Aptos Times: August 1, 2016

Page 1



Fiddler on the Roof: A Strong Tradition Cabrillo Stage once again proved that it has one of the pool second to none. The Creative Team deserves sincere accolades for a Broadway-quality production. Full Story page 13

17th Annual Scotts Valley Art Wine & Beer Festival

METRO Awarded Federal Grant WASHINGTON — Rep. Sam Farr (D-Calif.) announced that the Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District (METRO) would receive $3,810,348 from the Federal Transit Administration. The funding will be used to

purchase three zero-emission electric buses to operate on the popular Highway 17 Express routes connecting Santa Cruz and Silicon Valley. The grant also includes funding for inductive charging stations. ... continued on page 4



83 1. 6 8 8 . 6 9 1 3 | License #681095

The Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce is very excited to announce some new additions to this year’s Scotts Valley Art Wine & Beer Festival. As always we will have over 100 artists, delicious food, as well as awardwinning wineries and microbreweries. Full Story page 11


Fair Prices Extensive Menu & Bar Service Great Atmosphere Right Off the Highway Back Nine is the perfect venue for your next celebration. Banquet service up to 200 guests. Call or Email to Book Your Event Now

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The Perfumer’s Apprentice invites you to be transported into the world of fragrance creation. Browse our History of Perfume wall, learn the different methods of fragrance extraction, then venture into our classroom environment where a member of our staff will instruct you with the tools and knowledge necessary for a hands on fragrance creation experience. Classes generally take 1-2 hours, and include coffee/tea & snacks, complete instruction, and final fragrance created and named by you to take home! Appropriate for all demographics (including gentlemen) over the age of 10. Price per person is as follows: 1-3 People = $35.00 per person 4-6 People = $30.00 per person 7-12 People = $25.00 per person

Great for Birthday Parties, Bridal Showers, and Special Events! $0.& 4&& 063 -"3(& 4&-&$5*0/ 0' -"/%4$"1& ."5&3*"-4 .BTPOSZ 4VQQMJFT t #MPDL #SJDL 3FCBS t $PCCMFTUPOF

Ĺą Ĺą | '3&&%0. #-7% ] "1504 $" ] .0/Ĺą4"5 ĹŤ XXX BQUPTMBOETDBQFTVQQMZ DPN t 8& %&-*7&3 2 / August 1st 2016 / Aptos Times

Location: 200 Technology Circle, Scotts Valley CA 95066

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No. 15 Volume 25


5 6 7


Table of Contents




WATSONVILLE Offered at $1,695,000 Ocean view Tuscan Villa with sweeping ocean and valley views from almost every room located in highly desired gated Moon Valley Ranch just minutes to Seascape Beach, golf & shopping . This 4-BR, 3.5 BA thoughtfully designed home is sure to impress with 22 ft living room ceilings & arched clerestory windows. A truly stunning home and setting!

Cover METRO Awarded Federal Grant

150 CAMINO AL BARRANCO, LA SELVA BEACH Offered at $1,395,000

Community News Dominican Hospital Receives Award for Heart Failure Care Kids Week Downtown Santa Cruz! July 31 - August 7

Refined coastal living in highly sought gated beachside community of Los Barrancos. Beautifully updated 4-BR, 3-BA and thoughtfully designed. Enjoy year round resort living amongst a lush coastal forest setting with community pool, tennis and private walking paths to La Selva’s famed Trestle Beach and one of the most pristine stretches of surf and sand on the Monterey Bay.

pening August 2 by Patrick Dimick


(831) 332-3951 CalBRE # 01225575


(831) 332-3951 CalBRE # 01225575

8 Monterey Bay Regatta 9


10 11 12 14 15 16 Help Families Dealing With Dementia 17 18 19 25

13 21 22 23 24 26 27 30

280 BALTUSTROL DR APTOS Offered at $1,349,000 Custom contemporary remodel in Country Club Park. This 4-BR, 3.5-BA has a spacious and open floorplan with great separation of space. Stylish interior features include a large scale chef’s kitchen and two master BR options. Large, flat rear yard. Walking distance to the beach, Rio Del Mar Elementary, Seascape Resort, shopping and dining.

(831) 234 -1416 CalBRE # 01160202

441 SEASCAPE RESORT APTOS Offered at $899,000

by Cate Kortzeborn




This beautiful upper 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath Condo has great ocean views and is located on the south bluff of the Resort. It comes completely furnished as per part of the resort rental program. Enjoy 3 Pools, 3 Spas, Golf and Tennis and the beautiful beach! Ideal second home with proven rental history.


(831) 251-1985 CalBRE # 00520864


Featured Columnists Fiddler on the Roof: A Strong Tradition by Noel Smith The Creative Life by Jessica Johnson Water Wisdom by SqCWD Water World Defensible Space and Hardening your Home by Mike Conrad Schools Matter – Students Standing Up for Themselves Book Bag by Robert Francis – Fiction Featuring Action, Adventure, and Suspense… Seniors in Action by CJ by Zach Friend 3##!3 &EATURED 0ET s 0AGE n Take a walk with Thumbelina



3 35 SP RE CK ELS DR IV E SUI TE H, AP TOS (8 31) 66 1-5 600


facebook.com/serenogroup twitter.com/serenogroup This information was supplied by reliable sources. Sales Associate believes this information to be correct but has not verified this information and assumes no legal responsibility for its accuracy. Buyers should investigate these issues to their own satisfaction. Buyer should verify school enrollment. Sereno Group CalBRE # 01519580.

Aptos Times / August 1st 2016 / 3

publisher’s assistant $BNJTB $PNQPTUJ editor /PFM 4NJUI contributing writers 1BUSJDL %JNJDL +PIO (JMCFSU /PFM 4NJUI +FTTJDB +PIOTPO .JLF $POSBE +Fò 6STJOP 3PCFSU 'SBODJT $+ ;BDI 'SJFOE $BUF ,PSU[FCPSO layout .JDIBFM 0QQFOIFJNFS ,FWJO .BSLMFZ -J[ 4FOUFOFZ graphic artists .JDIBFM 0QQFOIFJNFS ,FWJO .BSLMFZ -J[ 4FOUFOFZ production coordinator -J[ 4FOUFOFZ advertising sales %PO #FBVNPOU +BZ 1FUFST 7BOFTTB 3FFE )PMEFS office coordinator $BUIF 3BDF distribution #JMM 1PPMFZ $BNJTB $PNQPTUJ

“SC METRO� from page 1 “This grant could not have come at a better time,� remarked Santa Cruz METRO

year the Board directed us to seek opportu-

will use the federal assistance to address both of those challenges.� “This funding is a win-win, spurring economic growth by connecting Santa Cruz and Silicon Valley while lowering our carbon footprint,� said Rep. Farr. “These types of investments often pay huge dividends in the future and I’m thrilled to work with the Federal Transportation Administration to support Santa Cruz METRO.�

Valley and moving toward a zero-emissions


inductive charging system to operate on METRO’s Highway 17 Express connecting Santa Cruz residents

money. METRO’s award was among the highest awards in the nation and the highest award in California. The grant announcement from the U.S. Department of Transpor-

Alex Clifford

tech industry in Silicon Valley. The buses are

the Monterey Bay region,� said Santa Cruz METRO Board Chair Mike Rotkin. “We are deeply grateful to Congressman Farr for

Facilities grant program. Replacing traditional buses with electricity-powered buses that generate low or no emissions lessens reliance on fossil fuel, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and

a grant award of $709,292 to METRO to purchase a battery- electric (zero emissions) bus that will run as a new circulator service

help reduce air pollution, train employees in maintaining new technology buses, and

change and emphasizes new and expanded services for disadvantaged communities.

funded through the State Cap and Trade -

allow agencies to acquire buses and supporting facilities and infrastructure such as maintenance facilities and recharging equipment – including new “en-route� charging that extends battery life. “The Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District (METRO) will receive funding to






implementation strategy.� transportation options to Santa Cruz County


purchase (three) zero-emission batteryelectric buses,� said

many years.�


dB y


4 / August 1st 2016 / Aptos Times

e nt



s Pre

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Cover Story


Community News

Dominican Hospital Receives Award for Heart Failure Care SANTA CRUZ — Dignity Health ®

American Heart Association (AHA). “This award demonstrates our dedication to ensuring heart failure patients receive care based on internationallyrespected clinical guidelines developed using the latest scientific research,” said Mickiewicz, MD. “Our adherence to the AHA/American College of Cardiology the measures we take to continually maintain the hospital’s high standards for cardiac care.” Dominican Hospital earned the award measures for the diagnosis and treatment of heart failure patients. These measures include evaluation of the patient, proper use of medications and aggressive risk-reduction therapies, such as ACE inhibitors/ARBs, beta-blockers, diuretics, anticoagulants, and other appropriate therapies. Before patients are discharged,

AHA representative Elaina Gunn (left) presents the Get With the Guidelines Heart Failure-Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award to (from left) Dominican cardiologist and congestive heart failure physician lead Jay Johnson, MD, Lifestyle Management Manager Jennifer Spurlock, Senior Director of Quality Monica Hamilton, and Director of Cardiovascular Services Sarah Edmundson. they also receive education on managing their heart failure and overall health, get a follow-up visit scheduled, as well as other from heart failure, with the number expected to rise to eight million by 2030. care transition interventions. The Dominican Hospital heart and vas- Statistics show that each year about 870,000 cular program has received several accolades this year, including recognition from Health- percent of those diagnosed will die within grades as one of American’s 100 best hospitals However, many heart failure patients for coronary intervention and among the top 10 percent of hospitals nationwide for cardiac surgery, and designation as a Blue condition is managed with proper medicaShield Blue Distinction Specialty Care Center tions or devices and with healthy lifestyle changes.

Aptos Times / August 1st 2016 / 5

Community News

Kids Week Downtown Santa Cruz!

Driving Range & Tap House


owntown Santa Cruz has always had something for everyone, as the saying goes, and Kids Week Downtown is the perfect time for families and kids to visit their favorite local mer-


this exciting week Sunday, July 31 with the Santa Cruz Farmers Market - Art Table

OPEN 7 DAYS: 7AM - 8:30PM


Tap House Beer & Sports



Coldest beer in town!

Weekday Specials Short Game Area Your LinkSoul Headquarters 831-274-3271

9/1/16 ANYExpires PURCHASE * One per customer EXLUDING ALCOHOL Cost5/15/16 of grip additional Valid to 6/15/16


101 Ranport Road Watsonville, CA 95076

Off Hwy. 1 at Airport Blvd.

Join us every Wednesday for

Reggae Nights 7 to 9pm with Ancestree Reggae’s

Lead Singer

Slow-Smoked BBQ . Wood-Fired Pizza Craft Beers, Local Wines & Sports! Happy Hour 3-6 every day!

$2 off Drafts and House Wines Appetizer Specials

For takeout or reservations call 831-662-2BBQ 10110 Soquel Dr. in Aptos (On the frontage road at Hwy 1 & Freedom Blvd) 6 / August 1st 2016 / Aptos Times

Church Street Fair hosted by the Cabrillo Festival of Contemporary Music. Fill in the week with martial arts, archery, gymnastics and more! Kids Week in Downtown Santa Cruz will include so many of your favorite merchants. Below is a list of the participating locations and a hint at of what they’ve got waiting for you. Visit DowntownSantaCruz.com for dates, full details on

- Free 1/2 hour in game lounge with store

business. Bookmark the web page and our Facebook event for updates and to take advantage of all the fun! Visit the web site for days and times:

world - Snoopy and Artist Appearance







Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Access to diverse employers with immediate openings


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1:00 pm - 4:00 pm WHERE:

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“Fair Chance” selection process, where applicants’ merit is considered before applicants’ criminal record For more info, email FairChanceHires@CABinc.org

Community News

The Recipes of Life: A Volunteer’s Journey S ometimes an experience in life inspires us to change directions. Denine Jones had one of those experiences toward the end of her father-in-law’s life. While spending time with him in the hospital, she realized her calling to become a nurse. As she was helping to honor his end-of-life wishes, it became clearer that her interest was in hospice care.

people who are dying and do what I can to improve their quality of life,” explains Denine. That’s exactly what Denine is doing. For the last three years, in addition to being a nursing student at San Jose State, Denine is a Volunteer Visitor at Hospice of Santa Cruz County.


ospice of Santa Cruz County’s Volunteer Visitor training begins August

and are available at www.hospicesantacruz.org All types of volunteers are

lingual in English & Spanish and/

serve other veterans

“It feels good,” she explains. “It feels

empowering people to do the things that are important to them.” Denine has supported many hospice patients as a Volunteer Visitor and one of them stands out in her memory. For nearly a year, Denine spent four hours a week visiting with Rita. Their time together was well planned – they baked. Before her illness, Rita was a caterer and her favorite thing to do was bake. As her cancer progressed, she lost sight in her left eye and the use of her left side making it dangerous for her to do her most cherished activity. “Imagine having all that taken away from you,” Denine explains. With Denine’s support, Rita found herself back in charge of her kitchen. “Rita would supervise me and tell me what to do. She loved serving people – it gave her so much satisfaction to give the gift of food,” she adds. Their delicious creations

time together. Rita liked to make two pies so she could send Denine home with one for her family. “It was so beautiful to see how Rita felt she was part of things again by directing me in the kitchen,” she recalls. “Our time together helped Rita feel alive again and useful. Our time together was a real gift for both of us,” she said. Each fall, Hospice of Santa Cruz County holds a Volunteer Visitor training where community members are trained to support hospice patients and their families. Volunteer Visitors are understanding listeners, the ones who extend a hand to hold, provide companionship and presence that comforts patients and often make it possible for a caregiver to have a few hours of respite. And, in some cases, they bake.

Denine Jones

chores. Rita was reluctant to accept a Volteam that she didn’t want someone who volunteer who would bake. Denine recalls how they both quickly came to cherish their

National Night Out Happening August 2

Plenty of Free Customer Parking

Wilder Associates Inc.

Yoga Within

Property Management Specialists

Exploring the Mind-Body Connection



Salon Aptos

Joy of Movement Pilates & Gyrotonic®

Hair and Nails for a Good Look

More Zest for Life

688-8804 our neighborhood is invited to participate with many other neighborhoods across the country in Out




Out is a crime and drug prevention event that is sponsored

hoods Countywide are asked to turn on outside lights, lock their doors, and spend the evening outside with neighbors and local law enforcement.


Warmboard Radiant Subfloor

Epicenter Cycling

Simply Smarter Radiant Heat

Trek Bicycles for All Types of Riders



Village Liquors

Dentistry for Animals



For All Your Beverage Needs

hosting a variety of events ranging from small potlucks

Association of Town Watch and recognized locally by the Santa Cruz

Dr. Judy Force, DVM

Kumon Math & Reading Center Learning for the Long Run


Heighten crime and drug prevention as soon as possible. To register locally, Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police/community partnerships. Send a message to criminals letting them know neighborhoods are organized and

Center Sergeant assigned in your area, so a Deputy can stop by your event: “NNO” page 10 Aptos Times / August 1st 2016 / 7

Community News

Cabrillo Foundation Director to Retire APTOS — After leading the organization for 18 years, Melinda Silverstein, Executive Director of The Cabrillo College Foundation announced that she will be retiring from the Cabrillo College Foun“Melinda has been an incredible advocate for Cabrillo College in our community and will be missed. She has built one of the most accomplished community college foundations in the nation and through her leadership of the Foundation, has provided millions of dollars in support to Cabrillo and our students each year,” said Laurel Jones,

each year to Cabrillo and its students. Superintendent. “Melinda has been a longSilverstein began as Executive time pillar of our community and Director of the Cabrillo College has left a lasting legacy with the Foundation in 1998. During her wonderful work she has done at tenure, she has increased Founthe Cabrillo College Foundation. dation assets from $7 Million to She will be greatly missed and $29 Million and facilitated the we look forward to building upon growth of the endowment from $4 Million to $23 Million. At the Melinda Silverstein her success,” said Stephen Snodgrass, Cabrillo College Foundation Board and has established the Cabrillo College “It has been a great honor and privilege well-managed organization, which pro- to work with our generous community vides direct support of nearly $3 Million to support Cabrillo and our students.

I believe education is the best way we can support our society and I am proud to have been able to help so many students achieve their educational dreams,“ said Silverstein. In accordance with the Foundation’s succession plan, the Cabrillo College Foundation Board enthusiastically approved promoting Eileen Hill, long-time Associate Director, as the Foundation’s next Executive Director. “I am looking forward to my next adventure,” continued Silverstein. “I have had the pleasure of working closely with Eileen for 18 years, so I know that I am leaving the Foundation in good hands.”

25th Annual Day on the Monterey Bay Regatta


n Sunday, August 7, the Santa Cruz

The event will be held at the Santa

Day on the Monterey Bay Regatta

Santa Cruz. Sailing takes place from 1-4

Cruz County.

the reverse start course, watch the action as you

sail on the Chardonnay II or attend the dinner. There will also be live music, a silent auction “The Day on the Monterey Bay Regatta is a fun day of sailing, food, friends and music,” said Bob DeWitt, Santa Cruz and regatta committee member. “I have been participating in this event since it’s gets better every year.” Over the past terey Day on the Bay Regatta has raised over $900,000. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Santa Cruz County relies on this event to cover about 10% of their annual expenses. Since 1982 Big Brothers Big Sisters at risk youth, by matching them to screened and trained adult volunteers who provide guidance, emotional support and appropriate role on the waiting list for a caring mentor.

8 / August 1st 2016 / Aptos Times

For more information or to register email

Community News

Family Service Agency Has New Location


of choosing a highly experienced therapist. Clients can also access support from the agency’s continuum of free programs, including Senior Outreach peer support for

one more problem that can add to a list of troubles. Family Service Agency of the Central Coast (FSA-CC)

line, and a host of other support services. Children with Medi-Cal are served through FSA-CC’s contract with the Santa Cruz County Mental Health Services division. Located in the unit right next door, the WomenCARE program provides support for women diagnosed with cancer. “We have also created a new state-of-the-art children’s room,” says Flores, “with a sand tray, games and toys which help children build relationships of trust with their therapist.”

they have provided mental health care to those who have a sliding scale of fees for people without insurance. They also provide counseling for people with Medi-Cal or Medicare. FSA-CC has now made it even easier for adults, families and children to seek help. They have opened a new current locations in downtown Santa Cruz and Watsonville. Earlier this month, FSA-CC held an open house for members of the community to tour their new mid-county

of Santa Cruz County. For mid-county residents, looking to their growing menu of mental health support.

for people who don’t like to travel downtown because of One,” says Rita Flores, FSA-CC’s Assistant Agency Director. At the open house event, attendees previewed the small private therapy rooms that have been completely

Family Service Agency of the Central Coast provides all worked with FSA-CC for over 27 years, this facility closely sional and welcoming atmosphere. In addition to the convenience of three locations,

and upgraded amenities. According to Flores, who has

Free Class on Book Publishing from Santa Cruz Public Libraries SANTA CRUZ — The Santa Cruz of 10 neighborhood library branches throughout Santa Cruz County, announced it would host another free class about book

with stories and tips. This lively, popular class will feature a glimpse of today’s dynamic book businessincluding traditional, electronic, and self-publishing, as well as

“I’m beginning to learn about the talented community of authors in Santa Cruz, and supporting their work in this way is a natural role for the library.”

books for numerous publishers, including

Book Publishing 1-2-3

has edited the writing of former U.S. Secguru Brian Tracy. For nearly a decade,

Laurie also taught editing for the Extension programs of both UCSD and UCLA.

agents and editors, and suggestions for improving craft and connecting with readers. writing prompts, a four-page

this year at the Aptos branch, the class has been very well received by local writers. artists with a number of writing programs, including the Aptos Writing Club, and Voces Latinas. Library Aptos Times / August 1st 2016 / 9

Community News

Triple P Classes: August 2016 A are free and open to the public. Register in advance to receive free


Triple P 8-Week Group: Families with Teenagers Ceiba College Prep Academy

Triple P Seminar: The Power of Positive Parenting


earn how to create safe, interesting environments for children; provide positive learning environments for children; use assertive seminar-power-positive-parenting-31


his eight-week parenting support group provides in-depth information to help parents and families with teenage children meets every Thursday, and it will

Triple P Together in the Park Felton Covered Bridge Park


his is a free drop-in playgroup. http://




Triple P 8-Week Group: Families with Children 2-12 years old


his free support group provides indepth parenting information and assistance for families with children 2-12 it into their families. This class meets once a week for eight weeks on Tuesdays, and it will be taught in Spanish. http://

org/seminar-power-positive-parenting-32 Triple P Seminar: Raising Resilient Children


egies to teach children healthy ways to

org/seminar-raising-resilient-children-31 Triple P Seminar: Triple P Seminar:


his free parenting seminar covers social and emotional skills that children need in order to thrive at home, in school and seminar-raising-confident-competentchildren-30

Triple P Workshop: Prevention and Management of Disobedience


earn why children may be uncooperative, how to give instructions in a way that increases a child’s cooperation and how to respond calmly and consistently when a child refuses to follow directions. This class will be taught in


his free parenting seminar covers social and emotional skills that children need in order to thrive at home, in school and

Triple P Workshop: Preventing and Managing Disobedience


earn why children may be uncooperative, how to give instructions in a way that increases a child’s cooperation, and how to respond calmly and consistently when a child refuses to follow preventing-and-managing-disobedience-2 Triple P Seminar: Raising Resilient Children

Triple P Seminar: The Power of Positive Parenting


earn how to create safe, interesting environments for children; provide positive learning environments for children; use

“NNO” from page 7


egies to teach children healthy ways to


Mar Shopping Center, Aptos Sergeant

ville Avenue, Santa Cruz 10 / August 1st 2016 / Aptos Times

Sergeant Joe

Sergeant Alan Burt (831)

Community News

New This Year!


he Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce is very excited to announce some new additions to this year’s Scotts Valley Art Wine & Beer Festival. As always we will have over 100 artists, delicious food, as well as award-winning wineries and microbreweries. Some of the new additions to this year’s festival Car




a human foosball court, more music and entertainment on three stages, and an expanded Kids Fun Zone! We are very excited this year to be

Rodders Car Show! On Saturday of the Festival, we will have on display over

special police K9 demonstration and a helicopter visit. There will be several award winning wineries on hand pouring their best, including 37th Heart O’ the Mountain, HallStation, Cinquain, Stockwell Cellars, and Wargin Wines. There will also be cider from Surf City Cider. Hand crafted beer will be on tap form local breweries including, Steel Bonnet Brewery, Santa Cruz Mountain Brewery, Discretion Brewing, and more. In addition, we will also be working with one our sponsors, Flavor Apprentice) to offer special flavored margaritas! We will have three stages of entertainment this year that will include acts

from our local youth, dance troupes, martial arts demonstrations, as well as our outstanding musical lineup. Some of the musical acts this year include: the Sada Springs Jug Band,

Fun Zone and all donations will benefit our local schools and the Scotts Valley Educational Foundation. This year’s festival truly has something for everyone and admission is totally free! We hope to see you there!

the Leftovers, the Coffis Brothers, the Joint Chiefs, and the Coffee Zombie Collective. There will be prizes, contests and activities for all canines including a dog look-alike contest, a dog costume contest, and a dog tricks contest. We will also have a petting zoo and mini weekend.

Julie Carboni of Scotts Valley Counseling Center is organizing this year’s Kid’s


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2895 B FREEDOM BLVD. WATSONVILLE, CA 95076 | CORRALITOSFEED.COM | 831-722-7884 | M-F 9-7, SAT 9-5 | SUNDAY 10-4 Aptos Times / August 1st 2016 / 11

Community News





t’s time for Books and Brews La Selva Beach! Over thirty arts and

on Saturday, July 30 at the La Selva Beach Summer Fair. Booths will feature

The one day Books and Brews event also includes the Friends of the Library Book Sale, with a huge selection of books and media. The event runs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the La Selva Beach Clubhouse, 314 Estrella Avenue, La Selva Beach.

Community Emergency Response Team. Don’t forget to buy your tickets for prize drawings throughout the day for donated

Bring the kids! Free facepainting will be available from 10 to 4. The La Selva Beach Library will provide kids’ craft activities. And the Friends Book Sale includes children’s books. on delicious modern street foods from the Ate3One Food Truck. Six local bands will provide live music throughout the day on microbrew beer from Corralitos Brewing

produce from the Crystal Bay Farm booth. The event is sponsored by the La Selva Beach Improvement Association and Friends of the Library. For more information contact: BooksandBrewsLSB@ gmail.com. See you at Books and Brews La Selva Beach on July 30!

California News

Governor Signs Government Transparency Measure BOOK BY



CABRILLOSTAGE.COM | 831-479-6154 Fiddler On The Roof is presented through special arrangement with Music Theater International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI. www.MTIShows.com

SACRAMENTO — has signed into law modest but necessary legislation by Assemblymembers Mark Stone (D-Monterey Bay) and Brian Dahle (R-Bieber) to improve transparency and clarity of ballot measure information. “This law ensures that counties may provide the most accurate information in the clearest possible way to voters,” said Stone. “I’m simple but necessary measure.”

12 / August 1st 2016 / Aptos Times

county counsels to provide an unbiased summary of a ballot measure in a format that answers the ques-

vote mean?” Research by the Center for Civic Design show that voters best understand ballot measure summaries in this format. “Transparency” page 16

Featured Columnist

Fiddler on the Roof: A Strong Tradition By Noel Smith


abrillo Stage once again proved that

this side of Broadway and a talent pool second to none. The Creative Team deserves sincere accolades for a Broadwayquality production. (A friend said she saw the current Broadway revival of Fiddler on the Roof and prefers Cabrillo Stage’s version.) Based on Tevye and his Daughters (or Tevye the Dairyman) and other tales by Sholem Aleichem, this is a musical that both entertains and educates at extraordinary levels. Set in Russia in

Jewish settlement all come alive with its music, philosophy, the clash of Tradition

emigration. If you haven’t experienced this tale of change and challenge performed live, you have the opportunity to see one of the best stage productions of this classic. The story revolves around Tevye played by Adam Campbell who gives a nonpareil performance from curtain rise to curtain fall. His physical presence, singing and acting all combine to bring the depth and breadth that this part demands especially with the signature, “If I Were a Rich Man.”

didn’t meet each other until the day of their wedding. That’s how it was done according to The Creative Team deserves sincere accolades for a Broadway-quality production. (A friend said she saw the current Broadway revival and prefers Cabrillo Stage’s version.) – arranged marriages using the services of by Alice Hughes). The daughters – oldest to youngest – Tzeitel (Brenna Salmon), Hodel (Marina Hallin), Chava (Jennie Chapman), Shprintze (Stoli Wolfgang) and Bielke (Thandi Rose). They all have expectations of not looking for a future husband, but of having one assigned to them. That’s when social change runs into


themselves wanting to make their own choices thereby colliding with the beliefs of Tevye, their father. act are both uplifting and poignant culminating with the wedding of Tzeitel and Motel (Ryan Fish) to the moving music and lyrics of “Sunrise, Sunset.” However, as the outside world and its set of invading of the second act, the mood changes and

original Broadway production of the show – Tevye, Lazar Wolf (Michael Stark) and

theatre in history to surpass 3,000 performances during its run.

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How is the Value of Jewelry Determined? Find out in this FREE report!

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Community News

SC Host Lions Installs 85th President T he Santa Cruz Host Lions Club installed Ed

installation ceremony at the




new Bocci Ball court at Bocci Ball Court is expected to be open to the public soon. Formed by local business people in 1929, Santa Cruz Host Lions Club is one of the largest clubs in Lions District California. The Lions motto is “We Serve,” and Santa Cruz Host serves Santa Cruz by helping the community’s visually impaired see, the auditoryimpaired hear, and our youth

to growth up into productive citizens. Club activities include providing eye surgeries and glasses to local residents; recycling eye glasses to developing nations; providing American Flags for facilities to improve our community; hosting the Lions Bowl High School All Star Football Christmas hosting the

trees; Lions athon; giving out scholar athlete scholarships; hosting Lions Student Speaker conForeign exchange program with Lions Clubs around the world. In-coming Lions President Ed Jenkins (from left), Lions District 4C6 Past District Governor and Executive Director of Lions Eye Fund John Schroeder, and Out-going Lions President Jeff Bosshard.

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14 / August 1st 2016 / Aptos Times

California News

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Election Results S

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primary results showing that 47.72% of registered voters cast a ballot in CaliElection. This is the third highest turnout of registered voters for a statewide primary election in the

the second highest total ever in a California statewide primary election, only behind the hotly

mail ballots Voting-by-Mail — statewide election in which vote-by-mail ballots postmarked on or before Election Day and received by county elections Election Day had to be processed. State law provided county elections Election Day to complete their extensive tallying, work

ounty C h t u o Your S heater! T



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tinues to be popular. This was the does not issue, receive, or count ballots. State law requires elections by-mail ballots. to process and count ballots, and transmit “Results” page 16

You don’t have to change your life to change his.

If you can commit to spending 2-4 hours a week to help a child in foster care, WE NEED YOU Learn more at www.tinyurl.com/CASAworks casaofsantacruz.org

/CASAScruz (831) 761-2956, ext. 102 Aptos Times / August 1st 2016 / 15

Community News

Help Families Dealing With Dementia V isiting Angels, the nation’s leading in-home senior care provider with

to aid patients battling dementia while helping families cope with the ugly, terminal illness. Visiting Angels caregivers provide around the clock care for many local families. They know how to calmly and patiently speak with Alzheimer’s patients. Caregivers also become constant companions, helping patients with simple life tasks that become more complicated as the disease progresses. How to Deal with a Loved One with Dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease Communicate with patient tone of voice. a baby.

Helping patient eat all of the time, while others struggle to keep up a healthy diet. Always day to avoid dehydration. avoid rushing, be sensitive to confusion and anxiety. adapt to the person’s changing needs. Serve small portions or small meals throughout the day. Watch for signs of disease progression

respond, be careful not to interrupt. Proper bathing, dressing of patient

uncomfortable for some people with Alzheimer’s. Be gentle and respectful. do, step by step.

experiences as surroundings.





vulnerable to infections, especially pneumonia.

ca.gov County Statistics — Counties with the highest voter turnout by % of registered of Vote. Whether or not you cast a ballot in

minutes to register to vote or update your


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Protecting you, your property, and your legacy 16 / August 1st 2016 / Aptos Times

While some counties already provide ballot measure information in this format, existing law does not explicitly state that all counties will do so. This new law clarifies the authority of counties to provide information in this manner. Existing law requires the county counsel or district attorney of a county in which an election on a county ballot measure is taking place to prepare an impartial analysis of the measure showing

whether the measure was placed on the ballot by voter petition, or by a County Board of Supervisors. The new law ensures that voters are provided the clearest information possible as they decide how to vote on ballot measures.

This analysis is required to be provided

January 1, 2017.

Community News

Choosing Your Healthcare for End of Life By Cate Kortzeborn


y mom, 88 stubborn years old, still lives on her own in a big house with a cat that loves to get underfoot. Because I work in healthcare, I have an all-too-vivid recognition of the perils that can befall someone in her situation. So, posted on her kitchen bulletin board is a bright pink sheet of paper called

on the form to you. It must be signed by a licensed healthcare provider and by you or a Legally Recognized Decisionmaker This then becomes part of your medical record. It stays with you all the time. If you’re at home, put it near your bed or on your refrigerator. If you’re in a hospital, nursing home, or assisted living

Life-Sustaining Treatment. It’s a document that makes your treatment wishes known to doctors, nurses, emergency medical technicians, and other healthcare providers. Too often, people near the end of their lives get treatment they don’t want. Also, family members sometimes have their own ideas about what types of treatment their loved ones would want. and caregivers know exactly what lifesaving treatments you do and do not want. Doctors say any seriously ill person should

you’re moved between locations, it goes with you. ventions for which you can choose a level of intervention. 1. Resuscitation — person has no pulse and is not breathing. CardiopulHealthcare Directive (that) allows you to choose the advocate you want to speak for you if you’re incapacitated, and provides a general guide to what treatment you want. POLST:

you. It’s your choice. healthcare team can act upon, whether

your advocate is there or not; certain medical treatments. Any adult, especially if she or he is unmarried, should have one or both an Advance Healthcare Directive (AHD) and

chest compressions and/or electrical shock to restart your breathing and heartbeat decline resuscitation. “POLST” page 19

Santa Cruz County Parks

ZOMBIE CAMP F OR AGES 11-14 A UGUST 15-19 A PTOS V ILLAGE P ARK Have fun while learning how to protect yourself and your fellow villagers from zombies with essential stealth and survival skills. Learn how to find shelter, shoot an arrow, forage for edibles, locate drinking water, pack a bug-out bag, develop emergency plans, and a variety of other skills (like orienteering and first aid) you’ll need to be prepared to survive a zombie invasion! Special scenarios and missions pit you and your team against the zombies (ok, people acting like flesh-eating foes). All campers will have the chance to play survivors and zombies in different scenarios, and create some amazing zombie make-up and costumes. Program number #16401 For more information or to register, please visit www.scparks.com Aptos Times / August 1st 2016 / 17

Community News

Fierce in Flames T

here are a lot of things a guy can forget about as the years go by. His car built by a father and son team from JE John addressed when he commissioned

one of those things. Hardcore car guys like

car was, and in particular they don’t forget what they didn’t like about the car. For John Camaro he bought

3-speed manual transmission.” John said wide Rally wheels and factory spoiler, but said it sounded more like a Datsun 210 for three years after high school and then regretfully sold it.

Schmidt Racing Engines of Indianapolis, Indiana where they built and installed its current drivetrain. The build centers on a inches with ported pistons. Up top a pair of aluminum heads with titanium retainers and a Holley Dominator intake manifold and a 2-stage shot of nitrous adding 400-horsepower. For an exhaust system custom built ceramic-coated headers, 3-inch stainless factured in Santa Rosa, California. To handle cooling for the high compression beast there is an aluminum electric water pump, a three-row radiator with electric fans. The Camaro is steady staple at John’s Ocean Speedway where the big-block prefers Sunoco 110 octane race fuel. The dynoed with 1017 horsepower at the crank. and it’s estimated a double shot of nitrous peaks the horsepower at over 1,400. John’s earliest intention was to prepare Fastest Street Car. Once completed the out to California.

cruised it to the local car shows for a couple of years, but then decided he wanted the

Restorations in Watsonville, California, where the two agreed upon a paint scheme of a Camaro one of his sons had in his room. change soon turned into reupholstering the interior and then ultimately blowing and taking the high-end approach from the ground up. the Camaro to bare steel and metal. The hood received a smooth top scoop with a fade away center lip that starts at the front and ends with a smoothed windshield

ishing touch was local Aptos pinstripper Inside is where John’s Camaro really enters the luxury pro street category with full custom leather interior. Finish Line of Santa Clara, California, stitched gray leather accented with brushed aluminum inserts and carpeted with wool throughout. A 14-inch Formula style leather wrapped steering wheel faces the leather covered Camaro dash equipped with custom color Classic Instruments Auto Cross series gauges. We didn’t ask John if he was planning on attending a high school reunion anytime soon, but if he did and ran into Camaro sounded like a Datsun 210 there’s no question in our mind John would greet them with “How do you like my Camaro now”?

If you are a successful business person, someone probably helped you along the way. Pay it forward by helping us grow the next generation of business owners Contact SCORE today at (831) 621-3735 or www.santacruz.score.org/volunteer

18 / August 1st 2016 / Aptos Times

California News

Gas Stations to Show Drivers the Hidden Gas Tax SACRAMENTO — Today, the California Independent Oil Marketers Association announced that they would begin to voluntarily disclose the costs of the state’s Cap and Trade program on a gallon of gas, rebuking the legislature’s failure to provide transparency for California drivers. After the legislature refused to disclose the costs Cap and Trade places on a gallon of gas in California, gas stations throughout the state will display custommade notices (see table) that inform drivers that gasoline and diesel prices include a hidden gas tax of about 10 cents to comply with the program’s requirements. “Californians are paying collectively $2 billion per year in higher gas prices according to well-founded and publicallyavailable estimates,” said Jay McKeeman of CIOMA, a trade organization for gasoline retailers and wholesalers. “We want to be transparent with our customers about the components of the price they are paying. That’s why we are

other taxes and fees, there is currently no disclosure of these added costs. “When government is collecting a tax worth billions of dollars, it has a fundamental duty to disclose it to consumers,” said Assemblyman Tom Lackey owners are willing to provide it absent a state mandate to do so.” “Especially with the summer driving season upon us, taxpayers deserve to have complete transparency regarding how much they pay at the pump,” said David Wolfe, Legislative Director for Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. “We appreciate the private sector industry solution to a problem that government failed to address.” Assemblyman Lackey and CIOMA

with strong support, the bill was quietly killed without a vote.

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Proud Contributors to:

our members and the general public.”

require gasoline and diesel fuel suppliers to pay into Cap and generated billions of dollars in revenue for the state. Unlike

“POLST” from page 17 2. Medical intervention — person has pulse and/or is breathing. Check One: (From the California Emer Full Treatment — primary goal of prolonging life by all medically Selective Treatment — goal of treating medical conditions while avoiding burdensome measures. Comfort-Focused Treatment — primary goal of maximizing comfort.

including feeding tubes. It’s important to fully understand these and other options, so make sure you talk to your doctor, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant before you what treatment options you want and

change. For more information and download forms, go to www.polst.org. More information on Advance Directives can be found at: https://medlineplus. gov/advancedirectives.html.

MacKenzie’s accommodates Special Events and Banquets. For more information contact our event coordinator Carter Allen. Phone: (831) 459-9178 Email: callen@pasatiempo.com

nutrition. follow us

including feeding tubes. including feeding tubes.

Breakfast 8:30–4 Lunch & Appetizers 10:30–4 Happy Hour 4–6 18 Clubhouse Rd. Santa Cruz, CA ◆ (831) 459-9162 ◆ www.pasatiempo.com Aptos Times / August 1st 2016 / 19

20 / August 1st 2016 / Aptos Times

Featured Columnist

Interview with Gero Heine By Jessica Johnson


have known Gero Heine since the mid-80s when he was a new student at Aptos High School. With his quick wit, good looks, and thick accent he was and quickly became a true Mariner as he took up the sport of surfing and fell in love with the aquatic nature that surrounds us.

in the corporate world. How he went from that world to become an accomplished wildlife photographer and world traveler is an inspiring story of turning a passion into not only a successful business, but a way of life. My dad’s job brought my family here in 1984. I grew up in Black Forest.

In Germany I remember carving little wooden knives. But you know, my family came to visit the States in 1979, when I was afternoon and shoot again in the afternoon. did a slide show for my class.

It took a long time. Maybe after ten

Being out and about — seeing the work of other artists at shows, or watching a is inside of me out. It’s like I am uncorked!

My dad was very creative in a math and technical way. He Gero Heine has 30 or 40 patents. My mother was a competitive ballroom dancer. My brother is also a photographer - and a musician.

Florian Schulz - I like his style. David Muench for landscapes. Art Wolfe for his use of motion and his cultural work. “Creative Life” page 23

breakfast is at everyone else’s lunch time.

work, emails, calls, deal with shipping, that sort of thing. Then I like to surf or go to the gym. I do my most creative work late at in the morning, then nap or scout in the

Aptos Times / August 1st 2016 / 21

Featured Columnist

Partnering is ‘New Norm’ in Local Water World T he mission of providing reliable ronmentally sensitive manner is now prevalent amongst most public agencies

dictional boundaries, the “new norm” is collaboration, sharing of resources, and

When the Soquel Creek Water District adopted its action-oriented Community

provided input on three primary components: (1) promoting water conservation, (2) being proactive with groundwater management, and (3) obtaining supplemental water supplies such as advanced

replenishment, river water transfers, and desalination. Each of these three components relies on creative collaboration with other agencies to create win-win opportunities for our entire Mid-County community. Water Conservation ollaborators: Santa Cruz County Water Conservation Coalition (Soquel Creek Water District, City of Santa Cruz, County of Santa Cruz, Central Water District, Scotts Valley Water District, San Lorenzo Valley Water District, City of Watsonville,


Ecology Action) Description and Status: Collaboration on water conservation continues to thrive in Santa Cruz County. The group secured the website name www.watersavingtips. on countywide events such as SC Earth

22 / August 1st 2016 / Aptos Times

Faire, and the Redwood Mountain Fair. They recently sponsored a high-school video contest to showcase our youth’s talents and passion for saving water. Groundwater Management ollaborators: Soquel Creek Water District, City of Santa Cruz, County of


Well Owners Description and Status: In 2014, CaliManagement Act which requires local agencies to manage and achieve groundwater sustainability by 2040-2042. After years of working together, a broader and more formal agency (of the collaborators “Water World” page 24

Featured Columnist

Defensible Space and Hardening your Home By Mike Conrad, Aptos La Selva Fire District

ou have completed all of the necessary steps to provide you and your home with the defensible space

horizontal spacing around shrubs and trees and you included vertical spacing between shrubs and trees. This provides a reduction

rain gutters have been cleared of all leaves

from getting into the trees. All gates to your property open inward and are wide enough to accommodate

thirty feet immediately around your home is park-like by removing dead or dying vegetation. Keeping the grass mowed short and pruning tree branches away from your roof and 10 feet away from the chimney. 30 feet radius around your home and you have provided horizontal separation between trees and bushes. or to your property line by keeping grass and weeds mowed to a maximum 4 inches high and you have continued with the

been cleared of obstructions that would property. Access roads have a minimum of 10 feet of clearance on either side for hanging the road have been trimmed to allow emergency vehicles to pass. are large enough and are in a contrasting color so they are clearly visible from the road. your labor ‌ BUT if you have not taken these steps necessary to protect your home, set the ice tea down and get to work. And there is more you can do to harden your home to help it withstand a Things you can do to harden your Flying embers can destroy homes up

ember-resistant building materials. Roof: The roof is the most vulnerable part of your home. Homes with wood or shingle roofs are at high risk of being re-roof with materials such as composition, metal or tile. Vents: Vents on homes create openings

to 1/4-inch metal mesh. Do not use

By the end of the show season I am burned out and tired. So I kind of disI am on the water and the light is great, I feel reinvigorated, especially in the fall with the birds, the light, and the incoming storms.

openings no smaller than 3/8-inch and no larger than 1/2-inch to prevent embers


Garage tools such as a shovel, rake, bucket, and

(underside of eaves) should be protected with ignition-resistant or non-combustible materials. Decks: Surfaces within 10 feet of the building should be built with ignitionresistant, non-combustible, or other approved materials, and remove all combustible items from underneath your deck. Patio Cover: Use the same ignitionresistant materials for patio coverings as a roof. Chimney: Cover your chimney and stovepipe outlets with a non-combustible screen. Use metal screen material with

If I do I just drive south for the day. The color of the water is therapeutic. The enced by all that.

To treat this as a business. I am a business guy and you get out what you put in. I learned not to take the highs too high or the lows too low, but to keep it measured.

can melt and burn.

That it is all fun in the sun. It’s a -


o learn more about Gero Heine and view his amazing work visit www. geroheine.com. He is on the road currently,

under the garage door to prevent embers from blowing in. liquids away from ignition sources. Water Supply: Consider having multiple garden hoses that are long enough to reach all areas of your home and other structures on your property. If you have a swimming pool, consider getting a pump. For more information please contact

part of the Open Studios Art Tour October sarttour.org for more information.

dedicated to helping others embrace their

can catch him at the Capitola Art & Wine Aptos Times / August 1st 2016 / 23

Featured Columnist

Students Standing Up for Themselves By Jeff Ursino


ast year I got the chance to talk to several teachers about the upcoming school year and what parents could do to better prepare their children for it. As the beginning of the new school year draws near I thought it would be a good time to re-visit what I was told and how we can all help our children. An initial point that was made to me during that conversation was that parents needed to help their children to be selfreliant and stand up for themselves. School can be a daunting experience, especially for younger children. Children need to learn to stand up for themselves and ask for what they want or need especially in new surroundings. When a parent encourages a child to use “their words” and to stand up for themselves, it helps to build selfesteem. A strong sense of self-worth will only help to make the transition to the new school year smoother. Another advantage to encouraging your children to stand up for themselves

is to prepare them for bullying in school. nationally and locally, to end bullying studies indicate that up to 70% of school age children are bullied. In addition, studies show that children who are bullied are more likely to have attendance issues and fall behind in their studies. By giving your children the tools to say what they want and to stand up for themselves you will be helping them to deal with any bully they may run across and to be more successful in school. Encourage a Positive Attitude omething else a parent can do to help children make the transition to the new school year easier is to talk to your children about how fun and exciting the new school year will be. By helping your children to have a more positive outlook on school it will help your student deal with any anxiety they may be feeling and assist them in being more successful in their academic career. As a parent, if we talk about what we learned in school and how we use it or fun things that we did as students at school it will help our children to look forward to

for Groundwater Replenishment ollaborators: Soquel Creek Water District, County of Santa Cruz Sanitation District, City of Santa Cruz and other CA agencies currently utilizing advanced


Description selected by the District Board as its preIt would involve taking municipal wastewater from the Santa Cruz County Sanitation District or the City of Santa

Basin Municipal Water District and Orange County Water District this spring. Environmental Science Associates (ESA) was ronmental Impact Report (EIR) which is anticipated to be released in late 2017- early

River Water Transfer ollaborators: Soquel Creek Water District, City of Santa Cruz Description: This new source includes transferring excess winter river water that would be treated at the City of Santa Cruz

24 / August 1st 2016 / Aptos Times

it is to read with your children and review math facts and concepts. Teachers estimate that it takes up to two months to get students back to where they were when the previous school year ended. If parents ask their children to read to them during the summer months and review math facts learn new concepts once the new school year starts. The summer “brain drain” is not necessarily inevitable. By reading with your children and making a game out of

City of Santa Cruz (requires water rights to be obtained and/or changed) Current Status: The two agencies recently revised their short-term pilot to obtain a required permit amendment from the CA Dept. of Drinking Water and complete its operational prepafall. If available, the District would purchase approximately 300 acre-feet of

rights) from the City of Santa Cruz (no water rights issues)

quality will be monitored due to the effects of blending surface water with groundwater. In terms of the long-term alternative, the District is working with the City on data sharing while the City works on further evaluation of fishery issues, water rights, and technical feasibility. Desalination in Moss Landing Collaborators: Deep Water Desal LLC, Soquel Creek Water District, other water agencies in Monterey County Description signed a Memorandum of Interest (MOI) of

larger volumes of excess water from the

year of desalinated water as a new source


transported to the Soquel Creek Water Disin development:

feet per year of high-quality water, and the aquifer and provide a barrier to seawater intrusion. Orange County Water District has been purifying recycled water


Math a parent will not only gain more one on one time with their kids but they will also help them to be more successful once the school year starts. For older students

will help to keep their reading and writing skills fresh as the new year starts. The school year starts on August 17th. By helping our children to speak up for themselves, get excited about what they are about to learn and to encourage reading and math at home a parent or caregiver will help to make our local students from of high school be more successful.


to use as groundwater replenishment for over 40 years! Current Status: The District Board and owners, and other community stakeholders will create a plan for the entire groundwater basin to become sustainable. For more info, visit www.midcountygroundwater.org Evaluating Three Potential New Sources of Water Supply

the school year and be more engaged once the year starts. Read and Review With Your Child

from Deep Water Desal LLC, a private company proposing to build a seawater CA. The MOI is non-binding and does not obligate the District to move forward or Current Status EIR is scheduled to be released early next year. Also, DeepWater Desal is finishing up its financial model revisions to determine the cost of the water. At that time a more formal purchase agreement for water agencies may be considered. In closing, our greatest pride is the long-standing partnership we have with we proudly serve and provide reliable, high-quality water to. We always appreciate constructive input and feedback on all District activities.


helps save man from drowning

Lane” in Santa Cruz, when he witnessed a

by a large wave. The citizen fell approxi-

tional training will prepare volunteers to assist with our Children’s Education tunity to learn about local agricultural history, participate in the development of our Living History Farm with potential for historic costuming and living history demonstrations, and help in numerous ways during special events and more!

cats at their Santa Cruz shelter, 2200 7th Avenue. Due to a high volume of kittens and cats in the shelter, SCCAS wants to ensure that these healthy, adoptable pets

Training are now being accepted! For more information or to sign up:

cats one to six years of age, and $20 for

forever home.

Community Briefs

“Adopting a shelter animal not only saves a life, it also opens up precious space in our shelters for Santa Cruz County’s neediest animals,” said Melanie Sobel, general manager for Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter. For more information please visit

rendered unconscious. great risk to his own safety to respond to

fees include the following: assisted by other bystanders, pulled the Training starts Saturday July 30, at 10 and others carried the patient up onto Microchip patient until Santa Cruz Fire Department personnel arrived. The Aptos/La Selva Fire District comcourageous act, going above and beyond to save the life of another. He is a credit to his District, and to the community as a whole. display anticipation, ingenuity, and participation in unexpected & unusual situations in the saving of a life.

continues every other week for a total of four sessions. Cardboard cat carrier Begonias Around the World Fundraiser he Capitola Begonia Festival committee invites you to attend their fundraising event “Begonias Around the World” on Sunday, July 31st 1:30-4:00pm, creek side at Michael’s on Main in Soquel. The afternoon includes music by Johnny Fabulous, appetizers, wine tasting, and a Begonia Festival wine glass. There will be silent and live auction with items uniquely tailored for the festival. Tickets are $40 and can be purchased on line from Eventbrite.com. This


Summer Olympics


Agricultural History Project In Need Of Volunteers hose who love local agricultural history and giving back to the com-


are invited to “come out and play” with Capitola as the community celebrates its water festival and begonia-growing heritage.

blossoms on Soquel Creek. The festival is

volunteer group at the Agricultural and contribute to the education of



Farm” and “Second Saturday” events. Especially needed are bilingual docents. Volunteers will be trained to interpret exhibits in the museum and outside at the -

a donation to their favorite charity and there are also new cash incentives. Visit the festival website: begoniafestival.com for more details and an application form. Float building sites are limited. Special Price Adoptions for Kittens & Cats Ease Overcrowding


anta Cruz County Animal Shelter


1. Mexican cuisine staple 6. Pres. Obama, formerly 9. Notebook place holders 13. Spy name 14. Princess’ cause of insomnia 15. Chocolate source 16. British peers 17. Also known as 18. Pine or long 19. *Rugby ____ 21. *Olympic sport on both track and road 23. Miner’s bounty 24. October birthstone 25. Masseuse’s office 28. Seaside bird 30. Jazz subculture hipster

35. Three-____ sloth 37. Actress Cameron 39. Aussie’s petrol station 40. Additional 41. European finch 43. Malicious look 44. Garlic mayo 46. Mischievous Scandinavian god 47. Cleopatra’s necklace 48. *Reason for Olympic banning 50. Mary’s little one 52. To the ____ degree 53. Alexander Hamilton Aaron Burr incident 55. Women’s undergarment 57. *Dressage, Eventing and ____ 61. Broadband predecessor 64. Abraham’s sacrifice

65. “____ Goo Dolls” rock band 67. Relating to zones 69. 1.067 km, in Russia 70. As opposed to rent 71. Not mainstream art 72. Formerly 73. Clinton ____ Rodham 74. “Spaghetti Western” director Sergio


1. Sigma Alpha Epsilon 2. “Oh, my!” 3. *Spent at the 1960 Summer Olympics 4. Sound of battle 5. Declare with confidence 6. Plural of #25 Across 7. Cry of horror, in comics 8. Civil rights org. 9. 1.3 ounces, in Asia

10. Antioxidants-rich berry 11. Owl’s hangout 12. Price for something very cheap? 15. Hertz = ____ / second 20. Must-haves 22. Kum Ba ____ 24. Having a streak of good luck 25. Lieu 26. Paralyzing disease 27. “The Tortoise and the Hare” author 29. Cambodian currency 31. Trapper’s prize 32. Oedipus’ successor 33. Deflect 34. *Official Olympics starter 36. Sub station 38. *Health concern in Rio 42. Nimbus, pl.

45. Charge with crime 49. *Shooter’s Olympic tool 51. *2016 Summer Olympics travel destination 54. Incite 56. Solo 57. “Born to Hand ____,” from “Grease” 58. ____-friendly 59. Matt Damon’s landing spot, 2015 60. Ghost of Christmas ____ 61. Fully cooked 62. Ctrl + Z 63. Sacrifice for gain 66. Be in the red 68. *1968 gold winner Evans © Statepoint Media

Answers on 31 »

Aptos Times / August 1st 2016 / 25

The Book Bag By Robert Francis

Fiction Featuring Action, Adventure, and Suspense The Black Widow

wilderness adventure. The idea is that the dozen volunteers will have their endurance tested as they confront various natural challenges.

By Daniel Silva


rt restorer, assassin and super spy adversary, his equal, in this electrifying thriller that stretches from the violent, terrorist bloodied streets of

a pandemic strikes and the controlled reality situation switches over to one that entertainment. ringside seat as Zoo attempts to deal with a fearsome alteration in events as she is now

island of Santorini, Washington, D.C. After a detonated deadly car bomb ravages the French capital city and calls attention to a new terrorist network and its is charged with uncovering the shadowy Utilizing an Israeli agent to pose as a

destroy the extremist organization before it can mastermind another atrocity. The Black Widow and her handler will embark on a hair-raising odyssey that will be played for very high stakes. If they fail, Saladin’s next terror spectacular will rival the impact of 9-11 and have the American public reeling in fear. International intrigue has been Daniel Silva’s forte and this latest novel illustrates that he is at the height of his game.

that has been altered beyond anything she once knew. Taking a shot at the rash of reality TV

fans. Dismissing the attention as nothing more than admiration from appreciative viewers, Sarah doesn’t take the letters seriously until the ones signed by “M” begin to use her former name. That troubling fact, coupled with the discovery of the remains of a body buried close to her beach house with her name

man he prosecuted for inside trading was the actual killer but a witness claims the man committed suicide days before the bloody murder. Hanne and her former colleague, Billy T., are assigned the investigation and what seems to be an open and closed case becomes rather complicated when another

that can’t be ignored.

found. Some curious twists take this police procedural into some unexpected areas and will surprise even the most discerning reader. On the personal front, Hanne is coping with a tragedy that will have a profound impact on her life and concerns the woman she has lived with for nearly two decades.

cializes in tracking down stalkers who pose serious threats to their victims. Hughes is assigned to Sarah’s case and he’s in for one of the most challenging investigations in his career.

has met with mixed reactions. While some of the fans of his Inspector Banks have given it a “thumbs up,” others have not been so positive. I have to admit that the Banks character is more interesting and

No Cure For Love

attractive than the author’s foray into the Southern California entertainment capital.

ublished two decades ago before his Inspector Banks series caught on, this

remains to be seen. Those who have followed this exceptional series won’t want to miss “Dead Joker.” There’s nothing humorous about

26 / August 1st 2016 / Aptos Times

Another One Goes Tonight

A Peter Diamond Investigation


his sixteenth adventure in the highly revolves around the Detective Superintendent investigating a mishap on behalf sional Standards Department that involves two way to a call the

in at the novel’s conclusion. If you are a

Dead Joker

A Hanne Wilhelmsen Novel

accompany her on this memorable and

The Last One

By Anne Holt stand-alone thriller, which unfolds in Los Angeles, has been reissued. S a r a h Broughton has left her dark past with a rock band and former name (Sally Bolton) behind to become the star of the newest hit television cop show. As with any rising star, Sarah is being

memorable read that will linger long after

By Peter Lovesey

pages in length, you won’t mind in the least because the pages melt away with uncommon speed. This is an unprecedented read that will keep even the most demanding reader glued to the page. By Peter Robinson

story operates on a number of levels and will provoke some interesting discussions about news media, modern society and


authors, Anne Holt rolls the dice in her Hanne Wilhelmsen mystery series. The decapitated body of Sigurd Halvorsrud’s wife makes him the prime suspect in her violent death. Sigurd claims a


n her debut as a novelist Alexandra Oliva has created a gripping post-apocalypse story that underscores one’s survival instincts in a rather startling manner. The story begins when the novel’s heroine, a woman dubbed “Zoo” because she loves animals,

When he arrives at the scene Diamond is horrified to discover that there is a third victim whose body has been overlooked. The man is found in the weeds by the side of the road and is still alive. third victim, Diamond does a little digging into who the man is and what he uncovers is quite startling. A number of mysterious deaths turn up and it appears that the individual hanging on to life support may indeed be a serial killer.

also a very satisfying read. This is vintage and well designed plot.

Featured Columnist

Walking Adventure Group


then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do keep moving.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. To those words of wisdom, Kelly Center makes sure that while you’re moving you take in the beauty of our local world. Her wonderful program, the vides short local walking trips to unique locations around the bay area throughout the year. With almost two years of weekly group continues to gain popularity. Kelly is focusing on getting active seniors together for activity, exploration, learning and community. The trips are scheduled for two hours each from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. and about once a month they are “dog-friendly.” Her goal is to explore as many different areas as possible and partner with rangers, docents, and local professionals to enrich the learning and understanding of the areas and habitats visited. One coastal watershed. The River Walk, which happened for the second time this July,

Santa Cruz Harbor and in parklands such Capitola and surrounding neighborhoods hold a great deal of charm as well. When planning walks, Kelly considers the variety sure to provide enough variety for all interested walkers. Capitola Wharf and Village bring out the tourist in the walkers. Following the circling the neighborhood back down to the river walk and the wharf creates a hearty

and includes a delightful swing which possible to exclude the beauty of Schwan Lagoon trails leading to the Simpkins Center or an opportunity to explore Land of the Medicine Buddha in the hills about

ation Department’s twenty-seven parks to a successful and growing services in

them about what’s happening at the river. Many participants say that these outings have taken them to places they had no idea existed! Most of these adventures have been within the greater Santa Cruz area – along

Having never met a trail she didn’t like, Kelly sometimes ventures up to the mountains to locations such as Henry

the city van carrying 7 passengers. Those who prefer to drive can follow or meet at the site makes for an easy and relaxing morning out. It’s not unusual for some walkers to extend the day with either a picnic lunch or to explore a new local restaurant together. individuals and notes several members have walked the distance equivalent to a grows weekly and friendships continually blossom. Short local walking trips to unique throughout the year To register for half-day local pop-up trips or learn about the free

trips please call the Parks and Recre

santa or Aptos Times / August 1st 2016 / 27

Community Calendar

Aptos Chamber of Commerce Save the Dates! Monthly Breakfast Meetings

S Monthly Business Mixers


eptember Mixer: Hosted by


Nar-Anon Santa CruzGreater Bay Area (GBA) of Northern California


hat is co-dependency? What is enabling? What is this insanity? Am I the only one who feels this way?

Third Fridays fellowship of relatives and in Aptos friends of addicts who have been affected by someone else’s Mondays addiction. Two meetings are now being offered in our Santa Caregiver Support Group Tuesdays.

Friday November 4

Annual Dinner Awards & Dinner

Ongoing Events


Summer in Santa Cruz 2016 Wednesdays

Capitola Twilight Concerts

Aug. 10 – Mark Russo & the Classy Cats – Big Band/Jazz Aug. 17 – Delta Wires – Big Band Blues Aug. 24 – Extra Large – Funky Fun Aug. 31 – Digbeats – Rock


and Hospice of Santa Cruz County invite you to attend a

location TBD

ur Annual Dinner Awards and Auction at the beautiful Seascape Beach Resort. More information to come.

First Mondays in Watsonville Second Tuesdays in Capitola Third Wednesdays in Watsonville Third Thursdays



ASA empowers volunteers to directly influence Second Mondays life-changing decisions affecting Invisible/Alienated children in foster care. Court Grandparents Support Group appointed special advocates are


a few hours a week can have a lifetime of impact for a child who Leave a Legacy of Love Whether has been abused or neglected.


dmission is Free. Light food is available to purchase. Every Thursday in August. Rock Aug. 11 – Joint Chiefs – Funk R&B Aug. 18 – Beach Cowboys – Blues/ Rock’n Roll


Beach Boardwalk Friday Nights 2016 Concert Schedule

Aug 12 – Foghat – “Slow Ride” Aug 19 – Smash Mouth – “All Star”

28 / August 1st 2016 / Aptos Times


Aptos Noon Toastmasters


supportive group of people at all levels of experience from beginners to more advanced. We’re here to help you discover

org a national organization that provide information and support to grandparents who feel alienated or estranged to their Everyone is welcome! grandchildren.

Second Wednesdays

Business Debtors Anonymous Santa Cruz Sons in Retirement Monthly Meeting



ASA volunteer Advocates cialized training. Court appointed special advocates are everyday a week can have a lifetime of impact for a child who has been abused or neglected.

Tuesday August 23


irst Baptist Church of Aptos

bible study and worship every Sunday.

Looking Ahead


vereaters Anonymous is a Free, Friendly 12-Step group for those who have a problem with food.

Saturday September 3 Wings Over Watonville

Friday September 9 thru Sun. September 11

Dated Events Saturday August 6

Inner Light Ministries’ HUGE 11th annual Elegant Treasures and Everyday Bargains Flea Market & Faire

One oin in the FREE family dmission is Free, Light food is fun – bouncy house, comfort available for purchase. tent, and childcare activities while you shop. Lots of Food, Treasures and and Bargains! FREE Admittance!

First Baptist Church Bible Study

O of it.”

Bargetto Winery’s Thursday Night Music Series


Sons In Retirement Luncheon

Overeaters Anonymous


his statewide group of retired recovering from debting on men invites you to be our those caring for someone with a one’s business. guest at our monthly luncheon. serious illness. When a loved one is seriously ill, it can be a challenge for the new from a top notch guest entire family. In this ongoing speaker. support group, we will share Orientations to Become stories, learn tools for coping Advocates for Children and receive support from people who care.

CASA Orientations to Become Advocates for Children

Bargetto Winery’s Music Series

be a safe structured environment for sharing stories if you so choose, and learning healthy ways to deal with separation from anyone. Co-sponsored


Santa Cruz Greek Fair

Saturday September 10 Sunday September 11 34th Annual Capitola Art & Wine Festival

Wed. September 14 thru Sun. September 18 Santa Cruz County Fair

Friday September 23 thru Sun. September 25 Monterey Bay Birding Festival Watsonville

Arts and Entertainment


Your August Horoscope Virgo (Aug. 24-Sep. 22) the last thing you feel like you want to do when you get going this fast, but it’s really important to slow down and follow the rules of the road. They’re there for a reason Stumbling on a new way of doing

Friendship Put to Music!


excellent detective the last week of the month, because you’re not about to let any details slide.

Club House, 3124 Estrella Ave.

The little bothersome details don’t really get to you early in the month, because you’re too busy having the time of your life. It’s hard to imagine things getting any better than they are right here, right now.

Volunteers Needed for the Monterey Symphony

Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

lasses every thursday night

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 23)


he Monterey Symphony is seeking volunteers. If you love Class takes place every Thursday music and want to be involved, www.montereysymphony.org for more information.

Ongoing Events Monthly Argentine Tango at Star Bene Italian/Argentine Restarante


titchers-by-the-Sea, the local chapter of the Embroiderers’

meetings open to the public each


tango dance to music from the



Capitola Twilight Concert Series FREE Bands on the Beach concert schedule.

Peninsula Banjo Band


orty-seven years of performing in the Bay

Come see our band for Free in Sunnyvale Every Wednesday.

he “Original” Downtown Antique Faire is back!

antiques and unique items. Come and check it out! Browse through a wide assortment of treasures including books and photographs,

snack bar available. First Tuesday


something fun and entertaining for overlooking the Monterey Bay. the whole family. Local artists display their work and live music is featured on the Esplanade Stage.

Downtown Santa Cruz Antique Street Fair

osted by Soquel Sports


oin us every 2nd Saturday on the Farm for free family activities. Each month we select a new theme Sunday August 7 to highlight historical agriculture Sunday Art & Music at the Beach with games, activities, and demonstrations that relate. We often Stage have guest appearances from farm animals like llamas, draft horses, Capitola at the Art & Music sheep, goats, chickens, rabbits, at the Beach with Jazz musician

Beach Boardwalk ach Friday the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk puts on two free concerts on the Boardwalk Beach Stage.

Science Sunday


eymour Marine Discovery Center presents a public First Fridays each month lecture from a marine scientist First Friday Art Tour the third Sunday of every he First Friday Art Tour is a month. Topics are presented in Santa Cruz Institute of Conan entertaining and easytemporary Arts event, managed in to-understand format, with up-to-date photos, video, and art venues. The event takes place discussion. year-round and illuminates some of the most talented local artists from local galleries.


Music at Skypark


oin us July, August and September for for our Summer Concert Series. t’s fun and easy to do! Friendship put to music; family friendly.

Friday August 12

3rd Annual Desi Comedy Fest

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)

the ones you love, do what you have to do to make it happen. If the people you consider family are right around the corner, there’s no excuse for not getting together, but long-distance planning than you had before. Well done!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

A transformation is on its way early in the month. It may be so gradual that you’ll question whether or not it even happened, or it could be so earth-shattering and profound that you can’t help but especially satisfying days for this. If you were instrumental in the execution of something that is now coming to fruition, you deserve a shout out, at the very least. There’s a lot of drama happening around you at the end of August, and although you feel like you’re above it, it isn’t easy to tune out. -

banging your head up against the wall one too many times. Did you think your voice would and you’re more than happy to give it to them. Their words of thanks are plentiful and quite welcome. It’s nice to hear good things about yourself every once in a while.

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)


he show will feature a dozen Indian and Indian American comedians and one Caribbean American comedian. The 11-day festival will feature

9 countries (US, UK, Canada, and ceramic collectibles, vintage Australia, Bangladesh, India, hawaiian kitsch, turquoise, original artwork, and a whole lot of whatnot! Arab Emirates) and diverse ethnic


Lucky Steppers Modern Square Dance


ghost-hunting shows. Late in the month brings some atypical days, probably most memorable for making interesting new friends and receiving thought-provoking assignments/tasks. Thinking outside of the box is required if you want to show the higher-ups what you’re made of.

Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb. 18) his is a night for true “Social Tango.” Order a wonderful meal from the Star Bene Argentine Menu, (or their well known italian



Dated Events


Second Monday each month

Stitchers By The Sea Meetings

consumed with all kinds of conspiracy theories and cold crime cases in the middle of August,


right on Estrella)


Bangladeshi, Afghani, Iranian, Caribbean, Korean, and Chinese). Desi is a term for the cultures and products of the Indian subcontinent or South Asia and their diaspora, derived from the Ancient Sanskrit (desa or deshi), meaning Land or Country. Desi countries include India, Bangladesh, Lanka, Bhutan, and Maldives.

Love is all around you as August begins. Romantic love is what you’re focused on, but all kinds Use your voice and speak up. There are unexpected hazards around every corner late in the month, and while you can’t plan for something you don’t know about, you can take precautions.

Aries (March 21-April 20) anyway, but when you follow your heart, there’s no telling what you might say or who you might say it to. The pressure you feel to perform well is huge mid-month, which turns you into your own worst -

Taurus (April 21-May 21)

The more open-minded you are early in the month, the better things go. Okay, you aren’t exactly their eyebrows? A strong sense of protectiveness comes over you in the middle of August, and if anyone comes close to harming the people you care about they’ll have you to deal with. And the the last days of the month, and while it would build character to stand there and face up to what’s

Gemini (May 22-June 21) than usual. If something is bothering you, get to the bottom of it so you can be yourself. The should we go from here?’ Explore the romantic possibilities of being together if you don’t have

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Sunday August 21

can’t tap into your intuition like this all the time; you could work for the FBI as a psychic or some-


friends over for drinks and snacks. Either way, you’re happy to be the host with the most!

Sunday Art & Music at the Beach


Capitola at the Art & Music at the Beach with Reggae/Roots/ Dub musicians Simple Creation at Monterey Bay. Local artists display their work and live music is featured on the Esplanade Stage.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 23)

some of which might be handy when it comes to picking up a random stranger. And if you’re already in a relationship, your sweetie will appreciate your new set of skills as well.

2nd Saturday on the Farm Aptos Times / August 1st 2016 / 29

Business Guide

Featured Columnist Transportation Funding Measure Coming to November Ballot By Zach Friend


he Regional Transportation Commission’s (RTC) transportation funding measure will

NOW; is a Great Time to Sell “Let Me Make it Easy for You” You may be surprised by the current market value for your property. Very low inventory and high demand are driving prices up and it’s the best time of the year to sell. My experience on a whole range of issues can make selling your property a pleasant experience.

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securing approval from the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors and the cities of Capitola, Santa Cruz and Watsonville. The RTC, on which I serve as a member, has been looking at ways to provide improved local funding for transportation needs including roads, the highway, bus and pedestrian cuts from state and federal funding sources the RTC has been working on ways to make our county a “selfhelp” county. Currently, over 80 percent of California’s population live in self-help counties, which means they have a local, secure, and independent transportation funding mechanism. This local funding can be used to leverage additional state, federal and grant funding. In fact, as funding has been reduced from state and federal sources it’s common that the funding that’s left requires a local funding match - in a sense advantaging areas with their own self-help funding mechanism. The funding proposal is for a one-half cent sales tax measure, which includes citizen oversight, independent audits, requirements. What does the measure contain? he aim of the RTC measure is to include a balanced mix of graphically dispersed and focus on everything from road and highway improvements to bus, pedestrian, bike and school safety investments.



call our offices 831.688.7549

www.tpgonlinedaily.com 30 / August 1st 2016 / Aptos Times

RTC meetings, surveys and more. As a result, the measure proposes the following: Neighborhood Projects — The largest amount of the measure cally, this element will maintain local streets and roads and fund safety improvements for children walking and biking to school. In our district we are aiming to construct new sidewalks and put a dent in the

mobility access services to help maintain senior and disabled transit service. This funding includes Santa Cruz METRO’s munity Bridges Lift Line service as well as general funding for the METRO (bus) system. Coastal Rail Trail — Funding to construct, operate and maintain the bike and pedestrian trail along the rail corridor (17% ~ Rail Corridor — This is the

maintenance on our local roads – including pothole repair, resurfacing and more. Highway Corridors — The second

Highway 1. Funding will create auxiliary lanes between 41st

pedestrian crossings including

the measure and it goes toward repair and maintenance of the corridor, including drainage improvements and vegetation/ an environmental analysis of all possible future public transit (rail and non-rail) uses of the rail service is funded by the measure. This provides an overview of

crossing at Mar Vista (to help funding stream and most would not be possible absent a local funding mechanism. The RTC developed the ballot measure over the last two years based on extensive public input from evening community meetings, workshops, public hearings at the

Soquel). Traveler information ditions and safety programs for Highway 17 are other items funded. Mobility Access — One of the key funding elements of the measure

I’d love to hear your thoughts and answer any questions you may

*Estimates from the Regional Transportation


Take a walk with Thumbelina eed a new friend for a hike in the woods or beach outing?

hike and then be happy to settle down for some cuddle time on the couch. entertain herself if no one is around to play with. She gets along with playgroups. Thumbelina is a spayed female, Shiba Inu and Chihuahua mix, approximately 8 years old. To adopt your new friend, come to Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter 2200 7th Ave, Santa Cruz Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter has two full-service, open-admission shelters: Santa Cruz Location Watsonville Location

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