Capitola Soquel Times: September 2017

Page 1



Love, Loss and Golf

There are some things in life that seem beyond our human capacity to endure. Hearing the words, “Your child has cancer,� is certainly one. But, when those words are followed by, “There’s nothing more we can do,� human endurance is tested beyond imagination. Full Story page 6

El Toro Bravo An American Success Story

Perfect Summer Festival Finale By Noel Smith The end of another summer of entertaining family and friends as visitors showing them how truly fortunate we are here is Santa Cruz County to have such a variety of fun

sweltering and looking skyward at something they called an eclipse, we have had our foggy, cool mornings and sunny, zephyrous afternoons to enjoy. Now is time for lots of celebrations as the summer ends! ... continues on page 4

On September 1, 2017 El Toro Bravo will celebrate 50 years of doing business at 123 Monterey Avenue in the Capitola Village. On September 5 at 11 a.m. the mayor of the City of Capitola will present a proclamation honoring El Toro Bravo as the oldest business still operating in Capitola Village. Full Story page 13



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2 / September 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times




Table of Contents



PLUS 3 FREE Personal Training Sessions! Hurry, Offer Expires 9/20/17

* Must present coupon. Some restrictions may apply.

No. 9

Cover Perfect Summer Festival Finale by Noel Smith 6 7

Community News Love, Loss and Golf by Lori Butterworth

Volume 22

8 Heated Pool

9 10 12 13 El Toro Bravo — An American Success Story by Edita McQuary 14 mittee Takes a Bow 15 16 Sharing Your Special Begonia Festival Memories 17 2017 Santa Cruz Follies 18 20 tember 3 21 Mole & Mariachi Festival Saturday September 9 22 Anniversary Season 27

Water Aerobics everyday!


Workout with friendly members! -

Relax in our Hot Tub, Sauna, & Steam Room

Business Profile Lots of Group Classes!

Capersmith 23 23 24 25


Heated Swimming Pool Water Aerobics Everyday Hot Tub, Steam Room, Sauna Silver Sneaker Classes Cardio Muscle

Featured Columnists

Beginning Yoga & Chair Yoga Circuit & Stretch Classes Personal Training with Membership Pilates & Core Classes Zumba Classes

26 Young 30 Santa Cruz Shakespeare is for Real! by Noel Smith 31 Freezer Accessibility

3##!3 &EATURED 0ET s standing

31 —

475-1500 816 Bay Avenue, across from Nob Hill WWW.CAPITOLAFITNESS.COM -


LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED! Capitola Soquel Times / September 2017 / 3

Patrice Edwards Noel Smith

Cover Story

publisher editor

contributing writers Noel Smith, Camisa Composti, Lori Butterworth, Pat Emard, Edita McQuary, Carolyn Swift, Samantha Capersmith, Zach Friend, Melanie Schumacher, Scott Turnbull, Tony Tomeo, Michael Watkins, Pam Hudson layout Michael Oppenheimer, Kevin Markley, Liz Senteney graphic artists Michael Oppenheimer, Kevin Markley, Liz Senteney photography Michael Oppenheimer, Kevin Markley, Brad Hagenking website Michael Oppenheimer, Camisa Composti production coordinator Liz Senteney advertising sales Don Beaumont, Jenny Rodriguez Zack Urbany office coordinator Cathe Race distribution Bill Pooley, Annabelle Balcazar

Times Publishing Group, Inc. 9601 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 The Times Publishing Group, Inc., publishers of the Aptos Times, a bi-weekly publication, the Capitola Times and Scotts Valley Times, each printed monthly, Coastal Weddings Magazine, Coastal Home and Garden Magazine, Aptos’ Fourth of July Parade Official Program Guide and Capitola’s Begonia Festival Official Program Guide, is owned by Patrice Edwards. Entire contents ©2017. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without the publisher’s written permission PHONE: (831) 688-7549 FAX: (831) 688-7551 GENERAL E-MAIL: Patrice Edwards: Publisher’s Assistant: Editor: Opinions/Letters: Calendar Listings: Graphics Department: Billing Inquiries: Classified Sales: Production: CHECK OUT OUR WEB SITE AT: mission statement We at the Times Publishing Group, Inc. are dedicated to providing a voice for the individuals and organizations in our community while highlighting the outstanding accomplishments of our local businesses. We seek to promote healthy family values through our coverage of youth activities, school news, senior events, community groups and entertainment 4 / September 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times

“Summer Festivals” from page 1 68th — and Final — Begonia Festival


Festivals here in Capitola by the sea. Be sure to take part as the Capitola Begonia Festival features fun activities that the whole family can enjoy, from a Sand Sculpture

boats traveling down Soquel Creek and under the bridge. Join in on Children’s Art events, Horse- shoes tournament, or

movie on the beach, or dance to the sounds of the bands. All events are FREE! 35th Annual Capitola Art & Wine he following weekend is the 35th


22 wineries will participate in the 2017 Festival. Try browsing though one of the most picturesque places on the planet looking for that perfect piece of art, decoration or jewelry. Sample some of the best wine Calithe Mountains of Santa Cruz. Listen to Extra Large, The Lost Boys featuring James chini. If that isn’t enough, Capitola Village and charming boutiques to satisfy a shopper’s dream. Relax while the kids create a masterpiece of their own in the Kids Art & Music Area, and kids of all ages will be fascinated by street performances of The

show twice daily on the Tank House Stage. See the daily schedule in the Santa Cruz County Fair Guide for show times.

It’s a fun weekend for the whole family all in charming Capitola Village overlooking beautiful Monterey Bay.

near the livestock area, bringing cheering crowds to the Santa Cruz County Fair!

Santa Cruz County Fair elping to make September the most celebrated month of the year is the County Fair from September 13-17. This is where you get to see all those farm animals, equipment and livestock that is such a part of the history of our region. The 4-H and the FFA youth get to show what they’ve learned and the county’s best apple pie is chosen. If that is not exciting enough for you, there are the carnival rides, horse shows, professional entertainment and the food


a multiple award winning magician who has performed at the world famous Magic Castle in Hollywood, casinos, amusement parks, on cruise ships, at Fairs, Festivals

Tank House Lawn and the All Alaskan

“County Fair” page 7

Monster Trucks & Quad Wars

Monster Trucks & Motorcycles









| No Respect Band 7:30 PM AMPITHEATER STAGE

| James Wesley


Michael Mezmer






| The Blackouts


| Extra Large


Drone Zone

Camel Rides


Turkey Stampede


s a n t a c r u z c o u n t y f a i r. c o m Highway 152, Watsonville, CA | Capitola Soquel Times / September 2017 / 5

Community News

Love, Loss and Golf

Agape Dance Academy Preschool Classical Ballet Nutcracker Auditions in September No experience necessary! Aptos Pleasure Point Scotts Valley Westside Santa Cruz ~ 783 Rio Del Mar Blvd., Aptos ~ 831-359-0850

By Lori Butterworth, Jacob’s Heart Children’s Cancer Support Services


here are some things in life that seem beyond our human capacity to endure. Hearing the words, “Your child has cancer,” is certainly one. But, when those words are followed by, “There’s nothing more we can do,” human endurance is tested beyond imagination. decided to turn his grief into compassion for other children, whose lives, like Rob’s son Jordan’s, would be cut short by cancer. In 1993, sitting at a Kenny Loggins concert following his son Jordan’s death, moved by the music, the idea came. Rob would carry Jordan’s love with him to his day, a grieving dad set out to raise as much money as he could to care for children like

Jordan and Kyra Memorial Golf Tournament was held that year. Then, in 1995, Rob invited four-year* Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 08/17/2017. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued and FDIC-insured up to $250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account ownership category. Please visit or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not allow interest to compound. CDs offered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC).


tournament. Radiant, dynamic, loving and articulate, Kyra had been diagnosed with an aggressive, malignant brain tumor just after her third birthday. Tragically, after a year and a half of hospital stays, chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, needle pokes, blood draws and transfusions, Kyra died at home on February 15, 1996. Flashing her family the sign language shorthand for “I Love You” even after she could no longer speak, this gesture remained symbolic as it evolved into the design of the Jordan and Kyra Memorial Foundation logo. Now celebrating its 24th year raising funds for pediatric brain tumor research and family care, the tournament will be


held on Friday, September 15, at Seascape that September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Last year the Jordan & Kyra Memorial Foundation announced that it is expanding its partnership with Jacob’s Heart Children’s Cancer Support Services, a local quality of life for children from Monterey, Santa Cruz, San Benito and South Santa Clara Counties who have cancer. Building upon the partnership developed in 2013, the Jordan & Kyra Memorial Foundation will earmark a major portion of funds that will be raised through the 2017 Annual Jordan & Kyra Memorial Foundation Charity Golf Tournament to Jacob’s Heart. pouring of compassion and support during the past 24 years, which has helped us to make an important impact on the lives of children with life-threatening illnesses as well as fund the critical research currently a cure for pediatric brain tumors and other truly admire the extraordinary work being done by Jacob’s Heart to provide support services for the families of children with cancer, and look forward to working closely with them to make this year’s Jordan & Kyra Memorial Charity Golf Tournament our most successful ever.”


9053 Soquel Dr, Suite 206 Aptos, CA 95003

those feelings and are indebted to the Jordan & Kyra Memorial Foundation for its passion and support, which will enable

(831) 688-0163



Of Counsel

Contact us for a consultation.

to continuing to provide family-centered

Attorney at Law

Protecting you, your property, and your legacy 6 / September 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times

counseling, education and support services, which will be greatly enhanced by this unique, heartwarming collaboration.



“Jacob’s Heart” page 10

Community News

American Cancer Society’s ‘A Fashionable Affair’ By Pat Emard


ou have cancer”… these three little words will rock the worlds of the 1,200 men, women, and children who will be diagnosed with cancer in Santa Cruz County in 2017. Like a stealth bomber, it attacks without warning and without discrimination. I personally have lost my mother, two nieces, and several very

friends, family, and businesses with

no regard to age, gender, or station in life. Most folks experience a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation followed by several rounds of pills and procedures that may prolong their lives. Through the generosity and caring organizations that serve cancer patients and support the treatment and research, lives are saved. Each year the American Cancer Society hosts a fashion show,

auction, and luncheon where models down a runway before a sea of faces who come to celebrate cancer survival. Last year I was thrilled to be invited to join 20 cancer survivors strutted down that runway dressed to the nines in fabulous clothes, complete with fancy jewelry, make-up, and hairdos! As I looked out on that sea of

supporters, I was both inspired and humbled to be part of the generosity and caring of this amazing Santa Cruz community. Everyone is invited to join this celebration at the American Cancer Society’s 8th Annual, “A Fashionable on September 24 at the Seascape Resort. Contact the American Cancer Society at 831-772-6532 or nancy.valdez@cancer. org for tickets and information.

Bragging Rights to ‘The Best Apple Pie in the County’


ave your apple pie announced as the “Best in Santa Cruz County and

September 13, opening day of the Santa Cruz County Fair. Entry deadline for the 41st Annual Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau Apple

tember 5, 2017) The Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau opening day of the Santa Cruz County Fair,

growers, shippers and related industries as well as pie lovers throughout Santa Cruz This much anticipated event has been a part of the annual Santa Cruz County Fair sponsored by the Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau since 1977. Entry forms can be found in the fair’s premium book located at

2) 3) well as for Best of Show. today!

at and at the Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau, 141 no entry fee for this popular opening day event.


“County Fair” from page 4 On Sunday afternoon September 17 the last day of the fair, the Charros share their passion for horses as the main Horse Show Arena at the Fairgrounds transforms itself from a competitive horsemanship arena into a performance venue. The traditional Charro show returns with a start time of 4 p.m. Truly, there is such a thing as a perfect ending to summer.

Rio Del Mar Mexican Cuisine CUERVO GOLD MARGARITAS!

Full Bar!

Fine Mexican Food

7 - 9 -* > Ì>Ê } Ì




*Some Restrictions Apply. Must Buy One Beverage Per Meal. Offer Expires Sept. 30, 2017.


Capitola Soquel Times / September 2017 / 7

Community Briefs

2017 Capitola Movies at the Beach he Art and Cultural Commission of Capitola will have the annual Movies at the Beach series. The free movies will be held Friday September 2 & September 15. It’s a great chance to share an evening with the community and watch a movie under the stars. All the 2017 movies


popcorn is provided by CineLux Capitola Theater & Lounge.

For information or to order tickets, call (831) 475-9482 or e-mail Aztecas Youth Soccer Academy Golden Goals Celebration & Auction 2017 he Aztecas Youth Soccer Academy is inviting the public to enjoy great music, local food and beverages to celebrate Aztecas’ inspiring successes and dreams for our community at the 3rd annual Golden Goals Celebration & Auction. Tickets are on sale syouthsocceracademy.


You are improving our collective quality of life in Santa Cruz County and this deserves to be recognized. Highlight the good deeds of your business or your employees by providing a nomination for the 2017 Be The The top 50 nominees will receive a complimentary ticket and be recognized at 27 at the Cocoanut Grove Ballroom in Santa Cruz. Selected nominees in each category will receive special honors through publicity and a professionally produced video in partnership with KION-CBS

to join the private lesson and string orchestral programs. For those interested in participating in or making contributions or see our website.

15 “Moana” Bring low beach chairs, plenty of warm clothes and blankets. Free popcorn For further information contact Kelly Auto D’Elegance – Oktoberfest Beauties and Bratwurst Saturday, September 9 he Santa Cruz Symphony’s unique “Beauties and Bratwurst” otherwise


Fest, is an opportunity to experience the famous Canepa collection of exotic and vintage cars and racecars. These are gorgeous vintage raris, Mercedes, and much more. Besides being beautiful works of art, many have actually been raced. Our gracious host and will provide tours of his spotless workshop where many cars are restored and repaired. You will be entertained by the famous polkas and traditional drinking songs while you enjoy freshly grilled Brats and wine also included.

Your entire family is welcome. Adults food, wine, beer or non-alcoholic bev-

21. All proceeds go directly to supporting the Santa Cruz Symphony.

September 9 from 3 to 7 p.m. 8 / September 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times

Come join the club’s many supporters while socializing and bidding on a variety of auction items to that uses soccer to help reclaim the lives of at-risk youth. Golden Goals proceeds will help support the Aztecas’ mission and operations. Aztecas players, many of whom were involved with gangs and the juvenile justice system, receive high-quality soccer training and compete year-round in local indoor and outdoor leagues. The Aztecas also hold annual soccer camps for local youths. The Aztecas are a program of the Santa

SANTA CRUZ — Registration is now open for the eighth annual Santa Cruz

Groundbreaking for $4.3M Dominican Hospital Healing Courtyards


hosted a groundbreaking ceremony

Entertaining costumes and booth décor are encouraged. Cash prizes will be awarded Tasted, and Most Original teams. Two types of chili are eligible, Red (con carne) and Vegetarian. The entry fee for amateur cooking

pass. A portion of all proceeds from this

Initiative on Sunday, Aug. 13. The initiative will transform seven outdoor courtyards and indoor pital into tranquil, green spaces to reduce stress and promote healing for patients, access to a garden can speed up healing from surgery and infections and reduce the need for pain medication, resulting in fewer post-surgical complications and shorter hospital stays. The groundbreaking marks the

an inclusive wheelchair-accessible playmajor media outlets. Third annual Golden Goals Celebration & Auction on Friday, September 22, 4 p.m. – 8 p.m. Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County 7807 Soquel Dr., Aptos.

in Santa Cruz. Admission is free. Visitors can watch

11th Annual



nomination between now and September 13. The Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz

and businesses that make this community a better place to live through volunteerism in Santa Cruz County. work for understands that community is a key part of the bottom line. Everyday we meet dedicated individuals who are championing community causes through their place of work. Businesses step up to sponsor events, volunteer their employee time, or generate donations for the programs they love.

the initiative, which includes the Norman and Maureen Benito Courtyard, the bilitation Garden, the Central Surgery Lounge, the Butcher Family Consult Terrace.

and winners will be announced at 4 p.m. Boardwalk rides will be open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. the day of the event. The Casino Arcade and Neptune’s Kingdom will also be open.

Cabrillo Youth Strings Begins Fall Semester egistration for the Cabrillo Youth


An entry level String Orchestra Class, 4th

provide their own instruments. Auditions for Festival

Scholarship Winners he Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk recently recognized 12 employees for their excellent work at the Boardwalk this season and their commitment to higher education. Each employee received a


fall college tuition. Back Row (left to right) Strings

Cabrillo Strings (intermediate-advanced), -


“Briefs” page 9

Community News

Volunteer Drivers Make the Difference for Seniors in Need


or over 40 years the Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County Transportation

needs of ambulatory seniors and the discounty. For most individuals getting to a medical or dental appointment, the grocery store, or bank is as simple as jumping in the car or on the local bus. But, for some in the community, it is impossible due to disability, declining health, or the rigors of aging. Each year, more than one million Americans aged 70 and older stop driving and become dependent on others to meet their transportation needs. According to the Federal Transportation Administration about 3.6 million Americans miss or delay medical appointments every year because they lack a ride to the doctor. local elderly, demand for this service has have volunteers step up to meet the need and we look forward to welcoming in more

The Santa Cruz Transportation phone lines are open Monday through Thursday 9-3, Friday 9-1pm and on average they receive 15 to 30 calls per day. The program matches volunteer drivers with seniors (55+) and disabled individuals for essential trips to medical appointments, grocery stories, pharmacies, and banks. Rides are provided throughout Santa Cruz County including Valley, Scotts Valley, and Santa Cruz. “It is one of the founding programs of the Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County and has been 100% volunteer maintained since its inception. All drivers and phone dispatchers are com-

and we are always seeking new drivers in order to maintain this level of service,” states Ireland. as one trip a month, or they can drive as often as they wish. They choose their own hours and destinations. All rides


happen on weekdays during business hours and drivers receive a small mileage reimbursement. The program attracts an eclectic mix of people including retirees, working individuals, stayat-home parents, and college students. “Every day, rain or shine, volunteer drivers show up on doorsteps throughout the county to provide a ride and a helping hand. It is the perfect example of a simple deed that has a huge impact,” states Ireland. “Something as easy as giving someone a ride can mean the difference between living at home or being moved to assisted living. Individuals are able to maintain independence, arrive safely at critical appointments, reconnect with the community, and deter feelings of isolation by getting outside the home,” continues Ireland. sees the critical need for this program teering as a driver with the Transportation

decades. Over the years, he has given his time as a dedicated Little League Coach the Boys and Girls Club. He recently retired after 35 years with Big Creek Lumber and saw this an opportunity to increase his level of community engagement. Furtado encourages anyone who is interested in volunteering for the Trans-

Volunteer Center to help meet the need.

provides rides 2-3 times per week. “I realized there was a tremendous need among seniors in our community

must have a reliable car, proof of insurance and a clean driving record.

and decided this was the perfect way for me to give back as I love interacting with people,” states Furtado. As a Santa Cruz native, Furtado has been active in our community for several

Call Jan Brady at 831-427-5070. Request volunteer information at jan@scvolunteercenter. org or visit the transportation program webpage

“Briefs” from page 8

Not Pictured (Name – College) Capitola Soquel Times / September 2017 / 9

Community News

Flowers for Hospice Patients: An Inspiring ‘Farm to Vase’ Program SANTA CRUZ — You often hear about ‘farm to table’, but have you heard about the ‘farm-to-vase’ movement? An inspiring partnership between Santa

and families. HSCC is currently looking for volun-

program -- founded by Hospice of Santa Cruz County (HSCC), in collaboration with

individuals at the end of their lives. Volunteers support people in hospice care by providing a hand to hold, a break for caregivers, and sometimes help with light

end of their lives. Hospice nurses, chaplains, and volunteers scoop up bunches of freshly-cut dahlias, snapdragons, yarrow, sun-

the qualities of the big-hearted, ethical, kind people that serve as volunteers. -

gracious hospice volunteers,” says Forbes

Hospice of Santa Cruz County. “Our ability our patients and families, truly brightens their day, and gives our volunteers and

chemicals, and often in poor labor conditions. “Folks deserve to have clean, produced at the expense of someone else’s labor and health,” says Kellee Matsushita-Tseng, Assistant Manager

really important. I really feel lucky to be without pesticides and chemicals.”

“Jacob’s Heart” from page 6 vides family-centered care that addresses struggles experienced by the families of children and teens during treatment, families with anticipatory grief, and those who are bereaved. Jacob’s Heart strives to inspire compassionate action within local communities to create a safety net of support for the unique needs of each child and family. hundreds of local children with cancer and thousands of their family members. Just a few of the programs and services it provides include bilingual counseling and family support, including grief counseling a family camp for the families of children

10 / September 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times

and a program that delivers nutritious meals and groceries to families during treatment. The 24th Annual Jordan & Kyra Memorial Charity Golf Tournament on Friday, September 15, will include a shotgun start tournament with a variety of on-course contests, cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, a silent auction, and an awards dinner banquet. To enter, sponsor the tournament, or for more information, nament. Lori Butterworth is the founder and executive director of Jacob’s Heart Children’s Cancer Support Services. She lives in Soquel with her husband Joe and their dog, Theo. They have two grown children. For more information about Jacob’s Heart, please visit For more information about Jordan & Kyra, visit

Next Hospice Volunteers Training Applications due Training begins

Capitola Soquel Times / September 2017 / 11

y a D a e n i g a m I r e t a w t u o h t wi

t s e t n o C r e Post 12 winners will receive $50 gift cards All ages are encouraged to enter! Due Monday, Oct. 2 Details: sponsored by:

Community News

Taste of Soquel Saturday, September 23, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.


in Santa Cruz County! The Ninth Annual A Taste of Soquel

Music for the Common Good! The Congregational Church of Soquel and the

Second Harvest Food Bank. Save the date and talk it up with your family and friends! Live Music emcee the live music by renowned local musicians. This year A Taste of Soquel is pleased to feature an excellent variety of local music bands to our stage! Each of them deserves top billing! 11:15 am The Intangibillies 12:30 pm The Carolyn Sills 1:45 pm Members of the 3:05 pm No Respect Local Restaurant participants Sawasdee Thai Cuisine, HOME, The Kitchen Café aRoma, Aldo’s Italian Bakery, and Bella Chi-Cha, will be serving up food tastes especially prepared for this event. Soquel Libations

Farm Fresh! fresh cider from Everett Family Farm KidZone be with CherryVale Art Farm, Musical Me,

12 / September 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times

Archery, Santa Cruz Children’s Museum

You need not be present to win. Hospitality Table

photos for use and information can be found at or www. wristband for an entire day of Food & the neighborhood and join the rest of your family and friends at the Ninth Annual Harvest Food Bank. See you there! Saturday, September 23 11 a.m. ~ 4 p.m. Congregational Church of Soquel 4951 Soquel Drive, Soquel Donations & Tasting at all Food & Libation Booths ~ Free Activities for Children ~ Courtesy Refreshments for all Advance Tickets Available gational Church of Soquel, 4951 Soquel Tickets also available at www.brownpaper

Community News

El Toro Bravo — An American Success Story By Edita McQuary


n September 1, 2017 El Toro Bravo will celebrate 50 years of doing business at 123 Monterey Avenue in the Capitola Village. On September 5 at 11 a.m. the mayor of the City of Capitola will present a proclamation honoring El Toro Bravo as the oldest business still operating in Capitola Village. Current owners Kristie and Jon Baron are donating that day’s proceeds to Mid-County Soccer. They have been involved in and sponsored Mid-County Soccer teams throughout the years. The public is invited to stop by. restaurant on September 1, 1967 with the help of a friend

was a single mom with four children (Raymond, Carmen, Annie and Michael) to support. If she was aware of the statistic that 59% of restaurant attention to it.

enough to buy rice and beans at the grocery store to cook the next day’s restaurant meals.” But by January

worked in various local restaurant jobs at Tampico Kitchen, She is thankful for the many people who helped her get started. One of these was her former boss, Sam Nye, a week he would bring a group of friends to Capitola and they always came in to El Toro Bravo for a delicious Mexican meal. to Santa Cruz for a job opportunity at Sylvania, but her

Michael all worked with her in the restaurant after school.

She says she couldn’t have done it without her children who gave up their after-school playtime to work in the restaurant. All her children, as well as nephews, nieces, cousins worked in the restaurant and many still do. “El Toro Bravo” page 19

Capitola Soquel Times / September 2017 / 13

Community News

Begonias in Capitola By Carolyn Swift


n agricultural news report noted the Santa Cruz County bulb crop was valued at one million dollars in 1931. Nearly all commercial quantities of begonias, calla lilies, and gladioli raised

and Everett Vetterle and Rene Rochex of

city in 1949, its boundaries embraced the the village, and when it came time to pick out a symbol for an annual celebration, the choice was easy. Begonias. Vetterle and Reinelt hybridizing gardens, Antonelli’s Begonia Gardens and the enduring Brown Bulb Ranch all had award-winning lath and greenhouses within walking distance of the beach. Vetterle brothers were growing an estimated two million tuberous begonia plants a year when it gained celebrity status in 1934. Vetterle operations ceased earlier when Shasta Nursery, Inc. bought the stock, seed, and growing material. Groundbreaking took place in March 1972 for an approved 342-unit apartment complex on the Vetterle site at 46th Avenue and Capitola Road.

their family’s Live Oak homestead on Capitola Road and learned the bulb growing business while working for the Vetterles. By 1935 they were to set up their own bulb growing business growing yellow calla lilies on four acres near their home. Twenty years later, tour buses lined up every summer at Antonelli’s Begonia Gardens. Hollywood movie stars were regular customers. Helen Antonelli is remembered as a Begonia Festival founder and organizer. Tragically, the lath houses burned and the production had relocated to Moss Landing by 2010, when the Brown family’s Golden State Bulb Growers acquired Antonelli’s 73 years of begonia breeding stock.

First Avenue in 1911. A decade later he was renowned as one of the region’s most knowledgeable and innovative growers, nurturing his begonia production with the

once spread over a broad expanse along what is today the busiest thoroughfare,

begonia growers, Brown’s Bulb Ranch supplied millions of blossoms for the festoward Monterey County. Francisco resident James A. Brown started with ten acres of strawberries along Forty-

“Begonia Festival” page 16

Capitola Begonia Festival Committee Takes a Bow

809 Bay Ave.


su Re m n un mer t you it t st r od ora ay ge !

Locally Owned and Operated Drop by for a tour and see

The Very Best in Storage!

(831) 465.0600

809 Bay Avenue, Suite H, Capitola, CA 95010 (In the Nob Hill Shopping Center)

14 / September 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times

Second Row: Patti Bradley (sitting), Vicki MuseThird Row: Tuesday Salazar, Willard Back Row: Mary Beth Cahalen, Committee Members Not Present: Shelia Anaya, Charles Bradley, Ron Catley, Jill Ealy, Kim Hogan, Carol Lard, Bill Lewis, Suzanne Murphy, Heather O’Hara, Neal Savage, Rocio Sullivan, Ernie and Mary Tavella Front Row (From left)

Community News

Capitola Art & Wine Festival Overview C This year’s participating wineries

Sauvignon Blanc, Syrah … whatever your pleasure, you can sip and stroll your way through the

and listen to great music while enjoying the exceptional wines of the Santa

Poster Artist Evelyn Jenkins Drew

exceptional wineries in one location, deciding which to taste is your only challenge.


generation California artist. She studied at San versity, receiving a bachelors’ degree in art. Evelyn paints bright and colorful “beachy” scenes with turquoise water, banana trees and palms that evoke the warmth of the tropical breezes of the Caribbean, California, Hawaii, and Mexico. Her art is about good times in fun places. Visit Evelyn at booth #161 & 162 on the Esplanade where the 35th annual Capitola Art & Wine Festival poster will be available.


six Glass & Token Booths conveniently located throughout

depending on the wine of your choosing.

“Art & Wine” page 19

Entertainment Schedule: Bandstand Stage at Esplanade Park Saturday, September 9 Street Performers featuring James Durbin

Sunday, September 10

Intersection of Capitola & Monterey Avenues

Saturday & Sunday

Evelyn Jenkins Drew

Capitola Soquel Times / September 2017 / 15

Community News

Sharing Your Special Begonia Festival Memories Gratitude Gala Saturday, October 14 Coconut Grove in Santa Cruz


or 65 years the Capitola Begonia Festival has become very near and dear to thousands of people. This celebration of family fun has brought about memories that we all cherish.

everyone who had the privilege to experience it. why? The Begonia Festival is best known Sand Castle competition, Horseshoe Com-

Festival in 2017 has everyone talking about what this event has meant to him

designer, volunteer, or participant, this event had a special impact on each, and

special experiences with one or more of these events that are calling to be shared. Because of the special love for the Begonia Festival we couldn’t say good-bye without the chance to share our memories event has brought to us all. to do this than to gather as many stories, photos, people, and cherished memories together as we can and share them over a night of food, fun, love, appreciation and celebration. On Saturday, October 14, 2017, the Begonia Festival Gratitude Gala will be an evening to do just that. From 6 to 11 p.m. we will gather at the Coconut Grove in Santa Cruz to share memories, dine, dance, laugh, cry, and express the joy that this

6 Months No Interest.

memories, such as photos, videos, letters, and asking anyone to participate by sending in your memories to Capitola Begonia Festival,

Soquel Chamber of Commerce at 716-G Capitola Ave., Capitola, CA 95010. It would be our pleasure to include

originals though as you would likely not get them back. Following the Gratitude Gala, there are plans to create a Begonia Festival memorial in the Capitola Museum so some of your submissions may remain part of that display as well. For more information on how you can contribute your memories, or if you would be interested in attending the Gratitude Gala, please contact or by calling Gail at 831-295-1622.

“Begonia Festival” from page 14

**On Approved Credit. Ask for details.










On Passenger Or Light Truck Tires. See store for details.


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16 / September 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times

Proud Contributors to:

In a news interview, Brown said he was already growing 75 percent of his bulbs there. Capitola, he said, could best claim fame more for begonia seed germinating that the blossoms themselves. Nonetheless, Golden State Bulb Growers always made sure that Capitola got its pick from the fields at Marina every summer. This year, the Brown family announced that it’s retiring at last from the business of growing begonias, although its bulb production of other flowers continues. Today the bright whites, corals, pinks, and reds of begonia blossoms can only be found in the yards and patios of Capitola residents, and the ending of the festival itself looms as a poignant moment in history. Thankfully, the City’s spirit is resilient and its love of the festival—as well as appreciation for all the begonia growers—will be for all time. Carolyn Swift is a writer and Santa Cruz County historian. She is the former Curator for the Capitola Museum and wrote the book titled “By-the-Sea, A History of the Capitola Begonia Festival.”

Community News

2017 Santa Cruz Follies

“Best Of Broadway ... Then And Now”

important part of our history. From Shakespeare to the Follies, theater provides an opportunity for us all to experience art at opens the hearts and minds of millions of people everyday.”

Get started at or visit any of our convenient locations.




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62nd year September 13 thru 16 at the Civic Auditorium.


Auditorium 307 Church St., Santa Cruz. The Santa Cruz Follies presents “Best of Broadway... Then and Now” directed and choreographed by Bari Lee, with a Santa Cruz County cast of 37 performers who are age 50 and over. The Follies is a Santa Cruz tradition that brings audiences of all ages from all over California into the Civic Auditorium each September.

Come down to see and be part of this


Night) Tickets purchased on the day of the show or through the Market Street Senior Center are not subject to a service charge.

Pu e

may buy tickets at the door.

any performance - purchase tickets to the performance you’re most likely to attend, but if you change your mind, no problem! Your ticket will be honored at any of the






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anta Cruz Follies Time is creeping up pretty fast ... This is 0ur 62nd year. This years Santa Cruz Follies has forming acts from the 1920’s to the present day. The show runs from September 13 thru September 16 at the Civic Auditorium.





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Capitola Soquel Times / September 2017 / 17

Community News

Radical Reels Tour


coming to the Rio Theatre in Santa Cruz on September 22. There is no better way to get stoked about skiing, biking, riding, or paddling than by seeing the 2017 edition of the dropping bike jumps, nail-biting kayak drops, and mind-blowing powder. The Centre, continues to push boundaries with

Experience more than half a dozen wild action sports as seen through the eyes of some of today’s top athletes and most Gentle Exams & Cleanings to Cosmetic, Restorative & Implant Dentistry The Quality and Service Your Family Deserves from Our Family TUESDAY - THURSDAY: 8:00AM-5:30PM FRIDAY: 8:00AM-3:00PM SATURDAY: BY APPOINTMENTS ONLY




Hosted by the Rio Theatre, the Radical Reels Tour screens in Santa Cruz on September 22 at 7 pm at the Rio Theatre. For tickets and information visit riotheatre. com L o c a l l y Sponsored by Allterra Solar, Apex Adventures, Fox, Santa Cruz Bicycles, the Bicycle Trip, Climbing


Santa Cruz, Mountain and Sea Adventures, Good Times &, Seabright Brewery and Adventure Sports Journal Locked In New Guinea’s virgin rainforest, a team of Beriman River. Sheer canyon walls rising


Not2Bad the crew behind unReal and NotBad — bring you more wild shenanigans and unbelievable bike riding in Spain. Sonnie Trotter vs. The Totem Pole climbers


Stanhope head down under to take a stab at the

The Trail to Kazbegi happens when four like-minded cyclists head into one of the world’s wildest mountain ranges with nothing but their mountain bikes and enough food to survive for 10 days? The Fledglings (26 Min.) As longtime professional climbers who eat, sleep, and are used to being competent, comfortable and at the top of their game. Give Me Five (10 Min.) Join a madcap


18 / September 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times

1500 meters from river level, no escape and rising water levels push the team to the edge in a 13-day descent from high in the Nakani Mountains to the Solomon Sea. This is as remote as river exploration comes in one of the deepest gorges in the

Bearcam Media

try to perform the aerial stunt of a lifetime in the Chamonix valley. La Liste (13 Min.) In his search to become a better freerider, Swiss ski phenom Jeremie Heitz compiles a list of the most interesting peaks to ride in the Alps. In the process, he meets the legends of the sport that teach him how to push the boundaries of freeriding.

“Art & Wine� from page 15


Locally owned and operated since 1966 Capitola Art &Wine Parking ark at the Capitola Mall and ride the FREE shuttle to the Festival.


Bank of America. Shuttle operates Sat-

two convenient locations just outside



& Compost










Utility Sands


parking lot on Stockton Avenue, and (2) Monterey Avenue Festival entrance. More info at

“El Toro Bravo� from page 13 Granddaughter Hillary Guzman was on duty this week. Hillary’s father and cousin operate the El Toro Bravo in Truckee, California. Speaking about her grandmother and her family, Hillary said,

care about each other. If we could be half the person she is, we’d be grateful.� Known for its delicious Mexican food, cleanliness, and friendly service, El Toro Bravo is still a village restaurant where many residents and visitors bring their children and grandchildren. A couple from Merced asked to speak to the owner before leaving to say, “It’s the best enchilada sauce we’ve ever had.� This unique family restaurant stands Mexican cuisine in today’s world of corporate chain restaurants. They invite you to stop by whenever you are in the

Stellaria Entertainment

available to enhance your meal. Catering is available for all occasions. Check out their full menu online for appetizers, entrees, combinations and sides. They catering to large groups. Like most tourist areas, parking can be tricky. But if you don’t mind a walk, you up the hill. There is an automated paid parking lot across the street with three hours parking. Kristie Baron has created a website,, which for “Taco Tuesdays,� “Kids Eat Free on


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El Toro Bravo is located at 123 Monterey Avenue and is open seven days a week from website

September September 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, & & 16 16 at at 1:00pm 1:00pm September September 115 5 at at 7:30pm 7:30pm Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium Tickets: Tickets: $20.00 $20.00

Call 831-423-6640

EMail: facebook: Santa Cruz Follies Capitola Soquel Times / September 2017 / 19

Community News


Abbott Square Grand Opening

working out can cost less than of eating out.

Thursday, August 31 - Sunday, September 3


Abbott Square experience. Construction is complete. All six (6) restaurants and two (2) bars are open. Amazing (and free) events ignite the plaza every week. The Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History (MAH) will celebrate with Abbott Square featuring free, all-ages events for everyone to enjoy our new community plaza.

4641 Soquel Drive, Soquel (At the corner of Porter and Soquel)

featuring dance classes and tissue paper

Start your night with an espresso and a pastry from Cat.Cloud.Companion.

a packed First Friday full of street perforActivities continue with Music Night with an and oysters, paninis, and lobster rolls from bubbles with a family-friendly dance line at night with handmade popsicles from Milk


Salsa Night Thursday August 31, 6-9 p.m.

(and timba and bachata and cha-cha and cumbia) in a salsa class and demonstration by Mario Avila, Jessica Sweeney, Salsa Gente, and Itziar Santos to a mix of world beats dance tunes. All experience levels welcome. First Friday September 1, 5-9 p.m.


the making. Make your night unforgettable with a ball drop and T-shirt giveaway Experience the epic ball drop in cel-

Area Chamber Ribbon Cutting, grab your free town’s new public plaza and marketplace. Enjoy Abbott Square’s Diverse Food And Drink ive restaurants and two bars in Abbott Square Market.


20 / September 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times

& Cooper. Dance To Live Music And Explore Free Exhibitions oak in street performances on an open Cooper Street and explore free exhibitions featuring balloon art and powerful stories from local foster youth inside the museum. Music Night – Saturday, September 2, 6-10 p.m.


of all local, all live music. Lineup others to be announced soon. Boogie & Bubbles Sunday, September 3, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. low ‘em up and pop ‘em down! Elevate your energy with big bubbles, little bubbles, bubble prints and more during a day of frolicking fun for the young and young at heart. Take part in a family funk party with Soulline Santa Cruz.


Abbott Square Grand Opening Weekend

Community News

Mole & Mariachi Festival SANTA CRUZ — Friends of Santa Cruz zation dedicated to sustaining the legacy of our state parks and beaches, announced its

times made using chocolate) available

be held on Saturday, September 9 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Santa Cruz Mission State Santa Cruz. Admission is free. The festival features a mole tasting mole (a traditional Mexican sauce, some-

each. Mole sauces will be judged both by Choice Award, and by a panel of local celebrity judges who will vote for Judge’s take place at a ballot box stationed at each Mole chef’s table. Festival attendees can also purchase food items, including mole dishes, from local vendors who will be selling tamales,

Santa Cruz Mountain Vineyard, chavelas (a drink made with beer, tomato juice and spices) and aguas frescas will be available for purchase. The event will include live mariachi music from several regional bands, including the return of Mariachi Gilroy, Mariachi Alma de Mexico and youth groups Mariachi Infantil Alma de Mexico and Banda de Senderos. Local dance groups will perform including Senderos, Estrellas de Esperanza and Monos de Calenda (giant dancing puppets also known as mojigangas). packages and free activities for children include piĂąatas every hour, paper crafts and face painting. The Mole & Mariachi Festival will be solar powered, thanks to Sandbar Solar. Attendees can make green transportation

Safe at Home Senior Care LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 2002


choices by taking advantage of the free bike valet or riding the free shuttle from downtown Santa Cruz (stops include Locust Street Garage

Santa Cruz Mission State HisFor more information about how to get involved in the Mole & Mariachi Festival,

Mole_(sauce) is home to the oldest building in Santa by local Ohlonean and Yokuts Indians, the park’s signature adobe is the only remaining structure from Mission Santa Cruz, founded in 1791. “Mole & Mariachi� page 24

Fresh Seafood, Coastal Mexican & Vegetarian Dishes Prepared “A La Cocina Fresca�

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Full Bar, 50+ Tequilas, Santa Cruz Mountain Wines

Ocean View, Lunch & Dinner Daily, Reservations Suggested 21 Seascape Village, Aptos 831-662-9000

Fine Dining Mexican Style Capitola Soquel Times / September 2017 / 21

Community News

Bay Fed Celebrates 60th Anniversary CAPITOLA — To celebrate its 60th annistakes to collect stories of how the credit union has made a positive impact in the lives of its members and those in the community over these past 60 years.

homes, to planning for retirement, Bay Federal has

it wants to bring those stories to light in celebration of this milestone anniversary.

Members, former members, and community members are invited to share why they love Bay

their choice. The sweepstakes runs from August 1 through September 30.

institution serving more than 68,000 members and 1,200 local businesses throughout Santa Cruz, San Benito, and Monterey counties. With more than $900 million in assets and 220 employees, Bay Federal Credit Union is the largest

Santa Cruz Symphony’s 60th Anniversary Season October 7 & 8 Vivaldi Nigel Armstrong, violin Holst

January 27 & 28

May 5 & 6

Michelle Bradley, Soprano

Mahler Cabrillo Symphonic Chorus, under the direction of Cheryl Anderson, Soloists TBA

Wagner Strauss

February 25

Adams for Orchestra

Family Concert


March 24 & 25

June 2 - TBA 2017-18 Season Tickets



Figaro Harrison of seating, ticket exchange options and free Bottesini Will Langlie-Miletich, bass Mozart and Viola K364 Daniel Stewart, viola

extension 10 to subscribe today. on sale through Santa Cruz Tickets. They are 5363 or online at


by ,

Founded in 1958, the Santa Cruz Symphony’s mission is to inspire, educate and engage through artistic excellence, distinctive musical Daniel Stewart performances, and varied activities that celebrate and enhance cultural vibrancy. The Symphony partners regularly with regional and international guest artists in both traditional and modern concerts. A cornerstone of the performing arts in the Greater San Francisco and Monterey Bay Areas, Santa Cruz Symphony receives frequent critical acclaim. Visit for more info.

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Featured Columnist

Winter Storm Damage Update By Zach Friend, County Supervisor 2nd District

ven though it’s been about six months since the last of the major winter storms, the County is working through the long-term impacts


it’s currently estimated that we will receive

The two damaged sites on upper Valencia

million in damage. The rest will need to be made up through local funds, which

on San Andreas Road is estimated at over

damaged (including roads, parks, sanitation issues and the levee) causing over

state transportation measure and

many more damaged locations in the dis-

with the installation of the Valencia Road

and Cox Road for example) that add over

taken the lead on the repairs (including applying for state and federal funding) and San Jose Road among others. But we have a long way to go to fully repair all of the

projects within a year - and many of the highest priority repairs are within our district. Additionally, some of the most complex (and expensive) repairs fall within the greater Aptos area. For example, the lower Valencia Road when it’s complete, Redwood Road (with slip outs, failures and culvert issues) is esti-

The good news is that much of the backend work (including state and federal site visits and disaster applications on each site) has been completed. Our state and federal partners are working to provide full

at Soquel by the trestle are in the process of right-of-way, design, permitting, utilities and contracting details right now and are anticipated to be completed late this year. Others, such as upper Valencia, are anticipated to begin in the spring. and damaged facilities, will be a slow

that the damage has caused for many not just in our district, but throughout repairs being completed in the next year but some will take multiple years to be

federal partners to expedite what we can in our district.

thoughts. Feel free to call me at 454-2200.

Imagine a Day Without Water: October 12 By Melanie Schumacher ith all the division in our government, it is easy to forget there are some policy priorities that actually cut across party lines and geographical boundaries. Constituents opinions on health care and tax reform, get up in the morning and brush our teeth,

with our families on summer vacations and

were polled on what they wanted the federal government to focus on for a legislative agenda. By a double-digit margin, investment in infrastructure was the most important topic above any other issue. Two thirds of voters said so. And an astonof Americans said water infrastructure needed to be a top priority. But if you think about it, water connects all of us. Of course people say it should be a priority. Can you even begin to imagine a day without water? It isn’t just your personal

groceries and eat at restaurants. to the essentials, we really do have more that unites us than Melanie Schumacher divides us, which is why the majority of Americans want the federal government to prioritize investing in infrastructure. Earlier this year, voters

essential to a functioning a hotel supposed to do if there is no water? shop, or brewery serve customers without

wash the dishes? They can’t. And what about manufacturers — from pharmaceuticals to automobiles — that rely on water? They would grind to a halt too. An economic study released by the found that a single nationwide day without economic activity at risk. But investing in water infrastructure, unfortunately, has not been a priority for decades. The federal government’s investment has greatly declined, leaving states, localities, and

agencies to raise taxes, or for utilities to charge water rates that can pay for the robust infrastructure system of pumps, tanks, treatment facilities, and pipes. And the truth is, some communities across the country have let their systems deteriorate for far too long. one of our primary organizational goals is to maintain a reliable water infrastructure

to deliver high-quality, safe water to our customers Aging pipelines, such as those replaced and we thank our customers in the nearby vicinity for their patience during construction which is scheduled to be completed in October. “Day Without Water” page 31 Capitola Soquel Times / September 2017 / 23

Featured Columnist

Anti-Bullying Measures in SUESD By Scott Turnbull, Superintendent Soquel Union Elementary School District

“Each of us deserves the freedom to — Barack Obama


ullying is a very current topic. For example, I recently did a simple search on Google for “school bullying,” and it results. Five million! Although the topic of bullying may be in the news more these days, I think we can all attest to the fact that, unfortunately, bullying has been around for a very long time. Bullying can have a lasting and painful impact. As adults, many of us can vividly recount times we were bullied even ten, twenty, or more years after the fact. about the issue of bullying. First, I want to -

immediately apparent to me that this issue was important to everyone here. Our teachers build caring classroom cultures, which are a most important step in com-

power in an intentional manner, including verbal, physical, or written conduct or intentional electronic communication against one or more students. Harassment includes actual or perceived negative actions that vidual with regard to race, national origin, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, ancestry, physical attributes, socioeconomic status, familial status, physical or mental ability, or disability. “Intimidation is subjecting an individual to intentional action that seriously threatens ority. Bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, and intimidation are strictly prohibited by federal law and will not be tolerated in

“Students who engage in behaviors that constitute bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, or intimidation will be disciplined according to the procedures set forth in this student handbooks and Soquel tions. Students, parents and close relatives,

to be clear and concise. They provide consistency where necessary. For example, the steps for dealing with bullying either as a victim or a witness are very consistent across all sites. The plans also allow for nechas several programs in place to help teach positive behavior and combat bullying. Some of these programs are consistent district-wide such as the implementation employing Campus Monitors at each school site. Some programs, though, are unique to one or two school sites. Some examples include Simon’s Hook, Second

school (New Brighton) is in the initial phase of implementing a dynamic program

for assisting school personnel in adopting and organizing evidence-based behavioral interventions into an integrated continuum that enhances academic and social behavior

Those are some of the steps we are taking from the ground level. From a broader perspective, the district is also engaged in the initial phase of putting systems in place related to social-emotional learning and supporting positive student behavior.

packaged curriculum, scripted intervention, vention-oriented way for school personnel to (a) organize evidence-based practices, (b) improve their implementation of those practices, and (c) maximize academic and supports the success of ALL students.”

match the power of classroom instructors teaching compassion. Still, it’s important to have other steps in place to address a topic as important as bullying. One step the district took before my arrival was to agree on a district-wide

acts of the above to the school administration or designee.” bullying across the district is one important step in combatting bullying. Another is to have each school produce an Anti-

word, “bullying” can be bandied about as a catchall for any misbehavior.

one of these plans in the large poster-sized version posted at their school in English

of behavior when a person repeatedly uses

posted digitally on our district website.

“Mole & Mariachi” from page 21 One of just four adobe buildings left in Santa Cruz County, it is the only building of its kind preserved as a museum in the State of California. The adobe served as housing for Neophyte families who lived and worked at the private ownership, the adobe was sold to the State of California, extensively restored

24 / September 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times

that getting to the root of bullying behavior comprehensive framework that focuses learning, student-centered learning, individualized student needs, and the alignment of systems necessary for all students’ academic, behavioral, and social

mentation, we are addressing the issue at

needed systematic change through intentional design and redesign of services and supports that quickly identify and match the needs of all students.”

their social-emotional learning, we reduce the likelihood of bullying and remove possible barriers that may interfere with our students’ learning.

rallied the community to save Santa Friends funds interpretation services and a portion of park operations, and also runs

in recent years, including installation of a mosaic mural along Mission Street, a remodel of the patio, the opening of new interpretive exhibits, renovated outdoor cooking facilities and new hours of operation to serve local school children (approximately 2,500 third and fourth graders visit the park annually).

is committed to provide ALL children with

aging local community support, Friends of installation of water-saving toilets and a French drain to protect the adobe from winter rains. Restoration of the adobe’s exterior plaster repairs planned for this fall. Friends also established the Mole & Mariachi Festival, a bicultural celebration each September. The park is supported by the Mission Committee, members of which include representatives of Friends, State

for educational programs, visitor services and capital projects. Friends also operates history-themed merchandise for sale to locations include Natural Bridges, New

Learn more at or via Through an innovative partnership -


Featured Columnist

Gardening Guidance By Tony Tomeo Timing Is Everything For Pruning here are certain disadvantages to gar-


chilling in winter. Nor can we grow things that require prolonged heat in summer. Seasons change so gently that it is easy to get behind schedule. It is already late summer, whether it seems like it or not. important as what we do.

natives do almost all of their growth in spring, and then spend the later half of summer just getting ready for autumn. By now, the buds of deciduous trees like sycamore, oak and willow are already getting plump, even though they will not do anything until the end of winter. Non-native plants will not be too far behind. Evergreen plants that get pruned or shorn a few times through summer might need to be pruned or shorn one last time. If not done now, it probably should not be done any later. They need a bit of time to recover and regenerate a little bit of new growth prior to autumn. Otherwise, the exposed inner growth will stay exposed, and get worn by the weather as summer progresses into autumn. Some plants need a bit more time to for new growth to mature than others tough, and do not seem to mind getting

shorn at any time. New growth of holly, pittosporum and photinia gets stunted and discolored if still trying to grow as the weather gets too cool for it to continue.

Like pruning, fertilizer promotes new growth, so should likewise not be applied too late. One last application of fertilizer can improve the color of citrus foliage before winter. Greener lemon and lime foliage tends to be more resilient to frost. Iron is particularly helpful for foliage, and is less likely than complete fertilizers are to stimulate new growth that will be sensitive to frost later in winter. Crape Myrtle There seems to be some discrepancy about the correct spelling of crape myrtle, Lagerstroemia indica. Many of us spell it as ‘crepe’ myrtle, thinking that crepe is

more than twenty feet tall, so work well in utility easements. Trees might be on a single straight trunk where space is limited, or to display the appealingly mottled bark, they might have multiple trunks. The billowy white, pink, red or mauve blooms are spectacular in late summer. The deciduous foliage can get quite yellow, orange or red in autumn. Hard pruning in winter improves late summer bloom and autumn color. Horticulturist Tony Tomeo can be contacted at lghorticulture@aol

Famous Duos

resemble. It is actually a rolled up thin French pancake. There is plenty for horticultural professionals to dislike about crape myrtle. It is remarkably complaisant, and proportionate to small urban gardens. Consequently, it very often gets planted even where other trees would be more practical or proportionate. It is the most common street tree because it so rarely damages curbs or sidewalks, but does not get big enough to shade the street. The biggest varieties do not get much


1. Pocket bread, pl. 6. Mele Kalikimaka wreath 9. Hoofbeat 13. Not dead 14. Freddy Krueger’s street 15. Sacagawea to Lewis and Clark 16. Wrinkle-prone fabric 17. Rap sheet abbreviation 18. Tanks and such 19. *Spongebob’s pal 21. *Sullivan’s theatrical partner 23. Fa, ____, la, ti, doh 24. Daniel Defoe’s ____ Flanders 25. Swindle

28. Ready for picking 30. Right before “camera” 35. Fish eggs, pl. 37. Straight whiskey, e.g. 39. Capital of Egypt 40. Grand Theft object 41. Per ____, or yearly 43. Hidden valley 44. *Bonnie and Clyde, partners in this 46. Australian palm 47. Distinctive elegance 48. One’s net worth 50. Companion of Pinta and Santa Maria 52. Slovenly abode 53. Use a noose 55. Any doctrine 57. *Rogers’ tapping partner 61. Mohammed, alt. sp. 65. Having three dimensions

66. Chapter in history 68. Jeweler’s glass 69. Moves closer 70. Brownish gray horse 71. Ruhr’s industrial center 72. Does something wrong 73. Japanese capital 74. Affirmatives


1. Explore with one’s hand 2. Pelvic parts 3. Typically on limo window 4. Affirms 5. Junior’s predecessor 6. Plumbing problem 7. Member of the Benevolent Order 8. Idealized image

9. “____ Your Enthusiasm” 10. Tart garnish 11. Smell 12. Chipper 15. Pertaining to Gaul 20. People’s Republic 22. Down with the flu 24. ____ of life 25. *Will’s roommate 26. Predecessor to “truly” in a letter 27. Petite, masculine 29. *____ and Teller 31. Measuring instrument 32. Higher ground, pl. 33. Yummy reward 34. *Cher’s “I Got You Babe” partner 36. “Brave New World” drug 38. South American Indian

42. Opposite of depression 45. Socrates’ concern 49. Musical gift 51. *Mary-Kate’s twin 54. Clingy one 56. *Rocky and Bullwinkle, or flying squirrel and ____ 57. Teenager’s woe 58. Plaintiff 59. Type of ski lift 60. What snob puts on 61. “Buddenbrooks” author 62. Rumple 63. “All for one, one for all” sword 64. Change for a twenty 67. *”The Murders in the ___ Morgue” © Statepoint Media

Answers on 31 »

Capitola Soquel Times / September 2017 / 25

Featured Columnist

Investing in the Young: US Fails UNICEF Report Card By Michael Watkins, County Superintendent of Schools


Children’s Fund) has conducted a study on the well being of children in the 29 most economically advanced countries in the world. Their report card is designed to monitor and compare the progress of these countries in securing the rights of their children. Each country’s overall rank is

well-being of children is associated with a host of adverse later-life outcomes from impaired cognitive development, to lower levels of school achievement, and from reduced skills and expectations to lower productivity and higher rates of unemployment. This startling fact may account for our Country’s high incarceration rate and lower student achievement in the areas of science and math. High Quality Early Learning t is no accident that those countries that are at the top of the list in child well-being are also those countries at the top of the list in student achievement. The good news is that we don’t have to

material well-being, health and safety, education, behaviors and risk, housing and environment. To my dismay, and the dismay of others, the bottom four places are occupied by three of the poorest countries in the survey, Latvia, Lithuania and Romania,


The failure to protect and promote the

things that the countries at the top of

the well-being list do, is invest in their youngest citizens, preschoolers. And just because our Country and our State have failed to tackle this issue head-on doesn’t mean that we as a County should have to stand by idly and watch many of our young children enter school unprepared. The development of human capital through high-quality early learning and K-12 education is becoming even more critical to the long-term vibrancy of communities as economic trends continue to reward individuals with skills and education. Key city priorities such as economic development, public safety, civic engagement and the stability of families and neighborhoods all hinge on whether a child enters kindergarten ready to succeed.

stating, “Either you pay now for preschool or you’re going to pay a guy like me later.” Making the Investment here are a number of cities across this nation shaping their own destiny by investing in their young. The Mayor of San Antonio, Texas, for example, in partnership with the Superintendent of Schools, formed a task force comprised of public and private stakeholders, to identify resources to fund


tiative on the ballot and voters supported increasing their sales tax by one-eighth of a cent for that purpose. Currently, city leaders in Hartford, 26 / September 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times

Connecticut are prioritizing city resources to meet the goal of 100% access for all fouryear-olds by 2019. San Francisco was the cated children’s fund and now Oakland, to invest in quality early education. And in Richmond, California, a grassroots coalition fought to place a youth fund dedicated funding stream for children’s programs. Thrive By Three e as a county are now rethinking how we use and allocate resources for our most vulnerable children as evidenced by the recently approved Board of Supervisors’ “Thrive By Three” Initiative. One in four children in our county live in poverty. The second highest expense of a family after housing is childcare. Supervisors in promoting the “Thrive By Three” Initiative, “Our budgets are moral documents spend less than one half of one percent on our youngest children and when you consider the science of brain development, that simply is not adequate.” As our cities and county governments begin to make child well-being a high priority in their budget processes, utilizing the for Early Care and Education as a compass, and bringing early educators into the conversation, would lay the groundwork for giving every child a stronger start in school. It’s not too late.

Business Profile

DR. GAIL ROSENBERG, DC Lasting Pain Relief Without Drugs

By Samantha Capersmith

r. Gail Rosenberg has specialized in has just opened a new location in Soquel Village, a place dear to her heart. Nonforce chiropractic is people of all ages and body types without the typical cracking of

alignment to the pelvis, spine, neck, shoulders, Dr. Gail Rosenberg hips, knees and just about any joint in the body! She also uses massage modalities and posture education to get fast and lasting results. r. Rosenberg says, “Exactly 100% of with one leg slightly shorter than the other. This is usually due to misalignment of the pelvic bones. Some people may be aware of a slight limping feeling when they walk. This is an indicator that one leg may be uneven legs causes imbalanced weightbearing up the spine and down into the legs. This can lead to hip and knee troubles and low back and upper back problems. So get those legs even.” After balancing the pelvis she checks the entire spine every visit. She believes it

is important to treat the whole person since everything in the body is connected. She needed. This comprehensive approach has enabled most patients to get positive results quickly, sometimes in one or two appointments. “I’ve seen miracles happen in my practice,” she says.


to-read, informative book is based on the posture tips and stretches she has given to her patients for decades. She is concerned that millions of people, unaware of their bad neck posture, will experience premature aging of their neck joints, leading to painful degenerative joint disease. Her website gives a brief overview of the book’s contents. In less time than it takes to watch a movie, a person can learn basic spinal anatomy and many posture tips and stretches for the neck and other shops teach the principles in her book. subject,” she says, “but it is so important to is particularly concerned about Millennials and Generation Xers who have grown up with high tech devices that tend to promote poor posture habits in the uninformed. Your children and grandchildren need the information in this book! step, but helping patients keeping that correct alignment is what I strive for!” practice her posture tips and stretches have improvements that last by taking wellness and prevention into their daily lives. Excellence Takes Time r. Rosenberg’s appointments usually last an hour or a bit longer, but her well worth it. These appointments, though

balances on 7 tiny bones for life. Don’t wreck your neck!

says, “I bring the highest quality chiropractic care to people who may not have ability combined with quick results is what makes my practice unique. I call it my own contribution to health care reform!”

Dr. Rosenberg’s posture book is available on Amazon. Image copyright: Image Point Fr/ Life Happens: We All Go Out of Alignment r. Rosenberg encourages her patients, once the pelvis and spine are adjusted and stable, to have periodic adjustments to keep functioning at their best. Vital body functions, not just musculoskeletal comfort, depend upon the proper functioning of the nervous system, so your spinal alignment is part of your overall health. By keeping possible for many people to have monthly experience proves that when patients get regular adjustments, if they ever have an accident or an injury, their bodies heal

much quicker than others. If you have never had chiropractic care, call and ask your questions. If you would like

to serve. If you are not getting the pain relief you need from other forms of health care, it could be time to try non-force chiropractic. serving my fellow human being. Making the world better, one spine at a time,” she says. Dr. Gail Rosenberg, DC – 2745 D Porter

Capitola Soquel Times / September 2017 / 27

Community Calendar Announcements

Nar-Anon Santa CruzGreater Bay Area (GBA) of Northern California hat is co-dependency?

Third Thursdays in Santa Cruz Third Fridays in Aptos Mondays

Caregiver Support Group

12-1 p.m., PAMF, 2850 Comis this insanity? Am I the only mercial Crossing, Santa Cruz one who feels this way? Hospice of Santa Cruz County Join Nar-Anon, world wide fellowship of relatives and friends of invite you to attend a Caregiver Support Group for those caring Saturday September 9 for someone with a serious illness. Sunday September 10 join us at our Sunday evening meeting at Sutter Hospital (Sutter it can be a challenge for the entire 35th Annual Capitola Art family. In this ongoing support & Wine Festival group, we will share stories, contact learn tools for coping and receive support from people who care. Visit our Northern California website for meeting listings in our Contact Hospice of Santa - Cruz County Grief Support Music and Food, all in charming Program. (831) 430-3078 Capitola Village overlooking the beautiful Monterey Bay.


Event Calendar


Santa Cruz Mountain wineries will participate in this year’s Festival.

Wednesday Sept. 13 Quintessential Santa Cruz County Art Reception

Cruz County Bank, 720 Front Street, Santa Cruz eet the artists, mingle with fellow community members, enjoy local wines, and snack on small bites. Artwork on display is for sale and all proceeds from art sales go directly to the artists. The exhibition is curated by Mary


SCCB Arts Collaborative, and will be on display through

at all levels of experience from Co-sponsored by Alienated Grandparents Anonymous www. beginners to more advanced. a national organization that provide information and support to grandparents who Everyone is welcome! feel alienated or estranged to their grandchildren. (831) 601-9195

Second Wednesdays

Santa Cruz Sons in Retirement Business Debtors Anonymous Monthly Meeting Tuesdays

Church, Parish Hall, 532 Center Street, Santa Cruz. e specifically focus on recovering from debting on one’s business. 425-3272

Noon, Elks Lodge at 150 Jewell St. his statewide group of retired men invites you to be our guest at our monthly luncheon. You’ll meet kindred spirits, have


new from a top notch guest speaker.

Felton Farmer’s Market

2.30–6.30 p.m., St John’s Church Second and Fourth Wednesdays in Felton 120 Russell Ave, Felton Wellness on the Cancer Journey and want to spend time he Felton Farmers’ Market Overeaters Anonymous working on it, come work earn how to safely support with us! Congregational Church, 4951 second oldest market in Santa your body and emotions Cruz County. The market boasts a through the journey of Cancer Soquel Dr. Second and Fourth Thursdays o you have problem with Weekdays - from diagnosis to softening and vegetables and artisan foods. food? Come join us for a the impact of chemo, radiation, Cabrillo Host Lions Club CASA Orientations to Become friendly free 12 step support group and recovering well from Meetings Advocates for Children with the solution. Teens and adults Overeaters Anonymous surgery. ASA empowers volunteers to welcome. It will be held in the 100 Aptos Creek Road. Church, 10707 Soquel Dr. Aptos energy, weakness, digestion, Anne Hutchinson Room. ant to make a difference in o you have a problem with Any questions call (831) immune support, grief, stress foster care. Court appointed our community? Join the food? Come Join us for a 429-7906 and more. special advocates are everyday Cabrillo Lions Club twice every friendly free 12-step support Feel free to bring your partner or people that, with just a few hours a month and see what you can do group with the solution group week can have a lifetime of impact Second Mondays with the solution. Teens and adults to help in Santa Cruz County. for a child who has been abused or Invisible/Alienated welcome. Includes compulsive Limited Seats. Please register Please RSVP cabrillolions@ neglected. Grandparents Support Group overeating, anorexia and bulimia. all attendees on Eventbrite More info www.casaof Located in the Gazebo Room. — Wellness on the Cancer or call (831) Church, 10707 Soquel Drive, Aptos Call 831-429-7906 if you have Journey or call 831-254Fridays 761-2956 XT.102 any questions 3270 to RSVP. Address given Drop-in Grief Support upon registration receipt. First Mondays 12-1 pm, Hospice of Santa Cruz Tuesdays & Thursdays in Watsonville Can Be There or Not this will be County, 940 Disc Dr., Scotts Thursdays Second Tuesdays a safe structured environment for Orientations to Become Valley in Capitola Advocates for Children Bargetto Winery’s sharing stories if you so choose, ospice of Santa Cruz Third Wednesdays and learning healthy ways to deal 6 pm, 65 Nielson Street #121 Thursday Night Music Series County is offering a in Watsonville Watsonville CA 95076 with separation from anyone. Only in August drop-in grief support group for ASA volunteer Advocates 6 to 8 pm., Bargetto Winery, 3535 adults grieving the death of a receive 35 hours of specialized N Main St, Soquel training. Court appointed special dmission is Free, Light food is family member or a friend. This advocates are everyday people that, group is a place where you can available for purchase. with just a few hours a week can share stories, learn tools for Call (831) 475-2258 for more have a lifetime of impact for a child details. coping, and receive support who has been abused or neglected. from people who care. For more information, please call Co-working Unbound in the next Advocate training 10% OFF (831) 430-3000. contact cita@casaofsantacruz. 11 a.m. - 3 p.m., Live Oak Library, 2380 Portola Drive, org or (831) 761-2956 Santa Cruz First & Third Fridays

Ongoing Events







$5 OFF

Geezer Golfers Course, 263 Mt. Herman Rd., Scotts Valley eeling overpar? So do we, the “Geezer Golfers of Valley Gardens”. You’re invited to join


Visit us at our new location in Soquel! 2815 Porter St., Soquel 28 / September 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times




is headed to the Live Oak library! Join us for free co-working in the company of fellow Santa Cruz freelancers, independent professionals, remote workers, creatives, startup founders, community organizers, ideators and more.

Valley Gardens is a beautiful 9-hole co-work with us at the library. course in Scotts Valley. Questions? Call Jim at 831-685- Our goal is to provide the collaborative atmosphere of co3829. working to a broad spectrum of people who can benefit Aptos Noon Toastmasters from the relationships, mutual support and connections Hotel, 116 Beach Drive essential to creating a thriving ome join a dynamic, business. supportive group of people


7565 Sunset Way, Aptos irst Baptist Church of Aptos welcomes you to join their bible study and worship every Sunday. Call (831) 688-5842 for more info


Overeaters Anonymous Maternity & Surgery Center, 2900 Chanticleer Ave., Santa Cruz vereaters Anonymous is a Free, Friendly 12-Step group for those who have a problem with food. Visit for current times and locations of other meetings, or call our Hotline at (831) 429-7906.


Dated Events Friday September 1 thru Sunday Sept. 24 Perspectives on Regional Water Solutions Aptos Public Library, 7695 Soquel Dr. Solutions” will be on display

1 thru Sept. 24. The display will feature information about local water supply problems and solutions. A forum to provide the public an opportunity for Friday Shakespeare Club of discussion of the issues will Santa Cruz follow TBA. 10 am - noon, Peace United For more information, visit www. Church, 909 High Street his is the oldest women’s club in Santa Cruz. The club meets to study the life, works and Tuesday September 26


Members share group readings Sons in Retirement Luncheon and insights, discuss history, and universal themes found in his Old Dominion Court, Aptos plays and writings. ons In Retirement is having For more information please call a buffet luncheon and talk 831-684-2832



First Baptist Church Bible Study

Cruz County Transportation Issues” For information, call Dave 7082673 or Jim 708-4133.

Announcements Volunteers Needed for the Monterey Symphony

Arts and Entertainment

band for Free in Sunnyvale Every

Concerts for more information. Contact Lee McLaughlin, Booking Agent, at 408-993-BAND (2263) First Fridays each month for information about booking

First Friday Art Tour


he Monterey Symphony is (donations are tax deductible). seeking volunteers. If you love music and want to be involved, for more information.

Cabrillo Youth Strings/ Suzuki Music Program


new entry-level String Orchestra class 4th- 6th Grade Beginning Strings for violin, viola and cello will be


Lucky Steppers Modern Square Dance 314 Estrella Ave., La Selva Beach, CA 95076 t’s fun and easy to do! Friendship


takes place every Thursday Night at our new home in La Selva Beach!

Students must provide their own instruments. For more information contact


he First Friday Art Tour is a Santa Cruz Institute of Contemporary Arts event, managed in conjunction with the participating art venues. The event takes place year-round and illuminates some of the most talented local artists from local galleries.

in a First Friday art tour, visit galleries are open 12-9 pm for First Friday viewings.)






twinkling overhead and the smell of Kettlecorn, corn dogs, and salt Movies for more information.

Capitola Twilight Concert Series 6-8 pm, thru August at Esplanade Park


concert schedule.

Peninsula Banjo Band 390 Saratoga Ave, San Jose orty-seven years of performing in the Bay Area, over 250 popular tunes. Come see our


Science Sunday

ˆLĂ€>ĂŠ­-i°ĂŠĂ“·"VĂŒ°ĂŠĂ“ĂŽÂŽ peeps who want to party with you. Just remember that when it’s time to work, study, or take care of other responsibilities, you need to call it quits and get back to real life. You’re very aware of your own character

Santa Cruz, 95060


presents a public lecture from a marine scientist the third Sunday of every month. Topics are presented in an entertaining and easy-tounderstand format, with up-to-date photos, video, and discussion. Science Sunday does not meet in December. For more info visit

month, and it might be surprising what you do when you have these kinds of negative emotions.

Last Sunday of the Month

knowledge you seek. You’ll be thankful you went the extra distance in the end. The journey is more important than the destination late in the month, and you can learn a lot about yourself

Music at Skypark


You aren’t normally the type to haggle, but you can’t resist bargaining for a better price as the month absolutely the best deal possible. Your thoughts are more elusive than usual mid-month, if that’s even possible. You aren’t about to reveal any secrets about yourself anytime soon, so anyone trying to pry info out of help? You have little to lose and everything to gain from the generosity of other people.


Financial matters are on your mind early in the month, and your time is well spent focusing



of September, but your success is due to much more than luck. You work hard for what you have

music-skypark-2 for more information.

especially true if you have people lining up to help you. Can you accomplish your goals on your own? Yes, absolutely. Is it easier with backup? Yes, absolutely. If there was ever a time to connect with a higher power, this is it. The end of the month brings good days to call in favors, so why not start at the top?




Third Sunday of Every Month

Skypark, Scotts Valley oin us July, August and September Second Saturdays Each Month for for our Summer Concert Series.

2nd Saturday on the Farm Estrella) For more information, contact Sue 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Ag History Project Harris or Don Benson at (831) 726- Center at the Santa Cruz County Strings (831) 479-6101 or (831) 7053 or e-mail at Fairgrounds 426-6443. oin us every 2nd Saturday on the Farm for free family activities. Each Friendship Put to Music! month we select a new theme to highlight historical agriculture with Club House, 3124 Estrella Ave. lasses every Thursday night. For games, activities, and demonstramore information call Sue Harris tions that relate. Second Monday each month or Don Benson (831) 726-7053 or ances from farm animals like Stitchers By The Sea Meetings email at llamas, draft horses, sheep, goats, 7 p.m., Volunteer Center of chickens, rabbits, and more! You Santa Cruz, 1740 17th Ave., Last Thursdays each month are sure to find something fun 95062 Monthly Argentine Tango at Star and entertaining for the whole titchers-by-the-Sea, the local chapter of the Embroiderers’ Bene Italian/Argentine Restarante family. Check our website and Facebook Guild of America, holds regular meetings open to the public each Argentene Restarante, 21245 East page for more details. FREE month. No admission fees. his is a night for true “Social Second Sundays Each Month Tango.� Order a wonderful meal Tuesdays Downtown Santa Cruz from the Star Bene Argentine Menu, BINGO (or their well known italian menu), Antique Street Fair and enjoy the ambiance of Argentina 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Lincoln St. (Between 150 Jewell St. and join us in a social tango dance to osted by Soquel Sports music from the Golden Age of Tango. Antique Faire is back! Vendors Private instruction and classes by Full snack bar available. First arrangement. For more information, Tuesday of each month is special call Michael (831) 239-2247. and unique items. Come and check it out! Browse through Join us! a wide assortment of treasures Fridays thru August including books and photographs, Bands on the Beach, FREE vintage jewelry, clothing, glass Thru Sept. 1 and ceramic collectibles, vintage Wednesdays Hawaiian kitsch, turquoise, Movies on the Beach, FREE very Friday night from mid-June original artwork, and a whole lot Thru Aug. 16 through August, the Santa Cruz of whatnot! 9 p.m. Beach Boardwalk hosts free outdoor Weather Permitting! here’s nothing like watching concerts, featuring hit bands For more info, please call (831) 476your favorite movies right on from the ’60s through current day 6940 or visit us on Facebook. the beach with the world-famous recording artists.

Ongoing Events

Your September Horoscope


Dated Events

advantage? Mid-month isn’t without their fair share of problems, but how you deal with stress may be more important than the root cause itself. Take a deep breath and make encouraging

Friday September 1 thru Monday Sept. 4

learn a lot from other people’s mistakes.


Capitola Begonia Festival

Capitola Village he Capitola Begonia Festival


year! Events include concerts, sand -

Saturday September 2 Wings Over Watsonville

100 Aviation Way, Watsonville ring the kids down to the


breakfast, the kid zone and more! Admission is free.

Wednesday Sept. 13 thru Sunday Sept. 17 Santa Cruz County Fair

Santa Cruz County Fair Grounds njoy live entertainment, pig races, Frisbee dogs, rides and food!


If you experience a problem while at a store or restaurant early in the month, don’t ignore it or look the other way. Talk to a manager or supervisor and see what they can do to remedy the situation for you. You’re nervous about wandering too far outside the box mid-September, but foreign travel should be your speak the language and don’t know what adventure awaits you around the next corner? Co-workers or schoolmates could come to your rescue late in the month, but they may have ulterior motives. Is someone

Ă€ÂˆiĂƒĂŠ­ >Ă€V…ÊÓ£‡ ÂŤĂ€ÂˆÂ?ĂŠĂ“äŽ a dialog with almost anyone mid-month, so chat up a stranger on the bus or new person at work. Before long you’ll be lifetime pals (or at least social media acquaintances). Staying grounded isn’t easy late in the month, so you’ll need good friends around who can remind you of where you came from.


It’s no secret that you resist authority from time to time, and the beginning of the month is no exception. If you have a problem with the way someone is running things, talk about it with them privately instead of bringing it up in front of a group. You’re brave to try a new food that everyone else looks at in disgust


Stop obsessing about the one thing that’s wrong as the month begins and start focusing on all the things that are right. And there are plenty! You’re a lot luckier than you feel. There is as a surprise but isn’t totally unbelievable. It’s hard to know how you will react when you’re the couch a bit or make room for someone on a public bench?


for too long isn’t good for your overall well-being. You love putting a good system in place midwashing the car also gives you a feeling of elation, and it’s so good to be able to cross those chores your body language and facial expressions. And avoid RBF if at all possible!


You love to get or stay healthy by working, taking a dance class, or sticking to a vegan eating plan as the month begins, but just be aware that everyone else isn’t following the same strict regimen as you — and that’s okay. You surround yourself with the hip and beautiful people mid-month, and these are the days you’ll most likely be mistaken for a celebrity. Hey, why not sign a few autographs while you’re at it? No one needs to know who you really are! Your love life is front and center late in September, and you’re the focus of many admirers. You’re a Leo, so of course it’s going to go to your head, but at least try to limit the bragging to close friends and family.

6ÂˆĂ€}ÂœĂŠ­ Ă•}°ĂŠĂ“{‡-i°ĂŠĂ“Ă“ÂŽ

comebacks to their (sometimes negative) comments. It feels good to stand up for yourself, doesn’t it? You’re extremely punctual and detail oriented mid-September, and you stick to a schedule more than most people. However, if you expect others to behave the same way you do, you’ll probably be sadly disappointed. Just do what you do and let everyone else worry about themselves. You hold yourself to a high standard late in the month, when it comes to punctuality. You know yourself well enough to Capitola Soquel Times / September 2017 / 29

Business Guide

Featured Columnist

Santa Cruz Shakespeare is for Real! By Noel Smith


arvelous venue (The Grove

acting, interesting staging, fabulous costuming and a respect for the author’s intent are all there at Santa Cruz Shakespeare. Artistic professional job of bringing SCS back into serious theater for our community. Two Gentlemen of Verona, directed by Art Manke, was well done with visually exciting costuming and creative choreography. The actors knew their parts and played them as a Shakespearian comedy should be played, convincingly comedic without going over the top. However, sometimes their delivery was too fast for me to follow. The two friends — the Two Gentlemen from Verona Rowen Vickers as Valentine and Brian Smolin as

The women, Grace Rao as Julia and Tristan Cunningham as Silvia, showed that their true strength comes from the ability to forge relationships. The servants Launce and Adam Schroeder (On roller skates!) provide a realistic counterpoint to the romantic thoughts and actions of the four lovers. No matter the play, you can’t beat the venue at The Grove at from the outdoor theatre brings you to the Boyle Family turing 16 picnic tables with wonderful sweeping views of Monterey Bay. Visit one of the food vendors in front of the or beverage and picnic before the show. Some tips for this theater in the -

doesn’t mean you can be trusted.



call our offices 831.688.7549

30 / September 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times

goodies to share. 6) Enjoy! Still on stage for this season are 39 Steps, Measure for Measure, Candide and Two Gentlemen of Verona. For more information about the schedule for tickets and about becoming

SCCAS Featured Pet

Featured Columnist

How To Improve Refrigerator / Freezer Accessibility By Pam Hudson


go family, but because my fridge and freezer food storage has no method to the madness, my family opts for packaged carbs and sweet treats rather than fresh,


OMEN — Needs Love and Understanding

his glamorously beautiful cat is Omen

with a family who will treasure her for who she is. Health related issues are a common reason for pets to be surrendered to shelters. Some are not lifethreatening but merely inconvenient. Omen was given up because she has feline herpes, which cannot be spread to people or dogs but can be contagious to other cats. She basically has a reoccurring cold. Omen has lived with a large dog, another cat, and children - coexisting peacefully with them all! She prefers not to be picked up or held but will socialize if you let her come to you.

priced adoptions on all adoptable animals six years and older during the month of August 2017. These Golden Oldies have an adoption package similar to the rest of the pets

license for dogs. Gift bags from local pet supply stores will be given to the senior pets as well. length fur. To adopt your new friend, visit one of the Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter locations, or their website at Santa Cruz Location (Public Entrance) Hours Watsonville Location Hours SCCAS Main line Animal Control Emergency

pile more than our stomachs!” round plastic lazy Susan on the top shelf of the fridge and spin it around so that frequently-used jars don’t get lost in the back row. Optimize your shelves and stackable space by using both large and individual size (square nestle best) food containers, which are great for holding a week’s worth of eco-friendly as other containers, beverages in leak-proof cartons with screw caps are ideal for lying on their side on shallow shelves. Rethink how you use the produce go” healthy food in one, meat and other proteins in the other. If your nose hairs form icicles when digging for the near-empty bag of frozen chicken nuggets, and in the process, you uncover freezer-burned food from 1979, you are not alone. Take control of your bins, establish sections for “like” food

one bag, rice from another, and whip up a quick burrito. Yogurt sticks (once frozen) and popsicles, removed from their boxes, take up far less space when standing up in a plastic bin. Always keep your ice packs in the same place for a quick grab in an emergency, right alongside the frozen juice boxes and water bottles as multi-functional cool packs.


For more information or to contact


folder” strategy whereby you freeze food

crossword on 25 »

“Day Without Water” from page 23 without water is a crisis. That is why we are joining with hundreds of groups across

Famous Duos © Statepoint Media


issue as well as an economic issue. No community can thrive without water and every American deserves a safe, reliable, accessible water supply. Help raise awareness about the value of

entries are due October 2. For details visit

This month’s column is a continuation piece from last month highlighting the importance of water and infrastructure. As always, if you have any questions about this month’s topic, our Community Water Plan, or anything else related to Soquel Creek Water District, feel free to contact Melanie Mow Schumacher at or 831-4758501 x153 and visit Capitola Soquel Times / September 2017 / 31


Hot Yoga promotes safe and wonderful stretching and muscle toning. We offer many styles to accommodate everyone. Both 90 minute and one hour classes are very beginner friendly.

Free childcare every day!

7960 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 (831) 661-5030

7960 Soquel Drive Aptos, CA 95003 SERVICES





exp. 9/30/17

Tasting Room & Gourmet Retail Shop

Welcome to a new and exciting era in Aptos Dance!

REGISTER NOW! Since 1926 Instruments / Accessories / Sheet Music Sales / Rentals / Lessons

7970 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA


7960J Soquel Dr. Aptos, CA 95003

Conveniently located off Highway 1 and just outside Aptos Village, the Aptos Village Square hosts a number of local Aptos businesses.

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