2 minute read

The healThy Way

By June Smith

Since 1986, The Healthy Way, under the guidance of Cheri Bianchini RN, has pioneered a cutting-edge program based on proven principles that enhance wellness. Formerly a nurse manager at Stanford Medical Center, she saw the consequences of unhealthy living firsthand and became motivated to do something about it.


She is a motivational speaker, and experienced health and nutrition consultant, and through her extensive knowledge and compassionate nature, Cheri has helped thousands of people transform their lives.

Client Roseanne Magid, a nurse at Dominican Hospital, decided to give the program a try back in the early 90s. While working and caring for her three kids, she was feeling matronly and unwell. Because of the hospital’s proximity to The Healthy Way office and the good things she heard about the program, it made sense for her to join.

She was immediately impressed by Cheri’s kindness and wealth of knowledge. Following the guidelines was not difficult. She never felt deprived, and her kids never realized that she was on the plan.

Roseanne took in the suggestions of her personalized plan, along with exercising by walking, and quickly felt progress. She got back to the same weight she had been in high school, and later after learning how she did it, one of her grown sons joined the program with successful results as well! She is now 84 years young and still at the weight she achieved over 30 years ago!!

What keeps Cheri excited about the Healthy Way after all these years?

She loves watching the health improvements and increased self-esteem that results from behavior and lifestyle changes because of the program.

Whole nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are the basics of preventative medicine.

“The goal is to assist clients in healthy weight loss while stabilizing their individual body chemistry, and teaching life-sustaining habits to achieve a positive body image,” Cheri says.

“Our clients consistently achieve an average weight loss of 2 — 4 pounds per week, and our long-term success rate speaks for itself,” she says. “Having a diabetic client get off insulin shots and become diet-controlled, or having hypertensive patients stop their prescription blood pressure meds brings me absolute joy. Watching them regain health as a result of the program I founded, gives my life great purpose. It is an honor and privilege for me to provide services at The Healthy Way.”

Individualized weight loss programs for men, women, children, and vegetarians are offered, including those with dietary needs such as gluten-free, food allergies, and sugar addiction concerns.

The Healthy Way specializes in blood sugar control, and clients have had dramatic results in improving diabetic and cholesterol issues. Support is offered six days a week in person, by phone, or virtually. Cheri and her team of exceptionally well-trained counselor coaches offer motivation, accountability, nutrition education, behavior skills, and lifestyle solutions. n


The Healthy Way, www.thehealthyway. us, 3251 Mission Drive, Santa Cruz. 831-462-5900

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