T h e
V o i ce
o f
t h e
A i r p a r k
B u s i n ess
C o m m u n i t y
f o r
3 2
Yea r s
Stan Utley
Grayhawk’s Guru of the Short-Game Talks Teaching
McDowell Mountain Ranch Clubhouse Scottsdale Grille at Starfire Golf Club Lagardère Unlimited Sports Management GolfLogix Live from the Man Cave
Sponsored by:
Golfer and model Blair O’Neal at McDowell Mountain Ranch Golf Club
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February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 1
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2 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
February 2013 contents
Features 18 | Stan Utley Grayhawk Golf Club's 'Short Game Guru' Talks Teaching 34 | Remember When Citizen Input Key by Joan Fudala 49 | Model Tee Blair O'Neal thrives on fairways and runways by Kristina Justin 54 | 58th Annual Arabian Horse Show A Sunlit Spectacular by Linda White 66 | Barrett-Jackson Wrap-up
72 | Pinnacle Peak Patio Steakhouse
Business Profile 24 | Lagardére Unlimited The World-Renowned Sports Agency Next Door
COLUMNS 44 | Investements: Save More for Retirement by Gavin Tolan, Williams Financial Group 52 | Business+Science: Know How Your Biases Affect Decision Making by Bill J. Bonnstetter and Dr. Ron Bonnstetter
62 | Out & About: Women of Scottsdale 70 | Scottsdale Health Care: SHC Programs Add Life Saving Technology
Departments 4 | Editor’s Letter
74 | Business Horoscope
6 | Business News
75 | Scottsdale Airpark Map
46 | Dining Destinations
76 | Business Directory
57 | Professional Service Directory
86 | Advertiser Index
on the cover: Golfer and model Blair O'Neal at McDowell Mountain Ranch Golf Club
Mark Susan Photography 602-451-0911 • www.marksusan.com
February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 3
editor’snote 3200 N. Hayden, Suite 210 Scottsdale, Arizona 85251 Phone: (480) 991-9057 • Fax: (480) 348-2109 Website: www.scottsdaleairpark.com
Pure Hit
s we wrap up our first annual Golf Issue, preparation is underway at TPC Scottsdale for the Waste Management Phoenix Open, Jan. 28-Feb. 3. Everybody but everybody is talking about buying tickets or finagling free ones and, of course, the Bird’s Nest. I feel a tinge of envy at every story I hear about how so-and-so scored all-inclusive passes from the powers that be, and their boss has a skybox, blah blah blah. Yes, I’m appropriately jealous, please stop already (or slide an invite my way). It feels like golf is in the air, and it smells like freshly mown grass seeded with money. No doubt, the Phoenix Open brings big bucks and exposure to the Greater Airpark. But the golf industry’s presence here thrums and hums year-round. In this issue alone, we visited with three golf clubs within a 15-minute drive of Scottsdale Airport. Interestingly, all of them—Grayhawk, McDowell Mountain, and Starfire—have recently invested in improvements to their food and beverage offerings, aiming to up their appeal to the community at large as well as golfers. These are all beautiful properties and should be on everybody’s to-do list, whether they wield a club or no. It was also fascinating to see the connections emerge among those we are featuring. See if you can draw the lines as you read up on the courses, the world-class sports management company in our midst, the world’s No. 1 golf app provider on Greenway-Hayden Loop, and—last but not least—North Scottsdale resident and golfer Blair O’Neal, who is the gal tearing up our cover, figuratively speaking.
Publisher Steve T. Strickbine
Editor Kimberly Hundley
CONTRIBUTING WriterS Joan Fudala, Kristina Justin, Jessica Runberg, Linda White Art Director Veronica Romero
AD DESIGN & PRODUCTION Eric Jelinek eric@ecollegetimes.com Erica Odello erica@timespublications.com Ad sales Director Zac Reynolds
SENIOR AD SALES Executive Ann Boeding ann@scottsdaleairpark.com
Senior Account Executive Lou Lagrave lou@scottsdaleairpark.com
Editorial Advisory Board Maryglenn Boals - MgBoals & Associates Beth Brezinski - Underwriter Beth Cochran - Wired Public Relations Steve Cross - Cross Commercial Realty Advisors Pat Dodds - Public Affairs Officer, The City of Scottsdale Rick Kidder - Scottsdale Area Chamber of Commerce John Meyer - Airport Property Specialist Kevin Newell - Hymson Goldstein & Pantiliat
Published monthly since 1981, Scottsdale Airpark News serves the fastest-growing area in Arizona. Scottsdale Airpark News is delivered to businesses in and around the Greater Airpark Area. ©2011 Scottsdale Airpark News.
Kimberly Hundley, editor editor@scottsdaleairpark.com
For calendar and news items, the deadline for submission is the first of the month previous to the month you would like it to run. All submissions are handled on a space-available basis. Unsolicited manuscripts, photographs, or illustrations will not be returned unless accompanied by properly addressed envelope bearing sufficient postage. Scottsdale Airpark News has made every effort to authenticate all claims and guarantees offered by advertisers in this magazine, however, we cannot assume liability for any products or services advertised herein. Copies delivered by First Class mail: $48.00 per year. The tradename Scottsdale Airpark News is registered. Reproduction of material in Scottsdale Airpark News in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.
AHS Publishing, LLC 4 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
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!SU HTIW EROTS EMOC WE WANT YOUR NEWS! Send your Greater Airpark/North Scottsdale business news to editor@scottsdaleairpark.com.
Fender HQ Sells for $30M Fender Guitar headquarters at 17600 N. Perimeter Drive sold to a Los Angeles investor for nearly $30 million in a deal that closed Dec. 14. The building is part of the 260-acre Perimeter Center business park. Gail Lubin, managing director of Signature Real Estate Services at 8585 E. Hartford Drive in the Airpark, represented the buyer. Fender moved to the 127,750-square-foot building in the Greater Airpark a year ago after outgrowing its facility on Chaparral Road, where it had been located for 10 years. The remaining 16,875 square feet is leased by Oracare/Metro Media Business Services, two health care services firms who moved their headquarters to the property in July 2012 with a lease that runs through June 2017. Fender occupies approximately 87 percent of the building, with a lease that runs through April 2023, according to Lubin. “This investor is open to new opportunities—it’s a great investment and exciting tenant base,” she said.
Airpark Farmers Market on the Go
The local Scottsdale Airpark-area farmers market continues every Sunday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Scottsdale Road and Sweetwater. All your weekly staples are available, including local and organic produce, all-natural beef and lamb, wild Alaskan seafood, free-range eggs, tamales, bread and honey. There are several specialty food items, all natural skin care and artisans creating gift items. The market is held in the parking lot of the Valley of the Sun Jewish Community Center at 12701 N. Scottsdale Road. For more information, call Julia Ireland at 480-296-1609.
W. P. Carey School Offers Free College Prep Program
High school students who want to know what it’s really like to eulaV itilicaF in dethe nianation tniaM are lleW & naelC • attend one of the top businessseschools about to get their echance. W. voM ruoThe Y na lP P. pleCarey H ot eSchool civdA eofgaBusiness rotS & gatnikcaP • Arizona StatesnUniversity applications oitacoL tceislenow S ta accepting gnikraP V R & stinU dfor eloits oC riA • annual free Fleischer Scholars college-prep program. This is the d e r i u q e R t i s o p e D o N – s e s a e L h t n o M o t h t n o M e lbixelF • fourth year of the business program, which is being doubled in size to accommodate about 60 Arizona high school students.ytiruceS Economically !etidisadvantaged S-nO eviL eWstudents – sregabetween naM tntheir edisejunior R lanoand isseforP • senior years are encouraged to attend. Participants will spend edoC sseccA etaG lanosreP nwO ruoY tceleS ,sseccA dellortnoC • a week with supervising mentors in THE Honors College at yeK eskills hT evand aH upreoY ylnO • ASU’s Tempe campus, while learning business Ice Den Partners with Homework-Help Provider s k c o L c s i D t u o bA ksA • paring for college. The program is available in two sessions this The Ice Den in North Scottsdale continues to expand its offering year: June 9-14 or 23-28. Applications are due April 1. eMore: cneinevnoC with a new partner—Scottsdale Education Center (SEC), which www.wpcarey.asu.edu/summerscholar or email Katherine. s n o i t u l o S e g a r o t S l a i c r e m m o C & , d l o h e s u o H ,lanosreP • now provides tutoring and homework support at the Ice Den. SEC Cobos@asu.edu. is offering a variety of packages from general homework support seilppuS gnivoM fo yteiraV ediW A • to semi-private and private tutoring. From now until Feb. 29, SEC sseccA pu-evirD leveL dnuorG tneinevnoC • is promoting a buy one, get one 50-percent off special offer to Ice Northcentral University, a global online graduatessunivereccA yaD 7 • Den patrons. “Our new location at the Ice Den will be available sity, has separated its School of Behavioral and Health Sciences Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. and into two schools: the School of Psychology and the School of Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.,” said Kim Duckworth, SEC Marriage and Family Sciences. Although the university’s offipresident and co-owner. More: www.coyotesice.com. cial headquarters are in Prescott Valley, all of the academic and administrative operations are located just two blocks north of Scottsdale Airport; the site employees 200, serving more than 8,000 students in 50 countries. Taser International Inc. recently announced orders for More: www.ncu.edu. more than 3,600 units of its X2 and X26 stun guns. The company expected to finish out the fourth quarter with revenues over $30 million. TTI Performance Systems, a source for research-based, validated assessment and coaching tools, is offering a new free webinar series for consultants, coaches, speakers and trainers who work with organizations to meet their human capital management needs. The webinars will cover the dimensions Airpark-based TTI Performance Systems measures in individuals and the arsenal of vali!tseW eht tuohguorhT snoitacoL revO dated assessments and comprehensive human 2122capital -869 )0services 84( eviravailable D kcotnilCto cMhandle .S 0541any talent EPMET 2998management -028 )084( issue. daoRThe enilwebinar esaB .W 3 041close with EPMET will Call TTI for a demonstration of our Job Matching system. can 9220a-0discussion 98 )084( session daoRin spiwhich lleKcM participants .E 531 ASEM discuss current business issues and share effec5717-369 )084( eunevA anozirA .N 2621 RELDNAHC tive solutions. 4027-642 )206( eunevA ht72 .N 6136 ELADNELG The webinars are offered once each month, 0318beginning -179 )206(Feb. 8. To daregister oR lleB .for E 82one 61 of these XINEOHP 7762free -123webinars, )326( d a o R l l e B . W 0 9 6 4 1 ESIRPRUS visit www.ttiassessments.com/ events or call 800-869-6908. 17785 N. Pacesetter Way, Scottsdale AZ 85255 www.ttiassessments.com
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February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 9 November 2012 Scottsdale Airpark News | 9
airparkbusinessnews airparkbusinessnews continues from page 6
Homebuilder Buys Borgata
The Borgata of Scottsdale, an upscale shopping center on the border of Scottsdale and Paradise Valley, has been sold to a local homebuilder with plans to redevelop the site into a condominium community, reports AZCentral.com. The two freestanding restaurants onsite, Blanco Tacos and J. Alexander’s, will remain in operation. Scottsdale-based AV Homes Inc., bought the 7-acre property last month for $12.8 million. More: http://bit.ly/Sij6A9. Scottsdale’s Aviation Department will begin construction at Scottsdale Airport of runway safety area improvements in November. This work will include relocating existing drainage structures and making grade/slope changes adjacent to the approach end of runway 03. Some of this work will require Scottsdale-Airpark’s visual integrator CCS9 Presentation closure of the runwayaudio and parallel taxiways from p.m. to 6 Systems and of AV am. Nov. has 4-19.completed There willits bedesign a total of 12installation night closures. Thesolutions at will Casino Arizona’s bingo hall in nights the Salt River runway not be closed onnew Friday or Saturday during Pima-Maricopa Indian480-312-2674. Community. The new space opened to this timeframe. More: the public in November and welcomed bingo enthusiasts from across the country. CCS serves customers in the corporate, govEl Pedregal Shops Dining at the Boulders ernment and educational sectors. Theand company sells, installs and Resort finishes its Fall Festival featuring lively services equipment as well as trains clients to use A/V technolmusic, distinctive shopping, and refreshing ogy. CCS offers multiple product lines to enhance presentation wines on Sunday, Nov. 4, with a liveinteractive concert effectiveness and customer experiences including by Marmalade Skies from 1 p.m. to 4 The SMARTBoards, LCD and plasma displays, projectors p.m. and conseven-piece band performs songs from the trol systems. Beatles. The event is free to attend. How’s that patent application of yours coming along? Are you kidding me? I took it to this major law firm. Would you believe they wanted to charge $15,000 just to file it? Where’s that?
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Scottsdale Airpark Airpark News News February November2013 2012 10 | Scottsdale
P.M. Connect DATEBOOK When: Wednesday, Feb. 27, 5 p.m.-7 p.m. Where: Heard Museum North Scottsdale, N. Airpark Forum: Global Business32633 Expansion When: Scottsdale Road Friday, Nov. 7, 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. Cost: FreeScottsdale for Chamber members,Suites, $20 for7515 guests Where: Thunderbird E. Butherus Info: Enjoy hors d’oeuvres and drink specials as you Drive, Scottsdale Cost: network with some of the business people Members: $20 ($25 dayfinest of event); Guests: $30 in ($35 Scottsdale. day of event). Advanced registration requested.
Info: A panel discussion about how to take your business into the global arena.
27th Annual Sterling Awards Luncheon
When: Tuesday, Nov. 13, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.called Jefferson The first phase of a $61 million apartment project Where: Chaparral Suites Resort Scottsdale, 5001 at One Scottsdale is being built by Dallas-based TDIN. Real Estate Scottsdale Road Holdings, reports Phoenix Business Journal. The project will be on Cost:site $75at the northeast corner of Thompson Peak Parkway a 17-acre As the adjacent chamber’s event, community. the Sterling Delivery and Info: 74th Street, to marquee the Grayhawk Awards theby spirit the organization by of 388 units isembody expected nextofyear. celebrating the people and companies that make the Scottsdale community a great place to live, work and play. has requested approval for plans to demolish the A developer Village Inn restaurant near Shea Boulevard and 89th Place and construct a Chick-fil-A restaurant on the site. The new restaurant would be 4,852 square feet with an outdoor patio on 1.55 acres at 10652 N. 89th Place.
:: KUDOS ::
Schumacher Workplace Garners ‘Best’ Recognition in Industry
Airpark Business Special
Automotive News named North Scottsdale’s Schumacher European Ltd. as the 27th best dealership to work—the only Arizona dealership given the distinction, and the only Mercedes-Benz dealer in the Unitedavailable States and Canada Detail Packages at to make the list. The store was also rated No. 4 in the nation for discounted rates for Airpark Businesses. large dealerships with 100-plus employees. “We have always believed ourpick-up, employeesdetail, are part and of the Schumacher Wethat will return your family,” says Werner Schumacher, owner. Dealerships were automobile back to your business. assessed on benefits, ethics and business practices. Schumacher European offerscall employees comprehensiveand health benefits with Please for availability pricing. annual wellness fairs on the premises, and keeps morale high 480.275.8562 by hosting rooftop barbeques where the management serves up lunch. Located in the Scottsdale Airpark, The Auto Hanger offers 32,000 square feet of climate controlled secure short-term and long-term storage for fine automobiles The National Minority Franchising Initiative has selected and motorcycles. Offering limitless amenaties available Honest-1 Care, as one ofconcierges, its “50 Top Franchises for the throughAuto clients’ personal thus ensuring Minorities.” The results of the survey were featured in the art. longevity and proper management of your mobile Oct. 12 issue of USA Today. The growing chain of 30 car-care locations in 13 states has transformed the traditional repair shop into an eco-friendly, customer-service-oriented business. The corporate headquarters are in the Airpark.
The results of Condé Nast Traveler’s 25th annual Readers’ Choice Awards are in, and Sanctuary on Camelback Mountain has been voted the No. 1 resort in the Southwest. continued on page 12
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Home builder Meritage Homes is planning to expand into at least four new communities in the Triangle region of North Carolina in 2013, reports the Phoenix Business Journal. Meritage, which has corporate offices in Scottsdale at 17851 N. 85th St., opened its Raleigh office in spring 2011, and the company sold more than 100 homes during its first year of operation in the market.
Barbara Lloyd, Brad Ranly, Lane Neville and Hunter Null negotiated the sale of a 29,000-squarefoot retail building, representing the seller, C-III Asset Management for $3,200,000. The property is at 8698 E. Raintree, in Scottsdale. The buyer is NHD Equity Partners.
:: NEW & ON
Diva & Dude Boutique Introduces Truck Diva & Dude Boutique is proud to introduce “Boutique A Go~Go, Scottsdale’s First Mobile Boutique Truck.” Boutique owner Amy Falkenberg’s goal was to come up with a fun and different way to bring the shopping to customers. Last year, she decided that setting up and tearing down at more than 90 events a year was taking its toll. The idea of going mobile, just like the food trucks, intrigued her. After doing research and learning about mobile boutiques in other states, Boutique A Go~Go was born. The mobile shopping vehicle is actually a 1989 Jayco RV that has been restyled to look like a modern boutique. It’s filled with fashionable handbags, jewelry, accessories and clothing at affordable prices. Every item is handpicked by Falkenberg. In addition, Boutique a Go-Go will also showcase handmade items from local artists. The truck is available for a variety of events. More: amy@boutiqueagogo.com.
Sumit Yoga Comes to Hayden Peak Crossing in Spring A mid-spring grand opening is planned for the Valley’s fifth Sumit’s Yoga at Hayden Peak Crossing, a northeast Scottsdale retail shopping center at the southeast corner of Hayden Road and Thompson Peak Parkway, according to Sumit Banerjee, owner and operator of the studio. Like his other locations, the new Scottsdale studio will be designed for beginning through advanced yoga students and reinforces Banerjee’s primary objectives as a teacher: helping others realize the powerful wellness benefits of yoga, including a stronger, toned and more flexible body, and improved state of mind that encourages relaxation, self-acceptance and awareness.
Paradise Valley Church at 4242 E. Greenway welcomes a new lead pastor this month. After a yearlong search, the church has hired Dr. David Harris from Sacramento, Calif., a sought-after speaker and teacher. Harris will be installed Feb. 17 in a music-filled service.
12 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 13
:: NEW & ON THE MOVE :: Scottsdale City Councilwoman Suzanne Klapp has been appointed to the National League of Cities (NLC) 2013 Finance, Administration & Intergovernmental Relations Steering Committee. This committee has the lead responsibility for developing NLC federal policy positions on issues involving national economic and financial policy, municipal management and authority and citizen participation and civil rights. First Scottsdale Bank, a locally owned, independent bank specializing in business banking, has appointed 40-year banking veteran Stephen D. Todd as executive vice president and chief credit officer. In his new position, Todd is responsible for loan administration, financial management, regulatory compliance and oversight for First Scottsdale Bank.
Attorneys Carolyn Tatkin and C. Adam Buck have been named as partners to the The Frutkin Law Firm, which has offices in Phoenix and North Scottsdale. Tatkin serves as the head of the bankruptcy section at the firm and brings nearly 30 years of experience. Adam Buck brings more than a decade of experience in business law, real estate law and commercial litigation.
Scottsdale City Council welcomed new and re-elected members to its ranks Jan. 8, including Virginia Korte, Guy Phillips and Suzanne Klapp. Scottsdale City Hall played host where Scottsdale Mayor Jim Lane addressed the standing-room-only crowd at the governing board’s first meeting of the new year. Each member of council will serve four-year terms, Scottsdale City Charter states.
...continued Scottsdale-based eInstruction, a global education software and technology company, will expand its line of products with the release of Wave, a centralized, online solution for higher education. Wave extends the functionality of an institution’s learning management system (LMS) by facilitating summative and formative assessment with the use of student response devices such as clickers, smartphones, laptops and tablets. Wave reinforces the way instructors already manage class and lesson delivery by becoming an integral part of their Blackboard or Moodle environments, with additional LMS platforms planned for 2013. More: 866-496-4949.
With Spring Training around the corner, area hotels are busy pitching seasonal specials. Check out the websites for Gainey Suites Hotel, and The Westin Kierland Resort & Spa.
:: KUDOS :: Grimaldi’s Celebrates Big B-Day with Fundraiser
Airpark-based Grimaldi’s Pizzeria, best known for coal-fired brick oven pizzas, is hosting an event on Feb. 24 to celebrate its 10th year in the Valley. The event will take place at the Old Town Scottsdale restaurant 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Feb. 24. A meal of your choice will be offered, with all of the proceeds going to Phoenix Children’s Full Service Catering featuring Hospital. Featured activities include local Wood Fired Cuisines of the World celebrities serving guests, a World Champion Corporate, Personal Chef, Weddings, Slow n Low, Neapolitan Pizza dough-thrower, a Frank Sinatra impersonator and more surprises. Cost is $50. With Where you are the guest and we do the rest seven Arizona locations—one of which is at Scottsdale Quarter—Grimaldi’s Pizzeria consistently wins Zagat’s best pizza year after year. More: www.grimaldispizzeria.com/ birthdayparty-checkout.
14 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
Entrepreneur’s 34th Annual Franchise 500 list includes Honest-1 Auto Care, which has corporate headquarters in the Scottsdale Airpark. Honest-1 Auto Care is an eco-friendly, customer service-oriented business with shops designed for the whole family, characterized by clean and upscale waiting areas, Internet cafes, children’s play areas, comfortable leather couches, big screen TVs and complimentary beverage stations.
UMB Bank Arizona announces it has received LEED Gold certification for its fullservice banking center that recently opened in the Scottsdale Airpark. The certification marks the first LEED Gold-certified banking center for UMB throughout its footprint as well as the first facility designed to be net-zero, which means it is expected to produce as much energy as it will consume annually.
OB Sports Golf Management Chief Operating Officer and Principal Phil Green was recently inducted into the Southwest Section PGA Hall of Fame. Green joined two other 2013 Hall of Fame inductees who were recognized at the Southwest Section PGA Awards Dinner held in Scottsdale on Jan. 11. Green has made significant impact to the game of golf, and has dedicated more than three decades of service to the Southwest Section PGA. Green has personally overseen the management implementation of more than 75 golf facilities in 22 states. OB Sports, which is located in the Airpark, employs more than 100 PGA Professionals at its current portfolio of 45 courses.
Digital Caddies Inc., 15210 N. Greenway Road, recently signed an agreement with the Tuscany Golf Club in Henderson, Nev., calling for an extension of services in addition to installing a new wireless tablet service expected to launch this spring. The new service will provide rich streaming content and real time distance information to the golfer, while also providing valuable information and services to the golf course. Digital Caddies’ newest service will incorporate the ability to communicate with others on the course, post to social media outlets, create dynamic leaderboards for scoring, call the beverage cart, interact with the golf course officials and more.
Tom Thumb Turns One Tom’s Thumb Fresh Market at 9393 E. Bell Road celebrated its one-year anniversary last month. The gas station and car wash is also a neighborhood meeting place and corner store. Inside find the Bistro, serving award-winning barbecue and Southern-inspired dishes, Pinnacle Perk Coffee, and a market filled with wines, craft beer and local artisan products. In its first year, Tom’s Thumb Fresh Market has been recognized for its concept and barbecue. Phoenix Magazine named it a Best New Restaurant, the Phoenix New Times calls it the Best Place, and it received Best Barbecue honors from Sonoran Living, and Best Eclectic Restaurant by North Valley Magazine.
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February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 15
:: TASTY BITES :: Looking for lunch from two acclaimed chefs? Market Street Kitchen is now open for lunch Monday through Saturday, from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The menu by James Beard award-winning Chef Robert McGrath and Chef Matt Taylor features dishes ranging from $8 to $15. Midday options include smaller plates, full-flavored sandwiches, salads, and substantial plates for those with a larger appetite. Market Street at DC Ranch is at 20775 N. Pima Road.
THINNING HAIR? Can be history with Integrated Hair Solutions
El Pedregal’s Carefree Sundays music series begins on Sunday, Feb. 24, featuring lively music, distinctive shopping, and refreshing wines. Guests will enjoy music by Marmalade Skies from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., featuring songs from the Beatles. The Carefree Sundays festival is sponsored by AZ Wines and Clear Channel’s 98.7 The Peak Radio. The event is free to attend; food and wine tasting tickets are available for purchase. The Spring Festival will occur every Sunday from until May 12.
Flavors of the West Set for Feb. 17
IHS combines the very latest in laser technology to stimulate This will depend on several options as each program is taiyour hair follicles to produce new hair growth where previ- lored for the individual. IHS is affordable for most people. ously thinning. The program is simple and straight forward Monthly payments are also available. and only takes 20 minutes once per week. A home laser program is also available for those clients not able to come in to the clinic.
While most clients are ideal for laser therapy, you must first It’s easy. Simply call our clinic and make an appointment for attend for a consultation and evaluation. If it is determined a no charge consultation and evaluation. In 30 minutes you that you are a good candidate, we will back your results could be on your way to fuller and thicker hair. with a written guarantee. IHS is equally effective for both men and women.
CALL NOW (480) 664-2081 7373 N. Scottsdale Rd, Suite C228 Scottsdale, AZ 85253 HOURS: Tues - Fri 10-6:30 Sat 9-2pm
16 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
On Feb. 17, downtown Litchfield Park will be transformed into a culinary extravaganza for attendees of Flavors of the West, a new festival with a big goal. “We are raising $25,000 for Phoenix Children’s Hospital Foundation,” says event founder, Justin Clarke. “That money will be used to build a single patient room in their new Avondale facility.” Presented by The Mavericks, a new men’s leadership group based in the West Valley, Flavors of the West is becoming a hot ticket. General admission tickets allow for unlimited stops at restaurant stations and drink tickets for beer, wine, and spirits. Tickets are $45 general admission, $100 Wigwam VIP, $10 kids 12 and under. All available online at: www.FlavorsAZ. com.
SOL Mexican Cocina is bringing a popular Southern California Tuesday night tradition to the desert. On Feb. 5, beginning at 4 p.m., the Scottsdale Quarter restaurant is introducing Taco & Tequila Tuesday. Every Tuesday at SOL Cocina, guests will enjoy special discounts on tacos, tequila, Mexican beer, and margaritas all night long, while also rocking out to live music. To introduce the launch of Taco Tuesday, Major League Baseball great Mike Hampton will guest bartend on Feb. 5.
Hollywood Live to Open at Promenade Hollywood Live, a hybrid nightclub concept that will feature live music and entertainment, is set to open this February. The new venue is located at 16203 N. Scottsdale Road in the Promenade Shopping Center, just south of Frank Lloyd Wright Boulevard. Hollywood Live will bring the best local and national recording acts to North Scottsdale to perform at the new venue. The layout provides ample views of the stage from every angle, which will be positioned in front of a 40-foot mural showcasing various Hollywood icons and landmarks adjacent to a spacious dance floor. The venue will offer a wide array of menu items along with a selection of specialty cocktails, wine, draft beers and bottle service packages. A large projection screen will hover over the stage and 20-plus flat-screen TVs.
A VIP lounge area will be available for reservations where patrons will have their own private bar and bartenders, along with two pool tables, flat screens and sofas. In addition to the VIP lounge there is ample outdoor patio seating laced with fireplaces and a casual dining setting. The 19,000-square-foot bar will be open daily from 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. More: www.hollywoodlivescottsdale.com.
Passionate Pork-Centric Menu for V-Day Chef’s Keenan Bosworth and Josh Riesner are dishing up some lust-worthy swine this Valentine’s Day. The newly opened and already much applauded Pig & Pickle has curated a menu fit for passionate pig lovers looking for a unique gourmet holiday dining experience with three- and five-course options. Reservations will be taken specially for Valentine’s evening. The three-course $29 option features a starter (charcuterie, pickles and bread), main course (pork loin schnitzel with warm potato salad), and dessert; the $49 option also features an appetizer (tuna tataki), salad and champagne toast. The Pig & Pickle is at 2922 N. Hayden Road; 480-990-1407.
7835 E. Redfield Rd.
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This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied as to the accuracy of the information.
February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 17
Stan Utley Grayhawk Golf Club’s 'Guru of the Short Game' Talks Teaching By Kimberly Hundley Photos by Mark Susan
olfers have long known Stan Utley as the guru of the short game. The player-turned-instructor is ranked by Golf Digest as No. 6 in “America’s 50 Greatest Teachers,” and holds the record for fewest putts per nine holes on the PGA TOUR (six, unbelievably). Utley, who plays out of Grayhawk Golf Club, was already among golf’s elite few when he decided to return to competitive play last year, qualifying for the Champions Tour at the age of 50 and going up against the same guys whose careers he helped shape. He now splits his time between the Tour and his real passion—teaching amateurs and pros alike how to improve their game. Decked out in gear from his new sponsor, PING, Utley took a seat at Phil’s Grill inside the Grayhawk clubhouse and talked about the art of teaching, his philosophies (“the best question wins”) and how it pains him to watch somebody make something harder than it needs to be. First of all, tell us about your PGA TOUR record of six putts over nine holes at the 2002 Air Canada Championship. How is that even possible? No one will ever beat that. The back story is I got into the tournament on last-minute notice and showed up injured and didn’t play particularly well on Thursday … In order to do what I did, you needed to miss all the greens in regulation. It was an ugly nine holes, but it was a record. So my joke is I hold the record for the most shots ever hit in nine holes for an under-par score on the PGA TOUR. It’s really kind of ironic it would happen to a guy that ends up teaching short game.
18 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
Things to Know About Grayhawk Golf Club 8620 E Thompson Peak Parkway, just five miles east of Scottsdale Airport
• It’s open to the public, only: To dispel a stubborn misconception, Grayhawk is NOT private. It’s a daily-fee golf club with country club-style services and amenities. • Grayhawk hosted a PGA TOUR event: The Frys.com
Open, a Fall-Series PGA TOUR event, from 2007-2009.
• When the mercury raises the rates drop: During the summer months, weekend warriors who can take the heat are able to play for green fees around $30—a hot deal, given peak-season rates climb over $200.
• Grayhawk offers a tasty array of dining options, all open to the public. Quill Creek Café and Phil’s Grill serve up an eclectic mixture of American favorites with a Southwestern flair. The Morning Joint is a boutique coffee shop serving breakfast and lunch items daily. Isabella’s Kitchen offers the handmade, homemade AmericanItalian fare that we all grow up with, just better. And Chuck, the food truck, is “takin’ it to the streets.” • Grayhawk’s Golf Shop & Trading Company is more of a high-end boutique shopping experience than a supplier of golf balls. Guys and women can completely gear up for golf in high style here.
February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 19
20 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
Special Advertising Section
Boccieri Golf opens amazing new Golf Research and Performance Center
ith nearly 200 courses and warm weather year-round, the Scottsdale area is one of the country’s most popular golf destinations. Situated alongside the famed resorts and award-winning venues is a new, stateof-the-art club fitting and instructional center that has established itself as the Valley of the Sun’s latest must visit golf attraction. The Boccieri Golf Research and Performance Center is the vision of President and CEO Stephen Boccieri. A former engineer in the nuclear industry and scratch golfer, Boccieri developed and launched the company’s criticallyacclaimed Heavy Putter line in 2004. The brand’s equipment offerings have rapidly expanded since that time, along with its reputation for excellence. Last year, the company relocated from Connecticut to Arizona, a move inspired by its leader’s dream to introduce a friendly environment where his staff could work hands-on to educate players and help them maximize on-course potential. The new 9,000 square-foot facility offers a variety of services for local and visiting golfers and also serves as the company’s R&D headquarters, where new products are tested and developed. The latest product to come out of the laboratory is the Secret Grip, a patented technological breakthrough that allows players to easily back-weight their clubs for improved consistency, control and
distance. Back-weighting, also known as counterweighting, is a key component of all Boccieri Golf equipment, as independent testing proves that the vast majority of golfers are able to achieve more distance and accuracy when additional weight has been placed in the butt-end of the shaft. In the case of the Secret Grip, a tungsten weight is combined with a heavier grip compound to raise the club’s balance point, helping golfers control the club throughout the swing and square the face at impact. Prototypes of the grip were introduced in 2012 and caught the eye of the legendary Jack Nicklaus. The Golden Bear himself relied on counterweighted clubs his entire career, including during his 73 PGA Tour victories and 18 major championships. Seeing an opportunity to align with a company introducing a product that would truly benefit golfers of all skill levels, Nicklaus teamed up with Boccieri to become an official endorser of the Secret Grip and is using it personally. The company is so sure that the Secret Grip will out-perform any competitor that they are giving away a free sample to anyone that comes to the Research and Performance Center and partakes in a “club compare.” Simply hit any club outfitted with a standard grip and compare launch monitor results against the same club using the Secret Grip. Beyond the grip testing and compari-
son program, services at the Boccieri Golf Research and Performance Center include, but are not limited to: • Custom Club Fitting – Using the latest launch monitor technology, Boccieri Golf representatives precisely analyze golfers’ swing characteristics and prescribe equipment for optimal performance • Science and Motion (SAM) Puttlab Analysis - Accurate ultrasound measurements of a player’s putting stroke are relayed to experienced fitters who use the data to determine specific putter characteristics that will improve performance • High-tech Lessons – Instructors use a mix of advanced swing analysis tools and hi-def video to create full player evaluations The diagnostic systems used at the Research and Performance Center are unmatched by any retailer or club fitter in the area. The company spared no expense in creating the ultimate learning environment and customer experience.
Checking out this amazing new facility is a must for players of all skill levels. It is located at 15816 N. Greenway-Hayden Loop in Scottsdale.
For more information or to book a fitting appointment please visit BoccieriGolf.com or call 888.788.8374. February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 21
Stan Utley has been working with Scottsdale marketing firm Communication Links for several months on a video subscription service offered via his website (stanutley.com). The “Stan Utley University Instruction Channel” could launch sometime this year.
One of my philosophies in life is that the best questions win. For example, I’ll ask “Why do you grip the club the way you do?” If they say, “My dad told me to,” well that’s not good enough. You need to have conviction about why you do what you do. Have you ever been in a situation where you gave a competitor a tip that helped him beat you? That’s how my career launched. I was in Sandy, Utah, (now a Web.com Tour event) and my wife and two kids were sitting in the car waiting on me while I was teaching another player. My lovely bride declared that they didn’t mind waiting if I’m practicing or if I’m teaching the guy who I’m trying to beat tomorrow—as long as he pays. At that point, I put a fee on my services. It didn’t take long to figure out the teaching paid more than the playing. That doesn’t mean I can’t play great. I have the skills to play golf, but I’m better at teaching golf. What does a lesson with you go for today? I charge $500 an hour, and usually it’s a three-hour minimum, and that’s for one person. It’s in line or below what the top 10 instructors get, but it’s really high for the average teacher. [smiles wryly] It’s hard to say what the value is.
During your career, you had a lot of success as a player, winning the 1989 Chattanooga Classic in 1989 and three Nationwide Tours. What drew you to teaching? By nature I am an encourager, so I like to be coached and I like to encourage other people to be better at whatever they are trying to do. My playing career had different people who shaped me, and one of those people was a sports psychologist, who asked, “How are you the best you?” I was a better me helping other people. It made me a better person, and the better I feel about me, the better I perform at golf. Do you remember the first time you ‘taught’ golf? I would say anybody who plays golf is a golf teacher, because anybody who plays golf has an opinion, and they have probably shared that opinion. I was better than my dad right off the bat; I was always telling him what I thought. That’s golf instruction, but it doesn’t mean it’s good. So I have always taught golf. I’ve charged people for the past 12 years or so. What makes a good coach? I believe the teacher gets better when they have more ways to say the same thing. All these different people you run across, you are looking for some way to get the message across—and you can’t deliver it the same way. Sometimes you get a person to do something physically, but intellectually they don’t know how they did it. Using words is something that is terribly difficult—probably in all of life, but in teaching golf particularly. If I say the word “release,” it can mean all kinds of things to different people. That’s why we as teachers thirst to get better: so we can have our students understand exactly what we mean. What’s your favorite part of the job? Probably the biggest rush in teaching is seeing the light bulb go off in their eyes. How would you describe your teaching style? I ask a lot of questions. The better I am at asking questions, the better results I get.
22 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
What’s it like going from teaching pros to weekend golfers? It is a different dynamic, but the bottom line is seeing the person have success, and it can be in the moment, winning a tournament, or it can be in an email, like the one I got today from this guy who’s ecstatic that he’s setting his wrist now and smashing the ball. Is it hard to switch off from teacher mode? It makes my wife crazy sometimes. She’s not really into me teaching her something, at least not all the time. It pains me to watch somebody make it harder than it ought to be. That is a painful thing for me. Other than turning 50 (minimum age eligible to compete on Champions Tour), why did you decide to start playing competitively again? I would say over the past 10 years, through primarily teaching golf and not playing much, I have improved my skills based on who I’ve hung out with—my swing and ball striking have wildly improved. That doesn’t mean I can shoot lower scores, because I was in a keen, sharp competitive mindset [on the PGA TOUR]. To say that I’m better doesn’t necessarily mean I can automatically go win money. Is the hunger to win really more important than an ability to hit the ball? The competitive edge it takes to compete against the best in the world is the rarest thing to have. That’s the biggest gap that the average amateur doesn’t have. The average country club pro golfer, he can go out and shoot 68, and people say, “Well, he could play on the PGA TOUR.” But in reality he couldn’t even qualify to get in a tournament. Can you help players develop that competitive edge? They’ve got to have that on their own. I can help encourage it to blossom, but if they don’t want it, you can’t force it on them. What’s it like being back out there yourself? I still like to compete. I like to help people more than I like to compete. I love combining the two. That’s what the Champions Tour offers. It’s a very competitive world that has a social aspect to it.
Give your loved
gift of health... Pain Relief r. Daniel Shapiro has been practicing cosmetic surthe
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Technology is changing the way golf instructors interact with students. Using his iPad, Stan Utley routinely videotapes his students during lessons and emails them clips afterward with voiceover or written feedback. Remote coaching is also becoming more common. “One of the Tour players I teach, Paul McGinely, I taught him all last year through email. He lives in London,” Utley says, explaining McGinely sends him videos for review.
Has playing again changed the way you teach? I think the better I am as a player, the better I am as a teacher. So putting myself back into the fire helped my teaching. Can I put my finger on why or how? Not automatically. When you play golf, what’s going through your mind really matters; you need a balance of turning the technical loose and just being an athlete. I think I went heavy on the technical side because I talk it all day, and now I’m in a more creative place.
LaserTouchOne™ gery in the Scottsdale and Paradise Valley area for
more than 19 years. A past president of the Maricopa County Society of Plastic Surgeons, Shapiro is the recipient of many awards. including Phoenix Magazine’s “Top Docs” Award, and is a popular source for local media. He also lectures for manufacturers of advanced techniques and The only pain relief device the market equipment such as •Zeltiq Coolsculpting andon Ulthera. The docthatincombines twoValley proven therapies: tor’s practice is based Paradise a low-level laserSurgery and micro-current at the Shapiro Aesthetic Plastic Dr. Daniel Shapir electrical stimulation. and Skin Klinic, but recently he’s develNorth Scottsdale Dermato oped a partnership•with North Scottsdale Provides treatment that promotes the body’s (Partnership) Dermatology. natural repair and healing process at the
14275 N. 87th St., Scottsda cellular level. What drew you to the Bentley? This FDA-approved device provides a safe I’ve had pretty • much all the different as wellBut as surgery. sports car—Ferraris, alternative Porsches,to medication Lamborghinis. my wife gave me the two-kid rule, and now I have to be able to travel with my 8 year old Call and to 11schedule year old a inFREE the back. I really like the demonstration... Bentley and the attention to detail. It’s not especially flashy, but Contact at car. It’s stylish and it’s got great performance so it’s notVicki a boring understated. 480-659-5470 or
How does it compare to your first car? for a special holiday offer My very first car in high school was a Datsun truck, so I think it’s a little bit more stylish. Through the years, I think my biggest
You moved your family from your home state of Missouri to live in Scottsdale full time when your kids were ready to go to school. How has it worked out? It’s been inexplicable how dramatic and positive it has affected our lives, because this is where I hang out and get to hang out. Our kids (now 17 and 15) are in school a mile and a half down the street, most of clients are flying in, and I have a three-minute commute to work.
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What has it been like working at Grayhawk Golf Club? For me, it’s been an amazing learning experience, learning how to respect the golf course and the golf pro. As a Tour player I don’t now that we require that skill—everything is given to us, and we never ask why. This is a beautiful place for me to learn the whys, and a really healthy place to learn how golf operations work. I’ve had a couple opportunities to go elsewhere, and I wouldn’t want to go anywhere else.
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The Waste Management Phoenix Open is coming up (Jan. 28). Do you plan on going? I will attend. I love climbing up on the hill with binoculars to this spot where I can stand and watch six guys at once. It’s the only place I know where you can see so much golf at one time.
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What’s on your professional calendar for 2013? The big excitement in 2013 is I return back to my roots and join the PING golf staff. I played PING equipment most of career, but as an instructor I’ve mostly played Titleist. PING is local, I know the family, and they are excited about having me on their team. I do anticipate I will play a little bit of tournament golf this year as well.
28 | Scottsdale Airpark News2013 November 2012Airpark News | 23 February Scottsdale
CEO Scott Lambrecht displays the GolfLogix app on his iPhone inside the Man Cave.
Live from Inside the Man Cave & Beyond … GolfLogix! Golf’s most-downloaded app ups its game By Kimberly Hundley Photos by Adam Moreno
hen the Phoenix Open tees up, you can find GolfLogix CEO Scott Lambrecht and his team entertaining investors and clients in the company skybox on the 16th hole. Lambrecht, the creator of the world’s most-downloaded golf app, then shepherds invitees to the annual “Man Cave” Super Bowl party inside GolfLogix headquarters on the GreenwayHayden Loop, where any of the app’s 2 million users are welcome to stop by as well, an open-door policy that’s good year-round. The place is outfitted with a 20-foot movie projector screen, and a 3-D golf simulator that players can stand in and enjoy a round of golf at any one of 75 courses. Beyond the door marked “Man Cave,” visitors also find a full bar, a covey of couches and a putting green. “It’s kind of our clubhouse, and we encourage members to come and hang out,” Lambrecht says. The unique space is home to almost all of GolfLogix’s meetings, and this year it’s also the studio where staff will produce weekly shows for members to stream from the Golf News section of their apps. It’s all part of Lambrecht’s vision to continually evolve the application beyond a distance-measuring and game-tracking tool. “One of our mantras is to make GolfLogix more of a club, and one of those things is to really converse and be social with members,” he explains. Broadcasts, for example, will showcase pro tours, golf products … and especially how to get the most out
24 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
of GolfLogix’s new features. Users, or “club members,” are already familiar with the app’s free capabilities. They get GPS on 32,000 courses anywhere in the world, instantly informing them how far they are from the greens and thus what club to use. The can also record and share rounds, scores and stats. But for $19.99 annually, members rise to “Champion” level, with access to premium features such as GPS measurements to any point on the golf course, including every hazard and layup. “The app actually tracks all of your clubs and distances and plots them on top of imagery,” Lambrecht says. “It basically draws you a track of every shot and everything you did on the course. Over time, you know exactly how far all your clubs go and get in-depth analysis of your game so you can lower your scores.” Most golfers are zealous about improving their game, a characteristic GolfLogix is counting on to drive interest in another premium feature it developed in partnership with Golf Digest. Members are given instant access to the magazine’s decades of expert content. “At the end of every single round, we actually do an analysis of all your scores and stats,” Lambrecht explains. “Using algorithms, we are actually able to tell the areas of your game
February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 25
needing improvement. Then we look through 60 years of archives and find the correct tips and drills and lessons to improve your game.” The Golf Digest feature also builds Scott users aLambrecht personalized mini-magazine he first company to bring handheld What is your everyday ride? Founder/CEO of each game they play, complete with This is what I drive every day—I rotate GPS into golf, GolfLogix is headed Long before the phrase ‘There’s an app for that” entered our lexicon, Scott Lambrecht was educating golfers already GolfLogix photos if members want to take any The beauty live in Pinnacle by Scott Lambrecht, a Seattle native familiar with handheld GPS about how they could use theirthem. smartphones instead. is ButI being years ahead of Peak, the mar- 15685 N. course. Greenway-Hayden Loop on the who graduated from Arizona State so the commute is seven minutes and I’m Scottsdale ketplace wasn’t always easy. Here’s a timeline showing how GolfLogix played the long game for the win. To incentivize free users to upgrade, and hasn’t left. With more downloads than not putting a lot of miles on them. GolfLogix also partnered with retailer any other golf app, GolfLogix has nearly 1999: Founding partners start company; idea is to give golfers 2008: Sales take off, but the company decides that smartGolfsmith this Users who with buy We launched a year. big partnership explain your Caddy 2 amillion enjoying In How GPS tool tomembers measure distances to hole,its etc.,platform. plus track each phonesdoareyou the future; board and investors opt to fever? move to a $75 worth of gear are credited $20 to I think model theyandare from an production. era where Golf Digest: At the end of every round you 2009, smartphone shot from where it’s hit totechnology where it lands, led givingGolfLogix players records software-only abandon hardware cover their Champion bump. Since toofdevelop their games.and capture the app market with America was at its greatest in a lot of ways. play with our app, you get a free, permost golfers are spending that amount magazine with the content you lot ofCompany people likefirstmuscle cars, but a program providing precise GPS distances. A 2009: launches app on BlackBerrys and the sonalized every year anyway on balls and shirts, 2001: weeks, Early modelthe is built and,was in a listed down economy, com- Cadillac iPhones, supported by a creature major marketing campaign. New has the comforts. Even need based on how well you played. Within app in thethe topLambrecht figured, they might as well strives to sell it to golf coursesapplications as an amenity forinplayers. TV ’65 ads show Garyhas McCord tossing a bunchwindows. of clunky coup A/C andaway power 10pany most requested sports the my shop handheld GPS devices and holding up a smartphone. GolfLogix What’s onvia theGolfLogix horizon? and get the extra iTunes Store. features as afor bonus. 2006: The USGA, golf’s ruling body, makes GPS devices a becomes the No. 1 app inwhat the country phones. What The mantra GolfLogix in 2013 is Now we know youfor all drive. In 2013, the mantra is “legal” of equipment for players. GolfLogixCoup changes de its “Easy, fast and fun.”company’s So many apps these drives you? Tell uspiece about the 1965 Cadillac “easy, fast, fun.” A new design with model to sell directly to players vs. golf courses, and a new 2012: GolfLogix is the most downloaded golf app in the world. As far as our business goes, I’m really days have made things too difficult for Ville. bigger andwe’re buttons hasreversbeen model today’s smartphones, withita passionate about helping the masses play users, whichfonts is why almost Thisis developed, was mybulkier firstthan Cadillac ever. I got rolled of out, members are giving it black-and-white screen. 2013:golf. Company announces its membership has exceeded 2 ing some ourand technology—we’re makI think golf is a difficult sport from a widow in Sun City about 10 years better a thumbs up. million active memberships. New partnerships with Gold Digest ago with 18,000 original miles. That fueled and has been through some rough times, ing buttons bigger and fonts bigger, and 2007: First hand-held and that we aremore building andanything Golfsmith arewe promoted. Withwith so many eyes on its app,to making“Everything everything easier and fun. and can do technology the passion, and consumer now I device haveis launched four classic available in major sporting goods and golf retailers across the GolfLogix positions itself to become a mini media company. is to make the game easier, faster and We have 2 million members, but there Cadillacs: a 1941 Fastback, a 1970 triple- make people enjoy it more is great. country. A 30-minute infomerical narrated by golf analyst/ more fun,” Lambrecht says. “I think are almost 50 million players around the white convertible, and a 1959 flat-top— instructor Peter Kostis and golfer/commentator Gary McCord runs that’s needsplay to push in genandwhat manygolf of them just for fun. that’s the crazy one with the biggest fins What were some 2012 highlights for world, daily on the Golf Channel. eral.” to them as well. I want to cater GolfLogix? ever made on a car.
26 | Scottsdale Airpark News November February 2013 24 2012
The World-Renowned Sports Agency Next Door
Lagardère Unlimited Golf President Steve Loy and Senior Vice President Jon Hartigan say their company is there for clients 24/7—doing everything from coordinating tournament entries and endorsement deals to assisting with asset management and charitable foundation activities.
By Jessica Runberg • Photos by Adam Moreno
hat does your typical day at the Airpark look like? Heading to the office? Grabbing a cup of coffee? Signing a multimillion-dollar contract for a professional athlete? Well, the latter might be true if you worked for Lagardère Unlimited— formerly Gaylord Sports Management—a professional sports-management company whose client roster includes Phil Mickelson, Keegan Bradley, Nick Watney and Dan Uggla, among other big shots in the pro-sports world. While the company was bought by global sports agency Lagardère Unlimited last year, its roots are homegrown by two up-and-coming golf enthusiasts. It all started in 1989 when Phil Mickelson
joined Steve Loy’s Arizona State University golf team. The two formed a fast friendship that grew to include Loy caddying for Mickelson when he won his first tournament as an amateur. “I always knew Phil was special,” says Loy. “He was always able to The company’s climb to the top of whatever level client roster includes he was competing in.” golfers Phil MickelWhen Mickelson turned pro in son, Nick Watney 1992, Loy turned pro with him. and Chez Reavie. Michelson asked Loy to be his Loy is currently president of what is manager, and the seed for the agency was now Lagardère Unlimited Golf, part of the planted. Loy left his six-year post at ASU sports and entertainment arm of Lagardère to embark on the new venture, leaving Unlimited. At his hip Airpark office, a staff behind a legacy of coaching the No. 1 golf of 22 employees serve golf, baseball and team in the country for five of those six hockey clients, while tennis and football years. players are served on the East Coast. February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 27
businessprofile At the Airpark office of Lagardère Unlimited, 22 staff members serve golf, baseball and hockey clients.
Every since Prestige
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“We’re there for our clients 24/7,” says these corporate opportunities is the option Dr. Daniel Shapiro Dr. Daniel Shapiro “Play with a Pro,” in which Lagardère Loy, who explains that every employee is to
Donn C. Frye, CEO Donn C. Frye, CEO
prestigecleaners.com 13216 N. Scottsdale Road 480.998.8660* 13216 N.prestigecleaners.com Scottsdale Road 480.998.8660* 480.998.8660* 13216 N. Scottsdale Road 7126 E. Sahuaro Drive 480.948.2140 7126 E.N.Sahuaro Drive 480.948.2140 7126 E. Sahuaro Drive 13216 Scottsdale Road 480.948.2140 480.998.8660* 9393 N. 90th Street 480.860.9722 13216 N. Scottsdale Road 480.998.8660* 9393 N. 90th Street 480.860.9722 9393 N.E. 90th Street Road 480.860.9722 7126 Sahuaro Drive 480.948.2140 13216 N. Scottsdale 480.998.8660* 7126 Via E. Sahuaro Drive 7335 Paseo Del Sur 4 480.948.2140 80.991.2440* 7335 Via Paseo Del Sur 4 480.860.9722 80.991.2440* 7335 ViaE. Paseo Del Sur 4 80.991.2440* 9393 N. 90th Street 7126 Sahuaro Drive 480.948.2140 9393 N. Goldwater 90th StreetBlvd. 3908 4 480.860.9722 80.941.0496* 3908 N. 90th Goldwater Blvd. 4 480.860.9722 80.941.0496* 3908 N. Via Goldwater Blvd. 4 80.941.0496* 7335 Paseo Del Sur 80.991.2440* 9393 Street 7335 Via PaseoRoad Del Sur 80.991.2440* 15480 N. Pima 4 80.607.0673* 15480 N.Goldwater Pima Road 4 80.607.0673* 15480 N.Via Pima Road 3908 N. Blvd. 4 80.607.0673* 80.941.0496* 7335 Paseo Del Sur 80.991.2440* 3908 N. Frank Goldwater Blvd. 4 80.941.0496* 11186 Lloyd Wright 480.391.2010* 11186 N. Frank Lloyd Wright 480.391.2010* 11186 N. Frank Lloyd Wright 480.391.2010* 15480 Pima Road Blvd. 480.607.0673* 3908 N.Goldwater 80.941.0496* 15480 N. N.Hayden Pima Road 80.607.0673* 20511 Road 4 80.515.0090* 20511 N. Hayden Road 4 80.515.0090* 20511 N.N. Hayden Road 11186 Wright 4 80.515.0090* 480.391.2010* 15480 N.Frank PimaLloyd Road 80.607.0673* 11186 N. Frank Lloyd Wright 480.391.2010* *24-Hour Pickup Available 20511 N. Hayden Road 4 80.515.0090* 11186 N. Frank Lloyd Wright 480.391.2010* *24-Hour Pickup Available *24-Hour Dropoff Available 20511All N.Locations Hayden Offer Road 24-Hour 4Drop-off 80.515.0090* 20511 N.*24-Hour Pickup Available Hayden NewRoad Store Hours4 80.515.0090* New Store Hours New Store Hours *24-Hour Dropoff Available M-F 7:00am-7:00pm | Sat 8:00am-6:00pm *24-Hour Pickup Available M-F 7:00am-7:00pm | Sat 8:00am-6:00pm M-F 7:00am-7:00pm | Sat 8:00am-6:00pm New Store Hours New Store Hours M-F 7:00am-7:00pm | Sat 8:00am-6:00pm New Store Hours prestigecleaners.com M-F 7:00am-7:00pm | Sat 8:00am-6:00pm M-F 7:00am-7:00pm | Sat 8:00am-6:00pm 12-PRES_1860 Dec Airpark news.indd 1 12-PRES_1860 Airpark news.indd 12-PRES_1860 DecDec Airpark news.indd 1 1
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Unlimited arranges a professional focused foremost on customer service. 2012 Bentley Continental 2012 Bentley GT for Continental GT Being there for clients means doing golfer to appear at a fundraiser or event everything from coordinating tournament and later join attendees on the green for an entries and endorsement deals to assisting unforgettable day of golf. But access to the pros isn’t reserved with asset management and charitable foundation activities. The staff develops solely for businesses. The company is and maintains relationships with coaches, proud to offer a fan mail program in which advertising firms, corporations, financial you can receive an autographed photo, planners, travel agents and others to flag, magazine, scorecard or book from any coordinate details—big and small— of their athletes. Lagardère Unlimited also of life on and off the field. “We plays an important role in orchestrate all the moving parts golf-course design. The so the players can focus on team identifies, negotiates what they do best,” says Lagardère Unlimited and secures golf-course Senior Vice President Jon design opportunities for Hartigan. (Formerly Gaylord Sports Management) a variety of high-profile The company’s vast golf courses around the network allows it to find 13845 N. Northsight Blvd., world. Loy and Mickelson the best opportunities for Scottsdale remain close to this day client athletes, whether the 480-483-9500 and are currently working job involves a tournament together on golf-course or an advertising contract. ventures in China. The two “This is a relationship-driven privately own several well-known business,” explains Hartigan. Corporate relationships are a Arizona golf courses, including McDowell cornerstone of the agency, and the company Mountain Golf Club, Chaparral Pines, The has partnered with the likes of Nike, Rolex, Rim Golf Club and Palm Valley Golf Club. Just as Loy and Mickelson have moved Tommy Hilfiger, KMPG, Coca-Cola, IBM, Hugo Boss, Lexus and Mercedes. “When beyond the athlete-agent relationship, the you see Phil doing a commercial for heart of the business remains looking out ExxonMobil or a Lexus commercial with for the best interests of the players and Nick Watney, we’re the ones who create being there for them in every possible way. “Our players need to have complete trust and manage that opportunity,” says Loy. “Professional athletes can offer value and confidence in us so they can succeed. to high-profile businesses, which is why That’s why we go above and beyond for we welcome companies to visit our office our clients every day,” says Loys. “The and learn how we can help them,” adds best part of our jobs is seeing our clients Hartigan. Among the more creative of win.”
28 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013 12-PRES_1860 Dec Airpark news.indd 1 11/21/12 9:59 AM
14605 N. Airport Drive,14605 Scottsdale, N. Arizona Airp
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This This information information has been securedhas from sources beenwesecured believe to be reliable. fromWe sources make no we believe to be reliable. We make no John Meyer, Designated Broker representations representations or warranties, expressed or warranties, or implied as to the expressed accuracy of the information. or implied as to the accuracy of the information. November February 2012 2013 Scottsdale Scottsdale Airpark Airpark News News | 29
McDowell Mountain Golf Club Unveils New Clubhouse
cDowell Mountain Golf Club in Scottsdale celebrates a new clubhouse facility this month, the completion of a project started last summer. Designed by Scottsdalebased PHX Architecture, the clubhouse expands upon the dining opportunities and provides a climate-controlled, enclosed space for special events, ultimately positioning the clubhouse as a gathering place for the community, golf and non-golf guests. The new clubhouse increases the original facilities’ footprint from 8,000 square feet to more than 12,000 square feet. Additional clubhouse features include a large covered outdoor dining terrace, indoor/outdoor bar, upgraded restroom facilities, new
COURSE FACTS Formerly known as Sanctuary Golf Club; in 2011 operating
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30 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
rights acquired by PGA Tour great Phil Mickelson and “Coach” Steve Loy Less than a five-mile drive east from Scottsdale Airport General Manager/Director of Golf is Chris Johnson, PGA Golf rates for Arizona residents are $89-$130 for 18 holes (through April 7) Professionally managed by Airpark-based OB Sports Golf Management
locker rooms and the enclosure of existing event space. The native building materials are consistent with the McDowell Mountain Ranch neighborhood as well as Scottsdale’s Sonoran Desert. One of the most dramatic features is how the facility takes advantage of the spectacular vistas oriented toward the west and the dramatic views of Scottsdale and the Valley of Sun in general. The clubhouse facility adds to what has been an extensive enhancement program that started in 2011 with improvements to the golf course. Led by golf course architect Randy Heckenkemper, the club completed an ambitious golf course improvement project that resulted in wider playing corridors, reshaping a number of fairways, adding additional teeing areas, additional waste bunkers and more. More: www.mcdowellmountaingc.com; 480-502-8200.
Jason Brill, head golf pro at Starfire Golf Club
Starfire Golf Club 11500 N. Hayden Road 480-948-6000 Facebook.com/starfiregolf www.starfiregolfclub.com
Starfire Golf Club Tops State in Online Sales By Kimberly Hundley • Photo by Adam Moreno
tarfire Golf Club, the historic public course founded in 1953, attracts more than 70,000 golfers each year to the resort-style fairways on Hayden Road. The property’s affordability and great value has helped the club sell more tee time online than any other course in Arizona and rank in the nation’s top 10 for online bookings. Once known simply as Scottsdale Country Club, Starfire was the city’s very first course, then called Sundown Ranch. In 1988, it was redesigned by Arnold Palmer, who added a third nine-hole course to the facility. In 2000, the course opened to the public when it was purchased by Starpointe Communities,
which oversaw a course redesign of the new Starfire Golf Club. On property is a full-service clubhouse with a compact pro shop, restaurant, event space, and a sprawling outdoor terrace. The restaurant affords views of the complimentary short game area, where golfers can warm up using their own balls and retrievers. Currently, the clubhouse is under construction to enhance food and beverage operations. The first phase was completed last month, when the club debuted its newly revamped restaurant, the Starfire Grill, which now houses a smaller version of the pro shop in the back. The second phase involves an expanded banquet area.
Jason Brill
Head Golf Professional From: Salem, Ore. Age: 33 Years Old Wife: Paige Brill, assistant principal Barcelona Middle School Kids: Caden (3), and twins Braden and Brooklyn (1) Head Golf Professional: Oak Knoll Golf Course 2001-2003 Job Description: Responsible for all golf operations, marketing, merchandising, tournament sales and execution of 50-75 events a year; teaches 100-200 lessons annually; acts as liaison between Men’s and Ladies' League; coordinates with superintendent on managing course conditions; assists GM and controller with financials and daily rate management, cart fleet management. Lessons: $40 for half hour; $50 per hour Key to Success: Build positive relationships with every customer, associate, and management. Brill started in the golf industry at the age of 15 as a cart washer in his home state of Oregon. A basketball player as a kid, he found he had a knack for the game of golf as well, so he joined the high school team and continued to work and play throughout college. When he graduated with a marketing degree and communication minor, he returned to the links. “I never liked playing that much. I liked teaching a lot more,” says Brill, who worked as head golf pro at Oregon’s Oak Knoll Golf Course for three years before landing at Starfire Golf Club in 2004, rising from outside services to head pro by 2008.
Today, Brill oversees three assistants, who in turn manage the club’s tournaments, merchandising and leagues. In all, about 20 people are on staff to run operations. Between his varied duties and training his assistants—all fairly new to the job—Brill puts in between 50 and 60 hours a week. His favorite part is working the marketing and financials side. Starfire is No. 1 in the state for online tee-time sales, and Brill says it’s no accident. “We’ve been doing it for a long time, and we put a lot of time and effort in doing rate analysis, coming up with the best rates to fill the tee sheets and maximize revenue, and analyzing the customer base and filling their needs,” he says. Using management software through golfnow.com, Brill closely monitors area bookings and can adjust rates as the market demands. Nearly half of the club’s tee times are booked via the web these days, which wasn’t the case five years ago, when Brill estimates the number was closer to 15 percent. “We used to get flooded with calls on four lines,” Brill says, explaining that offering instant booking online has freed up onsite staff to focus better on customer service. Brill says he’s heard nothing but positive feedback about the property’s recent clubhouse renovation. “We took out a wall, made the golf shop smaller and moved it into the restaurant area to the right,” he says. “The main idea is to keep the retail experience on one side of the facility. Now we can keep the restaurant open all the time.” A Glendale resident, Brill is the father of 1-year-old twins. “By the time I get home, it’s like a second job,” he laughs. “The commute gives me 45 minutes to plan out my day, and on the way home, an hour to reflect.”
February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 31
Starfire Golf Club Introduces the
Scottsdale Grille Historic course links up with Chef Curry for renovation project By Kimberly Hundley • Photos by Adam Moreno
U Chef Payton Curry in the redesigned dining room of the Scottsdale Grille
nder the creative direction of well-known local chef Payton Curry, Scottsdale’s oldest golf course unveiled a new clubhouse restaurant last month: the Scottsdale Grille, serving fresh, local, inspired American comfort
food. The menu features a selection of locally sourced salads and house-made baked goods in addition to such fare as sandwiches and hot dogs. Items will change seasonally, supporting Arizona farmers and producers. “You can still have a hamburger and fries, but now your burger meat is ground fresh every day from pasture-raised beef or pigs, and it’s on a brioche bun baked that morning, and your fries are
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32 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
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7642 - 7662 - 7702 E. Gray Road > Thunderbird Aero > Class A office/warehouse > Available Space: ±1,875 - ±1,926 SF > For Lease at $0.85/PSF > Recently renovated high end finishes > 100 percent air conditioned space > Immediate occupancy > Zoning: I-1 > Close to freeways
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punched in the back from whole potatoes,” says Curry, who has been consulting with Starfire partner Pat Watts for nearly a year on a food-and-beverage revamp for the property. Along with the menu overhaul, the dining room has been redesigned to mirror the simple sophistication of the menu. The room is lighter and brighter, with humble materials accented by garden colors. In the rotunda entry, the flooring was replaced with blonde planks of reclaimed wood. A second phase of renovations, slated for completion by March, incorporates structural changes to the clubhouse for an expanded special events space. “One of our big goals is to change food and beverage at Starfire,” Curry says of the transition. “We need to be able to do things for 200-plus people—weddings, bar mitzvahs, birthday parties.” By utilizing the enlarged banquet room as well as the dining room and patio, Starfire will have the capacity to accommodate up to 350 guests. Curry says he’s been busy in the meantime developing menus for a variety of functions. Pricing for event food and drink will be reasonable, he adds. “We’re not going to gouge people.” Catering choices will include cakes, muffins and other treats prepared by pastry chef Rachel Miller, formerly of The Parlor, whom Curry recently brought on board. Miller’s creations are now available at the Scottsdale Grill, where diners have their pick of her scones, birthday cakes, granola bars, waffles and other goodies made with Arizona butter, flour and honey. Heading up the kitchen is executive chef Chris Gruebele, another Curry recruit. In its first two weeks, the reconfigured grill began generating a new clientele, attracting a growing trickle of nearby residents rather than just golfers, which is a top goal of Curry and Watts. By taking it easy on the fried foods and offering such enticements as madeto-order breakfast burritos, fresh produce and a consistent daily soup schedule, Starfire hopes to build a local following. “We want this to be a neighborhood
Scottsdale Grille Sampler Breakfast, 7 a.m.-11 a.m. Brat Breakfast Sandwich ($6.50) Schriener’s bratwust patty, egg, cheddar, herb-roasted potatoes, English muffin
Lunch, 11 a.m-6 p.m. Smoked Pulled Pork Sandwich ($8.75) House-smoked pork, BBQ sauce, brioche roll, argula, grilled pineapple, kale salad
McCann’s Oatmeal ($5) Slow-cooked oats, brown sugar, cinnamon with choice of Arizona dates & toasted pecans or sliced bananas
Belgian Fries ($5.95) Hand-cut potatoes, house-made aioli
Ricotta Buttermilk Pancakes ($7.50) Topped with mixed berry compote, bananas/Nutella, or maple syrup
Tomato, Mozzarella and Basil ($7.25) Sliced local tomatoes, mozzarella and fresh basil
The new lunch menu includes Salmon Orzo Salad ($13.75), seasoned with Kalamata olives and roasted tomato dressing, and a green and purple Kale Salad ($7.25) featuring pear, grapes and house-made peanut brittle dressed in citrus vinaigrette.
joint where you can come in and get a hamburger for your husband or a kale salad for your wife,” says Curry, adding he recently slimmed down and improved his own health through a better diet. Matt Lupton, general manager of Starfire Golf Club, says the grill signals a new direction for the property. “We want to position the club as a neighborhood destination to enjoy a relaxed breakfast on the terrace, meet for a well-made drink in the bar, or enjoy the company of neighbors and friends in an environ-
ment that showcases Scottsdale’s legendary golf course hospitality in a fresh and approachable new way.” In addition to running his consulting business, Curryosity, Curry is chef and partner of the popular Old Town restaurant Brat Haus. The Scottsdale Grille, 11500 N. Hayden Road, is open daily until 6 p.m., offering breakfast, lunch, Sunday Brunch and grab-and-go options. A happy hour menu is in the works for spring. February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 33
Scottsdale Historical Society
In 1906, the town got involved in planning events, education and ecumenical worship.
Citizen Input Key to
Scottsdale’s Eclectic Evolution
By Joan Fudala
his month, Scottsdale residents will be involved in brainstorming about Scottsdale’s current and future “look and feel,” many bringing their personal history and experiences to the discussion. The goal of Visioning Scottsdale Town Hall is to gather input from various stakeholders—residents, merchants, property owners—and craft a vision statement as part of the Scottsdale General Plan 2014 process. Town Hall participants will be carrying on a tradition started more than 120 years ago by the handful of hearty settlers who knew what they wanted in their new desert community. Much has changed since then, but one element has remained the same:
34 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
People who live, work and raise families here have a stake in the game and want a seat at the table. Consider these bits and pieces of Scottsdale’s evolution that came from citizen and business involvement and initiatives: Founder/namesake Chaplain Winfield Scott envisioned the settlement as an oasis for farming, faith, family and fellowship. As an accomplished farmer, he also sowed the seeds for future Scottsdale economic and lifestyle focus: health and wellness, arts and culture, tourism and education. Scott attracted like-minded people to come to Scottsdale in the 1890s and through his death in October 1910. Scott’s oft-quoted final challenge to
rememberwhen population, increased business activity and thousands of tourists coming to Scottsdale, there was an immediate need for paved streets, street signs, business licensing, new home inspections and zoning. In early 1951, retired physician Phil Schneider organized the chamber’s petition drive to support incorporation. So many signatures were collected that the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors declared Scottsdale incorporated as a town without the need for an expensive and time-consuming election. Although incorporated, Scottsdale did not have many sources of revenue, as
no sales or property taxes were imposed until 1960. Residents and civic groups provided the funds and infrastructure for town recreation, welfare and social programs. For example, the Civic Coordinating Committee, founded in 1952, refurbished and operated the old Adobe House, which became the first all-volunteer public library, youth center, recreation center, site of the first Stagebrush Theatre and meeting place for many organizations. The Scottsdale Baseball Club (forerunner of the Scottsdale Charros) funded the first spring-training ballpark in Scottsdale in 1955-1956.
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Scottsdale Historical Society
those he left behind was: “I leave to you my work in Scottsdale. I had planned to do much this winter with you, but God has called me. If you take this work and do it, and enlarge it as God gives you strength, you will receive my blessing and His.” (from Winfield Scott, a biography of Scottsdale’s founder, by Richard E. Lynch, 1978). Scott, along with Frank Titus and John Tait, comprised the first school board and established Scottsdale School District No. 48 in 1896. They, along with residents, laid the foundation for a vibrant education system, guided by hundreds of involved residents and parents over the past 117 years, Property owners filed the first town site plan with Maricopa County in 1913, laying out the streets of what is now Old Town Scottsdale. The 40-acre area contained a mix of uses—single-family homes, retail and “industrial” (e.g. Cavalliere’s blacksmith shop).
Artists formed the chamber of commerce in 1947, organized events and started the Gallery Association in the 1970s.
Although Scottsdale was recognized as a town—with a school district, post office, justice of the peace court and town site plan—residents and property owners vowed to stay unincorporated until after World War II. Merchant Malcolm White coined a catchy slogan for post-war Scottsdale, “The West’s Most Western Town,” and businesses eagerly adapted their facades to reflect a Western image in the late 1940s. Newly formed nonprofits began hosting Western-themed events (Sunshine Festival/ Parada del Sol, Horse Rodeo, Arabian Horse Show, etc.), giving the town a muchpublicized cachet and tourism draw. Led by the Scottsdale Chamber of Commerce, residents, businesses and property owners began to hold public hearings in the late 1940s to consider the pros and cons of incorporating Scottsdale. With a growing
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February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 35
The Scottsdale STEPS Forward newsletter kept citizens informed on the progress of STEP Committee recommendations.
36 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
Mayor Bill Clayton kicked off the first STEP meeting in November 1964; many civic initiatives and infrastructure resulted from committee brainstorming.
day Adventists (led by Daniel Butherus) wanted a plan for how to develop land they owned adjacent to their Thunderbird Academy and the former Thunderbird II airfield. They worked with the city to create the Scottsdale Municipal Airport (1967) and with developer George Tewksbury to develop the Thunderbird Industrial Airpark. Within 30 years, the Airpark had become among the top three employers and economic engines in the state of Arizona.
Scottsdale Historical Society
In 1963, Scottsdale hired its first planning director, George Fretz. The following year, hundreds of residents participated in the city’s first major planning effort, the Scottsdale Town Enrichment Program, known as the STEP Program. Meeting throughout 1965, the STEP Committees recommended a variety of civic infrastructure and policies that continue to set Scottsdale apart from other communities throughout the state and nation. The Civic Center Mall, Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts, Scottsdale Community College, Scottsdale Municipal Airport and other significant Scottsdale assets trace their origins to citizen ideas through the STEP process. Drawing on the success of the first go-round of STEP committee initiatives, the city held additional STEP forums and programs throughout the 1960s and 1970s. They city also invited the Brookings Institute to facilitate sessions for interested residents, again producing big ideas for the evolution of Scottsdale. Businesses based in Scottsdale—many locally owned and operated—formed planning groups throughout the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and beyond to pool their ideas and resources to promote shopping local, tourism or district improvements. For example, art gallery owners formed the Scottsdale Gallery Association in the mid-1970s, and started the Thursday Night Scottsdale Art Walk. In the mid-1960s, elders of the Seventh-
Scottsdale Historical Society
During the winter of 1969, more than 100 residents and artists gathered for a Town Hall Meeting of the Arts. An initiative of the citizen-comprised Fine Arts Commission, the session was facilitated by the dean of the fine arts college at ASU. Many long-term arts and cultural programs resulted from the confab. In 1990s, a group of hikers, mountain bikers and environmentally sensitive residents formed the McDowell Sonoran Land Trust (MSLT, now the McDowell Sonoran Conservancy), with an aim of preserving as much of the soon-to-bedeveloped McDowell Mountains. They heightened the awareness of the threat to Scottsdale’s signature natural asset among fellow residents, businesses, the tourism industry and City Council. Within five years of the launch of the MSLT-led grassroots campaign, the voters of Scottsdale approved a minor sales tax increase that would fund the creation and expansion of the McDowell Sonoran Preserve. Now a city-owned asset, its current 21,400 acres will be preserved in perpetuity for future generations to enjoy. Hundreds of Scottsdale residents participated in the city-funded Scottsdale Visioning Program in 1991-1992. Through dozens of brainstorming sessions, participants identified four dominant themes that were important to Scottsdale: Sonoran Desert, Resort Community, Arts & Culture, and Health & Research. These were translated by additional citizen committees into 24 Vision Tasks that
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Business Telecommunications Data Services Study. Study based on 5,143 total responses measuring eight providers and measures opinions of small/midsize businesses (companies with two to 499 employees). Proprietary study results are based on experiences and perceptions of businesses surveyed in October 2011 and February 2012. Your experiences may vary. Visit jdpower.com.
Pink Pony, 1960s
Scottsdale Historical Society
Scottsdale Visioning was a community wide program in the early 1990s that identified Scottsdale’s four dominant themes.
resulted in many initiatives: a McDowell Mountain Task Force, Citizen Service Centers the city, Anderson enhanced place to throughout meet and schmooze. Downtown District, targeted induswent on to Arts open Dale Anderson’s on tries for economic vitality, in Marshall Way, as well as The increases Other Place public transit options, etc. and The Quilted Bear on Lincoln Road—all Offshoots of places the 1991-1992 Scottsdale known as great to eat and meet. Visioning develop The– CityShape town’s first2020, bankthe opened on ment Street of Character Areas (the and Scottsdale Main in the early 1920s closed Airparkthe is Great one ofDepression several) and the 2001 during in 1933. The update of the city’s into General Plan, all building was recycled the Rusty Spur involved and businesses and Saloon in residents the 1950s, using the former their creative input. bank’s vault to store its liquor. It is on
Scottsdale’s historic register and has been a popular post-ride watering hole for the Hashknife Pony Express and Parada Del Sol riders. Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, Scottsdale restaurateurs who offered a “saloon” capitalized on the West’s Most Western Town theme. Pinnacle Peak Patio and Reata Pass opened in the far desert north of Scottsdale in 1957 and 1958 and still serve us today. The Red Dog Saloon
opened on Scottsdale Road in the late Scottsdale 1950s, complete with a larger-than-life nude portrait of Rosie aboveCivic theCenter bar. We Mall, a STEP also had the Crystal Pistol and Handlebar committee J’s (still open, and originallyrecommendaWild Bill’s) tion, included at Scottsdale Road and Shea Boulevard, City Hall and and Rawhide’s Golden Bellethe Saloon, Civic just to name a few. Center Library in 1968 Trader Vic’s opened onand Fifth the Scottsdale Avenue in 1962, ushering in Center the “tiki” era for the for Scottsdale. Many home-grown baby Arts in 1975. boomers remember taking their prom dates there, celebrating engagements and bringing important clients to toast with Polynesian-themed drinks served in decorated ceramics. As resorts became more luxurious during the 1950s and 1960s, most featured nightclubs with live entertainment and ballroom dancing. Paul Shank’s French Quarter was among the best, but the Hotel Valley Ho, Executive House Arizonian (now Firesky), Mountain Shadows, Carefree Inn and others offered a varied nightlife. Los Olivos and the Corral family have been serving margaritas (perhaps the Scottsdale Historical Society
Scottsdale Historical Society
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February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 39
40 | Scottsdale Airpark News November 2012 February 2013
rememberwhen Establishing a municipal airport was a recommendation of the 1964-1965 STEP program.
program has provided residents and businesses a “graduate” education in community leadership, stewardship and engagement. Hundreds of program alumni have expanded their civic involvement by serving on city, county and state commissions, nonprofit boards of directors, school organizations, charitable foundations and neighborhood associations. These are just a few of the countless ways residents and businesses have helped Scottsdale evolve since Winfield and Helen Scott staked their homestead in 1888. Although the Scottsdale Visioning Town Hall participants have been selected for the three-day session to be held this month, residents and businesses will have additional opportunities to get involved in the General Plan update process. For information and dates/times/places for public hearings, visit www.scottsdalegp.com. So what are you waiting for? Take the plunge, get involved, offer your opinions and ideas, and make a difference. Let’s keep the dialogue civil and constructive, and let’s keep Scottsdale the most special place on Earth, for this generation and those to follow.
Scottsdale Historical Society
Joan Fudala is a Scottsdale-based community historian and author. Contact: jfudala@cox.net.
Throughout the 1990s and early 2000s members of Scottsdalearea human and social services agencies, nonprofits, faith community, health care, concerned citizens and city staff met under the auspices of LINKS. Their goal was to identify gaps in providing service to Scottsdalians throughout their lifetime, and to share ideas and resources. In 2003, the Scottsdale Area Chamber of Commerce and 11 of its member businesses contracted with ASU’s Morrison Institute to research and produce a report, “Which Way Scottsdale?” The resulting discussion sessions gave businesses and residents the opportunity to examine whether Scottsdale was keeping up with the times or resting on its laurels. Since its inception in 1986-1987, the Scottsdale Leadership
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February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 41
42 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
Public Art to Swoop into Airpark By Kimberly Hundley
light-inspired public art is scheduled to land soon in the Scottsdale Airpark, a component of the Northsight Boulevard extension/ roundabout project at Hayden Road. Artists are finessing their early design of Humankind’s Leap into Flight, a sculpture composed of three figurative forms, each placed on the shoulders of the other, giving the impression of leaping into flight. Based on public input, the concept was the favorite of three submitted for feedback. Less popular were designs of individuals flying with toy propellers held in their mouths, and a circular sculpture made of glider planes. The city anticipates a more developed design will be ready for review by the Scottsdale Public Art Advisory Board at either the February or March board meeting, said Jana L. Weldon, senior project manager, Scottsdale Public Art Program. “The artists will also still consider revisiting one of the other ideas shown to the public if design development on the first isn’t yielding a strong piece,” she added. The vast majority of public responses so far have come from residents of the Greater Airpark, but Weldon hopes those who work and travel through the area will also get involved as the project continues. “Like the 101, it belongs to all of Scottsdale,” she said of the art piece, which will be situated next to the roundabout as drivers approach Northsight Boulevard northbound on Hayden. The sculpture’s creators are Simon Donovan and Ben Olmstead, a Tucson-
Humankind’s Leap into Flight is composed of three figurative forms, each placed on the shoulders of the other giving the impression of leaping into flight. Early designs call for the skin of the sculpture to be created from welded stainless steel washers. The figurative forms would be unisex, humanoid, and futuristic with an anticipated height of 15 feet.
More art is in the works for the Airpark via the Raintree Drive Extension project, which may include more roundabouts. Regional artist Phillip K. Smith III of Indio, Calif., was approved to join the design team in January. The city anticipates a public meeting on the project with an opportunity for the community to give input to the artist in March. To keep an eye on progress of the projects visit www.scottsdalepublicart.org or contact Jana Weldon at janaw@sccarts.org.
based creative team. The city of Scottsdale’s selection panel chose the artists because they “show in their past projects a sensitivity to scale, materials and content in site-specific ways while maintaining strong artwork,” according to the city’s website. The artists based their designs on input from public meetings in 2012, voicing support for a travel-related theme, especially one celebrating Scottsdale Airport, the economic engine around which the Airpark has grown.
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February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 43
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630 SF SF Rec/Work Rec/WorkArea, Area,22Off. Off. 630
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Go Daddy party rocks out, gives back
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his Bob “Go Daddy” Parsons party was b-b-b-b-bad to the bone as thousands turned out at the “1st Annual Bob’s Biker Blast” on Oct. 20 to see classic Save a little more for retirement rock mega legends .38 Special and George Thorogood at Harley-Davidson of Scottsdale and GO AZ Motorcycles. Parsons, who acquired both dealerships, has grown the business and is now giving back to the motorcycle Contributed by Gavin community. The all-day event featured the grand opening of imepublic to boost does, the IRA be wholly Tolan,and Williams the demo training track, and demonstrations of contribution the first-evermay commercial your IRA deducted if the couple’s MAGI is $178,000 Financial Group application of a motorcycle simulator developed for the U.S. military. l a ndonation c e . ortoless. A partial deduction can to be had if Non-motorcycle riders paidb aa $20 Phoenix Children’s Hospital In 2013,to you can MAGI is between $178,001 see the event, which is expected return next the year.couple’s contribute up to $5,500 to your Roth or 188,000. (The formula for calculating traditional IRA. If you will be 50 or older reduced IRA contribution amounts is by the end of 2013, your contribution limit found IRS Publication 590.) 1680OFFICE/WAREHOUSE SF 100% Warehouse FOR LEASE 1680OFFICE/WAREHOUSE SF100% 100% Warehouse FOR LEASE 1680 SF Warehouse is actually $6,500 this year, thanks to the You cannot contribute to a traditional 3554 SF Mezzanine 53% Office, 2 Roll Up Doors, 1130 SF Office, Evap Warehouse 3554 SF Mezzanine 53%SFOffice, 2 Roll Up Doors, 1130 SF Office,1680 Evap Warehouse 3554 SF 1874 Off., SF Warehouse AC Warehouse & EVAP 1680 SF 100% IRS’s “catch-up” provision. The new limits IRA in the year in which you turn 70½ or AC & EVAP 2 Roll-up doors, AC & Evap in Warehouse 1680 SF 100% Warehouse 3554 SF Covered 53% Office, Tie-Down, 2 Roll up Doors, AC & EVAP Helipad, represent a $500 increase from 2012 levels. in subsequent years. You can contribute 3554 SF Covered 53% Office, 2 Roll up Doors, AC & EVAP Tie-Down, Helipad, andTie-Down Hangerand Space Covered HangarAvailable Space Available andTie-Down Hangerand Space Covered HangarAvailable Space Available January is an ideal time to max out your to a Roth IRA at any age, assuming your Hire Us to Manage Your Building annual IRA contribution. If you are in the income permits it. Hire Call Us to Manage Your Building for Free Consultation Call for Free Consultation habit of making a single annual contribution to your IRA rather than monthly or What are the income caps on Roth IRA quarterly contributions, try to make the contributions this year? Single filers and maximum contribution as early as you can heads of household can make a full Roth in a year. More of your money should have IRA contribution for 2013 if their MAGI an opportunity for tax-deferred growth, is less than $112,000; the phase-out range not less. While you can delay making your is from $112,000-127,000. For joint filers, 2013 IRA contribution until April 15, 2014, the MAGI phase-out occurs at $178,000there is no advantage in waiting—you will 188,000 in 2013; couples with MAGI of less stunt the compounding potential of those than $178,000 can make a full contribution. assets, and time is your friend here. (To figure reduced contribution amounts, see Publication 590.) Those who can’t conDo you own multiple IRAs? If you do, tribute to a Roth IRA due to income limits remember that your total IRA contribu- do have the option of converting a traditions for 2013 cannot exceed the relevant tional IRA to a Roth. $5,500/$6,500 contribution limit. As a reminder, Roth IRA contributions Specializing in Business Charts aren’t tax-deductible – that is the price you Your IRA contribution may be tax- pay today for the possibility of tax-free deductible. Are you a single filer or a IRA withdrawals tomorrow. iness F us head of household? If you contribute to B both a workplace retirement plan and a Can you put money in Bob an IRA even if you “Go Daddy” greets traditional IRA in 2013, you will be able to don’t work? There is aParsons provision for that. thousands of deduct the full amount of your IRA con- Generally speaking, you need to have taxbikers and rock tribution if your modified adjusted gross able earned income to make a Roth or trafans eager to see George income is $59,000 or less. A partial deduc- ditional IRA contribution. TheThorogood IRS defines tion is available to such filers with MAGI taxable earned income and as ....38 Special. co between $59,001-69,000. rded on The 2013 phase-outs are higher for mar*Wages, salaries and Jimtips. Moore of AZ Biker Guide tests ried couples filing jointly. If the spouse *Union strike benefits. the motorcycle making the IRA contribution also par*Long-term disability benefits received simulator on display before minimum retirement age. ticipates in a workplace retirement plan, at Bob’s Biker Blast. *Net earnings resulting from selfthe traditional IRA contribution is fully The simulator allows employment.the rider to feel deductible if the couple’s MAGI is $95,000 Professional Astrologer what it’s like to go at or less. A partial deduction is available top speed and make more in your IRA(s) if the couple’s MAGI is between $95,001- Also, you can’t put hairpin turns. Courtesy Jim example, Moore/ than you earn in a given year. For 115,000. weissastro@aol.com AZ Biker Guide income If the spouse making a 2013 IRA con- if you are 25 and your taxable earned tribution doesn’t participate in a work- for 2013 amounts to $2,592, your IRA contriwww.YourBusinessAstrologer.com place retirement plan but the other spouse butions for this year can’t exceed $2,592. November2013 2012 44 | Scottsdale Airpark News February
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Biker Guide
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Airpark-based CCS Presentation Systems was recently ranked for the fifth Suites provide: consecutive year by Inc. magazine as one of theAll-Inclusive nation’s fastest-growing private Office Furniture • Conference Room Usage companies. CCS’ reported a three-year growth rate of 11 percent. Companies T-1 revenue Internet Connection • 24/7 Security Areas comprising this year’s Inc. 500 had aggregate of $15.7 billion and employ Telephone & Private Number • All Utilities more than 48,000 people. Well-known names such as Microsoft, Zappos, Intuit Full-Time continue Receptionist Support their and Clif Bar are members of the Inc. 500|5000. “Clients to & increase “Image Accounts” Also are Available use of audio and visual equipment, and we are privileged that they choosing Boardroom Suites of Scottsdale, LLC CCS to integrate these Scottsdale technologies into their organizations,” said John Godbout, 8426 E. Shea Blvd., 85260 CEO ofwww.boardroomsuites.com CCS.
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However, a spousal IRA can be created to let a working spouse contribute to a nonworking spouse’s retirement savings. That working spouse can make up to the maximum IRA contribution on behalf of the stayat-home spouse (which does not affect the working spouse’s ability to contribute to his or her own IRA). Married couples who file jointly can do this. The IRS rule is that you can contribute the maximum into this IRA for each spouse as long as the working spouse has income equal to both contributions. So if both spouses will be older than 50 at the end of 2013, the working spouse would have to earn taxable income of $13,000 or more to make two maximum IRA contributions ($12,000 if only one spouse is age 50 or older at the end of 2013, $11,000 if both spouses will be younger than 50 at the end of the year). So, to sum up ... make your 2013 IRA contribution as soon as you can, the larger the better.
November 2012 Scottsdale Airpark News |
Scottsdale Airpark For Sale
This commentary is not to be considered a recommendation to purchase or sell any securities. Securities offered through WFG Investments Inc., Member FINRA & SIPC, Registered Representative of WFG Investments Inc. This material was prepared by MarketingLibrary. Net Inc., and does not necessarily represent the views of the presenting party, nor their affiliates. Marketing Library.Net Inc. is not affiliated with any broker or brokerage firm that may be providing this information to you.
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14650 N. 78th Way - #C (Reduced Price!)
5,613 s.f., Industrial I-1 showroom & office. Single story, presently private auto collection with unique showroom.
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7621 E. Gray Road
2,006 s.f. O/W Reception, 3 offices and warehouse.
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2,006 s.f. O/W Showroom, 2 offices, open office & warehouse.
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2,266 s.f. O/W Condo for lease. 60 office finish, covered parking.
Gavin Tolan is a financial consultant with Williams Financial Group. He has served individual investors throughout the Valley for the past 19 years with investment recommendations, account management and retirement planning. For questions and topic requests, or to set a meeting to review your investment portfolio, email gtolan@williams-financial.com; call 480212-1100.
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Executive Suites, 1 -2 people, economical. Great location with easy access to Loop 101.
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2,246 s.f. O/W Former Karate Center with an office and restroom.
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12 | Scottsdale Airpark News November 2012 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 45 February
The Grea honored Warren, p contribut received for his lea resource focus on successfu investme helping t with GPE the intern innovatio headquar
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Richard M founded Healing to create and mart the lives opened a 7830 E. R the origin training fl massage, coffee/te program center are
diningdestinations 46 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
Modern Margarita to Open at CityNorth
ulian Wright is taking his show on the road. Wright, owner of a trio of successful Tempe nightlife destinations, is set to open Modern Margarita at CityNorth in Phoenix. The upscale, urban bar will borrow a taste of the big city with its intimate space, and further amplify a burgeoning entertainment district along High Street at CityNorth. Wright said, “I’m excited to open our doors, engage with the community, and provide a chic, appetizing respite from the daily grind.” Wright’s Fork & Dagger Bar and Restaurant Development umbrella owns Canteen Modern Tequila Bar, La Bocca Urban Pizzeria + Wine Bar, and The Handlebar Tempe. All three are on Mill Avenue in Tempe. Modern Margarita is expected to open in early March, with a redthemed party that will benefit the
American Red Cross, Grand Canyon chapter. The décor keeps with a modern theme, featuring wood walls, a concrete bar, industrial floors and exposed ceilings. Modern Margarita takes over a space previously occupied by a coffee bar, so space is at a premium. The space will feature a quartet of VIP booths available for bottle service, as well as considerable lively outdoor seating. The patio will also feature a fire pit for cozy, outdoor socializing. Wright, an Arizona State University alumnus, owns Fork & Dagger Bar and Restaurant Development. All of his concepts source locally when possible, and work with charitable endeavors in the surrounding communities. For more information about Modern Margarita, visit modernmargarita.com or facebook.com/modernmargarita.
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cottsdale has a long history as a top training ground for culinary talent. In that spirit, chef/ owner Brian Feirstein of Scottsdale at Gainey Village’s new eatery Cask 63 will transform his restaurant into a one-day boot camp for Chaparral High School students on Feb. 11. The “Lunch Coup” promises to be a takeover of the friendliest sort, with 240 of the school’s most advanced culinary students participating in every aspect of the restaurant’s lunch operations under Chef Feirstein’s expert supervision. A special prix fixe lunch, with menus conceived, prepared and served by the students, will be available to the public from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. It will include an entrée, dessert and non-alcoholic specialty beverage, for a cost of $20 per person. All proceeds will go directly to the Chaparral High School culinary program. Participation in the Lunch Coup will be reserved for advanced students who have demonstrated potential and talent. They will participate in every aspect of operating a restaurant: creating a restaurant concept for the luncheon; planning and designing the menu; studying the restaurant floor plan and scheduling servers; and understanding and planning the timing of service from beverage orders to presenting the check. They will work alongside Chef Feirstein to learn everything from temperature control to cooking and pastry techniques, from kitchen line prep to garnishing. The students will also create and name specialty, non-alcoholic drinks for the lunch. More: www.cask63.com.
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February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 47
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Blair O'Neal, who is represented by Airpark-based Lagardère Unlimited Golf (see related article p. 27), tackles the links at McDowell Mountain Golf Club.
North Scottsdale’s O’Neal hits it down the middle, from fairways to runways By Kristina Justin Photos by Mark Susan
here’s little wonder why Sports Illustrated named Arizona native Blair O’Neal one of the 50 hottest athletes of all time. The Greater Airpark resident is not only beautiful, she’s also a force to be reckoned with on the golf course. She can drive a ball farther than 300 yards and can shoot a 63. O’Neal got her start in golf when other girls her age were still playing with dolls. She continued to play through high school and college and hit the professional circuit in 2004, when she graduated from Arizona State University. She’s competed in the West Coast Ladies Tour and the Futures Tour as well as events with the Orient Masters in China. At just 31, she has had nine career wins. When she’s not playing golf, O’Neal is modeling—another thing she does on a professional level. She’s appeared in magazines and calendars and has hosted TV shows. She recently finished a photo shoot for Puma’s latest golf clothing line, and won the Golf Channel’s top-rated reality show Big Break. These days, O’Neal is gearing up for a busy golf season. This month, she will play in the Symetra Tour, which kicks off at Longbow Golf Club in Mesa on Feb. 18. She plans to play in every event of the development tour and has her eye on the LPGA.
February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 49
You discovered golf at age 11 and were passionate about it even then. What drew you to the game? My dad played golf a lot, and he just decided to sign me up in a golf clinic. I just completely fell in love with it. I also had some natural ability in the very beginning, so that kind of piqued my interest. I quit doing all my dance classes and started taking golf lessons. That was pretty much the start of it all. So golf runs in your family? On my dad’s side, they all just love the game and played in local tournaments. My dad grew up on the golf course and my uncles played and his dad played. What about your mom, does she play? She doesn’t play golf at all. (laughs) She doesn’t completely understand golf. I think when she sees me in magazines, she knows it’s a big deal, but I don’t know if she truly understands what I do, to be quite honest. She knows I have a passion for it and I love doing it. I’m very competitive. I love to compete and I get that from my dad. Who taught you to play golf? My dad was smart in raising me as a golfer. I always had a coach growing up. It wasn’t like he was trying to teach me to play. I think it’s really important to have someone who’s not related to you to teach you. My parents always made sure I had the best coaches. And they would take me to the golf course before and after school. It was really a family thing. They all had to help me to get to the level I was because I had to practice so much. Do your siblings play as well? No. I’m the only one. I have a two brothers and three sisters. I’m the oldest and the only one who plays golf. I’m the athlete. You won two out of three NCAA Long Drive contests, making you one of the longest hitters in college golf. What’s your longest drive? In that competition it was 306 yards. I’ve always hit the ball far. That was always my strength. It came natural for me. At 5'10", you’ve got quite a wingspan, does that help with distance? I think it’s timing and flexibility. I don’t think it’s size. Clearly, you don’t have to be huge to hit the ball. What’s your best game? My best score in a Symetra Tournament is 67. My best score ever was 63 on a course in Las Vegas.
50 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
What was your worst game? I was 13 and I entered into my first American Junior Golf Association Tournament, kind of like the pro tour for juniors. You travel the country playing in tournaments and that’s how you get college exposure. The tournament was in Tucson at Starr Pass. Clearly, I remember this [laughs]. I shot 119 and I did not want to go back the next day, and my dad made me. I think it was probably the best thing for me because I might
not have gone back. I hated that golf course [laughs]. You’ve traveled the world playing in tours. What countries have you visited? When I graduated, I played in Asia. I’ve also played in Korea, Thailand, Japan, China and Spain. I’ve played all over the U.S. For women’s golf, the LPGA, which I played in two events, is the top. I also played in the Symetra Tour. It’s the tour right below the LPGA. Other than that,
Tell me about Big Break. What was it like? I was actually in two of them. Basically, it’s a reality show on the Golf Channel. They start with 12 players and every week someone gets eliminated, so it’s kind of like Survivor but of golf. It’s all skills challenges. There might be one where you’re hitting a glass windowpane or you might be playing a couple of holes. It’s literally you have one shot to do it. If you do it, you go on. If you don’t, you’re done. There’s really a lot of pressure. You’re playing for huge prizes and you’re on TV. It’s the No. 1 rated show on the Golf Channel besides the PGA Tournament.
jobs because I was on full ride, and you can’t have any other money coming in. So when I graduated, literally the next month, I did a photo shoot in Hawaii for Golf Digest for a calendar. That was really the first modeling job I ever did. I just had such a great time doing it. I realized I wanted to do more of it and I could do this as job and a career and be able to pay for my golf expenses. After that, I went on to do a ton of jobs. I was juggling the travel and golf and doing the modeling and just supporting myself. I worked them pretty well. The golf and modeling was a really good combination. They went hand in hand.
How did you do? The first time, I finished runner-up. I came really close. Before I got the call to be on the show, I’d taken four years off from professional golf because I was doing modeling and some acting full time. So the show kind of kick started my career again. The following year is when I got the call again and that was for an all-star cast. They brought back different players from different shows and we all competed.
What do you identify more with, golf or modeling? More as a golfer. I’m a golfer who models.
What did you win? I won two trips back to the Dominican Republic, $55,000 and $10,000 to Dick’s Sporting Goods. And I also won a contract with Adams Golf that I decided to turn down. I ended up signing a contract with Cobra and Puma golf instead.
In 2008, you were named by Sports Illustrated “One of the Hottest 50 Athletes of All-Time.” What does that feel like? I don’t know. It’s kind of funny. I laugh. I have to be honored though. What a cool list to be put under. Not a lot of people can say that. It’s funny to me.
Are you seeing more women getting into golf these days? I definitely see more and more women playing. I think for the average female golfer, it helps that more companies are gearing their equipment and clothing toward female golfers. I mean let’s be honest, the average female golfer who wants to play golf with her husband or with her friends, part of what intrigues them is having clubs that interest them. Like Cobra Golf. This year, they are coming out with a women’s line of drivers. You can get pink and blue and all these different colors, which is really cool. And the clothing—a lot of companies are gearing their line toward golf clothes that are actually cute and functional.
How did you go from being an athlete to becoming a model? I had a full ride to Arizona State. So when you play in college, they take care of all your expenses and travel and entry fees. When you graduate and play professionally, you realize there’s a lot you need to pay for. Playing professional golf is expensive because you have to travel so much. While I was in school, I had gotten asked by a couple of different companies to do photo shoots. I couldn’t take any other
What is your advice for young girls interested in golf? First, you have to have a good support team around you. Your parents have to get you to and from the golf course. But for young players who want to play high school golf and college golf, you can go as far you want to go really—especially women’s golf. It’s so great because they offer so many scholarships for college. I would just say to practice a lot and play in as many tournaments as you can.
To be as good as you are, you must practice a lot. How often and where? When I’m home, six days a week. Usually the Paradise Valley Country Club, the ASU Karsten Golf Course and sometimes Grayhawk Golf Club.
there are local tours in Arizona but the main ones are the Symetra Tour and the LPGA. What is your favorite golf course? I have to say my favorite course is Teeth of the Dog in the Dominican Republic. That’s where I filmed Big Break, and I won there. It’s a beautiful place. It’s in the top 10 in the world for the most ocean-view holes. It’s a good layout and a good challenging course.
You’re pretty stylish on the course. Do you think about how you look out there as much as how you play? I am a very fashionable girl. I love fashion. That’s why I signed with Puma. Their clothes are amazing, so cute and functional. I just shot a photo shoot for a line coming out next fall. Even before I signed with Puma, I loved fashion and wearing cute clothes on the golf course. When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good, you play good.
February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 51
Know How Your Biases Affect Decision Making
veryone has biases. There are certain things everyone prefers or despises. Biases can be good or bad. We can either let them help or hinder us. Our research using EEG brain scans has scientifically proved biases form a powerful basis for our beliefs and actions. Indeed, work we have done in the Center for Applied Cognitive Research has shown we are most powerfully driven by that which we strongly dislike. In work and life settings, these brain biases can be a filter for what we’re thinking and hearing from others. They can keep us from seeing another angle, when a different viewpoint is what the situation calls for.
Using Our Biases By Bill J. Bonnstetter and Dr. Ron Bonnstetter
The key to decision making and success is to recognize your biases so you can realize if you’re
52 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
listening to your biases too much or if you’re able to make decisions without them getting in the way. Being aware of your biases will give you a check-and-balance system for your overall decision-making process. You should decide which of your biases are helpful and if there are blind spots the biases are producing. In a group situation, you can explain your biases and ask for feedback. Next time you are in a group, try saying something like, “I feel very passionate about this project, so I would like to hear from all of you if I’m seeing everything correctly and looking at the facts necessary to make this decision.” Many of the people around you will open up and give you other viewpoints that could add depth and meaning to the project. The key to making a group decision is to put all of the
Place Your
biases on the table so everyone knows each other’s thoughts and you’re able to make a well-informed decision. All viewpoints are necessary to be successful.
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Tying Biases to Motivators Another key aspect of behavior revealed in our research is individual motivators. Human behavior is tied directly to our motivators. Some of the main motivators are utilitarian, theoretical, problem solving or research driven. What we hear from others is understood through the lens of our own motivators and biases. Instead of focusing on areas of disagreement when communicating with someone in your office who has a different motivational system, a better approach would be to try and set aside your own biases and motivators to capitalize on a different vantage point. Think of what these different perspectives can bring to a discussion. A person with high utilitarian motivators is always looking for the ROI of every solution outcome. If there’s a problem, they want to make a decision and move forward quickly. They may not have the patience to wait for all of the research the theoretically motivated person wants to bring to the discussion. On the other hand, a theoretical may need to know all of the facts about the decision before moving forward. Theoreticals can add information to the utilitarian’s arsenal so a better decision is made. Combining both points of view make for the best decision possible. Regardless of bias or motivation, give and take should always occur before making important decisions. After each decision is made, take time to reflect on the problem, the process and the outcome. By having a critical review of each decision-making process, you’ll be able to see what everyone is bringing to the table and how each project and problem should be tackled in the future. Bill Bonnstetter is chairman of Target Training International Ltd. Dr. Ron Bonnstetter is vice president of research and development for TTI. TTI is based in the Scottsdale Airpark at 17785 N. Pacesetter Way. More: ttiresearch.com, www. ttiassessments.com, @ttireseach, @ttiassessments; www.facebook.com/TTIresearch.
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ThunderbirdArtists.com • 480-837-5637 February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 53
58th Annual Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show and Shopping Expo t
Feb. 14-24 A Sunlit Spectacular By Linda White
he Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show has become the largest equine event of its kind in the world, with more than 2,200 horses coming to town to compete for more than $1 million in prize monies. And if that isn’t enough, some 300,000 people from 50 countries come to Arizona's Valley of the Sun to participate, to spectate, buy and sell horses, make new friends and have a blast. Arabian horse enthusiasts everywhere plan far in advance for the annual pilgrimage. Many will make hotel or motel reservations for next year before they leave town this year. Arabian breeders, owners, trainers, exhibitors and enthusiasts from a myriad of global locale continue to send or bring their finest. Year after year, the numbers—all the numbers—steadily increase. In this uneasy era when most horse shows are cautiously picking their way across economic minefields, the Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show is prospering. Sure, Arizona is an escape from icy winter blahs, but people are drawing in their horns as the cost of everything equine rises and foal registrations are down. That said, what accounts for this show’s continuing success?
The Guiding Light(s) Arabian Horse Association of Arizona President Jay Allen offers some insight. “I would have to attribute much of the show’s continuing success to our board of directors’ foresight and progressive, out-of-thebox thinking. Their eyes are on the future of the Arabian breed. We constantly tweak and improve what we offer; we want people to participate.” Visitors to the show’s website will note that each day’s offerings include something for everyone, including a daily event unrelated to competition. Friday, Feb. 22 will be Family Night; and the first Saturday includes an ice cream social. Sunday the 22th and the following Saturday, look for
54 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
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February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 55
Scottsdale Signature Stallion program increase the value of breeders’ foals because they are eligible to win thousands of dollars every year for several years. This builds breeders’ confidence, increases the value of stud fees and mares carrying SSS foals. “The board is proactive about encouraging mare owners to breed again,” Allen says. “They have worked really hard to grow and improve the program. This year we will have a brand new SSS auction site that will be a lot of fun for everyone. Last year it was held on the WestWorld grounds, at Brett’s Barn, but this year’s auction site will definitely be an upgrade. People will really like it.”
Think It Will Rein?
the Paint-A-Pony ceramic horse painting, free to the first 200 children. Watch for barn tours and educational seminars to be sprinkled throughout the week.
The Young And The Restless The AHAA has a large youth club. Josh Shino, who has grown up with Arabians, was drawn to the youth club as he observed all the young people helping out at AHAA’s various shows and events. “I wanted to become more involved,” he says. “We have activities at our monthly meetings, and at the show we sell rose garland sponsorships. Taryl [O’Shea, AHAA’s executive director] tells us what people to contact. We also sell rose garland sponsorships at the AHAA’s other shows. It’s a great way to meet people and make new friends. It’s fun!” The show’s international classes were a huge hit last year, according to Allen. “People really enjoyed them. We had two international judges and those classes will be judged international style, using the Las Vegas score card. The halter classes at the Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show are not AHA-sanctioned. We have had such great participation all these years using the comparative system, and our halter classes are big—and grow bigger every year. We call them ‘Scottsdale Classic’ halter classes.”
Auction Action Incentive
56 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
The Arabian and HalfArabian Reining Futurity is another of Scottsdale’s incentive offerings. This event debuted at Scottsdale in 2005 as the Half-Arabian Reining Futurity. Interest skyrocketed, so in 2006 identical classes with identical prize monies were added for purebred Arabians. In 2010 a Non-Pro Futurity for 4- and 5-yearold horses was added; next came an NRHA-sanctioned Reining Futurity Classic for purebreds and Half-Arabians with $150,000 in prize money. Then, by popular demand, the ARHA added an NRHA-sanctioned Limited Futurity for riders with fewer than five national titles; and a Non-Pro Derby for amateur riders with older horses was another welcome new additions.
One Life To Live Arabian Horse Association of Arizona Treasurer Sharon Chauncey-Siar has attended the show every one of its 58 years. Her father, the late Tom Chauncey, helped organize and stage the first show. An original member of AHAA, he told us that the initial event, held in 1955 on the Arizona Biltmore Hotel’s well-manicured grounds, saw 50 horses competing. That ambitious undertaking was almost entirely a volunteer effort. Volunteerism is still one of the show’s key elements. “Everyone volunteers for the love of the horse,” explains ChaunceySiar. “We couldn’t do it without them. We have more than 200 volunteers altogether, staffing many of our services and activities. This allows us to reduce
expenses in a number of areas. Most of our prices–entries for instance–are the same as they were 20 years ago. We have absorbed many costs, including judges’ salaries and other expenses, but we haven’t passed those costs on to exhibitors. Instead, we’ve made cuts in other areas. The show’s yearly fundraising efforts have meant millions of dollars to local and national charities. This year’s charitable contributions again will be divided among Cox Charities, the March of Dimes and many other smaller charities throughout the year.
Barn Tours Debbie Fleming, Annette Scott and Bob Leary are the volunteers who head this year’s barn tours and educational offerings. “The round pen demonstrations and ‘behind the scenes’ barn tours have been a tremendous success for more than a decade,” says Fleming. Those who take part in a barn tour at the show will see what it takes to get the horses ready for competition and be able to meet some of the industry’s top competitors. “Last year our barn tours were very large: our first group numbered about 200 people,” Fleming says. “Well, word got around, the tours became a big hit, and we all worked together to really inform and entertain our audiences. We started small, but on last year’s final tour last year we had more than 350 people.” The round pen demonstrations’ clinicians will be the same as last year’s. Bob Leary, head coach and founder of Arizona State University’s Western Equestrian team, will present “Four Aids to Train A Horse,” teaching riders how to train a horse to give the intended responses. This will help boost the riders’ confidence and develop their skills to become safer, more competent riders. Essential Elements of Horsemanship, with Lee Smith, has proven to be a popular educational offering. “Regardless of your discipline,” Smith tells riders, “I can help you raise your level of performance by focusing on the partnership of horse and rider, working together in harmony.” Smith offers insight, skill and tools to help enjoy your horse while developing horsemanship skills through feel, timing, balance and a greater understanding of equine psychology. Sport Horse Basics features long-time professional horse trainer Philipp Kast, who specializes in the dressage and sport horse disciplines. This demo focuses on sport horse class rules. Kast discusses
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February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 57
each sport horse class’ specifications, which will include proper tack, what the judges are looking for, and how to prepare a horse for various classes. One new technology should get horse people’s attention. The eyeD Iris Scan Technology for Horses has been developed to eliminate the need for branding, tattooing or relying on markings to identify an animal. Because no two individual animals’ irises are alike, eyeD is the most accurate equine identification method: an iris scan is more accurate than a human fingerprint. The eyeD can be attached to health certificates, Coggins tests and interstate movement certificates.
Do you like what you see?
Coming next month: March is the OFFICE ENVIRONMENTS Issue A businessperson’s environment is, ideally, their castle—a place where deals are inked, ideas take flight and relationships are forged. We take a tour of inventive business spaces in the Airpark, from “Man Caves” and war rooms to idea incubators and soothing havens. This is a great marketing opportunity for companies with a need to reach the office decision makers in the Greater Airpark area.
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58 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
Ye Olde Shopping Expo As show-goers stroll through acres of anything and everything equine, they will understand why the Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show has become famous for what it calls its Shopping Expo. Spectators and horse people alike can find their hearts’ desire among the 200-plus commercial exhibitors’ wares and services. Look for one-of-a-kind sculpture, jewelry, artwork both fun and fine; not to mention practical and impractical footwear, as well as hats and clothing. Insurance providers, saddle, tack and equipment purveyors; fencing, automatic insects-be-gone spray systems salespeople, real estate agents and Ye Olde Gift Shoppe proprietors will be there in full force throughout the 11day extravaganza. Speaking of shopping, mare owners pull out their metaphorical shopping carts every year as they prepare to inspect the stallions available on the global marketplace’s glittering shelves. They deliberate over pedigrees and temperaments and check out each stallion’s physical appearance. Which sire or sires would be the best crosses for the mare or mares they have in mind? What about prices? Will this stud fee be a better value for the money than that one over there? What kind of return on their investment can they expect? Which stallion would be their smartest buy, based on potential or previous performance? The Scottsdale Signature Stallion program has created a sire supermarket unprecedented in breed history, according to organizers. Each year’s SSS auction allows people to bid on services to the world’s most successful stallions, with the potential for a powerful return on their investment dollars. Every mare owner dreams about breeding that overthe-rainbow foal that will break the bank, but how often do their dreams come true? The SSS incentive program attracts more participants every year because it increases each breeder’s likelihood of success. And as participation grows, so do the incentives. For example, 2012’s total SSS payback was $590,600. “We think people will be thrilled and delighted, not only with the SSS program’s improvements, but also with the other exciting changes we have made to the show this year," says Allen. "We are telling everybody to come on down. It will be quite a party!” Adapted with permission from Arabian Horse Times
4:49 PM
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60 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
February 2012 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 61 November
Women of Scottsdale Names 2013 Director, Advisers at January Lunch
Women of Scottsdale began with 32 friends and associates 15 years ago under the leadership of Linda Herold and Wink Blair. This premier networking group includes women from all walks of life who come together to get to know each other better and for career and personal development. Members share information, ideas and contacts as they establish friendships, promote advocacy and share information and opportunities. More information about membership including calendars and sponsorship opportunities is available at www.womenofscottsdale.org. Monthly meetings are held the third Friday of every month at The Westin Kierland Resort & Spa, 6902 E. Greenway Parkway; reservations may be made on the website.
t Women of Scottsdale Founder Linda Herold with Ann Boeding, senior account executive of Scottsdale Airpark News, publication sponsor of the January event
tacey Bailey-Gitt will lead Women of Scottsdale for her second year as director. Advisers to the organization for women who work or live in Scottsdale include Myla Bushman, Jill Grasse, Maria Maglione, Cathy Vix and Emma L. Wallace. Their official duties began last month at the first monthly meeting of the year at The Westin Kierland Resort & Spa. Bailey-Gitt, director of aesthetics at North Valley Plastic Surgery, is a licensed paramedical aesthetician and certified laser technician who is dedicated to helping women look and feel their best. She is active in a number of professional organizations including Blue Star Mothers of America. Advisers represent a wide variety of talents and expertise. Myla Bushman is a vice president, private banking relationship manager, for Johnson Bank. Jill Grasse owns Tiger Type Design, a graphic design firm. Maria Maglione is president of MountainView Staffing. Cathy Vix is an account executive at the Phoenix Business Journal. Emma L. Wallace is a public service specialist for North Valley Plastic Surgery. Woman of the Year Pam Gaber, founder of Gabriel’s Angels, will be honored at the February meeting, Friday, Feb. 15. Kelly Zitlow and Cherry Creek Mortgage Company is the sponsor, Kendra Scott Jewelry is the favors partner and Central Arizona Bank is the dessert sponsor.
Women of Scottsdale 2013 Advisers Emma L. Wallace, Myla Bushman, Cathy Vix, Maria Maglione and Jill Grasse are gathered here with Director Stacey Bailey-Gitt. (Photo by Ron Nachtwey)
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February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 63
Paid Advertisement
Thirteen Years ofprepAred Zeros—and They’re Celebrating! Are Areyou you prepAred for for the the coming comingfinAnciAL finAnciALstorm? storm? Why the market’s upcoming milestones won’t be gratifying for retirees
By Thomas K. Brueckner, CLTC
that reinvested dividends have historically played a large role in enhancing the market’s yield. While that is true, it’s important to note that stockholders usually reinvest their dividends during their accumulation years (30-60), and begin receiving that dividend income nearer to and throughout their retirements, rendering this argument far less valid if one is serving clients over 60. More importantly, what retiree will sit idly by as the money it took them 40 years to save is depleted by half—twice in ten years—telling themselves that such losses “are only on paper” so long as those dividend checks keep coming? Case in point: One major national bank stock price fell from the mid-60s to just above $3/share during the 17-months of the Market Meltdown of 2007-9, and all the while management kept telling their principal-depleted shareholders that they had no intention of cutting their dividend payments. No sooner had the stock price fallen over 93%, than management announced they would be cutting dividends by a whopping 97%! Having “only lost principal on paper”, investors then lost the dividend income that many needed to sustain their retirements.
ast week, two of the three major market indices, the DJIA and S&P 500, were being touted on the financial networks for their recent advances to within sight of their all-time highs. The S&P 500 is now just 5% shy, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average index is but 3.6% below its top mark. (Meanwhile the NASDAQ is nowhere to be found, still a stunning 38% below its all-time high in March of 2000.) So what does this mean and why are the brokerage firms celebrating? For one thing, it means that older investors have had zero growth—zero!—for nearly 13 years, as the S&P first lost -51% of its value during the 2000-2 “Tech Wreck” and post9/11 sell-off. Then, after fully recovering those valuation levels 5 years later, it lost a staggering -57% of its value amid the Market Meltdown of 2007-9, courtesy of the subprime mortgage/housing disaster. (See chart.) Remember that fewer than 8% of equity mutual funds outperform the market in any 10-year period, meaning that 92% of fund investors actually did worse over the last thirteen years. Undoubtedly, someone will point out that valuation is only part of one’s gains, and
The overwhelming majority of our own clients either got out of risk-based holdings a long time ago—having lost the stomach for “the Wall Street casino”—or maintain an age-appropriate and much smaller holding in a simple, low-cost S&P 500 index fund with at least a 15-year investment horizon, usually in a Roth IRA, as the last money they will ever spend. The bulk of their retirement savings has been repositioned into safe-money accounts whose values grew when the market advanced, but whose principal and all prior gains were protected from the volatility of the last thirteen years—as well as any yet to come. $113.90
“Thirteen Years of Zeros” Unlike Unlike most most investors, investors, none none of Strategic of Strategic Asset Asset Conservation’s Conservation’s nearly nearly 600600 clients clients have have lost lost money money Bernanke Pledges $81.20 Indefinite Bear Techstock to the to the stock market market in the in the lastlast 13 years. 13 years. We’ve We’ve never never hadhad a consumer aStearns consumer complaint complaint in any in any regulatory regulatory $78.40 Wreck Bernanke Enron Bail-out NASDAQ Pledges Scandal 5048 jurisdiction, pts jurisdiction, in over in over 23 years 23 years in private in private practice. practice. WeWe achieve achieve these these results results by practicing “safe “safe QE2by practicing European GM & WorldCom S&P 500 U.S. Loses Debt Crisis Chrysler Bankruptcy 1468 pts 9/11 that Ratinglosses. money” money” strategies strategies that deliver deliver a portion a$52.15 portion of the of the market’s market’s gains gains withwith no risk no risk of market ofAAAmarket losses. To500To Bankrupt S&P Iraq Wall St 1426pts U.S. ObamaCare U.S. War Bailout (-3%) Housing Passesassets, learn learn more more about about these these andand ourour many many other other unique unique approaches approaches toHome leveraging assets, bothboth for you for you Passes to leveraging prices Market House –22% Slides National andand your your heirs, heirs, visitvisit us at usgo2knight.com. at go2knight.com. Debt $15 $37.22 Down 51%
Indonesian Tsunami
Subprime Collapse
Are Are you you protected protected from from thethe storm? storm? 9.50%
Down 63%
Cheap money sparks mortgage lending
Hurricanes Katrina & Rita
Down 57%
Prime Interest Rate
NASDAQ 3020 pts (-40%)
$33.87 Fiscal Cliff
BP Oil Spill
Down 55%
3.25% To learn To learn more more andand to request to request a complimentary a complimentary financial financial assessment, assessment, callcall (480) (480) 661-6800. 661-6800. Election Year
Election Year
Election Year
Election Year
Sources: Wall Street Journal, Lipper, Dalbar, Fortune, Market Watch, Oil-Price.net, USAGold.com, Money Café, This is Money
64 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
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Paid Advertisement
Thirteen Years of Zeros—and They’re Celebrating! Why the market’s upcoming milestones won’t be gratifying for retirees
By Thomas K. Brueckner, CLTC
that reinvested dividends have historically played a large role in enhancing the market’s yield. While that is true, it’s important to note that stockholders usually reinvest their dividends during their accumulation years (30-60), and begin receiving that dividend income nearer to and throughout their retirements, rendering this argument far less valid if one is serving clients over 60. More importantly, what retiree will sit idly by as the money it took them 40 years to save is depleted by half—twice in ten years—telling themselves that such losses “are only on paper” so long as those dividend checks keep coming? Case in point: One major national bank stock price fell from the mid-60s to just above $3/share during the 17-months of the Market Meltdown of 2007-9, and all the while management kept telling their principal-depleted shareholders that they had no intention of cutting their dividend payments. No sooner had the stock price fallen over 93%, than management announced they would be cutting dividends by a whopping 97%! Having “only lost principal on paper”, investors then lost the dividend income that many needed to sustain their retirements.
ast week, two of the three major market indices, the DJIA and S&P 500, were being touted on the financial networks for their recent advances to within sight of their all-time highs. The S&P 500 is now just 5% shy, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average index is but 3.6% below its top mark. (Meanwhile the NASDAQ is nowhere to be found, still a stunning 38% below its all-time high in March of 2000.) So what does this mean and why are the brokerage firms celebrating? For one thing, it means that older investors have had zero growth—zero!—for nearly 13 years, as the S&P first lost -51% of its value during the 2000-2 “Tech Wreck” and post9/11 sell-off. Then, after fully recovering those valuation levels 5 years later, it lost a staggering -57% of its value amid the Market Meltdown of 2007-9, courtesy of the subprime mortgage/housing disaster. (See chart.) Remember that fewer than 8% of equity mutual funds outperform the market in any 10-year period, meaning that 92% of fund investors actually did worse over the last thirteen years. Undoubtedly, someone will point out that valuation is only part of one’s gains, and
The overwhelming majority of our own clients either got out of risk-based holdings a long time ago—having lost the stomach for “the Wall Street casino”—or maintain an age-appropriate and much smaller holding in a simple, low-cost S&P 500 index fund with at least a 15-year investment horizon, usually in a Roth IRA, as the last money they will ever spend. The bulk of their retirement savings has been repositioned into safe-money accounts whose values grew when the market advanced, but whose principal and all prior gains were protected from the volatility of the last thirteen years—as well as any yet to come. $113.90
“Thirteen Years of Zeros” NASDAQ 5048 pts
Tech Wreck
S&P 500 1468 pts
WorldCom Bankruptcy
Iraq War
Down 63%
Indonesian Tsunami Cheap money sparks mortgage lending
Subprime Collapse
European U.S. Loses Debt Crisis AAA Rating S&P 500 1426pts (-3%)
National Debt $15 Trillion
Down 57%
Down 55%
Fiscal Cliff
BP Oil Spill
3.25% Election Year
Election Year
NASDAQ 3020 pts (-40%)
Election Year
Bernanke Pledges QE2
U.S. ObamaCare Passes Home prices –22%
Prime Interest Rate
4.0% Election Year
Hurricanes Katrina & Rita
GM & Chrysler Bankrupt
Wall St Bailout Passes House
U.S. Housing Market Slides
Down 51%
Bear Stearns Bail-out
Enron Scandal
Bernanke Pledges Indefinite
Sources: Wall Street Journal, Lipper, Dalbar, Fortune, Market Watch, Oil-Price.net, USAGold.com, Money Café, This is Money
February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 65
A 300,000+ Fans Spark Business marketingtoolbox Barrett-Jackson Attracts
Addison Brown, owner of Brown’s Classic Autos in the Airpark, and her team ready several cars for the auction block.
By Melissa Rein, The Brand Consortium Public Relations
total of 1,343 cars sold during the Barrett-Jackson Car Auction last month at WestWorld for $108.7 million in gross sales. The number is a 17 percent increase over a year ago, making it the second-highest Barrett-Jackson auction ever, according to SPEED.com. Attendance was up 11 percent over last year, hitting 310,000 between Jan. 13 and Jan. 20. The company announced that its 5000 series, which featured more than 50 Top Sellers in unique and rare automobiles, including Salon Collection the company’s famed Salon Collection, than $29.2 With more than 1 billion generated ave you considered The Original #1:more What Do Youmillion Wantalone to 1966 TV at the Jan. 19Out auction. people using Facebook using a Facebook Get of the Contest? Batmobile – $4,620,000 The topFirst, sellerdetermine within the group worldwide, it’s no secret that the contest to promote Clark what yourwas Gable’s 1955 the Original 1966 TV Batmobile, selling social media tool is a great way your business? Mercedes-Benz 300SL company hopes to gain from for $4.62the million to an Ahwatukee busiGullwing Coupe to connect with customers and These days, it seems just contest. Ask yourself a few nessman. The sale is Barrett-Jackson’s grow your business. about everyone is giving away – $2,035,000 questions: 1947 Talbot-Lago T-26 with Carroll Facebook contests can second-highest something on Facebook. What doever, you hope to achieve? Grand Sport – $2,035,000 Shelby’s Cobra Super Snake still holding increase the number of people iPad or $100 gift certificate, Do you want to increase 1934 Duesenberg J the No.brand 1 spotawareness at $5.5 million, reported who “Like” your business, and anyone? How about a free or highlight a Murphy LWB Custom SPEED.com. even more important, contests vacation or maybe even a new product? Beverly Sedan sold at Barrett– $1,430,000 can provide valuable customer “The vehicles closet makeover? Facebook Are youthat hoping to increase Jackson Scottsdale this year were among 1956 Chrysler Diablo information for marketing your contests are a great way to the number of Likes on your Concept Convertible some ofpage? the most exquisite cars I’ve business long after the contest generate buzz, encourage – $1,375,000 ever seen, Do andyou thewant experience has ended. brand interaction and attract to boostis some1971 Plymouth Hemi ’Cuda thing I’ll remember for years touser come,” Here are nine best practices new customers. But how do user engagement, gather Convertible – $1,320,000 said Steve Davis, president of Barrettyou get started, not to mention that will make your Facebook feedback or develop advocates Jackson.for “We have some of the best fans contest a success. get results? your brand?
Buzz with
Facebook Contests
L&J Motor Vehicle Services,
An Authorized Service Provider for the Motor Vehicle Division
allowed to use a Facebook Bottom line, have specific feature such as the Like button goals and don’t run a contest TITLES PLATES FLEET & IRP REGISTRATIONS to enter or vote. Another just because everyone else is surprising rule is that you doing it. NEW! Wevia can now must notify winners k ic Qu process IRP/IFTA/ email, snail mail or phone call #2: Which Type of Easy APPORTIONED ! nt ie en before you congratulate them Facebook Contest? nv Co plate and tingfour basic types No Waiare publicly on Facebook or for send There registrations all of message. the intrastate them a Facebook of contests you can run on companies. Since 1992 And you can’ttrucking include calls to Facebook: sweepstakes, action such as “Don’t forget to essay, photo, and video. WHERE CUSTOMER SERVICE COMES FIRST vote” or “Tell your friends” on The type of contest you • Registration • Bond Titles • Fleet Renewals your Timeline cover image— run matters because each • Inspections (Level 1) • Out Of State Titles • Lost Plate & Tabs and the list goes on. one appeals to a different • Duplicate Titles • Various Permits • Issue Intrastate However, the&chief priority audience. Video, photo and Solving • Title Transfers • Problem Plates Registrations when initiating a contest essay contests will give you We Are Proud To Serve Automobile Dealerships (with fast turnaround time), lots of content for your page, on Facebook is that your Fleet Companies, Financial Institutions & Individuals customers are happy. By but they also require more are located in the keeping the contest simple, effort We from a customer. Scottsdale Airpark the rules clear and the updates A sweepstakes contestat: is 14770 N. 78th Way, easy to enter and youBuilding can set Afrequent, you can avoid the Scottsdale, AZ 85260 pitfalls typically associated it up so you get a few key Exit West on Raintree of the 101 with poorly managed pieces of information from One Block West of Hayden (78th Way) promotions. your customers. Violating any of Facebook’s Classy Closets is a RENEWAirpark-based BY PHONE, JUST CALL US rules will result in your Scottsdale Convenience Fee Shall Apply contest (and possibly your closet company that designs page) being shut down. storage solutions for closets, Save2013 yourself garages, home offices, 66 | Scottsdale Airparklaundry News November 2012 a headache February and familiarize yourself spaces, bedrooms, etc. When with Facebook’s contest and the folks at Classy Closets promotion rules. started their latest contest,
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At last! 2 Chances this May to attend our famous Open Day Events
in the industry and I can’t wait to see how we top it in 2014.” The 21 vehicles sold for charity during the auction raised more than $5 million, a figure interpreted as low by many industry bloggers. “Auctions like Barrett-Jackson have always seemed immune from the ups and downs of the U.S. economy, but this latest event has us wondering if one-percenters are beginning to feel the pinch, too,” wrote Kurt Ernst, contributor to Motor Authority, noting also that many cars “that should have brought serious money failed to live up to their potential.” Sam Haymart, a columnist for The Mustang News, described Jay Leno’s efforts to squeeze more than $300,000 from the crowd for George W. Bush’s F-150 King Ranch as “painful to watch, but indicative of a crowd with a tight grip on their wallets.” The truck was auctioned for charity. Airpark-based Barrett-Jackson is currently accepting consignment requests for the 2013 Palm Beach auction, April 4-6, 2013, at the South Florida Fairgrounds. —Photos, information compiled by Kimberly Hundley
Women of Sco Celebrates 1
usinesswomen and women from all walks of life in Scottsdale ha of Scottsdale for 14 years to share information, ideas and con anniversary in October at the Westin Kierland Resort. Women of annual Spirit of Scottsdale luncheon. Reservations: womenofscottsdal
Instructors from the Bob Bondurant School of High Performance Racing demonstrate their skills.
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70 | Scottsdale Airpark News2013 November 2012Airpark News | 67 February Scottsdale
Women Debbie Kelly Zi
Rolfs Celebrates 25 Years with Multimillion-Dollar Reveal
olfs Salon at Gainey Village celebrated it 25th year on Jan. 17 with a red “Anniversary and Redesign Reveal” party to show off a multimilliondollar revamp, treating guests to a collection presented by Dubai-based designer Furne One, and a live fashion painting. “The purpose of the design is to bring a new global standard,” said Rolfs Salon founder, Rolf Lohse. “We focused on creating a design that was edgy, modern, and delicately balanced comfort, warmth, freshness and timeless elegance.” Rolf was inspired by some of the world’s top fashion capitals: Milan (modern/architectural), Paris (elegance/class), and London (hip/edgy). To mark the transformation, the salon played host to nearly 500 invitees. Guests enjoyed a surprise fashion show featuring the designs of Furne One, a Dubai-based designer known for dressing superstars such as Heidi Klum, Jennifer Lopez, Katy
Perry and Nicki Minaj. Partygoers danced the night away with high-energy music and watched art come to life on canvas through a live fashion painting presentation. Servers provided a white-glove service to guests as they sipped on champagne and enjoyed exotic hors d’oeuvres. Each guest left with a gift bag containing beauty treatments and luxurious hair care products. The party gave guests the opportunity to be exposed to the distinctive experience Rolf wants each client to have when
they step into the salon, according to the salon owner. “I wanted to redefine the client—beyond the haircut, beyond the hair color—I want to connect my clients to global fashion and style,” said Rolf. Headquartered at 8787 N. Scottsdale Road, Rolfs Salon is a full-service salon and Iqonic Institute staffed by internationally trained stylists and aestheticians. Services include hair care, skin care, and make-up. Rolfs Salon has four Valley locations in Scottsdale, Glendale, Chandler, and Mesa. More: rolfssalon.com.
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68 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
PV ‘Hold ‘Em’ Night to Benefit Bent But Not Broken, Feb. 9
oin Bent But Not Broken on Feb. 9 for “Hold ‘Em or Fold ‘Em Casino Night & Poker Tournament,” presented in a private residence in Paradise Valley. Dress to impress for a 6 p.m. Cocktail Reception, but don’t forget your poker face for the 7 p.m. Poker Tournament. Enjoy an open bar and an assortment of hors d’oeuvres prepared by chefs Matt Carter of Troon North and Eric Guerin of JJ’s Simple Chef Catering. Also furnishing tasty bites are Venue Scottsdale, KISS Back East Pizza, Genghis Grill and My Fit Foods. Dance the night away to live music by Javier Garcia and Remedy. Play a headto-head game of “Beat the Babes” against celebrity MC and Miss Arizona USA Erika Frantzve. Items from Ganem Jewelers will be on display for purchase just in time for Valentine’s Day. All poker players will be provided with a cigar, cutter and lighter, courtesy of Cigar King.
General admission tickets are $150 and include access to refreshments as well as one raffle ticket. The cost of a “Poker Tournament Buy-In Ticket” is $300 and includes access to all food and drinks, a raffle ticket and entry into the Poker Tournament. Discounted prices are available with the purchase of a Party Pack for the price of $500, which includes four general admission tickets. The Group Givers Pack includes 10 general admission tickets for $1,000. Additional purchase is required for displayed jewelry, winning bids on silent auction items, raffle tickets and additional poker chips. Tickets can be bought online at www.bentbutnotbroken.org. All proceeds will benefit Bent But Not Broken, which was created to help both patients and their caretakers living with Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome, also known as Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome. BBNB’s mission is to provide emotional, educational and financial resources to those patients and caretakers. Through “Hold ‘Em or Fold ‘Em Casino Night & Poker Tournament,” you can help raise funds and spread awareness of CFIDS to make a difference in someone’s life. Bent But Not Broken is a Phoenixbased 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Event sponsors include CanIEatHere. com, Troon North Golf Club (www.troonnorthgolf.com), The Venue Scottsdale, KISS Back East Pizza, Nawgan (www. nawgan.com), Dirty Tequila, Cigar King (www.cigarking.com), Ganem Jewelers, Infusionsoft, (www.jjsimplechef.com), and Rock a Healthy Lifestyle.
Fundraiser with French Twist to Help Women Entrepreneurs Women’s Enterprise Foundation, the 501(c)(3) arm of the National Association of Women Business Owners, is holding a fundraiser on Thursday, Feb. 21, 5 p.m.7 p.m., at La Maison Furniture Gallery on Scottsdale Road and the GreenwayHayden Loop (15450 N. Scottsdale Road). The French-themed event, Joie de Vivre, features hors d’oeuvres, wine, E&J Shoes fashion show, plus short demos/ presentations on wine tasting, creating a home of your dreams, and other topics all focused on living a rich, full life. (Plus you’ll find plenty of business resources, networking and fun!) Attendees may buy raffle tickets to win a dozen designer-themed bags “filled with joy.” The event raises money for scholarships, grants and educational opportunities for women entrepreneurs. For information, contact Jackie Wszalek, owner/ president of Despins Printing, at 602810-4005 or Jackie@despinsprinting, or sign up at www.netme/wefphx.com.
February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 69
SHC Programs Add Life-Saving Technology
he Scottsdale Fire Department got a life-saving assist from Scottsdale Healthcare when the nonprofit hospitals recently donated funds to assist with the department’s purchase of 27 state-ofthe-art heart monitors. Monitors will be deployed on all paramedic-staffed fire trucks, a life-saving assist that improves care for heart attack patients. Cardiac transport monitors communicate directly with hospital ERs. Real-time EKG reports are sent from the field to hospital emergency rooms, saving precious
minutes while medical professionals prepare for a patient’s arrival. Training on the new system for firefighters/paramedics has been ongoing at Scottsdale Healthcare Thompson Peak Hospital. “These monitors will allow our firefighter/paramedics to communicate in real-time with hospital cardiologists and emergency room staff,” said Scottsdale Deputy Chief Eric Valliere. “This will translate into more lives being saved.” When Scottsdale Healthcare cardiologists and emergency room staff receive on-
scene transmissions from Scottsdale firefighters/paramedics, they’ll get a quicker start to preparing for the life-saving care the patient will need. “When treating a heart attack, every moment that can be saved is critical because it keeps a portion of the patient’s heart muscle from dying due to a lack of oxygen,” said Tom Sadvary, president and CEO of Scottsdale Healthcare. “As they say with heart attacks, time is muscle.” Scottsdale Mayor Jim Lane applauded the collaboration between Scottsdale Fire and Scottsdale Healthcare. “This is a win-win for our community,” said Mayor Lane. “Every Scottsdale fire engine now has the advanced cardiac transport monitors. Our firefighters/paramedics and hospital staff can now work together even more closely to deliver the most effective and efficient care for critically ill patients.” Scottsdale Fire Department purchased 27 Philips HeartStart MRx ALS monitors, which was supplemented by the donation from Scottsdale Healthcare. The fire department will fund annual operation/ maintenance and warranty costs of the devices.
Cord Blood Banking
70 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
Expectant couples delivering babies at Scottsdale Healthcare Shea Medical Center now have the option to donate their baby’s umbilical cord blood to a public cord blood bank. Cord blood can be used for life-saving stem cell transplants to treat more than 70 diseases including leukemia, lymphoma and sickle cell anemia. Cord blood is the few ounces of blood remaining in the umbilical cord and placenta, traditionally discarded following the birth of a baby. Scientists discovered that cord blood contains stem cells and progenitor cells (similar to those in bone marrow) that have the ability to replicate or develop into additional cells that can be used to treat life-threatening diseases. The cord blood can be donated at no cost to public banks, which makes it widely available for potential use, or to private banks which for a fee will store the cord blood for a family’s potential future need. Both options are available at Scottsdale Healthcare Shea Medical Center. Congress passed the Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act in 2005, and more than 30,000 cord blood transplants have been performed worldwide since the first successful transplant was performed in 1988.
Scottsdale obstetrician/gynecologist Gina Dado, M.D., has become a national umbilical cord stem cell educator for CORD:USE, which is partnering with Scottsdale Healthcare. “Cord blood can be a life-saving option for many children and adults and many more lives would be saved if all families either stored or donated their babies’ cord blood,” said Dr. Dado.
Scottsdale-Tested Thyroid Drug Gets FDA OK The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved cabozantinib, a thyroid cancer drug successfully tested at Scottsdale Healthcare’s Virginia G. Piper Cancer Center Clinical Trials, a partnership between Scottsdale Healthcare and TGen. The drug is used for treating progressive metastatic medullary thyroid cancer (MTC), a rare endocrine gland cancer affecting the thyroid and lymph nodes in the neck and upper chest. Previously, MTC patients had limited treatment options. “This was a really exciting trial. We have a drug that blocks the gene that causes a rare type of cancer,” said Scottsdale Healthcare endocrine surgeon and researcher Michael Demeure, MD. One patient who continues to benefit from clinical trial treatments at Scottsdale Healthcare’s Virginia G. Piper Cancer Center Clinical Trials is Gordon Hunt, 68, a retired lifeinsurance salesman from Phoenix. “I feel like he saved my life,” Hunt said of Dr. Demeure, who suggested he take part in the cabozantinib clinical trial. “I’m excited. I played a part in making [FDA approval] happen,” Hunt said. “I thank God that I was chosen to take part in obtaining the approval of the medication. If it works for me, it’s going to work for other people, and that’s good.” In addition to treating MTC, cabozantinib is being explored as a therapy for numerous tumor types, including prostate, ovarian, brain, melanoma, breast, and non-small cell lung cancers. February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 71
Pinnacle Peak Patio Steakhouse Nods To Past, Looks To Future McElhanon and Pryor team up to preserve Arizona's Western steakhouse icon
ith more than 50 years of celebrity A-list diners, memorabilia and an array of clipped ties adorning the establishment, one of Arizona’s longest-running restaurants, Pinnacle Peak Patio Steakhouse (PPP), will continue to serve up quality cowboy-inspired steaks, home-brewed “Sonoran” brand beers and cowboy entertainment. With the relocation of Rawhide to South Phoenix and the recent closing of Reata Pass Steakhouse, PPP is holding down the fort as a remaining bastion of Old Western lifestyle in Scottsdale. After regaining control of the restaurant and the 10-acre parcel it resides on adjacent to the Four Seasons Resort, long-time owner Harvey McElhanon and his partner Gary Pryor will continue the legacy of PPP, which as recently as 2006 was slated to be redeveloped into a luxury five-star resort. McElhanon originally acquired PPP in 1970, and has been operating the restaurant for 42 years. McElhanon teamed up with restaurant financier and
p Longtime grill master “Big Marv” poses in front of Pinnacle Peak Patio with his sons during a 2003 visit with celebrity chef Bobby Flay.
developer Gary Pryor to improve the menu, services, and event offerings in order to once again cater to Phoenix locals, bikers and worldwide tourists. Pryor is credited with the financing and development of four Phoenix restaurants: BoomBozz Taphouse
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in Gilbert, Daily Bistro at 44th Street and Camelback, Michael’s at the Citadel, and Zinc Bistro. McElhanon’s long-time staff, which includes Marvin “Big Marv” Dickson, the grill manager since 1961 and Lola Drake, PPP’s kitchen manager for 50 years, is excited to continue building the storied legacy PPP has enjoyed over the years. Additional PPP “family members” who have had lasting loyalty to The Peak include general manager Del Skinner, who started at the restaurant as a dishwasher and has been working there for 30 years; assistant manager Scott Browning and his sisters, including Nonie McDermott, who have served up hot meals to patrons for nearly 30 years at the restaurant. Although it first opened in 1957 as a general store that sold beer and bait to fishermen traveling to nearby lakes, the venue soon began to cater to patrons by serving up steaks and other cowboy fare. PPP has attracted a veritable “Who’s Who” of American diners, including the likes of former President George W. Bush, Arizona Senators Barry Goldwater and John McCain, and A-list celebrity diners the likes of Jane Russell, Paul Newman, Tom Cruise, Glen Campbell, Wayne Newton, Alice Cooper, Hugh Downs, Patrick Swayze, David Hasselhoff, Liza Minnelli, Willie Mays, Michael J. Fox and Tanya Tucker. PPP is also considered the origin of the film career of one of Week Hollywood’s biggest Inside the Phoenix Fashion Tent, models names, three-time Academy Award winning showcase polo-inspired styles from Dillard’s. director Steven Spielberg, as PPP served as the backdrop to his first project, a nineminute 8 mm film entitled The Last Gunfight in 1958. Over the 50-plus years PPP’s has become known for 32-ounce Porterhouse steaks. The menu, which has not changed much since the restaurant began, boasts filet mignon, baby back ribs with the Peaks’ signature prickly pear chipotle barbeque sauce, and the classic beans and bread served up with the original recipe from the early days of the restaurant. PPP sits on a total of 10 acres at the base of Pinnacle Peak Mountain and can host a wide range of events and customers simultaneously, ranging from 30 to 1,500 patrons. Pinnacle Peak Patio will continue its classic “no necktie” policy, where unsuspecting tie-wearing patrons have their ties clipped from their necks and added to the rafters. Also diners who request well-done steaks will become the surprise recipients of an old leather boot on a plate, a long-established joke enjoyed by staff and patrons alike. In the next few months PPP will undergo several improvements, yet it will remain open for business as usual. More of what Pinnacle Peak Patio holds for future patrons will be announced in early 2013, including a grand reopening this spring. Jennifer Hundley of Silverhawk Realty greets a pony More: http://pppatio.com. sized dog amid the Barrett-Jackson preview.
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February Business Horoscope By Weiss Kelly, PMAFA Whether you’re a small-business owner or have other career aspirations, insights into how the planets influence your work month can help you plan for maximum performance and project success. ARIES 3/21-4/20 Scottsdale’s busy social season requires you to take a more active part. The New Moon on the 10th brings a new client or business venture. Be prepared to become more active at work. Catch up on any pending contacts or plans before the 18th. Midmonth brings confusion and documentation is vital; it may be smart to reconsider a business issue. Better confirm any meetings, or you could end up at the wrong place at the wrong time after the 17th. TAURUS 4/21-5/20 Lucky you! Some of your aspirations are about to be realized. Last month’s perseverance pays off. Don’t ignore opportunities (no matter how limited) to broaden your base of operation. Embrace new people, and be prepared to work harder Feb. 20-March 20. Try to slow down and avoid risky agreements near the last week. GEMINI 5/21-6/20 The way is clear way for subtle yet important changes that have been a long time coming. Best to avoid a misunderstanding or conflict with an authority figure early in the month by making sure you have all the facts and documentation. This is favorable time for group endeavors, including social networking. Until March 11, your emphasis is on work and business. CANCER 6/21-7/22 Heads up to possible travel-related clichés this month; you may want to make alternative arrangements before the 15th. Work should prove rewarding after the 19th—and you can look forward to more significant success later in the year. Real estate sales inch up and all home-related businesses show a marked increase. Family and home is where the heart is in 2013.
LEO 7/23-8/22 Expect your work to be cut out for you through the 18th. New Moon on the 10th is best to arrange a meeting, start a new approach, or strengthen your business relationships. There is no excuse for not getting involved with local chambers and professional meetings. It will work to your advantage. If you have any projects or deals in progress, get them finalized by the second week. Keep informed about your financial status.
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VIRGO 8/23-9/23 You like to plan ahead. So take your calendar and fill it in with the next two months’ agenda. The New Moon (10th) may bring job assignments, and you should rely on yourself rather than others to make things happen. If you have not completed a project or come to a decision by the 23rd, let it go. Pay special
attention to financial issues. Advice: strengthen your relationship with fellow associates. LIBRA 9/24-10/23 Recent economic developments will impact your finances for about two years. Most of this month’s potential is related to your ability to combine business with pleasure. Things may not go smoothly, so be prepared to compromise a bit, especially later in the month (25th), when you’ll need to make definite plans and decisions. SCORPIO 10/24-11/22 You’re set for a career/job adventure in the year ahead that continues into 2014. Don’t be hesitant to take risks, including an entirely new approach or attitude after the 10th. Let go of what’s old or not working. A long cycle of self-commitment and learning has begun, but you must put yourself out there. Goals reached through friendships are this month’s highlights. It’s who you will get to know that is February’s main assignment. SAGITTARIUS 11/23-12/21 Mercury goes retro on the 23rd, so the workweek of the 25th can become complex. Best recheck all business arrangements and expect communication breakdowns and misplaced phones, details, etc. The month ends on a successful work note as you move forward. CAPRICORN 12/22-1/19 Success this month is mainly connected to your professional ties at social events. Capitalize on your hard work and professional ethics. Watch out for misunderstandings or problems with contracts, deliveries, or agreements by midmonth. Because of your innately cautious approach to financial issues, you’re in good financial shape now and can afford time off. AQUARIUS 1/20-2/19 This is your month to begin anew. Be assertive and do what you said you would do. Use your contacts as marketing tools and commit to communication in all forms—it can eventually be your key to success. Aim for moderation in financial responsibilities or commitments until March. PISCES 2/2/20-3/20 It’s high time you take action and make commitments. Early on, you are motivated physically, emotionally and socially—and can accomplish a lot. The people you encounter on a professional level can work out on your behalf. You may want to get further education or training. Don’t believe a work-related announcement until mid March. Remain flexible.
Weiss Kelly is a professional astrologer based in the Scottsdale Airpark. Voted to the board of the Professional Member American Federation of Astrologers, she is available for personal/business forecasts on CD, as well as speaking engagements for business and social meetings. Contact: 480-600-7424; weissastro@aol.com; YourBusinessAstrologer.com.
74 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
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This categorized directory of businesses is provided by the Scottsdale Airpark News at an annual charge of $600, prepaid. To include a link to your website online, there is an annual charge of $1,000. Included in the prepaid charge is a listing in our published directory, which includes a logo, contact name, address, phone number, fax number, website and e-mail address. Your listing (not including the website link) is also published in our online directory. To include your Business Directory listing online with a link to your website, there is an annual charge of $1,000. Visit us at www.scottsdaleairpark.com, under the Airpark Directory link.
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76 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
14850 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 450 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-609-0011 Fax: 480-609-0016 www.ngdlaw.com
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Rick Shaw, Regional Director BANKING/SAVINGS/LOANS Gregory P. Gillis, Dominica J. Minore Randy Nussbaum, Dean M. Dinner 14850 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 450 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-609-0011 Fax: 480-609-0016 Gregory P. Gillis, Randy Nussbaum, www.ngdlaw.com
Dean M. Dinner ATTORNEYS/ESTATE 14850 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 450PLANNING AND PROBATE Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-609-0011 Fax: 480-609-0016 www.ngdlaw.com
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February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 77 David Harowitz 14850 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 450 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-609-0011
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November 2012
attorneys/ COMMERCIAL LITIGATION Randy Nussbaum, Gregory P. Gillis, Dean M. Dinner 14850 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 450 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-609-0011 Fax: 480-609-0016 Randy Nussbaum, Gregory P. Gillis, www.ngdlaw.com
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STAFFING The Business Wealth Club - Scottsdale
5434 E Lincoln Dr. #15 Paradise Valley, AZ 85253 SCCPhone: Business Institute 480-951-4988 BUSINESS14350 SALE N. 480-998-3724 87th St., Suite 185 Fax Scottsdale, AZ 85260 www.scottsdalebusinesswealthclub.com Phone: 480-425-6910 Fax: 480-425-6901 www.sccbi.com
BUSINESS INSURANCE Experts in the Sale and Purchase of Aviation Businesses BUSINESS CONSULTING Jim Afinowich Phone: 480-421-9680 www.fbosales.com
Karen L. Evers, Agency Owner/Insurance Consultant 8687 E. Via De Ventura #218 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 The Business Wealth Club - Scottsdale We get businesses sold Phone: 480-305-1175 E Lincoln Dr.for #15 To learn how you5434 can get top dollar your company, call Fax: 480-305-1176 Paradise AZ 85253 JimValley, Afinowich Email: kevers@farmersagent.com Phone: Phone: 480-421-9789 480-951-4988 www.foxfin.com Fax 480-998-3724
#1 Ranking Arizona 11 Straight Years!
14287 N. 87th St., Suite 123 Phone: 480-609-0055 Fax: 480-609-8958 www.pinnaclebankaz.com
COMMERCIAL CLEANING & 14415 N 73rd Street Ste 110 STAFFING
Scottsdale, AZ 85260 (480) 447-3502 18325 N. Allied Way #205, Phx (Scottsdale Rd & 101) www.desertislandsvc.com 2060 W.email: Whispering Wind Dr. #264-2, Phoenix info@desertislandsvc.com 10320 W. McDowell Rd., Bldg J-1033, Avondale Phone: 623-734-7817 COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL www.chirofitplus.com
GLASS WORKS 14415 N 73rd Street Ste 110 COMMERCIALScottsdale, CLEANING & AZ 85260 STAFFING (480) 447-3502
www.desertislandsvc.com email: info@desertislandsvc.com
COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL GLASS 14427 N.WORKS 73rd Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Phone: 480-947-5545 480-315-1336 14415Fax: N 73rd Street Ste 110 www.troonglass.com Scottsdale, AZ 85260 (480) 447-3502 COMMERCIAL LANDSCAPING www.desertislandsvc.com email: info@desertislandsvc.com
14427 N. 73rd Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Scottsdale: Scottsdale: 16211 16211N. N. Scottsdale Scottsdale Rd. Rd. #4 #4 Phone:480-607-DELI(3354) 480-607-DELI(3354) Phone: Karen L. Evers, Agency Owner/Insurance Consultant Phoenix: Phoenix: 8687 E. Via De Ventura #218 21705 N. N. 19th 19th Ave. Ave. 21705 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Phone: 623-581-DELI(3354) Phone: 623-581-DELI(3354) Phone: 480-305-1175
Can’t Qualify for a Conventional Loan? WE CAN HELP! Residential • Commercial 480-466-7020 14301 N. 87th St., Suite 212 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 jim@delmar-financial.com dennis@delmar-financial.com License #MB0919350
Fax: 480-305-1176 We & CateringToo! Too! WeDeliver Deliver & Offering Offering Catering Email:www.RinaldisDeli.com kevers@farmersagent.com www.RinaldisDeli.com
13831 N. 94th St., Scottsdale, AZ 85260 GAL PALS Phone: 480-860-9500 Scottsdale: Fighting Ovarian Cancer with TEAL 16211 N. Scottsdale Rd. #4 AZ 85254 6440 E. Greenway Scottsdale, (TeachPkwy., Early and Live) Phone: 480-607-DELI(3354) Phone: 480-368-1711
Accepting Donations for Non-Profit
www.scottsdalelearningcenters.com Phoenix: Nancy Twedt/Mike Esses 21705 N. 19th Ave. 15401Phone: N. 63rd623-581-DELI(3354) St., Scottsdale, AZ 85254
SCC Business Institute
COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL Phone: 480-947-5545 GLASS WORKS Fax: 480-315-1336 www.troonglass.com
COMMERCIAL HVAC Taking Care of Your Landscaping Needs 25847 N. 19th Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85085 Phone: 623-879-7547 14427 N. 73rd Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 www.pocklandscapesolutions.com Phone: 480-947-5545 Fax: and 480-315-1336 1st inspection tune up 1 unit at no charge. www.troonglass.com Our greatest compliment is your referral
14350 N. 87th St., Suite 185 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-425-6910 Fax: 480-425-6901 www.sccbi.com
Phone: 480-991-0731
We Deliver & Offering Catering Too! uniquelytwedt@yahoo.com www.RinaldisDeli.com esses47@hotmail.com
CHILD CARE 78 |CHILD Scottsdale Airpark News November 2012 CARE
Peoria, AZ 85382 Phone: (480) 226-2473 Email: coldcrispair@gmail.com petersonac.com
COMMERCIAL LANDSCAPING Rick Shaw, Regional Director 17470 N. Pacesetter Way, Suite 219 Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Taking Care of Your Landscaping Needs Main: 480-305-2145 Fax: 480-305-2146 25847 N. 19th Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85085 Email: rick.s@bank34online.com Phone: 623-879-7547 www.bank34online.com www.pocklandscapesolutions.com
Taking Care of Your Landscaping Needs COMMERCIAL LENDING 25847 N. 19th Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85085 Phone: 623-879-7547 www.pocklandscapesolutions.com
ARRANGE PICKU COMPUTER OR ELE 20 Yea 16000 N. 80th S Can’t Qualify f Phon www.fea WE Residen COMPUTERS 414301 N Scott jim@del HIGH EN dennis@d COMPU LicenN 16000 COMPUTERScott & RECYCLINGPhon Fax www.fea
Feature M
20 Yea 16000 N. 80th St DonationPhon Dro www.fea Donate your c to help ou COMPUTERS Portion Wound For la we willEN ar HIGH For Qu COMPUT 16000 N. 80th St.,N 16000 Phon Scott Fax Phon www.fea Fax
Feature M
Feature M
Donation Dro Donate your c to 8151 helpE. ouE Scott Portion Phon Wounde Email For la ww we will arr For Qu CONSTRUCTIO 16000 N. 80th St., S Phon Fax www.fea
7750 E. G Scott Phon Fax www
8151 E. E Scott Phon Email: ww
13831 N. 94th 94th St., St., Scottsdale, Scottsdale, AZ AZ 85260 85260 13831 N. Phone: Phone: 480-860-9500 480-860-9500
The Business Wealth Club - Scottsdale 5434 E Lincoln Dr. #15 Paradise Valley, AZ 85253 Phone: 480-951-4988 Fax 480-998-3724
6440 E. Greenway Greenway Pkwy., Pkwy., Scottsdale, Scottsdale, AZ 6440 E. AZ 85254 85254 Phone: Phone: 480-368-1711 480-368-1711 www.scottsdalelearningcenters.com www.scottsdalelearningcenters.com
Karen L. Evers, Agency Owner/Insurance Consultant 8687 E. Via De Ventura #218 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Phone: 480-305-1175 Fax: 480-305-1176 Email: kevers@farmersagent.com
78 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
78 | Scottsdale Airpark News November 2012
18325 N. Allied Way #205, Phx (Scottsdale Rd & 101) 2060 W. Whispering Wind Dr. #264-2, Phoenix 10320 W. McDowell Rd., Bldg J-1033, Avondale Phone: 623-734-7817 www.chirofitplus.com
Rick Shaw, Regional Director 17470 N. Pacesetter Way, Suite 219 Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Main: 480-305-2145 Fax: 480-305-2146 Email: rick.s@bank34online.com www.bank34online.com
Rick Shaw, Regional Director 17470 N. Pacesetter Way, Suite 219 Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Main: 480-305-2145 Fax: 480-305-2146 Email: rick.s@bank34online.com www.bank34online.com
7750 E. G Scott Phon Fax www
Can’t Qualify for a Conventional Loan? WE CAN HELP! Residential • Commercial 480-466-7020 14301 N. 87th St., Suite 212 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 jim@delmar-financial.com dennis@delmar-financial.com License #MB0919350
Feature Marketing, Inc.
ARRANGE PICKUP OR DROP OFF OF YOUR COMPUTER OR ELECTRONICS TO BE RECYCLED 20 Years in the Airpark 16000 N. 80th St. #D Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-947-9912 www.featuremarketing.com
Feature Marketing, Inc.
CorporateHousing Housing•• Vacation Vacation Rentals Corporate Rentals Kierland-NorthScottsdale/Old Town-City Kierland-NorthScottsdale/Old Town-CityCenter Center Desert Ridge-Phoenix/Oro Valley-Tucson Desert Ridge-Phoenix/Oro Valley-Tucson Pacific Beach-San Diego/Del Mar-San Diego Phone: Phone: 602-672-7552 Email: Email:thestay@thestay.com thestay@thestay.com www.thestay.com www.thestay.com
Scottsdale Dental Excellence Jeffrey D Clark DDS FAGD
Cosmetic and Family Dentistry 8765 8765East EastBell BellRoad, Road, Suite Suite 201 Scottsdale, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 480-585-1853 480-585-1853 www.jclarkdds.com www.jclarkdds.com
Thomas D.M.D, M.S. M.S. ThomasV. V.McClammy, McClammy, D.M.D, Shawn D.D.S., M.S.D. M.S.D. ShawnR. R.Anderson, Anderson, D.D.S., 8765 8765E. E.Bell BellRd., Rd.,Suite Suite 213 213 Scottsdale, 85260 Scottsdale, AZ AZ 85260 Phone: 480-731-3636 • Fax: 480-731-3637 Phone: 480-731-3636 • Fax: 480-731-3637 www.nsendodontics.com www.nsendodontics.com
Feature Marketing, Inc.
Donation Drop Box in front of Office Donate your computers & electronics to help our returning soldiers Portion of sales will go to Wounded Warriors Fund. For larger donations we will arrange pickup at N/C For Questions: call Tom 16000 N. 80th St., Suite D, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-947-9912 Fax: 480-947-5621 www.featuremarketing.com
7750 E. Gelding Dr., Suite 4 CorporateScottsdale, HousingAZ • Vacation 85260 Rentals Kierland-NorthScottsdale/Old Town-City Center Phone: 480-991-1993 Desert Ridge-Phoenix/Oro Valley-Tucson Fax: 480-991-3004 www.legacyaz.com Phone: 602-672-7552 Email: thestay@thestay.com www.thestay.com
Premium Doors & Windows 8175 E. Raintree Dr. #5 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-443-3151 www.weathershield.com “8 locations to serve you!” DRY CLEANING
Donn Frye, CEO 7126 E. Sahuaro Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-948-2781 Fax: 480-948-2867 prestigecleaners.com
Located in the Scottsdale AirCenter Located the Scottsdale AirCenter 15290inN. 78th Way, Suite B200 15290Scottsdale, N. 78th Way, AZ Suite 85260B200 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-483-7867 Phone: 480-483-7867 Email: leno@iconprintlabs.com Email: leno@iconprintlabs.com www.iconimaginggroup.com www.iconimaginggroup.com
Complete Lettershop Services Fullfillment • Lists • Discounted Postage Complete Lettershop Services 7650 E. Redfield Rd., Suite D-6, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-483-7677 DOORS Email: Scottsdale, AZ 85260 BUSHLPRS@aol.com www.businesshelpersmailcenter.com Phone: 480-483-7677 Email: BUSHLPRS@aol.com DOORS www.businesshelpersmailcenter.com
7650 E. Gelding Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-948-4697 www.scottsdalecustom.com 7650 E. Gelding Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-948-4697 DOORS –www.scottsdalecustom.com SALES
Jim Staud Phone Cell: Fax: Email: jsta www
2415 E. Cam Phoe Phone: 602-707www
DVD TRANSFERS Donn Frye, CEO 7126 E. Sahuaro Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-948-2781 Fax: 480-948-2867 www.prestigecleaners.com
Scotts Phone Fax:
13840 N. No Scotts Phone www.comp
EMBROIDERY/SILK SCREENING 8880 EAST VIA LINDA #109 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85258 Phone: (480) 607-7788 Fry’s Marketplace Plaza NW Corner of 90th St. & Via Linda www.dvdtransferstation.net
Psycho Jock Sportswear EMBROIDERY/SILK SCREENING Embroidery/Silk Screening
Dillan Micus, 14851 N. Sco Scotts Phone: 480-444www.
9420 E. Doubletree Ranch Rd., Suite C-101 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Phone: 480-451-3682 • Fax: 480-451-5850 Email: sales@psychojock.com www.psychojock.com
PsychoRELOCATION Jock Sportswear EMPLOYEE Embroidery/Silk Screening 9420 E. Doubletree Ranch Rd., Suite C-101 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Phone: 480-451-3682 • Fax: 480-451-5850 Email: sales@psychojock.com www.psychojock.com Graebel Movers Jim General Manager Manager Jim Staude, Staude, General Phone: 602-447-0200 Phone: 602-447-0200 Cell: 602-284-8555 Fax: 602-447-0554 Email: Email: jstaude@graebel.com jstaude@graebel.com www.graebel.com www.graebel.com
8880 EAST VIA LINDA #109 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85258 Phone: (480) 607-7788 Fry’s Marketplace Plaza NW Corner of 90th St. & Via Linda www.dvdtransferstation.net
8151 E. Evans Road, Suite 2 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-315-8040 Email: info@vuria.com CORPORATEwww.vuria.com HOUSING
& Windows 7650Premium E. Gelding Doors Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85260 8175 E. 480-948-4697 Raintree Dr. #5 Phone: Scottsdale, AZ 85260 www.scottsdalecustom.com Phone: 480-443-3151 www.weathershield.com DOORS – SALES
HIGH END REFURBISHED COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 16000 N. 80th St., Suite D Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-947-9912 Fax: 480-947-5621 www.featuremarketing.com
Nathalie Potvin, F Wells Far 20551 N. P Scottsda Phone Fax: Toll Fre nathalie.pot
November 2012 February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 79 EMPLOYMENT
DENTAL Premium Doors & Windows
& Windows Windows
Dr. #5 Dr. #5 85260 85260 -3151 -3151 eld.com eld.com
EO EO sdale, AZ 85254 sdale, AZ 85254 -2781 -2781 867 2867 ners.com ners.com
NDA #109 NDA #109 Z 85258 Z 85258 7-7788 7-7788 e Plaza e Plaza & Via Linda & Via Linda ation.net tation.net
portswear portswear
Screening Screening
Rd., Suite C-101 Rd., Suite C-101 85258 85258 x: 480-451-5850 x: 480-451-5850 ojock.com ojock.com k.com k.com
2415 Rd., Suite Suite 450 2415E. E.Camelback Camelback Rd., 2415 E. Camelback Rd., Suite450 450 Phoenix, AZ 85016 85016 Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ 85016 Phone: 602-707-1880 • Fax:602-707-1889 602-707-1889 Phone: • Fax: Phone: 602-707-1880 • Fax: 602-707-1889 www.ledgent.com www.ledgent.com www.ledgent.com
essdirectory essdirectory
Phone: 602-447-0200 Cell: 602-284-8555 Cell: 602-284-8555 Fax: 602-447-0554 Fax: 602-447-0554 Email: jstaude@graebel.com Email: jstaude@graebel.com www.graebel.com www.graebel.com
-4697 tom.com stom.com
Dean Wegner, Mortgage Originator 14870 N. Northsight Blvd. #100 14811 N. Kierland Blvd., Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-922-7776 Phone: 602-432-6388 Email: Info@USAutoweapons.com dean@teamdean.com www.usautoweapons.com www.teamdean.com
7585 E. Redfield Rd., Suite 107 Scottsdale, AZ85260 85260 Scottsdale, AZ Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-922-9500 Phone: 480-922-9500 Phone: 480-922-9500 Fax: 480-922-9504 Fax: Fax: 480-922-9504 480-922-9504 www.gouldstaffing.com
7750 E. Gelding Dr., Suite 4 AZDr., 85260 7750Scottsdale, E. Gelding Suite 4 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-991-1993 Phone: 480-991-1993 Fax: 480-991-3004 Fax: 480-991-3004 www.legacyaz.com www.legacyaz.com
DR. ANNETTE DR. ANNETTE HANIAN HANIAN 13840 N. Northsight Blvd. #105, 13840 N. Northsight Blvd. #105, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-443-1150 Phone: 480-443-1150 www.completevisioncare.com www.completevisioncare.com
FOR ALL YOUR PAINTING & CONSTRUCTION NEEDS FOR ALL YOUR CALL PAINTING PLEASE FOR&ACONSTRUCTION FREE ESTIMATENEEDS PLEASE CALL FOR AFax: FREE602-978-1200 ESTIMATE Phone: 602-843-6400 Phone: 602-843-6400 Fax: 602-978-1200 Email: info@silveradopainting.com Email: info@silveradopainting.com www.silveradopainting.com www.silveradopainting.com
Dillan Micus, Executive Vice President 14851 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 103 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-444-3750 • Fax: 480-922-5203 www.axaonline.com
GLASS & MIRROR Dillan Micus, Vice President “Helping our Executive Clients Save Taxes and Dillan Micus, Executive Vice President 14851 103 PlanN. forScottsdale the Future Rd., sinceSuite 1991” 14851 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 103 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 G. Wayne Neill CPA/PFS, Scottsdale, AZ 85254CFP Phone: 480-444-3750 • Fax: 480-922-5203 Registered Representative Phone: 480-444-3750 • Fax: 480-922-5203 www.axaonline.com 10751 N. Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd., Suite 103 www.axaonline.com Scottsdale, AZ 85259 Phone: 480-922-9268 Email: neillw@ceteranetworks.com Website: neillnetwork.com Specializing in Financial Planning, Investments and Insurance Nathalie Potvin, Financial Advisor AAMS®® Nathalie Potvin, Financial Advisor AAMS Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC 20551 N. Pima Rd., Suite 200 20551 N. Pima Rd., Suite 200 Scottsdale, AZ 85255-9155 Scottsdale, AZ 85255-9155 Phone: 480-419-2014 Phone: 480-419-2014 Fax:Financial 480-419-2404 Nathalie Potvin, Advisor AAMS® Fax: 480-419-2404 Toll Free: 800-453-6737 Wells Advisors, LLC Toll Fargo Free: 800-453-6737 nathalie.potvin@wfadvisors.com 20551 N. Pima Rd., Suite 200 nathalie.potvin@wfadvisors.com www.wfadvisors.com/nathalie.potvin Scottsdale, AZ 85255-9155 www.wfadvisors.com/nathalie.potvin Phone: 480-419-2014 Fax: 480-419-2404 Toll Free: 800-453-6737 nathalie.potvin@wfadvisors.com www.wfadvisors.com/nathalie.potvin
14427 Street 14427N. N. 73rd 73rd Street Scottsdale, AZ85260 85260 Scottsdale, AZ Phone: 480-947-5545 Phone: 480-947-5545 Fax: 480-315-1336 Fax: 480-315-1336 www.troonglass.com www.troonglass.com
7650 E. Gelding Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone:Dr., 480-948-4697 7650 E. Gelding Scottsdale, AZ 85260 www.scottsdalecustom.com Phone: 480-948-4697 www.scottsdalecustom.com
16620 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-348-9280 Fax: 480-348-9281 www.scottsdalehamptoninnandsuites.com 16620N. N.Scottsdale Scottsdale Rd., Rd., Scottsdale, 10101 Scottsdale,AZ AZ85254 85253 Phone: 480-443-3233 Phone: 480-348-9280 Fax: 480-443-9149 Fax: 480-348-9281 www.scottsdaleshea.hamptoninn.com www.scottsdalehamptoninnandsuites.com
Dean Wegner, Vice President of Mortgage Lending 14811 N. Kierland Blvd., Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 602-432-6388 dean@guaranteedrate.com 80 www.guaranteedrate.com/DeanWegner
80 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
14255 N
10101 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85253 Phone: 480-443-3233 Fax: 480-443-9149 www.scottsdaleshea.hamptoninn.com Holiday Inn Express Scottsdale North 7350 E. Gold Dust Ave. Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Phone: 480-596-6559 • Fax: 480-596-0554 www.holidayinnexpress.com/scottsdalenort Holiday Inn Express Scottsdale North 7350 E. Gold Dust Ave. Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Phone: 480-596-6559 • Fax: 480-596-0554 www.holidayinnexpress.com/scottsdalenort Rachel Jones, Director of Sales 17010 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Phone: 480-922-8400 Fax: 480-419-8163 www.marriott.com/phxcn
Rachel Jones, Director of Sales 17010 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Phone: 480-922-8400 Fax: 480-419-8163 www.marriott.com/phxcn 16770 N. Perimeter Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-502-3836 www.scottsdalemarriott.com
16770 N. Perimeter Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-502-3836 16630 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: www.scottsdalemarriott.com 480-998-9211 • Fax: 480-607-2893 www.sleepinnscottsdale.com
7330 N. Pima Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Phone: 480-948-3800 16630www.scottsdalepimasuites.com N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-998-9211 • Fax: 480-607-2893 www.sleepinnscottsdale.com
HEATING CONTRACTORS November November 2012 2012 Scottsdale Scottsdale Airpark Airpark News News | | 79 79
12980 E. Gold Dust Ave. Scottsdale, AZ 85259 Phone: 480-250-3882 • Dust Fax: Ave. 480-907-7921 12980 E. Gold Email: troy@acofaz.net Scottsdale, AZ 85259 www.acofaz.net Phone: 480-250-3882 • Fax: 480-907-7921 Follow Our Specials On Facebook Email: troy@acofaz.net www.acofaz.net Scottsdale Airpark NewsOnNovember Follow Our Specials Facebook 2012
Corporate Housing • Vacation Rentals Kierland-NorthScottsdale/Old Town-City Center 7330 Ridge-Phoenix/Oro N. Pima Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Desert Valley-Tucson Phone:Diego/Del 480-948-3800 Pacific Beach-San Mar-San Diego www.scottsdalepimasuites.com Phone: 602-672-7552 Email: thestay@thestay.com www.thestay.com
Arizona Vice 8687
Karen L. Eve 86
Karen L. Evers, Agency Owner/Insurance Consultant 8687 E. Via De Ventura #218 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Phone: 480-305-1175 Fax: 480-305-1176 Email: kevers@farmersagent.com LYMPHATIC MASSAGE
The• Business Mohr Class Investigative Group High Speed Internet Corporate Housing • Vacation Rentals Kierland-NorthScottsdale/Old Town-City Center Desert Ridge-Phoenix/Oro Valley-Tucson Pacific Beach-San Diego/Del Mar-San Diego Phone: 602-672-7552 Email: thestay@thestay.com www.thestay.com
Director •Gregory BusinessMohr, PhoneManaging Lines • Hosted VoIP 6501 E. Trunking Greenway• Pkwy., • SIP MPLS •Suite Local103 Scottsdale, 85254 • Long Distance •AZ Conferencing 602-620-3851 16211 N.Phone: Scottsdale Rd. A6A Suite 401 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Fax: 480-998-3239 Phone: 480-656-4655 Email: gmohrpi@cox.net www.comsourcecommunications.com www.tmigpi.com
Nancy Wakely 8149 E. Evans Rd. #C-05 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-560-1600 Email: nw@lymphatichealingcenter.com 7755 E. Redfield Rd., Suite 300 www.lymphatichealingcenter.com Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-596-9700 LOCKSMITHS www.pinnaclelock.com
• Business Class High Speed Internet • Business Phone Lines • Hosted VoIP, • SIP Trunking • MPLS • Local • Long Distance • Conferencing 16211 N. Scottsdale Rd. A6A Suite 401 AZ 85254 INTERNET Scottsdale, SERVICE Phone: 480-656-4655 www.comsourcecommunications.com
Lisa Pl P. Scottsda Phon www.wom
North Scottsd
14255 N. 87th St., Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-922-6500 www.scottsdalewingate.com
Mountain States Employers Council Karen Stafford Arizona Vice President of Membership Development 8687 E. Via de Ventura, Suite #318 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Phone: 602-955-7558 KStafford@MSEC.org www.MSEC.org
Karen L. Evers, Agency Owner/Insurance Consultant 8687 E. Via De Ventura #218 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Phone: 480-305-1175 Fax: 480-305-1176 Email: kevers@farmersagent.com
Desert Village Desert Village
23233N. N. Pima Pima Rd., 23233 Rd., Suite Suite109, 109, Scottsdale, AZ Scottsdale, AZ85255 85255 Phone: 480-515-1200 Phone: 480-515-1200
Ahwatukee TownCenter Center Ahwatukee Town 4843 E. Ray Rd., Rd., Ahwatukee, AZ Ahwatukee, AZ85044 85044 Phone: 480-598-0306 Phone: 480-598-0306
13845 Rd. 13845N. N. Scottsdale Scottsdale Rd. Scottsdale, AZ85254 85254 Scottsdale, AZ Phone: 480-948-6677 Phone: 480-948-6677 www.OpusArtofJewelry.com www.OpusArtofJewelry.com
Complete Lettershop Services 7755 E. Redfield Rd., Suite 300 FullfillmentScottsdale, • Lists • AZ Discounted Postage 85260 7650 E. Redfield Rd., Suite Phone: 480-596-9700 D-6, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 www.pinnaclelock.com Phone: 480-483-7677 Email: BUSHLPRS@aol.com www.businesshelpersmailcenter.com MAILING LISTS & SERVICES
COME JOIN US Our great networkin Wednesday of th I-HOP locate Contact Randy H or Cliff Gai
Complete Lettershop Services Tim Fitzgerald, PresidentPostage Fullfillment • Lists • Discounted 7689 E. E. Paradise Lane, Suite 8 7650 Redfield Rd., Suite D-6, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 85260 Scottsdale, AZ Phone: 480-970-4148 Phone: 480-483-7677 Fax: 480-481-9848 Email: BUSHLPRS@aol.com www.sunstateprint.com www.businesshelpersmailcenter.com
Mary B. A
6636 E. Scotts Phon Fax Email: office@m www.mary 1st
Taking Care of Your Landscaping Needs TakingN. Care ofAve., Your Phoenix, Landscaping 25847 19th AZ Needs 85085 25847 N.Phone: 19th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85085 623-879-7547 Phone: 623-879-7547 www.pocklandscapesolutions.com www.pocklandscapesolutions.com
Tim Fitzgerald, President 7689 E. Paradise Lane, Suite 8 8151 E. Evans Road, Suite 2 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-970-4148 Phone: 480-315-8040 Fax: 480-481-9848 Email: info@vuria.com www.sunstateprint.com www.vuria.com
14202 N. Sco Scotts Phon www.cart
INTERNET MARKETING Neck and Back Pain Specialists NORTH 9377 E. Bell Rd #101
13951 N Scottsdale Rd, Suite 213, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 888-867-5003 Fax: 480-659-9180 www.tempocreative.com
7706 Dr. #3 #3 7706 E. E.Acoma Acoma Dr. Scottsdale, AZ85260 85260 Scottsdale, AZ Phone: 480-948-4485 ••Fax: Fax:480-948-7458 480-948-7458 Phone: 480-948-4485 Email: Email:contact@azmetroscapes.com contact@azmetroscapes.com www.azmetroscapes.com www.azmetroscapes.com
8151 E. Evans Road, Suite 2 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-315-8040 Email: info@vuria.com www.vuria.com
Karen L. Evers, Agency Owner/Insurance Consultant 8687 E. Via De Ventura #218 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Phone: 480-305-1175 Fax: 480-305-1176 Email: kevers@farmersagent.com
Raintree & 87th Phon www.cart
Scottsdale, AZ 85260 480-513-4801 Fax: 480-513-4867 jbagshaw@biaofscottsdale.com 14301 North 87th Street, Suite 110 www.biaofscottsdale.com Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-889-8987 • Fax: 480-998-3959 www.northscottsdalechamber.org Mergers and Acquisitions
Chamber of Commerce
November 2012 We get businesses sold To learn how you can get top dollar for your company, call Jim Afinowich Phone: 480-421-9789 www.foxfin.com #1 Ranking Arizona 11 Straight Years!
February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 81
North Scottsdale Business Alliance
own Center
ay Rd., AZ 85044 598-0306
ttsdale Rd. AZ 85254 948-6677 fJewelry.com
Landscaping Needs Phoenix, AZ 85085 879-7547 pesolutions.com
8151 E. Evans Road, Suite 2 Scottsdale, 85260 8151 E. Evans AZ Road, Suite 2 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-315-8040 Phone: 480-315-8040 Email: info@vuria.com Email: info@vuria.com www.vuria.com www.vuria.com
SCOTTSDALE Chamber of Commerce
ma Dr. #3 AZ 85260 • Fax: 480-948-7458 metroscapes.com scapes.com
14301 North 87th Street, Suite 110 14301 North 87th Scottsdale, AZ 85260 85260 Phone: 480-889-8987 Fax: 480-998-3959 480-998-3959 Phone: 480-889-8987 ••Fax: www.northscottsdalechamber.org
LisaLisa Platt, Administrator Platt, Administrator 4182 P.O.P.O. BoxBox 4182 Scottsdale, AZ 85261-4182 Phone: Scottsdale, AZ480-391-6585 85261-4182 www.womenofscottsdale.org Phone: 480-391-6585 www.womenofscottsdale.org
Redfield Rd., Suite 300 ottsdale, AZ 85260 hone: 480-596-9700 w.pinnaclelock.com
STS & SERVICES North Scottsdale BusinessAlliance Alliance North Scottsdale Business COME JOIN US FOR A FREE BREAKFAST
COME JOINnetworking US FOR Agroup FREE BREAKFAST Our great meets the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month 7:00AM-8:15AM Our great networking group meets the 2nd & 4th I-HOP located Loop 101 & Raintree Wednesday the month 7:00AM-8:15AM Contact of Randy Hansen, Pres. 480-699-2484 orlocated Cliff Gaines, I-HOP LoopV.P. 101480-443-3424 & Raintree Contact Randy Hansen, Pres. 480-699-2484 NURSING CARE or Cliff Gaines, V.P. 480-443-3424
ete Lettershop Services • Lists • Discounted Postage Redfield Rd., Suite D-6, ottsdale, AZ 85260 hone: 480-483-7677 BUSHLPRS@aol.com nesshelpersmailcenter.com
Fitzgerald, President . Paradise Lane, Suite 8 ottsdale, AZ 85260 hone: 480-970-4148 Fax: 480-481-9848 w.sunstateprint.com
E. Evans Road, Suite 2 ottsdale, AZ 85260 hone: 480-315-8040 ail: info@vuria.com www.vuria.com
Mary B. Assisted Living 6636 E. Thunderbird Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-243-7836 Fax: 480-463-9438 Email: office@maryb-assisted-living.com www.maryb-assisted-living.com 1st Month FREE!
Mary B. Assisted Living
Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-243-7836 Fax: 480-463-9438 Email: office@maryb-assisted-living.com www.maryb-assisted-living.com 14202 Scottsdale Rd., Suite 148 1stN.Month FREE!
• Business Class High Speed Internet • Business Class High Speed Internet • Business Phone Lines • Hosted VoIP, • Business Phone Lines • Hosted VoIP, • SIP Trunking • MPLS • Local SIP Trunking • MPLS • Local ••• Long Distance • Conferencing Business Class High Speed Internet Long Distance • Rd. Conferencing ••Business Phone Lines •A6A Hosted VoIP, 16211 N. Scottsdale Suite 401 SIP Trunking • MPLS • Suite Local 401 16211• N. Scottsdale Rd. A6A Scottsdale, AZ 85254 • Long DistanceAZ • Conferencing Scottsdale, 85254 Phone: 480-656-4655 16211 N. Scottsdale Rd. A6A Suite 401 Phone: 480-656-4655 www.comsourcecommunications.com Scottsdale, AZ 85254
GraebelMovers Movers Graebel
JimStaude, Staude,General GeneralManager Manager Jim Phone:602-447-0200 602-447-0200 Phone: Movers Cell: 602-284-8555 602-284-8555 ••Graebel Fax:602-447-0554 602-447-0554 Cell: Fax: Jim Staude, General Manager Email: jstaude@graebel.com Email: jstaude@graebel.com Phone: 602-447-0200 www.graebel.com 14202 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 148 www.graebel.com Cell: 602-284-8555 • Fax: 602-447-0554 Email: jstaude@graebel.com Scottsdale, AZ 85254
OFFICE SERVICES www.graebel.com Phone: 480-361-5961 www.cartridgeworldusa.com
Phone: 480-656-4655 www.comsourcecommunications.com
Tim Fitz 7689 E. Par Scotts Phone Fax: www.su
Raintree & 87th St. – Near Paradise Bakery Phone: 480-443-4465 OFFICE SERVICES www.cartridgeworldusa.com
8426 E. Shea Blvd., Scottsdale, AZ 85260 November 2012 Scottsdale Airpark News Phone: 480-664-6600 www.boardroomsuites.com
10320N. N.Scottsdale Scottsdale Rd. 10320 N. Scottsdale Rd. 10320 Rd. Scottsdale, AZ 85253 Scottsdale, AZ85253 85253 Scottsdale, AZ Phone: 480-951-3599 Phone: 480-951-3599 www.sunpatioaz.com Phone: 480-951-3599 www.sunpatioaz.com www.sunpatioaz.com
| 81
8426 E. Shea Blvd.,
Locate Located in the
15290 N.15 78 Scotts Phone Email: Email: l Email www.ic
Scottsdale, AZ 85260 www.boardroomsuites.com Phone: 480-664-6600 www.boardroomsuites.com
14255N. N.79th 79th St., St., Suite 14255 Suite11 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-483-6100 Phone: Fax: 480-483-9096 14255 N.480-483-6100 79th St., Suite 1 Fax: 480-483-9096 www.swimpoolwarehouse.com Scottsdale, AZ 85260 www.swimpoolwarehouse.com Phone: 480-483-6100
Stephen A. Cross, CCIM “The Tenant’s Advocate”
10601 N. Hayden Rd., Suite 108, Stephen A. Cross, CCIM Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Tenant’s Advocate” Phone:“The 480-998-7998 10601 N. Hayden Rd., Suite 108, Toll Free: 888-998-1414 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-998-7998 Email: steve@crossrealty.com Toll Free: 888-998-1414 Stephen A. Cross, CCIM www.crossrealty.com Email: steve@crossrealty.com
Fax: 480-483-9096 PRESCHOOL &&CHILDCARE PRESCHOOL CHILDCARE www.swimpoolwarehouse.com
7625 E. Red Scotts Phone: 480-947www.od
“The Tenant’swww.crossrealty.com Advocate” PACKAGING/CrATING 10601 N. Hayden Rd., Suite 108,
Scottsdale, AZ 85260 PAINTING CONTRACTOR Phone: 480-998-7998 Toll Free: 888-998-1414 Email: steve@crossrealty.com www.crossrealty.com
A Small World Preschool & Childcare It’sIt’s A15650 Small World Preschool & Childcare N 83rd Way, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
15650 N 83rd Way, Scottsdale, (Inside Impact Church)AZ 85260 602-402-2810 • www.smallworlddaycare.org (Inside Impact Church) “Our goal is to meet the social, emotional, physical, 602-402-2810 • www.smallworlddaycare.org and intellectual needs that are unique to each child!”
Tim Fitz 7689 E. Par Scotts Phone Fax: www.su
“Our goal is to meet the social, emotional, physical, and 76 intellectual needs that are unique to each child!” PAINTING CONTRACTOR PRINTING A Small World Preschool & Childcare FOR ALL YOUR PAINTING & CONSTRUCTION NEEDS It’s 7248 S.PLEASE Harl Ave., PRINTING 15650 N 83rd Way, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 CALL #104 FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Tempe, 85283 Fax: 602-978-1200 (Inside Impact Church) Phone:AZ 602-843-6400 Currently, CPI’s man Email: info@silveradopainting.com Phone: 480-966-9929 602-402-2810 • www.smallworlddaycare.org over 100 projects, appr www.silveradopainting.com Fax: 480-966-0992 “Our goal is to meet the social, emotional, physical, and consists of office PROPERT and intellectual needs that are unique to each child!” Phoenix@CratersAndFreighters.com 2323 Wes Tem www.CratersAndFreightersPhoenix.com
Phone: 602-843-6400 Fax: 602-978-1200 Email: info@silveradopainting.com www.silveradopainting.com
82 | Scottsdale Airpark News November 2012
15770 N. Greenway-Hayden Loop, Suite 101 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-483-0166 15770 N. Greenway-Hayden Loop, Suite 101 Fax: 480-483-9019 www.despinsprinting.com Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Phone: 480-483-0166 Fax: 480-483-9019 www.despinsprinting.com
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Phone: 480-361-5961 82 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013 www.cartridgeworldusa.com TH Raintree & 87th St. – Near Paradise Bakery OTTSDALE Phone: 480-443-4465
orth 87th Street, Suite 110 ottsdale, AZ 85260
Scottsdale, OFFICE SPACE SERVICES 8426 E. Shea Blvd., AZ 85260 Phone: 480-664-6600
gency Owner/Insurance Consultant E. Via De Ventura #218 ottsdale, AZ 85258 hone: 480-305-1175 Fax: 480-305-1176 evers@farmersagent.com
ber of Commerce
FOR ALL YOUR PAINTING & CONSTRUCTION NEEDS PLEASE CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Phone: 602-843-6400 Fax: 602-978-1200 Email: info@silveradopainting.com www.silveradopainting.com
480-443-4465 6636 E.Phone: Thunderbird Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85254 www.cartridgeworldusa.com 480-243-7836 OFFICE Phone: MOVING Fax: 480-463-9438 Email: office@maryb-assisted-living.com www.maryb-assisted-living.com 1st Month FREE!
Raintree 87th St. – Near Paradise Bakery Mary B.& Assisted Living
Fax: 480-481-9848
www.sunstateprint.com MOBILE APPS
14202 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 148 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-361-5961 www.cartridgeworldusa.com
Harley-Davidson of Scottsdale 15600 N. Hayden Rd. Scottsdale, AZPresident 85260 Tim Fitzgerald, 480-905-1903 7689 E. Paradise Lane, Suite 8 Email:Scottsdale, info@hdofscottsdale.com AZ 85260 Phone: 480-970-4148 www.hdofscottsdale.com
Complete Lettershop Services Fullfillment • Lists • Discounted Postage 7650 E. Redfield Rd., Suite D-6, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-483-7677 Email: BUSHLPRS@aol.com www.businesshelpersmailcenter.com
Rd., Suite 109, AZ 85255 515-1200
COME JOIN US FOR A FREE BREAKFAST Our great networking group meets the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month 7:00AM-8:15AM I-HOP located Loop 101 & Raintree Contact Randy Hansen, Pres. 480-699-2484 or Cliff Gaines, V.P. 480-443-3424
15770 N. Greenway-Hayden Loop, Suite 101 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-483-0166 Fax: 480-483-9019
Phone: 480-966ww
Currently, C over 100 proje and consist
7-0554 m
O’Day Printing
7625 E. Redfield Rd., Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-947-7757 • Fax: 480-443-8215 www.odayprinting.com
7625 100 7625E.E.Redfield Redfield Rd., Rd., Suite Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS Phone:480-947-7757 480-947-7757•• Fax: Phone: Fax: 480-443-8215 480-443-8215 www.odayprinting.com www.odayprinting.com
PROMOTIONAL It’s A Small World PRODUCTS Preschool & Childcare
15650 Edge N 83rdReal Way,Estate Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Services, LLC PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS
aycare.org 78-1200 nal, physical, g.com Childcare o each child!” Zm85260
aycare.org nal, physical, o each child!”
mber 2012 Suite 101
m Suite 101
15290 N. 78th Way, Suite B200 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-483-7867 Email: Email: leno@iconprintlabs.com Locatedwww.iconprintlabs.com in the Scottsdale AirCenter 14255 N. 79th St.,Suite SuiteB200 1 15290 N. 78th Way, LocatedScottsdale, in the Scottsdale AirCenter Scottsdale, AZ 85260 85260 AZ 15290 N. 78th Way, Suite B200 Phone: 480-483-6100 Phone: 480-483-7867 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Fax:leno@iconprintlabs.com 480-483-9096 Email: Email: Phone: 480-483-7867 www.swimpoolwarehouse.com www.iconprintlabs.com Email: Email: leno@iconprintlabs.com www.iconprintlabs.com
Impact Church) William(Inside Schuckert, Designated Broker/Principal 602-402-281015100 • www.smallworlddaycare.org N. 78th Way, Suite 207 “Our goal is to meet the social,AZ emotional, Scottsdale, 85260 physical, Tim Fitzgerald, President and intellectual needs that are unique to each child!” Phone: 480-922-0460 7689 E. Paradise Lane, Suite 8 Tim Fitzgerald, Fax: 480-483-8409 Scottsdale, AZPresident 85260 Email: edgesdl@aol.com 7689 E. Paradise Lane, Suite 8
Phone: 480-970-4148 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Fax: 480-481-9848 Phone: 480-970-4148 www.sunstateprint.com Tim Fitzgerald, President Fax: 480-481-9848 7689 E. Paradise Lane, Suite 8 www.sunstateprint.com Scottsdale, AZ 85260 PROPERTYPhone: MANAGEMENT 480-970-4148 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Fax: 480-481-9848 www.sunstateprint.com
Judy Amland, Designated Broker PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
E. Evansportfolio Rd., Suite 400 of over Currently, CPI’s 7820 management consists Currently, CPI’s management portfolio consists of Scottsdale, AZ 85260 100 projects, approaching 4.5 million square feet, and over 100 projects, approaching 4.5 million square feet, Phone: 480-483-2853 • Fax: 480-951-7460 consists of office, industrial, and retail space. 15770 N. Greenway-Hayden Suite 101 and consists of office, industrial,Loop, and retail space. Scottsdale, AZ 85260 2323 WestUniversity University Drive Phone: 480-483-0166 2323 West Drive Tempe, AZ Fax: 480-483-9019 Tempe, AZ 85281 85281 Currently, CPI’s management portfolio consists of Phone:www.despinsprinting.com 480-966-2301 • • Fax: 480-966-0132 Phone: 480-966-2301 480-966-0132 over 100 projects, approachingFax: 4.5 million square feet, www.cpiaz.com www.cpiaz.com and consists of office, industrial, and retail space.
2323 West University Drive Tempe, AZ 85281 Karlene Politi, CPM®, President Phone: 480-966-2301 • Fax: 480-966-0132 8501 E. Princess Dr., Suite 130 www.cpiaz.com
Located in the Scottsdale AirCenter 15290Amland, N. 78thDesignated Way, SuiteBroker B200 Judy Scottsdale, AZ 85260 7820 E. Evans Rd., Suite 400 Phone: 480-483-7867 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Email:480-483-2853 Email: leno@iconprintlabs.com Phone: • Fax: 480-951-7460 www.iconprintlabs.com
7621 E. Gray Rd., Suite D Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-998-5025 Fax: 480-951-2493 www.screaz.com
14080 N. Northsight Blvd. Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-596-9000 www.colliers.com
Cornwell Corporation Karlene Politi, CPM®, President 8501 E. Princess Dr., Suite 130 Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Phone: 480-427-4277 Email: k.politi@optimpmsolutions.com O’Day Printing www.optimpmsolutions.com 7625 E. Redfield Rd., Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-947-7757 • Fax: 480-443-8215 www.odayprinting.com 7621 E. Gray Rd., Suite D PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-998-5025 Fax: 480-951-2493 www.screaz.com
REALESTATE ESTATE & DEVELOPERS (CONT.) REAL DEVELOPERS Tim Fitzgerald, President 7689 E. Paradise Lane, Suite 8 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-970-4148 14605 N. Airport Airport Dr., Suite 14605 N. Suite 110 Fax: 480-481-9848 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 85260 Scottsdale, AZ www.sunstateprint.com Phone: 480-483-1985 480-483-1985 Phone: Fax: 480-483-1726 480-483-1726 Fax: www.airportproperty.com
www.airportproperty.com PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
• Industrial • Office • Retail • Investment • Property Management Currently, CPI’s management portfolio consists of Our Vision: over 100 projects,Phone: approaching 4.5 million square feet, 602-650-2260 alwaysBiehn, theNicole best choice our clients. and To consists ofbeoffice, industrial, and retail space. Terry Brook,for Joe Blegen
14851 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 203 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-951-1212 www.cornwellcorporation.com
Cutler Commercial
2150 E. Highland, Suite 207 Phoenix, AZ 85016 Phone: 602-955-3500 • Fax: 602-955-2828 www.cutlercommercial.com
Stephen A. Cross, CCIM “The Tenant’s Advocate” 10601 N. Hayden Suite 108 Stephen A. Rd., Cross, CCIM Scottsdale, AZ 85260 “The Tenant’s Advocate” Phone: 10601 N. 480-998-7998 Hayden Rd., Suite 108 Toll Free: 888-998-1414 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Email: steve@crossrealty.com Phone: 480-998-7998 www.crossrealty.com Toll Free: 888-998-1414 Email: steve@crossrealty.com www.crossrealty.com
7025 N. West Scottsdale Road, Suite 2323 University Drive220 Scottsdale, AZ85281 85253 Tempe, AZ Phone: 480-966-2301 480-966-2301 • • Fax: Phone: Fax:480-348-1601 480-966-0132 www.cpiaz.com www.cpiaz.com
Kristin Guadagno, Certified Senior Escrow Officer 14200 N. Northsight Blvd., Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-538-1940 Fax: 480-538-1960 www.chicagotitlearizona.com 602-650-2260 Email:Phone: kristin.guadagno@ctt.com
Edge Real Estate Services, LLC
William Schuckert, Broker/Principal Edge RealDesignated Estate Services, LLC 15100 N. 78th Way, Suite 207 William Schuckert, Designated Broker/Principal Scottsdale, AZ 85260 15100 78th Way, Suite 207 Phone:N.480-922-0460 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Fax: 480-483-8409 Phone: 480-922-0460 Email: edgesdl@aol.com
Fax: 480-483-8409 Email: edgesdl@aol.com
Terry Biehn, Nicole Brook, Joe Blegen www.camidor.com
Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Phone: 480-427-4277 Email: k.politi@optimpmsolutions.com www.optimpmsolutions.com
Edge Real Estate Services, LLC William Schuckert, Designated Broker/Principal 15100 N. 78th Way, Suite 207 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-922-0460 Fax: 480-483-8409 Email: edgesdl@aol.com
m om
Located in the Scottsdale AirCenter
CIM ate” om
Phone: 480-970-4148 Fax: 480-481-9848 www.sunstateprint.com
nternet ed VoIP, ocal cing ite 401 nternet d VoIP, ocal ns.com cing ite 401
• Long Distance • Conferencing 16211 N. Scottsdale Rd. A6A Suite 401 PRINTING (CONT.) Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-656-4655 www.comsourcecommunications.com Tim Fitzgerald, President 7689 E. Paradise Lane, Suite 8 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 POOLS/SPAS/PATIOS PRINTING (CONT...) Phone: 480-970-4148 Fax: 480-481-9848 Tim Fitzgerald, President www.sunstateprint.com 7689 E. Paradise Lane, Suite 8 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-970-4148 Tim Fitzgerald, President Fax: 480-481-9848 10320 N. Scottsdale Rd. 8 7689 E. Paradise Lane, Suite www.sunstateprint.com Scottsdale, AZ 85253 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-951-3599 Phone: 480-970-4148 www.sunpatioaz.com Fax: 480-481-9848 www.sunstateprint.com
Judy Amland, Designated Broker 7820 E. Evans Rd., Suite 400 Scottsdale, 85260 Broker Judy Amland,AZ Designated Phone: 480-483-2853 • Fax: 7820 E. Evans Rd.,480-951-7460 Suite 400
Kristin Guadagno, Certified Senior Escrow Officer 14200 N. Northsight Blvd., Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 14080 N. Northsight Blvd. Phone: 480-538-1940 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Fax: 480-538-1960 Phone: 480-596-9000 www.chicagotitlearizona.com www.colliers.com Email: kristin.guadagno@ctt.com
Cornwell Corporation 14851 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 203 Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-483-2853 • Fax: 480-951-7460
Los2013 Arcos Realty Airpark News | 83 February Scottsdale & Management
14415 N. 73rd St., Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-443-8287
Los Arcos Realty & Management 14415 N. 73rd St., Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-443-8287
14740 N. Northsight Blvd. Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-948-5550 Fax: 480-998-2404 www.alsbeef.com
Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Kenneth Johnston, Financial Advisor, Vice President 16220 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 250 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-922-4243 Fax: 800-662-2997 Email: kenneth.r.johnston@ampf.com ameripriseadvisors.com/kenneth.r.johnston
SCC Business Institute 7621 E. Gray Rd., Suite D Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-998-5025 Fax: 480-951-2493 www.screaz.com
Croque Famous Sandwiches
13610 N. Scottsdale #25 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-607-1285 Fax: 480-607-1291 Email: order@croquescottsdale.com www.croquescottsdale.com
16410 N. 91st St., Suite 112 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-443-3992 www.shellcommercial.com
15576 N. Pima Rd.
RESTAURANTS (CONT.) Scottsdale, AZ 85260
14350 N. 87th St., Suite 185 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-425-6910 Fax: 480-425-6901 www.sccbi.com
13951 N Scottsdale Rd, Suite 213, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 888-867-5003 Fax: 480-659-9180 www.tempocreative.com
Phone: 480-368-0610
Can’t Qualify for a Conventional Loan?
Can’t QualifyWE forCAN a Conventional Loan? HELP! WE CAN HELP! Residential • Commercial Residential • Commercial 480-466-7020 14301 480-466-7020 N. 87th St., Suite 212 14301 N. 87th St., Scottsdale, AZ Suite 85260212 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 jim@delmar-financial.com dennis@delmar-financial.com jim@delmar-financial.com License #MB0919350 dennis@delmar-financial.com License #MB0919350
1st inspection and tune up 1 unit at no charge. 7750 E. Gelding Dr., Suite 4, Our greatest compliment is your referral Scottsdale, 85260 21509 N. 78thAZ Ave. #140 Phone: 480-991-1993 Peoria, AZ 85382 Fax: 480-991-3004 Phone: (480) 226-2473 www.legacyaz.com Email: coldcrispair@gmail.com petersonac.com
Scottsdale: Scottsdale: 16211 #4 16211N. N.Scottsdale Scottsdale Rd. Rd. #4 Phone: 480-607-DELI(3354) 480-607-DELI(3354) Phone: Phoenix: Phoenix: 21705 21705N. N. 19th 19th Ave. Ave. Phone: Phone: 623-581-DELI(3354) 623-581-DELI(3354) We Catering Too! Too! We Deliver Deliver & & Offering Offering Catering www.RinaldisDeli.com www.RinaldisDeli.com
11500 N. Hayden Rd., 11500 N. Hayden Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-948-6000 Phone: 480-948-6000 Fax: 480-948-2535 www.starfiregolfclub.com Fax: 480-948-2535 Public Welcome www.starfiregolfclub.com Public Welcome
7750 E. Gelding Dr., Suite 4, 14740 N. Northsight Blvd. Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-991-1993 Phone: 480-948-5550 Fax: 480-991-3004 www.legacyaz.com Fax: 480-998-2404 www.alsbeef.com
84 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
7325 E. Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd. Suite 103 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 7325 E. Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd. Suite 103 Phone: 480-443-2511 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-443-2511 13802 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 165 13802 N. Scottsdale Suite 165 Scottsdale, AZRd., 85254 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-443-1332 Phone: 480-443-1332 6501E.E.Greenway Greenway Parkway, Parkway, Suite 6501 Suite105 105 Scottsdale, AZ Scottsdale, AZ 85254 85254 Phone: 480-551-3351 Phone: 480-551-3351
8151 E. Evans Road, Suite 2 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-315-8040 info@vuria.com 13951 Email: N Scottsdale Rd, Suite 213, www.vuria.com Scottsdale, AZ 85254 SHIPPING Phone: 888-867-5003 Fax: 480-659-9180 www.tempocreative.com
7248 S. Harl Ave., #104 Tempe, AZ 85283 Phone: 480-966-9929 Fax: 480-966-0992 8151 E. Evans Road, Suite 2 Phoenix@CratersAndFreighters.com Scottsdale, AZ 85260 www.CratersAndFreightersPhoenix.com Phone: 480-315-8040 SIGNAGE Email: info@vuria.com www.vuria.com
Tim Fitzgerald, President 7689 E. Paradise Lane, Suite 8 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-970-4148 • Fax: 480-481-9848 Tim Fitzgerald, President 7689www.sunstateprint.com E. Paradise Lane, Suite 8 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING Phone: 480-970-4148 • Fax: 480-481-9848 www.sunstateprint.com
SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING 8151 E. Evans Road, Suite 2 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-315-8040 Email: info@vuria.com www.vuria.com 8151 E. Evans Road, Suite 2 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-315-8040 Email: info@vuria.com www.vuria.com
13851 N.73rd St., Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-991-5600 www.storagewest.com
Accounting World CPA & Consulting, PLC
Tax • Strategist Phone: 480-897-4400 www.cervantescpa.com 13430 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 201 Thunderbird/Scottsdale Rd. Phone: 480-990-2727 TELEPHONE/TELECOMMUNICATIONS Email: cpas@awcpas.com www.awcpas.com American Telephone, Inc. Free Phone Quotes 7363 E. Tierra Buena Lane, Suite 140 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-991-7780
Phone: 480-897-4400 • www.cervantescpa.com
Stephen A. Cross, CCIM “The Tenant’s Advocate” American Telephone, Inc.
7363 E. Tierra BuenaRd., Lane, Suite108 140 10601 N. Hayden Suite Scottsdale, AZ Scottsdale, AZ85260 85260 Phone: 480-991-7780 Phone: 480-998-7998 Toll Free: 888-998-1414 steve@crossrealty.com TENANTEmail: SERVICES www.crossrealty.com
Serving Scottsdale for over 15 years! Scottsdale, AZ Phone: 602-770-4648 Email: Lisa@jackstransportation.com www.jackstransportation.com
8151 E. Evans Road, Suite 2 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-315-8040 Email: info@vuria.com MP&E Equipment Rental www.vuria.com 16585 N. 92nd St., Suite 104 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-596-6699 www.hdgear.tv
10601 N. Hayden Rd., Suite 108 Cutler Commercial
Scottsdale, AZ 85260 2150 E. Highland, Suite 207 Phone: 480-998-7998 Phoenix, AZ 85016 Toll Free: 888-998-1414 Phone:Email: 602-955-3500 • Fax: 602-955-2828 steve@crossrealty.com www.cutlercommercial.com www.crossrealty.com
MP&E Equipment Rental 16585 N. 92nd St., Suite 104 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-596-6699 7830 www.hdgear.tv E. Redfield Rd. #7
Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-699-2106 • Fax: 480-538-7808 www.xpleomedia.com
7344 E. Deer Valley Rd., Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Phone: 480-751-2205 www.ie-pm.com
Premium Windows & Doors
Premium 8175 E.Windows Raintree Dr.&#5Doors 8175 E. Raintree Dr. #5 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-443-3151 Phone: 480-443-3151 www.weathershield.com www.weathershield.com
7650 E. Gelding Dr. 7650 E. Gelding Dr. Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-948-4697 Phone: 480-948-4697 www.scottsdalecustom.com www.scottsdalecustom.com
WEBSITE DESIGN 7830 E. Redfield Rd. #7 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-699-2106 • Fax: 480-538-7808 www.xpleomedia.com 13951 N Scottsdale Rd, Suite 213,
WEBSITE DESIGN Scottsdale, AZ 85254
13951 N Scottsdale Rd, Suite 213, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 888-867-5003 Fax: 480-659-9180 www.tempocreative.com 8151 E. Evans Road, Suite 2 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-315-8040 Email: info@vuria.com www.vuria.com 8151 E. Evans Road, Suite 2 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-315-8040 Email: info@vuria.com www.vuria.com
Rick Sullivan Rick Sullivan 8340 E. Raintree Dr. 8340 E. Raintree Dr. Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-248-8966 Phone: 480-248-8966 Email: cactustint@gmail.com Email: cactustint@gmail.com www.cactustint.com www.cactustint.com
15855 N. Greenway-Hayden Loop, Suite 120 15855 N. Greenway-Hayden Loop, Suite 120 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-596-1133 Phone: 480-596-1133 www.mytintwizard.com www.mytintwizard.com
Crescent Moon Yoga & Healing Center
Cutler Commercial Serving Scottsdale for over 15 years! 2150 E. Highland, AZ Suite 207 Scottsdale, Phoenix, AZ 85016 Phone: 602-770-4648 Phone: • Fax: 602-955-2828 Email:602-955-3500 Lisa@jackstransportation.com www.cutlercommercial.com www.jackstransportation.com
Phone: 888-867-5003 Fax: 480-659-9180 www.tempocreative.com
Stephen A. Cross, CCIM “The Tenant’s Advocate”
businessdirectory businessdirectory
7830 E. Redfield Rd. #7 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 7830 E. Redfield Rd.480-538-7808 #7 Phone: 480-699-2106 • Fax: Scottsdale, AZ 85260 www.xpleomedia.com Phone: 480-699-2106 • Fax: 480-538-7808 WEIGHT LOSS www.xpleomedia.com
7825 E. Evans Road, #600 Crescent Moon YogaAZ & Healing Scottsdale, 85260 Center 7825 E. Evans Road, #600 Phone: 480-595-9642 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Email: yogadm@aol.com Phone: 480-595-9642 www.crescentmoonyogaaz.com Email: yogadm@aol.com www.crescentmoonyogaaz.com
February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 85
Airport Property Specialists............... 5,29,38 American Telephone ................................ 57 Alerus Bank ........................................... 52 Arabian Horse Assoc. of Arizona .............. 39 Aunt Abby's Treat ................................... 72 Auto Hanger .......................................... 10 AZ Integrated Media ................................ 73 Backflow Prevention ................................ 23 Best Law Firm......................................... 74 Boccieri Golf...................................... 20-21 Business Wealth Club .............................. 30 Camidor Property Services .................. 60-61 Cantina Laredo ....................................... 35 Cartridge World....................................... 43 Celebration of Fine Art .............................. 8 Chicago Title .......................................... 62 Colliers International................................. 32 Cornelius Hollander.................................. 63 Cornwell Corp ........................................ 15 Cox Communications ............................... 37 Cross Commercial Realty Advisors, LLC ..... IBC Cutler Commercial Real Estate.................. 17 Despins Printing & Graphics ..................... 57 Dolce Salon & Spa .................................. 71 Earnhardt Cadillac .................................. IFC First Fidelity Bank...................................... 2 Flavors of the West Food Festival.............. 59 Gould Staffing ........................................ 15 Granite Reef Senior Center ...................... 70 Greater Airpark Realty Services ................ 66 Guardian Energy ..................................... 42
Friday, May 3rd 1:00pm Shotgun Start
Hymson Goldstein & Pantiliat, P.C............... 1
Strategic Asset Conservation .............. 64-65 Sun Patio & Pool..................................... 57
Integrated Hair Solutions ......................... 16 K O'Donnels .......................................... 46 L&J Motor Vehicle Services ..................... 66 Laser Touch One .................................... 23 Los Arcos Realty & Development............... 44 Luther Law ............................................ 10 Maricopa Attorney's Office ....................... 69 Michael’s Creative Jewelry....................... BC Mobile Creations Catering ........................ 14 North Scottsdale Chamber ....................... 87 Nussbaum Gillis & Dinner, P.C.................. 11 Oils & Olives .......................................... 55
Taylor Wealth Management....................... 72 Thunderbird Artists .................................. 53 TTI Systems ............................................. 6 Vuria ..................................................... 40 Wayne Bradford CPA............................... 41 Weiss Kelly ............................................ 44 Wilhelm Automotive.................................. 12 Williams Financial.................................... 67 In addition to its unparalleled Airpark distribution, the Scottsdale Airpark News is also mailed directly to an additional 2,000 Airpark business owners every month!
Pinnacle Lock & Safe............................... 57 Prestige Cleaners.................................... 65 Rayco Car Service................................... 88 Ray's Pizza ............................................ 47 Rinaldi’s Italian Deli ................................. 47 Schaefer & Associates, LLC..................... 45 Scottsdale Airport Autocare...................... 55 Scottsdale Chamber of Commerce............ 86 Scottsdale Harley Davidson ...................... 48 Scottsdale Printing .................................. 68 Scottsdale Thunderbird Suites .................. 68 Shell Commercial .............................. 13, 25 Signature Real Estate Services, Inc........... 26 Skyport .................................................... 9 Storage West Self Storage......................... 7
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86 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013
A rendering of condos planned for Sterling at Silverleaf
New Homes Planned at Sterling at Silverleaf Demand for luxury inventory at 'approachable prices' in Silverleaf drives community expansion
lans were finalized last month for the construction of phase two at Sterling at Silverleaf, which will be comprised of 12 luxury villas that will break ground in April. Additionally, plans have been submitted for a future phase three of 213 luxury condominiums—which will be the first and only condominiums in all of DC Ranch. Starting at $2.2 million, the villas include three different floor plans of two-story homes ranging from 3,900 to 4,200 square feet. The condominiums in phase three will average 1,892 square feet, and residents will have access to top amenities including a dedicated concierge, valet service and a manned guard gate. HEARD MUSEUM NORTH FEATURES “We’re thrilled to be able to expand with more homes at NAVAJO PHOTOGRAPHERS, Sterling at Silverleaf and do so in just over a year since we reCONTEMPORARY INDIAN ART of Sterling launched in the market,” said Nathan Day, president Collection Development Group. “Since day one, we’ve been able Contemporary Navajo and American Indian to position ourselves on thephotographers leading edge of luxury development artists the Southwest a variety of anything media display as the of market recovers. employing Our product is unlike in the their thisare fallluxury at the Heard North Scottsdale, at theof area: art these homes Museum in the sought-after community Summit, N. Scottsdale Road. price point and the highest Silverleaf32633 that are at an approachable theYou Navajo Museum in Window Rock levelOn of loan greenfrom living. just Nation can’t find that anywhere else.” is “Through the Lens: DinéSterling Photographers,” an exhibition of All residences within at Silverleaf are designed work by contemporary Navajo photographers. This marks the by architect Bing Hu and developed by Sterling Collection first time everGroup. that a show curated by a regional museum of Development American arts/culture hasnational traveled headlines to the Heard. SterlingIndian at Silverleaf made last March Theit exhibit shows Arizona’s the many only ways single-family Navajo photographers when was named new concelebrate beauty comment gold-level on their home, their landbyand struction the project to and be awarded certification the contemporary life. National Association of Homebuilders, making the villas the The homes photographs will There also provide an 400 opportunity to greenest in Arizona. are less than communities explore the similarities and differences between Navajo culture nationwide that have received gold-level certification. andMore mainstream suchhas as sold rites atofSterling passage,at than $9 culture millionvia of themes real estate sports, family love of the in land. exhibit is on display Silverleaf sinceand it re-launched the The market in November 2011. through Nov.of25. Only three 16 villas remain available for purchase in phase thestart ongoing “Choices one In and at $1.7 million.& Change: American Indian Artists in the Southwest,” art is shown to be the bridge between past a Sterling at Silverleaf features Mediterranean designa and rich in tradition and an ever-changing current and future culcombination of Italian Renaissance and Spanish Revival architure. tecture. Lush courtyards, mature landscaping and sweeping Jewelry, sculpture, pottery and paintings from the Heard’s mountain and city views offer residents a respite in the high collection show the innovations and the differences in the artists’ desert, while providing convenient access to upscale shopping, personal creations. Also in the main gallery is a restored mural dining and entertainment. Top-of-the-line features include Subby the late Charles Loloma. Zero and Wolf appliances, natural stone slab countertops, natuInfo: www.heard.org/north. ral stone and wood floors, custom cabinets, iron stair railings, a
Nathan Day, president of Sterling Collection Development Group
full masonry fireplace and custom wire-brushed beam ceilings. Villas are complete with 10-foot ceilings on the second story, private garages, walk-in closets, his and hers bathroom vanities, an air filtration system, wine room and a Jacuzzi tub in the master bathroom. Home to the invitation-only Silverleaf Club, the club features a 50,000-square-foot rural Mediterranean-style clubhouse and spa, and an 18-hole golf course designed by PGA Champion Tom Weiskopf. More: www.sterlingatsilverleaf.com.
E L A D S T T O C S H NORT preferred Dot Com North Scottsdale Preferred.com is the premier directory website that provides individual business listings in categories of “preferred” status!
? D E R R E F E R P u o Y e r A February 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 87
88 | Scottsdale Airpark News February 2013