Aptos Times: April 15 2015

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Serving Our Community For 23 Years • Aptos, La Selva Beach, Corralitos, Freedom & Watsonville

April 15 2015 • Vol 24 No. 8 • www.tpgonlinedaily.com

Aptos Community Garden Celebrates 6th Season Opening

On Sunday, May 3, 2015 at 12 p.m. the Aptos Community Garden will celebrate its annual seasonal garden opening for the sixth year! The organic garden is located at 10707 Soquel Drive (above the CHP Office) in Aptos on the property of Christ Lutheran Church. Full Story page 5

Mountain Lions in Santa Cruz County! The Santa Cruz Mountains are a great place for mountain lions to live. There are also lots of opportunities to encounter these elusive creatures because of the wooded areas that border and run through many of our residential areas. Full Story page 6



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Valencia Elementary Takes On Kindness Challenge

Students at Valencia Elementary believe they can be even kinder than they were last year. The school is taking on the 21 Day Kindness Challenge for the second year in a row. Last year, Valencia students built a kindness paper chain representing more than 6,480 acts of kindness. This year, their goal is to do more than 10,000 acts of kindness.



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“We challenge our students, teachers and staff to see how many more acts of kindness we can do in 21 days than last year!” says Deborah Christie, lead teacher for the Kindness Challenge at Valencia. “Our goal is for our chain to be longer, which means that we’ve increased our kindness acts — and that kindness becomes a daily practice for students and adults in our learning community.” ... continued on page 4

2 / April 15th 2015 / Aptos Times www.tpgonlinedaily.com

No. 8

Volume 24




Table of Contents


Cover Valencia Elementary Takes On Kindness Challenge 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 15 16 20 21 23 24 7

Community News Aptos Community Garden Celebrates 6th Season Opening by Edita McQuary Mountain Lions in Santa Cruz County! by Noel Smith McFadden Ending Run as PVUSD CFO Sandman Triathlon Celebrates 30 Years – Registration Now Open! WHS Drama Presents Guys and Dolls • Save Our Shores to host 10 cleanups for Earth Day The 2015 Human Race – Area non-profits, schools and community groups gear up for race day Lud McCrary Day April 2, 2015 Annual Iris Show at Louden Nelson, Santa Cruz 20th Spring Forward Against Cancer Gala Luxury Vacation Raffle – Capitola Soroptimists Sponsored Spring Fundraising CHP Recognizes Public Safety Professionals • Janus of Santa Cruz Helps Spreading the Word about Alcohol Abuse ‘Viva Vivaldi!’ – Santa Cruz Chorale • ‘ADOPT, DON’T SHOP’ SPCA Youth Poster Contest Giving Back After Loss Community News – Hospice of Santa Cruz County’s Grief Support Program • California Fish & Wildlife Asks Leave Young Wildlife Alone Fit for the Fight: Annual Fundraiser Friday, May 8 • Lower San Lorenzo River Community Clean-Up • Triple P April Classes Letters to the Editor Polo Grounds Kickoff Ceremony – Krista Brassfield

Kids Camps 11 First Time at Camp? – Talking with Your Child About What To Expect by Bob Ditter, L.C.S.W. Local Sports 18 ‘For Our Kids’ Golf Tournament – Aptos Sports Foundation’s 36th Annual Fundraiser • Aptos High School Scoreboard

Community Calendar • Arts & Entertainment – Pages 28 – 29 Monthly Horoscope • Page 29 - Your April Horoscope

17 22 24 25 26 27 30 31

Featured Columnists Local History by Kevin Newhouse – Hihn’s Barn Schools Matter by Jeff Ursino – Changing of the Guard April is “Earthquake Safety Month” by Mike DeMars Work in Progress by Camille Smith – Got complaints? Replace Whines with Action Book Bag by Robert Francis – The latest new fiction… Peaceful Coexistence Between Pets and Wildlife by Katie Volat Aptos Village Project Update by Zach Friend Financial Focus – How to Be an ‘Environmental’ Investor

SPCA Featured Pet • Page 31 – Corky: Cute Factor of 10


www.tpgonlinedaily.com Aptos Times / April 15th 2015 / 3

Patrice Edwards

Cover Story


publisher’s assistant Camisa Composti editor Noel Smith contributing writers Noel Smith, Edita McQuary, Bob Ditter, Kevin Newhouse, Jeff Ursino, Mike DeMars, Camille Smith, Robert Francis, Katie Vogat, Zach Friend layout Michael Oppenheimer, Fani Nicheva graphic artists Fani Nicheva, Michael Oppenheimer, Bri Bruce production coordinator Bri Bruce advertising sales Don Beaumont, Eric Mellor, Jay Peters office coordinator Cathe Race distribution Bill Pooley, Camisa Composti

Times Publishing Group, Inc. 9601 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 The Times Publishing Group, Inc., publishers of the Aptos Times, a bi-weekly publication, the Capitola Times and Scotts Valley Times, each printed monthly, Coastal Weddings Magazine, Coastal Home and Garden Magazine, Aptos’ Fourth of July Parade Official Program Guide and Capitola’s Begonia Festival Official Program Guide, is owned by Patrice Edwards. Entire contents ©2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without the publisher’s written permission PHONE: (831) 688-7549 FAX: (831) 688-7551 GENERAL E-MAIL: info@cyber-times.com

“Kindness Challenge” from page 1

Valencia launched its Kindness Challenge on April 13 “We are looking forward to the Kindness Challenge making an impact at our school. Our goal is that it (the Challenge) raises the level of positive spirit and joy in our school, which transcends to our larger community. Hopefully it will feel like second nature to our students after practicing acts of kindness for 21 consecutive days. We are here to help students develop good habits. This (kindness) is a great habit to develop.” Christie is helping the Sixth Grade Leadership Group at Valencia conduct the 21 Day Kindness Challenge at their school. The students are responsible for the planning, announcing and running the 21 Day Kindness Challenge. Valencia School sixth grade leaders are: Ann Marie Guilbert, Alex Gaon, Gwynn Rothhammer, Xochitl Cardona, Shai Voskoboynik, Alondra Encisco, Max Frisbee, Reese Logan, Nick Sundeen, Jaden Englehart, Kai Mockus, Jacob Fassio, Morgan Schaeffer, Lennyn Fear, Kelcey De La Torre, Keone Sayers, Serena Bridges, Kaitlin Kloepfler, Bella Hewett, Andrew Manning, Jason Patrick, Selah Smith, Hailey Lonzano, and A.J. Jett During the Kindness Challenge students, teachers, principals, and staff are asked to do five acts of kindness every day for 21 days to develop a stronger school community. It is a proactive approach to bullying as it focuses on the positive interactions that take place around campus. As a result, attention is taken away from bullying behaviors and negative interactions. The Kindness Challenge emphasizes respect for others, promotes responsible

Patrice Edwards: patrice@cyber-times.com Publisher’s Assistant: assistant@cyber-times.com Editor: info@cyber-times.com Opinions/Letters: editorial@cyber-times.com Calendar Listings: www.tpgonlinedaily.com Graphics Department: graphics@cyber-times.com Billing Inquiries: cathe@cyber-times.com Classified Sales: sales@cyber-times.com Production: production@cyber-times.com CHECK OUT OUR WEB SITE AT: www.tpgonlinedaily.com distribution We at the Times Publishing Group, Inc. are dedicated to providing a voice for the individuals and organizations in our community while highlighting the outstanding accomplishments of our local businesses. We seek to promote healthy family values through our coverage of youth activities, school news, senior events, community groups and entertainment 4 / April 15th 2015 / Aptos Times www.tpgonlinedaily.com

decisions, creates a positive atmosphere, develops empathy, strengthens the school community and increases positive behaviors. The benefits of developing kindness on school campuses are improved academic results, less stress in the overall school environment, increased self-esteem, less bullying, fewer classroom disruptions, and improved concentration. The 21 Day Kindness Challenge pilot program, which was started in Aptos in 2014 by Rio del Mar Parent Justina Bryant, is in the process of establishing itself as a non-profit organization and plans to implement the program in at least 100 schools during 2015-2016 school year. It has held 13 Challenges this year,

with 25 schools already planned for next school year including schools in California, Utah, Maryland and Canada. The organization is focusing on developing its program and expanding funding sources in order to reach as many students as possible. The organization’s website is www.21daykindnesschallenge.org. “I know our children can change the world, we just need to show them how to be kind, effective and proactive leaders,” said 21 Day Kindness Challenge Founder Justina Bryant. In the words of Margaret Mead, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” n

Community News

Aptos Community Garden Celebrates 6th Season Opening


By Edita McQuary

n Sunday, May 3, 2015 at 12 p.m. the Aptos Community Garden will celebrate its annual seasonal garden opening for the sixth year! The organic garden is located at 10707 Soquel Drive (above the CHP Office) in Aptos on the property of Christ Lutheran Church. There will be flower and vegetable gardens to look at, Guy Routley and his band providing country music, kids’ events, and a potluck luncheon. The community is invited to join in the fun! In early 2010 several members of the congregation remembered the “victory gardens” of their youth and had the great idea to provide organic gardening space to the community and thereby hangs a tale… A few dynamic church members rallied businesses such as Big Creek Lumber, Central Home Supply, Jeff Talmadge Construction, several Rotary Clubs of Santa Cruz County, Boy Scouts, teenagers from the Interact Club of Aptos High, and many other local businesses and individuals to donate material and to help construct the fencing, gates, and pathways. For the complete list of donors, please read the etched sign posted on the main garden gate. Then seventy-two plots were measured and blocked out by church member/ garden supervisor, Gene Sanden, who also installed the drip irrigation system throughout the whole garden.

Garden plots are free – the only cost is $.75 per square foot to cover the cost of water usage for the year. Two-thirds of the parcels have already been rented by prior year and new gardeners, however, some are still available. Several of the plots, tended by volunteers, are reserved to grow herbs and vegetables for Second Harvest Food Bank. The folks who garden are mainly from Aptos and the surrounding areas but there are one or two transplants from the East Coast who are really enjoying their time in the garden. One such California newbie, Dr. JoAnn Christiansen, remarks: “After living in the Northeast for 70 years, I decided to move to Aptos to be near my children. Giving up my house, proximity to friends and successful business was difficult as I thoroughly enjoyed my life, however, it also felt like it was time for a new adventure if I was to have one at all. “What I hadn’t considered was how I would feel without my very “grounding” flower and vegetable gardens. I belatedly realized they were actually my form of meditation. After driving by the peaceful appearing Aptos Community Garden for around six months on the dead end section of Soquel Drive, I saw a friendly looking fellow who turned out to be Vince Mininni, the garden organizer.

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“Community Garden” page 7

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Community News

Mountain Lions in Santa Cruz County!


By Noel Smith

he Santa Cruz Mountains are a great place for mountain lions to live. There are also lots of opportunities to encounter these elusive creatures because of the wooded areas that border and run through many of our residential areas. There are also the riparian corridors (Moore Creek, San Lorenzo River, Branciforte Creek, Arana Gulch, Rodeo Gulch, Soquel Creek, Tannery Gulch, Borregas Creek, Aptos Creek, Trout Gulch, Valencia Creek, etc.) that run from the mountains, through our communities all the way to the bay.

Mountain Lion Safety Tips ountain Lions are roaming throughout most of our county. They are normally shy and almost ethereal animals. However the chances you will get to see one of these majestic creatures seems to be increasing because their prey (primarily deer) as they search for water and food are coming ever closer to where we live. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife recommends that you take the following actions when you are in or near one the riparian corridors or away from urban areas: Do not hike, bike, or jog ALONE Avoid walking near dense growth, rock outcroppings, or under ledges Don’t plan outdoor activities from dusk to dawn Keep Children Close to You Go in groups with adults supervising children. A sturdy walking stick is a good idea. It can also be used as a club to ward off a lion. If you encounter a Mountain Lion: Potentially threatening behaviors include:


6 / April 15th 2015 / Aptos Times www.tpgonlinedaily.com

• Following people closely and secretively • Intently watching children • Twitching tail • Stomping front or hind feet • Approaching people with ears pinned back and hissing • On the ground and refusing to flee when you are shouting at them aggressively and/or blowing a whistle Stop and stand still. Do not run. Back away slowly if you can do so safely. Running may trigger a lion’s instinct to chase and attack. Face the lion and stand upright. Make eye contact. If you have small children with you, pick them up without bending over or turning away from the lion and put the child on your shoulders to appear larger. Make yourself look big: Raise your coat, jacket, or any clothing with your arms -- Stand up straight, and swell your chest. Throw whatever you can grab without crouching down or turning your back. Wave your arms slowly and speak firmly in a loud voice.

We recently got this email from Kevin (see above), “This is a mountain lion spotted in my sister’s backyard the other night near Cabrillo College. It was huge!” Don’t try to sooth it verbally Children with no adult should be in a group and should bunch together If the lion displays aggression
 you must NOT turn your back, crouch, kneel, or bend over. “Local Lions” page 10

Community News

McFadden Ending Run as PVUSD CFO T he Pajaro Valley Unified School District’s Chief Business Officer Brett McFadden is resigning effective May 1, just two days before completing his fifth year as CFO with the district. Brett will be working for the Dolinka Group, LLC headquartered in Irvine California as a partner. The company is a consultant exclusively to public educational agencies: school districts, county offices of education, and community college districts to plan and finance school facilities. “It means quit a bit of travel,” said McFadden “But our kids are older and a real help. Also the company has a contract with the PVUSD for Measure L (The district’s bond Brett McFadden issue) compliance reporting which will help to keep me closer to home.” The two biggest achievements during his time as district CFO McFadden recalls were, 1.) Putting together the resources to work off a backlog of 2,200 repair work orders that existed as a result of 35 years of deferred maintenance in the district and 2.) The

passage of the $150 million Measure L capital improvement school bond. After first trying outside management consultants to implement Measure L projects, McFadden changed to in-house project management. The district now has 85 to 100 projects in process. His two biggest concerns as he leaves are, 1.) The construction of athletic facilities at Pajaro Valley High School. Because of its location close to the Watsonville Wetlands and under the flight path to Watsonville Airport the project requires an extensive environmental review and faces opposition from pilots concerned about safety. The second concern is district finances, “The district will be OK financially if they can hold the line on spending for the next two years,” according to McFadden. He acknowledges that will be difficult as the district tries to rebuild programs decimated by past state budget reductions and meeting union pay and benefit expectations. McFadden has also been coaching the Aptos Junior High surfing team and said the he and his wife Marci will stay in the area with both their sons attending Aptos High School next year. n

Letter to the Editor

Polo Grounds Kickoff Ceremony lease join us for the GoGoPolo, new Restrooms and Concessions Building Kick-off ceremony at the Polo Grounds County Park on Friday, April 17 at 11 am. The ceremony will be held where the new building will be built between the baseball field and the parking lot. For more information go to www.GoGoPolo.org To raise funds for the project construction in collaboration with the County Parks


“Community Garden” from page 5 I rented a plot for the year which included modest automatic watering and have been growing the most wonderful vegetables ever since. “There are gardeners of all ages, incomes and experience, some outgoing and some who like to keep to themselves but all seem to also enjoy the wonderful therapeutic experience of digging in the dirt and producing the most amazing results. Soon I will be able to bring my granddaughter along to introduce this wonderful activity to her life.” Although located on church property,

Department, the Cabrillo Host Lions Club of Aptos is promoting the sale of engraved pavers. If you would like to be a sponsor of the new building and be commemorated with a paver for your generosity for generations to come, please call 831-331-0432. We look forward to seeing you there. Thank you in advance for your support in our community. n Best regards, Krista Brassfield 2nd Vice President Cabrillo Host Lions Club

Aptos Community Garden is run by a volunteer board of directors composed of several gardeners and a few church members/gardeners. Please see aptoscommunitygarden. org for an application and rules and regulations. You can also find us on Facebook or call the church (688-5727) and leave a Voicemail — someone will get back to you. The pastor at Christ Lutheran Church, Dale Sollom-Brotherton, says, “We just love having our neighbors growing healthy food in the community garden Christ Lutheran has provided. It’s a great use of our land and promotes a real sense of community for all the gardeners. I smile every time I drive by!” n


In the Classical Reflections review of the Santa Cruz Symphony’s concert “Pacific Perspectives,” we neglected to point out that the composer of “Sinfonia” — about which our reviewer said, “Sinfonia is a most interesting, well thought out composition that will enjoy many future performances,” — is the Symphony’s own Maestro Daniel Stewart. Our apologies for the oversight.

Daniel Stewart

www.tpgonlinedaily.com Aptos Times / April 15th 2015 / 7

Community News

Sandman Triathlon Celebrates 30 Years

Registration for 2015 Race on August 2 Is Now Open!


he iconic Sandman Triathlon, a fundraiser for the Santa Cruz State Parks Lifeguard Association held at Seacliff State Beach, will mark its 30th annual race this year. The race begins with a 0.75-kilometer ocean swim around the historic Cement Ship, followed by a scenic 13-mile bike ride through the Aptos Hill, Seascape and Rio Del Mar. The race finishes with an unforgettable 4-mile beach run. The nonprofit race is considered by many to be one of the best triathlons in California. It is a fun introduction to the sport, and also is a great training race for athletes training for longer-distance events in the fall. Registration for the 2015 Sandman is now open on Active.com. Athletes can sign up for the sprint triathlon, a duathlon or the one-mile kids’ fun run. The event will be held 8 a.m., Sunday, Aug. 2. The Sandman Triathlon is one of Santa Cruz County’s oldest triathlons. Its inaugural race occurred way back in 1986 in the infancy of the sport. The Sandman was originally conceived by the Santa Cruz State Parks Lifeguard Association to be a positive Aptos community event that would raise funds for the association, who supports the junior lifeguard and lifeguard operations in Santa Cruz, including providing scholarships for kids from low-income families that otherwise could not afford the cost of the 4-week junior lifeguard program. Over the past three decades, thousands of dollars have been raised for the Santa Cruz State Lifeguard Association to help provide high-quality water safety education to hundreds of Santa Cruz County youth.

In addition to the great fundraising cause, the Sandman is one of the most scenic and beautiful courses you will find. Because the Sandman is a sprint triathlon and designed to be a super fun and a family friendly event, it is the perfect triathlon experience for athletes that are new to the sport. The Sandman Triathlon is a USAT sanctioned event. To learn more about the Sandman Triathlon, visit the race website at http:// www.sandman-triathlon.com. For infor-

8 / April 15th 2015 / Aptos Times www.tpgonlinedaily.com

mation questions about competing in the race or sponsoring the event, email sandmantriathlon@gmail.com. The Junior Lifeguard Program emphasizes teamwork, leadership and aquatic safety while introducing young people to safe marine and aquatic recreation opportunities. The program is designed to provide quality water safety education while improving young people’s physical conditioning, their understanding and respect for the environment, and their respect for them-

selves, their parents, and their peers. Students of all abilities and skill levels may participate. The goal of the Santa Cruz State Lifeguard Association is to promote water safety, education, and improve professional lifeguard standards and morale as it pertains to its execution in the California State Parks. The SCSLA is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, and recreational purposes. They serve Santa Cruz County and also sponsor the Junior Lifeguard program. n

Community News

WHS Drama Presents Guys and Dolls W atsonville High School Drama presents the musical phenomenon, Guys & Dolls, April 24 through May 3 at the Henry J. Mello Center. Featuring 30 students from three different high schools in Watsonville, this up-tempo production of the 1950’s runaway hit showcases choreography by one of Santa Cruz County’s finest dance professionals. Director Kip Allert, Drama Director at Watsonville High School said, “Theater is an immensely transformative experience for high school students. It takes a great deal of time and energy to deliver a successful production. Guys & Dolls will be one of the best this community has seen. Expect top-notch dancing and riveting entertainment.” Max Bennett Parker of Cabrillo Stage provides musical direction while noted dancer and educator Janet Johns brings her original choreography to familiar classics like “Luck Be a Lady,” “Sit Down, You’re Rockin’ the Boat,” “Bushel and a Peck,” and “Adelaide’s Lament,” transporting us from the middle of Times Square to the cafes of Cuba and the streets of New York City straight into the heart of this oddball romantic comedy. Considered by many to be the perfect

From Left: Mason Lawrence-Emanual (Sky Masterson, Jannet Reyes (Sarah Brown), Edie Garcia (Nathan Detroit), and Judit Roman (Miss Adelaide). musical comedy, Guys & Dolls opens with gambler Nathan Detroit (WHS senior Edie Garcia) dodging the authorities while trying to find the cash for the biggest crap game in town. Meanwhile, his nightclub performer girlfriend, Adelaide (WHS senior Judit Roman), laments their

Save Our Shores to host 10 cleanups for Earth Day Santa Cruz — Save Our Shores (SOS), the leader in ocean awareness, advocacy and action on the Central Coast, is looking for volunteers to lend a hand at 10 cleanups on Saturday, April 18 in honor of Earth Day. SOS will be picking up trash at the following locations: • 4 Mile Beach • Cowell Beach, San Lorenzo River • Twin Lakes State Beach • Soquel Creek • Beer Can Beach • Elkhorn Slough at Triple M Ranch • Elkhorn Slough roadside • Del Monte Beach • Carmel Beach. Volunteers can pre-register and find the time and check-in location for each cleanup at saveourshores.org/earth-day. “Earth Day is not just a celebration of nature, it is also an opportunity to improve our planet and prioritize environmental reform,” said Rachel Kippen, SOS Program Manager. “We hope that

you will join us this Saturday for one of our many cleanups, and that the Monterey Bay community will continue to be a leader in fighting for the Earth every day of the year.” Cleanup supplies will be provided, but participants are encouraged to bring their own gloves, buckets and filled, reusable water bottles. Volunteers should wear sunscreen, hats and closed-toed shoes. SOS would like to thank its Earth Day partners: City of Santa Cruz, Old Orchard School, Westmont High School’s Ecology Club, Aptosia, Carmel Residents Association, County of Santa Cruz, Elkhorn Slough Foundation and ALBA. n Save Our Shores (SOS) is the Central Coast leader in caring for the marine environment through ocean awareness, advocacy and citizen action.

fourteen-year engagement. Nathan seeks out fellow gambler Sky Masterson (PCC junior Mason Lawrence-Emanuel) for the

dough, but Sky’s chasing Sarah Brown (WHS senior Jannet Reyes), the missionary. From straight-laced church-types to wild nightclub dancers and high rollers, this production is sure to be a crowd pleaser. Following the success of last year’s production of West Side Story, this production once more brings Watsonville High, Ceiba College Prep and Pacific Coast Charter together, promising again to bring theatre magic to south county youth. Six public performances are scheduled at the Henry J. Mello Center located at 250 East Beach Street in Watsonville, beginning on Friday, April 24. Evening performances on April 24 & 25 and May 1 & 2, begin at 7:30 PM (doors open at 7:00). Two matinee performances are offered on Sunday, April 26 and May 3 at 2:00 PM (doors open at 1:30). Advanced tickets can be purchased online at www. watsonvillehs.net or at Crossroads Books, 1935 Main Street in Watsonville for $7.00. Tickets purchased at the door are $9.00 for adults and $5.00 for children 12 and under. n

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www.tpgonlinedaily.com Aptos Times / April 15th 2015 / 9

Community News

The 2015 Human Race

Area non-profits, schools and community groups gear up for race day


ow, ZAP, KABOOM! — The 2015 Human Race Walkathon and Fun Run is set to kick off on Saturday May 9 in true superhero fashion. The race annually mobilizes over 10,000 donors, has been a Santa Cruz County mainstay for 35 years. It is the largest collaborative fundraiser on the central coast. This family and dog friendly walkathon and fun run along West Cliff Drive annually attracts individuals from all corners of the community to participate on behalf of the organization of their choosing.

Briya Walking on Behalf of the Organization Imagine

Each year more than 120 organizations step out to collectively ask for financial support for the causes they champion. “The race has a truly eclectic feel. You name the cause and there is someone walking for it at the Human Race”, states Human Race Coordinator Kelly Mercer. “We’ve always strived to make the Human Race event about bringing the community together in a joyous fashion to raise needed funds for local organizations and this year will be one for the record books.” Building upon this year’s theme “Use your Superpowers” Race organizers have geared up to transform race day into an arts and entertainment extravaganza of superhero fun. “Not only can you expect the usual features of a people parading down West Cliff Drive with banners and lively costumes, free food, and music along the course but we will also have a post race family friendly fitness fair, an obstacle course, and plenty of superhero themed activities for all ages “, states Mercer. In an effort to help event participants find their inner superhero, The Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County will host a cape-making event on Friday May 1 as part of the Santa Cruz Downtown First Friday events. Community members can join staff and volunteers at the Museum of Art and History from 5:30 – 7 p.m. to design or “up-cycle” their cape using Human Race T-shirts from previous years. “All needed cape making materials will be available, but community members should also feel free to bring their favorite crafting materials”, states Mercer.

“Local Lions” from page 6 Carry mace or pepper spray where you can easily reach it. Do not approach a mountain lion, especially when it is feeding or is with kittens. Most mountain lions will try to avoid confrontation so give them a way to escape. If you are attacked: Stay on your feet facing the attacking animal. Lions usually try to bite the head or neck. Use fists, sticks, rocks, tools, a pocketknife, caps, jackets, garden tools, a bicycle, whatever you can hit with, throw, and/or use as a shield. Target an eye with your thumbs, fingers, or a weapon. 10 / April 15th 2015 / Aptos Times www.tpgonlinedaily.com

Santa Cruz Mayor Don Lane (from left), Volunteer Center Director of Community Engagement Kelly Mercer, Executive Director Karen Delaney, and Board Member Bob Bowles As host the Volunteer Center provides stepped out in a show of public support for all event support for participating teams this annual event”, states Mercer. n ••• including publicity and promotion, particiCommunity members who are interested pating agency trainings, and a free website where agencies can receive donations in joining a team or walking/ running on Race on-line, communicate with their par- Day can learn more at www.humanracesc.org ticipants, and visually track their financial progress. Registered agencies have been hard at work assembling their team and reaching out to their supporters for donations since February and have raised $54,000 online thus far. “We can’t wait to see the capes fly on race day and we hope to make this our most successful year yet. We are so proud of the number of individuals, businesses, and community leaders who have already If you live in a rural area of the Santa Cruz Mountains, here are some tips from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife: Living in Mountain Lion Country • Don’t feed deer; it is illegal in California and it will attract mountain lions. • Deer-proof your landscaping by avoiding plants that deer like to eat. • Trim brush to reduce hiding places for mountain lions. • Don’t leave small children or pets outside unattended. • Install motion-sensitive lighting around the house. • Provide sturdy, covered shelters for sheep, goats, chickens and other vulnerable animals.

• Don’t allow pets outside when mountain lions are most active— dawn, dusk, and at night. • Bring pet food inside to avoid attracting raccoons, opossums and other potential mountain lion prey. A mountain lion in a tree or crouching in some vegetation near to a trail or a residence may mean it is hiding until people pass, but don’t take chances and move carefully away. n ••• To contact the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Mountain Lion Program email: Marc.Kenyon@wildlife.ca.gov If you feel threatened or in danger call 911.

First Time at Camp?

Talking with Your Child About What To Expect




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ending your child away to camp for the first time is a major milestone for most families, one that is often marked by excitement, anticipation, and perhaps even some anxiety. Though camp is certainly about making friends and having fun, it is also about being on your own and being a part of a community. One of the most important things you as a parent can do to help prepare your child for both these aspects of camp is to talk with your child about it before he/ she goes. In fact, it may be better to have several occasional, shorter talks rather than one long conversation as children often absorb more when there is less to think about at one time. I also find that children do better with this sort of conversation if it is part of a more general conversation and if it is part of a pattern of talking, either at the dinner table or while riding in the car doing errands. The following are some sample topics for discussion that will help prepare your child emotionally for their big adventure: Friends amp is not anything if it is not about making new friends. If you are shy about meeting new kids, then learn to get to know others by being a good listener. Remember also that not everyone in your cabin, bunk, or group has to be your friend, and you don’t have to be everyone else’s friend. As long as you treat others with respect and they do the same with you, then having one or two friends at camp is fine. If you have more, then that’s great! Activities here are many exciting things to do at camp, many of which you may never have tried before. If your child tends to be a bit homesick or worried about being homesick, remind him/her about the

Kids Camps

excitement of going to camp: Remember, when you first decided to go to camp, what made you so excited? You may not like all the activities, or you may be better at some than others. That’s normal. I, however, hope you are willing to try. The more you put into camp, the more you will get out of it! Cooperating ou, like every other camper there, will be part of a cabin, bunk, or group. As your parent, I hope you will cooperate with others and help. That’s part of what makes camp so special — kids helping each other out. Most kids will help you if you are friendly and help them. Give yourself time. One thing about camp is that almost everything is new — the kids, the activities, the routines, the bed you sleep in, the bathroom. It takes a few days to get adjusted, so be patient with yourself. Most of the time you will be having so much fun you won’t mind all the changes, but if you do, remember that you will get so used to things that by the time you come home you will miss all those things!


“Camp” page 16

Catalyst Soccer: Player Development Programs Two Great Programs for All Ages and Abilities! Phone: 831-423-3556 or 408-846-KIDS(5437) e-mail: catalystsoccerleague@gmail.com web: www.catalystsoccer.com

The Catalyst Soccer: Player Development Programs are designed to help the young player become more confident with their soccer skills. The curriculum is designed by Catalyst Soccer’s Founder, Paul Holocher, Cal Poly Mustang soccer coach, and is inspired from the teachings of FC Barcelona youth trainings. Topics covered include individual ball skills with special emphasis on the passing and possession/ positional games. Many engaging small sided games will allow players to simulate real game situations while maximizing the application of attacking skills to make good decisions on the field. Camps take place throughout the Santa Cruz County and are coming to a local field near you. Come join in the FUN and LEARNING! Spaces are limited. Register today online at www.catalystsoccer.com or call 831-423-3556 for more info.

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Community News

Lud McCrary Day


Retaining Wall Systems Pavers • Flagstone & Slate Real / Artificial Turf Topsoil & Compost Organic Veggie Mix Custom Mixes Sawdust • Boulders

Stepping Stones Ponds & Pumps • Decorative Rock & Bark Soil Amendments Screened Dirt • Fertilizers Synthetic and Organic Fertilizers

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5035 Freedom Blvd. Aptos, CA 95003 Mon-Sat 7:30 – 5:00

12 / April 15th 2015 / Aptos Times www.tpgonlinedaily.com

April 2, 2015

ud McCrary has been a staple of community involvement in Santa Cruz County for decades. Many know him for co-founding Big Creek Lumber in 1946, but he’s more proud of his community involvement. McCrary has been donating his time, money, materials and knowledge to improve our community for years. In honor of Lud McCrary’s contributions to Santa Cruz County, it was announced by Supervisor Ryan Coonerty that April 2, 2015 would be Lud McCrary Day in the County of Santa Cruz. The proclamation specifically honored Lud’s service for over three decades on the Agricultural Policy Advisory Commission, extensive knowledge and documentation of Santa Cruz County history, his effort in the 1980’s on Feral Pig Depredation, assistance with fire emergencies by providing time and equipment which saved lives a n d p r o p e r t y. U p o n stepping down, Lud’s daughter E l l e n McCrary Rinde has s t e p p e d up for the role on the Agricultural

Policy Advisory Commission and is proud to continue with the family tradition of service. The proclamation stated, “Santa Cruz County is a better place because Lud has given back to the community in so many ways.” Lud is truly honored and humbled by this recognition. Consistent with Lud’s understated style and sharing his success with others, Lud celebrated with the 100 employees in Davenport with a chocolate sheet cake. n

Community News Annual Iris Show at Louden Nelson, Santa Cruz


he Monterey Bay Iris Society’s annual Spring Show is being held April 25 and 26 at Louden Nelson Center — 301 Center St, Santa Cruz — to showcase the irises grown in membership’s gardens. The entries are judged by AIS registered judges and remain on exhibit for the public to enjoy. The show is an excellent opportunity to see some of the latest introductions by iris hybridizers. Many of these cultivars will be available at our club sales later in the summer. The public is invited, and encouraged, to participate in the show. For more information, contact the Show Chairman, Charley Kearns, at 408-3151520, kcf@verizon.net.

The Monterey Bay Iris Society (MBIS) was created to spread the appreciation of the genus iris in the Monterey Bay area. The Society is dedicated exclusively to the cultivation and enjoyment of irises. MBIS promotes activities that supports its members while awakening the interest of the community through educational programs, a monthly newsletter, garden visits, a yearly show, the sale of rhizomes — including the newest and most beautiful varieties — and many more. MBIS meets the third Friday of each month — except July and December — at the Native Sons Hall, 239 High Street, Santa Cruz, at 7:30 pm. Visitors are welcome. In July they gather for a picnic where we auction and raffle off the latest introductions at bargain prices. In December MBIS members enjoy a festive holiday dinner. n ••• MBIS holds rhizome sales during the summer. The first Saturday in August we sell at the Deer Park Shopping Center in Aptos, at the upper level near Red Apple Café. The sale starts at 9:00 and lasts until noon (or when sold out, often, two hours). On the second Saturday in August we have a sales booth at the Cabrillo Farmers Market. We offer drought tolerant irises in a wide range of colors at excellent prices. For more information, Contact Charley Kearns at 408315-1520 or kcf@verizon.net.

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14 / April 15th 2015 / Aptos Times www.tpgonlinedaily.com

Community News

20th Spring Forward Against Cancer Gala

Local Group Distributes Over $1.5 million in Support of Cancer Research SANTA CRUZ — The Santa Cruz Cancer Benefit Group will hold its 20th Annual Spring Forward Against Cancer Black Tie Event on Saturday, May 2nd at the Sesnon House at Cabrillo College in Aptos, CA. This year’s theme – A Night in Casablanca –will transport attendees to Rick’s Café America in where they will enjoy a fabulous gourmet dinner and wine, while ‘Sam’ tickles the ivory keys. Emmy Nominated KSBW Action News Anchor Dale Julian will emcee the event. In 1995, five friends came together to dedicate their time and energy to raise money in support of those living with cancer and support the research that could lead to a cure. The first annual Spring Forward Against Cancer Celebration, “Volley for Cancer,” was a tennis tournament that raised $2000. Twenty years later, the group has grown to 13 board members, over 50 active volunteers and is looking to distribute two million dollars by 2016 for local cancer research and support services. Spring Forward Against Cancer Gala: Saturday, May 2. This year we will transport our guests to Morocco for “A Night in Casablanca.” RSVP Required. Event Includes: Piano Reception, the County’s Largest Art, Wine and Lifestyle Auction, gourmet dinner, dancing, music and more! This event will sell out in advance. Tickets: $175 per person (includes wine with dinner) or tables of 10 for $2,300. Corporate table sponsorships are available. Please contact the Santa Cruz Cancer Benefit Group for additional information. Get your tickets now for what is sure to be the best party of the year. Visit: http:// www.sccbg.org/ or call 831-465-1989. All proceeds benefit the following Santa Cruz County organizations: Hospice of Santa Cruz County, Jacob’s Heart Children’s Cancer Support Services, Katz Cancer Resource Center, UCSC Biomedical Sciences, Teen Kitchen Project and WomenCARE Cancer Advocacy. Santa Cruz Cancer Benefit Group is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for people living with cancer in the Santa Cruz

community. Working with a dedicated group of volunteers and partners, the organization raises community consciousness through events and outreach

and provides vital financial support for beneficiary organizations. Through these efforts the organization has a particular focus on new research and

the development of improved and more effective treatment solutions for cancer. n ••• To learn more about Santa Cruz Cancer Benefit Group go to http://sccbg.org or follow them on Facebook at https://www.facebook. com/SantaCruzCancerBenefitGroup. To make a donation mail to SCCBG P.O Box 2564 · Santa Cruz, CA 95062 · Voicemail / Fax (831) 4651989 or online at sccbg.org.

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Community News

Luxury Vacation Raffle

Capitola Soroptimists Sponsored Spring Fund-raising

Capitola — Soroptimist International (SI) of Capitola-ByThe-Sea is currently selling raffle tickets for a one-week stay at a luxury Victoria, British Columbia condominium as a spring fundraiser with proceeds to be used for Soroptimist programs. The two-bedroom, one bath condominium is located two blocks from the BC museum and the world-famous Empress Hotel with a 180-degree view of the Olympic Mountains and Strait of

Juan de Fuca to the inner Victoria harbor. Travel is valid until October 31, 2015 and is subject to availability. Total value of the raffle prize is $1,650. Airfare and transportation are not included. Tickets are $100 each and only 100 tickets will be sold, making the odds of winning 1-in-100. Tickets can be purchased from any Capitola Soroptimist member, or by calling (831) 684-0181. The drawing to determine the winner will be held on June 2 at an as yet to be determined location. Ticket holders need not be present to win, however, drawings for additional prizes for those attending will be included. “We think this is a great opportunity for a fabulous, luxury vacation for a nominal cost of $100,” said SI President Kristin Rohan. “A couple of best friends can share the cost of the raffle ticket and make it an even more affordable and awesome experience they can share.” Proceeds will support Capitola Soroptimist’s programs including the Live Your Dream education and training awards for women, and the Dream It, Be It career support for girls in secondary schools who face obstacles to their future success. n ••• Soroptimist is a global volunteer organization working to improve the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment. For more information or to become a member visit the SI Capitola website at www.best4women.org or email at info@best4women.org.

“Camp” from page 11 Helping Out amp is about fun, but it also requires that you help. Clean up is part of camp. You do it every day! As your parent, I hope you will cooperate! Getting Help veryone has good days and bad days. If you are having a problem, your counselor is there to help you! You don’t have to wait to tell us if you are upset about something. After all, if your counselor doesn’t know what might be troubling you, he/she can’t help you. Be honest and ask for what you need. If your counselor doesn’t seem to be concerned or doesn’t help you, then you can go to the unit director, head counselor, etc. Parents should know who these “back-up persons” are and how their child will recognize them if they need to. Being Positive t’s a great thing to remind your firsttime camper about his or her strong points. I would focus not just on what they do well, but their positive qualities as well, such as what makes them a good friend or the type of person other kids would want to know. Helping children identify their strengths can help them when they are having a setback — one of those inevitable growing pains all children have from time to time.



16 / April 15th 2015 / Aptos Times www.tpgonlinedaily.com

Talking with your child about these kinds of issues is a great way to show support as your child gets ready to take this important step on the road to being more resilient and self-reliant. For you as a parent, it can give you more peace of mind as you allow your child to participate safely in a broader world. To learn more about camp and child development, please visit the American Camp Association’s family-dedicated Web site: www.CampParents.org, or call the toll-free number, 1-800-428-CAMP (2267). Bob Ditter is a child and family therapist living in Boston who consults

extensively with people who work with children. Ditter has visited over 500 children’s camps in the United States, has been quoted in Sports Illustrated, The New York Times, Parent Magazine, and the Ladies Home Journal. He has appeared on “The Today Show” and the “Evening News with Peter Jennings” and is considered one of the nation’s leading experts on camp. n ••• Originally printed in CAMP Magazine, reprinted by permission of the American Camp Association; © 2006 American Camping Association, Inc.

Local History

Hihn’s Barn By Kevin Newhouse


f you ever want to step back in time and experience what an old-style village market was like, you need to pay a visit to Village Fair Antiques located at 417 Trout Gulch Road. The building, an applepacking plant from the 1880s, is a historic landmark and is one of the last physical structures remaining from when Aptos’ main industry was agriculture, specifically apples. The shops inside are run by local merchants and operate the same exact way since its inception in 1965. However, to experience this quaint, village-like setting, you will need to stop by soon as this building is scheduled to be part of the next major change in the Aptos Village redevelopment plan. In early 1881, Frederick Augustus (F.A.) Hihn, a German immigrant who came to California in 1849 (and eventually Santa Cruz in 1851), purchased 27-acres of land in today’s Aptos Village in anticipation of opening his lumber operation in the Valencia Creek watershed. He used part of the property as a lumberyard and leased some of it to a local farmer to grow hay. F.A. Hihn was a very intelligent businessman and became Santa Cruz County’s

The Hihn Barn in the early 1900s

first self-made millionaire. Hihn was responsible, along with Claus Spreckels, for bringing the railroad to Santa Cruz in order to ship the lumber from his logging operations. At the turn of the 20th century, the logging industry slowed down dramatically. Hihn was already planning for the transition into the next industry, which would be apples. He started paying the unemployed lumberjacks to plant apple orchards on his land. Eventually, Hihn would sell these orchards to the same lumberjacks who planted them. Hihn was not only a smart man … he was a generous man. He would allow the men to pay off their land over 10 years and if they passed away before the land was paid off, the title was transfer to his wife free and clear. Hihn constructed the barn that houses Village Fair Antiques today sometime between 1890 and 1891. It was most likely used as a hay barn originally. It later served as an apple-packing barn that would store, process, and package the apples before they were shipped by rail. As you can see, Hihn was involved in all steps along the way. He sold the land that grew the apples that were packed in his barn which were then shipped on his rail lines. Not a bad business model if you ask me! Hihn died in 1913 and the packinghouse switched hands a number of times over the next few decades until February 1944, when Fred Toney and his wife Elma (who went by the moniker of “Babe”) purchased The Bay View Hotel from the Arano family. The Toneys also purchased the

surrounding property, which included the apple barn. Fred was a local businessman who was responsible for moving the Bay View Hotel 100 feet west of its original location to the its present spot in the village. Babe had begun her antique and gift shop business from inside the hotel. After some success, she had decided to move it to the barn with hopes that other merchants would share the space. In July 1965, Fred took the old applepacking barn behind the hotel, divided the interior into booths, gave it the name “Village Fair” and put up a sign advertising space to lease. By February 1966, Village Fair housed 10 antique dealers, a produce department, hardware, nursery, art booth, coins, a weaving concession, general bric-abrac, and a smoked meat stand. Toney had plans to build a different roofline for each individual booth, giving the illusion of a miniature village of the early 1900s. The concessionaires participated by wearing outfits of that period each Sunday. On June 12, 1979, Fred and Babe were

returning home after delivering antiques to a customer when they were involved in a terrible car accident. The Toneys were heading north on Interstate 5 when they lost control of their truck and ended up flipping the vehicle. Both Fred, who was driving, and his wife were ejected from the truck. They were taken to Fresno’s Valley Medical Center where Fred subsequently died. His wife, Babe, was listed in critical condition and survived a week before succumbing to her injuries on June 19. Fred and Babe were survived by their daughters Patricia and Gail who retained ownership of Village Fair until February 2007 when Barry Swenson Builders purchased the property. Swenson plans on adding a new foundation to the building, relocating it to a new spot in Aptos Village, and leasing it to New Leaf Community Markets. n ••• For more information about the Aptos History Museum, upcoming events, or becoming a member of the museum, please visit www.aptoshistory.org and follow us on Instagram @aptos_history_museum.

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Local Sports

‘For Our Kids’ Golf Tournament

Aptos Sports Foundation’s 36th Annual Fundraiser


ith public Previously schools’ focused on supRegister online for fast check in at sports proporting Aptos High www.aptossportsfoundatiom.com School athletics, ASF grams hit hard over Check in: 11:30 now is committed to the last decade due to Putting Contest: 12:00 supporting athletics funding cuts, support Shotgun: 1:00 at the junior high and from the community elementary levels as is keeping athletics and other “extracurricular” activities alive well. “We [recently] changed our mission and kicking. For 36 years, the Aptos Sports statement from supporting only the Foundation has been leading the way in high school to also supporting the feeder supporting student athletics, and their schools’ programs,” said ASF Board of committment to the community is as Director’s Paul Bailey, speaking of junior high and elementary schools that Aptos important as ever. ASF’s annual “For Our Kids” fund- High draws students from. “We’re dediraiser takes place Friday, May 1 at Seascape cating ourselves to improving the whole system.” Golf Course.

Steve Pereira tees off as Chris March (from left), Willis Bailey and Paul Bailey look on to start the 2014 “For Our Kids” Golf Tournament.


One hundred percent of tournament proceeds are donated to those sports programs, facilities and equipment for the benefit of the youth of our community. “It’s absolutely awesome what [ASF] does for our kids, both the boys and the girls,” said Randy Blankenship, Aptos High School’s varsity football coach, at the 2014 fundraiser. “They make it … not tolerable, but we’re able to do stuff because of what they do.” The $175 Ready to go at the 2012 Tournament. Entry Fee includes a round of golf, the golf cart, a box lunch and programs at Aptos High School. Over the from Deluxe Foods and prize events on years the Foundation has donated more than course. $2.5M toward those improvements, helping The tournament is followed by a keep kids involved in a healthy environment Gourmet Barbecue Awards Dinner, catered while instilling pride in community. by Cafe’ Rio (with C.B. Hannegan’s) and includes an auction and raffle. Your participation is greatly appre“It’s absolutely awesome ciated! n what [ASF] does for our ••• The Aptos Sports Foundation is a 501 (c) kids.” (3) organization created over 30 years ago for — Randy Blankenship the purpose of improving the sports facilities

Aptos High School Scoreboard

Season Record (4-16-1, SCCAL, 1-4-1) Coach Dave Heinevetter SLV 3 – Aptos 1 (Apr 14, Away∆) Westmont 12 – Aptos 7 (Apr 11, Away) Soquel 6 – Aptos 0 (Apr 10, Hm∆) Santa Cruz 1 – Aptos 0 (Apr 7, Away∆) Leland 12 – Aptos 0 (Apr 4) Aptos 10 – Aloha 0 (Mar 27)


Season Record (7-9, SCCAL 4-2) Coach Phil Rojas Jr. 18 / April 15th 2015 / Aptos Times www.tpgonlinedaily.com

Aptos Lacrosse

Season Record: (4-6-1, Conf 4-2) Coach Brandon Smith Aptos 1 – Harbor 0 (Apr 13, forfeit∆) Aptos 12 – St. Francis 2 (Apr 9, Hm∆) Aptos vs. Santa Cruz (No score posted) (Apr 7, Away∆)

Boys Volleyball

Season Record (10-5, Conf 5-1) Coach Rick Schroeder Aptos def SLV (3-0) (Apr 10, Hm∆)

Boys Golf

Season Record (5-2) Coach Jamie Townsend Aptos def Soquel (202-275) (Apr 14, DeLaveaga Golf Course∆) Medalist: Beau Kittleson 36 & Max Meltzer 36 ••• ∆Conference Game

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Community News

California Highway Patrol Recognizes Public Safety Communications Professionals T he safety of the public, as well as law enforcement and first responders, frequently depends on a group of highly trained professionals who are heard far more often than they are seen. The California Highway Patrol (CHP) honors these skilled men and women during National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week, April 12 – 18, 2015. “I am very proud of our dedicated professionals and the services they provide the public every single day,” said CHP Commissioner Joe Farrow. “Public Safety Telecommunicators, or dispatchers, are the first and most critical contact people have with emergency services. In addition to assisting the public, they help our officers in the field by providing valuable information, so that officers can get the job done on the front lines.” CHP dispatchers handle the majority of California’s wireless 9-1-1 emergency and non-emergency calls. Dispatchers ensure the appropriate assistance is provided, whether it is sending an officer to respond to a call, or contacting fire, ambulance, or other emergency services. In addition, they are in constant radio communication

with the patrol officers, often assisting them by looking up vehicle identification, license plate and driver license numbers, or by running checks for wanted subjects. The CHP has 25 communications centers statewide that employ more than 900 public safety dispatchers. Last year these employees were responsible for handling approximately 9.3 million calls for service. Calling 9-1-1 can be intimidating. The following tips will help callers during an emergency. • Stay as calm as possible. • Be prepared to provide your name, phone number, address or location and a detailed description of the incident or vehicle being reported. • Cellular telephones may not tell the call-taker where you are. The location of the emergency may be the single most important information for the dispatcher in case the call is cut off. • Wait for the dispatcher to ask questions, and then answer clearly and calmly. • Listen carefully and follow all directions provided by the dispatcher. • Be prepared to provide a physical description if the emergency involves a criminal suspect.

• Remember, 9-1-1 is for life-threatening emergencies. Misuse of the emergency 9-1-1 system will result in a delay for callers with real emergencies and is punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000. n ••• The mission of the California Highway Patrol is to provide the highest level of Safety, Service, and Security to the people of California.

Janus of Santa Cruz Helps Spreading the Word about Alcohol Abuse SANTA CRUZ — April is Alcohol Awareness Month, and Janus of Santa Cruz is spreading the message with a month of free and confidential alcohol assessments, starting April 9. Walk-in visitors can meet with staff on Thursdays, April 9, April 16, April 23, and April 30 between 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. for a free, confidential, 15-minute

evaluation at the Janus facility located at 200 7th Avenue in Santa Cruz. Sponsored by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD), Alcohol Awareness Month raises consciousness about harmful drinking behaviors and misuse, especially when it comes to the links between

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stress and drinking. To make the greatest impact on the community, Janus of Santa Cruz has extended the NCADD’s National Alcohol Screening Day, April 9, to include four full days of free alcohol screenings during the month of April. “The aim of National Alcohol Screening Day is to get people thinking hard about how, when and why they drink,” says Jaime Campos, Director of DUI Programs at Janus. “If someone is drinking more after a setback, a crisis or a heavy workload, we encourage them to come in for a screening to assess whether alcohol may be affecting their health and life in a negative way.” According to a 2012 report published in Alcohol Research: Current Reviews, men and women who report higher levels of stress tend to drink more. A pattern of binge drinking while stressed can lead to a variety of health problems, including a recurring cycle of stress, high blood pressure, alcohol poisoning, depression, injury, and death. Read the full report at: http://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/ arcr344/toc34_4.htm n

••• Janus of Santa Cruz has for more than three decades provided compassionate and effective substance abuse treatment while guiding thousands of people toward wellness and recovery. As a private nonprofit organization, Janus offers quality programs to over 2,500 clients annually using the full continuum of care for substance use disorder and co-occurring disorder treatment including detoxification, inpatient and outpatient treatment, DUI education, prenatal services, medication assisted treatment, and supervised Sober Living Environment housing. For more information about Janus of Santa Cruz, visit www.janussc.org.

Community News

‘Viva Vivaldi!’ T he Santa Cruz Chorale is delighted to add orchestra and soloists to our spring concert, “Viva Vivaldi!” The central work is the festive “Gloria in D-major” for choir, orchestra, and soloists, which is probably the composer’s best-known work aside from “The Four Seasons.” The performance will also include “Laetatus sum” and “Laudate Dominum omnes gentes,” which although less well-known, are equally joyous and expressive. In addition to these compositions by Vivaldi, the program features the exuberant “Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied” by Vivaldi’s contemporary Georg Philipp Telemann; motets by Gabriel Fauré (“Cantique de Jean Racine”) and Felix Mendelssohn (“Verleih uns Frieden”) add contrast from the Romantic period. The audience will be charmed by the rich virtuosity of soloists Suzanne Duval (Soprano), Solmaaz Adeli (Mezzo Soprano/Alto), and Elliott Nguyen (Bass), as they join the Chorale for this magnificent music.

The Santa Cruz Chorale, a community based non-profit organization founded in 1983, performs a wide-ranging repertoire including works from the 14th century through music of the 21st century. Although several members of the Chorale are professional musicians and some direct musical groups of their own, all volunteer their time, and most are amateurs in the original sense of that word: people who seriously pursue an art for the love of it. Founded over 30 years ago by Mary Lynn Place Badarak, Lecturer for the Department of Music at UC Santa Cruz, as a volunteer adult chorus, the Santa Cruz Chorale continues in this tradition today. Following Badarak’s leadership, Murray Walker directed, followed by the late Gene Lewis, Paul Vorwerk and Eduardo Mendelievich. Under the leadership of Paul Vorwerk, the Chorale went on two exciting international tours: the first to Northern Italy and Croatia, and the second to Spain. Since 2006, the Chorale has been directed by Christian Grube, performing

three concert sets per year, showing off the beautiful acoustics of Holy Cross Church in Santa Cruz. The Chorale has been able to attract three of Santa Cruz’s most well known accompanists, Vlada Moran, Yalenda Listmann, and Maria Ezerova. Christian Grube, the Chorale’s Artistic Director, is emeritus professor of choral conducting at the Berlin University of Arts. His choirs are known for their exquisite sound, impeccable intonation, broad range of dynamic expression, and ability to interpret the most diverse styles. You can find out more about Director Christian Grube at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Christian_Grube

Holy Cross Church, 123 High Street, Santa Cruz Saturday, April 25, 2015 – 8 p.m. Sunday, April 26, 2015 – 4 p.m.

The Santa Cruz Chorale, conducted by Artistic Director Christian Grube and accompanied by the Monterey Bay Sinfonietta and Vlada Volkova-Moran (Organ), presents compositions by the great Baroque composer Antonio Vivaldi.

Maestro Christian Grube (above right) conducts a rehearsal with the Santa Cruz Chorale and the Santa Cruz Baroque Festival at the Holy Cross Church.

‘ADOPT, DON’T SHOP’ SPCA Youth Poster Contest


anta Cruz SPCA invites all county students, K-12th grade, to participate in this year’s “Adopt, Don’t Shop” youth poster contest with guest judges Diana Kapsner from the Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History, Santa Cruz Derby Girls and Rosemary Chalmers, host of Good Morning Monterey Bay on KSCO. We want our youth’s art to inspire

the community to visit their local animal shelters or rescues rather than buy a companion animal from a breeder or private party. When people adopt rather than shop, they not only gain a loving family member but they save a life AND create a space for another rescued animal. “SPCA” page 24

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Featured Columnist

Changing of the Guard


few weeks before Spring Break, leaders at PVUSD received two resignations; Murry Schekman, Assistant Superintendent of secondary education, and Brett McFadden, Chief Business Officer. Both individuals are senior leaders in the district, and have years of experience serving local students. Murry has been with the district for nine years and in education for over 40 years. He was the principal at over six schools with Watsonville High being his last assignment before taking on his current role. In his time with the District he has rolled out innovative programs such as the “On Track” program, which helps to identify students prone to dropping out early and working to keep them in school.

By Jeff Ursino, Trustee Pajaro Valley Unified School District

He is also currently in the process of revamping the Agriculture Department at Watsonville High to better prepare our students to work with and for our local agricultural industry. Murry is retiring from the District and moving on to new challenges over the hill in San Jose. Brett McFadden has more than 20 years of experience in school finance and has been with the District for 5 years. He has helped the District navigate through difficult financial waters, was instrumental in the effort to get Measure L passed – the largest bond in Santa Cruz County history – and was involved in negotiations with the different stakeholders of the District last year. Finally, he introduced and implemented a more fiscally sound health plan for the District’s 2200 employees. His work with the District’s health care benefit package has saved the District over $5 million in the last 2 years. Brett will be moving to the private sector in early May.

22 / April 15th 2015 / Aptos Times www.tpgonlinedaily.com

On a personal note, I have always and Mr. McFadden, but will also need to been impressed with both men’s com- deal with continued financial challenges, mitment to the students they serve. the roll out of money from the Measure Murry knows many students L bond and ever increasing focus on by name and regularly attends academics at our local schools. sporting events at our local high While the search for candidates schools. He has also, on more is in process an interim CBO will then one occasion, be hired to continue the work of told me that he is the District. excited for the future In any change comes because the students opportunity; the opportunity of today are going for a fresh set of eyes to look to be great citizens at the issues at hand and fortomorrow. Brett has BY JEFF URSINO mulate alternative solutions to very PVUSD VII issues. In the coming weeks, also impressed me with his TRUSTEE focus on AREA difficult equality across the District and he is one hiring managers from across the District of the drivers for the improvements in will work with the Trustees to identify, technology access at Aptos schools. interview and select the best candidates The search for both positions is for the job. Pajaro Valley Unified School already underway with the District uti- District is a better place because of Murry lizing search firms, advertisements and and Brett’s contributions. Now it is time word of mouth all driving in candidates. to look forward and find new individuals The right people will need to not only to fill their roles and move the District continue the work of both Mr. Schekman forward. n

Community News

Giving Back After Loss

Hospice of Santa Cruz County’s Grief Support Program


othing tastes as good as being healthy feels!” Cheri Bianchini, owner of The Healthy Way, a weight and lifestyle solutions company based in Santa Cruz loves to share the phrase with people. Bianchini just completed her fifth fashion show raising almost $15,000 over the years for Hospice of Santa Cruz County. Why Hospice? n 1995 Bianchini’s husband Jerry was diagnosed with stage four lymphoma. Four months later, at the age of 37, she was a widow with a four-year-old child. After


her husband’s death she attended HSCC’s private counseling and found peace and understanding through the “Loss of Spouse” bereavement group. Cheri said, “I found a community where I could have my feelings, my grief; and hospice really helped me.” In the five years that followed Bianchini lost her mother, her father, her in-laws, her best friend and her godparents. Being the primary caregiver for her mother, her godmother and her mother-in-law gave Bianchini the opportunity to really experience hospice in action and the “Loss of Grandparent” group helped her daughter tremendously.

Giving Back heri’s experience led her to volunteer as a bereavement counselor for HSCC. “I try to lead with a vision of hope to help people know they are going to be able to survive the grief,” she shares. “Yes, we miss the people who are gone and death is certainly a difficult experience, but I’m OK and my daughter is OK. I’m definitely a better person after going through all this loss and doing the work of grief. I have a richer life, a fuller perspective and I try not to sweat the small stuff. I have come to realize that death is as normal as living.” Cheri’s passion for life spills over into her company “The Healthy Way” where she takes pride in sharing the long-term success rate of her clients -- 60% of who are within five pounds from their original weight loss two years after completing her program. The last fashion show raised $3,700 for HSCC. The event showcases The Healthy Way clients wearing clothing from local businesses. Cheri states, “Everything is a community effort! This year we had the Outback in Felton, Cinnamon Bay in Seascape and Aptos Shoe and Apparel. Ralph Anybody from KPIG was the MC and the fashion coordinator was Janene Adema, who’s been a hospice volunteer for 15 years. The beautiful healthy buffet


Cheri and Ralph

was from Chef Adrienne Meier. We had two clients who had lost over 100 pounds! The 18 models represented a total of 973 pounds lost. Seeing their children out in the audience with tears streaming down their faces was priceless.” All proceeds from the fashion show benefit Hospice of Santa Cruz County’s community programs including the grief support services. “There is a richness in my life that I would be lacking if it weren’t for hospice”, said Bianchini. n

Community News

California Fish & Wildlife Asks Everyone to Leave Young Wildlife Alone


pring is a busy time of year for wildlife. Bears, deer, birds and bobcats as well as dozens of other species emerge from winter ready to fill their bellies and raise their young. Because of this increase in wildlife activity, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) reminds people to leave young wildlife alone if they come across them. The improper handling of young wildlife is a problem in California and across the nation, especially in spring. “Many people don’t realize that it is illegal to keep California native wildlife as pets,” said Nicole Carion, CDFW’s statewide coordinator for wildlife rehabilitation. “Never assume when you see young wildlife alone that they need assistance. Possibly, their mother is simply out foraging for food. If you care, leave them there.”

Healthy fawns may lay or stand quietly by themselves in one location for hours while their mother is away feeding. Once a fawn is removed from its mother, it can lose the ability to survive in the wild. The same danger applies to most animals, including bears, coyotes, raccoons and most birds. Dave Cook, a rehabilitator with Sierra Wildlife Rescue in El Dorado County, says his organization receives about 60 fawns a year, mainly between June and July, from people who believe the animals have been orphaned or injured. “When people call me and say they have an orphaned fawn, I first tell them to monitor it from a distance,” Cook

explained. “If it’s crying plaintively that’s a bad sign. If its coat is ungroomed, that’s another sign that it may be an orphan. As a last resort, I ask them to look at its butt. If the butt is clean, it’s likely not an orphan because a doe will meticulously clean the fawn’s bottom after it feeds.” Cook estimates that over 50 percent of fawns that people report as orphaned are actually not orphans at all. “They look so small and defenseless, almost like someone stepped on them, but this is actually a defense mechanism. They flatten themselves out so that predators won’t detect them,” he said. “I almost always advise that people leave the fawn alone,” he said, “or at least call a wildlife rehabber before intervening.

They can help evaluate the situation over the phone or will come out in person to help.” It’s also important to remember that wild animals carry ticks, fleas and lice, and they can transmit diseases to humans, including rabies and tularemia, so it is best to leave the responsibility for intervention to CDFW personnel or permitted wildlife rehabilitators. In addition, it is illegal to keep orphaned or injured animals for more than 48 hours in California. n ••• To learn more about how to live responsibly with wildlife, including the importance of keeping food and garbage secured and not feeding wild animals, please visit CDFW’s Keep Me Wild website at www.keepmewild.org. For more information on wildlife rehabilitation, please visit www.dfg.ca.gov/wildlife/rehab/facilities.html.

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Community News

April is “Earthquake Safety Month”


Mike DeMars - Public Information Officer Central Fire District

entral Fire Protection District would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone about earthquake safety. In the State of California, the Governors Office of Emergency Services has declared April as earthquake safety month. The key to surviving an earthquake is by preparing ahead of time and following some simple safety rules during a quake. Before An Earthquake: 1) Prepare an emergency kit of food, water and other supplies for every

Community Briefs

Fit for the Fight: Local Business Hosts Annual Fundraiser Friday, May 8 eascape Village Fitness & Physical Therapy is partnering with Santa Cruz Children’s Charities by hosting their 3rd Annual Fit for the Fight Fundraising Event. This evening of fun and community celebration will take place Friday, May 8 from 7:00 to 10:00 PM at Village Fitness Center in Seascape Village. There will be appetizers, desserts, and beverages as well as dancing, and entertainment featuring The Extra Large Band. Silent auction items and raffle prizes will also be sold at the event. This year, their goal is to raise $25,000 that will be donated to the American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Santa Cruz and Santa Cruz Children’s Charities. This can only happen with the generosity of support of our local residents and business owners who attend and contributed to this worthy cause. For tickets and/or donations please call 708-2323. •••


member of your family (including pets) 2) Practice emergency drills with your family members or co-workers 3) Organize your neighborhood or workplace to be self-sufficient after a quake. During An Earthquake: 1) Duck, cover and hold until the shaking stops 2) Be aware of falling objects indoors and outside as you leave a building 3) Don’t panic After An Earthquake: 1) Check your home for damage.

Lower San Lorenzo River Community Clean-Up inter is over and it’s time for springcleaning! Join Americorps, the Resource Conservation District, and the Coastal Watershed Council for a fun day of stewardship at the river. On April 25 Americorps Watershed Stewards Program members are hosting a lower San Lorenzo River stream-bank and levee clean-up. Community members will congregate at the pond at San Lorenzo Park at 10 a.m. for supplies and light refreshments. Volunteers will disperse throughout the River-walk, picking up trash from Highway 1 to the river mouth. Gloves and trash bags will be provided, but the hosts ask that volunteers please remember hats, sunscreen, closed-toe shoes, and their reusable water bottle. Please RSVP for the event at tinyurl.com/ sanlorenzoriver.

2) Listen to news broadcasts for emergency information. 3) Be prepared for aftershocks and for more falling objects Take the time to prepare your family for the effects of an earthquake. Contact your local Fire Department or the Red Cross for more information. n ••• More information is available at your local Fire Department, the Red Cross, the Central Fire District website at www.centralfpd.com and the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services website at www.oes.ca.gov

April 21, 5-6:30 pm La Manzana Community Resources, 521 Main St, Room E, Watsonville http://first5scc.org/node/1093


A April 25 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Meeting at the pond at San Lorenzo Park Santa Cruz, CA (Metered parking is available on Dakota Ave.) ••• Triple P April Classes Seminar How to Raise Confident and Capable Children his free parenting seminar covers social and emotional skills that children need in order to thrive at home, in school and throughout life. This program will be in Spanish.


“SPCA” from page 21 A winner will be selected from each grade as well as an over-all winner. The overall winning poster will be hung at the Santa Cruz SPCA Mall Adoption Center and Gift Shop for a full year. Grade winners will be on display in Santa Cruz and Freedom public Libraries during the month of May. An awards ceremony will be held at the Santa Cruz Downtown Library branch on May 6, which happens to be right in the

middle of “Be Kind to Animals Week” May 3-9. Poster Contest Rules: Any artistic medium is acceptable but art should reflect the theme

24 / April 15th 2015 / Aptos Times www.tpgonlinedaily.com

Workshop Dealing with Rudeness ttend this free workshop to learn why children say profanity, how to teach children to use appropriate words, and tips for managing rudeness before it becomes a major problem. This program will be in Spanish. April 27, 6-7:30 pm La Manzana Community Resources, 521 Main St, Room E, Watsonville http://first5scc.org/node/1094

Words are allowed, but not required Maximum size for posters is 11x14 inches Posters must have a Semi-Firm Backing Posters must be labeled on the front lower corner with artist’s full name, grade,

Seminar Raising Resilient Children This free parenting seminar offers strategies to teach children healthy ways to deal with their emotions. This program will be in Spanish. April 28, 5-6:30 pm La Manzana Community Resources, 521 Main St, Room E, Watsonville http://first5scc.org/node/1094

teacher’s full name, school name and contact phone # All entries should be mailed or delivered by April 27 to: Santa Cruz SPCA 2685 Chanticleer Ave. Santa Cruz, CA 95065 SPCA open Tuesday through Friday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday and Sunday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Website: www.spcasc.org or call (831) 465-5000. The SPCA Adoption Center and Gift Shop in the Capitola Mall near Target open Fridays 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. n

Featured Columnist

Got complaints? Replace Whines with Action W N hen a friend’s birthday approaches, I sort through my stash of cards to find one that will be appropriate. For the last 6 years (OK, maybe 10), I’ve looked rejected the same five birthday cards. What I thought was funny when I bought them, isn’t funny anymore. The cards in the “No” pile include an old gal hiking up pants with an obviously elastic waistband and an elderly chorus line dressed in too-red lips surrounding perfect dentures and topped with blond wigs. (That I haven’t included images of the cards shows you just how much I want to distance myself from their messages.) This month, instead of putting the cards back in the stash, I’m putting them in the trash. Keeping them has been costing me something more precious than the $30 I paid for them. I complain to myself because I’ve spent money on something that’s now useless. I feel sad because the images and sentiments are way too close to reality. Keeping them has been costing me my sense of myself. I know this sounds silly. After all, they are just birthday cards. But, no kidding, when I complain about something I CAN DO something about, and then I DON’T DO anything about it, I downgrade my own power and self-image. I know it’s not the last time I will complain or be sad, but it’s the last time these cards will be the trigger. Let’s translate this into being a more effective leader of ourselves and of others. Why complain? e complain in order to distract. We complain about gas prices, our weight, our busy schedules, red tape, poor governance hoping the listener (which is often only ourselves) hears our deeper message: Poor me. I’m not responsible. I can’t do what I need to do because of “how things are out there.” We become fog machines, misting complaints in hopes of obscuring what we should be accomplishing, but aren’t. Sometimes complaints spur us into action. If that’s your M.O., bravo! Complain away! It’s the complaints that we don’t take action to resolve that I’m talking about. Not taking action steals our energy while having no impact whatsoever on the object of our complaint. It’s those complaints that cement us to the past, suck our energy and downgrade our spirit.


Why stop? ot complaining frees you and the people around you to be forward thinking. When you (especially if you are the leader) stop being cranky, the people around you will no longer be contaminated by your sour mood. (You do know it gets on them, don’t you?) To defog yourself, do this 2-minute exercise designed by David Allen, productivity expert. 1. What is on my mind right now? What bugs, distracts me? (Ex: The plant in the lobby looks horrible.) 2. What is my intended outcome? What would need to happen for this item to be done? (Ex: Our lobby should have vibrant plants.) 3. What is the next physical action to take? By when? It is a call, making a request or offer? (Ex: Email Sharon to replace all unhealthy plants by next Tuesday.) Don’t wait to use this exercise for the big, really important stuff. Sometimes the little stuff (dead plants, perpetually late reports, meetings that always run over) that we tolerate can undermine our power more than the big stuff. (Cue music. “Free your mind” by enVogue; “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover” by Paul Simon) The exercise works if your complaint isn’t about what, but whom. The answers to the three questions might look like this: 1. Distraction: I can’t get my managers to stay within their budgets. 2. Outcome: We, as a management team, are responsible for the whole company. 3. Action: Request a managers meeting and take corrective action. It’s action that counts Do Allen’s exercise daily for the next 15 days. I predict you will experience a new level of self-empowerment and forge more powerful relationships. (Offer: Keep your three-question/ answer log for 15

days, then send it to me. I’ll gift you a 30-minute coaching call on a topic of your choice.) The alternative to not freeing yourself from complaining? Dying a slow death of regret and resentment. BTW: You may need to upgrade the leadership skills you’ve relied on for the last 10 years. Why? Just as you stay current with changes in your customers’ needs, you need to stay current with the needs of the people you lead, even people who have been with you from the start. Ask them about their current priorities and challenges. When

you do this, you send them a message that you care and know who they are now. What a gift. And it isn’t even their birthday. (Cue music. “Brand New Me,” Alicia Keys) PS: I’ve also moved the milk from back behind other tall containers on top shelf to the door. No more complaining about having to bend down to find it. n ••• Camille Smith helps leaders and teams achieve goals that matter by creating relationships that work. www.wipcoaching.com ~ 831-685-1480

Spring in the Air


1. Hawaiian island 6. ___ opener 9. Actress ____ Perlman 13. Olympian Jesse _____ 14. Fertility clinic stock 15. None of these good ones go unpunished? 16. Blood line 17. Grazing area 18. Expression of pirate’s displeasure 19. *Vacation destination 21. *Blooming tree 23. *Before it becomes one, corn is planted in spring 24. Computer solicitation 25. Communications org.

28. *Greek goddess of spring 30. Recipients of funds or benefits 35. Diving bird 37. Kuwaiti, e.g. 39. Mother-of-pearl 40. Fairy tale opener 41. Overthrow by argument 43. Bygone days 44. Jasmine and Basmati 46. Extinct bird 47. Musher’s transport 48. Like lemon 50. Inquires 52. Driver’s license and passports, e.g. 53. Cooking fat 55. To this day 57. *Resurrection celebration 60. *”Spring ____, fall back”

64. Jamaican national fruit 65. Don’t waste 67. New World bird 68. A peddler who shouts to advertise 69. Lay down 70. Willow twig 71. Barrels or casks 72. Thrown in the Boston harbor 73. *Flower holder, often becomes visible in spring

8. Civil rights org. 9. Back of military formation 10. German mister 11. Avant-garde 12. *___ Wednesday 15. Demigod 20. Doom and gloom 22. Consumed or experienced 24. Seaworthy vessel 25. *Roman goddess of spring 26. Like a cone 27. Spherical bacteria DOWN 29. Ill-____ or unrefined 1. Baker’s unit 31. Thumbs-down votes 2. Military no-show 32. Food safety threat 3. Agrippina’s slayer 33. Made a mistake 4. Cavern 5. Old Testament prophet 34. *Most need water 36. Financial aid criterion 6. Soft drink 38. *Signs of the season 7. “___ Maria”

42. Ginza locale 45. Kim to Kourtney, e.g. 49. Stage signal 51. Servomechanisms, for short 54. Do like Vesuvius 56. Unforeseen development 57. Shade of beige 58. Analogous 59. Gets the picture 60. Greek salad ingredient 61. Prima donna’s song 62. Fishing rod attachment 63. Mr. Uncool 64. College readiness assessment 66. Johnny Cash’s “A Boy Named ___” © Statepoint Media

Answers on 31 »

www.tpgonlinedaily.com Aptos Times / April 15th 2015 / 25

The Book Bag By Robert Francis

The latest new fiction …

One Mile Under

By Andrew Gross William Morrow. $26.99 n this new thriller with a very topical subject, Andrew Gross delves into the fracking industry and the desperate measures drillers will take to get the oil out of the ground. Most people realize that the fracking process needs large amounts of water and without access to cheap water it isn’t financially feasible to sink a well. When whitewater guide Dani Haller discovers the body of a close friend, Trey Washburn, in the rapids outside of Aspen, the assumption is that the experienced rafter made a tragic mistake and paid for it. Dani doesn’t buy the “accidental death” verdict but the local police chief won’t consider investigating further. Doing a little digging on her own, Dani finds someone who might have witnessed her friend’s death but then that individual, a hot-air balloon operator, also dies in a mysterious accident. Now, at the request of Dani’s father, it’s time for private investigator Ty Hauck to lend a hand. It doesn’t take long before Dani and Ty find themselves involved in a deadly confrontation between farmers in a drought-stricken Colorado town and a big oil company that wants something as valuable as liquid gold – fresh water! The impact of the current drought that has made water a precious resource in many western states and the current controversy about fracking makes this latest novel by Gross one that will easily engage the reader. The author frames this tale as another epic western battle between the big and little guys. This time, though, it is not cattlemen against homesteaders but energy vs. agriculture.


mentioned in so many works of ancient literature. They come in all sizes from nine feet tall to supersized, which means they dwarf a small building. And, naturally, most of them are carnivorous and their favorite meal seems to be a mouthful of tasty human. In the tradition of “Jurassic Park”, the dragons in this compound are smarter than their keepers realize and they decide to not only take it over but also break out and vastly broaden their horizons (and food supply). The carnage is unbelievable and the attempt to contain this threat to mankind by a handful of resourceful Americans led by a female crocodile expert defies description (and the imagination), but it makes for a fast read. Vastly more descriptive passages than dialogue will make some readers think they are reading a preliminary treatment for a movie. Frankly, that’s, no doubt, what the author has in mind, so you might as well read the “original” story before the film version hits the theatres a year or two from now. Given the success of the “Jurassic Park” films and the miracles the special effects folks can create, this story will probably be a box office sensation!

The Bookseller

By Cynthia Swanson Harper. $25.99 ynthia Swanson builds the premise of this intriguing novel around the “what if?” question that we sometimes ask ourselves. In other words, what would our


The Great Zoo of China

By Matthew Reilly Gallery Books. $26 n this fast paced, action novel chaos descends in a secret animal park in China when the attraction’s unusual inhabitants go on a rampage. Having discovered the eggs far beneath the Earth’s surface of a creature no one really believed ever really existed, the government creates a state-ofthe-art park to showcase their discovery. Now, for the first time ever, modern man will actually see the dragons that have been


26 / April 15th 2015 / Aptos Times www.tpgonlinedaily.com

lives have been like if we made a different choice when we came to a crossroad in our lives? Denver bookstore owner Kitty Miller is single, in her thirties, and seems to be relatively happy with her present existence. Then the strange dreams begin. In her dream world Kitty becomes Katharyn and is married to a devoted husband and has what appears to be an ideal life with beautiful children and a posh home. As the dreams continue, Kitty finds she rather enjoys this nocturnal existence, but she is also puzzled and even slightly troubled by it. As she plumbs her past life for an explanation, Kitty realizes that her dream husband is patterned on a man she once had a get acquainted coffee date with but he backed out at the last minute. Would this have happened if they had actually met and developed a relationship? As the story switches back and forth between “ what is and what might have been”, the reader, like Kitty, will be drawn to musing about the options and unexpected twists and turns life provides. Robert Frost touched upon this subject in his poem “The Road Not Taken” and “The Bookseller” will also make us raise this line of questioning.

In Wilderness

By Diane Thomas Bantam. $26 n her thirties, Katherine is suffering from a medical issue her doctors can’t quite figure out, but she’s been told what she has is fatal. With the knowledge, the young woman decides to head into Georgia’s


Appalachian Mountains where she will spend her final days alone. Danny, a Vietnam vet, has also sought refuge in the mountains to get away from the demons that haunt him. Able to seemingly blend into the environment, Danny has discovered the visitor in his midst and has taken to stealthily watching her. It doesn’t take long for Danny’s casual observation to turn into a fixation. And, for Katherine, she quickly realizes that someone is out there watching her. When these two lost souls finally confront one, the unexpected happens. They become engaged in a passionate relationship that holds some unexpected surprises and dangers. This story unfolds on many levels and its obsessive characters are detailed in such a vivid, visceral manner that it will be hard to get them out of your head once this book is finished.

The Hidden Light of Objects

By Mai Al-Hakib Bloombury. $25 he ten short stories in this collection offer a stunning look at life in the Middle East. Kuwaiti writer Mai Al-Nakib goes beyond the headlines that announce the latest act of terror and looks beyond the religious turmoil and violence to investigate young love, martial problems, and the types of situations ordinary people in any part of the world might deal with. Offsetting these mundane occurrences are the unique ones that are certainly more Middle Eastern in nature. For example, you’ll meet a mother trying to adjust to being reunited with her family after a decade as a POW of the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait and a Palestinian teen drawn into a botched suicide bombing by two classmates. A powerful new voice whose stories have already been recognized by critics far from the Gulf States, Mai Al-Nakib is a multifaceted writer whose debut promises even more compelling fiction in the future. n


Featured Columnist

Peaceful Coexistence Between Pets and Wildlife


t is almost inevitable that our pets will cross paths with wildlife at some time in their life. We are fortunate to live amidst a rich variety of wildlife here in Santa Cruz, but unfortunately, these non-domesticated denizens can pose health risks for our cats and dogs. Parasitic infections, viral diseases and bite wounds from an unexpected encounter with wildlife are common ailments for pets. Luckily, many of these health risks are preventable if we take a few simple precautions. Pets and wildlife can peacefully coexist! Conflict with Coyotes and Raccoons id you know that Santa Cruz supports a large, healthy population of coyotes and raccoons? Depending on where you may reside, the high-pitched howls of coyotes on the prowl can be a nightly occurrence. Coyotes are intelligent pack hunters that can easily snatch small dogs and cats. Raccoons tend to be more inter-


By Katie Volat, DVM

ested in making a meal out of your trash rather than your pet, but they can be quite bold and will choose to fight rather than flee when confronted by dogs. In the past year, I have lost several feline patients to tragic encounters with coyotes. If your cat is allowed outside, it is important to ensure you have a method of bringing them in at dusk to keep them safe at night. Training a cat to respond to it’s name being called or shaking a treat canister is a great way to get your cat back inside at night when most attacks occur. Dogs should also be kept indoors at night to minimize the potential for skirmishes. Before letting your dog out at night for a potty break, make sure to turn on outside lights and take a look around while making a bit of noise. This may be enough to scare off a hungry raccoon or coyote. Just because your dog is small, don’t assume he will not want to defend his territory. You

also may want to keep your dog on leash at night when allowed out for eliminations - even in the backyard. Wildlife Diseases ven if your pet is safe inside at night, wildlife can still indirectly infect your pet with parasites. Raccoons, skunks, squirrels, opossums and deer may be using your backyard as a commuting route. Unfortunately, they are quite rude and will “litter” your property with intestinal parasites, fleas, and ticks. Even if your cat takes a few steps out the front door to lie in the sun, it can easily pick up fleas or intestinal parasites. When a cat grooms itself after lying in the grass, it may accidently ingest microscopic parasite eggs that have been shed by wildlife. Dogs tend to take it a step further by considering fecal droppings of wildlife as a delicious snack. Fleas and ticks can hop on your pet while it walks through grass, sand or soil. Talk to your veterinarian about parasite prevention to keep your pet parasite-free. New products are safer and more effective as well as easier to administer than previously available options. Rabies Protection accinations are a simple, safe and effective way to protect your pet from wildlife diseases such as rabies. In the last 8 years, there has been an average of 1 reported case of rabies in dogs and cats per year in the state of California. There was also 1 human death in California as a result of a rabid bat bite within the last 2



years. Your pet could get rabies from a bite from an infected host. The most common hosts in our area are bats, skunks and occasionally raccoons. There is no treatment or cure for rabies, only vaccination can protect your pet. Since rabies is fatal, it makes sense to vaccinate your pet rather than run the risk of infection. Worldwide, over 55,000 people die each year due to rabies infection. Even indoor cats are not safe, as a rabid bat has flown into a home with indoor cats that were not vaccinated for rabies. As a result, these cats were quarantined for 6 months and the family in the home needed post-exposure vaccinations. Cats are not required to have rabies vaccinations in California; however, it may be a good idea. n ••• Contact Santa Cruz County Animal Control: 831-454-7227 or After-Hours Emergency: 831-471-1182 for assistance with handling wildlife on your property. Contact your veterinarian for guidance in choosing the right approach to keeping your pets safe!

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Community Calendar

have a lifetime of impact for Second and Fourth Mondays a child who has been abused First and Third Wednesdays or neglected. More info www. Alzheimers Support Groups casaofsantacruz.org or call (831) Monday: 2:00 - 3:30pm 761-2956 XT.102 Wednesday: 5:30 – 7:00pm First Mondays: 2-3 p.m., Sunday April 19 Conference Room at Elena Baskin/ in Watsonville Fashion Show Live Oak Senior Center, 1777-A Second Tuesdays: 5:30-7 p.m. 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Capitola Road, Santa Cruz. in Capitola nnual Fashion Show at acilitated by Jill Ginghofer, this Third Wednesdays: 5:30-7 p.m. the Seascape Beach Resort group is for caregivers and in Watsonville featuring local stores and models family members of people with Third Thursdays: 2-3 p.m. showing the newest trends and Alzheimers in Santa Cruz spring lines. Includes brunch, Wednesdays Facilitated by Third Fridays: 12-1 p.m. shopping, raffle, prizes and more! Francie Newfield & Kathleen in Aptos Call today for reservations, 831McBurney 688-1467. Cost: $45 per person Mondays (table sponsorships available) Tuesdays

Aptos Chamber of Commerce



Saturday May 9 Mother’s Day Walk

10 a.m. - 12 noon reat your mom to an early Mother’s Day with a special 2-hour guided tour through Aptos Village with Certified Local Historians 
Kevin Newhouse and Bob Wall. Approximately 1.5 miles of gentle walking with lots of stops along the way. Dog friendly ... moms encouraged ... everyone welcome! Cost: $25 per person. Reservation required 831-688-1467


Announcements Nar-Anon


hat is co-dependency? What is enabling? What is this insanity? Am I the only one who feels this way? Join Nar-Anon, a world wide fellowship of relatives and friends of addicts who have been affected by someone else’s addiction. Three meetings are now being held in Santa Cruz County, on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. For a meeting near you call (831) 291-5099 or email saveyoursanity@aol.com Visit www.naranoncalifornia.org/ norcal/meetings for more info.

Meal Solution Mondays

4:00pm-6:00pm, New Leaf Community Markets, 1210 41st Ave. Capitola (Also down town and at West side stores) et fresh ideas for easy-toprepare, affordable, and nutritious main entrees from a member of the New Leaf Community Markets culinary team. A different recipe featured every Monday, ranging from meat dishes, to gluten-free, to vegan. Try a sample, get a recipe card, and learn tips for meal prep and leftovers. Featured recipes are posted on the New Leaf Community blog at www.newleafcommunity.com.


Felton’s Farmer Market!

(Starting May 6) 2:30-6:30 p.m. hrough Spring, Summer and Fall, the main drag along Highway 9 will come alive with the bustle of farmers and food artisans selling a colorful variety of delicious edibles to shoppers and diners alike. For more info, visit www. santacruzfarmersmarket.org or contact Nicole Zahm at education@ santacruzfarmersmarket.org or Executive Director Nesh Dhillon at info@santacruzfarmersmarket.org



9:30 - 10:45a.m. at Pacific Cultural Center, 1307 Seabright, Santa Cruz ome explore Feldrenkrais Awareness Through MovementR. These classes will increase Head to the Islands! ine on any Monday and 10% of your comfort and confidence in moving as they heighten your selfthe total sales go to a local non- awareness. First class is free for new profit! Hula’s Santa Cruz selects a students. Pre-registration is required. local non-profit each month of the Contact suzie@suzielundgren.com year as part of the Mahalo Monday or call (831) 332-7347 Program. Hula’s Island Grill and Tiki Room is located at 221 Cathcart WomenCARE Support Group Street in Santa Cruz. uesday Support Group is a Hula’s is open from lunch gathering for women with all types of cancer. We offer support Tuesday – Sunday from 11:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., dinner nightly for women through all stages from from 4:30 p.m. – close, and happy diagnoses through treatment. hour Tuesday – Sunday 2:00 p.m. For more information or to register call (831) 457-2273 – 6:00 p.m., Monday 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. For more information Tuesdays, Thursdays go to www.hulastiki.com or call thru Saturdays (831) 655-HULA.




761-2956 X102) South County, 5:30-7 p.m., third Wednesday of the month at the CASA Office, 813 Freedom Blvd. Watsonville ASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) needs volunteers, 3-5 hours per week, to provide support, guidance, and a powerful voice in court for children who have been removed from their homes because of abuse or neglect. Everyone welcome, men and bilingual folks especially encouraged. To RSVP call 761-2956 Ext. 102, or email Danielle@casaofsantacruz.org





Second Wednesdays

Veterans of Foreign Wars

Friends of Scotts Valley Library








Aptos Noon Toastmasters





B12 Fridays

3:00pm-6:00pm, Thrive Natural Medicine, 2849 Park Ave. Soquel et $5 off of B12 shots. B12 supports immunity, energy, sleep, mood, and the body’s ability to handle stress. Second Thursdays each month To learn more, call (831) 515-8699. 1:00–2:00 p.m., Louden Nelson Community Center, Room 5, 301 Center Street, Santa Cruz



28 / April 15th 2015 / Aptos Times www.tpgonlinedaily.com

Big Book and OA Literature Study

6:30 pm, 2259 7th Ave. Santa Cruz ommander Ronals Petty leads eets second wednesdays of the meetings. each month at 6:30 in the For more information, call Fireside Rom at SV Library. The next meeting is February 11th and 475-9804 ongoing from then on. Any questions (831) 438-2658 or Second and Fourth Thursdays Cabrillo Host Lions Club email sylvialee2@sbcglobal.net 7:00pm at the Cabrillo Community Second Tuesdays each month Second and Fourth Wednesdays Center, Aptos Village Park, 100 Free Job Seek Workshop! Santa Cruz/ Monterey Bay Branch Aptos Creek Rd. 6:00pm-7:00pm, Gateway Bible ublic is invited to all ADHD Support Group Meetings Church, 5000 Granite Creek Rd. programs. Contact President Scotts Valley. For more information, 6:30-8:00pm Aptos Fire Station Jess Allen 831-684-2721 or Past on Soquel Dr. visit http://hirewire.org President Barbara Chamberlain pen Support meetings at 831-688-3356 for meeting/ on second Wednesday. PFLAG (Parents, Families, and dinner reservations or inforAdult Only meetings on fourth Friends of Lesbians and Gays) mation or visit Wednesday. www.cabrillohostlions.org. 7:00pm-9:00pm, 900 High St. First Any Questions, contact Judy Congregational Church of Santa Cruz Brenis at (831) 818-9619. Third Thursday each month To learn more, call (831) 427-4016 or Image Matters visit www.pflagscc.org Third Wednesdays 7-8pm Inspire Salon in Capitola Meeting Schedule for the hat does your style say about Wednesdays SCWD2 Task Force you? Learn the difference Toastmasters: 7:00pm, Soquel Creek Water between fashion and style, how Speak for Success District Headquarters, 5180 to up level your look and up level 12:00pm-1:00pm, St. Philip’s Soquel Dr. Soquel your income, use color effectively, Episcopal Church, 5271 Scotts eetings are open to the public create a great look without Valley Drive, Scotts Valley. and the location alternates sacrificing comfort. iving a business presentation? between the City of Santa Cruz Interviewing for a job? Improve Police Community Room, and Pacific Speakers Association your speaking skills in a friendly, the Soquel Creek Water District 7:00pm, Firehouse on Soquel Dr. supportive environment with Headquarters. Aptos Redwood Ramblers Toastmasters. Visit www.scwd2desal.org peakers helping speakers get Open to all levels. for more info. gigs. Drop-ins welcome. For more Call (831) 332-8221 for more info. information, call 831-335-3693. Fourth Wednesdays

12:00-1:00p.m. Rio Sands Hotel, 116 Beach Drive ome join a dynamic, supportive group of people at all levels of experience from beginners to more advanced. We’re here to help you Ocean Gate Zen Center discover your voice and share it effectively. Everyone is welcome! Zazen Instructions PROFILE of Santa Cruz 9:00am-12:30pm, 2045 40th Ave. 7:00pm, 920 41st Ave. Suite B, Santa Follow us on Facebook: Facebook. Cruz (next to Family Cycling Center) com/AptosNoonToastmasters or Clares St. Capitola orning meditation schedule eed help finding a job? Join more info: (831) 236-1171 is Tues. & Thurs. 6:45am; Fri. PROFILE of Santa Cruz. Its Daily TOPS 9:00am, & Sat. 8:30am followed by free and it works. Last year it Overeaters Anonymous places 126 of its members in jobs, “Come As You Are Zen” at 9:00am. (Take off pounds sensibly) vereaters Anonymous is a and we can help you too. Ongoing Zazen instruction First Tues. of each 8:45 am, Felton Firehouse 12-Step support group for month at 6:30pm. workshops will cover resume et support for loosing weight at those who wish to stop eating For more info. visit both writing, communication, and these health group meetings. compulsively. oceangatezen.org and facebook. interview skills. Learn more by calling (831) Meetings daily. See our website For more information, call profile 335-3510. for a current list of meeting times at (831) 479-0393 or visit www. First Tuesdays each month and locations: www.santacruzoa. santacruzprofile.org. Tail Wagging World Overeaters Anonymous org of Dog Ownership 6:30-7:30pm at Teach by the Beach Mondays, Wednesdays, 6:30pm at the Santa Cruz SPCA, #50 Rancho Del Mar, Aptos and Thursdays Weekdays 2685 Chanticleer Ave., Santa For more information, call (831) Cruz (cross street is Soquel Ave.). 429-7906 CASA Orientations to Become Co-dependents Anonymous o-dependents Anonymous Advocates for Children is a 12-step group for people First Tuesdays and ASA empowers volunteers who want healthy relationships First Wednesday each month to directly influence lifeand self esteem. Weekly meetings Third Wednesdays each month Adoption/Child Welfare Orientation are offered free of charge in Santa Orientations to Become changing decisions affecting 6:00pm- 8:00pm 1400 Emeline Cruz and Watsonville. children in foster care. Court Advocates for Children Avenue room 206, Santa Cruz. For a schedule and more appointed special advocates North County, 5:30-7p.m., first he first step to becoming a foster are everyday people that, with information, go to www.coda.org Tuesday of month (for location and/or adoptive parent is to or e-mail gratefulcoda@gmail.com just a few hours a week can details contact Danielle at attend orientation. The orientation or call (831) 469-6096.

Ongoing Events

is designed to review the child welfare system and to give you a chance to have your question answered by child welfare staff. To register to one of the meeting and for directions, please call 454-4687.

Sons in Retirement


First and Third Fridays

Friday Shakespeare Club

10:20 to 12:30 p.m., Lounge of the First Congregational Church, 900 High St. Santa Cruz eets monthly on the first and third friday until June 5. Come join us, a group of diverse women, in stimulating discussions of Shakespeare’s plays. Guests are welcome.



Aptos Certified Farmers Market

8:00 -12:00pm at Cabrillo College he Aptos Market, with over 80 vendors, is open year round, with the best selections of fresh foods. In addition, family activities, music, cooking demos by professional chefs, gardening workshops, seasonal fairs and events are a part of the market.


Scotts Valley Farmer’s Market

9a.m.-1p.m. SV Community Center, 360 Kings Village Drive www.santacruzfarmersmarket.org


Church Bible Study/Worship 9:45am: Bible Study; 11:00: Worship, First Baptist Church 7565 Sunset Way, Aptos ooking for a church? Come worship with us!


Dated Events Monday April 20

Noon, Elks Club at 150 Jewell St. Fourth Thursdays each month Stitchers-By-The-Sea


his statewide group of retired men invites you to be our guest at our monthly luncheon. You’ll meet kindred spirits, have a fine lunch and learn something new from a top notch guest speaker. Call Greg Horne at (831) 6841834 to RSVP & bring a friend!


Capitola-Aptos Rotary Club Meeting

Aptos Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10110

6:30 pm, Severinos, 7500 Old Dominion Ct., Aptos ommander Chuck Woodson leads the meetings. For more information, call (831) 295-1939



Scotts Valley Nar-Anon Family Group

12-1:30 p.m. at Seascape Golf 6:30-7:45 p.m., 3192 Glen Canyon Course. Road, Scotts Valley in the Bison Contact Chuck at 831-462-6092 Center and The Camp Recover Center or e-mail charleswhitt@att.net 12 step program/support for more information. group for friends and families who have been affected Hoffman’s for Second Harvest by the addiction or drug offman’s in downtown problem of another. Nar-Anon Santa Cruz will donate 10% members share their experience, of total sales to Second Harvest strength and hope at a weekly every Thursday night from 5-10 meeting. p.m. Every $1 donated provides Park in lower lot and walk up healthy 4 meals to people in need driveway and turn right at the sign. throughout Santa Cruz through 200 Helpline (888) 688-7834. Find different programs and agencies meetings at www.nar-anon.org that Second Harvest support. Drop by and support HoffClutterers Anonymous man’s Bistro & Patisserie at 5:30-6:45 Sutter Maternity & 1102 Pacific Ave. Santa Cruz Surgical Center, 2900 Chanticleer CA 95060 Ave, Soquel Dr. Santa Cruz.



7 p.m., Live Oak Senior Center titchers-By-The-Sea is a local chapter of Embroiders’ Guild of America. Admission is free and the public is welcome. For more information contact Irene Cortez (831) 475-1853


Thursday April 23

‘Sowing Seeds For Success!’ Business Expo

4 - 7 p.m., Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds 2601 East Lake Avenue, Watsonville on’t miss this opportunity to meet the BEST businesses in the Pajaro Valley all in one place! The Pajaro Valley Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture’s Business Expo is full of lively, exciting activities for both exhibitors and attendees alike. Taste samples from outstanding restaurants and caterers, win prizes and gather information about local businesses that YOU want to get to know. Admission is FREE! Pajaro Valley Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture, 44 Brennan St. Watsonville, CA 95077, Phone (831) 724-3900, Website: pajarovalleychamber.com n


Arts and Entertainment

Private instruction and classes by Third Sunday of Every Month arrangement. For more information, Science Sunday call Michael (831) 239-2247. Starts at 1 p.m., 100 Shaffer Road, Santa Cruz, 95060 First Fridays each month eymour Marine Discovery Center presents a public lecture from a First Friday Art Tour marine scientist the third Sunday of he First Friday Art Tour is a every month. Topics are presented Santa Cruz Institute of Contemporary Arts event, managed in in an entertaining and easy-toconjunction with the participating understand format, with up-to-date art venues. The event takes place photos, video, and discussion. year-round and illuminates some Science Sunday does not meet arbor restaurants & the in December. For more info visit of the most talented local artists beach are a good viewing to from local galleries. seymourcenter.ucsc.edu watch the sailboat races against To find out where to participate the setting sun! At the Santa Cruz in a First Friday art tour, visit Harbor. firstfridaysantacruz.com (Most galleries are open 12-9 pm for First Thursdays Saturday April 18 Friday viewings.)

tunes. Come see our band for Free in Sunnyvale Every Wednesday. No cover. Contact Lee McLaughlin, Volunteers Needed for the Booking Agent, at 408-993BAND (2263) for information Monterey Symphony about booking the band for he Monterey Symphony is events (donations are seeking volunteers. If you love Non-profit tax deductible). music and want to be involved, www.PeninsulaBanjoBand.org please call (831) 646-8511 or visit www.montereysymphony.org for Wednesday Night Sail Boat Races more information. 5:30 - 8:30p.m. March to October



Ongoing Events Third Monday each month

Stitchers By The Sea Meetings


Dated Events

7 p.m., Live Oak Senior Center, Lucky Steppers Modern 1777 Capitola Rd., Santa Cruz Square Dance titchers-by-the-Sea, the local 6:30 pm, German American Hall, chapter of the Embroiderers’ 230 Plymouth St. Santa Cruz Guild of America, holds meetings quare dancing! Try it, you’ll open to the public each month. No like it! Friendship put to music, admission fees. event is family friendly. Classes through Jan 29 are free. Teacher Monday’s starting April 13 Don Benson Basic Bridge at Highland Park For more information, contact Sue 10:15 - 11:45a.m. or Don at (831) 72-7053 or e-mail yd Carlson will offer a ten week at caller4u@att.net. basic Bridge class.A donation of $5.00 per week is requested. Modern Square Dancing Class Call to reserve spot, 8 players 7:00pm, German-American Hall limited. (831) 336-8900 Santa Cruz, 230 Plymouth all (831) 726-7053 or e-mail Tuesdays caller4u@razzolink.com for more information! BINGO 6:30 p.m. Santa Cruz Elks Lodge, 150 Jewell St. Last Thursdays each month osted by Soquel Sports Monthly Argentine Tango at Star Foundation. Buy-In $15. Full Bene Italian/Argentine Restarante snack bar available. First Tuesday of 4:30pm-9:30pm, Star Bene Italian/ each month is special $25 buy in (up Argentene Restarante, 21245 East to five packs). Join us! Cliff Dr. www.soquelsports.com his is a night for true “Social








Second Fridays each month

12-5p.m. n the third Saturday of April, July, and November Passport 7:30pm-10:00pm, at Mid-County aficionados are welcomes into Senior Center 829 Bay Ave, participating wineries throughout Capitola the Santa Cruz Mountains, allroom dancing to live music by The 10th Ave. Band. each offering a unique winery Refreshments, large floor, friendly experience. atmosphere, free parking. Open to Passport is $45.00 the public-singles welcome! Suggested donation, $6 per person. Blooming Begonias Proceeds benefit MCSC. For more 8 am to 4 pm, 602 Capitola Ave, Capitola. information, call (831) 476-4711. apitola Begonia Festival will be hosting a Blooming Begonias Second Sundays Each Month Yard Sale. The yard sale will Downtown Santa Cruz feature: exhibition quality plants Antique Street Fair from Golden State Bulbs, Vintage 9:00am-4:00pm, Lincoln St. Festival posters, and Begonia (Between Pacific and Cedar) Festival shirts. he “Original” Downtown For additional information Antique Faire is back! please visit out website atwww. Vendors offer an eclectic blend of begoniafestival.com antiques and unique items. Come

Big Band Dance






and check it out! Browse through a wide assortment of treasures including books and photographs, vintage jewelry, clothing, glass Tango.” Order a wonderful Wednesdays meal from the Star Bene Argentine and ceramic collectibles, vintage Menu, (or their well known italian hawaiian kitsch, turquoise, original Peninsula Banjo Band 7:00 - 8:30 p.m., Harry’s Hofbrau, menu), and enjoy the ambiance of artwork, and a whole lot of whatnot! For more info, please contact us at Argentina and join us in a social 390 Saratoga Ave, San Jose (831) 476-6940 or visit us on tango dance to music from the orty-seven years of performing in the Bay Area, over 250 popular Golden Age of Tango. Facebook.


Passport Days

Saturday May 9 Plant a Begonia!

11–3, Capitola Esplanade Park. he Capitola Begonai Festival’s Mother’s Day Event. You can pick up the perfect gift for mom for just $10! A great gift that includes: • A Begonia Tuber • Ideal Planting Soil • Carryout Container • Planting/ Care Instructions • Bonus Baby Begonia For more information go to our website @ www.begoniafestival. com


Saturday June 20

Silicon Valley Wine Auction at Levi’s Stadium


2014 Begonia Festival

multi-faced wine auction event including an afternoon Grand Food & Wine pairing dinner featuring over 60 vintners from the Santa Cruz Mountains. Silent and live auction highlights include rare and reserve wine auction lots, San Francisco 49er experiences & collectibles and getaway packages. Proceeds benefit the Silicon Valley Education Foundation. More info www.scmwa.com n

Your April Horoscope Times Publishing Group, Inc. Taurus (April 21-May 21)

You are always surrounded by the lovely world we live in. Take a few days at the beginning of the month to appreciate it. Listen to the sounds of nature; stop and look at the beautiful creatures that invisibly move through your life. Or take a trip to a park or beach or lake and just take in the views. The first half of April is not the time for wagering on your financial or emotional security; be very careful with any financial risks. Later in the month, if you find yourself in a difficult emotional place, your best friend will be the balm you need to find your way through to the other side.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)

Be on fire! Start April with drive and attitude. Now is the time to start a project, the energy is there and you’re ready for a challenge! Once the ball is rolling, you can relax and let it roll at an even pace, but give it that hard kick-start!. Mid-way through the month, you’ll find yourself in a “No” state of mind, but pay close attention; you’ll need to push past your instinct when the people in your life need your help, regardless of how you feel, to avoid some hurt feelings. Later in the month, make sure you take some personal time. Visit your favorite hang-out, or go on that dream vacation. Refresh yourself before the next month comes round.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

The world is stimulating your imagination this month. The colors of the flowers, the scent of a pine tree, the feel of a nice silk shirt; let the sensations wash over you and define your expressions the first week of the month. Share those expressions as best you can: write, draw, describe them to your co-worker, however you need to express yourself, now is the time. Later in April, you might find yourself worried about a project your working on, but defeat is not in your makeup, and it won’t take long to recover as you push through the problem. The last half of the month is a great time to make and strengthen your connections in your home and professional life. Make the most of this time.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 23)

Laughter keeps us young, and the first few days of April are made for Laughter! Make sure your friends and co-workers don’t feel the fool as you unleash your April pranks. As your maturity returns (in part) you may realize you’ve found the perfect path to improving your health, but don’t try to force it on the people around you; give it time to prove its worth, and even then it may not be for everyone. Keeping your ideas to yourself has never been difficult; later in the month will be the time to speak your mind about what’s happening around you. The result will likely be in your favor.

Virgo (Aug. 24-Sep. 22)

You’re on a hot-streak and the beginning of April is the time to revel in success. With everything organized how you like it, an enigma will rear its head after the first week; a story you can’t put down or a rumor stuck in your head. Take a few days to really immerse yourself in whatever might just give you a pleasant fright! It won’t hurt to have someone you know very well by your side those days. Your organized mind can cause you stress later in the month as you struggle with the feeling of your time being wasted. Stop, take a deep breath, and let the moment pass so you can get back to what needs to be done.

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 23)

The first week of April is an important time for you. Looking your best isn’t always important, but it is right now, and nothing is wrong with that! mid-way through the month you may be disturbed by memories or reminders; you’re intent on moving on and not looking back. Make sure people around you understand that. Obsession gathers us all in at times, and one that catches you in its grips later in the month will be okay, as long as you can pull free from its grip sooner rather than later.

Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

Nothing is more foolish than acts of kindness, right? Be an honest fool to start the month of fools! Fulfill your life by helping strangers the first week of April. As you move into the next weeks, your composure holds you up as people around you continue their wacky ways. Later in the month you might find a friend could use your assistance finding that best deal for a new car, research on a new project, or any myriad of things you are quite suited to help out with.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)

Have you found it yet? It’s going to take extra effort to keep track of your things the beginning of the month, whether from your own misplacements the people around you playing pranks. Do your best to try not to let the little things stress you out. Also, take some time to look inside and see if something else is really what’s bothering you. Despite April’s beginning, you are in a great state of mind for meeting new people as the month moves on. You will be busy later in the month, so you have to make sure you don’t let your natural absentmindedness hold you back.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

Your struggles are forefront at the beginning of April. It’s hard to stay positive when you find success just out of reach. You’ll need to bring up your energy to push through the negative feelings, but if you can, things will become much more optimistic as you move through the month. Mid-way through you may be called upon to help friends and/or family. Get to it! You need all the positive energy you can get this month.

Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb. 18)

Your honest passage through life does not mean you should ignore the possibility of people around you treating you unfairly. Make sure you protect yourself unless you’re around people you know you can trust. Later in the month, you may feel like burying yourself in a book or on a game for a few days, but you might miss an important connection if you do! The back-end of the month is the time to act on your feelings of selflessness. Find the charity or volunteer effort that suits your sensibilities and make a difference today!

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)

The beginning of April seems a great time to do some spring-cleaning. Nostalgia is important, but it’s time to throw out keepsakes that have lost their meaning. But don’t get rid of the photos: you may want to remember some things in your future. Later you might feel you’re stuck in the muck as the world around you wants you to move forward. Are you afraid? Look closely at your motivations and try to push through them. As the month comes to a close, there will be opportunities to break out of your shell: find a way to take them!

Aries (March 21-April 20)

Backup plans are essential in life. Be prepared with your backup plan as April begins and you’ll be on the right track. This is going to be a month for paying attention to yourself. Near the middle of the month you’ll want to pay attention to what you say and who you say it too. If you’re not careful, you’ll say something biting that will cause someone else pain. Later in the month dive into your hobbies and projects to relax and clear your mind.



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Business Guide Are you comfortable speaking in front of small groups and open to earning a six figure income? For more information please call Laura at: 831-728-5960

30 / April 15th 2015 / Aptos Times www.tpgonlinedaily.com

Featured Columnist

Aptos Village Project Update

By Zach Friend, County Supervisor 2nd District


ver much of the last decade the Aptos Village project has been oft claimed to be “close to fruition.” However, delays had many in our community unsure whether the project would actually become real. Recently, the project developer took some significant steps toward making the Village project closer to reality. As a result, our office has received a lot of interest and number of questions about the project. I wanted to share with you the history of the public process of the project and address some of the questions we’ve heard. What was the public process? etween 2001 and 2010 the County held community meetings to use public input to establish the scope of the project and the kinds of uses that would be promoted as part of the Aptos Village Plan. After this process the Board of Supervisors approved the Aptos Village Plan that set forth design and use standards to specify what a new Aptos town center would look like (I’ve included a link at the end of this article for you to see the Plan). Following the adoption of the Plan in 2010, the County and Barry Swenson Builders began a second outreach process (with numerous community meetings) to refine the goals of the Aptos Village Plan and to incorporate community wants and concerns into a proposed design. The Planning Commission, the Historic Resources Commission, and the Board of Supervisors reviewed the initial development materials in public meetings. The Board of Supervisors ultimately approved the project plans in 2012. What will the Project Contain? he Aptos Village project will have small shops, restaurants, new housing, a community village green and neighborhood park. The Village design calls for tree-lined streets with wide sidewalks to make it pedestrian-friendly and with multiple walking connection points to Soquel and Trout Gulch. Currently, New Leaf Market is scheduled to anchor the Village



with a store in the historic apple barn building. Building heights will be no higher than the current Bayview Hotel and the current upper lot free parking will be increased for visitors that use Nisene Marks Park. What about Water? alid concerns have been raised about water and the new project. The Soquel Creek Water District (SQWD) determines water hookups. The SQWD held public meetings in 2013 and 2014 regarding water hookups for the Village. As part of Soquel Creek Water District’s approval for the Aptos Village Project they required the following elements be included: pervious pavement, bioswales, rain gardens, the establishment of a new well for the SQWD’s use, offsetting the development’s water use by 160%, and replacing low-efficiency water appliances throughout the District’s jurisdiction. This is part of the SQWD’s Water Demand Offset (WDO) Program. According to the SQWD website, the WDO program “was implemented in 2003 to allow development to continue, conserve water and to not further impact the over-drafted groundwater basin. The WDO Policy requires …development projects to offset 1.6 times the amount of water the project is projected to use so that there is a ‘net positive impact’ on the District’s water supply.” Overall, the developer replaced over 550 inef-


ficient water fixtures within the district including the installation of low-flow and no-water urinals and toilets at Cabrillo College. What about Traffic? here is no doubt that with the traffic can be challenging in Aptos. Traffic studies were conducted and traffic engineers determined that adding synchronized signalization between Trout Gulch and State Park Drive would improve traffic flow over current and projected conditions. However, even with signalization the reality of the narrowness of the Aptos Creek Bridge and the road width under the trestle will mean that even with these improvements traffic will still be a challenge. More Information hope this helped provide some additional information about the project. We will be holding a community meeting with representatives from Barry Swenson Builders, the County and Soquel Creek Water District to share more information and answer additional questions. The meeting is April 22 from 6-8 pm at the Rio Sands Hotel, 116 Aptos Beach Dr. in Aptos and you are welcome to attend. Here is the link to the Village Plan: www.sccoplanning.com/ Portals/2/County/Planning/env/ Aptos_Village_Plan.pdf 
 In addition, the project now has a website created by the developer: theaptosvillage.com n ••• As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Please feel free to call at 454-2200.



SPCA Featured Pet

Featured Columnist

How to Be an ‘Environmental’ Investor

Photo Credit: Portia Shao



Corky: Cute Factor of 10

crossword on 25 »

here is a special charm about a dog with only one eye, and Corky, a 10 yearold Shih Tzu, is no exception. If you are looking for a mellow, easygoing guy with a lot of character and cuddle then Corky is your man! We don’t know the story behind his missing eye but whatever it was, he’s moved on and hasn’t looked back. This little man is full of confidence, not much fazes him. He struts around like he owns the place and greets everyone with quiet and calm affection. He can plop down and take a nap anywhere, no matter the commotion, and enjoys but doesn’t require the company of other dogs. He’s great with people, including children. While Corky enjoys walks, he doesn’t need a lot in the way of exercise and would do fine with one walk a day. He does have what vets think to be a benign fatty tumor on his back thigh as well as a luxating patella (floating kneecap) that causes him to “skip” when he gains momentum. But overall Corky is a healthy guy with a cute factor of 10. He’s easy to love! If you would like to help animals like Noah and his orphaned friends, please consider donating to the Santa Cruz SPCA. The Santa Cruz SPCA is a 501c3 charitable organization and receives no government funding, relying solely on public donations to run its many programs that benefit the animals and people of our community. For more information call the Santa Cruz SPCA at 465-5000, or visit www.santacruzspca.org. The SPCA is located at 2685 Chanticleer Avenue in Santa Cruz, CA 95065 and is open to the public Tuesday through Sunday, 11:00 A.M. to 5:00 p.m. n

Spring in the Air © Statepoint Media

ext week, on Wednesday, April 22 we observe the 45th anniversary of Earth Day. Since its inception in 1970, Earth Day has inspired millions of people to take action to improve the environment. But the lessons of environmentalism can also be applied to other areas of life — such as investing. Specifically, as an investor, you may well want to follow the “Three Rs”: reduce, reuse and recycle. Let’s see how these environmental themes can be applied to your investment habits: Reduce — Many of us probably own more things than we really need. In fact, if all the other people on Earth used as much “stuff” as we do in the United States, the planet would need to have three to five times more space just to hold and sustain everybody, according to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. So from an environmental standpoint, it might be smart for all of us to “streamline” our possessions. And the same could be true for our investments — it’s not always a case of “the more, the merrier.” It’s particularly important not to own too many of the same type of investments, because you could suffer a setback in a market downturn that primarily affects those assets. Reuse — One way of being environmentally conscious is to repair, rather than replace, durable goods such as bicycles, washers, dryers, etc. After all, “new” is not always better. Many investors are also prone to tossing out the old and bringing in the new — and not always with the best results. For example, some investors switch their overall strategy every so often in attempts to capitalize on some trend

they have heard about. But you’re almost certainly better off by sticking with a longterm strategy that’s appropriate for your goals, risk tolerance and time horizon. Of course, within your strategy you can make adjustments as your circumstances change over time, but there’s probably no need to toss your entire approach overboard. As you invest, though, always be aware that the value of your investments will fluctuate, and there are no guarantees that you won’t lose value. Recycle — Aluminum cans become airplane parts, old phone books are transformed into textbooks and plastic beverage containers may end up as the carpeting on your floors. It’s truly amazing how recycling can give new life to old, unwanted products. In a way, you can also “recycle” investments that no longer meet your needs, either because your circumstances have changed or because the investments themselves have become fundamentally altered — as is the case when a company in which you invested has shifted its focus or taken its business in a new direction. Instead of just liquidating the investment and using the cash to buy, say, an ultra-high-definition television with all the bells and whistles, you could find a new use for the proceeds in your investment portfolio. To name one possibility, you could use the money to help save for a child’s college education. Or you might use it to help fill other gaps in your portfolio. By following the “reduce, reuse and recycle” philosophy, you can help make the world a “greener” place to live. And by applying the same principles to the way you invest, you can create a healthier environment in which to pursue your important financial goals. n ••• Courtesy Edward Jones Investments – Julie K. Tauriainen, AAMS® Financial Advisor – Michelle Zimny, Branch Office Administrator – 9055 Soquel Dr. Suite D Aptos. Tel # 831662-4565, Email: Michelle.Zimny@ edwardjones.com

www.tpgonlinedaily.com Aptos Times / April 15th 2015 / 31

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