Capitola Soquel Times: September

Page 1



Fresh Produce Helps Make Ends Meet

How do you let people know there’s a good thing

Lisa Smith, Resident Services Coordinator, is asking about the monthly food distribution at the Bay Avenue Senior Full Story page 12

Instructor Saves Porpoise Jessica




August 13 teaching the Girl Scout Camp Butano Creek for “Adventure Out� outdoor school at Beer Can Beach, which is not far from the end of Clubhouse Drive, when her class of bottlenose dolphins appeared

It’s the Season of Festivals!

a smaller sea mammal called a h

How truly blessed we are to have such a variety of fun

Full Story page 14

sweltering and wishing for rain, we have had our foggy,

Now is time for celebration as the summer ends! ... continued on page 4



831.688.6913 | license #681095

2 / September 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times

No. 9 Volume 20




Table of Contents



Personal Training Sessions! Hurry, Offer Expires 9/15/15 *Some restrictions may apply Must present coupon.

Cover It’s the Season of Festivals! by Noel smith


Community News Santa Cruz County Fair & Horse Show – Country Nights & Carnival Lights by Noel Smith

6 7

Heated Pool

Events 2015 Santa Cruz County Fair 8 9 10

tural History 2015 Begonia Festival Schedule of Events

Water Aerobics everyday!

Red Cross Blood Donor Opportunities 11 34th Annual Santa Cruz Greek Festival by Athena Wolfe 12 Fresh Produce Helps Make Ends Meet by Suzanne Willis 13

Yoga and Pilates Classes

14 by Noel Smith 15 September is National Cancer Awareness Month 17 18 Fashion Show Gala 23

Relax in our Hot Tub, Sauna, & Steam Room

Business Profiles 19 Fitness Prescription – Her Clients tell the Story by Noel Smith 22 Central Home Supply by Edita McQuary

Chair Yoga & Silver Sneakers Classes!

#OMMUNITY #ALENDAR s !RTS %NTERTAINMENT n Pages n -ONTHLY (OROSCOPE s Page n Featured Columnists

20 21 24 25 26 27 30

by Rich Didday Seniors in Action by C.J. – FSA Peer Counseling Kitten Adoption Primer by Zach Friend Book Bag by Robert Francis Live Oak Outreach by Tamra Taylor

3##!3 &EATURED 0ET s Page n Freckle wants to be your Friend

Heated Swimming Pool Water Aerobics Everyday Hot Tub, Steam Room, Sauna Silver Sneaker Classes Cardio Muscle

Beginning Yoga & Chair Yoga Circuit & Stretch Classes Personal Training with Membership Pilates & Core Classes Zumba Classes

475-1500 816 Bay Avenue, across from Nob Hill WWW.CAPITOLAFITNESS.COM


LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED! Capitola Soquel Times / September 2015 / 3

Patrice Edwards

Cover Story


publisher’s assistant Camisa Composti editor Noel Smith contributing writers Noel Smith, Julie Horner, Athena Wolfe, Suzanne Willis, Edita McQuary, Rich Didday, C.J., Tiffany Mitchener, Zach Friend, Robert Francis, Tamra Taylor layout

Michael Oppenheimer, Bri Bruce graphic artists Michael Oppenheimer, Bri Bruce production coordinator Liz Senteney, Bri Bruce advertising sales Don Beaumont, Jay Peters, Sue Linden office coordinator Cathe Race distribution Bill Pooley, Camisa Composti

“Summer of Festivals” from page 1


Begonia Festival ver Labor Day weekend, September 4 –

Movies, Sand Sculpture contest, a notto-be-missed Nautical Parade, and much


Wings Over Watsonville


will be not only a community celebration, Municipal Airport with a general aviation


Capitola Art & Wine Festival f that wasn’t enough, the following weekend, September 12-13 is the

browsing though one of the most pictur-

perfect piece of art, decoration or jewelry, perfectly pronounce the delicious foods of best wine California has to in the Mountains of Santa Cruz, listen and dance to local entertainment and

Times Publishing Group, Inc. 9601 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 The Times Publishing Group, Inc., publishers of the Aptos Times, a bi-weekly publication, the Capitola Times and Scotts Valley Times, each printed monthly, Coastal Weddings Magazine, Coastal Home and Garden Magazine, Aptos’ Fourth of July Parade Official Program Guide and Capitola’s Begonia Festival Official Program Guide, is owned by Patrice Edwards. Entire contents ©2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without the publisher’s written permission PHONE: (831) 688-7549 FAX: (831) 688-7551 GENERAL E-MAIL: Patrice Edwards: Publisher’s Assistant: Editor: Opinions/Letters: Calendar Listings: Graphics Department: Billing Inquiries: Classified Sales: Production: CHECK OUT OUR WEB SITE AT: distribution We at the Times Publishing Group, Inc. are dedicated to providing a voice for the individuals and organizations in our community while highlighting the outstanding accomplishments of our local businesses. We seek to promote healthy family values through our coverage of youth activities, school news, senior events, community groups and entertainment 4 / September 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times


Santa Cruz County Fair elping to make September the most celebrated month of the year is the

is when you get to see all those farm from artichokes to zucbetter! Santa Cruz Greek Food and Cultural Festival till more to come! September 11,12 & 13 is the Greek community’s 34th


they bring the Greek culture’s best in food, dancing and entertainment for the

what they’ve learned and the county’s exciting enough for you, there are the carnival rides, horse shows, professional

By Noel Smith

Community News

Santa Cruz County Fair & Horse Show Country Nights & Carnival Lights By Noel Smith he Santa Cruz County Fair has someopportunity for our hobbies to be just a sample of the variety of skills, crafts, arts and demonstrations in which people invest their time and talents and where and In the JJ Crosetti Building, you will lectables, Lego constructions, Photography and celebrating the creativity of our youth,

shops for Kids and Robotics, Machines &


Next door in the Harvest Building the Agricultural, Horticultural





Crochet, Quilting, Stitching, Cookie & Cake Decorating, Leatherworking, and

Cotta Pot Contest, Giant Cookie Contest (my favorite), the Ugly Cake Contest, the

Glass Making, Pastel Painting, Fabric Art,

are the SCCRHS RHS -N, HO & G-Scale

of activities and events in the Floriculture Building, the Livestock Main Arena, the Farm, the Rose Garden, the Bug Barn, the Poultry Building, and the Small Animal “County Fair� page 7

2015 Santa Cruz County Fair & Horse Show (2601 East Lake Avenue, Watsonville) Call 831-724-5671 for Information or visit Wednesday Through Friday: Noon to 11 p.m. Saturday: Sunday: 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Admission:

Capitola Soquel Times / September 2015 / 5

Community News

33rd Annual Capitola Art & Wine Festival Entertainment Schedule On the Bandstand Stage at Esplanade Park

Saturday, September 12

11:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. Aptos Dance Academy 12:30 – 1 p.m. 2 – 3 p.m. Saint Gabriel’s 5 – 7 p.m. Extra Large his six-man (actually 5 men and 1 woman) fun group plays a hip blend of reggae, Latin, hip-hop, funk,

Movin�! Dynamic front man, Russ

that according to percussionist and vocalist Valerie Leal, wife of Russ Leal by Extra Large is because they are

not a band that’s just performing, it’s a big party for everybody ‌ a total

involvement between the band and the

Sunday, September 13 10:45 – 11:15 a.m. Dancenter 11:30 a.m. – Noon SC Pipes & Drums 12:15 – 12:45 p.m. Elaine’s 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. Fundamentals a high octane, fun filled stage show featuring two dynamic lead vocalists, two hot horn players and a

Fire, Beyonce, Lady Gaga to Journey, the Stones and Bon Jovi, you will hear your

A nanda Santa Cruz-Scotts Valley INVITES YOU TO A CELEBRATION OF

Spirit, Nature & Yoga


Meditation at Fall Creek Minimum donations: $50 per person

Event Schedule

8:30am Ananda Yoga

6 / September 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times


Meditation & Hike


Buffet & Activities


An Evening with John Muir

Ananda is a non-profit 501(c)(3) All Donations are Tax-Deductible.

t &OFSHZ .FEJDJOF Practitioner t -VYVSJPVT $IBJS Massage

An avening with Garth Gilchrest as

JOHN MUIR Garth is renowned for his portrayals of John Muir, the Scottish American naturalist and writer who spearheaded the conservation movement in the 1800s.

An all-day fundraising event for A nanda Center Santa Cruz-Scotts Valley | 831-338-YOGA

t 'PPE #Vò FU t -JWF .VTJD Schedule, Information & Registration:


Community News

Thirty Years of Celebrating Our Agricultural History


s the Agricultural History Project (AHP) continues celebrating its

exhibit at the annual Santa Cruz County Fair each year from the year’s exhibit was in a small 10’x10’ space in the Harvest building giving out samples of wheat to children and explaining how wheat is used in our daily

terdays Farm and have been doing it ever

wheat again , but this time we will be threshing the wheat just like it was done before the Indus-

cleaned, and then ground before your very eyes into onstration, Claudia Scott will bring out a loaf of Bread made from wheat that was ground the previous day

machine was set up, belted to Ken McCrary’s

“Ag History” page 9

services and the achievements of its agricultural community, its seniors and its youth

“County Fair” from page 5 And when you just want to concentrate on having a good time with food, entertainment, carnival rides and games, all of those are there at the Santa

livestock, the entertainment, the rides, the newest potato slicer or the variety of foods

something for every age, mood, taste, munity the opportunity at least once per variety of hobbies, skills, talents, goods and

Daily Events

2015 Santa Cruz County Fair

Be sure to get the Fair Guide and visit the Fair’s website to see the enormous range of experiences and fun that will be waiting for you this year at the Santa Cruz County Fair! 12:30 – 1:30 PM & 2:00-3:00 PM 7:30 PM

Wednesday, September 16 Fair Hours Noon-11:00 PM Seniors Day $8.00 for Seniors age 62 and over Kids Day Free Admission for Kids 12 and under 11:30 a.m.

Fair hours

12–3:00 PM

Fair Hours

7:30 PM 8:00 PM

Farm Bureau BBQ: Paddy Smith Park Ticketed Event No Respect Band: Amphitheater Stage Race Track

Thursday, September 17 Fair hours Noon-11:00 PM 2nd - 4th Grade Education Day 9:00 a.m. - Noon 10:30 AM SC Canine Assn. Police Search & Rescue Dogs ...............................................................Amphitheater Stage 11:30 AM SC Canine Assn. Police Search & Rescue Dogs ...............................................................Amphitheater Stage

7:30 PM

7:30 PM Fair hours 11:30 AM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM 7:30 PM

Amphitheater Stage Austin Webb: Amphitheater Stage

Friday, September 18 Noon-11:00 PM Date Night at the Fair Journey Unauthorized: Amphitheater Stage Saturday, September 19 10 AM-11 PM Junior Livestock Auction Syndicate of Sound: Amphitheater Stage Sunday, September 20 10 AM-10 PM Community Act: Amphitheater Stage

Los Fugitivos: Amphitheater Stage Capitola Soquel Times / September 2015 / 7

Community News

‘Work Day on the Farm’ Saturday, September 12 from 11 a.m. -3 p.m. Santa Cruz Co Fairgrounds 2601 East Lake Avenue, Watsonville – Cost: FREE ring your family, friends and your neighbors to our September 2nd Saturday event at the Santa Cruz Fair-


and work has never been so much fun! Use your imagination and help decorate the Ag History site, paint the chicken house and

Second Saturday events are like taking a step back in time and this month we’re having a good old-fashioned workday on

little dirty, there are tractors to be washed and polished, signs to be hung and implements to be dusted! It won’t be all work though – there will be fun and creative crafts, hay wagon rides, and even tractor family! Admission is FREE and donations

families from Santa Cruz County spend hours exploring our educational exhibits, historical archives, and the agriculture

charming gift shop “Country Corner!”

cultural history of Santa Cruz, Monterey,

and Pajaro Valley, you will learn about the crops, people, artifacts, and farming practices that have made the Central Coast of

Thirty Years of Celebrating Our Agricultural History


s the Agricultural History Project (AHP) continues

annual Santa Cruz County Fair each year from the exhibit was in a small 10’x10’ space in the Harvest building giving out samples of wheat to children and explaining how

the Harvest Building and created

set up, belted to Ken McCrary’s Steam Engine from Big

, but this time we will be threshing the wheat just like it

Claudia Scott will bring out a loaf of Bread made from wheat that was ground the previous day and baked in

Our volunteers will be demonstrating how to restore of making AHP a place for us to learn about the History of the lawn area, and every evening we will be having the Both of these demonstrations draw a lot of attention at 8 / September 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times

See you at the Fair!

Community News

2015 Begonia Festival Schedule of Events Concert in the Park 4 - 6 p.m.

Friday September 4 Let’s Dance Review 5 - 9 p.m. ome down to Esplanade Park and enjoy dance reviews performed by


Saturday September 5 Float Construction Viewing All day until 10 p.m.


63rd Annual Nautical Parade 1 p.m. - Finish egonia covered barges

family, picnic dinner, chairs, blankets, and your dancing shoes!


Saturday Movie Night at the Beach Begins at Dusk oin us as we present a children’s favorite

a picnic dinner, blankets (it does get chilly), chairs, and we’ll provide the movie! Spon-

ceria for sponsoring those who help pick the begonia blossoms!) Sand Sculpture Contest 8 a.m. to Noon at Capitola Beach


Sunday September 6 Horseshoes on the Sand 8 a.m. - Finish oubles tournament at Capitola Beach in



from the Stockton Bridge, ADA access available, call Grand Benefactors McDonald’s, Devcon Construction, New Leaf Community Market, and the City of Capitola Meet the Artist 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. his year’s poster artist, Priscilla Martinez, will be signing posters during the


year and live at the beach in Esplanade

Begonia Mural Creek in the morning, and watch as the


chairs, blankets, and your dancing shoes!

Meet the Artist 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. his year’s poster artist, Priscilla Martinez, will be signing posters during the

your own masterpiece atop the seawall on the Esplanade for all to enjoy! Art chalk provided to

Begonias to Go, Head to Toe! 10 a.m. - Noon


provide the begonias - you put them Head

Ronald McDonald Show Noon - 12:30 p.m. onald will perform a magic show and pose


will be happy to take the time to visit will be back and so will Kim Kobow, the the Codiga Center and Museum, the Early

And while you are at AHP’s site, notice all of our new signage that was installed this

Monday September 7


are welcome to come and create a “make

Hoops for Everyone! 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.


Santa Cruz at the Bandstand where they will be showing their talents and teaching you a few moves, too!

ome try your hand at attaching begonia blossoms to chicken wire - just like the Chalk Art on the Seawall 9 a.m. – Noon he Capitola Begonia Festival’s gift to the


and hosted by Bay Federal Credit Union and co-hosted by the Capitola Art & Cultural Commission

Concert in the Park 4 - 6 p.m. Float Construction Viewing

Children’s Art Project 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Fishing Derby 6:30 a.m. - Noon

Rowboat Races 1 p.m. - Finish

boats! Registration at the pathway by the

by Britannia Arms and Paradise Beach Marriott

Rio Del Mar Mexican Cuisine CUERVO GOLD

Full Bar!

Fine Mexican Food

Enjoy the best


exhibits on the lawn area, and every evening place for us to learn about the History of Our volunteers will be demonstrating See you at the Fair! Capitola Soquel Times / September 2015 / 9

Community News

Santa Cruz Mountain Art, Wine, and Music Festival


njoy the last days of summer with family, friends, and community at the second -

and Music Festival at Boulder Creek’s Garrahan under 5 FREE the Boulder Creek Brewery and mountain program at Boulder Creek Elementary School and drink, groovin’ times in the sunshine; face painting, a jumpy house and other activities for

Here’s some of the artists and musical

Saturday & Sunday September 5 & 6 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. three miles north of Boulder Creek near the Mountain Store and Burger 9

Ancestree Reggae

Community Brief J

Noble Gulch Trunk Line Relocation Project

Santa Cruz County Sanitation District,

potential lane closures between the hours of

Red Cross Blood Donor Opportunities uring National Preparedness Month, the American Red Cross urges eligible donors of all types to give blood, and those with types AB, O negative, A negative and B negative are especially


necessary for sanitary sewer improveDistrict would like the motoring public to avoid these areas and be prepared for For up-to-date information on county maintained roads in Santa Cruz County,

blood, download the Red Cross Blood will be Friday, September 4 at the Music Cabrillo Youth Strings Music Program Begins Fall Semester Auditions for Beginning, Intermediate & Advanced String Players


Orchestra Class, 4 th th Grade Beginning Strings for violin, viola and cello will be

welcome to join the private lesson and interested in participating in or making contributions to this program, please call

Let’s Dig a Well in El Salvador! Walk 4 Water at Pinto Lake in Watsonville

Donation Places and Times Aptos 9/2


Santa Cruz Whole Foods, 911

9/3 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 9/14 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

wo Aptos churches, Christ Lutheran Auditions for Festival Strings (beginning note-readers) and Cabrillo Strings (intermediate-advanced) will be

Donor App, or visit A Santa Cruz al Salvato provide clean water to the people in Santa Cruz al Salvador member churches as well as other local churches will be

If you’re not up to walking, please consider pledging for someone who will be For more information, go to the Walk’s

10 / September 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times

donors 18 years of age and younger also


Community News

34th Annual Santa Cruz Greek Festival By Athena Wolfe he Santa Cruz Greek Festival will be celebrating its 34th year making it the longest running cultural event in Santa Cruz began as a small celebration in the Prophet Elias church courtyard, and has grown over time to a festive and It’s hard to imagine that such a small community could produce so many authentic Greek dishes, consistently traditional favorites like Gyro, moussaka, calamari, and lamb shank, as well as an entire vegetarian booth with many vegetarian options scattered food, but they stay for the dessert and the Following a stroll through traditional savory dishes, festival goers look forward to a bowl of loukoumathes, delicate

suggest you make a plan with your friends as to who will wait in line because so many look forward to “louks” each year that they may not make it till almost closing! Of course, there are other traditional desserts as well, such as Baklava in its many iterations, such as chocolate

that you should plan on bringing some of them home with you so you won’t miss For entertainment, there is browsing at the Greek Agora, which includes ethnic

A highlight of the festival are the Greek Dancers that come from all over the Bay Area dressed in traditional costumes performing a variety of folk dances that have

including Dance Performance schedules -

these with a hot cup of made to order

are so many dining courses and options

Bring the whole family and Live Like a Greek for a day!

Capitola Soquel Times / September 2015 / 11

Community News

Fresh Produce Helps Make Ends Meet By Suzanne Willis


ow do you let people know there’s a good thing going on in their

that Lisa Smith, Resident Services Coordinator, is asking about the monthly food distribution at the Bay Avenue Senior

March 2013, and is meant to serve the

program for only a few months, and she says that some community members know about it, but it’s primarily used by the resi-

Lisa said that many of the residents of

not having anything to eat and other tough

to the rest of the community, Bay Ave residents said to just show them a bag! It’s true, the food provided is fresh produce (onions, apples, pears, oranges, lettuce, potatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, etc), some basic staples (bread, sugar, chicken seasoning, BBQ sauce) and some baking chocolate one’s pantry! make, residents told me that they would be

Ed, Phung, and Peggy, all residents of Bay Ave. Another resident mentioned that she had had to have a liver transplant and could no

and snacking on bagels from this distrifood distribution, it really helped her out,

Food distribution.

resident said that she just couldn’t believe how the price of bread has gone up since

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831-688-6211 12 / September 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times


would like more information about the distribution, or to let Lisa know that you’ll know about the distribution, I was told that the food is really good, that they

Community News

Wings Over Watsonville


fter last year ’s 50th anniversary, the board of the annual event chose to hand its future over to


Municipal Airport with its general

cover the airfield with various makes, models, and years including vintage war birds such as the North American P-51 Mustang


5 family friendly fly-in will also be commemorating the

invited are that era’s training aircraft not only a community celebration, but as a naval auxiliary air station during

Mitchell, the medium bomber noted for the Doolittle raid on Japan from the Aircraft Carrier Hornet will be there to

providing free flights for children ages

restaurant, Ella’s at the Airport, is proAlso

on its patio to sit in comfort to view Other highlights will be a Navy PV-2D Harpoon Patrol Bomber and a Douglas C-47 Skytrain, famous for carrying para-





will sonville by opening the doors of its 12 corporate hangars to show the public the aircraft of Companies like Granite Construction, Driscoll’s, Sweet Darling,

Municipal Airport, 100 Aviation Way, Watsonville. Cost: Free. Parking $5. Information:

Home Decor 5167 Scotts Valley Dr. Scotts Valley, CA 95066

831.461.9394 Monday-Friday 10-5:30 Saturday 10-5 Sunday 11-5

Capitola Soquel Times / September 2015 / 13

Community News

Wharf House Restaurant

By Noel Smith

'6/ t '00% t -*7& .64*$ t 1"/03".*$ 7*&84


how to surf for “Adventure Out” outdoor school at Beer Can Beach, which is not far from the end of Clubhouse Drive, when her class was suddenly inter-

a smaller sea mammal called a harbour

porpoise swam up onto the beach right next

Capitola’s Best Kept Secret! Upper Deck Open Saturdays & Sundays 12:30pm-5:30pm

Jessica wanted to make sure that the porpoise was kept wet while it was on the beach and then to try help it get back into

managed to get the 150 lb porpoise back immediately beached itself again!

by and evidently, the porpoise felt safer on the beach being cared and comforted for by Jessica than getting back into the water

Fabulous Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Full Bar Open 8am till Close

(831)476-3534 Located at the end of the Capitola Wharf

14 / September 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times

the porpoise Jessica said, “Not very long, maybe two minutes max because he was

Jessica Rodgers works with the beached porpoise helping it get turned back towards the ocean. moving around a bit and it took me thirty seconds or so to stabilize him and turn him around before I could bring him into waist him by his tail, so I had to wrap my arms around him and turn him around to make By this time, the dolphins had disappeared and the porpoise was

eagerly, and with perhaps a slight wave of a

porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) is one of six species of porpoise and one of name implies, it stays close to coastal areas, harbors, river estuaries and is evidently intelligent enough to seek Jes-

Community News

September is National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month hese Community organizations are delivering optimal healthcare and social services to sick children and their families in Santa Cruz County and


Coastal Kids Home Care hildren enrolled in Coastal Kids Home Care and its “Clinic on

Celebrating our 70th year in business!

in-home long-term skilled nursing care, medications designed to ease pain and discomfort, and treatments intended to address their most acute Eligible children also have access to massage therapy, which helps to further ease the physical toll of painful conditions brought on by the disease and also bring art and music therapies to address the intense feelings that living Social services include care coordination, language assistance, one-on-one counseling and grief -

vider offering specialized in-home pediatric palliative care for children

“Cancer Awareness” page 23

We have the equipment to help clear the debris!


Hayden Jilka, with his Coastal Kids nurse Ellen Buckingham.

Children’s Hospice and Palliative Care Coalition ransportation to and from medical appointments is a phenomenal need for low-income families whose sick child is under the care of a specialty hospital such as Stanford Children’s Hospital the University of San Francisco Medical

Fall is just around the corner...

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Capitola Soquel Times / September 2015 / 15

Yoga Wednesday at 6:00 PM Saturday at 12:00 PM



4641 Soquel Drive, Soquel (At the corner of Porter and Soquel)

16 / September 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times

Gift Certificates Available

Printmaking: Here/Now

Community News

Presented by Santa Cruz County Bank Arts Collaborative and Printmakers at the Tannery


etching, collograph, monotype, chine collé, photopolymer etching, photogravure,

Mary Anne Carson, Senior Vice President and Director of the Arts Collaborative at

methodology in the art of print-


Printmaker and instructor Jane Gregorius partnered with Janis O’Driscoll, printmaker and Santa Cruz public librarian to create this show at the invitation of centuries, yet have loved the surprising, many ways to make a print, and Janis and

to show almost every aspect of the printCommenting on the subject matter for this exhibition, Carson states, “In our twelfth year of producing art exhibitions, -

Hedwig Heerschop explains, “she strives to achieve drawing the viewer into the ‘cycle of life’ to a deeper understanding of how all living Artist Andrée LeBourveau states, “Serigraphy, also known as screen-printing, is so enjoyable to me as a medium since it is

from my photographs to create transparpublic to experience a broad spectrum of hand paint emulsion on the screen as a block “Printmaking” page 23







Capitola Soquel Times / September 2015 / 17

Community News

‘A Fashionable Affair’ he



Society on the runway and personal stories of sur-

passionate advocate and proponent for the Katz Cancer Resource Center at Dominican

Garden of Hope Fashion Show Gala

much-anticipated fundraising event will feature dozens of models from Santa Cruz

OP former president and CEO of Dominican Hospital in Santa Cruz, California and a member of the General Council of the Adrian president and CEO of Dominican Hospital in

Friend was elected to the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors in June 2012 and was selected by his fellow Board resents the Second District, which includes

other sisters in the Congregation to join her year the participants inspire a loyal crowd wearing the latest in elegant fashions from

Freedom, and portions of the cities of Cappresident and CEO of Salud Para La Gente, a network of community health clinics headposition, she ministered with migrant farm In addition to her formal ministry, Sister Julie serves on numerous Boards in

Gala’s Event Co-Chairs are Kristin Fabos trator at Cabrillo College as well as an active community volunteer and board member

is a cancer survivor herself and has been a

The reception and silent auction

18 / September 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times

“Hope Fashion” page 24


Business Profile

By Noel Smith


private gym owned and operated by the Santa Cruz area, but there is only one not only provides expert conditioning exercises, but advice on diet and healthy

“Moving to Capitola was the best years, and I consider her the best of the remodeled gym is charged with fresh “I came to Fitness Prescription to get in better shape for my son’s wedding last

area and a new, conclients love it!” says

Janell gives me customized workout challenges and warm, compassionate

Fitness Prescription offers one-on-one personal training in a private rience, Janell Martin has helped of all ages with weight loss, survivorship, diabetes reversal strength training, nutritional seling, fitness for seniors, and

clients cancer plans, counsports

experienced huge improvements in my

is the perfect combination of tough (“Janell, you are killing me!) and kind (“Nehal, you

energy and enthusiasm she brings to every their story of how she has not only helped few of their testimonials and you can tell they are not only her clients, but also her

“I started training with Janell over a dozen years ago, at the suggestion of

never too late to break through plateaus that have had you stuck in one place for too long! I would appreciate the oppor-

deep professional knowledge make my workouts not the chore that they are for most people, but an energizing push to my

are serious about changing your life for the better, Janell will lead you every step of the

“If you are seeking a personal customyour needs, goals and current physical condition, she will develop and implement

a thousand times, the workouts are never boring and the facility is spotless and well

Call for a free consultation and a free worked with many kinds of clients and helped them with weight loss, cancer survivorship, diabetes reversal plans, strength By Appointment

thirties, somewhat overweight, not very lifter! Janell started working with me in her calm, nonjudgmental way, carefully showing me how to use her excellent

developed and maintain with her help has made a fundaI now bike, dance ballet, run and lift with fun and joy and see others my age (I am nearly beginning to let them down, but mine hums along as easily as it ever has! Even though I have now probably been in her gym Capitola Soquel Times / September 2015 / 19

Featured Columnist

Naked Ladies Spotted in Capitola By Rich Didday CVRA Neighbors’ Summer Party his year’s CVRA Summer Party on for Capitolans to meet and greet their

If you’d like to come next year, and you’re not already a member of the Capitola Village Residents’ Association, please send an email to CapitolaCVRA@

Naked Ladies Spotted in Capitola aked Ladies (Amaryllis belladonna) produce a cascade of green leaves in


Naked Ladies (aka Pink Ladies) are a Not only do they need little if any water, they are easy to propagate (if you’re

with dirt, but regardless, take multiple Warning: all parts, including the seeds, of the Amaryllis belladonna are mildly poisonous.

20 / September 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times

ABOVE: Naked Lady at the CVRA Summer Party, posing with CVRA Board Member Janet Russell LEFT: CVRA Fun for all!

Featured Columnist

FSA Peer Counseling: Can we Talk? H ave you ever wondered if anyone is listening? It’s not about having family and friends that you enjoy chatting with and knowing they return the

By C.J. their opinions and assumptions of our As we go through life there’s lots to reach for and some to leave behind, and willing ears of someone less connected to all can be sure of in life and sometimes the variety of changes we begin to entertain may be discouraged or minimized by those

door to a deeper sensitivity to our own lucky to have the Family Service Agency of the Central Coast based here in Santa Cruz providing options for our emotional and of resources are Counseling Services for all and a very specialized Senior Outreach -

them! Challenges in these cross-generational views can include, power balancing, historical recollections, and the ever tempting part of role reversal within these important

neutral ear, readily available through the Senior Peer Counseling Program, which Peer counseling means that the counselor is your peer, and probably experiences the world at least from a similar

Service Agency these peer counselors come from all walks of live, are bright, energetic caring people who are willing to go through an extensive training to take part

week for an hour in the senior’s home, free have certainly changed over the past 50

more of us are headed toward the territory

It’s also true that as we age, so do the children we brought into this world, or otherwise have experienced close and lasting relationships with throughout our children that have past the age of majority, often spice up our lives and some times

Barbara Salata, Volunteer & Program Coordinator puts together an intense 40-hour training and six hours a month of ongoing training and education for the learn non-judgmental listening, and the skill of supporting with encouragement Ongoing training includes a variety of topics such as aging and sexuality, addictions abuse, family dynamics, grief and loss, medications, depression, anxiety, loneliness and numerous skill-building taking on the training, individuals make a comhours a month for par-

the training or taking advantage of the counseling, can reach Barbara Additional programs provided can be reviewed at

MONTE FOUNDATION st 21 Anniversary




Sunday, October 11, 2015 Capitola Beach, Capitola, CA 8:15 PM “Fireworks� displayed from the Capitola Wharf


Donations will be used to resurface Jade Street Park tennis courts. (Cost to resurface has been estimated at $100,000.00 to $125,000.00)


$1,000.00 SPONSORSHIP To have your business name listed on the poster and foundation website

All donations will be applied to the tennis court resurfacing and is appreciated! Please mail your check to the foundation office: Monte Foundation 783-39 Rio Del Mar Blvd. Aptos, CA. 95003 Tax ID # 77-0427532 "OE QMFBTF FNBJM ZPVS CVTJOFTT MPHP UP LJNEHBMMJDL!BPM DPN CZ "VHVTU Questions?

Call Kim Gallick at 685-3317

THANK YOU! Capitola Soquel Times / September 2015 / 21

Business Profile


By Edita McQuary


n 1974 Rick Santee’s parents, John and Ann Santee, established their building

Street, Santa Cruz, at what had been the

trained so they have the expertise to help each customer no matter what the

principal owners of this 40-year old familyowned business which now also includes necessary, are able to refer customers to ago Rick bought an existing business, Aptos Landscape Supply on Freedom Boulevard, which Rick’s son, Erik Santee, the earth, or as Rick says with a laugh, “we Central Home Supply was initially a building supply store, although for the past twenty years they have also been

trucks of all sizes, as well as forklifts and of pavers, stone, construction hardware, rock, gravel, retaining walls, pre-cast concrete and concrete products, masonry block, tools, lath and plaster, bricks, erosion -

there is a lot of competition, Central Home Supply is in the top 10 percent of

products including 100 types of natural stone! If you don’t see what you want, they

have they been able to be so successful? Rick says, “Our passion is to give the

Central Home Supply has been in successors to Henry Cowell Lime &

pretty much everything to do with cement products as well as general building materials and all types of landscape supplies such as those listed above as well as composts, topsoil, every brick product made, and most if can be found, Central Home Supply will have it on hand or order it If they don’t have what you need, they often can tell you the best place

have to make their own adobe bricks in sonville, whom did they call? Central Home Supply, who were able to provide them with an authentic mixture to make the

Central Home Supply apart from other companies is their approach to customer service, A second-generation partner, Rick Santee, says, “Everyone here is passionate about giving expert service and

in Aptos, Rick did not hesitate to donate very supportive of the garden and we are extremely grateful for his donations, especially in the middle of a recession,” said owner is faced with a project, Central Home supply is a

they want only the best job for their cusSantees operating Central Home Supply, and there are new ones are coming up!

superior service, experienced marketknowledgeable assistance, and expert

experience to do business with Central

Road, Scotts Valley (behind Scarborough

He was chairman of the Santa Cruz County for both stores: M-F 6:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. - Sat

In fact, in 2007 when the Friends Owner Rick Santee (right) with nephew and Scotts Valley Store Manager Reed of Santa Cruz State Santee. Parks realized they’d 22 / September 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times

garden organizer Melanie Larson in early 2010 to help construct the Aptos Community Garden at Christ Lutheran Church

thru March 31) Mon-Fri 6:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Closed Sundays – both locations.

Community News

Banff Mountain Film Festival Radical Reels Tour


snow-kiting and speed-riding intended for audiences who want to see screenings of

Book Festival presents the wildly popular Radical Reels night – a presenabout skiing, biking, riding, or paddling than by seeing the 2015 edition of the dropping bike jumps, nail-biting kayak sports such as skiing, climbing, kayaking, BASE jumping, snowboarding and mountain biking, and new sports such as

Centre, continues to push boundaries





Our mission is Inspiring host thousands of artists, explorers, mathematicians, and business leaders on our disciplines develop new approaches to solving some of the world’s most complex challenges and new works that exemplify the best of what human beings can

guests on campus each ye Experience more than half a dozen wild action sports as seen through the eyes of some of today’s top athletes and most talented adventure sport



Adventure Sports Journal, Beer Thirty, Dig Santa Cruz, Epicenter Cycling, Flip Flop -


in person at Tomboy and Epicenter Cycling (Santa Cruz and Aptos) Local sponsors include

Heart Children’s Cancer Support SerChildren’s Hospice and Palliative Care Coalition’s Partnership for Children transservices help families to access safe and reliable transportation to crucial medical

Jacob’s Heart Children’s Cancer Support Services hen a cancer diagnosis is con-

struggles, to comprehensive bereavement support for families who have lost a child

in treatment for cancer and transitioning patory grief and those who are bereaved

the myriad support services that Jacob’s

or the planning that goes into designing the

George Newell, Janis O’Driscoll, Bob

Artist Bob Rocco expresses, “Artists sometime spend extraordinary amounts of

artistic side with the creativity of subject matter and the ability to experiment with


something that is particularly critical in

Curated by Joan Blackmer, Print-

a useful distraction, so I’m less likely to

Santa Cruz County Bank branches through

interest is in experimental methods in printmaking, wherein I try to express my particular feeling about the subject, trans-

will be held at the Bank’s downtown Santa

Santa Cruz County Bank Reception Reception, 720 Front Street, Santa Cruz, Exhibition Locations & Hours

Artist Frank Trueba states, “Printing, ments, whether that be the carving of the wood, the construction of a printing screen,

Featured Artists Leah Belair, Andrée LeBourveau, Julie Erreca, Jane Gregorius, Cindy Haug, Hedwig Heerschop, Lu Lee, Louise Leong, Catharina Marlowe, Ann Miya, Mary Neater,

Drive a.m. – 5 p.m., Friday 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. excluding holidays Capitola Soquel Times / September 2015 / 23

Featured Columnist

Kitten Adoption Primer By Tiffany Mitchener, DVM

is the season … kitten season, that is!

kitten’s diet, then a gradual integration of the old diet and the new one over two weeks is recommended to eliminate any

your year to adopt a new kitten? Where to start? here are many things to consider before

at least one side has a one-inch height so that

is everyone in the household ready for

Place your kitten in the litter box after meals or immediately after waking to remind your

cats get very used to one particular brand

best to remove the dangerous items now before you are

you live in a multi-level house, consider a litter box on each

Bundle up all electrical cords

A few other recommended essentials include a scratching

All string, yarn, and ribbon should be put away in a safe

kitten should have an appro-

cabinets should have baby-

rope, corrugated cardboard, or carpet scratching posts to see

step is to visit with each kitten individually multiple vaccines, parasite control, and

All members of the household should be trained to close lids and doors now before

Make sure that your kitten has a safe place to sleep where it is protected from the rest of the

to address any concerns that you might have regarding your new family member -

not to disturb the kitten when it is sleeping

spayed or neutered, then the timing of this important sterilization procedure should

check inside washing machines and dryers should be kept closed at all times so that a very young kitten will not accidentally

pair of kittens can be built in playmates and items can be an excellent way for you to


to scrutinize in this important personal

What to buy? Which kitten to adopt? his can be a very individual and personal choice; remember that this kitten will be

imperative not to add to the overpopulation of kittens available next summer! If your heart and home are available to adopt a kitten this season, then a little advance

that the kitten simply “chose” them! When to visit the veterinarian? -

Many rescue organizations will post pictures 1220 41st Ave, Capitola, CA 95010, (831)

She has chaired and sponsored four American Cancer Society Galas in both San

Several kittens may catch your eye; the next

new kitten to visit the veterinarian within

patient services for more than 1,125 cancer patients in Santa Cruz County each year and also funds groundbreaking cancer

fashions from Blue Moon of Santa Cruz, Cinnamon Bay Clothing Company, Macy’s, Cancer strikes one out of every three


Bonilla-Giurato is a well-recognized leader She is an advocate of young girls, women, families, youth, social justice, and business issues involved in the community advocating for the 24 / September 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times

California Giant Berry Farms, and Gold sponsors include Dignity Health Dominican

event will feature a wine reception and performance by the Santa Cruz Symphony String

community’s support of the annual Garden of Hope Fashion Show Gala provides much needed funding to save lives and create more birthdays by helping people stay

The American Cancer Society is the nation’s largest non-governmental investor in cancer research. To learn more about us or to get help, call us anytime, day or night, at 1-800-

Featured Columnist By Zach Friend, County Supervisor 2nd District

roads and only 13 cents of every property tax dollar goes to the County (the rest goes to special districts, the school districts and with over 200 miles in our district alone everything from the summit to Corralitos massive amount of roads, bridges, culverts and more to maintain, especially with

pavement infrastructure for local streets and roads in California, the argued, is in jeopardy of further deterioration if current

and it’s something that the Board of Super-

local agencies across the state report a lack

I’ve recently been to Sacramento to bring your personal stories about transpor-

crumbling roads, highways, bridges, and

Assemblymember Stone (a former County

does a report to the Board of Supervisors on the general state of local streets and roads tation, the Pavement Management Index (a standard measurement of pavement con-

According to the California State

Similar to a high school test score, this is


share of roads in “poor condition” in



Supervisor), Assemblymember Alejo, and Senator Monning have all been very

keenly aware of the local transportation needs but you can also help them by reaching out to them to show your support for local roads to be included in the funding

Please feel free to contact me at 454-2200.

World Geography


local County roads fall in the combined score of 57 on the Pavement Management Index is actually an improvement from the previous year where it was 55 - mainly do to a small infusion of funds for arterial road

nia’s urban roads and highways are

provided an update on California roads

funds are part of the current special budget

A broad-based coalition of cities, counties, labor, business, public safety and transportation advocates and more have joined the “Fix Our Roads” coalition

In June, the Governor called for an Infrastructure called on the Legislature to consider, “… permanent and stable

state funding mechanism is one of the best opportunities our County has for improved

maintain and repair the state’s transpor-

Our local funding structure is unable

the Governor made no mention of priorities

funds as part of property taxes bring in


1. *City on Seine 6. Sun Tzu’s “The ____ of War” 9. Sign of a saint 13. Rome’s Colosseum, e.g. 14. African migrator 15. Analyze 16. Religious devotion 17. Pillbox or tricorne, e.g. 18. Trojan War military action 19. *It has largest number of independent nations 21. *World’s largest Non-Polar desert 23. Beatle bride 24. Clinton or Gates 25. ____ along to a song

28. Movie “____ Girl” 30. Fish food unit 35. *Four Corners state 37. Captain ____ 39. Wasted on the young? 40. Former Attorney General of the U.S. 41. Streamlined 43. Cowboy’s prod 44. Circular gasket 46. “Happily ____ after” 47. Left or right 48. Ni 50. Carrie Underwood, e.g. 52. Clinton ____ Rodham 53. Cry out loud 55. As opposed to yeses 57. *Largest country 60. *Deepest lake 63. Infamous biker 64. *Dead or Black, e.g. 66. Implied by actions

11. Indian music 12. Reply to #37 Across 15. Olsen twin 20. “Too many ____ in the kitchen” 22. One of The Alps 24. Harass 25. *Second-largest Great DOWN Lake 1. OB-GYN test 26. Embryo cradles 2. “Summertime” or 27. Bouncing off the “Porgy and Bess,” e.g. walls 3. *Australia is famous 29. *World’s longest for it river 4. Preface 31. Red ink in finance 5. “Haste makes waste,” 32. Harry Potter’s e.g. professor Remus 6. Turkish honorific ____ 7. Biochemistry abbr. 33. Short composition for 8. Hutu’s opponents, solo instrument 1994 34. *Number of capitals in 9. *Largest continent South Africa 10. One who takes drugs 36. Goose cry 68. Passion 69. Emergency Medical Services 70. Former anesthetic 71. Feline noise 72. French street 73. High-pitched

38. Owner’s acquisition 42. Swedish money 45. *Old Faithful, e.g. 49. Floral necklace 51. Hang around 54. Used in some surgery procedures 56. Type of edible ray 57. Of low density 58. Backward arrow on keyboard 59. Flat-bottomed boat 60. 1st, 2nd or 3rd in baseball, e.g. 61. Advil target 62. German song 63. Rapid escape 65. 2nd largest bird in the world 67. Give it a go © Statepoint Media

Answers on 31 »

Capitola Soquel Times / September 2015 / 25

The Book Bag By Robert Francis

Top authors new releases… The Murderer’s Daughter By Jonathan Kellerman Ballantine. $28 e is one of the masters of the psychological thriller and every time Jonathan Kellerman releases a new

anthropologist who is often called in to


perhaps, is as bizarre as the one facing

has the remains of a teenage girl who’s been missing for a while sitting in her

the national bestIt


Although she doubts this can pos-


into the situation that ultimately has the forensic investigator delving into a mysterious religious cult and a group of

popular author has written a stand-alone novel, but Kellerman’s many fans will

of her books in print in thirty languages, Kathy Reichs has established a worldwide fan base that can’t get

deeply troubling story about a psychologist, Grace Blades, whose own emotional scars

Grace was present when her parents were killed and although she was then raised by a loving couple, the terrible trauma of this event never was completely was

childhood resurfaces when Grace discovers that she actually knows her latest patient, which creates some insurmountable ogist comes to regret refusing to assist the

a tight timeline as she is called in to help neutralize a hostage taker who has turned

lives he holds in the cathedral, the hostage


Eve must keep an eye on the clock as this drama winds down towards a shattering

here, so just sit back and enjoy the wild ride

If you are in the mood for a modern swashbuckling adventure that will elicit a

Wicked Charms

series, this is a hoot!

A Lizzy and Diesel Novel

Bantam. $26 ith an Edgar award on her shelf, the recognition she deserves for being an up and coming

By Janet Evanovich and Phoef Sutton Bantam. $28 ranted this is a bit of a mindless romp with humor used to spice the storyline, but if you are looking for a tures likeable, if not slightly eccentric, characters, you’ll


resident of Manhat-

Charm” much to

Side doesn’t stray too far from home as she uses Saint Patrick’s Cathedral

Collier “Peg Leg” Dazzle has

26 / September 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times

special pirate’s treasure but, naturally, they have competition and the other folks involved will stop at nothing to possess fact, Diesel’s cousin may even be engaged in the hunt, which means the couple has a formidable adversary who is familiar with

If you are a Kellerman fan or enjoy

The Hostage Taker

Besides the usual gold and silver coins and an array of precious gems, the booty reputedly also includes the Stone of Avarice, a very special prize that many

Along with her extraordinary team

and some of the secrets she harbors, Grace launches her own investigation into the young man’s death and, in doing so, open’s

novel set in the San Francisco Bay Area a

then re-hid the treasure trove of a famous pirate somewhere along New England’s

a while, but before the notorious bootlegger went to his reward, he discovered and

Speaking in Bones By Kathy Reichs Bantam. $28 forensic anthropologist certified by the American Board of Forensic A n t h r o p o l o g y, Kathy Reichs is not only a professor in the department of anthropology at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, but she’s also the author of the successful series of


As Night Falls


By Jenny Milchman Ballantine. $26 t has already been one of those days major snowstorm is approaching her isolated family home in the Adirondacks and she has just had a dust up with her fifteen-year-old daughter, Ivy, who

Sandy’s husband and a wilderness guide, walks in the tunately, this is just the beginning of what will be a terrifying and nightmarish evening, for outside the house two escaped convicts are about to come there a reason this isolated house was targeted by the two men or was it just a coincidence? Home invasion is not a subject most people think about nor want to, but Jenny Milchman takes this scenario and turns it into one filled with secrets and surprises that will keep the reader up A complex and intriguing tale, “As Night Falls” is a memorable read that will only add to the author’s growing fan base and bring her additional literary “Cover of Snow,” won the Mary Higgins

Featured Columnist

Live Oak Outreach By Tamra Taylor, Superintendent Live Oak School District he Live Oak School District is excited to welcome students to the new school year! I’d like to use this month’s

to implement a Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) system at each ognized, school-wide system that supports

sents a systems change process for an entire school by teaching behavioral expectations in the same manner as any core curriculum PBIS last school year, as a result of our goal Each school site has a team of teachers and administrators that meet for an hour a month and attend trainings at the County

behavioral expectations for their school, which are positively stated and easy to

something right by any member of the Once they have received 10 tickets, they may go to the office for a reward such as

PBIS to support their use of the system in the classroom to create a warm, welencourage students to build meaningful relationships with each other, respect their also extends outside of the classroom, into areas such as the lunchroom, playground, In this second year of implementation, motivating signs will be seen throughout the campus, so students can be reminded of what they are working is our use of a universal screening assessment (the Systematic Screener for Behavioral Disorders) which will identify students that would benefit group settings with our mental health

In other words, rather than telling students what not to do, the school focuses on the preferred behaviors, thereby creating a

they make, rather than only visiting the site-based team then designs interactive experiences for students around these At elementary sites, include interactive role-playing of expected and non-

partner in a network of parents, community members, and agencies in our students, but we believe strongly that the school environment is an ideal setting for students to practice these real-life skills and behaviors that are essential as they move on to high school, as well as college


District-wide, students are explicitly told about their school’s incentive system for displaying positive behavior and how they can access example, at one elementary school, students are given tickets when they are “caught” doing Capitola Soquel Times / September 2015 / 27

Community Calendar

Capitola Calendar of Events



orning meditation schedule

mercial Crossing, Santa Cruz CASA empowers volunteers to K atz Cancer Center, PAMF and Hospice of Santa Cruz County For more info. visit both invite you to attend a Caregiver

Friday Sept 4 thru Monday Sept 7

special advocates are everyday Support Group for those caring people that, with just a few hours a week can have a lifetime of impact for a child who has been abused it can be a challenge for the entire

Begonia Festival

All Day, Capitola Village

Saturday Sept 12 Suynday Sept 13

First Mondays: 2-3 p.m., in Watsonville Capitol Art & Wine Festival 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Capitola Village Second Tuesdays in Capitola Third Wednesdays Sunday October 11 in Watsonville Monte Foundation Fireworks Third Thursdays: 2-3 p.m. in Santa Cruz Extravaganza 8:30 - 9:00 p.m., Capitola Wharf Third Fridays: 12-1 p.m. in Aptos family friendly spectacular



Meal Solution Mondays


First and Third Monday

CASA Orientations to Become Caregiver Support Group 12-1 p.m., PAMF, 2850 ComAdvocates for Children

group, we will share stories, learn tools for coping and receive and facebook.

First Tuesdays each month

Tail Wagging World of Dog Ownership

6:30pm at the Santa Cruz SPCA, 2685 Chanticleer Ave., Santa

TOPS (Take off pounds sensibly)

8:45 am, Felton Firehouse et support for loosing weight at these health group


Learn more by calling (831) 335-3510.

Overeaters Anonymous #50 Rancho Del Mar, Aptos For more information, call (831)

First Wednesday each month

Second and Fourth Mondays First and Third Wednesdays

Alzheimers Support Groups Monday: 2:00 - 3:30pm

Orientations to Become Advocates for Children

first Tuesday of month (for location details contact Danielle review the child welfare system and to give you a chance to have

Conference Room at Elena Baskin/




ll meetings are held at 420

For more information the City’s community events, are listed in the City’s Community Calendar


Susan Sneddon, City Clerk Phone #:


Announcements Nar-Anon

Toastmasters: Speak for Success

Am I the only one who feels this way? Join Nar-Anon, a world wide fellowship of relatives and friends meetings are now being held in Santa

Santa Cruz ome explore Feldrenkrais

9:00am-12:30pm, 2045 40th Ave. Clares St. Capitola



12:00pm-1:00pm, St. Philip’s -

moving as they heighten your self-

of its members in jobs, and we can For a meeting near you call (831) 291-5099 or email

will cover resume writing, com-

uesday Support Group is a gathering for women with all

Ongoing Events

Valley Drive, Scotts Valley. iving a business presentation? Interviewing for a job? Improve your speaking skills in a friendly, supportive environment with Redwood


Contact suzie@suzielundgren.

WomenCARE Support Group

norcal/meetings for more info.

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays

Aptos Noon Toastmasters



Overeaters Anonymous


vereaters Anonymous is a 12-Step group for those who are offered free of charge in Santa thru Saturdays wish to stop eating compul-

Ocean Gate Zen Center

For a schedule and more -

or e-mail B, Santa Cruz (next to Family or call (831) 469-6096. Cycling Center)

28 / September 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times

Third Wednesdays

more information.

Hoffman’s for Second Harvest


your voice and share it effec-

Sons in Retirement

share their experience, strength

Ave. Santa Cruz CA 95060

B12 Fridays

Big Book and OA Literature Study

5:30-6:45 Sutter Maternity & Surgical Center, 2900 Chanticleer

3:00pm-6:00pm, Thrive Natural


supports immunity, energy, 1:00–2:00 p.m., Louden Nelson Community Center, Room 5, 301 sleep, mood, and the body’s ability Center Street, Santa Cruz To learn more, call (831) 515Second Thursdays each month 8699.

Veterans of Foreign Wars


ommander Ronals Petty leads

Saturdays 8:00 -12:00pm at Cabrillo College he Aptos Market, with over

Second and Fourth Thursdays round, with the best selections of

Cabrillo Host Lions Club

munity Center, Aptos Village Park, 100 Aptos Creek Rd.


information or visit

Third Thursday each month

activities, music, cooking demos by professional chefs, gardening workshops, seasonal fairs and

Scotts Valley Farmer’s Market 9a.m.-1p.m. SV Community Center, 360 Kings Village Drive

Third Sundays

Seymour Marine Discovery Center: Public Lecture Series


hat does your style say eymour Marine Discovery Center about you? Learn the presents a public lecture from a difference between fashion marine scientist the third Sunday of and style, how to up level your look and up level your income, in an entertaining and easy-touse color effectively, create a understand format, with up-to-date great look without sacrificing More info:

Dated Events

Aptos peakers helping speakers get


Dominion Ct., Aptos eetings led by Commander


members welcome!

his statewide group of retired men invites you to be our information.

Fridays new from a top notch guest masters or more info: (831)

group for friends and families who have been affected by the addiction or drug problem

Clutterers Anonymous

Aptos Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10110

Fourth Wednesdays


healthy 4 meals to people in need throughout Santa Cruz through 200

eetings are open to the public Call (831) 332-8221 for more info. and the location alternates between the City of Santa Cruz Police Community Room, and Fourth Thursdays each month

for more info.

the Bison Center and The Camp Recover Center

H Santa Cruz will donate 10% of total sales to Second Harvest

Meeting Schedule for the SCWD2 Task Force

information, call 831-335-3693.

for women through all stages from 116 Beach Drive ome join a dynamic, Co-dependents Anonymous For more information or to supportive group of people o-dependents Anonymous at all levels of experience from is a 12-step group for people who want healthy relationships Tuesdays, Thursdays


Contact Chuck at 831-462-6092

Adoption/Child Welfare Orientation


Capitola-Aptos Rotary Club Meeting

First Tuesdays and 6:00pm- 8:00pm 1400 Emeline Third Wednesdays each month Avenue room 206, Santa Cruz.

Wednesday of the month at the To register to one of the meeting Capitola Road, Santa Cruz. CASA Office, 813 Freedom and for directions, please call acilitated by Jill Ginghofer, this Blvd. Watsonville group is for caregivers and family ASA (Court Appointed West side stores) members of people with Alzheimers Special Advocates) needs et fresh ideas for easy-to-prepare, Wednesdays Facilitated by volunteers, 3-5 hours per week, Second Wednesdays to provide support, guidance, Friends of Scotts Valley Library entrees from a member of the New McBurney and a powerful voice in court for eets second wednesdays of Leaf Community Markets culinary children who have been removed from their homes because of abuse every Monday, ranging from meat Tuesdays next meeting is February 11th Felton’s Farmer Market! men and bilingual folks especially 2:30-6:30 p.m. Featured recipes are posted on hrough Spring, Summer and Fall, the main drag along or email sylvialee2@sbcglobal. Highway 9 will come alive with the Ext. 102, or email net bustle of farmers and food artisans selling a colorful variety of delicious Second and Fourth Wednesdays Second Tuesdays each month Santa Cruz/ Monterey Bay Branch 221 Cathcart Street, Santa Cruz PFLAG (Parents, Families, and ine on any Monday and 10% ADHD Support Group Meetings of the total sales go to a local or Friends of Lesbians and Gays) 6:30-8:00pm Aptos Fire Station contact Nicole Zahm at education@ or Executive Director Nesh Dhillon at First Congregational Church of pen Support meetings month of the year as part of the Santa Cruz Lunch: Tuesday – Sunday from Adult Only meetings on fourth Feldrenkrais Awareness 11:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Dinner: 4:30 Through Movement® Any Questions, contact Judy Sunday 2– 6 p.m., Monday 4:30– 6 Wednesdays Brenis at (831) 818-9619.

Time(pm) Location munity Markets, 1210 41st Ave.


Scotts Valley Nar-Anon Family Group Canyon Road, Scotts Valley in

Tuesday September 22 Aptos Branch Sons in Retirement Luncheon

11:30am, Severinos Restaurant,


peaker will be renowned sports

Wednesday October 7 Toastmasters Open House 116 Aptos Beach Drive, Aptos ll are welcome to the Aptos


to hear speeches and impromptu table topics while savoring a few goodies! For more information, call


Arts and Entertainment Bring a picnic or pick up dinner t

Volunteers Needed for the Monterey Symphony he Monterey Symphony is music and want to be involved,

Sept. 26 thru Dec. 12

Scotts Valley Library Exhibits Ageless Arts he SV library will have on display artwork created by the residents at Brookdale Scotts under the guidance of Ageless Art Volunteer Gloria Daniels will be

Peninsula Banjo Band 390 Saratoga Ave, San Jose orty-seven years of performing in the Bay Come see our band for Free in


ome and dance for the love of movement and learn the principles of culture of contemporary hip attitude with loud, heart-pumping

Stitchers By The Sea Meetings


titchers-by-the-Sea, the local chapter of the Embroiderers’ Guild of America, holds meetings

6:30 p.m. Santa Cruz Elks Lodge,

H Wednesdays

Capitola Twilight Concerts


t wouldn’t be summer without

year-round and illuminates some of the most talented local artists

Dated Events Friday September 11

Movies on the Beach Presents: The Endless Summer 2

in a First Friday art tour, visit galleries are open 12-9 pm for First

tax deductible).

Second Fridays each month

and beach blankets and enjoy complimentary popcorn thanks to

Big Band Dance Wednesday Night Sail Boat Races

Senior Center 829 Bay Ave, 5:30 - 8:30p.m. March to October Capitola arbor restaurants & the beach allroom dancing to live are a good viewing to watch the sailboat races against the setting




the public-singles welcome! Suggested donation, $6 per person.

Lucky Steppers Modern Square Dance 230 Plymouth St. Santa Cruz


like it! Friendship put to music,

Second Sundays Each Month

Downtown Santa Cruz Antique Street Fair

9:00am-4:00pm, Lincoln St.

Don Benson For more information, contact Sue at

Modern Square Dancing Class Santa Cruz, 230 Plymouth


more information!


Santa Cruz Institute of Contemporary Arts event, managed in conjunction with the participating

Contact Lee McLaughlin, Booking Agent, at 408-993BAND (2263) for information about booking the band for

Classes are $10-$12. For more info

Third Monday each month

First Friday Art Tour

Park, Capitola he ninth annual Movies on the Beach in the Esplanade Park in Capitola is thanks to the generous sponsorship of Pizza my


Adult Mixed Level Hip Hop

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 23)

First Fridays each month

F Ongoing Events

Private instruction and classes by arrangement. For more information, Science Sunday does not meet in December. For more info visit

Your September Horoscope

Last Thursdays each month

Monthly Argentine Tango at Star 4:30pm-9:30pm, Star Bene Italian/ Argentene Restarante, 21245 East his is a night for true “Social meal from the Star Bene Argentine Menu, (or their well known italian menu), and enjoy the ambiance of Argentina and join us in a social tango dance to music from the Golden Age

he “Original” Downtown

Friday September 11 thru Sunday Sept. 13 Santa Cruz Greek Food & Cultural Festival

someone close to you is intent on pushing your buttons, there’s very little you can do to stop

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) cat, but that’s no reason to not dive right in to the subjects you want to know more about as the

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb. 18)

he 35th annual, award-winning street festival is jam-packed with delicious Greek dishes, bouzouki band and dancing makes for a fun event in downtown Santa

Friday September 18

Movies on the Beach Presents: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

Park, Capitola he ninth annual Movies on and check it out! Browse through the Beach in the Esplanade a wide assortment of treasures Park in Capitola is thanks to the including books and photographs, generous sponsorship of Pizza my vintage jewelry, clothing, glass and ceramic collectibles, vintage and beach blankets and enjoy complimentary popcorn thanks to original artwork, and a whole lot of whatnot! For more info, please contact us at Facebook.

Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

Sunday September 20 Voices of the River

2 - 4 p.m., San Lorenzo Park, Third Sunday of Every Month Santa Cruz Poetry Reading along the San Science Sunday Lorenzo River Santa Cruz, 95060 eymour Marine Discovery BirchBARK 911 Center presents a public lecture from a marine scientist the third School, 401 Old San Jose Road,

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20) the work as September comes to a close and what’s your reward? It sounds cliché, but just

Aries (March 21-April 20) half-way through the month, and you may say some things on these days that you really don’t

Taurus (April 21-May 21) through the month, so why not study a new artistic method? If you haven’t tried sculpting, problems are manageable when you tell them to your BFF near the end of September, but

Gemini (May 22-June 21)



are presented in an entertaining and easy-to-understand format, with up-to-date photos, video, and

he second Annual Pet Health Festival is free and open to the

Cancer (June 22-July 22) two weeks and if you’re in the right place at the right time you could even earn a little extra

Leo (July 23-Aug. 23)


Virgo (Aug. 24-Sep. 22)

Capitola Soquel Times / September 2015 / 29

Business Guide

Featured Columnist Timeliness. Water Quality. Reliability.

wondering, “Just how reliable is my water source?�

that rated highest for a supplemental water supply in several community surveys that the District

District service area, we get 100% of our water supply from groundwater, which we pump from a groundwater basin that extends from 41st Avenue through La Selva Beach and a few water basin with several other water agencies and thousands of private


in our daily lives, from the cars and bicycles that take us from one place to another to the friends who accompany us through our lives, and they are there for us when we

Historically, this water source has been perfectly reliable, providing for all of the water needs of the diverse users However, since

But when it comes to water, reliability is often overlooked because, for the most part, water service in the United a day and 7 days a week the water that we use to drink, cook, wash, and bathe with is, barring emergencies, accidents, or natural disasters, 30 / September 2015 / Capitola Soquel Times

when talking about the ability of communities to adapt to social, enviReliability and resiliency go hand in hand when dealing with water resource management because everything from the amount people pay on their water bill to beach showers to businesses, shaping the way a community lives, works, and A resilient community is one that can recover or rebound from the negative impacts of natural disasters,

caused the groundwater to fall to dangerously low levels and has allowed seawater to begin moving

Obtaining a supplemental water supply that is either insulated or

referred to as seawater intrusion, is extremely damaging, because once it reaches drinking water wells, they If this occurs, the reliability

statewide water transfer projects cease deliveries to municipalities and farms, and mandatory curtailment measures are enacted statewide for

In planning for the future, the

in the midcounty region have been collectively overdrafting the basin, meaning that more water is removed from it than is naturally

end up taking the availability of life’s

shaken up that perception for many

basin and let it return to a sus-

supplemental water supply so that we can stop or significantly reduce pumping from the groundwater

makes wise decisions to avoid or be less vulnerable to detrimental situa-

seawater intrusion, and climate change makes a community much more resilient because it ensures the appreciate the fact that our community values and supports the inclusion of this criterion in our decision making process regarding a supplemental water supply and will make sure that whatever option or options we end up pursuing provides the reliability we need to be a resilient, livable, and sustainable

SCCAS Featured Pet


Freckle wants to be your Friend black and white domestic shorthair, is a volunteer favorite! He loves to be brushed and gives gentle head-butts to let you know he would like to be

enjoys playing with feathers and wand toys, and watching the world go by from the safety of the Shelter’s outside Catio, he longs to be in a loving home with his

Santa Cruz Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter has two full-service, open-admission Santa Cruz Location:

crossword on 25 »

5 p.m. Watsonville Location: Open Monday – Saturday* 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. (closed noon to 1 p.m.) Closed on Sunday

© Statepoint Media

Capitola Soquel Times / September 2015 / 31

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