2014/2015 season comes to dramatic conclusion ... Full Story page 5
Sea Level Fluctuations therefore the location inextricably tied to climate. As climate level. Throughout
Aptos Village Project April Meeting A lively public meeting about the Aptos Village project was held the evening of April 22 at the Rio Sands Hotel
Full Story page 15
many having to stand. Second District Supervisor Zach Friend along with Mary Gourlay of Barry Swenson Builder conducted the meeting. Ron Duncan and Bruce
writing them on cards that were sorted and answered by subject. ... continued on page 4
FREE PRESSURE WASH with complete exterior paint
831.688.6913 | license #681095
2 / May 1st 2015 / Aptos Times
No. 9 Volume 24
Table of Contents
Cover Aptos Village Project April Meeting by Noel Smith Community News 5 8 Performances At Public Libraries In May 9 Permanent Public Facilities Planned for Polo Grounds 13 16 18 Luncheon 24
7 10 13
Business Profile Kids Camps by Dottie Reed Letters to the Editor by Cathy Davenport
Local Sports 18 Aptos High School Scoreboard
Featured Columnists 15 Lines in the Sand by Gary Griggs Fluctuations 20 Fall Prevention: Simple Steps to Prevent Falls in Your Home by Ryan Colligan 21 Schools Matter 23 25 26
by Zach Friend by Elene L. Johas Teener
by Robert Francis reader ... 27 Aptos Village Project Moving Forward By John Hibble 30 by Kim Adamson 30#! &EATURED 0ET s Page n Shirley: Schweet as Sugar
Aptos Times / May 1st 2015 / 3
Cover Story “Aptos Village Project� from page 1
portion of the improve
publisher’s assistant Camisa Composti editor Noel Smith contributing writers Noel Smith, Dottie Reed, Cathy Davenport, Gary Griggs, Ryan Colligan, Jeff Ursino, Zach Friend, Elene L. Johas Teener, Robert Francis, John Hibble, Kim Adamson
Supervisor Friend said that the purpose of the meeting was not to discuss
and Trout Gulch Road. Phase 1 construction is expected to start early 2016 and last for at least six months. The homes and businesses in the Village
layout Michael Oppenheimer, Fani Nicheva graphic artists Fani Nicheva, Michael Oppenheimer, Bri Bruce production coordinator Bri Bruce advertising sales Don Beaumont, Jay Peters office coordinator Cathe Race distribution Bill Pooley, Camisa Composti
what will happen during construction and what will be the impacts of the project on
Patrice Edwards
there has been an appeal of several project that will be on the agenda of the May 5 visors. The meeting was to receive public
machines. The project
The major issues that were of concern to the public involved water use and
of the project Village project 160 percent water con sumption reduction not only mitigates the
water consumption by an additional 60 percent.
have been posted on the website: www. will be up for approval by the Board of supervisors include: drawings and detailed descriptions of the various elements of the project.
pay Transportation Improvement Area fees based upon the new trips generated by the development. Those funds are Times Publishing Group, Inc. 9601 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 The Times Publishing Group, Inc., publishers of the Aptos Times, a bi-weekly publication, the Capitola Times and Scotts Valley Times, each printed monthly, Coastal Weddings Magazine, Coastal Home and Garden Magazine, Aptos’ Fourth of July Parade Official Program Guide and Capitola’s Begonia Festival Official Program Guide, is owned by Patrice Edwards. Entire contents Š2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without the publisher’s written permission
Retaining Wall Systems 1BWFST t 'MBHTUPOF 4MBUF Real / Artificial Turf 5PQTPJM $PNQPTU Organic Veggie Mix $VTUPN .JYFT 4BXEVTU t #PVMEFST
Story By Noel Smith Photo Credit: Mary Lee
Serving Contractors & Home Owners Since 1966
PHONE: (831) 688-7549 FAX: (831) 688-7551 GENERAL E-MAIL: info@cyber-times.com Patrice Edwards: patrice@cyber-times.com Publisher’s Assistant: assistant@cyber-times.com Editor: info@cyber-times.com Opinions/Letters: editorial@cyber-times.com Calendar Listings: www.tpgonlinedaily.com Graphics Department: graphics@cyber-times.com Billing Inquiries: cathe@cyber-times.com Classified Sales: sales@cyber-times.com Production: production@cyber-times.com CHECK OUT OUR WEB SITE AT: www.tpgonlinedaily.com distribution We at the Times Publishing Group, Inc. are dedicated to providing a voice for the individuals and organizations in our community while highlighting the outstanding accomplishments of our local businesses. We seek to promote healthy family values through our coverage of youth activities, school news, senior events, community groups and entertainment 4 / May 1st 2015 / Aptos Times
from the Village Green to Trout Gulch Road to miss Bay View Hotel property. The Bay View Hotel is not part of the development. Since the meeting answers to many of
831-688-6211 www.aptoslandscapesupply.com
Community News
Sacred & Profane
Santa Cruz Symphony’s Season Ending Concert
Performed by:
Arts the 2014/2015 season comes to dramatic conclusion with a collaborative
Celebrating our 70th year Spring is here ! in business! Saturday, May 9 – 8 p.m. Pre-Concert Talk - 7 p.m. 307 Church Street, Santa Cruz
selected by Maestro Stewart to represent the thematic Burana. concert
The opens
Sunday, May 10 – 2 p.m. Pre-Concert Talk - 1 p.m.
East Beach and Lincoln Streets, Watsonville
We have everything 3700 SOQUEL AVE. you need to spruce up 477-7133 your yard! s 2OTOTILLERS s 7EED %ATERS s 7EED -OWERS s 3OD #UTTERS s (EDGE 4RIMMERS s ,AWN -OWERS s !ND -ORE
www.atoolshed.com OPEN & DELIVERING 7 DAYS A WEEK
nomenal vocal talent of soprano Nadine Sierra (the youngest winner of both
of love and loss by George Frederic Handel that features the incredible vocal talents of Nadine Sierra and Anthony
sidered by many to be the most powerful
The 2014/2015 Season is ending in
and undoubtedly one of the most popular
erful music and a simply unforgettable
an established cultural facet from its use
overshadows the rich contours displayed
Tickets are Going FAST Get Yours Today! Tickets:
Burana tells a story that captivates lis teners with a force that leaves them Student Rush: Bring your student ID
Group Sales are also available. For
concert will also feature the truly phe
“SC Symphony” page 8 Aptos Times / May 1st 2015 / 5
6 / May 1st 2015 / Aptos Times
adults age 20 and over are over weight and 35.1 percent of these are
Business Profile
her story and then we selected a winner and awarded her a full year membership to
change and regain a healthy weight they are moving toward serious health problems owner.
support and accountability throughout
based exercises that ramp up metabolism
print. Aptos Times is helping our mission by following her story and her progress of her starting body weight. Marbel is our inspiration and belief that every women matters.
weight loss centers for females from teen but since I had already tried a regular gym
about helping all women move away from disease and toward full body health. I ini
and fun and gets the results needed with
regular strength training of all major
ago and I am more excited now about the is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
It has been 10 months since I joined.
girls and women in our community. That
who has given up and is spiraling toward poor health and obesity and needs help to start in the other direction toward health. I
created solely to provide strength training steps. I ignored these symptoms hoping they would go away but they never did. I
with my weight loss journey because I have more weight to lose and I have to
and she diagnosed me with being mortally motivation and community of support we
to any age group that wants to live a long I will forever be grateful for this second chance.
community they leave little to no time for to get through the day. That is why the 30
cardio and stretching for women. share her story with others and be sure to send words of encouragement and support
Aptos Times / May 1st 2015 / 7
Community News
Performances At Public Libraries In May
The group will perform at the Downtown
borhood library branches throughout
would put a spotlight on performance art during the month of May. The Library will host free theatrical performances at three branch libraries in
adults with innovative sional services and community facilities
Library attendees are invited to bring their lunch. Library Performance Events:
Library cardholders can reserve free passes to Tandy Beal 2
and support discovery. Residents can explore a wide range of interests from academic
of and literacy programs
a world dance showcase. The Discover & Go pass admits
adapted into a
locally produced music and local history.
can be reserved online at http://discover.
Memorial Building.
p.m. amphitheater. The performances continue with two
Learn more about SCPL at SantaCruzPL.
“SC Symphony” from page 5
Plenty of Free Customer Parking
Wilder Associates Inc.
Yoga Within
Property Management Specialists
Exploring the Mind-Body Connection
Salon Aptos
Joy of Movement Pilates & Gyrotonic®
Hair and Nails for a Good Look
More Zest for Life
Warmboard Radiant Subfloor
Epicenter Cycling
Simply Smarter Radiant Heat
Trek Bicycles for All Types of Riders
Village Liquors
Dentistry for Animals
For All Your Beverage Needs
Dr. Judy Force, DVM
Kumon Math & Reading Center Learning for the Long Run
8 / May 1st 2015 / Aptos Times
your place at the dynamic 2015/16 Season.
perform a Symphonic concert comes from ticket sales. The Symphony is made possible only through the generous support of classical music lovers like yourself. Donate to the Symphony Today! Website: Why Wait?
to guarantee the best seats. Subscribe and
or online at SantaCruzTickets.com.
fantastic themes by the master of movie music including Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Harry Potter and E.T. The Extraterrestrial. Get your tickets today!
Community News
Permanent Public Facilities Planned for Polo Grounds sports at the Polo Grounds concurred in the need for permanent bathroom facilities. began. Thirty people gathered to portable toilets. Grounds to be built between the baseball cession Stand Building by meeting with
developed and ways to raise funds for the President/Secretary of the Friends Santa at the future site. They unveiled a sign that shows the progress of the GoGo Polo
help to fund this facility. A website has been about the project and for donations. Please support the construction of this Restroom/
a long and storied history. From its polo regardless of the amount are appreciated and needed to bring this vision to reality. is a great opportunity for the community to a county operated facility meaning that county taxpayers support the maintenance
Every donation will bring us one step closer to completing this vital feature of the
businesses have for many years provided
terrible shame that generations of children and families visiting the Polo Grounds
three categories visit the gogopolo.org
and have their name for future generations to see on the permanent signage in the
The Cabrillo Host Lions Club in colThree special sponsor categories planning several fund raising events. One of
needed and long delayed project. Many and the parents of children who play
permanent recognition of their contri
architectural design of the new building
Rio Del Mar Mexican Cuisine Fine Mexican Food Come and Celebrate
Full Bar!
5 DE MAYO With Us!
Try the Best Fajitas on the Coast! Don’t forget to try the famous Cadillac Margaritas!
ÈÈÓ nÇ xÊUÊ äÈÇÊ- µÕi Ê À Ûi]Ê «Ì à www.riodelmarmexfood.com Aptos Times / May 1st 2015 / 9
Kids Camps
Ready for Camp? By Dottie Reed camp when he or she can successfully spend one night away from home with a
able to manage. You may experience a major disconnect between your head and your heart before
happy and not sad; to be successful and strong; to say and do the right things so they a child is usually ready for overnight
but the bottom line is that one productive night away from home sets the stage not
might otherwise assume their children
Santa Cruz Soccer Camp P.O. Box 2748, Santa Cruz, CA 95063 Phone: 831-246-1517 web: www.santacruzsoccercamp.org
West Performing Arts
Theatre and Arts Classes
parental heart pounds at the very idea of letting him or her go.
526 Broadway St, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Phone: 831-425-9378 Director: Terri Steinmann e-mail: classes@westperformingarts.com web: westperformingarts.com
pendent and eager to try new things on a
doses of independence at appropriate
Good Shepherd Catholic School 2727 Mattison Lane, Santa Cruz, CA 95065 Phone: 831-476-4000 web: www.gsschool.org
begins June 22nd and runs through July 10th. From sports camps to music lessons
www.gsschool.org. 10 / May 1st 2015 / Aptos Times
Kids Camps parents in this very mission. “Ready?” page 12
Growing Up Wild
Outdoors and Camping
2015 Eureka Canyon Rd., Watsonville, CA 95076 Phone: 831-768-7089 Dates: July 7 thru Aug 24 e-mail: info@growingupwild.org web: www.growingupwild.org GROWING UP WILD is a bilingual nature adventure program that helps youth and
BOYS IN THE WOODZ NATURE NOW program culturally relevant for our community by providing all programs in Spanish and English.
Santa Cruz Gymnastics 2750-B Soquel Ave. (Near 7th) Phone: 831-462-0655 web: www.scgym.com
online www.scgym.com
Aptos Times / May 1st 2015 / 11
Kids Camps “Ready?� from page 11
approaches. and healthy place.
If you do determine that this summer natural for both your child and you to be nervous . . . and even more so as summer
Santa Cruz County Parks and Recreation
launch your child to the next stage of inde
979 17th Avenue, Santa Cruz, CA 95062 Phone: 831-454-7901 web: www.scparks.com do it again. derful gift.
their pride in all they have done and
Summer Swim Lessons Cougar/Soquel Swim School at Soquel High School Pool
June 16th to August 7th Four Sessions:
Dottie Reed is the head administrator at shire. Contact the author at dottie@camppemi.com.
Cougar Swim School San Lorenzo Valley High School Pool Soquel High School Pool 7105 Highway 9, Felton 95018 401 Soquel San Jose Road, Soquel 95073 Director: Kurt Edwards e-mail: kurt@cougarswimschool.com Phone: 831.239.4228 learning and allows the student to learn the proper way to swim and be safe in
6/16, 6/30, 7/14, 7/28
Each session is two weeks long
Recreation Swim 1 pm to 4 pm
Family Passes Available Swimming & Diving Classes BN t BN t OPPO t QN Tuesdays thru Fridays
students to attain their best while enjoying the sport of swimming and having fun.
Monte Vista Horsemanship Camp 2 School Way, Watsonville, CA 95076 Phone: 831-206-9707 e-mail: MVEquestrian@gmail.com web: www.montevistaequestrian.com derful opportunity for boys and girls to spend hours every day riding and archery and marshmallow roasting at the evening campfire. Sign up today for an email
12 / May 1st 2015 / Aptos Times
or visit
for more
Letter to the Editor
Our Valentines Dinner At Severino’s
was one of the winners of the Valen contest.
April now and my hubby is turning 50
little family group had a great experience. I want to
our belated Val
dinner and recite my poem to him again for his birthday. outdoor patio which was beautiful in the family. The anticipation of going to dinner
what turned out to be a delicious dinner
because of my illness and this was going to be a treat.
dinner. The staff was very attentive and had wonderful attitudes with smiles and politeness abound. The ambiance
50th birthday and family dinner such a wonderful experience. I
accepting our puppy dog (who
selecting my poem as the winning poem the hostess and our server for being very attentive to us.
have this happy evening.
submitted my poetry for the contest. He lovingly boasted to all who would
General Manager Resigns SOQUEL — District has announced that General
two years. In her resignation to the Board of
between public agencies and private well owners; constructing and operating treatment plant; receiving the Trans parency of Excellence award by the
she enjoyed creating cooperative groundwater management environment for her community
and hopes that the District will continue to successfully move Kim Adamson forward in its goals of developing a sustainable water supply.
important and critical projects have been
building two new inland wells to redis tribute pumping further from the coast; achievement of 20% water conservation in 2014; and driving the analysis of pos sible supplemental supply options for the District. Ms. Adamson was also very instrumental on statewide issues with
The Board of Directors has accepted
tional foundations were established and
several noteworthy accomplishments by the District include: partnering with
Manager will be serving as interim General Manager.
meetings to begin discussions on col laborative groundwater management Aptos Times / May 1st 2015 / 13
14 / May 1st 2015 / Aptos Times
Featured Columnist
Climate Change And Sea Level Fluctuations By Gary Griggs, Distinguished Professor of Earth and Planetary
he level of the ocean around the
so does sea level. Throughout the history
cubic miles of seawater were evaporated and transferred to the continents where it formed ice sheets and gla out of the ocean dropped the
during an ice age would have been about ten miles
San Francisco. That was all dry land at the the oceans and moving the shoreline inland.
Animals living along coasts migrated away The climate then gradually warmed as the Sun increased our total solar energy no coastal communities or big cities with businesses. There were no sewage treatment
that amplify this heating. A warmer ocean can hold less carbon dioxide so more of this greenhouse gas leaves the ocean and enters the atmosphere.
The last several million years of Earth history were dominated by the Ice Ages. These
glaciers and ice sheets expanded. Thousands
The permafrost contains large amounts of There was only one source for that much The last Ice Age or glacial epoch ended Earth was about nine degrees Fahrenheit
the atmosphere. “Climate Change� page 21
Aptos Times / May 1st 2015 / 15
Community News
12th Annual ‘Day on the Farm’
your neighbors to our 12th Annual Day on the Farm event to
Presented by the Agricultural History
SATURDAY, MAY 9 10 A.M. – 3 P.M.
Fairgrounds. The Agricultural History
Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds own agricultural legacy and compare past to the present.
Admission: FREE Food will available for purchase or
School groups and families from
sure to stop by our charming gift shop “Day on the Farm” page 18
16 / May 1st 2015 / Aptos Times
Aptos Times / May 1st 2015 / 17
Local Sports
Aptos High Scoreboard Baseball
Burn Permits Required Beginning May 1 Department of Forestry and Fire Pro permit for any outdoor open burning in
Community Briefs T ralitos
Coach Dave Heinevetter Soquel 7 – Aptos 1
ralitos Rd. from Agri Culture 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. “Communicating Agriculture” This event
Santa Teresa 11 – Aptos 1
Pajaro Valley. The purpose of the luncheon Aptos def Laguna Blanca
Coach Phil Rojas Jr. Scotts Valley 10 – Aptos 0
and no burning on a windy day. Failure to in the permit being voided and the permit
Memorial Scholarship fund and the Santa programs.
Aptos 20 – Harbor 0
(Apr Hm
Boys Volleyball
Coed Lacrosse
Coach Rick Schroeder
Coach Brandon Smith
to insure they are meeting all conditions set ducting an open burn. For more information on burn permits or
of the Focus Agriculture Program about their experience in the program and a Scholarship.
Scotts Valley 8 – Aptos 4 Apr 25, Surf City Invitational Championship
“Briefs” page 24
“Day on the Farm” from page 16
and farming practices that have made is today.
As you discover the rich agricultural
18 / May 1st 2015 / Aptos Times
Agricultural History Project Center and nd visit our
rancho del mar rancho del mar
RETAILERS & SERVICES Aptos Ace Hardware Aptos Cinema Aptos Jewelers Aptos Guitar Company Aptos Shoes & Apparel Bike Station Aptos Comerica Bank
Best Cleaners Fleet Feet JC Nails LeChef Kitchen Store Rite Aid Sheriff’s Office Susi’s Flowers
Safeway Safeway Fuel Station Terrific Cuts Tranquille Spa Verizon Wireless Video USA VIP Massage
FOOD & BEVERAGE Aptos Coffee Roasting Baskin Robbins Erik’s DeliCafé Kentucky Fried Chicken Safeway Showtime Pizza Sofia’s Taqueria Windjammer
Aptos Times / May 1st 2015 / 19
Featured Columnist
Fall Prevention: Simple Steps to Prevent Falls in Your Home By Ryan Colligan our care providers ridden and placed
are staggering‌ 65 and older fall each year. Falls are the leading cause of death due to injury for
and a lifestyle of complete dependence. I run a local home care agency pro remain independent in their own homes
man and his family in his home to discuss our services. This elderly man had expe rienced a couple of recent falls. Nothing
I received a call two days later from one of his children. The man had fallen. This bad that he wound up in Dominican Hospital in critical condition. The fall had completely devastated this man prior was in great physical and mental
elderly loved ones from falling so they can remain safe and independent for as long
allowed to go home with the assistance of our
be surprised if they are not entirely forth coming about their fall history. Discuss
a Hospice Nurse.
loss of being able to care for him or herself.
the man passed away. This story is not uncommon. That one fall was the catalyst for
Determine if there is a need for a shower bench in the shower. Replace any existing
he lost his ability assistance of professional help and we scheduled to begin services with one of
20 / May 1st 2015 / Aptos Times
and drastic decline in health and unex pected death. stripped him of his independence.
altogether. “Falls� page 23
Featured Columnist
Sports Foundation Partnership Key to Community Support By Jeff Ursino, President and Trustee, Pajaro Valley Unified School District
school is the community that supports
commitment to the educational process and the value the community places o n
both the Aptos High Sports Foundation and the School District more of an opportunity to collaborate by sharing information more freely on what is needed and then deciding together what of the needs is most
was the driving force behind the Aptos High football stadium. They have also provided lights at the swimming pool and football improvements to the baseball
This type of partnership is not unprecedented. Pajaro
The schools that serve Aptos has been done indepen
this. Parents volunteer in many of
currently has a variety of partnerships hold fundraisers and turn out in large numbers for sporting events held at our local schools.
and the school district have his
identify independently projects deemed necessary it was decided to stay separate from the school district and maintain their autonomy. To date the Foundation has donated at our local high school and contributed in partnership with another Aptos High
“ASF” page 24
Foundation has grown and the scope of the projects
Foundation. In that year a group of Aptos High alumni came together to provide funds for school improvements and improve the local educational experience.
foundations. These formal agreements streamline the sharing of information and help both the district and these various groups better serve local students.
an example of what a formal partnership can achieve. That project was done with both school district funds and donations
manner. That would not have been pos between the school district and the Sports Foundation. A more formal partnership would give
“Climate Change” from page 15
Editor’s Note: from an Ice Age into an interglacial period.
Distinguished Professor of Earth and Plan-
Gary has been studying the coast of Calior cold and warm intervals. his 7th and 8th books: The California Coast from more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere as though it started with human occupancy of the
Backyard-Collected Essays. The California Coastal
nitrous oxide are all natural occurring green house gases in the atmosphere. They have
The average temperature on Earth over the last century was about 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
tions — Email info@cyber-times.com Aptos Times / May 1st 2015 / 21
22 / May 1st 2015 / Aptos Times
Featured Columnist
Making County Government More Accessible By Zach Friend, County Supervisor 2nd District
prevalence of mobile platforms for
expectation of what services should be provided over smartphones and tablets con governments have been building mobile
accommodate the time needed to visit the forward a proposal to the Board of Super visors to expand this mobile platform into a free public app that allows the community
rollout but it is expected that new function alities will be added throughout the coming year.
entirely new way. This mobile application will allow con stituents to interact with their government on their mobile devices including the reporting
and improved methods of service delivery our community to receive services and report
regular hours to obtain services. Many
most rapidly growing method of interaction with government services.
Mother’s Day
device. The Board of Supervisors unani mously approved my proposal and the initial iteration is expected in early summer. departments on ways in which we can improve service delivery through mobile
community greater accessibility to their time the app is hoped to be expanded to allow for the payment of property taxes
information and more. Information Services
your church and other important individuals There are many situations to con sider and many resources available to determine what can be done in the home
your loved ones primary care physician to assess their condition and possibly refer an occupational therapist to visit the home
or she is safe. If you live in the Aptos La Selva
home care agency that has trained, professional,
1. Milan’s La ____ 6. Globe shape 9. Saintly sign 13. Alexandre Duma’s “The Black ____” 14. Broadcast 15. Happen again 16. Like city life 17. Mudbath site 18. Fill with high spirits 19. *”Mommie ____,” movie 21. *Kate Hudson’s mom 23. Dog command 24. Like Andersen’s duckling 25. Eric Stonestreet on “Modern Family”
28. Hard currency 30. Internet business 35. In the sack 37. Sometimes hard to reach 39. Irrigation water wheel 40. Track event 41. *Suri’s mom, e.g. 43. Fix a horse 44. ____’s razor 46. *Bobo’s mother 47. Copycat 48. Tarzan’s swings 50. A in B.A. 52. “... ____ he drove out of sight” 53. Repair, as in socks 55. Pull the plug on 57. *Mom to Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy March 60. *Popular Mother’s Day gift
64. Kim Jong-un of North ____ 65. Reverential salutation 67. Tie again 68. Relating to Quechuan people 69. Intelligence org. 70. Dodge 71. Don’t let this hit you on the way out 72. One of Bartholomew Cubbins’ 500 73. More sly 1. 2. 3. 4.
5. Relating to apnea 6. Brewer’s kiln 7. Tombstone acronym 8. Health food pioneer 9. Retained 10. Palm tree berry 11. Guitar forerunner 12. Bonanza find 15. Count on 20. Indifferent to emotions 22. *Like Mother Hubbard 24. Soiled 25. *TV’s “lovely lady” 26. Olden day calculators DOWN Part of house frame 27. Muhammad’s birthplace Prepare by drying or 29. Big-ticket ____ salting *This famous Jessica 31. “Animal House” garb 32. French pancake became a mom in 33. Oil tanker 2008 Pinocchio and his kind 34. *”Mother” in Italian
36. Novelist Koontz 38. German mister 42. Asian pepper 45. Sterling, Cooper or Draper 49. Sigma Alpha Epsilon 51. Soft palate vibrations 54. Boxer’s stat 56. Inhabit 57. Kissing disease? 58. Atlantic Richfield Company 59. Last row 60. Notable achievement 61. Evening purse 62. Hitchhiker’s quest 63. Nostradamus, e.g. 64. *Mom has at least one 66. By way of ... © Statepoint Media
Answers on 31 »
Aptos Times / May 1st 2015 / 23
Community News
Annual Aromas Garden Tour 2015 S there is a very special event for
AHA invites you and your friends and family to begin you journey at the
Aromas Hills Artisans have put together
adventures. Roam the beautiful green
tour. Most gardens will have artists in
gift for Mom or Grandma.
and decide which ones interest you the color and design. Some are big on drought tolerant plants. Some are great examples of raising vegetables and fruit trees.
boxed lunches. Master Gardeners will be tions and give advice. Those who participate in the garden tips and information and a day well spent. might even run into local authors Debra
Community Briefs giclee. For information about the col
project was not needed in the next 10 years.
volunteer blood donor ambassadors to help support its lifesaving mission
blood donor ambassadors register donors or assist them in the refreshment area at
I H a r v e s t
founding member of the grassroots com
to construct the Santa
this project was not necessary.
Reinforcement Project. In a public meeting
tomer service. This is a great opportunity for members of the community to help patients in need. Blood donor ambassador applicants must be 14 years of age. Shifts vary between
more information visit the website: www. nopoc.org four commissioners voted unanimously The celebration culminated with a and the drawing on March 16 when five
application for a permit to construct the controversial power line project after
Blood Donor Ambassadors support lifesaving mission of the Red Cross
all of our local feeder schools. It also As the Aptos sports Foundation
crucial. For the Foundation to be able to
It is often said that to have a great local administrators. To further this cause I intend to put forth a motion to the Board of Trustees
support that individual administrators process of building an endowment fund to serve the students of not only Aptos High but Aptos area schools. This type of focus on local schools will improve
partnership between the two entities. This partnership will help the district A formal partnership will allow the with individuals at the senior level of
24 / May 1st 2015 / Aptos Times
together and get needed projects com pleted in a timelier manner.
cated teachers and administrators and a community that supports education. Aptos Sports Foundation is a local example of what a group of alumni can do when a community rallies around a local school and the students of that community.
Featured Columnist
Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples and Families By Elene L. Johas Teener, Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) Part # 2
ll human beings have an over arching need for a profound and lasting connection to a few
motivations and strivings you will see nection. It drives all of our behavior and is the reason behind all of our existence. There is an old adage that on your deathbed you will not be revisiting your
and applying the principles and meth odologies developed in the last decade. I want to share this information with as many people as I can. As a practicing psychotherapist I see the difficulty many families and couples experience. I am privy to the problems of alco
and societal level I believe we have to The new research can help. It leads to a and sometimes seemingly impossible to about and understand love: a paradigm a series of articles exploring the new research that describes what actually is thirty years ago when I went to Graduate a topic of study. No emotion did. RenĂŠ
do we repair it when it goes wrong. It was originally hard for me to believe that there actually is hard science that can describe the process
ciated feelings with our lower animal nature and thus considered them some thing to be overcome. This basic tenet has ruled much of our cultural thought pat terns and biased researchers away from
complete sense to me after studying
as superior animals was our ability to
assures our existence.
famously proclaimed.
to emerge as legitimate topics to study
a few precious others who will hold survival of the species. Sex may propel
— Unlock the Door and Healthy
then began to understand that feelings
able to see what parts of the brain light
the purpose and process of romantic love and well as our sense of the very nature of human beings. is to build a solid foundational base so they can explore and adventure into
who did the original research and study proposed that we are designed to love Aptos Times / May 1st 2015 / 25
The Book Bag By Robert Francis
Riveting new titles for the demanding reader … Diamond Head By Cecily Wong
By the late nineteenth century a British
The Swimmer By Jokim Zander
Rebellion to Pearl Harbor and the
a natural setting in your room. From transportation and housing to there not only have been numerous nar thriller has it all. Already a bestseller
the center of this multigenerational
jealously and rage. with
family saga are three generations of women who seem to have a major
the family line.
a small child an orphan. Now it is 2013 and paintings by artists that range from
game: you can pull this card at any time also the father who abandoned her when she was just an infant has been
and produced by the Disney Studios. For those who collect these Disney
address some of these scenarios where
tries to avoid those who would possess
as well as the stories behind some of the
can do just this.
and these potential disasters are discussed also. classic espionage story will converge on a Swedish archipelago where the secrets of the past will be revealed and the ownership of the encrypted laptop will be resolved. A story of this nature is constructed around a series of surprises
daughters and wives of the family share the narrative chores as they reveal the
appoint his reader; he includes some memorable ones in this debut novel.
of this riveting story.
A Wish Your Heart Makes
From The Grimm Brothers’ Aschenputtel to Disney’s Cinderella
t may well be the most famous of all stories of a young woman who over comes impossible true love and then live happily ever after. The tale of character
form or another to
difficult to set aside. This is one of those
the intriguing story
26 / May 1st 2015 / Aptos Times
tually married the Egyptian pharaoh.
Hello from 2030: The Science of the Future and You By Jan Paul Schuttem
Schutten to see what futurologists predict the world
revisited in 2030 to see just how accurate the predic tions here actually were. Each chapter the year 2030. In some instances life is
A poignant story with some totally unexpected surprises that blindside both
share with family and friends.
gift for a youngster who loves the story of
not a terribly long time so the contents
By Charles Solomon was the furthest thing from it…The
more cures or ways to deal with various warming will continue to alter climates and cause more weather related problems.
She is in possession of a laptop with some very sensitive information that places her in extreme danger.
Leong family. At the turn of the century
from his native land to Hawaii. And with the move the reader dis covers that something ancient follows
Because it is a good idea to have some idea
which deals with notion of fate versus free will. The red string is a reference to the cord that binds one intended
and astound the reader. As the author this popular romantic scenario that shows
chapter that visits the home of the future
nating possibilities.
Featured Columnist
Aptos Village Project Moving Forward By John Hibble
The Aptos Village project has not only reduced district wide water consumption enough to mitigate the amount of water
velopment Agency or state money. It is redevelopment because it is replacing part of the village that once was. During the lumber era the village
but it has also reduced district wide water consumption by an additional 60%
thereby reducing overall annual water
total district water consumption will be reduced by 4.4 million gallons per year. present Bayview and what is now the
to Australia. Loggers poured gold across the counters of the stores and ranchers came down from the hills with their teams wearing bells to warn other drivers on the
torn down. The Aptos Village project is replacing what has been torn down with what the community has said that we want and will reestablish the Village as the heart of our community.
could send them to the laundry where two
architecture is respectful of the buildings that still exist. The Aptos Village Plan has
During the apple era the Village was
and support buildings. The Suntan Special brought visitors from Alameda and San Francisco. But those buildings have all been
Planning/env/Aptos_Village_Plan.pdf. involved in the process and designed their project to match what the community had
the Village it went into decline. How did this new Aptos Village devel year and even helped to build the jumps. how the village should develop and is
originally designed by the community
rious tried
developer build a
would have been a
The Barry Swenson Company became involved in the process and designed their project to match what the community had asked for. Jesse Nickell of Barry Swenson offered to let the bicycle community
visor stopped the site temporarily. project and initiated a complete review and update of the Aptos Village Plan with input
use the land for eight years. The Aptos Village development project was approved unanimously two years ago by the Supervisors. Aptos Village will be a showplace of water efficient design and has a Platinum rating. The homes and businesses in the Village will have high efficiency fixtures and will
Aptos Times / May 1st 2015 / 27
Community Calendar
Aptos Chamber of Commerce
CASA Orientations to Become First and Third Wednesdays Advocates for Children Alzheimers Support Groups
Treat your mom to an early lots of stops along the way. Dog friendly ... moms encouraged ... -
Tuesday May 12 May Mixer
Conference Room at Elena Baskin/ and a powerful voice in court for Live Oak Senior Center, 1777-A children who have been removed Capitola Road, Santa Cruz. from their homes because of abuse
special advocates are everyday
oin us for an ice cream social
Ffamily group is for caregivers and members of people with
for a child who has been abused or neglected. More info www.
G nutritious main entrees from a
Thursday May 14
May Breakfast Meeting
business cards and promotional other chamber and community members who attend. Call or email for reservations, meggie@
Felton’s Farmer Market! (Starting May 6)
Tthe main drag along Highway farmers and food artisans selling a colorful variety of delicious edibles
Second Tuesdays each month
Free Job Seek Workshop!
pen Support meetings
Friends of Lesbians and Gays)
Speak for Success
Meeting Schedule for the SCWD2 Task Force
PROFILE of Santa Cruz Clares St. Capitola
with Redwood Ramblers Toast
of relatives and friends of addicts who
Aptos Noon Toastmasters
month at 6:30pm. For more info. visit both oceangatezen.org and facebook.
For a meeting near you call saveyoursanity@aol.com
lunch and learn something new
Ongoing Events
Tail Wagging World of Dog Ownership and Thursdays
vereaters Anonymous is a those who wish to stop eating compulsively. a current list of meeting times and
6:30pm at the Santa Cruz SPCA,
Co-dependents Anonymous
Overeaters Anonymous
com/AptosNoonToastmasters or
TOPS (Take off pounds sensibly)
more information.
Hoffman’s for Second Harvest
et support for loosing G weight at these health group H of total sales to Second Harvest meetings.
people who want healthy relationships and self esteem.
For a schedule and more or e-mail gratefulcoda@gmail.com
28 / May 1st 2015 / Aptos Times
leads the meetings.
6:30-7:30pm at Teach by the Beach agencies that Second Harvest support.
First Wednesday each month
Adoption/Child Welfare Orientation Big Book and OA Literature Study
Orientations to Become Advocates for Children
review the child welfare system and to give you a chance to have
details contact Danielle at 761-
To register to one of the meeting and for directions, please call
Saturday May 9 The Human Race
art of a nationwide com munity fundraising event for
consecutive running human race in the nation.
Scotts Valley Nar-Anon Family Group Canyon Road, Scotts Valley in the Bison Center and The Camp Recover Center 12 step program/support group for friends and families
Thursday May 14
Alzheimer’s Association 18th Annual Education Conference
addiction or drug problem of
This is a very special day for understand more about memory
Clutterers Anonymous
dementia. Register at edconference.kintera.
Saturday May 16 Spring Bazar Event
Overeaters Anonymous
a foster and/or adoptive First Tuesdays and parent is to attend orientation. Third Wednesdays each month The orientation is designed to
p.m., third Wednesday of the
6:30 pm, Severinos, 7500 Old Dominion Ct., Aptos
healthy 4 meals to people in need
First Tuesdays each month
norcal/meetings for more info.
Sons in Retirement
116 Beach Drive
addiction. Three meetings are now being
Aptos Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10110
group of people at all levels of for women through all stages from experience from beginners to more Thursdays diagnoses through treatment. Capitola-Aptos discover your voice and share it For more information or to
group of retired Thismenstatewide invites you to be our guest Fridays
Contact suzie@suzielundgren.com
orning meditation schedule is Tues. & Thurs. 6:45am; Fri.
Wednesday April 29
recent vandalism in the Rio Del Mar area. Mary Gourlay of Barry gigs. Swenson builders will present an eetings are open to the public update on the Aptos Village Plan and the location alternates scheduled to begin construction in Fourth Thursdays each month Fall 2015.
Fourth Wednesdays
Ocean Gate Zen Center Zazen Instructions
Dated Events 7p.m, Rio Sands Hotel, Aptos. he program will include an update by supervisor Zach Friend on the new Vacation Rental
Third Wednesdays
Awareness Through Move mentR. These classes will increase
Tuesdays, Thursdays thru Saturdays
hat does your style say about
PFLAG (Parents, Families, and
Rotary Club Meeting
Church Bible Study/Worship
Santa Cruz/ Monterey Bay Branch ADHD Support Group Meetings Third Thursday each month 6:30-8:00pm Aptos Fire Station Image Matters
for more info.
WomenCARE Support Group
Worship, First Baptist Church reservations or information or visit 7565 Sunset Way, Aptos Second and Fourth Wednesdays www.cabrillohostlions.org.
Center, 1307 Seabright, Santa Cruz Valley Drive, Scotts Valley.
any Monday and 10% Support Group is a Dineof theontotal sales go to a local Tuesday gathering for women with all month of the year as part of the Mahalo Monday Program.
Center, 360 Kings Village Drive 7:00pm at the Cabrillo Community Center, Aptos Village Park, 100 Aptos Creek Rd. next meeting is February 11th and ublic is invited to all programs. Sundays ongoing from then on.
Rio Del Mar Improvement Assn. Semi-Annual Meeting
awareness. First class is free for new
Head to the Islands!
Second and Fourth Thursdays Scotts Valley Farmer’s Market
Friends of Scotts Valley Library Cabrillo Host Lions Club
Church, 5000 Granite Creek Rd. Scotts Valley. For more information, Any Questions, contact Judy
santacruzfarmersmarket.org or contact Nicole Zahm at education@ santacruzfarmersmarket.org or Executive Director Nesh Dhillon at Wednesdays info@santacruzfarmersmarket.org Toastmasters:
Featured recipes are posted on
Court, Aptos
Jmeeting and learn the latest and greatest of Aptos. Bring your
Congregational Church of Santa Cruz
Meal Solution Mondays
community members. Participate bring plenty of business cards to
Wednesdays Facilitated by
First Mondays in Watsonville Second Tuesdays: 5:30-7 p.m. in Capitola Third Wednesdays: 5:30-7 p.m. in Watsonville Third Thursdays in Santa Cruz Third Fridays in Aptos
Second Wednesdays
eets second wednesdays of M each month at 6:30 in the Fireside Rom at SV Library. The
ASA empowers volunteers to
Saturday May 9 Mother’s Day Walk
Freedom Blvd. Watsonville
Community Center, Room 5, 301 Center Street, Santa Cruz
Second Thursdays each month
Veterans of Foreign Wars
ommander Ronals Petty leads the meetings. For more information, call
B12 Fridays
3:00pm-6:00pm, Thrive Natural
Senior Center here will be over 20 local vendors selling a variety of merchandise from handmade arts
to handle stress.
Sunday May 17 Spring Dog Festival
For details and tickets visit coastal
Announcements Volunteers Needed for the Monterey Symphony
Arts and Entertainment cover.
First Friday Art Tour
Wednesday Night Sail Boat Races
conjunction with the participating
of the most talented local artists from local galleries.
arbor restaurants & the beach are a good viewing to watch the sailboat races against Harbor.
Stitchers By The Sea Meetings Lucky Steppers Modern 7 p.m., Live Oak Senior Center, Square Dance 1777 Capitola Rd., Santa Cruz
open to the public each month. No admission fees.
Basic Bridge at Highland Park
basic Bridge class.A donation of
Call to reserve spot, 8 players
6:30 pm, German American Hall,
S Don Benson For more information, contact Sue
in a First Friday art tour, visit
6:30 p.m. Santa Cruz Elks Lodge,
Last Thursdays each month
Monthly Argentine Tango at Star Bene Italian/Argentine Restarante
Peninsula Banjo Band
7:00 - 8:30 p.m., Harry’s Hofbrau,
meal from the Star Bene
the ambiance of Argentina and join us in a social tango dance to music from the Golden Age of Tango. Private instruction and classes by
come out on the other side intact and better for it. Later in the month it will be time to focus
Leo (July 23-Aug. 23)
Science Sunday
Virgo (Aug. 24-Sep. 22)
Second Fridays each month
Big Band Dance
Capitola allroom dancing to live music by The 10th Ave. Band.
Science Sunday does not meet in December. For more info visit seymourcenter.ucsc.edu
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 23)
Dated Events Tuesday May 5 Wednesday May 6
First and Third Fridays
at 7 p.m., Spring Lakes Club-
High St. Santa Cruz
Scotts Valley he concert is free. The program
and third friday until June 5.
Downtown Santa Cruz Antique Street Fair
Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)
Spring Lake Choir Spring Concert
Friday Shakespeare Club
presents a public lecture from a marine scientist the third Sunday of every month. Topics are presented
Modern Square Dancing Class 7:00pm, German-American Hall
Cancer (June 22-July 22)
For more info, please contact us at
Gemini (May 22-June 21)
a wide assortment of treasures
he First Friday Art Tour is a
Ongoing Events
arrangement. For more information,
First Fridays each month about booking the band for
he Monterey Symphony is
www.montereysymphony.org for more information.
Your May Horoscope
things around you may start to feel weird. It may be a good idea to set some less important
wits about you and you should come out ahead.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)
tribute to Hocus Pocus. Donations are accepted and refreshments will be served.
Saturday May 9
too much.
Plant a Begonia!
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)
T Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb. 18)
Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)
Saturday June 20
Silicon Valley Wine Auction at Levi’s Stadium
Aries (March 21-April 20)
event including an
pairing dinner featuring over
Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Mountains. Silent and live auction highlights include rare
& collectibles and getaway the Silicon Valley Education Foundation. Aptos Times / May 1st 2015 / 29
Business Guide Are you comfortable speaking in front of small groups and open to earning a six figure income? For more information please call Laura at: 831-728-5960
Featured Columnist
District Calls for Continued Water Savings While Seeking Long-Term Solutions By Kim Adamson – General Manager Soquel Creek Water District
and economically responsible way. Here are a few
in the forefront of the media locally and throughout munity to achieve this:
D compared to 2013. This does not mean that that all of our
and will be enforced.
problem and ensure that we have water for future gen
out and participate during two community involvement
Additional Private Well Representation
more details.
30 / May 1st 2015 / Aptos Times
SPCA Featured Pet
Feeling like you
paid too much in taxes this year? This year, evaluate whether you can benefit from: 1. Tax-advantaged investments. If appropriate, consider tax-free municipal bonds to provide federally tax-free income.* 2. Tax-advantaged retirement accounts. Consider contributing to a traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or 401(k) to help lower your taxable income. 3. Tax-advantaged college savings accounts. Contribute or gift to a college savings plan for your children or grandchildren. *May be subject to state and local taxes and the alternative minimum tax (AMT). Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors are not estate planners and cannot provide tax or legal advice. You should consult with a qualified tax specialist or legal advisor for professional advice on your situation. Call or visit today to learn more about these investing strategies.
Shirley: Schweet as Sugar
gorgeous golden eyes and a beautiful tortoiseshell coat. Though she is well past her
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Aptos Times / May 1st 2015 / 31
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