generation. At this point in her life, Evans feels more condent than she s ever been. In so many ways, I feel like I m just beginning. I really

Schedule Main Stage Sunday, April 10 5:30 p.m.



Clay Walker Certain artists just seem to have an innate sense of what it takes to please an audience. Clay Walker is one of those artists. Whether on stage or in the recording studio, Walker never gives less than a hundred percent, and it s that kind of dedicated work ethic combined with God-given talent that have made him one of the most successful country acts of the past decade. He rst topped the Billboard country singles chart in 1993 with What s It to You and followed with his second consecutive No. 1 hit, Live Until I Die. Since then he s placed 31 titles on Billboard s singles chart, including such additional chart toppers as Dreaming with my Eyes Open, If I Could Make Living, This Woman and This Man and Rumor Has It. (The latter two songs each spent two weeks at the summit.) He s enjoyed his share of success at the cash registers and has consistently been one of the busiest artists on the road. He s scored four platinum-selling albums, signifying sales of a million units and two gold albums, discs that sold over 500,000 units. However, that doesn t mean Walker has any intention of resting on his laurels. The talented Texan has teamed with acclaimed producer Keith Stegall to record his rst album for Curb Records. He s a great producer, Walker says. I ve always been a fan, but for whatever reason just have not had the opportunity to work with him. He s one of the few producers that really allow the lyric of the song to carry the song more than trying to put huge production around it. He gives the lyric room to breathe in a song and I think that s real important. With that respect came a level of trust and comfort during the recording process. I had no anxiety at all working with him, says Walker, because I didn t feel like



The biggest thing that I wanted to do was to just get songs on the radio and make music that people love. there was anything I could add to the record as far as suggestions that would be better than what Keith already had and that s a real comfort to me. One of Walker s favorite tracks on the new album is a song titled Fall. He says Stegall is rather low key in the studio, not very animated at all, but he knew after he d recorded the song, it met Stegall s approval. Keith stood up and high-ved the engineer when we got done with the vocal and I thought, that s the rst that I ve ever seen that, maybe he was just glad that I got all the lyrics right, Walker says with a laugh. It was refreshing to know there wasn t a lot of wasted time in the studio with Keith. He knows what he wants and he communicates that with the musicians really well. Walker says his approach to the new album was simple: The biggest thing that I wanted to do was to just get songs on the radio and make music that people love. I wanted to continue the style they ve known me for and not change things too much because the music we ve made in the past is good music. Mainly I was looking for stronger lyrics. I think you try to do that with every record, and the more you record, the better you get at being able to pick hit songs.

Schedule Main Stage Sunday, April 10 7 p.m.


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Toby Keith Definition our need to explain ourselves and the world around us is one of the most primal human forces. It s at the core of man s greatest quests. It powers his ambitions. It colors his art. Those with an obvious gift for expressing those definitions can themselves become objects for framing, and that s certainly the case for Toby Keith. The irony in his case, however, is that for an artist whose work continues to grow in depth, complexity and nuance, the casual descriptions too often tend toward the simplistic. But when the hastily applied veneer of a sound-byte media culture is stripped away, the almost overwhelming reality of his musical body of work looms into view. Never more so than in its most recent iteration. Bullets In The Gun, Keith s 15th studio album, is a defining career milestone. But then, so have been each of his previous releases. And that s the real point. Any attempt to explain, qualify or quantify Toby Keith that doesn t start and end with the full breadth of his music is radically misdirected. For it is in his music the art and craft of it and, just as significantly, the unwavering embrace of the audience that we can best define a songwriter/performer now in his 18th consecutive year at the top of the charts. Appropriately, Bullets helps bring everything that has come before into clearer relief. Rarely credited for the adventurousness and diversity of his catalog, Keith has created his most astoundingly varied collection of songs and sounds yet. And as it always has for Toby, the process begins in the writing. For years, I d carry around those little recorders, Keith says, explaining how Bullets came to comprise, arguably, the deepest group of songs he s yet written. At first they had little tapes, then they went digital. The problem was that I didn t have it with me all the time. Now I ve got a recording app on my phone and I ve always got my phone so I don t lose a single idea. Not one. Normally when I set out to write I have two or three or ideas. Last writing session, I had 40. To put that in perspective, consider that Keith s time-worn system had yielded a succession of No. 1 albums from which he enjoyed at least one top 5 or better hit every year, beginning with his first single, Should ve Been A Cowboy in 1993. The process changed and more was brought to the table, he says. In years past, I just lived off the results

of what I had. If it was good, it was good. If it didn t work, I d just move on to the next album. An already successful approach, now amplified, has yielded greater results on a number of levels. It actually causes me to write more by myself, Keith says. I ve probably written four songs solo in the last few months and I would probably have written one without it. Two of those made the album and one I held off to be a single on the next ... I ve got album because I didn t want to a recording lose it. The fourth app on my song s been phone and written since the album s been I ve always done and is as good a song as got my ever written phone so I I ve in my life. Elevated don t lose a writing sessions single idea. led to more difficult decisions Not one. in the studio. Normally When you get to the end of a when I set sesout to write recording sion with 12 or 13 songs cut, you I have two know something s or three going on when you ve got too ideas. Last many singles, he writing admits. I picked the first single, session, I the second single had 40. and figured two Toby Keith more will fight to be the third. But then I had two more songs that were definitely singles, and they were just going to get lost on this album. Keith makes no apologies for making sure potential singles have a shot at airplay. People don t buy enough albums these days, off of me or anybody, to justify putting seven singles on an album, he says. You can t get to them all before the next album comes along. So I pulled off a couple of obvious singles because I wanted them to have a chance at radio. At the same time, there are great what I call listener songs that aren t necessarily singles.

Schedule Main Stage Sunday, April 10 9 p.m.

Selected Discography Bullets in the Gun (Show Dog Universal Music, 2010) Both bad-boy swagger and commercial appeal have their place on Keith s newest.

American Ride (Show Dog LLC, 2009) Toby opens up and pays tribute to fallen bassist Wayman Tisdale.

35 Biggest Hits (Show Dog Nashville, 2008) The first compilation to span Keith s entire career went platinum.

That Don t Make Me a Bad Guy (Show Dog Nashville, 2008) With no. 1 hits She Never Cried in Front of Me and God Love Her, Keith has the blues. Big Dog Daddy (Show Dog Nashville, 2007) Keith s first fully selfproduced album trims the fat and gets back to straight-up country.



Entertainment In addition to the entertainment on the main stage, Country Thunder offers numerous interactive experiences and performance.

SERVICES Festival General Store Hours: 8 a.m. to 3 a.m. daily The general store will be selling a multitude of essential items including beer, ice,  re rings and rewood. It s located near the Starlight Preferred Camping area. Grey/Black Water Service Grey/Black Water pumping is going to cost $45 per RV. Please see the Pro-Em tent next to the showers to schedule your pump today! Water for RVs Jim s Water Truck Service will be providing water to RVs. Costs range from $35-$55. City-pressure llings cost $80. For service call 480.969.1882. Mobile Showers Mobile showers are located near the Starlight Preferred Camping area. Cost is $5 per shower. Transportation Transportation to and from Country Thunder is available from Superstition Springs Mall and a variety of other locations for $10 round trip. Please visit the Country Thunder website for complete details. Festival Tram Transportation is available from camping locations to the general store and to the festival grounds. The tram st runs from 9 a.m. to midnight. Rides cost $2 and proceeds benet the Florence Food Bank.

ACTIVITIES Mechanical Bull Ride em cowboy (or girl). Rides are available 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. on Thursday and from 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. all other days. Ferris Wheel Get sky high and check out the scene. Rides available 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. on Thursday and from 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. all other days. Thrill Rides Get your heart racing on a variety of adrenaline pumping rides. Rides available 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. on Thursday and from 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. all other days. Rock Climbing Wall Challenge your friends and get your daily workout. Available 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. on Thursday and from 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. all other days. Slingshot Passengers are propelled up to 240 feet at speeds of close to 100 miles per hour. The slingshot does not use bungees or rubber ropes. It uses patented spring propulsion technology. Available 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. on Thursday and from 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. all other days.

Entertainment Schedule CROWN STAGE LINEUP Thursday, April 7 5 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 8:15 p.m. 10 p.m. Midnight

Craig Campbell Jason Jones Steel Magnolias Sawyer Brown Ryan Laird

Friday, April 8 11 a.m. 10:30 p.m. 12:30 a.m.

Ryan Laird Brantley Gilbert Brother Trouble

Saturday, April 9 11 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 12:30 a.m.

Brother Trouble Black B/Dance Crew Rio Grand Ryan Laird

Sunday, April 10 10:30 p.m.

Troy Olsen

GAME SHOW SCHEDULE Friday, April 8 3 p.m. 3:15 p.m. 3:30 a.m. 3:45 p.m. 4 p.m. 4:15 p.m.

How Long Can You Hula? Hidden Talent Guess the Gizmo Chicken Dance Best Country Thunder Out t Best Bronc Rider

Saturday, April 9 3 p.m. 3:15 p.m.

Chair Check Don t carry your chair back and forth to your RV leave it with Chair Check, 2 run by Florence Girls Volleyball, for a $2 donation.

3:30 a.m. 3:45 p.m. 4 p.m. 4:15 p.m.

Hold Up Your Spouse Spam Carving Contest Armpit Serenade Hoedown Showdown Balloon Buster Best Bronc Rider

Sunday, April 10 3 p.m. 3:15 p.m. 3:30 a.m.

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3:45 p.m. 4 p.m. 4:15 p.m.



Sooth That Sunburn Chocolate Unicorn A Game of Balance Frozen T-Shirt Contest Redneck Spelling Bee Blind Folded Line Dancing Best Bronc Rider

Onsite Entertainment In addition to the entertainment on the main stage, Country Thunder offers numerous interactive experiences and performances.

FEATURED ATTRACTION: The Arizona Derby Dames

Frat House Schedule Thursday, April 7 5 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 11 p.m.

Karaoke Karaoke Karaoke Roller Derby

Richard Kimbrough Photography

Friday, April 8 11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 3 p.m. 4 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 8:15 p.m. 9:15 p.m. 10 p.m.

Roller Derby Roller Derby Karaoke Roller Derby Game Shows* Roller Derby Karaoke Roller Derby Roller Derby Spaghetti Wrestling

Saturday, April 9

» ß®·¦±²¿ Ü»®¾§ Ü¿³»- °´¿§ º¿-¬ ¿²¼ ¸¿®¼ò The Arizona Derby Dames has been one of the world s largest and fastest growing all-girl roller derby leagues for  ve full seasons. With  ve teams, a roster of over 100 women and a successful  fth season (their rst banked track roller derby season) wrapped up at one of the largest venues being used for roller derby in the world (Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum), the Arizona Derby Dames have long been a leading force in the modern international roller derby movement. In 2010, the Arizona Derby Dames league returned to the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum on the Arizona State Fairgrounds in Phoenix, Arizona, but brought a whole new game. Arizona Derby Dames presented modern banked track roller derby to Phoenix in 2010, making them one of currently only seven modern all-girl banked track roller derby leagues in the world. Banked track roller derby delivers fans higher speeds, more daring moves, more dangerous action and faster-paced games. Fans of all ages attend Arizona Derby Dames events. Kids 12 and under are always free, which means a large family audience.

Multiple generations come to cheer on their favorite teams The Schoolyard Scrappers, The Runaway Brides, The Bombshells, The Brutal Beauties and The Cofn Draggers. Kids love the team themes and grandparents love the action they remember from seeing banked track roller derby on television back in the 70s. For families, singles, students and couples, it s an exciting and different type of night out and more affordable than a night out at a concert or professional sports event or even a family night at the movies. And with double-header games all season long, there s a lot of entertainment for the ticket price. Arizona Derby Dames 2011 season consists of eight double header events to be held monthly at the Arizona Veterans Coliseum in Phoenix beginning in January. Each team will play each other once during the season, plus the Arizona Derby Dames travel team will take on teams from Los Angeles, Seattle and Tucson in Phoenix during their 2011 season. The second through  fth ranked teams will advance to a triple header playoffs in August, with the championship being held on September 24, 2011.

11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 3 p.m. 4 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 8:15 p.m. 9:15 p.m. 10 p.m.

Roller Derby Roller Derby Karaoke Roller Derby Game Shows* Roller Derby Karaoke Roller Derby Roller Derby Spaghetti Wrestling

Sunday, April 10 11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 3 p.m. 4 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 8:15 p.m. 9:15 p.m. 10 p.m.

Roller Derby Roller Derby The Grascals Roller Derby Game Shows* Roller Derby Karaoke Roller Derby Roller Derby Spaghetti Wrestling

*See the Game Show schedule on page 36 for complete details.

OTHER ATTRACTIONS The Game Show From 4 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. See complete schedule on page 36.

The Grascals The award winning bluegrass band performs.

Karaoke Sing along to your favorites.

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