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No Parking’ Signs Go Up At Nisene Marks, By Jondi Gumz

Aweek ago, a State Parks ranger installed a sign to deter visitors at Nisene Marks State Park in Aptos Residents have met with State Parks Sgt. Joe Walters twice this year on Zoom to discuss the problems and possible quick to implement simple yet effective solutions to curb illegal parking and reduce congestion,” Marco said. “In addition to IN-CLUB AT-HOME NO MORE EXCUSES! ‘No Parking’ Signs Go Up At Nisene Marks By Jondi Gumz from illegally parking along the road or in solutions. Another meeting via Zoom cones, the new (no parking) signs installed the resident parking area. is expected to be scheduled for March, (by State Parks & Swenson) are important
He said this is a temporary sign and Swenson, the developer building the deterrents. I spoke to the ranger installing until a resident placard system or similar Aptos Village project of homes and stores the sign in front of the homes … to thank arrangement can be determined. near Nisene Marks, has been invited to him and to confirm that a resident placard
Residents along Aptos Creek Road are participate. system or sign was the next step.” concerned that unprecedented use of the “We certainly want to be a part of He added, “I was also happy to see Photo Credit: Nancy Zaferespark, lack of a pedestrian path, insufficient these community meetings,” said Jessie the tree work being done along the road. Overflowing trash on Aptos Creek Road on the way parking spaces and illegal parking create Bristow, project development manger with As discussed during our last meeting, this to Nisene Marks State Park was cleaned up after a a traffic jam where the road is clogged Swenson. maintenance is important to insure safety resident made inquiries. with cars, cyclists and people on foot, and Todd Marco, who lives on Aptos Creek for residents & park visitors.” delayed response times for emergency Road, has created a private community At the next meeting, he said he responders in an ambulance answering a medical call. forum on Facebook called “The Gateway of Nisene Marks” for residents to connect and organize and support improvement efforts to ensure access to this beloved forest is would share what he has learned about the potential for a “Lot Full” signal and a “Gateway Trail” connecting Nisene Marks to Aptos Village Park, a county park that generally has parking available. He welcomed the developer’s participation, IN-CLUB AT-HOME In-club with a Coach At-home with a Coach IN-CLUB AT-HOME NO MORE EXCUSES! 6 WEEK CHALLENGE Strength Training / Run / Walk NO LONG-TERM COMMITMENT Risk-Free To Try! safe and enjoyable for which he sees as critical to develop collab- FINISH THE YEAR STRONGER THAN EVER all. orative and well-integrated solutions. So far, more than Another resident, seeing trash over65 people have joined. flowing from a bin and attracting more “The response & trash next on Aptos Creek Road just outside In-club with a Coach At-home with a Coach energy here is really encouraging,” said Swenson’s fenced construction staging area, took it upon herself to find out who was Take control of your health and fitness with In-club with a Coach At-home with a Coach Marco, who moved responsible for cleaning the unsightly mess. Curves in-club or at-home! Get up and get moving!to the area with his After alerting the Aptos Village manfamily in July. “Thanks to Joe’s help & engagement, State Parks has been * agers, the trash was gone and the gateway to the state park clean again. “Nisene Marks” page 8 “Aptos Little League” from page 1 “The season will look and feel different but the game of baseball will be same,” said Erik Cormier, who is in his second year as president of Aptos Little League. Players’ hands will be sanitized before they enter the field and when they leave the field at the end of the event. No chewing on sunflower seeds. No high fives or handshakes or group celebrations. But there will be plenty of throwing, COACHING in-club or virtual WORKOUT access to MyCurves On Demand and Curves Club EQUIPMENT included for home workouts EXERCISE SCIENCE Franchise opportunities available. For more information: Curves.com/BuyCurves © 2021 Curves. All Rights Reserved *Enrollment fee due up front and varies by location. O er based on first visit enrollment for a 12-month recurring billing fitness membership. Resistance band included with first month charge. Sales tax will be added and varies by location. Open to new and existing customers. Valid at participating locations only. Cannot be combined with any other o er or discount. No cash value. O er expires 12/31/21. Club instructions: Select 2021Hybrid Real Strength for Real Women FREE RESISTANCE BAND When you sign up for an In-Club & At-Home Membership! Call Us Today! Real Strength for Real Women * Combining an in-club Curves membership and MyCurves On Demand means you’ll get: ✓ COACHING in-club or virtual ✓ WORKOUT access to MyCurves On Demand and Curves Club ✓ EQUIPMENT included for home workouts ✓ EXERCISE SCIENCE with 28 years of research ✓ FUN, FAST, SAFE 30min total body workout FREE RESISTANCE BAND When you sign up for an In-Club & At-Home Membership! Call Us Today! 831.688.2348 7000 Soquel Dr. Aptos AptosCurves@gmail.com VALUED AT $30 IN-CLUB AT-HOME NO MORE EXCUSES! Franchise opportunities available. For more information: Curves.com/BuyCurves © 2021 Curves. All Rights Reserved *Enrollment fee due up front and varies by location. Offer based on first visit enrollment for a 12-month recurring billing fitness membership. Resistance band included with first month charge. Sales tax will be added and varies by location. Open to new and existing customers. Valid at participating locations only. Cannot be combined with any other offer or discount. No cash value. Offer expires 12/31/21. Club instructions: Select 2021Hybrid Real Strength for Real Women Combining an in-club Curves membership and MyCurves On Demand means you’ll get: ✓ COACHING in-club or virtual ✓ WORKOUT access to MyCurves On Demand and Curves Club ✓ EQUIPMENT included for home workouts ✓ EXERCISE SCIENCE with 28 years of research ✓ FUN, FAST, SAFE 30min total body workout FREE RESISTANCE BAND When you sign up for an In-Club & At-Home Membership! Call Us Today! Take control of your health and fitness with Curves in-club or at-home! Get up and get moving! * 831.688.2348 7000 Soquel Dr. Aptos AptosCurves@gmail.com VALUED AT $30 ✓ 6 Week Training Plan for All Fitness Levels ✓ Progress Chart for Tracking ✓ Access to MyCurves On Demand or Curves Gym Access ✓ Weekly Coaching ✓ Nutrition Program Optional Add-On LOOKING FOR 30 WOMEN BY WHO WANTTO CHANGE THEIR RESERVE YOUR SPOT TODAY! Photo Credit: Todd Marco A “no parking” sign is installed to deter visitors at Nisene Marks State Park from illegally parking along the road.
Asked when the first game might catching, batting and running. with 28 years ofFranchise opportunities available. For more information: Curves.com/BuyCurves Locally Owned and Operated be, he declined to predict, not wanting to “The kids are just going to be excited research *Enrollment fee due up front and varies by location. Offer based on first visit enrollment for a 12-month recurring billing fitness membership. Resistance band included with 7000 Soquel Dr, Aptos, CA ZIP 831.688.2348 count any chickens before they hatch. He said the board agreed that if play to get out and play a sport,” said Cormier, who has three sons ages 12, 10 and 7 in FUN, FAST, SAFE 30 minutes total body© 2021 Curves. All Rights Reserved first month charge. Sales tax will be added and varies by location. Open to new and existing customers. Valid at participating locations only. Cannot be combined with any other offer or discount. No cash value. Offer expires 12/31/21. Club instructions: Select 2021Hybrid In-club with a Coach At-home with a Coach A face covering is an essential piece of equipment would resume, it would be in a safe and Aptos Little League and has been a coach for Aptos Little League. workout healthy manner, which means there is a “robust” list of safety protocols, starting with face coverings. Players and their parents must pledge and manager for five years. As of Thursday, 155 kids have already signed up since registration opened Feb. 16. The deadline is March 16. and $175 for older kids in AAA, Major and Intermediate. Cormier said the fees, which cover a uniform, hat and face mask with the Little Locally Owned and Operated * 7000 Soquel Dr. Aptos, CA 95003 (831) 688-2348Combining an in-club Curves membership and MyCurves On Demand means you’ll get: ✓ COACHING in-club or virtual ✓ WORKOUT access to MyCurves On Demand and Curves Club FREE RESISTANCE BAND Call Us Today! Take control of your health and fitness with Curves in-club or at-home! Get up and get moving! 831.688.2348 7000 Soquel Dr. Aptos VALUED AT $30 Ask us what’s new at Curves! New Services Now Available! Franchise opportunities available. For more information: Curves.com/BuyCurves *Offer expires 12/31/20. Available to new members, who sign up for a 6-week Curves Fitness membership, payable up front in full at the time of signing. 6-week Curves Fitness membership valid only at the club where the membership is purchased. Offer excludes CurvesSmart® and Curves Nutrition Program. Valid at participating locations only. Cannot be combined with any other offer or discount. No cash value. Always consult your primary care provider before beginning a new exercise plan. © 2020 Curves. All Rights Reserved. aptoscurves@gmail.com to stay home and isolate for 14 days if they “I’m expecting similar numbers to last League logo, are “a little bit subsidized ✓ EQUIPMENT included for home workouts ✓ EXERCISE SCIENCE with 28 years of research ✓ FUN, FAST, SAFE 30min total body workout When you sign up for an In-Club & At-Home Membership! AptosCurves@gmail.com www.facebook.com/CurvesAptos have a fever or other COVID symptoms or year,” Cormier said. because we wanted to be as inclusive as Real Strength for Real Womenif they have knowingly been exposed to Last year, 324 kids registered, enough possible.” Franchise opportunities available. For more information: Curves.com/BuyCurves someone with COVID. for 17 teams from T-ball for 4-year-olds to To sign up, visit aptosll.org n *Enrollment fee due up front and varies by location. Offer based *Enrollment fee due up front and varies by location. Offer based on first visit enrollment for a 12-month recurring billing fitness membership. Resistance band included with first month charge. Sales tax will be added and varies by location. Open to new and existing customers. Valid at participating locations only. Cannot be combined with any other offer or discount. No cash value. Offer expires 12/31/21. Club instructions: Select 2021Hybrid
Kids will sit on the bleachers, spread Intermediate for 13-year-olds. ••• on fi rst visit enrollment for a 12-month recurring billing fi tness membership. Resistance band included with fi rst month charge. © 2021 Curves. All Rights Reserved out for social distancing, not in the dugout. The season is slated to start April 5. Cover Photo: Aptos Little League Sales tax will be added and varies by location. Open to new and existing customers. Valid at participating locations only. Cannot be All players will use their own equipment Registration costs $150 for the younger players are ready to play safe this season. combined with any other offer or discount. No cash value. Offer expires 12/31/21. Club instructions: Select 2021Hybrid. – ball, water, helmet and bat — no sharing. players in T-ball, Farm Division, A and AA, Photos by Kevin Painchaud © 2021 Curves. All Rights Reserved