Full Story page 5
Capitola Update the city has been considering building a new City Hall to include the city adminis-
43rd Wharf to Wharf July 26 Race Director Scott McConville said, “We registered
department headquarters to 7-acre city property. Full Story page 15
to Capitola-by-the-Sea. This legendary race, held on Sunday
FREE PRESSURE WASH with complete exterior paint
831.688.6913 | license #681095
New In Town
New Bohemia Brewing Company T event welcomed the 9th new brewery to owner, Daniel Satterthwaite specializes in traditional European style lagers and ales
Ribbon Cutting – Front Row: Owners (from left): Dan Satterthwaite, Sarah Furguson Mike Hochleutner – First District Supervisor John Leopold (right)
2 / July 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times
New Bohemia Brewing Company, 1030 41st Ave, Santa Cruz, CA 95062 (831) 350-0253. Website: www.nubobrew. com Hours 12 to 9 pm weekdays, and until 10 pm Fri/Sat
Table of Contents
4th of JULY CELEBRATION! ENROLL FOR ONLY $4 PLUS 3 FREE Training Sessions! Hurry, Offer Expires 7/15/15 *Some restrictions may apply
Volume 20
No. 7
Cover 43rd Wharf to Wharf July 26 5 6 7 8
Community News
Rail Transit Returning to Santa Cruz County? by Noel Smith Heated Pool
9 10
12 13 Capitola Update Community News by Noel Smith 14 16 by Edita McQuary 23 Yoga and Pilates Classes
2 8 11
Water Aerobics everyday!
by Mike DeMars New In Town Local Sports Kids Camps
by William Hauselburg
Relax in our Hot Tub, Sauna, & Steam Room
Business Profile 18 Capo Fireside Hearth and Home by Edita McQuary 17
Come have fun in Zumba! n
Heated Swimming Pool Water Aerobics Everyday Hot Tub, Steam Room, Sauna Silver Sneaker Classes Cardio Muscle
Featured Columnists
By Elene L Johas Teener Modern Research and Relationship Success 19 by Henry Castaniada Children Must Come First 20 by Rich Didday 21 22 26
by Tamra Taylor by Robert Francis
noons... 30 Engaging the Community 31 by C.J.
Beginning Yoga & Chair Yoga Circuit & Stretch Classes Personal Training with Membership Pilates & Core Classes Zumba Classes
30#! &EATURED 0ET s Mandi Hart
by Katie Volat, DVM
816 Bay Avenue, across from Nob Hill WWW.CAPITOLAFITNESS.COM n
LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED! Capitola Soquel Times / July 2015 / 3
Patrice Edwards
Cover Story
publisher’s assistant Camisa Composti editor Noel Smith contributing writers Noel Smith, Edita McQuary, Mike DeMars, William Hauselburg, Elene L Johas Teener, Henry Castaniada, Rich Didday, Tamra Taylor, Katie Volat, Robert Francis, Gary Griggs, C.J., Mandi Hart layout Michael Oppenheimer, Bri Bruce graphic artists Michael Oppenheimer, Bri Bruce production coordinator Bri Bruce advertising sales Don Beaumont, Jay Peters office coordinator Cathe Race distribution Bill Pooley, Camisa Composti
History -
Thomas, served as Race Director. Race winner and duly awarded him a plaque
On Your Mark…
sweeping the nation.
runners. Giving Back to Local Athletes
the race a grand success. When they
has been capped to preserve the integrity to review policy, procedures and oversee
Times Publishing Group, Inc. 9601 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 The Times Publishing Group, Inc., publishers of the Aptos Times, a bi-weekly publication, the Capitola Times and Scotts Valley Times, each printed monthly, Coastal Weddings Magazine, Coastal Home and Garden Magazine, Aptos’ Fourth of July Parade Official Program Guide and Capitola’s Begonia Festival Official Program Guide, is owned by Patrice Edwards. Entire contents ©2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without the publisher’s written permission PHONE: (831) 688-7549 FAX: (831) 688-7551 GENERAL E-MAIL: info@cyber-times.com Patrice Edwards: patrice@cyber-times.com Publisher’s Assistant: assistant@cyber-times.com Editor: info@cyber-times.com Opinions/Letters: editorial@cyber-times.com Calendar Listings: www.tpgonlinedaily.com Graphics Department: graphics@cyber-times.com Billing Inquiries: cathe@cyber-times.com Classified Sales: sales@cyber-times.com Production: production@cyber-times.com CHECK OUT OUR WEB SITE AT: www.tpgonlinedaily.com distribution We at the Times Publishing Group, Inc. are dedicated to providing a voice for the individuals and organizations in our community while highlighting the outstanding accomplishments of our local businesses. We seek to promote healthy family values through our coverage of youth activities, school news, senior events, community groups and entertainment 4 / July 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times
Giving Back to the Community
sands are involved as volunteers, sponsors,
on the Santa Cruz calendar. “Wharf to Wharf” page 6
Community News
Cabrillo Stage Musicals for All Ages! A Fun-Filled Summer with
abrillo Stage’s summer season has
zations actively teaching them the theater arts. This summer season at Cabrillo Stage is dedicated to giving our youth the opportunity to show their acting, singing,
the adult talent active in Cabrillo Stage and throughout the bay area today were involved as children in past Cabrillo Stage “Cabrillo Stage” page 15
Capitola Soquel Times / July 2015 / 5
Cover Story
The Wharf to Wharf Roadshow race route is lined with a virtual gauntlet
mariachi, percussion, bagpipes; more more entertainment per mile than any Contact Brendan Kelly, Entertainment 831-706-4032
Yoga Wednesday 6:00 PM Saturday 12:00 PM
With Success Comes…
to test their mettle against the best. The
Coastline, stellar local bands and music, -
The Race is produced and administered
(At the corner of Porter and Soquel)
lighted in all running industry publications
4641 Soquel Drive, Soquel
6 / July 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times
F gettable.
broad print and electronic media attention being broadcast live on radio, covered by
Every One’s a Winner
Gift Certificates Available
sports in general and the running community
Community News
Rail Transit Returning to Santa Cruz County? By Noel Smith
Funding Assessment — how it could
he Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission owns the only
nario advances community goals and
highest rated options based on evaluation criteria
Get Involved — will help ensure that the Final Report Step 1: Review the Draft Report Online: person by reviewing a copy at RTC’s Santa
high volume passenger rail corridor is within
views on the west coast.
Step 2: Submit Comments by July 8, 2015 Comment
alongside the rail or converting the corridor to trail-only use. However, the grant money its improvement has been predicated on some
transportation asset called a rail corridor. -
rail-study-comments Email: sccrtc.org Online Survey: The Survey will be
rail transit
Step 3: Stay Involved — between Watsonville and Santa Cruz in
study and to participate in the discussion. www.sccrtc.org/about/esubscriptions
to grow longer each year until at some people, here are some things that stand out and Santa Cruz. The only way to relieve Capital Cost Estimates Operations & Maintenance Cost Estimates Ridership Forecasts — how many people would ride trains Why do we need Mass Transit?
Santa Cruz County is not considered commute times. area concentrates development between the ocean and the mountains. The county’s
Full Bar!
Fine Mexican Food Come and Celebrate
INDEPENDENCE DAY! With our famous Cadillac Margaritas!
alternative to building a wider Highway the SCCRTC hired consultants to provide a Rail Feasibility Study. The study was
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Rio Del Mar Mexican Cuisine CUERVO GOLD MARGARITAS!
overall, with areas along the rail line sig-
RTC web site: www.sccrtc.org or call (831) 460-3200. Santa Cruz County Regional Trans-
provide the necessary railway equipment so it can be used at
million. study, it seems to provide a rational set Capitola Soquel Times / July 2015 / 7
Local Sports
Mid-County High School All SCCAL All SCCAL Baseball 2015 Soquel Robert Zuniga Troy Miller Fineas Del Bonta Smith 1st Team Kevin Armacost Harbor 1st Team Nate Pisciotta 2nd Team Jacob Wiechmann Cruz Lambert
Honorable Mention Carly Christensen Hannah Christensen Emily Rafalski
All SCCAL Softball 2015 Soquel 1st Team Melissa Provancha Katrina Agosti Jamie Sugimoto Grace Harrison Maddie Marlatt Honorable Mention Melanie Del Carlo Alissa Rezendes Kacey Sugimoto
All SCCAL Boys Golf 2015 Soquel Honorable Mention Van Smith
All SCCAL Boys Volleyball 2015 Soquel 1st Team Kobi Cook
Harbor Scott Bedell Deane Rinaldi 1st Team Jack Heavey Brant Schenk Ryan Nixon Ryker Barnes 2nd Team Honorable Mention Cole Wilson Ben Kohnhorst
Harbor 2nd Team Scottie Sanborn Chayton Clark Honorable Mention Aaron Huckeby Drew Bohnen
Harbor 2nd Team Veronica Lopez
Community Briefs S
tialed teachers who provide support to
Capitola Soroptimists Host June 30 Membership Mixer -
Upcoming blood donation opportunities
The-Sea is hosting a new Membership events to add enrichment to the stuprograms leading to social and economic itola, on Tuesday, about homeschooling and the program
Saints, 220 Elk St., Santa Cruz Thursday Monday Wednesday
Membership Sunday Art & Music At The Beach be provided at the Santa Cruz County who are interested in actively helping to meet the club’s mission. “There are openings on several committees and we’re hoping to recruit
Homeschool Support in Live Oak -
Red Cross Calls for Donors Campaign to Maintain Summer Blood Supply gible donors to give blood in the
throughout the summer at Esplanade
Esplanade Stage.
Mary Sauter started as a teacher consultant
supply now and throughout the summer. Many summer activities, such as
Commission Six Sundays
guests attended the celebration and shared
donors to be less available to give during the summer. However, hospital patients still depend on volunteer donors to
2015 Concert Series Live Music on the Esplanade Stage 2 – 4 p.m. June 28:
To encourage more people to donate July 5: will receive a Red Cross embroidered hat, while supplies last. Eligible donors are encouraged to
July 19: August 2: August 16: Free and open to the public – Sponsored
Kalil Mitchell, Skyler Delvy, and Ari Kellet 8 / July 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times
appointment to give blood, download
Community News
Capitola Launches Program To Help Homeowners Conserve Water And Energy T -
water, or the equivconserve a desperately needed resource. -
help homeowners save water, including
we could save the heads; drip irrigation systems; rainwater catchment systems; gray water systems;
and drought-tolerant landscaping.
meet that demand.
Tahoe, every year. and my company has been able to hire
holds that otherwise could not consider
products are available
relatively new, so it is essential that customers educate tection policy sets the industry standard
households. Cities and counties need only pass a
contractors undergo rigorous training -
We’re really pleased to be able to include products include solar panel installations, whole-home heating and cooling systems,
rising energy costs, property owners are
and insulation.
participating local governments. -
To learn more about the HERO Financing
tractors can steer their customers toward
855-HERO-411 (855-437-6411). that requires no money down and does not depend on personal credit, bringing
the homeowner. Homeowners can select a they don’t have to put down large amounts diate savings on water and/or energy
while helping their communities reach state-imposed water and energy savings goals.
Homeowners see immediate savings on nia’s newly adopted regulations aimed at reducing urban water consumption
completed to date. This is equivalent to the Capitola Soquel Times / July 2015 / 9
Community News
Carrley Husfelt and Alisa Detter
enrolled at Cypress High School. She’ll be
creative writing. Carrley is the
College. Forster writes, “Small is good when it comes to
Santa Cruz.
degree in Kinesiology with a goal Cypress Charter High School is located at 2039 Merrill Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95062 and is open to all high schoolage students in Santa Cruz County depending on available attending local public schools through high school.
visit the website at: cypresshs.weebly.com
‘Dream It, Be It’ Career Conference Attracts 72 Girls
counties surrounding Monterey -
started on living their dreams at a one-day
through programs leading to social and economic empow-
the Central Coast, the newly-designed curriculum to educate the
the Central Coast is an porated, a national organization that progirls.
career options and obstacles they would
Soroptimist is a Salinas Soroptimist President Carol Jackson provides career support for girls global volunteer orgaattending Dream It, Be It conference at CSUMB.
old girls crowded into the registration room in to hear an introduction sessions about how to discover their dreams, goals, and put dreams Carmel Bay Soroptimist Dianne Driessen leads the girls through the conference into action. summary Then they got
their aspirations and use the collages to bullying and peer pressure and its conseachievable goals using small steps to get -
school drop-outs. Discussions on how to overcome those session addressed the gap between dreams and action plans.
10 / July 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times
Sports Camps for Summer Fun
Kids Camps
By William Hauselburg
Summer is always an idle time
outside and moving?
that has year-round classes, the summer important, and there is nothing better moving their bodies. play video games all day, but is that the
“Sports Camp” page 25
Monte Vista Horsemanship Camp ÓÊ-V Ê7>Þ]Ê7>ÌÃ Û i]Ê Ê xäÇÈ Phone: 831-206-9707 e-mail: MVEquestrian@gmail.com web: www.montevistaequestrian.com -
trian@gmail.com or visit
Jim Booth Swim School >ÀÛiÞÊ7iÃÌÊ* ]Ê-> Ì>Ê ÀÕâÊUÊ Ê- >«iÊ ÕL]Ê >« Ì > 7>ÌÃ Û iÊ ` ÀÊEÊ"ÕÌ` ÀÊ* à Phone: 831-722-3500 web: www.jimboothswimschool.com
www.tpgonlinedaily.com Capitola Soquel Times / July 2015 / 11
Community News
Providing Hope, One Lunch at a Time LIVE OAK — For many children here in Santa Cruz County, summer means vacation,
at Santa Cruz Hope Church other children that live below the poverty line, they not only miss the opportunity to particyouth. From nurturing their
in a situation largely beyond During the school year, many public schools provide
part society is ignoring the
once summer comes, parents struggle to Free Lunch Details: with Santa Cruz Hope Church to launch a brown bag lunch will be provided to children
“Grind Out Hunger” page 25
5167 Scotts Valley Dr. Scotts Valley, CA 95066
`>Þ À `>ÞÊ£ä x\ÎäÊUÊ->ÌÕÀ`>ÞÊEÊ-Õ `>ÞÊ£ä x
12 / July 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times
Community News
Capitola Update By Noel Smith We last visited with Capitola City
would be two more buildings on the 7-acre
and thought it was time to revisit the issues we covered at that time. New Civic Center
lot behind the current city hall would be the -
been considering building a new City Hall and the police department headquarters
That leads to the third building procurrent city hall-police department would much more central, accessible location department. There have also been suggestions to the city council to consider
erated by its visitors as they shop and eat
Middle School and the savings on conlocation saying that so many new people coming here would change the character was originally built as a camp ground
such a structure on piers and then use the
Under the current proposal there
“Capitola News� page 14
Capitola Soquel Times / July 2015 / 13
Community News
Princes o’lo Surfboards Have Returned
lowing day. They were attending a Military
and vintage police cars escorting. their summers in Santa Cruz with -
their boards with them. nized by the Santa Cruz Woodies Club,
growth local redwood. The ocean water here in Santa Cruz was considerably colder than their home island, but the air temperature that
These two o’los will be displayed in a his-
Santa Cruz. -
season, according to a
Front St. During a private ceremony, the the crate. The boards will be on display at brothers rode their o’los About the Princes of Surf exhibition
“Hotel guests spend much more by the city, go though public hearings, destination but we currently don’t have
Commission. Rispin Mansion and Grounds
guests and their potential business here open to the public. Compared to past plans Skate Parks in Capitola mance area. Truly a magical place along county due to a soils issue. The site is mostly chemistry may not meet the requirements without mitigation. No word yet on when the county will give its permission to continue construction. Further tests are underway and the has been delayed
14 / July 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times
years and it’s great to see the devotion to the theater arts that our community has and
set and show him how to win his students over with imagination and music. urday morning cartoon series that taught history, grammar, math, and more through
available to our young actors singers, musicians and dancers. Cabrillo Stage wants
Michael have sent many a nanny and will be sure to entertain the entire generations, and now the enchanting story, arrives on their doorstep. Using
Schoolhouse Rock Live pop culture phenomenon returns to never boring when cleverly t a u g h t t h r o u g h music. The iconic cartoon series “School-
magic and common sense, she must teach
magical and memorable adventures, but
Stage and other local productions such as
musical numbers will delight theatergoers cover a world where anything can happen
Cover Photo: Matt Meyers (George), Makai Hernandez (Joe), Bobby Marchessault (Tom), Kiana Hamzehi (Dina), Kara Jonsson (Dori) & Alexi Baker (Shulie)
a trip down memory lane and introduce
Mary Poppins
Celebrating our 70th year in business!
Celebrate Summer
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www.atoolshed.com OPEN & DELIVERING 7 DAYS A WEEK
Capitola Soquel Times / July 2015 / 15
Community News
Imagine Supported Living Services By Edita McQuary n obviously homeless
person agencies in Santa Cruz County.
shopping cart with all his worldly goods ambles past us. “Why is our comvices provided according to the individual Services Capitola.
residential home but rather it is living in a private apartment/home.
agency, has been helping persons with developmental disabilities live in their own
paying, house cleaning, etc., depending on each individual client’s needs. The care providers are specially trained by -
be helping. as autism, cerebral palsy, seizure disorder, intellectual disability, and other similar disorders. The terms “developmentally
opmentally disabled persons are matched
longer used. Center interviews each person, studies their medical records, and then through a
pay monthly and get two monthly payrooms to the person.
supported living services, he or she can
831-688-6211 www.aptoslandscapesupply.com 16 / July 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times
“Imagine� page 25
Featured Columnist
Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples
Modern Research and Relationship Success By Elene L Johas Teener, LCSW
he latest research in adult love and years or so in the past, and the prac-
but is supported by rigorous empirically
happy in their relationships. The results appear lasting, even with couples that are
on “each persons attachment style, and
embedded in attachment and/or careis that “attachment style can change as a
cultural myth is that desire gets old and only new partners or new techniques will is a state that we naturally are in when physical bonding which creates a deeper
his challenges are my challenges and mine the other really was on our side with those challenges. We were no longer alone in anything. With that security, growing
has emphasized three main emotional states that create lasting connection and better physical love. Understanding these and how we are or are not available to each other will support our growing attachment or bonding to each other. We easier to remember. When partners are
secure bonding promote passion. themselves, mutual physicality becomes in a relationship. Where every word, glance, render to sensation and share their deepest desire
physical love in a relationship? growing. us together, can our physicality Capitola Soquel Times / July 2015 / 17
Business Profile
CAPO FIRESIDE Hearth and Home
By Edita McQuary
earth and home” — words that -
Street in Santa Cruz can help imagine and you desire.
it on all sides. Their website says it has “the -
and he has built the business up more pits in the summer. They are getting cus-
not be aware.
wood burning to gas stoves. For those cushome visits at no charge to help home-
C = Comprehensive Products carry a wide range such as Mendota, -
him. Eric has been awarded the coveted times. There are eight employees in the
P = Professional Installation by a hire an outside contractor to install O = Outstanding Value “We are an honest business and carry
out the previous owner, Santa Cruz Stoves,
When you visit Capo Fireside, you
related scenes. Capo Fireside is located at 1043 Water Street, Santa Cruz. Telephone 831.476.8007 Working hours are: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. They are closed on Sunday. www.capo-
18 / July 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times
Featured Columnist
Soquel School District’s Children Must Come First special interest group continues to promote their own personal
School District is the only district in our county that has launched a math program,
This have targeted the superintendent’s actions to balance resources throughout the district. This action by these individuals is irresponsible and potentially very
members who are willing to be innovative
Conducting a special board election will
established employee compensation as one active cost containment steps, the District has been able to provide our employees’
support student programs. Furthermore, the current superintendent has announced
us to increase our employee salaries in the
Cotsen Foundation that has resulted in
one million dollars in general obligation bond payments.
trained teachers in our entire county.
School District is an outstanding edu-
our board members approved a new partnership that resulted in the district
parents and most importantly our stu-
and proven superintendent will imme-
district. process that may encumber up to eight -
acter traits that will be incorporated into
interest group has chosen to create havoc
it will require our entire community to
individuals who wish to become a trustee
will encourage dynamic leaders to apply
a superintendent is considering a position,
teachers. This has resulted in hundreds special interest group. 809 Bay Ave.
Come Beachby for a fr Ballee
Locally Owned and Operated %SPQ CZ GPS B UPVS BOE TFF
The Very Best in Storage!
(831) 465.0600
Capitola Soquel Times / July 2015 / 19
Featured Columnist
This house was built 100 years ago (but not in Capitola!) By Rich Didday, CVRA
that remains in its original location is the
survives here, in Capitola.
over, was loaded on a train, brought to and reassembled where it is now, on Soquel
The house has been remodeled to
Window latches on the double hung sash windows CVRA Board Elections elected
launched into spirited discussions about the New Civic Center proposals, the County and upcoming proposals about City zoning changes, among other topics. Nels Westman Margaret Kinstler Secretary Ellen Miller Treasurer and also Membership Coordinator Linda Hanson
A wall socket in use into the late 1970’s now a paperweight. 20 / July 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times
The CVRA is now in its eighth year. To learn more, please visit www. CapitolaCVRA.org
Nels Westman
Margaret Kinstler
Ellen Miller
Featured Columnist
2014-15 a Wonderful Year at Live Oak! By Tamra Taylor, Superintendent Live Oak Elementary School District
in May. Shoreline students also competed
porting materials to be sent home with
are proud to say that this year was Goal 2: Shoreline’s team created a Remotely did in implementing the new Common Core-aligned curriculum, and the support their students’ learning when questions and concerns around the curriculum arose. For instance, the parentoriented Math Nights held at each elementary school were well-attended and dynamic and it was heartening to see so many academic success. We will be holding more
community input. Goal 1: To support the “Family
we will be recruiting parent and teacher liaisons at each school site to plan the
High School pool.
“Live Oak” page 22
school, beginning in September, to learn about underwater research,
CAPITOLA VETERINARY HOSPITAL Professional & Friendly Veterinary Care with Exceptional Client Service in a State-Of-The-Art Hospital
tigious engineering and design contest organized and sponsored by The Tech
Don’t You AND Your Pet Deserve the Best Veterinary Care? Entrances
students scored so well, a group was
NEW CLIENT OFFER Exam, Dental Health Check Up and One Vaccine.
Capitola Soquel Times / July 2015 / 21
Featured Columnist
Cracking the code of Pet Food Labels By Katie Volat, DVM, Capitola Veterinary Hospital
terms equate to better quality or special
healthy, natural ingredients that will allow diets, in general, are a good choice, especially everything you read? Does your pet need a
sensitive stomach issues in many pets.
regulates the label claims? made progress in the quality
No. There is currently no evidence to
you hit the pet store by learning
ensure you are providing the best
vides complete nutrition. The The proportions and actual ingredients can is the regulating body in charge
balanced nutrients. The Food and Drug -
choice when it comes to dental health, but it
True hypoallergenic diets are made in
through your veterinarian by special order. gourmet are all descriptive terms used in pet limited ingredient and are generally good quality, but they are not hypoallergenic. This is a common misconception.
also be repairing and/or adding water
orate on ways to integrate the visual and
at Del Mar Elementary School. Goal 4:
arts. Finally, Shoreline Middle School
These units include our Simple
students have access to an elective. be providing two Teachers on Special pated in our action planning meetings during which these activities were dis-
modeling and printing at the middle school. Goal 3: We will be hiring a recess coach at each school site and providing the year as well. We will provide release 22 / July 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times
FDA Recall Alerts
Community News
Save Our Shores 2015 Volunteers of the Year their volunteer duties and engage the Central Coast community to protect the
SANTA CRUZ — advocacy and action on the Central Coast, -
tuary Steward? Stewards are passionate
county. Together they have inspired over Stewards who go above and beyond in
conservation programs that include captaining cleanups, leading education
Melanie’s charisma combined with her unstoppable drive creates a one-two punch in preventing ocean pollution.
in what we consume. We no longer purchase single-use plastic water bottles, we no longer use plastic straws and we try -
Cleanup program, and has already raised
Melanie Franklin “Dedicated and passionate individuals
sole purpose is to advocate and educate sand meets the sea, and the sea gives community based organizations and are
Mike and Karen Gunby
Big Creek History Looking for Fun Memories, Stories and Photos from Yesteryear addition to producing locally-grown, sus-
hosted many events and activities with the community. There are sure to be thousands
celebrate this milestone and share your
who participate in the
groups with memories large and small are encouraged to submit their stories and
rently operates a sawmill, wholesale sales Capitola Soquel Times / July 2015 / 23
Community News
A Father’s Day Story: JJ Crosetti, Jr. Fund the historic Crosetti Ranch, it was announced that the three we really wanted to do something in his -
through the educational organization,
JJ Crosetti, Jr Memorial Fund
community and wanting to contribute to
JJ Crosetti, Jr.
which includes the three daughters, their spirit alive through continuing to conbe used as a scholarship to encourage and From left: Agri-Culture President Steve Bontadelli accepts initial gift to establish the JJ Crosetti, Jr. Memorial Fund from his widow, Jeanette Crosetti, and three daughters: Josie Warren, Gina Chekouras, and Lea Andes.
Cruz County. mitment to the community. He was the
The programs can be, but not limited JJ Crosetti, Jr Memorial Scholarship
demonstrated commitment to the industry,
student entering or currently attending receive the award one time only and only
scholarship can be presented to students was a special person in our community. How appropriate that it was announced Students must live either in Santa
student must maintain above average grades and the award will be issued proportionately to the school during the school year. JJ Crosetti, Jr Local Farming Grant
stated in a prepared statement, “We set up
organizations that develop programs to
and healthcare establishments, retirement centers and local companies and events who provide and promote locally grown produce. This may include, but not the menu, educational booths or tables, materials. Those organizations that wish to as well as our environment and health may also be awarded.
Fire Prevention Divisions to Begin Joint Operations n a recent decision, Central Fire
two new Fire
and resources. Directors voted to approve a three-year
that began one year ago.
management positions, cost savings will be shared by both districts. Each agency will share the costs and over-
Education Specialist to be hired to serve both districts. These positions will provide
ences such as children and seniors.
The two inspectors will be responsible a Fire Marshal, Deputy Fire Marshal, 24 / July 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times
Since there is never enough money to support all ticipate in the Human Race; they hold a Film Festival
the particular individual’s personality and needs. be assured that your participation/donation is going with any challenges that arise, improve their service those most in need, our persons with developmental disabilities. “We are here to help adults with developmental They already have two individuals placed in local homes and hope to have more as people in the community learn about and start participating in this
Capitola, CA 95010 (831) 464-8355 Website: imaginesls.org
4th of July
your son or daughter involved in sports Kids
camaraderie. Summer Kids Sports camps are a great way to enroll your child in an activity that
might be the best choice. Kids Sports camps come in a variety
and Recreation Sports Camps, which use throughout their lives. game improvement.
more than one sport, and some
session. ACROSS
Grind Out Hunger is a Santa Cruz based
requirements or registration necessary. Meals will be provided to all children
childhood hunger and malnutrition. For more Santa Cruz Hope is a new church with
and youth in our community where we also santacruzhope.org
1. Cursor control 6. Director’s cry 9. Yellow rides 13. “A Doll’s House” playwright 14. Put into service 15. Alluring maiden 16. Thorny stems 17. Ewe’s mate 18. “Bravo! Bravo!”, e.g. 19. *First state added after 13 colonies 21. *July 4th Main Street tradition 23. Famous T-Rex 24. ____ list 25. U.K. broadcaster
28. Suggestive look 30. Nada 34. Building extensions at right angle to main building 36. Two of a kind 38. “No way, ____ ____” 40. “____ but don’t touch” 41. For cruising in style 43. Silly talk or writing, British 44. *Britain in the Revolutionary War 46. *State representative 47. Web ____ 48. Type of flask 50. Hodgepodge 52. Akira Kurosawa’s 1985 drama 53. Fly like an eagle 55. Club alternative
57. *”The Star-Spangled Banner” 60. *Type of holiday 64. Architectural projection 65. School group 67. Intoxicating 68. Disreputable woman 69. “____ My People Go” 70. Perfume obtained from flowers 71. Fail to mention 72. Compass reading 73. Unifying idea 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Ballistic missile, acr. Symphony member CCCP Looks like Imbue with soul Curtis, to friends
7. *July birthday celebrant 8. Pace of music 9. Kind of cola 10. “____ Lang Syne” 11. Highlands hillside 12. Dog command 15. Highly addictive narcotic 20. Clingy one 22. Wood-shaping tool 24. John Deere product 25. *Liberty ____ 26. Type A, e.g. 27. Intimate 29. Unfledged hawk 31. Auctioneer’s quantities 32. Vienna Boys’ group 33. Popular foliage plant 35. Place at an angle 37. Indian lentil staple 39. *”____ in the course of human events...”
42. Cherokee or Hopi, e.g. 45. In a foolhardy manner 49. Wade’s opponent 51. One tritely familiar 54. Copious 56. *Washington had wooden ones? 57. Famous boxing promoter 58. Inconclusive 59. Reason to cram 60. Fatalist’s future 61. ____ of interest 62. Sandler or Arkin 63. Greek muse’s strings 64. Exclamation of surprise 66. *Number of amendments in The Bill of Rights © Statepoint Media
Answers on 31 »
Capitola Soquel Times / July 2015 / 25
The Book Bag By Robert Francis
Picture books for lazy summer afternoons … The New Small Person
Decorated Horses
By Lauren Child
no one plays with his toys or eats his
horses down through history and how they were decorated or spruced up by their owners.
being an only child. Then this situation undergoes a radical alteration.
you’ll begin by reading about horses
arrives in the household and he’s not going to Not only does the new arrival get all the attention but as he gets older he also -
is a cloud. The whole situation becomes a bit surrealistic, especially when the airship -
beans and is a general nuisance.
in competition and sports and horses that
Throughout the narrative the airship mation on the animals you’ll see. his parents’ response is that’s not going to happen. Finally something does occur that begins to change the brothers’ relationship.
story’s end your little one may well be singing this catchy tune too.
Out and About
A First Book of Poems
read over and over again.
By Shirley Hughes to youngsters who love silly stories and -
little sibling rivalry.
Rhyme Time
Sleepy Time and Playtime
the title piece, celebrates spring and
Big Red Kangaroo By Claire Saxby
By Vincent Kirsch
With the boots on, the youngster can leader as they move about their home in the wilderness
n this latest humorous adventure Freddie
bedtime and help get your child into
group are always
and other small events that announce warmer weather.
appears that may be a cloud.
other males away. the author also includes material about the
trations that will engage the young readers
don’t realize that. conversation with the two dragons, which
child to poems, this collection is worth a child will be able to relate to.
26 / July 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times
their parents.
night’s sleep. Some
cloud. There seems to be nothing in the suddenly
and scamper about on wet days.
They may seem
are buzzing a r o u n d
T rhymes that young-
transition that can disrupt even the hap-
Freddie & Gingersnap Find a Cloud to Keep
By Fiona Lee
the seasons and the activities children
Featured Columnist
Ukulele Dick’s Music and Memory C By C.J.
onversations at gatherings are as
guests involved. We are enriched by
recordings and everything promoting local
Dr. Norman Doidge, a leader in the neuroplasticity revolution. -
“SIA” page 31
songwriter, actor/producer, sound designer,
archivist and music memorabilia collector. Naturally growing to be a mentor to many in
Capitola Soquel Times / July 2015 / 27
Community Calendar
p.m. – close. Happy Hour: Tuesday – Sunday 2– 6 p.m., Monday 4:30– 6
com or call (831) 655-HULA.
hat is co-dependency? What is enabling? What is this insanity?
PROFILE of Santa Cruz
Feldrenkrais Awareness Through Movement®
N addiction. Three meetings are now being
Ongoing Events
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
Co-dependents Anonymous
C people who want healthy
Overeaters Anonymous wish to stop eating compulsively. times and locations: www.santacruzoa.org. Or call our Hotline at (831)429-7906.
Watsonville. For a schedule and more or call (831) 469-6096.
WomenCARE Support Group
diagnoses through treatment.
advocates are everyday people that, County invite you to attend a who has been abused or neglected.
First Mondays: 2-3 p.m., in Watsonville Second Tuesdays: 5:30-7 p.m. in Capitola Third Wednesdays: 5:30-7 p.m. in Watsonville Third Thursdays: 2-3 p.m. in Santa Cruz Third Fridays: 12-1 p.m. in Aptos Mondays
a serious illness. When a loved one is seriously ill, it can be a
(831) 430-3078
Second and Fourth Mondays First and Third Wednesdays Monday: 2:00 - 3:30pm Wednesday: 5:30 – 7:00pm
munity Markets, 1210 41st Ave. Capitola (Also down town and at Live Oak Senior Center, 1777-A West side stores) Capitola Road, Santa Cruz. -
Featured recipes are posted on
Head to the Islands! 221 Cathcart Street, Santa Cruz ine on any Monday and
12:00-1:00p.m. Rio Sands Hotel, 116 Beach Drive
Call Greg Horne at (831) 684-
beginners to more advanced. We’re here to help you discover
8:45 am, Felton Firehouse
these health group meetings. 7:00pm, 920 41st Ave. Suite B, Santa Learn more by calling (831) Cruz (next to Family Cycling Center) 335-3510. orning meditation schedule
Overeaters Anonymous
Tail Wagging World of Dog Ownership
2685 Chanticleer Ave., Santa
First Tuesdays and Third Wednesdays each month
Orientations to Become Advocates for Children
details contact Danielle at 7612956 X102) South County, 5:30-7
6:00pm- 8:00pm 1400 Emeline Avenue room 206, Santa Cruz.
Big Book and OA Literature Study
Tparent is to attend orientation. The orientation is designed to
and to give you a chance to have your question answered by child
Scotts Valley Farmer’s Market 9a.m.-1p.m. SV Community Center, 360 Kings Village Drive
Wednesdays Facilitated by McBurney
6:30-8:00pm Aptos Fire Station
contact Nicole Zahm at education@ Wednesdays
Church Bible Study/Worship 9:45am: Bible Study; 11:00: Worship, First Baptist Church 7565 Sunset Way, Aptos
Aptos Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10110
6:30 pm, Severinos, 7500 Old Dominion Ct., Aptos
Cleads the meetings.
Third Sundays
Seymour Marine Discovery Center: Public Lecture Series
every month. Topics are presented in an entertaining and easy-to-
Scotts Valley Nar-Anon Family Group
eymour Marine Discovery Center
photos, video, and discussion.
6:30-7:45 p.m., 3192 Glen Canyon Road, Scotts Valley in the Bison Center and The Camp Recover Center
by the addiction or drug problem
Dated Events Wednesday July 15 Peripheral Neuropathy Support Group Meeting
ublic is invited to all
Santa Cruz/ Monterey Bay Branch ADHD Support Group Meetings
Fourth Thursdays each month
or neglect. Everyone welcome,
2:30-6:30 p.m. Second Tuesdays each month hrough Spring, Summer and Fall, PFLAG (Parents, Families, and the main drag along Highway Friends of Lesbians and Gays) 7:00pm-9:00pm, 900 High St. First
7:00pm at the Cabrillo Community Center, Aptos Village
Felton’s Farmer Market!
1:00–2:00 p.m., Louden Nelson Church, Melrose Ave., Santa Cruz Community Center, Room 5, 301 driveway and turn right at the sign. Center Street, Santa Cruz Helpline (888) 688-7834. Find Second Thursdays each month meetings at www.nar-anon.org specializes in helping the hands and Veterans of Foreign Wars 6:30 pm, 2259 7th Ave. Santa Cruz Clutterers Anonymous 5:30-6:45 Sutter Maternity & Surgical Center, 2900 Chanticleer 477-1239 the meetings.
Friends of Scotts Valley Library Cabrillo Host Lions Club
Second and Fourth Wednesdays
28 / July 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times
hat does your style say about
Second and Fourth Thursdays B12 Fridays
to provide support, guidance,
Executive Director Nesh Dhillon at
Second Wednesdays
email sylvialee2@sbcglobal.net
Ext. 102, or email
throughout Santa Cruz through
Ave. Santa Cruz CA 95060
Freedom Blvd. Watsonville
children who have been removed
H total sales to Second Harvest
First Wednesday each month
Adoption/Child Welfare Orientation First Tuesdays each month
Hoffman’s for Second Harvest
6:30-7:30pm at Teach by the Beach agencies that Second Harvest #50 Rancho Del Mar, Aptos support. 429-7906
3:00pm-6:00pm, Thrive Natural
supports immunity, energy, sleep, mood, and the body’s ability to handle stress. To learn more, call (831) 5158699.
Saturdays visit www.cabrillohostlions.org.
Thursday July 23 Golfers Sought for Cancer Fundraiser
be donated to Santa Cruz Cancer -
8:00 -12:00pm at Cabrillo College
pen Support meetings on Any Questions, contact Judy Brenis at (831) 818-9619.
Third Wednesdays
Meeting Schedule for the SCWD2 Task Force
To learn more, call (831) 427-4016 or
11:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Dinner: 4:30
Capitola-Aptos Rotary Club Meeting
TOPS (Take off pounds sensibly)
Ocean Gate Zen Center Zazen Instructions
Image Matters
Tguestmenat invites you to be our our monthly luncheon.
Tuesdays, Thursdays thru Saturdays
Alzheimers Support Groups
Meal Solution Mondays
Drop-ins welcome. For more
Noon, Elks Club at 150 Jewell St.
register call (831) 457-2273
this ongoing support group, we people who care.
with Redwood Ramblers Toast-
Follow us on Facebook: Facebook. Contact Chuck at 831-462-6092 com/AptosNoonToastmasters or
mercial Crossing, Santa Cruz
Sons in Retirement
Third Thursday each month
Aptos Noon Toastmasters Contact suzie@suzielundgren.com or call (831) 332-7347
CASA Orientations to Become First and Third Monday Caregiver Support Group Advocates for Children
Fourth Wednesdays
Center, 1307 Seabright, Santa Cruz
9:00am-12:30pm, 2045 40th Ave. mentR. These classes will increase Clares St. Capitola
held in Santa Cruz County, on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. will cover resume writing, comFor a meeting near you call (831) 291-5099 or email saveyoursanity@aol.com at (831) 479-0393 or visit www.
Episcopal Church, 5271 Scotts Visit www.scwd2desal.org Valley Drive, Scotts Valley. iving a business presentation?
are open to the public Meetings and the location alternates
Toastmasters: Speak for Success Headquarters.
call 831-600-3863.
Tuesday July 28 Aptos Branch Sons in Retirement Luncheon
11:30 a.m., Severinos, 7500 Old Dominion Court,Aptos. Drones demonstration. Call Jack at (831) 688-0977.
Arts and Entertainment Saturday July 4
Announcements Volunteers Needed for the Monterey Symphony
he Monterey Symphony is
music and want to be involved,
Third Monday each month
or Don at (831) 72-7053 or e-mail Second Sundays Each Month at caller4u@att.net.
Modern Square Dancing Class 7:00pm, German-American Hall
Downtown Santa Cruz Antique Street Fair
9:00am-4:00pm, Lincoln St.
Last Thursdays each month
Monthly Argentine Tango at Star Bene Italian/Argentine Restarante Argentene Restarante, 21245 East
7 p.m., Live Oak Senior Center, 1777 Capitola Rd., Santa Cruz titchers-by-the-Sea, the local
clothing, glass and ceramic col-
(831) 476-6940 or visit us on Facebook.
Science Sunday Tuesdays 6:30 p.m. Santa Cruz Elks Lodge, 150 Jewell St. osted by Soquel Sports
Capitola Twilight Concerts t wouldn’t be summer without the Wednesday evening concerts t an area restaurant. Seating is on the lawn, seawall benches or the beach.
Peninsula Banjo Band 390 Saratoga Ave, San Jose
Santa Cruz, 95060 eymour Marine Discovery Center presents a public lecture
call Michael (831) 239-2247.
First Fridays each month
First Friday Art Tour
hamburgers, hot dogs, grilled veggies, potato salad and Caesar
Virgo (Aug. 24-Sep. 22)
Saturday July 11
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 23)
are presented in an entertaining -
year-round and illuminates some
with up-to-date photos, video, and discussion. Science Sunday does not meet
Second Fridays each month
Big Band Dance
7:30pm-10:00pm, at Mid-County Senior Center 829 Bay Ave, Capitola allroom dancing to live
munity Markets: 1210 41st Ave,
ECream Sundae. Complimentary
Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)
provides recreational services to people with disabilities. While supplies last.
Saturday July 11 Sunday July 12
Santa Cruz Mountain Sol Festival
11a.m.-7p.m., Roaring Camp Meadows, Felton, CA
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)
Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb. 18)
Dated Events
in a First Friday art tour, visit Friday viewings.)
Summer Sundaes
open to the public each month. No
ll you can eat Marianne’s
Stitchers By The Sea Meetings
Leo (July 23-Aug. 23)
4th of July Pool Celebration
C Ongoing Events
Your July Horoscope
Wednesday July 1 Movies on the Beach: The Breakfast Club
9 p.m., Beach Boardwalk, Santa Cruz atch a classic movie on the beach with the world-
Sunday July 12
Dip & Dash Aquathlon #1
Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)
Register by July 10
Wor a long swim at Cowell leave, but as hard as it will be, another opportunity will be around the corner.
Aries (March 21-April 20)
popular tunes. Come see our Wednesday. No cover. Contact Lee McLaughlin, Booking Agent, at 408-993-
tax deductible).
Wednesday Night Sail Boat Races 5:30 - 8:30p.m. March to October
are a good viewing to watch the sailboat races against the setting
Saturday July 18 Movies at the Mission: Soul Surfer
Doors open at 7 p.m., Movie starts at Sunset, Santa Cruz
and you have some to spend, now is as good a time as any. Friends are important as you move
Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Saturday July 18
La Selva Beach Library Book Fair 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
6:30 pm, German American Hall,
library and its programs. Most
vendors, children’s activities, and -
Lucky Steppers Modern Square Dance
Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Cancer (June 22-July 22)
www.tpgonlinedaily.com Capitola Soquel Times / July 2015 / 29
Business Guide
Featured Columnist
Engaging the Community is community engagement. and open communication with our customers and the community-atday-to-day customer service and accessible the phone, at community meetings,
agency, the District values community input and partnerships that help increase water awareness. This
representatives going into the com-
water issues is important and we will
issues related to water, and highlight two new partnerships with local High Schools. Community Outreach – Got an upcoming meeting or event?
especially with the statewide
attend community events throughout the year, such as Earth Day Santa Cruz, the Santa Cruz County Fair, the
events gave visitors a chance to learn about groundwater, how it is treated and distributed, and the challenges
winning design, created by Kalina
small and large groups? We can cover water reliability, water conservation tips, long-term actions towards sus-
and water conservation giveaways, tomers and residents about all things
an annual contest. Water Conservation Video Contest
Cruz County, also put on a “Water
Rotary or Kiwanis, live in a mobile condominium community, or belong
Groundwater Awareness Poster Contest with Soquel High School
contest, which was open to all high school aged students in Santa Cruz County, challenged local high school students to inspire others to save
graphic design class was invited
church, school, special hobby, etc., water conservation public service
were awarded in both the indoor and outdoor water conservation tip water issues and presenting them in
www.tpgonlinedaily.com 30 / July 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times
worth watching and can be viewed videocontest
SPCA Featured Pet
Doidge’s research points out that the more musicians practice, the larger their brain term memory loss.
that the brain that plays music is changed by it while new pathways establish themselves.
and agrees to continue the conversation at his long-term memory to solve problems while others rely on short-term memory.
recognized as a youngster. There’s more to connect to the audience. He chooses to have no paper or notes in the path to obstruct
Here’s Kitty, (Shh… She’s really a dog)
chosen songs until they are smooth enough he recognized early on that his short-term
July 3rd Felton’s First Friday Art Walk July 7th Felton Farmers’ Market, July 19th 10:30 a.m on KPIG 107.5 For bookings please phone Rick McKee at The Guitar Works 831 335 3593
practices with the noise and distraction repeats the song. This provides him with
available through our public libraries new Soundswell Local Music Collection program. http://scmusic.santacruzpl.org/omeka
Cushing’s Disease. Cushing’s is a condition that causes her adrenal glands to overproduce a hormone called cortisol. While Kitty will live with this condition
crossword on 25 »
Kitty’s condition is well managed and she’s on the proper medication. She was
© Statepoint Media
Capitola Soquel Times / July 2015 / 31