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Don’t Forget to Vote: You Can Vote Early! • Meet Renaissance High Principal


Don’t Forget to Vote: You Can Vote Early!


In-person voting locations

Due to COVID-19, ballots have been mailed to all voters in the State of California, according to the Santa Cruz County Elections Department.

In addition, in-person voting locations will be provided. Per the Governor’s Executive Orders and new laws, counties can adopt a model of voting that requires in person voting locations based on the number of registered voters: 1/10,000 voters.

Any voter can go to any location.

Services will include: • obtaining a replacement ballot — you do not need to bring in the ballot we mailed you. We can void the previously issued ballot when you come in to vote. • voting and turning in the ballot mailed to you, • using the Tablet to vote on an accessible ballot or a ballot in Spanish, and • registering and voting on the same day.

All locations will adhere to public safety protocols including wearing masks, disinfecting services, using hand sanitizer, keeping physical distances, and washing hands frequently.

Once a location opens for voting, it will remain open through Election Day, Nov. 8, for the following hours each day: • Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm • Saturday, 9 am to 5 pm (begins Oct. 29) • Sunday, 9 am to 5 pm (begins Oct. 30) • Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 8, from 7 am to 8 pm

Locations are subject to change. Check back here before you go!

Opens Oct. 10

Santa Cruz — Santa Cruz County Clerk/

Elections, 701 Ocean St., Room 310.

Watsonville — Watsonville City Clerk’s

Office, 275 Main St., 4th Floor.

Opens Oct. 29

Aptos — Temple Beth El, 3055 Porter

Gulch Rd.

Santa Cruz — Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office, 5200 Soquel Ave.

Scotts Valley — Scotts Valley Community Center, 360 Kings Village Rd.

Opens Nov. 5

Aptos — St. John’s Episcopal Church, 125

Canterbury Dr.

Boulder Creek — Boulder Creek Fire

Station, 13230 Highway 9

Capitola — New Brighton Middle

School, 250 Washburn Ave.

Meet Renaissance High Principal

The new principal of Renaissance High School is Jack Reed.

He has served students since 2001 as a teacher, coach, athletic director, assistant principal and principal at both, middle and high school levels.

Most recently, he was principal of Emerson North Alternative High School in Oklahoma.

He has a bachelor’s degree from CSU San Bernardino in liberal arts with a concentration in English. He has a master’s in education from National University, a multiple subject teaching credential and the California Preliminary Administrative Credential. n

Jack Reed

“PVUSD Q&A” from page 24

The EEA uncovered 15 key findings. One of the key findings and identified steps completed in the first year of implementation of the Roadmap was the need to fully align the District’s graduation requirements to the University of California and California State University admission requirements, thus increasing expectations of our students and their options for post secondary success.

The pandemic resulted in a temporary change to graduation requirements across California.

In accordance with Assembly Bill 104, any student who was enrolled in 11th or 12th grade during the 2020-21 school year and who was not on track to graduate in four years was exempt from local district graduation requirements that are beyond the state-minimum graduation credits and course requirements.

In addition, AB 104 stated that parents/guardians of students who were enrolled in high school during the 2020-21 school year may request to have a letter grade earned for a course changed to a Pass or No Pass on the student’s transcript.

This reduction in credits is not available to upcoming 2023 graduates. n Felton — Zayante Fire Department, 7700

E Zayante Rd. Santa Cruz — Bonny Doon Elementary

School, 1492 Pine Flat Rd. Santa Cruz — Depot Park, 119 Center St. Santa Cruz — Masonic Center, 828 N.

Branciforte Ave. Santa Cruz — UCSC Stevenson Event

Center, 520 Cowell-Stevenson Rd. Scotts Valley — Scotts Valley High

School, 555 Glenwood Dr. Soquel — Soquel High School, 401

Soquel San Jose Rd. Watsonville — La Selva Beach Clubhouse, 314 Estrella Ave. Watsonville — Pajaro Valley Community

Trust, 85 Nielson St.

Watsonville — Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds, 2601 East Lake Ave.

Vote Mobile

Santa Cruz County has a mobile voting trailer that will be used throughout the county. n



1. *Trees in famous Wes

Craven’s horror movie 5. *Vampire’s altered form 8. Sheltered nook 12. Uh-huh 13. Fancy-schmancy 14. Rodgers of the

Packers 15. “At ___,” to a soldier 16. I, to a Greek 17. With clear mind 18. *Popular Halloween decor 20. Alternative to Saran 21. Dionysus’ pipe-playing companion 22. Blue, but not as in color 23. Cause of wheezing 26. To that 30. Corn site 31. To “____ out” a competitor 34. Longship propellers 35. Synchronizes, for short 37. #34 Across, sing. 38. Magazine’s special feature 39. Per person 40. Like a certain fund 42. Thailand native 43. Embarrassed 45. Afternoon nap 47. + or - item 48. Sacrificial spot 50. What libraries do 52. *Eviction of a demon 55. Hair-loving parasite? 56. Cher, e.g. 57. Golfer’s equipment 59. “Beat it!” 60. Celt 61. On its own 62. Type of sailing vessel 63. Old age, archaic 64. Leak through


1. *Michael Myers has only one in “Halloween

Kills” 2. Meadows 3. *Halloween face cover 4. Expression of exasperation 5. Ill-gotten gains 6. 19th century business magnate John Jacob ____ 7. Comparison word 8. *Witch’s pot 9. Killer whale 10. Emptiness 11. Last word in a fairy tale 13. Statue of mourning

Virgin Mary, pl. 14. Aquarium scum 19. Light sources 22. Pronoun for a ship 23. Away from harbor (2 words) 24. Popular animal protein replacement, pl. 25. a.k.a. doctor fish 26. Through, in a text 27. Sunrise side, pl. 28. *Not a trick 29. Plural of ostium 32. Common second person pronoun contraction 33. *Witch’s four-legged companion 36. *Leatherface’s signature weapon 38. Hipbone-related 40. Family ____ and wing____ 41. Stellar 44. Data transmitting device 46. Kane and Goldberg, of

TV 48. Type of rotation 49. Cherished 50. Nessie’s home 51. European currency 52. Competitive advantage 53. Uncontrolled swerve 54. Remote control option 55. Dropped hallucinogen 58. Gene Vincent’s “Dance to the ____”

Libra is the sign of choice. Located between Virgo (earth) and Scorpio (deep waters), Libra oscillates between the two, moving up and down and in between multiple ideas, choices and realities. It is with great difficulty that Librans make decisions. So often Librans are paralyzed between two equal yet opposing thoughts.

An observant parent or friend, understanding astrology and that choice and decision making is difficult for Librans, can step in with assistance, helping them to actually make a choice. It is a delicate state to be in on both sides. But it is very important for friends, family, loved ones to understand that for most Librans, there is suffering in both making a choice and not making a choice. So they need help. Knowing this, being obervers, we can then step in with understanding help. It is most essential to do this for Libra.

Libra is the charmer of the zodiac. They love peace and harmony and ease of interaction. They are happiest having fun, being social, at parties in beautiful environments. Libras want everyone to be happy. Needing to keep the peace, not wanting to hurt feelings, Libra can have difficulty saying “no”. Thus, they are natural peace-keepers with a deep sense of mercy and justice, seeking balance and harmony in all relationships. Libra is air (element), thus a thinking sign, both instinctual and intuitive. Libra is concerned with relationships. They have many in order to learn how to be in relationships, how to give and take, how to balance self (Aries) with “other” (Libra). Libra combines the “I & Thou.”

Libra’s are natural negotiators, diplomats, ambassadors. They act like Capricorn sometimes (strict ). Libras are beautiful and artistic (Venus ruled) even if they do create clutter and chaos at times. That’s really the sign of an artistic creative mind. Libra charms themselves through everything. Note: Sun enters Scorpio Sunday, October 23. The call to Disciples as the Nine Tests begin! n

ARIES A potent time of change is occurring. Strong desires and powerful emotions can act like ocean swells almost overcoming your ability to think. Alternately, they offer you courage to go where others, even angels, cannot. Tend to finances and resources held with another. Something’s expanding. Hopefully love and communication in relationships. Don’t be ruthless and don’t seek to conquer. Work always with and not over. A leader such as you understands cooperation.

LEO The themes continue – communication with family, parents, tending to home, property, traditions. Creating your own traditions. Something seeks balancing concerning your perception of family and/or parents and making peace with memories filtering through daily life. The old anger doesn’t work or hold up anymore. It actually weakens the body. The starry energies are helping to beautify, repair and organize the environments you live and work in. Prepare your home for an unusual ever-changing future.

SAGITTARIUS Your strength is hidden and veiled for a while. Only you are aware of it resting like a coiled snake within. Next to your strengths are desires and aspirations. They are secret, too. Sometimes you don’t know your motivation for choosing things, actions, people. Sometimes you feel you’re in a conspiracy. Your past comes to brood over you. You wonder do you have enemies? To overcome this seeming strangeness, enter into a new creative endeavor. Know that you’re just in a state of completing karma. A good thing.

TAURUS You ponder upon your relationship in terms of love, sacrifice and usefulness. You encourage others to work and cooperate with you. Careful with your energy in relationships. You could create a separation through unaware tendencies, anger and harsh communication. On the other hand, there’s great ability to compromise if you begin a deep listening of other’s needs. Learn the art of negotiation and deeper cooperation. Venus is your guardian angel.

VIRGO You’re remembering and contemplating events in the past. Considering previous partnerships, lovers, friends. Careful not to intimidate or weaken yourself with critical thoughts. Gathering information should be very easy now. Allow a natural rhythm to occur with daily life, work, arrangements and plans. Begin to write Halloween (then Thanksgiving) cards by hand, using pen, ink, envelopes, stamps and a secret seal you make yourself. This is a creative meditation.

CAPRICORN You have hopes, wishes and dreams and want to express yourself socially with friends and associates. You want to be part of a group that recognizes your talents, gifts, abilities and goodness. A group that doesn’t judge or criticize when you make unusual artistic moves or speak a truth. You’re strong, at times revolutionary. Don’t change. Review goals, create a manifestation journal. Write daily wants and needs, creative plans and how you see yourself in the future. I see beauty and a book.

GEMINI You become creative and strong with desires and emotions pushing you towards certain goals. It’s important to practice extreme care and safety especially while doing any physical labor lest accidents, falls, burns, cuts, things red and scratchy occur. Be kind to those around you. A lot of fire trucks, police and emergency vehicles pass by. Things filled with love, pass by too. A bit like what you’ve become. Remember patience gets you everywhere and everything.

LIBRA You enjoy making, having and using money. Money is a resource, a way to help others. It provides freedom and choice. It can be used to create more wealth. We are given the gifts of money and resources so we can help others. Money helps rebuild the lives of humanity in need. Tithe ten percent of your income to those in need. The oldfashioned word for giving is “charity.” Tithing insures a constant flow of return. Be sure to tend to someone in the family in need. They miss you. And now words for you - It’s good to be frivolous sometimes.

AQUARIUS You’re becoming an adventurer, traveler, and philosopher. Justice and mercy become a focus. You see where humanity is caught in polarization, duality, judgment and despair. You love humanity. Aquarius is the sign of humanity. You worry, sensitive to humanity’s needs. You wonder where you stand as part of humanity. An excellent question. You benefit by traveling, undergoing change, moving about here and there. Gradually, you become a world server, actually serving humanity. A disciple.

CANCER You need some extra added pleasure, love and romance, or perhaps its sports, competitive and disciplined. However, most likely you are thinking about home and children, showering them with gifts that nurture and nourish. In turn they may not be able to respond as you need or expect. Their energies are high, fast, a bit wild and almost uncontrollable. This will pass. However, you continue to patiently watch over them with care. And do allow yourself to be a bit foolhardy at times.

SCORPIO You find strength, stamina and endurance growing stronger each day. They help in meeting and responding to unusual challenges that always seem to be appearing along your way. As you pursue for yourself independence, liberty and freedom, your self-identity slowly expands. Careful not to bump your head. Careful of fire. Wear the colors red, orange and violet. Each day, complete all projects. Plan your next ones. Your intuition reaches out to help others.

PISCES A renewal, restoration, renaissance is occurring, internally, allowing a new sense of self-confidence to come forth. You sometimes question who and what you are. Wondering if you have real needs, hopes, wishes, desires, dreams. Your needs are very important. Pisces often serves others before serving themselves. You must now turn your energies inward and seek your own counsel, reliability, safety and trust. Entrusting yourself to your own self. The past presents itself. Then disappears. A whole new world is about to appear. It’s supported by the stars.

“Wildfire Risk Guidance” from page 18 • Project Density: Project density influences how likely a fire is to start or spread, and how likely it is that the development and its occupants will be in danger when a fire starts. Local governments should strive to increase housing density and consolidate design, relying on higher density infill developments as much as possible. • Location: Project placement in the landscape relative to fire history, topography, and wind patterns influences wildfire risk. Local governments should limit development along steep slopes and amidst rugged terrain to decrease exposure to rapid fire spread and increase accessibility for firefighting. • Water Supply and Infrastructure: As part of evaluating a project’s wildfire risk impacts, local governments should analyze the adequacy of water supplies and infrastructure to address firefighting within the site. Local governments should consider requiring on-site water supply or storage to augment ordinary supplies that may be lost during a wildfire. • Evacuation and Emergency Access: Evacuation modeling and analysis should be completed prior to the development’s approval and include evaluation of the capacity of surrounding roadways, project impacts on existing evacuation plans, and proximity to existing fire services, among other factors. Local governments should consider placing developments close to existing road and evacuation infrastructure, and where appropriate, constructing additional roads to facilitate evacuations. • Fire Hardening Structures and Homes: Home hardening has been shown to be an extremely effective measure for preventing structure loss during a wildfire. Local governments should require developers to upgrade building materials and use installation techniques to increase the development’s resistance to heat, flames, and embers beyond what is required in applicable building codes.

Home hardening by itself may not be an adequate mitigation measure in all situations, according to the guideance.

During the Camp Fire, which swept through Paradise in 2018, homes built before and after the 2008 Building Code update were destroyed at roughly equal rates. Home hardening to comply with the 2008 Building Code alone did not meaningfully effect survivability of a home; rather, proximity to other destroyed structures, the extent of vegetative overstory, and defensive space around homes was more relevant.

To the Attorney General, this highlights the importance of combining measures, with awareness to landscape conditions, to maximize public safety and minimize wildfire-related losses. n •••

The guidance is posted at https://oag. ca.gov/system/files/attachments/pressdocs/2022.10.10%20-%20Wildfire%20 Guidance.pdf

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