Airpark News T h e
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o f
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C o m m u n i t y
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Yea r s
MARCH 2013
Entertainment! SLE puts signature spin on PR/events promotion
Love & Marriage
Steve LeVine & Jamie Morris LeVine Steve LeVine Entertainment & Public Relations
in Scottsdale
Inside the armored walls of Bulletproof Security
Advanced Clinical Associates Life-giving, home-health care
‘Run the Runway’ for a good cause
2013 | CADILLAC ESCALADE Now at Earnhardt Cadillac, Scottsdale
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March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 1
This time, it’s OK to phone it in. With First Fidelity Bank’s Mobile Deposit, you can save time and gas by using your phone to deposit checks into your account. What’s more convenient than that?
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2 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
March 2013 contents Features OFFICE VISITS 18 | Bulletproof Securities Inc. 24 | Steve LeVine Entertainment & Public Relations 28 | Weiss Kelley, Astrologer 32 | Brillare Hairdressing Academy 34 | Remember When The History of Love and Mariage in Scottsdale by Joan Fudala
54 | Run the Runway 60 | Regus Business Center 79 | Waste Management Open Recap
Business Profile 48 | The Enablers Advanced Clinical Associates Keeps Catastrophic Injury Patients Living Large by Jimmy Magahern
24 34
COLUMNS 43 | Plane Talk: What's Up at the Airport? 52 | Scottsdale Leadership: Connect with Scottsdale and lead in ways you never imagined By Kate Birchler, Class 26 58 | Scottsdale Healthcare News 64 | Investments: The Special Needs Trust by Gavin Tolan, Williams Financial Group
Departments 4 | Editor’s Letter
63 | Business Horoscope
6 | Business News
67 | Scottsdale Airpark Map
46 | Dining Destinations
68 | Business Directory
55 | Professional Service Directory
78 | Advertiser Index
on the cover: Steve LeVine & Jamie Morris LeVine , of Steve LeVine Entertainment & Public Relations
Mark Susan Photography 602-451-0911 •
March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 3
editor’snote 3200 N. Hayden, Suite 210 Scottsdale, Arizona 85251 Phone: (480) 991-9057 • Fax: (480) 348-2109 Website:
Office Visits
n this issue, we take you into the natural habitats of four Airpark businesspeople—their offices. The guy on our cover is Steve LeVine, and his workplace environment philosophy rocks, literally and figuratively. The founder of SLE Entertainment & Public Relations started his career as a DJ, so he’s sensitive to how vibes affect people. As I explored his company’s new Airpark digs, I felt a stab of envy along with a keen appreciation for the environment he’d created. If LeVine is right, my creativity and happiness level would be greatly enhanced by the addition of an office ping-pong table and a DJ spinning tunes on Fridays for staff happy hours. (Hey, Mr. Publisher are you reading this?) SLE isn’t the only unique space we came across. I was shocked to tour the armored halls of Bulletproof Security. Beyond the entrance of this seemingly innocent, nondescript office building is a massive arsenal of military-grade weaponry and vehicles—smack in the middle of the Airpark. It’s serious equipment for a very serious enterprise. On the other side of the spectrum, we spotlight a wonderful family business whose work takes them out of their offices and into the homes of clients, all in the name of making lives better. My thanks to Advanced Clinical Services for sharing their passion with our readers as well as a quadriplegic client’s inspiring story to live life to the fullest. This is the kind of business that makes the Airpark so special. By the way, if anybody knows of an intriguing office space they’d like to see featured in a future issue, just let me know. We can get together and chat about it at SLE on a Friday afternoon.
Publisher Steve T. Strickbine
Editor Kimberly Hundley
CONTRIBUTING WriterS Joan Fudala, Jimmy Magahern Art Director Veronica Romero FOR LEASE/SALE
AD DESIGN & PRODUCTION Eric Jelinek Erica Odello Ad sales Director Zac Reynolds
SENIOR AD SALES Executive Ann Boeding
Senior Account Executive Lou Lagrave
Editorial Advisory Board Maryglenn Boals - MgBoals & Associates Beth Brezinski - Underwriter Beth Cochran - Wired Public Relations Steve Cross - Cross Commercial Realty Advisors Pat Dodds - Public Affairs Officer, The City of Scottsdale Rick Kidder - Scottsdale Area Chamber of Commerce John Meyer - Airport Property Specialist Kevin Newell - Hymson Goldstein & Pantiliat
Published monthly since 1981, Scottsdale Airpark News serves the fastest-growing area in Arizona. Scottsdale Airpark News is delivered to businesses in and around the Greater Airpark Area. ©2011 Scottsdale Airpark News.
Kimberly Hundley, editor
For calendar and news items, the deadline for submission is the first of the month previous to the month you would like it to run. All submissions are handled on a space-available basis. Unsolicited manuscripts, photographs, or illustrations will not be returned unless accompanied by properly addressed envelope bearing sufficient postage. Scottsdale Airpark News has made every effort to authenticate all claims and guarantees offered by advertisers in this magazine, however, we cannot assume liability for any products or services advertised herein. Copies delivered by First Class mail: $48.00 per year. The tradename Scottsdale Airpark News is registered. Reproduction of material in Scottsdale Airpark News in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.
AHS Publishing, LLC 4 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
Bleed BleedArea, Area,May Mayor ormay maynot notbe becut cutoff offduring duringtrimming. trimming. 14809 14809N.N.73rd 73rdSt.St.±±20,148 20,148SFSF
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SCOTTSDALE SCOTTSDALEHANGARSHANGARS-LEASE/SALE LEASE/SALE thth ±3,932 SF 15827 N. 80 Street, ±3,932 SF 15827 N. 80 Street,Unit Unit1*1* thth ±8,400 14400 ±8,400SFSF 14400N.N.7676 Place* Place* thth ±11,393 SF 15827 N. 80 Street, ±11,393 SF 15827 N. 80 Street,Unit Unit4*4* SCOTTSDALE HANGARSLEASE SCOTTSDALE HANGARS- LEASE ±933-1,322 ±933-1,322SFSF T-Hangars/Shades, T-Hangars/Shades,Airport Airport ±2,757 SF Corporate T-Hangars, ±2,757 SF Corporate T-Hangars,Airport Airport ±4,408 7529 ±4,408SFSF 7529E.E.Greenway* Greenway* rd ±4,897 15035 ±4,897SFSF 15035N.N.7373rdStreet* Street* ±5,316 7880 ±5,316SFSF 7880E.E.Beck BeckLane* Lane* th ±8,200 15535 Street* ±8,200SFSF 15535&&15545 15545N.N.7878thStreet* SCOTTSDALE HANGARS-SALE SCOTTSDALE HANGARS-SALE nd ±6,483 16033 Street* ±6,483SFSF 16033N.N.8282ndStreet* th ±15,000 15834 ** ±15,000SFSF 15834N.N.8080thStreet Street ADDITIONAL HANGARS FOR LEASE/SALE ADDITIONAL HANGARS FOR LEASE/SALE ±1,804 ±1,804SFSF Box BoxHangar, Hangar,Glendale GlendaleAirport Airport ±3,600 SF Phoenix-Mesa Gateway ±3,600 SF Phoenix-Mesa Gateway ±4,480 ±4,480SFSF Corporate CorporateHangar, Hangar,Prescott Prescott ±4,000 ±4,000SFSF Pass PassThrough ThroughHangar, Hangar,Glendale Glendale ±5,440 SF Box Hangar, Glendale Airport ±5,440 SF Box Hangar, Glendale Airport ±6,400 ±6,400SFSF Corporate CorporateHangar, Hangar,Glendale Glendale ±12,000 SF Maintenance Hangar, ±12,000 SF Maintenance Hangar,Falcon FalconField Field *WHOLESALE FUEL AVAILABLE *WHOLESALE FUEL AVAILABLE
Paige PaigeHarper Harper
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CCS Partners with ShoreTel
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Scottsdale Airpark-based audio-visual integrator CCS Presentation Systems announced a partnership with ShoreTel Inc. that will help the company expand its offerings to include unified communications solutions for business in addition to its core eulaV AV integration and collaboration services. seitilicaFinnovative deniatniaM lleW & naelC • CCS has provided AV design evoM ruointegration Y nalP pleHservices ot ecivdfor A e22 garyears otS &and gnikcaP • and snoiistacnow oL tcexpanding eleS ta gniits kramenu P VR &of stservices inU deloto oC riA • deriuqeRprovide tisopeD obusinesses N – sesaeLwith htnoMcomprehensive ot htnoM elbixelF • communication solutions. As an authorized provider of ShoreTel’s on-premise UnifiedytiruceS !etiS-Communications nO eviL eW – sr(UC) egansolution, aM tnedCCS iseRwill lanoffer oisseforP • edoC sseccA etaGa lcomplete anosreP communications nwO ruoY tcelepackage S ,ssecchandling A dellortnoC • every detail of VoIP phone yeK ehsystems T evaH from uoY ylnO • architecting, installing and training. These s k c o L c s i D t u obA ksA • services will complement CCS’ existing AV ecneinevnoC service capabilities.
snoituloS egarotS laicremmoC & ,dlohesuoH ,lanosreP • seilScottsdale ppuS gnivPrincess oM fo ytiseirturning aV ediW A • The Fairmont sseinvites ccA pyou u-evto irDjoin levthe eL d nuorG tnewith inevnoC • 25 and celebration an early-bird booking special for asssummer eccA yaD 7 •
!snoitacoL 3-D ay Fine Ar t Festivals Watch Artists Working in Studios Daily! Café, 2-Acre Sculpture Garden with Weekend Music, Garden Parties, Art Classes & More!
Carefree Fine Art & Wine Festival March 1-3
EKAT E101 WEasy Street, Carefree LAICREMFountain MOC Hills Fine Art & Wine Affaire Jan 10-Mar 24, 2013 15-17 EIREVIMarch LEDAve 16810 of the Fountains, Ftn Hills 26540 N Scottsdale Rd atSJomax
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6 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013 November 2012 Scottsdale Airpark News | 59
getaway, with discounted room rates starting at $125, including a $25 daily food and beverage credit. Book your reservation now through April 30, 2013, for a summer stay between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Must book by April 30 to be eligible for early-bird rate.
V • • • • S • • • • C • • • •
eladsttocS tneinevnoC 4
America’s Taco Shop is growing throughout the country with new locations opening in Bethesda, Md., Lake Forest, Calif., Corpus Christi, Texas, and inside Terminal 4 at Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix. In late 2012, America’s Taco Shop announced a partnership through Scottsdale !tsAirpark-based eW eht tuohgKahala, uorhT sanoifranchise tacoL revO 2122-86development 9 )084( evircompany. D kcotnilCcLed M .Sby 05the 41 vision EPMET 2998-02of8 )entrepreneurial 084( daoR enindustry ilesaB .W leaders 3041 and EPMET support has ASEM 9220-09an 8 )experienced 084( dao R spilleKteam, cM .E Kahala 531 spent more than two decades building 5717-369 )084( eunevA anozirA .N 2621 RELDNAHC a company that “allows its franchisees 4027-64independence 2 )206( ethrough unevA htinterdependence.” 72 .N 6136 ELADNELG 0318-179 )206( daoR lleB .E 8261 XINEOHP 7762-123 )326( daoR lleB .W 09641 ESIRPRUS
0997-719-778 :eerF lloT sU llaC 04
continued on page 10
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7801 E. Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd. Visit us online now at: 8 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013 Scottsdale, AZ 85260
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March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 9 November 2012 Scottsdale Airpark News | 9
airparkbusinessnews airparkbusinessnews continues from page 6
Penrose Academy Celebrates Addition
Airpark cosmetology school Penrose Academy recently Homebuilder Buys Borgata celebrated expansion an of upscale its Skinshopping Therapycenter campus The Borgatathe of Scottsdale, on and renovated Student Spa. The new 5,200-square-foot the border of Scottsdale and Paradise Valley, has been sold space includes 22-bed spa room, two hands-on classrooms, makeup to a localahomebuilder with plans to redevelop the site into studio, laser didactic classroom as well as a laserThe treatment a condominium community, reports room. “We’ve spent two years advancing our Skin two freestanding restaurants onsite, Blanco Tacos and J.Therapy curriculum, which leaves us poised to add what we felt AV was our Alexander’s, will remain in operation. Scottsdale-based missing link,bought a laser the technician programlast which willfor be$12.8 available Homes Inc., 7-acre property month early Spring said Jill Kohler, president and founder of million. More:2013.” Penrose Academy. Scottsdale’s Aviation Department will begin construction The third annual Scottsdale Super Expo set for April 6-7 at Scottsdale Airport of runway safety areaisimprovements in at WestWorld of Scottsdale. Experience five unique expos under November. This work will include relocating existing drainage one roof to connect productschanges and experiences structures and makingwith grade/slope adjacent to that the are healthy, sustainable and rejuvenating. The Scottsdale approach end of runway 03. Some of this work will requireSuper Expo is of tailored to celebrate everytaxiways age andfrom lifestyle. closure the runway and parallel 9 p.m.Proceeds to 6 benefit Arizona Animal Welfare & SPCA. am. Nov.the 4-19. There will be a total of 12 League night closures. The This spring, Super Expo features five nights sections: Baby runwaythe willScottsdale not be closed on Friday or Saturday during Boomer Live Well Expo; BIG Green Expo; Home Expo; Shape Up this timeframe. More: 480-312-2674. US Expo; Women’s Expo. More: El Pedregal Shops and Dining at the Boulders Near Pima Road andfinishes LegacyitsBoulevard, anfeaturing applicant is Resort Fall Festival lively requesting approval the cityshopping, of Scottsdale Planning & music,from distinctive and refreshing Zoning Board of a siteonplan, elevations plan wines Sunday, Nov. 4,and withlandscape a live concert for a new 4,751-square-foot McDonald’s 18241 by Marmalade Skies fromRestaurant 1 p.m. to 4at p.m. The N. Pima Road. seven-piece band performs songs from the Beatles. The event is free to attend. How’s that patent application of yours coming along? Are you kidding me? I took it to this major law firm. Would you believe they wanted to charge $15,000 just to file it? Where’s that?
You should go where I did. I went to Luther Law. They drew up my provisional patent app, filed it, everything included for a flat $2,500.
Amazing! Do you still have their number?
DATEBOOK NSCC Recognizes Year’s Best
The North Scottsdale Chamber recently recognized three local Airpark Forum:for Global Expansion community businesses its firstBusiness Annual Meeting and Awards When: Nov. 7, 7:30attoGrayhawk 9:30 a.m. Golf Club. Scottsdale Lunch at theFriday, Fairway House Where: Thunderbird Suites, 7515 E. Butherus Mayor Jim Scottsdale Lane welcomed the new City Council when he Drive, Scottsdale addressed the room of more than 140 local business leaders, ($25Ducey day of gave event);a Guests: ($35 on and Cost: State Members: Treasurer$20 Doug keynote$30 address day of event). Advanced registration requested.Childhelp as Arizona’s finances. The chamber recognized Info: AOrganization panel discussion about to and take Scottsdale your business Nonprofit of the Yearhow 2012, Resort into the global arena. & Athletic Club as the Small Business of the Year in 2012. Finally, the chamber and Airpark-based Republic Services presented the Green Business Leadership Award to Luncheon UMB Bank for its new 27th Annual Sterling Awards construction certifiedNov. LEED 2012. p.m. When: Tuesday, 13,Gold 11:30ina.m.-1:30 Where: Chaparral Suites Resort Scottsdale, 5001 N. Maravilla Scottsdale Scottsdale Road received top honors at Cost: $75 Association Info: As the chamber’s marquee the event,National the Sterling of Home Builders Best Awards embody the spirit of the organization by of 50+ celebrating the people and companies thatHousing make the Awards in toLas Scottsdale community a great place live,Vegas, work bringing home a gold achievement and play. award for the “Best 50+ Continuing Care Retirement Community.” This marks the 12th NAHB award for Maravilla Scottsdale’s developer and operator, Senior Resource Group. continued on page 12
:: KUDOS ::
Schumacher Workplace Garners ‘Best’ Recognition in Industry
Automotive News named North Scottsdale’s Schumacher European Ltd. as the 27th best dealership to work—the only Arizona dealership given the distinction, and the only Mercedes-Benz dealer in the United States and Canada to make the list. The store was also rated No. 4 in the nation for TRX large dealerships with 100-plus employees. “We have always Dance believed that our employees are part of the Schumacher family,” says Werner Schumacher, owner. Dealerships were Yoga assessed on benefits, ethics and business practices. Schumacher Classes European offers employees comprehensive health Zumba benefits with annual andwellness fairs on the premises, and keeps morale high by hosting rooftop barbeques where the management serves up Programs lunch. Mention this Ad for
$20 OFF
The National Minority Franchising Initiative has selected Any Honest-1 Auto Care, as one of its “50 Top Franchises Profor gram Minorities.” The results of the survey were featured in the Oct. 12 issue of USA Today. The growing chain of 30 car-care locations in 13 states has transformed the traditional repair shop into an eco-friendly, customer-service-oriented business. The corporate headquarters are in the Airpark.
Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, Licensing. Fully Professional. AV Rated. Sensibly priced.
7645 E. Evans #145
The results of Condé Nast Traveler’s 25th annual Readers’ Scottsdale Airpark Choice Awards are in, and Sanctuary on Camelback Mountain 480.544.1323 has been voted the No. 1 resort in the Southwest.
continued on page 12
Scottsdale Airpark Airpark News News March November 2012 10 | Scottsdale 2013
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We may be small We may be small but We make a very big impression but We make a very big impression
Nussbaum Gillis & Dinner, P. C. is a 10 attorney law firm located in North Scottsdale with expertise complex bankruptcies, commercial litigation, construction real estate NussbauminGillis & Dinner, P. C. is a 10 attorney law firm located in Northand Scottsdale with law, corporate and transactional law, municipal and general business law. expertise in complex bankruptcies, commercial litigation, construction and real estate law, corporate and transactional law, municipal and general business law. All NGD named partners have over 25 years’ experience and have been rated AV-Preeminent Martindale-Hubbell. Thisexperience is the highest rating in both legal All NGD named by partners have over 25 years’ andpossible have been rated ability and ethical standards from the most respected national legal rating service. AV-Preeminent by Martindale-Hubbell. This is the highest possible rating in both legal ability and ethical standards from the most respected national legal rating service. We are small enough to offer personalized service and large enough to have the resources necessary you with the highest quality We are small enoughtotoprovide offer personalized service and large representation. enough to have the To learn more about Nussbaum Gillis & Dinner visit us at resources necessary to provide you with the highest quality representation. To learn more about Nussbaum Gillis & Dinner visit us at
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Airpark news March Ad.indd 3
2/19/2013 4:00:21 PM
:: KUDOS ::
Youth Honored by B&GC The Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale will honor its 2013 Youth of the Year honorees at its annual Celebrate Youth Gala & Auction on Saturday, March 9, at Talking Stick Resort. Presented by Tiffany & Bosco and Great American Title, the annual gala includes a dinner, silent and live auctions, paddle raiser, and live entertainment by club members. The Youth of the Year program is a premier character and leadership initiative, which has been in existence for more than 60 years. Recipients of the award are chosen based on each candidate’s demonstration of moral character, life goals, leadership, poise, public speaking ability and service to the club, community and family. Each year, all of the greater-Scottsdale clubs have the honor of taking their 1,000+ children served through the Youth of the Year program, with one overall teen being honored as their branch’s Youth of the Year. Then each of the nine branch Youths of the Year are honored at the Celebrate Youth Gala and Auction, with one earning
the top honor of Greater Scottsdale Youth of the Year at the evening’s conclusion. However, all honorees earn scholarships and more. This year’s branch-by-branch honorees, three of whom are from the Airpark/North Scottsdale area, up for the overall Youth of the Year honor are: Ariana Alvez, senior at Desert Mountain High School and member of the Virginia G. Piper Branch; Jessica DuBois, junior at Coronado High School and member of the Hartley & Ruth Baker Branch; Samantha Elder, sophomore at Fountain Hills High School and member of the Mary Ellen & Robert McKee Branch; Amari Gonzales, junior at Westwood High School and member of the Lehi Branch; Dani Haboush, sophomore at Cactus Shadows High School and member of the Vestar Branch; Alexa Jenouri, junior at Cactus Shadows High School and member of the Thunderbirds Branch; Marissa Masters, junior at Saguaro High School and member of the Rose Lane Branch; Kristofferson Walker, junior at Seligman High School and member of the Hualapai Branch, located in Peach Springs;
Alexa Jenouri
Ariana Alvez
Lane Yazzie, freshman at Salt River High School and member of the Red Mountain Branch, located on the Salt River PimaMaricopa Indian Community. The 2013 Youth of the Year announcement will be made at the conclusion of Celebrate Youth Gala & Auction. The winner will receive a $5,000 scholarship from General Dynamics C4 Systems, a laptop from NPCE Technology Solutions and a Young Leadership Training scholarship from U & Improved. Each of the eight runnersup will receive a $1,000 scholarship from General Dynamics C4 Systems and Google tablets from NPCE Technology Solutions. continued on page 14
6th 6TH annual ANNUAL North, NORTH Scottsdale SCOTTSDALE NORTH NORTH Chamber CHAMBER SCOTTSDALE SCOTTSDALE of of Commerce Chamber Commerce GOLFTournament TOURNAMENT Chamber Golf AtTROON troon NORTH North golf AT GOLFClub CLUB Tuesday, May 14,2013 FRIDAY, MAY 24,2013 TROON TroonNORTH NorthGOLF Golf CLUB Club 10320 10320 EAST EastDYNAMITE DynamiteBOULEVARD Boulevard SCOTTSDALE, Scottsdale,AZ AZ85262 85262 12:00 PM SHOT GUN START 12:00 pm Shot Gun Start PER GOLFER • • 175 $175 per golfer FOURSOME • • $700 $600PER per foursome • $800 FOURSOME & • $700 foursome & TEE SPONSOR tee sponsor • $125 TEE SPONSOR • $125 tee sponsor Start theday daywith with exciting Start with with the anan exciting putting contest, reception putting contest,and andenjoy enjoy a a fantastic fantastic reception withwith buffet, and prizes! buffet,live liveauction, auction, raffles, raffles, and prizes! forfor more information visit usvisit @ us @ more information or Call @ 480-889-8987 orusCall us @ 480-889-8987
12 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 13
:: KUDOS ::
Chef Grunwald Wins ‘People’s Choice’ in NYC 'Almost Famous' Competition North Scottsdale’s homegrown young chef Matthew Grunwald won the People’s Choice Award at the 11th annual San Pellegrino Almost Famous Chef Competition. “I was competing against seven other students in the Northeast Regional Competition. Each competitor had 120 minutes to compose 10 plates of their original dish. I presented an Asian-inspired dish that features a Hot and Sour Soup Shooter, a Cashew and Shiitake Mushroom Stuffed Shishito Pepper, Okonomiyaki (which is a Japanese Pancake that includes bacon, napa cabbage, shrimp, udon noodles and hot fermented bean paste), a Sautéed Jumbo Prawn, a Seared Scallop and a Mango and Coconut Milk Reduction,” Grunwald tells the Airpark News. The competition was held at the Astor Center in the East Village of New York City in late January. The panel of judges included: Chef Jean François of Daniel Restaurant, Chef Matt Storch of Match, Chef Jason Weiner of Almond, Chef Laurent Tourondel of BLT, Chef Missy Robbins of A Voce, Alyssa Shelasky of NY Magazine and Gubstreet, Dan Myers of The Daily Meal, Linda Kavanagh, President of New England Culinary Group. Additionally, 77 VIP guests were invited to the Astor Center to enjoy the competition. The National Court Reporters Association, the country’s leading organization representing stenographic court reporters,
captioners, and legal videographers, announced that Scottsdale’s Michael Noonan has earned the nationally recognized Certified Legal Video Specialist (CLVS) certification, having demonstrated his ability to produce a high-quality video record of a legal deposition. CLVS certification distinguishes legal videographers as leading experts in the capture, editing, and production of video depositions.
:: NEW & ON THE MOVE :: Butterfly Wonderland Announces Appointment of Marketing Agency Amram Knishinsky, CEO of Butterfly Wonderland, announced the appointment of Scottsdale-based Bridges Media Group as the marketing and public relations agency of record. The attraction is now being constructed at the NE corner of Loop 101 and Via de Ventura on the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community. Opening in May, Butterfly Wonderland will feature a glass atrium that that will provide a tropical rainforest habitat for thousands of butterflies from around the world, a 3-D theater, a gift shop, a café and educational laboratories and interactive exhibits that include a Chrysalis Lab, Rivers of the Amazon Touch Tanks, an Ant Colony exhibit, a Honey Bee exhibit and more.
Call 480-473-1703
Taylor Wealth Management 8147 E. Evans Rd. Ste 8 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Securities and advisory services through Centaurus Financial, Inc., a registered broker-dealer and registered investment advisor, Member FINRA and SIPC Taylor Wealth Mgmt. LLC and Centaurus Financial, Inc are not affiliated.
14 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
ADVICE FROM WEISS Koolgrips Moves to Airpark Koolgrips LLC, manufacturer of Koolgrip Swimming Pool Handrail Comfort Covers,
November Business recently moved from Phoenix toHoroscope an expanded manufacturing and distribution center in
the Scottsdale Airpark. “With growth of 120 percent from 2008 and expected growth this By Kelly, yearWeiss of over 40 PMAFA percent, we needed to expand into a larger facility to continue to meet our customers’ needs now and in the future. We look forward to the energy the Airpark Whether you’reasa our small-business owner or have career aspirations, insights into how the planets has to offer business continues to other grow,” stated the company. influence your work month can help you plan for maximum performance and project success. (9/23-10/22) Part of this month’s stress is Editor’s Note: Weiss Expands is putting herself into out thereNorth LIBRA Stone Path Scottsdale due to $$ commitments. is your wakeup with thePath prediction the results of the presidential Stone Realthat Estate has expanded into the North Scottsdale area,Midmonth with a new location call. You see the light at the end of the tunnel by the election will not be resolved until after Nov. 20. This at 17015 N. Scottsdale Road. Along with its residential division, the North Scottsdale thirdmanaged week. The next 2.5 years Scott call forArmstrong a conservamonth’s horoscopes reflect this time of Path indecision. office will be the home to Stone Commercial, by partners If starting a business or career,with patch and Duke Rodriguez. Stone Path Real Estate istivea approach. full service real estate brokerage broken goals and come up with new constructive ARIES (3/21-4/19) You’ll put in extra hours and local offices in Gilbert, Ahwatukee Foothills, and Tucson. CEO and designated broker Devote the last two weeks to getting orgaeffort first week. started In additionStone to November’s Patti the Haugland Path Real Estateskills. in 2011 in Gilbert. Renny Mitchell is the nized! intensity, conflicts in relationships may need prompt Scottsdale office’s managing agent. More: resolutions. Better address them before the 6th, as SCORPIO (10/23-11/21) You’re my favorite sign to nothing will be finalized until later in the month. Allow write about this month. A major planet entered your yourself options, and use downtime for review. sign in October and will remain there for the next 2.5 years; it’s putting you to the test and bringing TAURUS (4/20-5/20) High anxiety reigns from the out your best.Golf You’ll be learning and building a new 7th to the 15th. Along with the usual delays, be Mesquite Grille at McDowell Mountain Club career, ability—and most offering of all, a new you. aware that negotiations needGolf carefulClub handling. The homefuture, McDowell Mountain is now to the Mesquite Grille, casual Though you may feel impatient, you’ll grow the first big cliffhangers this month cluster around the mardining in an upscale yet comfortable environment. Chef Mark Hamilton has created a half of the month. Go ahead and socialize. Financial ket, loans and taxes. The good news is that home culinary experience that serves up tasty American and Southwest favorites but includes opportunities could open up the last week. It’s all construction and related suppliers/businesses come cuisine featuring Mediterranean and Midwest-inspired Chicago-Italian cuisine. good. alive (especially in June 2013). The month ends with Originals include homemade sausage, pasta tossed with fresh vegetables, fresh seafood more stability. with reduced balsamic vinaigrette, fresh herbs and a few surprises mixed in for good SAGITTARIUS (11/22-12/21) Keep to yourself at measure. The new dining spot coincides with the unveiling of the new clubhouse, month’s start. If travel is indicated, make arrangeGEMINI (5/21-6/20) Your sights are set high this boasting stunning views over Scottsdale. ments early on. Important decisions or meetings month, but you may have to slow down a tad. Hold could be canceled. A state of confusion and nonoff buying that tech toy until the end of the month. commitment surrounds you until the last week or The New Moon on the 16th is favorable for making a Vektor Vodka Makes Official Launch so. Collaborative efforts take extra time and may new start or implementing a plan, while the Full Moon Airpark-based Native Spirits Limited introduced its new award-winning, ultra-premium curtail your freedom through the 26th. on the 28th bodes well for your personal success.
Russian vodka, Vektor Vodka, at a launch party last month at W Scottsdale. Native Spirits Limited is dedicated to producing only ultra-premium spirits from a“Native” CAPRICORN (12/22-1/19) Establishing profesCANCER (6/21-7/22) This month should bring a countries around the world. Current products include Vektor Ultra-premium Russian sional group commitment is essential to your suckind of relief. All home-related industries show Vodka, Rodnik Gold and Rodnik Classic Vodka. There plans to ofexpand cess these next few years.are Relationships all kinds great promise. You may be Vodka, caught between two the portfolio to include anabout Irishthis Whiskey, Islands rum, and an ultra-premium get a boost this month. Internships and entry-level opposing obligations. Get clear before a Virgin Mezcal from Oaxaca, Mexico. “We are excited about launching Vektor ultra-premium jobs are favored. Make inquires or do research, but the second week. If you haven’t resolved conflicts Russian in our oftime Arizona. The response from resorts, don’t expect an immediate response restaurants, until later in by then, govodka with what feelshome You need retail locations, and even our distributor, has been amazingly positive,” said Dr. Mark S. the month. for renewal around the 25th. You can end the Williams, founder of Native Spirits Limited and brand owner of Vektor Vodka. “I think month with success! people will be surprised at how luxuriously smooth the (1/20-2/19) vodka is.”Now Keep to date AQUARIUS thatup vacation andwith travel Vektor VodkaOn bythe visiting byout following latest newsincrease. on facebook. of the way,the responsibilities Despite LEO (7/23-8/22) 16th, you’ll be working a bit orare com/VektorVodka or feeling a bit restricted (second to third week), you harder. Expect to move forward on an important project or deal later after the 26th, when confusing situations may be inconvenient but are easily handled. It’s good business sense to attend networking events.
can still make progress if you’re willing to put in the effort. In fact, you can accomplish whatever you set out to do, particularly after the 27th.
PISCES (2/20-3/20) Disruptions could throw VIRGO (8/23-9/22) Although November’s happenWomen of Scottsdale Friday, March 15, atinto11:30 a.m.plans for the a luncheon roadblocks your work first week. at ings are unpredictable, you canwill trustmeet your intuition the Westin Kierland Resort & Spa, 6902 E. Greenway Parkway. March sponsor What may seem to be easy may end up hard; is and analytical ability to be on the money. The coming National Bank information and problems an invitation are available at www. avoid by preplanning and getting backup. critical weeks offer of big Arizona. insights intoMore the potential of Reservations Plans change, and at least one long-held opinion is your business. Take your time making decisionsare on required. revised. Your work brings a sense of security for the the 20th-21st. Get all the details worked out and implement a plan at month’s end. next two years.of Commerce for a “no fluff” Join the businesswomen of the Scottsdale Area Chamber
educational luncheon about managing work and life while excelling in the professional
Weiss Kelly is a professional astrologerto based the Scottsdale Airpark. Voted to the of theThe Professional world. Attendance is limited 100inpeople. Men are welcome toboard attend. meeting Member Federation of Astrologers, is available for personal/business forecasts as well will be American 11:30 a.m.-11 p.m. Tuesday, she April 16, at Silverleaf Golf Club, 18701onN.CD, Silverleaf as engagements for business and social meetings. Contact: 480-600-7424;; in speaking Scottsdale. continued on page 16
ETER Drive & 101 PERIM Raintree CENTER 5 sq.ft. 64CATER! – 5,64 4 sq.fft. WE 436 2,02 3, see Order reehhoouusonline: waar e//w fice FlFFlexex ofoffic raintreedriveat101 or call:
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CORNWELL CORPORATION 14995 N. 87th St. • Scottsdale, AZ 85260
March 2012 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 71 15 November
AmSpirit Business Connections Dan Farley, owner of Responsive Realty, recently joined the North Scottsdale Business Connections Chapter of AmSpirit Business Connections, which organizes professionals, business owners and sales professionals for the primary purpose of helping each other succeed by networking through an exchange of qualified business referrals. Farley will occupy the Real Estate Agent category for the chapter, which is still interested in identifying a Commercial Real Estate, Builder, Banker and Health Care Provider to whom the members can refer business. Prospective members are invited to attend one complimentary meeting before joining and are encouraged to bring 30 business cards and to give a brief description of their business. The North Scottsdale Business Connections Chapter meets every Thursday morning from 7:15 to 8:15 at NOVA Home Loans, 8888 E. Raintree Drive, Suite 250, just off the Loop 101. For info, contact membership chairman Joe DeMarco at 480-605-0811. For general information on AmSpirit Business Connections or any of its chapters around the country, contact Frank Agin at AmSpirit Business Connections’ National Headquarters at 888-267-7474, or visit the AmSpirit Business Connections website at
THINNING HAIR? Can be history with Integrated Hair Solutions
UMB Bank has promoted Robert Faver to president of UMB’s Arizona region. In this role, he is responsible for leading the UMB commercial banking team in Arizona, building long-term client relationships and targeting new business relationships in the community. Faver brings to the position 19 years of experience in the financial services industry. Formerly he was senior vice president and chief credit officer at UMB. Before joining UMB, Faver was employed with M&I Bank in Phoenix, where he served as vice president of commercial banking for 14 years.
IHS combines the very latest in laser technology to stimulate This will depend on several options as each program is taiyour hair follicles to produce new hair growth where previ- lored for the individual. IHS is affordable for most people. ously thinning. The program is simple and straight forward Monthly payments are also available. and only takes 20 minutes once per week. A home laser program is also available for those clients not able to come in to the clinic.
While most clients are ideal for laser therapy, you must first It’s easy. Simply call our clinic and make an appointment for attend for a consultation and evaluation. If it is determined a no charge consultation and evaluation. In 30 minutes you that you are a good candidate, we will back your results could be on your way to fuller and thicker hair. with a written guarantee. IHS is equally effective for both men and women.
CALL NOW (480) 664-2081 7373 N. Scottsdale Rd, Suite C228 Scottsdale, AZ 85253 HOURS: Tues - Fri 10-6:30 Sat 9-2pm
16 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
GlobalMed Wins Award; Partners on African Project In an effort to deepen its investment in the use of telemedicine, the ITF Enhancing Human Security (ITF), a nonprofit organization founded by the Republic of Slovenia, has formed a partnership with Airpark-based GlobalMed—a leader in real-time health care delivery systems—to provide the citizens of Cape Verde, an island chain off the coast of Western Africa, with greater access to health care and improve quality of services provided. An Integrated Telemedicine and e-Health Program for Cape Verde is being implemented by ITF in cooperation with the International Virtual e-Hospital Foundation within the framework of a Development Cooperation Program agreed upon between the Republic of
Cape Verde and the Republic of Slovenia, which has provided financial resources for the program’s implementation. The partnership between ITF and GlobalMed is aimed at building upon ITF’s long-range plan of connecting hospitals on all nine inhabited islands using GlobalMed telemedicine equipment. Primarily basic health care services are available at Cape Verde. Specialized treatment, which is centered on the two main hospitals on islands Santiago and Sao Vicente, is expensive due to the high costs of transportation and unnecessary transfers from outlying islands to those two main islands.
Goran Gačnik, ITF deputy director, said the organization was introduced to telemedicine in 2008. Among some of the challenges the country has been facing in its health care delivery are geographical barriers, a shortage of specialized physicians in rural areas, the lack of a medical school and a need for more sophisticated medical equipment, which altogether hamper the quality and accessibility of health care services provided. “[We knew] this is something that can really change the health sector worldwide. By the end of 2013, our goal is to have a sustainable, integrated telemedicine network,” Gačnik said. In assessing Cape Verde’s health care needs, the ITF determined that the country with more than 500,000 residents would be the perfect place to implement the telemedicine program because of the shortage of specialized care and lack of advanced medical equipment. Another determining factor was an already wellestablished telecommunications network throughout the islands that would allow
for excellent Internet connectivity. GlobalMed Founder and Managing Director Joel Barthelemy said the expansion of telemedicine into Cape Verde illustrates the growing recognition throughout the world that there’s a need to produce meaningful change in health care delivery. “Our partnership with Cape Verde is an important step in the direction of providing a proven solution to the growing health care challenges around the world,” Barthelemy said. In other company news, Barthelemy received a special gift on the anniversary of GlobalMed’s founding 11 years ago: the Deloitte Technology Fast 500 award for 2012. The award was presented to Barthelemy on Jan. 23 at the GlobalMed headquarters. In November, with 2,533 percent growth in revenues from 2007 to 2012, the company jumped 64 places, ranking No. 58 on the list after debuting at No. 122 in 2011. Additionally, GlobalMed placed second among fastest growing firms in Deloitte’s “Medical Device” category.
7835 E. Redfield Rd.
594 - 2,415 ±
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Various small ofc suites. Short term leases ok, easy 101 Fwy access, Restaurant on site.
600 - 7,500 ±
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Small Stes Avail, Medical & General Ofcs, Scottsdale Rd Signage, $8 + Elec on Lg Spaces
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Lower price per square foot. Various configurations.
890 - 4,123 ±
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Fantastic Location, Scottsdale Rd exposure, Office & Medical. Completely renovated.
1,120 ±
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Medical/Dental space, frontage - call for details.
1,507 ±
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1,680 ±
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100% A/C, Showroom/Open Office, Storage, Covered Parking.
1,740 - 1,818 ±
8603 E. Royal Palm
Covered parking avail, near 101 Freeway. Free rent, ask about incentives.
2,400 ±
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Unique stand alone building. Phone system included, super location.
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100% A/C Whse, Redfield signage….Best Location!
2,075 & 2,842 ±
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5,657, 7,642 & 13,299 ± 7777 E. Paradise Lane
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Flex space, 16’ Clear. 100% A/C in one suite, low rate, newly renovated building.
100% A/C, Shared Truckwell, 20’ Clear Height, End Cap, Call for Details, Avail May 1st
FOR SALE 2,375 ± 2,400 ± 10,666 ± 13,297 ±
7740 E. Redfield (Ind) 8715 E. Via De Commercio (Ofc) 7720 E. Evans (Flex) 7735 E. Gelding Dr. (Ind)
3 Offices, Break Area, 2 Bath, Work Area, 100% A/C - Completely Renovated. Stand along building—5 offices, reception, 9 covered parking spaces. Priced to Sell. Stand alone ofc bldg, owner bldg w/income. Center of Airpark. Bring qualified Buyers! Multi-Tenant, Income Potential, Investment Building, Area for Fenced Yard.
7625 E. Redfield
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Cliff Cutler James M. Lieberthal Rod Crotty
This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied as to the accuracy of the information.
March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 17
e c ffi
s t i s i V We visit with four diverse Scottsdale businesspeople at their place of work, asking them to share details about their offices as well as updates on what’s in the professional pipeline for 2013.
By Kimberly Hundley Photos by Adam Moreno
he TV tuned to FOX News on Tom Parrella’s desk is always on, streaming the day’s breaking events. The president of the Airpark’s privatesecurity contractor isn’t interested in political pontificating. He needs to know immediately when gun-violence tragedies or security threats occur, because Bulletproof Security Inc.’s phones are going to ring accordingly. The call might even be vitally urgent, and Parrella and his team of operators need to be rity Inc. ready with a detailed tproof Secu e ll u B plan of action. irpark Parrella hesitates to Scottsdale A fs o compare Bulletproof ro tp e ll u b to “competitors.” The private sector relies on 1. Paperwork: Keeping up with all the state and federal unarmed security guards, gun-packing private investigators, licensing associated with the weaponry is “an amazing amount of work,” says Parrella. Personnel files, background checks and job and police or government agencies to thwart safety threats, but applications from around the world also keep him busy. “I have a there has really been nothing in between, he says. Bulletproof drawer with 3,000 resumes in it—vets from every specialty you is essentially a private law-enforcement agency staffed with can imagine, from helicopter pilots to Seals to Special Forces. “ highly trained military veterans, and Parrella thinks it’s a concept whose time has come. 2. Screens: Parrella monitors three screens of surveillance “We’re filling a need that that has never existed before us video from about 30 cameras set up around his Airpark office/ … Our practice is homeland defense, whether it be critical bay. A small television also broadcasts FOX News so he can keep infrastructure, corporate security, border security, or protective up to date on any breaking events related to security issues. security details,” says Parrella, who founded the company
t n e d i s e r p , a l l e r r a P m To
Continued on Page 20
18 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
3. Dagger is actually a letter opener—a promotional item supplied by Benchmade Knife Co. If Bulletproof is an end user of a
9 3
1 product, it’s also typically a dealer for that manufacturer. 4. Tactical helmet: In “situations where they could be problems (i.e. ballistic),” Bulletproof operators outfit themselves with top-notch protection. This helmet features an IR strobe and flag patches so operators can easily identify each other in the field, PVS 15 night-vision goggles, and a sophisticated communication system. 5. Gun: Bulletproof’s arsenal includes an HK MP7, a submachine gun that shoots
a small rifle round.
4 take off for six months or nine months,” Parrella adds.
6. Signed photo of Iwo Jima flag raising is signed by three survivors of the historic World War II event, including Medal of Honor recipient Hershel Williams.
8. Glass eagle is an award given to Bulletproof by the Department of Defense in recognition of the company hiring 100 percent military veterans.
7. Framed folded flag with certificate is a gift from one of Parrella’s employees who served in Seal Team 10 in Afghanistan. The flag was flown over the Special Operations Task Force on 9-11-11. “A lot of our guys are in the reserves, so they may
9. Aerosol cans of “Silly String”-like material: In an environment where there may be potential booby traps, the cans shoot light strings of foam (visible with night vision) that drape on existing trip wires to reveal the threat.
March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 19
e c fi f
shortly after 9/11, convinced that the same kind of private security or military contractors in demand overseas were needed here in the homeland. “Unlike your normal 150 security organizations that work within the state of Arizona, we really don’t compete with any of them, per se, because we offer very niche services at a very high level. For example, one hundred percent of our employees are U.S. military. We kind of perform on a different level due to our clients having very different needs and objectives.” As a private contractor—one that is intensely regulated—Bulletproof’s arsenal includes a lot of specialized, military-grade equipment that
most government agencies typically do not deploy. Bulletproof prides itself on a close working relationship with law enforcement agencies and always notifies them of current operations. The company’s personal security detail (PSD) operators are recruited, screened, and trained to ensure they are an elite force as well. They not only have years of military and law enforcement experience, but they continuously train and hone their skills, which include tactical medical care.
Threats & Vulnerabilities The most challenging aspect of the business, says Parrella, is never knowing what’s coming tomorrow or how many personnel will be required. Some contracts are steady, others sporadic. A couple years ago when firms were busily laying off staff, Bulletproof was frequently called upon to monitor terminations and make sure disgruntled employees left quietly and safely. “Right now we’re seeing a lot of uptick in corporate and, of course, school security,” Parrella says. “We conduct what is called ‘threat vulnerability assessments,’ or TVA.” The recent shooting of a local attorney by a man involved in an arbitration meeting has also sparked inquiries from many law firms. “It’s funny because we’d advertised in the state bar magazine and it didn’t generate a single call,” Parrella says. “Now everyone is reevaluating: ‘If we have a domestic situation, a bitter mediation, a hot corporate entity breakup, maybe we need security.’”
The Secret Grip counter balances your clubs with technology used by the greatest champion of all time.
*Limit one per customer
15816 N. Greenway-Hayden Loop Scottsdale
20 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
Tom Parrella picks up a jar of black sand from Iraq, given to him by his brother serving in the Marines.
March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 21
e c fi Of
Visits t
The bay behind Bulletproof Security’s offices—referred to as “the Shop” or “Bat Cave”—is stocked with weaponry, ammunition and gear. The space also holds the armored personnel carriers used for critical infrastructure protection and jobs on the U.S.Mexican border, where Bulletproof protects federal contractors in remote desert areas frequented by drug cartels. The shop is protected by an assortment of high-tech security measures.
During TVAs, Bulletproof’s experts analyze every threat a company may face from outside and inside sources. They examine architectural features, lighting, CCTV, access control and security guard forces. “A whole assortment of analytics go into it,” Parrella explains. “Then we analyze and provide A flat-screen TV playing FOX Ne programs for workplacews updates or training and tac tical instruction videos hangs on violence scenarios, such as an one side of the bay, surrounded by a couch and coffee table filled active shooter.” a with 175 pounds of shell casings as well as morta r pieces and oth Services include preer artifacts from old ranges. Bulle tproof Securities operation intelligence, route President Tom Parrella made the table one week end. planning, and evade and escape plans. Bulletproof will also train or work in concert with existing security teams.
Infrastructure Protection Bulletproof’s confidentiality policy prohibits Parrella from naming any specific organization, but he acknowledges his company works with critical infrastructure companies—power, water and gas providers, for instance—to reduce their vulnerability to attack and sabotage. Bulletproof operators train onsite security people and furnish a “quick reaction force” if intelligence of threats come in. Though police and federal agents would respond in a crisis, “they’re busy doing their own things” vs. focused on proactive security plans for privately owned corporations, Parrella adds. Another service Bulletproof provides to corporations is personal security detail for high-profile executives and their families, whether they are traveling to high-threat
22 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
Get a fresh
Bulletproof Security has its own private firearms ranges on the west side of the Valley, where operators train. “The state requirement for armed guards is eight hours of firearms training per year; our guys typically get 160 hours per year,” says company President Tom Parrella.
start ...
Pain Relief
Courtesy of Bulletproof Securities Inc
r. Daniel Shapiro has been practicing cosmetic surfrom LaserTouchOne™
gery in the Scottsdale and Paradise Valley area for more than 19 years. A past president of the Maricopa County Society of Plastic Surgeons, Shapiro is the recipient of many awards. including Phoenix Magazine’s “Top Docs” Award, and is a popular source for local media. He also lectures for manufacturers of advanced techniques and The only pain relief device the market equipment such as •Zeltiq Coolsculpting andon Ulthera. The docthatincombines twoValley proven therapies: tor’s practice is based Paradise a low-level laserSurgery and micro-current at the Shapiro Aesthetic Plastic Dr. Daniel Shapir electrical stimulation. and Skin Klinic, but recently he’s develNorth Scottsdale Dermato oped a partnership•with North Scottsdale Provides treatment that promotes the body’s (Partnership) Dermatology. natural repair and healing process at the
14275 N. 87th St., Scottsda cellular level. What drew you to the Bentley? This FDA-approved device provides a safe I’ve had pretty • much all the different as wellBut as surgery. sports car—Ferraris, alternative Porsches,to medication Lamborghinis. my wife gave me the two-kid rule, and now I have to be able to travel with my 8 year old Call and to 11 schedule year old in the back. I really like the a FREE demonstration... Bentley and the attention to detail. It’s not especially flashy, but atcar. It’s stylish and it’s got great performance Contact so it’s notVicki a boring understated. 480-659-5470 or
How does it compare to your first car? forschool a special My very first car in high was a offer Datsun truck, so I think it’s a little bit more stylish. Through the years, I think my biggest
Photo b
problem that’s go
What dr I thin nologies what rea
In a tow to rise a It’s a curve— dle and but it’s t you stay
locales or just shopping in a local mall. Many celebrities, politicians and dignitaries who visit the Scottsdale area call upon Parrella’s team also, preferring operators trained in statedepartment protection techniques. “We do work out of the country too, but it’s usually for protective details,” Parrella says. “I recently got back from a very volatile country.” Despite the specialized training of Bulletproof’s operators, prices are competitive to local security services and may not cost more than clients are now paying, according to Parrella, who adds that a commercial price list is available as well as bids based on mission questionnaires. Regardless of the need, Parrella is determined that Bulletproof will be ready for whatever comes next. “Lately Al Qaeda has been making threats of ‘lone wolf’ attacks,” he says. “If there were a suicide bomber at [the local movie theater], think about it. We’re on that line. We’re there to fill that gap: private but professional law-enforcement/military veterans.”
Tell us Dermat We’re ed. It’s a have sig see thes ies, not
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To view a Channel 12 News report that shows the operators participating in rigorous tactical firearms training with pistols, submachine guns, belt-fed machine guns and edged weapons, visit the company’s website,
28 | Scottsdale Airpark News2013 November 2012Airpark News | 23 March Scottsdale
e c fi Of
By Kimberly Hundley Photos by Mark Susan
e n i V e L s i r r o M e i m a J & Steve LeVine
LE) Relations (S c li b u P & t n e e Entertainm Steve LeVin , Scottsdale e n a L e is d 7819 E. Para slentertainm
tanding beneath the giant guitars he bought at a charity auction and had emblazoned with his company’s logo, Steve LeVine gazes over the sparkling conference table glinting like a hundred rainbows in the center of his boardroom. “I saw a picture of it online and knew I had to have it,” says the founder of SLE, the acronym for Steve LeVine Entertainment & Public Relations. “It was the only one I could find like it, and I did whatever it took to make sure I got it.” Autographed guitars and drum skins dangle from the walls, mementos from some of SLE’s celebrity-studded events. Just beyond the door sits a ping-pong table, a TV, a music studio and a mini fridge stocked with Red Bull. It’s a Friday afternoon, which means happy hour, and soon one of the DJs on staff will start spinning records, and coworkers will filter down the movie-poster dotted hallways to enjoy music and cold beer. Creating an energized workplace is important to LeVine, who after all specializes in event planning, production, talent booking and management in addition to more typical marketing and public relations services. From sweet 16 parties to the Super Bowl, SLE’s team of 110 full and part-time employees have got just about every type of client need and event covered. “I strive to have an unbelievable company culture here. I don’t create 90 percent of these things we do—it’s all created by everyone in the office,” LeVine says. “We’re very team oriented. There’s lots of interaction. Everybody needs to talk.” To that end, LeVine resolved to make the company’s new Airpark space on Paradise Lane a high-energy, fun place to work when he relocated about a year ago. Music plays throughout the offices and most desks are configured so employees sit across from each other. “When it doesn’t feel like work, but it really is work, it’s so much more enjoyable,” he says.
Chief Entertainment Officer Steve LeVine and Chief Co mmunications Officer Jamie Morris LeVine
24 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
1. Adidas shoe signed by Rev Run of Run DMC: The rapper, who had a hit track “My Adidas” in the 1980s, has been booked by SLE for several Valley shows, including an appearance at the Phoenix Open Bird’s Nest. 2. Signed baseballs: SLE works with a variety of pro players, and LeVine likes to keep mementos from every event. 3. “Strikeouts for Troops” hat: “Our national recording artist, Kelley James, has started a band with Cy Young Award winner
SLE M akes a S plash
5 6
Largescale e vents p have in roduce cluded d by SL : • Sou E in th nd Wa e last y ve Mus festiva ear ic Fest l featur iv a l in g 10,000 a large 2 0 + D attend Js and s ees. garnere cale music • Roc d nearly kT block p he Block! Ch andler art -a downto y that takes place in free family fr wn Cha iendly ndler e the stre garnere v ets of er d more than 15 y year. The la • 12th st even ,000 p Annua e t l Ghost celebra ball Blo ople. tion th c k a t takes PartyAxis/R a Hallo p adius a ween nd insid lace in the st of-thereets in e the c art pro lu front o d b that uction • Vint f feature and a G age Ho ds rammy llywoo birthda d-WS nomina tatey celeb co ted DJ ration the pas . featurin ttsdale Hotel’ t with s g the g a Vinta • New lamoro ge Holl Year ’s us day ywoo Ev and Ax s of is Radiu e events for b d-themed pa r oth W s on a yearly Scottsd ty. basis ale
7 1 and World Series champion San Francisco Giants pitcher Barry Zito. They raise money for Barry’s charity, ‘Strikeouts for Troops,’” says LeVine. [Look for a big party to support the nonprofit on March 9.] 4. 2008 Souvenir Super Bowl ball: “That Super Bowl is close to my heart. Right after I started my business … we did 38 to 40 events in one week surrounding that game, and our business grew tremendously. We had signs out: ‘SLE Never Sleeps.’ I’ve never pulled so many all-nighters in one week.”
5. Painting: During the Sept. 29, 2012, Sound Wave Music Festival, produced by SLE, “monster” DJ Calvin Harris performed as an onsite artist painted him live. LeVine bought the work, which was finished in 30 minutes and incorporates crushed glass. 6. Pictures of kids: The LeVines welcomed Jett Colton to the family about three months ago, joining brother Connor Cash. “Connor sits at my desk and kicks my chair and tells me to get out of my office,” LeVine says. “He will one day
hopefully take over this business and kick everyone’s butt.” 7. Business books: LeVine serves as learning chair of the Arizona chapter of Entrepreneurs’ Organization, whose members are avid readers of business books. “I love learning and growing,” LeVine says. “The coolest books I’ve read recently are ‘Simple Numbers, Straight Talk, Big Profits,’ by Greg Crabtree; ‘A Sense of Urgency,’ Dr. John Kotter—that was awesome; and Ross Schafer’s 'Grab More Market Share.'”
March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 25
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“Anybody who knows me knows that I’m a happy person and I enjoy life. If you can enjoy work, it just makes your whole life so much better.” About 35 people work full-time Scott Lambrecht in the office, which houses a graphic What is your everyday ride? he first company to bring handheld Founder/CEO department, team, a every day—I rotate This is what I drive GPS into golf, GolfLogix is headed a promotions GolfLogix PR department dedicated to tradiThe beauty is I live in Pinnacle Peak, by Scott Lambrecht, a Seattle native them. 15685 N. Greenway-Hayden Loop tional and new media, and IT/web who graduated from Arizona State so the commute is seven minutes and I’m Scottsdale staff include the “Scottsdale not putting a lot of miles on them. and hasn’t left.specialists. With more On-call downloads than 16,” other a group of app, women availablehas for nearly event hosting and modeling, any golf GolfLogix a range of DJ and bandits talent. We launched a big partnership with 2and million members enjoying platform. In How do you explain your Caddy fever? April 2013 willtechnology mark SLE’sled six-year anniversary, though Jaime I think they are from an era where Golf Digest: At the end of every round you 2009, smartphone GolfLogix Morris Levine joined husband Steve with at SLE America Entertainment was atonly its greatest in a lot of ways. play with our app, you get a free, perto develop and capture the app market 18 months ago,precise leaving herdistances. longtime position as people directorlike of muscle cars, but the sonalized magazine with the content you A lot of aabout program providing GPS public relations for thewas Phoenix met inhas college— Cadillac the creature comforts. Even need based on how well you played. Within weeks, the app listedSuns. in theThe top-couple when she was working the Arizona Rattlers washas doing myand ’65he coup A/C and power windows. 10 most requested sportsfor applications in the DJ Paul Nazzaro gets the SLE team energized on Friday happy hours in the music and entertainment—and they’ve been together since 1998. office’s onsite studio. The gathering What’s on the horizon? iTunes Store. is streamed as a weekly podcast (find it UStream or iTunes) company’s talent. “People let is “Jaime understands the business I’m in. We complement each Thethemantra forDJGolfLogix in can 2013 Now we know whatonyou drive. Whatpromoting or videogames. Everyone just has a good time,” other,” who Cadillac launchedCoup his first company at the age loose, play some ping pong“Easy, fast and fun.” So many apps these you? Tell us says aboutSteve, the 1965 deDJ drives LeVine says of the employee perk. DJ Paul performs Wednesday, Fridays and of 16. “I come in and get the logistics and I doAs all far of the days have made thingsattoo difficult for as entertainour business goes, at I’m Ville. Saturdays thereally Mint in Scottsdale, and every Thursday the W Scottsdale. ment planning coordination, then she markets it about helping the masses play users, which is why we’re almost reversThis was myand firstevent Cadillac ever. I got and it passionate usingathe latestinand PR and marketing tactics tech-golfMaya Day & Night bringing itstechnology—we’re “beach club” concept to ing issome of our makbetter golf.and I think is a difficult sport Club from widow Sungreats City about 10 years niques. made original a lot of sense us fueled to work together.” center of Scottsdale, and the Wild Westand Festfonts goes off Apriland 20. buttons bigger bigger, and has been through the some rough times, ing ago withIt18,000 miles.for That the LeVines head into four spring, they’reand readying forwesevAnd it’s not tootoearly to planeverything for Super Bowl making easier2015, andadds moreSteve, fun. anything can do with technology theAs passion, and now I have classic eral major projects, many right here in Scottsdale. Airpark-based explaining SLE coordinated nearly 40 events around the event We have 2 million members, but there Cadillacs: a 1941 Fastback, a 1970 triple- make people enjoy it more is great. Vector convertible, Vodka is continuing withflat-top— its brand new launch, Pinnacle last time it came to the are Valley. “When it’s here,players I can only imagine almost 50 million around the white and a 1959 Peak the Patio has one an with official reopening” the 2012 whathighlights it’s going tofor look world, like thisand time. Ourofstaff was only 30for people many them play just fun. What planned, were some that’s crazy the “grand biggest fins Rattlers intend publicly celebrate their reign as world champs, then. Now we’re up toI 100.” want to cater to them as well. GolfLogix? ever made on a to car.
26 | Scottsdale Airpark News November March 2013 24 2012
March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 27
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Visits By Kimberly Hundley Photo by Adam Moreno
Weiss Kelly
rologer Professional Ast ttsdale Airpark Home in the Sco
eiss Kelly was dreaming of being the next Georgia O’Keeffe when fate intervened during her Chicago art studies, and sent her spinning along a new path. After reading a newspaper article about a local astrologer who taught class, she decided to enroll, mostly because she was attracted to the symbolism of the zodiac signs. But Weiss took to astrology like a duck to water, and her teacher announced during the second lesson that Weiss’ chart showed she’d be a famous astrologer someday. “I went to Florida and studied under the so-called greats,” Weiss says from her Airpark home, just east of Raintree and the 101. “Now I’m on the Board of Directors of the International Faculty of the American Federation of Astrologers, which is something you get voted onto. It’s like the hall of fame of astrology.” Over the years, Weiss has worked with her share of celebrities and garnered a lot of media coverage in her own right, providing consultations, articles and columns for a variety of newspapers, and magazines, including the Scottsdale Airpark News and Scottsdale Times. She also appeared as a regular on national TV’s “PM Magazine,” doing featured Continued on Page 30
28 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
1 : Book on David Carradine Marina Carradine Anderson, a long-time client of Weiss, wrote “The Eye of the Tornado” about her husband, the actor David Carradine, who authorities say hanged himself in Thailand—a claim Weiss disputes in Marina’s book. “He did not hang himself. There is a lot more to it than people know,” she says.
2: CDs Weiss no longer sees clients in person. These days, those wanting a horoscope consultation either email or call with their birth-date information and Weiss records the reading on CD or cassette.
3: "PM" set photo Weiss is photographed as she records a segment for TV’s "PM Magazine," on which
3 2
she appeared as a regular, providing background for documentary profiles on the Kennedys and others.
4. Photo of Dali Museum The Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, Fla., houses the largest collection of the artist’s works outside Europe. Weiss was commissioned to document Dali’s horoscope, which is now part of the
museum’s permanent collection. She says the presentation of the chart, shown here, was one of her proudest moments.
5. Photos of Bush Weiss’ home office sports a collection of signed photographs featuring the celebrities she’s encountered over the years. Her wall of fame includes President George Bush; Michael and Kitty Dukakis (she predicted he
would lose his bid for president but be pretty happy about it); Arnold Schwarzenegger (she worked with one of his assistants); Don Johnson (his sister is a client); Olympic athletes; and horses with their breeders and trainers (she provides insight into the animals’ physical abilities and temperaments).
March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 29
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Visits "Astrology is about choices, insights and the understanding of your life and living. It's a language of cosmic symbols and principles that can teach you more about yourself and the world as you experience it." – Weiss Kelly
Documentary Astrology segments, and had her own weekly cable show for more than eight years. Weiss says she is best known for her work in the area of business astrology, specializing in individual businesses and owner’s charts. “My focus now is speaking to luncheon groups—business groups,” she says. “We all love hearing something about ourselves, and it’s important to get to know the 12 business signs and how to work with them. It’s entertaining, yes, but it gives you insight into your coworkers.” Laughing, Weiss reels off some of the major characteristics of each sign: Better be nice to Capricorns, because sooner or later they’re likely to be your boss. If you want someone in management, hire a Virgo who will make sure everything is done precisely. Gemini is always out to lunch networking and makes a great salesperson. Choose a Scorpio to carry out your research. Don’t underestimate quiet Pisces, who doesn’t mind working alone. Aries is all over the place but brimming with ideas. Leo women tend to dress in signature clothes, whether they can afford it or not. The caring Cancer employee brings the office birthday cakes. Aquarius is a whiz with computers. Sagittarius loves to travel.
Taurus’ favorite day is payday, and many Realtors fall under this sign. In the astrological world, cities, sectors and individual businesses are considered to have “signs,” just as people do, and Weiss has calculated charts for a number of chambers, the city of Scottsdale, Taliesin West, the Salvador Dali Museum and many other entities. “There is a certain correspondence between what is happening above with what is going on below,” she says. “I don’t think there is another business community that is so condensed as the Airpark. And you are going to see that small business will be big business.” In the coming year or two, she predicts strong growth in home products and health care industries as well as an increased emphasis on family. “People are simplifying,” she says. “Greed is out; conservatism is in.” Weiss no longer sees clients in her home but still provides personal and business horoscopes on CD or cassette. To contact her, email or call 480-600-7424 or write Weiss Kelly, PMAFA P.O. Box 13913, Scottsdale, AZ 85267. See Weiss' business horoscope "Advice from Weiss," on p. 63.
Serving the Scottsdale & Deer Valley Airparks since 1981 - T. 480 596 9000 FOR LEASE
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30 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
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7642 - 7662 - 7702 E. Gray Road > Thunderbird Aero > Class A office/warehouse > Available Space: ±1,875 - ±1,926 SF > For Lease at $0.85/PSF > Recently renovated high end finishes > 100 percent air conditioned space > Immediate occupancy > Zoning: I-1 > Close to freeways
8669 E San Alberto, Suite 101 > ±1,049 SF office available > Lease: $13.75 PSF modified gross (plus electric and janitorial) > Great access off of the 101 Freeway > Many amenities in the area of Hayden and Via de Ventura > Small private free-standing garden building in a great location > Post office, restaurants and banks all within walking distance
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ForFor additional additional information information callcall John John Meyer Meyer
480 480 480480-483 483-483 483-1985 -1985 This This information information has been has been secured secured from from sources sources we believe we believe to betoreliable. be reliable. We make We make no no representations representations or warranties, or warranties, expressed expressed or2013 implied or implied as toas thetoaccuracy the accuracy ofNews theofinformation. the information. March Scottsdale Airpark | 31
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7 s Visit 3 2 1 5 4
9 8 6
r o t c e r i d s u p m a c , s n i k d A l Michae y ing Academ s s re d ir a H Brillare uarter Scottsdale Q ttsdale Road 15147 N. Sco M ross from H& 3rd floor, ac www.brillare
1. Text Book: Brillare’s curriculum includes a “Nuts & Bolts” class on how to run and build a business. Students study from four key texts, including Customer Wow. 2. Golf cart model: “I’m an avid golfer—that’s what I do to relax,” Adkins says. “I started playing 15 years ago and fell in love with it. That model is to remind me that all the hard work during the week pays off when I get to play golf on the weekend.” 3. Photos of family: “This is my support system: my wife, Gina; Alexis, who is 7 years old; and 4-year-old Kalee. They keep me grounded and focused. When I go home, all enthusiastic and energized from my day here, it continues when I get home to my girls.”
Hundley By Kimberly dam Moreno Photos by A
6. Schedule sheet: “This tracks all my meetings with students and staff—I have five to six per day. I spend about 10 to 12 hours here on campus per day, and I’ll tell you the time flies,” says Adkins. 7. Orchid: “This orchid was donated to me from our fashion show on Feb. 10 here at campus,” Adkins says. “We had 60 students involved and 65 models. All the workstations were cleared, and we had a stage, a raised runway, lights, a DJ. First we did a VIP show and invited folks in the beauty and fashion industry. Then we opened the show to the general public. It was standing room only. I felt like I was in New York City.”
4. Collateral on scholarship program: Brochures explain how students who apply soon to Brillare can be eligible to receive a scholarship.
8. Framed picture of award-winning student: Student Taylor DeBartolo was awarded second place in the annual international Sassoon Academy l School Connection (SASC) Cut and Color Contest in December, an achievement Adkins is extremely proud of. To gain entry, more than 100 cosmetology students from schools across the U.S., Canada and Australia submitted before-and-after photos of their best work to the Sassoon Academy Creative Team. “We want to lead the next generation of stylists,” says Adkins.
5. Magic 8 Ball: “The students use the 8 ball; my staff uses the 8 ball, I use the 8 ball,” Adkins says. “It started out as a joke, and it turned into people coming in to ask serious questions.”
9. Tube of Morocconoil: Brillare recently became the first cosmetology school in the United States to carry the professional hair care and styling line by Moroccanoil.
32 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
With spring on the way,
many people are cleaning and putting away their winter wardrobe. If you
Brillare is a great find for deals on salon services: haircuts are $12, blowouts are $10 and color services start at $35.
hen Scottsdale Quarter opened two years ago, one of the first to move in was Brillare Hairdressing Academy, offering day, midday and night cosmetology programs as well as client hair and waxing services in an upscale salon-like setting. Brillare (pronounced bree-lahr-ay) is the only cosmetology academy in Arizona to be recognized as a Sassoon Academy. All client services are performed by students under the supervision of licensed instructors. Nine months months ago, Brillare was acquired by Phoenix-based Anaphora, and CEO Christa Jones brought one of her former coworkers on board to oversee the Scottsdale campus: Mike Adkins. “She’s a visionary,” Adkins says of Jones. “We’ve got a great school, and we’re going to make it even better.” Anthem resident Adkins, a former technology consultant, got bit by the
education bug about 12 years ago, an industry his parents had devoted their lives to. “The first student I enrolled, who graduated and I changed their life— that was it. There was no other direction for me,” he says. About 80 students are currently enrolled at Brillare’s Scottsdale campus (another location is in the East Valley). Adkins says he is thriving on the highenergy environment at the school, which emphasizes students’ creativity. “This is such an upscale cosmetology school that people often don’t know it’s a school when they tour it,” he says. “When the music is going, the clients are happy, and the energy is through the roof, people wonder if it’s a school or a salon.” Between tuition, books and supplies, cost to complete Brillare’s 1,600-hour program is $19,200. Scholarships are available.
won’t be sparkling using some For your holiday For your sparkling holiday For your sparkling holiday garments for a while, take garments, keep in mind that For your sparkling holiday garments, keep mind that garments, in in mind that For your keep sparkling holiday For your sparkling holiday sometimes beads or sequins garments, keep in mind that precautions before storing sometimes beads sequins sometimes or sequins garments,beads keep inor mind that garments, keep inor mind that are made from plastics that sometimes beads sequins are made from plastics that are made from plastics that sometimes or they’re sequins them. First,beads be sure sometimes beads or sequins dissolve the traditional are made from plastics that dissolve in the traditional dissolve in in the traditional are made from plastics that freshly drycleaned or that are made from plastics drycleaning process. dissolve in the traditional drycleaning process. drycleaning dissolve inprocess. the traditional dissolve in the traditional Prestige Cleaners uses laundered, since food drycleaning process. Prestige Cleaners uses an Prestige Cleaners uses anan drycleaning process. drycleaning process. eco-friendly drycleaning Prestige Cleaners uses particles left on clothes are eco-friendly drycleaning eco-friendly drycleaning Prestige Cleaners uses an an Prestigethat’s Cleaners an system extrauses gentle… eco-friendly drycleaning system that’s extra gentle… system that’s gentle… eco-friendly drycleaning the basis forextra insect damage. eco-friendly drycleaning provide the best care system that’s extra gentle… to provide the best care for toto provide the best care forfor system that’s extra gentle… Also, store all garments out system that’s extra gentle… your special clothing and to provide the best care your special clothing and your special clothing and to provide the best care for for to provide the best care for also for the environment. of light (natural or artifi your special clothing and also for the environment. also for the environment. your special clothing andcial), yourfor special clothing and This solution is less also the environment. This solution is less This solution isenvironment. less which can colors. also for thefade also for theon environment. aggressive This solution is less aggressive on aggressive on This solution is less One tip: anything This last solution is less textiles and aggressive textiles andon textiles and aggressive on aggressive on knit should be trim, colors textiles and trim, so colors trim, soso colors textiles and textiles and stay brighter trim, so colors folded, stay brighter stay brighter trim, sonot colors trim, so colors and your stay brighter and your and your stay brighter hung, because stay your brighter clothing should and clothing should clothing should and your knit garments and your last longer. clothing should last longer. last longer. clothing should clothing should may stretch out. last longer. last longer. last longer. Donn C. Frye, CEO Donn C. Frye, CEO
Butterfly Kisses Brillare stages fantasy-hair shows to give students a feel for what it’s like to work behind the scenes of a runway show. Students design the clothing, makeup and hair, and pick the models. They also have professional photos taken for their portfolios. During Februrary’s themed show, Butterfly Kisses, attendees were charged a $5 cover with proceeds supporting the Chyrsallis Shelter for Domestic Violence. The event raised $1,400. In the future, each of the academy’s shows—which are presented every few months—will benefit a charity. 13216 N. Scottsdale Road 480.998.8660* 13216 Scottsdale Road 480.998.8660* 480.998.8660* 13216 N. Scottsdale Road 7126 E. Sahuaro Drive 480.948.2140 7126 E.N.Sahuaro Drive 480.948.2140 7126 E. Sahuaro Drive 13216 Scottsdale Road 480.948.2140 480.998.8660* 9393 N. 90th Street 480.860.9722 13216 N. Scottsdale Road 480.998.8660* 9393 N. 90th Street 480.860.9722 9393 N.E. 90th Street Road 480.860.9722 7126 Sahuaro Drive 480.948.2140 13216 N. Scottsdale 480.998.8660* 7126 Via E. Sahuaro Drive 7335 Paseo Del Sur 4 480.948.2140 80.991.2440* 7335 Via Paseo Del Sur 4 480.860.9722 80.991.2440* 7335 ViaE. Paseo Del Sur 4 80.991.2440* 9393 N. 90th Street 7126 Sahuaro Drive 480.948.2140 9393 N. Goldwater 90th StreetBlvd. 3908 4 480.860.9722 80.941.0496* 3908 N. 90th Goldwater Blvd. 4 480.860.9722 80.941.0496* 3908 N. Via Goldwater Blvd. 4 80.941.0496* 7335 Paseo Del Sur 80.991.2440* 9393 Street 7335 Via PaseoRoad Del Sur 80.991.2440* 15480 N. Pima 4 80.607.0673* 15480 N.Goldwater Pima Road 4 80.607.0673* 15480 N.Via Pima Road 3908 N. Blvd. 4 80.607.0673* 80.941.0496* 7335 Paseo Del Sur 80.991.2440* 3908 N. Frank Goldwater Blvd. 4 80.941.0496* 11186 Lloyd Wright 480.391.2010* 11186 N. Frank Lloyd Wright 480.391.2010* 11186 N. Frank Lloyd Wright 480.391.2010* 15480 Pima Road Blvd. 480.607.0673* 3908 N.Goldwater 80.941.0496* 15480 N. N.Hayden Pima Road 80.607.0673* 20511 Road 4 80.515.0090* 20511 N. Hayden Road 4 80.515.0090* 20511 N.N. Hayden Road 11186 Wright 4 80.515.0090* 480.391.2010* 15480 N.Frank PimaLloyd Road 80.607.0673* 11186 N. Frank Lloyd Wright 480.391.2010* *24-Hour Pickup Available 20511 N. Hayden Road 4 80.515.0090* 11186 N. Frank Lloyd Wright 480.391.2010* *24-Hour Pickup Available *24-Hour Dropoff Available 20511All N.Locations Hayden Offer Road 24-Hour 4Drop-off 80.515.0090* 20511 N.*24-Hour Pickup Available Hayden NewRoad Store Hours4 80.515.0090* New Store Hours New Store Hours *24-Hour Dropoff Available M-F 7:00am-7:00pm | Sat 8:00am-6:00pm *24-Hour Pickup Available M-F 7:00am-7:00pm | Sat 8:00am-6:00pm M-F 7:00am-7:00pm | Sat 8:00am-6:00pm New Store Hours New Store Hours M-F 7:00am-7:00pm | Sat 8:00am-6:00pm New Store Hours M-F 7:00am-7:00pm | Sat 8:00am-6:00pm M-F 7:00am-7:00pm | Sat 8:00am-6:00pm 12-PRES_1860 Dec Airpark news.indd 1 12-PRES_1860 Airpark news.indd 12-PRES_1860 DecDec Airpark news.indd 1 1
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rememberwhen Photos courtesy of Scottsdale Historical Society
34 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
The History of L ve and Marriage in Scottsdale By Joan Fudala
Part of the longer poem “Half Mast,” the verse gives an intimate glimpse into the Mother and Father of Scottsdale earlier in their accomplished lives. Martha Summerhayes, in her 1908 memoir about her life as a U.S. Army wife at Fort McDowell in the 1880s, “Vanished Arizona,”
Scottsdale Historical Society
ere’s something we can all embrace: Scottsdale was named the country’s most romantic city on a Top 10 list announced by last month. Residents and visitors to the Scottsdale area have been making their own histories of love, romance and marriage for as far back as anyone can remember. Whether it’s a proposal at the top of Pinnacle Peak, a couples photo in front of Robert Indiana’s LOVE sculpture on Civic Center Mall, or a wedding al fresco at the countless scenic and romantic spots in our fair city, we’ve all been touched by cupid’s arrow over the years. Consider these romantic moments in our history: Helen Scott, wife of Winfield Scott (our founder and namesake), was a teacher and poet. She penned these eternally romantic words while she awaited word from then-Capt. Scott as he fought in the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863: Last night of thee, love, I was dreaming, Dreaming we were together once more. Truth and love from thine eyes were beaming On me fondly as of yore. Thy strong arms were clasped around me Closely to thy weary breast; Oh, those arms that lovingly bound me, Will they open again for my rest?
wrote that in the summer heat everyone brought their cots outside to the parade ground to sleep. “With but a sheet for a covering, there we lay, looking up at the starry heavens. I watched the Great Bear go around, and other constellations and seemed to come into close touch with nature and the mysterious night.” According to the June 18, 1898, Arizona Republican, “Frank Frazier and Mattie Hill were married yesterday at Phoenix by Judge Crouse. They came out to their new home on Mr. Frazier’s homestead near here [Scottsdale] during the day. In the evening, quite a number of Scottsdale’s best singers went out to the homestead, taking with them their guitars, mandolins, etc. and serenaded the newly married couple.” Frazier was the namesake for Frazier Springs in the McDowell Sonoran Preserve, located on what was his property.
Helen and Walter Smith were likely the first couple to get hitched in Scottsdale. The entire town gathered at the home of the Underhills on the northwest corner of Scottsdale and Indian School roads in 1903 to wish them well.
March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 35
Robert Indiana’s LOVE sculpture on Scottsdale Civic Center Mall
Scottsdale Historical Society
In early Scottsdale, newlyweds were often treated to a “pounding,” where family and friends gifted them with items to set up their household: a pound of flour, a pound of sugar, a pound of nails, etc. Musicians Helen Greene and Walter Smith were likely the first couple to be married in Scottsdale. The entire town gathered at the home of the Underhills on the northwest corner of Scottsdale and Indian School roads in 1903 to wish the couple well, including founder/namesake The Rev. Winfield Scott and his wife Helen. Because the town was dry, the wedding toast was probably made with lemonade.
Scottsdale did not have a stand-alone church until after 1915. Prior to that time, most couples were married at home, outside … or in churches in surrounding communities. Showers and marriages were announced, along with photographs, in the Arizona Republic, the Scottsdale Progress and The Arizonian. The bridal shower for Scottsdale High School home economics teacher Miss Alyce Hudspeth was reported in the April 9, 1937, Southside Progress: “The heart theme was delightfully carried out, and the colors of red and white predominated. Red roses and white sweet peas decorated the home, and the game of Hearts was the popular diversion for the afternoon. Heart-shaped tallies were used. The shower gifts which when opened proved to be lovely linens, were presented to the guest of honor on a tea wagon, completely covered with tiny red and white hearts. White ice cream centered with red hearts was served with angel food cake.” Local resorts have set the stage for many romances. When Al Stovall and investors turned a private mansion on Camelback Road into the Royal Palms Inn circa 1948, he added a heart-shaped swimming pool, decorated with antique delft tiles. Among celebrities who enjoyed private getaways there were Howard Hughes and actress Terry Moore, according to Robert Chew in his 2002 book “Desert Dream, Desert Romance.” Although the heart-shaped pool is gone, the Royal Palms continues to be a popular place for proposals, honeymoons, anniversaries and other love-ins. Built by the loving hands of Scottsdale’s Hispanic community in 1933, Scottsdale’s Old Mission Church has been the site for many weddings. Photographs of those weddings assisted in the restoration efforts of the historic Old Mission in the early 2000s. Since opening in 1936, the Camelback Inn has also been a scenic setting for romance. According to “We Met at Camelback,” Charles Stevenson’s 1968 book, the Gene Kelleys, Gregory Pecks and Dennis O’Keefes all spent their honeymoons there, away from the Hollywood
1960s poet Patricia Bent, who lived in the Cattle Track area, advertised her book of poetry, “Love Is,” as a perfect gift for the bride-to-be.
36 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
Spark and
Buzz with
Facebook Contests Scottsdale Historical Society
With more than 1 billion ave you considered #1: What Do You Want to people using Facebook using a Facebook Get Out of the Contest? worldwide, it’s no secret that the contest to promote First, determine what your social media tool is a great way your business? company hopes to gain from to connect with customers and These days, it seems just the contest. Ask yourself a few For a trousseau or gift registry,about 1960s Scottsdale often away preferred grow your business. everyonebrides is giving questions: Goldwater’s Department Store at Scottsdale Fashion Square. Facebook contests can something on Facebook. What do you hope to achieve? increase the number of people iPad or $100 gift certificate, Do you want to increase paparazzi. Jack Frye, president of Trans World Airlines at the time, This historian and spent her honeymoon over Labor Day who “Like” your business, anyone? How about a free brand awareness or highlight a and his bride were married vacation on horseback in nearby 1976 at contests the Carefree Inn—$25 a night, which included evenWeekend more important, or maybe evenEcho a Canyon new product? then held their reception at closet the Inn.makeover? Facebook a deluxe room overlooking in-room breakfast and nine can provide valuable customer the pool, Are you hoping to increase Natalie Wood and Robert Wagner celebrated their wedding holes of golf at The Boulders golf course. information for marketing your contests are a great way to the number of Likes on your with a reception at the then-new Hotel Valley Ho in 1957. In after morethe recent history, Beyonce and Jay-Z honeymooned businesslong contest generate buzz, encourage page? Ramada’s Scottsdalebrand Inn oninteraction West Main Street advertised has a ended. at The Sanctuary on Camelback Mountain. and attract Do you want to boost By Melissa Rein, Honeymoon Special in 1963, new “Three wonderfulBut days, twodo delightful HereareDuring the 1960s, Scottsdale’s brides often turned to MeriGai nine best practices customers. how user engagement, gather user The Brand Consortium nights including poolside honeymoon suite not with shopyour on West Main Street for their gowns and those of their that bridal will make Facebook you get started, tobreakfast mention and Public Relations feedback or develop advocates lunch the second and third day. All recreational facilities, $36.” contest attendants; to Hanny’s, Saba’s or Goldwater’s for their trousseaus; a success. get results? for your brand?
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66 | Scottsdale Airpark News November 2012
March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 37
rememberwhen Scottsdale Historical Society
Seidner’s Posie for their openedand on to Scottsdale RoadPost in the late flowers. with a larger-than-life 1950s, complete of Scottsdale has been to Pink Pony, nude portrait Rosie above the home bar. We 1960s and authors in also hadpoets the Crystal Pistolwho andspecialize Handlebar In originally the 1960s poet J’s (stillromance. open, and WildPatricia Bill’s) Benton,Road who lived the Cattle Track at Scottsdale and in Shea Boulevard, area, advertised her book of poetry, and Rawhide’s Golden Belle Saloon, just to name“Love a few.Is,” as a perfect gift for the Described 1965 bride-to-be. Trader Vic’s opened in ona Fifth ad, the book promised to AvenueArizonian in 1962, ushering in the “tiki” era be “A gift of words to the one I love for Scottsdale. Many home-grown baby expressed in the indelible language boomers remember taking their prom of the heart.” Many romance writers, dates there, celebrating engagements from Linda Lael Miller, to Stephenie and bringing important clients to toast Meyer, have penned their prose with Polynesian-themed drinks served in from the greater Scottsdale area for decorated ceramics. their legions of loyalmore readers. As resorts became luxurious place to meet and schmooze. Anderson Scottsdale’s historic register and has been natural desert and 1960s, most featured went on to open Dale Anderson’s on a popular post-ride watering hole for the during the1950sScottsdale’s has provided venues for vows and Marshall Way, as well as The Other Place Hashknife Pony Express and Parada Del nightclubs with live entertainment over thedancing. decades, Paul from Shank’s Promise Rock at ballroom French and The Quilted Bear on Lincoln Road—all Sol riders. Boulders was among and the Pinnacle best, butPeak the Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, QuarterThe known as great places to eat and meet. as a backdrop to the north; the Ho, Executive House Arizo The town’s first bank opened on Scottsdale restaurateurs who offered a Hotel Valley Civic Center Rose Garden (where Main Street in the early 1920s and closed “saloon” capitalized on the West’s Most nian (now Firesky), Mountain Shadows, been Inn and mayors others have offered a known varied during the Great Depression in 1933. The Western Town theme. Pinnacle Peak Patio CarefreeScottsdale to perform nuptials); and Papago building was recycled into the Rusty Spur and Reata Pass opened in the far desert nightlife. Built by the loving hands of Scottsdale’s Hispanic community in 1933, Scottsdale’s Old Mission Church red rocks Desert Botanical Park’s Los Olivos and or the Corral family of weddings. Scottsdale in 1957 and 1958 and Saloon in the 1950s, using the former has been the sitenorth for many Gardens. bank’s vault to store its liquor. It is on still serve us today. The Red Dog Saloon have been serving margaritas (perhaps the Scottsdale Historical Society
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36 2012 38 | Scottsdale Airpark News November March 2013
Only 1 mile west Of CyClefest westwOrld Harley-Davidson®of Scottsdale 15600 N Hayden Rd • Scottsdale, AZ 85260 (480) 905-1903 • ArizonA’s #1 rAted deAler in customer service! ArizonA’s volume deAler! We Will meet or beAt Any deAler’s Advertised prices or it’s free, including bikes!
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40 | Scottsdale Airpark News November 2012 March 2013
Hotel Valley Ho
After opening Greasewood Flat in the high desert in the 1970s, George Cavalliere added a chapel to the grounds. It not only hosted ecumenical Sunday services in its early years, but has also been the scene for many Western-style weddings. Since its installation on Civic Center Mall in 2002, Robert Indiana’s iconic red-and-blue aluminum public art LOVE sculpture has been the site for thousands of romantic moments and photographs. If only those letters could talk. So, Scottsdale, pucker up, and hug your sweetie. Being the Most Romantic City is an honor that we’d like to keep, and we all must do our part!
Joan Fudala is a Scottsdale-based community historian and author. Contact: Bobby and Evelyn Foehl of the Hotel Valley Ho congratulate Natalie Wood and Robert Wagner on their 1957 wedding.
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March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 41
42 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
2:48 PM
What’s Up at Scottsdale Airport? By Sarah Ferrara, Scottsdale Airport Aviation Planning and Outreach Coordinator
cottsdale Airport experiences its busiest operational months typically from January through April. The nice weather, high-profile events like the Arabian Horse Show, Waste Management Phoenix Open, Barrett-Jackson Collector Car Auction and general Scottsdale amenities lure visitors and regular customers. Pre-cleared visitors can also use our U.S. Customs service and visit from other countries as long as the passengers have the proper credentials, but they typically arrive from Mexico and Canada. More than 200 aircraft have used U.S. Customs service at Scottsdale Airport this fiscal year. While it’s hard to say this early on just how busy this season will be, the days leading up to the major events in Scottsdale boosted daily operations by at least 100 more aircraft. This past January, 11,632 operations took place at the airport—that’s about 375 takeoffs and landings each day. Most people probably don’t realize the economic impact of the airport directly from aviation activities and indirectly from spin-off activity. Basically every takeoff and landing has economic value. Aircraft need fuel and other services, and our two fixed-based operators provide that service. It is estimated that aviation activities can generate upwards to $182 million per year. Then there’s spin-off activity that comes from people enjoying resorts, shopping, restaurants, golfing or attractions. This
activity is estimated at $3 billion per year. The airport is self-sustaining, drawing on revenue generated from transient aircraft parking, fuel and other charges to businesses that operate at the airport. The airport does not receive funding from local tax dollars. There is the economic contribution of businesses and employees connected with the airport. Scottsdale’s Airpark is home to 40,000-plus businesses, from Fortune 500 companies to “mom and pop” shops. The part of Scottsdale the city officially recognizes as the Airpark area expands to more than 2 million square feet. All this doesn’t come without effort. Scottsdale works hard to plan for the future and ensure we continue to provide a premier airport. The city of Scottsdale has initiated an update to its master plan. The plan is intended to be a proactive document that identifies and plans for future airport facility needs. More specifically, it will focus on several key areas, including aviation forecasts, demand/ capacity, facility requirements, airfield design and safety standards, development alternatives and environmental reviews on airport property. It does not include noise abatement or studies. This was conducted thoroughly through a public process in 2005. Airport Master Plans are commonly updated every five to 10 years. Scottsdale’s plan was last updated in 1997. The master plan update will take about 18 months to complete, and you’re invited
to participate in the process. Learn more at Airport runway safety area improvements were recently completed at the southern end of the runway. Safety areas are the unpaved areas adjacent to the runway that are kept clear of objects to provide an extra margin of safety. Two other projects will begin this summer: rehabilitating one of our taxiways and making changes to our signage and lighting. If you would like to learn more about the airport, visit our website at or subscribe to receive information via our Airport e-newsletter at Sarah Ferrara is Scottsdale’s aviation planning and outreach coordinator. Reach her at or 480-312-2321.
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March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 43
outandabout scottsdaleleadership
Linda Smith-Maughan, Smith-Maughan, CPM, Linda CPM, SCOTTSDALE AIRPARK SCOTTSDALE Designated Broker
Designated Broker
630 SF SF Rec/Work Rec/Work Area, Area, 22 Off. Off. 630
OFFICE FOR LEASE 630 2 Bullpen, Off. FOR OFFICE Off., Strg.LEASE (1260 SF SF Contiguous) Contiguous) 630 SF SFRec., 11Off., Bullpen, Strg. (1260 630 SF 630SF SF Rec/Work Area,22 Off. Off. 630 Rec/Work Area, 697 SF 1 Off. + Bullpen 697 SF 1 Off. + Bullpen 697 SF 1 Off. + Bullpen 630SF SF 11Off., Off.,Bullpen, Bullpen,Strg. Strg. (1260 (1260 SF Contiguous) 630 768 SF222Off., Off., RR, Strg. SF Contiguous) 768 SF RR, Strg. 768 SF Off., RR, Strg. 697SF SF Off. Bullpen 697 11Off. ++Bullpen 794 SF 1 Off., RR, Bullpen 794 SF 211Off., Off., RR, Bullpen 794 SF Off., RR, Bullpen 768SF SF RR, Strg. 768 Strg. Rec.RR, Off. Ktchn/Break Rm., Rm., Strg., Strg., RR RR 830 SF2 Off., Rec. 22Off. Off. Ktchn/Break 830 SF 794SF SF Off.,RR, Bullpen 830 SF 2RR, Ktchn/Break 794 11Rec. Off., Bullpen 1260 SF Rec., 4 Off., Bullpen Rm., Strg., RR 1260 SF Rec., 4 Off., Bullpen 830SF SF Rec, Ktchn/Break Rm., Strg., Strg., RR 830 22Off, 1260 SF Rec., 4Off,4Off., Bullpen 1389 SFRec, Rec., 4Ktchn/Break Off., Sink,Rm., BullpenRR 1389 SF Rec., Off., 1260SF SF Rec, Off.,Bullpen BullpenSink, Bullpen 1260 Rec, 44Off., 1557 SF Rec., 2 Off., Break Area, Bullpen 1557 SF Rec., 2 Off., Break Area, Bullpen 1557 SF Rec, Rec., 2 Off., Break Area, Bullpen 1389 SF Off., Sink, Bullpen Bullpen 1389 44Off., 1752SFSF SFRec, Rec., 3Sink, Off., Conf., B.P., Ktchn., 1752 SF Rec., 3 Off., Conf., B.P., Ktchn., 1752 Rec., 3Off., Off., Conf., B.P., Ktchn., 1557 SF Rec, 2 Break Area, Bullpen 1557 SF Rec, 2 Off., Break Area, Bullpen RR w/Shower RR w/Shower 1752 SF Rec, Rec, 3Off., Off.,Conf., Conf.,Bullpen, Bullpen, Ktchn, Ktchn, Strg., Strg., RR 1752 3w/Shower 2244SFSF SF Rec., Rec., 5 Off., Off., Conf., Conf., Ktchn, Ktchn, Bullpen, Bullpen, 2244 5 RR w/Shower 1942 SF RR Rec., 5 Off., Strg., RR., w/Shower (up to Bullpen, 5,215 sf contiguous) Strg., RR.,Ktchn, (upKtchn, to 5,215 sf contiguous) Strg., RR., Stephen CCIM 2244 SF Cross, Rec, 5 Off., Conf., Bullpen, Strg., RR 2244 SF Rec, 5 Off., Conf., Ktchn, Bullpen, Strg., RR All ElEctric includEd INCLUDES ELECTRIC All ElECtRiC inCludEd ELECTRIC (up INCLUDES to 5,215 sf contiguous) (up to 5,215 sf contiguous) FOR LEASE OFFICE/WAREHOUSE OFFICE/WAREHOUSE FOR LEASE
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Connect with Scottsdale Bob’s Biker Blast and Go Lead in Ways Never Daddy party rocks out,You gives back Imagined
his Bob “Go Daddy” Parsons party was b-b-b-b-bad to the bone as thousands turned out at the “1st Annual Bob’s Biker Blast” on Oct. 20 to see classic By Kate Birchler, Class 26 rock mega legends .38 Special and George Thorogood at Harley-Davidson of Scottsdale and GO AZ Motorcycles. tep outside and lookboth around. How has Parsons, who acquired dealerships, grown the business and is now giving Engagement well you knowcommunity. the neighborhoods back to thedo motorcycle The all-day event featured the grand openinginofone You’re sure to find your passion you and work, live ortrack, play in? you the demo training andHave public demonstrations of days the first-ever commercial of the 17 class that cover the “A-Z” of wondered of about the inner simulator workings of the Scottsdale, application a motorcycle developed for the U.S., education, govincluding place you call home?riders Havepaid you considered Non-motorcycle a $20 donationernment, to Phoenix Children’s to social services,Hospital public safety and how can which furtherisgive back to comsee theyou event, expected to the return next economic year. development. As a bonus, a Pay munity that gives to you? It Forward project allows classmates to get These were questions I asked myself. As hands-on community leadership experione of those fortunate Scottsdale citizens ence that leaves a tangible and long-lasting who does work, live and play here, I was impact on the city. anxious to have a better understanding of what was outside my day-to-day box. Inclusion And then I was introduced to Scottsdale As part of these classes, you will hear Leadership, a 25-year-old civic organiza- from the “who’s who” in community leadtion designed to help people deepen their ership via presentations, debates and interconnection and take a more active role in active workshops. These conversations will Scottsdale. With a distinguished roster of enhance your understanding of both sides more than 900 alumni leaders, the orga- of an issue by listening to knowledgeable nization has been ranked as one of the leaders. top-five leadership programs in the country. In fact, three of Scottsdale’s current Connection six City Council members are Scottsdale In a class of approximately 40 people, Leadership graduates. One of the ways there is an opportunity to create new partScottsdale Leadership has earned this rep- nerships and enrich friendships among a utation is by upholding its five core values: talented and diverse group of leaders. And engagement, inclusion, connection, cour- there’s happy hour after every class! age and stewardship.
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Bob “Go Daddy” Parsons greets thousands of bikers and rock fans eager to see George Thorogood and .38 Special.
rded on
Yo u r
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44 | Scottsdale Airpark News November 2012 March 2013
Jim Moore of AZ Biker Guide tests the motorcycle simulator on display at Bob’s Biker Blast. The simulator allows the rider to feel what it’s like to go at top speed and make hairpin turns. Courtesy Jim Moore/ AZ Biker Guide
Partner with your classmates to leave a positive mark on your community with a Pay It Forward project
Biker Guide
:: KUDOS continued ::
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November 2012 Scottsdale Airpark News | t
See what it feels like to be fully in firefighting gear as you lead your fellow classmates through a dark and dreary “smoke house.”
Courage This experience encourages you to step outside the comfort zone to challenge yourself, intellectually, socially and physically. For example, gain an even higher level of respect for our men and women in uniform by attending Public Safety Day, which includes Scottsdale Police & Fire Departments’ simulation training in which participants don head-to-toe firefighter gear.
Stewardship At the conclusion of Scottsdale Leadership, you will have learned what you need to know to become future business and civic leaders of tomorrow. How will you choose to make a difference? When I graduated from Scottsdale Leadership Class 26, I had a deeper knowledge about my community, a better understanding of the issues we face, a stronger respect for our leaders, and a supportive group of colleagues, friends and decision makers. Scottsdale Leadership is a major commitment. It requires your attention, enthusiasm and active participation. But it’s also a oneof-a-kind opportunity that ultimately leads to finding more fulfillment as you work, live and play. Is it time you explore Scottsdale Leadership? The organization is currently recruiting for its next class. Potential applicants can attend an informational reception on Wednesday, March 20, at 5:30 p.m. at The Phoenician resort. For more information, visit or call 480-627-6710.
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12 | Scottsdale Airpark News NovemberMarch 2012 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 45
The Grea honored Warren, contribut received for his le resource focus on successfu investme helping t with GPE the intern innovatio headqua
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46 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
March 3: Mothers Favorite Child celebrates the fruits of inspiration through its “Jazz Soul” music. The band recalls the roots of R&B and transcends the past and present face of the genre with its sound. March 10: Silhouette performs vibrant R&B, Soul, and Motown music. The Silhouette band is made up of Cornelius Bishop, Anthony Kinchion, Tim Forkes, Chris Strong and Alex Holland.
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Dominic Amato
March 2013 Scottsdale2/21/13 Airpark News 10:14 AM | 47
businessprofile Photos by Adam Moreno
Advanced Clinical Associates staff includes Phil Izdebski, Isabella Izdebski, Dave Soltau, Kris Izdebski and Thomas Izdebski.
Home health care company Advanced Clinical Associates keep catastrophic injury patients living large By Jimmy Magahern
very so often, Bob Greenwald, a retired Detroit cop who now lives in Sun City West, will get the urge to play a little blackjack at the casino. “He’s really good!” says Kris Izdebski, who’s become close friends with Greenwald over the past five years. “In most cases, he does very well. He’s an expert.” There’s just one thing. Getting Greenwald to his favorite table at Wild
48 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
Horse Pass is a major process. Several years ago, Greenwald, now 70, suffered a severe spinal cord injury that left him with quadriplegic paralysis. Upon being discharged from the hospital, he was referred to Izdebski’s company, Advanced Clinical Associates, a North Scottsdale-based home health care service specializing in serving patients with longterm, highly complex needs. Co-founded by Izdebski, a registered nurse with an MS in neuropsychology
from the University of Lublin in his native Poland, and run with the help of his sons Thomas and Philip, ACA prides itself in offering a variety of services in a home setting previously confined to a hospital intensive care unit. It’s a veritable ICU come to you, providing everything from respiratory services and IV infusion therapy to catastrophic injury management, all in the patient’s home. But perhaps none of the services Izdebski and sons provide is more
unusual than shuttling Bob Greenwald to the blackjack tables. “It sounds very nonchalant to talk about here,” says the 28-year-old Thomas, who directs human resources for the company, maintaining an on-call staff of about 50 nurses and clinicians. “But it’s really quite the process.” He smiles. “It’s not just five people hopping in a car and going to the casino!” As befitting his personality, Greenwald is a big man, about six-and-a-half-feet tall and weighing over 250 pounds. “We have a special lift to transfer the patient from the bed to an electronic chair,” says Kris. “Then we transfer him from the chair to a specialized van.” Add to that the fact that Greenwald must also travel with a respirator, and you get the picture that this particular blackjack ace rolls with a very unique entourage. At Wild Horse Pass, the crew parts the crowd like an “Oceans 11” posse packing a ventilator. “It’s a caravan, essentially,” says Thomas, again with the smiles, “making all that happen.”
A little more action Thomas and 25-year-old brother Philip, who handles the finances, don’t go on every patient visit themselves. At the heart of ACA’s business is the Rolodex of skilled clinicians culled from the medical staffing agency Kris Izdebski’s wife, Maria, ran when the family first moved to Arizona. But casino night with Bob—or dinner and a movie with Bob and his wife, Darlene—is one thing the Izdebski brothers try never to pass up. “We love doing things with them,” says Philip. “We’ve become like family.” Darlene Greenwald is grateful beyond words for the work the Izdebskis and their staff have done keeping her high-roller husband living large. Understandably, it takes a specially trained crew to literally have Bob’s back. “He’s a C2 break,” Darlene says, referring to the level of spinal cord injury known as a “hangman’s break,” as 95 percent of the people who sustain such an injury die instantly from it. “He’s quadriplegic, very high-risk patient. So it’s very difficult to try to protect him from everything. But they’re right there, anytime I need them.” Even if that’s just to give the Greenwalds a fun night out. “Oh yeah, we’ll go to dinner or the casino, and it’s really great for Bob,” she says. “It makes a big difference.”
Thomas is pragmatic about why his staff remains at the beck and call of the big guy from Detroit’s Precinct 17. “We’re there 24 hours a day, seven days a week,” he says. “If he wants to go to the bathroom, they facilitate him there. If he wants to go to the casino, we go to the casino with him.” But Philip says there’s a deeper reason why he and Tom are always happy to play Turk and Virgil Malloy to Bob’s Danny Ocean. “We’re bringing his life back,” he says, quietly. “Just sitting in a bed all the time is very demoralizing. But if he can go out and win a thousand dollars at blackjack, that puts some excitement back in his life.” And does he win that big often? “Absolutely,” Philip says, with a laugh. “He’s the king!”
Land of opportunity “We always had a dream about having our own business,” says the 59-year-old Kris, who still retains a healthy Polish accent. He taught himself English by writing his notes in both languages while he and his wife Maria were studying at the St. Louis School of Medicine. Izdebski worked at the University of Kentucky and Duke University Medical Center before joining the staff of the Mayo Clinic Hospital in North Scottsdale. “We felt good education and good background are important,” he says. “You have to be an expert.” It was while working in an intensive care unit at a Valley hospital that Izdebski met David Soltau, a fellow critical care practitioner who had served as a captain in the Army Nurse Corp stationed in Seoul, Korea. Like Izdebski, Soltau had amassed a range of specialized skills working in various ICUs. But Soltau also had a mind for business, having published some entrepreneurial success manuals and managed a real estate venture while continuing to work in the medical field. He looked at the level of care he and Izdebski were providing in the hospital and recognized an unfulfilled need for the same in home health care. “We were working together on critical care patients at a long-term facility in 2007, and we thought, ‘These guys are about to go home. What happens then?’” he says. “Do they get placed in a nursing home where they die? Do they lose their abilities after they leave here? We recognized that no one was serving that March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 49
businessprofile Advanced Clinical Associates Senior Managing Partner Dave Soltau and Co-founder Kris Izdebski at the Airpark offices, 14358 N. Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd.
50 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
market where you truly manage that level of services in a home setting.” He says people are often surprised when they read the menu of services ACA can offer at home, thanks partly to some smart business partnerships they’ve established with local medical equipment suppliers. “Most people, when they think of home health, they think of someone helping Grandma go shopping. No one thinks about taking an ICU patient out of the hospital, placing them at home and then managing at the clinical level, in their home setting, the same care they were getting at the hospital.” Soltau was also impressed with the type of medical professionals Maria Izdebski had assembled at her Scottsdale agency, New Image Staffing, many of whom now work for ACA. “A lot of people go into home health if they want to retire or if they’re tired of the hospital setting,” he says. “It’s rare when you find highly skilled technicians who want to continue working on the more demanding patients. That’s the clinician we’re looking for.” It’s rarer, still, when you find a home health care provider who can do the kind of heavy lifting ACA specializes in. “We go to these conventions where there’s one or two medical companies there to 25 nonmedical companies,” Soltau says. “You ask these companies if they can manage a patient on a ventilator in their home, and they all say, ‘No.’” In some cases, Soltau, Izdebski and company manage to keep patients’ careers going. Soltau mentions a respected Valley ophthalmologist and glaucoma specialist who
had nearly lost his ability to hold his instruments due to an illness that requires specialized infusions. “In the hospital, these can take four to eight hours to administer,” Soltau says. Getting the infusions at home has allowed to doctor to continue to go into work each morning. “It’s all about giving people their lives back,” says Soltau, echoing Philip Izdebski’s words. “That’s what drives us.”
Merging generations While many Americans remain on the fence about the changes arriving with the Affordable Care Act, Kris Izdebski, for one, is bullish on Obamacare. “This is the direction things are going,” he says. “With all the changes that are coming, I think home care is the future.” Adds Philip, “The insurance companies love us because we save them money; the hospitals love us because we save bed space and we’re easy to work with.” Kris is particularly enthused about the Affordable Care Act’s mandate to get all health care providers to transition over to electronic record keeping, which not only eases the patient’s transition from hospital to home care but has helped bring aboard his tech-savvy sons (one of whom, Thomas, even has patents on several medical device inventions). “It’s great working with my kids,” says Izdebski, who also has a daughter working in the office. “This young generation is very computer savvy. With Philip and Tommy on full time now, I think we can bring our company to a much higher level.” For their part, the younger Izdebskis have also gained respect for the
experienced older nurses and clinicians they employ. “One of the things that’s happening now is hospitals are looking to save costs,” says Thomas. “And one of the cost-saving measures that’s being done by the larger facilities is they’re kind of getting rid of their more senior staff members, because they’re on higher pay grades with pensions and all that. So we’ve been very fortunate to receive a lot of those older staff members who are very experienced working in hospitals and larger facilities. To find a nurse who has 25 years experience as an ICU supervisor is very difficult. But lucky for us, a lot of hospitals are letting those employees go.” Thomas says he’s continually amazed by not only the skills of these more experienced professionals, but also by how much they come to care for the patients. “One of our nurses went down and cleaned the house of a patient the other weekend,” he says. “That’s nowhere on her timecard. I didn’t even know she did it until she mentioned it casually in conversation afterward. But I was shocked. Here’s someone driving all the way down to Casa Grande with her husband, on the one day off they both have, to clean a person’s house for no reimbursement at all. That’s the kind of people we like to have working with us.” “You have to have heart,” adds Kris. “That’s the secret. And I think all of us, we have a huge heart. Our competition, they may have the numbers. But we have people with hearts.” March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 51
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52 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
March 2012 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 61 53 November
Run the Runway on April 6 It’s ‘plane’ fun for a good cause
housands are expected to “take off” down the Scottsdale Airport runway at the inaugural Scottsdale Airpark Run the Runway on April 6. This family-friendly event will take 5K Run/Walk and Kids’ Dash participants down the actual runway for a “plane” good time. Featured are special appearances by the Phoenix Suns’ Gorilla and Big Red from the Arizona Cardinals, along with the Bounce Boot Camp inflatable jumpers. The event benefits Playworks Phoenix, a nonprofit organization that transforms recess from an unstructured free-for-all to a constructive and supervised time of inclusive games, conflict resolution and promoting teamwork. “We’ve wanted to start an annual Run the Runway event to highlight the Scottsdale Airpark for a while, but finding the right partner organization that could embrace and coordinate such a familyfriendly event was hard to identify until we met the team at Playworks,” said Rick Kidder, president of the Scottsdale Area Chamber of Commerce. “As soon as we met the team at Playworks and learned about their impressive results at improving classroom behavior, reducing bullying and increasing physical activity, we knew that Playworks was the perfect organization for this event.” “We wanted to create a fun run that was inclusive to all ages and skill levels, but was still a legitimate, quality event to the running community,” said
Chuck Warshaver, executive director of Playworks- Phoenix. “The early response we’ve had to the Run the Runway event has been outstanding, and we’re making sure it’s a visually unique, well-coordinated event that people will come back to year after year.” According to the National Education Association, an estimated 160,000 kids each day miss school because they fear bullies. Recess is often the most feared time for many kids because it’s the time they feel most excluded and bullied. Playworks inserts full-time, trained adult “coaches” in the schools to teach students how to conduct safe, inclusive recess games and how to resolve simple conflicts. For example, the game RockPaper-Scissors is a great way to resolve conflicts between kids before they escalate into fights or bullying. The coaches also work with teachers in structured class game time and establishing sports leagues and other non-school-time programs and activities. Another program showing excellent results is the Junior Coach program that teaches peer leadership on the playground. This school year, Playworks-Phoenix is in seven area schools, and plans to expand to 30 schools by the 2014-2015 school year. Money raised at this event will help pay for coaches at additional schools. In addition to the Scottsdale Area Chamber of Commerce, other sponsors quickly joined on, including the event’s presenting sponsors, the Scottsdale Active
20/30 Club and Standard Aero. To sign up for the event, go to Active. com, or GetSetAZ. com For more information about Playworks, visit
WHEN: Saturday, April 6 WHERE: Scottsdale Airport, 15000 N. Airport Drive; From Scottsdale Rd, go East on Butherus Drive. Limited parking at the airport, but plenty of offsite parking available. ENTRY FEES $30-$35 Registration ($40 day of race) $15 Kids’ Mile Run (12 & younger) Noncompetitive; medals to all finishers. Free Kids’ 100-yard Dash (8 & younger) Noncompetitive. Register online at www.Active. com. Entry form available at Checks payable to Playworks, a 501(c)(3) corporation.
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March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 55
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Are Areyou youprepAred prepAredfor forthe the Interest Tied to Stocks Without Thestorm? Risk coming coming finAnciAL finAnciAL storm? The Ideal “Safe Haven” for Retirees
By Thomas K. Brueckner, CLTC
sk most retirees how they feel about the recovery in the stock market these days, and be prepared for an earful. With the S&P 500 having finally reacquired valuations not seen since March of 2000, many retirees have had little to celebrate for most of the last 13 years. Of the 5 major brokerage firms on Wall Street in 2007, 3 are long gone. Nationally, median home prices are still down nearly 16%, and we clearly remain in the throes of what even Warren Buffett predicts will be a “long and deep” economic recovery. In an attempt to fund bailouts, stimulus packages, and an expanding budget, the Treasury and the Federal Reserve have now tripled the U.S. currency supply, and the Obama administration is sitting atop a 2013 budget deficit of $1.2 trillion dollars, nearly four times the record 2008 deficits we reached under his predecessor. Our national debt stands at over $16.5 trillion and growing, even as many European nations are retreating from the same profligate spending that now threatens their common currency. All told, retirees still have plenty of reasons for caution if not alarm.
advances. If that same index (S&P 500, Nasdaq, DJIA, etc.) declines the following year, your original principal, plus all prior year’s gains, are retained and cannot be lost to that decline. While FIAs are not designed to outperform an extended bull market, the last decade was so volatile—two +50% declines in 10 years—that it hasn’t been hard for even a mediocre product to appear stellar by comparison. Our clients have experienced contractyear yields in the 5 to 9% range during advancing markets, while holding those credits during even the worst bear markets without a loss. Our favorite products are no-load, offered through highly-rated insurance companies (with State-mandated capital reserve requirements), and offer at least 5-7 different market indices from which to earn market-linked interest each year.
haps your broker has beguiled you with the pretense that “you haven’t lost money if you haven’t sold…” Really? One could surmise that the former stockholders of Enron, WorldCom, and Lehman Brothers would dispute such claims: Even if they still own the same number of shares, they’re worth far less now that those firms are insolvent.
Bonus Anyone? Finally, for the undecided, the wishful thinkers, and the verklempt, FIAs offer another benefit. One way of getting back A Word to the Wise some of what you’ve lost in the markets Don’t expect to be introduced to FIAs is with an up-front premium bonus—of by your stock broker or mutual fund rep- 5-10%—payable at contract inception, Chances are their broker/ Yield With Safety provided youclients signhave up have forlost a longer term. Unlike Unlike most most investors, investors, none none of Strategic ofresentative. Strategic Asset Asset Conservation’s Conservation’s nearly nearly 600600 clients lost money money In spite of these concerns, many over-55 dealer discourages them from offering you Impressive yield potential, tax advanan because such firms earnhad more to the to the stock market market in the inA the lastlast 13 years. 13FIA years. We’ve We’ve never never had a consumer afrom consumer complaint complaint in any in any regulatory regulatory investors are stock no longer deterred. savings tages, modest annual liquidity, premium vehicle first introduced nearly 20 years charging management fees on at-risk as- bonuses, an end to management fees, and jurisdiction, insome over in over 23 astounding years 23 years in private in private practice. WeofWe achieve achieve these these by practicing by practicing “safe “safe sets. There ispractice. a conflict interest being ago, jurisdiction, has produced truly all results gainsresults retained during the most volatoday—between an aging retiree tile decade in market history: No wonreturns sincestrategies then, withoutthat any that market risk a exposed money” money” strategies deliver deliver portion a portion of the of the market’s market’s gains gains withwith no risk no risk of market of market losses. losses. To To whatsoever. These products are known as population (for whom excessive risk is der retirees have left the stock market in inadvisable) and brokerage firms offeringto leveraging Fixedlearn Index or “Hybrid” Annuities (FIAs), droves! learn more more about about these these and and ourour many many other other unique unique approaches approaches to leveraging assets, assets, bothboth for you for you and have rescued older investors who can risk with their eye on trail commissions. and and youryour heirs, heirs, ustoday’s at at Sadly, there are many talented and knowl- Thomas K. Brueckner, CLTC, is President/ no longer afford the visit risk visit that edgeable brokers who are forbidden from CEO of Strategic Asset Conservation in bulent markets pose. FIAs are a tax-deferred savings vehicle, offering more age-appropriate products to Scottsdale, a conservative wealth management which pays market-linked interest—not their aging retirees. firm with clients in 18 states and 6 countries. dividends or capital gains—that once credHe is a 2011 Advisor of the Year national finalited, cannot be lost to a retreating market. Sell Amid A Rally ist, a radio talk show host, and a mentor to Perhaps you’ve been told you’re still a other advisors nationally. He may be reached In a year when stocks are up, the FIA owner is credited interest proportional to those “long-term” investor at the age of 73. Per- for comment at
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The Ideal “Safe Haven” for Retirees
Interest Tied to Stocks Without The Risk
By Thomas K. Brueckner, CLTC
sk most retirees how they feel about the recovery in the stock market these days, and be prepared for an earful. With the S&P 500 having finally reacquired valuations not seen since March of 2000, many retirees have had little to celebrate for most of the last 13 years. Of the 5 major brokerage firms on Wall Street in 2007, 3 are long gone. Nationally, median home prices are still down nearly 16%, and we clearly remain in the throes of what even Warren Buffett predicts will be a “long and deep” economic recovery. In an attempt to fund bailouts, stimulus packages, and an expanding budget, the Treasury and the Federal Reserve have now tripled the U.S. currency supply, and the Obama administration is sitting atop a 2013 budget deficit of $1.2 trillion dollars, nearly four times the record 2008 deficits we reached under his predecessor. Our national debt stands at over $16.5 trillion and growing, even as many European nations are retreating from the same profligate spending that now threatens their common currency. All told, retirees still have plenty of reasons for caution if not alarm. Yield With Safety In spite of these concerns, many over-55 investors are no longer deterred. A savings vehicle first introduced nearly 20 years ago, has produced some truly astounding returns since then, without any market risk whatsoever. These products are known as Fixed Index or “Hybrid” Annuities (FIAs), and have rescued older investors who can no longer afford the risk that today’s turbulent markets pose. FIAs are a tax-deferred savings vehicle, which pays market-linked interest—not dividends or capital gains—that once credited, cannot be lost to a retreating market. In a year when stocks are up, the FIA owner is credited interest proportional to those
advances. If that same index (S&P 500, Nasdaq, DJIA, etc.) declines the following year, your original principal, plus all prior year’s gains, are retained and cannot be lost to that decline. While FIAs are not designed to outperform an extended bull market, the last decade was so volatile—two +50% declines in 10 years—that it hasn’t been hard for even a mediocre product to appear stellar by comparison. Our clients have experienced contractyear yields in the 5 to 9% range during advancing markets, while holding those credits during even the worst bear markets without a loss. Our favorite products are no-load, offered through highly-rated insurance companies (with State-mandated capital reserve requirements), and offer at least 5-7 different market indices from which to earn market-linked interest each year. A Word to the Wise Don’t expect to be introduced to FIAs by your stock broker or mutual fund representative. Chances are their broker/ dealer discourages them from offering you an FIA because such firms earn more from charging management fees on at-risk assets. There is a conflict of interest being exposed today—between an aging retiree population (for whom excessive risk is inadvisable) and brokerage firms offering risk with their eye on trail commissions. Sadly, there are many talented and knowledgeable brokers who are forbidden from offering more age-appropriate products to their aging retirees. Sell Amid A Rally Perhaps you’ve been told you’re still a “long-term” investor at the age of 73. Per-
haps your broker has beguiled you with the pretense that “you haven’t lost money if you haven’t sold…” Really? One could surmise that the former stockholders of Enron, WorldCom, and Lehman Brothers would dispute such claims: Even if they still own the same number of shares, they’re worth far less now that those firms are insolvent. Bonus Anyone? Finally, for the undecided, the wishful thinkers, and the verklempt, FIAs offer another benefit. One way of getting back some of what you’ve lost in the markets is with an up-front premium bonus—of 5-10%—payable at contract inception, provided you sign up for a longer term. Impressive yield potential, tax advantages, modest annual liquidity, premium bonuses, an end to management fees, and all gains retained during the most volatile decade in market history: No wonder retirees have left the stock market in droves! Thomas K. Brueckner, CLTC, is President/ CEO of Strategic Asset Conservation in Scottsdale, a conservative wealth management firm with clients in 18 states and 6 countries. He is a 2011 Advisor of the Year national finalist, a radio talk show host, and a mentor to other advisors nationally. He may be reached for comment at
March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 57
Colon cancer campaign urges ‘live more’ and ‘fear less’
arch is national Colon Cancer Awareness Month and Scottsdale Healthcare is launching its “50 and Fearless” health education campaign. The website tackles the No. 1 reason people don’t schedule a colonoscopy to screen for colon cancer: fear, including fear of what the results may show, as well as fear of the required preparation and the test itself. Colon cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers in men and women, but it doesn’t have to be. It can actually be prevented or detected through colonoscopy screening, recommended starting at age 50 for most people. Visitors to will learn the importance of having a colonoscopy to find and remove polyps before they become cancerous. Although a screening colonoscopy is recommended starting at age 50, if you have a family history of colorectal cancer or polyps screenings should begin at age 40. also features stories of Valley residents who did not fear the exam and were glad they did. Pat Vassaux had normal results. Kevin Witzel’s exam detected a benign polyp, which was removed. And Carol Dorman learned she had colon cancer, which because it was detected early, was removed and
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she’s happy to say she is a cancer survivor. “Don’t wait,” Dorman urges. “The unknown is always a scary thing, but you’ve got to give yourself a fighting chance. They have the most amazing tools today and the incredible ability to treat colon cancer if it’s found early.” is supported by TV and radio commercials, online and magazine ads, email campaigns and social media. Visitors to the site will find information about screening and scheduling a colonoscopy, treatment options, Scottsdale Healthcare gastroenterologists and upcoming educational events. “Colon cancer is probably the most preventable cancer because it usually doesn’t come out of the blue. It takes a long time,” says Andrew Kassir, M.D., a board-certified colorectal surgeon at Scottsdale Healthcare hospitals. “A person is usually normal, and then develops polyps on the bowel wall,” he says. “Those polyps get bigger and can turn into cancer.” That means it’s important to remove benign polyps, which can be done during a colonoscopy. “By eliminating the polyps, you’re helping to eliminate the risk of cancer,” Dr. Kassir says. Polyps are found in approximately 30 percent of people older than age 50 and typically don’t cause any symptoms. Often what people needlessly fear more than the procedure is the prep. You’ll need to cleanse your bowel before a colonoscopy so the physician can see and remove any polyps. That means the day prior, you’ll be on a liquid diet and take a laxative in the evening and early the following morning. There’s typically very little discomfort during the procedure. Patients generally receive “twilight” anesthesia and feel or remember almost nothing. Some even choose to watch the procedure. The only thing to really fear is potentially having a polyp and not knowing it. Visit Scottsdale Healthcare’s Facebook and Twitter pages and use the hashtag #50andfearless to show support and there really is nothing to fear about a colon cancer screening.
Surgeon tops 1,000 daVinci procedures
cottsdale Healthcare surgeons’ leadership in the use of robotic technology was spotlighted when Mike Janicek, M.D. recently performed his 1,000th operation using the daVinci surgical robot at the nonprofit health care system’s hospitals.
“Robotic instruments allow for magnified, 3-D viewing and fine-tuned manipulation of tissues. This means the surgeon can see better, control the smallest of blood vessels to limit bleeding and reduce the risks of surgery,” said Dr. Janicek, a gynecologist/oncologist who performed the milestone case at Scottsdale Healthcare Thompson Peak Hospital. During daVinci procedures, the surgeon makes only a few small incisions instead of a large open incision as in traditional open surgery. Surgeons guide a four-armed robot using threedimensional HD magnification and special computer-guided precision instruments that reproduce exact movements of the surgeon’s hands, wrists and fingers. The concept for robotic surgery evolved from prototypes developed for military battlefield surgical application. Scottsdale Healthcare acquired Arizona’s first daVinci surgical system in 2001, providing its surgeons with extensive experience in the minimally invasive technology. Scottsdale Healthcare has two daVinci robots at its Shea Medical Center and another at its Thompson Peak Hospital. The robots were made possible by philanthropic donations. Dr. Janicek performed his first daVinci surgery at Scottsdale Healthcare Shea Scottsdale Medical Center in April 2006, Healthcare daVinci not long after the technolmilestones ogy received FDA approval for use in gynecological pro· Scottsdale Healthcare cedures. Since then, he has acquired Arizona’s first done the majority of his cases daVinci surgical system at Scottsdale Healthcare in 2001, providing its Thompson Peak Hospital. surgeons with extensive “Scottsdale Healthcare experience in the miniis one of the most progresmally invasive technolsive providers of robotic and ogy. minimally invasive surgery in this region. of allowed to use a Facebook Bottom line, The havedepth specific · Arizona’s first robotic our clinical expertise spans feature such as the goals and don’t run a contest prostatectomy wasLike button gynecology/oncology, gynetodone enterby orurologist vote. Another just because everyone else is cology,it. urology, general Bernie Gburek, at surprising rule isM.D., that you doing surgery, ear-nose-throat and Scottsdale must notify Healthcare winners via colorectal proceShea snail Medical in call email, mailCenter or phone #2: Whichrobotic Type of dures,” said Thompson 2002. you congratulate them before Facebook Contest?Peak Hospital publicly on Facebook or send There Administrator are four basic Kim types · Scottsdale Healthcare Post. them a Facebook message. of contests you can run on acquired the state’s Complementing Scottsdale And you can’t includefirst calls to Facebook: sweepstakes, high-definition daVinci Healthcare’s expert miniaction such as “Don’t forget to essay, photo, and video. in 2007. mally invasive surgeons vote” or “Tell your friends” on The type of contest you is a highly skilled clinical your Timeline cover image— run matters because each · Andrew Kassir, M.D., team who “provide the supand the list goes on. one appeals to a different and Robert Shapiro, port needed for excellent However, the chief audience. Video, photo and M.D., performed the priority outcomes as well as an outwhen initiating a contest essay contests will give you nation’s first-known comstanding experience for our Facebook is and that colon your lots of content for your page, on bined kidney patients,” said Post. customers are happy. By but they also require more daVinci surgery in 2010. Calling his 1,000th case keeping the contest simple, effort from a customer. a “shared milestone,” Dr. · Scottsdale the rules clearHealthcare’s and the updates A sweepstakes contest is Janicek agreed. “Robotic surdaVinci you robotic cansurgical avoid the easy to enter and you can set frequent, gery is very technical and systemtypically is currently used pitfalls associated it up so you get a few key the support team can make in multiple specialties with poorly managed pieces of information from or break the case. I’m grateincluding GYN, Urology, promotions. your ful to customers. have an expert, highly GYN-oncology, General Violating any of Facebook’s Classy Closets is a effective and dedicated team Surgery, Colorectal, ENT rules will result in your Scottsdale Airpark-based at Scottsdale Healthcare,” he and Pediatrics. contest (and possibly your closet company that designs said. page) being shut down. storage solutions for closets, garages, home offices, laundry Save yourself a headache and familiarize yourself spaces, bedrooms, etc. When with Facebook’s contest and the folks at Classy Closets promotion rules. started their latest contest,
Scottsdale Healthcare Thompson Peak Hospital operating room staff helped Mike Janicek, M.D., celebrate surpassing 1,000 surgeries with the daVinci surgical robot.
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7820 E. Evans Road, Suite 400, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 59 At last! 2 Chances this May to attend our famous Open Day Events
The lounge features a fully stocked coffee bar where clients can quickly meet with office visitors.
The patio, which all Regus clients are welcome to enjoy, affords views of the Frank Lloyd Wright Spire.
Photos courtesy of Regus
Regus’ Business Center Opens at Promenade Flex space helps control costs By Kimberly Hundley
egus, the world’s largest provider of flexible workspaces, opened its second Airpark locale in late January, taking over half the top floor of the Promenade Corporate Center on Frank Lloyd Wright Boulevard and Scottsdale Road. Clients who lease offices in the handsome “plug and play” center have their pick of fully equipped, furnished spaces—from a single desk in a small interior room to multiple offices with views of the McDowell Mountains. Every tenant has use of the kitchen, balcony patio, business lounge, Internet access, IT support, telephony and reception-desk representatives. “You run your business, and we run the facility,” says Greg Waddington, Phoenix-area director for Regus. “People that office with us, all they need is a computer and a purpose. We can’t supply them with those two things.”
60 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
Common areas include drop-in business lounges for client networking events—complete with “Think Pods,” where members can work on their computers, and high-sided “booths” with swinging desk tops allowing users to comfortably make private phone calls and take notes. t
The stocked kitchen includes a microwave oven and refrigerator.
h s
Terms are flexible and allow clients to choose the length of time they stay as well the option to expand as needed, even if it’s right in the middle of a lease. Tenants can also move to a different center. “When you sign up for traditional office space, they typically want a three-, five-, seven-year commitment,” Waddington says. “Here you can sign for three months, though the most common lease is for 12.” Luxembourg-based Regus has 14 other Valley facilities, including one at Kierland Corporate Center on Greenway Parkway and Scottsdale Road. Regus expanded to the Promenade to meet market demand, according to Waddington, who points to the company’s strong global growth as evidence of a changing workforce. “There are more than 4 billion mobile workers in the world. The old traditional commitment to a lot of space is gone. People have the need to work on the fly, to be mobile workers, to touch down in different cities,” he says. “This lowers the risk and gives them easy entry into new markets.” Regus was founded in 1989 in Belgium. More than 1 million customers a day avail themselves of the company’s facilities, spread across a global footprint of 1,500 locations in 600 cities and 100 countries. As part of the business model, Regus clients are issued a “Businessworld” card permitting them to alight at any center in any city to check email, print documents and enjoy a cup of coffee. For weary travelers on the road, having a “place to land” is a real boon, Waddington says. Many companies, such as Google and Nokia, lease Regus space in multiple cities also. “If you look at the nicest office buildings wherever you are—in Paris,
London, Dubai—chances are there is a Regus floor,” Waddington says. Regus selected the Airpark locale because of its potential for new leases as well as to satisfy existing clients around the world who visit their own customers in the area, he adds. Jim Meeker of Florida-based EverBank was among the first to move into the
Promenade facility, which opened at 65 percent full and has since grown to 75 percent occupancy. EverBank, which specializes in jumbo mortgage financing, is actively recruiting throughout the country and has a corporate national relationship with Regus. Meeker is opening the Arizona market for EverBank, and he works from a two-office corner space with a balcony. The Airpark facility is close to potential customers and referral partners, plus it has the capacity to accommodate growth as needed, Meeker explains. “This is our target market. I think the lifeblood of Arizona businesses are in the Scottsdale Airpark,” he says. “Right now, Regus has enough space for us to grow, and they have that quality of space we’re looking for. Eventually we’re going to grow into a permanent space.” Offices start at less than $500 monthly, with rates varying depending on size, view and configuration. Amenities include access to a network printer and low-cost mailing service. Regus also has three full-time employees onsite for support: an office manager and two client-service representatives to take calls and greet visitors.
March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 61
Clients may rent meeting rooms as needed, by the half-hour to the day.
Keri Davies, area sales manager, and Greg Waddington, Phoenix-area director for Regus, at the new Promenade facility
Credit: Kimberly Hundley
Regus’ 15th Valley locale is at 16427 N. Scottsdale Road, on the top floor of the Promenade Corporate Center.
62 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
The setup was a good fit for CoAdvantage, a Florida- and Texas-based professional employer organization in the midst of Western expansion. Business consultant Gary Gorsline works with CoAdvantage Regional Manager Charlie Fields from a two-desk shared interior office at the Promenade facility. “We’re outside salespeople for the most part,” Gorsline says. “Nine times out of 10, we meet with companies at their place of business. We don’t need a freestanding building or a lot of space.” Economic benefits aside, however, the No. 1 allure of the Regus facility is the amenities that add to the CoAdvantage customer experience, Gorsline adds. As part of Regus’ marketing plan, the facility hosted an open house for commercial brokers in February to familiarize them with the space. The business center, says Waddington, can be another arrow in a broker's quiver of products. “They know a lot of leasors are not interested in three guys taking an office for six months,” he says, adding brokers not only get a commission from working with Regus, but can increase their close ratio by finding space for those hard-to-fit clients. Another four to five Regus centers are expected to open in the Valley by year’s end, including locales in midtown Phoenix and Desert Ridge.
advice from weiss
March Business Horoscope By Weiss Kelly, PMAFA Whether you’re a small-business owner or have other career aspirations, insights into how the planets influence your work month can help you plan for maximum performance and project success. ARIES 3/20-4/20 Expect more hard work and problem solving as you start out the month. Focus on clearing up any old projects. Determination and concentration will be required the first half of the month. Mars enters your sign on the 12th, and you’ll be energized to get things done! New business opportunities present themselves. Full Moon on the 27th could conclude an agreement. TAURUS 4/21-5/21 You usually are quite happy being self-directed, and that’s likely to be the scenario in March. You’ll need to work to gain cooperation for a project, and this make take some time. Your job is to stick to a budget and avoid spontaneous spending— and don’t believe everything you hear. Check and recheck orders and paperwork; minor mistakes may occur. March can end on a productive note. GEMINI 5/22-6/21 It’s a good thing you adapt well to change, because you are likely to find that’s exactly what will be happening in your usual workweek. The good news is that most of the shifts you make will be positive. Until the 17th, be extra careful about miscommunication. Matters that have been held back about three weeks start moving forward after the 20th. CANCER 6/22-7/22 Don’t expect to spend much time at home or make definite plans as March gets off to a running start. It can be a most productive time if you have backups plans; mix-ups and cancellations are not uncommon when Mercury remain retro for the first 17 days. If you’ve been thinking of making changes or starting a new project, favorable times begin between the 25th and the 1st.
Place Your
LIBRA 9/24-10/2 You may be working through problems in a step-by-step procedure as the month starts; use moderation. Expect work developments to improve from the 11th through the 16th. Handling colleagues or clients with kid gloves. Your diplomatic demeanor will work wonders. Once Mercury speeds up midmonth, work issues start to fall into place and pending commitments made by others can be concluded.
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SCORPIO 10/2-11/21 This is a month of upheavals and change for us all. You are asked to summon your self-reliance early on. You can’t avoid hard work by putting it off. Jump in (4th-15th) because you’ll get better results if you do what is required. Thinking about a career change or a new direction or approach? It’s a good month to contemplate want to accomplish and to release. SAGITTARIUS 11/22-12/20 You find it is harder to get your point across or get a favorable response or callbacks. Best not to do or say anything hasty that you may regret later. Use the first week to catch up on work, review your options or research future goals. Take nothing for granted. Arrange meetings or travel for later in the month. Your social life ramps up by the 20th. CAPRICORN 12/21-1/19 Everyone is not as well organized and professionally motivated as you are, so don’t expect quick answers to your calls. Interference and delays are likely the first week. Be patient: agreements and feedback will happen. Work responsibility is less burdensome as the pace picks up from the 18th-26th. Even if some issues get complicated, you accomplish your goals.
LEO 7/2-8/22 Certain things have been holding you back, and the challenging work you undertake this month can remove those blockages. Initially you do damage control. Take note of what you truly want to accomplish, then fixate on what you need to do and the resources needed. The New Moon on the 11th is timely for that fresh new start. Later in the month, you gain insight into how to leap forward with your business, and your calendar fills up!
AQUARIUS 1/20-2/18 Keep a close eye on accounts and estimates and make needed adjustments. Keep a paper trail and hold off signing any long-term agreements. In spite of these restrictions, you can expect Mars to push you to take action (the week of the 11th) and move ahead. It’s imperative that you act on your networking skills.
VIRGO 8/2-9/2 A little frustration may come your way the first week or so as those best laid plans bring some unexpected reversals. Don’t depend on others: This is a “do it yourself” scene until midmonth. Don’t discount hunches, which give you insight into things you might otherwise overlook. The good news is that agreements can be reached with little opposition. Shared resources (yours and others) could go up in value.
Pisces 2/19-3/19 Take risks and go for business opportunities that will be drifting your way all month long. Five planets in your sign motivate you and bring new clients your way. Finances take a positive turn by the second week. Expect new projects or approaches to meet with success by the Full Moon on the 27th. Get out of your own way. Establish some $$ goals, whether a budget or making investments.
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Weiss Kelly is a professional astrologer based in the Scottsdale Airpark. Voted to the board of the Professional Member American Federation of Astrologers, she is available for personal/business forecasts on CD, as well as speaking engagements for business and social meetings. Contact: 480-600-7424;;
March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 63
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64 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
THE SPECIAL NEEDS TRUST A thoughtful financial move for a loved one with a disability
f you have a child with special needs or care for an adult relative who is mentally or physically challenged, you face long-run financial demands. In all probability, federal and state assistance won’t help you meet all of them. Enter the special needs trust, an irrevocable trust designed to provide for an individual or family member’s supplemental needs, assorted care and lifestyle needs that cannot be met using government assistance. A trustee uses such a trust to make various purchases of goods and services on behalf of a “permanently and totally disabled” person. Even wealthy families have these trusts in place, and for good reason. Just to offer one example, the Autism Society estimates that 60 percent of autistic children will require adult services, with the average lifetime cost of care currently around $3.2 million per individual. So a special needs trust may be a wise move. These trusts were officially recognized by Congress in 1993; before that, they were established based on case law. They give families a smart alternative to other, potentially flawed arrangements to provide for these individuals over a lifetime. It is still common for a sister or brother of a newly disabled person to hold assets that once belonged to their sibling. Too often, these assets became “easy pickings” in a bankruptcy, litigation or divorce. Other families set up pooled trusts for distributing funds to their children, naming all their kids as beneficiaries; this move keeps disabled children eligible for federal and state benefits, but it also invites other siblings to fight over or lay claim to the pooled assets. Monies in a special needs trust are not
ucked along the Greenway-Hayden Loop, Avery Lane could easily be found among the boutiques dotting the heart of the Saint-Germain-des-Prés neighborhood of Paris, best known for chic classic design, books and home furnishings.
Consign Design Tip Memorable art is the
most important element to capturing the owners’ personalities, travels and interests in a home. This original oil “The Dressing Table” by Vicente Viudes is one of many museum quality pieces Avery Lane is showcasing on behalf of several prestigious estates. Tres’ Chic art from Dutch Masters to Abstracts to landscapes and Parisian street scenes can all be found at Avery Lane.
exposed to creditors and are still non-countable assets so that the beneficiary can continue to qualify for social services programs and medical benefits. How do these trusts function? Trust assets are typically invested in securities, with the resulting income stream being used to paying for the beneficiary’s needs. Conceptually, they work according to a sliding needs scale; for example, should government services somehow be able to provide for 100 percent of the beneficiary’s needs, the trust will provide 0 percent and vice versa. The core principle is that the trust assets supplement the government benefits. This holds true if the beneficiary falls into Medicare’s “doughnut hole”; it also holds true if the trust buys goods and services to improve and enhance the lifestyle of the beneficiary. The trust does not exist simply to pay for the beneficiary’s basic living expenses; it may do more. Many of these trusts are funded with life insurance, others with assets from parents or grandparents. Still others are funded using a disabled individual’s own assets, or money received from a settlement. (Intended beneficiaries of special needs trusts may not create or revoke them, even if they are mentally competent and pour their personal assets into them.)1 Sometimes parents will establish a special needs trust, yet not fund it until they pass away; a will transfers an inheritance that would go to a disabled child into the trust. The special needs trust can also be designated as a beneficiary of this or that asset, be it a life
Blue Bayou was an instant hit for Ronstadt in the 1970’s and so is this striking Blue Buffet. The dramatic color will add the “wow” to a memorable room. A Paula Berg original with loads of storage is sure to be a crowd pleaser in a front foyer or as a dining buffet.
Red Leather Bova Couch Lends the right amount of contemporary to any home. At Avery Lane, we love eclectic and comfortable and this piece is the pièce de résistance.
Dining with the
Store Owner Darlene Richert & Mascot “Ringo” bring an element of fun to shopping at Avery Lane Come join the party!
Trumps this Evening A dramatic white and glass dining room set makes any space feel posh. Avery Lane loves the clean lines and combination of fine materials in this elegant set. Dress it up with some glass candle sticks and colorful stemware for a memorable evening. Like everything in life…so much better in person. Come sit a spell at Avery Lane – we’ll pour the champagne.
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continued on page 66 March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 65
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insurance policy or something else. Which requirements must be kept in mind? Here are some basics. The beneficiary of a special needs trust cannot have more than $2,000 in assets in his or her own name (this limit does vary by state). He or she must also be younger than 65 when the trust is established. In a self-settled trust created with funds owned by the disabled individual, leftover trust assets are wholly or partly paid back to Medicaid after the beneficiary dies to cover its costs for caring for the beneficiary during his or her lifetime. There is no such requirement for third-party special needs trusts funded by parents or grandparents. Assets within these trusts may be transferred to anyone after the death of the first beneficiary. The trust document’s language must express a purpose to provide “supplemental and extra care” beyond what government and social services agencies offer to the trust beneficiary (not basic financial support). The trust must also be without a Crummey clause: a proviso allowing future interest gifts to be treated as present interest gifts, thereby making them eligible for the annual gift tax exclusion. If you wish for your loved one to have a good quality of life for years to come, a special needs trust may prove instrumental in allowing you to provide it. Gavin Tolan is a financial consultant with Williams Financial Group. He has served individual investors throughout the Valley for the past 19 years with investment recommendations, account management and retirement planning. For questions and topic requests, or to set a meeting to review your investment portfolio, email gtolan@; call 480-212-1100.
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March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 67
This categorized directory of businesses is provided by the Scottsdale Airpark News at an annual charge of $600, prepaid. To include a link to your website online, there is an annual charge of $1,000. Included in the prepaid charge is a listing in our published directory, which includes a logo, contact name, address, phone number, fax number, website and e-mail address. Your listing (not including the website link) is also published in our online directory. To include your Business Directory listing online with a link to your website, there is an annual charge of $1,000. Visit us at, under the Airpark Directory link.
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68 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
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Randy Nussbaum, Gregory P. Gillis, Dean M. Dinner 14850 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 450 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-609-0011 Fax: 480-609-0016
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Michael W. Goltry
HYMSON GOLDSTEIN & 15615 North 71st Street, Suite 106 PANTILIAT, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 PLLC Phone: 480-991-3435 16427 North Scottsdale Rd., Suite 300 Scottsdale, Arizona 85254 Fax: 480-991-3563 Phone: 480-991-9077 Website:
8245 8245E. E.Butherus ButherusDr. Dr. Scottsdale, Scottsdale, AZ AZ 85260 85260 Phone: 480-951-4054 480-951-4054 Phone:
March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 69 7333 E. Butherus Dr., Suite 100-B Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-443-0000
Rick Shaw, Regional Director 17470 N. Pacesetter Way, Suite 219 Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Main: 480-305-2145 Fax: 480-305-2146 Email:
bu businessdirector
STAFFING The Business Wealth Club - Scottsdale
5434 E Lincoln Dr. #15 Paradise Valley, AZ 85253 SCCPhone: Business Institute 480-951-4988 BUSINESS14350 SALE N. 480-998-3724 87th St., Suite 185 Fax Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-425-6910 Fax: 480-425-6901
BUSINESS INSURANCE Experts in the Sale and Purchase of Aviation Businesses BUSINESS CONSULTING Jim Afinowich Phone: 480-421-9680
Karen L. Evers, Agency Owner/Insurance Consultant 8687 E. Via De Ventura #218 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 The Business Wealth Club - Scottsdale We get businesses sold Phone: 480-305-1175 E Lincoln Dr.for #15 To learn how you5434 can get top dollar your company, call Fax: 480-305-1176 Paradise AZ 85253 JimValley, Afinowich Email: Phone: Phone: 480-421-9789 480-951-4988 Fax 480-998-3724
#1 Ranking Arizona 11 Straight Years!
BUSINESS INSURANCE Scottsdale: 6232 N. 32nd St. • 16277 N. Greenway-Hayden Loop 22841 N. 19th Ave. • 7401 E. Camelback Rd. Phone: 602-912-5500
COMMERCIAL CLEANING & 14415 N 73rd Street Ste 110 STAFFING
Scottsdale, AZ 85260 (480) 447-3502 18325 N. Allied Way #205, Phx (Scottsdale Rd & 101) 2060 Whispering Wind Dr. #264-2, Phoenix 10320 W. McDowell Rd., Bldg J-1033, Avondale Phone: 623-734-7817 COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL
GLASS WORKS 14415 N 73rd Street Ste 110 COMMERCIALScottsdale, CLEANING & AZ 85260 STAFFING (480) 447-3502 email:
COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL GLASS 14427 N.WORKS 73rd Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Phone: 480-947-5545 480-315-1336 14415Fax: N 73rd Street Ste 110 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 (480) 447-3502 COMMERCIAL LANDSCAPING email:
14427 N. 73rd Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Scottsdale: Scottsdale: 16211 16211N. N. Scottsdale Scottsdale Rd. Rd. #4 #4 Phone:480-607-DELI(3354) 480-607-DELI(3354) Phone: Karen L. Evers, Agency Owner/Insurance Consultant Phoenix: Phoenix: 8687 E. Via De Ventura #218 21705 N. N. 19th 19th Ave. Ave. 21705 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Phone: 623-581-DELI(3354) Phone: 623-581-DELI(3354) Phone: 480-305-1175 Fax: 480-305-1176 We & CateringToo! Too! WeDeliver Deliver & Offering Offering Catering
14287 N. 87th St., Suite 123 Phone: 480-609-0055 Fax: 480-609-8958
Can’t Qualify for a Conventional Loan? WE CAN HELP! Residential • Commercial 480-466-7020 14301 N. 87th St., Suite 212 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 License #MB0919350
COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL Phone: 480-947-5545 GLASS WORKS Fax: 480-315-1336
COMMERCIAL HVAC Taking Care of Your Landscaping Needs 25847 N. 19th Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85085 Phone: 623-879-7547 14427 N. 73rd Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-947-5545 Fax: and 480-315-1336 1st inspection tune up 1 unit at no charge. Our greatest compliment is your referral
13831 N. 94th St., Scottsdale, AZ 85260 GAL PALS Phone: 480-860-9500 Scottsdale: Fighting Ovarian Cancer with TEAL 16211 N. Scottsdale Rd. #4 AZ 85254 6440 E. Greenway Scottsdale, (TeachPkwy., Early and Live) Phone: 480-607-DELI(3354) Phone: 480-368-1711
Accepting Donations for Non-Profit Phoenix: Nancy Twedt/Mike Esses 21705 N. 19th Ave. 15401Phone: N. 63rd623-581-DELI(3354) St., Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Phone: 480-991-0731
We Deliver & Offering Catering Too!
CHILD CARE 78 |CHILD Scottsdale Airpark News November 2012 CARE
Peoria, AZ 85382 Phone: (480) 226-2473 Email:
COMMERCIAL LANDSCAPING Rick Shaw, Regional Director 17470 N. Pacesetter Way, Suite 219 Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Taking Care of Your Landscaping Needs Main: 480-305-2145 Fax: 480-305-2146 25847 N. 19th Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85085 Email: Phone: 623-879-7547
Taking Care of Your Landscaping Needs COMMERCIAL LENDING 25847 N. 19th Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85085 Phone: 623-879-7547
ARRANGE PICKU COMPUTER OR ELE 20 Yea 16000 N. 80th S Can’t Qualify f Phon www.fea WE Residen COMPUTERS 414301 N Scott jim@del HIGH EN dennis@d COMPU LicenN 16000 COMPUTERScott & RECYCLINGPhon Fax www.fea
Feature M
20 Yea 16000 N. 80th St DonationPhon Dro www.fea Donate your c to help ou COMPUTERS Portion Wound For la we willEN ar HIGH For Qu COMPUT 16000 N. 80th St.,N 16000 Phon Scott Fax Phon www.fea Fax
Feature M
Feature M
Donation Dro Donate your c to 8151 helpE. ouE Scott Portion Phon Wounde Email For la ww we will arr For Qu CONSTRUCTIO 16000 N. 80th St., S Phon Fax www.fea
7750 E. G Scott Phon Fax www
8151 E. E Scott Phon Email: ww
13831 N. 94th 94th St., St., Scottsdale, Scottsdale, AZ AZ 85260 85260 13831 N. Phone: Phone: 480-860-9500 480-860-9500
The Business Wealth Club - Scottsdale 5434 E Lincoln Dr. #15 Paradise Valley, AZ 85253 Phone: 480-951-4988 Fax 480-998-3724
6440 E. Greenway Greenway Pkwy., Pkwy., Scottsdale, Scottsdale, AZ 6440 E. AZ 85254 85254 Phone: Phone: 480-368-1711 480-368-1711
Karen L. Evers, Agency Owner/Insurance Consultant 8687 E. Via De Ventura #218 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Phone: 480-305-1175 Fax: 480-305-1176 Email:
70 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
78 | Scottsdale Airpark News November 2012
18325 N. Allied Way #205, Phx (Scottsdale Rd & 101) 2060 W. Whispering Wind Dr. #264-2, Phoenix 10320 W. McDowell Rd., Bldg J-1033, Avondale Phone: 623-734-7817
Rick Shaw, Regional Director 17470 N. Pacesetter Way, Suite 219 Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Main: 480-305-2145 Fax: 480-305-2146 Email:
Rick Shaw, Regional Director 17470 N. Pacesetter Way, Suite 219 Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Main: 480-305-2145 Fax: 480-305-2146 Email:
7750 E. G Scott Phon Fax www
Can’t Qualify for a Conventional Loan? WE CAN HELP! Residential • Commercial 480-466-7020 14301 N. 87th St., Suite 212 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 License #MB0919350
Feature Marketing, Inc.
ARRANGE PICKUP OR DROP OFF OF YOUR COMPUTER OR ELECTRONICS TO BE RECYCLED 20 Years in the Airpark 16000 N. 80th St. #D Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-947-9912
Feature Marketing, Inc. HIGH END REFURBISHED COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 16000 N. 80th St., Suite D Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-947-9912 Fax: 480-947-5621
Feature Marketing, Inc.
COMPUTERS/WEB SITES/EMAILS Corporate Housing • Vacation Rentals Kierland-NorthScottsdale/Old Town-City Center Corporate Housing • Vacation Rentals Desert Ridge-Phoenix/Oro Valley-Tucson Kierland-NorthScottsdale/Old Town-City Center 8151 E. Evans Road, Suite 2 Desert Ridge-Phoenix/Oro Valley-Tucson Phone: 602-672-7552 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Email: Phone: 480-315-8040 Phone: 602-672-7552 Email: Email: DENTAL
SD E SD EExcellence Scottsdale Dental
Jeffrey DDental Clark DDS FAGD Scottsdale Excellence Cosmetic and Family Dentistry 7750 E. Gelding Dr., Suite 4
Jeffrey D Clark DDS FAGD Scottsdale, AZ 85260 8765 East Bell Road, Suite 201
Phone: CosmeticScottsdale, and480-991-1993 Family Dentistry AZ 85260
Corporate Housing • Vacation Rentals Kierland-NorthScottsdale/Old Town-City Center Corporate Housing • Vacation Rentals Desert Ridge-Phoenix/Oro Valley-Tucson Kierland-NorthScottsdale/Old Town-City Center Pacific Ridge-Phoenix/Oro Beach-San Diego/Del Valley-Tucson Mar-San Diego Desert Phone: 602-672-7552 Phone: 602-672-7552 Email:
7650 E. Gelding Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85260 “8Phone: locations to serve you!” 480-948-4697 Donn Frye, CEO 7126 E. Sahuaro Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85254 DOORS – SALES Phone: 480-948-2781 Fax: 480-948-2867
Scottsdale Dental Excellence Jeffrey D Clark DDS FAGD
Cosmetic and Family Dentistry 8765 8765East EastBell BellRoad, Road, Suite Suite 201 Scottsdale, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 480-585-1853 480-585-1853
Thomas V. McClammy, D.M.D, M.S. Shawn D.D.S., M.S.D. ThomasR.V.Anderson, McClammy, D.M.D, M.S. 8765R.E.Anderson, Bell Rd.,D.D.S., Suite 213 Shawn M.S.D. Scottsdale, AZ Suite 85260213 8765 E. Bell Rd., Phone: 480-731-3636 • Fax: 480-731-3637 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-731-3636 • Fax: 480-731-3637 DESIGN
DOORS Complete Lettershop Services
Located in the Scottsdale AirCenter Fullfillment Lists Way, • Discounted Postage DOORS 15290 N.• 78th Suite B200 7650 E. Redfield Rd., Suite D-6, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-483-7867 Phone: 480-483-7677 Email: Email: 7650 E. Gelding Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-948-4697 DIRECT MAIL SERVICES DOORS 7650 Gelding Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-948-4697 DOORS – SALES
DOORS – SALES Complete Lettershop Services 7650 E. Gelding Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-948-4697 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Premium Doors & Windows Phone: 480-483-7677 8175 E. Raintree Dr. #5 Email: Premium Doors & Windows Scottsdale, AZ 85260 8175 E. Raintree Dr. #5 Phone: 480-443-3151 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-443-3151 DRY CLEANING
Fax: 480-991-3004 8765 East Bell Road, Suite 201 480-585-1853 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 480-585-1853 DENTAL/ENDODONTICS
Premium Doors & Windows 8175 E. Raintree Dr. #5 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-443-3151
8880 EAST VIA LINDA #109 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85258 Phone: (480) 607-7788 Fry’s Marketplace Plaza NW Corner of 90th St. & Via Linda Donn Frye, CEO 7126 E. Sahuaro Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-948-2781 EMBROIDERY/SILK SCREENING Fax: 480-948-2867
Jim Staud Phone Cell: Fax: Email: jsta www
2415 E. Cam Phoe Phone: 602-707www
Scotts Phone Fax:
DR. ANN Psycho Jock Sportswear Embroidery/Silk Screening
9420 E. Doubletree Ranch Rd., Suite C-101 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Phone: 480-451-3682 • Fax: 480-451-5850 Email:
Phone: (480) 607-7788 Fry’s Marketplace Plaza NW Corner of 90th St. & Via Linda Graebel Movers
Jim Staude, General Manager Graebel Movers Phone: 602-447-0200 Jim General Manager Jim Staude, Staude, General Manager EMBROIDERY/SILK SCREENING Cell: 602-284-8555 Phone: 602-447-0200 Phone: 602-447-0200 Fax: 602-447-0554 Cell: 602-284-8555 Email: Fax: 602-447-0554 Email: Email:
EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT Psycho Jock Sportswear Embroidery/Silk Screening 9420 E. Doubletree Ranch Rd., Suite C-101 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Phone: 480-451-3682 • Fax: 480-451-5850 Email: 2415 Rd., Suite Suite450 450 2415E.E.Camelback Camelback Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85016 85016 Phoenix, AZ 2415602-707-1880 E. Camelback Rd.,602-707-1889 Suite 450 Phone: • Fax: 602-707-1889 Phone: • Fax: Phoenix, AZ 85016 Phone: 602-707-1880 • Fax: 602-707-1889 EMPLOYMENT & RECRUITING
13840 N. No Scotts Phone www.comp
businessdirectory businessdirectory
Donation Drop Box in front of Office Donate your computers & electronics to help our returning soldiers Portion of sales will go to Wounded Warriors Fund. For larger donations we will arrange pickup at N/C For Questions: call Tom CORPORATE HOUSING 16000 N. 80th St., Suite D, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-947-9912 CORPORATE HOUSING Fax: 480-947-5621
Dillan Micus, 14851 N. Sco Scotts Phone: 480-444www.
Nathalie Potvin, F Wells Far 20551 N. P Scottsda Phone Fax: Toll Fre nathalie.pot
March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 71 EMPLOYMENT & RECRUITING November 2012
Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-922-9500
EO sdale, AZ 85254 -2781 2867
NDA #109 Z 85258 7-7788 e Plaza & Via Linda
Rd., Suite C-101 85258 x: 480-451-5850
Offering Video Resumes AZBlvd. 85260# 123 14300Scottsdale, N. Northsight Phone: 480-922-9500 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Fax: 480-922-9504 Phone: 480-922-9500 Fax: 480-922-9504
DR. ANNETTE HANIAN 13840 N. Northsight Blvd. #105, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-443-1150
2415 E. Camelback Rd., Suite 450 Phoenix, AZ 85016 Phone: 602-707-1880 • Fax: 602-707-1889
Dillan Micus, Executive Vice President 14851 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 103 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-444-3750 • Fax: 480-922-5203
Dillan Micus, Executive Vice President 14851 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 103 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-444-3750 • Fax: “Helping our Clients Save 480-922-5203 Taxes and Plan for the Future since 1991” G. Wayne Neill CPA/PFS, CFP Registered Representative 10751 N. Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd., Suite 103 Scottsdale, AZ 85259 Phone: 480-922-9268 Email: Website: Nathalie Potvin, Financial Advisor AAMS® Specializing in Financial Planning, Investments Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC and Insurance 20551 N. Pima Rd., Suite 200 Scottsdale, AZ 85255-9155 Phone: 480-419-2014 Fax: 480-419-2404 Toll Free: 800-453-6737
15560 N. Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd, Suite B Scottsdale, AZ. 85260 Call 480.860.8446 for Appointment Times Your place to go when you need to be
Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC 20551 N. Pima Rd., Suite 200 Scottsdale, AZ 85255-9155 November 2012 Phone:Scottsdale 480-419-2014Airpark Fax: 480-419-2404 Toll Free: 800-453-6737
News |
Dean Wegner, Vice President of Mortgage Lending 14811 N. Kierland Blvd., Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 602-432-6388
72 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
16620 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-348-9280 Fax: 480-348-9281 10101 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85253 Phone: 480-443-3233 Fax: 480-443-9149
We provide pre-employment and licensing fingerprinting in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Dean Wegner, Mortgage Originator 14870 N. Northsight Blvd. #100 14811 N. Kierland Blvd., Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-922-7776 Phone: 602-432-6388 Email:
16620 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-348-9280 Holiday Inn Express Scottsdale North Fax: 480-348-9281 7350 E. Gold Dust Ave. Scottsdale, AZ 85258 10101 N. Scottsdale Rd.,• Scottsdale, AZ 85253 Phone: 480-596-6559 Fax: 480-596-0554 Phone: 480-443-3233 Fax: 480-443-9149
14255 N
7750 E. Gelding Dr., Suite 4 AZDr., 85260 7750Scottsdale, E. Gelding Suite 4 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-991-1993 Phone: 480-991-1993 Fax: 480-991-3004 Fax: 480-991-3004
Rachel Jones, Director of Sales 17010 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Holiday Inn Express Scottsdale North Phone: 480-922-8400 7350 E. Gold Dust Ave. Fax: 480-419-8163 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Phone: 480-596-6559 • Fax: 480-596-0554
Arizona Vice 8687
Nathalie Potvin, Financial Advisor AAMS®
14427 Street 14427N. N. 73rd 73rd Street Scottsdale, AZ85260 85260 Scottsdale, AZ Phone: 480-947-5545 Phone: 480-947-5545 Fax: 480-315-1336 Fax: 480-315-1336
7650 E. Gelding Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85260 7650 E. Gelding Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone:Dr., 480-948-4697 Phone: 480-948-4697
Rachel Jones, Director of Sales 17010 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Phone: 480-922-8400 16770 N. Perimeter Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Fax: 480-419-8163 Phone: 480-502-3836
Karen L. Eve 86
16770 N. Perimeter Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-502-3836 16630 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-998-9211 • Fax: 480-607-2893
1395 16630 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-998-9211 • Fax: 480-607-2893
7330 N. Pima Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Phone: 480-948-3800 7330 N. Pima Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Phone: 480-948-3800
Karen L. Evers, Agency Owner/Insurance Consultant 8687 E. Via De Ventura #218 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Phone: 480-305-1175 Fax: 480-305-1176 Email: LYMPHATIC MASSAGE
The• Business Mohr Class Investigative Group High Speed Internet Corporate Housing • Vacation Rentals Kierland-NorthScottsdale/Old Town-City Center Desert Ridge-Phoenix/Oro Valley-Tucson Pacific Beach-San Diego/Del Mar-San Diego Phone: 602-672-7552 Email:
Director •Gregory BusinessMohr, PhoneManaging Lines • Hosted VoIP 6501 E. Trunking Greenway• Pkwy., • SIP MPLS •Suite Local103 Scottsdale, 85254 • Long Distance •AZ Conferencing 602-620-3851 16211 N.Phone: Scottsdale Rd. A6A Suite 401 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Fax: 480-998-3239 Phone: 480-656-4655 Email:
Nancy Wakely 8149 E. Evans Rd. #C-05 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-560-1600 Email: 7755 E. Redfield Rd., Suite 300 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-596-9700 LOCKSMITHS
• Business Class High Speed Internet • Business Phone Lines • Hosted VoIP, • SIP Trunking • MPLS • Local • Long Distance • Conferencing 16211 N. Scottsdale Rd. A6A Suite 401 AZ 85254 INTERNET Scottsdale, SERVICE Phone: 480-656-4655
Lisa Pl P. Scottsda Phon www.wom
North Scottsd
14255 N. 87th St., Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-922-6500
Mountain States Employers Council Karen Stafford Arizona Vice President of Membership Development 8687 E. Via de Ventura, Suite #318 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Phone: 602-955-7558
Karen L. Evers, Agency Owner/Insurance Consultant 8687 E. Via De Ventura #218 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Phone: 480-305-1175 Fax: 480-305-1176 Email:
Desert Village Desert Village
23233N. N. Pima Pima Rd., 23233 Rd., Suite Suite109, 109, Scottsdale, AZ Scottsdale, AZ85255 85255 Phone: 480-515-1200 Phone: 480-515-1200
Ahwatukee TownCenter Center Ahwatukee Town 4843 E. Ray Rd., Rd., Ahwatukee, AZ Ahwatukee, AZ85044 85044 Phone: 480-598-0306 Phone: 480-598-0306
13845 Rd. 13845N. N. Scottsdale Scottsdale Rd. Scottsdale, AZ85254 85254 Scottsdale, AZ Phone: 480-948-6677 Phone: 480-948-6677
Complete Lettershop Services 7755 E. Redfield Rd., Suite 300 FullfillmentScottsdale, • Lists • AZ Discounted Postage 85260 7650 E. Redfield Rd., Suite Phone: 480-596-9700 D-6, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-483-7677 Email: MAILING LISTS & SERVICES
COME JOIN US Our great networkin Wednesday of th I-HOP locate Contact Randy H or Cliff Gai
Complete Lettershop Services Tim Fitzgerald, PresidentPostage Fullfillment • Lists • Discounted 7689 E. E. Paradise Lane, Suite 8 7650 Redfield Rd., Suite D-6, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 85260 Scottsdale, AZ Phone: 480-970-4148 Phone: 480-483-7677 Fax: 480-481-9848 Email:
Mary B. A
6636 E. Scotts Phon Fax Email: office@m www.mary 1st
Taking Care of Your Landscaping Needs TakingN. Care ofAve., Your Phoenix, Landscaping 25847 19th AZ Needs 85085 25847 N.Phone: 19th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85085 623-879-7547 Phone: 623-879-7547
Tim Fitzgerald, President 7689 E. Paradise Lane, Suite 8 8151 E. Evans Road, Suite 2 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-970-4148 Phone: 480-315-8040 Fax: 480-481-9848 Email:
14202 N. Sco Scotts Phon www.cart
NORTH 15757 N. 78th Street, Suite A
13951 N Scottsdale Rd, Suite 213, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 888-867-5003 Fax: 480-659-9180
8151 E. Evans Road, Suite 2 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-315-8040 Email:
7706 Dr. #3 #3 7706 E. E.Acoma Acoma Dr. Scottsdale, AZ85260 85260 Scottsdale, AZ Phone: 480-948-4485 ••Fax: Fax:480-948-7458 480-948-7458 Phone: 480-948-4485 Email:
Karen L. Evers, Agency Owner/Insurance Consultant 8687 E. Via De Ventura #218 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Phone: 480-305-1175 Fax: 480-305-1176 Email:
Raintree & 87th Phon www.cart
Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 602-265-9000 Fax: 602-528-1901 Email: North 87th Street, Suite 110 Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Chamber of Commerce
Phone: 480-889-8987 • Fax: THERAPY 480-998-3959 MEDICAL - PHYSICAL
November 2012 Neck and Back Pain Specialists 9377 E. Bell Rd #101 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 480-513-4801 Fax: 480-513-4867
March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 73
Lisa Platt, Administrator P.O. Box 4182 Scottsdale, AZ 85261-4182 Phone: 480-391-6585
Rd., Suite 109, AZ 85255 515-1200
Mergers and Acquisitions 7755 E. Redfield Rd., Suite 300 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-596-9700
We get businesses sold MAILING LISTS & SERVICES To learn how you can get top dollar for your company, call Jim Afinowich Phone: 480-421-9789 #1 Ranking Arizona 11 Straight Years! Complete Lettershop Services Fullfillment • Lists • Discounted Postage 7650 E. Redfield Rd., Suite D-6, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-483-7677 Email:
own Center
ay Rd., AZ 85044 598-0306
Harley-Davidson of Scottsdale 15600 N. Hayden Rd. Scottsdale, AZPresident 85260 Tim Fitzgerald, 480-905-1903 7689 E. Paradise Lane, Suite 8 Email:Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-970-4148 Fax: 480-481-9848
ttsdale Rd. AZ 85254 948-6677
8151 E. Evans Road, Suite 2 Scottsdale, 85260 8151 E. Evans AZ Road, Suite 2 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-315-8040 Phone: 480-315-8040 Email: Email:
Landscaping Needs Phoenix, AZ 85085 879-7547
naging Director Pkwy., Suite 103 AZ 85254 620-3851 98-3239
14202 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 148 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-361-5961 North Scottsdale Business Alliance
tigative Group
AZ 85254 -656-4655
COME JOIN US FOR A FREE BREAKFAST Our great networking meets the 2nd Bakery & 4th Raintree & 87thgroup St. – Near Paradise Graebel Movers Wednesday of the month 7:00AM-8:15AM Phone: 480-443-4465 General Manager I-HOP located LoopJim 101Staude, & Raintree Phone: 602-447-0200 Contact Randy Hansen, Pres. 480-699-2484 Cell: 602-284-8555 • Fax: 602-447-0554 or CliffMOVING Gaines, V.P. 480-443-3424 OFFICE Email:
Graebel Movers Movers Graebel
JimStaude, Staude,General GeneralManager Manager Jim Phone: 602-447-0200 Phone: 602-447-0200 Cell: 602-284-8555 • Fax: 602-447-0554 Cell: 602-284-8555 • Fax: 602-447-0554 Email:
Mary B. Assisted Living 6636 E. Thunderbird Rd.,
Scottsdale, AZ 85254 8426 E. Shea Blvd., OFFICE SERVICES Phone: 480-243-7836 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-664-6600 Fax: 480-463-9438 1st Month FREE!
Phone: 480-664-6600
OFFICE SPACE SERVICES Stephen A. Cross, CCIM 14202 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 148 “The Tenant’s Advocate” Scottsdale, AZ 85254 10601 N. Hayden Rd., Suite 108, Phone: 480-361-5961 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-998-7998
Free: 888-998-1414 Raintree & 87th St. – NearToll Paradise Bakery Email: Phone: 480-443-4465
Chamber of Commerce
ma Dr. #3 AZ 85260 • Fax: 480-948-7458
14301 North 87th Street, Suite 110 14301 North 87th Scottsdale, AZ 85260 85260 Phone: 480-889-8987 Fax: 480-998-3959 480-998-3959 Phone: 480-889-8987 ••Fax:
Stephen A. Cross, CCIM PAINTING CONTRACTOR “The Tenant’s Advocate”
602-843-6400 Fax: 602-978-1200 PACKAGING/CrATING Email:Phone:
Lisa Platt, Administrator P.O. Box 4182 Scottsdale, AZ 85261-4182 Phone: 480-391-6585 Lisa Platt, Administrator P.O. Box 4182
Scottsdale, AZ 85261-4182 Phone: 480-391-6585
Redfield Rd., Suite 300 ottsdale, AZ 85260 hone: 480-596-9700
• Business Class High Speed Internet • Business Phone Lines • Hosted VoIP, • SIP Trunking MPLS • Local 10320 N.• Scottsdale Rd. • Long Distance • Conferencing Scottsdale, AZ 85253 10320 N.Rd. Scottsdale Rd. 401 16211 N. Scottsdale A6A Suite Phone: 480-951-3599 Scottsdale, AZ 85253 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-951-3599 Phone: 480-656-4655
14255 N. 79th St., Suite 1 14255 N. 79th St.,85260 Suite 1 Scottsdale, AZ
10320 N. Scottsdale Scottsdale, AZ Rd. 85260 Phone: 480-483-6100 Scottsdale, 85253 Phone:AZ 480-483-6100 Fax: 480-483-9096 Phone: 480-951-3599 Fax: 480-483-9096
14255 N. 79th St., Suite 1 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-483-6100 Fax: 480-483-9096 A Small World Preschool & Childcare It’sIt’s A15650 Small World Preschool & Childcare N 83rd Way, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Scotts Phone Email: Email: l www.ic
Located in th
15290 N. 7 O’Da Scott
7625 E. Red Phon Scotts Email: Email: Phone: 480-947www.i www.od
Tim Fitz
7625 Re 7689 E. E. Par Scott Scotts Phone: 480-947 Phone Fax: www.o
Currently, CPI’s man over 100 projects, appr and consists Tim of office Fit
It’s A Small World Preschool & Childcare
15650 N 83rd Way, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 (Inside Impact Church) 602-402-2810 • Greenway-Hayden 15770 N. Loop, Suite 101 “Our goal is to meet Scottsdale, the social, AZ emotional, 85260 physical, and intellectual needsPhone: that are unique to each child!” 480-483-0166
7248 S. Harl Ave., #104 15770 N. Greenway-Hayden Loop, Suite 101 Fax: 480-483-9019 Tempe, AZ 85283 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-966-9929 PRINTING Phone: 480-483-0166 FOR ALL YOUR PAINTING & CONSTRUCTION NEEDS Fax: 480-966-0992 82PLEASE | Scottsdale News November 2012 CALL FORAirpark A FREE ESTIMATE Fax: 480-483-9019 Phone: 602-843-6400 Fax: 602-978-1200 Email:
7689 E. Pa 2323 Wes Scott Tem Phon Phone: 480-966Fax ww www.s
Currently, CPI’s ma over 100 projects, app and consists of offic
2323 We Tem Phone: 480-966 ww North Scottsdale Business Alliance North Scottsdale Business Alliance COME JOIN US FOR A FREE BREAKFAST
Our great meets the 2nd & 4th COME JOINnetworking US FOR Agroup FREE BREAKFAST Wednesday of the month 7:00AM-8:15AM Our great networking group 2nd & 4th I-HOP located Loopmeets 101 & the Raintree Contact of Randy Hansen, Pres. 480-699-2484 Wednesday the month 7:00AM-8:15AM or Cliff Gaines, V.P. 480-443-3424 I-HOP located Loop 101 & Raintree Contact RandyCARE Hansen, Pres. 480-699-2484 NURSING or Cliff Gaines, V.P. 480-443-3424
74 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
Fitzgerald, President . Paradise Lane, Suite 8 ottsdale, AZ 85260 hone: 480-970-4148 Fax: 480-481-9848
Tim Fit 7689 E. Pa Scott Phon Located in the Fax 15290 N. 78 www.s
ete Lettershop Services • Lists • Discounted Postage Redfield Rd., Suite D-6, ottsdale, AZ 85260 hone: 480-483-7677
Tim Fitz 7689 E. Par Scotts Phone Fax: (CON
gency Owner/Insurance Consultant E. Via De Ventura #218 ottsdale, AZ 85258 hone: 480-305-1175 Fax: 480-305-1176
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Phone: 480-656-4655 POOLS/SPAS/PATIOS
15650 N 83rd Way, Scottsdale, 10601 N. Hayden Rd., Suite 108, (Inside Impact Church)AZ 85260 PRESCHOOL & CHILDCARE 602-402-2810 • (Inside Impact Church) Scottsdale, AZ 85260 “Our goal is to meet the social, emotional, physical, NovemberStephen 2012 Scottsdale Airpark News | 81 A. Cross, CCIM 602-402-2810 • Phone: 480-998-7998 PROPERTY MA PROMOTIONA and intellectual needs that are unique to each child!” “The Advocate” “Our goal is to meet the social, emotional, physical, and TollTenant’s Free: 888-998-1414 10601 N. Hayden Rd., Suite 108, intellectual needs that are unique to each child!” Email: Scottsdale, AZ 85260 PRINTING FOR ALL YOUR PAINTING & CONSTRUCTION NEEDS Phone: 480-998-7998 PLEASE CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Toll Free: 888-998-1414
• Business Class High Speed Internet • Business Phone Lines • Hosted VoIP, • SIP Trunking • MPLS • Local • Long Distance • Conferencing • Business Class High Internet 16211 N. Scottsdale Rd.Speed A6A Suite 401 • Business Phone Lines • Hosted VoIP, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 • SIP Trunking • MPLS • Local Phone: 480-656-4655 • Long Distance • Conferencing 16211 N. Scottsdale Rd. A6A Suite 401 PHONE SERVICE OFFICE SERVICES Email:
8426 E. Shea Blvd., Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-664-6600 8426 E. Shea Blvd., Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Mary B. Assisted Living 6636 E. Thunderbird Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-243-7836
FOR ALL YOUR PAINTING & CONSTRUCTION NEEDS PLEASE CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Phone: 602-843-6400 Fax:November 602-978-12002012 | Scottsdale Airpark News Email:
15770 N. Greenway-Hayden Loop, Suite 101 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Tim Fitzgerald, President Phone: 480-483-0166 Fax: 7689 E.480-483-9019 Paradise Lane, Suite 8 Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Phone: 480-970-4148 Fax: 480-481-9848
CIM ate”
Childcare Z 85260 Childcare
Z 85260 m nal, physical, o each child!” nal, physical, o each child!”
Suite 101 Suite 101 m
m m
mber 2012
Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-483-7867 Phone: 480-483-7867 Email: Email: Email: Email:
10320 N. Scottsdale Rd. Scottsdale, AZ 85253 Phone: 480-951-3599
O’Day Printing
Printing 7625O’Day E. Redfield Rd., Suite 100 7625 Rd., Suite 100 Scottsdale, 7625E. E.Redfield RedfieldAZ Rd.,85260 Suite 100 Scottsdale, 85260 Phone: 480-947-7757 • Fax: 480-443-8215 Scottsdale, AZ AZ 85260 Phone:480-947-7757 480-947-7757 Phone: •• Fax: Fax: 480-443-8215 480-443-8215 14255 N. 79th St., Suite 1 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS Phone: 480-483-6100 PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS Fax: 480-483-9096 PRESCHOOL & CHILDCARE Tim Fitzgerald, President Tim Fitzgerald, President 7689E. E.Paradise Paradise Lane, Lane, Suite 7689 Suite 88 Tim Fitzgerald, President Scottsdale, AZ 85260 85260 7689 Scottsdale, E. ParadiseAZ Lane, Suite 8 Phone: 480-970-4148 Phone: 480-970-4148 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 PROPERTY (CONT.) Fax:MANAGEMENT 480-481-9848 Fax: 480-481-9848 Phone: 480-970-4148 Fax: 480-481-9848
Edge Real Estate Services, LLC It’s A Small World Preschool & Childcare William Schuckert, Designated Broker/Principal
15650 N 83rd Way, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 15100 N. 78th Way, Suite 207 (Inside Impact portfolio Church) Currently, CPI’s management consists of over Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Currently, CPI’s•management portfolio consists of 100602-402-2810 projects, approaching million square feet, and Phone:4.5 480-922-0460 over 100 projects, approaching 4.5 million square feet, Currently, CPI’s management portfolio consists of “Our goal isof tooffice, meet Fax: the social, emotional, physical, 480-483-8409 consists industrial, and retail space. and consists of office, industrial, and retail space. over projects, approaching million square feet, Email: and100 intellectual needs that are 4.5 unique to each child!” and consists of office, industrial, and retail space. 2323West WestUniversity University Drive 2323 Drive Tempe, AZ Tempe, AZ 85281 85281Drive 2323 West University Phone: 480-966-2301 • Fax: 480-966-0132 PRINTING Phone: 480-966-2301 • 85281 Fax: 480-966-0132 Tempe, AZ Phone: 480-966-2301 • Fax: 480-966-0132
Judy Amland, Designated Broker 7820 E. Evans Rd., Suite 400 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-483-2853 • Fax: 480-951-7460
15770 N. Greenway-Hayden Loop, Suite 101 Edge Real Estate Services, LLC Scottsdale, AZ 85260 William Schuckert, Designated Broker/Principal Phone: 480-483-0166 15100 N. 78th Way, Suite 207 Fax: 480-483-9019 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-922-0460 Fax: 480-483-8409 Email: Politi, CPM®, President 8501 E. Princess Dr., Suite 130 Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Phone: 480-427-4277 Email:
Judy Amland, Designated Broker 7820 E. Evans Rd., Suite 400 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-483-2853 • Fax: 480-951-7460 7621 E. Gray Rd., Suite D Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-998-5025 Fax: 480-951-2493
PROPERTY (CONT...) Located inMANAGEMENT the Scottsdale AirCenter 15290 N. 78th Way, Suite B200 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-483-7867 Email: Email: Karlene Politi, CPM®, President 8501 E. Princess Dr., Suite 130 Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Phone: 480-427-4277 Email:
O’Day Printing
7625 E. Redfield Rd., Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-947-7757 • Fax: 480-443-8215 7621 E. Gray Rd., Suite D Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-998-5025 Fax: 480-951-2493 PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS
Tim Fitzgerald, President 7689 Paradise Lane, Suite 14605E.N. N. Airport Dr., Suite 1108 14605 Airport Suite Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 85260 Scottsdale, AZ Phone: 480-970-4148 Phone: 480-483-1985 480-483-1985 Phone: Fax: Fax: 480-481-9848 480-483-1726 Fax: 480-483-1726
• Industrial • Office • Retail • Investment • Property Management Phone: 602-650-2260 Currently, CPI’s management portfolio consists of Terry Biehn, Nicole Brook, Joe Blegen Our Vision: over 100 projects, approaching 4.5 million square feet, alwaysofbeoffice, the best choice for ourretail clients. and To consists industrial, and space. 7025 N. West Scottsdale Road, Suite 2323 University Drive220 Scottsdale, AZ85281 85253 Tempe, AZ Phone: 480-966-2301 480-966-2301 • • Fax: Phone: Fax:480-348-1601 480-966-0132 Kristin Guadagno, Certified Senior Escrow Officer 14200 N. Northsight Blvd., Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-538-1940 Fax: 480-538-1960 Email:
Phone: 602-650-2260 Terry Biehn, Nicole Brook, Joe Blegen
14080 N. Northsight Blvd. Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-596-9000
Cornwell Corporation 14851 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 203 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-951-1212
Cutler Commercial
2150 E. Highland, Suite 207 Stephen A. Cross, CCIM Phoenix, AZ 85016 “The 602-955-3500 Tenant’s Advocate” Phone: • Fax: 602-955-2828 N. Hayden Rd., Suite 108 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-998-7998 Toll Free: 888-998-1414 Email:
Stephen A. Cross, CCIM “The Tenant’s Advocate” 10601 N. Hayden Rd., Suite 108
Edge RealScottsdale, Estate Services, AZ 85260LLC
businessdirectory businessdirectory
m om om
Located inN. the78th Scottsdale 15290 Way, SuiteAirCenter B200
POOLS/SPAS/PATIOS 15290Scottsdale, N. 78th Way, AZSuite 85260B200
William Schuckert, Designated Broker/Principal Phone: 480-998-7998 15100 Toll N. 78th Suite 207 Free:Way, 888-998-1414 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Email: Phone: 480-922-0460 Fax: 480-483-8409 Email:
Edge Real Estate Services, LLC William Schuckert, Designated Broker/Principal 15100 N. 78th Way, Suite 207 Judy Amland, Designated Broker Scottsdale, AZ 85260 7820 E.Phone: Evans 480-922-0460 Rd., Suite 400 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Fax: 480-483-8409 Phone: 480-483-2853 • Fax: 480-951-7460 Email:
14080 N. Northsight Blvd.
Scottsdale, AZSenior 85260Escrow Officer Kristin Guadagno, Certified 480-596-9000 14200 N.Phone: Northsight Blvd., Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-538-1940 Fax: 480-538-1960 Email:
Cornwell Corporation 14851 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 203 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-951-1212
Los Arcos Realty Judy Amland, Designated Broker &7820 Management E. Evans Rd., Suite 400
Scottsdale, 85260 14415 N. 73rd St., AZ Suite 100 Phone: Scottsdale, 480-483-2853 Fax: 480-951-7460 AZ •85260 Phone: 480-443-8287
March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 75
Los Arcos Realty & Management 14415 N. 73rd St., Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-443-8287
14740 N. Northsight Blvd. Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-948-5550 Fax: 480-998-2404
13951 N Scottsdale Rd, Suite 213, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 888-867-5003 Fax: 480-659-9180
8151 E. Evans Road, Suite 2 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-315-8040 Email:
7621 E. Gray Rd., Suite D Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-998-5025 Fax: 480-951-2493
16410 N. 91st St., Suite 112 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-443-3992
Can’t Qualify for a Conventional Loan?
Can’t QualifyWE forCAN a Conventional Loan? HELP! WE CAN HELP! Residential • Commercial Residential • Commercial 480-466-7020 14301 480-466-7020 N. 87th St., Suite 212 14301 N. 87th St., Scottsdale, AZ Suite 85260212 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 License #MB0919350 License #MB0919350
15576 N. Pima Rd. Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-368-0610
Scottsdale: 16211 N. Scottsdale Rd. #4 Phone: 480-607-DELI(3354) Phoenix: 21705 N. 19th Ave. Phone: 623-581-DELI(3354) RESTAURANTS (CONT.)Catering Too! We Deliver & Offering
Scottsdale: 11500 N. Hayden Rd., 16211 N. Scottsdale Rd. #4 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-607-DELI(3354) Phone: 480-948-6000
Fax:Phoenix: 480-948-2535 21705 N. 19th Ave. Public Welcome Phone: 623-581-DELI(3354)
We Deliver & Offering Catering Too!
7325 E. Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd. Suite 103 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-443-2511 1st inspection and tune up 1 unit at no charge. 7750 E. Gelding Dr., Suite 4, Our greatest compliment is your referral Scottsdale, 85260 21509 N. 78thAZ Ave. #140 Phone: 480-991-1993 Peoria, AZ 85382 Fax: 480-991-3004 Phone: (480) 226-2473 Email:
1380211500 N. Scottsdale Rd.,Rd., Suite 165 N. Hayden Scottsdale, AZ Scottsdale, AZ 85254 85260 Phone: 480-443-1332 Phone: 480-948-6000 Fax: 480-948-2535 E. Greenway Parkway, Suite 105 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Public Welcome Phone: 480-551-3351
7248 S. Harl Ave., #104 Tempe, AZ 85283 Phone: 480-966-9929 Fax: 480-966-0992
Tim Fitzgerald, President 7689 E. Paradise Lane, Suite 8 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-970-4148 • Fax: 480-481-9848 13951 N Scottsdale Rd, Suite 213, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 888-867-5003 SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING Fax: 480-659-9180
8151 E. Evans Road, Suite 2 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-315-8040 Email:
SHREDDING 8151 E. Evans Road, Suite 2 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-315-8040 Email:
15560 N. Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd, Suite B Scottsdale, AZ. 85260 Call 480.860.8446 for Appointment Times
RESIDENTIAL REMODELING Tim Fitzgerald, President
7750 E. Gelding Dr., Suite 4, 14740 N. Northsight Blvd. Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-991-1993 Phone: 480-948-5550 Fax: 480-991-3004 Fax: 480-998-2404
76 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
7325 E. Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd. Suite 103 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Phone: 480-443-2511 Kenneth Johnston, Financial Advisor, Vice President 13802 Suite250 165 16220N. N.Scottsdale Scottsdale Rd., Rd., Suite Scottsdale, AZ 85254 85254 Scottsdale, AZ Phone: 480-443-1332 Phone: 480-922-4243 6501 E. Greenway Parkway, Suite 105 Fax: 800-662-2997 Email: Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-551-3351
STORAGE 7689 E. Paradise Lane, Suite 8
Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-970-4148 • Fax: 480-481-9848
SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING 13851 N.73rd St., Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-991-5600 8151 E. Evans Road, Suite 2 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-315-8040 Email:
American Telephone, Inc. 7363 E. Tierra Buena Lane, Suite 140 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-991-7780
Accounting World TENANT SERVICES
CPA & Consulting, PLC
Tax Strategist 13430 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 201 Thunderbird/Scottsdale Rd. Phone: 480-990-2727 Email: Stephen A. Cross, CCIM “The Tenant’s Advocate” Free Phone Quotes 10601 N. Hayden Rd., Suite 108 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-998-7998 Toll Free: 888-998-1414 Email:
Phone: 480-897-4400 •
7363 E. TierraCommercial Buena Lane, Suite 140 Cutler AZ 85260 2150Scottsdale, E. Highland, Suite 207 Phone: 480-991-7780 Phoenix, AZ 85016
Phone: 602-955-3500 • Fax: 602-955-2828
Serving Scottsdale for over 15 years! Scottsdale, AZ CCIM Stephen A. Cross, Phone: 602-770-4648 “The Tenant’s Advocate” Email:
10601 N. Hayden Rd., Suite 108
Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-998-7998 VIDEO PRODUCTION Toll Free: 888-998-1414 Email:
8151 E. Evans Road, Suite 2 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-315-8040 Email:
Cutler Commercial 2150 E. Highland, Suite 207 Phoenix, AZ 85016 Phone: 602-955-3500 • Fax: 602-955-2828
Serving Scottsdale for over 15 years! Scottsdale, AZ Phone: 602-770-4648 Email:
8175 E. Raintree Dr. #5 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 480-443-3151 WINDOWSPhone: & DOORS
WINDOWS & DOORS 8151 E. Evans Road, Suite 2 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-315-8040 Email: 7830 E. Redfield Rd. #7 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-699-2106 • Fax: 480-538-7808
7650 E. Gelding Dr. Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-948-4697 7650 E. Gelding Dr.
Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-948-4697 WINDOW TINTING
WEBSITE DESIGN MP&E Equipment Rental 16585 N. 92nd St., Suite 104 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-596-6699 13951 N Scottsdale Rd, Suite 213, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 888-867-5003 Fax: 480-659-9180
7830 E. Redfield Rd. #7 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-699-2106 • Fax: 480-538-7808 8151 E. Evans Road, Suite 2
Scottsdale, AZ 85260 WEBSITE DESIGN
Phone: 480-315-8040 Email:
13951 N Scottsdale Rd, Suite 213, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 888-867-5003 Fax: 480-659-9180 7830 E. Redfield Rd. #7 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-699-2106 • Fax: 480-538-7808
WEIGHT LOSS 8151 E. Evans Road, Suite 2 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-315-8040 Email:
Rick Sullivan 8295 E. Raintree Drive, Suite G Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Rick Sullivan 8340 E. 480-248-8966 Raintree Dr. Phone: Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Email: Phone: 480-248-8966
usinessdirectory businessdirectory
Premium Windows & Doors
MP&E Equipment Rental 16585 N. 92nd St., Suite 104 PRODUCTION Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-596-6699
15855 Greenway-Hayden Loop, 15855 N.N. Greenway-Hayden Loop,Suite Suite120 120 Scottsdale, AZ AZ 85260 Scottsdale, 85260 Phone: 480-596-1133 480-596-1133 Phone:
Crescent Moon Yoga & Healing Center 7825 E. Evans Road, #600
Crescent Moon YogaAZ & 85260 Healing Center Scottsdale, 7825 E. Evans Road, #600 Phone: 480-595-9642 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Email: Phone: 480-595-9642 Email:
LOSE UP TO 2-5 POUNDS A WEEK! 7344 E. Deer Valley Rd., Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Phone: 480-751-2205
7830 E. Redfield Rd. #7 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-699-2106 • Fax: 480-538-7808
November 2012 Scottsdale Airpark News
| 85
LOSE UP TO 2-5 POUNDS A WEEK! 7344 E. Deer Valley Rd., Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Phone: 480-751-2205
March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 77
Airport Property Specialists............. 5,31,38 American Telephone .............................. 55 Alerus Bank ......................................... 50 Arabian Horse Assoc. of Arizona ............ 39 Aunt Abby's Treat ................................. 58 Avery Lane ........................................... 65 AZ Integrated Media .............................. 66
Hymson Goldstein & Pantiliat, P.C... 1,68,69 Integrated Hair Solutions ....................... 16 Jet Linx ............................................... 42 Jersey Mike's ....................................... 47 K O'Donnels ........................................ 46
Backflow Prevention .............................. 23 Best Law Firm..............................15,68,69 Boccieri Golf......................................... 20 Boardroom Suites ................................. 45 Camidor Property Services ................ 52-53 Cartridge World..................................... 43 Celebration of Fine Art ............................ 8 Chicago Title ........................................ 54 Colliers International............................... 30 Cornelius Hollander................................ 63 Cornwell Corp ...................................... 15 Cross Commercial Realty Advisors, LLC ... IBC Cutler Commercial Real Estate................ 17 Despins Printing & Graphics ................... 55
L&J Motor Vehicle Services ................... 37 Laser Touch One .................................. 23 Los Arcos Realty & Development............. 44 Luther Law .......................................... 10 Lymphatic Healing Center ........................ 73 Maricopa Attorney's Office ..................... 61 Michael’s Creative Jewelry..................... BC
Gould Staffing ................................. 63,72 Greater Airpark Realty Services .............. 58 Guardian Energy ................................... 42
78 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
Taylor Wealth Management..................... 14 Tempo Creative ............................... 76,77 Thunderbird Artists .................................. 6 TTI Systems ........................................... 6
North Scottsdale Chamber ..................... 12 Nussbaum Gillis & Dinner, P.C........... 11,69
US Autoweapons .................................. 72
Oils & Olives ........................................ 49
Vuria ..........................................40,76,77
Pinnacle Lock & Safe............................. 55 Prestige Cleaners.................................. 33
Wayne Bradford CPA............................. 41 Weiss Kelly .......................................... 44 Woldorf, Joel, CPA ............................... 68
Earnhardt Cadillac ................................ IFC First Fidelity Bank.................................... 2 First International Bank & Trust............... 36
Scottsdale Leadership ........................... 51 Scottsdale Harley Davidson .................... 39 Scottsdale Printing ................................ 14 Scottsdale Quarter ................................ 21 Scottsdale Thunderbird Suites ................ 41 Seriously Fit Studio ............................... 10 Shell Commercial ............................ 13, 25 Signature Real Estate Services, Inc......... 26 Skyport .................................................. 9 Storage West Self Storage....................... 7 Strategic Asset Conservation ............ 56-57 Subway ................................................. 76 Sun Patio & Pool................................... 55
Rayco Car Service................................. 80 Ray's Pizza .......................................... 47 Rinaldi’s Italian Deli ............................... 46 Schaefer & Associates, LLC................... 45 Scottsdale Airport Autocare.................... 64 Scottsdale Chamber of Commerce.......... 78 Scottsdale Community College ............... 37
Xpleo Media ...................................... 68,77
In addition to its unparalleled Airpark distribution, the Scottsdale Airpark News is also mailed directly to an additional 2,000 Airpark business owners every month!
2013 Tourney Sets or Ties 20 All-Time Marks
As anybody who was there on Feb. 2 can testify, the Waste Management Phoenix Open packed ’em in. When all was said and done, Saturday's third-round attendance of more than 179,000 set an all-time single-day record in professional golf history.
Photos by Le Templar
he Waste Management Phoenix Open played Jan. 28 – Feb. 3, 2013, at the TPC Scottsdale in the Airpark. The tournament host Thunderbirds have raised more than $80 million for charities, with more than $50 million generated since 2004. The 2013 edition marks the 78th playing of the event, making it one of the five oldest events on the PGA TOUR (not including the major championships). During the 2013 event, 20 tournament records were either tied or broken. Tournament champion Phil Mickelson broke four records and tied eight others, including joining Arnold Palmer, Gene Littler and Mark Calcavecchia as three-time tournament champions. In addition to Mickelson and the field’s record-setting performances, the tournament also set attendance records during Friday’s second round (121,901) and Saturday’s third round (179,022). When Sunday’s crowd (Feb. 3, coinciding with Super Bowl Sunday) was factored in, final attendance stood at 525,821, just short of the record set in 2008.
With sunny skies and temperatures in the mid-70s on Saturday, golf fans came out in droves to watch Phil Mickelson, Brandt Snedeker, Padraig Harrington and others battle it out on the TPC Scottsdale.
March 2013 Scottsdale Airpark News | 79
80 | Scottsdale Airpark News March 2013
Come and see our newest designer line