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Aptos High Homecoming Parade • Golfing to Fight Brain Cancer


Fall Open House
October 23, 10:00am–2:00pm

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Aptos High Homecoming Parade
Wednesday October 26 • 3-4 p.m., Sumner Avenue (near Camp St. Francis) to Seascape Boulevard
The homecoming parade starts on Sumner Avenue near Camp St. Francis and ends at Seascape Boulevard. Bring your chairs, sit along the street, and watch each class’ float. Everyone is welcome to come and watch. •••
Homecoming Week Themes
Monday Oct. 24: Destination Vacation: Departure Day! — Dress like you’re going to the airport, comfy clothes, airport pillows and bring your books and schoolwork in a suitcase or luggage.
Tuesday Oct. 25: Dynamic Duo Day — Choose a buddy to be the Barnacle Boy to your Mermaid Man, the Thing 2 to your Thing 1 or the Hopper to your Joyce.
Wednesday Oct. 26: Disneyland! — Mickey Mouse ears, Disneyland t-shirts, Princess dresses, and Pixar is Disney, too. So feel free to wear that Incredibles bodysuit.
Thursday Oct. 27: Get Ready for Game Day! — Show your team spirit.
Friday Oct. 28: Class Themes — Freshmen, camping in National Parks, sophomores Carnival in Rio, juniors surf in Oahu and seniors’ night out in New York! Staff can wear Mariner gear or choose any theme.
Also on Friday, The football team will play Alisal at Trevin Dilfer Field. Wear your Mariner blue, blue jeans, blue hair, blue cheeks, etc. The winning class will be announced at halftime; Homecoming royalty court and senior winners will be recognized.
Saturday Oct. 29: Monster Mash — 7-10 p.m. Wear your costume! The first 40 students in costume get a special prize! Tickets go on sale starting Oct. 17 for $10 per person in ASB in a Box on Main Quad. Tickets will NOT be sold at the door. n
Golfing to Fight Brain Cancer
On Oct. 28, tee off to fight brain cancer at Spring Hills Golf Course in Watsonville. This is a fundraiser for Andrew Theriot of Aptos and his family.
It’s a scramble tournament starting at 10 a.m. Cost to play is $125, which includes lunch. Donate $500 to be a hole sponsor.
Andrew, who is 38, has undergone two surgeries chemo and radiation since he was diagnosed with Stage 4 glioblastoma. His wife Stephanie, on leave from teaching math at Aptos High, has been at his side and in charge of his treatment and care during this ordeal while caring for their toddler Audrey.
The latest news: Andrew and Stephanie are expecting a baby, due in early 2023.
While this beautiful, joyous news obviously complicates their situation, it also brings clarity and a reminder of the preciousness of time and the utmost importance of family.
So far, more than 270 people have contributed at www.gofundme.com/f/ support-for-andrew-and-his-family
To register, call Kyle Theriot, Andrew’s brother, 408-893-1701, Broc Carroll, 831-5888537, or Pat Carroll, 831-419-5218.