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COVER STORY Seacliff Beach Recovery Fund

By Bonny Hawley

contributing writers


Bonny Hawley, Jondi Gumz, Carolyn Swift, Edita McQuary, Susan True, Elizabeth McCuistion, Kylie Brunelli, June Smith, Risa D’Angeles, Michelle Rodriguez, Rebecca Gold Rubin, Christopher Elliott, Zach Friend, Tony Tomeo layout

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In response to the historic storms that caused catastrophic damage to the coastline this winter, Friends of Santa Cruz State Parks has established the “Seacliff State Beach Recovery Fund.”

The storms have caused — and continue to cause — devastating impacts to Seacliff Beach. Core elements of the beach’s critical infrastructure and visitor amenities have suffered immense damage that will be assessed in the coming weeks and months, with cleanup response and recovery planning already underway.

Recovery from this climate-driven disaster will take time and require significant resources.

Though it is painful to consider the devastation to this park, the experience provides an opportunity to be strategic about rebuilding and ensuring resilience in the era of climate change and its impacts on Seacliff State Beach.

Through Friends’ unique position as co-management partners with California State Parks, Friends of Santa Cruz State Parks has established the Seacliff State Beach Recovery Fund. The fund will

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Donation: https://thatsmypark.app.neoncrm. com/np/clients/thatsmypark/donation. jsp?campaign=158

Park Store Online: https://thatsmypark.org/ shopify-collections/seacliff-by-michaelschwab/


Bonny Hawley is executive director of Friends of Santa Cruz State Parks.

“Walk to Seacliff” from page 1

People who want to visit the beach will have to park in the upper day-use lot to access lower Seacliff or come in on foot or on bike from other access points. Walters shared several photos showing staff working to prepare for increased public access to the lower Seacliff State Beach day-use area by pedestrians. n


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