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Unified School District Travel Troubleshooter: Help! Lufthansa canceled our tickets but kept
FEATURED COLUMNIST Travel Troubleshooter
Help! Lufthansa canceled our tickets but kept our money
By Christopher Elliott
When Lufthansa cancels part of Po Yee Fan’s flight from San Francisco to Tirana, Albania, she tries to get a refund for the new ticket. Why won’t the airline help her? •••
Before the pandemic, my husband, my two friends, and I, were supposed to join a Gate 1 tour in Albania. Gate 1 booked us a Lufthansa flight, which consisted of three legs from San Francisco to Tirana via Amsterdam and Frankfurt.
When we checked in at the gate in Amsterdam for the flight to Frankfurt, a Lufthansa representative told us that our reservation had been canceled. The agent at the boarding gate didn’t give us a reason for the cancellation. We had to buy a new ticket to get to Tirana.
When we returned, we sent an email to Lufthansa, requesting a refund for the ticket we had to buy. Lufthansa denied our request. It also rejected our appeal.
Can you help us get a refund of the $1,605 we had to pay for the new tickets? — Po Yee Fan, Oakland, Calif. •••
If Lufthansa canceled the flight, it should refund your ticket. But did Lufthansa cancel your flight?
Your daughter contacted Lufthansa on your behalf. The airline said its records show that while the flight operated on schedule, United Airlines canceled your reservation. (United is a code-share partner with Lufthansa Star Alliance.)
You asked United Airlines for help, but it deferred to Lufthansa. It also noted that you and your husband were “no shows” for your flight to Tirana. That’s not possible since you were traveling as a group, and your two friends boarded the plane as scheduled. If you’re a “no show” for a flight, then the airline automatically cancels the rest of your flights.
This is not the way it’s supposed to work. Gate 1 should have taken ownership of this problem, finding a replacement flight and fighting for any refund. Instead, you were getting bounced between two airlines and a tour operator -- and getting nowhere.
I list the names, numbers and email addresses of all the executive contacts at https://www.elliott.org/companycontacts/gate-1-travel/, https://www. elliott.org/company-contacts/unitedairlines/ and https://www.elliott.org/ company-contacts/lufthansa-airlines/
I probably would have started with Gate 1, since it booked the flights. Since your flights were on Lufthansa, my second stop would have been the German carrier.
It looks like your daughter tried to keep everything in writing, which is helpful. But there’s also a time to get on the phone, and that time was when you were in Amsterdam and didn’t have a ticket to continue to Frankfurt. I would have exhausted every possibility, including calling Gate 1, Lufthansa and United before buying a new ticket. Getting money from an airline is almost impossible.
But not entirely impossible. I contacted all three on your behalf. After several weeks, United sent you a refund for the new flight. n

Christopher Elliott’s latest book is “How To Be The World’s Smartest Traveler” (National Geographic). Get help by contacting him at http://www.elliott.org/help © 2021 Christopher Elliott.
Fictional Monsters

1. “Turkey” dance 5. X minus III 8. Accounting acronym 11. Angel’s glow 12. Like list of chores 13. Inside info 15. “National Velvet” author Bagnold 16. Heavy Metal band
Quiet ____ 17. *Worn by monster hunters and dragonslayers 18. *Sea monster with atomic breath 20. Brooms and cauldrons to a witch, e.g. 21. Subject of biographies, pl. 22. ____ of Aquarius 23. Saudi’s southern neighbor 26. Ceremonial flight 30. “I” problem 31. Sweet-talk 34. Marine eagle 35. The Revenge of the ____, 1984 37. ____ you sure? 38. Desires 39. Russia’s Romanov, e.g. 40. Comfy pants 42. Preceding month 43. Google Maps predecessor, pl. 45. Blackbird-like birds 47. Crow sound 48. Group of professionals 50. Like a bow string 52. *Witch of Russian fairytales 55. ____ con carne 56. G in 1000 g., e.g. 57. Loose hood 59. Was rebroadcasted 60. Prospector’s mother? 61. Bassoon cousin 62. Nod up and down 63. *He played Dracula and Count Dooku 64. *Like Sendak’s Things
1. England’s favorite drink, in French 2. *Addams Family’s
Lurch: “You ____?” 3. A dish of stewed meat 4. Waddle 5. Bridal veil fabric 6. Objects of worship 7. Just a little 8. Michael Douglas’ 1978 mystery thriller 9. Like the Weasleys of
“Harry Potter” 10. Second qtr. calendar month 12. Alex Trebek’s forte 13. Drooping 14. *Jeepers ____, sing. 19. Coats with Zn 22. Tap order 23. Yiddish busybody 24. Opposite of digest 25. Like high ground 26. Pestilence pest 27. Lock horns 28. Darlene or Jacob of
Ozark 29. MCAT and LSAT 32. *Amity Island fish 33. Bonanza find 36. *Transylvanian bloodsucker 38. Shylock’s practice 40. Use a Singer 41. Up until now, 2 words 44. Like luxurious sheets 46. Another name for manatee, 2 words 48. Not kayak 49. Follow rules 50. Shakespearean “you” 51. What snob puts on 52. *Minotaur is half man, half ____ 53. Mongolian desert 54. Deserter’s acronym 55. ____, The Beloved
Country 58. Zeppelin predecessor
In the Agni Yoga Wisdom teachings, there are references to the light from stars, planets, moon and sun vitalizing trees and flowers to be used by humanity as foods, resins, oils and medicines. All these substances are life givers and thus planted in temple gardens. The flowers most mentioned are roses, freesias and lilac and trees of pine, cedar and eucalyptus. Oils are rose, cedar (deodar), eucalyptus, musk and amber and references to wreaths and garlands for healing.
It is written that eucalyptus helps one in clear thinking. Cedar and eucalyptus purify and heal. Pine needles contain electrical energy received from the heavens. The wisdom texts recommend having the fragrance of freesias, gardens of roses, lilacs in the spring, cedars and eucalyptus on the roads leading up to the temple. Roses prevent imperil, freesias benefit the nervous system, barley for lungs is unsurpassed.
Mint (leaves, essence, scent, oil) is a disinfectant. It is also a friend. Plant violets and freesias for their scent. Their fragrance tells one a Benevolent Source is near. Licorice, senna, aloe, Artemisia (wormwood). The juice of carrots or radishes, or strawberries, are best in their raw, pure state. The ancient Rishis subsisted on these foods.
There is alchemy in the plant kingdom. Like Mary pouring myrrh on Christ, the World Teacher’s feet. Symbolizing the power and radiance of love. In ancient temples peacocks were kept. Rays of the sun at dawn are recommended each day. Warm milk, honey and turmeric at night with a spray of pepper. At night the Teacher sends rays of healing to strengthen the heart. Vitalizing our bodies with the indicated “medicines.” April showers bringing forth May flowers. Increasing the prana, the life-force, the breath, the nature-valoris, starry light twinkling within us.
NOTE: As Aries begins a new spiritual and astrological year for humanity, it’s good to review the signs … their habits, proclivities, abilities, needs and tasks. So we can understand each other better and love each other more.

This sign, initiating new ideas, also forms deep habits. As children and students, partners and lovers they need encouragement to be patient, punctual and steadfast. Eventually they move from instinct to illumination to intuition, releasing all that is undisciplined. They must learn how to serve, a principle of liberation, which saves and uplifts the world. They must learn to love or their mission fails.
When not assuming power over others, the lion can be playful, masterly and self-assured. It’s important they see fair play and sportsmanship as more valuable than competitive winning. Leos have a strong constitution and are generous because the Sun shines directly into their hearts. They can often over-reach beyond safety and see themselves as immortal. They are and they aren’t. Only with love is this true.
These secret foodies, also musicians, are adventurous game players. They don’t like defeat. They play long and hard. Ideals and goals form their long-term value system. They’re very sensitive, can lose in games to those who concentrate on repetition and the humdrum. Sagittarius is the opposite of uninspired, never monotonous. Sag is restless, seeks freedom, the archer on the white horse (car), galloping (driving) over the plains. Oops, he’s gone.
This is the sign of illumination, their minds like search lights, directing everyone towards the Path ahead. They can be focused researchers. To accomplish this they must fit themselves for service through exercise, sunlight, pure water, adequate protein, and a balance of work and leisure, comfort and a life without undue discipline. They reach into the source of light, radiating light outward into the darkness.

They stimulate and vivify all life (kingdoms) they contact, acting as a transmitter of knowledge, dispersing information, letting in the radiance of truth. They seek to find their destined service, to act as a bridge between everything and everyone. They are the Antakarana (Rainbow bridge), lifting all kingdoms into heaven (the Soul), bringing heaven down to earth. Gemini’s are to plant nut and avocado trees. Geminis are the seed.
It’s difficult to advise some signs. Cancer and Capricorn are two such signs. They are their own advisors. Cancers are very intelligent, instinctual and later intuitional. They need quietude, repose, tidiness and routine. Often their crabwalk circles these virtues. We need to assist them in accomplishing their tasks with equanimity and joy. Cancer can be fascinated with habits long past their usefulness. Cancers should grow roses and honeysuckle.
These are the students of the zodiac, learning everything in detail before embarking upon a game plan or endeavor. They leave no stone unturned and this provides them with acute perception and an intelligence that harbors great depths (unseen). Sometimes they are shy. Sometimes they are afraid of their intelligence. They turn away from dazzling.
Whatever they do Librans are balanced, have a keen precision, always adjusting to circumstances. Sometimes they shouldn’t. They weigh each move; sometimes are so impartial they cannot compete. This is good for the new Sharing Society that Librans will help create with the New Group of World Servers. Libra is an extraordinary ally with a splendid judgment, always focused on collaboration and harmony. Everyone wins.
The most courageous, the most battle-worn and weary (along with Pisces), the most hard hitting, the most tenacious and persistent (like their shadow, Taurus), the most powerful (internally), the most defended (sometimes), the most feared (by those who don’t understand astrology), the most excessive, with the most desires, the most experienced in knowing the underbelly of society, which is why they always wear black and purple and sunglasses. They understand shadows. •••
They work hard at everything. They’re dignified, prudent and very serious, until their dry sense of humor erupts and everyone’s startled to see the other side of Cap’s solemn demeanor tending to constant tasks at hand. They are traditionalists who overcome criticism or ridicule, which no one should overcome, actually. Their natural somberness needs to be met with light-hearted confidence. Joy seeks them. So the Light supernal within can emerge.
Many are artistic, graceful and unusual. Aquarians consider others’ difficulties through the lens of the future and the past. Aquarians are often misunderstood. As they stand within and from the future, they can be thought of as dreamers. They are the visionaries. No one sees the future as they do. They must always have freedom, never be hemmed in. Their eyesight is extraordinary, sighting objects no one else sees. They do not humiliate. They are praiseworthy.
They win by retreating, never forcing the river, the pace, the play of life. In a Piscean lifetime and world there’s an attempt to perfect an ideal, a spiritual ambition and to gain loving regard. To achieve the ideal they concentrate their mind, emotions and body. Their senses predominate. That is their protection. They see potential. They are vessels of compassion. They are to be protected. “PVUSD Q&A” from page 24
All students were invited to return to in-person instruction. We already have quite a few seniors taking the opportunity to access increased instruction and support.
After the April 28 board meeting, we will have confirmation of our earned credit reduction plan for this year’s seniors. At that point, additional seniors may decide to opt in. Site administrators and counselors will begin to reach out and set appointments to review the individual graduation plans for seniors so students and parents understand the expectations to earn the credit reduction.
Students and families should be aware that the District cannot apply a credit reduction to a State graduation requirement. This Graduation Plan option, if approved, will allow us to serve more juniors and even sophomores to have access to credit recovery options during summer school since fewer seniors will need this option.
Planning is underway for more concurrent credit recovery in the fall 2021 and during winter break 2021-2022 for all high school students. We will continue to prioritize students closest to their graduation year based on teacher availability, but we are confident student opportunities to recover will be available and students will be able to maintain a successful pathway to graduation.
Santa Cruz City Schools has provided detailed ventilation reports for EACH classroom in EACH school within its district. Can you please provide this information for PVUSD schools by classroom?
Yes, we have now included the listing of the ventilation reports by each site and classroom on our Return to In-person Learning website: https://drive.google. com/file/d/1HGvbxZxmwH9Bveb62kBR Quxer7HbzEr3/view
Is food distribution changing now that there is in-person learning in the afternoons?
As we return to in-person learning, Food & Nutrition Services will continue to provide take home meals for all children ages 1-18 through the existing morning meal pickups at 14 locations to support those families who are accustomed to this time.
To help families who may start to take their students to campus in the early afternoons, we have added additional meal pickup windows that coincide with student drop-off times at 13 locations for their convenience. For those who cannot go to either the morning or early afternoon pickups, we also have 2 late afternoon meal distributions that provide a week of food each on Tuesdays at Calabasas and Thursdays at Starlight.
Please find up-to-date meal distribution schedules at pvusdschoolfood.net for full schedule and details. n