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Cabrillo Host Lions Club Turns 60, By Becky Steinbruner
COMMUNITY NEWS Cabrillo Host Lions Club Turns 60
By Becky Steinbruner
It began with a phone call from the Aptos Postmaster Charles Spencer in 1961, asking Dave Chamberlain, a new dentist in town, if he would support forming a Lions Club in Aptos.
Dave’s wife, Barbara, said “Go for it!” and the Cabrillo Host Lions Club was off with a roar of public service that is still going strong.
On Sunday, April 11, many of the club’s members and honored guests met outside at the Aptos Village County Park to celebrate the 60th anniversary of their Charter. The event included awards to the Aptos High School Leos Club affiliates, induction of two new members, and presentation by Charter member Dave Chamberlain.
In addition to the core focus of helping children and adults improve or recover their eyesight, the Cabrillo Host Lions Club has helped the community in many public service projects.
The group built and donated the Community Center at Aptos Village Park, helped build permanent restrooms at Polo Grounds County Park, added a second sign welcoming all to historic Aptos Village, provides annual scholarships, landscaping at the Wrold War 1 Veterans Memorial Monument on Freedom Boulevard, and is assisting CZU Fire victims.
The Club meets outdoors at the Aptos Village Park once each month until COVID restrictions are lifted to enable them to resume evening meetings inside the Community Center on the second and fourth Thursdays each month.
The Lions Club is an international public service organization with 1.4 million members who seek to improve the world through selfless public service to those in need. n
Photo Credit: Becky Steinbruner Cabrillo Host Lions Club 1961 Charter
Find the Cabrillo Host Lions on Facebook or email cabrillolions@yahoo.com

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