Your Window Coverings and Increase Your Safety, Style and Savings ... 14
From Seed; Beans, Beets, Cucumbers, Kale, Peas, Radishes, Salad Greens, Squash, Swiss Chard ... 18 4 Budget-Friendly Ideas to Freshen up Indoor Spaces ... 20
Living With Fire in Santa Cruz County
The danger of wildfires in Santa Cruz County reminds us all about the need to be proactive in preventing the spread of fires. This publication has been distributed in order to provide Santa Cruz County residents a comprehensive resource of fire prevention information.
Santa Cruz County has grown tremendously in the past decade with more homes and neighborhoods spreading into the rural and fire hazardous areas of the Santa Cruz Mountains. Being a property owner in these areas, as in all areas of the County, means taking on the responsibility to insure that your home and neighborhood is fire safe. By following the guidelines in this publication and contacting your local fire district/agency or the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection for further information and assistance you can insure that your home, property, loved ones and neighbors are well prepared for a potential fire event.
Aptos/La Selva Beach Fire Protection District: (831) 685-6690
Ben Lomond Fire Protection District: (831) 336-5495
Boulder Creek Fire Department: (831) 338-7222
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection/Santa Cruz County Fire Department: (831) 335-5353
Central Fire Protection District (serving Capitola, Live Oak, Soquel): (831) 479-6842
Felton Fire Protection District: (831) 335-4422
Santa Cruz City Fire Department: (831) 420-5280
Scotts Valley Fire Protection District: (831) 438-0211
University of California Santa Cruz Fire Department: (831) 459-3473
Watsonville Fire Department: (831) 728-6060
Zayante Fire Protection District: (831) 335-5100
The Coast-Cascade Region of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
The CDF Mission
The Department of Forestry and Fire Protection protects the people of California from fires, responds to emergencies and protects and enhances forest, range and watershed values providing social, economic and environmental benefits to rural and urban citizens.
Fire Plan
The California Board of Forestry and the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CDF) have developed a fire plan for wildland fire protection in California. The goal of the plan is to reduce the overall costs and losses from wildfire in California.
The Santa Cruz County Fire Chiefs Association
The purpose of the Santa Cruz Fire Chiefs Association is to:
Conduct meetings at regular intervals to discuss matters pertinent to County Wildfire service issues
Promote uniformity of the fire service throughout the County
Provide a medium for exchange of information and ideas among fire service personnel
Develop and coordinate solutions to fire service problems that are common throughout the County
Exercise and evaluate various County fire service operational plans
Promote the general welfare of the public and fire service
The Santa Cruz County Chipper Program
The Santa Cruz County Fire Chiefs Association has purchased a chipper for use by local fire districts and fire departments to assist neighborhood and road associations with fuel load management projects in the County. For further information on the Chipper Program, refer to the back cover of this informational guide.
This publication has been revised and printed by the Santa Cruz County Resource Conservation District through a grant from the Sacramento Regional Foundation’s Community-based Wildfire Prevention Program.
For more information the City of Santa Cruz has an online downloadable 20 page PDF (Living With Fire in Santa Cruz County: A Guide for Homeowners) outlining all fire measures and FAQs such as:
Weed Abatement
Defensible Space
Fire Preparation (and if it approaches your property)
Wild Land Firefighting
Fire Safe Landscape Design (drought and fire resistant vegetation)
Living in a small home? There are a lot of ways to increase the visual appearance of your space, even if you can’t increase your actual square footage. This includes a wide variety of paint colors that make a room look bigger — and feel bigger, too.
By making smart choices with your home’s color schemes, you can give the illusion of more space and help make better use of the space that you have.
Pale blue
Pale blue is a gentle shade that offers a soothing, calming touch to any room. It also works to make a room feel bigger, particularly when combined with other light colors on the ceiling, trim, and doors.
Our picks:
Benjamin Moore Bright and Early
Behr Beach Foam
Blush pink
Blush pink is an unexpected but inspiring neutral, taking on an almost peach-like hue in rooms where natural light is lacking. Complement it with other, more conservative neutrals like beige and white for balance and you should end up with a room that feels bigger and brighter than it did before.
Our picks:
Benjmain Moore First Light
Behr Rosewater
Dark blue
If you’d rather go dark with your blue, consider dark blue shades like navy and indigo. When used wisely — such as on an accent wall, with color blocking, or paired with similarly hued accents — these rich tones can heighten the drama of your space, and by default, its sense of size.
Our picks:
Valspar Indigo Streamer
Cool gray
Grays in a variety of shades are another great replacement for white, though when you’re considering room size, opt for a cool shade to add brightness and depth, particularly in rooms that only receive moderate amounts of light.
Our picks:
Behr Platinum
Benjamin Moore Graytint
Light green
The perfect light green can quickly open up your space while also providing soothing aspects similar to light blue. For an updated look, opt for a muted sage or moss tone instead of going more traditional.
Our picks:
Benjamin Moore October Mist
Backdrop Road to Todos Santos
continued on page 12 ...
Crisp white
We’d be remiss if we left white off of this list of colors that make a room feel bigger. That being said, white isn’t foolproof for this purpose, and might look drab (and have the opposite effect) in an otherwise dark room. Stick to a crisp hue and keep it bright and airy with natural wood accents and plenty of plants, plus a pop or two of color where appropriate. Our picks:
Benjamin Moore Decorators White
Creative Ways to Make a Room Look Bigger With Paint
How you use paint in a room can be just as important as what colors you choose for making a room look and feel bigger than it is. Try these techniques to expand your space and make the best use of your available square footage.
Paint an accent wall
Accent walls serve as de facto focal points in a room. They can also lend an additional dimension to a space that needs it. You can choose to paint one accent wall or mix it up by painting two walls in a darker shade and two walls in a lighter shade within the same color family. As a good rule, keep your accent wall (or accent walls) to the longer walls in a room and go lighter with the shorter walls.
Paint the ceiling
If you want to add the illusion of height to a room, look up. In smaller rooms, painting the ceiling a light color can heighten the overall feel of the space. And it doesn’t have to be a shade of white, either. Turn tradition on its head by using a crisp white on the walls and trim with a pop of color on the ceiling.
Consider what direction your windows face
Some things that you’ll want to keep in mind when picking and choosing what paint colors and techniques will help enlarge your space include what direction your windows face (east and west will provide you with the most natural light, while north and south will have the opposite effect), as well as what other color accents you have in the room.
Pay attention to clutter
Clutter – whether it’s in the form of actual stuff or too many hues – will close in your space, while opening it up with a monochromatic palette could work in your favor.
Frequently Asked Questions About Colors That Make a Room Look Bigger
What color makes your room look bigger?
There are quite a few, though most people tend to choose lighter paint colors like off-whites, light neutrals and pastels.
Do darker colors make rooms look bigger?
Surprisingly, yes. Contrary to traditional thinking, dark colors can create an illusion of depth thus enlarging the room visually. Plus, they make a bold statement.
Do warm colors make the room seem bigger?
Cool colors tend to open up a room more than warm ones, but peach-like hues can work well. Taupes with pink red or yellow undertones are good options as well.
Update Your Window Coverings and Increase Your Safety, Style and Savings
It’s time to welcome the fall and winter into our homes and embrace the new season. For many of us, this time of year is a chance to renew and re-organize. Fall and the Holiday season isn’t just about dusting and decluttering; it’s also an opportunity to modernize and improve your living spaces.
This includes updating your window coverings, especially if you have infants or young children. Let’s explore the reasons why switching to cordless window coverings can enhance both the aesthetics and safety of your home.
Hazards of Corded Window Coverings
Traditional corded window coverings may seem harmless, but they pose significant risks, especially in homes with young children. The dangling cords can become entangled, leading to accidents such as strangulation. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), corded window coverings are one of the top hidden hazards in the home. Find out more from the Window Covering Safety Council.
Style Benefits
Cordless options not only eliminate the risk of entanglement but also offer a sleek, modern aesthetic. Consider options for durable materials that can withstand daily wear and tear and choose colors and patterns that complement your existing decor. With cordless window coverings, you can achieve a clean and clutter-free look while ensuring the safety of your loved ones.
Save Money with Cordless Window Coverings
Did you know using the right window coverings can help you SAVE money? When selecting cordless window coverings for your home, consider energy-efficient window coverings, which can help you save on energy bills as window attachments help regulate the amount of sunlight and heat that enters and exits a home. Find out how you can increase your energy savings and comfort with AERC certified products. BPT
Featuring Graber and Hunter Douglas Custom Draperies and Roman Shades!
Go Green With Home Cleaners
If you’re among those looking for ways to clean your home while also going green, it may be easier than you think.
Consider these easy and affordable solutions to help you live more environmentally friendly. You may be surprised to find you already have many of these household products on hand.
Baking soda: A natural, safe, effective and gentle solution, baking soda can serve multiple home cleaning needs. Make a paste of three parts baking soda to one part water. Rub onto silver with a clean cloth or sponge. Rinse thoroughly and dry for shining serving or decor pieces. Additionally, you can sprinkle baking soda on upholstery and carpet to get rid of odors.
Vinegar: With the acidity to help get rid of dirt and grime around the home, vinegar can be used to clean cloudy glassware. Simply soak paper towels or a cloth in full-strength white distilled vinegar and wrap around both the inside and outside of the glass. Let sit before rinsing clean. To remove lime deposits on your tea kettle, add 1/2 cup distilled white vinegar to the water and let it sit overnight. In the morning, boil the vinegar for a few minutes then rinse with water.
Lemons: With a fresh, natural smell, lemons have the acidity to remove soap scum, clean and shine brass and remove hard water deposits. Just spray some lemon juice on tile surfaces to remove soap scum or hard water deposits. Squeeze lemon juice on a cloth and use to polish brass around the home.
Houseplants: Plants serve as natural air purifiers. African violets and ferns are beautiful ways to help clear the air.
Other easy, green ideas for keeping your home clean include opening windows and doors while you clean to improve air quality and taking off your shoes when you come inside, which can help avoid tracking dust, dirt, pollen and more throughout the house.
Visit for more eco-friendly advice. Family Features. Photo courtesy of Unsplash.
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Most of the vegetables typically grown in a home garden can be sown directly in the garden soil. These include salad greens of all kinds – lettuces, mizuna, arugula, spinach, and mustards – as well as beans and peas, root vegetables, summer and winter squash, and cool season cooked greens like kale and chard.
First, prepare the garden bed, loosening the soil and incorporating plenty of compost. Then, simply follow the guidelines below. In just weeks, your bountiful, delectable summer harvest will begin!
Left to right: Bean seedling, lettuce seedlings, chard seedling
Beans may be pole beans, or they may have a bush habit. In either case, wait until nighttime temps stay consistently above 50ºF to sow. For bush beans, poke seeds into the soil about an inch deep and 4 inches apart in rows that are about 1½ feet apart. Two sowings, about 3 weeks apart, will extend the harvest. For pole beans, be sure set up the trellis prior to planting time.
Beet seeds are actually clusters of seeds. Once danger of frost has passed plant them about an inch apart and ½ inch deep—and don’t be surprised if clumps of seedlings emerge. Thin them to about 2 inches apart when they are an inch or two tall, and again as the plants develop. When plants are 3 inches apart and plump enough for your purposes, you can harvest some at the baby stage, allowing others to enlarge.
Cucumbers will be set back by cold nights, so wait until nighttime temps stay above 50ºF. Sow 5 or 6 seeds, covered by an inch of soil, in a low mound, and thin to the 3 best plants as they start to develop. In a small garden, you can grow cucumbers up a trellis or fence.
Kale seeds can be sown in early spring, about 2 inches apart and ½ inch
deep. Thin plants to about 12 inches apart when they are 3 to 4 inches tall, using the trimings in salads. Begin harvesting outside leaves when plants have at least 6 sets of leaves. A second kale sowing in late summer will provide greens into the winter.
Peas, especially edible-podded peas, are a productive spring crop. They require some support, so plant seeds next to a fence or erect a structure to support them before planting. Sow seeds an inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart in early spring. Generally, no thinning is needed.
Radish seeds can be sown in early spring, spaced 1 inch apart and covered with ½ inch of soil. Thin them early to 2 inches apart to give them room to develop. Rather than planting a big row, sow small amounts a week apart for a continuous harvest.
Salad Greens, planted thickly in wide rows, can be harvested two or even three times. Make successive small sowings until the weather turns hot for a steady supply of baby greens. Beginning in early spring, broadcast the seeds so that they fall about an inch apart and cover with ¼ inch of soil. Firm gently and keep the bed evenly moist. Harvest with scissors when they are 4 to 5 inches tall, and allow the plants to regrow.
Squash will be set back by cold nights, so wait to plant until nighttime temps stay above 50ºF. Sow 4 or 5 seeds in a low mound, covered by an inch of soil, and thin to the 2 best plants as they start to develop. Summer squash, such as zucchini or patty pan, are tender and tasty when harvested young, no larger than 6 inches. If you have the space, you can also plant summer and winter squashes in staggered rows.
Swiss Chard seeds, like beets, are clustered seeds. Sow them ½ inch deep and 2 inches apart once danger of frost has passed. Thin the seedlings when they develop two sets of leaves and add the thinnings to salads. Final spacing should be 12 to 15 inches apart.
4 Budget-Friendly Ideas to Freshen up Indoor Spaces
Whether you’re fatigued by seeing the same decor every day or simply looking for an opportunity to refresh indoor spaces with an appealing mini makeover, rethinking your favorite room in the house doesn’t need to be an expensive ordeal.
Even if your budget is tight, you can still make small changes to transform a room. Consider these ideas:
Bring stylish flair to your space with a new color scheme. Rather than replacing all the furniture, which can be costly, focus on smaller accessory pieces such as pillows and decorative items. Create variety by using multiple hues of the same color or mixing two or more complementary colors.
Introduce new accent furniture. Smaller and less cost-prohibitive than centerpieces like a couch, for example, accent pieces such as end tables or a coffee table can provide subtle changes to the look of a room. You could also opt to refinish a piece of furniture you have on-hand to create a look that’s all your own.
Morph your room by simply rearranging what you already own. Adjusting the orientation of your furniture and decor can let you see your favorite room from a whole new perspective.
Whether it’s a flea market find, such as an old window frame that you paint and add a display shelf to the base, or a series of photos from your favorite vacation destination, adding some DIY art can not only update your room, but make it more personal, too.
A new look for your favorite room can go a long way, so find ways to update your space for a comfy retreat you can enjoy. Find more ideas at eLivingtoday. com. Family Features. Photo courtesy of Unsplash
Create Your Accessory Dwelling Unit
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are a secondary housing unit that can be attached or detached accessory structure associated with single or multifamily dwellings. ADUs are part of the solution to Santa Cruz County’s critical housing shortage and high housing costs.
What is an ADU?
An ADU is an independent residential dwelling unit located on a lot with a primary dwelling unit. ADUs must include permanent provisions for living.
The Permit Process
An ADU requires a building permit using the County’s online ePlan review process:
To apply for a permit, you will need construction plans and the application fee. For a complete list of required application materials, review the ePlan website or visit the Building Counter on the 4th Floor of the Government Center at 701 Ocean Street.
I addition Fire districts, water agencies, and sanitation agencies (Dept. of Public Works sanitation or Environmental Health Services) review building permits for compliance. Applicants in the Soquel Creek Water District must receive a “Will Serve” letter for New Construction ADUs.
What is the Santa Cruz ADU incentive program?
The County of Santa Cruz is launching a new Accessory Dwelling Unit Incentives Program focused on helping homeowners in the unincorporated areas navigate the process of adding an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) to their homes.
How many bedrooms can an ADU have in California?
California state law does not allow a limit on the number of bedrooms in an ADU. Limiting the number of bedrooms can be considered discriminatory towards protected classes and impede the development of new ADUs. Local governments cannot adopt ordinances that impose bedroom limits for new ADUs.
How much does an ADU increase property taxes in California?
The taxes you pay on the primary home will not change. So, to go back to our previous example: let’s say that you just completed an ADU project, and the ADU cost $200,000 to build. If your combined city-county property tax rate is 1%, you’d pay an additional $2,000/year in property taxes going forward.
For more information on ADU’s visit:
Central Coast’s Year-Round Gardening Paradise
The Central Coast region offers gardeners a unique opportunity to cultivate thriving gardens throughout the year due to our cool summers and mild winters.
Embrace Year-Round Growing
Unlike many parts of the country, the Central Coast’s Mediterranean climate allows for a continuous growing season. Fall, in particular, is a magical time for gardeners—considered our second spring. As summer-flowering plants and vegetables fade, cooler temperatures offer perfect conditions for planting winter vegetables and spring-blooming bulbs.
In the fall, plant spring-blooming bulbs: Plant daffodils, tulips, and irises in fall for a colorful spring display. These hardy bulbs will establish strong roots over winter.Sow cool-season vegetables: Take advantage of the mild climate by planting broccoli, kale, lettuce and other greens, and root vegetables for a bountiful winter harvest.
Support Pollinators with Native Plants
Incorporating California native plants into your fall garden not only creates a beautiful, water-wise landscape, but also supports local ecosystems and native pollinators. Fall is the ideal time to plant natives, but providing the plants time to establish a good root system while the soil is warm and take advantage winter rain. Find the right California native plants for your garden by visiting Some popular California natives to your garden include:
California Fuchsia (Epilobium canum): This drought-tolerant perennial produces striking red flowers that attract hummingbirds.
Coyote Mint (Monardella villosa): A fragrant, pollinator-friendly plant with purple flowers that bloom into fall.
Coast Buckwheat (Eriogonum latifolium): Featuring clusters of pink or white flowers, this plant provides food for butterflies and birds.
California Aster (Symphyotrichum chilense): This late-blooming perennial offers lovely purple flowers that brighten autumn gardens.
Salvias (sages): There are a variety of California salvias which thrive in our region which attract native pollinators, provide seeds for birds, and are drought-tolerant.
Give Your Planting Beds a Rest
While the Central Coast’s climate allows for year-round gardening, occasionally leaving a bed fallow benefits your garden’s long-term health. A fallow period gives the soil a chance to rest, potentially breaking pest and disease cycles which can develop with continuous cultivation. This practice can improve soil structure, increase beneficial microorganism
activity, and naturally restore nutrients. If you’re battling persistent weeds, a fallow period can help reduce the weed seed bank in the soil. Additionally, resting a planting area--particularly after harvesting vegetables considered “heavy feeders”--provides an opportunity to deeply enrich your soil without competing with actively growing crops. By investing in a fallow period during fall and winter, your soil will have better tilth, moisture retention, setting your spring garden up for a bountiful spring.
And you’ll have more time to plan for next year’s growing season!
As you embrace the unique growing conditions of the Central Coast, incorporate native plants and sustainable practices, you’ll create beautiful, thriving landscapes that flourish throughout the year.
About UC Master Gardeners of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties
UC Master Gardeners of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties is an all-volunteer organization serving Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz Counties. Our mission is to empower people with knowledge and skills to grow food and garden sustainably, protecting California’s natural resources. UC Master Gardener programs include a gardening advice line, a demonstration garden, events, low-cost classes and special projects. UC Master Gardeners of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties is a program of the UC Agriculture and Natural Resources.
If you have any questions, Master Gardeners are available to answer! Visit for a list of free or low-cost workshops and classes or to submit a question online for our garden advice team.
Santa Cruz 2024 Market Snapshot
Santa Cruz County Housing Statistics
Santa Cruz County Housing Statistics
Modern Kitchen Trends
The kitchen is the heart of the home, so making it the place to be is essential. A kitchen must be both functional and stylish. It has the potential to completely transform your daily life. While you may see kitchens in a variety of styles and find them all beautiful in their own way, finding inspiration for your dream kitchen often requires sorting through many different considerations. From transitional to modern and every style in-between, these ideas can help you decide what suits your home while also fitting your personal tastes.
When planning your remodel you want to start with finishes and styles, Your selections allow you to combine your personal style with everyday luxury. Start with defining your style, farm, modern, rustic or a combination of those looks. Follow that style with a finish that accents the look. Farm can be bronze or black hardware, modern can be gold or stainless and rustic goes great with forged metal. Then choose your cabinet design consider the look and color should follow your style that you’ve selected. Don’t take lightly selecting your counter tops, flooring and lighting as that can be the icing on the cake in finishing your kitchen.
There are numerous options available, so take your time to find the best fit for you. Explore our all finishes and styles to find the perfect design that reflects your personality.
Recycle Your Graywater to Landscape
Rebate Information
Up to $400 per household for clothes washer to landscape systems! Up to $1,000 per household for dual plumbed shower/bath and bathroom sink to landscape systems! The rebate applies to single or two-unit residential buildings only. Visit
Clothes washing machine to landscape or “Laundry to Landscape” (doesn’t need a building permit)
Bathtub and/or shower to landscape (requires a building permit) Bathroom sink to landscape (requires a building permit)
Graywater systems must meet all applicable state and local requirements to prevent potential health threats and environmental contamination. Please refer to the Graywater System Regulatory Requirements regarding state and local graywater system requirements.
Complete rebate eligibility requirements are listed on the Graywater System Rebate Application (PDF).
What is Graywater?
You can save water and money during the irrigation season when you use graywater to irrigate instead of or in addition to potable (i.e. drinking) water. A benefit of using graywater is that it is generated year-round and is thus readily available when needed during the irrigation season. Although the amount of water you can save is dependent upon the specific size and design of your landscape, landscape water typically accounts for about 25% of total residential water use during the dry season.
Graywater is: wastewater from showers/baths, bathroom sinks, and clothes washing machines only. Graywater may contain fats, oils, grease,
hair, lint, soaps, and household cleaners. However, it can be safely used to irrigate most landscapes (except root crops or edible crops that touch the soil) as long as regulatory requirements and guidelines are followed.
Graywater is not: wastewater from kitchen sinks, dishwashers, or toilets, or from clothes washing machines when used to wash diapers or other infectious garments. Wastewater from these sources is referred to as “blackwater” and cannot be used due to the risk of contamination by bacteria, viruses and other pathogens.
Rain Catchment
REBATE APPLICATION (PDF) – Rebate Information
$25 per barrel or $25 per 100 gallons storage capacity. The rebate amount cannot exceed the purchase price of the rain catchment system. Sales tax and labor are not included.
Collect rainwater from your roof and use it to irrigate your landscape. In addition to saving water, rain catchment systems help prevent stormwater runoff and pollution and help to recharge groundwater. Determine how much water can be collected from your roof with a simple formula. Our area gets about 29 inches of rain per year.
Soquel Creek Water District (SqCWD) offers the following rain catchment rebates:
$25 per barrel (for barrels with a storage capacity of 50 to 100 gallons)
$25 per 100 gallons of storage capacity (for tanks/cisterns with a storage capacity of 100 to 3,000 gallons)
Our rain catchment rebates provide flexibility as there are many different types and sizes of rain catchment systems including single or multiple rain barrels, large tanks, and below-ground cisterns.
Backflow Prevention Requirements
All rain catchment systems or large amounts of stored water (like in a pool or hot tub) can pose a risk of backflow or back siphoning into the water system if a hose is submerged in the water. For this reason, all hose spigots should have a hose bib vacuum breaker (HBVB) installed before the hose connection. The Soquel Creek Water District provides these HBVBs for free to install on all hose bibs at the property. Request a HBVB delivery by emailing the Conservation Department.
If the tank is connected to the potable water system in any way, a backflow prevention device or double-check valve is required to be installed at the water meter and annual testing is required.
5,000 gallons or more total storage: backflow prevention is required
301 gallons to 4,999 gallons of total storage and are disconnected from the potable water system: No backflow devices are required but an annual inspection by the District’s cross-connection control specialist is required and all hose spigots must have vacuum breakers.
300 gallons or less total storage: No backflow prevention device or inspection is required but all hose spigots must have vacuum breakers. These are provided for free from the District.
Rain Catchment System Rebate Eligibility If you have any questions regarding rain catchment rebates or need additional information, please call our Conservation Department at 831-475-8500.
Urban Gardening – A Complete Guide to Growing Your Own Food
Utilizing vertical structures like trellises and wall planters to efficiently use small spaces for gardening are very rewarding. Choosing plants that suit your environment will dictate your success, considering your sunlight and water needs for a healthy garden. Use quality potting mix will make a big difference and enriching your soil with organic compost, consider homemade compost for soil health. Plan plant layout for growth space, and after that maintain with regular watering, pruning, and pest control. Regularly observe and adjust your garden layout and care as it grows and changes. Prevent pests with disease-resistant plants, having a clean gardening spaces, and natural predators or organic pesticides will help with pests.
What You Need to Get Started for successfully gardening in small spaces:
Selection of plants (herbs, succulents, vegetables)
Watering system (drip irrigation, watering cans)
Nutrient-rich fertilizer
Gardening tools (pruners, trowel)
Drainage solutions (pebbles, drainage holes)
Protective gear (gloves, gardening apron)
Urban Vertical Gardening – A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide: Urban gardening vertically is an innovative way to transform limited city spaces into lush, green environments. You must first decide on where your vertical garden is going. On a balcony, on a roof, or by a sunny window.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:
1. Assess Your Space
Urban gardening offers a versatile way to green up city spaces, whether on a balcony, near a sunny window, or on a rooftop.
A balcony garden provides a manageable, contained space ideal for beginners, allowing for easy care and accessibility. Gardening near a sunny window caters to smaller plant varieties, perfect for those with limited outdoor space, and ensures plants get ample sunlight throughout the day.
Rooftop vertical gardens, while requiring more structural consideration, offer a larger canvas for a diverse range of plants and potentially greater environmental impact.
The choice depends on your space, sunlight availability, and gardening ambitions, with each option offering unique benefits for creating a lush urban oasis.
10 Unusual Hacks To Help Gardens Grow:
1. Using coffee grounds as a fertilizer
2. Using egg shells as fertilizer
3. Using banana peels as fertilizer
4. Throwing used teabags onto the soil
5. Using ash from the fireplace as fertilizer
6. Sprinkling cayenne pepper to ward off pests
7. Using baking soda to make the soil more alkaline
8. Sprinkling cinnamon on the ground to deter cats
9. Using fish heads as fertilizer
10. Using potato water to water plants
Coastal Colors
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At Aptos Landscape Supply, we believe in creating beautiful outdoor spaces, while being mindful of our customers’ budgets and timelines. We stock a wide variety of top landscaping and hardscaping materials, including flagstone, wall rock, topsoil, bricks, pavers, and much more, while also offering fast delivery of these products to your home or job site. Our friendly, knowledgeable staff is always willing to assist with questions and suggestions on projects of any size, making sure our customers feel confident in their landscaping ventures.
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Since the beginning, Graniterock has focused on keeping customers happy. This requires us to anticipate and exceed customer needs and expectations. The result is that you get what you need, whether it’s the right sand or the right information. That’s why we live by our “Yes, we will” standard of responding positively and creatively to every request for special products and/or services. We exist to provide a place where inspired people can do their best work - building great projects and developing enduring customer relationships.
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3700 Soquel Avenue, Santa Cruz • 831.477.7133
285 W. Beach Street, Watsonville • 831.722.0334 •
A Tool Shed Equipment Rentals Inc. is your equipment rental solution for all your rental needs. We have the rental inventory to help you get your job done quickly and easily. You’ll appreciate our wide selection of rental tools available for the novice or do it yourselfer to the experienced contractor. Give us a call, we will be happy to give advice, suggestions, and referrals to make your project easier. We maintain a large selection of manufacturer training videos that will help with those new or seemingly impossible projects.
Based out of Watsonville, California, we are in a great central location to serve Santa Cruz, Monterey and surrounding Counties. We have installed fences throughout Central California, as far south as San Luis Obispo and as far north as Napa. With over a million feet of fence installed in Central California, Cypress Coast Fence has built lasting relationships in our community. We are driven by our clients’ high expectations and thrive on customer appreciation.
We can help you with everything from the simple problem to complex installations including products for radiant heat, patterns, and borders. We carry both prefinished and sand and finish hardwoods including bamboo and exotic woods, laminates such as Mannington, Natural Linoleum, all major brands of carpet, wool, sisal, cork, custom and ready made area rugs, porcelain tile, and Hunter Douglas Allustra, and window shades and shutters
510 Soquel Avenue, Santa Cruz • 831.425.5123 •
Woodstove & Sun has been heating homes on the Central Coast since 1982. We carry gas, wood, electric, and pellet fireplaces, inserts, and stoves. We also now carry a wide array of outdoor products, including outdoor furniture, kitchens, BBQ’s, fire pits, and more. Our friendly team of experts specializes in helping you choose the best fireplace for your home and will assist you with your project from design ideas through installation.
1118 Ocean Street, Santa Cruz • 831.423.2425
3550 Stevens Creek Blvd., San Jose • 408.446.9350 •
American Leisure started in 1972 as a small manufacturer of custom-made, one-of-a-kind patio furniture. For over 40 years, our skills have been honed as we have grown the business to what it is today; A leading retailer of top-of-the-line indoor and outdoor furniture in the Silicon Valley and Monterey Bay Areas. Family owned, we’ve built our reputation on quality, integrity, and providing excellent customer service.
Serving Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties in California since 1969 with over 50 years of experience in the garage door trade, and over 12,000 installations. We have built a strong reputation for providing the highest quality work by giving personalized service to our customers. Our focus is on providing our customers with quality craftsmanship at an affordable price.
46-A El Pueblo Road, Scotts Valley • 831.461.9430
It’s easy to create a smaller, more manageable, and prolific garden with a preassembled Knox Garden Box. Solve problems with overly compacted soil, poor drainage, voracious garden pests, damage cold temperatures, water shortages, and sore muscles from incessant bending and kneeling. Having your garden raised off the ground has a few other benefits besides reducing the need to bend over and kneel. The boxes provide exceptional soil drainage and solve the problem of gophers, which can destroy a whole garden in a day.
Specializing in creative garden renovations: waterfalls, stone patios, lighting and irrigation, Jay Welty has been creating beautiful landscapes since 1978. We offer several services including arbor construction, artificial grass installation, brick, and stone driveway installation and much more. See what you can design with Jay Welty! Call for a free consultation.
Earthwise Land Services specializes in low impact land sculpting. We are a familyowned local company, serving Santa Cruz and surrounding counties for over 30 years. Our experienced team of 48 ensures your project will be completed on time and on budget. Our focus includes land clearing, erosion control, dust control, water drainage, driveways, and retaining walls.
Business & Service Directory 2024
849 Almar Ave., Suite C, #193, Santa Cruz • 831.430-9260 •
Synthetic Grass to Putting Greens Sales & Installation. Picture a beautiful, lush, yearround green lawn that is virtually maintenance-free. By choosing synthetic grass through Artificial Lawns Direct, you and your family will be freeing up your weekends for more family time. The possibilities are endless…how about a putting green, volleyball or bocce ball court, or play yard? Our many choices of synthetic turf have the look and feel of natural grass, with the benefits of being less expensive over time, non-toxic, and environmentally friendly, saving money, H20, time, and our environment. Our synthetic turf is family and pet friendly.
Stark Leak detection utilizes the latest in detection technologies, and it a nationally recognized authority in leak detection methodology. Our service is non-invasive and non-destructive to your property or established landscape. Whether we are checking for water, gas, or air leaks, we offer reliable service and great customer service!
Serving Santa Cruz for over 25 years, we provide top-rated interior, exterior, residential, and commercial painting. We are dependable, professional, and always friendly. Call today to get your quote on our Summer Special – 10% off your paint!
1555 Soquel Drive, Santa Cruz • 831.462.7712 •
The Dominican Hospital Foundation was established to cultivate philanthropic support to meet the changing healthcare needs of our community. Established in 1966 when a citizens’ committee raised $1 million to build the first phases of Dominican Hospital’s present facility, the Foundation continues to be led by community leaders who donate their time, expertise, and financial resources.
As a Santa Cruz County resident for over 23 years, and SF Bay Area native, Amber can understand and meet the needs of a diverse group of clientele. The cornerstone to Amber’s business is her commitment to integrity and operating under the “Golden Rule,” which has brought her tremendous success and professionally recognized reputation. Amber has become one of the most sought after and successful Realtors in the area and is in the Top 1% of Producing Agents in the county. Her success is not accidental, it is a result of her dedication to delivering truly remarkable service.
94 Rancho Del Mar, Aptos • 408.354.8910 •
Atlantis Properties specializes in Property Management Services, which includes singlefamily homes, town homes, duplexes, apartments, and small commercial properties. We offer personalized service to meet your real estate investment objectives. The company manages properties in Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Mateo, and Monterey Counties. We are a member of the National Association of Residential Property Managers, the California Apartment Association, the Building Owners and Managers Association and the Santa Clara County Association of REALTORS®.
David Lyng Real Estate • 831.295.5130 •
With unparalleled industry knowledge, experience, and local expertise, I’m the Scotts Valley Real Estate expert you’ve been looking for. Whether you’re buying or selling, I can help you get the best deal. Just looking? That’s OK. Use my website all you like, feel free to create a free account to unlock all the best search features. Once you sign up, you’ll be able to save listings, save your search criteria, get automated email updates for new homes matching your saved search criteria, and more. Good luck on your house hunt! I hope to hear from you soon.
Sotheby’s Real Estate
831.566.3127 •
With more than 20 years of experience, Kathleen is one of the most knowledgeable
and experienced professionals in the area. Kathleen offers the skills and experience required to successfully buy or sell a home in today’s complex market: Skilled negotiation, utilization of new technology, creative marketing, organization, careful listening and great communication, extensive knowledge of the area and a professional service team to insure a smooth transaction.
Our roofing services are based in Freedom, CA, but please don’t hesitate to call if you need maintenance, installation, or repairs in any of the Santa Cruz County communities. Your commercial roof protects your livelihood, and our experts are here to supply the skill needed to keep that roof in excellent condition. Bay Quality Roofing experts can assess any problems. Never let concerns get worse; your roof is one of the most critical aspects of your building structure and taking care of it means taking care of your investment.
46 El Pueblo Road, Scotts Valley • 831.461.0634 •
When it comes to working with a roofing company in the Santa Cruz and Monterey areas, it’s important to choose an experienced roofing company. Knox Roofing is the roofing specialists that homeowners have depended on for over 30 years. With free estimates, available financing and a personal touch with all customers, Knox Roofing has become known as the go-to choice when homeowners want to replace, repair, or install a roof. Give us a call today to discuss your roofing project!
728-I El Camino Real North, Salinas • 831.443.6163 •
Thank you for your interest in our quality built Wood Storage Sheds. California Custom Sheds® has been a leader in the storage industry since 1984. Prior to the creation of California Custom Sheds®, more than 33 years ago, we built custom homes in Southern California. We have applied this knowledge and experience to our storage buildings. We have also accumulated an abundance of knowledge developing our buildings to perfection over the last 33 years. Some, by listening to suggestions and ideas from the thousands of customers whom we have had the privilege to serve.
44 Ross Ave., Freedom 831.728.5517 • •
We provide storage for all your needs! Business, household, RV. boat, etc. Our friendly and professional staff is here to help when you need to rent a truck or trailer from us. When it comes to packing and moving supplies, we’ve got you covered. With a comprehensive collection of supplies for purchase in our office, you’ll find a variety of boxes, bubble wrap, glass packs, mattress bags, furniture covers and more. All of our units are outside drive-up and are equipped with a small light to make it easier for you to load or unload your belongings at any time.
The Soquel Creek Water District is a non- profit, local government agency that provides water resource management and a safe, reliable supply of water to mid- county residents and businesses. The District serves approximately 40,400 customers through 15,800 connections in four service areas within mid-Santa Cruz County solely with groundwater. We are a public agency dedicated to providing a safe, high quality, reliable, and sustainable water supply to meet our community’s present and future needs in an environmentally sensitive and economically responsible manner.
1.877.966.3360 •
We are the company that invented sandless refinishing! Our traditional service uses wet solutions and our high-speed machine to prepare your floor. Then we seal your floor with multiple coats of our commercial grade sealer and finish with your choice of matte, satin, or gloss finish. We also finish cabinets, tables doors, benches, stairs, handrails, outdoor and more! Give us a call to talk about all your options!
Save Your Pumpkin Seeds and Make a Delicious Snack
Don’t throw out your seeds after this year’s pumpkin carving. This healthy snack is easy to make at home and a fun project to get the kids involved.
Plus, this versatile Roasted Pumpkin Seeds recipe can be modified with any of your favorite seasonings or spices.
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
1-1/2 cups raw pumpkin seeds
2 teaspoons sea salt, plus additional for seasoning (optional)
2 teaspoons salted butter, melted
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon paprika
In pot over high heat, bring water to boil. Add pumpkin seeds and 2 teaspoons salt; boil 15 minutes. Drain water and spread seeds evenly on paper towels to dry.
Preheat oven to 350 F. Line baking sheet with foil or parchment paper.
In medium bowl, toss seeds and butter until coated well. Sprinkle with garlic powder, paprika and additional salt, if desired. Spread seeds evenly on baking sheet.
Bake 25-30 minutes, or until golden brown and lightly toasted. Stir every 10 minutes.
Visit to find more quick, simple snacks.
Perfect Pumpkin Bread
Fill your house with the aroma of fall with warm slices of this Pumpkin Loaf dolloped with butter.
Find more seasonal dessert recipes at Pumpkin Loaf
Nonstick cooking spray
4 eggs
3 1/2 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon salt
2 sticks butter
2 cups sugar
1 can (15 ounces) pumpkin puree
1 cup chocolate chips
1 cup walnuts, chopped
Heat oven to 350 F.
Prepare loaf and muffin pans with nonstick cooking spray.
In bowl, whisk eggs. Set aside.
In separate bowl, sift flour, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt together. Set aside.
In another bowl, cream butter and sugar. Add whisked eggs and mix until blended.
Alternately add flour mixture and pumpkin puree to egg mixture, beating until blended. Fold in chocolate chips and walnuts.
Pour batter into loaf and muffin pans. Bake 40-45 minutes, or until toothpick inserted into center comes out clean.