Coastal Home & Garden Magazine: Spring/Summer 2020

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Spring-Summer 2020

PUBLISHER & EDITOR Patrice Edwards DESIGN & LAYOUT Jim Johnson MANAGING EDITOR Cathe Race PRODUCTION COORDINATOR Camisa Composti CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Camisa Composti Sydney Andrews - Gardening Essentials Erin Kelly-Allshouse - Reconstructing An Industry Cathe Race Jim Johnson MEDIA CONSULTANTS Don Beaumont, Teri Huckobey and Jay Peters


Office: (831) 688-7549 or Email:­ EDITORIAL OFFICES:

9601 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003



is a publication of the Times Publishing Group Inc.­located at 9601 Soquel Dr. Aptos, CA 95003. Entire contents © 2020 by Patrice Edwards. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without publisher’s written permission.

Spring-Summer 2020






Spring-Summer 2020




Spring-Summer 2020








Spring-Summer 2020

Spring-Summer 2020



The world, as we know it, has changed drastically in mere hours. TV’s, phones, newspapers, and people are constantly displaying information about the world’s pandemic: COVID-19. Feelings of worry, uncertainty, grief, and restlessness are readily available emotions that people are carrying with them these days. With shelter in place statutes, daily life means the only reason you can justify leaving the house, is for essentials. In spite of all this which seems so bleak, and with a extra time at home with family, here’s a challenge for you. Get outside, share a conversation with your quarantine buddy (6 ft away of course), maybe cross off the eyesore that’s been on that one list forever. For our household, that one thing on that one list is to revitalize our garden! Think about it; there’s no better time than now! When a trip to the grocery store has become a dilemma of personal health and safety, it’s time to pull the weeds and grow your food. It’s rewarding, it’s something to do with all this extra time, and in a time like this, it’s ESSENTIAL. Whether you just need to give your garden some TLC, or if you’ll be starting from scratch, we have come up with 5 steps to ensure that your garden is ready to churn out some tasty essentials all summer long. 8

Spring-Summer 2020

STEP 1: Fix up or build raised beds. For those of us who left the garden untouched for the entire winter, we might have some rebuilding and reinforcing to do. Ensure that there are no holes or rotting wood in the frames. You may need to replace a few boards, or maybe even start from scratch. Be sure you put chicken wire at the bottom of your beds so that gophers or any other critters don’t dig into your beds from the bottom. You can also set a mesh lining on top of the wire as another layer of protection. Depending on where you live, think about the reinforcements you will need to keep the pests away. Bunnies, deer, gophers, and birds will have no problem eating the fruits of your labor! This reinforcement might look like cages around your raised beds, a fence around your garden will protect the fruits and vegetables you labored over. For those of you who are starting from scratch, now is the time to figure out how big you want your garden to be. Get the whole family involved and build the beds together! Start small! A small garden that’s well taken care of will produce far more than a more extensive unmanageable garden. You may be asking yourself how you can get all of the materials needed to build - places like Home Depot and Tractor Supply all have options to order online and pick up Continued on page 10.

Spring-Summer 2020


Continued from page 8.

on-site. This option allows you to be socially responsible and stop the spread by limiting the number of people you come into contact with.

STEP 2: Prepare the Soil Let’s talk about soil! Without good soil, your plants cannot grow to their full potential. It’s important that your soil is loose, has good drainage, and maintains a healthy pH balance. For those of you with existing gardens, it’s time to pull those weeds! When you pull weeds, be sure to remove them from the base of the plant where it comes out of the dirt to ensure the roots come out with it. For those of you who are starting from scratch, buy soil and compost. If you already have compost, this is a great time to use it. Eggshells are also great, especially as a seed starter. Mix it in with your soil to give the soil the nutrients it needs to support healthy plants. There are kits you can buy to check the pH of your soil. Check your nearest garden store for the operating hours as they may have changed. Again, many places are offering online orders for pick up.

STEP 3: Plant your seedlings Now that your garden is ready, it’s time to make miracles happen! Our favorite part, choosing plants and watching them grow into the essential-ness that they are. Think about the things you and your family like to eat, and eat a lot. Planting is also a great way to educate your kids who are home from school, an excuse for them to get outside, get a little dirty, and have some fun! For those of you first starting - tomatoes, peppers, and onions are great plants to start with as they are pretty hardy and hands-off. Other things you can plant for summer are cucumbers, garlic, potatoes, corn, watermelon, squash, beans, and strawberries. You will also need to think about how much you will need to grow to feed your family for the summer. Note that some plants produce throughout the entire summer. Some are only harvested once and will need to be planting again. For those plants that produce once, you can start more seedlings after the first seeds have sown into the ground. Pay attention to the information on the back of the seed packets as it will tell you when to plant based on where you live, how to plant them, and how long it takes for them to germinate or sprout. You can buy seed starter cups, or you can use our budget-friendly method and use egg cartons to start your seeds. Use your finger to make a hole, put a few seeds into each hole and cover lightly. Make sure you keep the soil moist,


Spring-Summer 2020

cover with a store-bought container, in your shed/home, or with a few plastic bags. It’s important to keep the plants warm while they are starting to grow. You can do this with artificial light or by ensuring that they are in a sunny place. A few sprouts will come up - cut away the weaker ones leaving the strongest looking seedling, so they are not competing for water and nutrients.

STEP 4: Transplant Once your seedlings have grown strong, it’s time to get them used to the outdoors. Look at the back of your seed packets to know when it’s time to sow them into the ground. It’s finally time to put them into your raised beds! Dig a hole with your hands, and put your plants inside. Make sure to keep in mind the distance requirements on the back of your packets. Once your plants are in the ground, all you need to do is to make sure they get adequate water throughout the spring/summer. Your plants will need at least an inch of water per week. When it is really hot, the soil dries out quickly, so be sure to account for the temperature in your area. You can achieve this by installing a drip system for a more hands-free approach, or by taking the time to sufficiently water and nourish your garden. Adding a layer of mulch as the top layer of your bed can help with drainage, keep the roots cool, and slow the process of water evaporating from your soil. Other than that, give your plants some love, maybe say a few encouraging words as they work hard to grow and feed your family!

STEP 5: Harvest & Enjoy You and your family have been diligently caring for your garden. And your garden has continued to work hard for you! All that work has finally paid off, and your worries can rest easy as you have food for your family to enjoy. For the plants that continue to produce through the summer, it is essential to pick when ready so that it has room and space to keep providing. For those plants that are one time harvested, you can reap the rewards and plant again from the other seedlings you started. If your garden is producing more than you can eat, this is an excellent opportunity to learn about canning vegetables with your family. It’s a fun project that allows no food to go to waste and for the learning to continue! While the garden continues flourishing, take this time to share a meal with your family. Or quarantine buddies and take in all that there is to be thankful for. You have food to eat, and people to share it with. Your kids have learned something new and had a little fun spending time with the family. Hopefully, you are feeling proud of what you accomplished. In a time that is so uncertain, you have the opportunity to create something that is certain to keep providing. We must keep working together to create something positive to share with those around us, and there’s no better way to do that than with growing something essential, food.

Spring-Summer 2020


Don’t be hasty in disposing those vegetable scraps! You can save them, plant, and reap the rewards of your own garden. Many vegetables can be replanted and grown into plants, so you always have these items on hand when you need them. Celery is one of the easiest foods to grow from leftover scraps. Just cut off the bottom or base of your celery and lay it in a bowl with just a bit of warm water in the bottom. Keep the bowl in direct sunlight as long as possible each day and after about a week, you will begin to see the leaves thickening and growing along the base. When this happens, you can transplant your celery in soil and wait for it to grow to full length. You know when you have potatoes too long and they start to sprout? Instead of throwing them out, cut out the piece(s) that have the sprout and simply plant in the ground or in a roomy pot covered with 3 inches of soil. Voila! Homegrown potatoes! When you buy garlic, you get several cloves so just pull one off and plant it with the roots facing down in potting soil. Garlic likes plenty of direct sunlight so in warmer weather, keep it outdoors in the sun during the day. Once you notice that new shoots have established, cut the shoots back and your plant will produce a bulb. You can take part of this new bulb and plant again. Onions are very easy to grow indoors or out. Cut the root of the onion off and make sure you leave about a half an inch of onion. Cover lightly with potting soil and keep in a sunny area. For green onions, simply put the white base with the roots intact in a container of water and place in direct sunlight. Change the 12

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water out every few days and the green will continue to grow. Just snip what you need and allow it to grow as long as you like. You can grow a number of hot peppers from the seeds that are leftover. Just collect the seeds from your habaneros, jalapenos or any other peppers that you have on hand. Plant them in potting soil and keep in direct sunlight unless it is warm outside and then plant them in your garden area. Tomatoes can be grown just by saving those seeds that you probably throw out anyway. Rinse the seeds and allow them to dry. Plant in a good potting soil until you notice growth coming in. Allow the seeds to get a few inches high before transplanting them outdoors. Tomatoes love sunlight and water a few times a week.

Wouldn’t it be nice to clip what you need off you own Basil or Cilantro plant! To start you need a stem about four inches high. Place this stem in a glass of water with the leaves well above the water line. Leave the glass sitting in a bright area but not in direct sunlight. Roots should begin to form in a few days and when those roots reach a couple of inches long, you can transplant them in soil. Growing vegetables from scraps can be a great activity for children. They can make the connection between what they are eating and where it comes from. Have fun with this and create cute pots for your plants and let the children water and watch them grow!

Spring-Summer 2020


In times of uncertainty, it’s nice to be able to be self-sufficient. 2020 Started with incredible energy, and it felt as if this year was going to hit a home-run, that energy was stripped from Americans as quickly as it was generated. With the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans were jolted with fear and panic of the unknown. Grocery store shelves empty, restaurants closed or offering curbside pick up, gyms shutdown, all businesses besides essentials closed, life as we know it was flipped upside down. Imagine this, before this happened, you had a lush garden, necessary supplies to last a few months, canned goods to feed your family, water storage, being a little more self-sufficient, so in times of uncertainty, you are prepared. Even in small spaces, you can plant a garden to feed a family. The amazing thing about gardens is if done correctly, they last a whole season, which is more than likely long enough to get through unforeseen circumstances. You can also can and preserve veggies to make them last longer, such as making tomatoes into a sauce and then freezing the sauce. Now maybe a good time to consider alternative power sources, solar is a great option for having power without depending on your electric company. Even having enough power to run small necessities is a good idea. If there’s one thing 2020 has already shown us, it’s that we need to be more prepared as individuals and families. It doesn’t take much to become a little more prepared for times we can’t predict.


Spring-Summer 2020

Preparing for unprecedented times can feel like uncharted territory but here’s a checklist or a few necessary items for your home, keep in mind you should have enough of these supplies to last two weeks.

• Water-15 gallons of potable water per person • Food-non-perishables • Firelighters, matches, wood • Light-headlamps, candles, flashlights, lanterns • Medical Kit-an extensive first aid kit • Hygiene-wet wipes, Clorox wipes, hand sanitizer, soap, laundry detergent • Power-spare batteries, generator • Board games, cards, books, movies.

Getting started with vegetable container gardening can seem overwhelming but it doesn’t need to be complicated. It is an easy project with a delicious reward. All you need is plants or seeds, a container, some good potting soil, fertilizer, and plenty of sun and water. Growing vegetables in pots doesn’t need to take a lot of time, but it does require that you pay a certain amount of attention to your plants, usually on a daily basis. There are lots of advantages to growing vegetables in pots. For people with limited outdoor space, growing vegetables in containers may be the only way to go. But even people with a large yard should consider it. There’s no weeding, less chance of soil-borne plant diseases, and critters are less likely to be able to eat your vegetables. Also, many people simply have bad soil for gardening, and you can buy exceptional soil for pots. One of your first decisions will be whether to buy seedlings or start your vegetable plants from seed. Seeds are very inexpensive


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and can be fun if children are helping. Watching the seed sprout every day really teaches about growing your own food. You can sow your seeds indoors, usually in late winter or early spring, depending on where you live and the kinds of seeds you are planting. Buying seedlings are easy and give you a head start on growing your own vegies. You can grow almost any vegetable in a container. Herbs are always a good one, as well as tomatoes, lettuce, and many more. To decide what you are going to grow, think about what you like to eat. Vine vegetables, such as watermelon, pumpkin, and cantaloupe obviously might not be such a good idea. There is nothing better to eat in the world than fresh picked vegetables that you grew yourself. Choose your vegetables, buy supplies, and get started on your very own container garden!

Spring-Summer 2020


Whether you want to get into home brewing or are simply looking for a hardy perennial to provide shade, consider planting hops in your backyard. This quick-growing plant will attract butterflies and can provide shade and privacy as it grows. Hops is a vining plant—mature vines can grow as tall as 25 feet—so a trellis system is required for backyard growing. Depending on your space, your trellis system can be as simple as a fence or an arbor. Hops are fast growers. The plant can grow up to a foot per day during the first few months after planting! Once your hops plants have grown to about a foot in height, it is time to begin training them to grow up your trellis system. This “training” process helps the vines stay healthy and strong. Use twine to train the vines to the trellis. Select only vigorous vines to train and prune away the less vigorous ones. As plants reach the top of the trellis, they will begin to branch put horizontally. It is these horizontal branches that will produce the cones that are used for brewing beer. Because hops plants grow vigorously and can easily take over your garden each spring and summer, you may need to trim their roots back each spring. Sink a spade into the ground in a 12-inch circle around the rhizomes. Warning: Hops cones can be toxic to dogs. Do not allow your dog to eat the cones, either fresh or dried.

If your goal in planting hops is to make beer, your hops plant should be ready to harvest the cones the first fall after planting. A single hop plant can produce up to one pound of cones, so several plants are usually sufficient for home brewers. Your hops vines will reach their full maturity—with a pound or more of cones per plant— after three years. Each hops cone grows to a length of one to two inches with papery green scales. In late summer, pinch a cone. If the texture is papery, the cone is ready to pick. Inside the ripe cone are small, yellow particles, called lupulin, that give beer its flavor and aroma. Your cones will mature at different times over the next few weeks, so check them frequently for ripening. Be careful—cones are very thin and can come apart when picked. Do not pull but use pruning shears to remove them from the plant. It is a good idea to wear gloves and long sleeves when you harvest because hops plants can cause skin irritation in some people. After harvesting your cones, it is time to dry them. Simply spread them out in the sunshine in a single layer on a clean window screen. Make sure you protect the screen from squirrels and other wildlife. Outdoor drying can take anywhere from a few hours to several days, depending on your region’s weather. You also can dry hops in the oven. Set the temperature at 140°F and leave the oven door slightly open to allow moisture to escape. Watch the hops closely to make sure the cones do not become too brittle. Use the cones right away for brewing, or you can store them in a sealed container in the freezer for later use. 18

Spring-Summer 2020



OG 1.060 • FG 1.016 • ABV 5.95

AMERICAN IPA All Grain Boil Time: 60 MIN Fermentor volume: 6 gallons 7 gallons in kettle Efficiency: 70% GRAIN BUILD 11.75 lb Pale 2-Row 1.50 lb Munich 0.50 lb Carapils 0.50 lb Caramel / Crystal 60L 0.50 lb Melanoidin MASH Mash temperature between 152° F -154° F for 60 minutes (test conversion with iodine) Sparge temperature 170°

HOPS 0.5 oz 1.0 oz 1.25 oz 1.25 oz 1.25 oz 3.0 oz

Citra Citra Citra Citra Citra Citra

Pellet Pellet Pellet Pellet Pellet Pellet

First Wort Boil 20 min Boil 10 min Boil 5 min (Flameout) Dry Hop 7 days

YEAST Wyeast 1968 London ESB Ale. Optimum temperature: 64-72°F FERMENTATION SCHEDULE: 1–2 week primary; 1-2 weeks secondary 2 weeks bottle conditioning Cheerse

Spring-Summer 2020



The world of wine can sometimes feel intimidating to the uninitiated, but a bit of knowledge about wine from experts can help anyone navigate everyday situations. “Once the basics are demystified, you’ll not only impress friends with your newfound knowledge of wine, you’ll better enjoy what you are drinking,” says wine and Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) influencer, Chelsie Petras of ChelLovesWine. “Learning basic things like what you do or don’t like in a particular wine can change how you drink and teach you how to drink better!” Whether you are starting from scratch or have some experience with the subject already, there’s always more to learn, points out Petras, who is sharing three ways that a deeper understanding of wine will improve the way you drink: 1 Happier Hosting: Smart pairings make both food and wine

taste better, and the wrong pairing will do quite the opposite. If you enjoy hosting dinner parties or any get-together, it is helpful to know basic pairings that will impress your guests!

2 Better Gifting: A bottle of wine makes a good gift when

you’re attending a party and don’t know what to bring. By learning more about wine, you will be able to better choose a bottle to bring that is certain to be a crowd pleaser.


Spring-Summer 2020

3 Confident Ordering: A lengthy wine list can be tricky to

navigate, and many people shy away from being the one to order. A wine education can transform you from someone who hides behind the menu to being the go-to friend everyone relies on to make the right selection.

So where to turn for instruction? While there are many programs available geared toward those who work in the industry or are looking for professional certification, there are also programs designed by those same education providers targeted at everyday wine enthusiasts and novices. For example, WSET, the world’s largest provider of wine and spirits qualifications, was originally founded in 1969 for wine and spirits professionals, but has since opened its courses to everyday enthusiasts in an effort to teach them to drink better. Fun, educational courses for novices and the knowledgeable alike are provided on such topics as perfect pairings and deciphering labels. “Don’t let the idea of learning more about wine intimidate you,” says Petras, who recently served as a brand ambassador at WSET’s Wine Education Week, a global celebration of wine. “A wine education is for anyone who enjoys and is interested in wine.” (StatePoint)


Big Sur Seacliff State Beach 22

Wilder ranch Spring-Summer 2020


uring the uncertain times in the world right now, the rule is to stay in. At some point in time, we will be able to get out again and enjoy the beauty of nature that is right outside our door. It’s easy to take for granted what’s in your own backyard, and state parks are a reminder of the beauty of the different seasons while offering ample amenities that make exploration easy any time of year, especially in our area with such a mild climate. Once you are able to visit, you’ll want to return again and again to cherish the scenery and create many more memories with your family. California’s state parks and the recreational programs supported by the California Department of Parks and Recreation and its divisions of Boating and Waterways, Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation, and Office of Historic Preservation, are gateways to these benefits and to opportunities to connect with families, friends, and communities. With 280 state park units, over 340 miles of coastline, 970 miles of lake and river frontage, 15,000 campsites, and 4,500 miles of trails, the department contains the largest and most diverse recreational, natural, and cultural heritage holdings of any

state agency in the nation. Together, state park system lands protect and preserve an unparalleled collection of culturally and environmentally sensitive structures and habitats, threatened plant and animal species, ancient Native American sites, historic structures and artifacts... the best of California’s natural and cultural history. Whether it’s a family picnic, a guided group hike, bird watching, rock climbing, or simply a calm walk listening to the sounds of nature, there are many activities to explore at state parks. Every state park has different opportunities, from hiking, biking, fishing, and equestrian trails to swimming and marinas. Many also offer tent camping and site for RVs (call to check for hook ups). Soon we will all be able to get outside again and visit our local state parks. And once we do, we will feel a deeper connection with nature and our loved ones, all while making lifelong memories. When the restrictions are lifted why not take the family for a day at a State Park? California’s state parks have something for everyone! to check out individual parks, the status of the State Parks, and what is happening in the future as far as programs, docent run tours, etc.


• Sunset State Beach • Manresa State Beach • The Forest of Nisene Marks

• Seacliff State Beach • New Brighton State Beach • Natural Bridges State Beach

• Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park • Wilder Ranch State Park • Santa Cruz Mission A.S.H.P.

Spring-Summer 2020


Turn your backyard into a brewpub with a brew shed! The craft beer boom has turned home brewing into a mainstream hobby where folks are brewing beer in their home like it’s going out of style. Why not add a flare to your home brewing endeavor and create a brew shed in your backyard? A place where you can not only brew your own craft beer but also share it with your friends and family. At first glance, it’ll look like just your normal backyard shed, the kind you’d fill with garden tools, outdoor gear, and other random junk. Upon further inspection, your friends and family will be wowed that your shed has everything necessary to brew and serve beer. A five to six-gallon brewing system is feasible to start brewing from scratch. If you’re really trying to get fancy you could consider electrical and plumbing but that will increase your cost. With a brewing area, you’ll have to have an exhaust fan because your initial use will consist of propane. It’s also important to keep in mind how relative temperature control is, malted grain has to be stored between 50 and 70 degrees, hops should be kept frozen and yeast needs to be stored in a fridge. Some brew sheds double as a bar and a hangout, some feature a sort of ‘man cave’ theme. Turning a shed into a brewing space will give you the perfect place to store your equipment and create mouth-watering ales without polluting your living quarters. This is the perfect project for all the craft beer lovers out there! 24

Spring-Summer 2020

She Sheds are the new ‘Man Cave’ as women around the country are transforming their backyard sheds and structures into “She Sheds.” A quiet place to read, conduct crafts, and other hobbies suitable to the space, she sheds are redefining your typical backyard shed. Some sheds start with a pre-fab kit but others repurpose an existing backyard structure to make it their own. These sheds can be writer’s nooks, an art studio, a gardening shed or just a place for a peaceful nap; away from the clutter and chaos. A recent study showed 45% of Americans retreat to their parked car to get some peace and quiet; people are actively seeking alternative spaces to be themselves. A she shed gives a woman a sense of ‘home’ just outside of her own house.

HERE ARE THE TOP 5 USES OF A SHE SHED: 1. She Office – Apersonal office space outside the home! 2. She Art Studio – Store all of your art supplies and get inspired! 3. She Garden – Sow your seeds, store tools and pot your plants! 4. She Retreat – Aplace to relax, have coffee or tea, maybe even take a nap! 5. She Gym– a place to do a home workout with no distractions! The She Shed redefines personal space for women, a backyard escape, and a refuge of comfort. Imagine an area that is all yours, decorate the way you want and a place with no interruption and no responsibility to pick up a mess you did not make!

Spring-Summer 2020




very parent knows the struggle of convincing their little ones to eat more nutritious foods. Luckily, by encouraging your kids to get involved in the kitchen, you’re helping them build a solid foundation for healthier food choices. Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist Dawn Jackson Blatner offers five expert tips to get kids involved in making healthy family meals:

1. LET THE KIDS PICK THE RECIPE Flip through a healthy cookbook and see which recipes the kids are interested in making. This is a good way to get kids involved in selecting healthier recipes or new food flavors, and because they helped choose, they will be more invested in trying these foods when you cook them.

2. TAKE FAMILY TRIPS TO THE GROCERY STORE Head to the store and select nutritious ingredients for recipes, meals and snacks. You can even let the kids help craft the grocery list and search for ingredients while you shop. To introduce new foods, set a goal to select one new food to try at each visit and head home to have a fun tasting.

3. MAKE THEIR FAVORITE FOODS WITH BETTERFOR-YOU INGREDIENTS Eating well doesn’t mean giving up favorite foods, just make them with better-for-you ingredients. Keep kids’ favorites like pizza, burgers, fries, tacos, muffins and pancakes on the menu, but just choose healthier ingredients. For example, choose Eggland’s Best eggs with better taste, freshness and nutrition compared to ordinary eggs. EB eggs contain 25% less saturated


fat, 10 times more vitamin E, six times more vitamin D and double the vitamin B12, which transforms food into energy that kids need to play and grow.

4. COOK AS A FAMILY Kids adore helping in the kitchen, so have them wash their hands and pull up a chair when it’s time to cook. Older kids can help with tasks like rinsing vegetables, chopping foods, measuring ingredients and cracking eggs. Younger children love to help mix, stir and do other simple tasks like using a pastry brush to spread oil.

5. MAKE IT FUN Put on music while you cook and enjoy your quality time together. You and your child(ren) might decide it is going to be a fancy meal so you can set the table, use the good dishes, add some candles and stem glasses (cider for the children), and maybe get in a little lesson in on which utensils to use for which course! Create a unique dish with your child that is yours alone. You might have to experiment to get the right flavor, but the quality time is worth it. Don’t forget about picnics! Make up the menu, barbecue the meat—of course you child watches but can get a headstart on how to barbecue, and create an easy menu that includes everyones help. No matter what the meal, cooking with your children can be a rewarding and fun experience! For a nutritious and delicious recipe that’s kid-approved and easy to make, try these Zucchini Muffins from Eggland’s Best: (BPT)



2 Eggland’s Best Eggs (large) 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup Land O Lakes Butter, melted 1 medium (2 cups) zucchini, shredded

Heat oven to 350 F. Place paper baking cups into 12 muffin pan cups; set aside. Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon and salt in bowl; mix well. Combine butter and eggs in bowl; stir into flour mixture just until moistened. Stir in zucchini. Fill prepared muffin pan cups three-fourths full with batter. Bake 22-25 minutes or until toothpick inserted into center comes out clean. Cool 5 minutes in pan; remove to cooling rack.

Spring-Summer 2020

Spring-Summer 2020


HOW YOU CAN HELP PROTECT WILD BIRDS IN YOUR YARD You may not think about it often, but wild birds use your lawn as a rest stop and place to call home. As you spruce up your lawn and garden for the season, there are simple steps you can take to protect them and help them thrive. According to Spencer Schock, founder of WindowAlert, makers of bird-friendly products for homes, the following changes are easy to implement in order to create a safe harbor for wild birds: PLANT NATIVE SPECIES: Planting native species on your property is one of the most impactful ways you can improve your local environment, as well as make your lawn and garden a healthy habitat for wild

birds and other fauna. Native plant species provide birds with food and places to rest and nest. Birds in turn, spread pollen and seeds, while acting as a natural pesticide. Speaking of which, gardening organically will also go a long way to protecting the health and safety of feeding birds. MAKE WINDOWS VISIBLE: Up to 1 billion birds die annually from striking windows in US, according to the American Bird Conservancy. The good news is that it’s relatively easy and affordable to prevent your home from being part of the problem. Special window decals that reflect ultraviolet sunlight, a wavelength of light noticeable to birds, have been proven to substantially reduce the likelihood of bird strikes. Giving the appearance of slightly frosted translucent glass but glowing like a stoplight for birds, there are many to choose from and feature a range of decorative patterns. MONITOR CATS: Monitor your cat’s time outdoors to ensure they are not terrorizing or hunting birds. An enclosed play area for your cat is the most effective way to keep birds in your yard safe from your furry companion’s natural instincts. Good deeds start at home. This season, do your part to help migrating bird populations reach their destinations safely. (StatePoint)


Spring-Summer 2020

Spring-Summer 2020



We all love the idea of having a washer, refrigerator or smart appliance that gives us important messages and guides our next steps.

Here’s a look at how this highly evolved smart technology equipped with AI is transforming how people are living.

But not all smart technology is alike. The last thing you want from your investment is a gimmicky gadget that does nothing more than turn your mobile device into a glorified remote control. So how do you identify the brands with game-changing technology that will be relevant and useful for years to come?

EASY, INTUITIVE, EFFORTLESS: Smart devices shouldn’t be complicated, period. Along with operability that’s practically self-evident and mistake-proof, welldesigned AI should be smart enough to fit seamlessly with your existing smart home technology. So, if you have a favorite voiceassisted technology, your new AI-enabled appliance should be easily integrated into your system of choice.

The most advanced smart home technology is equipped with artificial intelligence and allows for a great deal of helpful tools to make your everyday life easier. AI and the vision of a more connected living experience were highlighted at the recent AI & Big Data Expo North America event in Silicon Valley, at which key speaker Samuel Chang, corporate vice president of LG’s Silicon Valley Lab, discussed the company’s innovations and its focus on improving quality of life. LG’s vision is manifested in LG ThinQ®, the AI technology embedded into each of the brand’s smart products and solidified through three pillars guiding the company’s artificial intelligence aspirations: Evolve, Connect, Open. These tenets outline LG’s easy to use, proactive products and services that offer a connected experience through personalized and efficient AI for users with diverse needs and tech preferences in their homes. The goal is always focused on elevating the quality of life at home and beyond, Chang said, “so users can live free and stay focused on what matters.” These individual benefits of AI intelligence - from learning your behaviors to proactive alerts and energy savings - come together to transform your daily life! This technology streamlines your routine, takes the guesswork out of everyday tasks, and frees up time for things you’d rather be doing. (BPT) 30

Spring-Summer 2020

PERSONALIZED TO YOUR NEEDS: One of the cornerstones of AI is learning, which means the more you use these smart devices, the better they operate for you. Because they use the data to learn your preferences and routine, they create a customized user experience that best meets the needs of you and your family. RESPONDS PROACTIVELY: The most intelligent smart devices on the market also alert you of issues before they turn into full-fledged, costly problems. For example, ThinQ® on all LG devices is connected to the brand’s exclusive customer support program, Proactive Customer Care, which provides useful tips to keep the appliance in good condition and sends timely alerts about potential problems. For example, users can receive tips on when to clean the drum of a washing machine and recommendations on which detergent is best for their clothing. USES ENERGY EFFICIENTLY: Many users of intelligent devices appreciate saving energy. Not only do AI-enabled products track energy usage, but some can also be programmed to maximize your energy conservation. For example, LG ThinQ® devices come with settings, such as Save Mode and Vacation Mode, that synthesize the analytics, sensors and usage data to maximize both your energy savings and pocket savings.

Spring-Summer 2020



The homebuilding industry is evolving fast with changes in technology, construction and how homes are built. Joy Line Homes --a new construction company that designs and builds contemporary homes --has rethought the whole process of how homes are designed, built and bought these days. From design to manufacture to installation, they do it all. They pride themselves on no delays, no headaches and no sticker shock. Their mission is to create affordable housing with great design for all, using higher quality building materials and creating more modern designs. Joy Line Homes designs and builds modern “prefabricated” homes, built in sections in an off-site facility in Oregon, then shipped to the homebuyers’ site and assembled. Joy Line Homes are considered the same as homes that are built on site but their homes are built under Federal HUD regulation, and codes supersede county code requirements making the process more expedient. Since selling their first model home last October and launching out of Watsonville in January, things have exploded quickly and business is booming according to Ben West, the company founder and lead designer of Joy Line Homes. “There’s no one doing what we’re doing and we are super excited,” said West, the 39-year old Santa Cruz resident. “Where the big shift has come is how homes can be built in factories based on a custom order.” 32

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Born and raised in Portland, Oregon, West came to Santa Cruz County in October of 2018 with intention after researching what he wanted to do behind closed doors, for two years. With 20 years in the building profession under his belt, and a desire to go beyond and give back to his community, he found there was a high demand with the housing crisis --Santa Cruz being one of the worst, and it was a crisis he wanted to combat, he said. West didn’t waste time. Joy Line Homes was born out of a need for housing when he was looking to buy a house in Santa Cruz, but couldn’t find an affordable one or a design he liked. So he created a home line with customizable options and unique designs. “Necessity is the mother of invention,” West said. They designed, built, and then hosted an open house with their first “prefab” home last October in Aptos Pines Mobile Home Park. The 1,640 square foot, three bedroom, two bath home sold for $639,000 even though the home cost only $180,000 to build, West said. “It was built as a model for buyers to look at for ideas then it sold for a higher price because the land ended up costing so much along with development and construction costs,” West said. Known as the Aptos Pines Homeowners Association, Aptos Pines has 170 mobile/modular homes and is a deeded lot, and the homebuyers own the land, according to West. “The Pines” model home in Aptos was designed and built by Continued on page 34.

Spring-Summer 2020


Construction costs, including prepping the lot, shipping, installing the home and utilities and paving driveways can bring the cost up, West said. The cost also changes based on the property value. A deeded lot may cost more because the homeowner owns the home, instead of a share of the park property or paying a lease, he said.


Continued from page 32.

Joy Line Homes and had several modern features, including French doors opening to the courtyard, an electric fireplace and an office with a glass partition wall. Joy Line Homes has four template models to date and offers unlimited custom options. By spring, West forecasts three more templates to choose from and by end of summer he said he hopes for more than a dozen models to be available online at including some accessory dwelling units, or smaller secondary units. Until now, if you wanted to build or remodel a home, you had to: Manage the project yourself. Hire an architect. Make hundreds of design decisions. Spend countless hours in showrooms selecting finishes, fixtures and appliances. Search for trustworthy local builders and contractors. Go through a nontransparent bid process. Brace yourself when the bids come in higher than expected. Endure a year or more of construction, change orders, unexpected delays, and extra costs. Not know how much your home is going to cost until you move in. Joy Line Homes decided to find a better way. Homes being built in a factory are the future, West says. He said he believes onsite construction will start to be something of the past. “There will always be the need to build on sight but with a higher density of people from local to state to advocate groups and builders alone, creating a cost effective, the only way to building a high quality home is in a controlled environment,” he said. “We can produce a home that starts at $110 a square foot when the average a square foot in all of California right now is $424 a square foot. What we do and charge is untouchable,” West insists. Taking into account that every project is different, from the first phone consultation, to sitting down to dinner in your new home, West said the Joy Line process usually takes 12 to 24 weeks start to finish. 34

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What is unique about Joy Line prefab homes West said, is they are built to meet federal (HUD) standards in addition to local city and IRC codes and standards. Under these strict building guidelines, these homes can be placed in virtually any location. “What’s nice about that, all our homes are built, leave the factory permitted and pre-inspected to Federal (HUD) building codes and standards which supersede local county building regulations. Because of that, it saves the buyer a tremendous amount of money and time,” said West. “Our permits are issued same day, and clients are able to bypass permitting their home through the county. That’s a huge benefit to the client!” he said. Joy Line Homes are built 80-100% before leaving the factory using the highest quality building materials and construction. They are also leading in energy saving construction and technologies and are built to meet fire, snow and harsh weather regulations with excellent craftsmanship to withstand bumps and winds up to 55mph to get the home to its permanent destination. All the completed homes come with appliances needed to meet creature comforts and include but are not limited to include: a gas furnace; an electric water heater or optional tank-less gas water heater; a stainless steel range and refrigerator and an electric or gas fireplace. Joy Line Homes also offers an in house realtor team that keeps up to date on local market trends and can relieve stress during the house hunt. With new laws in place and all our homes being built to MH advantage, our factory built homes are valued and recorded on title the same as a site built home,” West said. “At the end of the



day both homes are built the same with the exact same building materials except one is built onsite and the other in a factory.” In Santa Cruz County currently, Joy Line Homes is producing four homes. “Realistically we have up to eight homes being built all over California and the numbers continue to grow,” said West. “We are in the middle of a boom and we are going to put a ton more homes on the ground.” West said there are many people trying to solve the housing crisis. “We are all on the same mission but need product and all roads lead to Joy Line Homes. People hold a lot of value and sentiment to their home and what we offer with the unlimited customization is appealing and something to be proud of,” he said.


West and his staff meet weekly and work closely with partners of different humanitarian organizations in the effort to help fire victims, veterans, the homeless and Habitat for Humanity. Joy Line Homes are also getting ready to launch a fire relief organization out of Los Angeles and a non-profit in San Francisco where all the homes will be sold at cost. “For every 20 homes, we are giving one home away for free in that area, said West. We are trying to be proactive and Good Samaritans in our communities.” From time frame to cost of square foot- Joy Line Homes checks all the boxes according to West. Joy line Homes, 567 Auto Center Dr., Watsonville, CA 95076,, 831-246-3989

Spring-Summer 2020


S A US E • ½ cup olive oil • 2 tbs chopped yellow onion • 2 tbs chopped garlic • 2 tbs chopped parsley • ¼ cup chopped celery • 1 tbs chopped green pepper • 2 cups whole tomatoes • 1 cup tomato sauce • Salt and pepper to taste 36

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• 1 tbs paprika • ½ cup dry white wine • 3 cups water or fish stock (preferable) • 1 small sprig of basil

FISH • 1 pound prawns - shell on • 1 pound clams – make sure shells are closed • 2 whole uncooked crabs • 1 ½ pounds white fish

Braise onion, garlic, parsley, celery, and bell pepper in oil till golden brown. Add tomatoes and tomato sauce, salt, pepper, paprika, and sherry wine. Cook for 15 minutes. Add water and cook on low for 1 hour. This recipe will serve six. Adjust accordingly for however many you are serving.


Add the cod first as it breaks up and helps flavor the broth. You can add the prawns soon after. Then put in the live crabs and put a lid on the pot for a few minutes until the crabs are cooked. Lastly, add the clams and cover until all clam shells are open. If there are any that did not open, discard them. Give it a good stir and enjoy with French bread!

GIFT CARD: $100 VISA GIFT CARD FUL LLED BY PROTECT YOUR HOME THROUGH THIRD-PARTY PROVIDER, MPELL, UPON INSTALLATION OF A SECURITY SYSTEM AND EXECUTION OF MONITORING CONTRACT. $4.95 shipping and handling fee, gift cards can take up to 8 weeks to arrive after following the Mpell redemption process. BASIC SYSTEM: $99 INSTALLATION. 36-MONTH MONITORING Agreement required at $27.99 per month ($1,007.64). 24-Month Monitoring Agreement required at $27.99 per month ($671.76) for California. Offer applies to homeowners only. Basic system requires landline phone. Offer valid for new ADT Authorized Premier Provider customers only and not on purchases from ADT LLC. Cannot be combined with any other offer. The $27.99 Offer does not include Quality Service Plan (QSP), ADT’s Extended Limited Warranty. ADT Pulse: ADT Pulse Interactive Solutions Services (“ADT Pulse”), which help you manage your home environment and family lifestyle, require the purchase and/or activation of an ADT alarm system with monitored burglary service and a compatible computer, cell phone or PDA with Internet and email access. These ADT Pulse services do not cover the operation or maintenance of any household equipment/systemsthat are connected to the ADT Pulse equipment. All ADT Pulse services are not available with the various levels of ADT Pulse. All ADT Pulse services may not be available in all geographic areas. You may be required to pay additional charges to purchase equipment required to utilize the ADT Pulse features you desire. ADT PULSE + VIDEO: ADT PULSE + Video installation is an additional $299. 36-month monitoring contract required from ADT Pulse + Video: $59.99 per month, ($2,159.64), including Quality Service Plan (QSP). Doorbell camera may not be available in all areas. GENERAL: For all offers, the form of payment must be by credit card or electronic charge to your checking or savings account, satisfactory credit history is required and termination fee applies. Certain packages require approved landline phone. Local permit fees may be required. Certain restrictions may apply. Additional monitoring fees required for some services. For example, Burglary, Fire, Carbon Monoxide and Emergency Alert monitoring requires purchase and/or activation of an ADT security system with monitored Burglary, Fire, Carbon Monoxide and Emergency Alert devices and are an additional charge. Additional equipment may be purchased for an additional charge. Additional charges may apply in areas that require guard response service for municipal alarm veri cation. Prices subject to change. Prices may vary by market. Some insurance companies offer discounts on Homeowner’s Insurance. Please consult your insurance company. Photos are for illustrative purposes only and may not re ect the exact product/service actually provided. Licenses: AL21-001104, AR-CMPY.0001725 AZ-ROC217517, CA-ACO6320, CT-ELC.0193944-L5, DC-EMS902653, DC-602516000016, DE-07-212, FL-EC13003427, EC13003401, GA-LVA205395, IA-AS-0206, ID-ELE-SJ-39131, IL-127.001042, IN-C.P.D. Reg. No. – 19-08088, City of Indianapolis: LAC-000156, KY-City of Louisville: 483, LA-F1914, LA-F1915, LA-F1082, MA-1355C, MD-107-1626, ME-LM50017382, MI-3601205773, MN-TS01807, MO-CITY OF ST. LOUIS: CC#354, ST. LOUIS County: 100194, MS-15007958,MT-PSP-ELS-LIC-247, NC-25310-SP-FA/LV, NC-1622-CSA, NE-14451, NJ BURGLAR ALARM LIC. # -NJ-34BF00021800, NM-353366, NV-0068518, City of Las Vegas: 3000008296, NY-LICENSED BY THE N.Y.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE UID#12000317691, NYS #12000286451,OH-53891446, CITY OF CINCINNATI: AC86, OK-AC1048, OR-170997, Pennsylvania Home Improvement Contractor Registration Number: PA022999, RI-3582, RI-7508, SC-BAC5630, SD- 1025-7001-ET, TN-1520, TX-B13734, ACR-3492, UT-6422596-6501, VA-115120, VTES-2382(7C),WA-602588694/ECPROTEYH934RS, WI-City of Milwaukee: PAS-0002966, WV-WV042433, WY-LV-G-21499. 3750 PRIORITY WAY South Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46240 ©2017 DEFENDERS, Inc. dba Protect Your Home DF-CD-NP-Q220

Spring-Summer 2020


Americans across the country are taking strides to be more self-reliant, including growing food, composting, and raising animals. While these types of activities are most often associated with people who live in the country, residents in unexpected settings are embracing aspects of this lifestyle at increasingly fast rates. From barn to the backyard, raising chickens is the perfect example of how this momentum is building. The backyard chicken movement is thriving, providing numerous benefits to those who participate.

Why should you consider raising chickens? It’s not necessary to have a farming background in order to raise a small flock of poultry. Chickens are inexpensive to house and feed, managing their care is surprisingly simple, and it’s a great familyfriendly activity. In return, chickens supply nutritious, tasty eggs that are always fresher than their grocery counterparts, plus you can use their waste to create organic compost, an invaluable fertilizer for your garden. Additionally, chickens eat many pesky bugs, creating natural insect control on your property. The best way to ensure you start a healthy, egg-producing flock is by talking to a chicken expert or your local feed store!


• Check with your city - Verify the local chicken laws and ordinances in the city

where you live, plus chick with your homeowner’s association (if necessary). It also may be a good idea to make your neighbors aware of your plans if you live within close proximity.

• Start in the Spring - Every spring, chicks appear at feed stores for purchase. Work with a reputable chicken vendor to ensure you’re acquiring quality chickens, and they will be a resource if needed.

• Get a chicken coop - There are plenty of pre-fabricated chicken coop kits, or you can Pinterest board a DIY chicken coop and make it your own.

• Encourage Laying - Depending on the breed, hens typically lay eggs once every

day through the spring and summer, and sometimes into the fall. 12-14 hours of daylight is best to stimulate egg production. Adding extra light can really be beneficial to their lying tendencies. Nutritious feed and a continuous supply of water are essential in chicken health. Chickens can eat table scraps too - things like bread, cooked meats, fruits, and veggies.

Spring-Summer 2020


WITH FRUIT IN THE MORNING Many foods will pick up your immune system. For example, red bell peppers, broccoli, garlic, spinach, and poultry all are potent foods that have vitamins and many immune benefits. Most of those require cooking time, and they’re more of an afternoon, dinner food ingredient that will help boost your immunities. More on the sweeter side of the boost are fruits. A fantastic way to start your day. Here are some tasty, tantalizing fruits that will boost your morning immune system. • Kiwi • Mango • Pineapple • Bananas

• Peaches • Strawberries • Blueberries • Raspberries & Blackberries

Add to a bowl of your favorite cereal, and you have just added vitamins to your immune system. Better yet, make up your own smoothie by adding some of these fruits to a blender and away you go! Add your choice of greek yogurt, almond milk, or orange juice to help with the blending of items. I like to add some flaked oats. Boom! Your immune system will get a boost in a fruitfully delicious way. If you are the type of person that has no time in the morning to make a smoothie for yourself, there are local smoothie cafes with a variety of excellent smoothies. You will be delightfully surprised by how delicious a smoothie can be.


Spring-Summer 2020

D ecorating F armhouse S tyle

Farmhouse decorating is full of charm and character and shows that you want to keep it simple but still reflect your personal style. From the new couch to the 75 year old table, you can mix and match and make it yours. Originally, farmhouses were decorated with whatever was handy and practical. These days more thought goes into decorating “farmhouse style”, but practicality is still an important factor. If you are a flea market and yard sale aficionado, you can hunt for and find many treasures. Combine your vintage and new treasures and it all comes together. When you buy new, don’t match anything. For instance, don’t get a couch and matching loveseat. Pair your new couch or loveseat with a couple of vintage side chairs upholstered in a print fabric. Casual and practical, slipcovers can help lend a relaxed and soft feeling to a room. They’re not necessarily cheaper than reupholstering pieces, but the advantage is that you can take them off and wash them whenever you need. You can also put slipcovers on wood dining chairs to create a soft new look. Styles and materials can be all mixed up; that’s part of the charm. Wood floors always look better with an area rug. These days, many new area rugs come with a faded look that helps create 42

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that vintage look. Or, peruse those swap meets, someone out there is replacing an area rug that will look great in your house! Using reclaimed barn board is a great way to add some history and character to a home. It can be used on floors, walls, shelving—the list goes on. Butcher block counters are great in farmhouse kitchens because they keep the look relaxed. They have a great rustic quality and will stay in good shape as long as you treat them regularly. If all butcher block is too much, consider an island. A no-brainer for country kitchens, apron sinks practically scream farmhouse. Mix them with some shaker-style cabinets and you’re guaranteed a farmhouse look. Perhaps the most important thing to remember when decorating in farmhouse style is ‘don’t rush.’ Charm and character can’t be bought in a day. Don’t buy just for the sake of buying, but instead peruse, meander, and collect. Decorate with things that have meaning, whether they’re brand new or decades old.




ART SUPPLIES LENZ ARTS 142 River St., Santa Cruz 831.423.1935 Serving you for over 50 years, Lenz Arts offers the largest selection of fine art supplies and the oldest custom frame shop on the Central Coast. Described as "one of the last real art stores on the West Coast," people drive for hours to take advantage of our comprehensive stock and knowledge. From the finger-painting toddler to the professional gallery artist, we've got you covered! Lenz Arts remains a very familyoriented business. Owners Andy and Cynthia have retired but Andrew Jr. along his brother Matthew keep the Lenz Arts tradition going. BANKING BAY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 831.479.6000 Bay Federal Credit Union is a full service, not for profit financial cooperative. We provide personal and business banking services but, unlike a bank, we’re owned by our accountholders and members like you! Our goal is to be better than a bank by delivering outstanding service, competitive

savings yields, low loan rates, and many low and no-cost services. Our Board of Directors is made up of unpaid volunteers who spend countless hours ensuring the safety and stability of your money in the Credit Union. CONSTRUCTION SUPPLIES APTOS LANDSCAPE SUPPLY 5035 Freedom Blvd, Aptos 831.688.6211 Locally owned and operated since 1966, our mission is to build long-lasting relationships with our customers by providing exceptional service and the highest quality, sustainable landscape and hardscape materials for the lowest prices around. We are a familyowned-and-run company that has built a solid reputation in the Santa Cruz county community and the Greater Bay area. We stock a wide variety of top landscaping and hardscaping materials and much more, while also offering fast delivery of these products to your home or job site. CENTRAL HOME SUPPLY 808 River Street, Santa Cruz 831.423.0763 180 El Pueblo Rd, Scotts Valley 831.440.0763 Central Home Supply was founded in 1974

by John and Ann Santee. They moved to the present location, over 5 centrally located acres at the corner of Highways One and Nine (River Street) in Santa Cruz in 1977. The company is still family owned and offers over 2,500 products; there are over 100 types of natural stone alone! But most importantly, if we don’t have it, we can locate the unique, the hard-to-find, the unusual, and get it for you. Service comes first! GRANITEROCK 540 West Beach St., Watsonville 831.768.2500 303 Coral St., Santa Cruz 831.471.3401 For more than a century, Graniterock has been providing the construction industry with quality materials and products. Graniterock People say “Yes, we will” when asked to meet your special product needs. We work with contractors and owners to create that special look for your home, pool, or landscape. Let us bring your ideas to life and share our expertise with you. Whether you need aggregate, ready-mix concrete, hot mix asphalt or building materials for your next home improvement project, get to know Graniterock.

Spring-Summer 2020


EQUIPMENT RENTAL A TOOL SHED 3700 Soquel Avenue, Santa Cruz 831.477.7133 285 W. Beach Street, Watsonville 831.722.0334 A Tool Shed Equipment Rentals Inc. is your equipment rental solution for all your rental needs. From forklift and scissor lifts to loader/excavator and trencher rentals, generators and welders, lawn and garden equipment rentals, we have it all! We have the rental inventory to help you get your job done quickly and easily. You’ll appreciate our large rental inventory and wide selections of rental tools available from the novice or do it yourselfer to the experienced contractor. Rental equipment is our specialty with fast delivery services just a phone call away. FURNISHING & DÉCOR AMERICAN LEISURE 1118 Ocean St., Santa Cruz 831.423.2425 3550 Stevens Creek Blvd., San Jose 408.446.9350 American Leisure started in 1972 as a small manufacturer of custom-made, one-of-akind patio furniture. For over 40 years, our skills have been honed as we have grown the business to what it is today; a leading retailer of top-of-the-line indoor and outdoor furniture in the Silicon Valley and Monterey Bay Areas. Family owned, we've built our reputation on quality, integrity and providing excellent customer service. We treat each customer as though they are our only customer and believe no order is too small or too large. GARAGE DOOR A-1 OVERHEAD DOOR CO. 238 Wheelock Road, Watsonville 831.688.5892 • Serving Monterey & Santa Cruz Counties with over 50 years of experience in the garage door trade, and over 12,000 installations, we have built a strong reputation for providing the highest quality


Spring-Summer 2020

work by giving personalized service to our customers. Our focus is on providing our customers with quality craftsmanship at an affordable price. It is our focus on quality and affordability that propels A-1 Overhead Door Co. ahead of the competition. We provide prompt, reliable sales, repairs and service. Call or e-mail for a free estimate. GARDEN & HOME KNOX GARDEN BOX 46-A El Pueblo Road, Scotts Valley 831.461.9430 It’s easy to create a smaller, more manageable and prolific garden with a preassembled Knox Garden Box. Solve problems with overly compacted soil, poor drainage, voracious garden pests, damage cold temperatures, water shortages, and sore muscles from incessant bending and kneeling. Having your garden raised off the ground has a few other benefits besides reducing the need to bend over and kneel. The boxes provide exceptional soil drainage and solve the problem of gophers, which can destroy a whole garden in a day. OUTDOOR SUPPLY HARDWARE 161 41st Ave. Capitola 831.316.3823 At Outdoor Supply Hardware, we don’t come with preconceptions or a ‘Big-Box’ mentality. We want to add to the quality of life that makes living here special. There are a lot of reasons to love living here and we strive to be one of them. We believe that a business is about more than making money, it’s also about community. If you create a service business and focus on the business aspect more than the service to your community, it probably won’t go well. We’re your neighbors and neighbors are welcome any time. HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING J.C. HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 831.475.6583 J.C. Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. has over 40 years of experience providing full-service heating, air conditioning, and

ventilation. We are the first choice when it comes to providing the dedicated service you and your family deserve. No job is too big or too small for us, and we do the job right every time. Each employee is trained to see your job through from start to finish, making sure the unit or system performs up to your expectation. We provide quick, professional and complete service. LANDSCAPING JAY WELTY LANDSCAPING 831.684.0433 Jay Welty has been creating beautiful landscapes since 1978. We can create your home improvement vision for a waterfall, stone patio, special lighting and irrigation, and beautiful landscaping. See what you can design with Jay Welty! Call for a free consultation. PETS APTOS FEED 7765 Soquel Drive, Aptos 831.685.3333 Family owned since 1990, Aptos Feed carries everything you need to nurture your pet! We have an extensive variety of supplies and food for all your pet friends, including domestic, farm, and outdoor wildlife. Come browse our aisles for pet toys, wild bird feeders and seed, frozen and raw natural foods, and treats. Our friendly staff can help you find whatever you are looking for and are very knowledgeable about our products. Aptos Feed is your local go-to feed store for all your pet needs! Visit us on Facebook! CORRALITOS FEED 2895B Freedom Blvd. 831.722.7884 1486 Freedom Blvd. 831.728.2244 At Corralitos Feed we specialize in pet and livestock nutrition. We offer a wide variety of natural foods and carry everything you need to keep your pets and livestock healthy and happy. We have a huge selection of dog and cat food that will satisfy even the pickiest of eaters, along with an abundance of toys

and treats for your furry friends. Come and check out our great selection of boots and western wear as well. We carry Ariat boots in many styles, as well as English riding attire like breeches, show coats and more! Stop by and take a look around! PET PALS 3660 Soquel Dr. Soquel 831.464.8875 www.petpals.con Pet Pals Discount Pet Food and Supplies has been family owned since 1987. We aim to provide brand name pet food and supplies at the lowest discount prices at our 17,000 square foot warehouse store. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is ready to help you and your four-legged friend find exactly what you need. We take pride in our local roots and give back to the Santa Cruz County pet community whenever possible. We offer a low-cost vaccination clinic and host pet adoptions every weekend. Pet Pals is not a chain or franchise. PHILANTHROPIC DOMINICAN HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 1555 Soquel Drive, Santa Cruz 831-462-7712 The Dominican Hospital Foundation was established to cultivate philanthropic support to meet the changing healthcare needs of our community. Established in 1966 when a citizens’ committee raised $1 million to build the first phases of Dominican Hospital’s present facility, the Foundation continues to be led by community leaders̶ who donate their time, expertise, and financial resources. Their support, along with our many donors, helps the hospital to provide the latest surgical equipment, critical program support and education for patients, a healing environment, patient support funds, and more. POOLS & SPAS APPI POOLS 1527-B Commercial Way, Santa Cruz 831.476.6363 APPI is the recognized leader in swimming pool construction and remodel in Santa

Cruz County. Our design team will not only repair your pool but also add new touches to give it a whole new look. Our purpose is to provide you with services that optimize your leisure experience. There really is no limit to how much pleasure you can have in a pool or spa by APPI. What better way to celebrate a gloriously sunny day than with a perfect gainer off the high board! REAL ESTATE JIM FURLONG 1602 Ocean St., Santa Cruz 831.212.9648 Expect only my best in professional real estate marketing of your home. Allow me to share my energy in making your home transaction an enjoyable experience. I work hard, seven days a week to meet each client’s goals and needs, whether it's buying or selling a property. I will make your needs a reality using good honest sense, knowledge, and credibility. You have my word! I would be happy to share my enthusiasm as a REALTOR® with you. ROOM REAL ESTATE 831.234.6683 Founded by local real estate experts Jayson Madani and Maaret Forst, we are a boutique real estate agency serving buyers and sellers in the Santa Cruz area where Jayson was born and raised, and where he has sold properties since 2004. Our team members know the local neighborhoods and communities very well, and our clients benefit from their knowledge and experience. Our ultimate goal is to continue building our team and business while sacrificing none of the stellar client service we’ve become known for. ROOFING

experienced roofing company. Knox Roofing is the roofing specialist that homeowners have depended on for over 30 years. With free estimates, available financing, and a personal touch with all customers, Knox Roofing has become known as the go-to choice when homeowners want to replace, repair, or install a roof. Whether it's a restoration, new installation, or a roof on an existing residence, Knox Roofing has the expertise and experience you're looking for. SHOPPING CENTER APTOS VILLAGE SQUARE 7960 Soquel Dr., Drive, Aptos Conveniently located off Highway 1 and just outside Aptos Village, Aptos Village Square is host to several Aptos favorites, including Uncle Kwok’s, Showtime Pizza, Fleet Feet, Hotsource Yoga, Studio E Dance, Quality Water, Jansen Music, The UPS Store, CrossFit Aptos, and Let It Shine Hair Salon. Follow us in Instagram! WATER PROVIDER SOQUEL CREEK WATER DISTRICT 5180 Soquel Drive, Soquel 831.475.8500 The Soquel Creek Water District is a nonprofit, local government agency that provides water resource management and a safe, reliable supply of water to midcounty residents and businesses. The District serves approximately 40,400 customers through 15,800 connections in four service areas within mid-Santa Cruz County solely with groundwater. Ninety percent of our customers are residential. We are a public agency dedicated to providing a safe, high quality, reliable, and sustainable water supply to meet our community’s present and future needs in an environmentally sensitive and economically responsible manner.

KNOX ROOFING 46 El Pueblo Road, Scotts Valley 831.461.0634 When it comes to working with a roofing company in the Santa Cruz and Monterey areas, it's important to choose an

Spring-Summer 2020


F OR FI ND I NG A LOST DOG Dogs are important and adored members of their families; however, millions go missing every year. The reasons are varied and probably not all that surprising. A curious dog might jump over a fence or dig a hole under one. A pup might sneak out a door or gate inadvertently left open. Worn or broken leashes or collars could also allow a dog to escape your control. Regardless of how a dog is lost, what matters most is getting your pup back home. Here are three important steps to take before and after a dog goes missing: 1. Before your dog ever goes missing, you can help protect your pup. Leverage innovative technology designed to reunite dogs with the people who love them, like the recently launched Wag! Tag, a smarter dog tag from the dog walking and sitting app Wag! Pet parents can use their smartphones to scan the unique code found on the tag to create a profile for their dog with important information, such as emergency and veterinary contacts, vaccination history, food and medicine allergies, and other relevant notes. If your dog ever goes missing, the person who finds your pup can scan the Wag! Tag with their smartphone to access the dog’s profile and contact you. The additional information on the profile can help that person contact someone else if you are not available, as well as ensure your dog receives good care until you are reunited. Our love for dogs is what led us to launch the Wag! Tag, says Wag! CEO, Hilary Schneider. A smarter dog tag will help a lost pup return home more quickly by allowing a pet parent to share a lot more information than is possible with a traditional dog tag. Wag! is launching the tags by first providing them free to animal shelters and rescue organizations to help ensure that once rescue dogs find forever homes, they can be quickly reunited with their families if they ever go missing. The company has a long commitment to helping shelter dogs, donating a portion of its 46

Spring-Summer 2020

dog-walking proceeds to‚ a rescue bank. Todate, Wag! has provided more than eight million meals to shelter dogs in the U.S. For more information, visit tag.wagwalking. com/shelter. 2. Use social media to get out the word. Post to your own feed, asking friends and neighbors to share your post. Reach a wider audience by sharing your post on the pages of local community groups. 3. Of course, don’t neglect the traditional tactic of pounding the pavement, asking your neighbors if they’ve seen your pup, as well as posting fliers in highly trafficked areas in your community. Be sure to include a recent high-resolution picture of your pet. And of course, keep your eyes open! You can imagine the heartbreak that a lost pup brings. Luckily, new technology as well as old-fashioned neighborly networking, can help ensure a happy reunion (StatePoint)

Spring-Summer 2020



Spring-Summer 2020

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