LLAF-Tucson-Jan 2014

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Tucson January 2014

Healthy 4 1 0 2 g n i Li Have A (Repaired) Heart Advanced technology, positive attitude helps mend one cardiac patient. : : by Kimberly Hosey

It’s Expo Time!

Finish Line Newsletter starts on page 37

Free admission plus hourly $100 drawings. Expo supplement starts on page 23.

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Wednesday, January 8, 2:00 “Stepping Forward” This workshop titled “Motivation and Goal Setting” will focus on stress management and developing healthy coping skills. The workshops will continue February 12 and is titled “Reducing Heart Disease with Risk Factor Modification”. Tuesday, January 21, 9:00-5:00 Life Line Health Screenings Mountain View Retirement Village is pleased to offer a preventative health event. Life Line Screening, a leading provider of preventative health screenings, will host affordable, non-invasive and painless health screenings. Five screenings will be offered that scan for potential health problems related to: blocked arteries, abdominal aortic aneurysms, hardening of the arteries in the legs, atrial fibrillation or irregular heart “beat and bone density screening. Call 1-888-653-6441 to schedule an appointment or questions.

Wednesday, January 22, 2:00 Wendy Sweet Wendy has been singing professionally since 1980. Wendy had a 25-year career as a radio personality and has recorded hundreds of radio and TV commercials as well as voice overs. Thursday, January 30, 7:00 Swingin’ with Dean Show Dean Ratzman is a life-long professional musician. He is a smooth and talented solo performer. He performs on piano, trumpet, trombone and sings. He plays ‘40’s Swing, Big Band, Jazz, Blues, Rock and Soul hits of Great American artists.

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January 2014 : : Lovin’ Life After 50 : : page 3


Back in the Saddle page 18


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6 6 7 9 10 11

Sound Off The Curmudgeon The Up Side The Widow’s Corner Ask the Old Bag Bear Market Report


23 General Information 24 Entertainment 25 Exhibitor List entertainment

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Calendar of Events Journeys Puzzles Trivia Contest

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page 4 : : Lovin’ Life After 50 : : January 2014

28 Winter Renovations 29 Jan D’Atri travel


publishers Steve T. Strickbine Steve Fish executive editor Shanna Hogan managing community editor Christina Fuoco-Karasinski features editor Christina Caldwell art director Erica Odello advertising sales director Zac Reynolds advertising sales manager Mike Jiggs senior account executive Lou Lagrave account representative Hilary Young sales administrator Shannon Fish contributors Kimberly Hosey, Drew Alexander, Jan D’Atri, Michael Grady, Terry Ratner, Gayle Lagman-Creswick, Tracy House, Nick Thomas, Andrea Gross, Irv Green, Matilda Charles

© 2013 by EOS Publishing, LLC. Lovin’ Life After 50 is a monthly publication dedicated to informing, serving and entertaining the active adults of Arizona. It is published by EOS Publishing, LLC, an Arizona limited liability company. Subscriptions are available for $24 per year or $40 for two years. Send check or money order to Lovin’ Life After 50.

32 Gone With the Wind Trail arizona senior olympics

37 Finish Line News

Lovin’ Life After 50 3200 N. Hayden Rd. Suite 210 • Scottsdale, AZ 85251

(520) 297-1220 www.lovinlifeafter50.com www.lovinlifeafter50.com

Free Caregivers Guide To Stroke


ori Ramos Cavallo compares being a new caregiver to being CEO of a Fortune 500 company straight out of high school. No prior experience. No qualifications. No idea where to start. To help stroke caregivers, the American Stroke Association, a division of the American Heart Association, developed “Caregiver Guide to Stroke.” The free guide includes sections on emotional support, communicating with the health care team, managing

the effects of a stroke, legal resources, financial support and health coverage. “While they are still adjusting emotionally to a sudden change in their loved one’s functioning, family caregivers also feel like they need to become instant experts on treatments, rehabilitation, insurance and more. This guide will help the person who does the helping.” The American Stroke Association’s Together to End Stroke initiative, nationally sponsored by the global

health care product company Covidien, teaches the acronym F.A.S.T. to help people remember common warning signs of stroke. F—Face Drooping A—Arm Weakness S—Speech Difficulty T—Time to call 9-1-1 To download the association’s free “Caregiver Guide to Stroke,” visit www. StrokeAssociation.org/Caregiver. For caregiving or general stroke inquiries, e-mail TogethertoEndStroke@heart. org or call 888-4-STROKE (888-4787653).

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January 2014 : : Lovin’ Life After 50 : : page 5

opinion Sound Off

Bah humbug to the scumbags who stole the decorative reindeers from my front lawn last December. May you find lumps of coal in your Christmas stockings. Greetings, Ms. Ratner. I was profoundly touched by your recent essay “Oblivious” in “The Widow’s Corner” column. In the piece, you have focused on expressing what a woman may experience when there is an unusual growth on her breast. My opinion? I advise you to fight. I say, tell your friends, readers and loved ones. Let the collective energy help you overcome the fear and avoidance. Set your mind to being strong and to winning. Set an example for other women, and yes, men too, to never give up in the face of a frightening adversity.—Norm I’m a gun rights person. I believe I have a right to a gun. The Second Amendment is a virtue in the Constitution. However, I don’t think that George Zimmerman is

going to be able to solve every problem in his life now at a point of a gun— his relationships, his environment. He is going to kill somebody again. He thought he could literally kill every problem he had. By the way, he’s not alone. There are so many people in America who have poor mental health. They just want to point a gun at something and blow it away. We should have the right to have guns. George Zimmerman shouldn’t have a gun. Parents, if you can’t discipline your children, you need to either give them up for adoption or have them taken away from you by the authorities. Obamacare was a WMD— weapon of misinformation and deceit. To all those people out there who can’t respect your fellow American, or your American laws: You need to leave. Find somewhere else to live. America is not the place for you. DUI laws are over-enforced. I had a personal situation today, when I was nearly killed. A motorcycle and a car came through a

The Curmudgeon My Curmuddy Awards for 2013


: : by Drew Alexander

rom the White House You Didn’t Build That Room, welcome to the 19th Annual Curmuddy awards, presenting mud-pie statuettes for some of the worst things said and done in 2013. The Wretched Excess Curmuddy goes to all the mass media for their feeding frenzy of overdone, over-thetop reporting of the Jodi Arias murder trial. To the city of Seattle, this Curmuddy for Insipid Political Correctness in rejecting “Buy American” ads on its buses and banning employees from using the words “citizen” and “brown bag” because they are “potentially offensive.” A Perversion of the Press Curmuddy to the Gannett-owned suburban New York City Journal News

for irresponsibly publishing a map with home addresses of all law-abiding licensed gun owners in Westchester and Rockland counties. Among those residents placed at risk are police officers and their families who could be victimized by vindictive criminals. The award for Zero Tolerance Stupidity is presented to the officials of Park Elementary School in Baltimore, Md., for suspending second-grader Josh Welch for two days because he shaped a Pop-Tart into something vaguely resembling a gun. Josh “used food to make inappropriate gestures,” said the devoid of common sense school bosses. Other schools around the country have made equally poor judgments related to pictures or other innocuous representations of guns.

page 6 : : Lovin’ Life After 50 : : January 2014

red light and nearly took me out. The signal was red for quite a long time because the green signal for me was long enough for four cars ahead of me to make their turns. As I entered the intersection, it was just about to change from green to yellow, when another car came shooting into the intersection from my right, eastbound. When I caught up to her at the next traffic signal and scolded her for her actions, I could tell she was drunk, but she was aware of her actions. I almost got killed myself. I said, “Lady, you were at fault.” It’s one of those things where DUI enforcement would make no difference

whatsoever. DUI enforcement is not for minor, minor infractions. I think it needs to be changed. I’ve lived in my neighborhood for 25 years across from a dirt lot—a couple of acres of dirt. It has an out-of-state owner. The property is probably some kind of tax write off. They can’t bother to keep people from dumping on it, shooting birds or driving ATVs. Child molesters hide in the overgrown scrub. The city of Phoenix is constantly threatening them with fines. When I did meet the ...continues on page 8

We Want to HEAR from You! Your message will be printed in the next issue! At Lovin’ Life we believe your opinions should be heard. Give us yours! Space providing, your Sound Off will be printed in the next issue. Please limit your messages to one minute or 100 words and include your name only if you would like it printed.

e-mail us: soundoff@lovinlifeafter50.com

Leave a message: (520) 297-1220 option 8

Fred Phelps, the so-called pastor of the Westboro Baptist Church and his family are recipients of the Extreme Hate-Mongering Curmuddy for picketing and disrupting funerals of fallen American military and firefighter personnel. These sickos—who are not Baptists—are equal opportunity haters of Jews, homosexuals, Mormons, Catholics, Orthodox Christians, America, and just about everything and everybody in sight. In Canada, after having her 2-yearold son in a hospital for five hours, Pauline Tantost and child were ejected from a Montreal city bus and fined $219 for not having the correct fare in coins. Tantost tearfully walked home. The Lack of Humanity Curmudgeon is awarded to the Montreal Transit Corp. The Third Annual Clarence Dupnik Curmuddy for Dopiness co-recipients are Bob Filner, the brazen ex-mayor of San Diego who resigned in the wake of scores of sexual harassment charges, and Rob Ford, the erratic mayor of Toronto, Ontario,

Write us: Lovin’ Life After 50 3200 N. Hayden Rd., Suite 210 Scottsdale, AZ 85251

Canada, who admitted taking crack cocaine while being in a “drunken stupor.” Receiving the Super Silly Censorship Curmuddy is the Air Force for censoring a Christian chaplain, Lt. Col. Kenneth Reyes, for posting an essay on a website using the phrase originating in World War II that “there are no Atheists in foxholes.” The Military Religious Freedom Foundation complained that the wordage was “a bigoted, religious supremacist phrase,” and demanded that Lt. Col. Reyes receive further punishment for expressing a matter of faith. Um, isn’t that what chaplains are supposed to do? And finally, The Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight Curmuddy to President Barack Obama and his inept administration and all the blundering Congressional Democrats who brought us the debacle called the Affordable Care Act, or Obama-Scare, and its multi-million dollar joke of a website. Happy New Year.


The Up Side

A Blind Squirrel’s Guide to Meditation


: : by Michael Grady

achieved an altered state the other day. Sitting still in my living room— eyes closed, focused on nothing but the sound of my own breathing—I was able to crawl out from under the frantic thoughts that crowd our minds every waking moment. If you get on top of those thoughts, there’s this marvelous, relaxing spot in your consciousness. It’s a quiet state of consciousness that I find energizing and inspiring—right up until my little dog’s bark startles me silly. Meditation is something I do fairly regularly now. I was horrible at first, but through sheer persistence, have worked up to merely bad. And I occasionally hit a higher sphere of consciousness in the same way a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then. I don’t discuss meditation much because, when you do, people wait for you to hand them a religious pamphlet or hail the Mother ship. But, in a society strewn with fiscal cliffs, barbed rhetoric and Miley Cyrus’ tongue dangling everywhere, meditation has given me a refuge. And I figure anyone interested might benefit from what I have discovered along the way. Rule No. 1: Everybody stinks at the beginning Starting meditation is hard, especially in a family. Children want to climb you, spouses wonder if they can vacuum around you, and you spend a certain amount of time, sitting cross-legged on the floor, wondering how to think about nothing while the cat tries to sit on you. Those early times are tough, because you close your eyes expecting to touch the face of God, and the only action you get is from last night’s sauerkraut. There’s no shortcut. You have to keep trying. Rule No. 2: Meditation will not make you George Clooney. I got into meditation for all the wrong reasons. Years ago, I wanted a better job and more money and more … everything. Someone suggested


meditation as a way to deeper wisdom. (“Yeah! Wisdom! I’ll take some of that!”) So I read a book, and sat in my backyard in the mornings, seeking higher consciousness for the same reasons people start pyramid schemes or chase leprechauns. I didn’t get anything (except a soundtrack of my dogs completing their digestive cycles) and I’m still not wise, but I did learn this: meditation is not a makeover or a slot machine. It can help you be a better version of who you are. But if you don’t like who you are, breathing deeply in a yard full of puzzled dogs won’t make you George Clooney. Rule No. 3: Don’t shriek at higher consciousness. Occasionally, if my yard was still, my body would relax, my thoughts would roll to a stop and I’d feel this gentle awareness rise. It was nice feeling—energizing without being edgy. It might have been higher consciousness. I’ll never know because I would immediately shout at it: “What should I do with my life?! Should I get another job?!” Nothing screws up inner harmony faster than chasing it across your consciousness, shrieking questions at it in your mother’s voice. Rule No. 4: Everybody has an approach, and none of them will fit exactly. When I wasn’t getting “results,” I thought I was meditating wrong. So I read another book. And another. What I found was that learning meditation was like learning a golf swing: everyone has a different approach, and most of them contradict each other. Mantra. No mantra. Affirmation. No affirmation. Lotus position. No Lotus. Sit in a chair. Visualize light. Eyes open? Eyes closed. Incense? No incense. You can’t follow one method, without violating many others. Except at the end, they all say, “...then just relax.” I wound up feeling frustrated and inadequate, and for several years my mantra was, “the hell with it.”

Rule No. 5: Meditation rewards the persistent. It took a stressful job to make me try meditation again. A very nice Buddhist lady offered a guided meditation class at work. I took it to be nice. But with the addition of a little assistance—and the absence of vacuum cleaners and dogs—guided meditation hit me like a whole lot of umbrella-ed drinks. My shoulders dropped to a place they haven’t been since 1978. But beyond that, I was struck by two things: 1) the ability of a focused mind to release stress and change your perception of the surrounding world, and: 2) the fact that meditation left my hands too relaxed to type the rest of the day. I would flail at my keyboard like a trained seal, thinking: “I’m gonna write about this when I get my fingers back.” Rule No. 6: Look for subtle rewards. We live in a highlight-reel world. Subtle changes—even profound ones—often go unnoticed. But this is what I discovered about meditation: it slows the game down. Whenever college athletes move to the pros, they talk about how fast the professional game is, and how they need to get to that place where the game seems to moves slower, so they can read defenses, recognize plays and react better. After a few weeks of meditation, I noticed that

the little workplace dramas at my job were coming at me slower. The people who drove me crazy could not push my buttons as much. I found more time to react, and the ability to react calmly. Meditation gave me a perceptual cushion, where I could stand back and watch the people at that job like they were at a distance or in an aquarium or something. And from that perspective, all of their whispered gossip, crazed office-speak and elaborate gesturing seemed goofy and even a little amusing. Yes, tequila can do the same thing. But tequila is expensive and makes me fall out of my cubicle. Rule No. 7: Invest the time. Meditation is more effective when you consistently invest time in it. People tell me: “I’d like to meditate, but I don’t have time with my job/ life/commitments, etc.” It’s still a struggle for me, too. But I find the time is worth the investment. You don’t feel the benefits every single time—meditation is not a can of Red Bull—but the cumulative payoff is dramatic. And the very act of setting aside time for yourself, to sit down and do nothing, is therapeutic. It’s like flipping the bird to a caffeinated world that goes too damn fast, anyway. Now if I can only keep that dog from barking. Michael Grady is a Valley-based freelance writer, reporter and playwright.


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January 2014 : : Lovin’ Life After 50 : : page 7

Sound Off

... from page 6 owner, he was elderly and a tad senile. fumbled the ball on Affordable Health Oh that didn’t help. He actually made Care Act. His political advisers, me responsible for reporting dumping together with public decency, precluded on this lot, which I have to do. If I don’t the use of a stronger four-letter verb, report the dumping, it just gets worse. which also begins with the letter F. A lot of dog walkers use it. I have to report that to the city. The infestation Hi, my name is Chuck gets worse in the summer. Why doesn’t Hughes. I live in Mesa. I just this person of wealth donate acreage to called about the Curmudgeon. city and make it a dog park? I think you should remove that person from the paper. Your byline says In a classic understatement you’re to be informing, serving and of the facts, President Obama entertaining. By having his article, recently confessed that we you’re doing none. He never gets facts

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right. He’s mean spirited. When you read the article it just sets the whole tone for what’s a pretty nice insert for my paper. He’s not entertaining. He’s not serving and he’s not informing. It’s one point of view, to the right of Attila the Hun and it’s nasty. You really should remove him from the paper. As far as everybody complaining about President Obama: Just have his American Express card relinquished. Who’s paying for it? We are. Quick and simple. The whole “KISS” principle: Keep it simple, stupid. Is it just me or does Sen. Ted Cruz have a striking resemblance to Sen. Joseph McCarthy, who started the Communist witch hunt back in the ‘50s? Domestic help and yard work people, and people who work inside the home, like in remodeling, they all want to be paid by cash, rather than check, or if it’s a check it’s made out to themselves. I believe all the cash that is given to them is certainly not reported to the government. The rest of us are paying taxes on our income. It does not seem fair to the rest of us. Drew Alexander deserves a Pulitzer for Obamastein’s monster. It should be read at Christmas as a Christmas story, or even as a Thanksgiving story. He speaks the truth. Now that everyone has given their gift cards to the food banks, how about figuring out where the money’s going to. The gift

cards are going to the people you’re handing them to. Nine out of 10, they’re given to the recipients where you drop them off and everybody’s having a ball with your money. Think again when you’re giving gift cards to charity. Is there any wonder why the president and our nation are in such shambles? To date, Obama has had five chiefs of staff. That’s an average of one per year. ASU’s 24-point loss to Stanford in the PAC-12 title game clearly confirm that the blowhard head coach, Todd Graham, and his Sun Devils are nowhere nearly ready for prime time. When Obama’s uncle was arrested for drunken driving in 2011, he claimed he didn’t know him. I heard on the news last night that he lived with him for three weeks when he was in law school. So much for telling the truth. School children should be taught the final words of President Kennedy’s speech he never got to finish, which was just made permanent in the Dallas memorial plaque. They should learn it the same as Gettysburg. We need more presidents like that. Hey, hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. It would have been so much better if the commercial people would learn to just transcribe a little line across the bottom of the TV so the children can see the parade. Don’t be so greedy every year. Who wants to see all the blabbing ...continues on page 26


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The Widow’s Corner I Hate Pink

: : by Terry Ratner, RN, MFA


y breast lump is tiny and pokey. It measures 0.6 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm, a circumscribed tumor nodule with a parallel orientation at the 11 o’clock position, approximately 9 cm from the nipple. Reading over the interim print report, I could only smile about the coincidence of my scheduled 11 a.m. Monday surgery and the position of the nodule. It sounds better to call it a nodule than a tumor. “Why did this happen to me?” I wondered aloud. What did “doing everything” to prevent cancer really mean? There are days I skipped sunscreen. I don’t exercise as much and as hard as I should. And, oh yeah, I live in a highly polluted urban area of the United States, but I eat healthy and try and keep my stress to a minimum. Two weeks before I discovered the lump, I read an interesting article in the New York Times Magazine about breast cancer along with the pop culture of advertising it over the last 10 years. It began with a disclosure that the author was a breast cancer survivor, so I naturally thought it would be a positive article on the strides in breast cancer that science and the Komen organization has made over the last few years. Not exactly the case. The article talked about the flaws of Komen recommending mammograms as a way to prevent breast cancer. While Komen, along with the American Cancer Society are credited with raising the profile of the disease, encouraging women to speak about their experience and transforming “victims” into “survivors,” the Komen pink-ribbon culture has become less about eradication of breast cancer than self-perpetuation: maintaining the visibility of the disease and keeping the funds rolling in. For the last 10 years, I have felt a certain disgust in seeing how the pink-ribbon culture has narrowed our awareness of what is being done in research to prevent breast cancer: Pink

ribbons on high-rise buildings, pink garbage trucks, pink gloves and pink spike shoes on football players, pink stockings, and pink ballet shoes—its relentless marketing has made the pink ribbon one of the most recognized logos of our time. It has come to symbolize both fear of the disease and the hope it can be defeated. One hundred and eight American women die of breast cancer each day. Some can live for a decade or more with metastatic disease, the median life span is 26 months. I don’t want to be part of the statistics. On the Friday before my scheduled surgery, I walked over to the breast center to request the radiologist report. I wanted to study it over the weekend, find a weak link in it, a mistake, something that might lead me to discover some inconsistency in the results. I opened the door to find six ladies with large pink ribbons in their hair. They stood around a table set for a party: a cake as the center piece with bright pink frosting, cupcakes with pink and white sprinkles, pink plastic forks and pink napkins, and purple punch with a pink ribbon painted on the glass pitcher. “What’s going on here?” I asked. “We are having a mammogram party,” a lady told me in between bites of cake. After signing the release consent, the receptionist handed me my ultrasound report. I said goodbye to the giggling women just as one of them was called into an exam room. I wished them luck and left. I didn’t quite understand the concept of the party. It was a sort of celebration before the mammogram study. I couldn’t believe they were resorting to “parties” at the breast center, but then again I had nothing to celebrate yet. Terry J. Ratner, RN, MFA is a health educator at Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center. Visit her website at www.terryratner. com. Send comments to info@terryratner.com.




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January 2014 : : Lovin’ Life After 50 : : page 9

Ask the Old Bag

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Like what you see?

Coming Next Month:

Housing Choices 2014

The expansive house a couple bought when they were starting out in life may not be what they want to maintain when they reach retirement years. Whether they are looking to downsize from a large house, need a community with a vibrant social life, or more personalized care, there is a property just right for them. The 2014 Housing Choices issue, published by Lovin’ Life After 50, is your chance to tell our readers about your business. This year marks our 26th year of publishing the guide.

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Phoe nix



April 2010

h Healts 2010 Trend e Visits



October 2010


back making a come House calls are e physicians. ry-car among prima e comes at a cost. But convenienc hern : : by Jimmy Maga

Phoe nix Metro

Today’s Grandpare nts No rocking chair porch for these on the modern grandparen : : by Jimmy Maga ts! nern

Is your business a fit for the Housing Choices issue? Call us at (480) 348-0343 to place an ad today!

favorites. : : Vote for your 39! inside on page Your ballot is on page 36 letter starts

Finish Line News

It’s Lovin’ Life After the 50 Friendship Dance Details on page ! 4.

Finish Line Newsl

etter starts on

Advice for the Over-50 Crowd

page 42

Delivering qualified, cost-effective leads since 1979 page 10 : : Lovin’ Life After 50 : : January 2014


: : by Gayle M. Lagman-Creswick

ear Old Bag: Enjoyed your December 2013 column. I plan on using the suggestion you made about the older generation writing a story/anecdote for the children or grandchildren. I am going to try to help my dad—who is 96 years young—do this for each of his kids. Here is a suggestion for next year! Best gift I ever gave my dad. My dad has everything he wants and needs, including all of the latest electronics gadgets and enough shirts to last five lifetimes. Last year I wrote in his Christmas card that he was now enrolled in “The Pie of the Month Club.” At first he protested. “I don’t want no pie of the month,” thinking it was from some company. I explained to him I was going to bake him a pie myself, and he thought that was OK. My dad never calls me, so imagine my surprise when he called me on Jan. 10? He didn’t say “hello” or “how are you,” just “Where is my pie?” He said he had been thinking about that pie and was wondering when it was going to arrive...I baked the pie a few days later at his house so he could enjoy the aroma. He wasn’t home so I left it on the counter. About 10 minutes after I left he called and with great enthusiasm said the house smelled fabulous, the pie looked great, and he was just waiting for it to cool. He called an hour later to say he cut into the pie, and it was so delicious he had to have two slices. He called later that evening to let me know he shared a piece with my sister. He called the next day to say he took some to his bridge buddies and they enjoyed it, too. He called one more time to sadly tell me he had the last piece for breakfast and to thank me again for making him the pie. Pie of the Month has been a wonderful way for my dad to remember all of the delicious pies my mom made and for me to reconnect with my dad. He shares pie with his friends and family. Everyone wants to be part of the Pie

of the Month and several people young and old have asked to be my adopted dad! Each pie has been good for at least five or six phone calls; pretty good considering he never called me before! I hope others will consider this way to keep Christmas going all year for their parents. Signed, C.A.M.


ear C.A.M.: I loved your letter and suggestion. It occurs to me that maybe some of those parents who live in the same town as their children, but never hear from them, could bake them a pie once in awhile to get their attention. Thanks for writing!


ear Old Bag: My New Year’s Resolution is to quit (complaining). Before I do, I have to get something off my mind. I have a friend who is living in the past. He was CEO of a big company, but retired 15 years ago. He still thinks he knows everything, and talks about how he single handedly slayed all the dragons. I have heard these stories many times. I know he is brilliant. I know he has been everywhere. He has done everything. But now he is just like me—retired. That life is over and there are a great many interesting and present things to talk about. Can I shut him up and still have him for a friend? Signed, Fed Up Dear Fed Up: Your friend thinks his only importance lies in what he used to be. Perhaps you could say something like, “Friend, I don’t give a tinker’s darn what you used to be or did. I like you now...retired like me. You are an important person right now to your friends.” It won’t change him, but maybe it will make him stop and think. Good luck with your New Year’s resolution!

If you have a question for The Old Bag, please send it to: Ask the Old Bag c/o Lovin’ Life After 50, 3200 N. Hayden Road, Suite 210, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 or lagmancreswick@cox.net.


Bear Market Report ‘Tis the Season…When Uncle Sam is Jolly!


: : by Teresa Bear

his is the time of year when our thoughts turn to that magical date ingrained in our consciousness from the days we started working for a living—April 15. As a CPA, this time of year is not so affectionately known as “Tax Season.” For me, tax season means long hours, eating meals on the run, and not seeing my family for three and a half months. To help make life easier for your “tax lady” or “tax man,” here are some hints to streamline the tax preparation process. It goes without saying that because most CPA firms bill by the hour, following these tips may also save you some money in the process. • Begin assembling your third-party documentation in one place. This includes your W-2, 1099, 1098, K-1 and Social Security statements. When you receive them, take a few minutes to review each one to ensure that the numbers make sense. • If you have purchased or sold real estate during the year, your CPA will need the closing document from the sale (that long HUD-1 form). • If you sold an asset and there is no cost basis showing on the 1099B from your brokerage firm, work with your investment advisor to determine the tax basis of the property sold. It is not the job of your CPA to divine these numbers – they are not clairvoyant.• If your CPA has sent you an organizer to fill out, do not send it back blank! A completely filled out organizer will help your CPA efficiently prepare your return. It will also jog your memory and give you an idea of what can and cannot be deducted. To use the simplified organizer that I have designed for my practice, visit http://teresabear.com/pdf/ LovinLife/2014/2013Organizer.pdf. • If earned income from a business, provide a summary of income and expenses. • If you own rental property, provide a summary of income and expenses. • If you have donated “stuff ” to charity, keep in mind that the maximum that can be deducted without filing form 8283 is $500. The IRS implemented this additional reporting requirement


because taxpayers had a tendency to place a slightly higher value on their well-loved sofa that they donated to Goodwill than the shopper who purchased said sofa. • Reserve your financial confessions for your minister. You are legally required to report all income—even if it was “under the table” and you didn’t receive a 1099. Don’t tell your CPA about income that you do not intend to report to the government. • While your CPA is not your priest, they are also not a tax collector for the IRS. If you report $487.23 of prescription expense on your organizer, your accountant does not need to see your receipts. We trust you. If additional documentation is needed for a specific item, we will ask for it. • Keep your summary sheet at home! In addition to the information listed above, many taxpayers also give their accountants a handwritten summary sheet of income and deductions. The problem for the CPA is that they need to verify that sheet against the other information in the package. This adds time and cost to preparing your return. Naturally, each tax professional runs their business slightly different. If they have different procedures, you should follow their directions. Finally, keep in mind that because of the government shutdown and the complexity of implementing the tax provisions of the Affordable Health Care Act (also known as Obamacare), the IRS is behind schedule in preparing for tax season. Tax preparers are likewise affected. Be kind and patient with us. We are mere mortals working under tight deadlines to do our best to help our clients. Teresa Bear, CFP, CPA (www.TeresaBear. com), specializes in retirement planning and asset preservation for retirees and those about to retire. Bear is the author of the new book “She Retired Happily Ever After.” Send questions to TBear@JCGrason.com.

Investment advisory services provided by Brookstone Capital Management, LLC., a SEC registered investment advisor. The information in this article describes general guidelines and suggestions for preventing identity theft. In no way should it be deemed as advice for any individual circumstance or situation.


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Please note: This is not professional tax or legal advice. Consult a tax advisor about your individual situation. For more information on the tax credit, visit the Arizona Department of Revenue website or call 1-800-352-4090

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Jan. 1 Wednesday Happy New Year from everyone at Lovin’ Life After 50! Jan. 2 Thursday Public Health Nurse Visit, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Nanini Branch Library, 7300 N. Shannon Rd., free, 594-5365. Nurse from Pima County Health Department will answer questions. Jan. 3 Friday Walking Tours of Old Town Tubac, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., repeats Jan. 10, Jan. 17, Jan. 24 and Jan. 31, meet at Tubac Presidio State Historic Park, 1 Burruel St., Tubac, $10, reservations required, 398-2252, info@ TubacPresidio.org. Explore the original adobe buildings and discover the rich heritage of Arizona’s first European settlement. Frontier Printing Press Demonstrations, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., repeats Jan. 12 and Jan. 25, Tubac Presidio State Historic Park, 1 Burruel St., Tubac, $5, reservations required, 398-2252. Professional printer and teacher James Pagels demonstrates the Washington Hand Press used to print Arizona’s first newspaper in 1859 and answers questions about hand press printing, typesetting, and other aspects of this marvel of industrial engineering. Jan. 4 Saturday Birthday Potluck and Dance, 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m., Singles and Friends, 2447 N. Los Altos Ave., $5 members, $7 nonmembers, 623-7875, www.facebook. com/singlesandfriendsinc, www.singlesandfriendsinc.com. Join the group for birthday cake and finger food. DJ Dale entertains. Tucson Mountain Park Birding Walk, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., Tucson Mountain Park Ironwood Picnic Area, 1548 S. Kinney Rd., free, 615-7855, eeducation@pima. gov. Join birding expert John Higgins for a guided birding walk to spot canyon towhees, rufous-winged sparrows, Gila woodpeckers, and other birds of the desert southwest. A Night with the Stars, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., Pima County Agua Caliente Park, 12325 E. Roger Rd., free, 615-7855, eeducation@pima.gov. Explore the wonder and mysteries of the night sky. Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association volunteers provide an introduction to the night sky and set up telescopes for celestial viewing. Jan. 5 Sunday Bob Kay, 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Sundays, Singles and Friends Inc., 2447 N. Los Altos, $4, 883-5491. The singing

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drummer/DJ plays “oldies but goodies” at a nonsmoking dance. Bring snacks for the potluck. Historical Tour of Agua Caliente Park, 11 a.m. to 12 p.m., Pima County Agua Caliente Park, 12325 E. Roger Rd., free, 615-7855, eeducation@pima.gov. Enjoy a guided walk around the lush grounds and historic buildings of Agua Caliente Park, and gain insights into the rich farming and ranching history of the site. History of the Tanque Verde Valley, 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., Pima County Agua Caliente Park, 12325 E. Roger Rd., free but reservations required, 615-7855, eeducation@pima.gov. The ranching history and personalities that shaped the Tanque Verde Valley are shared by local author and historian Jorga Riggenbach. Jan. 6 Monday Sweater Nanas, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Joyner-Green Valley Branch Library, 601 N. La Canada Dr., Green Valley, free, 594-5295. Jan. 7 Tuesday Birding at Sweetwater Wetlands, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., Sweetwater Wetlands, 2667 W. Sweetwater Dr., free, 615-7855, eeducation@pima.gov. Join a local birding expert on a guided walk to see a variety of ducks and shorebirds, sparrows, hawks and warblers. Tour of Hacienda de la Canoa, 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., Historic Hacienda de la Canoa, 5375 S. Interstate 19 Frontage Rd., Green Valley, free but reservations required, 877-6004, CanoaRanch@ pima.gov. Join a walking tour of the Canoa Ranch headquarters to gain insights into the fascinating stories of the people that lived and worked on the ranch. Visit the historic ranch buildings and corrals and enjoy scenic views of the Santa Cruz River Valley. Jan. 8 Wednesday Wednesday Sonoran Desert Weedwackers, 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., Pima County Tucson Mountain Park, 2020 N. Kinney Rd., free but reservations required, 6157855, eeducation@pima.gov. Join the Sonoran Desert Weedwackers to eradicate buffelgrass and fountain grass in Tucson Mountain Park. Work may require hiking and pulling buffelgrass on steep slopes. Jan. 9 Thursday Green Valley Stroke Support Group, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., Zuni Room, La Perla at La Posada, 635 S. Park Center Ave., free but reservations required, 626-2901. For

stroke survivors and caregivers to learn more about stroke, to find positive solutions to shared concerns and to unite in support of each other. Jan. 10 Friday “Living History: Foods of the Spanish Colonial Period,” 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Tubac Presidio State Historic Park, 1 Burruel St., Tubac, $5, 398-2252. Volunteers dressed in period clothing describe the combination of native and introduced foods enjoyed by the Spanish soldiers and civilians who lived in Tubac during the Spanish Colonial period (1752-1776). Tucson Mountains Sweetwater Preserve Hike, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Sweetwater Preserve, 4000 N. Tortolita Rd., free but reservations required, 615-7855, eeducation@pima.gov. Join botanist Meg Quinn for a 3to 4-mile moderate level hike and learn about the plants and wildlife that inhabit our local desert. Jan. 11 Saturday Elvis Presley’s Birthday Night, Dance and Potluck, 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m., Singles and Friends Inc., 2447 N. Los Altos Ave., $5 members, $7 nonmembers, 623-7875, www.singlesandfriendsinc.com, www. facebook.com/singlesandfriendsinc. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches furnished; bring a dish to share. DJ Robert entertains. “The Life and Times of Tom Jeffords, Blood Brother of Cochise—Presented by Von Fowers,” 2 p.m., Tubac Presidio State Historic Park, 1 Burruel St., Tubac, $7.50, 398-2252. Learn how Tom Jeffords was instrumental in creating peace in the region and what he did after Cochise death to maintain that peace. Claudette Haney, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Mountain Oyster Club, 6400 E. El Dorado Circle, reservations required, 721-9295. Arizona state president of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) will address the group about how to retain aging members and recruit and involve Generation Y (Millennials). Haney will also discuss how current members can engage younger members. Jan. 12 Sunday Peter McLaughlin, 2 p.m., Tubac Presidio State Historic Park, 1 Burruel St., Tubac, $18, 398-2252, events@TubacPresidio.org. National flatpick guitar champion, renowned for his intricate arrangements and stunning virtuosity on guitar, is well known in the Tucson music scene for his country and bluegrass style. Jan. 13 Monday Lovin’ Life After 50 Expo, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Doubletree Hotel Tucson, 445 S. Alvernon Way, free, (800) 959-1566. The 26th annual event features booth, exhibits and entertainment for the over-50 market. Tucson Community Stroke Support Group, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., University of Arizona Medical Center,

Cafeteria Dining Room C, 1501 N. Campbell Ave. free but reservations required, 626-2901. For stroke survivors and caregivers to learn more about stroke, to find positive solutions to shared concerns and to unite in support of each other. Jan. 14 Tuesday National Active and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) Chapter 1874 Meeting, 11:30 a.m., Golden Corral Restaurant, 6865 N. Thornydale Dr., $7.95, 400-3456. A member of the Rose Society of Tucson will talk about growing roses in Tucson and how to prune the brushes. Birding at Hacienda de la Canoa, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., Histoic Hacienda de la Canoa, 5375 S. Interstate 19 Frontage Rd., Green Valley, free but reservations required, 877-6004, CanoaRanch@pima.gov. Join a guided birding walk at Historic Hacienda de la Canoa to see a wide variety of sparrows, raptors, and other desert and grassland birds. Jan. 15 Wednesday Write to Heal, 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., repeats Wednesdays thru Feb. 12, Northwest Art Center, 7770 N. Shannon Rd., Room 303, $60, deborah@ deborahmayaan.com. Each class focuses on writing exercises for a topic, including “Increasing Resiliency,” “The Body Electric,” “Visions for Our Bodies” and “Our Lives, My Healing Journey” and “Healing Relationships.” Heritage Area Structures Rehabilitation Tour, 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m., Historic Hacienda de la Canoa, 5375 S. Interstate 19 Frontage Rd., Green Valley, free but reservations required, 877-6004, CanoaRanch@pima. gov. Architectural preservationist Simon Herbert discusses the processes and materials used for the rehabilitation of the structures at Historic Hacienda de la Canoa as he leads this behind-the-scenes tour. Jan. 16 Thursday Green Valley Genealogical Society, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., Valley Presbyterian Church, 2800 S. Camino del Sol, Green Valley, free, 396-4630, joannherbst@cox.net. Methods used to trace German ancestors back to Hamburg in 1614 and Irish ancestors back to Ireland in 1816. “Sorting Out Heart News You Can Really Use” with Lori Mackstaller, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., Canoa Hills Social Center, 3660 S. Camino del Sol, Green Valley, free, 626-2901. Presented by the University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center.

You can pick up your copy at your neighborhood

Jan. 17 Friday Living History: Chocolate in Spanish Colonial Tubac, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., repeats Jan. 31, Tubac Presidio State Historic Park, 1 Burruel St., Tubac, $2 to $5, 298-2252. Explore the history, geography and culture of chocolate in New Spain. ...continues on page 14

www.LovinLife.com • (520) 297-1220 January 2014 : : Lovin’ Life After 50 : : page 13



... from page 13 Jan. 18 Saturday Park, 1 Burruel St., Tubac, $2 to $5, 398-2252. This living history program features a display of medicinal herbs and “Fabulous Fibers—The Fine Arts of Clothing,” plants. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Many Hands Artist Cooperative’s courtyard, 3054 N. First Ave., free, 360-1880, MHArtistCoop@gmail.com. Also see Tucson Hand Weaving and Spinning Guild as well as live Alpacas. Crazy Dress Night Potluck and Dance, 6:30 p.m., Singles and Friends Inc., 2447 N. Los Altos Ave., $5 members, $7 nonmembers, 623-7875, www.singlesandfriendsinc. com, www.facebook.com/singlesandfriends. Patrons are encouraged to wear crazy outfits while dining on spaghetti. Bring a dish to share. DJ Gloria entertains. The Famous Juan Bautista de Anza Expeditions to California—Presentation by Jack Lasseter, 2 p.m., Tubac Presidio State Historic Park, 1 Burruel St., Tubac, $15, 398-2252. This is the story of Juan Bautista de Anza’s two famous trips in the 1770s, in which he guided Spanish immigrants overland from Tubac to California. Jan. 19 Sunday Northern Jaguar Project, 2 p.m., Tubac Presidio State Historic Park, 1 Burruel St., Tubac, $7.50, 398-2252, events@ TubacPresidio.org. Learn about the project and what it is doing to save the population of endangered jaguars, and the dozens of other threatened wildlife species found in the region. Ancient Native American Pottery of Southern Arizona, 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., Pima County Agua Caliente Park, 12325 E. Roger Rd., free but reservations required, 615-7855, eeducation@pima.gov. Using digital images and actual ancient pottery, Allen Dart shows Native American ceramic styles and discusses how archaeologists use pottery for dating and interpreting archaeological sites. Jan. 21 Tuesday Tucson Organic Gardeners Monthly Meeting, 7 p.m., St. Mark’s Church, 3809 E. Third St., free, 6709158, www.tucsonorganicgardeners.org. This month’s program is “Grow Grains in the Desert” by Melissa Mundt. Jan. 22 Wednesday


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page 14 : : Lovin’ Life After 50 : : January 2014

Wednesday Sonoran Desert Weedwackers, 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., Pima County Tucson Mountain Park, 2020 N. Kinney Rd., free but reservations required, 6157855, eeducation@pima.gov. Join the Sonoran Desert Weedwackers to eradicate buffelgrass and fountain grass in Tucson Mountain Park. Jan. 23 Thursday Walking Tours of Tubac’s Art History, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Tubac Presidio State Historic Park, 1 Burruel St., Tubac, $20, reservations required, 398-2252. Learn why Tubac is the town where “Art and History Meet.” Jan. 24 Friday Living History: Medicine of the Spanish Colonial Period, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Tubac Presidio State Historic

Jan. 25 Saturday Hobo Night Potluck and Dance, 6:30 p.m., Singles and Friends Inc., 2447 N. Los Altos Ave., $5 members, $7 nonmembers, 623-7875, www.singleandfriendsinc. com, www.facebook.com/singlesandfriendsinc. Stew and cornbread are furnished as patrons are invited to bring a dish to share. DJ Robert entertains. Birding at Hacienda de la Canoa, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., Historic Hacienda de la Canoa, 5375 S. Interstate 19 Frontage Rd., Green Valley, free but reservations required, 877-6004, CanoaRanch@pima.gov. Join a guided birding walk at Historic Hacienda de la Canoa to see a wide variety of sparrows, raptors, and other desert and grassland birds. Jan. 26 Sunday American Indian Exposition, various times thru Feb. 16, Flamingo Quality Inn ballroom, 1300 N. Stone Ave., Tucson, call for admission charge, 622-4900, www. usaindianinfo.com. Demonstrations and artists change every three to seven days for the event, which features authentic crafts and art from 80 tribal nations. Jan. 27 Monday Introduction to Microsoft Excel, 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m., Nanini Branch Library, 7300 N. Shannon Rd., free but reservations required, 594-5365. Session one of six. Jan. 28 Tuesday Tour of Hacienda de la Canoa, 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Historic Hacienda de la Canoa, 5375 S. Interstate 19 Frontage Rd., Green Valley, free but reservations required, 877-6004, CanoaRanch@pima.gov. Join a walking tour of the Canoa Ranch headquarters to gain insights into the fascinating stories of the people that lived and worked on the ranch. Jan. 29 Wednesday Yetman Trail Hike, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Camino de Oeste Trailhead, 400 N. Camino de Oeste, free but reservations required, 615-7855, eeducation@pima.gov. During this 2- to 3-mile easy- to moderate-level hike, the group searches for signs of wildlife and visits the ruins of the old stone Bowen House. Jan. 30 Thursday Introduction to Computers, 8:45 a.m. to 10 a.m., El Pueblo Branch Library, 101 W. Irvington Rd., free but registration required, 594-5250. Jan. 31 Friday Looking at Windows, 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m., Kirk-Bear Canyon Branch Library, 8959 E. Tanque Verde Rd., free but registration required, 594-5275. Part one of two.

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DENTURES • CROWNS • EXTRACTIONS • BRIDGES • FULL MOUTH RECONSTRUCTIONS January 2014 : : Lovin’ Life After 50 : : page 15


... answers on page 33

EVEN EXCHANGE by Donna Pettman Each numbered row contains two clues and two answers. The two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.

SUDOKU TIME Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine.

Across 1. Not tacit 6. Prepare, as tea 10. Glasgow gal 14. “Wall Street” movie character 15. Percolate slowly 16. Voice below soprano 17. Like porridge 18. Brusque 19. Camera lens 20. A great 2013 deal for the Cardinals 23. Flowered 26. Supply with oxygen 27. Three in one 28. George Gershwin’s brother 29. Family member 30. Yardage pickup 33. Religious maxims 38. Lifestyle center in Scottsdale 41. Far from shore 42. Hairy twin who sold his birthright 43. Guitarist or right winger? 44. Nave seat 46. Rough uplands 48. Imbue with spiritual awareness 52. Depression 54. Home for Simone 56. Split up 57. Pinlike 58. Earth color 63. Halftime lead, e.g. 64. International ___ Line 65. Like hot tar 66. Hairdresser, often 67. Work detail 68. Games expert Down 1. In days past 2. Where ewes roam 3. Calendar abbr. 4. Small guitar, for short

DIFFICULTY THIS MONTH H H H H Moderate HH Challenging HHH HOO BOY! HHHH Put on your helmet!


Unscramble the letters within each rectangle to form four ordinary words. Then rearrange the boxed letters to form the mystery word, which will complete the gag!

page 16 : : Lovin’ Life After 50 : : January 2014

CROSSWORD by Myles Mellor

5. Castle’s inner tower 6. WW I soldier 7. 18 holes, e.g. 8. Nehemiah follows it 9. Hotel-suite amenity 10. Piano virtuoso ___ Berman 11. Lei giver’s greeting 12. Ferret cousin 13. French river to the English Channel 21. Finish 22. Purview 23. Rumor, in Rouen 24. What fans stand in for tickets 25. Bizarre 27. “We’ll ___ cup . . . “: Burns 28. New World empire 31. Refreshing way to start? 32. Tags 34. Shaded in tone

35. They’re leaving 36. Andes Indians 37. Inquires 39. Really dig 40. Go one better than 45. Twisty-horned animals 47. “Stop!” 48. Needed to say “Oops” 49. Deserving assistance 50. Blacken 51. Less ordinary 52. It has wheels on its heel 53. Quetzalcoatl worshipper 55. Get as a return 59. Bossy utterance? 60. The “B” of B.S.A. 61. Aquarium resident 62. Oft-seeded loaf


rivia Contest


appy New Year! January is a time for renewal. You’ve finally found the courage to say “no” to those leftover holiday cookies (You’re a better person than us!) and committed yourself to getting a fair amount of exercise. Things will be different this year, you tell yourself. Stick to those resolutions and soon you’ll have a happier, healthier 2014. But nearly everyone makes a resolution at the beginning year, only to give up weeks or months later. However, this year is going to be different. You’re going to spend more time with the grandkids. You’re going to ease up on the stress you put on yourself. You’re going to find a fulfilling hobby and become really, really good at it! A new year is a new chance for new opportunities, and throughout history, people took it as a way to celebrate what’s to come. Here are a few New Year’s questions to get your noggin’ puzzlin’ in 2014.

To enter simply:

On a sheet of paper list the correct answers in order 1 through 5. Include your full name, mailing address, phone number and an email address (if you have one). Mail your trivia contest entry to: Lovin’ Life After 50 Attn: Trivia Contest 3200 N. Hayden, Suite 210 Scottsdale, AZ 85251

1 2 3 4 5

Chinese New Year takes place during which season? What item is stolen more on New Year’s Day than any other holiday? What year marked the first Times Square New Year’s Eve ball drop? What fruit is eaten in groups of 12 once the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, according to Latin American tradition?

...for our FREE: •Monthly Lectures •Screenings •Demonstrations and Special Events Designed to help you live a healthier, happier, more active lifestyle.

Unless noted, events take place at El Dorado Health Campus.

Go to www.tmcaz.com/CommunityCalendar for details about all of our upcoming events.

Or email your entry to: trivia@lovinlife.com The deadline for entry is the 15th of each month. Please be sure to have your entry postmarked by that date. If you’re a winner in our drawing we’ll contact you via telephone. Good luck!

Thurs., Jan. 9

1:00pm – 3:00pm

Journey for Control - Diabetes Education

Mon., Jan.13

Lovin’ Life After 50 Expo At the Doubletree Hotel

Tues., Jan.14

Alzheimer’s Film: Grandpa, Do You Know Who I Am?

Wed., Jan. 15

Healthy Lifestyle I: Sharpen Memory and Enhance Learning

Tues., Jan. 21

Nutrition: Put the Fire Out – Avoid Inflammation

One-night stay at InnSuites Mona Sandefur

Wed., Jan. 22

9:00am – 10:30am

Parkinson’s Disease: Symptoms, Risk Factors, Diagnosis & Treatment

One-night stay at InnSuites William Carson

Thurs., Jan. 23

Sleep Well as We Age

Wed., Jan. 29

Hearing and Older Adults

Contest Prizes A restaurant gift card, awarded to two winners

Trivia–New Year Which country celebrates birthdays, but a citizen’s legal age doesn’t change until the New Year?

Mark your calendar...

December 2013 Winners

Last Month’s Answers

1 2 3 4 5

Dick Cheney’s daughters Liz and Mary have made headlines for being on opposing sides of the same sex marriage issue. Michael Jackson’s mother Katherine Jackson had her guardianship suspended of her grandchildren when she disappeared to Arizona for 10 days. Madonna has a homeless brother who is none too impressed by her fame and failure to help him out financially. Theodore Roosevelt’s son-in-law, Nicholas Longworth, an early 1900s Republican member of the house, didn’t back his father-in-law’s bid for the presidency. Hulk Hogan and his ex-wife Linda split up in 2007 and both started dating people 20 to 30 years their junior.

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January 2014 : : Lovin’ Life After 50 : : page 17


Have A (Repaired) Heart Advanced technology, positive attitude help mend this cardiac patient. By Kimberly Hosey

erry Gentner has always had a strong heart in the figurative sense. Fixing his physical heart was a much greater challenge. For years, Gentner was the portrait of an active individual. Sailing, camping, hunting, fishing, and leading Cub Scouts were just a few activities that kept the Ajo resident busy for decades—not to mention 23 years of service in the U.S. Navy that included time in the Middle East. More recently, he’s worked for a program near his home that provides counseling for alcohol abuse, domestic violence and anger management. Even as his health deteriorated, he worked weekends as a fire department dispatcher. Gentner really never planned to stop. His body, however, had other ideas.

“Well, I am 75,” he says. “I didn’t expect to get old, and I did.” His work as a dispatcher, as well as long weekly drives to transport equipment for a company where his wife works as an office manager, was no problem. “I could work or drive sitting up,” he says. “But I couldn’t lay down. And if I did the least bit of exertion, I had to rest.” Gentner and his doctor worried that there was something more than old age holding him up. He began to become short of breath after a few seconds of activity. Short walks— even from one room in the house to another—required rest stops. He could no longer lie down to sleep. “If I got up to go to the front door, I’d be out of breath, in that short of time. And I’m talking about 40 feet. It was really quite disturbing,” he says. ...continues on page 20

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page 18 : : Lovin’ Life After 50 : : January 2014





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January 2014 : : Lovin’ Life After 50 : : page 19

[Repaired] Heart ... from page 18

Gentner was diagnosed in 2007 with an abnormal heartbeat known as atrial fibrillation. As his condition worsened, his heart began to fail and his chest filled with fluid. Gentner was admitted to University of Arizona Medical Center—University Campus for further tests. Dr. Raj Janardhanan, associate professor of medicine and medical imaging in the UA College of Medicine—Tucson in the division of cardiology and an expert at detecting and evaluating valve disorders, saw Gentner. The initial two-dimensional echocardiogram Gentner received upon admittance suggested there might be a problem with his mitral valve, the valve between the heart’s left atrium and the left ventricle. To find out more, Janardhanan called for a more specialized echocardiogram—this time a 3-D look, from the inside. For this echocardiogram, Gentner swallowed a probe that took a sonar image of his heart in much greater detail. The technique is called threedimensional transesophageal

echocardiography, or 3D-TEE. The internal, transesophageal imaging has been used for well over a decade, but the 3-D look at Gentner’s heart and valve only became possible within the last five years, Janardhanan says. And it’s the 3-D view, what Janardhanan calls the “surgeon’s view,” that really helped. From the details learned in the 3D-TEE imaging, Janardhanan was able to learn the severity of Gentner’s leaking mitral valve, and was able to create a 3-D model for the surgeon. He confirmed that Gentner’s mitral valve was leaking, which caused blood to flow backward (also called mitral regurgitation) instead of flowing smoothly from the left atrium to the left ventricle. It left Gentner’s body short on oxygen, causing his fatigue and shortness of breath. Janardhanan was also able to determine that Gentner would not need an artificial replacement valve, as might have been routinely done if doctors only had the two-dimensional image for reference. “That was critical information,” Janardhanan says. “You’re able to

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preserve a lot of a patient’s own valve structure when you are repairing. 3-D really adds to patient care.” Gentner seems to appreciate keeping as much of who he is as possible. He also was heartened by the fact that the surgery would be performed robotically. In robotic repair as opposed to openchest repair, the Terry Gentner of Ajo pauses during a cardiac rehab incision is much session with Dr. Raj Janardhanan, who made a 3-D smaller, which image of his heart that helped Gentner’s surgeon repair means the recovery a leaking mitral valve. Gentner’s health has improved time is much faster. greatly since the surgery, which was performed After the surgery, robotically. Gentner was very weak (“You ever He also eats healthfully: His wife, who see a puppet with his strings cut?” he likes to try out healthy recipes from asks), but he began the long process the Food Network, is a great cook, he of rehab, attending twice-weekly says, looking forward to that evening’s sessions at the medical center, where chicken marsala. In the end, new technology and he worked with machines and weights. stick-to-itiveness He has since moved his sessions home old-fashioned to Ajo, where he joined a gym and worked together to help Gentner on works out at least three times a week. his recovery. He’s now able to walk

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Boomerish : : by Steve Greenberg


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The University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center, established in 1986, is dedicated to the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease via the academic pillars of research (discovering knowledge), education (sharing knowledge) and patient care (applying knowledge).

around more easily, do minor repairs surgery, it’s a lot more common than around the house, sleep in the same he once thought—and much easier to bed with his wife (and their three recover from. “I can’t express this too strongly, dogs), and enjoy many activities he’d once written off completely. He’s don’t dread this thing. Go get it fixed.” Janardhanan agrees. While newer itching to give back, to be more active again. He’s considering working for technology and techniques like the counseling program again, or any 3D-TEE have a lot of potential to help people like Gentner, he stresses “little lifesaving job,” he says. that it takes specialists to operate the It’s all about quality of life. “Many people with a leaky valve, technology, and advises individuals to they just attribute it to getting old, start with their own doctors. “Increasing shortness of breath, and they kind of slow down. But once These are common we’re able to fix that, we’re able to fatigue: give them their quality of life, and symptoms elderly people can come that’s the key thing,” Janardhanan across—I recommend seeing their doctors, maybe start with a basic 2-D says. ultrasound which can at least give Gentner certainly agrees. us proof on what’s “I feel much going on with the better. I’m not ready heart muscle and the to run a marathon, status of the heart but my quality of life valve. Those are is just tremendously the two key (pieces more than it was. It of) information we is amazing that I am get from the regular that much better,” echo. That would he says. still be the starting And he has advice Using a new technique called for anyone with three-dimensional transesophageal point. And based on that, we can go health concerns, echocardiography, or 3D-TEE, doctors are able to get a “surgeon’s into more advanced particularly older view” of a patient’s heart and create imaging to fine tune individuals. the best way of “Get yourself a a 3-D model for the surgeon. great doctor, and then go and listen to treatment.” him, and don’t dread what he’s going As for Gentner? to tell you, because what he’s going to “I just want to get back out there,” tell you is probably going to be way he says. “I’m feeling really good, less than you dread,” he says, adding and though I don’t know how much that while not everyone will have better I’ll get, things have improved the benefit of less-invasive robotic mightily.”


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January 2014 : : Lovin’ Life After 50 : : page 21

Big Band Bash Swings in the New Year Southern Arizona Arts and Cultural Alliance and Marana Health Center bring back Senior Prom Big Band Bash for a third year


he concept began in New York and Chicago. The platform exposed stars like Louis Armstrong. The music influenced an entire culture of fashion, dancing and lifestyle. On Martin Luther King weekend, Saturday, Jan. 18, the era of swing will come to life during Marana Senior Prom Big Band Bash, presented by Southern Arizona Arts and Cultural Alliance (SAACA) and MHC Healthcare. Truly a night to remember, the Big Band Bash will celebrate the days of Studebakers, swing dancing and the beginning of post war “baby boom” at MHC Healthcare Main Campus, 13395 N. Marana Main St., in Tucson. Attendees can “cut a rug” on the dance floor in the indoor terrazzo to sounds of the 16-piece Memories Big Band, playing classic greats, such



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as Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey and Duke Ellington. Tickets, $25 per person ($5 veterans discount), include appetizers, wine and cocktail sampling, car show, photo fun booth, music and silent auction to benefit Marana Healthcare Foundation. All ages are welcome to be part of the event, beginning with a food and drink social hour at 4 p.m., and the live performance begins at 5 p.m. Marana Senior Prom Big Band Bash WHEN: Sat., Jan. 18 from 4 to 7 p.m. WHERE: Marana Health Center (MHC) Healthcare, 13395 N. Marana Main St. COST: $25 per person ($5 veterans discount) INFO: 797-3959 or www.saaca.org

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Event Schedule 9:00 a.m........ Exhibit doors open 9:15 a.m........ Official welcome 10:00 a.m. .... Door prizes; $100 drawing giveaway 10:05 a.m. .... Tucson Medical Center Announcement 10:10 a.m. .... Joe Bourne Performs

Monday, Jan. 13th, 2014 9am-2pm | Admission Free

Doubletree Hotel

445 South Alvernon Way Tucson, AZ 85711 Lots of Prizes and Giveaways!

11:00 a.m. .... Door prizes; $100 drawing giveaway 11:05 a.m. .... Tucson Medical Center Announcement 11:10 a.m. .... Joe Bourne Performs 12:00 p.m. .... Door prizes; $100 drawing giveaway 12:05 p.m. .... Tucson Medical Center Announcement 12:10 p.m. .... Joe Bourne Performs 1:00 p.m........ Door prizes; $100 drawing giveaway 1:05 p.m........ Tucson Medical Center Announcement 1:10 p.m........ Joe Bourne Performs 2:00 p.m........ The Expo Concludes

page 24 : : Lovin’ Life After 50 : : January 2014

Welcome to the Stage: Joe Bourne


rooning at this year’s expo will be award-winning singer Joe Bourne. Performing in concerts all over the world with his rhythm and blues/jazz band, Bourne has sang in concerts alongside artists including: The Stylistics, Natalie Cole, The Manhattans, The Pointer Sisters and Dionne Warwick. Joe continues to deliver his special brand of entertainment for radio and TV programs, gala evenings, concerts, dinner shows, film premieres, fashion shows, openings, conventions and charity benefits. For more information: www. joebourne.com.

2014 Expo Exhibitors AAA Arizona AARP - Arizona Advanced Hearing Technologies Arizona Comm for Deaf & HH Arizona Shuttle Assurance HealthCare Corp Atria Bell Court Gardens and Atria Valley Manor AZ Institute of Urology AZ Office of Problem Gambling Barnet Dulaney Perkins Eye Center Bestcare @ Home CareMore Cascades of Tucson Center for Venous DiseaseTucson Cochlear Americas Earthwheels Mobility Scooters Edward Jones Estate Planning at Your Service Fellowship Square Tucson Final Exit Network Fishkind, Bakewell, Maltzman Eye Center

Fletcher Music Centers Gentiva Hospice Health Net of AZ JEA-Copper Canyon Life Care Centers Manor at Midvale Mountain View Retirement Village New York Life Ins Co NNS Clinical Research Pima Council on Aging Rincon Country RV Resorts RN Patient Advocates PLLC SCAN Health Plan Arizona Science Care Seniors Helping Seniors Sleepover Rover, Inc Snelling Total Wellness Southwest Dental Group Stryker Orthopaedics The Hartford Tucson Medical Center Verizon Wireless Walgreens Western Union

Celebrate Seniors at the 26th Annual Lovin’ Life After 50 Expo


ocal seniors have the perfect opportunity to get the latest information on everything from travel to health and nutrition at the 2014 Lovin’ Life After 50 Expo! This 26th annual event features entertainment, prizes and more than 70 vendors with information on retirement, health care, leisure, travel, education and casinos. There will be musical performances and activities including door prizes and an hourly drawing for $100. Admission and parking are free. “It all lends itself to a very positive experience,” said Lovin’ Life After 50 publisher Steve Strickbine. “People come out for a variety of reasons, mainly they like to look at the booths, but there is a social aspect, too. And in the mean time, they get to learn something.” Lovin’ Life After 50 has been in publication for more than 30 years. Due to the popularity of our publications and growing demand, 26 years ago we began hosting expos—giving readers and advertisers a place to connect in person. Since then, our expos have become a powerful way for exhibitors to show and explain their products and services to a ready 50-plus market. Booths at our events provide an excellent opportunity for readers to meet and connect with variety of business professionals. We look forward to seeing you at the expo!

January 2014 : : Lovin’ Life After 50 : : page 25

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... from page 8 mouths that don’t mean a thing and Oh yeah the newest urban who don’t interest the children who plans for the East Valley—save want to see the parade? water, selectively destroy the orchards and farm land, build estateOh boo-hoo, businesses are like sized homes for the haves of the complaining. Holiday sales world. The boxes, stack them high, are down. Is no one smart cram them together for the have-nots, enough to realize that shoppers are to save on transportation and call it unemployed, or prefer to wait until progress. Yeah, sure. Let’s have Phoenix after they cook, eat, enjoy TV and greet look just like anywhere else back east, visitors, not stuck in traffic or airports? and then no one would be homesick. Get over the instant gratification sales. It would be better to get back to the old If you think we live in a days when someone had a day off every democracy, newsflash! It is an now and then. A day off, what in the oligarchy run by the billionaire world is that? Koch brothers, for the Kochs and of the Kochs. Their ultimate goal is to grow Obama’s Kenyan-born uncle the masses of poor while decimating is allowed to remain in the the middle class. It is largely succeeding U.S. Over 20 years ago he was thanks to the shrewd piggy backing onto ordered to leave. He defied that order. the Tea Party movement. The Tea Party Obama’s aunt, who is also illegal, was controls the House of Representatives ordered to obey the laws don’t apply which has blocked all legislation to to the Obama family. That pesky create jobs, fund education programs, build infrastructure, and 99 percent of Constitution means nothing to them. any bills presented to them. Ironically, Isn’t it interesting how depraved the Kochs don’t agree with all Tea Party the general public is becoming ideology. Witness the recent government when the TV murdering shutdown. The enactment of Citizens stars are all the people want to see on United provided a means for the Kochs TV? This country is going to the dogs to use their money to influence elections faster than you can realize. There of Tea Party congressmen, governors, are disgustingly depraved growing representatives at the federal, state, generations of the public. Disgustingly county and city level. The “no new depraved and they don’t even know it taxes/shrink government” policies are particularly destructive to the middle because they’re so doggone dumb. class. They argue that funding cuts to Oh hey Republican neighbor, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, I just had a terrible accident food stamps, unemployment insurance, and I got a $100,000 bill in temporary assistance to needy families the hospital, but I didn’t get any of are a necessary evil. These cuts, as well that Obama insurance. You’re going as sequestration, result in more people to pay that bill for me aren’t you, aren’t permanently stranded at the poverty you? You said so. Gee whiz. I guess I level and pushed out of the middle class should have gotten that dumb Obama for good. Tea Party-ers believe that insurance, after all. Oh boy, now what? people in need are moochers, parasites, and the 47 percent of the population. If you’re among the many “Punish to poor” is the foundation built people who still read into any legislation they agree upon. newspapers and listen to PBS, Additionally, the Tea Party Republicans you probably don’t realize the problems have blocked legislation to regulate of current America are being created banks. Without new legislation requiring and controlled by the under 35-year-old that banks separate their banking and generations. Who didn’t know Twiddly investment entities, they have become Dee, Twiddly Dum. They were all monstrosities bigger than in 2008. Subcheated of educational systems that prime mortgages are available now didn’t not teach them reading, writing with a different name—short sales with and arithmetic. Poor things, they think high interest. When the bubble bursts they’re running the country and they again, will our economy be able to recover? How many poor people will be call it Congress. God help America. produced in the aftermath?


A New Year for New Ear Resolutions

See Clearly Diagnosis and management of eye disease, routine and medical eye exams, surgery.

::by Lee Sams


illions of people around the world make New Year’s resolutions— the idea that you get a fresh start at the beginning of the calendar year is a powerful notion that cuts across cultures. While losing weight offers a host of benefits for many people, addressing other health issues, like hearing health can make an equally compelling New Year’s resolutions. Why? Studies show that people are being diagnosed with hearing damage at younger and younger ages. Whether you’re in the habit of making New Year’s resolutions or not, consider making hearing health a bigger priority this year by following these helpful tips: Pay attention to noise Have you ever thought about the different noises you encounter in a day? From listening to music loudly, to traffic noise and even electrical equipment, these all can lead to significant hearing loss if not careful. As you head into the New Year, keep in mind that 85 decibels (dB) is the threshold for noises that can be harmful and irreversible for your ears. Get your hearing checked regularly Statistics indicate many people who suspect they have a hearing loss wait an average of five or more years before having their hearing tested. If you or a loved one is having difficulty hearing, set a resolution to get hearing tested in the New Year. Get to know your hearing aid If you are a hearing aid user, make it a priority to work closely with your hearing aid provider to learn the features of your instrument. Many digital hearing aids have new functions that can help improve quality of life if used properly. Be prepared for a hearing health emergency From excessive loud noise to running out of hearing aid batteries, these are hearing health emergencies that you


or a loved could encounter in the New Year. Be prepared to handle these emergencies by having a set of foam earplugs or noise-reducing earmuffs for every member of your family and keeping them accessible. And, because batteries can go bad at any time, it’s always a good idea for hearing aid users to keep an ample supply of batteries on hand.

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Lee Sams is an outreach manager for Arizona Relay Service, which is administered by the Arizona Commission for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing. As an outreach manager, Sams works to raise awareness and promote the different types of relay services available for the deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind or speech-disabled communities throughout the state. Sams is a graduate of the University of Arizona with a master’s in rehabilitation counseling and also teaches American Sign Language at Paradise Valley Community College.

Dr. Mark L. Griswold

Dr. Wm. Bradley Volz

797-9700 • 1521 Tangerine, Suite 797-9700 • 1521 E. E. Tangerine, Suite301 301


Share hearing health tips And of course, it’s never too early to start talking to other family members and young kids about protecting their hearing. Share your knowledge about hearing healthy with loved ones. Here are a couple things to share: • Remind your family members to lower the volume. If you have to yell to be heard while watching your favorite TV show, it’s too loud. Discuss the importance of keeping the volume on TVs, radios and music devices at a reasonable level to avoid any damage to hearing. • Remind your family members that it’s OK to give your ears a break. Because in today’s busy world, we are constantly around noise. After being exposed to high noise volumes hours on end, it is important to find a quiet space to give your ears a break. • With these simple strategies, you and your loved ones will be well on your way to better hearing health in the New Year and your ears will thank you. For more information, visit www. azrelay.org.

Griswold Eye Care




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or clean the filters once a month during the high-use months. Upgrade to a more efficient furnace. Consider upgrading to a more efficient and reliable furnace. For example, the Trane XC95m gas furnace has a fully modulating gas valve and a variable speed fan for efficient, consistent warmth throughout your home. As the industry’s first fully modulating furnace, its unique technology prevents your home’s system from overshooting the set temperature, eliminating temperature swings and th moderating your system’s energy usage. Reduce heat loss from windows. Ten to 25 percent of your heating bill each month can often be attributed Den tal Dental to heat lost through your home’s + according to: www.energy. Are you new to the area or just looking for a new Dental windows, Den tal New location + Are you new to the area or just looking for a new Are youNew new to the area or just looking for a new gov. Replace old windows with more Location in Marana Dental New location Are you new to the area or just looking for a new energy efficient ones so your heating Den Are tal today to schedule an appointment or learn more Areyou younew new to the area or just looking for a new to the area or just looking for a new th Are you new to the area or just looking for a new system doesn’t have to work as hard Dental today to schedule an appointment or learn more Den tal Dental Are you new to the area or just looking for a new about our 20-plus yearsyou! of experience. th learn more dentist? We have location near Give usGive aa call Dental Den tal inusMarana dentist? We have aa location near you! Give us call today to schedule an appointment or dentist? We have a location near you! a to manage your home’s desired about our 20-plus years of experience. dentist? We Wehave have aDental locationannear near you! us aalearn call dentist? aschedule location you! Give Give us call in Marana Dental Dental today to schedule appointment or more temperature. Keeping shades and today to an appointment or learn more Are you new to the area or just looking for a new about our 20-plus years or of experience. call today to schedule an appointment learn today to schedule an appointment orexperience. learn more today toabout schedule an appointment or learn more draperies open during the day will also about our 20-plus years of ourtal 20-plus years of experience. Den Dentalabout our 20-plus take +advantage of the sun’s warmth years of experience. Den tal about our 20-plus yearslab ofDental experience. more about our 20-plus ofareaexperience. Are you years new to the or just looking for a new • In-house denture + today to •schedule an appointment or learn more Dentotalthe Dental Are you new area or just looking for a new Are new to the just looking+for a and newallow for a more efficient+system. Are you new to the areayou or just looking for a area new orth In-house denture lab + •dentist? Cancer screening Marana 520.579.1500 Are you new to the area or just looking for a new Dental Create + an energy command center. • Cosmetic/General/Dentures We ayou location near Give us aan call Are you new to the area or looking for new to schedule appointment learn Are you new toyou! the area or just looking for more a new Are new totoday the area orjust just looking foraaor new about ourdentist? 20-plus years ofhave experience. • Cancer Marana 520.579.1500 Dentalscreening • have Cosmetic/General/Dentures Wetoday a location near you! Give us a call Some of the newest technologies + Are you new to the area or just looking for a new today to schedule an appointment or learn more Green Valley 520.393.0006 Are you new toyou the area orato looking for aofnew about our 20-plus years experience. to schedule an appointment or learn more th dentist? We have ajust location near you! Give usGive aa call in Marana dentist? We have location near you! Give us callus Are new the area or just looking for a new • Cosmetic/General/Dentures today to schedule an appointment or learn more dentist? We have a location near you! a Green Valley 520.393.0006 Are you new to the area or just looking for a new literally put home energy control at • In-house denture lab today to schedule an appointment or learn more about our 20-plus years of experience. • Don’t lose your insurance benefits. dentist? We have a location near you! Give us a call • In-house denture lab in Marana Dental about our 20-plus years of experience. dentist? We have aschedule location near you! Give us afor call Southwest 520.547.2328 today to schedule an appointment oror learn more th + today to an appointment learn more Are you new to the area or just looking a new • Don’t lose20-plus your benefits. New location Dental Are you new to the area or just looking for a new your fi ngertips. For instance, with a about our 20-plus years of experience. Callinsurance us before the end of the year. about our years of experience. Southwest 520.547.2328 dentist? We have a location near you! Give us a call g New location call today to schedule an appointment or learn inlearn today to schedule an appointment or more dentist? We have aofCof location near you! Give us a callTrane ComfortLink om today toCthe schedule an appointment more n learn g oor •dentist? Cancer screening Call us before end of about our 20-plus years Marana 520.579.1500 Eastside 520.722.1212 Soexperience. •mthe No-charge Cancer screening ominn year. about our 20-plus years experience. II Control you New location Dental Den tal o o Marana 520.579.1500 We haveDen ayears location near you! Give us aor call S 20-plus g inabout our of Eastside 520.722.1212 th more talschedule Co oonabout our 20-plus years ofexperience. experience. more about our 20-plus years of the experience. today to an appointment learn th Marana 520.579.1500 To Be Your Dentist! S We Want Dental Are you new to area or just today to schedule an appointment or learn more can monitor indoor and outdoor • In-house denture lab Central 520.327.6541 + Are you new to the area or just looking for a new • Cosmetic/General/Dentures to schedule an appointment learn Are you new to the area or just looking formore a new Dental Are you new to the area just looking for alearn new Are you new totoday thetoday area orValley just looking for aororValley new Green 520.393.0006 th + to schedule an appointment or more •Dental In-house denture lab Central 520.327.6541 • No-charge 2nd opinion Green 520.393.0006 in Marana + • Cancer screening Dental temperatures, adjust your HVAC Marana 520.579.1500 Are you new to the area or just looking for a new in Marana • Cosmetic/General/Dentures about our years of dentist? We have a20-plus location near you! Give usexperience. aexperience. • In-house denture lab for a new Northwest 520.293.9277 Green Valley 520.393.0006 dentist? We have ayears location near you? Give us acallcall today to about our 20-plus years of about our 20-plus of experience. • Cancer screening Marana 520.579.1500 dentist? We have a location near you! Give us a call • location Don’t lose your insurance benefits. Dental in Marana Dental Are you newlooking to the area or just looking for a new •20-plus Cosmetic/General/Dentures dentist? We have a location near you! Give us a call dentist? We have a near you! Give us a call Northwest 520.293.9277 system for energy effi ciency and learn about our years of experience. + Green Valley 520.393.0006 today to schedule an appointment or learn more Southwest 520.547.2328 Are you you new Southwest to the area or just looking for alooking new ingnew totoschedule an appointment learn more 520.547.2328 • Cosmetic/General/Dentures Are to•today the area just looking for aor new Com + No-charge Full Exam & X-Rays Green Valley 520.393.0006 Oro Valley 520.229.1444 •dentist? Cancer screening • In-house denture lab today schedule an appointment or learn morefor Marana 520.579.1500 Are you new to the area or just a new •or Don’t lose your insurance benefits. Soon Marana 520.579.1500 Call us before the end of the year. • In-house denture lab schedule an appointment or learn more about our 20-plus years of experience. Southwest 520.547.2328 when it’s time to change a filter or about our 20-plus years of experience. today to schedule an appointment or learn more Southwest 520.547.2328 + Oro 520.229.1444 We have today a location near you! Give us aValley call Are you new to the area or just looking for a+new schedule an appointment or learn more •520.579.1500 lose your insurance benefits. Marana location Den to tal about our 20-plus years of experience. New loca tion Call us the end ofNew the year. dentist? Wehave have aValley location near you! Give us aalocation call about our 20-plus years ofEastside experience. Southwest 520.547.2328 g looking New New loca tion ing Are you new to the area or just looking for a new dentist? aDon’t location near you! Give us call AreWe you new to the area or just for a new inbefore 520.722.1212 mend Sierra Vista 520.459.2200 schedule routine maintenance—all Com New location Eastsid e 520.722.1212 o n g Green 520.393.0006 C o • Cancer screening Call us before the of the year. in •today Cosmetic/General/Dentures Marana 520.579.1500th+ + Eastside 520.722.1212 So •We No-charge Cancer screening Want To Your Dentist! New location on Com • Cosmetic/General/Dentures Green Valley Sierra Vista 520.459.2200 SoEastside Eastsid e520.393.0006 520.722.1212 Dental Marana 520.579.1500 dentist? We aBe location near Soonhave about our 20-plus of experience. to schedule an appointment oryears learn more Green Valley 520.393.0006 Are you new to the area orjust looking forayou! anew newGive us a call th 520.722.1212 Are you new to the area or looking for about our 20-plus years of experience. today to schedule an appointment or learn more Are you new to the area or just looking for ajust new from a 7-inch touchscreen. It comes today to schedule an appointment or learn more Marana 520.579.1500 Are you new to the area or just looking for a new today to schedule an appointment or learn more Are you new to the area or just looking for a new Central 520.327.6541 + • Cosmetic/General/Dentures Southwest 520.547.2328 Are you new to the area or just looking for a new Central 520.327.6541 Green Valley 520.393.0006 • Don’tour lose20-plus your insurance benefits. Central 520.327.6541 today to schedule an appointment or learn more Dental Central 520.327.6541 • No-charge 2nd opinion Southwest 520.547.2328 Green Valley 520.393.0006 Are you new to the area or just looking for a new in Marana • Are In-house denture lab paired with an energy management about years of experience. today to schedule an appointment or learn more Dental Central 520.327.6541 in Marana you new to the area or just looking for a new Southwest 520.547.2328 about our 20-plus years of experience. about our 20-plus years of experience. • In-house denture lab dentist? We have anew location near you! Give us aaaaaor520.293.9277 Northwest Green Valley 520.393.0006 Are you new to the area looking for new about our 20-plus of experience. ++ Are you new to the or just looking for new to schedule an appointment or learn more +Mar dentist? We have ayears location near you! Give us call in ana today an appointment learn more •today Don’t lose your insurance benefits. Are you to the area just looking for acall new Eastside 520.722.1212 Are you new to the or just looking for new Are you new to the area or just looking for a new today to schedule an appointment or learn more in Mar ana dentist? We have a location near you! Give us a Call us before the end of the year. Northwest 520.293.9277 about our 20-plus years of experience. in Marana system that analyzes your home’s Southwest 520.547.2328 Eastside 520.722.1212 g about our 20-plus years of experience. + Are you new to the area or just looking for a new in in Marana to schedule an appointment more Southwest 520.547.2328 m dentist? We have aMarana location near you! Give us aayears call Northwes tGive 520.293.9277 Northwest 520.293.9277 Aret Southwest you new to the area or just looking for aor new Conear •today No-charge Full Exam &us X-Rays about our 20-plus ofexperience. experience. n Oro Valley 520.229.1444 • dentist? No-charge Cancer screening about years of We have aschedule location you! Give us call • Cancer screening oo 520.579.1500 dentist? We have a location location near you! Give us aacall call SWe dentist? We have near you! Give us aalearn Marana 520.579.1500 Call us before the end of the year. Northwes 520.293.9277 • In-house denture lab 520.547.2328 today to schedule an appointment or learn more Marana in Marana dentist? have a near you! Give us call ingdentist? dentist? We have near you! Give call Eastside 520.722.1212 + Oro Valley 520.229.1444 We have a location near you! us a call Central 520.327.6541 today to an appointment or learn more energy usage 24/7 and reports how Marana 520.579.1500 Are you new to the area or just looking for a new We Want To Be Your Dentist! about our 20-plus years of experience. Are youCoSmonew to the area or just looking for a new n dentist? Wehave have aValley location near Give us aa call about our years of experience. Be Your o Central 520.327.6541 g you! Nor in Marana dentist? We a520.579.1500 location near you! Give us callDentist! Eastside 520.722.1212 A+ ow call today to schedule an appointment or learn Vista 520.459.2200 Eastsid e20-plus 520.722.1212 omin today to schedule an appointment learn more Green 520.393.0006 CSierra today to schedule an appointment or learn more • Cosmetic/General/Dentures today to schedule appointment or learn more • Cancer screening Marana to schedule an appointment or learn more O Oro Valley 520.229.1444 today to schedule an appointment or learn more today to schedule appointment or learn more Marana 520.579.1500 Green Valley 520.393.0006 Sierra Vista 520.459.2200 • today No-charge 2nd opinion Soon Eastsid e 520.722.1212 p much is being spent on electricity. Oro Valley 520.229.1444 today to schedule an appointment or learn more A Green Valley 520.393.0006 e dentist? We have a location near you! Give us a call about our 20-plus years of experience. + Are you new to the area or just looking for a new n Northwest 520.293.9277 Marana 520.579.1500 Oro Valley 520.229.1444 Are you newAll toservices the area or just looking for a Licensed new today to schedule an or learn more Marana 520.579.1500 about our 20-plus years of !years experience. performed by Arizona General Dentists today to20-plus schedule anappointment appointment or learn more Central 520.327.6541 Northwest 520.293.9277 Den tal All services performed by Arizona Licensed General Dentists Southwest 520.547.2328 • 20-plus Cosmetic/General/Dentures about our 20-plus experience. about our of experience. Central 520.327.6541 • Don’t lose your insurance benefits. Central 520.327.6541 about our years of experience. Green Valley 520.393.0006 about our 20-plus of experience. Choose ENERGY STAR products. about our 20-plus years experience. Southwest 520.547.2328 today to schedule an appointment or learn more Den tal about our 20-plus years of experience. about our 20-plus years of experience. We Want To Be Your Dentist! more about our 20-plus years of experience. Central 520.327.6541 Southwest 520.547.2328 about our 20-plus years of experience. Oro Valley 520.229.1444 • schedule No-charge Full Exam & X-Rays ++ Sierra Vi sta 520.459.220 0looking Dental Are you new to the area looking for new about our 20-plus years of experience. 7475 W. Twin Peaks Rd., #111 Are you new the or just looking for aaaor new today to schedule an appointment learn more Green Valley 520.393.0006 • •before In-house denture lab today an appointment learn more Are you new to the area just looking for aor new Eastside 520.722.1212 Oro Valley 520.229.1444 Sierra Vista 520.459.2200 We Want To Be Your Dentist! Are you new to the or just for new Sierra sta 520.459.220 0 Don’t lose your insurance benefits. Call usAre the end of the year. + Green Valley 520.393.0006 LOCATIONS Your home’s appliances and today to an appointment or learn more •In-house In-house denture lab Dental Eastside 520.722.1212 you new to the area or just looking for a new about our 20-plus years of experience. •Vi denture lab Northwest 520.293.9277 Southwest 520.547.2328 ++ Northwes t 520.327.6541 520.293.9277 520.293.9277 th about our 20-plus years ofexperience. experience. Are youNorthwes new toyear. the area looking for aaNorthwest new about years of Are you new to the area orWe just looking for new • In-house denture lab dentist? We have a location location near you! Give usaaaaA call dentist? We have near you! Give us call gbefore t 520.327.6541 520.293.9277 • end In-house denture lab Marana in+ Marana dentist? have a520.579.1500 near you! Give us call dentist? We have near you! Give us call Sierra Vista 520.459.2200 Eastside 520.722.1212 Call the of the min + Central • Cancer screening Marana 520.579.1500 Are you new to the area or520.579.1500 just looking for a new Cous Are you new to the area or just looking for a new •dentist? Cancer screening Tucson, AZ. 85743 Sierra Vista 520.459.2200 Marana n electronics account for close to 20 •dentist? Cancer screening Marana 520.579.1500 • Cosmetic/General/Dentures Central Marana N dentist? have a location near you! Give us a call SooWe We haveatoday aOro location you! Give us aacall owan We have location near Give us call ing • Cancer Eastside 520.722.1212 Southwest 520.547.2328 to schedule appointment oror learn more today to schedule appointment or learn more about ourdentist? 20-plus years of experience. screening Marana 520.579.1500 Oyou! • Cancer screening Valley 520.229.1444 today to schedule an appointment or learn more Com today to schedule appointment learn more Southwest 520.547.2328 Marana 520.579.1500 pyou! n Oro Valley Dental e520.293.9277 dentist? We have aGreen location near Give us a call Marana 520.579.1500 n!520.393.0006 Northwest •Cosmetic/General/Dentures Cosmetic/General/Dentures Oro Marana 520.579.1500 So•o520.229.1444 Oro Valley 520.229.1444 Marana 520.579.1500 •Valley Cosmetic/General/Dentures Wetoday have a location near you! Give us a call All services performed520.229.1444 by Arizona Licensed General Dentists percent of your energy bills, according Central 520.327.6541 today to schedule an appointment or learn more Marana 520.579.1500 Northwest 520.293.9277 Green Valley 520.393.0006 Green Valley 520.393.0006 today toappointment schedule anan appointment or learn more All services performed by Arizona Licensed General Dentists to schedule or learn more (Coachline Blvd./Twin Peaks Rd.) •an Cosmetic/General/Dentures about our 20-plus experience. about our 20-plus years of experience. Green Valley 520.393.0006 about our 20-plus of experience. about our 20-plus years experience. today to your schedule appointment or learn more Central 520.327.6541 • Cosmetic/General/Dentures We Want Dentist! •Don’t Don’t lose your insurance benefits. We Want To Be Your Dentist! Green 520.393.0006 Oro Valley 520.229.1444 LOCATIONS •Valley lose insurance benefits. Green 520.393.0006 LOCATIONS Sierra Vi sta 520.459.220 0 about our 20-plus years of experience. •Valley In-house denture lab today to schedule an appointment or learn more to energy.gov. Using ENERGY STAR7475 W. Twin Peaks Rd., #111 Southwest 520.547.2328 ••Don’t lose your insurance benefits. about our 20-plus years of experience. Oro Valley 520.229.1444 Sierra Vista 520.459.2200 Sierra Vi sta 520.459.220 0 Eastsid e 520.722.1212 In-house denture lab Southwest 520.547.2328 •Call Don’t lose your insurance benefits. Eastside 520.722.1212 Green Valley 520.393.0006 Green Valley 520.393.0006 about our 20-plus years of experience. •In-house In-house denture lab about our 20-plus years of experience. • denture lab us before the end of the year. Southwest 520.547.2328 Northwest 520.293.9277 AA++ Southwest 520.547.2328 Sierra Vista 520.459.2200 Call us before theAre end of520.293.9277 the year. Are you new toyear. the area for aanew new Green Valley about 520.393.0006 you new to the area or just looking looking for new Are you new to the area or just looking for a • Don’t lose20-plus your New location Northwest Sierra Vista 520.459.2200 Call us before the end of the Callinsurance us before the end of the year. certified products—which incorporate Eastside 520.722.1212 our years ofbenefits. experience. • Cancer screening Tucson, AZ. 85743 Green Valley 520.393.0006 Sierra Vista 520.459.2200 Marana 520.579.1500 Southwest 520.547.2328 g g New location • Cancer screening Marana in dentist? Eastside 520.722.1212 Wehave have location you! Give Marana 520.579.1500 Com dentist? We aainlocation near you!520.579.1500 Give us usaacall call Com Eastside 520.722.1212 Southwest 520.547.2328 Marana 520.579.1500 gyear. Soon Southwest 520.547.2328 •Southwest Cancer screening Call us before the end of the inCentral Marana Eastside 520.722.1212 SoonGreen 520.579.1500 520.547.2328 Marana 520.579.1500 •Cosmetic/General/Dentures Cosmetic/General/Dentures Oro Valley 520.229.1444 • No-charge Cancer 520.327.6541 Com Central 520.327.6541 •screening 520.393.0006 advanced technologies that use 10 to n today to schedule an appointment or learn more Oro Valley 520.229.1444 Marana 520.579.1500 Central 520.327.6541 Green Valley 520.393.0006 o o Marana 520.579.1500 dentist? We have a location near you! Give us a call today to schedule an appointment or learn more S (Coachline Blvd./Twin Peaks Rd.) Marana 520.579.1500 Central 520.327.6541 Southwest 520.547.2328 ingMarana Eastside 520.722.1212 th 520.579.1500 Central 520.327.6541 •Don’t Don’t loseN your insurance benefits. operformed Com w insurance Green Valley 520.393.0006 Southwest 520.547.2328 • about lose your benefits. our 20-plus years of experience. LOCATIONS Marana 520.579.1500 Southwest 520.547.2328 Soon All services by Arizona Licensed GeneralLicensed DentiststhGeneral about our 20-plus years of experience. Green Valley 520.393.0006 Southwest 520.547.2328 All services performed by Arizona Licensed General Dentists 15 percent less energy and water than Eastside 520.722.1212 Central 520.327.6541 Green Valley 520.393.0006 Northwest 520.293.9277 + All services performed by Arizona Dentists • Cosmetic/General/Dentures O Call us before the end of the year. p LOCATIONS Sierra Vista 520.459.2200 All services performed by Arizona Licensed General Dentists en Sierra Vista Eastsid eNo-charge 520.722.1212 Are you new to the area or just looking for aperformed new Eastsid eschedule 520.722.1212 Call us520.459.2200 before end of the year. !the Northwest 520.293.9277 Green Valley 520.393.0006 All services by520.722.1212 Arizona Licensed General Dentistsby Arizona Licensed General Green Valley 520.393.0006 Green Valley 520.393.0006 All services performed by Arizona Licensed General Dentists Northwest 520.293.9277 Northwest 520.293.9277 today to an appointment or learn more 7475 W. Twin Peaks Rd., #111 Dental Central 520.327.6541 Eastside Northwes t 520.293.9277 • 2nd opinion Green Valley 520.393.0006 Green Valley 520.393.0006 in Marana All services performed Dentists Eastside 520.722.1212 Southwest 520.547.2328 Marana 520.579.1500 Eastside 520.722.1212 Dental standard models—throughout your in Marana Oro Valley 520.229.1444 Marana 520.579.1500 Southwest 520.547.2328 e denture lab Marana 520.579.1500 Eastside 520.722.1212 Southwest 520.547.2328 Northwest 520.293.9277 Green Valley 520.393.0006 Central 520.327.6541 Oro Valley 520.229.1444 Oro Valley 520.229.1444 Central 520.327.6541 Southwest 520.547.2328 Marana 520.579.1500 • Don’t lose your insurance benefits. Marana 520.579.1500 Central 520.327.6541 Southwest 520.547.2328 new to the area or just looking for a new Central 520.327.6541 Tucson, AZ. 85743 Northwest 520.293.9277 Green Valley 520.393.0006 Central 520.327.6541 home could save nearly $900 over the about our 20-plus years of experience. + Southwest 520.547.2328 LOCATIONS Sierra Vista 520.459.2200 Southwest 520.547.2328 Eastsid e 520.722.1212 All services performed by Arizona Licensed General Dentists g Green Valley 520.393.0006 Oro Valley 520.229.1444 Green Valley 520.393.0006 Are you you new Southwest to the area or just looking for a520.229.1444 new AllLOCATIONS services performed by Arizona Licensed GeneralLicensed Dentists in new Northwest 520.293.9277 to schedule an appointment or learn more 520.547.2328 All services performed byArizona Arizona Licensed GeneralDentists Dentists Oro Valley 520.229.1444 Sierra 520.459.2200 Are to the area or just looking for aVista new All services performed byArizona Arizona General Dentists Sierra Vista 520.459.2200 Com Eastsid eend 520.722.1212 Central 520.327.6541 Eastsid e 520.393.0006 520.722.1212 •today No-charge Full Exam & X-Rays Northwest 520.293.9277 Green Valley All services performed by Licensed General Green Valley 520.393.0006 Oro Valley screening All services performed by Licensed General Dentists Marana 520.579.1500 Northwest 520.293.9277 Eastside 520.722.1212 Soon Marana 520.579.1500 Call us before the of the year. Central 520.327.6541 Southwest 520.547.2328 All services performed by Arizona Licensed General Dentists lifetime of the products. (Coachline Blvd./Twin Peaks Rd.) Southwest 520.547.2328 Eastside 520.722.1212 Oro Valley 520.229.1444 We have a location near you! Give us a call Oro Valley 520.229.1444 Southwest 520.547.2328 Southwest 520.547.2328 Northwes tSouthwest 520.293.9277 Marana 520.579.1500 Eastside Marana 520.579.1500 about our 20-plus years of experience. Central 520.327.6541 Oro Valley 520.722.1212 520.229.1444 dentist? Wehave have location near Give use520.459.2200 aa520.579.1500 call Southwest 520.547.2328 Marana 520.547.2328 g you! Northwes t 520.293.9277 dentist? We aaValley location near you! Give us call Central 520.327.6541 Central 520.327.6541 Eastside 520.722.1212 Sierra Vista min520.722.1212 Sierra Vista 520.459.2200 Central 520.327.6541 Eastsid e Schedule seasonal maintenance. o Sierra Vista 520.459.2200 Eastsid 520.722.1212 Green 520.393.0006 C Oro Valley 520.229.1444 ic/General/Dentures Green Valley 520.393.0006 Northwest 520.293.9277 Sierra Vi sta 520.459.220 0 Eastside 520.722.1212 Sierra Vista 520.459.2200 Eastsid 520.722.1212 All services performed by Arizona Licensed Dentists oonnew Central 520.327.6541 Green Valley 520.393.0006 Sierra Vista Northwest 520.293.9277 Green Valley 520.393.0006 SNorthwest Eastsid 520.722.1212 schedule an appointment ore learn more Eastside 520.722.1212 Green Valley 520.393.0006 ++ Are you to the the area ore just looking forGeneral new Central 520.327.6541 Eastside 520.722.1212 Northwes t 520.293.9277 Green Valley 520.393.0006 520.293.9277 Are you new520.459.2200 to area or just looking for aanew Oro Valley 520.229.1444 today to schedule an appointment or learn more Southwest 520.547.2328 During the heavy-use winter months, Northwes t 520.293.9277 today to schedule an appointment or learn more Northwest 520.293.9277 Central 520.327.6541 Northwes t 520.293.9277 Central 520.327.6541 All services performed by520.327.6541 Arizona Licensed General Dentists Southwest 520.547.2328 Southwest 520.547.2328 Oro Valley 520.229.1444 Central 520.327.6541 Sierra Vista 520.459.2200 Central 520.327.6541 Central ose20-plus your benefits. Central 520.327.6541 Central 520.327.6541 Northwest 520.293.9277 Southwest 520.547.2328 Oro Valley 520.229.1444 Oroinsurance Valley 520.229.1444 Eastside 520.722.1212 Southwest 520.547.2328 All services performed by Arizona Licensed General Dentists ur years of experience. Northwest 520.293.9277 Oro Valley 520.229.1444 it’s a good idea to schedule an HVAC Oro Valley 520.229.1444 Central 520.327.6541 Southwest 520.547.2328 Eastside 520.722.1212 about our 20-plus years of experience. + Northwes t 520.293.9277 Northwest 520.293.9277 Oro Valley 520.229.1444 Oro Valley 520.229.1444 Sierra Vito sta 520.459.220 0for services performed by Arizona Licensed General Dentists Are you new the area looking for new about our 20-plus years of experience. + Are you new to the or just looking aaAll new today toValley schedule an appointment or learn more Oro 520.229.1444 Northwest 520.293.9277 today an appointment learn more Northwes tfor Are you new to the area just looking for a520.293.9277 new Eastside 520.722.1212 Central 520.327.6541 All services performed by@ Arizona Licensed Are you new to the or just looking aAllor new Northwest 520.293.9277 520.722.1212 Sierra Vista 520.459.2200 before the end ofEastside the Eastside year. learn more services performed by Arizona LicensedGeneral GeneralDentists Dentists Central 520.327.6541 system checkup. A qualifi ed dealer 520.722.1212 Oro Valley 520.229.1444 Sierra Vi sta 520.459.220 0 Oro Valley 520.229.1444 Northwes tOro 520.293.9277 learn more @ Oro Valley 520.229.1444 Sierra ViNorthwest sta 520.459.220 520.293.9277 Oro Valley 520.229.1444 about our 20-plus years ofexperience. experience. Sierra VistaCentral 520.459.2200 Northwest 520.293.9277 about years of Sierra Vista 520.459.2200 Oro Valley 520.229.1444 dentist? We have a location location near you! Give us call Vi sta 520.459.220 0call All services performed by Arizona Licensed General Dentists dentist? We have near you! Give us aaaa0 call Sierra Vista 520.459.2200 Northwes 520.293.9277 • In-house denture labt Oro Valley 520.229.1444 Marana in Marana dentist? We have aSierra near you! Give us ing Valley 520.229.1444 520.327.6541 dentist? We have near you! Give us call Eastside 520.722.1212 Sierra Vi sta 520.459.220 0 + Northwest 520.293.9277 Central 520.327.6541 All services performed by Arizona Licensed General Dentists can perform preventive maintenance Com Are you new to the area or just looking for a new n Sierra Vista 520.459.2200 Central 520.327.6541 Oro Valley 520.229.1444 Sierra Vi sta520.229.1444 520.459.220 0 NowSierra Vista Sierra Soo Sierra Vista 520.459.2200 520.459.2200 Vista 520.459.2200 today to schedule an520.579.1500 appointment or learn more today to schedule appointment or learn more • Cancer screening Oro Valley Marana Sierra Vi sta 520.459.220 0 Vista OSierra Oro Valley 520.229.1444 today to schedule appointment or learn more today to schedule appointment or learn more pyou! Oro Valley to ensure your heating system is e520.293.9277 dentist? We Valley have a location near Give us a 520.459.2200 call Sierra Vista 520.459.2200 n! an Northwest Marana 520.579.1500 Oro 520.229.1444 Marana 520.579.1500 All services performed520.229.1444 by Arizona Licensed General Dentists Central 520.327.6541 Northwest 520.293.9277 Sierra Vista 520.459.2200 All services performed by Arizona Licensed General Dentists •today Cosmetic/General/Dentures about our 20-plus experience. about our 20-plus years of experience. Green Valley 520.393.0006 about our 20-plus of experience. about our 20-plus years experience. operating properly and safely and to schedule an appointment or learn more We Want To Be Your Dentist! Oro Valley 520.229.1444 Sierra Vi sta 520.459.220 0 All services 7475 W. Twin Peaks Rd., #111 Oro 520.229.1444 Sierra Vista 520.459.2200 All services performed by Arizona Licensed GeneralLicensed Dentists General Dentists Sierra sta 520.459.220 0 • Don’t loseValley your•Vi insurance benefits. Green Valley 520.393.0006 •In-house In-house denture lab advise you on ways to improve energy about our 20-plus years of experience. denture lab performed by Arizona Northwest 520.293.9277 All services performed by Arizona Licensed General Dentists Southwest 520.547.2328 + + performed Areend younew new toyear. the area area looking for aanew All services by Arizona Licensed General Dentists Are you to the or justmore looking for new Allperformed services byArizona Arizona Licensed General Dentists learn @@ Sierra Vista 520.459.2200 learn more Call us before the of the All services performed by Licensed General Dentists learn more @ •Cancer Cancer520.459.2200 screening Tucson, AZ. 85743 Sierra Vista Marana 520.579.1500 •dentist? screening efficiency. To find a dealer near you, Marana 520.579.1500 dentist? We have a location near you! Give us a call All services performed byAll Arizona General Dentists We have a location you! Give us a call All services performed bylearn Arizona Licensed General Dentists ing more @Licensed Eastside 520.722.1212 services performed byGeneral Arizona Licensed General DentistsDentists All services performed by Arizona Licensed Dentists AllAll services performed byby Arizona Licensed General All services performed by Arizona Licensed General Dentists Southwest 520.547.2328 AllLicensed services performed byArizona Arizona Licensed GeneralDentists Dentists n services performed Arizona Licensed General Dentists All services performed by Licensed General Dentists Marana CoSmotoday 520.579.1500 •Cosmetic/General/Dentures Cosmetic/General/Dentures Oro Valley 520.229.1444 All services performed by Licensed General All services performed by Arizona General Dentists All services performed byArizona Arizona Licensed General Dentists •o(Coachline Green 520.393.0006 All services performed by Arizona Licensed General Dentists visit: www.trane.com. today to scheduleBlvd./Twin an appointment or learn more a 520.579.1500 All services performed by Arizona Licensed General Dentists Green Valley 520.393.0006 All services performed by Arizona Licensed General Dentists to schedule an appointment or learn more All services performed byArizona Arizona Licensed General Dentists All services performed byArizona Arizona Licensed GeneralDentists Dentists Peaks Rd.) All services performed by Licensed General All services performed by Licensed General Dentists Central 520.327.6541 •Don’t Don’t lose your insurance benefits. • about lose your insurance benefits. our 20-plus years of experience. All services performed by Arizona Licensed General Dentists Southwest 520.547.2328 about our 20-plus years of experience. All services performed by Arizona Licensed General Dentists Southwest 520.547.2328 Eastside 520.722.1212 Allend services performed byArizona Arizona Licensed GeneralDentists Dentists Valley 520.393.0006 Callus us beforethe the end of the the year. services performed by Arizona Licensed General Dentists SierraGreen VistaAll 520.459.2200 All services performed by Licensed General Call before of year. 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Winter Renovations to Boost Home We make you Energy Efficiency, Add Value We make yo u smile! We make you smile! I We make yo u smile! We make you smile!

New location Newtion location New loca New location New Location in Marana th Newtion location New loca New location Newtion location New loca in Marana We make you smile! Opening February 16 in Marana New location in Mar ana Opening February 16 We make you smile! Mar ana inin Marana We make yo u smile! in Marana in Marana th We make you smile! We make you smile! inin Mar ana We make yo u Your smile! Marana We Want To Be Your Dentist! We make you smile! We make you smile! We Want To Be Dentist! in Marana New location New loca tion We Want To Be Your Dentist! A We Want To Be Your Dentist!

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Sierra Vi sta in520.459.220 0 Marana 8dentalvillage.net learn more @ We Want To Be Your Dentist! Be Your Dentist! in Marana Oro Valley 520.229.1444 learn more @ dentalvillage.net Marana 520.579.1500 AA learn more @ We Want To Be Your Dentist! dentalvillage.net We Want Your Dentist! We Want To Be Dentist! We Want Your Dentist! LOCATION S learn more @ dentalvillage.net learnmore more@ @ dentalvillage.net dentalvillage.net Sierra ViWe staWant 520.459.220 0 520.393.0006 learn AA Green Valley To Be Your Dentist! LOCATIONS dentalvillage.net LOCATIONS 8 8 dentalvillage.net A learn more @ dentalvillage.net na 520.579.1500 learnlearn more @ dentalvillage.net Southwest 520.547.2328 learn more @ more @ dentalvillage.net learn more @ learn more @@ dentalvillage.net learn more @ dentalvillage.ne dentalvillage.net We Want To Be Your Dentist! learn more n Valley 520.393.0006 LOCATIONS LOCATIONS LOCATION S 8 LOCATIONS 8 Eastsid e 520.722.1212 A A learn more @ learn more @ dentalvillage.ne t dentalvillage.net learn more @ dentalvillage.ne t dentalvillage.net learn more @ dentalvillage.net learn more @ dentalvillage.net learn more learn more @ dentalvillage.ne dentalvillage.net dentalvillage.net learn more @@ dentalvillage.ne tt dentalvillage.net learn more @ dentalvillage.net learn more dentalvillage.net learn more @ learn more @ dentalvillage.ne t dentalvillage.net learn more @ learn more @ dentalvillage.ne dentalvillage.net dentalvillage.net hwest 520.547.2328 learn more @ dentalvillage.net learn more @ learn more @ learn more @ dentalvillage.net learn more @ dentalvillage.ne t dentalvillage.net Central learn more @ learn more @520.327.6541 dentalvillage.net LOCATION S 8 LOCATION 8 LOCATIONS id e 520.722.1212 8 Northwes t@ dentalvillage.net 520.293.9277 learn more @ learn more dentalvillage.ne learn more @ learn more @ dentalvillage.ne t t dentalvillage.net learn more @ dentalvillage.net learn more @ dentalvillage.net learn more @ dentalvillage.net ral 520.327.6541 Green Valley 520.393.0006 8 LOCATIONS ingg Cominon Com So Soon

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All services performed by Arizona Licensed General Dentists

home Gwen’s Pineapple Gazpacho : : by Jan D’Atri


Active Every Day


ut away the cookie cutters, icing and candy sprinkles—at least until Valentine’s Day. We’re starting off the New Year with a fresh, kicky and absolutely delicioso gazpacho courtesy of one of my favorite food bloggers. Our bodies are craving light and nourishing—and yet fantastically flavored— food right now, and thanks to food writer Gwen Walters, we’re off to a yummy start. Gwen, who has authored three award-winning cookbooks, emptied her cup of the corporate life a few years ago and filled her plate instead with all things food. On her website www.penandfork.com, we can follow Gwen’s life as a professionally trained chef and food adventurer. The site features cooking tips, cookbook and restaurant reviews, practical how-to cooking techniques plus articles on the latest food trends and other culinary finds. Gwen’s Pineapple Gazpacho is so gorgeous, it’s a “Made-For-TV” dish, but Gwen first shared this recipe on my radio show. The chopping and dicing of fresh ingredients and the whir of the blender came screaming through the airways. In the studio, we were begging for second helpings—and thirds. Gwen shares its origin: “This particular recipe is from my book, The Great Ranch Cookbook, and is based on a recipe from Rancho de los Caballeros in Wickenburg. When I married I didn’t know how to cook. But on my first trip to Georgia as a new bride, my husband Jeff ’s granny and aunt changed all that. They made me see that cooking wasn’t a chore—it could be fun. They pulled me into the kitchen with open arms—and I haven’t left since.” The Pineapple Gazpacho is the perfect start to a great new year, and a recipe that originated from the historic

Rancho de los Caballeros is a terrific place to begin a brand new season of healthful cooking. Here’s to a yummy 2014!


Ingredients: 1/2 cup chopped yellow bell pepper 1/4 cup pineapple juice 1 small fresh pineapple, peeled, cored and chopped 1/4 cup chopped red onion 1/4 cup peeled, seeded and chopped cucumber 1 tablespoon brown sugar 2 teaspoons rice wine vinegar 1/2 teaspoon hot red pepper sauce 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt 1/8 teaspoon white pepper Garnish: 1/4 cup finely chopped red bell pepper 1/4 cup finely chopped green bell pepper 1/4 cup finely seeded, chopped cucumber 1 tablespoon chopped cilantro Place all ingredients (excluding garnish) in a food processor or blender and puree until smooth. Taste and add more seasoning if desired. Refrigerate until ready to serve. (Can be prepared one day in advance; stir before serving). Ladle 6 to 8 ounces into chilled soup bowls and sprinkle with red and green bell peppers, cucumber and cilantro. Kick up the “heat” level by adding a pinch of minced jalapeno or Serrano chile along with the garnish.

Check out www.jandatri.com for great recipes, stories and cool places we’re visiting! Come back often! www.lovinlifeafter50.com

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Medicare Health Benefits Resource Center 2716 South 6th Avenue, Tucson

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1-855-901-7226 Ext. 3420 9 AM – 4 PM Mon.– Fri. These events are educational only and information regarding SCAN Health Plan® will not be available. SCAN Health Plan Arizona (HMO) is an HMO plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in SCAN Health Plan depends on contract renewal. Please visit www.scanhealthplan.com for more information. G8442 12/13 Y0057_SCAN_8337_2013 IA 11062013

January 2014 : : Lovin’ Life After 50 : : page 29

s y e C urn Jo

The Power of Music

lose to six million Americans carry the diagnosis of heart failure. Heart failure also is the leading cause of all hospitalizations in individuals older than the age of 64. Additionally, once hospitalized for heart failure, the patient carries a 30 percent risk of being readmitted with heart failure in the next 30 days. Can these admissions and readmissions be prevented or at least reduced? The answer is an astounding yes. The patient has a vital role in avoiding one of every five hospitalizations for heart failure. Furthermore, a dedicated patient may decrease the risk of annual readmission by almost 40 to 45 percent.

True-life tales from some of Arizona’s most fascinating residents.

Dr. Maribeth Gallagher

Director Connecting with of theHospice Patientof the Valley’s Dementia Program One would think that for such a was all happening out there. Age: 59 common disease as heart failure, the I was definitely drawn into it. treatmentMotivation: would be universal and cut I became a rock ‘n’ roll singer Her mother-inand dry, law as well. Unfortunately, that is in San Francisco and hit the developed Alzheimer’s. not the case. There is no cookie cutter road. I didn’t get to Arizona “I didn’t know anything approachabout to heart failure. The treatment the journey of being a until about 20 years ago.” plan not caregiver only has to the of complement somebody with patient’s dementia. lifestyle, likes andpre-diagnosis dislikes, but Sharing her knowledge: From also has tountil be consistent with his abilities death, we supported her Gallagher will present the and habits. Most importantly, heart free program “Music and through this process. the I learned failure treatment to conform so muchplan and has I felt called to Dementia: Hitting the Right to the beliefs of the patient. All the try to make a difference for Note” from 10 a.m. to 11:30 above-described patient characteristics people with dementia and for a.m. Tues., Jan. 21, at the have to be identifi ed, recognized and Musical Instrument Museum. their caregivers.” She earned acknowledged by the doctor. a bachelor’s and master’s She will highlight the power The cardiologist respect and of music to maximize comfort degrees andmust became a nurse accept these characteristics in her and enhance quality of life practitioner in psychiatry. patients. Then, she found a job with for persons with dementia.



The Roles of the Doctor The role of the cardiologist does not stop after diagnosing and treating the failing heart with medications, surgery and/or devices, such as pacemakers and defibrillators. The role of the cardiologist is fourfold in such a setting. The cardiologist wears several hats. She not only has to connect with the patient, engage as an active listener, convey and deliver the treatment plan, but most importantly, she assumes the role of the patient’s coach, as well.

Hospice of the Valley using Active Listener some of the methods she had To belearned. an active the She haslistener, since earned cardiologist is lucky, as she already her doctorate. has the important ingredients of compassion and care.from However, Why Move Newactive York listening also requires time and patience. to San Francisco? “San To have Francisco time, the vital component in 1975? Please!onIt her side, the cardiologist would need to schedule her Heart Failure Clinic with

: : by Christina Fuoco-Karasinski

aribeth Gallagher has witnessed the power of music. As a longtime professional singer, Gallagher moved audiences with her voice, warming up crowds for the likes of Donna Summer, The Beach Boys, Huey Lewis and the News and Frankie Valli. “I went to nursing school and moved to San Francisco, where I was offered a singing job, which was kind of bizarre,” says Gallagher, a Brooklyn native. “I thought, ‘This will last six weeks.’” Her career spanned 30 years. “That led to me being in some places where maybe an American New York woman wouldn’t be received so warmly, shall we say,” she says. “On the stage, you can feel the energy of the crowd. So, when I was in Turkey, a predominantly Muslim country, I noticed in about three songs that it was very, very different. Our differences started to melt away. Our similarity and connection would start to emerge just naturally.

I started to appreciate early in my career that music was so much more than entertainment. It really was a powerful medium.” Now she is taking her passion for music and improving the bonds between dementia patients. As the director of Hospice of the Valley’s Dementia Program, Gallagher encourages families to listen to music together. She has seen those with dementia slowly begin to remember words to songs. Married to jazz keyboardist Peter Zale, Gallagher saw one family sing Frank Sinatra’s “Fly Me to the Moon” together. “They said, ‘We can sit there and hold hands,’” she recalls. “‘We start out by listening to it, then she’ll start singing and then we’ll start singing and then we’ll sing together.’” It’s the depth of that connection where words aren’t required, she explains. “It gets the job done—the expression of spirit, the expression of personhood.”

The program is sponsored by a grant from The Grayhawk Classic Residents’ Foundation at Vi at Grayhawk.

Info: http://mim.org/ events/music-and-dementiahitting-the-right-note/

page 30 : : Lovin’ Life After 50 : : January 2014


“Silver Celebration” 25th Annual


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Dr. Pete Mellas, D.V.D. Paul Johnson Jewelers Gartman Technical Services RMJ Electrical Designs, Inc. Copperstate Fire Protection Daily News Sun January 2014 : : Lovin’ Life After 50 : : page 31


The Marietta Gone with the Wind Museum is filled with memorabilia surrounding the film version of Mitchell’s blockbuster novel.

THE GONE WITH THE WIND TRAIL: Where Everyone Gives a Damn

:: by Andrea Gross | photos by Irv Green


Do You Have Pain/Numbness/Tingling in the Feet/Legs??? A doctor has moved to Tucson that treats neuropathy (nerve problems), and his name is Dr Trent Freeman DC (Dr T). He has been treating Neuropathy for the last 10 years. Maybe you have seen him interviewed on CBS by Steve Ochoa or during the Dr Oz show, maybe you saw him on NBC. He has brought this new treatment to persons suffering from neuropathy in Tucson. He uses two kinds of Light to stimulate the nerves to function better. He uses pulsed infrared technology that helps reduce the pain, and FDA approved cold lasers that help the cells function better. He offers his consultation for FREE. He looks at the interview time as a time for him to see if you have the type of neuropathy that he treats but more importantly, for you to interview him and see if he is someone that you would like to work with. His clinic is certified with the Neuropathy Treatment Centers of America and he has received advanced training in the treatment of neuropathy. There are fewer than 100 doctors in America that have received this advanced training in this type of therapy. Dr T looks at neuropathy as a thief that comes to your life and starts to steal from you. If you allow neuropathy to continue, it will steal your independence (driving, walking, balance) As Dr T says “Everyday we are having more success relieving neuropathy pain, WHY NOT YOU?” Give his office a call and schedule the FREE consultation and see if you qualify for this new therapy 520-445-6784.

Give him a call he may be able to change your life!


page 32 : : Lovin’ Life After 50 : : January 2014

allow three days to explore the Selznick produced the movie, which is Gone with the Wind Trail in and the highest grossing film in box-office near Atlanta, but it takes me only one history, earning an estimated $3.3 to become a Windie. A Windie is a billion in today’s dollars. To capitalize die-hard GWTW fan, a person who on the public’s interest, Georgia is immersed in the history, legends created a GWTW Trail that leads and legacy surrounding the Pulitzer people to five sites that are in some way Prize-winning novel and enormously connected to the book, the film or the popular film. Some dream of Rhett; author. Our first trail stop is in Clayton others dream of Scarlett’s fancy clothes or 17-inch waist. As for me, I dream County, where Mitchell’s relatives of publishing a novel that wins one of had a rural home. As a child, Mitchell the world’s most prestigious awards visited often and listened intently as and is turned into a film that earns me her family elders told stories about their experiences during the Civil millions. War. Many of these On the surface, tales were transformed GWTW is the wildly into scenes in her novel, romantic tale of Scarlett leading her heirs to O’Hara, a headstrong dub Clayton County Southern belle (played the “Official Home of by Vivian Leigh in the ‘Gone with the Wind.’” movie) and her love(To Mitchell’s dismay, hate relationship with Selznick upgraded the Rhett Butler, a dashing, comfortable farmhouse successful opportunist of Mitchell’s memory (depicted by Clark into Tara, a much Gable). grander mansion that But on a deeper level, he thought would GWTW is the story of better appeal to movie the American South audiences.) during and immediately One of the most popular pieces The Road to Tara after the Civil War, a in The Road to Tara Museum is time when an entire a replica of the Drapery Dress, Museum has a painting of the old farmhouse, in society was challenged worn by Vivian Leigh. addition to authentic Civil War items and ultimately transformed. The book, written by first-time and reproductions of many of the novelist Margaret Mitchell, was costumes worn in the film, including released to the public in 1936 and the green Drapery Dress that Leigh became an overnight sensation. David wears in one of the movie’s most


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“Gone with the Wind,” the book, has been published in more than 40 languages, including Amharic (Ethiopia) and Kamnada (India). memorable scenes. But it’s not until I and marry Carole Lombard, the love see the display of foreign edition books of his real life. On the other hand, that I begin to morph from casual his co-star Vivian Leigh got a mere $30,000. Yes, Gable was a mega-star tourist to possible Windie. GWTW has been translated into but still, I can’t help but wonder what more than 40 languages and sold in Mitchell, who was quite the feminist more than 50 countries, from Albania for her time, thought of that. Finally, we double back to Atlanta and Burma to North Korea and Serbia. Why are people all over the world so to visit Oakland Cemetery, where intrigued by a story about a war that Mitchell is buried next to her husband. Her tombstone is small compared to took place in America so long ago? We learn the answer the next day many and gives no hint of her fame. when we visit the Margaret Mitchell It’s simply inscribed with her married House, where the author lived when name, Margaret Mitchell Marsh. she began her novel. It takes only a few Someone, a Windie no doubt, has minutes to see the small apartment but decorated the grave with pink flowers, much longer to peruse the exhibits in reputedly Mitchell’s favorite color. I want to extend my stay in Georgia, the nearby hallway. There, on a large signboard, is a quote by Margaret to delve more deeply into the GWTW Mitchell: “If the novel has a theme, it phenomena and to learn more about the era in which the novel is set. But is that of survival.” Why, of course. GWTW addresses we have a plane to catch, so I console a basic concern: If their old world is myself by remembering Scarlett’s “gone with the wind,” how do people words, “Tomorrow is another day.” I’ll create a new one that will work in be back. their new circumstances? This is a For more information: www.gwtwtrail.com question asked by everyone who has ever suffered a hardship, be whatever A festival celebrating the 75th the cause. When seen in this light, it’s easy to understand the story’s universal anniversary of the film’s release will take place at the Marietta Gone with and enduring appeal. Our next stop is Atlanta’s Public the Wind Museum from June 6 to June Library, where there are more than 8. For more information, visit www. 1,500 of Mitchell’s personal items, gwtwmarietta.com including her old Remington typewriter and 1937 Pulitzer Prize certificate. We’re even more fascinated by the items on display at the Marietta GWTW Museum, Scarlett on the Square, which holds a treasure-trove of photos and ephemera. I examine the film contracts. Gable got $160,000 plus a bonus that Clayton County is proud that Mitchell’s heirs dubbed it enabled him to divorce his wife “The Official Home of ‘Gone with the Wind.’”

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January 2014 : : Lovin’ Life After 50 : : page 33

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DRAWER LL1271 I am a widow in her 70’s looking for a companion (male) to go to the show, dancing, dining, movies or enjoy quiet evenings at home.


DRAWER LL1452 Tucson WWM, age 70+, 5’7”, fit, bald, NS-ND, ISO Tucson area F companionship (race not an issue), for dining, dancing, shows, entertainment, possibly travel. Exchange personal information after contact.

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January 2014 : : Lovin’ Life After 50 : : page 35

Medication Adherence is Important to Quality of Life

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heart disease has been the leading cause of death since 1935. In addition, death from other chronic diseases, such as diabetes and chronic lower respiratory disease, has steadily become more common. Hence, taking medications as directed is becoming more and more important as medications play a large role in controlling chronic diseases, preventing hospitalizations and improving quality of life.

treatments, emergency department visits, and hospital or nursing home admissions, are also associated with nonadherence to medication regimens. In fact, each year in the United States, medication nonadherence is responsible for an estimated 125,000 deaths, up to 11 percent of all hospital admissions and 23 percent of all nursing-home admissions, and $290 billion in direct and indirect medical costs.

What is Medication Adherence and Nonadherence? Medication adherence is a key factor in determining the effectiveness of a medication. Adherence describes a behavior and is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as “the extent to which a person’s behavior— taking medication, following a diet, and/ or executing lifestyle changes, corresponds with agreed recommendations from a health care provider.” Essentially, medication adherence is the degree to which a person’s behavior with taking medication, including the timing, dosing, and frequency, corresponds with the recommendations from their health care provider. Not being adherent, or nonadherence, to a medication regimen is a serious public concern and may include any of the following actions: • Never filling a prescription or not refilling a prescription • Skipping or forgetting doses • Taking extra doses • Stopping a medication • Taking a dose at the wrong time or with foods, liquids, and other medications that may cause an unfavorable interaction

• Taking a mediation prescribed for someone else Consequences of Nonadherence Medication nonadherence may result in serious health risks, such as a worsening of the medical condition, if taking less, or medication toxicity, if taking more than prescribed. For example, suddenly stopping a medication used to control high blood pressure can result in organ damage due to spiking blood pressure. Conversely, medication toxicity, such as a dangerously slow heart rate, can result from taking too much blood pressure medication. Poor health outcomes and increased health care costs due to an increase in physician visits, unnecessary additional

Walgreens Services Available to Help You Stay Adherent with Your Medications Walgreens offers the following services to help you stay well and adherent with your medications: • Automatic Refill: The pharmacy will automatically refill your medication when it is due • Refill Reminders: Receive a text, phone call or email when your

prescriptions are ready for refill or pick up • Mobile App: The free Walgreens mobile app gives you access to refill prescriptions, set pill reminders, locate Walgreens pharmacies and other services conveniently from your mobile device For information about any of your medications, reducing medication costs, or how to better manage your health, talk to your Walgreens pharmacist today.


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3/11/13 3:53 PM

T HE F INISH L INE Arizona’s Leader in Senior Fitness

Senior Games Schedule February/March 2014 MONDAY







Feb. 10

Feb. 11

Feb. 12

Feb. 13

Feb. 14

Feb. 15 Pistol Rifle - Highpower Sporting Clay Tai Chi Track

Feb. 16 Rifle - Small Bore Swimming Field

Feb. 17 PRESIDENTS’ DAY “Salute to America” Celebration

Feb. 18 Bocce

Feb. 19 Bocce

Feb. 20 Bocce

Feb. 21 Bocce

Feb. 22 Aerobic Fitness Bowling Racquetball Tennis Trap

Feb. 23 Bowling Racquetball Tennis Table Tennis Skeet

Feb. 24 Alpine Skiing Shuffleboard Horseshoes

Feb. 25 Shuffleboard Horseshoes

Feb. 26 Shuffleboard

Feb. 27 Shuffleboard

Feb. 28 Golf

March 1 Archery Badminton Cycling Billiards Road Races & WSPR

March 2 Badminton Cycling Billiards

March 3

March 4

March 5 Softball

March 6 Softball

March 7 Softball

March 8 Basketball Handball Volleyball Softball

March 9 Basketball Handball Volleyball Softball

2013 Sponsors


Follow us!

The Finish Line Newsletter is produced by Arizona Senior Olympics, founded by:

October 23-26 – Pickleball

The Key To Health In Aging Is Exercise! Come Join The Fun And Get Fit With Arizona Senior Olympics

Exercise can be boring, sports makes it fun! Win medals! Make new friends! Improve health! It’s never too late to get fit and enjoy being active. Try out one of these fun sports: Aerobic Fitness, Alpine Skiing, Archery, Basketball, Badminton, Billiards, Bocce, Bowling, Cycling, Dance, Handball, Horseshoes, Power Lifting, Racewalk, Racquetball, Relay Swimming, Shooting: Pistol, Rifle, Trap and Skeet, Shuffleboard, Softball, Swimming, Swim Relays, Tai Chi, Table Tennis, Tennis, Track and Field, Triathlon, Volleyball. Read all about it on www.seniorgames.org or call (602) 274-7742, Tues, Wed, or Thurs 9a.m.-4p.m. www.lovinlifeafter50.com

in partnership with the cities of Chandler, Glendale, Mesa, Peoria, Scottsdale, Tempe and the communities of Sun City, Sun City West, Sun City Grand

Arizona Senior Olympics P.O. Box 33278 Phoenix, AZ 85067-3278


web site: www.seniorgames.org

January 2014 : : Lovin’ Life After 50 : : page 37


ASO Initiates ‘Cause Walk’ By Pat Lawlis, Preservation of Arizona Resources and Children

All ASO cyclists will tell you that safe places to ride—and even more so to race—are scarce. Although Arizona has the perfect climate to adopt cycling as regular exercise, it is a sad fact that places for safe cycling are disappearing. As a proponent of physical exercise as a way of maintaining good health, Arizona Senior Olympics is in favor of the development of facilities and communities that encourage regular exercise. The following article is written about a cause we support. The Loop 202 South Mountain Freeway (SMF) has been discussed for 30 years. The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) claims it will save our Valley from traffic congestion and air pollution. ADOT plans to eliminate Pecos Road in Ahwatukee and destroy three ridges of South Mountain to build this $2 billion freeway. The ASO uses Pecos Road in Ahwatukee as its venue for bicycle races and road races. The elimination of Pecos Road would leave ASO without a venue for these events and with the very difficult task of trying to find a suitable replacement venue. So the important issues are whether ADOT is going to build the SMF for sure, and whether it is really necessary. Often, no one looks closely enough at a freeway proposal, so it goes uncontested and approval is quick. The SMF, however, has raised numerous questions throughout

the 30 years since it was first “a line penciled in on a map.” In 2006, when ADOT announced going ahead with the freeway, a grassroots group, Protecting Arizona’s Resources and Children (PARC), decided to examine it more thoroughly. When ADOT released its Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) on the SMF in April 2013, PARC brought together several experts in various areas covered by the DEIS. These experts examined the document and provided comments regarding issues they saw. At the very least, their comments would point out any problem areas that ADOT needed to resolve before getting approval to build. At most, the experts would point out issues that cannot be resolved that would result in disapproval of the project. PARC’s experts found more problems with ADOT’s study than expected as detailed in PARC’s 318page response. Any of the numerous problems would prevent freeway approval if not resolved. Of particular interest is that PARC’s traffic engineering experts have determined that the SMF would result in no appreciable improvement in traffic congestion anywhere, including on Interstate 10 and on arterial streets. Further, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) examined the DEIS and came to the same conclusion as PARC’s air quality

experts and gave the ADOT’s study its lowest possible rating. Correct modeling shows that air pollution would get worse rather than better. The process of closely examining ADOT’s proposal and requiring that all problems be fixed helps all citizens of the Phoenix metropolitan area. If the freeway problems cannot be mitigated, court action may be necessary to protect the interests of the public. This citizen-based struggle is expensive and the PARC

organization needs the support of those who believe in its cause. On March 1, the public is invited to participate in a family “Cause Walk to Save Pecos.” The event will be jointly produced by ASO and PARC. Walkers are urged to seek per-kilometer pledges to donate to help raise money for this critical issue. Registration for the walk should be made on: www. seniorgames.org, where registrants can also find further information and a pledge form.

Arizona Lifelong Fitness Foundation  Arizona’s Leader in Senior Fitness 

REGISTER NOW!   THERE’S SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE AT THE   ARIZONA SENIOR OLYMPICS   February 15th thru March 12 • Team sports March 5-9  Don’t miss the “SALUTE TO AMERICA” on Presidents Day! Barbecue lunch!


page 38 : : Lovin’ Life After 50 : : January 2014



Early registration Deadline: 1/31 NEW! Easier online registration NEW! A social at every event!

More information at www.seniorgames.org


 



Still Time to Join Our Great Volunteers Arizona Senior Olympics is still looking for volunteers as mentors, ambassadors and administrative assistants. Mentors: People with expertise in a sport who are willing to share their knowledge with newcomers. Ambassadors: Those who are willing to “spread the word” about the annual Senior Olympic Games by taking brochures, etc., to senior

centers, communities and other places they frequent. Administrative assistants: People who are good with detail to help with on-site registrations or the collection of results at the various sports competitions during the games. Those who are interested should call the ASO office at: (602) 274-7742, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday.

A Tip from the Harvard Health Blog According to the prestigious Harvard Health Blog, above-normal blood sugar could be linked to dementia. A report in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that even in people without

diabetes, above-normal blood sugar is associated with an increased risk of developing dementia. That’s another reason to work on keeping that blood sugar level under control.

q Yes, I would like to be a friend of Arizona Senior Olympics Send your tax-deductible contribution by check, money order, credit card or go online to www.seniorgames.org. Amount Enclosed $ I am paying by q Check/Money Order qVisa qMastercard qDiscover qAmerican Express. You will be charged by Senior Games Payment Services if paying by credit card. If paying by check, please make it out to the Arizona Lifelong Fitness Foundation. Credit Card. #: Expiration Date: 3 digit code on back of card: Name as it appears on your credit card: Address: City/State/Zip: Signature:

Mail to: Arizona Lifelong Fitness Association P.O. Box 33278 Phoenix, AZ 85067-3278

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