‘Leader’ in His Field Brick Road Studio owner finds his niche in the Airpark
By Christina Fuoco-Karasinski
rick Road Studio owner Scott Leader has recorded vocals for pop star Dua Lipa and helmed voiceover work by Michael Phelps and restaurateur Craig Culver. But the Airpark producer’s passion is in Jewish music and singer-songwriters. “I love real instruments and songwrit-
ing,” he says. “I do the computer stuff when I have to. I produce rap and make beats for people, but for me there’s nothing like getting in with a good songwriter, taking their song and bringing it to life with production.” Leader is being forced to move in midMarch because the building in which his studio is located was sold. Also relocating is his neighbor, Jeff King, and his studio
Brick Road Studio owner Scott Leader will move his business to 7430 E. Butherus, Suite C, in mid-March after the building his studio is currently located in was sold. (Photo by Dennis Murphy)
Scottsdale Music Company. “I was very unhappy about it at first,” Leader says. “But I turned that energy into figuring out how to create a new space. Jeff and I have separate businesses, but we share a space. Now, we’re going our separate ways. It’s a little bittersweet. I didn’t want to leave here, but I’m excited for the new place.” In mid-March, the Brick Road Studio will be found at 7430 E. Butherus, Suite C.
Music is a longtime love
Raised in New Jersey, Leader experienced a recording studio for the first time with his high school grunge band in the 1990s. He fell in love with the process of