1 minute read

Storm of the Century in Rio Del Mar



In addition to the destruction from the force of the waves, many beachfront properties are flooded.

The Rio Del Mar Flats is notorious for flooding due to its proximity to the ocean and Aptos Creek.

The combination of the intense swell and rainfall led to water-immersed streets that are impassable to cars.

Last Thursday, Aptos was hit with one of the biggest swells in the century. Many beachfront properties weren’t solidly prepared for the swell, and were damaged from the waves.

Even though many of the surroundings are flooded, the Rio Liquor and Market is open, and doesn’t appear to have much long-term damage.

The extreme situation has prompted different behavior from homeowners.

Normally, the gates are closed to keep out the hordes of crowds that visit Rio Del

Mar Beach, but they’re open to air out the house from the extensive water inside.

The water pushed up mountains of sand that went over the barrier onto the street. Many houses are under repair right now. n

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