Capitola Soquel Times: November 2016

Page 1



SCCHC Hosts Workshop

Santa Cruz Community Health Centers (SCCHC),

and comprehensive health services to everyone, regardless of their ability to pay, today announced its third successful Access to Higher Education Workshop Health Center.

Full Story page 6

Measure D Pro & Con

Capitola Plein Air 2016 Last fall the Capitola Art and Cultural Commission hosted their inaugural Plein Air event, to the delight of the public and participating artists. Now they are hosting their second annual exhibition at New Brighton Middle

School Performing Arts Center 250 Washburn Ave, Capitola on November 6. Admission is free, and includes live art education.

... continued on page 4

Measure D is a sales tax that will fund partially the county’s transportation needs for the next 30 years. It would provide a funding base for other funding sources to match and build upon. We asked the opinions on the measure from those who support and those who oppose passing Measure D. Full Story page 12



83 1. 68 8. 6913 | License #681095

a b o u t fi g h t i

ge n u h ng


Want to do something BIG to help the community this holiday season? Give the gift of FOOD. Every $1 = 4 healthy meals. Your gift today will provide healthy food and beneficial programs all year long to children, families, seniors and vets in Santa Cruz County. Second Harvest Food Bank Santa Cruz County 800 Ohlone Parkway, Watsonville, CA 95076 831-722-7110

2 / November 2016 / Capitola Soquel Times


: : : : : : : : :

AMR Ambulance Service Aptos Chamber of Commerce Bike Santa Cruz County Bike Station Aptos Community Bridges Dominican Hospital Ecology Action Friends of the Rail & Trail Friends of Santa Cruz State Parks

: Monterey Bay Central Labor Council : Monterey Bay Economic Partnership : Santa Cruz County Deputy Sheriff’s Association : Seniors Council : TrailNow : United Way of S.C. County

…and dozens more including individuals, organizations and nearly every elected official in Santa Cruz County! Get Santa Cruz County Moving 2016 – Yes on D Supported by Bruce McPherson, John Leopold and Don Lane, FPPC #1382804

No. 11 Volume 21




Table of Contents


Cover Capitola Plein Air 2016

6 7 8

Community News SCCHC Hosts Workshop

9 10

11 12 Measure D Pros & Cons 14 19 2016 California Propositions 26 Business Profiles 16 21 23

Capitola by Jessica Johnson by Noel Smith by Jessica Johnson

Local Sports 17 Mid-County High School Scoreboard In Memoriam 18 ~ October 11, 2016 by C.J.

20 22 24 25 27 30

#OMMUNITY #ALENDAR s !RTS %NTERTAINMENT n Pages n -ONTHLY (OROSCOPE s Page n Featured Columnists Updates from City Hall by Jaime Goldstein Seniors in Action by C.J. Art & Woodshop at New Brighton Middle School by Scott Turnbull by Zach Friend Live Oak Outreach by Tamra Taylor

3##!3 &EATURED 0ET s 0AGE n

Capitola Soquel Times / November 2016 / 3

Patrice Edwards Mikayla Witmer Noel Smith

publisher publisher’s assistant editor

contributing writers Noel Smith, Jessica Johnson, C.J., Jaime Goldstein, Scot Turnbull, Zach Friend, Tamra Taylor layout Michael Oppenheimer, Kevin Markley, Liz Senteney graphic artists Michael Oppenheimer, Kevin Markley, Liz Senteney production coordinator Liz Senteney advertising sales Don Beaumont, Louisa Sandman Jay Peters, Larry Rock office coordinator Cathe Race distribution Bill Pooley, Camisa Composti

Times Publishing Group, Inc. 9601 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 The Times Publishing Group, Inc., publishers of the Aptos Times, a bi-weekly publication, the Capitola Times and Scotts Valley Times, each printed monthly, Coastal Weddings Magazine, Coastal Home and Garden Magazine, Aptos’ Fourth of July Parade Official Program Guide and Capitola’s Begonia Festival Official Program Guide, is owned by Patrice Edwards. Entire contents ©2016. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without the publisher’s written permission PHONE: (831) 688-7549 FAX: (831) 688-7551 GENERAL E-MAIL: Patrice Edwards: Publisher’s Assistant: Editor: Opinions/Letters: Calendar Listings: Graphics Department: Billing Inquiries: Classified Sales: Production: CHECK OUT OUR WEB SITE AT: distribution We at the Times Publishing Group, Inc. are dedicated to providing a voice for the individuals and organizations in our community while highlighting the outstanding accomplishments of our local businesses. We seek to promote healthy family values through our coverage of youth activities, school news, senior events, community groups and entertainment 4 / November 2016 / Capitola Soquel Times

Cover Story “Plein Air” from page 1 artists will converge to paint outdoors capturing the charm and beauty of Capitola. only what they can see, the particular light, and the feel of the place. Annette Dion McGowan returns to paint in the professional category, while her daughter, Madeline Aranda, from Walnut Creek, paints alongside her in the amateur division. change from painting alone, since the life of an artist at work can be solitary. Plein Air artists often get up early, pack their their painting site as they capture the changing light, shadows, and atmospheric as they translate the moment they are witnessing often returning the next day at the same time to complete the piece. Some artists work into the evening, painting nocof moonlight on the bay, or the twinkle of lights on Depot Hill. Commissioner and Committee Chair, Jenny Shelton, is looking forward to seeing works were really lovely, with oil, pastel, and watercolors of some landmarks and some not-so-familiar spots. We got to see Capitola in a new way -- through the eyes

Observe and Interact ith forty artists painting outdoors throughout Capitola, the best time to see them in action is Saturday, November 5 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. when all com-


get the Commission’s free interactive iOS

day, November 6, you can view the winning paintings and take one home with

Brighton Beach, top of the steps at Depot Hill, and near the parking area along the place paintings and honorable mentions. competing last year. Scavenger Hunt for Kids n Saturday, kids can pick up a scavenger hunt guide at the esplanade, seek out the art and artists, and then bring their completed scorecard to the exhibition


hunt can also be downloaded online at cap-

the City from Public Art funds, to become the latest pieces in the City’s permanent public art collection. All other pieces submitted in competition are up for sale, some Paintings created in Capitola during November 2-6 are eligible to win more than $2,500 worth of prizes at the competition. And cast your vote for the people’s choice Art sales support these local and regional artists, and a percentage of the proceeds from sales are donated to the program.

Cover Story Capitola Plein Air is a FREE, lively arts event!


local and regional artists selling their works and competing for the top prize. Watch artists paint 10-2 Saturday all over Capitola, and buy their work at forming Arts Center. chased for $1,500, and displayed as part of the City’s public art collection. A $750 second place prize and other pro and amateur division ribbons will be awarded at 3 p.m. for the People’s Choice Award,

on art making with Linda Cover of Watershed Arts. Presented by the Capitola Art & Cultural Commission. Create Art Art Pop-up tent inside the Exhibition building. ‘outdoors’. Nineteenth century landscape painters including many of the impressionists, painted en plein air, adding color and texture that was their interpretation of the landscape.

The Capitola Art and Cultural Commission produces cultural events such as the Twilight Concerts, Summer Movies at the Beach, and the Art & Music at the Beach Series. They recently released a free iOS app that provides information about local historic sites and public art. The “Capitola Self-Guided Tour of Public Art and Historic Sites,” is available at the app store. More info at

Let me be your voice in Capitola A visionary for the future Resident/Property owner since 1974 Served on several groups to protect the Village Concerned about safety and crime End City of Santa Cruz Sanctuary City program Traffic congestion a high priority Our wharf a high priority No mega hotel in the village Fixing streets and sidewalks Restoring the Rispin building Advancing the rail trail Crumbling and eroding sea cliffs More parks and open spaces Ocean, beach pollution The Mall and new owners Congestion on 41st Ave. Vigilance on non-profit giving I bring to Capitola as a councilperson a rare view and experience of the past. I lived and breathed Capitola in the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s to today. With this knowledge, I am able to be a visionary for the future, with a perspective of the past few people have. Bringing much needed fresh ideas to Capitola.

Vote Bob Edgren Capitola City Council Now forming a community group, Our Capitola, an informative group to keep Capitiola residents informed of changes and what is transpiring in government, businesses and our city. Join this much needed resource informative organization.

Sign on at

Paid Political Ad


Raised on the Central Coast Deputy District Attorney making our neighborhoods safer Volunteered to serve his country in Afghanistan and recipient of the Bronze Star Working to end veterans homelessness and establish the veterans treatment court and veterans cemetery A 2015 Monterey County Veteran of the Year Member of the Advisory Council of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and UCSC Foundation Trustee




for Paid for and authorized by Jimmy Panetta for Congress. P.O. Box 1579, Carmel Valley, CA 93924. FEC# C00592154. Capitola Soquel Times / November 2016 / 5


CalBRE # 01368517

Over 300 Successful Real Estate Transactions From Silicon Valley to Santa Cruz


Community News

SCCHC Hosts Workshop

‘Access to Higher Education’ Underscores Connection Between College and Improved Health SANTA CRUZ — Santa Cruz Community Health Centers (SCCHC), a

Capitola Resident

650.248.8095 - MICHAEL ADAMS - 831.612.0101

services to everyone, regardless of their ability to pay, today announced its third successful Access to Higher Education Workshop was held on September 10 at

families with easy access to college representatives and higher education resources. tation by Primavera Hernandez, SCCHC Programs Manager & Health Educator, highlighting the research referenced by the National Poverty Center at the University of Michigan that links a good education with health and longevity.

in their families to attend college, received educators. Also, representatives from UC Santa Cruz, Cabrillo College and Harbor

with a decrease in morbidity from acute illnesses and chronic illness such as heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol and asthma. increases positive health behaviors, which result in less smoking, less obesity and decreased levels of anxiety and depression.


In addition to citing data, Hernandez

child from birth. social determinants — where people live, their income, housing, and other factors.

Must present coupon. Not valid with any other discount or promotional offers. Good through 11/31/2016

Sunday-Thursday 11:30am-8pmFriday and Saturday 11:30am-9pm 3555 Clares St, Suite TT, Capitola, CA | 831-295-6372 | 6 / November 2016 / Capitola Soquel Times

information relating to their personal experiences as transfer students and commuter students. Information about higher edu-

was also discussed. learn, grow, play and miss fewer days of school, which increases their education, thus improving their health over their lifetime.

resources, which can assist families to -


materials including applications, essay

education is critical to economic and social development, and leads to better health outcomes. At the same time, healthy kids

a degree results in higher income, which then provides access to safer neighborchronic illnesses, more access to healthy foods and lower obesity and diabetes

Health Center, Santa Cruz Community Health Centers (SCCHC) provides comprehensive primary care services in English and Spanish to all ages, genders, ethnicities, abilities and sexual orientations, regardless of their ability to pay. SCCHC’s health centers serve nearly of medical providers, nurses, licensed clinical social workers, health educators,

care and education, mental health and substance abuse counseling, chronic disease management, health insurance enrollment, food distribution, and more. For more information go to:

Community News

Make a Difference in Your Community!

Aptos Adopt-A-Family: 23 Years Of Providing For Families In Times Of Hardship wenty-three years ago, a local businessman in Aptos was diagnosed with inoperable cancer. As the cancer progressed, he was unable to work or support his family as the holidays approached. Our community put on a spaghetti feed and the money collected went to help his family. Patrice Edwards, of

force them to depend on others to help keep their families from becoming fractured and nects families with families. Look into your makes you a better person and brings the true meaning of the season into your life.

lenges due to medical catastrophe within their family. Death illness in a family “I will always be grateful or is devastating and because God sent angels can emotionally and

worked tirelessly to collect toys, food, clothes, rent money, and more to carry his family through the coming months. of


to my family this year. I with all my

Over the years thank you there have been hunheart.” dreds of stories, and thousands of gifts. Gifts of wheelchairs, a handicap accessible van, lifts, food, clothes, toys bikes, rent, phone bills, physical therapy—gifts that

a $4,000 wheelchair lift to a local family. certificates—whole neighborhoods have

adopt the family, and help out with needed

family with gifts and sometimes decofamily identity is anonymous, some of them choose to meet their sponsor. Some families even go holiday shopping

“You have allowed us to add a little extra blessing to our son’s Christmas this year.”

Scouts have adopted families. Churches, parents, those who could only give one toy and those who could provide a sizable check…it has community.

who undergo changes in circumstances that

Our program can step

these families have stayed friends over the years. Adopt-A-

cates to local stores along with the gifts that the sponsor family has provided. Please give us a call to find out how you can adopt a family this year or how you can help make this a Merry

Christmas for one of our families by donating to the program. If you know of a family in need, don’t hesitate to call us to refer them. All referrals are confidential.

Call Aptos Adopt-A-Family at 688-7549 x12 to refer someone. To send a donation: Aptos Adopt-A-Family c/o Times Publishing Group — 9601 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003.

Aptos Adopt-A-Family “Neighbor Helping Neighbor” 2016 brings 23 years of the Aptos Adopt-A-Family Program helping local families to enjoy a holiday season they might have never had without the support and loving care of the local community. Hundreds of volunteers throughout the years have come forward and donated their time and money to help someone not as fortunate as them.

The Aptos Adopt-A-Family Program focuses on families who are experiencing medical issues and don’t have the financial support to help them through this emotional and challenging time.


Community News

2016 Local Measures for Capitola Soquel Times M

easure A pavement repair and operational improve-

Summary — local middle and high schools to upgrade classrooms, science labs, career training facilities, and technology infrastructure to safety, security and disabled access. Bond repayment ~$234 million. $100,000 of assessed valuation of property within the School District.


easure C

Summary —



E -

Summary — Amends the language mated to $30 per $100,000 of assessed valuation of property within the School District.

poses of the tax. from through lanes to improve



easure D Half-cent sales tax for 30 years, raising approximately $17 million annually


easure F

Summary — tax is used by the City to pay for general City programs and services, including public safety, wharf, beaches, parks, and street and sidewalk improvements.

Summary — Percentage Allocations

Capitola Soroptimists to Fund-raise with BFF Boutique in Capitola Village CAPITOLA — Soroptimist Interna-

retail vintage and recycled clothing funds for Soroptimist programs. building on the Esplanade in Under the agreement, Soroptimist members and friends are donating gently-used clothing and

who then shares proceeds from the sale of Soroptimist-donated items with the club. All Soroptimist-donated items have specially marked tags indicating that the purchase of that item helps Capitola Soroptimists fund awards and other programs for women and girls. was a fantastic win-win on multiple

owned business and that business helps women and girls of Santa Cruz County further their education through our Live Capitola



women who are enrolled in or have training program or an undergraduate degree program, who are the heads of their households and demonstrate used to offset any costs associated with their efforts to attain higher education, including books, childcare and transportation. a worthwhile and important cause that I wanted to be a part has had her shop for approximately three

volunteering when I am able, but with very little time to spare, I decided 8 / November 2016 / Capitola Soquel Times

best way for me to help. And, I very much appreciate the support provided to me as a woman-owned business by the Capitola

Soroptimist improves the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment. For more information, or to become a member willing to work to help us help women and girls, visit the SI Capitola website at or contact SI Capitola at

“We thought this relationship was a fantastic win-win on multiple levels. Our club helps a woman-owned business and that business helps women and girls of Santa Cruz County further their education through our Live Your Dream awards program.” — Soroptimist President Katie Elstad

Community News

Eighth Annual ‘A Taste of Soquel’

40,132 Healthy Meals Raised for Children and Families of Santa Cruz County prizes. Children in the KidZone, drummed, danced, and played miniature golf & games. Saturday, September 23,

Bank. Using the event’s seven years of donations, Second Harvest has been able provide 243,048 healthy meals to the people of Santa Cruz County.

talent to help provide healthy meals for the people of Santa children and families of Santa Cruz County. It was truly a

for the Common Good. neighbors donating their time and wares, making this


free event. of the proceeds. Additional sponsors and contributors

are, playing and coaching hockey for the he




October 4, 2016. Aron is 23 years old was born and raised in Santa Cruz, California.

he Capitola Police Department announced that Scott Newton was

and is currently attending Cabrillo College. Aron recently graduated from the South

Wednesday, October 12, 2016. Scott is 24 years old was born and raised in Stockton,

Aron lives in Live Oak and his hobbies

summers growing up in Capitola. Scott graduated with a bachelor’s degree in

Political Science from Santa Clara University and completed the South Bay Police Academy in December 2015. Scott has completed his orientation

lives in Aptos and his hobbies are, reading,


Capitola Soquel Times / November 2016 / 9

Community Briefs Grant Applications For 2017


Helpful Shop is an outreach ministry of the Episcopal Church Women of the Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist. Our mission is to help all those in need in our community with God’s loving abundance.

St. John’s Helpful Shop, 101 Capitola Ave, Capitola. Phone: (831) 475-0957. Hours: Mon – Sat 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sun 12 – 5 p.m. Age Well, Drive Smart Senior driver Safety Program

CHP has an upcoming class scheduled at the Aptos branch of the Santa Cruz Public Saturday, November 20 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Space in this class is limited. For more details, and to make a reservation, please call

Drive Smart Program is designed to provide drivers with the keys to driving safer and

Agricultural History Project’s Annual Harvest Dinner Saturday, October 29, 5:30 p.m. Santa Cruz Co Fairgrounds 2601 East Lake Avenue, Watsonville

program is designed as an educational tool

Our Annual Harvest Dinner is Saturday, the

rules of the road.

deadline for the applications is December 2nd. All the information needed to apply for a grant with us, is on the application. Swing by and pick up your application

driving. Age Well, Drive Smart classes are approximately two and one-half hours are geared toward drivers age 65 and up, but they are open to anyone who feels

he pleasure and for those photo opportunities with friends and families. So gather your friends and family and make plans to come out to no-host bar and silent auction (well known item or two). A delicious farm-to-table dinner by Monterey Bay Caterers will be served at

favorites as well as some new central coast vacation opportunities, including a beach front home that sleeps 12 comfortably for a close get-away. Cost: $65

Rio Del Mar Mexican Cuisine Fine Mexican Food

/Ă€ĂžĂŠĂŒÂ…iĂŠ -/ĂŠ / -ĂŠ ÂˆÂ˜ĂŠĂŒÂœĂœÂ˜t *Mention this Ad and Receive a Surprise Special! Valid only during November 2016


10 / November 2016 / Capitola Soquel Times

Creek. San Lorenzo Valley Museum, 12547 Highway 9, Boulder Creek, 831-338-8382 “Start Smart� Presentation California Highway Patrol


Smart Program is aimed at helping future and newly licensed teenage drivers become aware of the responsibilities that accompany the privilege of being a licensed California cational tool for parents and teenagers in


Phone: (831) 475-0957 Hours: Mon – Sat 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Sun 12 – 5 p.m.

Full Bar!


Canyon Band (a country rock bank known to get the crowd up on their feet and onto

101 Capitola Ave, Capitola



evolves around tractors and we’ll have a few

them driving.


provide teens and parents with an understanding of how poor choices behind the

Honoring All Who Served The 7th Annual Veterans Day Dinner Friday, November 11, 6 – 9 p.m. Scopazzi’s in Boulder Creek

provides teens and parents with infor-

raderie while honoring our veterans with service branch recognition, patriotic

and DUI awareness. Smart Start classes are free of charge.



scheduled at the Aptos Library, located at reserve a spot (831) 662-0511. Big Basin Way in Boulder Creek. All veterans are encouraged to wear their uniform, their hat and or their medals and bring therir military memorabilia to share or at the museum, reserve your tickets now call 831-338-8382.

Community News

Nutcracker: Experience the Magic!



ily’s holiday traditions with the magical Nutcracker Ballet, a spectacular perfor-

Santa Cruz Dance Guild presents the full length Nutcracker Ballet at Cabrillo’s

4PRVFM %S t 4UF " t 4PRVFM $" | 831-621-2101 HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-6pm | Sat 9am-5pm | Closed Sunday

in the season than with smiles, beauty and laughter? |

Alumnae, Shannon Chipman began the

Driving Range & Tap House was Assistant Director to that original production. Chipman and Bergland combine raphers, Melissa Palumbo and Michelle -

production has become a steadfast holiday tradition.

Photo Credit: Bari Miller

a Santa Cruz Ballet legend, will bedazzle audiences as the mysterious Drosselmeyer. Stanton began his early training alongside Chipman in Santa Cruz and went on

Principal Dancer with State Street Ballet

Ballet and later became principal dancer

four through sixty-four from our local community. Buzz with excitement, as they have the opportunity to dance alongside these accomplished professionals. As a special treat this year, Mother Ginger will be performed by Krazy George.

comes home to share his years of professional experience and his love of dance. Guest artists include Brian Simcoe & Xuan Cheng, Principal Dancers of Oregon

and lifts. Santa Cruz native, Leila Drake,

OPEN 7 DAYS: 7AM - 8:30PM

Tap House Beer & Sports

known to bedazzle audiences with her passion and stunning presence.

Watch your games here Coldest beer in town!

Weekday Specials Short Game Area PGA Professional Instruction 831-274-3271



ANY PURCHASE EXLUDING ALCOHOL Valid 10/15/16 to 11/30/16

101 Ranport Road Watsonville, CA 95076

Off Hwy. 1 at Airport Blvd.

A’s. Don’t miss this special opportunity to see Krazy George light up the stage and have you cheering for his team of adorable Each year there is something new to Ballet, enchanting choreography, magnificent Guest Artists, beautiful sets, brilliant costumes, family, tradition and the Joy of

Thanksgiving Weekend Sat 11/26 & Sun 11/27 Cabrillo’s Crocker Theater. Performances are 1:00 & 4:30 p.m. - both days. Reserved seating. Order your tickets today. Children under three on your lap are FREE! Photo Credit: Nicole Formenti

enjoy! Tickets: Capitola Soquel Times / November 2016 / 11

Community News

Perfume Creation Course

Measure D Pros & Cons


easure D is a sales tax that will fund partially the county’s transportation needs for the next 30 years. It would provide a funding base for other funding sources to match and build upon. We asked the opinions on the measure from those who support and those who oppose passing Measure D.

Connect with friends and explore your creativity as you design an unforgettable, one-of-kind fragrance. Our boutique is a great venue for celebrating birthdays, bridal showers, and other special events. We serve complimentary tea, coffee, and pastries to our guests, and we are able to provide additional accommodations upon request.

Yes on Measure D Enough is enough. Let’s Get Santa Cruz County Moving — Paul Elerick or those of us who use Highway 1 and is that enough is enough.

Prices range from $25-$35 per person, depending on party size.

something about it. Measure To schedule, email us at: or call us at: 1(831) 346-7234

connect onramps to the next

way doesn’t help emergency responders, or hardworking commuters, or small businesses or those using public transit. know. I’m former chair of the Campaign oppose the measure. I’ve had concerns in 1, which did not strike the right balance for our community. Measure D, however, porting cycling, street repairs and much more. And Measure D is pro-environment. Measure D is a practical investment in our future. cent sales tax, not a bond

Mid County travelers to get 200 Technology Circle, Scotts Valley CA 95066

and the lanes will give South County commuters a chance to get home sooner. Auxiliary lanes are already working

is ending this year. Measure D also allows

Blvd. exits. Measure D adds these lanes in

other counties in California that are eligible for matching funds from the state and federal governments.

Dr. Measure D does a lot more than


Tues: Mahi Mahi Tacos w/Mango Salsa Fresca

Chile Verde Enchiladas de Pollo con Mole Wed: Sand Dabs w/Garlic Tomatillo Sauce

Chile Verde Enchiladas de La Cocina Fresca

Chicken, Beef or Cheese

Thur: Housemade Tamales Chicken or Pork

Chile Verde Ensalada del Mar Crab and Shrimp salad

Bring the family to Palapas for dinner Monday thru DINE FOR Thursday nights for our unique style of Mexican food and your children dine for free! *



Great Reasons to Dine at Palapas


All special entrees $13.95 All specials dine in only including Kids Dine Free offer. *Offer is good for one child’s (under 12) menu item per entree purchased from our regular menu by an adult in party. Valid Monday thru Thursday except holidays. Expires 4-6-17.

(and one at Chanticleer in Live Oak), local street repairs, safer routes to schools, expansion of the Monterey Bay Sanctuary sible future transit option (zero funds go to rail service), paratransit services for seniors and those with disabilities, and more.

809 Bay Ave.


12 / November 2016 / Capitola Soquel Times

The Very Best in Storage!

(831) 465.0600

809 Bay Avenue, Suite H, Capitola, CA 95010 (In the Nob Hill Shopping Center)

Measure J asked voters to tax themselves an additional half-cent for 30 years to pay for highway widening, pothole


Drop by for a tour and see

Ocean View, Lunch & Dinner Daily, Reservations Suggested 21 Seascape Village, Aptos 831-662-9000

No on Measure D Santa Cruz County Can Do Better — Campaign for Sensible Transportation

their best to steer people away from allocating any money to improve congestion

Locally Owned and Operated

Fine Dining Mexican Style

not backward, and get our county moving

Com Beaec by for a h fr Ball ee

Community News

Why Measure D Won’t Reduce Congestion on Hwy 1 An auxiliary lane is not a through lane. The lane ends at the next offramp.


Measure D would build auxiliary lanes between Soquel Ave and State Park Dr. This is a subset of a much larger project that the Regional Transportation Commission considers unaffordable over the next twenty years. The larger project also includes rebuilding six bridges, ramp metering, and auxiliary lanes to Freedom Blvd. In an environmental review costing our County $13 million, Caltrans concluded that the larger project “would result in very slight improvement in traffic congestion.” So there are no grounds to believe that the smaller project funded by Measure D would have any significant impact on congestion.

congestion, and increased auto travel means more noise, pollution and greenhouse gases. Here we are again. Measure D again

We believe taxpayer dollars should be spent on wellresearched projects that will address the traffic breakdown on Highway 1 as well as mobility within our communities. to modify commuters’ habits, through ride-matching, subsidized transit, bike telecommuting.

advocates claim that their $100 million plan to remove CO2-capturing greenery, install sound walls, and add four miles of auxiliary lanes to the highway is a

voter poll found that respondents favored

Bay Area removed over 4 million auto trips and eliminated over 85 million miles

Measure D Misses the Bus

Measure D would have been an ideal opportunity to adequately fund METRO. Instead leaders cut bus service 12%.

Vote No on D Paid for by Widening Won’t Work, a committee opposed to Measure D

program was made permanent last week, and will now include the participation of over 10,000 employers in the Bay Area. Employers can receive payroll tax breaks, and employees receive discounts on the cost of transportation. Highway

6 Months No Interest. **On Approved Credit. Ask for details.

sales taxes. Can we do this in Santa Cruz County?



Basic Oil Change & Tire Rotation

similar ordinance for employers with 20+ employees, it could provide commuter that while highway congestion relief is desirable, highway expansion is not.

employers with 10+ employees, it could

Providing commuters with real alternatives to solo driving to work. Employers

Please vote NO on Measure D to defeat this

Up to 5 Qts. 5W-30, Filter and Installation. Oil disposal fee extra. $ off

Or 10 Synthetic or High Mileage Oil Change Service includes Owner’s Manual scheduled maintenance printout. Good at participating dealers. See store for details. Not good with other offers. Expires 11/30/16.

Offer Expires: 12/31/16

Subject to credit approval. Mail-in rebate paid in the form of a Goodyear Visa Prepaid Card. Mail in rebate ranges from $40 to $80 depending on type of tires purchased; the applicable rebate is doubled if you make the full purchase on the Big O Tires® Credit Card. Prepaid card are issued by Citibank, N.A. pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. and managed by Citi Prepaid Services. Prepaid card will not have cash access and can be used everywhere Visa debit cards are accepted. Card expires after 6 months, and cannot be used for payment on the Big O Tires Credit Card. Additional terms and conditions apply. Commercial fleets are not eligible for these rebates. Base portion of tire rebate offered by Goodyear and doubled portion of tire rebate offered by CitiBank, N.A. Purchases made on the Big O Tires Credit Card are subject to credit approval. The Big O Tires Credit Card is issued by Citibank, N.A. See rebate form for full details. See store associate for full details and rebate form. Void where prohibited. No cash value. At participating locations. Expires 12/31/16.

SANTA CRUZ 1219 Soquel Ave 831.429.9989


Proud Contributors to:

Capitola Soquel Times / November 2016 / 13

Community News

Temple Beth El for Rabbi Litvak

Attorney Edward W. Newman Gives $1 Million For New Wing deacon Patrick Conway and Santa Cruz County Supervisor John Leopold. El for 40 years, including overseeing the building of the current facilities, will in a new wing named after him. Attorney Edward Newman, a 30-year

You’re not alone during the holidays.

Beth El and founder Newman & Marcus, is donating the bulk of

Join us for candle lighting, music, and words of support.

An Interfaith Memorial Service Wednesday, November 16


7:00 p.m.

Learn more at (831) 430–3000 Hospice of Santa Cruz County @HospiceSantaCru 14 HSCC-Interfaith / November 2016 / Capitola Soquel1Times Memorial Ad FINAL.indd

10/18/16 10:35 AM

vices of Santa Clara County. His practice is in the areas of real estate and real estate litigation throughout California and beyond. His recent community activities and services include 6-term President of Pasatiempo, Inc. historic golf club, Member and Chair of Capitola Planning Com-

2007—continuing. Along with being a center for the Jewish community of Santa Cruz County, one of the best in the county and is open to gregation has grown over the years from 40 families to more than 500.

featured a reunion choir and speakers that included former Secretary of Defense Leon

Location: Resurrection Catholic Community Church 7600 Soquel Drive, Aptos

Messer said that construction should be completed in early 2017. Newman founded Newman & Marcus

General Plan Advisory Commission 2010-

wanted to ensure there would always be a


the structure in addition to the patio and a


Serving the community for over 15 years.


ww w. s oque lde ntist. co m 3065 Porter Street, Suite 107, In Soquel Village Capitola Soquel Times / November 2016 / 15

Business Profile

Roux Dat

Tasty Gumbos, Jambalayas and Po’ Boy Sandwiches in Capitola By Jessica Johnson


hen you think of Louisiana,

you think of is the food - spicy, hearty food meant to bring friends and balaya or gumbo. Makes your mouth water

po’ boy sandwiches right in Capitola. In fact, owners Chad and Aurelia Glassley (between Kinko’s and Bed, Bath and Beyond) for over two years. Dedicated to making all their authentic dishes from scratch they use variety of dishes (including vegetarian) in a fast, casual environment. Owner and Chef Chad Glassley grew

creole stews in Santa Cruz, he had to credit his wife, Aurelia. Aurelia is an Aptos High when he was the chef at the Plaza Bistro and she was working up north. While they met in California, eventually they moved back to Chad’s home state of Indiana where Chad worked as a chef at a country club and Aurelia earned her nursing degree. One of their favorite spots to go out to dinner with friends was a

It may well have been over a steaming bowl of goodness and a New Orleans Abita beer, who knows, but the idea of bringing a similar restaurant back to Aurelia’s home

Initially, the Glassley’s were looking ever moved back to Santa Cruz this was a the memory.

prepared their business plan and Chad was

good bowl of stew will, and they spent time researching their idea which, fortunately

errands when, on his way to Kinko’s to get the business plan printed and bound, he walked past an empty retail space. It was the former home of an ice cream shop - and

another brother due in April.)

In March of 2014, the Glassley’s started a fundraising campaign on the crowdsourcing site Kickstarter. With the generous support of over 50 donors they were able to raise more than their goal

over two and a half years and we continue

to taste test, train their palates, and pick

of southern soul food. Although born a mid-western boy, Chad had already spent years in the South, as his desire to make a career in the food industry led him to attend Johnson and Wales culinary school in South Carolina. began when he was in high school and

Glassley. Glassley’s love of food - and the business of food - have been put to good use over the last two and a half years. Since he and Aurelia decided the time was right to move back to her hometown and make full steam ahead. 16 / November 2016 / Capitola Soquel Times

that holds the lemonade and Louisiana iced tea and Aurelia painted the walls while (then baby) daughter Josie supervised. (Josie

Monday, May 26, 2014 and the Grassley’s have been letting les bons temps rouler

said Grassley. With a full menu, including their pork Po’ Boy topped with Cole slaw -

on getting the restaurant up and running which meant, according to one of Aurelia’s

Orleans craft beer and Cafe du Monde

seemingly endless phone calls, emails and and county licenses, blueprints, hood specs,

doughnuts, made to order and covered with a hefty dusting of powdered sugar, and yes, they are as good as they sound.

essential to opening the restaurant, it wasn’t the only support they received. Aurelia’s parents both helped out with getting the new restaurant open. Aurelia’s mom sewed the custom burlap curtains that hang on the

Roux Dat is open Tuesday through Sunday (Closed Monday) and is located in the Brown Ranch Marketplace. You can see their menu at and follow them on Facebook. Photos Credit: Maya Woods

Local Sports

Football Harbor Season Record (0-7, SCCAL 0-3) Coach Waylon Prather Santa Cruz 56 – Harbor 0 (Oct 22, H*) Scotts Valley 58 – Harbor 0 (Oct 14, A*) SLV 46 – Harbor 0 (Oct 14, A*) Soquel Season Record (1-7, SCCAL 0-3) Coach Brad Tompkins Aptos 55 – Soquel 0 (Oct 21, H*) SLV 56 – Soquel 13 (Oct 14, H*) Santa Cruz 35 – Soquel 12 (Oct 7, Away*) Soquel 14 – St. Francis 13 (Sep 30, Hm*)

Water Polo Harbor Boys Season Record (League 1-7) Coach Joseph Freitas Christopher 17 – Harbor 15 (Oct 20, A*) San Benito (Holl.) 20 – Harbor 6 (Oct 11, H*) Harbor 17 – Gilroy (Oct 6, A*) SLV 16 – Harbor 3 Soquel Boys Season Record (16-5, League 12-0) Coach Trevor Wiens Soquel 23 – Palma 10 (Oct 13, A*) Soquel 25 – Stevenson 8 (Oct 11, H*) Soquel 16 – Santa Cruz 8 (Oct 6, A*) Soquel 13 – Aptos 7 (Oct 4, H*) Soquel 13 – Salinas 12 (Sep 27, H*) Harbor Girls Season Record (League 7-4) Coach Savanna Prather Harbor 12 – Stevenson 8 (Oct 13, H*) Harbor 16 – Gilroy 15 (Oct 6, A*) Santa Catalina 17 – Harbor 3 (Oct 4, A*) Salinas 10 – Harbor 3 Soquel Girls Season Record (18-5, League 10-0) Coach Ryan Chapatte Soquel 16 – Christopher 1 (Oct 18, A*) Soquel 20 – Santa Cruz 1 (Oct 13, H*) Soquel 20 – Aptos 1 (Oct 4, H*) Soquel 17 – SLV 1 (Sep 27, A*)

Harbor def Mt. Madonna (3-0) (Oct 14, A*) Aptos def Harbor (3-1) (Oct 13, H*) Harbor def SLV (3-0) (Oct 11, A*) St. Francis def Harbor (3-2) (Oct 4, A*) Harbor def Mt. Madonna (3-1) Harbor def Santa Cruz (3-0) (Sep 27, A*) Soquel Girls Season Record (16-8, SCCAL 12-2) Coach Jeanine Haldi Soquel def Scotts Valley (3-0) (Oct 13, H*) Aptos def Soquel (3-1) (Oct 11, H*) Soquel def Harbor (3-0) (Oct 6, H) Soquel def SLV (Oct 4, H*) Soquel def St. Francis (3-0) (*League Game)

/NE MONTH of working out can cost less than /NE NIGHT of eating out. s s s s s s

4641 Soquel Drive, Soquel (At the corner of Porter and Soquel)

RE T I RE ME NT SAL E After over 20 years we are closing the store and everything must go including the cases. JEWELRY ANTIQUE WATCHES ARTWORK COLLECTABLE & RARE TREASURES We have unique & quality items.

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Volleyball Harbor Girls Season Record (9-9, SCCAL 9-5) Coach Matt Schutz Harbor def Santa Cruz (3-0) (Oct 20, H*) Harbor def Scotts Valley (3-1) (Oct 18, A*)


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How is the Value of Jewelry Determined? Find out in this FREE report!

Call 24 hour toll free recorded message to request your report 1-800-579-3932 Capitola Soquel Times / November 2016 / 17

In Memoriam

Noreen Santaluce Originator of ‘Seniors in Action’ September 12, 1921 ~ October 11, 2016

By C.J.



began training with Janell with this specific event in mind. And fifteen years later I am still a client. As a result we have reached many goals together. Thanks, Janell! Not only do I feel half my age but I’m told I look it too!� — Sue J.

t 4FOJPS 4QFDJBMJTU t 8FJHIU -PTT t 4QPSUT 4QFDJm D 3PVUJOFT t /VUSJUJPOBM $PVOTFMJOH For more testimonials, visit our Facebook page:

One on One Personal Training in our Private Gym

Call Janell at 831-464-8367 716 Capitola Ave., Suite E2, Capitola

ith a twinkle in her eye, Noreen Collins Santaluce would

will get out of here alive, so we may as 11, 2016 that the twinkle and light that moved to the great beyond.

in the Army Air Corps in Los Angeles Manufacturing. Sharing a love for horses they’d ride the hills and canyons near It’s not surprising that the home they eventually found was on two acres

and supportive union for 62 years. In

children, Lee Ann and Phil, were actively engaged with their parents throughout their lives and presented a wonderful Celebration of Life gathering for Noreen

While at La Posada, she interviewed residents and wrote articles about them for the La Posada Newsletter. She also took up drawing, painting, and water aerobics, was a member of the writer’s club and directed a play. On October 22, 2016 Noreen’s many friends, several who

Noreen and C.J.

Estate for eight years before retiring.

located between the homes of their two grown children. as a freelance writer and photographer providing articles on the current events in the community to the local newspaper. She also had an article published in the wrote and directed several stage productions performed at her senior living community, and was the president of the

Santa Cruz County to live in Capitola. She was in her 80’s she began writing

served to inspire people of all ages to see that she moved with the times. Her children where the center of her life for two decades and both Lee Ann and Phil recall her presence at all their childhood and teenage events. Her interests always went beyond beyond the family but never interfered with being a caring mother. When her children spread their wings as young adults, Noreen went to college and got her degree in Library

Always active, she founded and

their meetings is to share, inform, and entertain. Noreen wrote a column celein May of this year. Her message was

worked in the libraries of Del Mar and

for knowledge. She also opened the Nor-Del Deli please visit 18 / November 2016 / Capitola Soquel Times

California News

2016 California Propositions Funding for K–12 School and Community College Facilities Summary — general obligation bonds for new con-


($8.6 billion) on the bonds. Extract —

60 percent and the local share is 40 percent of funding may apply for state grant funding, Comment pass local bond issues for matching funds increasing public debt by another 80 to to state money for a total of ~$33 billion increase in local and state taxpayer debt.

Hospital Fee Program Constitutional Amendment Summary — an existing statute that imposes fees on hospitals to fund Medi-Cal health care services, care for uninsured patients, and

Comment pass-through charges from hospitals to pay

ongoing costs of about $1 million annually to record legislative meetings and videos of those meetings available on the Internet. Comment

Funds Education and Healthcare Constitutional Amendment Summary — Extends by twelve years the temporary personal income tax increases enacted in 2012 on earnings over $250,000.

depending on economy and stock market. budget reserves, and debt payments. Comment starts at $250,000 which in this day and discourage small business generation, expansion and encourages movement of businesses out of California.

Funds Healthcare, Tobacco Use Prevention, Research, and Law Enforcement Constitutional Amendment Summary — Increases cigarette tax by other tobacco products and electronic ciga-

Statewide Voter Approval. Constitutional Amendment Summary — approval before any revenue bonds can be issued or sold by the state for certain


Additional net state revenue of $1 billion

Californians. Comment would become another item in the general fund for all taxpayers as revenues decrease.

funded, owned, or managed by the state

Legislation And Proceedings Constitutional Amendment Summary — Prohibits Legislature from passing any bill unless published on Internet to record its proceedings and post on Internet.

Proceedings and Sentencing. Constitutional Amendment Summary — Allows parole consideration for nonviolent felons. Authorizes sentence credits for rehabilitation, good behavior, and education. “State Propositions” page 26 Capitola Soquel Times / November 2016 / 19

Featured Columnist October, 2016 By Jaime Goldstein, City Manager


his column is intended to provide the community with an ongoing series of updates about City of Capitola projects and activities of interest. If you have any suggestions for future topics, or feedback, please let me know at or by phone at 475-7300.


City Construction Project Updates

recently delayed due to rain, but we remain on track for a mid-November opening, assuming no additional weather delays. closed. (Picture attached)

24-hour ballot drop box in the City Hall wall remains closed for another 4-6 weeks while it is constructed. (Picture attached) rebuilding Park Avenue, Kennedy Drive, and Monterey Avenue, the contractor is focused on rebuilding the curb ramps, drainage and retaining walls. Once that work is complete the new pavement will be installed. If the good weather continues we will begin paving on Oct. 31. We will keep you up to date on these

420 Capitola Ave up until 8 PM on Election Day, or in the Capitola City Hall lobby during business hours. As a reminder, no General Election absentee ballots if you want to mail in your ballot. Water in Capitola s we approach the rainy season, let’s not forget that water is a precious resource. Water service in the City of Capitola is provided by two separate public


the City’s website. Early Voting at City Hall west side of town by the City of Santa Cruz November 8 General Election in the roughly 41st Avenue. Both of these public agencies are

fresh ingredients, delicious food & homey atmosphere VOTED “BEST BREAKFAST� BY SANTA CRUZ WAVES MAGAZINE

short-term drought conditions as well as long-term shortfalls due to a critically overdraft groundwater supply that has seawater contamination at the coastline. ating new supply options including a

#Ä‚þùÝÜù㥠đ -Ä…Þóø

Breakfast served until 2 p.m.

0Ä€þÞ Wednesday - Monday Dz ÇŞÇŞ Ăą Ă˝ ÇŹ ÇŞÇŞ Ä€ Ă˝ Closed Tuesdays

Here’s what our customers are saying:

Family Owned & Operated


Parking available across the street

20 / November 2016 / Capitola Soquel Times

been getting ready for this potential new

for a switch from groundwater to surface


State’s Division of Drinking Water, and setting up monitoring to ensure that water


developing an important groundwater


into the ground to provide a seawater barrier and restore groundwater levels. trict will be presenting that groundwater City Council on November 10 at 7 PM at City Hall. It can be easy to take water for granted - a product we expect to be delivered when we turn on the faucet. Developing new sources of water is critical for Capitola and supports our sizes maintaining our small town feel, supporting a vibrant local economy, and protecting our environmental resources for future generations. Zoning Code Update he City of Capitola initiated work on Zoning Code in August 2014. A city’s govern the allowed uses, shape, and size code is outdated, and contains sections that are inconsistent with State zoning laws. in the code update process, the City has held 38 public hearings with the Planning Commission and City Council, completed focus group meetings with stakeholders, and conducted a public survey. Earlier this month, the City Council completed its initial review of the draft updated version of the code, including all proposed changes, on the City website in December. “Capitola Updates� page 28

Business Profile

The Hassell Law Group

Accident Attorneys — You Hire Them At No Risk To You By Noel Smith

Hassell Law Group work hard to an accident, or after the death of a loved understand the challenges you are facing emotionally. Let them focus on getting you compensated so you can focus on getting your life back on track. Group will evaluate and




are paid a percentage from the compensation they obtain for you. Call them for a case. representation of individuals who have ilies of individuals who have been killed as

and reimbursement for medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses.

resulted. Obtaining an attorney soon after the accident will dramatically increase the value of your case and likelihood of a soon as possible so they can help you get

attorney. Dawn has expert knowledge about the law, knows how to position your case for the best settlement, and will take it

companies operate. Insurance companies are interested in minimizing what they

I have seen her win cases that you would think there is no way to win. My mother -

undermine each aspect of your claim.

Ms. Hassell served on the Board of

with the insurance companies. Dawn with her sharp skills and

prepare your claim so that it is irrefutable. Having their team on your side is the only way to ensure that you will receive what

Association from 2002 to 2012. She obtained the Juris Doctor degree from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law. She was admitted to practice law in Cali-

preparation of your case will enable you to obtain the best outcome.

where she graduated Summa Cum Laude

my mother’s behalf (as she does for all her clients) led to have referred to her has expressed great gratitude for that referral. While Dawn likes to talk (gifted in fact), as you would

is among a distinguished group of lawyers

articles on trial and wrongful death, and -

costs and no risk to you.

again should the need arise. I know two other people who used Dawn’s services, and I know that both of their situations were resolved successfully. Dawn is like a is left unturned. I’d hate to be her oppo— Kathleen McGuire

and takes on your position as if it were her — Julie VanTilburg -

a pedestrian advocacy organization. She

her clients with passion and integrity. Aptos, San Francisco, and Pinole. The Aptos, understand, no billion-dollar insurance — Albert Stoll, Jr., Attorney

has continuously named her one of the

Drive, Suite #8 Aptos, CA 95003 (831) 5088819 Website: Capitola Soquel Times / November 2016 / 21

Featured Columnist

eBikes W


hile bumper stickers telling that

9053 Soquel Dr, Suite 206 Aptos, CA 95003

By C.J.

(831) 688-0163

borhood via electric power technology are predominately guided by those blowing out 35, 75 and beyond, candles on their


Of Counsel

Contact us for a consultation.


Attorney at Law

Protecting you, your property, and your legacy

taxes, the pleasures of riding an eBike are tation and leisure relaxation, the eBike

want to expend while pedaling and still have the freedom of gliding through the wind. internet and www.electric-bicycle-guide. com provides a nonpartisan look at everything one needs to understand including

to being named one of America’s 100 Best independent bike shops in the USA,

expertise with eBikes and with the state of the art maintenance and repair available at Bike Station, new riders are put at ease. Going through a couple of up and down periods and lots of technological challenges over the years, the electric bicycle history began about 120 years ago.

on the roads of China and today in the USA and Europe, the number of electric bicycles sold are also now in the millions. Advanced technology with inventions new batteries and better hub motors have allowed the industry to be where it is manufacturing electric bicycles and eBike environmental movement.

separate the good, the bad, and the ugly so your experience can put you in the driver’s seat. No complex technical terms or hype

of eBikes and accessories in Santa Cruz county. Mike Ahern left the corporate world to spread the word about the plea-

data on bikes and accessories providing worldwide and local trends are interestingly presented. eBikes are a big part of the excitement at Bike Station’s new location next to

22 / November 2016 / Capitola Soquel Times

be receptive to the possibilities and eager need to through caution to the wind — book yourself a rental for a treat and see

Business Profile

Capitola Veterinary Hospital By Jessica Johnson


erinary hospital is dedicated to professional and friendly client service combined with state of the art

Hospital is a one-stop shop. sound, stem cell therapy, orthopedic

digital full body x-rays, cryosurgery, Class

over 30 years of combined experience and have worked in specialty hospitals, general practice, animal shelters and emergency hospitals. While many local veterinary hospitals are owned and operated by larger corporations with principle interests outside of proud to be a locally owned and operated business and longstanding members of know that a much larger portion of every dollar spent in a local business stays in the chased the practice in 2010 and is the sole

corporate owned veterinary hospitals in

their needs as well as the animal patient’s

Dr. May spent most of his childhood in Pennsylvania where he was inspired by nature and developed an early fascination with biology. Growing up, his family had dozens of pets. Dr. May has shared that his -

satisfaction I would get from helping

who taught him, in no uncertain terms, to respect the animals on his family farm. Dr. May’s family moved to the Bay Area when he was 12, and many family trips to the

of experience at this point, sometimes the It hasn’t always been easy, however. Once, Dr. May was chased up a tree by an to wait in the tree for over an hour before help arrived. Indeed, the dangers haven’t totally ended now that he is in Capitola.

artists in the hospital, and strive to reduce their environmental impact by being a erinary Hospital has been a Monterey Bay was awarded the Cool California Climate Leader award in 2013 and Business of

team is exceptional, from the client service representatives to the technicians to the Married, Dr. May attributes much of his success to the inspiration he receives from his family, even if they get a kick out of his biological misfortunes at work.

spent in Santa Cruz life’s challenges. Living and playing in and around the Monterrey Bay helps me with the Monterey Bay and the redwoods that surround it. It also led May to UCSC, where he earned his undergraduate degree in Molecular Biology before heading up north to the world-renowned veterinary school at UC Davis. Dr. May truly

Brothers Big Sisters of Santa Cruz County, among many others.

clients through periodic specials such as their annual dental special that runs from December through May. Known for their emphasis on comprehensive dental care,

the relationships he has established over like family and it is always fun to meet new clients and connect with new members of Speaking of community, Dr. May is a dedicated supporter of local schools and charities through donations, sponsorships

support local schools, events and charities

Capitola Veterinary Hospital is located at 1220 H 41st Avenue, next to New Leaf Market. You can learn even more about their services on their website: www.capitolaveterinaryhospital. com and their Facebook page. Their phone number is 476-7387. Capitola Soquel Times / November 2016 / 23

Featured Columnist

By Scott Turnbull, Superintendent Soquel Union Elementary School District

developed a video library of his lessons allowing him to help students virtually at the same time he’s helping others in real-time.

he terms above are all ones that parents and educators grapple with and strive towards. We are in an era in which seemingly everything is processed through a cell phone, laptop, television, or screen of some sort. Our children have grown up in this reality and we, as adults real-world experiences that don’t involve screen time. We also want our children to learn that not everything in life has the

taught at New Brighton Middle School starting with the introduction course to the advanced classes. In the sixth grade, students are introduced to the elements of art. In art, elements are the visual components artists use in creating the work. In the advanced classes students use the elements of art to create works with meaning using ideas or principles of art. Each class is taught with the focus that all students can achieve success in art with persistence, basic skills, and focus. Stugraphite, watercolor, pastels, ink, scratchboard, colored paper, wire, clay, and to art history and social movements

is a popular saying but patience, diligence, and attention-to-detail are not easily learned via an app. Don’t get me wrong. I’m a big proponent of digital learning. don’t let it control us.

the types of experiences for students that Program instructed by Mr. David Brodkey Segura. I recently spent some time in these classes and walked away feeling a great sense of pride. Mr. Brodkey and Mr. Segura are instructors in every sense of the word. Mr. Segura regularly weaves in Science and Social Studies while showing students proper brush strokes. Mr. Brodkey has

has recognized its value by supporting the programs throughout the years. Among the many ways art education improves severing with learned skills, aiding to focus, contributing to decision making, understanding and evaluating historical movements and ideologies, improving coordination, and creating works of art. In a world pushed by digital skills, it is humanity are still valued as an integral part of education. Students in Art Class told me

And all those beautiful murals you see at our schools are the work of Mr. Segura himself. introductory course that includes practical skills such as knot tying and wiring a lamp along with woodworking. Almost all 6th graders participate in this class as part of

aides, providing key support to keep the shop organized and to give valuable assistance to their peers as they work on their

impressive to watch her coach several other students who needed a little help. As Superintendent I am very grateful

Along with the skills of woodworking, the class emphasizes development of a sense of competence, excellence, and creative problem solving that will serve the kids well in whatever endeavors they may pursue. Students are given a high degree of independence and responsibility, which facilitates an engaging atmosphere that

previous boards, and previous district administrators who have protected these programs over the years. In the leanest

manage their time, deal with setbacks, develop their aesthetic sense, and expesomething from scratch with their own hands. Lilah is an 8th Grade Student who currently serves as Mr. Brodkey’s Aide during second period Woodshop. She told me that

to take it, the course for 7th and 8th graders

students how to use all the tools safely so complete in the second half. In addition, ten students per year act as classroom 24 / November 2016 / Capitola Soquel Times

these that get pushed aside. I feel most fortunate that SUESD decision-makers realized the value of the programs taught by Mr. Segura and Mr. Brodkey and found a way to sustain them. Our students are the

6th grader she was nervous for a couple of days and then learned to love the class. She took it again in 7th grade because she liked the feeling of being responsible enough to be trusted with all of the tools in the class. Now she’s an Aide in the class and it was

need for these types of classes is one relayed to me by SUESD Personnel Coordinator, Janine Blaesser. Mrs. Blaesser’s children (now adults) all went through SUESD schools. Her daughter Katie (pictured in hard hat) is now a Structural Engineer in Seattle and credits New Brighton’s Woodshop Class as the inspiration for her career path. Mrs. Blaesser indicated that as a parent she loved the way the class empowered her then-teenage daughter. In fact, Mrs. Blaesser still keeps

Featured Columnist

Preparing for Winter Rains By Zach Friend


s we head into the rainy season it’s always good to do some advance preparations for your home or business. Wet winters, while always welcome news for our recent drought, do bring with it the possibility What can you do to prepare and what is the County doing ahead of the winter to get ready? is visit the County’s winter prep resource - while it was originally created for last year’s El Nino it has been updated and provides a wealth of information on what to do before, during and after a storm. It provides checklists on what to have on hand at your home, contact numbers and

If you believe that a tree has the potential to impact a power line PG&E is radio, and baby items and medicines (if needed) to last a few days. can also sign up for mobile alerts regarding power outages directly from their website. dents sign up for mobile alerts (called

As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Please feel free to call me at 454-2200 if I can be of any help to you.

tions, boil-water notices and other critical information. gency services personnel are encouraging residents to winterize their homes and create supply kits. If strong rains and winds occur, it’s possible that areas will be without power for multiple days or for that

via the County’s mobile app (called Citizen Connect), which also allows for the reporting of non-emergency road hazards and more. In advance of the storms Public

one of the best things we can do to help out local emergency responders it to be as self-

at 454-2160 if you know of any culverts that need inspection or repair or brush that needs to be cleared. Public Works has already begun the process of clearing some of these locations and your input will help guide the process. Additionally, Public Works is also asking that residents rake (if it’s safe) and clean storm drains


hazards can always be reported via the 24-hour Public Works dispatch number at

during heavy rain events


their resources to the most pressing needs. What can you do to prepare?

have it, check your policy to make sure uments and make sure the originals are stored safely somewhere outside

(furniture, collectibles, electronics) in case you need them for an insurance claim. ,"--

1. *One should accompany young Trick or Treaters 6. “Victoria’s Secret” purchase 9. Marine eagle 13. “West Side Story” character 14. Distinctive quality 15. “Pulling my leg,” e.g. 16. Venomous slitherer 17. Dashboard acronym 18. Big tops 19. *Like a house to avoid 21. *Halloween alternative to black 23. Cul de ____ 24. Type of test

25. Sis’ sibling 28. Coarse file 30. Centers, oldfashioned 35. Indian music 37. ____ gin 39. *Chocolate bar ingredient 40. Do as directed 41. Popular garden perennial 43. Jesus’ first guests 44. African sorcery 46. Romanov ruler 47. Dashing style 48. Accident 50. Not mint 52. “C’____ la vie!” 53. 500 sheets 55. Nada 57. *”Night of the ____ Dead”

60. *Possible Halloween precursor 64. Winnie-the-Pooh’s friend 65. High or low card 67. Food comes from heaven 68. Cupcake topper 69. Spring mo. 70. Bar by estoppel 71. 2 aspirin, e.g. 72. Gobbled up 73. Desert’s lack, pl. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. *Gravestone wish 8. Tanks and such 9. Genesis garden 10. *2002 horror movie “The ____” 11. Sol or fa 12. Ambulance crew 15. Typeface letter that slants up and to the right 20. E-wallet’s content 22. Ewe’s mate 24. One playing dead 25. *Wicked ride 26. Torah teacher

"7 27. S-shaped moldings Wet nurse 29. Coin opening Dad to a baby 31. Top of the Capitol Pakistani language 32. 1:10,000 on a map, Property claims e.g. Reason to visit dental 33. Marcus Aurelius garb, hygienist pl. Shakespeare, e.g.

34. *Honoree on day after Halloween 36. Same as #1 Down 38. Arrival times 42. Entertainment venue 45. Artsy Keith 49. Mont Blanc, e.g. 51. Mood lighting switch 54. Old World lizard 56. ____ Apso 57. Insane in Spain 58. Avian wader 59. Ivy stem 60. Bone-dry 61. Hostile to 62. Involved in a secret 63. Midday slumbers 64. Free 66. *Witch’s familiar © Statepoint Media

Capitola Soquel Times / November 2016 / 25

Community News

Capitola Historical Museum Turns 50 Join The Board For a Celebration Dinner at Shadowbrook Restaurant date above. When making reservations, let them know you are dining for the Capitola

his year the Capitola Historical celebrate the Board of Directors will hold a fundraising dinner Saturday, Nov. 1,

you are there for the Capitola Historical Museum. However, promotional prices will not be applied.

Capitola Historical Museum to raise funds

evening at an award-winning restaurant. Shadowbrook will donate one-third of the

to preserve our history for us and for gen-

Dine at the world famous Shad-

the Museum at 410 Capitola Avenue, CapMuch of the fascinating, historical information and amazing photos from the past here in Santa Cruz County are part of the Capitola Historical Museum’s col-

“State Propositions” from page 19

adult. Fiscal Impact in the tens of millions of dollars annually, depending on implementation. Net costs to counties of several millions of dollars annually. Comment the street further increasing crime rates at and to the community.

Multilingual Education Summary — Authorizes school districts

Dine in the Lounge or in the main resPerry, Museum Curator at 831-464-0322 or Make your reservations directly with

Shadowbrook Restaurant 1750 Wharf Road Capitola,

Condoms Health Requirements Comment

Establishes procedures for enforcing laws

State Prescription Drug Purchases Pricing Standards Summary — Prohibits state from buying any prescription drug over price paid for by Exempts managed care programs funded Fiscal Impact Comment state to negotiate own prices and pay for drugs in a number of ways depending on

English speakers. Comment English-only classes and allows more Repeal curricula.

Political Spending Federal Constitutional Protections Legislative Advisory Question Summary — Should California’s amendment to the federal Constitution overturning the United States Supreme Court decision in Citizens United that ruled placing limits on political spending by corporations and unions are unconstitutional. Comment taken in the U.S. Congress not at the state level. 26 / November 2016 / Capitola Soquel Times

Summary — replaces it with life imprisonment without possibility of parole. Applies retroactively to existing death sentences. Fiscal Impact

impact could vary by tens of millions of dollars depending on various factors. Comment tenced to death will live the rest of their lives at taxpayers’ expense with free healthcare.

Ammunition Sales Summary — and Department of Justice authorization to purchase ammunition. Prohibits possession

participation in federal National Instant Criminal Background Check System. Fiscal Impact law enforcement costs, in the tens of millions of dollars annually. Comment override legislation already passed that regulates the sale of ammunition. Proposition 63 would also increase the costs to the state of regulating the sale of ammunition with additional bureaucracy.

Summary — state law, for use by adults 21 or older. Imposes state taxes on sales and cultivation. Provides for industry licensing and estabAllows local regulation and taxation. Fiscal Impact high hundreds of millions of dollars to over costs of tens of millions of dollars annually. Comment

Extract — deposited in the Environmental Protection

Comments that should be used for the public good and

Procedures Summary — Changes time-line of challenges to death sentences. Designates superior court for initial petitions and limits attorneys to accept death penalty appeals. execution methods. Fiscal Impact impact on costs for legal challenges to death sentences. Potential prison savings in the tens of millions of dollars annually. Comment implementation of the death penalty by reducing the complexity and processing time of the appeals process.

could be used to increase enforcement of drug laws and for drug rehabilitation programs.

Plastic Bags Summary — Prohibits grocery and other stores from providing customers

Charges Summary — by grocery and other retail stores from sale of carryout bags into fund supporting enviFiscal Impact state revenue of several tens of millions of dollars annually.

but permits sale of recycled paper bags and reusable bags. Comments fornia already ban single-use plastic bags. Along with Prop 65, Prop 67 provides another funding source for environmental

Featured Columnist

Winter Surface Water Pilot Project A s we’ve mentioned in our pre-

preparing our system prior to introducing the surface water supply.

Water District (District) has been working with the City of Santa Cruz Water

to purchase a small amount of treated surface water (also referred to as river water), if available in the winter months.

surface water transfers as a supplemental

from the North Coast Sources — Liddell

of supply into our distribution system, which solely has been groundwater since the opportunity to pump less groundwater in the winter by purchasing treated surface water from the City may provide a

Laguna Creek Photo Credit: City of Santa Cruz new blending of surface water into our Based on the recommendations of system. California State Division of Drinking Water surface water, the District will no longer

here’s why. Making a careful transition witching sources or blending sources

remove sediment from within the distri-

good understanding of the potential issues

areas that could cause discolored water and release of lead and copper and other metals when surface water is introduced.


example, are reasons we are exercising prudence in planning for implementation of not conditioned or accustomed to surface water and as a new source, we want to ensure we understand any potential pitfalls before taking this important step. Water quality is our priority he chemical characteristics of groundwater and surface (streams and rivers) consulted with internationally recognized

pipe materials in our system may react

orthophosphate, a corrosion inhibitor

amounts of orthophosphate to reach our service area, if additional dosage will be needed, or if intermittent use will be problematic.

is working on a plan to sample at the intertie with the City and other locations within the District to monitor aesthetic issues (such as red or discolored water), levels of corrosion byproducts (such as lead and copper), and levels of disinfection byproducts. Slow and Steady Wins the Race hile there are a few in our community


not want to act in haste without doing the recommended preparations and getting the Division of Drinking Water’s approval and permit amendment. While we’d like to capture some excess treated surface water an opportunity to further understand the

and provide recommendations on how to successfully introduce the treated surface water into the District’s existing distribution system that is fed by groundwater wells.

the District is working with DDW to see if additional sampling or a Corrosion

misstep and be confronted with a water avoided, the District is dutifully devoted to

reliable source of supply. Limits due to future drought conditions, protection of endangered species, and the City’s own water supply needs may impact the availability of iency, the District’s Community Water Plan acknowledges the need and value of main-

could be paired with purchasing surface water, when available. -

is anticipated to begin late November.

scoping period and public comments will be welcome on the environmental topics, range of alternatives to be analyzed in the

Aptos. Our December column will focus

As always, if you have any questions about this month’s topic or anything else related to Soquel Creek Water District, feel free to contact Melanie Schumacher at or 831-475-8501x153 and visit www. for more information.

Capitola Soquel Times / November 2016 / 27

Community Calendar Capitola Soquel Chamber Event Calendar Thursday Oct. 27

Rabobank Capitola Open House & Ribbon Cutting 5:30 – 7:00 p.m., Brown Ranch Marketplace - 3555 Clares St., Suite X, Capitola


of Northern California

: 2-3 p.m. in Santa Cruz : 12-1 p.m. in Aptos Mondays


hat is co-dependency? What is enabling? What is this insanity? Am I the only one who feels this way? Join Nar-Anon, world wide fellowship of relatives and friends of addicts who have been affected by someone else’s addiction. As of October 1, 2016, three meetings are now

Caregiver Support Group 12-1 p.m., PAMF, 2850 Commercial Crossing, Santa Cruz


and Hospice of Santa Cruz County invite you to attend a Caregiver Support Group for Admission: Free! those caring for someone with a serious illness. Saturday Nov. 5 When a loved one is seriously Sunday Nov. 6 ill, it can be a challenge for the Capitola Plein Air and Sundays) and Aptos entire family. In this ongoing Saturday: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., On (Wednesdays). support group, we will share sight painting throughout CapFor meeting locations, stories, learn tools for coping and receive support from Middle School Performing Arts please call our helpline at Center, 250 Washburn Avenue. 831-291-5099 or contact people who care. Contact Hospice of Santa sale, hands-on activities, live Visit our Northern California Cruz County Grief Support music, and more. More info at website for meeting listings in our Program. (831) 430-3078 area and region: www.naranonWednesday Nov. 16 Overeaters Anonymous

Ongoing Events

11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m., Bargetto Winery. 3535 N. Main Street, Soquel

G Network Management Solutions

‘Cyber Security for Small Business.’ give you a false sense of security. Seating is limited. Advance reservations required. Call the Capitola-Soquel Chamber at 831-475-6522. $20 CapitolaSoquel Chamber of Commerce Members $25 Non-members

Saturday Nov. 26


CASA Orientations to Become


ASA empowers volunteers to directly influence lifechanging decisions affecting children in foster care. Court appointed special advocates are everyday people that, with

have a lifetime of impact for a child who has been abused or 12 - 3 p.m., Capitola neglected. More info www.casaof or call (831) making their way to the shores of Capitola for their annual visit. Join 761-2956 XT.102 us on the beach to welcome Santa’s wave riding arrival at 12 p.m. : 2-3 p.m., Santa will settle in his beach chair in Watsonville for a nice, long visit with all the : 5:30-7 p.m. kids. Be sure to bring your camera in Capitola to capture a memorable day in Capitola... could very well make : 5:30-7 p.m.


in Watsonville

“Capitola Updates” from page 20 Public hearings regarding the Zoning Code will resume in January 2017, when the Planning Commission and City Council will continue review of the draft document. Additional information can be obtained from the City’s Zoning Code update webpage. Introduction of

7:00pm-8:00pm, Soquel Congregational Church, 4951 Soquel Dr.


o you have problem with

friendly free 12 step support and adults welcome. It will be held in the Anne Hutchinson

Any questions call (831) 429-7906 Second Mondays


safe structured environment for sharing stories if you so choose, and learning healthy ways to deal with separation from anyone. Co-sponsored



Business Debtors Anonymous 5:15-6:30pm, Calvary Episcopal Church, Parish Hall, 532 Center Street, Santa Cruz.


Aptos Noon Toastmasters 12:00-1:00p.m. Rio Sands Hotel, 116 Beach Drive


Overeaters Anonymous

6:30-7:30pm Christ Lutheran Church, 10707 Soquel Dr. Aptos o you have a problem with food? Come Join us for a friendly free 12-step support group with the solution group

Sundays Follow us on Facebook: a.m: Bible Study masters or more info: (831) 11 a.m.: Worship 236-1171 7565 Sunset Way, Aptos irst Baptist Church of Aptos Second Wednesdays

adults welcome. Includes compulsive overeating, anorexia and bulimia. Located in the Gazebo Room. Call 831-429-7906 if you have any questions

bible study and worship every Noon, Elks Lodge at 150 Jewell Sunday. Call (831) 688-5842 for more St. info his statewide group of retired men invites you to Overeaters Anonymous be our guest at our monthly 9:05 a.m.-10:15 a.m., Sutter Maternity & Surgery Center, spirits, have a fine lunch and learn something new from a top 2900 Chanticleer Ave., Santa Cruz notch guest speaker. vereaters Anonymous is a Call Greg Horne at (831) 684-1834 to RSVP & bring a for those who have a problem friend! with food. Visit for Fridays current times and locations 12-1 pm, Hospice of Santa Cruz of other meetings, or call our Hotline at (831) 429-7906. County, 940 Disc Dr., Scotts


Tuesdays & Thursdays

Orientations to Become 6 pm, 65 Nielson Street #121 Watsonville CA 95076 ASA volunteer Advocates receive 35 hours of specialized training. Court appointed special advocates are everyday people that, with have a lifetime of impact for a child who has been abused or neglected. If you would like to participate in the next Advocate training contact cita@casaofsantacruz. org or (831) 761-2956



ring the whole family to Downtown Santa Cruz for the


to study the life, works and times of William Shakespeare. Members share group readings recovering from debting on supportive group of people and insights, discuss history, and one’s business. at all levels of experience from universal themes found in his For more information: 831-425- beginners to more advanced. plays and writings. 3272 We’re here to help you discover For more information please call 831-684-2832 your voice and share it effec-

his hobbies are playing and coaching hockey for a youth AAA team called the with his family.

28 / November 2016 / Capitola Soquel Times

12pm-1:15pm, Pacific Cultural Center 1307 Seabright cars and our merchants will be Ave. loom of the Present Insight First & Third Fridays Meditation teacher Carla Saturday, Nov. 12 Brennan leads a drop-in 39th Annual Albacore group every Wednesday it is 10 am - noon (beginning October open to both experienced and 21st), Peace United Church, 909 6 p.m. Castroville Recreation Center, beginning meditators High Street 11261 Crane St., Castroville, 95076 his is the oldest women’s club he Monterey Bay Salmon &

South Bay Police Academy and is starting his first phase of Capitola’s

he Capitola Police Department is and Scott Newton were sworn in as a new

org a national organization that provide information and support to grandparents who feel alienated or estranged to their grandchildren. Questions: pat@invisiblegrand (831) 601-9195

in Santa Cruz. He graduated from attending




4:-5:30p.m. ed by Dr. Pat Hanson author of Invisible

tools for coping, and receive support from people who care. For more information, please call (831) 430-3000.

by Alienated Grandparents

Monthly Meeting


Valley ospice of Santa Cruz County

Dated Events


support group for adults grieving the death of a family member or

Monday Oct. 31

where you can share stories, learn

of his summers growing up in Capitola. elor’s degree in Political Science from Santa Clara University and completed the South Bay Police Academy in December

Annual Albacore Dinner and

Tickets: $20 adults; $10 12-and-under. For more information email or

Life on the Ranch: Family Living History Day 11am -3pm, Wilder Ranch State Park


invites you to experience old-time activities from its rancho, dairy farm, and cowboy rodeo days. Hands-on activities and living history presentations vary butter churning, ice cream making, branding, cooking, roping skills, wagon rides and demonstrations in the ranch buildings. Parking fee of $10.

Tuesday Nov. 15

Luncheon With Speaker 11:30 am, Severino’s Restaurant arl Allmendinger will share hang gliding experiences.


Menu: Deluxe cheeseburgers, salad, fries. Contact Jim for more information at (831)-708-4133

Saturday Dec. 3 5:30-7:30 pm eatures decorated boats parading throughout Santa Cruz Harbor, rain or shine. Family-oriented festival.

the City is advertising the opportunity to serve on the following committees and

Committee orientation week of training and has begun Program. He lives in Aptos and his hobbies are reading and spending time on the beach, at the gym and with family and friends. City Committees and Commissions ach year the City Council appoints individuals to serve on various City


Hall to pick up an application to volunteer for one of these committees.

Arts and Entertainment

amily fun with seaside storytelling, night-time tours something fun and entertaining to a whale of a skeleton, crafts, scavenger hunt, and costume for the whole family. Playa Blvd., turn right on Estrella) parade. Check our website and Monterey Symphony For more information, contact Sue Facebook page for more details. he Monterey Symphony is Harris or Don Benson at (831) 726Sunday October 30 seeking volunteers. If you love 7053 or e-mail at FREE Capitola Village music and want to be involved, Second Sundays Each Month please call (831) 646-8511 or visit 2 - 4 p.m., Capitola Ave. to for 6:30 p.m., New Hall, La Selva Beach Esplanade. more information. Club House, 3124 Estrella Ave. Antique Street Fair oin us for the annual Capitola 9:00am-4:00pm, Lincoln St. For more information call (Between Pacific and Cedar) Sue Harris or Don Benson (831) Parking Lot above Capitola City 726-7053 or email at caller4u@ down Capitola Avenue ending at


Ongoing Events

friendly. Class takes place every

goats, chickens, rabbits, and



Second Monday each month

Stitchers By The Sea Meetings Last Thursdays each month 7 p.m., Volunteer Center of Santa Monthly Argentine Tango at Star Cruz, 1740 17th Ave., Santa Cruz Bene Italian/Argentine Restarante 95062 titchers-by-the-Sea, the local chapter of the Embroiderers’ Guild of America, holds regular meetings open to the public each month. No admission fees.




6:30 p.m. Santa Cruz Elks Lodge, 150 Jewell St.


of each month is special $25 buy in

Wednesdays 6-8 pm, Esplanade Park concert schedule.

7:00 - 8:30 p.m., Harry’s Hofbrau, 390 Saratoga Ave, San Jose orty-seven years of performing in the Bay Area, over 250 popular tunes. Come see our Wednesday. No cover. Contact Lee McLaughlin, Booking Agent, at 408-993BAND (2263) for information about booking the band for tax deductible).


Square Dance 6:30 pm, La Selva Beach Clubhouse, 314 Estrella Ave., La Selva Beach, CA 95076


4:30pm-9:30pm, Star Bene Italian/Argentene Restarante,

through a wide assortment of treasures including books and clothing, glass and ceramic collectibles, vintage hawaiian

Saturday Nov. 5 Sunday Nov. 6



Dated Events

11a.m.-3p.m., Ag History Project Center at the Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds oin us every 2nd Saturday

Friday October 28

Saturday Nov. 26

7 pm, Samper Recital Hall VAPA5100 tring Orchestra music will be performed by Local youth. General Admission $10, stuactivities. Each month we select dents admission $8, Seniors/ Students SAC card holders $7 a new theme to highlight hisand children under 15 get in torical agriculture with games, free. Call 831-479-6101 activities, and demonstrations that relate. We often have guest appearances from farm animals 6 pm-8 pm Seymour Marine like llamas, draft horses, sheep, Discovery Center


Times Publishing Group, Inc. ->}ÂˆĂŒĂŒ>Ă€ÂˆĂ•ĂƒĂŠ­ ÂœĂ›°ĂŠĂ“· iV°ĂŠĂ“ÂŁÂŽ

is a relief. Once you experience the freedom of being yourself, there’s no one else you want to be.



vigilant when it comes to monitoring the details late in the month, especially if you do business and refreshments at Esplanade Park. Trick-or-treating at Capitola Village shops following parade.

meal from the Star Bene Argentine artwork, and a whole lot of Menu, (or their well known italian For more info, please contact us at (831) 476-6940 or visit us on 10am-5pm, Cocoanut Grove, 400 tango dance to music from the Beach Street. Santa Cruz, CA Facebook. he Santa Cruz Sea Glass & Private instruction and classes Third Sunday of Every Month by arrangement. For more genuine sea glass and artist-made information, call Michael (831) 239-2247. Santa Cruz, 95060 First Fridays each month $1000 prize piece contest and great eymour Marine Discovery Center presents a public lecture from a marine scientist is a Santa Cruz Institute the third Sunday of every Saturday Nov. 12 of Contemporary Arts event, Sunday Nov. 13 an entertaining and easyGoat Hill Fair to-understand format, with Sat. 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sun. 10 event takes place year-round up-to-date photos, video, and a.m.-3 p.m., Santa Cruz County and illuminates some of the most discussion. Fair Grounds talented local artists from local Science Sunday does not meet oat Hill boasts over 80 dealers galleries. in December. For more info visit on the scenic grounds of the To find out where to participate in a First Friday art tour, visit fabulous vendors represent all things we love — vintage (Most galleries are open 12-9 pm for First Friday viewings.) venue.

Second Saturdays Each Month

Your November Horoscope


Arrives at 12 noon on Capitola Beach

*ÂˆĂƒViĂƒĂŠ­ iL°ĂŠÂŁÂ™Â‡ >Ă€°ĂŠĂ“äŽ yourself at the start of November if no one else is going to. Pamper yourself in a way that no choice for most people. Be very conscious of what you say and who you say it to in order to when you can’t do something on your own. As long as you’re polite and courteous when you ask, people will assist you in any way they possibly can.


/>Ă•Ă€Ă•ĂƒĂŠ­ ÂŤĂ€ÂˆÂ?ÊÓ£‡ >ÞÊÓ£Ž you don’t have anything to be worried about.


thing that’s going on around you, but instead of confronting anyone about any wrongdoing, you entrepreneurial spirit mid-month, and you rarely back down or take no for an answer. If you don’t ideas and savvy solutions as the month continues, but you’re a much better think tank member or

>˜ViÀÊ­ Ă•Â˜iÊÓӇ Ă•Â?ÞÊÓӎ can look at the plainest rock and see its beauty, which is what sets you apart from the crowd and mid-month, and it’s almost a crime you haven’t shared your hidden talents with the world. Get you in your tracks. Progress can be made once you decide not to let the naysayers get you down.


tions later in the week, so you can’t understand why people think the opposite. It will take some friends and co-workers will be amazed at how fast you can hook them up with someone who can

6ÂˆĂ€}ÂœĂŠ­ Ă•}°ĂŠĂ“{‡-i°ĂŠĂ“Ă“ÂŽ


outrigger canoe and surfboard on the shores of Capitola Beach. Be sure to bring your Christmas list and a camera to capture Santa’s wave-riding arrival. Once Santa beach chair to hear holiday wishes and have a nice long visit with all the children. This event is FREE!


ˆLĂ€>ĂŠ­-i°ĂŠĂ“·"VĂŒ°ĂŠĂ“ĂŽÂŽ is your number one priority mid-November, and exploring the gourmet food world or shopping

-VÂœĂ€ÂŤÂˆÂœĂŠ­"VĂŒ°ĂŠĂ“{‡ ÂœĂ›°ĂŠĂ“Ă“ÂŽ to it. Everyone should be praising your amazing observational skills for saving them time, money or Capitola Soquel Times / November 2016 / 29

Business Guide

Featured Columnist

Gains on State Tests Elementary students scored particularly well in English By Tamra Taylor, Superintendent Live Oak School District


very successful organization needs to know what it is they are seeking to create and how they plan to accomplish their goals. An important element found in successful schools is the commitment to continuous improvement. In short you aim high, track your

regarding what metrics you will use to determine your distance from your goals is very important. We review multiple sources of data throughout the year for this purpose and use those data to create a plan of action aimed at improving student learning. In this review of academic progress I will only be addressing the State’s Annual assessment of achievement in math and English Language Arts for grades 3 - 8. eracy test were very positive with substantive growth in all grades levels except one. We were particularly pleased to

graders across the district exceeded their goal by almost

English Learners in the 4th grade exceeded their goal

increasing their focus on developing students who can read for information and draw conclusions based upon text evidence. Our instructional coaches support a professional development model that is based upon teacher

growth in ELA. We are very pleased to note that the percentage of English language learners in Live Oak School

achievement growth but at a slower rate than English Lan-

the County. As mentioned earlier, it is important for organiza-

work, which supports students’ oral language development. We’re maintaining our focus on writing through

Standards upon which these assessments are based are dra-

As students move up in the middle grades we noted that the rate of growth slows down with the exception of our 8th graders. And again, the percentage of English Learners in highest in the County. interactive and adaptive IXL math program for use by stuin depth analysis of student learning that utilizes a cycle of increased the number of teachers who participate in the



call our offices 831.688.7549

30 / November 2016 / Capitola Soquel Times

learning. And across the school day, we are expanding our Our growth mindset goal involves developing the belief in our students that they can develop their intelligence as We are very proud of our students for showing the growth that they did last year but also recognize the areas in which we need to improve. We believe the services we are providing to students will result in continued growth on the next round of State tests and look forward to sharing those results with the community next year.

*Additional parts or labor charges not included. Must present coupon to receive discount. One service per coupon. Offer expires 12/31/16.

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Direct: (702)335-1122 Capitola Soquel Times / November 2016 / 31

Save the Dates

Presented By:

President’s Luncheon Friday November 18th

Featuring International singing sensation mariana Vigueras Restelli

75 Years of Giving Gala Saturday November 19th




ye a g r iv s in

D Fo om u in nd ic at an io H n o sp ita l

Hosted by Renee Brooks-Moon & Featuring Giants’ "Kruk and Kuip" Duane Kuiper & Mike Krukow

Dominican Hospital Foundation Annual Healthcare Sponsors:

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